The Secret Biker Chick: A Tale Of The Fag-Hag free porn video

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The Secret Biker Chick: another tale of the Evil Fag-Hag Irene U. Dean wasn't exactly human, she was centuries ago but her path was set through ages of miserable karma lifetimes. As initiate of a dying ancient faith, when impure male warriors decided to overturn the Goddess in Nature and deny the Lunar deity. Rogue males in rebellion against the Divine Mother, our Earth herself! It all seemed so logical at the time, worship the Sun instead. One Sun equals one God, a man of course. Always an ego driven (supposedly heroic) warrior, a bonehead who couldn't see past his sword arm, usually. Unfathomable men using clever magick tricks and claiming to be god, just add in a few shills writing it all down - then convince the unwashed masses to believe the book holy. As occult minded emissary for the Goddess, Irene had seen it all before. How many eons had she waited for more reasonable minds on Mother Earth to emerge? More enlightened souls to interpret the cosmic events in everyday life, a determined cabal of Goddess initiates, mostly. Secret agents like her who suffered though miserable occult lifetimes in order to keep the faith. Persecuted without mercy for witchcraft and suppressed occult scholarship, cloaked figures performing in secret at all the ancient sacred sites: as emissary for a revitalized Goddess, Irene truly felt blessed. To be chosen along with many other powerful souls to be reincarnated in this era, a period of transition, a hard but special time. At least on this cosmic mission, she never had to suffer through marriage at the hands of impure males. In a blessed age of transition to more sensible, goddess rule: a woman living alone could indeed prosper. Sure, everybody in this suburban town understood that Irene U. Dean was weird - but she was prosperous weird. With other worldly allies and 'mentors' you wouldn't believe, the Goddess always takes care of her own, you see. What she missed most in this life was intelligent conversation - and not from those humanoids brainwashed by mass media culture either. At least her favourite occult bookstore offered some, a Mecca of sorts where new-age people could talk and enjoy a party or something. Too bad for her the bearded male warriors had to come and ruin everything again. Not the murderous spearmen as in days of yore, barbaric hordes who overthrew the Goddess Nature of things; Thank the Divine Mother for that. At least the abuse she suffered this time was verbal. Leather clad, motorcycle posse boys acting up drunk and disrespectful towards her, ruining the pleasant party atmosphere she once enjoyed. Ruffians acting macho crazy, not at all like Irene's friends in the gay community. Those males she felt most comfortable in this karmic lifetime. One elfin faced, smaller member of the macho tribe called her a 'fag-hag' and the name stuck. As secret agent for a revitalized ancient goddess, she didn't actually object to being called a 'Fag-Hag.', to her, it seemed a badge of honour. But it made the Fag-Hag's blood boil, it did. Something had to be done, the witchy on steroids old crone decided, but what? The morning after another party, the Fag-Hag was beginning to feel depressed, an internal response about her role in last night's occult bookstore party climate. She should have handled those drug-crazed motorcycle goons better when all the serious drinking began. One of them was this ruffian with luminous red hair, unleashing his drunken macho venom on her nephew Tommy. This unruly rascal tormenting her openly gay houseguest in front of everyone in cruel tease; an 18-year-old macho boy from the motorcycle tribe. Making cruel homophobic comments about her nephew Tommy, that little macho biker boy from inside his own posse and pretending he was bad. Being lonely for any emerging gay teen-ager has got to be tough, with an almost driven younger spirit in constant turmoil. The Fag-Hag's nephew Tommy was a shy and pleasant mannered youth from San Francisco who happened to be gay. Having the courage to come out at the age of sixteen, but that was in California. Here, in this Midwestern town, his Aunt Irene felt compelled to protect him somehow. He was the Fag-Hag's dearest of family members, this openly gay nineteen year old who decided to attend university and move in with her. In an effort to jump-start her nephew's social life, his aunt encouraged him go out to her favourite occult bookstore where he might meet new friends in town. At least some local boys, the Fag-hag reasoned, the occult always did attract a certain cadre of characters and freaks, of course. Too bad for Tommy his romantic heart seemed to be waiting for 'Prince Charming.' As if his tormented gay soul was stuck in this storybook fantasy mode, vulnerable to the charms of an awaiting boyfriend, of course. Too bad for him he didn't have a lot of luck with the other guys. His inexperienced young heart was still waiting for some handsome suitor to bond with; his hope was some fairy tale ending like in happily forever after. So far, Tommy's efforts to date other boys had been less than promising. Tommy Naylor's face was bothered by zits, his never-ending battle against teen-age acne. The Fag-Hag's nephew discovered he was gay in Junior High School; a small framed and acne plagued young man. He seldom enjoyed a serious relationship. Any sexual bonding for him was as a submissive 'bottom.' For some reason, he always had this fantasy about some really cute red- haired guy to really like him. During the summer months, Tommy was beginning to blossom inside this new-age cadre of buddies. Often clad in leather jeans, lavender tank top and Roman sandals, he was beginning to hang out at the local occult bookstore party scene in order to meet boys. Many of Tommy's local friends worked at this central warehouse that distributed Vegan foods; robust young bucks who happened to be gay. Legal age males sporting the best hairstyles and the deepest tans, guys who worked out at the gym together and shared this mansion in the far suburbs. Too bad Tommy Naylor's worldly, California gay 'cool' image began to attract the notice of unruly, homophobic others. One was this impudent macho tart who rode with the motorcycle posse, acting up drunken loud at this new-age party; a little ruffian making snide remarks about her gentle dear nephew just because he needed to show off or something. The Fag-Hag's nephew Tommy had to be the perfect target for naughty ass biker boy's own (repressed) homo-erotic desires. A devotee of the goddess of alternative romance, the occult savvy Fag-Hag certainly noticed when that unruly, but sinfully attractive macho youth exhibited this undercurrent of curiosity about her openly gay, teen-age houseguest. The two encountered each other as polar opposites inside the same new- age party circuit. It appeared that whenever her nephew and that little macho redhead were inside the same room together - their very eyes seemed to perk up. Reactions to each other were easily triggered between them, some acute but inner awareness with sexual overtones, the Fag-Hag appreciated the irony; of this cute little macho tart from the biker gang - disguising his own attractions for her Tommy in silly ass, homophobic tease. The energy flowing out from the both appeared to come from this same karmic source, according to an occult savvy Auntie's third eye. That secret cherry fruit checking her gentle nephew out from inside his own outlaw circle, the Fag-Hag was able to see beyond that little punk's macho mask. Any agent of the goddess of could see emotionally starved young hearts so needing to unite. At first she hesitated in meddling into her nephew's fierce romantic woes, but.... As his occult savvy Auntie, Irene gifted her ward with this enchanted warrior relic from the Bronze Age. Some battered armband that could have belonged to heroic warriors of some mythic struggle, the Fag-Hag hoped its spiritual energy would bolster her timid teen nephew's male juices somehow. She hoped its symbolism of ancient manhood would inspire her Tommy to stand up against the homo-bashing crowd, to help him in a face off against that little redhead bully, for instance. Those two always did enjoy a strange relationship, now the ancient warrior bracelet she gave her nephew earlier was stirring his male juices into something strong and wild. A painfully shy, bottom submissive gay before; Tommy was displaying this hard-on desire to sexually impale that, little beet-top bully who tormented him not long ago. It seemed that ancient warrior relic had to be doing it - making her formerly bottom loving nephew feel his lusty male oats! Everybody at the party must have noticed when her Tommy began sporting his warrior armband, smiling in a more wicked form of sexual confidence, almost stalking his romantic prey and making lewd and boyish flirt. His sinfully cute, red haired bully appeared to be intimidated by such a new and improved same sex suitor. Right about then, his Auntie Irene had this irresistible urge to push Tommy's reluctant boy tart over the edge. Just some lame sexual polarity spell really, any initiate of the Goddess could do it. One more pink magick spell to break some macho ice, little did the Fag-Hag suspect her antics would cause such wild romantic mischief. A chain reaction of happenings that would transform that little macho, redhead into an alluring femme; a most romantic sentence for him and her openly gay nephew when they finally hooked up. At the last occult bookstore party, Auntie Irene noticed her Tommy mingling close enough to smell the traces of marijuana the other boy smoked earlier. Then she caught Tommy following that cheeky macho rascal from behind in order to see those flexing sexy boy buns! It was remarkable to watch her formerly withdrawn, nephew coming on with solid confidence in the romantic game. Wearing this enchanted warrior armband from some heroic age, and sweet-talking that cute-ass macho tart that tormented him earlier. She knew her own nephew was often a determined young man, a spoiled rich brat who usually got whatever he wanted - and his solid loins wanted to capture that little macho redhead so very badly. The Fag-Hag actually cheered for her devilishly potent gay houseguest as he was trying to 'score.' Seeing this curiously jaded, skirt-chasing biker boy offering no resistance as Tommy petted his sweet tight behind. Noticing a more animated and flirty kind of party companion for her nephew now, Tommy's little biker tart being led around from behind in strong romantic escort. A very much distracted posse boy, so grateful his homophobic drinking buddies were away, enjoying Tommy's advances in this girly timid way. "He doesn't even understand his attraction to other boys." Her young stallion houseguest lamented to his Auntie after the party later. Such a pixie-faced macho rascal appeared to drive her young nephew's male hormones off the charts. "That foxy little devil could have all kinds of boyfriends if he ever decided to swing gay!" "Little beet-top hottie knows he's your sexual flavour." She warned her openly gay, teen-age houseguest. "But your pretty red queen could be too wild and unsettled for you, maybe." "Those guys he hangs out with are these incredible goons, you know?" Tommy lamented. "What kind of kinky romantic game is he playing on me?" "Your homo-hating redhead clearly has personality disorders." The Fag- Hag reminded her love-struck nephew. It seemed poetic that an exotic gift she gave him, some battered warrior relic from some long-ago heroic age - would inspire Tommy's very male loins into this towering need for romantic conquest. It had to be outrageous sexual karma. The Fag-Hag's California 'cool' gay buck actually admitted to his 'Auntie' that he was having wet- dreams about sexually dominating that rebellious teen-age tart. Her wickedly motivated young buck acted as if he was staking his claim to a mate, this prissy gay virgin still playing naughty with other boys. The motorcycle riding gangsters, Tommy meant. Many were hard-core criminals. The very idea that his elusive teen vixen was still seeing those bad boys infuriated him: "Hanging out with those bearded butch guys and their motor-cycles all the time - I just hate it when he sucks up to them!" "He needs to get away from those pricks." Tommy's Auntie Irene decided with laughter. Wondering about her nephew's naughty but sweet little redhead tart, one that secretly craved to suck up to real boyfriend instead! "Yea." Tommy agreed. "And he needs to look cuter so other boys will like him." As a genuine Fag-Hag, his auntie raised an eyebrow at Tommy's remark. Her (suddenly butch) nephew was already deciding to make over his elusive motorcycle bitch. Tommy boy was still speaking intensely, hands close to making fists and saying: "And he needs to get off the booze and weed - Sometimes I just want to spank his pansy ass for pretending to be the man!" Of course she laughed again. There was no doubt in Tommy's mind that biker boy secretly craved to bat for his team. As astrologer, the Fag- Hag explained to her nephew that little macho boyfriend's relationship problems were associated with Neptune, which explained a lot. It meant her nephew's elusive boy-toy was easily led astray by bad companions and was vulnerable to their influence. It also explained that perky teen-age tart's attraction to drugs and alcohol. This local macho youth disguising his own affections for her gay nephew with silly ass homophobic antics - luckily for him a genuine Fag-Hag could jump-start his romantic chase. As prospective matchmaker, Tommy's maiden aunt suspected that red haired rascal was too emotionally independent for any serious sexual relationship, but she was counting on her Druid magic to break down a few barriers. Most of Tommy's other same sex prospects in town appeared a bit unsuitable for a proper hook-up. Some were too butch and laden with testosterone for a certain Fag-Hag to consider. Other new-age fellows had more serious addiction or sexual identity issues, a reformed but still innocent, emerging gay hottie had to appear more promising. It actually seemed poetic if her (slightly butch) nephew could finally capture his same sex virgin in soap opera fashion. Wouldn't biker boy's macho drinking buddies just enjoy seeing that! Under the proper kind of sexual domination, a little gay prick teaser like the red haired rascal would prove to become pussy cat docile in the hands of a determined kind of ramrod lover, wickedly obedient to his will. It seldom made sense to take charge of another person's love life; but the occult savvy Fag-Hag believed her Tommy could push that reluctant boy tart away from his unworthy macho cohorts and into a more healthy new-age lifestyle. A most devoted bedroom love mate could really boost her nephew's sexual confidence too. Her Tommy was probably feeling his romantic mating call of sorts, as if his very loins needed to sexually deflower that naughty ass rascal in this painfully demanding way. "I want to do him more than anything!" Tommy proclaimed to her several times. As this most confident gay lion wishing only to impale that passive/ aggressive teenage fruit, taking easy conquest on that confused boy tart who first decided to come on to him in silly ass homophobic tease "I'm pretty sure that cherry ass rascal will fall for you, Tommy." The Fag-Hag soothed to reassure him, her virile young gay houseguest. She really wanted to help her nephew cultivate a more supportive romantic partner in this town, a sweet loving boyfriend for her young ward to appreciate, somebody nice to look at for Tommy to share his love life with now. "You must really turn that cute little macho bully on, Tommy." The Fag- Hag positively cackled to report: "I seen it when you kissed his ear lobe and asked him out on a date during last night's party. He was blushing rather nicely when I spotted that rising tent-pole in his jeans!" "Yea." Tommy crowed, smiling at his auntie like a cat might after swallowing a canary. " I suggested in his ear that we could make it as secret lovers...I told him to wear really tight shorts if he wanted me to do him. I think we'll be doing it soon, don't you?" The Fag-Hag and her jubilant teen nephew were still laughing about it when they heard the doorbell ring. An occult savvy woman, she wasn't exactly surprised to see Tommy's date at the door. His jaded romantic visitor was smiling sheepishly at her and looking so leggy fresh. Wearing the tightest of red shorts with coppery red hair neatly combed, silly lips smacking naughty like a boy about to be disciplined. The end.....for now.......

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Biker Momma

Hello, my name is Brad, I was an apartment dweller until management decided to sell the property so I had to move back home with mom bushe was glad to have me back. Dad died a while ago, he was never in good health and I guess his body was just plum worn out. Back in my twenties I started to look at Mom through the eyes of a man, not just her son. I started to see her as Gail, a good looking woman, rather than Mom. Yeah I fancied her and her good looks and we did some pretty neat things...

3 years ago
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Wifes Initiation To Biker Club Pt1

Well, a month ago I couldn’t believe it when I caught my suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by Butch her biker boyfriend in our basement. A week later I made a discreet visit to our local biker bar and found her sucking Butch’s cock in a dark back corner of the room. I had already found a trunk in our basement with a bunch of “biker chick” clothing and a denim vest with the words “Butch’s Old Lady” on the back. On it was a big patch with “Hell’s Lovers Wisconsin” written on it, on the...

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Fucking a Biker

For many years now I have always been turned on by the thought of riding with a hot muscular leather clad biker. From being a little girl I have always had this fantasy. I could never understand how Shania Twain managed to turn the biker down in her music video That Don't Impress me much. Quite frankly I would love to have been fucked by the guy. I spend most of my teenage years craving to be fucked by a biker until the idea came to me 'why don't I go somewhere where bikers usually go. like a...

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Naked Whore Daddy Fag slave A Short Sto

Sometimes life can take a strange turn. Not in my wildest dreams would Iever have imagined the situation I find myself in now. For, you see, I amnow a slave.I retired from a brilliant career in IT at the young age of 55. I hadtaken good care of myself physically, so I looked good for my years.Relationships had eluded me over the years. I had a few boyfriends, butmostly I was a guy who never hooked up long with anyone. I didn't see thepoint. I was content in my life, with my job, with my...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Eleven

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Eleven: Patchover "So... you've scratched my itch, and a few other places." Jill Saint John sat at the breakfast table with Cassie. They were both dressed in silk dressing gowns and complimentary hotel slippers. They had just showered and Jill wore fresh panties and nothing else. Cassie wore a pair of panties straight out of the wrapper, donated to her by Jill. She had stayed the night and for breakfast. "You didn't come to Vegas just...

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Fag School Registration Day Chapter 3

Don't read this if you are illiterate, or if you are offended by the term "fag." However, if you now know that "fag" is an endearing term used by passionate fag lovers and their supporters, then read on. The time setting for this chapter of fag school is between chapters 1 and 2, the day the fresh fag freshmen check in and check each other out. We begin: For the past year, two good friends have been living a life that is both a profitable and, to them, a philanthropic contribution to the sex...

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Patricia was in her favorite bar one night just relaxing and having a few drinks it had been a long week and she needed to unwind a little her boss had been a bigger prick than usual and pissed off though she was she needed the job it payed well and was close to where she lived she would deal with the asshole in her own way in good time she planned to seduce him and then leave him crushed and broken in the end...At least that was how it turned out in her fantasies...The bar was kind of slow...

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Erikas Adventure Part Eleven Biker Chick

Part eleven I woke up the next morning feeling quite odd after my weird date with Wayne. He has never acted like that before, so it kind of surprised me, but the biggest thing is that I wasn't sure how I felt about it. There was a part of me that was hurt by how dominant he was with me, but another part of me was quite turned on by how feminine and submissive being treated like a little housewife. I left for work a bit late and on my way out there was a knock at my door, it turned...

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Jessinta 01B Biker Girl Remastered

Bones had become both my brother and father; and friend. I spent the majority of my school evenings, flirting and pestering him. To me Bones didn’t seem to mind, because if I wasn’t here; then he would be outside on his own mainly. Over the next three months, I became close friends with Bones; and I started learning about motorbike maintenance. Then one day, I was outside in the yard with Bones; when some female biker wearing hardly anything motioned me over to her. I’d seen...

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Jessinta 01B Biker Girl Remastered

Introduction: My name is Jessinta Jovanoski. I am thinly built (32-25-34) but athletically framed 152cm (5?0), 45kg (93lbs) girl at the time, with lightly tanned pasty skin, average to small but developing breasts (32A). My hair is darkish red and shoulder length, I have green eyes Bones had become both my brother and father, and friend. I spent the majority of my school evenings, flirting and pestering him. To me Bones didnt seem to mind, because if I wasnt here, then he would be outside on...

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Gina made me a fag boy

Last week me a few of my buddies went to the Mississippi cost for a long weekend of playing golf and fishing.After playing 18 holes of golf and a few cocktails I decided to head back to the resort and not play the nifty little par 3 gold course. It was long night of drinking and gambling and I was a little worn out and headed back to the resort alone.I gabbed a margeritta and layed by the pool after a few minutes I hear this sweet lil voice say , hi, is this lounge chair taken? As I turned...

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Biker Slut Wife

I have been married to my wife for twenty seven years now. She is forty nine years old and looks damn good for her age. Brownish blonde short hair with big brown eyes and high cheek bones, 34 "C" cup breast. Nice cowgirl ass. Around 130 pounds. She gets hit on a lot. I am the only guy she has ever been with. But after twenty seven years the sex is just not what it used to be. We decided to help spice things up we should take a couple of weeks off from work and rent a Harley and go ride around...

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Biker Bar 1

I was driving through Mississippi on my way to Texas when I stop off at the local truck stop,It took me around 20 minutes to get my Cab all free from the flatbed. The waitress in the restauranttold me where there is a good biker bar to go to, It was now around 8 pm I decided to head over there.The cab windows were fogging up now as I was driving down the road to the Club, I then found a nicespot now so I can park my cab.As I walk in through the door, I can hear and see that's might be my lucky...

1 year ago
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Graduation from Fag School Magna Cum Laude Chapter 1

graduation from Fag School - Magna Cum Laude - Chapter 1 Eventually a fag knows and loves that he is a fag. Sometimes the fag follows a long transition from straight to bi, to shemales, to shemales and guys, and finally to just great guys with those beautiful great cocks. Then the happy fag should reflect on his fantastic erotic voyage and thank those who helped him to his all-dick destination. In my case, believe it or not, I mostly have a woman to thank in helping me become the finest fag I...

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MILF Wife Gets No More Anal From Biker Boyfriend

It had been four months since I came home early from a business trip with the multi-million corporation I founded only to find my forty-three year old suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by her young biker boyfriend in our basement. After that I began to notice my wife’s whole demeanor changed. She started swearing a lot, every other word out of her mouth was fuck, asshole, or bitch. She began to drink a lot at home and on occasion you could smell the aroma of pot around the house. ...

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MILF Wife Gets No More Anal From Biker Boyfriend

It had been four months since I came home early from a business trip with the multi-million corporation I founded only to find my forty-three year old suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by her young biker boyfriend in our basement. After that I began to notice my wife’s whole demeanor changed. She started swearing a lot; every other word out of her mouth was fuck, asshole, or bitch. She began to drink a lot at home and on occasion you could smell the aroma of pot around the house. She...

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Family Fag

2019“ hopefully you can come see us this summer. Sincerely, Uncle Eli “I smirked and folded the old fashioned hand written letter my uncle sent me. It’s been a couple years since I last saw him. He was just the guy who married my mom's sister at one point. But the summer before college changed things. I got off my couch and packed my bags for a little road trip.2009My eyes made contact with Eli’s but my mind was everywhere else. He tried to look stern with...

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Good Sex with Fag

“Cabbage,” yelled Sirvaughn Poe as he pulled in the brown-skinned slim dude into a hug.“Hey baby,” giggled the effeminate host. “How was your day?”“It was good, baby! A nigga cain’t complain you know.”“I’m glad it was good.”“How was yours?”“It went pretty well. Thanks!”“I see you got dat booty out fuh ah nigga tah-night.”“Oh yeah. Do you like this outfit,” Cabbage inquired referring to the pink lace midriff top he was wearing along with the pink and purple jockstrap.“Hell yeah! A nigga love dat...

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We got us some sort of sissy fag here

Check Your Taillights It all started pretty innocently, at least by my standards. For many years I have been a closet crossdresser and like most, I thought there must be something wrong with me. The usual bag of emotions and guilt. One day I did an online search to see if there was a forum for crossdressers and sure enough there was. My whole world changed. Not drastically but change it did. I found there were many others who felt and dressed as I did and I finally found out I...

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Biker Bitch

The following story is true my wife and I were only18 and 19 at the time. Rick and his biker friends took my wifes ass virginity and turned her into a cock hungry woman. After her first gang bang she wanted to try everythng and anything. This was only the start.... We arrived at out motel and quickly went out with a friend for supper. We returned a short time later only to find 2 men waiting outside our room, we were told that their boss wanted to see us in room 120. We asked what this...

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Old Biker Fantasy

I am gay, I love dicks, I love to have someone tear my ass. But for some reason, I have always found an attraction to very elderly and hairy men. I've also always have had a soft spot for bikers. The way they look and how masculine they act and the mustaches some of them have, just turn me on so much. I have continously fantasized and dreamed about meeting a 50 or so year old biker with an incredibly sexy mustache and a hugh cock dominate me. Even as writing this I got a hard on thinking about...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Five

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Five: Fuck The Business! "What the fuck was that!" Dale was shocked and angry. "Shut up and lookout to make sure we aren't followed while I concentrate on driving," Cassie was driving at high speed to the arroyo where she had parked her BMW. Cassie pulled off the short blonde wig she had worn as a disguise and Steve ripped off the salt 'n pepper wig he was wearing. They ditched the stolen Mustang after wiping it down and transferred...

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Wife goes to a biker bar with unintended consequences

Wow! When my husband suggested that I go out last night I had an idea what I was in for but wow, it wasn’t anything like this. John and I have been married for 8 years. We have an open relationship sexually. This was at John’s urging, mostly because he spends weeks, sometimes more than a month, on the road running his business. We’ve always shared the experiences, both his, and mine. We’ve found that it has added an extra thrill for when we get together after those...

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Beauty And The Biker

The roar of the bike is like a slow drone in my ears now. The unending blacktop of the road and the wind flowing over me gives me a sense of peace that flies in stark contrast to the nervous knot in my stomach. Usually, I look forward to a long ride, but not tonight. A hundred miles. Over two hours of hard riding and then... What? Will she be glad to see me? I really don't know. I do know, I've got to try. I've never been in love before and even as the broken white lines pass under me in a...

College Sex
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The BikerChapter 2

The sun streamed through the living room window and passed over her eyes. She awoke with a start and looked around. The memory of what had happened came rushing into her consciousness and a smile came to her lips. Then she heard the sound of her husband's footsteps as he walked down the stairs. She started to panic as she sat up and looked at her disheveled clothes and the stain on her skirt. Quickly she tried to straighten herself as he walked into the room. "What are you doing on the...

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The First Known Case of Biker Fever

The First Known Case of Biker Virus By Ellie Dauber © 2016 The first case of Biker Virus was reported to the CDC in April 2014. Daniel Scolby, a 28-year old tech specialist for a Best Buy store in Fayetteville, PA, was visiting friends in Boca Raton, FL. He awake morning complaining of muscle spasms in his arms and legs. About thirty minutes later, his hair began a spurt of rapid hair growth, reaching shoulder length in a matter of minutes. Within an hour, he had undergone a...

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Biker Gang Captive

This is a story I wrote several years ago for a men’s adventure magazine, but it folded before it got off the ground. No sex, but it has adventure and romance, and I hope you enjoy it. As always, feedback is encouraged. Thanks! * ‘Goddamn it, we don’t have time for this!’ The lieutenant’s big fist slammed down on the desk, slopping the lukewarm coffee over the lip of the styrofoam cup. Nick rubbed his temples, the pounding ache of his hangover a spike through his head. The glare of the...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Nine

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine: Fuck the Trans Cooze! Cassie sat behind a desk in a stark interview room at the Los Angeles County Jail. ATF do not have their own detention facilities; they use Federal penitentiaries and often borrow local law enforcement facilities to temporally incarcerate suspects and interrogate them. She had been freed of her cuffs and her clutch purse and its contents lay on the melanite desk sealed in clear plastic evidence bags. The burly...

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Biker Bitch

Synopsis Synopsis This is the first attempt in writing internet erotic fiction. The story is based off any idea I had read a few years back. The thought and plot of the story have stuck with me so I thought I might try my hand and write a story.  Biker Bitch Part 1 Mike was the president of his Harley Davidson bike club. The club was made up of all males and had a support group of wives and girlfriends. Mike was 5?8? 150 pounds with long brown hair that was well kept. Mike was...

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