Andersonville 13: Three Finger Jack free porn video

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It was a perfect Saturday morning in Peace River. It was warm, but not too warm, and I was out taking a stroll around the town trying to get a feel for everything here. Connie had offered to go with me but I declined, saying I needed some time alone. I hated to admit it, but I was missing my life back in Andersonville. As I walked past Shady Pine Cemetery, I spotted Ashlee Gang laying some flowers on a grave. She didn't seem upset, rather the look on her face was comforting, as if she knew the person was in a better place. "An old friend?" I wondered. My curiosity got the best of me, and I waited behind a tree for her to leave. After saying a short prayer, Ashlee brushed the dirt off her knees and said something to her baby son who was strapped securely in the stroller. With a slight jerk on the handle, she left the cemetery and turned the corner for home. Once she was out of sight I crossed the street and made my way inside. I was curious to see what had interested her so much. For the first time I noticed Shady Pine was a big place containing thousands of graves, some of them rather old. In fact, the place where Ashlee had been standing held some of the oldest graves there - dating back to the early 1850's. I had always thought that Peace River wasn't more then 10 or 20 years old because everything looked so new around here, but the dates on the graves seemed to indicate differently. The one Ashlee had laid the flowers on read: Samantha Adams Born - 1832 Died - December 4, 1891 "What the hell is this all about?" I asked out loud. "Spying on me, Linda?" I heard someone ask. I turned quickly and saw Ashlee standing there with a coy grin on her face. "Um no, Ashlee. you see." She continued to stare at me with a humorous smile while I tried to think up a quick answer. Realizing I had been caught red-handed, I decided to come clean. "I'm sorry, Ashlee, I guess I am," I confessed with a sigh. "I didn't mean to spy, but when I saw you placing flowers on this grave, my detective instincts got the best of me." "That's right, you were a PI before arriving in Andersonville," she laughed. "I guess that's different then. I suppose you're wondering why I would place flowers on the grave of someone I couldn't have known." "I'm sure it's an interesting story," I replied. "Not really," she said shaking her head. "Compared to others in this place, her story is really pretty bland. Now Dawn Butterfield over there," she pointed to a nearby grave, "that's a different story. She was the Judge's lover for a while." "Judge Jasper?" I asked a little surprised. Then I realized I shouldn't be. If Officer Deimos could have a crush on me, why couldn't Judge Jasper feel the same way? "No," Ashlee laughed. "I meant Judge Herns." "Oh. So why..." I stopped myself from finishing the question. I had no right to ask why Samantha Adams meant so much to her. "Why don't we have a seat Linda, and I'll tell you all about her," Ashlee offered. There happened to be a stone bench nearby, and we sat down together. "This place brings out a lot memories. I guess I'm going to have to explain that too," she sighed. "Did you know Linda, that I remember the lives of every resident who has ever lived here? "You mean the ones who have been transformed since you've been here?" I asked. "Well sure, I remember the ones in Andersonville too; before and after they arrived." "That's not what I mean," she shook her head. "I can remember every life of every resident who has ever lived in Peace River. You see, when I first started this job, Judge Jasper transfer all the memories from his previous secretary into me. So I remember all the past and present residents, including their lives before coming to Peace River and how they handled their transformation afterwards. Some, I might add, were most tragic. Others are pleasant to remember, like reading a fairy tale with a happy ending. That's the way most of them end anyway." "And Samantha Adams, was that a happy ending?" "In a way," Ashlee told me with a slight frown. "You see she was the first person to be changed in Peace River. Of course, it was a very different place back then. For starters, there wasn't a river around the town." "How did they keep people from leaving?" I asked. "I'll get to that. As for Samantha, her real name was Jack Houston, but most people referred to him by his nickname, three- finger Jack. He was a notorious outlaw back then. He killed five men over mild arguments before Judge Jasper got his hands on him. In fact, he was riding away from one such killing when he found his way into Peace River. Well, Jack didn't actually stumbled in here, he had help. Perhaps it would be better if I showed you what I mean." "Can you do that? I mean, are you strong enough yet?" I was concerned that Ashlee may try to push herself too hard before she was ready. If she got hurt, I could end up staying longer then 6 months in Peace River. Not that it had been an unpleasant experience so far. "I'll need to take a nap after we're done, but I'll be okay," she assured me. "Now, grab my hands and watch." I did as she said, and everything started to change around us. Fade out... *** Voice of Judge Jasper: We are the Roman gods, who fell to your world long ago when your people were still learning how to crawl. We have guided you through the years, rewarded you for good deeds, and punished you when needed. With our leadership, we helped you defeat the Titans in a terrible but glorious war. Once your path was set, we went to sleep, waiting for the day you would reach for the stars and take us home. But the Titans interfered, and turned you away from your destiny. When we awoke, we found much work to do; so we established a base and called it Peace River. The Titans, with our help, established their own base later on. It's a town where we can work together, a last ditch effort to avoid another war that may destroy the human race forever. Some would like to see the town and your people destroyed, others would like to see it work - to have peace at last. There is much hatred between our people, and the road ahead won't be easy but the rewards if we do are great. The name of this last chance for peace is called Andersonville. *** Andersonville 13 - Three-finger Jack Written by Kelly Davidson Edited by Treasach Klawes and Sam Vincent This story is dedicated to the staff and volunteers of Fictionmania, who do some much for so many. Thank you for all your hard work and time. You make it all worth wild. Fade in... I was riding at a steady pace over the rocky path that ran between the trees. It was starting to get dark already, and soon I would have to decide whether to press on or find a place to camp for the night. The latter was not too appealing at the moment. I was still at least another day's ride from where I wanted to be, and I was sure the posse chasing me was only hours behind. Of course if I was lucky, they had taken the bait and were chasing after my brothers who were heading south. But something inside told me I needed to keep riding if I didn't want to end up on the end of a hangman's noose. The incident that led to my current situation had started off innocently enough. I stopped at a small town with my two brothers for a bath, a meal, and a chance to test my luck at the local gambling house. There I had met another man, a local resident who was long on credit but lousy at cards. In just over an hour I had relieved him of close to $200 playing five-card stud. His luck didn't get any better as the stakes were raised, and after one high handed round which he lost badly, he threw his cards down on the table in anger and disgust. That's when he made his first mistake; he called me a dirty cheat. Normally that would've caused me to go for my gun, but I held my temper in check. The last thing I needed was any trouble from the law for shooting some sore loser. I reached for my money to leave when he made his second mistake; he slammed his hand on top of my hand and called me a rotten coward. I angrily pushed his hand away and that's when he made his third, and final mistake, he went for his gun. The man was already dead by the time his hand reached his gun handle. I gathered up all my money and made my way back to the motel room, figuring it was self-defense and the sheriff would see it the same way. But I quickly found out that the man I shot owned a mine outside of town, and his business partners weren't very happy about him being dead. Witnesses were paid off before the sheriff arrived, and suddenly my action was no longer self-defense anymore; it was murder. After I was arrested, a lynch mob quickly formed outside my cell. My brothers, upon hearing the news, formed a plan of their own and broke me out of jail. After a day's ride they went off in a different direction, hoping to lead them away from me. We made plans before parting to meet at a small town up north. So here I was, riding alone in a part of the country I had never been to before, determined to beat death. That's when I ran into this peddler sitting on the side of the road. He was a tall and skinny man riding in a wooden wagon being pulled by a team of brown and white horses. He had a smile on his face, but it wasn't a friendly smile. It was more like a predator eyeing his prey. "Good afternoon," he called out. "Where are you heading to?" "California," I lied. "Aww yes, the gold," he grinned with perfect white teeth. "I hear its all been panned out though. Seems a shame to waste a trip out there when so many other opportunities are close by." "Like what?" I asked. "Like lumbering for one. There's a new mill about 10 miles north of here, near the town of Peace River." "Never heard of it," I replied coldly. "Neither has anyone else," the thin man grinned knowingly. "The town just started up less than a month ago and they're desperate for people. I'm on my way there right now. Care to join me?" The offer was appealing. I had been riding my horse hard for two straight days and we both needed a rest. Plus, if this town was as isolated as the peddler said, they most likely hadn't heard the news about my shooting. It was an idea place to rest for the night. "Why not. I got nothing else waiting for me in California." "Great," the man grinned again. "My name is Mark Merrick." "Jack," was all I told him. "Okay Jack," he said with one of those smiles that indicated there was more to this meeting then met the eye. "By the way, what happened to your hand?" "That's none of your damn business!" I growled while clutching the reins of my house with the three fingers of my left hand. I had lost two of my fingers helping my brothers chop wood one day. The oldest was swinging an ax and had missed his mark. Instead of hitting the log, he had struck my hand by mistake, chopping two of my fingers off. I was only five at the time it happened. Even though I had forgiven my brother long ago, he had never forgiven himself. "Sorry," the peddler said still grinning. "I didn't mean to pry into your business." "And what's your business, Mr. Merrick?" I demanded to know. "Food supplies, pots and pans, things of that nature. Whatever people need, I supply it to them. One time I hauled about twenty sheep in my wagon. Talk about a smell!" "I can imagine," I responded back with little interest. Personally, I thought it was a stupid way to make a living - being a slave to the whims of other people. "Seems like a risky venture to me, trying to sell stuff to people who may not buy what you have." "Oh, I don't know," the peddler countered. "It's not as risky as say, gambling. One thing you can count on about people, they have to eat." "I'll take my chances at the table," I answered in a low snarl. The skinny peddler was really starting to annoy me. He simply nodded at my comment and we rode the rest of the way to Peace River in silence. When I laid eyes on the town I was taken back a little. For just starting up, the town certainly looked big. Peace River had two saloons, a three-story hotel, a large white church, and at least 20 separate, two-story buildings for businesses. Then there was the large, impressive courthouse sitting in the middle of everything. I noticed the courthouse was made of stone and marble, not lumber. It easily stood out among everything else around it. Even the hotel didn't come close to the courthouse in style or design, although it was a fancier building than most hotels I had visited. For a town this size, the courthouse was a definite overkill. It must've cost as much to build the courthouse as all the other buildings combine. "I see you spotted the courthouse," the peddler grinned. "Impressive, isn't it. The founding fathers think Peace River is going to grow and they wanted to build for the future." "I'm surprise it didn't bankrupt the town in the process," I shot back. "Who was the donkey's ass who thought up that idea?" "The magistrate of this town, Judge Jasper. By the way, there's a no gun law in Peace River. You'll need to drop your gun belt off first at the sheriff's office." "Stupid law," I commented. "We'll see about that." "Suit yourself, stranger. I'll be seeing you later, I'm sure." The peddler jerked on the reins of the horses and headed off down the dusty street. As I watched him go, I realized there was something very annoying about that man. He was too confident for a simple peddler. Such confidence, without the skill to handle a gun to back you up, could get you killed. Well, that wasn't my problem. If there was one thing I knew how to do, it was handle a gun. I boarded my horse at a nearby stable and strolled fearlessly down the wooden sidewalk to the closest saloon. I was figuring to wet my whistle and maybe even get in a card game before going to bed. I found that playing cards always helped me relax, especially when I won - which was usually the case. I was a natural card player. Along the way I passed several people and observed something strange; everyone looked clean. What I mean by that was, everyone seemed to be wearing clothes that looked brand new, like they had just bought them at the store. The women in particular were dressed nicely, wearing dresses that were much finer then most women wore to church. I had been to New York City a few years ago, when I had had a silly dream of joining the merchant marines and sailing the open sea. I had seen how women dressed there as oppose to women out here in the west, and it was like being back in New York City again without the tall buildings. In fact, quite a few of the ladies were dressed as southern belles, wearing fine silk dresses with bellowing skirts. It made everything here look so out of place for a western town. I strutted into the saloon and made my way up to the bar, checking out the few people who were there. They all looked harmless enough, dressed in their Sunday best even though it was only a Thursday night. A few of them smiled at me, only it wasn't a friendly smile. It was more like that of someone who was part of an inside joke. I brushed the feeling off. I could handle any trouble that came my way. "Whiskey!" I demanded in a rude demeanor. The bartender eyed my gun, smiled, and poured me a drink from a bottle. "You're new in town," he said while pouring me a second drink, after I had gulped the first shot down in one swallow. "Just passing through," I replied trying to brush him off. I hated talkative bartenders; they should know their place in life. Their job was to pour drinks and keep quiet! "I'll be leaving tomorrow morning," I informed him. "I'm afraid you'll be with us a little bit longer," I heard a gruff voice behind me say. I turned and saw an incredibly menacing man standing there wearing a badge. This could only be the sheriff of Peace River. Sitting next to him was the peddler I had ridden in with earlier. He was leaning back in a chair with a smile on his face that was just begging to be wiped off. "We have a no gun law in this town, mister. You're in violation of that ordinance. You'll have to see the judge in the morning." The sheriff said it in a way that left no room for argument. "I tried to tell him, Sheriff," the peddler explained with amusement in his voice. "I told you we'd find him here." "You damn Judas," I growled at him. "I want your gun...NOW!" the sheriff demanded. "You can have my gun when you pry it out of my cold, dead fingers, you tin-plated lawman!" I snared back. Sure, this sheriff was tall and menacing. However, I had found out long ago that bigger, muscular men were slower on the draw than skinner ones; and a bullet to the head would stop him just as fast as anyone else. I stood up from my stool and got ready to draw my gun. "You're making a big mistake, mister," the bartender whispered to me. "Sheriff Mars isn't like anyone else you've ever faced before." "He's never faced anyone like me before," I replied back in a loud, intimidating voice that everyone could hear. "You have no idea who you're facing, Sheriff." "Sure he does," the peddler interjected. "Three-finger Jack, credited with killing five men. Also a chronic bed wetter until you were nine years old." There was a round of snickering around the room. "You lying son of a bitch," I spat. "I swear, after I'm done with Sheriff Mars here, I'll shoot you where you sit." Mark Merrick blinked hard then grinned even wider. "I'd like to see you try, Jack!" "So would I, Merrick" Sheriff Mars agreed staunchly. Then much to my surprise he added, "Go ahead Jack! Try and shoot him down." "So you can shoot me down while I'm taking target practice at him? No thanks, Sheriff. I'll wait until after you're on the floor to deal with him." Sheriff Mars chuckled slightly, and I felt a little unnerved by his calmness. What he did next shook me up even more. He took off his gun belt and threw it on the table in front of the peddler. "There, now you have no excuses," he said firmly. "And I'll sweeten the pot. If you can shoot Mr. Merrick, I'll let you ride out of town tomorrow morning a free man. Otherwise, you'll be our guest here for a bit longer." I looked at the sheriff who had a stone look on his face, then at the peddler, Mark Merrick, who was smiling as if this were some sort of game we were playing. Surely he wasn't that stupid to think he could outrun a bullet. "I won't shot an unarmed man, Sheriff. I live by a code." "Mark, go for the gun," Sheriff Mars suggested. "If I did, this coward would only pee his pants in fright," the peddler sneered. I felt my anger rise up from my gut, and by reaction I went for my gun. The strange thing is, the peddler never made a move for the gun on the table. Well, if he was that stupid. I yanked my gun out of its holster and aimed right between his eyes. Out of reaction I pulled the trigger. That's when the peddler just disappeared. The bullet went past where he should've been sitting and crashed into the wall. "You missed!" I heard him call out. I turned and was shock to see him standing at the other end of the bar. "How the hell did you do that?" I cursed. I aimed and fired again. The results were the same as before. The moment I pulled the trigger he was gone. Sheriff Mars just stood there watching the action with a tight grin. "Over here," the peddler called out from the opposite corner of where he had once been. I fired at him again, and once more my target was standing someplace else before the bullet had even left its chamber. "What the hell is going on here?" I roared. It had to be done with mirrors or something. There was no way this man could move so fast. "Stand still so I can shoot you," I demanded in rage. He laughed at my suggestion, which only cause me to get angrier and raise my desire to kill him even more. I fired off my remaining shots, but he was simply standing one foot over from where the bullets struck. It was impossible; I was a crack shot. There was no way I could've missed him from this distance. "Give up," the peddler said smugly. He had a grin from ear to ear as he walked towards me. I let out a yell and rushed at him with all my might. The peddler simply stepped out of the way at the last moment, and I fell onto a table that busted in half. I got up off the floor and this time approached him more cautiously. Once I got close enough, I took a swing at his jaw with my left hand. The only problem was, when my fist got to where he was standing he was no longer there. I had put my full weight into the punch and instead of being rewarded with a solid smack; I ended up hitting air. The result was that I tumbled onto another table that broke and I hit the floor even harder then the time before. The peddler let out a hearty laugh as he leaned against the bar and watched me struggle to get back to my feet. "I can end this anytime you're ready," the sheriff commented. I ignored his suggested and made my way up to where the peddler now stood. This time I made sure he was no more than three feet away before I rushed him. The impact wouldn't be as effective but I wasn't worried about that. If I could get my hands around his neck I was sure I could snap it before he knew what happened. I made my move; this time with both arms extended in order to grab him in case he tried to sidestep me again. This time he simply out-smarted me, dunking underneath my arm when I rushed forward. I slammed into the wooden bar and felt one of my ribs crack. Before I even had a chance to yell out in pain, I felt a swift blow between my shoulder blades and fell to the floor. As I was lying there losing consciousness, I heard the peddler say; "These American cowboys aren't very bright, are they? I think this proves I could be a lawman." "You're such a showoff, Merrick," I heard the sheriff smugly reply back. "You always have been, even when you were young. Besides, commerce is your expertise, not mine." "I'm tired of selling useless junk all the time. I'm going to asked father if I can be reassigned, at least on a part time basis." "I already have enough deputies as it is," the sheriff objected, "I don't need any more help. And who's going to clean up this mess?" I didn't hear the reply - I blacked out. *** Sometime later I was awaken by the cool touch of a towel lying on my forehead. I opened up my eyes but was blinded by the morning light shinning in through the window. I cursed loudly, and tried to sit up but found myself too weak to do so. "Take it easy," someone said as a pair of warm hands, definitely female, firmly held me down. "You need to take a few minutes to gather your strength before trying to sit up. I made you some breakfast. It's only mush, but it's very good." "Who are you?" I asked slowly while focusing my eyes on the loveliest angel I had ever seen. She was petite, with curly brown hair and an angelic face. The woman was wearing a silk, green dress with white lace on the sleeves and collar. It was the type of outfit you would expect a woman to wear to a fancy ball. She smiled sweetly and lifted the spoon up to my mouth. "Where am I?" I asked after taking a bite of the mush. It tasted surprisingly good. "You're in the Peace River hotel, and there's a deputy waiting outside the door in case you get any ideas. You were in pretty bad shape when the sheriff brought you here, but I fixed most of your cuts and bruises with salve. In a few days your wounds should be completely healed." "Thank you...Miss?" She smiled and said, "Call me Terry." "Terry," I smiled slightly while taking another bite of the mush. "An unusual name for such a beautiful girl. Do you always give your guests such service?" "Only when needed," she explained while feeding me another spoonful. "I'm a helper here." "A helper? What does that mean?" "You'll find out soon enough," she giggled slightly. "The Judge has assigned me to you. It's an honor my father bestowed on me for all my hard work in the past. I'm to take care of our first guest in our town. My other sisters are very jealous of me." "Well, I like the treatment so far," I replied coyly, trying to win her affections. "Your offer to stay here and have you serve me is tempting, but I really need to leave this place." "I'm afraid," she answered while shoving the last of the mush into my month, "the Judge won't allow that. You see, he wants to meet with you very badly." "I'm sure he does, but I don't want to meet with him. Look Terry, you seem like a pretty levelheaded girl. Help me leave and I'll take you with me. I'll show you places that'll make you forget about this backwater town. I know you like me, I can see it in your eyes." I was moving pretty fast but she seemed like a naive little girl who could be easily swayed. I didn't find out until later that it was I who was in fact na?ve. "What do you want me to do?" she smiled willingly. "Get my horse and bring it out front. You can meet me later at the fork south of here." "Deputy Phobos," she called out. The door opened, and a clean-shaven man about 19 years old entered into the room. Like Terry, he was too nicely dressed for the occasion, wearing a clean, spotless shirt and a pair of shinny boots that looked like they had been purchased less than 15 minutes before. His face was rough looking and quite intimidating. I found myself becoming a little fearful of his presence. "I'm sorry Jack, but there'll be no horse waiting out front until after you see the Judge. We'll talk later." She giggled slightly as she gathered up her skirts and left the room. "You stink!" The deputy stated directly while tossing me a long robe that was lying on a chair. That's when I noticed someone had removed my clothes and I was completely naked. "You're going to need a bath before you can see Judge Jasper. Follow me." He led me downstairs and out the back to a large building. There was a chimney next to the building with smoke coming out of it. Inside I found a stone basin large enough to hold three men. It was filled with hot water." "Take off your robe and get in," the deputy commanded with authority. I did as he ordered, and watched the dirt flow off my body as I sat down. "Here, try this soap." Deputy Phobos tossed me something white about the size of a deck of cards. This stuff he called soap was nothing like I had seen before. It was a small, square block of clay-like substance that didn't bend or break in my hands. I sniffed at it carefully and noticed it smell kind of sweet. I took a small bite and spat it out. "What are you doing?" The deputy yelled out in shock. "You told me to try it, and it tastes like horse shit," I cursed angrily. "What the hell is this poison." "You're suppose to rub it over your body, not eat it" he explained. Then he added under his breath, "Uncivilized human." "If only I had my gun," I told myself, while wondering if it would've done any good. As I rubbed the bar of soap up and down my arm white foam and bubbles began to appear. I found the dirt that had been build up on my body over the past month came off much easier then just splashing water at it. I even smelled cleaner. I continued to wash my entire body under the watchful eye of Deputy Phobos. When I was done, the deputy escorted me to another room where a pile of fresh clothes was waiting for me. He ordered me to put them on. Much to my surprise, everything fit perfectly. After I was dressed, I was taken to the courthouse and placed in the front of the room. Deputy Phobos walked over to the Judge's bench, but never took his piercing eyes off me. A few minutes later Sheriff Mars walked in with the peddler, Mark Merrick. Another man, a preacher, also joined us. "Well old Jack," I said to myself, "you're in trouble now. They have a judge to pronounce your guilt, a sheriff and deputy to carry out the sentence, and a preacher man to give you your last rights. All they need now is the mob to witness your hanging." No sooner had I finished saying that to myself than a group of about 25 people started shuffling in. They took a seat in the spectator's section. I stared at them with a mean scowl, but each one just smiled back at me. It was the oddest thing I had ever seen. The sound of a door squeaking open caused me to look forward again. A man walked into the courtroom and up to the bench. Even if he hadn't been wearing a black robe his presence screamed out the word 'Judge'. He stood well over 6 foot, had slightly graying hair, and a thick but well-groomed beard. He took a seat on the bench then turned to the deputy and said, "Make sure someone fixes that door so it doesn't squeak anymore." He then picked up his gavel and pounded it three times. "This court is now in session," he announced. "Jack Houston, you have been found guilty of your crimes. It is our intention ..." "Wait a minute!" I yelled out in protest. "That's not proper procedure. Ain't you going to read the charges?" "How about bad grammar for starters?" the Judge replied while looking over the glasses he wore. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that the word "ain't" isn't a word?" "My ma died when I was 8 - and what's this all about?" "This is your trial," the Judge said with a sigh. "You'll have to forgive me, I'm a little new to your judicial system. I was hoping we could forgo some of the formalities it contains." "Are you even qualified to be a judge?" I questioned accusingly. "I'm more qualified then you can ever know," he stated dryly. "As for your charges, let me see what we have here." He shuffled through some papers and looked at each one carefully. "I see you've murdered five men, Mr. Houston." "That was in self-defense," I argued. "Everyone of them drew their guns first, as stated by the witnesses." "Yes, so I see," he responded while still looking at the reports. "However, a couple of them were provoked to draw." "They still drew first," I argued. "And when someone insults me, I let my gun do the talking." "Is that so," the Judge bellowed. "Well in this town, Mr. Houston, things are a little different. We have order here, without the need for violence that you're accustomed too. However, those previous killings are not what you're being charged with." "Then what am I here for?" I snarled in a demanding tone. "Violating our gun law - that's a five dollar fine. And you're ordered to pay for the tables you damaged. Mr. Bacchus, do you have a bill for the tables." "Right here, Your Honor." He handed it to Deputy Phobos, who forwarded it to the judge. Judge Jasper looked at the bill and nodded. "Two tables at $3.50 a piece for a total of seven dollars. Add the five-dollar fine and that comes to $12.00. Do you wish to pay the fine, Mr. Houston, or serve a lengthy sentence here in Peace River?" I laughed out loud. Here I thought I was in real trouble; maybe even being brought up on murder charges. Instead I was going to be released with a twelve-dollar fine. I reached for my money purse and counted out ten dollars in coins. Two dollars short - well, no matter. I had over $400 in bills and coins in my saddlebag. "I'll pay the fine, Your Honor. I just need the money that's in my saddlebag." "Where is this saddlebag?" the Judge demanded to know. "Right here, Your Honor," Sheriff Mars said and held it up. "Let me have it so I can pay my fine and be on my way," I demanded. "You're not getting any of your stuff back until you pay the fine," Judge Jasper interjected on the sheriff's behalf. "But my money is in that pack," I tried to explain. "Which you won't get back until you pay the fine," he stated firmly. "But I can't pay the fine without the money in my pack!" I shot back in an angry tone. "Then I guess you'll be serving that long sentence after all," Judge Jasper answered with a thin smile. "Mr. Houston, I sentence you to life in our town." He slammed his gavel down to make his decision final, then slowly raised his hands and started to mumble something under his breath. The rest of the room got deadly quiet, and I stood there bewildered over the Judge's actions. What the hell was going on here? Suddenly I spotted a blue ball of light rising from his hand. It looked like a glowing sun and was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was also one of the strangest things I had ever seen, and I was a little frightened at what its purpose was suppose to be. The judge opened up his eyes and the ball of light suddenly shot from his hands like a bullet from a gun. It came right at me and hit me in the middle of my chest. While I didn't actually feel the impact, my body took a few steps back as if it had. Suddenly my insides became alive with a tingling sensation that started in my chest and moved throughout my body. I tried to scream, but found myself unable to do so. That's when the first changes started. I was a tall man, about 6'2", and I found myself shrinking rapidly. As a got smaller, other changes began to happen. I could feel my arms get narrower, and a sudden burst of energy produced two mounds that started to rise from my chest like mountains from the sea. My undershirt changed into something tight and constricting, as it wrapped itself around the upper part of my body. I felt something pulling from the top of my head and discovered it was long, curly hair that rushed over my shoulders. Suddenly my new hair shot upward and worked its way into a tight bun. Around my legs something smooth and silky encircle my groin, and I cursed at the delicate feel of whatever it was. My shirt and pants merged together, then transformed into a light blue dress with a white flower print. The skirt of the dress then started to bellow outward as layer upon layer of lacy petticoats pushed out from underneath. My hat, which I had failed to take off in front of the judge, changed into a bonnet of similar design to what the dress was, and had white lace around the opening. A ribbon grew out from the bonnet and neatly tied itself into a knot underneath my chin. My old boots, all scuffed and worn, disappeared into a pair of dainty, woman shoes. The tingling sensation began to subside but before it did, I felt a slight tugging on my manhood that seemed to be pulled up inside my body. The effect sent a sexual sensation throughout my body, and caused me to shiver in excitement. Then everything went back to normal. "What...what's happening?" I asked almost out of breath. I held the skirt of the dress out in front of me in bewilderment. How could I be dressed in such a feminine outfit? Then I realized it was a female voice that had asked the question, not my own rough, manly voice. I gasped in wonder when I looked at my left hand; it had five fingers again. "Why am I dressed like this?" I asked in disbelief. "How else would a proper, young lady your age be dressed?" Judge Jasper replied with a smirk. "Lady?" I shirked in a high, female voice as if I had just seen a mouse. "But...but, I'm a man!" "What do you want me to do with this?" Sheriff Mars interrupted while holding up my saddlebag. "Since Mr. Houston is no longer around, I suggest you give it to Mr. Merrick to add to our city coffers. I'm sure he'll find something useful to do with it." "THAT'S MY MONEY!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "Not any more," Judge Jasper replied calmly as he stood up. "Terry, please take Miss Cunningham back to her hotel room and go over what she needs to know." As Judge Jasper started to leave I grew even angrier with him. How dare he do this to me! Dressing me up in woman's clothes was one thing, but stealing my hard earn money was another matter. If I only had my gun, I would teach them all a lesson. "I'm not leaving without my money, you black-robe coward. You're a thief, ALL OF YOU! I'll..." I suddenly found myself choking, as if someone had a hold on my throat. When I looked up at the Judge, he was standing there holding out his right hand with a satisfied smile. The others watched with dispassionate looks on their faces. "This outburst is not what I expect from a woman of your upbringing, Miss Cunningham," he stated forcefully. "I suspect you'll be a lot more careful from now on concerning who you call a thief around here. You stole the lives of five men. Don't bother complaining to me about some worthless metal and paper you call money. In time, you'll find things much more important to you than your pride and money. In time, you'll act like the proper, young lady that you now are." Then he added carefully, "Just don't take too long learning how." He released his grip and I fell to my knees holding my throat. The rest of the crowd slowly shuffled out of the courtroom except for Terry. She ran over and put her arm around me. "That was very foolish," she said in a low voice. "Don't you ever do or say anything like that again to upset him, otherwise he may not let go. Do you understand me?" I nodded my head and she continued. "Let me help you back to your hotel room. There's a lot we need to go over before your meeting with Reverend Cupler." She placed her arm around my waist and slowly lifted me off the ground with little effort. For a small girl she was incredibly strong. I continued to gasp for air as we walked over to my hotel room and she helped me up the stairs. It was only after we were in my room that I had the strength to talk again. "What's going on?" I demanded to know rather forcefully. "Who are you and what is this place?" "I suggest," she said firmly in a tone that made me listen, "you change your tone from one that's rude and demanding to one that is more civilized." "The hell with what you want! I want to know..." I suddenly found myself choking again, only this time I suspected it was Terry and not the Judge causing it to happen. The grip around my throat wasn't as strong as before, but it was still tight enough to stop me from breathing. After a few moments the pressure disappeared and I was able to breathe again. "We can do it your way or my way," she said clearly and calmly. "My way is much less painful. All you have to do is treat me with the same respect you want to be treated with. I don't believe you want me to be rude and demanding to you. Now, ask the question again when you're ready - this time, the right way." "Who are you?" I repeated more politely. "See, that wasn't so hard," she smiled sweetly. "I'm Terry, your guide here at Peace River. You've been given the honor to live the rest of your life out in our little town. I'm here to help you be happy and fulfill that honor." "But I don't want to live the rest of my life here, and why am I wearing girls clothes?" "As for living here from now on, you really don't have a choice in the matter. As for why you're dressed the way you are, that's a rather silly question. This is how all young ladies your age dress now days." "BUT I'M NOT..." Terry gave me a warning glare that caused me to cringe in fear, and lower my voice. "But I'm not a girl! What is this, padding?" I began to touch the dress around the area where my breasts were. "Does it feel like padding?" she smiled. I had to admit, it didn't. It felt like regular skin, and the more I touched them, the more a strange, sexual feeling rushed throughout my body. "But they can't be real!" I insisted. "First of all, I'm a man. Second of all, I still have the member to prove it." "Are you sure?" she giggled. A horrified look appeared on my face as I realized that I couldn't feel it anymore. Perhaps it was all that padding surrounded my body. I wanted to find out, but did I dare try with her standing there? "It's okay," she reassured me as if she could read my thoughts. "I think feeling the truth, if you will excuse the expression, first hand, will help you accept what has happened. Go ahead, I'll wait." I gathered up my skirt and petticoats with one hand, which wasn't an easy thing to do, and reached down with the other. My fingers brushed against the silk stockings, and then the equally silky underwear I was now wearing. I gasped in horror when I got there. Where I should have found something was now a void. "NO!" I screamed while pulling my hand away. "He couldn't have done that to me. It's not possible!" "In Peace River, everything is possible," Terry stated firmly. "Who are you?" I asked in fright. "I already told you," she replied back calmly. "But who are you?" I repeated the question. "Like I said before, I'm Terry, your helper and guide here in Peace River." "BUT WHO ARE YOU?" "I believe what you really want to know is, what am I? You must realize by now that I'm not like you, at least not in the regular sense. The answer to that question, I'm afraid, is something I can't tell you." I started to cry, partly out of being turned into a girl but mostly out of my own frustration of not being able to threaten or fight my way out of this situation. This couldn't be happening to me; I didn't want it to happen to me. Terry sat down and put her arm around me. "It's okay Samantha, it'll get better, I promise. You're going to have a wonderful life here in Peace River. It's not so bad here." "You called me...Samantha," I sniffed. "Of course I did," she smiled while pushing the hair out of my eyes. "That's your name now. I didn't have time to tell you that before, but now that you know the truth, you can accept what has happened to you and move on." "I'LL NEVER ACCEPT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!" I screamed out in a hysterical, high-pitch tone. "NEVER! Do you understand?" I started crying again. "I hear you, but I don't believe you," she replied while reasserting her position. "We'll help you, Samantha. We want you to be happy." "Then change me back and let me go." She shook her head slowly and smiled. "That isn't going to happen my dear. You see, we need you for our project. Remember the story in the Bible about the cornerstone that the other builders rejected? Well, that's what you are to us. You're the cornerstone that we're going to build our town with - the stone that the rest of the world has rejected. You're our future, Samantha! You should be honored to be the first one selected." "Let me go!" I sobbed. "Just let me go." "There, there now," Terry said while pulling my head to her chest. Her breasts felt so warm and comforting; and she gently started rocking me in her arms while patting me softly on the back. "Have a good cry and get it all out, Samantha, you'll feel better afterwards." I started balling my eyes out, feeling both embarrassed by my actions and also relieved at the same time. Each tear seemed to release a little bit of the stress, fear, and anxiety I was feeling inside. My captor continued to hug me tightly, and I began to feel a bonding towards her. "I'll be your rock, Samantha," she whispered in my ear. "You won't have to face your new life alone. I'll be with you every step of the way." The words struck a chord with me, and I slowly found my fear and anger towards Terry disappearing, being replaced by a sense of love and security. I felt like a little girl being comforted by her worldly mother, who knew the pains and heartaches her daughter would have to face, and who was going to do everything she could to make them as painless as possible. Somehow I knew everything would be all right. *** The rest of my morning was spent going over the many rules that I was expected to follow. The most important, I learned, was not to try and leave town. Terry told me if I did try, Judge Jasper would be most displeased with my actions. In time I may be allowed to venture outside the town to a nearby lake in the company of a male escort, or even to Peace River that flowed nearby. For now, however, I had to stay within the city limits. There were many other things I learned, like how to act like a proper young lady, especially around men. There was a code I had to live up to; I was to be pure and proper due to my position. Terry told me I was to hold a very important job in Peace River, although she wouldn't tell me what it was. That would have to wait until Monday, when I met with Judge Jasper again. After a quick lunch at the hotel, Terry ushered me outside and down the street. "You're going to love this, Samantha," she exclaimed as we went into a store that had the sign, "Vickie's Emporium" over the door. There I was greeted by one of the loveliest women I had ever seen. She gracefully lifted up the skirt of her pink, southern belle dress and sashayed over to us with a smile that could've melted the hardest heart. "Welcome Miss Terry; Miss Samantha," she greeted us with an inviting, southern accent. "What can I do for y'all today?" Terry giggled and said, "As you know Vickie, Samantha is new here. I've been assigned to teach her everything she needs to know about being a proper, young woman." "And what a fine job y'all been doing, Terry," she complimented her with a heartbreaking smile. "But I understand there is a tiny little problem." "That's right, Vickie. First of all, Samantha needs a complete wardrobe and second, she needs to learn about the many different things women wear now days." "Yes, I understand," she replied with a southern twang. "I was just checking over your records, Miss Samantha, and it shows you have a credit line of $125. Mr. Merrick was so kind as to drop the money off here an hour ago. As you can see, we have a large selection of dresses and petticoats to fit your every need." I felt nervous, even a little sick, at the thought of wasting good gambling money on girly clothes for myself. "I'm not really sure what I need," I told her. "Well," Vickie smiled, "that's were I come in." The southern belle grabbed my arm and firmly pulled me over to a wooden cabinet. She turned the knob and opened the doors for me to see inside. It was filled with all sorts of silky, lacey things nicely stacked on top of each other. "Why don't we start with some pretty undies," she declared. "I didn't think to ask...are you married, Samantha?" "Not yet," Terry replied for me with a wink. I cringed a little at the thought. What would it be like going to bed with a man as his bride? The idea scared the hell out of me, more so than being in this town surrounded by all these strange people. "Well, I guess we can go with something a little plainer for now," Vickie grinned. "But watch out Samantha, I'll whip ya up something special for your wedding night." The two ladies laughed, and I joined in, but mostly out of panic and not knowing what else to do. I was beginning to think everyone in Peace River was crazy. Suddenly a man's voice dominated the room. "What's so funny, ladies?" He was a tall, hansom man with a nice build wearing a ten-gallon cowboy hat. The boots he wore must've cost well over $50, and his clothes looked equally expensive. The man looked like a picture perfect cowboy, and his smile was sure to break more than a few hearts. Both ladies frowned at him. "It's a female joke, you wouldn't understand, Gerald," Vickie said somewhat sternly. "What do you need?" "My father wanted me to give this to you." He grinned at me like a hunger cat eyeing a mouse while handing Vickie a brown package. "And who is this lovely lady?" Terry stepped in front of me and said, "She's my special project, Gerald...and don't you try to ruin it for me." "Why Terry, I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. Now step aside so I can meet her." Suddenly Terry was jerked off to one side as if she had been pushed. That's when the delicate, southern charm of Vickie Mars disappeared, and she stepped up to take Terry's place. "Don't try that stunt with me, Gerald," she threatened with a wicked glare. "If you do, not only will I make you wish you hadn't, but I'll let your father know about it as well. You know what kind of charm I have over him." "Wouldn't you like to try some of that charm on me?" he grinned. "I'm younger and much more willing." "You're also the biggest maco around. One step above the Titans - barely." "Oh, that hurt, Vickie," he smiled. "Do you talk like that to the sheriff when you're alone?" "Wouldn't you like to know," she almost snarled with contempt. "Your father should've kept you in stasis with the others until it was time. Now apologize to Terry and get out of my store before I lose my temper." He grinned at my helper and said, "See you later, Terry." Then he turned and walked out of the store, his spurs digging into the floor as he left. "Stupid maco," Vickie swore under her breath. At least it sounded like she was cussing even though it wasn't a four-letter word I had heard before. Then her foul mood turned back into the sweet disposition she held before Gerald walked in, as did her southern twang. "Well, let's not let that unpleasant moment ruin our afternoon. Shall we, ladies." "Who was that?" I asked. "His name is Gerald Rogers, and trust me Samantha, he's not someone you want to get involved with," Terry replied. My mind was spinning from the encounter. I knew Gerald was one of those people by the way he had pushed Terry aside without actually touching her. Up until now, I had suspected that these people were working together toward a common goal in harmony, but Gerald proved that wasn't so. So would it be possible to enlist some of these disgruntled servants to get me out of here? I looked back at Vickie who was pulling out some lacy things from a pile. The thought of learning how to dress like a woman was starting to overwhelm me. The idea of wearing those silky under- things against my body was frightening. What petrified me even more was the thought of wearing these things and not having it bother me anymore - maybe even enjoying it. "Perhaps we should do this another time," I suggested while placing my hand to my head and feeling a little faint. I wasn't faking; I felt so light-headed all of the sudden. Vickie and Terry each grabbed an arm and sat me down in a chair. "It must be from the transformation," Vickie told Terry while getting me a glass of water. "It must have depleted her energy level. Just rest for a moment Samantha, you'll feel better soon." "I'm so tired all of a sudden." "We know, dear," said Terry. "I know you feel like going to sleep, but we really need to finish what we're doing first. Otherwise, you won't know what to do when you wake up tomorrow." "The water will help," Vickie said handing me the cup. "I put an energy pill in it." "A what?" I asked while taking a drink. Suddenly I felt a surge of renewed energy within me. "It's something to give you extra energy for the next couple of hours. You'll sleep good tonight." "I wish there was a way we could give them the knowledge to know what to do." Terry suggested. "Maybe there is," Vickie pointed out. "We should be able to put the knowledge of how to do certain things into the transformation process. All we have to do is create a special program for the computer." 'Com-pu-ter? Pro-gram?' The words were unfamiliar to me. The two ladies were talking like I wasn't even there. "Excuse me. Can that be done to me? Can whatever this com-pu-ter thing is...teach me what to do?" "I'm sorry, dear," Terry answered while turning back to me. "I'm afraid you're going to have to learn things the old fashion way - through trial and error. But Vickie and I will be here to help and answer any questions you may have. Maybe we should start with the dresses first. What type of style do you think she would look good in, Vickie? A northern lady or a southern belle?" "Northern, I think," Vickie thought out loud. "However, it wouldn't hurt to have her try on a few of the silk dresses to be sure. I suppose once we pick out her dresses, we could start matching them up with the undies. Oh Miss Samantha, we have a special shop where you can take your special undies and get them clean. They use a washing machine and it only costs about a dollar a week." My head was spinning. My idea of cleaning my clothes was taking them down to the river and beating them against a rock. Now I could take my clothes to a shop and put them in a...a washing machine? What in the world was a washing machine? What other strange devices did they use here? That's when I noticed danger above me. Hanging from the ceiling were a number of glass tubes with what looked like a small fire inside. "The place is on fire!" I shouted while pointing my finger upward. I started to lift up my skirt to run but Terry stopped me before I had a chance. "It''s a light bulb," she said calmly. "It's sort of like a kerosene lamp, except it doesn't use fire. These lamps run off electricity." "What?" I asked. "Electricity. It's..." she sighed hard, "it's hard to explain. Let's just say it's much safer then the kerosene lamps your civilization uses. Now, let's get back to these dresses." Vickie and Terry both led me over to a rack of silk dresses and started pulling some out. They discarded several of them, but found a few they felt would look nice on me. I was then quickly ushered into a small room where Terry proceeded to help me take off my dress. In the corner I spotted one of those firelights sitting on a table with a shade over it. There was a cord running from the lamp that went into the wall. Suspecting that the electricity was on the other side, I reached over and felt the wall with my hand. "What are you doing?" Terry asked. "I'm trying to see if this e-lec-tric-i-ty is making the wall hot," I explained. She giggled at my comment and told me to step out of my dress. Moments later, I felt the cool touch of the silk dress rubbing against parts of my skin. The dress the two ladies had picked out was cherry red, with white lace around the sleeves and down the sides. It also had a rather low bust-line. "Judge Jasper wants you to dress respectfully, but not too respectfully," she giggled. "Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror." I did and was stunned. This was the first time I had seen myself since the transformation, and I looked every bit like a young woman like Vickie or Terry did. I stood about 5'7", with dark brown, curly hair and pretty brown eyes. My nose was small and feminine, my lips full and puffy. I looked down at my bust, which moved slightly up and down as I breathed in the tight dress. I put my hands up to them, and saw my reflection do the same. The girl - the lovely young woman in the mirror - was me! Where was the real me, three-finger Jack, the notorious outlaw? He had been shot down, not by some bullet from a hot-handed cowboy; but by a bearded judge in a black robe. "That's me?" I asked. "That's you," Terry smiled. It was too much for me to handle. Suddenly I found myself crying again at the loss of my identity. Terry grabbed hold of me and held on tightly as if she understood - not saying a word. It occurred to me after I was finished crying that I had cried more today then I had in my entire life since my mother died. "This new life will take some getting used to," she told me in a smoothing tone. "Don't fight it Samantha, it only makes it harder to deal with the truth." "I want to go home," I sniffed feeling sorry for myself. "You are home," she replied forcefully. "You're a resident of Peace River now, and will be for the rest of your life." Hearing the words caused me to start crying again. *** Later that evening, after hours of clothes shopping and trying on new dresses, Terry and I had dinner at the hotel. As I sat there in the dinning room I noticed several of the men politely staring at me. This raised my curiosity a little, and I decided to ask Terry about this. "If I'm the first person here, then everyone else must be just like you. Isn't that right?" "Not everyone," Terry informed me. "We brought about 200 people along with us from our last location. It's sort of complicated to explain Samantha, and I'm not allowed to tell you even if I could." "Can I talk to them?" She giggled at my question. "Of course you can. Just don't expect them to give you any answers about Peace River or where they're from. Most of them don't remember anyway. You see they've been with us now for several centuries and their minds are a little faded. It always happens that way. This time we're trying something new. Oh Samantha, I'm so glad you're accepting your new life here." I nodded my head like I was agreeing with her, but inside my feelings were very different. I knew that when I didn't show up at our designated meeting place, my brothers would come looking for me. They would backtrack over the route I had taken and keep searching until they found this place. It may take a month or two, but they would find me. While I may have been trapped in this woman's body, I was sure I still possessed the skill to shoot a gun. With three guns pointed at the judge's head, I was equally sure he could be persuaded to return me back to my original body. Heck, I may just shoot him afterwards for all the trouble he had caused me. When dinner was served, I reached down to pick up my fork then stopped. I put my hand up to my face and blinked hard. "What's wrong, Samantha?" Terry asked with a slight smile that indicated she already knew. "My hand!" I exclaimed. "I'm using my right hand. But I've always been left-handed." "Jack Houston was left-handed," she corrected me. "Samantha Cunningham has always been right-handed." "But I can't shoot a gun right-handed!" "So," she smiled while taking a bite of her chicken. "You'll find other uses for your hands, like knitting and sewing." "Sewing! But that's woman's..." I stopped myself short. I didn't want to say too much and blow my cover. "I know what you're thinking Samantha," Terry giggled knowingly. "You're thinking that maybe you could force Judge Jasper to change you back at gunpoint. Let me assure you young lady, that that will never happen. First of all, Sheriff Mars and his men would never let it get that far. Second, there are no guns in Peace River except for the ones the sheriff and his deputies' wear. And when they aren't on duty, their guns are locked up in a very safe place. You can't get to them unless you have certain powers." My heart sank. Terry knew exactly what I had been thinking all along. "I know you haven't fully accepted your situation," Terry went on in a matter of fact tone. "That will come with time. However, I do feel we've made some great progress today. Now eat your food before it gets cold. I grimly put my fork into the salad in front of me and took a bite. Its taste was unappealing to me, just like my current situation. Well, at least now it was. Why was it that there were times when I was accepting my current situation? It wasn't like I was happy about it, but I was learning to live with what had happen to me. In my heart I knew I would rather live as Samantha Cunningham than blow my brains out. But was that me thinking this way or them placing the thought in my head. I felt my brain turning to mush, and I dropped my fork on the plate. Terry looked up at me with some concern. "We need to get you to bed," she said rushing to my side. "You'll feel better after you sleep." I didn't reply; I just closed my eyes as I was helped up the stairs and into bed. The last thing I remembered was the sounds of voices coming from several people standing around me. After that I fell into a deep sleep. *** I woke up in bed with a mild headache. For a moment I wasn't sure where I was, then I saw the dress I had worn the day before hanging on the door. I shook my head; yesterday wasn't just a bad dream. I tried to sit up but felt stiff, and my body protested vigorously. There was a short knock on the door and Terry came in carrying a tea tray. "I thought you'd never get up," she smiled. "I'm afraid you've already missed church services." "That's okay," I moaned weakly. "I never attended church anyway. They hold services on Saturday here?" "It's Sunday," Terry informed me while handing over a cup of warm tea. "You've been sleeping for almost a day and a half now. Here, drink this, it'll make you feel better." "Sunday!" I gasped. "How did that happen?" "The transformation process took a lot out of you. Not to mention the fact that the energy pill Vickie gave you only weakened your condition. Don't worry; you were never in any danger. Your body just needed to rest a little bit longer to get over the strain of what it went through. Like I said, this is a learning process for us." "I'm not sure I like being used by your people this way." I complained. "In fact, I know I don't like it. When are you going to..." She cut me off in a stern fashion. "I've already explained young lady, that you're not going to be changed back or be allowed to leave Peace River ever again. This is your home now, Samantha. Jack Houston, or three-finger Jack if you prefer, is gone." It was a pointless argument and I knew it. I drank my tea down and listened while she rambled on in a bubbling manner about what we were going to do today. There was a social church picnic this afternoon that I was going to attend, as well as a scheduled meeting with Reverend Cupler. I wasn't looking forward to either one of them. Terry pulled out a lovely, light green silk dress that we had picked up yesterday and helped me out of bed. While she was charming and helpful, I couldn't wait until my brothers show up so we could turn the tables on her. After a visit to a place called a restroom, a room with a cold, white thing Terry called a toilet; I got dressed and was rushed over to the church just down the street. There Reverend Cupler greeted me at the door. He was a short man, about 5'4", with sandy brown hair that curled in the front. The man looked like a young boy, and he couldn't have weighed more then 90 pounds soaking wet. Judging from his size I was sure I could take him even in my current state. He clasped both of my hands with his, and I felt a slight surge of tingling running up both of my arms. He smiled at the result and sat me down in one of the pews. "Miss Cunningham, I'm so glad to finally meet you." "I didn't really have much of a choice," I replied uneasily. This man of the cloth was a little too cheerful for my taste. I knew there had to be a purpose to this meeting other than just a friendly get-together. "Not really," he agreed honestly. "Why don't I just tell you why you're here? I'm been told to evaluate and find a husband for you." "WHAT!" I shouted standing up. "Calm down, Miss Cunningham. As I'm sure you already know, you're the first new resident in our fair town. So it's not like I have a number of suitors waiting outside the church. We want you to be happy here, and one of the keys to being happy is having someone to share your life with." "I'm not marrying anyone," I told him in a resounding tone. He smiled and said, "You'll change your mind. As I said before, there is a severe lack of suitors so any marriage won't take place for at least a year or more." "It won't take place at all," I firmly stated. "It will," he said back equally, if not more firmly. "One day you will walk down this aisle in a full wedding gown and say 'I do'. After that happens, you and your gro

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"Good morning, Miss Anderson," Crius said in a formal tone. "Please, call me, Linda," I replied. "Only if you call me, Crius," he answered. The Titan God smiled, but I detected no warmth to it. "Okay, Crius." I returned his smile with some reservation. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I didn't feel at ease with him. When he had asked me out to breakfast, I had been tempted to say 'no', but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. "So, what can I do for you?" "Nothing,...

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Andersonville 25 Dr Jensen I presume part II

I stood there in my black dress watching them slowly lower the casket into the ground. Standing next to me was my mother, who was weeping softly. Next to her was my sister Jennifer, and she seemed the saddest of us all. Perhaps she was remembering her own mother and father's funeral who had both died when she was just a young girl. On the other side of the casket I could see Crius standing next to Dennis with an impatient frown. He seemed so out of place, and the expression on...

4 years ago
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Andersonville 3 The Price of Revenge

Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...

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Andersonville 8 The return of Tom McClain

Andersonville 8 - The return of Tom McClain! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my good friend Darkside, who inspired me to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of writing. Fade in... "Would you like some desert Linda?" Dennis Butz asked politely. "No thanks," I answered suspiciously. The man had been acting way too nice to me today. It had been a pleasant lunch so far. Dennis had started out by asking how my brother was doing, and I could see that he...

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Andersonville 10 Boy trouble

"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...

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Andersonville 9 Never cry wolf

Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...

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Andersonville 22 The Awakening

Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...

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Andersonville 27 What if

It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...

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Andersonville 11 The God Slayer

There we were, two girls having lunch on a cool, April day - only that wasn't the case at all. Neither of us was who we really once were and only one of us was a girl. At least that's what I kept telling myself. As I began my second year as a citizen of Andersonville, there were times I regretted my decision to be turned back into Linda Anderson. It wasn't that I hated my life; I just didn't feel natural living as a woman. In all fairness, I most likely would have felt as...

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Andersonville 17 Childhood

Fade in... The town of Andersonville Larry Smith, Bill Maxwell, and Steve Anderson walked across the school grounds. They didn't have football practice today, but that didn't stop the boys from pursuing other types of sports. They were heading for the park to shoot some hoops. The three of them looked like a group of typical teenage boys, but there was nothing typical about them, or for that matter, anyone else in Andersonville. "Is Sally going to meet us there?" Larry asked....

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Andersonville 18 Love and War

There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...

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Andersonville 26 Hate Crimes

Fade in - Somewhere in the Northwestern United States Leo knew he was in trouble the moment he came out of the portal. The place where he was supposed to have gone looked nothing like where he was. Instead of being in the Arizona desert, he was in a canyon surrounded by high cliffs and tall pine trees. On one of the rocky bluffs he caught sight of a herd of wild mountain goats walking along a precarious ridge. "Oh crap," Leo shouted, mostly out of a reaction to the fear he...

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Andersonville 24 Dr Jensen I Presume

"She's here," Leo said in a respectful tone. Crius grunted, and slowly rose from the chair in his tiny but comfortable study. His new accommodations, a single story house with two bedrooms, were smaller than what he was used to, but still better than what the Olympians had provided him with. He entered the living room, and waited for a woman in her early 60's to get out of the car. She walked slowly, with a limp, as she made her way up the entranceway. Leo ushered her inside,...

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Andersonville 29 Terror from the sky

Fade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...

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Andersonville 4 Fallen Star

Andersonville 4 - Fallen Star by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to the volunteers and workers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other related, drug rehab programs. Fade in... I couldn't believe I was sitting here. Twelve years ago I was at the top of my game. 'Mack the knife' the fans use to call me. They gave me that name because I would slice through the defense of any team in the NFL. My team, the Cincinnati Bengals, was 14 and 2 going into the playoffs. We...

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Andersonville 14 The Mailman

Flashback - Three months earlier... Judge Jasper opened up the chamber door with such great force that he almost ripped it from its hinges. Behind him followed Andrew Marshall (Mars), Pete Akins (Apollo) and Ashlee Gang. Jupiter slammed the crumbled note down on his desk in rage and faced his two sons. "This is intolerable!" he almost screamed. "A few months ago it was just one person, today it's two. What's he going to do the next time, bring in a busload?" "Father,"...

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Andersonville 20 The Cure

"Good morning, Crius," Dennis Butz said. "And to you - 'brother'," Crius replied with just a hint of sarcasm. The Titan God was seated on the back porch of his new residence having breakfast. He was dressed in his traditional long, white robe with an oversized hood that was common before the war with the Olympians. Nearby sat Lucus, who eyed the director carefully. Dennis gave him a frown and sat down. "Where's the suit I got you?" Dennis inquired. Crius grunted as he...

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Andersonville 28 Freedom Fighters

Author's notes: Permission to use the names of my fellow authors (and good friends) was obtained before this story was written. Any negative events that happened in this story were explained before consent was given. Fade in... There was no doubt they were in love. My brother was lying on Sally's lap while she ran her long, delicate fingernails through his hair. Steve's injuries were healing nicely, and the doctor had said that he should be able to walk without his crutches...

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Andersonville 30 The Day Dennis Butz Died

Fade in - Andersonville Cemetery 50 years from now. Gently I placed the flowers on the grave of my beloved husband with much sorrow. Three long years had past since his death, and yet I missed him as much as the day he had died. Close by were the graves of my parents, also having long ago gone to their reward. The Anderson's hadn't been my biological parents, but I had called them my own just the same. Next to my parents was the final resting-place of my brother, Steve, AKA...

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Andersonville 16 Venus Child

"Good morning, Mrs. Stover. I'm Mark Merrick and this is Vickie Marshall. We're here to drive you to your appointment." Mrs. Stover looked carefully at the two people standing outside her door. They were both dressed in uniforms that medical people typically wore these days. Unfortunately Mrs. Stover had seen too many doctors and nurses over the past couple of months to know that. They smiled, and she felt at ease with the strangers. "I'm sorry you had to drive all this way for...

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Andersonville 15 The Rich Bitch

Mark Merrick's store was located in one of the older buildings of Peace River. Although the construction date indicated the building had been build over 100 years ago, it's condition made it appear to be less then a year old. Over the door was a sign with the words 'Mercury Connections' printed in big, bold letters. It was my first time to Mark's shop, at least the one in Peace River, and I peered through the large storefront window with mild interest. Lining the display case...

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Andersonville 19 POW

Flashback - 3 years ago There were 20 of them crowded inside the small basement of the suburban home. Eighteen females and two males, although some would argue that wasn't really correct. Before coming to Peace River the numbers would've been reversed, and thus it would've been eighteen males and two females standing there. Each of them was young, beautiful, and most important, had a burning desire to leave Peace River. They called themselves the Freedom Fighters. "A toast...

3 years ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

Introduction: I learn of Jacks past and also about Vietnam and the secrets he holds. The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack I borrowed Janets car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. Ann, he keeps looking toward the...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 8 Learning the Truth from Jack

I borrowed Janet’s car to drive into town to get Jack. Susan had told me on the phone that he had been there since early afternoon. She explained to me that he just sits there drinking from a bottle of Jack Daniels. Susan also explained when she went to talk to him she did not understand his reply as it was not in English. “Ann, he keeps looking toward the door as if he is expecting someone and from the look in his eyes I think it is trouble he is expecting,” Susan said to me on the...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack

Introduction: I finally remember where I know Jack from, HELL. The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack

I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was standing and Jack said, “Ann, I want you to have this truck.” “I couldn’t Jack,” I replied. “I only want...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

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Marry and the young guy Jack

It was around 8.30 in the evening, and thirty-eight year old Marry Taylor was working in the kitchen of her small house. She was wearing a brown colored dress, her hair was tied in a bun and a little cleavage in that dress was making her perfect MILF for all the boys out there in the world. Marry was a widow, her husband died three years ago and now she was living alone, working as a teacher. Since then Marry didn’t have a relationship with anyone. She was all alone. Sometimes she did feel the...

2 years ago
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Leslie and Jack

Her friends had dragged her down to one of the local college bars to flirt with guys and they had ended up drinking way too much. It had gotten so bad in fact that they had to call one girls brother to come get them and take them home. Leslie was dropped off first and the brother and another girl had helped her into her house, up into her bedroom and onto her bed. Luckily her parents had gone out of town for the weekend and wouldn’t come home to find her black out drunk. Her friends had...

4 years ago
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Idle Jack

An old, old tale of Lady Jane Of how she lost her honour.And how the lad called Idle Jack Inflicted shame upon her.Young Jane, a pure and simple lass, Of years just sweet eighteenWith hair of gold and eyes so blue And skin like golden cream.Whene're she walked around the town The local lads would sighAnd all their trouser fronts would bulge As this fair lass passed by.But Lady Jane was innocentAnd never knew the scoreShe just assumed the bulge...

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October of 2005 last weekend with Jack

Once again, just before Tom and I were leaving the house to meet up with Jack for some hot 3way sex, Tom got a call from one of his club brothers who had broke down on 19 in Hudson. Tom told me to go ahead and meet with Jack and enjoy myself. With the change in plans, I kissed Tom goodbye as he headed south. I went back inside and changed my clothes. I put on a pair of tight jeans, that I had modified, a see thru black mesh shirt that did nothing to hide my boobs, my dark nipples easily seen....

1 year ago
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Tori and Jack

Tori stepped off the plane in the lobby of the Texas airport and drew in a deep breath. She was here to meet Jack, a guy she had been talking to online for the past two months. Tori had exchanged pictures with Jack and was nervous with built up anticipation at finally meeting him in person. They had discussed the first time they actually met in person and the possibilities of taking their relationship to a more intimate level. They had become very close in the two months they had been talking...

Group Sex
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When I was 18 and studying for my final exams I found I couldn't sleep. At first it wasn't too much of a problem; after all I needed to study hard if I wanted to get into the college of my choice.However after nearly eight days with only the occasional cat nap to keep me going I was starting to feel rather unwell.Certainly my Mom had voiced her concern about how pale and ill I looked but Dad told her I was a teenager and that I had exam nerves. He was right about that.It didn't help that my Mom...

2 years ago
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A Farm Story Part 8 Dinner with Jack

Men! So Jack just called me, like after a week of waiting around the phone. I mean, I still see him in school and all. But he's been kind of avoiding me. I know he hangs out with Tammy a whole lot more, which of course is making me jealous, except I gave him permission. Now Jack calls me out of the blue and tells me he wants to see me. Like I wonder what that means. He's going to pick me up. Mother has been watching over me lately. I think she feels kind of sorry for me, because...

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Smilin Jack

SMILIN' JACK by Maggie Finson Jack Jack loved this time of year. With the closeness of Halloween, and all that holiday's attendent pranks and dressing up, his own less than benevolent tricks were much easier to perform. Better yet, his little jokes on humanity often managed to go largely unnoticed for days. At least, by those fortunate enough not to be caught up in them. He was a very old entity, one who had been known by many different names by many cultures. The one...

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OH MY GODUncle Jack

Room 1205Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this business opportunity has unexpected resultsDisclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are figments of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to events and/or persons is entirely coincidental. (If you just want the sexy stuff, you can skip to below the dotted line in the story. I...

3 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 23 Jack

Jack was at work when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" "Paul?" "Jack! I need your help. I'm desperate." "Wait, Paul, what's the matter?" Jack leaned back in his chair. "Jack! Something's wrong with me. Please," I pleaded, "what happened the night I spent at your place?" "Now Paul, you know I can't talk about things like that while I'm at work." "Oh, right." Damn! What to do? I couldn't drive over to visit Jack, because Janice had driven me to work! And I...

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Murphy and Jack

"Murphy, I can't do this anymore. You disrespecting me is not acceptable. I'm done," I said. "Even once more and I'm gone." We were standing out toward the backyard fence. I'd pulled her there, her resisting, to have it out with her, party or not. This was one time that I wasn't going to be waitin' until we got home, not this time. "Jack, stop being so pissy. It was just a birthday kiss. It's Don's birthday. Everybody gets kissed on their birthdays," said Murphy. Her words made...

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Mother and Jack

Jack had been a boarder since he was seven. He had been away at school for more than half his life. So home wasn’t really home, and he wasn’t sure his parents were really parents. He was now trundling back home for the summer, the longest period he spent at home. He now had no friends nearby for nearly three months. Being an only child, he and his mother would rattle around the house, and his father would appear for an hour or so most evenings, then after dinner he would disappear to his home...

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Why do fools fall in loveJack

Jack used to go to his best friend Jacie’s house, every evening to pick her up before they went out with the rest of their friends. They were as close as brother and sister; innocent in their way, yet always together in whatever mischief would arise. Her parents were always working, so she would look after her two kid brothers. Simple enough, the youngest would always be at his friend’s house next door, and the middle brother had his own life to lead. Jacie was your average tomboy; they had...

Oral Sex
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Our Friend Jack

It was the year I was going to retire from the USAF Sept 1987 we were visiting my in-laws in MD.† We had gone to JJT's for an late afternoon drink without the in-laws and it was just me and Deb and Jack.† We were sitting at his kitchen table drinking Champagne and chatting. I know Jack has always been good with Deb in the past but was always curious if they had ever done anymore than be just very good friends. I became aware this day that they had done nothing more than a good night kiss when...

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Our Friend Jack

It was the year I was going to retire from the USAF Sept 1987 we were visiting my in-laws in MD.† We had gone to JJT's for an late afternoon drink without the in-laws and it was just me and Deb and Jack.† We were sitting at his kitchen table drinking Champagne and chatting. I know Jack has always been good with Deb in the past but was always curious if they had ever done anymore than be just very good friends. I became aware this day that they had done nothing more than a good night kiss when...

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First Time for Jack

Jack looked at the departing school bus, half way down the wet street, and mumbled "shit" several times. Not only had he missed the bus, but it was raining hard and he was getting soaked. He was about to return to the school when a Ford Taurus pulled up to the curb, the passenger window came down and the woman driver leaned over and called to him. "Hi, Jack. Get in before you're drenched." The fifteen year old boy immediately recognized not only the voice but the face of the woman, Miss...

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The Mystery of Jack

As I opened the back door to the shed in Jack's backyard (where he had installed a glory hole), my pulse was starting to rise. The day was a fairly hot and humid one that July, but the shed where the glory hole was located had air conditioning, and closing the door behind me felt good on my lightly sweaty skin.Directly ahead of me was the four inch diameter hole through the plywood divider that separated Jack's side from that of mine. Even though my side was quite dark, I could make out...

1 year ago
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Her Friend Jack

She hated herself. In truth, she hated that her body was so big and round all her life. She was constantly standing in front of her mirror turning left, right, and even when she was at her friends talking about how “fat” she was she’d find they’d all stand in front of one while the other part of what they considered was big, round, and way too big was being reflected in another the other mirror behind them. She never liked that at all. Never. Her ass was way, way to big and round, or so she...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 32 Poor Confused Jack

When Jack opened his eyes he was surprised to find that he was no longer in the alleyway. It had only been a few seconds ago that he had been watching his Lifestyle Nudism ID band de-activate but now he was in bed and staring at the far wall of his own bedroom. Jack was quietly studying all the pendants and posters on that wall and trying to come to terms with what had happened when his bedroom door opened. A lovely face with red hair popped itself around and looked at Jack. “Oh, wonderful!...

2 years ago
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Triptych InterviewsJack

Saturday, October 22 (After Chapter 21 of Triptych) aroslav: Welcome, Jack. It's good to see you again. JACK: Hey ya old goat. What's new? aroslav: More of the same. JACK: So you want to interview me for your story? aroslav: Might have a bigger role for you someplace along the line. Do you mind? JACK: Can't hurt. aroslav: So, name, age, and birthday. JACK: John Daniel Wade, also known as Jack. Born March 13, I'm 59 years old. aroslav: How did Jack ever become a nickname for...

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My Big Brother Jack

Introduction: A brother visits his little sister for a night. I barely had time to get in the apartment door before my roommates were on me, both talking at once and more excitedly than Id ever seen before. There was a guy here looking for you, Sarah said, her voice full of mystery. He was huge! He said he was your brother, Ellie said. My brother? I felt my heart quicken as the image of my older brothers face filled my head. Are you sure? I hadnt seen him in six months, the longest wed...

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My Big Brother Jack

"There was a guy here looking for you,"  Sarah said, her voice full of mystery. "He was huge!" "He said he was your brother," Ellie said. "My brother?"  I felt my heart quicken as the image of my older brother's face filled my head.  "Are you sure?" I hadn't seen him in six months, the longest we'd ever been apart.  Usually we arranged things before he came to see me, but the last time we'd talked he hadn't mentioned anything about visiting.   I didn't want to get...

1 year ago
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When I was fourteen I was pretty naïve. I had been jerking off for a few years by then, but all my fantasy material came from purloined copies of old men's magazines. They weren't all that good in those days. All the really important stuff was left to the imagination. I was the youngest of four kids in my family. I had two older brothers and a sister. My brothers had gone to California to work that summer. I had a friend, Jack, who lived down the street. We went to school together and...

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Daddy and Jack

I'm bent over with daddy licking my pussy and ass while I suck on Jack. Daddy stands up and puts his cock in my ass and begins to fuck me. I'm moaning and sucking harder on Jack. His dick is harder than before I think.Jack pulls from my moutha nd tells daddy that it's his turn for me to be fucked by him. Jack lays down, so I can slide my ass on his dick. Jack pulls me back, holds my tits and fucks my ass hard. Saddy is standing in front of me watching my pussy.I tell daddy to puts his cock...

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again with Jack

After my last experience when I slept with Donny and Jack’s three other friends…I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to be with another woman. When I got back home to NY. things went on for me like nothing had ever happened. When Sally, my live in girl friend, was out on a “girl’s night out” however, I couldn’t get the memory of that week off my mind. I told you I had a really nice body, strong legs not too muscular though, and a 33” waist. Before I met Jack I would get high and naked and climb...

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Raising Little Tabby Jack

She’d been catatonic from screaming and crying for hours when the SWAT unit had charged into her home and rescued her from the three home invaders who had brutally murdered her father and mother. It came out as they were interrogated they had particularly enjoyed raping the pretty thirteen-year old as her mother was forced to watch. Both she and her mother had been strangled and raped repeatedly. A concerned neighbor with acute hearing had thankfully detected Tabby’s shrill screams of terror...

2 years ago
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Juiane and Jack

The clock ticked by quickly, and soon the doorbell rang, forcing Juliane to bookmark her spot in the magazine and answer the door. Jack, Juliane's brother, stood at the door, with a wide smile plastered on his lips. he was a strong young man, with black hair, but was a very respectful , and caring man. He would always help around the house when they were younger. Juliane was 24 years old, but Jack was 22, but she had always picked on him when they were kids. he never once was mean to her,...

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