Converting Private Jack free porn video

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In my last year of high school, I was athletic. I went out for football, basketball, track, you name it. I loved the locker rooms. I loved staring at other boys' cocks when they changed into their uniforms or when they showered. Sometimes, I would have my way with them. I was never called by gay slurs- with one exception. One unlucky punk decided to try calling me that. He got his ass kicked...and then some.



 It happened in sixth period English class my senior year. Mrs. Nelson was having us read "The Glass Menagerie".


That play was the autobiographical story of the early life of Tennessee Williams-- someone who, as you probably know, was one of the most well-known gay playwrights.


 Blake Johnson decided to disrupt class.


 "You know this Tom guy is a cock sucker!" he blurted out, referring to the main character of the play, "Kinda like Randall!"


 I didn't want to make a scene, so I just turned around and glared at him.


 "Yeah! You!" Blake said.


 I stood up, right in the middle of Mrs. Nelson's English class. I had the attention of everyone in the room.


 "Would you like to meet me outside and say that to my face?" I said calmly but firmly.


 Mrs. Nelson sent both of us to the Principal's office.


Later on that day, I drove to a spot along a trail in the park where Blake Johnson walked home. I waited there for about an hour before the little shit arrived. Then I saw him. I let him pass and get well ahead before I got out of my car. When he was safely out of hearing distance, I got out of the car and quietly followed him. The little punkass never once watched his back.


 "Would you like to repeat what you said in English today?" I said as I approached him.


 The look on his face was priceless when he turned around to see me. I thought he was going to shit his pants.


 "Get the fuck away from me," he said.


 "Let's take it down right here, asshole," I said, ready to fight, "Think you can handle me?"


 He started to walk away.


 "Come on, bitch!" I said, "Turn around and face me. That hot ass of yours is getting too much for me to handle!"


 I knew then I had hit the spot. Now he was ready to fight.


 He came at me with his fist, but I blocked his blow and hit him straight in the gut. He then fell to the ground and I kicked him in the groin. Writhing in pain, he couldn't fight me anymore. I wasn't going to keep beating him up while he was down but I wasn't going to let him get away either.


 When his pain had subsided, he got up and again went after me, but I held him back. I looked into his eyes.


 "Come here, bitch," I said as I grabbed him and the two of us fell into a bush.


 Holding him down, I got up and unzipped his pants.


 He resisted, but I continued to hold him down. His cock was enormous.


 "Get off me!" He yelled.


 I started to play with his cock and he pushed my hand away.


 "Knock it off!" He said.


 "I won the fight," I said, "Don't I get something?"


 He looked around and noticed we were both alone in the bushes.


 "You wanna suck my cock... fine," he said, "But then leave me the fuck alone!"


 So I went down on him. He was pillow-soft. But with a little creative tongue work, Blake Johnson actually started to get hard!


I went up and down on him...slowly at first, but then I went all out. I could feel his tenseness disappear. He almost seemed like he was starting to enjoy it.


 "You like that?" I asked.


"Just get done!" he said. I could see I still had some work to do.


I started to play with his balls that I had injured moments before. I never wanted to hurt him - just teach him a lesson. I sucked on his balls as my way of kissing his boo-boo and making it better. As I continued to worship his cock and his balls, it almost felt like he was starting to break. I heard him let out a moan.


 "Sounds like you're starting to like this," I said.


 "It's okay," he admitted, "Just don't ever tell anyone... please."


 "Good boy," I said. I broke away from him and stood up.


 I unzipped my pants and pulled out my own cock. I jerked off in his face for a moment.


 "Now suck mine," I ordered.


 "No way, man!" he said, "You got to suck me, isn't that enough?"


 "No, it isn't," I said, "Come on, I know you want to."


 He looked around to see if anyone could possibly be looking. Then he moved closer to me and got on his knees and I fucked his face. It was his first time sucking cock - but man, was he good.


 "You're pretty good!" I said, "Keep sucking me."


 By now he was really getting into it.


"Don't worry, bitch," I said, "no one's looking."


 Just when I thought I was about to cum, I stopped.


"Get your clothes off and show me that ass!" I ordered.


Without any further resistance, he complied. I took mine off as well. "Bend over, bitch!" I ordered.


He got down on all fours, his ass facing me. I spit on my hand and then rubbed the spit into his asshole. Then I slid my cock into him.


"Fuck that hurts!" he screamed. Then he tightened up and started to moan with pleasure. I eased up for a moment and then went in. I pounded his ass for several minutes before shooting my load deep inside his gut. We got our clothes back on and started to go our separate ways.


"What'd you think?" I asked.


"Okay, I liked it," he smiled, "Fine... it was hot... okay! Just please don't tell anyone."


"I won't," I assured him, "As long you keep your mouth shut too."


Blake Johnson, the homophobe of sixth Period English, walked home with my cum inside of him. It was a good day.


Well, high school ended and I worked for a while for my dad doing construction. I actually found guys bigger and stronger than me. It was hot.


One night, we were putting a roof on a new office building. Everyone had gone home for the day except for Tim and I. Tim was perhaps ten years older than me... about thirty years old, married, two small kids, and ruggedly masculine. He was also twice my size... in more ways than one!


"Did you see that contract inspector today?" he asked.


"Who? that lady that came over to talk to my dad?" I asked.


"Oh yeah," he said, "The blonde with the big fuckin' tits? I'm a married man... but I'd fuck her in a heartbeat."


"I don't do pussy," I said.


"No kidding!" he said, "yeah, you are kinda young."


"And gay," I said bluntly.


"No way!" he said, shocked, "How do you know that? You're only twenty."


"It's like this," I said, "I don't like pussy. The thought of a woman's cunt makes me puke. I like cock."


"Can I tell you a secret?" he asked, "Before I joined the army, I used to do guys. But when I realized that it could cost me my career, I had to make a choice. I started dating women and discovered how much I loved it. So I understand what you're saying," Tim continued, "But I'll tell you something else. You're young. Don't knock anything till you try it... including pussy."


"I'll try a lot of things," I said, "Pussy's not one of them. Do you mind if I suck you off?" I asked.


Man! He was not ready for that! But my directness turned him on. He immediately stood up and unzipped his pants to reveal his seven inches of manhood!  We walked over to a five-foot wall on the edge of the newly-constructed roof. His cock before me, I went down on him.


His prick was so big I could barely fit it into my mouth. But I kept sucking. Then I shoved him all the way down my throat. I could tell he was enjoying it because at that moment, he grabbed my head and fucked my throat. I pulled away and sucked in his sweet precum as I worshipped his wet cock, reddened by my mouth.


"Bend over and get your clothes off," he said. Oh boy, I wasn't used to this. I've always nailed but never been nailed. I thought I'd give it a try.


I complied with him and moments later, I was bending over and submitting to him. He pressed his cock into my ass. Normally when I fuck someone, I at least wet their ass. He did me dry!


He kept pushing his cock into me until finally my ass broke and let him in. Oh, man, did that hurt like fuck! I wanted to scream, but damn, it felt good too. I let him continue to fuck me until the pain went away.


I was so hot and into this that I grabbed ahold of my cock and started jerking myself off as he plowed my ass incessantly. When I came, my ass tightened around his dick and I could feel him come too. We both let out one final groan of pure ecstasy and then it was all over.


"That was fucking amazing!" I said.


"Liked that, huh?" he asked.


 "I think I'm a bottom now!" I laughed, "No, not really."


"You know," he said, "If you can try getting fucked in the ass, you never know... you might actually learn to like pussy."


"You really do know how to spoil the mood, don't you," I replied.


After that day, I suddenly realized that my life needed a change in direction. This was a small town and there weren't many opportunities. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life doing construction for Dad. Also, there weren't many opportunities to meet other gay people. I needed to see the world. Hell, I'd already done every gay guy in Scranton! What else was there to conquer?


One night, I came out to my parents. Dad was a little disappointed but not shocked. Mom had been waiting for me to come out for years! She was wanting to become the quintessential PFLAG mom. She wanted to take me to the bars and pick men out for me. I wasn't interested in any of that. At that point, I knew I needed to leave town. I took heart in what Tim had told me. What did I do? I enlisted in the army the next day.


I joined the army and was shipped out a few months later to boot camp. I was gay, which made the showers very tough for me. Looking around the room at all those guys with crew cuts and well-toned, well-built bodies, and big cocks was more than I could deal with. At MEPS, shortly after I enlisted, we were required to undergo a physical exam. I was sitting bare-ass naked in a room full of at least twenty other fully naked guys. I couldn't help but pop a hard-on, which at least one other person noticed. Embarassed, I tried to bury my hard dick between my legs and hope no one asked me to stand up.


After MEPS, we each posed for our "official" Army photo-- you know, the one where we're in fatigues with the American flag next to us. I put on my uniform and my best stone face and posed for the picture. Damn, I looked hot! I would've fucked me.


After that was over, I was stopped by the guy who noticed me in the medical exam. His name was Brandan and he was definitely a hot young dude.


"How's it going, dude!" He said, "I saw you in the exam room."


I really didn't know how to respond.


 "Yeah," I said, "You know how it is. Sometimes it just... happens."


 "Trust me," he said, "I know."


 As I started to walk away, he followed me.


 "Listen, dude," he continued, "I know this is going to sound kinda weird, but do you think you could stop by my place?"


 "What for?" I asked.


 "I just need some help with something before we ship out tomorrow," he said.


 He gave me directions to his house and I agreed to go. I arrived a while later, knowing exactly what he wanted.


His room had been almost completely packed. His entire life packed neatly into a few boxes that were stacked against the wall. I noticed something else: There were some gay porn magazines and a handful of video tapes in the trash. I pulled one out titled, "Spermanator 2: Judgement Day"


 "What's this?" I asked.


 "Oh man," he replied, "I had to get rid of all my gay shit. My parents know but there's no way I can be gay if I'm going in the army."


 "I'm gay," I said, "And I'm going in the army. But I'm not throwing away my porn."


 "You don't understand," he continued, "I'm not just throwing away porn - I'm throwing it all away. Including being gay."


 "So what are you gonna do?" I asked, "Fake being straight?"


 "I'm not gonna fake anything," he said, "It'll be for real. Hey, Don't ask don't tell-- I'm not going to give anyone any reason to ask because I'm not going to have anything to tell... because as soon as that bus leaves tomorrow, I'm giving up dick and I'm gonna start doing pussy."


 "You can't be serious," I said, "You're fucking queer. You can't just go straight at the drop of a hat."


 "I can't?" He challenged, "Watch me. After today, this ass of mine becomes exit-only. The only lips that will ever touch my cock from now on will have a pair of tits attached to them."


 "And for now?" I asked.


 "For now, I just want one last fuck before my ass goes out of business forever," he said.


This was the strangest fucking thing I'd ever heard of. Sure, some straight guys experiment with other guys. Hell, I'm sure some gay guys even get drunk enough to try it with a woman. But this guy wanted to reverse his whole identity just by throwing it all in the trash and never looking back. I found myself conflicting between thinking this guy's a complete idiot and... something else. Something was very intriguing to me. His resolve was so intense it turned me on for some strange reason.


Nevertheless, I was going to oblige his request. I had deflowered many virgins in my short life - given a lot of guys their first time. But how the hell does one go about giving a guy his last time?


 To answer this question, I gave him what I knew he wanted - a proper military send-off for the gay Pfc. Brandan Reilly.


 I stood up in proper military form, just as the drill sergeant would be doing at boot camp.


 "Atten... tion!" I shouted. Brandan stood up and saluted me.


 "Pfc. Brandan Reilly!" I shouted.


 "Sir! Yes! Sir!" he responded.


 "Remove your uniform and get down on your knees!" I ordered.


 "Sir! Yes! Sir!" he said.


He removed his clothes and snapped to his knees-- just as I had ordered him to do. Then I unbuttoned my camouflage pants and presented my cock to him.


 "Suck my cock!" I ordered.


 "Sir! Yes! Sir!" he said.


 He gently took my cock and put it in his mouth, slowly moving his mouth back and forth along my shaft.


 "Take that cock and suck on it!" I ordered, "Not that pansy-ass licking you're doing. I wanna see some action here!"


 He took my cock out of his mouth for a moment.


 "Sir! Yes! Sir!"


Then he went down on me with a fury I have rarely seen in a guy. This was to be his last time with a guy, so I wanted to make sure he would remember it. I was sort of getting off on this too. He feverishly tore up my rod, viciously moving his head back and forth. This is the part where I normally grab the guy's head and fuck his face. But not this time. He was going to please me. I could sense his jaw was getting tired and I was a long way from cumming. He started to rest.


 "Suck my cock!" I ordered, "Till I tell you to stop!"


 "Sir! Yes! Sir!"


 He continued but I could really sense it was wearing on him. So I pulled out of his mouth - a stream of precum stretched from my cock to his lips.


 "Pfc. Brandan Reilly!" I shouted.


 He once again stood at attention and saluted.


 "Sir! Yes! Sir!"


 "Down on all fours!" I ordered, "Now!"


 "Sir! Yes! Sir!"


I remembered how my old co-worker Tim had fucked me dry. I figured I'd give Brandan the same treatment by forcing him to take my vicious pounding until my cock forced its way into his ass. He screamed in pain, but I could tell he loved it. I kept fucking him until I was about to come... but then his ass tightened up and "kicked" my cock out.


 "Okay," he said, "I know this is going to sound... crazy."


 I sat down on his bed to listen.


 "I've never fucked a girl before," he said, "I've never fucked anyone. Would you let me fuck your ass so I'll know how to do it?"


Okay, maybe this was starting to go a little over the top. But I thought I'd play along. I took off my uniform and laid on the bed. I spread my legs just as some girl might do for him later on.


 "What are you doing?" he asked.


 "You say you want to start fucking chicks," I said, "This is how it goes. Now fuck me, daddy!"


He came over to me completely naked and I rested my feet on his shoulder. He reached over for a jar of vaseline and rubbed it into my asshole. Then he carefully put his cock into me. Before long, he was pounding me. At some point nearly knocking me off the bed from the sheer force of his thrusts. This kid knew how to work it - no problems there at all!


 Man! He was really enjoying this! I was too. As he plowed me, staring into my eyes and playing with my nipples, I imagined him doing this to some female and became turned on for some strange reason.


 I let him cum inside me and then we were finished.


After we recuperated, I noticed a trumpet sitting on his desk, next to all of his band trophies from high school. I picked it up and started to play TAPS.


 "What the fuck are you doing?" Brandan asked.


 "It's TAPS," I answered. "For the gay Pfc. Brandan Reilly. Tomorrow, we see the birth of straight Pfc. Brandan Reilly."


 He smiled as I continued to play TAPS for him.


The next day, we all loaded up for Boot Camp. It lasted six long weeks and then I was sent to the 101st Airborne at Ft. Campbell. Boot Camp was the experience of a lifetime - it turned this boy into a man. They strip you down completely and then build you up. That's the whole concept behind the psychology of Boot Camp. And it definitely worked for me.


I became "a man among men" as some would say. I fitted in perfectly with the other guys in my barrack. I drank with them, hung with them, and not one of them suspected that I was checking all of them out - jerking off and fantasizing about them in my private moments.


 No, there wasn't a lot of room for a gay guy in the Army. Perhaps Brandan was right about that. I had to feign being straight.


I'd looked at women before, but never in a sexual way. I had never had the remotest desire to try pussy. However, that was tested one night when one of the other guys in my barrack picked up a young girl named Allison at some bar off-post.


She was hot into military guys and wanted each one of us to fuck her - one at a time. Okay, I thought. Maybe I can just do it to keep the guys happy. One thing the military taught me was the importance of being a team player.


I walked into the room filled with naked me - just like at MEPS before Boot Camp. Ryan walked in with Allison. He laid her on the couch and started to take off her clothes. She was so hot to be in a room filled with all of us hot army guys. I couldn't disagree with her!


Her clothes completely removed, Ryan sucked on her tits and started slowly moving his way down to her pussy. I felt an erection sprouting - however this time I made no attempt to hide it. Ryan ate her pussy and she started to moan in ecstasy. Then he slowly pulled away.


"I want one of you guys to fuck me first," she said, "Right here in front of everyone!"


"Who wants to be first!" Allison asked.


 My hard-on was out of control at this point and Ryan took notice.


 "How about you, Randall!" He said.


 "Me?" I said, my face turning bright red. Then I burst into laughter. "I can't do this, man!"


"Come on big boy," Allison said, "Be a man and fuck me!"


Obviously, there was no way I was going to avoid this. Always the good sport, I stood up, took hold of my cock and walked over to Allison as everyone looked on. I placed her legs over my shoulder and slid my cock into her pussy. Everyone in the room cheered.


I started thrusting in and out of her, just as I had done many times with guys. But the sensation was awesome! Before long I pounded that pussy even more furiously than I had ever done with any guy's ass. This was the most awesome fuck I had ever had! Her moans and her tits gyrating with my every thrust made me high on testosterone.


I continued to fuck her until I came like the fourth of July! But I didn't want to stop. I continued until my dick went completely soft.


I watched the others, one by one, fuck her. She orgasmed several times over. And each time I watched the other guys fuck her, I became even more aroused - no longer just admiring their big cocks and buffed bodies - but actually getting off on those hot guys fucking chicks!


A new world had opened up for me.


One night, Ryan and I went out drinking at the bar where he met Allison. It was a bar where a lot of army guys hung out, as well as gay men. As I sat with the other guys, I noticed a young hottie sitting across from me. I think we looked at each other just one too many times for both of us not to notice there was an attraction. He walked over to me.


"How's it going?" he asked.


I introduced myself and we made some small-talk. I couldn't stop staring at his body, which was well-revealed by the button-down shirt he was wearing that he left open down to his navel.


 "Would you like to go have coffee?" he asked.


 Tempting as it was, I decided to resist.


 "No," I said, smiling, "My girl would kill me."


He looked at me in horror for a moment and then walked away. I really hated the fact that I basically led this guy on. I couldn't help my genuine attraction to him, but I couldn't let the other guys find out. It would ruin my military career.


My girl. Funny how I said that. I never liked lying. So the only way to feel better about this whole awkward situation was to turn this lie into truth. I noticed a very attractive lady sitting across the room. This was the first time I had ever approached a woman in a "dating" sort of way. It was exciting. I walked up to her and introduced myself.


 "Jack Randall," I said, shaking her hand. "How do you do?"


 She smiled at me and I could tell I had her attention.


 "Beth," she said, "Nice to meet you."


 "Mind if I buy you a drink?" I asked.


I ordered two beers from the cocktail waitress. I couldn't help but stare at her breasts, but then turned back to Beth.


We made some small talk and I told her about how I had just come to Ft. Campbell and that I was just out trying to meet new people. She was a secretary at a law firm. Slightly older, she was about forty. The twenty-year age difference didn't bother me at all. She had long black hair and took care of herself - that's what I was attracted to most of all. She had a thin waist and a decent rack - her tits weren't huge but certainly weren't small. Her long legs and high heel shoes made her even sexier.


 We talked for a few moments, but both of us knew what the other was really after.


 "Would you like to stop by my place on the way home?" She asked.


 "Sure," I said with an ear-to-ear grin.


I took her by the hand and walked out of the bar with her. With my arm around her waist, I walked right past the guy who had approached me earlier. He sneered at me but I just kept walking.


 When we got outside, I was ready to head to my car when suddenly she stopped me.


 "Sweetie, you like you've had a little too much to drink," she said. "My son was killed by a drunk driver, so I think I better just drive you to my place."


 Suddenly, I felt like I was being scolded by my mother. But it felt sexy!


 We got to her place shortly after. She was well-off and lived in a large four bedroom house.


 "Do you live alone?" I asked.


 "I'm married, Jack," she said.


 "Married?" I said, shocked. Well, not really, I guess. She was so beautiful I couldn't imagine her being single.


 "Yes," she continued. "My husband's a Merchant Marine. He's gone most of the time. After our son died, it gets pretty lonely around here."


"Sorry to hear that," I said.


"But you know," she said, "a woman's got needs."


 "Do you have any other kids?" I asked. "If you don't mind me asking?"


 "I have a daughter, Cathy," she said, "She's sixteen and starting to discover boys."


 "What's your story?" She asked.


 "Well, I've only recently started dating women," I said, "I used to be gay."


 "Used to be gay?" She asked scornfully, "What do you mean you used to be gay?"


 "I had an experience with a girl," I explained. "I found that not only did I like it, I'd like to do some more of it."


 I could tell I had touched on something with her.


 "I'd love to teach you," she said. "Let's go upstairs."


 I followed her to the bedroom-- the bedroom she shared with her husband. On her dresser was a picture of her deceased son - and her daughter. I could tell Cathy was going to be one hell of a hottie when she got to be a little older.


 "Take your shirt off," she instructed. I then did as she said. I was starting to get really hot.


 She sat down and started to rub my chest.


 "Handsome little devil, aren't you?" she said. "You definitely are too good to be wasted on men."


 "Open your pants," she said. "I want to take a look at your cock."


 I opened my pants and showed her my rock-hard cock. She examined it for a moment, gently and sensuously playing with my tender head and stiff shaft.


 "It looks like it's just the right size and thickness," she said.


 "Take off your pants and let me see you fully undressed," she instructed.


 I complied, but I was wondering what the hell she was doing.


"You seem like a nice man, Jack," she said. "You're strong, you have good values. There's a kind of innocence about you... and you have one hell of a body."


Then, she took her clothes off. Before me was a beautiful naked woman. Older yes, but she was fucking hot. As I lay back on the bed, she started to suck my cock. Slowly but steadily, she teased me. She gave one mean blow job.


 "Have you ever eaten a woman's pussy before?" she asked.


 "No, I can't say that I have," I responded.


Then she laid down on the bed and spread her legs. I moved over to her and put my mouth to her pussy. Unlike what I had been told it did not smell like fish. It was a pleasant odor. And it tasted wonderful. I couldn't get enough of this.


 Then she suddenly pulled away from me.


 "Lay down on your back," she instructed.


When I lay back, she sat down on my cock, which slid neatly into her pussy. She thrust up and down - fucking me. I looked up at her beautiful breasts as her hips bounced up and down against my groin.


 I came inside of her, but she wanted to continue. When I went limp, she leaned over and kissed me. It was amazing.  As we both lay there, I discovered her true reason for wanting to bring me into her home.


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The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack

I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was standing and Jack said, “Ann, I want you to have this truck.” “I couldn’t Jack,” I replied. “I only want...

1 year ago
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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

3 years ago
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Marry and the young guy Jack

It was around 8.30 in the evening, and thirty-eight year old Marry Taylor was working in the kitchen of her small house. She was wearing a brown colored dress, her hair was tied in a bun and a little cleavage in that dress was making her perfect MILF for all the boys out there in the world. Marry was a widow, her husband died three years ago and now she was living alone, working as a teacher. Since then Marry didn’t have a relationship with anyone. She was all alone. Sometimes she did feel the...

2 years ago
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Leslie and Jack

Her friends had dragged her down to one of the local college bars to flirt with guys and they had ended up drinking way too much. It had gotten so bad in fact that they had to call one girls brother to come get them and take them home. Leslie was dropped off first and the brother and another girl had helped her into her house, up into her bedroom and onto her bed. Luckily her parents had gone out of town for the weekend and wouldn’t come home to find her black out drunk. Her friends had...

4 years ago
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Idle Jack

An old, old tale of Lady Jane Of how she lost her honour.And how the lad called Idle Jack Inflicted shame upon her.Young Jane, a pure and simple lass, Of years just sweet eighteenWith hair of gold and eyes so blue And skin like golden cream.Whene're she walked around the town The local lads would sighAnd all their trouser fronts would bulge As this fair lass passed by.But Lady Jane was innocentAnd never knew the scoreShe just assumed the bulge...

3 years ago
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October of 2005 last weekend with Jack

Once again, just before Tom and I were leaving the house to meet up with Jack for some hot 3way sex, Tom got a call from one of his club brothers who had broke down on 19 in Hudson. Tom told me to go ahead and meet with Jack and enjoy myself. With the change in plans, I kissed Tom goodbye as he headed south. I went back inside and changed my clothes. I put on a pair of tight jeans, that I had modified, a see thru black mesh shirt that did nothing to hide my boobs, my dark nipples easily seen....

1 year ago
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Tori and Jack

Tori stepped off the plane in the lobby of the Texas airport and drew in a deep breath. She was here to meet Jack, a guy she had been talking to online for the past two months. Tori had exchanged pictures with Jack and was nervous with built up anticipation at finally meeting him in person. They had discussed the first time they actually met in person and the possibilities of taking their relationship to a more intimate level. They had become very close in the two months they had been talking...

Group Sex
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When I was 18 and studying for my final exams I found I couldn't sleep. At first it wasn't too much of a problem; after all I needed to study hard if I wanted to get into the college of my choice.However after nearly eight days with only the occasional cat nap to keep me going I was starting to feel rather unwell.Certainly my Mom had voiced her concern about how pale and ill I looked but Dad told her I was a teenager and that I had exam nerves. He was right about that.It didn't help that my Mom...

2 years ago
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A Farm Story Part 8 Dinner with Jack

Men! So Jack just called me, like after a week of waiting around the phone. I mean, I still see him in school and all. But he's been kind of avoiding me. I know he hangs out with Tammy a whole lot more, which of course is making me jealous, except I gave him permission. Now Jack calls me out of the blue and tells me he wants to see me. Like I wonder what that means. He's going to pick me up. Mother has been watching over me lately. I think she feels kind of sorry for me, because...

1 year ago
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Smilin Jack

SMILIN' JACK by Maggie Finson Jack Jack loved this time of year. With the closeness of Halloween, and all that holiday's attendent pranks and dressing up, his own less than benevolent tricks were much easier to perform. Better yet, his little jokes on humanity often managed to go largely unnoticed for days. At least, by those fortunate enough not to be caught up in them. He was a very old entity, one who had been known by many different names by many cultures. The one...

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OH MY GODUncle Jack

Room 1205Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this business opportunity has unexpected resultsDisclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are figments of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to events and/or persons is entirely coincidental. (If you just want the sexy stuff, you can skip to below the dotted line in the story. I...

3 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 23 Jack

Jack was at work when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" "Paul?" "Jack! I need your help. I'm desperate." "Wait, Paul, what's the matter?" Jack leaned back in his chair. "Jack! Something's wrong with me. Please," I pleaded, "what happened the night I spent at your place?" "Now Paul, you know I can't talk about things like that while I'm at work." "Oh, right." Damn! What to do? I couldn't drive over to visit Jack, because Janice had driven me to work! And I...

2 years ago
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Murphy and Jack

"Murphy, I can't do this anymore. You disrespecting me is not acceptable. I'm done," I said. "Even once more and I'm gone." We were standing out toward the backyard fence. I'd pulled her there, her resisting, to have it out with her, party or not. This was one time that I wasn't going to be waitin' until we got home, not this time. "Jack, stop being so pissy. It was just a birthday kiss. It's Don's birthday. Everybody gets kissed on their birthdays," said Murphy. Her words made...

3 years ago
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Mother and Jack

Jack had been a boarder since he was seven. He had been away at school for more than half his life. So home wasn’t really home, and he wasn’t sure his parents were really parents. He was now trundling back home for the summer, the longest period he spent at home. He now had no friends nearby for nearly three months. Being an only child, he and his mother would rattle around the house, and his father would appear for an hour or so most evenings, then after dinner he would disappear to his home...

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Why do fools fall in loveJack

Jack used to go to his best friend Jacie’s house, every evening to pick her up before they went out with the rest of their friends. They were as close as brother and sister; innocent in their way, yet always together in whatever mischief would arise. Her parents were always working, so she would look after her two kid brothers. Simple enough, the youngest would always be at his friend’s house next door, and the middle brother had his own life to lead. Jacie was your average tomboy; they had...

Oral Sex
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Our Friend Jack

It was the year I was going to retire from the USAF Sept 1987 we were visiting my in-laws in MD.† We had gone to JJT's for an late afternoon drink without the in-laws and it was just me and Deb and Jack.† We were sitting at his kitchen table drinking Champagne and chatting. I know Jack has always been good with Deb in the past but was always curious if they had ever done anymore than be just very good friends. I became aware this day that they had done nothing more than a good night kiss when...

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Our Friend Jack

It was the year I was going to retire from the USAF Sept 1987 we were visiting my in-laws in MD.† We had gone to JJT's for an late afternoon drink without the in-laws and it was just me and Deb and Jack.† We were sitting at his kitchen table drinking Champagne and chatting. I know Jack has always been good with Deb in the past but was always curious if they had ever done anymore than be just very good friends. I became aware this day that they had done nothing more than a good night kiss when...

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First Time for Jack

Jack looked at the departing school bus, half way down the wet street, and mumbled "shit" several times. Not only had he missed the bus, but it was raining hard and he was getting soaked. He was about to return to the school when a Ford Taurus pulled up to the curb, the passenger window came down and the woman driver leaned over and called to him. "Hi, Jack. Get in before you're drenched." The fifteen year old boy immediately recognized not only the voice but the face of the woman, Miss...

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The Mystery of Jack

As I opened the back door to the shed in Jack's backyard (where he had installed a glory hole), my pulse was starting to rise. The day was a fairly hot and humid one that July, but the shed where the glory hole was located had air conditioning, and closing the door behind me felt good on my lightly sweaty skin.Directly ahead of me was the four inch diameter hole through the plywood divider that separated Jack's side from that of mine. Even though my side was quite dark, I could make out...

1 year ago
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Her Friend Jack

She hated herself. In truth, she hated that her body was so big and round all her life. She was constantly standing in front of her mirror turning left, right, and even when she was at her friends talking about how “fat” she was she’d find they’d all stand in front of one while the other part of what they considered was big, round, and way too big was being reflected in another the other mirror behind them. She never liked that at all. Never. Her ass was way, way to big and round, or so she...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 32 Poor Confused Jack

When Jack opened his eyes he was surprised to find that he was no longer in the alleyway. It had only been a few seconds ago that he had been watching his Lifestyle Nudism ID band de-activate but now he was in bed and staring at the far wall of his own bedroom. Jack was quietly studying all the pendants and posters on that wall and trying to come to terms with what had happened when his bedroom door opened. A lovely face with red hair popped itself around and looked at Jack. “Oh, wonderful!...

2 years ago
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Triptych InterviewsJack

Saturday, October 22 (After Chapter 21 of Triptych) aroslav: Welcome, Jack. It's good to see you again. JACK: Hey ya old goat. What's new? aroslav: More of the same. JACK: So you want to interview me for your story? aroslav: Might have a bigger role for you someplace along the line. Do you mind? JACK: Can't hurt. aroslav: So, name, age, and birthday. JACK: John Daniel Wade, also known as Jack. Born March 13, I'm 59 years old. aroslav: How did Jack ever become a nickname for...

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My Big Brother Jack

Introduction: A brother visits his little sister for a night. I barely had time to get in the apartment door before my roommates were on me, both talking at once and more excitedly than Id ever seen before. There was a guy here looking for you, Sarah said, her voice full of mystery. He was huge! He said he was your brother, Ellie said. My brother? I felt my heart quicken as the image of my older brothers face filled my head. Are you sure? I hadnt seen him in six months, the longest wed...

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My Big Brother Jack

"There was a guy here looking for you,"  Sarah said, her voice full of mystery. "He was huge!" "He said he was your brother," Ellie said. "My brother?"  I felt my heart quicken as the image of my older brother's face filled my head.  "Are you sure?" I hadn't seen him in six months, the longest we'd ever been apart.  Usually we arranged things before he came to see me, but the last time we'd talked he hadn't mentioned anything about visiting.   I didn't want to get...

1 year ago
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When I was fourteen I was pretty naïve. I had been jerking off for a few years by then, but all my fantasy material came from purloined copies of old men's magazines. They weren't all that good in those days. All the really important stuff was left to the imagination. I was the youngest of four kids in my family. I had two older brothers and a sister. My brothers had gone to California to work that summer. I had a friend, Jack, who lived down the street. We went to school together and...

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Daddy and Jack

I'm bent over with daddy licking my pussy and ass while I suck on Jack. Daddy stands up and puts his cock in my ass and begins to fuck me. I'm moaning and sucking harder on Jack. His dick is harder than before I think.Jack pulls from my moutha nd tells daddy that it's his turn for me to be fucked by him. Jack lays down, so I can slide my ass on his dick. Jack pulls me back, holds my tits and fucks my ass hard. Saddy is standing in front of me watching my pussy.I tell daddy to puts his cock...

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again with Jack

After my last experience when I slept with Donny and Jack’s three other friends…I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to be with another woman. When I got back home to NY. things went on for me like nothing had ever happened. When Sally, my live in girl friend, was out on a “girl’s night out” however, I couldn’t get the memory of that week off my mind. I told you I had a really nice body, strong legs not too muscular though, and a 33” waist. Before I met Jack I would get high and naked and climb...

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Raising Little Tabby Jack

She’d been catatonic from screaming and crying for hours when the SWAT unit had charged into her home and rescued her from the three home invaders who had brutally murdered her father and mother. It came out as they were interrogated they had particularly enjoyed raping the pretty thirteen-year old as her mother was forced to watch. Both she and her mother had been strangled and raped repeatedly. A concerned neighbor with acute hearing had thankfully detected Tabby’s shrill screams of terror...

2 years ago
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Juiane and Jack

The clock ticked by quickly, and soon the doorbell rang, forcing Juliane to bookmark her spot in the magazine and answer the door. Jack, Juliane's brother, stood at the door, with a wide smile plastered on his lips. he was a strong young man, with black hair, but was a very respectful , and caring man. He would always help around the house when they were younger. Juliane was 24 years old, but Jack was 22, but she had always picked on him when they were kids. he never once was mean to her,...

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A Night with Jack

Some important info before reading: I'm a newbie to the zoo lifestyle. At least to realizing I'm a zoophile. I tried to fuck a neighbor's dog when I was considerably younger and raging with hormones. I wrote it off as being just a horny teen-aged boy. Many years later, married and not getting as much sex as I would have liked (needed?) since my wife was really tired raising the kids. However, no matter how busy or tired she or I was, my libido still was acting like I was a teen! I would...

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Juiane and Jack

Introduction: please give me any positive and negative comments on this story, and i havent been writing in awhile, and i will accept amy comments. I will make a squal if more negatives than positives, but i do hope you enjoy. Now know right now, this is just the start of the story, and there is no sex in this one. Juliane sat on her couch and flipped through the magazine for home living, searching for new homes , open for bidding, and land plots, scattered through the forests. She twirled her...

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Andersonville 13 Three Finger Jack

It was a perfect Saturday morning in Peace River. It was warm, but not too warm, and I was out taking a stroll around the town trying to get a feel for everything here. Connie had offered to go with me but I declined, saying I needed some time alone. I hated to admit it, but I was missing my life back in Andersonville. As I walked past Shady Pine Cemetery, I spotted Ashlee Gang laying some flowers on a grave. She didn't seem upset, rather the look on her face was comforting, as...

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Madison And Jack

Having graduated from college, I started my own business in commercial design and construction utilizing the skills I had learned while working in the construction industry and my studies in architecture and engineering while in college. Seven years along, I was doing very well in business but working long hours. I had been in a few rather serious relationships but eventually, the females I was involved with realized they came second to my career.At age twenty-eight, my mother, who was now...

First Time
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SurprisesChapter 15 Jack

The cab driver took one look at me and leered, then propositioned me. I thought about slapping him but just ignored him. He simply figured that a young blonde leaving a hotel in the early morning dressed in an evening gown was a call girl. I let him drive me home and gave him the money Jerry had given me for the cab. I wasn’t sure whether I should be angry or pleased, to think that men would pay me money for my company. I was not about to undertake a career change! I got home and found the...

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Miss Jacks

Miss Jacks.I was at the time in the care of my aunt Muriel had been for some time my parents having been killed in a car crash. She was a high powered business woman, never really knew what she did, Now and then she traveled to different parts of the country. Always first class on these occasions she would take me along.I had just turned 18 and still wore my monkseaten grammar school uniform. I liked to wear it because as a senior along with the dark red school blazer with the gold black...

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Converting the Family 1 MindControlled CumSluts

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled Cum-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Billy Purvis I gripped the modified remote in my hand. Weeks of being closeted in my hot, stuffy bedroom had finally paid off. I was ready to use it. I'd resisted busting out my device all day, struggling through college, suffering. I wanted to use it so badly, my dick hard, begging for satisfaction....

1 year ago
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Converting My Straight Friend

Hey all, this is fizzy indori here to tell you about all his sexy, kinky, and most fantasized things and experiences  I  hope you like it… Do share response at “” This story is about my childhood friend to whom  I  shared everything, everything meant everything. He was 2 3 yrs older to me but never made it realize and was very fun loving and happy creature. Though he was from a village but was very intelligent and knew everything about current affairs. About me,  I  am a chubby fat boy having a...

Gay Male
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Converting the NeighborsChapter 2 Harmony Makes a Discovery

The next afternoon, Harmony Mitchell and Riko Kimura were talking about boys. The two fourteen-year-olds were going to be starting high school in the fall, and to them high school meant boys and dates, or so they had been led to believe by teen dramas on television. The two were sitting on Riko’s bed arguing over which of the boys in high school were the hottest, which was difficult because they didn’t actually know all that many of them yet. They had agreed that Ron Harper, the quarterback...

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Converting the NeighborsChapter 3 Seducing the Kimuras

Friday was sunny and hot, the perfect day for a neighborhood barbeque. Sarah found it funny that the families naturally segregated by age and sex. The kids played in the pool. She thought that Mark must be in teen-boy heaven with five girls. The three older men tended the barbeque—hamburgers, hot dogs, tuna steaks, and vegetable kabobs. Her husband Jeff and John Young sipping beers, while the tee-total Peter had an iced tea. The women gathered in the relative cool of the kitchen, out of the...

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Converting the NeighborsChapter 4 Punishing Chloe

Dee should have knocked, but she had lost track of time and hadn’t realized that Chloe was back from school already. So, she was shocked when she opened the door to her daughter’s room with the intention of changing her sheets and found her eldest lying on the bed masturbating to something that was on her phone. Chloe had her ear buds in and didn’t notice that her mother had come into the room until she was standing over her, snatching the phone out of her hand. “Mom!” the teen...

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Converting the NeighborsChapter 5 Seducing the Youngs

Chloe was hurt. The physical pain was gone, but the bruises on her arms where her father than grabbed her were still there, as were the welts from the riding crop. She wore long sleeves to cover the bruises; the welts were more discreet, in places others couldn’t see. The hurt was mostly psychological. She had realized that her father was a monster. Before, his bedtime “lessons” were something she didn’t quite understand, something she could take his word for as being important, and then...

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Converting the NeighborsChapter 6 The Reed Women Break Bad

Anne Reed was hanging out in her front yard, bored, when she saw Mark Mitchell across the street beckoning to her. Her parents had told Chloe and her and that Mitchells were not good Christians and would likely be bad influences, so they should stay away from them. Her mom said they shouldn’t be rude, but not to get too friendly. Ignoring him would be rude, so it wouldn’t exactly be disobeying to cross the street and talk with him. So, she did. Of course, the fact that Mark was good-looking...

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Converting the NeighborsChapter 7 Things Come to a Head

The next day, Anne rode home from school on the bus with her sister. The previous night had been restless. She had been worked up into a frenzy with Mark when she had suddenly called it quits the afternoon before, so much so that it actually hurt. She was distracted and distant the entire school day too. All she could think about was Mark and what they might do together ... if she let him. When they arrived home, Anne swore Chloe to secrecy and said to tell their mom that she was staying...

2 years ago
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Converting the NeighborsChapter 8 Resolution

Sgt. Martinez wasn’t there when Chloe arrived at the police station, but when she asked for her, the desk sergeant took one good look at her and called her at home. Sgt. Martinez was there half an hour later. There was questioning. She was taken to the hospital. There were photographs and samples taken. She had a broken nose, a broken rib, and numerous small electrical burns, plus the fading injuries from earlier in the week which were still visible. Peter Reed was arrested that day. It took...

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My first time with Jack

This story begins I guess with a relationship I had with a girlfriend from long ago who had a particular fondness for anal sex. She would come time after time always wanting me to hold off coming as long as I could. Back then we didn’t have drugs like viagra, so I had to do everything I could to keep from coming inside her ass, which was so soft inside. She knew how to contract on my dick and would ride me while I was deep inside her. While it felt great for me, she was over the top with ectasy...

2 years ago
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A Night Out with Jack

It had always turned me on, the thought of having a man drop a pill in my drink. Falling into his arms, unable to stop him from unbuttoning my dress. Slipping it off my shoulders, removing my bra and panties, and laying me on the bed. Lying there, unable to move as he spread my legs wide, sliding his hard cock deep into my vagina. Kissing my lips, down my neck, running his hot tongue over my hard nipples and sucking my breasts into his mouth as he thrusts into me. Paralyzed from the drugs, but...

1 year ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Four Jack

Time Stands Still Chapter Four: Jack By 7:30 a.m. I move his lovely plug around while I have him in my mouth. I can feel his muscles expand and contract and I know he's enjoying it. His first eruption of the day is always the best. I take it all in like a good little girl, sucking it all. With my mouth full, I smile. I turn over and pull up my skirt, showing Jack my bare bottom. He begins to lick me and I push myself back into his face. As I begin to get...

2 years ago
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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 4 Aussie Jack

I looked at the shower entrance just in time to see a short guy in a swimsuit coming from the other direction turn into the shower. At a glance the guy looked younger, maybe in his early 20’s. He was short and skinny, I’m guessing about 5 foot 4 and 130 pounds, wiry with a cocky walk, he was wearing a really skimpy swimsuit - maybe a Speedo. Thanks to my “encounter with the hot pink bikini” I was out of position and had no chance to stop him. I thought my “nude beach” fantasy was ending...

1 year ago
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Visiting Jack

[This one's for the 'real' Jack, and that wonderful back alley glory hole wherein many loads of sperm have been given (and taken), and where many more will surely be as well! Thank you Jack!]It came as a complete surprise to me when I discovered that less than a mile away from where I lived (.8 of a mile to be precise) there was a private glory hole located in an ordinary looking residential neighborhood, and so I ventured to send it's operator (who went by the name of 'Jack') an e-mail...

1 year ago
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Sally and Jack

Sally and JackI rushed around the house and made sure things were straight. Sally and Jack had emailed me a couple of weeks earlier and said they were coming to town for a visit and asked if they could stay at my place. We had been friends for years, ever since Jack and I had worked together back in our younger days. Sally, Jack, June, and I had been almost inseparable for many years. Things changed though, when Jack got transferred and they had to move to Florida. My wife, June, had died about...

Straight Sex
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Jack has always been horny. The problem was that as a normal Teenager he thought of nothing but girls but like most boys he did not have the nerve to say much more than Hi to one. Most of the time he would pick out a girl, decide to approach her then chicken out. This would usually be followed by a quick jerk off in his room. At 17 he met a girl when she moved in next door. Sue was 18 and a good-looking girl for a Goth Chick. She was wearing loose black pants, A floppy black Rob Zombie t-shirt...

First Time

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