We Got Us Some Sort Of Sissy Fag Here free porn video

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Check Your Taillights It all started pretty innocently, at least by my standards. For many years I have been a closet crossdresser and like most, I thought there must be something wrong with me. The usual bag of emotions and guilt. One day I did an online search to see if there was a forum for crossdressers and sure enough there was. My whole world changed. Not drastically but change it did. I found there were many others who felt and dressed as I did and I finally found out I wasn't a sicko after all, just a little different than the average Joe. One thing led to another. Because of discussions on the forum I was able to get up the nerve to tell my wife about my little peculularity. It didn't go over great with her but she reluctantly accepted it and I continued discretely dressing when she wasn't around. I discovered an online boutique that catered to CD's and I was able to buy all sorts of things. I found that they sponsored a great website that caters to CD's who like to write stories. From stories on Fiction Mania I discovered a whole world of characters I had never realized existed. While reading these stories I started fantasizing about what it would be like to be those characters in those situations. Naturally, masturbation was a part of or inspired by all of this great fuel for fantasy. I also discovered new porn sites that have pictures and videos of all sorts of these 'characters' and the next thing you know I'm watching training and hypno videos for sissies and cuckolds. What a whole new world for me! Turns out, I really liked fantasizing about being a sissy or sissy cuckold but that's all it ever was. I have fantasized about all sorts of stuff but would never act on any of it that involves another person. I am happily married and consider that as cheating on my wife. Yes, there is the whole school of thought that fantasizing about sex with anyone but your partner is the same as cheating. I didn't go to that school. I have no intention of ever acting out any of the fantasies that would involve anyone but my spouse. It's all just games in my mind. I do play out some of the fantasies of other sorts though. Obviously crossdressing is one of those. I play little games like going outside in my fenced back yard dressed in womens clothes. I have 'braved it' (more likely stupidity) out front to the road and back late at night. I've gone driving around at night with wig and all so most would think I was a woman if they saw me from a distance. I certainly couldn't 'pass' any kind of close scrutiny but it was always dark out when I went driving. And that folks, was the error of my ways. Sooner or later your luck runs out. Here's what happened. I had been driving around 'dressed' late one night while my wife was out of town. I'd even gone so far as to try my hand at putting on make-up. I'm not very good at it but it was thrilling going through the motions just like a real woman. I was wearing a wig as well so it isn't hard to 'pass' with tinted windows in the dark. Truth is, nobody pays much attention to other people in cars if you don't do something to attract their attention. Well, the one exception to that being the police. Some of them are scrutinizing every car they see just hoping to find an excuse to stop it. Yep, and that's what happened to me. All because, just like everyone else, I never do a vehichle inspection. I not only had a taillight out but also my tag light was out. Really. To add to my bad luck, or good luck, it's really a matter of perspective, an acquaintance of mine was riding with the officer. That sort of thing happens in small towns. Especially if that person happens to be the Mayor. I think the Mayor may have recognized my vehicle so when the officer said, "Looky here what we got. I think we got us some sort of sissy fag or something." Tim got out of the police car and came to see for himself. The cop had his flashlight in my face and I was blinded so I didn't realize who was with the police officer just then. The gamut of emotions running through me ran from extreme embarrassment of being seen as such, fear of being found out by everyone that knew me, just a hint of question about was I actually a sissy faggot, all the way to a deep seated thrill at being so humiliated in front of these men. Being stopped by the police dressed as I was had the potential to bring out into public my unusual hobby. It's hard to explain the excitement of being embarrassed like this, of being found out and maybe exposed to others as a sissy fag. It's scary but exciting at the same time. Yeah, weird. I can't explain it but I can't deny it either. Now you would think you couldn't get much more embarrassed than being found driving around dressed as a woman by a cop, especially one that had just called you a sissy faggot. But...." Oh ho. Umm, Seargent Brown, may I have just a minute with this, uh, person?" Holy shit! I recognized that voice. Where from? I knew for certain that this man knew me and my hopes of people finding out my dark secret now looked even bleaker. Why had I gone out riding around dressed like this? What a dumbass! Once the cop stepped away with his light I could see that it was Tim Stuart, the Mayor of our little town. We knew each other because I sat on the city commission with Tim and five others. As a matter of fact, I was the one that nominated him for the position of Mayor. See, now is when you become even more embarrassed when you realize that an esteemed collegue of yours is grinning at you as you sit clothed in a dress, wearing breast forms, heels, wig and make-up. It is a whole new level of humiliation when the eye witness knows you. I don't know if he remembered that I was the one that nominated him for Mayor and that meant something to him or not. Maybe he was just a good guy trying to help someone out. I don't know. Tim walked over to the officer and I overheard him ask if he would just let me go with the promise to fix the lights. He said he would consider it a special favor if 'this incident never happened.' Apparently he had some sway with Sergeant Brown because the cop agreed and after Tim retreived his phone from the patrol car he walked around and got into the front seat of my car. I wasn't expecting him to get in with me and it made things way worse. I had thought that once the officer agreed to let me off I'd soon be on my way home. Now, I probably had some explaining to do to Tim and I wasn't looking forward to that. I mean, how do you get someone to understand why any sane, grown ass man would want to wear womens clothes. I have been trying to figure that out myself for years but I've given up trying. It is what it is. I did not know Tim real well, mostly as an associate since we both sat on the same city commission. That being said, you can tell quite a bit about a person by the stand they take on certain issues, the manner they conduct themselves in the public eye and how they deal with the others on the commission and public audience. Are they stern or are they forgiving? Are they vehemently passionate about their ideals or are they willing to compromise? Liberal or conservative? Tim was the stern, passionate, conservative type. At this point I was freaking out. I didn't really know what to think. It's one of those things where it seems like time is slowed down so that you're aware of every excruciating moment yet things seem to happen so fast your thought process can't keep up. I was mostly scared, my mind playing scenes of running into people I knew, shamed because I was a pervert pansy who wore womens panties. All of my family would find out, my co-workers, my friends, my wifes co- workers. How could I keep living in this small, close knit community? My childrens friends would find out, how embarrassing would that be for them? With social media it would spread like wildfire. I really wish I could convey all of these emotions, fears and yes, even excitement that was coursing through me but I cannot find the words to do it justice. Please stop and take just a moment to imagine yourself in this predicament and how the recourse of your actions was about to affect you and all of your loved ones. No seriously, take that moment and imagine facing family and friends with that shame. But, if you're reading this then you probably are the kind to maybe get off on the humiliation part as well. Try to imagine that part too. I'm not sure why Tim decided to get in with me but he said, "It's best if we get moving before he changes his mind." Like a deer in headlights, I was sitting there in a daze, not knowing what to do. My brain was overloaded and mostly all I could think was, 'Please, please, please, don't let anybody else find out about this.' That's about all I was capable of at that moment. Not, 'Put the car in gear son and let's get home and get out of these ridiculous clothes.' Not, 'You'd better figure out some way to explain this to Tim or at least beg him to keep quiet.' No. I was just sitting there frozen. I finally took Tims suggestion and put it in gear and of course my first and only instinct was to get home, change clothes and get the make-up off. That's where I headed. I hadn't even considered that I would have to take Tim home. I didn't live too far from Tims place and when I put the signal on to turn towards my house Tim asked if I was going to make him walk from my house or what? Like I said, all I could think was to get to the safety of my home but of course I would need to take him home. I battled with the thought of going home, changing and then taking him home but that made no sense, especially since he had just bailed me out of a most awkward situation. But I was afraid to be out any longer than necessary dressed as I was. Reluctantly I turned the signal off and continued straight towards his home. When I pulled into his yard I put it in park, then waited for him to get out. Tim didn't move so I figured he was waiting for me to say something. Like, "Thanks for saving my ass." Or beg him to be silent. Maybe he was deciding what he wanted to say but we sat there in awkward silence for a moment until I got up the nerve to speak. "Tim, I don't know how to thank you enough. I mean really. You can't imagine how embarrassing this is. I just want to forget this ever happened and I hope you'll forget it too." "Actually Ron, I've got a pretty good idea how embarrassing this would be, especially in such a small town where everybody knows everybody. As for forgetting, I know what you mean but I assure you there is no way that I could ever forget seeing you dressed like this," I was still in shock and didn't know what else to say. I just wanted him to get out so I could go home and strip off this stupid dress. "You look pretty shook up Ron. Everything's going to be alright. Why don't you come inside and I'll fix us both a strong drink?" Tim suggested. "Thanks Tim but I think I'll just go home and call it a night," I replied. I just wanted to get back to the safety of my home. "I'm really concerned about you Ron. I don't think you realize the shape you're in. I mean, this is the kind of thing that could make someone suicidal or something. No, you should come in. I'll makes us some drinks and we'll talk about this." With that he reached over, turned my car off and took the keys from the ignition. Then got out and walked to his door. The last thing I wanted was get out of the car dressed as I was even if it was well after midnight. At home I had the privacy of my garage but here I was parked out in the open in his front yard. There seemed little I could do though since he had my keys and I wasn't going anywhere without them. At no time did it strike me as funny that he had said he was concerned for my welfare yet seemed willing to give me something to drink and then presumably allow me to drive home. I reluctantly got out and headed for his front door. I was in heels because it hadn't even occurred to me to slip them off. They sunk into the grass which made walking in heels that much more difficult and trying to stay on the balls of my feet made my strut look stupid. It suddenly occurred to me that Tim was married and another bout of fear coursed through me at the thought of his wife seeing me thus. I hesitated at the threshhold until I figured it was way past midnight, she was most likely in bed. For just a brief instant though, I felt a conflicting sense of disappointment that she probably was in bed and I wouldn't be exposed to her. Pointing to the couch, Tim told me to have a seat while he went into the kitchen to make our drinks. I wondered that he didn't ask what I'd like but then decided that he probably didn't have that much selection. He'd probably bring a whiskey and coke. It didn't really matter, I wasn't that fussy about what I drank. Especially tonight. The Mayor returned shortly with our drinks and sat across from me in an overstuffed chair that was obviously his 'throne.' I didn't like this much as I had to pretty much look straight at him and I was finding it hard to look him in the face while wearing a dress and falsies. More silence as Tim looked intently at me. Not knowing what to say or do I took a long swallow on my drink, nearly draining the glass. As I was setting my glass on the coffee table I heard off to my left, "Hi guys. Or should I say guys and gals?" I nearly wrenched my neck turning to see who had just made that statement. Naturally it was Tims wife Gwen. Who else would it be at this time of night? My face turned beet red for about the tenth time tonight. Could it get any worse? Well, actually it could have but that was little consolation right then when I was confronted with the third person, a woman, seeing the esteemed Commissioner Johnston in all 'her' regallia. "Hi Gwen," I muttered putting my head in my hands, slowly shaking it side to side. "Surprised to see me like this, huh?" I give. I just give. Just thoughts! I didn't actually say that, just felt it from the core of my being. "No actually. Tim texted me and told me what to expect. He said you were quite upset which is understandable." My head flew up to stare accusingly at Tim for betraying me to his wife. My face conveyed exactly my thoughts which were anything but friendly. You'd think in my position I would not want to be the least bit hostile towards him but I couldn't help feeling that he'd sold me out. "WHAT?" he said. "You're the one riding around dressed in womens clothes, wearing make-up and all, not me!" Staring back with indignation, he raised his glass in a toast to me and took a drink. "Fuck you, man," he followed, "I'm the one that saved your ass, remember. Sergeant Brown does not like fags at all and I assure you he was going to make it as bad as possible for you. I guarantee he'd have found an excuse to throw you in jail dressed just like you are." Once again, even though I should have shown my appreciation he had pissed me off calling me a fag. "I ain't no fag," I responded nastily. My mind quickly flashed to a porn pic I had seen and superimposed over the image of a sexy naked girl was the phrase, 'IT'S OK TO BE A FAG.' I wasn't a fag! I just looked at the pictures, maybe even masturbated to them. Images of women giving head. It wasn't the cocks I was concentrating on, it was the women sucking them. Right? Gwen came over, sat next to me and glared at Tim. "Cut him some slack Tim. You know he's upset," Her hand squeezed my knee as she told me to calm down too. She assured me that everything was alright and I had nothing to worry about. Handing me my drink she encouraged me to have another swallow. "Tim, why don't you go make all three of us a drink, it's not very polite you boys drinking without me." "Oh," she paused looking at me, "do you want me to call you a girl?" she asked. "I don't mind, really. It might even make you feel more comfortable being as you're dressed like one." "It doesn't really matter what you call me Gwen, I don't think you could make me feel better about anything right now." Holding my arms up, thrusting my fake breasts toward her, I said, "Look at me Gwen. Fake tits. A dress. Wig, make-up, heels. I'm even wearing a garter belt and hose. No pantyhose for this gurl! How fuckin' pathetic! What would people think! Hell, I can't even explain to myself why I do it." I was on the verge of tears now. Tears of frustration. Tears of shame. Tears for my family who may have to live with my shame affecting their lives. "Honey," she said, "It's alright. Nothing bad's going to happen," Rubbing my back, Gwen grabbed her drink from Tim and took a sip before finishing, "Tim stepped in at just the right time. Nobody knows but the two of us and Officer Brown and he's not going to say anything since Tim asked him not to. He's bucking for Lieutenant and he knows Tim will put in a good word for him with the Chief." "You ARE rather lucky that Tim happened to be riding with him tonight, though," she commented, "And not to sound rude or unkind to you but you really do owe Tim a big debt of gratitude. It really would have been bad for you if Tim hadn't interceeded. I doubt you would have been able to keep your secret if the mean old cop had put you in jail dressed like this." She was right of course, it's just that Tim seemed to know how to push my buttons and I wasn't thinking too clearly right now. Swallowing my pride and some of my drink I looked Tim squarely in the eyes and thanked him for saving me. There was somethng about the way his eyes bored into mine. It wasn't quite smugness or cockiness but it made me feel inferior to him. Made me feel little. Made me feel like I wasn't even in the same league as him. And there, accompanying the shame I felt at having to be saved from my idiocy was that deep seated thrill at being made to feel small and weak and silly and humiliated. "Now don't you feel better now that you've thanked Tim?" Gwen asked, winking at Tim "Kind of, I guess. I don't think I'll feel much better until I'm out of these ridiculous clothes and all of this is safely behind me," I mumbled. "Come now, deary. It's obvious you enjoy pretending to be a woman and dressing in our clothes. Why shouldn't you feel ok wearing them if it makes you feel good. Tim and I don't really care how you dress, do we babe?" Something passed between Gwen and her husband, a knowing glance. "Why should I care how she dresses? That's her business," Tim reflected "She didn't really sound all that sincere though, considering the mess she was in," Like I said, he knew just how to push my buttons. Did he just refer to me as she? That made me angry. I was about to respond when Gwen handed my drink to me and raised hers in a toast. "To special friends," She clinked hers with mine and did a sort of salute towards Tim with hers before tipping it up and downing the rest of it. "Well, I'm about caught up with you guys. And gals," Gwen bounded towards the kitchen grabbing our glasses on the way. "You really think I don't appreciate what you did for me?" I asked Tim while Gwen was out of the room. "No. Not considering how deep of shit you were in." "How am I supposed to thank you? My apology was as sincere as I can be, what more could you want?" I queried. "Well, there are...... "Here you go everybody, a fresh round of drinks," Gwen interrupted, giving us our drinks. There was still a tension between Tim and I and Gwen could tell. "So what were you....two.....talking about? I told her. "Tim, you don't think Ron is sincere? Why is that?" "What I mean is, this isn't just your everyday favor. Rons whole life was about to turn to shit. Not just his but his whole family's. A simple apology doesn't seem adequate compared to how big of a favor I just did for him." "Well, I do see your point. It really would have been bad if things turned out the way they were headed," his wife said. Looking to me she continued, "You do see what he's getting at don't you sweetie?" "Well, yeah. I understand that. Tim did me a really, really big favor for sure. I don't know how to thank him any more than I have though." "A woman would know how to show her appreciation. You're pretending to be a woman. Perhaps you'd like to really experience how it feels to be a woman and show Tim your appreciating like a real woman would," Gwens tone had changed from the caring, friendly voice she had been using thus far to a sterner, almost commanding tone. "It was, as you say, a really, really big favor." "What are you getting at?" I asked, "I'm not really a woman. It's just a game." "One with far reaching consequences," Tim piped in. "Honey, you do seem to be a bit ungrateful as Tim has pointed out. You've already acknowleged just how big a favor it was. I would think the kind of person you are, or at least the kind of person we all thought you were, would want to pay your debt." "Are you suggesting what I think you are?" I stammered, flabergasted at what they were insinuating. "Not only is it what a woman would do but a sissy as well. And dear, you are a sissy if I ever saw one. Look at yourself!" "Amen," agreed Tim. Wow!!! Wham, Bam, Slam Dunk ya Ma'am. All in one sentence. God, how did things tumble so far out of control? But....for a brief milisecond my psyche thrilled at the thought of paying homage for my rescue; which was quickly replaced by rightous indignation. What the hell! These people were sick suggesting that I suck Tim off to prove my sincerity. That was what they were suggesting wasn't it? Yes! What else could 'what a woman would do but a sissy as well' mean other than that? Gwen said I was a sissy if she ever saw one. Somehow that should have pissed me off too but coming from her seemed to take the sting out of it. Was I? I sure didn't look anything like the pictures of the young, sexy gurls in the videos. They were so hot. But then, wasn't I trying to emulate them to the best of my abilities. I secretly desired to look like them. It's not my fault I wasn't as slim and trim as them. Did I also secretly desire to act like them? THAT was a good question, one that I had never seriously considered before but it seemed like maybe now was the appropriate time to do so. This was getting ever more confusing. Should I do it? Should I kneel before Tim and give him a blow job? I wasn't gay. I had never done anything like this before. Wouldn't this be cheating on my marriage? I could just say no and get them to understand that that was asking way too much. I'd find some other way to go above and beyond to show my real appreciation. "It's not even reasonable to expect me to do something like that to show my gratitude," I told them. "I truly am very, very thankful that you saved my ass but there's got to be something else I can do to even the score. Money. I could give you some money. How much do you want?" "Reasonable!" Tim bellowed. "Parading around in a dress, made up like a woman IS reasonable?" he scoffed, "You lost touch with reason when you started wearing panties and the like." It was then that I heard the click a phone makes when taking a picture. Gwen had stood while Tim and I argued and now she had the phone taking pictures of me. I glared at her. I thought she was alright. I thought she was on my side, kind of. She continued to aim the phone and asked, "What's the matter Ron? Tim saved you from being exposed as a sissy crossdresser and from the other commissioners and people finding out your dirty little secret and you want to be ungrateful?" That one sentence pretty much cooked my goose. She had established exactly whom I was as she videod me sitting there in drag. They could blackmail me all they wanted and there was little I could do but go along with their little scheme. Or, do the unthinkable and let the world find out. Funny comparison when you consider what else might be considered 'doing the unthinkable.' "You've got to be kidding me. You two can't seriously think that I should suck Tim just to pay him back for what he did? But I guess you're willing to blackmail me to force me to," I countered, "That ought to be a really good blowjob, huh?" I laughed. "Ron. Ron. Ron. You're looking at it all wrong!" Gwen tried to explain. "We're not forcing you really. We're just helping you, encouraging you to become what you obviously won't admit to yourself. It's blatantly obvious that deep down you want to be a woman. Can't you admit that?" she asked. "Look at how you're dressed. Garter belt and hose you said proudly. No pantyhose for this gurl!" I felt under attack. I felt the whole world was against me. Why couldn't I just dress like I wanted? Why couldn't I feel comfortable in whatever I wanted to wear without others making judgement? It really was just a matter of what was in fashion at the time. But people had to make so much more out of it. Romans used to wear robes. Englishmen, and Americans for that matter used to wear wigs. Scots wore kilts. Wasn't that just a skirt by another name? Gwen and Tim were trying to turn me into something that I wasn't. A sissy. But.........who had looked at, even masturbated to sissy porn. Cuckold porn. Who was I fooling? Apparently not them. Myself? Part of me reasoned that I would have to do this anyway or be exposed to the public so go with the flow. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that most likely I wasn't getting out of this one. It was going to happen sooner or later, maybe it would be better to just get it over with and finally be able to go home and away from this nightmare. As if reading my thoughts Gwen said, "I can see that you're starting to truly understand the situation, to be honest with yourself. You're almost there Ron and once you admit your true nature you will find peace within. Sometimes it's really hard to face the truth about yourself but that's better than living a lie," she soothed. "It doesn't mean you have to rearrange your whole life or anything. It just means you have to look within and admit who the real you is." The more she talked the more sense it made to me. WAS I REALLY NOTHING BUT A SISSY CROSSDRESSER DEEP DOWN? Had I been living a lie all of this time? What is reality? Is it all of what we have done and acted out in our life or was that just lies? I'm sorry but I'm too 'reasonable' to just suddenly accept that my life up to now was just the fake me. I hadn't even known about sissies and all until just recently so how could I have been faking whom I was? It just kept getting more and more complicated. Gwen encouraged me to have some more of my drink and continued trying to get me to 'understand.' With soothing words she talked about life and honesty, how most people fool themselves their whole lives and the ones that faced up to the real you were so much happier. I listened and drank more of my drink which was starting to have it's affect on me. Everything she said made perfect sense but it still came down to the question of, Was I really a sissy at heart? I told her that what she said made sense but that didn't mean I was a sissy. Tim was letting Gwen have her lead and sat quietly eyeing me and nursing his drink. Eventually he got up and made another round of drinks. I don't know if I should have been drinking so readily as I was loosening up and letting my guard down. Gwen started addressing the issue of whether I was a sissy or not. At this point we were more just in a conversation, the whole blow job thing on the back burner and temporarily pushed out of my mind. I was starting to feel almost relaxed, probably just the alcohol. Gwen asked me, "Which do you feel more comfortable wearing, mens or womens clothes? If you could wear just what you wanted all the time and nobody cared what you wore, what would it be?" I didn't have to think about that at all! I knew the answer because I had decided that long ago. I always wore panties. If I could get away with wearing a bra or hose under my mens clothes like in the winter time, I did. Any chance I got to wear womens clothes, even if for just a few hours while my wife was out, I did so. I loved the feel of the different textures. I explained that it wasn't fair that women got to wear all sorts of jewelry like earrings, and bracelets, and belly rings and anklets, and toe rings. And accessories like hair bows and different purses to match their outfits. All different styles of shoes. How many different kinds of outfits did women have to choose from? Dresses. Skirts. Pants. Capri's. Short shorts. Tunics with leggings. All kinds of styles of tops. What did men have to choose from? The more I explained my point of view, the more excited I got. And Gwen could tell. Tim could tell too and I gave him a look that said, 'You should be on my side, you're stuck wearing the same crap that most men have to wear.' He just kept leering at me. "WHAT," I said. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." "No, Ron. I'm a man and I'm perfectly content wearing what I have. That is exactly the point that Gwen is making. MEN don't wear dresses and capri's and anklets and belly rings. But SISSIES do! You're wearing a dress and falsies and wig and heels and jewelry right now," Tim implored. "That...makes...you...a...sissy." "No, that makes me a crossdresser, it doesn't make me a sissy. It's not the same." "Same difference to me," sneered Tim. They were confusing crossdressing with being a sissy. And speaking of confusing, while I was trying to convince them I wasn't a sissy I was feeling a giddy excitement at being humiliated in front of them. Of being looked at as a sexual object. I guess the alcohol was starting to have it's way with me because Tim was no longer pissing me off even though his attitude and demeaner hadn't changed a bit. Was it my attitude that was changing? "I can't really say that a crossdresser and a sissy are the same. Certainly all sissies love to wear womens clothes though but that doesn't mean you're a sissy just cuz you crossdress. It really doesn't matter in this case though dear," Gwen stated while lightly running her hand up my inner thigh. "You ARE a sissy, you just won't admit it." Another flash of an image, a beautiful woman kneeling in front of a well hung man, the words, 'ADMIT IT. YOU LOVE BEING A SEXY ASS SISSY' Damn it! The rush I got from her rubbing my thigh brought goose bumps to my skin. It was impossible for me not to imagine that I was a woman, the object of sexual attention and I was so getting off on the attention and sensation of the hand rubbing my nylon clad leg. I couldn't deny to myself that I loved the feel of my shaved legs, encased in nylon hose being carressed by her soft hands. "You like how it feels being carressed while wearing nylons, don't you sweetie?" Gwen whispered. "That's something sissies get to experience all the time, girl." "Umm, hmm," I muttered a little too enthusiastically. "Think how it would feel if you could be treated like a woman. Like the woman that you pretend to be all of the time. Doesn't it make sense that if you feel so good, so comfortable wearing womens clothes that you would also feel good and comfortable being treated just like a woman?" How could I argue with that? Hadn't I fantasized about that very thing. I have actually felt jealous of all those sissies in the pics being able to look so incredibly identical to a real woman; except for one 'small difference.' So hot, so damn sexy. Every bit as sexy as a real woman. The training videos made you think that sissies were even hotter, sexier and better than a real woman. Men would prefer a sissy over a real woman if given the choice. Was that true? Would men prefer a sissy over a woman? All of the guys in the videos sure seemed to enjoy the sissies. But then, wouldn't a sissy know how to please a man even better than a woman. How about Tim, would he prefer a sissy? I guess he'd already shown his hand. Would I really like being a sissy? Would I be able to live with myself if I took that plunge? Was I actually even seriously considering it at this very moment? It appeared so. What did that say in and of itself? So many questions! "Alright, I've had enough of this crap," complained Tim. "Either get your ass over here and show that you really do appreciate me bailing you out or get the fuck out of here and let the dice land as they will." I pretty much knew what that comment meant. My life would be ruined if they told anyone. There really wasn't any chance of me getting out of sucking him off, all of this had just been diversion, a putting off on my part. There was no question of would I end up doing it. I really didn't have much of a choice, did I? The real question was would I embrace the supposed sissy within and enjoy doing it? Draining my recently refilled drink for courage I stood and almost fell. I hadn't realized how drunk I'd become. That was probably for the best. Tim seemed surprised when I continued his way instead of towards the exit. He had to be fairly drunk as well and I guess he had forgotten that he still had my keys because either of my decisions would still have required me to approach him but it was obvious by the look on his face that he was shocked that I'd give in to their demands. I still was having trouble truly convincing myself that I really was a sissy at heart and that this is something I wanted to do. Maybe if it had been with a stranger it would have been easier to wrap my mind around the idea. But the embarrassment of it being someone I knew, someone I socially knew as a peer of mine in the public eye made the 'true sissy' in me relish this exactly as it had unfolded. This mixture of thrill and humiliation was slowly taking over my sense of reason and as I started to kneel between his legs, my cock stirred and started to harden. Was I really going to go through with this? With my inhibitions lessened by my drunken state it seemed that I was. I couldn't look Tim in the eye so I stared at the floor. "Open my pants and get it out sissy. I want to see your painted lips around my cock," he ordered. I had to look up to get at his zipper but still would not let my gaze take in his face. When my eyes got to his zipper, there was already a huge bulge. With shaking hands I fumbled with his belt, then even moreso with the button on his pants and finally slid his zipper down. His cock was big enough that the head of it was poking above the waistband of his underwear. Raising up slightly he ordered, "Pull my pants down my legs and then my underwear." I worked his pants down around his ankles, my eyes the whole time never looking away from that big purple head sticking above his underwear. Then I pulled his underwear down, at this point anxious to see the rest of his big cock. Even if you're not gay, it's hard not to stare in fascination at a large cock, I don't care who you are. Well, maybe if you happen to have one of your own you wouldn't but I wouldn't know about that. "See. Large cock. No panties, girl. I'm a man. You on the other hand are wearing panties and all sorts of womens undergarments which means you are not a man. You're a sissy," Tim slurred, "Look at you, staring at my cock! You like it don't you?" "Maybe," I stuttered. "Maybe hell. You like my big cock don't you sissy?" He was right. I didn't want to admit it. Not to myself. Not to him. But he had me dead to rights. I did like it. I was fascinated by its size. I imagined how it would look splitting a womans pussy apart. "Kiss it sissy. Kiss the head then lick your way down to my balls. And then, since you're down there suck on them," Tim demanded. I didn't. I just sat there on my haunches staring at his penis. I couldn't make myself do it even though I knew I would have to. Even though I knew deep down I wanted to. This was Tim, a fellow Commissioner, someone I'd sat in countless meetings with. Someone I'd sit in many more with. Someone I'd help decide important matters with. A fellow respected member of local politics. How could I? Grabbing my hair, actually my wig which he almost pulled off, Tim screamed, "Now faggot," as he pulled my face into his crotch. My nose and face were crammed against his stiff cock. I could smell the muskiness of his cock and balls and feel heat radiating from his hard member. It was humiliating having a man cramming your face into his naked crotch but it sent tingles of excitement through my whole body. The realization that I was helpless, not just because he was a strong man and I was kneeling between his legs but also because my fetish would be exposed to the world was humiliating and yet a relief also. It released me from having to make the choice. There was only one thing I could possibly do. Without further thought it was like a switch flipped and turned me into the sissy I guess I was destined to be. The hypno videos had had their affect on me and without further hesitation I slid my lips up to it's big purple knob and gently kissed it. I'd done it! Now I am officially a fag. I purposely kissed a mans cock and was about to do more. And not because I had to anymore but because I wanted to. That's right! The barriers within had finally broken down and I no longer fought with myself about my new true nature. Tim released his grip once I'd finally given in. The feeling was so delicious knowing that I was a faggot cocksucker, the naughtiness and perversion of wantonly worshipping another mans cock felt so dirty but oh so good. I kissed that glorious head again and greedily licked my way down to his swollen balls. I sucked one of them into my mouth and felt a charge of electricity run through me as my mind registered that I had a mans nut sack in my mouth. Smack went Tims hand against the side of my head. "GENTLE BITCH! You know a mans balls are sensitive." Yes, I did know that but in my newfound eagerness all I thought about was sucking on his cods and I wasn't thinking about him. The shock of him hitting me made me spit out his nut and I much more gently sucked his other nut into my mouth. "That's better slut," he commented. I was, wasn't I? A slut. I liked that thought. With a deep sense of pride for getting it right this time I demurely looked up at his face as his codsack draped from my hungry mouth. My vision was partially blocked as I peeked through the brown locks of my wig which was still askew. Somehow it now seem right and normal for me to be looking up at a man from my painted face with hair in my eyes while kneeling between his legs. Tim smiled. He knew there was no more conflict. He now had his little sissy bitch right where he wanted her to be which ironically was right where she wanted to be too. "Would you like to suck my cock bitch?" With a mouthful of nut I mumbled, "UMM HMMM," nodding my head slowly so as not to hurt his sensitive nuts. I was thrilling in the pure degradation of sucking on a mans nuts but I was anxious to suck his cock into my mouth and see if I could get the whole thing in. Why? For his pleasure? NO. For mine? Yes! Just for the pure sluttiness of swallowing all of a mans cock down my throat. "Lick my nuts while you beg to suck my cock you little whore," Tim commanded. With the devil in my mind I pleaded, "Please let me suck your cock Tim. Please, please, please let me suck your marvelous cock down my throat. Please, please, please, I really, really want to suck on it so badly!" The taste of his nutsack was salty and delicious and I reveled in the perversion of doing it. It is difficult to talk and lick at the same time but I gave it my best shot. It came out slurred and in broken sentences but he knew what I was asking. It made it seem that I was all the more desperate to get his cock into my mouth and the truth is, I really was. "What do you think, Gwen? Does she seem sincere yet?" Wow. I had forgotten all about Gwen at that point. My face turned crimson one more time when I realized that she had just witnessed me begging like a child for candy. Sissy candy. My own cock was so hard it hurt and the more embarrassed I felt the more it throbbed. 'What a pathetic little slut you've become almost getting a nut just from knowing that Gwen heard you beg for cock' I thought to myself. "Well, she sure is eagerly licking your balls but I don't think that's because she appreciates that you saved her ass. No, I think she just likes your big hairy balls and I don't think she has even thought about how big a favor you did for her." At this point, that was true. I'd come a roundabout way of arriving here between Tims legs licking his nuts but in truth all I was thinking about was getting his big cock into my mouth. "Typical sissy slut for ya," Tim answered. "All they think about is themselves when they know all they're any good for is pleasing a REAL man." Clearing her throat, Gwen cocked her head and looked at Tim, "Sorry Babe," Tim added. "And maybe being a little play toy for a REAL woman." I'd completely forgotten how this all had started out. Sissies were like that, getting so caught up in thinking about cock or daydreaming about cock or better yet worshipping cock that everything else just slipped their little minds. And now acting the part of the true sissy I now was, which wasn't really acting at all, I began begging, because sissies love nothing more than humiliation, "Oh please forgive me Tim for getting so distracted by your big beautiful cock. You're right, I was only thinking of myself and not appreciating how much you did for me." I had stopped licking his balls and looked up into his face. "From now on, call me 'Sir' in private. And never call me Tim again. Only my friends call me Tim and you're not a friend. Friends don't suck your dick, only little bitches do! And your my little bitch now." "Yes Sir," I replied. Oh that felt delicious to call him 'Sir' like that. To aknowlege his superiority over me. And speaking of delicious, let me get back to licking his balls and begging to suck his cock, I thought. "Sir," I began, "thank you so much for saving me from that mean old cop. It would have been just terrible if anybody had found out about me wearing womens clothes. Please let me suck your cock to show you my appreciation for saving me. I'll give you the best blowjob you've ever had, no offense ma'am," I mentioned looking briefly towards Gwen, "to show you just how much I really do appreciate your kindness. And, please, please, please don't tell anybody on me, Sir. Please." "You stupid little cunt. I'm not going to tell anybody. Why would I do that?" he answered. "If I told, you'd have to move far, far away and then I'd lose my favorite little cock sucker. As long as you're a good little bitch there won't be any need to tell. Now give me the best blowjob I ever had whore!" I licked my way up his shaft to his swollen purple head. My tongue traced circles around the shape of his 'helmet' and then caught the precum that was oozing out of its slit. Ummmmm, ummmm, ummmm, salted just right! I pulled my tongue away just slightly making it trail between the tip of my tongue and the tip of his cockhead. Then my lips eased down to gently kiss the 'little mouth' before sucking in that delicious precum. My eyes looked straight up into his acknowlging that I was his eager little cock sucker. I was his little bitch and if my eyes didn't convey that very well, then my mouth certainly made up for any doubt. 'Sir' leaned back into his throne and closed his eyes concentrating on my ministrations to his sweet cock. I desperately wanted to swallow the whole thing down my throat but I refrained, remembering that this was supposed to be about his pleasure, not mine. Even though it might not have been what I most wanted to do, it was still a great pleasure for me taking my time making love to his cock with my mouth. It was a very sweet torture holding back on my desires and concerning myself with his first. That alone was reward enough in and of itself. For a sissy nothing is better than pleasing ones Master. There, I said it. I'd like to try to make you understand this little conflict going on inside of me. The sissy in me, which was a brand new thing as you know, wants to please their Master. There are many different things that might please a Master. At this very moment it was giving the best blowjob ever and I was trying my best to do so. But.....the sissy in me, the NEW sissy in me that was reveling in all these new feelings of humiliation and servitude and audacious perversion wanted so badly to suck that big cock down my throat. And I would eventually; but for right now it was all about pleasing 'Sir' and things had to build up to the deepthroating so I had to put it off though I very much wanted to do otherwise. I wanted to experience the pure thrill of audacious perversion and degradation, the escalading experiences of straying further and further away from the old me and embracing the new me. This newfound degradation and perversion of what I was doing was like a drug to me and I couldn't get enough. What could be more degrading or perverted for a man than having another mans cock deeply embedded down your throat with your nose mashed against his pubic bone? It makes my cock achingly hard just writing about it. Perhaps only a true sissy can understand what I'm trying to convey. Oh so delicious! Don't get me wrong. This is not to say that I wasn't getting off in a big way giving the best blowjob ever, I was. There's much to be said about giving your whole attention to a beautiful cock like this. To worshipping a beautiful cock like this. I was just eager for that final 'innitiation' if you will of swallowing a cock whole. Right now though, I was still at the point of licking and kissing and teasing his cock, teasing both of us. Drawing it out with excruiating attention to detail. I finally got around to swallowing his cockhead into my mouth and thrilled at the feathery softness of his knob as it rubbed against the roof of my mouth. It teased the back of my throat but I deemed it not yet time to go further. I eased back a little and swirled my tongue around and around, circling his bulbous head. I then sucked it back in to the back of my throat and sucked hard on it, rewarded with another taste of his delicious precum. I sucked and sucked like a baby at a nipple hoping I could draw out more precum. Tim, I mean 'Sir' (how could I put myself on the same level as him anymore as to call him by his first name when all I was was a little cockslut sissy bitch? His cockslut sissy bitch.) Anyway, He suddenly grabbed my head and forced His cock down my throat. I wasn't expecting it and I gagged. How disappointing. (the gagging part, not having His cock down my throat) He laughed. I'm sure if I had swallowed it at my own instigation instead of being surprised I wouldn't have had any problem. I mean, I wanted it and obviously He wanted it so all was good. And just maybe, even more degrading than having a mans cock buried down your throat is to have it been forced down your throat! He hadn't actually pushed all of it down my throat but most of it was there and to show what a sport I was or more to the point, what a little sissy slut I was, I pushed my face into His crotch, not stopping until my nose was buried in His pubic hair. Still looking up through my tangled locks I saw Him smile. There obviously was no more question of whether I was a sissy faggot cocksucker or not. I had dove in mouth first and there was no turning back now. Not that I wanted to. I loved the feeling of being a dirty, shameless little slut. Nothing compares to the feeling of shameless humiliation and debauchery. Nothing I've experienced thus far anyway. Gwen came over, leaned in and kissed her husband passionately as I continued to deep throat His marvelous cock. "See there Ron..." "Oh. We can't keep calling you Ron anymore with you wearing womens clothes and sucking dick so expertly now can we? Let's call you Rhiannon from now on," she stated. "As I was saying, See Rhiannon, now that you've accepted who you really are you're so much happier, aren't you?" There was no doubt about my happiness as I eagerly gobbled His cock. I tried to mumble agreement around His cock, not willing to pull my mouth away from my treat. And now, there was no doubt whether I was being forced into this or a willing participant either. Suddenly, His hands grabbed my head and pushed me off of His cock. My mouth remained open, my lips eager to be wrapped around His hard cock again. "Now I'm going to fuck that sissy ass mouth of yours faggot," Sir explained. He pushed me back further and stood up, His cock bobbing in front of me. "Oh thank you Sir, thank you," I said, "I can't wait to taste your delicious cum Sir. Oh please, please, please fuck my face and cum in my mouth." With that, I leaned in and devoured His cock with my greedy little mouth. How quickly I had become a nasty, horny little cock slut. He grabbed my head between his hands and started to slowly long stroke my mouth. It felt so deliciously degrading to be His fuck toy. To be kneeling before a man voluntarily, no, not just voluntarily, anxiously kneeling before a man having him fuck your face. To be used by Him however he wanted to use you. I felt so debased and defiled to have Him using my mouth as His cum slot. I loved it! His pace grew faster and faster as His cock continued to thrust in and out of my throat. Breathing became difficult and my breaths came in gasps as I tried to inhale what I could when His cock allowed and alternately exhale when I could. The sounds of me choking and gagging seemed to amuse Sir. He sometimes held His cock in, me gagging around it and panicing for air. I tried to pull back but He was too strong. Just when I'd think I was passing out He would pull back laughing and let me breathe. "You're my little bitch now, fag," he laughed. This went on a couple more times but it was exciting Him too much and He gave up on His fun and games and started pounding my mouth with His cock. Now that He wasn't purposely trying to choke me I relaxed enough to breathe in for several thrusts and exhale for several, the air moving when it could. Just when it was starting to become enjoyable for me again I was suddenly reminded that this was all about Him as He forced His mighty cock as deeply as He could down my throat and let loose a torrent of cum, His hips thrusting and punishing my nose against His pubic bone. I was so disappointed that I didn't get to taste His cum, to feel it's hot, salty thickness fill my mouth, to swirl it around in my mouth like a nasty little whore. My face betrayed my feelings as I gazed up at my new Master. When He was done ejaculating He pulled out of my mouth and looked down at me leering as he said, "Oh, that's right. She wanted to taste my delicious cum she said." I looked longingly into His face as He smirked at me, "Fuck you, bitch! You don't have any say in how or where or when I cum, you fuckin whore. You want to taste my cum, lick what's left of it off my cock." And I did. Eagerly. Greedily. And shamelessly. I didn't care what the two of them thought. I am a sissy and sissies care about one thing only. COCK. I licked His cock from one end to the other but mostly concentrated on His cockhead which is of course where the reward comes from. The whole time all of this was taking place Gwen had been recording it with a camcorder set up on a tripod. I don't know exactly when she set it up, being a sissy I was so easily distracted by cock that I didn't notice. Sir had had enough of me slurping on His cock trying to find more of His cum to taste and pushed me away. "You want to swallow cum really badly don't you bitch?" he asked. "Oh yes Sir. I really do," I replied. "Good then. Pull out that puny little cock of yours and jack off, slut." I did as I was told. Funny as it sounds, now is when I became selfconscious about being recorded. Not when I had just admitted that I wanted to swallow cum really badly. Not when I had a cock down my throat as He fucked my face. Not when I was greedily trying to get every last drop of His cum from His cock. No. I became embarrassed about being recorded as I knelt there with my dress pulled up with one hand, the waistband of my panties tucked down under my balls with my wig still sitting crooked on my head, pounding my pud. Trust me when I say I was horny beyond belief after all I had been through tonight. It only took a minute until I was ready to explode. I didn't know what to do. If I went much further I was going to shoot off all over and I didn't know how well that was going to go cumming on someones floor like that. On the other hand I was just about to that point, no make that, I couldn't stop myself. I was just too horny to hold back and damn the consequenses I shot my load right there all over their floor as they watched. And as the camcorder recorded. "There ya go cockbreath, there's ya some more cum. You said you wanted some more cum. Lick your filthy mess off my floor faggot," He ordered. "I believe you said you really, really wanted to swallow some more cum, didn't you Rhiannon?" Gwen piped in checking to make sure the camera was at the right angle to record everything. You know how you can be so horny it's unbelievable and then as soon as you get your nut you aren't the least bit horny? Well, that's always been the case for me and it's left me standing there in mini skirts and other such womens clothing feeling like a perverted fool. Not this time! Sure, I wasn't as deleriously horny as I had been a couple of minutes ago but I was still a horny little dog and the thought of eating my own cum excited me. Oh don't act like you don't understand. You've wanted to eat your cum only to lose the desire just as soon as you get your nut. We all have. Even more exciting was that I was being forced to do it and better still, it was going to be recorded. I didn't care at that time, I was still that horny. I was really embracing this sissy thing. I turned to face the camera and dipped what cum was dripping from my dick onto my fingertip and brought it to my mouth. I had said I wanted more cum and I was going to prove it just like a good sissy would. I smiled into the camera and sucked my finger into my mouth. I then looked at Gwen, smiled and then leaned down and licked up the first drop of my cum from the floor. I didn't just lick it and move on either, I licked until it was all gone before moving to the next drop. Or puddle to be more exact. There I languished in the sweet dessert before crawling to the next and the next and the next until I'd made sure there was no more cum to lick up. Sometimes the grit from the floor got licked up too but I didn't care, I'm just a perverted little sissy and the important thing is that I got all of the cum I could. When it was all gone I looked up at Sir with a devilish grin. My look said it all. "No way you little pervert. You've had enough of this cock for tonight. My wife is itching for some of this sweet meat tonight too, you little fag," and with a waving motion of His arm he indicated that he was done with me and said that I should get the fuck out now. Earlier in the evening He had called me a fag and it had pissed me off. Now I liked hearing it. Now I liked the thought of being a little sissy faggot. Now I was proud of it. Wow!!! Now I felt grateful to Sir and Gwen for leading me down this path and I knew that I still hadn't truly paid my debt of gratitude to either of them for that. "Sir, with all due respect I know that you want to fuck your wife and that she deserves a good fucking with your marvelous dick but I don't feel like I've truly shown my appreciation yet for all that You've done for me," Sir had seated Himself back in His throne. He hadn't bothered to pull His clothes back up, they still remained around His ankles. "If You would go get onto Your bed, I'd like to finish showing my appreciation." "I said you've had enough cock for one night faggot." "Oh no Sir, that's not what I mean at all, Sir. Please let me finish showing my appreciation," I pleaded. Gwen said, "Go on dear, you did say that she wasn't appreciative enough. All of her begging is getting me off and watching her 'do you' has me so very horny. I'm going to fuck you down later, I promise I'll make it worth the wait. I want to see her 'thank you' just a little bit more." I had crawled back over to be kneeling in front of Sir so when He stood, I finished removing His pants and underwear. Gwen removed His shirt while He stood there and then He walked off to their bedroom. I of course crawled after them. "Sir, if You would roll over on Your belly please," I asked. He did as I requested and Gwen sat on the edge watching intently to see what I was about. Sir probably thought that I was going to give Him a back massage or something but that's not what I had in mind. I needed to do this final thing. This final initiation into sissyhood. Besides, I really hadn't shown my full gratitude for all He'd done. That could take years for me to repay! I leaned down and gently kissed His asshole before nibbling some of the hairs surrounding it into my mouth and gently pulling before releasing them only to kiss his asshole again and then repeat the hair maneuver. Now I was a True sissy. Now I was in sissy heaven! Gwen sighed as I kissed His ass and then her hand darted under her robe and feverishly started working on her clit. My tongue traveled the length of Sirs ass crack and back, stopping at His asshole again. And just as I started licking His ass in earnest Gwen moaned loadly as her hips started bucking, the bed bouncing with her orgasm. "First you two want to start drinking without me and then you want to cum without me, it's just not fair," she complained as her body bucked and thrusted in the throes of orgasm. I continued licking His ass for all I was worth. Certainly, the only thing more degrading than having a mans cock down your throat is to worship his ass with your tongue. HOW DELICIOUS!

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2 stoodup sissy sluts failed threesome

Just over a year ago, I went to meet up with a guy who had been asking me if I'd be up for a threesome for ages. When the day finally came, I was really excited, especially as it was another sissy who would be joining us. I had all my things in a rucksack, clothes, wig, lingerie and some extras besides and went into town to meet up with the guy (let's call him dickhead) and the other gurl in a quiet little pub. When I got there, it wasn't hard to spot the other sissy (let's call her Lucy, coz...

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Faggot boy sissy maker

I knew I needed some choke back dicking hot saliva on my shaft and the thick spit from the back of the throat on the head of my hard cock.I found a panty boy online. We started texting dirty and depraved, she wanted to be treated like a mommy and breeded in her ass pussy. She had a tight rectal passage that boys liked to cum in but no ovaries, just the tight asshole and her dick and balls that she put in panties to try to seduce straight men and porno curious boys. I met her in her backyard...

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Girl FagChapter 36

All my brothers were gone along with Daddy to hit the junkyards. They'd taken the big Mack Super tow truck and the old flatbed ten-wheeler we used for hauling stuff. Steve's Mach I was there, the old Deceiver, but he wasn't and I figured he was driving Lisa's car, since he'd left me a note saying he was at Lisa's place and he'd be back about noon to pick me up. It was only gonna take about four or five hours to get to Seattle maybe, so we didn't have to rush too much. I was just...

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Girl FagChapter 38

"Shhhh..." It was dark and very quiet when I woke up and I was lying on my side, naked under the warm sheets. I thought I was dreaming at first and I closed my eyes again. I was still tired. I wanted to sleep more, but someone was next to me now, moving slowly and shushing me. "Steve?" I whispered and he was behind me. I could feel his chest against my back, smooth and dry and warm like me. "Yeah," he breathed and he was molding himself to me. I could feel his naked pelvis against my...

3 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 43

"Please God..." I breathed a prayer and took the first Plan B pill, really hoping it would save me. If I needed to be saved, I reminded myself. I didn't actually know if I was pregnant or not. I followed it with some root beer and didn't feel any different, but maybe a little relieved possibly. Eighty-nine percent chance of working. That sounded pretty good, like almost a sure thing. Steve and Lisa were still in the shower and I figured they would be for awhile yet, if I knew the two of...

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Revenge of the Fags

Revenge of the Fags. Posted for a friend from him.This story is an absolute fantasy, no parts of it are known to be true nor is there any indication in any part will become true. Some of it may be gruesome and torturous. Nor do I condone including bareback sex in any of the actions in the story, I put it here only because it is a story. There is a bes tiality paragraph in here only meant to be revengeful, not arousing. There is no danger to anyone. There is a small straight section to...

4 years ago
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2088 Its a Sissy World

2088: It's a Sissy World Charles Pauline - Data Processor Cindy Pauline - Charles' wife Ms. Miriam Jensdotter - Charles' Boss James Marie - Charles' work friend Ms. Marysdau - James' boss Creampuff - A Sissy Store Worker Babykins - A Sissy Store Worker Suzi - The Sissy Store Owner Butterscotch - Creampuff's Roommate Supervisor Gabriellez - Creampuff's Apartment Supervisor Janice and Roger - Passengers on the Looper Ms. Hardcastle - Milking Salon Director Nurse Hamilton - Milking...

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Girl FagChapter 2

Let's talk about football, while I'm still remembering being 14 again. Everything weird happened when I was 14 and I guess that's just puberty. You know, I've never really discussed this stuff before. Never written it down like this. I think it helps a little. So anyway, given my status as 'just one of the guys', it didn't seem too awfully strange to people when I tried out for the school football team. The state had told all the schools that if they used government money, then they...

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Girl FagChapter 25

The cold felt good anyway and the light breeze went through my thin pajamas like they were nothing. We had about five buildings that made the whole 'garage' and the one I was going to was a prefab aluminum rectangle. It was the paint shed and it was split in 3 parts, with a prep area, a panting area, and a drying room. But usually we just prepped in the painting area, unless we had a bunch of cars backed up, which happened sometimes. This time though it was just the Cougar. David and Mark...

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Girl FagChapter 27

It was a long bike ride home and the night had gotten cold, but I didn't really notice it all that much. I was still warm inside after being with Brian. He'd been sort of a jerk, bringing his three stupid friends in the girls locker room, but I'd been a jerk too, telling the principal that Brian had touched me when he hadn't. So I couldn't really blame him for wanting some kind of revenge. I mean, the boy part of me understood it completely and the girl part, well she hadn't even...

3 years ago
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Meinen Mann zur Sissy erzogen

Achtung diese Geschichte ist noch voller Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler. Jeder der m?chte kann diese Geschichte als Vorlage nehmen und sie verbessern. Jetzt reicht es mir. Ich hatte die Internet Seiten meines Freundes gefunden. Er surft also st?ndig auf Adult Baby Sissy Seiten. Ich hatte mich schon l?nger gefragt warum er im Bett nichts zu Stande bringt. Das kann er haben, ich werde ihn einfach in ein kleines Babym?dchen behandeln bzw im Grunde verwandeln. Er war eine Woche zu einem al...

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Chrissie The Saga of a Lovestruck Sissy Maid

Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...

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Sissy spit roast sleep over

Pt 1: Long black limoSissy Saraya was very excited because her new mistress had told her they were going to continue with her corset training tonight, she had been wearing her waist trainer and inflatable plug all day along with her favourite pink maids outfit and cute sissy 6" white heels and stockings with pretty pink bows, She had been watching BBC porn all day and was dreaming of cock while she finished her chores, Mistress text to say her driver would be arriving at 6pm sharp, Mistress...

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The SissyMaster

THE SISSY-MASTER CHAPTER 1 I have read many tales and stories on this site over the years; some of them 'autobiographical' and some of them complete fantasy. It strikes me that most of the stories have been written by the, either real or wannabe sissy girl and therefore is 'her' fantasy from a sissy's perspective. So I have written my stories of my experiences, beliefs and methods from the perspective of the male. This is for the REAL MEN that read this site, a guide to the...

3 years ago
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The Sissy App

The Sissy App 1. Setup "This is the longest user agreement I've ever read!" thought Rick as he scrolled and scrolled through the hundreds of pages of legalese on his recently-downloaded smartphone app. The "Sissy App" User License Agreement was indeed voluminous, containing numerous sections detailing the GRA Software Corporation's exemption from penalties, payments or legal requirements, granted by authorities or statutes, for any harm that may come to a user when using the Sissy...

4 years ago
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A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII

A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII - Jezebel has returned to hir classes at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We are all getting an education on the Matriarchy in hir sissy life skills class. (Authors note: We are definitely at that world building point, where I really let my imagination fly off the hook. I am throwing out a lot of ideas, but hopefully in...

3 years ago
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Adult Sissy Little Girl World

Journey Into A Special World My name is Hannah Stone. I've been a reporter for a newspaper for years. A couple of days ago I ran into an old sorority sister and good friend Linda Hart. It's been a few years since we last saw each other and we decided to do lunch together. At the beginning of lunch we had the usual light chat. Then we sort of got on the serious side of chat, when I asked Linda how her marriage to Bob was going. "Oh, Hannah I divorced that bastard years ago. He was...

4 years ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. I Absolutely love reading the reviews that you wonderful readers have been leaving, please, please, please continue to write and post...

2 years ago
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Training Sissy Michelle

I first became aware of "Sissy Michelle" back in the old Craigslist days. She would pop up in the T4M section, advertising herself as an older but very horny sissy looking to serve a group of kinky guys. She said she was interested in all sorts of kinky stuff, everything from group sex to watersports to hypnosis and lots and lots of bondage. She practically begged to be photographed and blackmailed into doing all of this. Here's an example of one of her ads that piqued my...

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Tweak Chapter Four Whats A Sissy To Do

What makes a sissy happy? What makes a sissy's Mistresses happy? It's complicated. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Four - What's A Sissy To Do "You have made your Mistress very happy, sissy Simonne. Let's see if we can't make you just as happy." She led him to the bedroom...

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Cocky Weewee Peepee Sissy Slut Training The Bladder Test

This is one of the sets of stories I am currently writing. The set is called Cocky, Weewee and Peepee Sissy Slut Training. These sissies are in the hands of Mistress Katrina, Mistress Heather and Mistress Satin. Sometimes Master John and Master Rick are involved in their training. Many situations await them. MANY! If these stories succeed I will add some prequels and sequels. Hope you enjoy it! English is not my native language! I will do my best! Sissy Joan Cocky Weewee and...

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Good Sissy Girl

Good Sissy Girl. I kept pressing myself backwards. Not much further to go now, I could feel the flare really stretching my lips now and that meant I was almost there. As the plug's biggest width popped past my sphincter and went all the way in I shuddered all over. It felt so full. It felt so good. "That's a good girl. Allll the way in..." my Mistress purred at me. I loved seeing her this excited. I loved turning her on. I loved that transforming myself for her turned her...

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Sissy School Part 3

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 3 By Missy Crystal After Sissy Heather had swished and drooled a couple of more times, she began to give me gentle nibbles and licks to clean the cummy residue on my lips and chin. After the kitty bath, she stood up. Since her crotch was now at my eye level and since her short skirt exposed her frilly panties, it was obvious that I wasn't the only one that got turned on by her sucking my dick. She must have been aware of it too, because she pulled her panties down...

2 years ago
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Sissy tasks

Your First Sissy AssignmentThis is your first step on your journey into femininity. A journey that will change your life. You will be humiliated and embarrassed. Most of all, you will be feminised. If you don’t intend to follow all of these assignments to the letter, then turn away now.Your first assignment is to buy yourself a pair of panties. Be sure to measure your hips before you set off. You will go to a smart department store or, better still, a specialist lingerie shop. How exciting – a...

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She Found a Sissy

She Found a Sissy ? by: Donna Sash She had been working at Bardwell's for the last 10 years. Five years ago she Had moved to the scarf counter and had been there ever since. Sales had gone up because she really likes it here. From the time she was a little girl she always loved wearing a scarf with her outfits. Now every day she wore a different one on the job and it helped sales. Women reacted well to someone who believed in their product. Some women just wore a scarf...

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100 Sissy Points

Author's note. This is a work of erotic fiction, so if this offends you, please stop reading. Also, most of what's described in this story wouldn't be ethical or legal, but again, I remind you that it's fiction! I hope it's good-and-kinky fiction, and while I wish something like this had happened to me, once again, it's only fiction. Some readers think that my stories are autobiographical. I wish! Also, a fan of my work suggested this story concept. Feel free to message me if you have...

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Welcome Your Now a Sissy

Are you ready?Are you ready, princess?It's finally time. It's finally time, princess. It's time to begin. Are you ready? I think you are, princess. I think you're ready. I think you've been ready for so long.You've been ready for your whole life princess.It's time to drop the mask and be who you are. Who you really are. What you really are. No more lies, princess. No more games. It's finally time to reveal everything.It's time to reveal the sissy.That's right, princess. You are a sissy. Say it...

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Femocracy A Sissy Maids Tale

The year is 2050 and women rule the world. I should really follow this statement with a sinister laugh but there was nothing sinister in the current situation. There was no bloody coup by women to overthrow man, there was no war waged by man to wipe himself out, no it was mother nature who took a hand in helping women find there rightful place. Things started changing from the year 2012. Gradually women began to realise that they could read minds. They could easily read the mind of a man...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part II

Part II - Jezebel goes to school, the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We meet some of hir friends, hir Instructresses, and hir bullies. I exit the gate and head to the main road. We live in a giant gated community, with families that are only 'in the know.' Families that have sissies or otherwise dominate men. A sissy waiting for the school bus, is just something you see. No biggie. One of my neighbors, Dorcas,...

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407am Sissy

My phone buzzed at 4:07am. I roused myself from sleep to look at the text message because somebody only sends you a message that early in the morning when it's important. I was right. That text message would be the start of a life-changing series of events. It simply read "Good morning, sissy slut." It was followed up by a picture of me, on my knees, wearing a bra, panties and stockings while sucking on a very hard cock. A second picture followed showing my open mouth, filled...

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Milking Sissy

The bondage wasn't necessary. The straps are there really as more of a ritual and now something I took comfort in due to its familiarity. My make up wasn't necessary either. Well, not really. But I no longer face the day without having at least some lipstick on. Thanks to what my Master had tattooed, I usually don't need much more than that. When it's time for my milking however, I like to make sure I'm as pretty as I can be. Especially if my Master decides to make use of me while...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Sissy Transformation

An Unexpected Sissy Transformation My unexpected transformation actually began at the company Christmas party, when Jennifer, our HR Manager of all people, sauntered over to me with an odd smile on her face. "Merry Christmas, Sean," she said, never taking her eyes off my face. "Do you mind if I ask you something personal?" Here we go again. I am an out gay male living in Texas. I can't tell you how many women have quizzed me about my "fabulous" gay lifestyle. The truth of the...

1 year ago
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Sissy and Paul

The double ended dildo had appealed to her sense of humour and made her wet thinking about using it on me. Sissy and Paul Years ago life was very different to nowadays, for a start pubs shut at 10.30 unless they had and extension for special occasions, they had different bars such as the main or public bar, the lounge and sadly no longer, a room called the snug. This room was usually used by the 'older generation' or people who wanted a bit of quiet/privacy. We had married several months...

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Sissy School Part 6

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 6 By Missy Crystal The sissies flounced out of the kitchen in a train of swirling petticoats and went into the living room, which was also the classroom. I was the caboose, following Sissy Heather. As soon as we were all in the room, Mistress Mary appeared. Either she had ESP or she really was constantly monitoring us. Either way, I was glad I decided not to try anything for the time being. "Today we will have a deportment class," she announced. "Yeth, Mithtwith...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Sixteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy School Part 4

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 4 By Missy Crystal Mistress Mary came over and stood next to us. To my surprise, her voice was calm. "The purpose of discipline is correction, not cruelty. There is nothing to be gained by punishing a sissy for behavior that cannot be improved and no profit in breaking her spirit by making her fearful of mistakes over which she has no control. I do not require perfection. Only that each sissy tries her best to be perfect. You have always done so, Sissy Heather."...

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My Daily Sissy Schedule Part 1

My Daily Sissy Schedule I met Daddy online a little more than a year ago. He lives about five hours away from me, but promised that despite the distance, he could help me become the perfect sissy slut if only I would agree to follow his schedule for me. I readily agreed, and started down the path to becoming his perfect sissy whore. Here's a peak at my sissy schedule, just in case there are any other sissies out there looking to add a regimen to their life. I wake up every morning...

4 years ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 5

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 5 The ride home was wonderfully uneventful. So many things had happened today, It had been confusing and...

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My Sissy Calling

My Sissy Calling Like many recent college graduates, I found it hard to get a job after I received my super-impressive English degree. Sure, the job market was tough and my degree wasn't going to open any doors, but part of the problem was that I still didn't have any idea about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I was looking for a calling--something to give my life meaning. I thought that I would find it in college, but it never came. Well, that's not exactly true. I...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eleven

Sissy Farm - Chapter Eleven By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Emma is turned

Sissy Emma is turnedI had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean...

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My Sissy Schedule

Author's Note: Another reader request, this one from a fellow sissy who enjoys when I write about a daily routine that helps keep me in a sissy headspace all day long. She requested that it be detailed enough to seem plausible, should somebody want to start following the schedule. And of course, it should spiral out of control so that her sissy stick throbs in her panties. I'm always happy to oblige. I'm left wondering if I could actually follow such a sissy schedule. It would sure be...

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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 4 of 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 4 More shopping? I thought to myself. How much more of this could I take. "Mrs. Karen?" I spoke...

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The Sissy Contest

Author's Note: This is a quick one off story written from a reader request. I was especially motivated to write this as a genuine sissy training fantasy, with the hopes that somebody would read it and use it as a blueprint IRL. That certainly got my clittly interested! Enjoy! And as always, please feel free to comment here or contact me directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque The Sissy Contest My phone rang just after 3am-caller unknown. I normally don't answer...

2 years ago
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Crowd Sourced Sissy 3

PREVIOUSLY ON CROWD SOURCED SISSY: In part 1, a man met a sissy exhibitionist while on a trip to New York. She has a website (something like OnlyFans) where her admirers request that she perform kinky acts and tip her for posting videos of her completing these tasks. In part 2, the man decides to become a sissy as well. He travels to New York with visions of sissy in his head, but the anonymous Master who is controlling his fate has other plans for our poor sissy. Crowd Sourced...

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