Smilin' Jack free porn video

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SMILIN' JACK by Maggie Finson Jack Jack loved this time of year. With the closeness of Halloween, and all that holiday's attendent pranks and dressing up, his own less than benevolent tricks were much easier to perform. Better yet, his little jokes on humanity often managed to go largely unnoticed for days. At least, by those fortunate enough not to be caught up in them. He was a very old entity, one who had been known by many different names by many cultures. The one commmon thread in all those names, and the tales associated with them, was that of a prankster who took childish glee in whatever mischief he or she could cause. Usually to the discomfiture of those unfortunate enough to have attracted the prankster's attention. Now, Jack was watching a scene, an argument really, that warmed what he had for a heart, while filling him with anticipation. Finding a suitable host for his intellect that was close enough to influence things as he wished, the entity let out a short chuckle and prepared to begin his next prank. The First Victims "Damnit, June!" Phillip Hammond stumbled over yet more decorations for Halloween that his wife had purchased and left on the floor while preoccupied with getting even more of the things set up so they were 'just right'. "What is it with you and all this Halloween stuff? We already have an attic full of leftover props and decorations from the last couple of years." "Oh, hi, Phil," June replied, as she turned from the witch she had been fastening to the bathroom door, and moved to give her husband of four years a long, sensuous kiss of welcome. "So, do you like the new stuff? I found it at a new place in the mall, and thought it was so great. I just had to have it for our party this year. You really don't mind, do you? I could probably take most of it back if you do." Putting his arms around his wife and returning her kiss, Phil sighed to himself while once again discovering why he never stayed angry, or even bothered to get that way with his lovely little redheaded spouse. Her soft green eyes glinted with pleasure, as her firm little breasts pressed into his chest and rubbed him in just the right way. "No, go ahead and set the stuff up, hon. I'll get changed and help you out in a few minutes." "Great!" June enthusiastically hugged him, and rewarded his sudden capitulation with another kiss. "Take your time, I'm really having fun with this stuff right now, but the help would be welcome when I start setting up the witch's cauldron in the front yard." "Okay." Phil shook his head with indulgent amusement while watching the petite, svelte form of his wife, particularly her sweetly rounded and tight bottom as she dove back into one of the boxes he had just stumbled over. He loved her for her looks, which were astonishingly angelic, her carnal appetites that would put a succubus to shame once cranked up, and her ebullient personality. A lot of people had told him he was spoiling her outrageously by giving in to almost every whim she had, and more than a few of the male friends he had whispered that he was 'pussy whipped', but with more than a small note of envy in their voices as they said it. Phillip didn't care what they thought. He also knew that his charming, bubbly little wife had him firmly wrapped around her nimble little finger, and couldn't find any reason to object. Mainly because June loved him just as completely as he loved her. He did, however, have some problems with her theme idea for their upcoming costume party. The fantasy part of it was okay, he had decided, but role reversals? The idea of himself done up as some fantasy female, with his petite wife as some male, caused him to grumble with uneasy feelings of embarrassment, and filled his mind with visions of humiliation on top of that. Strangely, none of their friends and acquaintances had demured on the invitations or conditions, and many of the couples and singles invited were quite industrioustly working on their costumes already. Something Phillip had kept putting off with a line of excuses that were getting more feeble with each passing day. And something he would have to get to soon, or June would take matters in her own capable hands, and it would be hard telling what he would end up being for the party. With yet another sigh, he turned to thread his way through the decorations and props to the stairs leading to the second floor and their, hopefully, uncluttered bedroom while considering how lucky it was that June didn't go so overboard on any other holiday. Otherwise, he would be putting up and taking down decorations all year long. As he left the living room, and his wife was still delving through her new found treasures, neither one of the couple noticed how a plastic Jack-o-Lantern's eyes suddenly flared with a deep, yellow/orange light, then gradually faded to a dull, imperceptible glow. * * * * Phil stared at his image in the full length mirror once he had gotten out of his work clothes and was headed for the shower. Standing a full five feet six inches on a good day, with his slender build and light body hair, he understood why the idea of dressing up as a female upset him so much. In his opinion, he was already halfway there without trying, thanks to genetics and inheriting his mother's slight build, facial features, and Amerind ancestry. Almost beardless thanks to that ancestry, and delicately featured for a male, he had often gone out of his way to act in a more masculine manner than a lot of guys felt necessary. Not that he went all macho on anyone, he just worked out at the gym, was active in sports like football and baseball, and took care to keep his thick dark hair cut short. Once, he had given in to an urge to let it grow, and the dark, glossy hair framing his face had given him such a feminine cast of feature that he had gotten rid of the longer locks within a week. Meeting June had been one of the best things to happen to him in his entire life, and Phil still marvelled at the mere fact that she had found him both attractive and exciting. That and her five foot two frame fit well with his own short physical stature. All in all, he felt as if the match with his wife was something sent to both of them from Heaven, and made very sure that he did all he could to keep her happy. Not simply because he wanted to keep her, he loved her more than he felt capable of adequately saying. * * * * Jack took in the situation with something that was almost contented, if it weren't for the anticipation and hunger. He wouldn't have just one or two people to play with, but a whole house full of them, if he could only bide his time. If the plastic Jack-O-Lantern had possesed hands, they would have been rubbing together in joyful, gleeful, anticipation. Jack turned his attention to the female and began to subtly, carefully, bend her to his will. * * * * "Honey, I was going to find a costume!" Phil answered his smug looking wife, after she told him she had already gotten his costume when she had chosen her own. "I just haven't gotten around to doing it yet." "Well, you waited too long," June informed him crisply, after announcing that she had gotten him a costume for the party the next evening. "So you'll just have to live with what I was able to get for you, and let me tell you, the costumes were pretty well picked over by the time I got to the shop. You're lucky I found this one." "Define lucky," he grumbled, staring at the confection of gauzy petticoats underneath a soft pink skirt that would likely be floor length when it was on. On him. "What is it supposed to be?" "It's The Faerie Queen, silly," June laughed in almost malicious glee as she went on, "and it has a set of nice wings, a long, pale blonde wig, a crown, and a sceptre for Your Majesty to wear with the dress." "You," Phil grumbled with mock darkness in his voice, "are having way too much fun with this. You know that, don't you?" "Sure I am," his wife giggled while leering at him, then breaking into a wide smile while holding the ultra feminine, and very complicated looking gown up for his full perusal. "This is meant to be fun, after all." "Yeah, fun," he agreed without real enthusiasm, then chuckled as the image of himself in that getup appeared in his mind. "I'll probably trip over my skirts and end up with a most unqueenly broken leg or bruised butt." "Oh, we'll get you into it tonight so you can practice moving around," June answered. "That way, we can see how everything fits, and tinker with your makeup and other accessories." "Sounds great," Phil responded, while wondering if that bottle of Scotch he had stuck in the top cupboard after their New Year's party was still there. If it was, he decided, it wouldn't be there for long. "What are you going as?" "The Faerie King, of course," she replied, beaming, while reaching for another costume. One that Phil would have been much more comfortable wearing than the one intended for him. "The Queen has to have her consort, after all, and I thought it would be really great if we were matched." "All right," Phil conceeded with some reluctance. "Just how soon do you want to start this 'trying on and getting used to the costume' stuff? And are you going to try your's on, too?" "Yes, I am." His wife grinned. "We can start right after we eat supper. That should give us plenty of time, don't you think?" "Sure," he said, with visions of a rare Friday night football game going down the tubes for him that evening. Phil sighed, and resigned himself to once again doing what his wife wanted. "Let's eat and get it over with." "That's the spirit, hon." * * * * Jack gleefully planned his actions while the unsuspecting couple ate their meal. An entire houseful of guests... He would need help. And knew just where to find it. * * * * Phil sat uncomfortably while waiting for his wife to get into her costume, and staring at his own, very different appearing, reflection in the full length mirror mounted on their closet door. June had, of course -- big surprise, there -- insisted that he get into his first. Into it fully, with complete makeup, the wig, flimsy gossamar wings, a light floral perfume, and jewelry. With a properly padded out girdle, falsies set firmly in a bra that was already irritating his shoulders and back, and worst of all, a corset that pulled his waistline in to something he absolutely refused to contemplate while struggling for a full breath. He did have to admit that the apparent female he saw seated in a painfully upright posture on his wife's vanity stool was worth looking at. With the clever use of cosmetics, her mouth was full, red, moist, and seemed to invite kisses from any male seeing her. Large, almond shaped eyes of a startling and very clear ice blue stared out from behind long, luxuriousy curling lashes, all beneath slender crescents of highly arched brows. With the rest of the cosmetics so carefully smoothed on, her face had taken on a near heart shape. The biggest problem Phil had with seeing her was that she was him. All the way to that enticingly dark cleavage between soft, pale mounds of breasts and the small, delicately pointed ears visible beneath her curling mane of pale blonde hair whenever she turned her head. Hold on there... Feeling a little dizzy, but thankfully breathing a bit easier, Phil couldn't recall his wife using anything to change the shape of his ears. Or to give his breasts such a realistic appearance. Or to disguise his still too large feet to appear small and delicate in the pink, high heeled slippers. Or... "June!" Phil clapped a small, perfectly manicured hand over a mouth that was far too full and soft to jibe with his memory of what his lips had been like before. Which was about par for the course, since his voice had come out in a lightly lilting soprano. Closing his eyes and telling himself that the sensations were hallucinations caused by oxygen deprivation because of the blasted corset he had been laced into, Phil mentally voiced the mantra, 'This isn't real. It's a costume. It's only a costume,' repeatedly before working up the courage, silly as that seemed, to chance taking another look in the mirror. What he saw was less than encouraging. The evident changes, imagination or not, had progressed further. Now the delicate beauty in the mirror was even more slender of neck, waist, and arm. With her large eyes taking on a slight tilt at the outer edges that was both lovely and very exotic. Staring at the continuing changes to the figure in the mirror, irridescent wings fluttering with his distress, Phil opened his soft, lush mouth and screamed, "JUNE!" June, in the bathroom, heard the feminine scream for help from the bedroom, but was having problems of her own at the time. Like figuring out how to arrange a penis and testicles in the tights of her own costume without causing herself a great deal of pain and discomfort. That was after she had made an absolute mess of the floor trying to relieve herself and finding those unfamiliar, on her, pieces of anatomy flopping out half obscenely when she started to sit on the toilet. Narrower hips, wider shoulders, slightly larger feet, lack of familiar soft, moving weights on her chest, and a completely skewed sense of balance from the different body mechanics required to move at all, had gleefully added to her difficulties. A swish of material, followed by a solid thump on the bedroom floor accompanied with a feminine yelp of outraged pain told her that Phil was experiencing much the same problems in the opposite direction of her own. Thinking that the poor guy was also learning to manuver in long, full skirts and heels brought a giggle, or rather a deep toned chuckle from her thin lips. Another wave of that nauseating dizziness came and went, taking her confused sense of balance with it, and leaving a slightly prickly something on her upper lip and chin. Somethings, actually. Turning carefully to peer into the bathroom mirror, June beheld a thin, handsome face with piercing blue eyes, a masculine if delicately featured face with a strong, square chin, wearing a black mustache and goatee. "Oh, my God. I'm a man!" "No," said a highly amused voice which came out of nowhere to her startlement. "You are a male Faerie. The Faerie King, to be precise." "This isn't happening," June muttered in her deeper voice, while shaking her head and noting the mass of thick dark hair that barely reached her shoulders. "Don't be ridiculous," the voice went on in answer. "Of course it's happening. You have become Oberon, the Faerie King, and mate to Titania." "Titania?" a bemused June questioned a bit thickly. "Does that mean that Phil..." "Has become the Faerie Queen, Titania?" the voice giggled in a most distressing manner, then replied, "Duh! Of course your former husband has become the beautiful Titania! That completes the lovely symmetry of all this, don't you agree, Your Majesty?" "June, Oberon, Phil, Titania." June let out a long breath in a vain attempt to rein in her confusion, as something else belatedly occured to her. "With a voice out of nowhere telling me these things? Who in the Hell are you?!! And what have you done to my husband and me??!" "You can call me Jack," the voice, still amused and sounding more than a little self satisfied, responded. "And the person in the bedroom is now your wife, the Queen of Faerie, Your Majesty." "Well, you can just change us back, uh, Jack," June commanded, noting in passing that her voice did hold a very firm note of command. "Right now." "Whatever for?" Jack questioned with another unnerving, and less than sane sounding giggle. "This is only the start of all our fun, Ron old boy. I wouldn't dream of changing anything I've done here, and you can't make me." Drawing in another breath to continue her, now his, tirade, June was interrupted by another high pitched wail from the bedroom. Glaring at nothing in the hopes that whoever belonged to the voice calling itself Jack would see it, June opened the bathroom door to behold a sight that had her laughing in spite of all the weirdness. A lithe, voluptious, yet somehow still trim figure that had to be Phil was seated on the floor frantically pulling up both skirt and petticoats while attempting to peer under them. The result was a mess of pink skirt and white gossamer petticoats wrapped around his now slender neck while his face was buried in even more of the disarranged garments. "It's gotta be there somewhere, it has to be there, doesn't it?" he was muttering in a lilting soprano that sent chills of something almost sexual through the transformed June. Phil finally managed to get enough out of the way to pull his delicate panties down, and simply stared at what that revealed for a few seconds before screaming out a string of curses. "Aaacckk! It's gone! This is not happening! It isn't posible that a costume could do this to anyone! June! Help meeee..." He looked up to call that last, and the face June saw was breathtaking in its exotic, and yes, elfin and very feminine beauty. June felt an unaccustomed stirring in her crotch as she also got a great view of her mate's newly acquired cleavage, and the breasts that made that possible. The new Phil stared wide-eyed for a moment, before opening his lovely mouth and plaintively asking, "Who are you? And can you tell me what's going on here?" "It's me...June," she responded with a slight grin at her husband's still awkward and very revealing position. "Why don't you smooth your skirts down, it is a bit distracting to see you on the floor with your legs spread open and your skirts flung all about like that, and we'll get you back on your feet while we work out what has happened." "Oh. OH!!" Phil responded, turning a very charming shade of pink rapidly heading toward red while he hastily smoothed his petticoats and skirt while snapping his smooth, pretty legs together. Following several abortive attempts to stand on his own, a highly embarrassed and frustrated Phil held a hand to his wife with an entreating look on his beautiful face. "Would you mind giving me a hand up? Every time I try, these damned skirts get all tangled up with my feet." June grinned, then walked over and offered a hand that was now larger than her husband's. "Sure, grab on, and I'll hoist you up." "Hoist is right - Ahhh!" The last expletive came out when June literally pulled the beauty her husband had become up from the floor and set him gently on his tiny feet. After rearranging and smoothing both disheveled hair and still dissarrayed skirts, he slowly looked up into his very different looking wife's face with a grimace. "Thanks, honey." "No problem, sweetie," June returned, bemused by the ease with which she had picked him up. "Now, to our little problem here..." "LITTLE?" Phil almost started screaming again, but quickly held that urge down, and gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, this is kind of disorienting. What am I saying? This is totally mind boggling. Are we dreaming?" "Well, if it is a dream," June answered in her deeper voice, "we're sharing the same dream, because I see you as a very lovely, sexy, and alluring female. How do you see me?" "Why?" Phil questioned, suspiciously. "Just curious, mainly," June responded, then pressed. "Come on, tell me what you see and feel when you look at me. It could be important, after all." "To your ego," Phil muttered under his breath, then gave June's new form a long, careful going over that had him blushing by the time he was finished. "Uh, I see, a -- uh, a very handsome and sexy male who gets me hot just looking at him. Are you satisfied now?" "Not completely," June answered with a reassuring smile. At least she hoped it was reassuring, because what she really wanted to do at the moment was tear Phil's clothing off, throw his slim figure to the bed, then jump in on top of him. "But for what it's worth, I'm getting turned on just looking at you, too." "No kidding?" Phil tartly returned, then sighed in resignation as he felt a warm wetness in his crotch while observing the rather obvious, and thoroughly male, response to a pretty female in his wife's pants. "I would have never guessed if you hadn't told me, dear." "I have an idea, honey." June stroked her beard, and wondered if she should start considering herself as a he while calculating just how far she/he could push the other at the moment. "Since putting these costumes on changed us, or seemed to, let's get them off and see if we go back to normal. What do you think?" "I think that's a wonderful idea!" Phil responded, as he/she began reaching for the zipper at the back of his/her gown, then stopping with a frown on his/her delicate face. "My wings are getting in the way. Could you please help me?" "My pleasure." June waved a hand to indicate that Phil should turn around. * * * * Jack watched the proceedings with a great deal of interest, and even more gleeful mirth. The mutually sexual attraction he had set into both of his newest victims was working quite well. Now all he needed to do was further encourage them to couple, and the changes he had made would become very permanent. Rubbing non-corporeal hands together in anticipation, he bent his will to further influence the couple. * * * * "Well, that idea was sure a bust," Phil grumped in his/her sweetly lilting voice. June shrugged, then looked over the proudly jutting bustline of her/his husband as he/she carefully moved to stand strategically between Phil and the doors to either the bathroom or hallway. "Yes, I guess it was, but now I have another idea." "What would that..." Phil saw the familiar gleam in his/her wife's blue eyes, and began to back away. "Oh, no you don't. What do you think you're looking at? And what are you planning to do with what you see?" "That," a nude June in all her/his masculine glory waved to the erect organ at her/his crotch, "should be fairly obvious, darling." Belatedly Phil covered his/her breasts with one arm, and his/her all too female equipment below the waist with the other. "I think you'd better go take a cold shower." June shrugged again, watching her/his mate's diaphanous wings flutter in distress, and something else. It was the something else that truly interested the transformed wife. In fact, her/his interest only increased as the other's demurrals increased in both number and volume. "I don't think that will work, dearest. Haven't you ever wondered what it's like on the other side of the fence?" "No!" Phil spat out, as he/she ran up against the bedroom wall as he/she backed away from the advancing form of June. Then his/her lovely little face flushed as the admission quietly came out in spite of whatever was done to keep it in. "Well, okay, maybe I have. But that doesn't mean that I want to try it out now! Keep back! Do you hear me, June? Stay awa -- Aacckk!" Ignoring the protests, June scooped up her/his petite partner, and dropped hin/her on the bed, climbing on top and pinning the struggling form underneath the now strong, male body she/he possessed. "Come on, honey, just one time. To see what it's like." Phil, pushed down into the bed by June's heavier weight, struggled for another few seconds before feeling a hot, hard piece of flesh nudging at his/her ready and heated nether lips. "Will you STOP tha...Ohhhh, myyyy, Gaawd! Don't you dare pull out now!" June quite happily obliged the last commmand, and she became he. Back arched in a pleasure he/she felt certain was very wrong, Phil received what was given, and became a her without the slightest twinge of either guilt, shame, or protest. Except for when her husband had to stop for a breather occasionally. * * * * That had all worked out rather well, even if he did say so himself, Jack thought jubilantly as the pair went at it like a pair of too long celibate minks. Each of them would settle quite nicely into their new roles and existences, now that the changes had been both consummated and consecrated. All it would take from him at that stage was a few helpful nudges to get their magic flowing, and to make sure it flowed in the way he wanted. * * * * "Just one time!" Titania, formerly Phil, snarled at her husband Oberon. "To see what it felt like! Oh, now that was a wonderful idea. I can't even think of myself as a male any more, let alone remember how to move or act like one. This is all your fault, you know." "I wasn't the only one going at it most of the night," the one time woman named June, now a virile male named Oberon yawned. "I'd like to point out that it was you, my lovely little wife, who kept at arousing me even when I was ready to turn over a get a little sleep! So don't go laying all the blame on me, wench!" "Wench!" Titania screamed in outrage. "I'm not supposed to be a woman! I wasn't born as a girl, and should never, ever, have listened to you about this gods be damned party, or the costumes you so conveniently found for us! I'm a man, damn it! Not some fairy tale piece of tail tailor made for your enjoyment!" "A man?" Oberon leered at his wife's still nude and very appealing form. "I have never seen a male, excuse me, man, worthy of the name who possessed the wondrous assets you do, my dear wife. Or one that was so willing to make use of them in the bedchamber." Titania reached down to grab her clothing, scooped all of it up in a mass of soft, rustling material, and flounced into the bathroom with a final shriek of feminine rage. As the door slammed shut, her jewelry, including the diamond encrusted diadem, floated after her retreat and hovered patiently at the closed and locked door. With a snick, the lock was released and a slender arm tipped with a delicate hand reached out to snatch and drag them into the bathroom with her. The door then slammed shut again. With enough force to shake the mirror over her vanity and the drawers in their armiores. Oberon stared at the door for a few moments, grinned, then laughed in deep, rich tones that filled the bedroom with his mirth. "That's my Titania, all right! A tigress in bed, and a raving bitch out of it! Hmm..." He spent the next few minutes in the very pleasant pursuit of imagining ways to keep his gorgeous wife in bed. Then moving on to what he would do to her once he had her there again. Whistling a light, cheerful little tune, he started to get himself dressed. Bargains Struck Locked safely in the bathroom, Phil, or Titania now whether she wanted to acknowledge the truth of that or not, fumed for another few minutes before letting out a resigned sigh and seating herself on the toilet to take care of a need she had been trying to ignore for the past half hour. Once that was finished, to her absolute humiliation she had to wipe clear up the crack between her rounded butt cheeks, then begin to get herself dressed in the costume that had become far too real for anyone's comfort. Especially for the lovely female creature who had been Phil. "My god, how do I get myself into all that stuff? Do I even want to?" The alternative was staring at her from the full length mirror set into one of the bathroom walls. A petite, very well formed, and not exactly human female with delicately veined dragonfly-like wings firmly attached to her backside watched back from the mirror's surface, her beauty enough to intoxicate what was left of Phil inside her. And more than enough to totally flummox any male who laid eyes on her in that nude condition. "Yes, I suppose I'd better," the grudging admission was pulled from those full, invitingly red lips in the sweetly lilting accents her new voice insisted on using. ''But can I manage to get into the stuff without help?" "Of course you can, Your Majesty," a strange, unfamiliar voice chuckled from behind her. Turning rapidly to see who else was present to further her discomfiture, she found no one anywhere in the room. "Don't try to find me, Titania, dear. I am not present in the physical sense." "Wh -- who are you? Where are you then?" Titania questioned, then felt a bolt of outrage at this newest violation. "And what do you think you're doing in my bathroom watching me naked?!" "Enjoying it, actually," the voice calmly answered. "You are quite a lovely sight, M'Lady Queen. My name, at least the one you could pronounce, is Jack and I am the agent of your change from human to the delightfully shaped vision you have become. I have also altered your former wife to fit his new role as your husband, lover, and royal consort. As for 'where' I really am, I would imagine that answer would simply boggle your poor overworked mind, so just believe it when I say that I am both here and there." "I think I'd better let that one go," the new Titania grumbled, then stared almost longingly at the pile of clothing on the bathroom floor. It wasn't exactly what she would have chosen herself, but it would get her covered and out of Jack's, or whoever's it was, licentious view. "and figure out how to get into these damn things before my new 'husband' decides to play some more bedtime games with me." "That's an easy one, Titania my darling," the voice, Jack, chuckled as she winced at both the name and endearment. "Simply wish yourself dressed, and if the color of the garments is not to your taste, change it." "I can do that?" she questioned, then answered her own question by thinking all those unfamiliar garments on her equally unfamiliar body in their proper order. They quite wilingly obliged, simply disappearing from the floor then reappearing on her body. "Wow! I guess I can. Now for that awful shade of pink. It just does my own coloring no justice at all." Brielfy worrying that this being a female thing was beginning to affect her mind, Titania considered the range of colors and shades open to her imagination and found them to be dizzying in number and subtleties she would never have even noticed as Phil. With the barest flicker, the pink changed into a snowy white, then to a rich gold tone and stayed that way. Still not quite satisfied, she gave another mind twitch and the gown became one of ice-blue silk that matched her new eyes perfectly. With a sigh of contentment that Phil would have found disgusting, she admired the image in the mirror a moment before returning to the topic that was still foremost in her mind. "All right, Jack, or whoever you are. Thanks for letting me in on that one. Now, what do I have to do so you'll change us back?" "Simply do as I ask of you this evening and night, dearest, most beautiful Queen, and you have my personal assurances that I will make things normal for you, your new husband, and all your guests. Until then, this will be a party that will be remembered by all who attended for a very long time." Not quite liking that phrasing, but still a little muddled by all the changes and general weirdness that she had endured over the past sixteen hours or so, Titania let out a long sigh and went for it. "Okay, so what exactly is it that you seem so intent on me and my 'husband' doing for you tonight at the party?" "I want both of you to use your new powers in magic to make the costumes your guests wear into the real things." Jack informed her with a chuckle that spiraled off into an unsettling giggle. "Then help me make sure that the changed ones act the parts they have been given." "Oh, is that all?" Titania shrugged, then rounded on the area she had last heard the voice emanating from. "Are you out of whatever you use for a mind?!! Why on Earth would I do something like that to most of our friends, after having it done to me?" 'Well, let me put it this way," the disembodied voice of Jack answered with good humor masking a hint of threat. "Would you really enjoy spending the rest of your life chewing your cud, getting milked, and being serviced by some randy bull at some farm?" "You wouldn't, you couldn't!" "Say moo for me, little cow to be," the voice prodded as Titania felt her breasts enlarge and begin moving towards her belly. "and get used to saying it, because it will be the only thing you're capable of vocalizing in a few more moments." "All right, All...." "Moo nicely, once, if you agree to my deal," Jack told the cow standing in the bathroom. That one complied, with more feeling in a single plaintive bawl than some authors manage to convey in a lifetime of writing. "I'll take that as an agreement," Jack laughed as a very shakenTitania once again stood in the bathroom. "Was I correct?" "Uh, since you put it that way," Titania replied almost meekly, "sure, we have a deal. You are going to get us all back to normal after the party, right?" "I've already said I would make things normal, and will do so at the stroke of midnight, my so lovely Queen." Jack responded. Something about that phrasing still niggled at her mind, but after experiencing what it felt like to be a cow first hand, if only for a short time, Titania wasn't inclined to argue the point. * * * * "But I don't really want to be a man!" June, now Oberon argued with the voice that seemed to come from everywhere but the place he was looking. "Sure, having my way with Titania for a night was fun, and educational, but I liked being a woman." "Now, now, my Kng," Jack cautioned. "You have to admit that the sense of power and control was very heady, and that you thoroughly enjoyed, no you gloried in it." "I can't deny that," Oberon agreed with a long, drawn out sigh as he recalled the sensations both physical and emotional that had flooded his being the previous night. "but it doesn't mean that I wish to stay this way. Or have Phil stuck as that lovely, seductive, sexy.... well, never mind, you know what I'm getting at." "Yes I do, Your Majesty," Jack agreed with a snicker. "Tell you what, do as I ask this night and I will make things normal for you and your new wife. How is that?" "And just what would that be?" Oberon asked with a sigh of resignation. Jack outlined his requirements just as the newly minted Titania had heard them and obtained the Faerie King's reluctant agreement. The Party Allen Hayes and his wife Juliette read the sign posted on the front door. Please do not tell anyone who you are. All will be revealed at The Witching Hour Be Welcome to Our Home Enjoy the party Allen uncomfortably tugged at the bottom of the corset that held his waist in for the Tinkerbelle costume his wife had insisted he wear and shrugged. "I'll bet that's June's idea." "Probably," Juliette, more comfortable in her Peter Pan getup giggled a little. "She always was a nut for Hallowe'en. Poor Phil just went along to keep her happy, I'll bet." "With a wife that looks like June, I think I can understand that." Allen replied, then grunted at the sharp elbow in his already complaining side. "Careful there, Tinkerbelle," Juliette chided with a wicked grin. "Faeries aren't supposed to be interested in girls." * * * * The house was filled with guests. Titania regally circulated, greeting everyone in turn until she came to someone dressed as a very convincing French maid. "I thought this was a fantasy party?" "This is my fantasy," the maid replied in a voice that was too deep for the way she looked. Titania smiled, touching the person with her scepter as she did. "Very well, Babette. Be a good girl, pass around the refreshments, and answer the door when someone is out there, would you?" "Mai Oui, Madame!" Babette curtsied as she answered in a sexy contralto before heading off for the kitchen and a tray of snacks that was waiting to be set out for the gathering. * * * * Oberon put his arms around the shoulders of a very passable Tinkerbelle and Peter Pan with a broad smile. "Welcome to the party, both of you. Do stay until the end. It would disappoint me greatly to have both of you haring off to Never Never Land before the unmasking at midnight." "Oh no worry there, Your Majesty," Tinkerbelle trilled as she shrank to a size that would sit comfortably on his shoulder. "We'll stay for as long as you like, right Peter?" "Sure, Tink," Peter absently replied while looking around for some boyish mischief to cause. * * * * "Why Cinderella and Prince Charming!" Titania almost gushed at the couple as she gracefully moved up to greet them. "How good of you to come tonight!" "It would have been unconscionably rude not to attend, Your Majesty," An uncomfortable Cinderella responded while wondering at the very odd feelings at his bodice and between his legs and curious as to why his voice semed to have changed into a low range soprano as he responded to the incredibly convincing Titania. "As always," Prince Charming, troubled by the fact that her voice had deepened into a baritone all at once, and by an uncomfortable pressure at the crotch of her costume, gallantly returned, "It is a very great pleasure to attend one of your wonderful balls, Your Majesty." * * * * Jack was beside himself with pleasure. He would be so glutted by all the residual magic of the transformations that he would have energy to waste for another few years. Seeing his coerced agents at work in a satisfactory manner, he turned his attentions to a female vampire and her Dracula-like companion. Soon enough, those two began circulating and sampling a little blood as they nuzzled and kissed their potential victims. Feeding off the energy that was left over from the transformations, Jack settled back to watch for a while longer. * * * * "I am so honored that you would choose to attend our little party, my lord," Titania smiled invitingly at the thin devil and his succubus consort. "and my lady. It is surely a night where ones of your very special essences would be busy at other business." "Ah, Your Majesty," the devil leered with undisguised lust while wondering why she should suddenly feel so attracted to this female Faerie. "We all must have some time for relaxation. Besides, perhaps we will find a few recruits here this evening." "Yesss," hissed the succubus, also wondering why his voice had become so soft, sexy, and female, or why his crotch felt so wet whenever he looked at any male in the room. "You might call thisss a working holiday. We are ever sssso glad you invited ussss." "Well, enjoy yourselves," Titania waved around the room then made a moue of regret with her luscious mouth that had the devil salivating and the succubus glaring in jealousy. "Just remember, please, that all the guests here are under the protection of my husband and myself. Any converts you might find had better be willing and not coerced. With that, please enjoy the party." The succubus hissed in disappointment while the devil only shrugged. Both of them wandered off in search of refreshment and entertainment. * * * * Ah, the confusion, the absolute chaos! Jack was taking it all in with a joy that bordered on manic. The feeding was so good here. He settled back and allowed his Faerie King and Queen to finish the transformations for the evening. * * * * "It is rare for one of your kind to attend one of our fetes," Oberon told a gleaming silver female android and her male counterpart. "We.. Are.. Privilgeged.. To.. Be.. Here." The female android answered in a feminine, but mechanical voice through the rounded grill that rested where a mouth should have been. Trapped within the now metal and plastic shell, Paul frantically tried to speak in something other than the halting, electronic sounding voice that come out of his throat. "We..Are..Here..To.. Serve." The male counterpart of the now converted female android added. "Good," Oberon grinned widely. Please give Babette a hand if you would. I think the poor girl is getting overwhelmed with requests right now. As the pair of gleaming silver figures obediently marched towards the kitchen to find more snacks and drinks for the guests, he watched a perplexed but smiling French Maid take another male by the hand and lead him into one of the rooms next to the living and recreation rooms where the party was centered. The door closed with a finality that brooked no interruptions to the services she was giving their guest. "Very good, Babette. "Oberon grinned as he thought of the fun he would have with the lovely and alluring Titania later on in the night. * * * * My, my," Titania marveled as she spoke to the pair in front of her. "I would have never thought that you two would be seen together in public!" "We think it's time to quit hiding our attraction for each other," A very svelte Catwoman purred contentedly as she wrapped a possessive arm around her companion's waist and snuggled in under his arm. "Yes, it is," Batman agreed with a grin as he pulled the package of feline feminity closer yet. "If it weren't for the nightmare of a guest list, we'd just go ahead and get married." "I can see how that might be a problem," Titania giggled at the picture of superheros and supervillains mixing in enforced peace at such an event. "When you get the difficulties ironed out, please don't forget to invite Oberon and me." "Oh, we wouldn't dream of forgetting our fine friends from the realm of Faerie," Catwoman assured her hostess, troubled with the almost insatiable need to purr as his wife, dressed as Batman caressed the sensitive gobes of his breasts. "You have an open invitation," Batman added, shifting a bit to ease the tension in her crotch as something she wasn't at all used to stiffened to attention for the voluptuous and very willing female pressing up against her. * * * * "I think our little soiree is a great success, my lady Queen," Oberon pulled his wife into the circle of his arm and gave her a quick, affectionate kiss. "I would have to agree," Titania grinned up at her husband. "Everyone is having a wonderful time. do you suppose their confusion is adding to that?" "There is a good chance of that," Overon chuckled while watching the female android, formerly one of Phil and June's neighbors, dutifully spreading her legs to reveal a silver, but very wet female crotch for the male vampire. "Now that is a fairly safe coupling. If Drac, or whoever he is, bites that neck he'll break his teeth!" "Oh, wouldn't he be furious!" Titania laughed at the idea, then added with a hint of mischief in her sultry voice. "Catwoman dragged poor Batman into one of the spare rooms an hour ago and I haven't seen either of them since." "How much fun could those two have?" Oberon questioned, then waved off the obvious answer with a deep throated chuckle. "Never mind giving me the blow by blow description, dearest. I can imagine it very well on my own, thank you." "I believe I saw Prince Charming carrying a very intoxicated Cinderella up the stairs to our room, as well," Titania offered with another giggle. "So much for the long arduous search for the lady who fits the glass slipper." "Did that vamp just tackle the devil, or was I seeing things?" she asked while peering at the space behind the couch that was showing signs of far more activity than ever showed up because of their cat hiding out back there. "Yep," he responded with a shrug, "and the male android fairly kidnapped the poor succubus and hauled her out to the garage. God knows what he's doing with her in there." "Oh, my!" the Faerie Queen actually laughed as she pointed to a very surprised looking Peter Pan. "Tinkerbelle just dived into Peter's pants! Would you look at how they're jumping around down there!" Both of them watched an exhausted looking Babette slowly working her dainty and sexy way through the mess left by the party goers with mutual chuckles of understanding. "Babette, darling," Oberon gestured the weary, very discheveled maid over to them. "Why don't you get yourself something to drink and sit down for while? You have done a very fine job tonight and deserve to relax a bit." "Ooo, but I 'ave relaxed, my King!" the maid smiled tiredly from delicate ear to delicate ear. "Babette 'as beeen verrie busy theese eveeening! So many wonderfully horny males to take care of. Ooh la la! But eet ess a good idea you 'ave. I weel seet down and 'ave a dreenk or threee. Merci!" "Keep your eyes where they belong, my King," Titania warned while nudging Oberon with an ungentle elbow. "Which is on me." "Ah, my so wonderful, so alluring, Lady," Oberon quickly tore his lustful gaze from the maid's pertly rounded bottom in response to his wife's urgings. "It is no crime to look at a fine peice of tail wiggling so enticingly in front of my poor wandering eyes, is it?" "Not so long as you only look," Titania answered with a hint of malice in her dulcet voice. It is almost to the Witching Hour. I have enjoyed this evening, but will be very happy when things get back to normal." "Yes, all wonderful things must come to an end," Oberon agreed, reluctant to admit that he was going to miss being both male and a King. "But as you say, it will soon be over. What say you to a little fun and games of our own before that tragic moment arrives?" "And where would we do that?" his wife asked with a trace of interest in her voice and expression. "All the spare rooms are currently occupied, the old roll-away bed in the garage is being used, I'm sure, and the couch is jumping around too much for my comfort." "Why right here, my lovely Queen!" Oberon gestured at the plush carpet they stood on. "We have a finely woven rug that would not cause discomfort, and our love and lust for one another would easily counter any other distractions. What say you? Here and now, before the dreaded Witching Hour comes upon us all unawares." "I thought you would never ask!" Titania giggled and with a thought, removed her clothing as she settled to a reclining position on the soft pile of the carpet and eaerly pulled her husband down to her. "Prithee, make haste, my lord. We have but three quarters of an hour for you to sow my turned and ready fields." * * * * Midnight came and went while Jack contentedly watched the happy couple rutting on the carpet. A rapid check showed the others, with the exception of a cutely snoring Babette, engaged in pretty much the same activities. With an internal smirk, he did as promised and made things normal. Jack's Definition of Normal Catwoman purred her pleasure as Batman became aroused again. The alarm in the Batcave sounded and her lover made a move to rise. With a hand on his chest, she shook her head. "Ignore it. It's about time that boy Robin began pulling his weight around here, don't you think, my love?" "Yes it is, darling," he responded, drawn to her nude body as an iron filing was to a magnet. "Have I told you I love you lately? "To hell with telling," Catwoman grinned. "Show me." * * * * Peter gasped as Tinkerbelle squirmed in his underwear again. He knew that she would become human sized in another few minutes and then they would go at it again in the treehouse that they called home. with a very happy grin of satiation on his boyish face he muttered, "Hook, eat your heart out!" * * * * Mariah gave the drafty, cobweb filled castle a half disdainful look as her mate, Dracula opened yet another door leading to yet another disaster of interior design and cleaning. "Oh, well, I suppose a woman's touch is something this old place hasn't seen for awhile. Poor Drac is not going to enjoy my next cleaning frenzy!" * * * * Prince Charming watched his bride-to-be sleeping quite comfortably in the immense four poster bed that took up only a fraction of the chamber assigned to her by his ecstatic mother and father. Now that he had settled on a bride that they approved of, the succession for another generation was assured. * * * * "Hot down here," Glinda the succubus commented as she and the devil named Ashrael settled into their rocky bedchamber. "Oh, it isn't so bad," Ashrael returned with a playful grin on his narrow face that appeared positively satanic. "Wait until we really get going in bed. Then things are going to heat up for sure!" "Oooh, I can hardly wait!" Glinda cooed as her consort led her to the massive bed in the cave they called home. * * * * Fembot obediently finished her cleaning, being carefully scrupulous about the polish on the chromed furniture's frames. Her master would return soon and she wanted everything to be perfect when he arrived. Her programming would allow nothing less. Then there was the sex that was given as a reward. Her pleasure circuits hummed in anticipation as she finished polishing. Jeeves (what an unimaginative name to be hung on a state of the art butler bot) awaited the arrival of his owner in his cramped cubicle. Delicious electronic impulses fed his inert form as he felt his counterpart, Fembot, industriously cleaning and polishing as befit her programming and status as a state of the art household and pleasure bot. * * * * Titania gently moved her sleeping husband off her body, and arose to view the flower and vine filled bower that was her personal sleeping chamber. A still somnolent Babette was lightly snoring in a chair nearby. Without disturbing either of the two, she shook herself, took in the decidedly different surroundings of her new habitat, and recalled what Jack had promised her. To make things normal. "Jack!" she screamed in half amazed, half defeated rage. "You get your sorry ass here right now!" * * * * Jack heard the scream of raging feminine ire and chuckled. He had no intention of visiting the very temperaental Titania, Queen of all Faerie for the next hundred years or so. After all, he had kept his end of the bargain. He had made things for every participant of the party normal. Just not the kind of normal they had been used to.

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Some important info before reading: I'm a newbie to the zoo lifestyle. At least to realizing I'm a zoophile. I tried to fuck a neighbor's dog when I was considerably younger and raging with hormones. I wrote it off as being just a horny teen-aged boy. Many years later, married and not getting as much sex as I would have liked (needed?) since my wife was really tired raising the kids. However, no matter how busy or tired she or I was, my libido still was acting like I was a teen! I would...

3 years ago
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Juiane and Jack

Introduction: please give me any positive and negative comments on this story, and i havent been writing in awhile, and i will accept amy comments. I will make a squal if more negatives than positives, but i do hope you enjoy. Now know right now, this is just the start of the story, and there is no sex in this one. Juliane sat on her couch and flipped through the magazine for home living, searching for new homes , open for bidding, and land plots, scattered through the forests. She twirled her...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 13 Three Finger Jack

It was a perfect Saturday morning in Peace River. It was warm, but not too warm, and I was out taking a stroll around the town trying to get a feel for everything here. Connie had offered to go with me but I declined, saying I needed some time alone. I hated to admit it, but I was missing my life back in Andersonville. As I walked past Shady Pine Cemetery, I spotted Ashlee Gang laying some flowers on a grave. She didn't seem upset, rather the look on her face was comforting, as...

2 years ago
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Madison And Jack

Having graduated from college, I started my own business in commercial design and construction utilizing the skills I had learned while working in the construction industry and my studies in architecture and engineering while in college. Seven years along, I was doing very well in business but working long hours. I had been in a few rather serious relationships but eventually, the females I was involved with realized they came second to my career.At age twenty-eight, my mother, who was now...

First Time
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SurprisesChapter 15 Jack

The cab driver took one look at me and leered, then propositioned me. I thought about slapping him but just ignored him. He simply figured that a young blonde leaving a hotel in the early morning dressed in an evening gown was a call girl. I let him drive me home and gave him the money Jerry had given me for the cab. I wasn’t sure whether I should be angry or pleased, to think that men would pay me money for my company. I was not about to undertake a career change! I got home and found the...

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Miss Jacks

Miss Jacks.I was at the time in the care of my aunt Muriel had been for some time my parents having been killed in a car crash. She was a high powered business woman, never really knew what she did, Now and then she traveled to different parts of the country. Always first class on these occasions she would take me along.I had just turned 18 and still wore my monkseaten grammar school uniform. I liked to wear it because as a senior along with the dark red school blazer with the gold black...

2 years ago
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My first time with Jack

This story begins I guess with a relationship I had with a girlfriend from long ago who had a particular fondness for anal sex. She would come time after time always wanting me to hold off coming as long as I could. Back then we didn’t have drugs like viagra, so I had to do everything I could to keep from coming inside her ass, which was so soft inside. She knew how to contract on my dick and would ride me while I was deep inside her. While it felt great for me, she was over the top with ectasy...

3 years ago
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A Night Out with Jack

It had always turned me on, the thought of having a man drop a pill in my drink. Falling into his arms, unable to stop him from unbuttoning my dress. Slipping it off my shoulders, removing my bra and panties, and laying me on the bed. Lying there, unable to move as he spread my legs wide, sliding his hard cock deep into my vagina. Kissing my lips, down my neck, running his hot tongue over my hard nipples and sucking my breasts into his mouth as he thrusts into me. Paralyzed from the drugs, but...

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Time Stands Still Chapter Four Jack

Time Stands Still Chapter Four: Jack By 7:30 a.m. I move his lovely plug around while I have him in my mouth. I can feel his muscles expand and contract and I know he's enjoying it. His first eruption of the day is always the best. I take it all in like a good little girl, sucking it all. With my mouth full, I smile. I turn over and pull up my skirt, showing Jack my bare bottom. He begins to lick me and I push myself back into his face. As I begin to get...

3 years ago
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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 4 Aussie Jack

I looked at the shower entrance just in time to see a short guy in a swimsuit coming from the other direction turn into the shower. At a glance the guy looked younger, maybe in his early 20’s. He was short and skinny, I’m guessing about 5 foot 4 and 130 pounds, wiry with a cocky walk, he was wearing a really skimpy swimsuit - maybe a Speedo. Thanks to my “encounter with the hot pink bikini” I was out of position and had no chance to stop him. I thought my “nude beach” fantasy was ending...

2 years ago
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Visiting Jack

[This one's for the 'real' Jack, and that wonderful back alley glory hole wherein many loads of sperm have been given (and taken), and where many more will surely be as well! Thank you Jack!]It came as a complete surprise to me when I discovered that less than a mile away from where I lived (.8 of a mile to be precise) there was a private glory hole located in an ordinary looking residential neighborhood, and so I ventured to send it's operator (who went by the name of 'Jack') an e-mail...

2 years ago
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Sally and Jack

Sally and JackI rushed around the house and made sure things were straight. Sally and Jack had emailed me a couple of weeks earlier and said they were coming to town for a visit and asked if they could stay at my place. We had been friends for years, ever since Jack and I had worked together back in our younger days. Sally, Jack, June, and I had been almost inseparable for many years. Things changed though, when Jack got transferred and they had to move to Florida. My wife, June, had died about...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Jack has always been horny. The problem was that as a normal Teenager he thought of nothing but girls but like most boys he did not have the nerve to say much more than Hi to one. Most of the time he would pick out a girl, decide to approach her then chicken out. This would usually be followed by a quick jerk off in his room. At 17 he met a girl when she moved in next door. Sue was 18 and a good-looking girl for a Goth Chick. She was wearing loose black pants, A floppy black Rob Zombie t-shirt...

First Time
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Remembering Jack

[ With Covid-19 messing up everything you can imagine(!!!), here's a story looking back to pre-Covid-19 days; and not that far back, either! This is for 'Jack', the best glory hole operator I've ever had the pleasure of knowing first-hand! ]It had all the signs of being a hot, and quite humid summer that year (of 2018), but it was so worth venturing out into that sultry afternoon, knowing that Jack was waiting there for me behind the glory hole in his garage!I might have walked over (it was...

3 years ago
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Charlette and Jack

Charlette and Jack By Paul G. Jutras Brandon Farol was born in 1970 to a poor family. So poor than his parents couldn't afford to care for two kids. Not only did he get his sister's toys, but her clothes as well. Everyone in town thought Mr. and Mrs. Farol had two daughters. Even the church was unaware of a crossdresser in their midst. Brandon was proud that he was the only one in the family with a nickname when out in public. While Charlette was given all of her sister's...

3 years ago
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My Anal Adventure with Jack

It had been a few days since I heard from my new sex partners, Jack & Molly – a sex loving couple - Our initial sexcapades had been so intense that I was getting my pussy wet just thinking about them. My roommate had to go out of town to the village to see her parents, so it left me alone. The pool was nice and warm, nude swimming was all ways a favourite past time for me. The phone woke me out of my daydreaming. "Hello." I said. "Hey! What's up?" Jack said on the other end. "Not much,...

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Meeting Jacky

It was the weekend of my cousins wedding, I was staying at the wedding venue resort from the Friday night. The Friday night, there was a massive storm pouring with rain when I met up with my cousin at the bar in the venue and had a few drinks with him and his best man, settling the nerves for the big day. Mid night arrive and I decided to head to my room, which was on the other side of the resort where the cheaper smaller rooms were. While walking in the passage, still pouring with rain, I saw...

4 years ago
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Sahil Rony Nakul And Jacky

Sahil is 18 year old boy, 6 feet tall, fair has a slender body. He looks like a model. He is studying in school and very popular among girls, as he is a very good dancer in his school and won many prizes. He had a girlfriend name kirti, she usually let him kiss her lip and let him presses her boobs from outside. Sahil badly want to fuck her pussy but she never allows him to fuck her. One day while kissing he inserted his finger inside her panty through her skirt and made her forced to open her...

Gay Male
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Falling for Jack

Lorraine was accustomed to do her main shop travelling to the supermarket by the number 25 bus. In her forties, slim and petite she had looked after herself and boasted good health. Much to the envy of friends who said she was the sort of person that, no matter what she eats, never puts on weight, but Lorraine claimed it was exercise too and keeping away from the temptation of smoking and excess drinking. But although her friends envied her they did not know the real Lorraine, and how she...

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My First Cock Ever Bestfriend Jack

My best friend Jack and I did everything together. We were together everyday and we would fish, play sports, and video games together all the time. We only lived down the road from each other so it worked out great because we could always stay the night at each others houses. Jack at the time was very tan with shaved brown hair and brown eyes. He was a little chubby as well. One day we decided to go fishing in the creek that is between my house and his so we met there. We both met and had our...

2 years ago
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Just Slip Out the Back Jack

This is my entry in the “50 Ways to Leave You Lover” event. It has been edited by my Sweet Inspiration, blackrandl1958. Leigh was cheating on me; I was sure of it. How did I know? Does it really matter? Strange car in the driveway; came home early; Girls’ Night Out; more sex, less sex, she was cheating, and I knew it. I didn’t know who or how, but all the signs were there. We weren’t married, thank goodness, and no kids, but we were living together, with high hopes for both in the...

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The Lumberjack

BY ROBBY SR Fred finished his shower, and, as he dried his body, noticed he was using his last clean towel. Not a big problem since he didn’t have to do his own laundry. Besides, it was a good excuse to call for some help. He was horny, anyway. He dropped the towel on his bathroom floor, stayed naked, and padded into his living room. On his end table was a small intercom that connected to the front desk. He leaned down and pressed the button. “Hey, Fred, what can we do ya for?” the...

4 years ago
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Jack was hungry. So fucking hungry. Andhe had an appetite for pussy. He pushed open the door and walked into the room. There before him was his ultimate fantasy. She was laid back, legs apart, with a coy smile on her lips. She beckoned him closer, and opened her legs wider. He slipped out of his suit jacket, and tossed it on the back of the couch. He drank in her fine body. Her rich auburn hair, spread out on the pillow like a halo. Her large, full breasts, encased in an emerald green bra,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sally and Jack

Sally and Jack I rushed around the house and made sure things were straight. Sally and Jack had emailed me a couple of weeks earlier and said they were coming to town for a visit and asked if they could stay at my place. We had been friends for years, ever since Jack and I had worked together back in our younger days. Sally, Jack, June, and I had been almost inseparable for many years. Things changed though, when Jack got transferred and they had to move to Florida. My wife, June, had died...

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Danny Then Uncle Jack

I'll never forget the first time I ever sucked a cock.I was upstairs with my bestfriend Daniel; we were playing Extreme Video on Nintendo and my Uncle Jack was downstairs to make sure we didn't get into trouble. Daniel had flipped the computer to a porno site, waving thru a bunch of them actually and mostly we found young girls in school uniforms, looking like they could be are age, sucking on big cocks that were useually there teachers. We watched intensely as the big cocks filled the computer...

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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 4 Collin and Jack

The Knight and his groom followed the road leading to the Keep. It was late afternoon as they approached the front gates of the Keep. There should have been a guard on duty to warn of riders coming but none could be seen as the two rode through the open gates. People stopped and stared at the two, The one a very fine gentleman, astride a huge black stallion, the other a small older man, dressed in the livery of a groom, rode what looked to be a donkey. they rode into the center of the bailey...

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Trapped In A Straitjacket

‘Wait what?’ Paige said alarmed looking at the cup of pills that Doctor Kimberly had shoved her way. ‘That’s not what I meant. I’m not crazy. I don’t hear voices or anything. I don’t need medication. I think you misunderstood.’ ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart.’ The psychiatrist said while tilting her head ever so slowly and giving Paige a polite smile. ‘You’re the one misunderstanding.’ Paige frowned. This was the fourth time she was here for a conversation with doctor Kimberly, after her...

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A Visit From Blackjack

Hi! After seeing the bits on cliches in TG fiction on the Fictionmania Hyperboard, I decided a story was needed that played a bit with them. Blackjack was created by the late great Osamu Tezuka;all you need to know about him for the story is included. It's okay to post this on sites that don't charge readers. A VISIT FROM BLACKJACK by Scott K. Jamison (Blackjack created by Osamu Tezuka. North American rights held by Viz Comics, and no infringement is...

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Showering with Jack

As I was resting in between sets of leg lifts, I saw Jack again. He was in the middle of a set and glistening with sweat. I thought about how long it had been since I'd been attracted to a man, much less actually been with one, and felt a small stirring in the pit of my stomach. As is common for me, I was already a bit horny, given how long my wife and I often went between having sex. I was sure at that point that I would have to get off soon, or else I'd be pitching a tent for the rest of...

3 years ago
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The Irreverent Mandy Jack

CHAPTER 1 Mandy Jack had another of those useless thoughts: Why had she given up smoking? For health reasons you useless dope, she sniffed, waiting for coffee. She wished she could have thought useless slut but a guy hadn’t popped her for close to a month and so the word slut was inappropriate. Also why give yourself a bad name? God she was bored. She hadn’t found work since returning home fifteen months ago. No sex was a worry. What was happening? Had she lost her sex appeal overnight or...

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