Grindr Ing Mr Aussie Visitor
- 2 years ago
- 63
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I looked at the shower entrance just in time to see a short guy in a swimsuit coming from the other direction turn into the shower.
At a glance the guy looked younger, maybe in his early 20’s. He was short and skinny, I’m guessing about 5 foot 4 and 130 pounds, wiry with a cocky walk, he was wearing a really skimpy swimsuit - maybe a Speedo. Thanks to my “encounter with the hot pink bikini” I was out of position and had no chance to stop him.
I thought my “nude beach” fantasy was ending before it started.
I moved to to the entrance and looked inside. The guy threw his stuff on a bench and dropped his swimsuit almost without breaking stride. He could not help but see Erin naked, with her back to him. Her boobs were evident. I thought it was a great view of her figure and the most inspirational view of her charms. The rear view aroused males long before there were men. Once he had his suit off I saw his cock looked stiff, maybe 40% hard. He had no reason to question her presence as this was a coed shower. Or maybe it was what he was looking for; he could have been waiting on the other side of the building, listening for the shower to start. For all I knew he might have been peeking around the corner.
Erin was rinsing her hair so she was effectively blind and with her noisy shower running she did not know she had company.
I just stood at the entrance and considered my choices. If I moved to my wife I would be guilty of a “white knight” violation and I had no doubt that would be bad for me. If I did not move I had to trust my wife to signal me if she wanted me. Plus, maybe the guy was an gentleman and I would not be needed. I decided to watch from the entrance.
Of the ten shower-heads along the wall, Erin had picked the second one from one end. The cheeky bastard went to shower-head right next to Erin, effectively blocking her in the corner.
She noticed when he turned on the water, but she didn’t react right away; perhaps she thought it was somebody I let in, like another girl. She was in full profile to him. He had the shower on, but that was just cover, he was 100% focused on taking in her slim figure (perfect full side boob!) at close range. He did not even try to be subtle about it, he stared. So, not a gentleman. Because she was still working on her hair, my wife did not know.
After a few moments she happened to look in his direction. That was when she realized that he was a male who was boldly growing his erection based on what he saw of her body. Erin was not pleased. But I imagined she was less pleased with me, since he was only doing what came natural. I saw it all in profile, she was surprised, displeased, and upset. But “turn the other cheek” Erin did not get dramatic, she just returned to her business. She turned her body slightly away from him to put a hip between his eyes and her shaved cleft.
The guy boldly smiled back at her. Since he could see her breast easily, he focused on that. From the start the guy played it like she should not be surprised to have his company. Even if he was naked and erect company. With what looked like an unconscious motion he gave his cock a pull.
I could not hear what was said, but as soon as he opened his mouth I knew the type - he thought he could talk his way through any situation to get what he wanted. I could guess what he wanted. He wouldn’t act offended or entitled for now, his body language stayed all friendly-like and I imagined his voice was the same. Erin told me his first words were, “Excuse me Miss... , this is a coed shower so I decided to wash up a bit. My name is Jack. Nice to meet you.” He let go of his dick and held out his hand to shake.
The nice words did not avail him of a nice response. Erin and I both believe that actions speak louder than words; we knew why he took the shower right next to her.
She did not shake his hand, instead she moved to cover herself a little more by holding her arm to hide her breast and turning so she was not in profile but at an more oblique rear angle. She did not take her eyes off him, and while her mouth was not saying anything, her look and body language were clear and as cold as could be; without sound they yelled “GET AWAY!”
He was deaf to her body language. He had turned to face her directly and had offered his hand. His dick had stiffened, I could see it was now sticking up, it was about vertical so it was close to 100% and pointed at her. Also, he kept handling his dick.
Erin told me that, rather then try to address her obvious reaction, everyone’s friend Jack (that was his name) began bitching about some girl wearing only a ultra tiny “hot pink” bikini bottom who was showing these great tits to him all afternoon. When Erin paid him no attention he gave up the pretense, turned down his shower, and then turned down Erin’s, so she could hear him. I could also hear most of what he said.
It seemed that this busty girl got topless with her two friends as soon as she arrived. In his mind he had chatted her up real good for a “long time” and the girls put on a little show for him that got him all worked up, but despite his attentions she would not show him her pussy or let him apply some sun cream to her body.
It seemed that he had a critical need for him to see some pussy very, very soon.
“There were some old biddies on the beach all naked, but a young guy like me don’t want to see that, I won’t get it up for a week if I do. This topless sheila was smashing, good enough so a glance at her snatch would last me a couple of nights of sweet dreams, but would she give a guy a look at paradise? No! The BITCH!”
He went on to say that this girl and her crowd had just left. He implied that he had planned to “rub some of his frustrations out” alone here in the shower. But of course, that would be rude with her present, it was just common courtesy to share! Fair dinkum! So they should help each other in their hour of need. To hear him say it this seemed a reasonable offer.
His proximity to my wife, who was naked, seemed vulnerable, and seemed to be deliberately showing him part of her naked ass, plus his realizing how in shock Erin was at her luck over being naked next to a naked stranger, had his dick to full attention. It was sending urgent messages to the brain.
She kept looking at his dick with near-terror. But to his mind she kept looking at his dick ... and his brain said that meant they were both excited by it! He figured good things were coming his way.
I was pissed off enough that I wanted to charge in and do my “Hulk! Smash!” imitation. I outweighed the guy by about 80 pounds of muscle. All I needed was a sign from Erin. Why wasn’t she giving me a sign? It made no sense. Later we talked about her Sunday School teachings, in part she had reverted to her younger mindset so she did not want to be the source of violence.
Erin’s face and upper body got so red I was worried. Well, if she did pass out I would have leave to give this little shit what he purely deserved. But until then, my “white knight” vows held me where I was, standing in the doorway.
I must also admit that seeing my wife’s extreme embarrassment got BOTH dicks in the area a lot harder. I don’t know why, maybe it was a primitive, competitive response of the male brain to another male.
The presumptuous little shit finally turned off both showers; the room carried sound so I could all hear the conversation. The slimy bastard had settled on his approach for his next attack on my wife’s resolve. I could hear a hint of an Aussie accent when he said, “I must complain that I am being taken advantage of here. You’ve a fine gander at my best points, standing at attention for close inspection. But I got no reciprocity from you. You are acting like your fine naughty bits are too good for a chap to see. You can give us a little turn, can’t you? Give Jack a fair gander. It is just basic fairness. You believe in fairness, don’t you? You are an American, so of course you do.”
“NO! No, I won’t. Leave me alone.”
“Yes, you can do it,” he said, in a very reasonable, almost hypnotic tone. “It is easy and fair besides. It is so unfair not to, you have to know that. I just want a look, a sweet look.” The accent had thickened a bit, and I must admit he was very easy to listen to.
But Erin stayed as she was. She did not turn. She did not move her arm. She was giving him as little as possible, which meant in his mind that she was denying him as much as possible.
His body tensed, I thought for sure he was going to do something physical. But he was not ready to give up on his slimy Sith Lord mind tricks.
He had some skill at this, his next statement was like a MIRV in the way it pushed a bunch of Erin’s female buttons with one shot. “Look, I’m a guy so I got needs, simple needs ... I really need to see a good pussy today, and the only girls showing the goods outside are chubbies or ancients so I can’t see nothing I can work with. I gotta have good memories so I can relieve the stuff that is building up inside me delicates, you must know all guys have to. Mom cried as she told me that we men of her bloodline had a harder time than most, we needed more frequent looks at new sweet pussy. It is nature, our cross to bear as we trudge the path of life. We are all the way the Maker intended. I just want to get a good look at your pussy from the front, so I can do my business tonight with the nicest image in mind. It’s only fair, since you are staring so hard at my beautiful rigid dick. I bet you are going to be thinking a lot about Little Jack Standingup when you are sweating up your sheets alone tonight, won’t you? Oh yes, very nice stuff to see here. You are a fox. You can’t help it, that is how things work. It is basic biology. Attractive people have to help each other through tough times, you know that in your bones. You believe that, you are a fair person. Plus, you are hot! Damn hot! Hottest I have seen today on the whole beach, even besting the busty cow in the tiny hot pink see’em knickers!! Plus, you have class and style!”
Yeah, listening to that trainload of kangaroo excrement I knew this guy thought he could talk his way to anything. I am a physical guy so I despised guys like Jack, talkers who never seemed to do any work but always seemed to get the credit. Well, I bet I knew something they couldn’t talk around: a busted jaw! Which is what he might have if I got a hand on him.
“Don’t say those things!!” she said. “Not ANY of them.” But he picked up on her response, he heard her tone as saying she did not fully mean it.
He still was not out of roo poop, he had a another load. “Oh come on, you are hot, you know it’s true,” he said, playing the odds and picking the item he was sure she would not refute. Then he sweetened the load. “What are you, 25 or 26? I have done choice chicks your age. Fine women ... please ... help save a wretch like me.”
(I almost threw up at those sacred words, this living sack of excrement had no limits and no shame.)
It did not work, Erin rejected it all because his essential nature and low desires were obvious.
He also saw it was not working, so he crossed a line. If words would not turn her to him, still she did not run or go crazy, so he figured he had to step it up. He reached out with both of his hands to grab her upper arms. With a firm grip he turned her shoulders, and her body followed. All was revealed for a second.
Seeing that, my heart was pounding like a drum. This was the woman I called my wife, why didn’t she release me? I felt like my whole torso was near exploding. I was sure that contact would cross the forbidden line, releasing Erin to run towards me. I mentally prepared myself to charge him; if she was in the corner then so was he. I would start by slamming his body into the wall like in hockey. I could even claim I slipped.
The trouble was, she did not release me. Could he maybe have unlocked something in her with those two comments about how the was “hot” and about her age of “25.” I knew those were the types of things she really liked to hear - especially from anybody but me. If he kept feeding her those lines, he might yet see her pussy.
Well, I knew his interest was not in seeing her pussy. That was just a step. If he got her to that point he would have momentum on his side so it might move her a lot farther along to score.
Erin did respond to being moved, right away she shifted her arms to the traditional ‘modesty’ pose so many naked models and actresses have used, where one hand covered her pussy and the other arm covering both her tits. The move was smooth, like she anticipated what he would do.
He picked up on how the compliments might have worked so he kept saying she was hot. He said how he had “wasted” time with that 20 year old in the hot pink when Erin was a lot nicer. “That girl was a cow, but you are ideal, you MUST have modeled some,” he said.
She was facing him when she glanced down at his dick again, this time with a look of pure disgust. He ignored the “disgusted” part and talked about his interesting dick. “It is very friendly, I have never had a complaint nor have any questioned its manners ... Oh my goodness, have I been indelicate and assumed ... are you by chance still a virgin?” he needled.
Of course he knew she had to deny that strongly, which was what he expected. Her response was to curse him. But what he didn’t expect was for Erin to speak WITHOUT moving her hands! We all know how most women cannot talk without their hands, and in fact my wife had a stronger urge than most. But she overcame her female nature. I took it as a good sign. Resisting him? Well, that might take a bit more than she had.
Jack had finally reached the end of his words and got cursed for it, so it was time to change strategies. He wrapped his hand around the wrist of the arm covering her tits. Looking into Erin’s eye he drew the wrist down until he rubbed the backs of her fingers along his shaft, his most defenseless point and so the point a woman was least likely to attack. Her eyes were HUGE as she looked at him, we all knew he was taking a risk of her fingernails. I knew she was considering it. But one could also say he was making himself sure of her pacifistic nature.
It is a fact that Erin pets every puppy and kitten she gets close to. Plus, I recognized there was something extra in Jack’s dick that was unfamiliar to her: Jack had a very prominent ridge. It was something I was pretty sure she had never seen live before and had never felt. She was curious. So she moved her fingers every so slightly over his dick.
She was so focused on his shaft that Erin had forgotten how her breasts were now uncovered. Jack reminded her with a glance, one nipple was puckered and the other was soft. He smiled at the soft one. Erin reacted to the glance as if he touched her, she snapped her arm back to her chest.
From my end this had gone way too far. Actually, that was a little funny considering how my fantasy had me getting turned on by watching another guy seeing my wife naked and relaxed, telling her with words and body language how beautiful she was. But Jack was slime, disgusting, and that made all the difference. In my heart I so wanted to run in, get her out of there and give Jack a load of pain. But I was frozen by my brain, and my “White Knight” vow. Why did I ever go for that? I was actually short of breath from my internal conflict. Plus, while my mind and heart were in conflict, my cock knew what it wanted, which was that I keep watching and maybe loosen things up a bit down there.
Me and my cock settled for tenting my shorts.
Jack took hold of Erin’s wrist again. He let it stay in place for a moment as Erin resisted. But after a moment she relaxed. “How about we try that again?” he asked, but did not move.
“No. I don’t want to,” Erin said softly, but Jack did not believe “no means no.” He figured a soft “no” was a “yes” in disguise from a good girl. It helped her think she was still “good.”
He waited for a count of five. By then he used just a gentle pull, more guiding than anything, and Erin moved her hand down on her own. Again he guided the backs of her fingers along his dick, then he turned her hand and rested her fingers on it. When she moved her hand he sighed and smiled; he thought he had the path to victory.
Erin just stared at what her hand was doing. It was as if she was disconnected from her own hand.
Actually, we have done something like this before. When Erin gets stoned she sometimes thinks her hand was disconnected. That is our signal that she had enjoyed enough smoke and was baked just right for us to get into bed. Once, when we had some really good stuff and she smoked too much, she even asked who’s hand it was on my dick, because I was getting stroked and she couldn’t see anybody else around. She got the giggles and tried to see if her sister Becca was hiding behind me, using her hand to stroke me. If so, she insisted Becca had to do something for her. What she said next didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but it was really funny at the time. Then she had to call Becca on the phone to ask if she was stroking me. The explanation, questions, denials, and additional conversation took quite a while and I was loath to waste Erin’s high. So I fucked her and got her off while she was on the phone with Becca; it was the only time that ever happened and it really got both sisters confused when it did. It was kind of nice.
In Aussie I live in a pretty small town, it is only 90 minutes to Sydney but it isn’t that big of a place.When I was just in Breckenridge, that is a pretty small town as well and I suppose since being an adult, I’ve always lived in relatively small towns.So hooking up, isn’t the same as it is in a big city.But now I’m in Vegas and I’m like a k** in a candy store!!!I got in about 3pm to the hotel, I’m staying at Paris. For some reason it is cheaper than every where else. I had the cab driver...
In Aussie I live in a pretty small town, it is only 90 minutes to Sydney but it isn’t that big of a place. When I was just in Breckenridge, that is a pretty small town as well and I suppose since being an adult, I’ve always lived in relatively small towns. So hooking up, isn’t the same as it is in a big city. But now I’m in Vegas and I’m like a kid in a candy store!!! I got in about 3pm to the hotel, I’m staying at Paris. For some reason it is cheaper than every where else. I had the cab driver...
When I was just in Breckenridge, that is a pretty small town as well and I suppose since being an adult, I’ve always lived in relatively small towns. So hooking up, isn’t the same as it is in a big city. But now I’m in Vegas and I’m like a kid in a candy store!!! I got in about 3pm to the hotel, I’m staying at Paris. For some reason it is cheaper than every where else. I had the cab driver swing by a liquor store and I grabbed a bottle of Jameson’s and a couple of cigars. I had some work...
Since I’ve moved back to Aussie I’ve been swimming at the local pool three times a week on average. With my schedule being pretty open I go during the day when the pool is quiet and I don’t think I’ve had to share a lane yet. Everyone who is swimming laps is wearing speedos or jammers which is awesome (it wasn’t like that in Colorado last winter – I didn’t see a single speedo my entire trip). A few months back I jumped out of the pool and I saw this gorgeous body wearing a perfectly fitting...
Everyone who is swimming laps is wearing speedos or jammers which is awesome (it wasn’t like that in Colorado last winter – I didn’t see a single speedo my entire trip). A few months back I jumped out of the pool and I saw this gorgeous body wearing a perfectly fitting black speedo. I enjoyed the speedo eye candy and then when the guy turned around I realised that it was Alex, a guy I’ve met through some friends of mine. I don’t know Alex that well but I’ve been to parties with him and a...
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This is not a story but a real life incident.I'm a dark, young, energetic, good looking male of Indian origin living in Queensland, Australia for the last 1 year and studying at Uni. During weekends, I used to sit with my computer and browse a lot. When I'm finished with my assignments, I used to chat online, particularly with middle aged women who were single mums or dissatisfied married women. I found that women here are very horny but broadminded and open to discussions on any subjects.Once...
I have always wanted to live up here because it is laid back, the weather is beautiful (that might be why they call it the Sunshine Coast) and the beaches are great. Me moving up here happened pretty quickly, without much planning and while I have some friends in Brisbane, I don’t actually know anyone here on the coast. Before you start worrying about me being lonely, remember, I am the Aussie Speedo Guy and I have a bit of a history with mobile hookup apps. Let me tell you about the first...
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As you guys know (or those who read my blog) I have recently moved up to the Sunshine Coast. It is in Australia, on the east coast, north of Brisbane in the state of Queensland.I have always wanted to live up here because it is laid back, the weather is beautiful (that might be why they call it the Sunshine Coast) and the beaches are great. Me moving up here happened pretty quickly, without much planning and while I have some friends in Brisbane, I don’t actually know anyone here on the...
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About 100 yards from the main entrance there was a side path ending in a one-way gate that was a short cut to the parking lot. This was arranged so it was not obvious from the lot or when walking outward, but when walking back it was clear. A few yards up the side path was a cinder block building on a concrete slab with a sign that said “Shower.” Further up the side path we could see where two more side paths branched off, signs said they led to restrooms and an open picnic area that was...
Dave, I’m happy to contribute the below details of the meet (unfortunately now that autumn is here – the speedo concept / pool party is likely to be put on hold until we hit spring again). The names and exact location are changed so that the group and members of the group are not identified. The afternoon went as follows… As the host of this little gathering, I sent an email to all the guys who had confirmed their attendance to the Speedo Party on the morning of the meet. Proceedings kicked...
Last year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I'd like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool). The group of guys are are 'speedo friendly' and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn't make it (I was in Colorado at Kip's place, having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host,...
Gay MaleLast year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I'd like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool). The group of guys are are 'speedo friendly' and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn't make it (I was in Colorado at Kip's place having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host, 'K',...
In Part 1 of this story I described that my name is Frank, and I am a seventeen-year-old Aussie boy living in Sydney, in my twelfth year in high school, or what would be a senior in the US. I am five feet and ten inches tall and weighed one hundred and eighty-five pounds. I was average looking, but sometimes received compliments on having a cute face and a nice smile, and everyone said that I look younger than my age. I was a little chubby and soft around the middle and had never been...
TabooThis story has been written at the request of and in the first-person voice of an Australian Lush member who wants to be named Frank for the story. He told me about a life-changing experience he had as a teenager and asked me to write it for him. I have avoided using Aussie slang and vernacular since I know that I would not be able to use it correctly.It was sometimes difficult for me growing up as a teenage boy in Sydney, Australia. My name is Frank, and when I was seventeen years old I was in...
TabooAnita and I had been enjoying some nice vacation days at a very comfortable hotel by the beach.On the third evening, my sexy hot wife was wearing a new black short sexy dress she had purchased that same afternoon.Before leaving the room for going to dinner, Ana asked me if I thought she should wear a tiny thong under that sexy dress.She looked very hoy dressed like this and I told her she did not need to put on any underwear… She looked really very fuckable…After we had dinner, we sat down on a...
A local tailor had to come and alter her dresses every other day, particularly the form fitting Chinese cheongsam. She had to get new ones because only small alterations could be made. I believed she gave the old ones to some lucky servants for safe keeping until they hopefully could leave the Comfort House. They could not wear them here because my warriors would simply tear them apart since they just wanted them naked for penetration soon as they saw these beauties. Cherry had learned just...
Last year, pre-covid of course, one of my members reached out to me asking me if I’d like to attend a gathering that he has regularly with a bunch of guys at his place (he mentioned a beautiful pool). The group of guys are are ‘speedo friendly’ and he thought I would fit in. Yes, it is a regular Speedo Pool Party / Orgy. It is only a couple of hours from my house but I couldn’t make it (I was in Colorado at Kip’s place having my share of Speedo Hottub Parties / Orgies). I asked the host, ‘K’,...
Jack visibly calmed himself, pointedly ignored Erin, and changed to a friendly, “lets negotiate” tone with me. “Well, if you want to move ahead in the line how about you pay me something for her? I got some time yet. That is only fair you know, seeing as how I warmed her up.” Well, that was just bad manners and I was losing patience. “Allow me to retort.” (If you recall your Pulp Fiction, those words were followed by bad things.) “You have me in a mood now.” I hunched my shoulders and arms...
This little encounter takes place before I married my lovely and very understanding wife. These days she and I often talk about it as a “what if...” as in, “Would I do it again?” “Would she do it?” “What might we do instead?” “Is there a way to make it more fun?” “Do you still have her number?” I should mention that it also occurred before the plague of “risk assessment experts” with their rules, black boxes and cameras have made my workplace less fun. At the time I was driving a delivery...
This is a real story.A little about me. I am a 27 year old Indian guy. Decent looking. I live in San Francisco. I am str8 but have always wanted to please good looking white or black guys.This happened I went to Miami in Sep 2013 with a couple of other Indian friends. The very first night we all went to a club and got pretty drunk. I slipped out of the club and went to the beach. It was very dark and I started walking on the beach. While walking I saw a black guy sitting all by himself next to...
I love sharing our adventures and our photos with all of you. I still have to share about this special picture taken in the tent. I turned it into a several pieces of art work and donated 11 x 14 copies of each to our local art museum. They still hang in the modern digital art display. I am attaching the original (which you may have seen from one of our other adventure stories we shared here) and the art works. It is one of my favorites. I am also adding a few beach pics. The story behind the...
I need some critical history about Erin before I go on. In high school (two classes), nursing school (three classes), and at her first job (at the lunch table) my wife was exposed to some feminist views that were stronger than the mainstream. All preached the same militant tune: “my body, my choice!” Each of the classes spent at least a month looking at fairy tales, traditional stories, literature and popular current authors to find the “subtle chauvinist themes.” The first example they all...
Hi Y’all,Since the k**s are back in school I decided to spend most of the week driving for Uber during school hours. It was a pretty normal week until Thursday when at Noon I picked up two guys from the 3rd floor parking garage at SeaTac. They were Australian guys who had just finished their long flight but seemed raring to go. From the very moment they got in my Honda they were flirting with me. I suspected they’d been drinking but no matter what they were shocked that a blonde mom was driving...
It was around 8.30 in the evening, and thirty-eight year old Marry Taylor was working in the kitchen of her small house. She was wearing a brown colored dress, her hair was tied in a bun and a little cleavage in that dress was making her perfect MILF for all the boys out there in the world. Marry was a widow, her husband died three years ago and now she was living alone, working as a teacher. Since then Marry didn’t have a relationship with anyone. She was all alone. Sometimes she did feel the...
MILFI sat at my desk daydreaming about where to go on my vacation, there were so many places I wanted to see. I had been saving up for over five years, so I could afford to go anywhere I wished to. It’s a toss up from, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, England, or Australia. It’s hard to decide so I tabled the subject for now, I could choose later when I am at home. When I got home from work there was an email from my friend Bob in Australia. He had invited me to a fantasy vacation, one that would both...
When I get home from work there is an email from my friend Bob in Australia. He has invited me to a fantasy vacation, "One that will both seduce me and take your breath away." Oh how inviting, a sexy friend and a beautiful country one could not ask for anything more. Now, I am really confused as I sit reading through the travel brochures, I can't get my mind off Bob. Since my divorce I have not done much dating, but have found several friends online and a handful of guys, that in my...
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‘Anna! Anna!’ Who the hell was it that was calling her? She didn’t know anyone here- this was her getaway trip to the other side of the world, who could it be? ‘Anna that is you, isn’t it?’ Well it was obviously a male voice. She slowly opened her eyes and lifted a little off her beach mat, she looked at the gorgeous Australian who had called her and a weird suspicion passed through her mind. ‘Jon?!’ she asked in an unsure voice. ‘Yes babe it’s me’, he smiled at her. ‘Well this is a...
“Really?” she asks me with a curious smile. “That’s what some psychological studies have suggested”, I reply. A psychoanalytical suggestion that men are attracted to the female’s butt because it stands for the breasts seems to intrigue Allyson, my 19 years old Australian student. She is one of the most lively and vivacious girls amongst the 31 odds students from Italy, France, Chile, Argentina, US, India, Iran, Japan, Korea and Australia who are in the international graduate exchange programme...
I was on holiday down under with my wife and her sister on what was billed as the holiday of a lifetime.It was out last day in Syndey and the wife as usual was desparate to go shopping. My sister in law, Jane, was going to meet up with some friends so i was on my own for the day.I was just wandering around Sydney taking in some of sites but managed to get myself lost with no idea of the route back to the hotel. I was standing on a junction looking around trying to work out which way i needed...
For over 12 yrs I have wanted another guy or guys to fuck my wife with or without me but she was adamant that it shall remain a fantasy and no more.But,I was so persistant she finally started to entertain the thought seriously after all these years.Well,one night(of many)we were laying on the bed,kissing and touching eachother when I turned our attention to me arranging a guy or guys for her before I fly out for work.She looked at me with a smile and said "Just make sure they are about the same...
I sat at my desk daydreaming about where to go on my vacation; there were so many places I wanted to see. I had been saving up for over five years, so I could afford to go anywhere I wished to. It’s a toss up from; Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, England, or Australia. It’s hard to decide so I tabled the subject for now; I could choose later when I am at home. When I got home from work there was an email from my friend Bob in Australia. He had invited me to a fantasy vacation, one that would both...
Anal"Anna! Anna!" Who the hell was it that was calling her? She didn't know anyone here- this was her getaway trip to the other side of the world, who could it be? "Anna that is you, isn't it?" Well it was obviously a male voice. She slowly opened her eyes and lifted a little off her beach mat, she looked at the gorgeous Australian who had called her and a weird suspicion passed through her mind. "Jon?!" she asked in an unsure voice. "Yes babe it's me", he smiled at her. "Well this is a...
Straight Sex“Really?” she asks me with a curious smile. “That’s what some psychological studies have suggested”, I reply. A psychoanalytical suggestion that men are attracted to the female’s butt because it stands for the breasts seems to intrigue Allyson, my 19 years old Australian student. She is one of the most lively and vivacious girls amongst the 31 odds students from Italy, France, Chile, Argentina, US, India, Iran, Japan, Korea and Australia who are in the international graduate exchange programme...
TabooCHAPTER ITHE PASSION OF STEELIt is morning 9: am, a beautiful woman arrives at Steele's studio, Steele is a young blonde short hair 24-year-old photographer. She wears a tiny blue short and a white Tshirt."Hi, I came by the notice that you needed a model to ...""Sure, come in, “interrupts Steele,” get comfortable, sorry, this place is a little messy."“It is ok, do not worry,” answers the woman.The girl looks around as walks slowly. She is struck by seeing only photos of beautiful naked women.“I...
In 2003 I was only eighteen years old but had had several lovers, I use the world lover in a loose sense. Most of the men I had been with were nervous fumbling in toilet blocks, in their parents houses while they were at work or in classrooms at college. I found this kind of thing very erotic because the thought of getting caught added to the excitement! I had started being with men a few years ago and as I said I had had a few lovers by now but most of them I fooled around with once or twice...
When I was young, I found a playgirl magazine. It started my fascination and love of cock. I would masturbate to the thoughts of all those beautiful cocks. Soon, I wanted more and found myself searching it out. I lived near the beach and often would go down to the edge of the sand and jerk off, dreaming about sucking cock. Even as a k**, I knew there was a "gay" part of the beach. As my desire and courage increased, I moved closer and closer to that area.I was a young, fit and attractive k**....
Truck Ride - Chapter OneI opened the door to the big red truck. The vehiclehad been lifted with both a body and suspensionpackage giving it the look like those monster trucksfrom late night TV. After I eventually climbed in, Isat down on the seat looking over at the driver whowas to be my companion for the rest of the day. Hisname was Travis and he was a handsome prince if everthere was one. I met Travis on-line a couple of weeksago. After numerous sessions of chatting by phone, wehad...
Jones Beach by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Cathy Margolies, blonde and pretty with a sunny disposition locks the front door of her modest home in Seal Beach, California, and walks behind her fianc?, Brad Featherson, as he carries her luggage to his Jaguar XKE convertible parked at the curb. Brad, sandy-haired, tall, well-built and well-dressed is driving her to John Wayne A...
Truck Stop by Torrent Look, it's like I told the cops — someone poked a hole in my back,took my truck, took my Indian princess and left me for dead. All the rest — what I was carrying, where I picked up Cherry — itreally don't matter. But hell, Doc, you saved my life, and I owe you. So here's the story. The company told me I'd be hauling a high-value load. Three pressurizedtanks inside a bullet-proof steel cylinder. I said, just tell me this, is anyof this shit radioactive? I don't carry...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 14 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. The...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 8 The Day After Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...
“Get dressed my slutty little slave; we are going to the truck.” Those were the words I awoke to in the very early morning darkness after master’s arrival. As I grabbed a quick shower I thought about the afternoon and evening just past; as he had promised before his arrival, master had indeed done just as he pleased with me. He seemed to know from the first moment exactly how to show me that I was his; how to make me feel my servitude to him deeply. He had made me meet him that afternoon...
Madhu cursed under her breath as she heard the announcement. Her flight from Mumbai to Bangalore had been cancelled due to a technical problem. This was the night before Diwali weekend. There was no way she would get another flight. She tried all the airline counters, and as expected, was told that all flights for 2 days were booked. A few quick calls to travel agents brought more bad news. All trains and buses were booked as well. And all car rental companies were overbooked too. Last minute...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 11 The Following Days and the Firmlove Meeting Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non- canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist,...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 17 Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. ...
My husband (Roger) and I are not swingers, but we are exhibitionists. He loves to show me off to other men, especially at the beach. We live in Europe, so he insists on me going topless and wearing only a tiny thong to sunbathe in. My husband likes to see the effect I have on other men.This is a true story that took place on the beautiful Greek island of Skiathos. I am a little nervous writing this, as my husband does not know the whole story, and he is an avid reader on this site. I have...
My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I’m not sure who the “real” owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn’t unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my...
A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 7 The Bikini Beach July 4th Celebration Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this...
All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. A version of this story in Italian is available on FictionMania -------------- Me, the beach, and Erica -------------- My plan was as simple: Graduate from high school and then do three Summer months at the seaside far from worries, parents, books, and problems. I spent my whole last year of school just imagining how...
Bikini Beach: Glenn Matsumoto Visits By Daphne Xu Teaser: This is another excerpt from my still-incomplete sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", and is set immediately before "Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits". Attorney Glenn Matsumoto has to consult with Bikini Beach's Grandmother for professional reasons. The Disclaimer Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or...
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. As always comments, kudos and criticisms welcome. Beach Taking a break from the nasty porn, the twisted chat rooms, and the obsessive masturbating, I decided to do something...