The Wonderful Adventures Of Miss K: DEVASTATING AND DOMINATING - Part 7 free porn video

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Hello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: THE PHANTOM MENACE ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K drove down I-55 with Tracy, the wind whipping through her bleached-blonde locks as she sped down the highway. The clothing she wore left little to the imagination, with a white baby tee cut to stop right at the bottom of her breasts, her nipples popping up the shirt in response to the breeze, and a pair of daisy dukes that rode low on her hips, leaving her thong showing and stopping just short of revealing her big secret. Tracy wasn't dressed in much more, wearing a tiny white bikini top that succeeded only in covering her nipples and a wrap-around skirt just long enough to keep her pussy from showing when she was standing up. They were driving through the countryside, waiting for their next adventure when they both heard Miss K's cell phone ring. Scrambling to pick up the phone, Miss K answered the phone, then said, "Who is it?" "Well, who IS that calling your phone, Miss K?" Tracy asked out of curiosity. "I thought no one ever called that thing." "It's Kayla, from PA," Miss K said, putting her friend on hold. "So how are you doing, Kayla? Cool. So what's up? Oh, really? Good for you! Is the lucky boy as hung as you? Well, you want, I could make a return trip," she continued, punctuating with a laugh. "But that's nice. I hope you're feeling better about yourself babe. Talk to you soon. Bye!" "What was that about?" Tracy said, looking a bit annoyed at the phone conversation. "Well, that girl Kayla we met in Pennsylvania told me that she finally got herself a boyfriend. That's really nice, you know?" "I ment about the return trip you little slut," Tracy said with a playful slap at Miss K's breasts. "You just gotta fuck everything that moves, huh?" she continued before reaching under her shirt and giving her hard nipple a tug. "Look who's talking here!" Miss K said as she slapped Tracy's pussy, then tugged on her clit and rubbed it between her fingers. "There's more thread in dental floss than in your clothing today." "True," Tracy said as she pulled aside her bikini top, then lifted up her tits and licking each of her nipples. "I just felt like being open today, you know?" Tapping her fingers on the door, Miss K said, "Shit, I oughta let you finger fuck me more often if that's what you're gonna do the day after." After sitting there silently as Miss K tapped her fingers on the door, Tracy said, "Could you stop that?" "What? Just tapping my fingers. No biggie." Miss K and Tracy kept driving down the interstate, with Miss K still tapping her fingers as they passed through the Missouri countryside. "Could you fucking stop that shit!" Tracy screamed at the top of her lungs. "That shit's annoying." "Sorry, Trace. I'm just a bit restless, you know?" Tracy bent over Miss K's lap, letting her hairbrush across her friend's legs before giving Miss K's denim-covered crotch a lick. "You know, I'll even give you a blowjob if it will calm you down," she said with a lick. "Nah. Been there, done that with the whole driving-blowjob thing. Plus, I don't like sex out of obligation. I want you to be into it you know. Makes it more fun for both of us," Miss K said, giving Tracy an appreciative stroke of her hair. "Tell ya what. Take my cell phone, pay attention to the road signs and see if you can find a toy store." Picking up Miss K's phone from between the seat, Tracy said, "Are you for real?" "Yes!" Miss K said. "I had this habit of carrying around a slinky or yo-yo or some other toy from college. In fact, that's what I used to do back home in NYC before I decided to make this trip. Too bad I forgot them at home." "OK," Tracy said as she opened up the cell phone and dialed directory assistance. "If only to get some peace and quiet." *** Miss K and Tracy quickly found a mall with a toy store not far from the interstate. After walking through the mall to find the place, with more then a few stares at their barely covered bodies, they managed to get into the toy store without too much of a commotion. They walked to the back, where Miss K found an array of cheap toys from yo-yos to slinkys and click-clacks. "Hmm, which should I get Trace? The slinky or this click-clack thing," Miss K asked, swinging the latter toy back and forth to click it. "Tell ya what, my fair friend. Buy that, and I'll attach razors to it and remove the manhood you got left. Kapesh?" Tracy said half-jokingly. "OK, Miss Gotti. You've made me an offer I can't refuse. Slinky it is then," Miss K giggled as she let the toy slide back and forth between her fingers. "Look at the cool colors." "Happy with your toy?" Tracy said with a smile. "Are you sure that you're actually older than me?" "Yeah, I'm happy," Miss K said before bending over and whispering in Tracy's ear, "almost as happy as I am when I fuck your brains out." She gave Tracy a lick in her ear then perked up her ears. "I see someone's unhappy down the aisle there." Miss K turned down the aisle to see what the commotion was all about. In front of the Star Wars toy display, a young White kid was pestering his mother for some expensive toy, with his mother saying, "You know we can't afford it. Maybe next time, dear." As she kept dealing with her child's begging, Miss K noticed that the woman was a bit of a looker, despite the conservative, slight ruffled business suit. She noticed the woman's round ass sticking out when she bent down to tell her son to calm down, thinking about what her big dick could do to her. Then, when the woman stood back up, she noticed the smooth, gentle swell in her jacket, how curvy she was and, most important to her, how tall and thickly stacked she was. She felt her tip creep up her thong perilously close to her waistband thinking about how she wanted to fuck the soccer mom in front of her when she beckoned Tracy over. "What do you want?" Tracy asked. "I'm going to get that boy the toy he wants, then get his mother drunk and fuck her silly while you watch her kids." "What makes you think that?" "Well, she's tall and has a nice ass. I think she's definitely a nice addition to the adventure list." "I meant the part about watching her bad ass kid, but you think some Middle American mom is going to willingly have sex with a shemale? I think those silicone implants are leaking and causing you brain damage." "Just rock with me, Trace. I'll definitely make it worth your while." Tracy tugged down on Miss K's arm, then stood up on her toes to whisper, "How?" "Remember what we did the first night we met?" "Yeah," Tracy whispered back, shuddering at the memory. "I think I can do you one better in some motel. Wanna give it a shot?" "OK," Tracy said as she got back down on her feet, smiling as she thought of what could happen. "I'm down." Miss K straightened herself out a bit, making a futile effort to cover up more of her clothes before she walked over to the mother and her young son, ready to make her move. "How do you do, ma'am? I see your kid is acting a bit rambunctious," Miss K said to the woman. "See what you did, boy? Now you have everyone in the store looking at us!" the mother said in an exasperated tone. "This kid can't seem to say no to all those Star Wars toys, I mean, I keep getting him little things, but it never seems enough. Now he wants these big action figures, but he can't seem to say no. I don't know how to deal with this boy. He seems to think I'm made of money." "Tell ya what," Miss K said as she kneeled, then rooted through her purse for some money. "Here's $500. Get the kid whatever he wants," she said as she held out the money. "OK," the woman said as she nervously took the money. "Why are you giving me this money?" "Because I remember how much I liked Star Wars as a kid, plus I have been blessed with a lot of money," Miss K said. "OK," the woman said, looking a bit funny at Miss K. "Thanks to this nice woman here, you can pick out whatever you want. Say thank you to Miss?" "Stanford," Miss K chimed in. "It's Miss Stanford." "Thank you Miss Stanford!" muttered the boy as he went crazy looking for toys. The woman's mother looked at Miss K again, trying to see what a woman dressed like her was doing buying a boy some toys. "You aren't trying to?" "Hell no!" Miss K said emphatically. "I just remember growing up and playing with those toys. Heck, I still have the Darth Vader action figure carrying case back home. I understand your concern, but relax, um?" "Becky," the woman said as she extended her hand. "And your name is?" "Kayla," Miss K said as she shook Becky's hand. "You look like you need to relax. Wanna have some champagne and stop being a mother for a bit?" "Tempting as it sounds to rejoin humanity, who's gonna watch him?" she said, gesturing to his son. "My husband is out of town on business, and I can't have him running around." "I'll help," Tracy said as she walked into the conversation. "Besides, looking from here, you do need a break." "Thanks," Becky said as she looked at Tracy, then over at Miss K. "Are you two twins?" "Nah, just good friends. So what do you say about the champagne?" "Well, considering that you just threw away $500 on some toys, I bet it would be worth my while," Becky said as she ran her hand over her pulled-back dirty blonde hair. "I'll do it. Now let's ring this stuff up." The three women and the little boy went up to the register and rang up all the toys. After all those bags were handed over to Becky, Miss K went up to the register and paid for her slinky. "What the deal with that Slinky?" Becky asked. "I thought you were older than that." "Long story, Becky. Basically, it's something to worry my hands," Miss K said with a smile. "Now let's get over to your house, if only to get all those bags put away!" she continued as she took a couple bags from Becky's hands. *** A short drive later, Becky, Tracy and Miss K were all over at Becky's house, struggling to put all those bags away while Becky's son buzzed about them. After they got the last of the bags in the house, Miss K and Becky turned to Tracy in the hallway. "So are you gonna be OK with the little tyke while me and Becky here hang out?" Miss K asked. "Oh, he isn't gonna be a bother," Becky replied. "Between those toys you got him, Kayla, and that Playstation thing in his room, he'll be occupied for hours. We aren't gonna be long, right Kayla?" "Right," Miss K shot back. "Could you show Tracy where everything is, Becky?" "Sure." Becky disappeared with Tracy to give her a quick tour of the house. In a few short moments, the pair reappeared in the hallway. "Shall we go, my new friend?" Becky said as she offered her hand to Miss K. "Sure, madam," Miss K said as she took Becky's hand and gave it a kiss. "Wait for me out by my SUV. I wanna speak to Tracy for a minute." As Becky went out front, Tracy walked over to Miss K and said, "You better pay me back good," before squeezing one of her friend's boobs. "Trust me, you will be paid, my fair friend, but not until I open up this quiet mother's life, OK?" Miss K replied, reaching down to cup Tracy's pussy under her skirt, tweaking her thumb along her clit. Tracy purred for a second, responding to the stimulation, then said, "Thanks for the tip!" "Bye, Trace!" Miss K said as she walked out of the house, then over to her SUV. She let Becky in, then started it up as they made their way back to the highway. As they made their way back out to the main drag, Miss K asked Becky, "Could you tell me where I can find a liquor store around here?" "Sure, there Kayla. It just past the second light in that strip mall over there." "Thanks," Miss K said as she let the silence drift into the SUV. "Can I ask you something?" Becky blurted out. "Sure, what's up?" Miss K said as she was turning off the highway into the strip mall parking lot. "Are you and Tracy, well?you know?" "Lovers? Sure. We aren't a couple or anything, but we've been having our fun on this road trip." "Road trip?" "Don't worry about it Becky. You need to relax anyway. Just let me get the champagne, and I'll explain it when we crack it open, ok?" Miss K reached over and gave Becky a firm hug and a peck on the cheek. When she finished, she opened the door, beaming a smile over at Becky. "Relax," Miss K said with a giggle. "I'm not gonna bite. I'll be back with the booze in a bit." Miss K walked in the store, then quickly returned with a plastic bag with expensive champagne. Then she climbed back in the car, giving Becky another hug and kiss, letting her lips linger a bit longer this time. She then gave her a smile and a wink, then pulled out and got back onto the highway. Within a minute, she spotted a motel where she pulled into the parking lot. "What are you doing?" Becky asked. "Are you trying to kill me?" "No, not at all. Besides, if the goal was to kill you, I would have done that by now, right?" Miss K joked. "I guess," Becky nervously replied. "Look. Me and Tracy are gonna need a place to crash for the night anyway, so I mind as well get one now, you know?" Miss K said as she was getting the champagne and getting out of the SUV and walking over to Becky's side. "Just come with me, and we can relax some. After all, you can't be too mellow around your son, if you know what I mean." "You're right. I just need a bit of R&R," Becky said as she stepped out the car. She trailed Miss K over to the motel office, then followed Miss K over to the room she got. She watched as Miss K opened up the room and turned on the lights. "Sit down on the bed and kick off your shoes. I'll take care of everything." "Thanks," Becky said as she plopped down on the bed and took off her shoes. Miss K was watching her as she opened up the champagne, then poured it into the free glasses laying around the room. She then took the glasses and sat down on the bed next to Becky, struggling to keep her top over her breasts as she flopped down. "Here's your glass," Miss K said as she handed Becky her glass. "Here's a toast?to relaxation!" "To relaxation and no damn kids!" Becky said with a laugh before downing the first glass in a hurry. "Woo, that feels nice." Miss K took a sip of her champagne, then said, "It had better feel good, as much as I paid for it. Want some more?" "Sure!" Becky said as she held up her glass. Miss K poured the glass full, only for Becky to allow it to disappear into her belly. "So, can I ask you something?" "Go ahead Becky," Miss K said as she shifted to face her. "What's up?" "Well, for one, how did you get a body that nice to show off? Your breasts seem to defy gravity?" "Aww, thanks," Miss K said with a coquettish smile, squeezing her breasts between her arms and giving them a bounce. Becky took another sip of her champagne, then said, "And the second thing is how did you end up on a road trip with your lesbian lover?" "Well, the answers are kind of related. I was at one point a high- flying dot-commer. I manage to bail out before the market collapsed, and I spent some of the proceeds on my body. Anyway, I was hanging out in a strip club?" "Strip club? I'm surprised you didn't get harassed too much?" Becky chimed in. "Not really. Anyway, I was at this strip club where I met Tracy. She gave me a lap dance, which leads to a session at my place. On the spur of the moment, I decide to go off on a cross-country road trip, and I invited her along for the ride." "Wow! That sounds pretty wild." "Yeah. It been one long sex romp for us ever since." "Wow! Sounds like my college days. Too bad I can't do that kind of thing anymore." "Oh really?" Miss K said as she filled up her glass with champagne again. "Tell me more." "Well, I was a bit of a wild one in college. Having all kinds of sex with men, drinking too much, even experimenting with women a bit. It was a blast!" Becky said with a far off look in her eyes. "But I can't do that kind of thing now." "Why not?" Miss K said as she stroked Becky's hair. "You enjoyed it right?" "But I'm a wife and a mother now. I can't do that kind of thing," Becky said, feeling Miss K's stare bore into her eyes. "Well, you can right now. Ain't no husband or son around," Miss K said as she looked into Becky's eyes as she put down her glass. She stroked her hair, then pulled her into a deep tongue kiss, letting her tongue roam all over her mouth and their tits press against each other. As they kept kissing, Miss K reached into Becky's suit and unbuttoned her blouse, allowing her to squeeze Becky's soft breasts through her bra. She pinched on her hardening nipples then broke their kiss. Leaving Becky breathless. "Did you enjoy that blast from the past?" Miss K said with a smile and a tug on Becky's nipples. "Oh yeah. That feels nice," Becky said as her hands went to Miss K's, looking at her own breasts. "C-can I?" Before she could finish her question, Miss K pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it off, baring her huge breasts. "Man, I wish I had breasts like these," Becky said as she reached out and let Miss K's breasts overflow her hands. She rubbed her palms around the nipples then flicked at them as they got hard under her touch. Soon, she felt Miss K's hand pull her to a breast, latching on and sucking on a nipple as she nearly suffocated in the flesh. Miss K gently stroked Becky's back as she let her nurse on her tits, her pale pink lips looking luscious on her chocolate nipple. She switched Becky over the other nipple as she reached back into her suit jacket, pulling a cup of a bra over a breast and pulling at a nipple. She purred contently as she felt the woman suck her tits, pressing her ass into the bed to rub her hardening dick against her jeans. She pressed Becky's head hard to her tits, letting her tongue squirm over her nipple and drive her crazy, then finally let go, letting Becky sit up. She pulled Becky's suit jacket and bra off of her shoulders, baring the woman's bra and her exposed brown nipple. Miss K tongued that nipple while baring the other one with her free had, making Becky moan and stroke her long blonde hair. She took the nipple into her mouth, sucking on it softly and letting her tongue swirl around it as her spit dribbled onto the areola and her free hand was rubbing and pulling on the other breast. She then licked her way around Becky's areola then up her breast before tracing a line from her collarbone to her neck, ten sucking the breath out of her with a long, slow, deep French kiss. She rubbed their now-bare nipples against each other, making Becky squirm against her kiss before finally breaking off their embrace. "Did you like that, Becky?" Miss K panted out. "Yes, definitely. Took me back to the old dorm where I used to fool around with my roommate," Becky beamed. "How kinky! Did any of your boyfriends find out?" Miss K asked curiously, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. "Yeah. They used to watch. It was kinda wild back then." "Sounds like some Jerry Springer action, huh?" "Nah, we weren't that wild. I wasn't messing around with transsexuals or anything. Not that I'd mind trying anything once," Becky said with a drunk giggle. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I got something wild to tell you," Miss K said. "I'm a guy." "What?" Becky said, giving Miss K the once-over with her eyes, then giving her breasts a squeeze. "No way?! Not with those breasts, and especially with those hips. Stand up for me and show off your body to me," she continued with the laugh. "OK," Miss K said as she stood up and did a slow, complete turn of her body on unsteady legs, letting Becky get a look at the whole package. "What do you think?" "I think the alcohol has gotten to you. Ain't no way you're a guy, not with that ass of yours hanging out those short shorts," Becky said before falling out in laughter on the bed. "In fact, not only do I have a dick, but it probably compares favorably to those hung guys you fucked in college," Miss K said with a cocky leer. "OK, let's see if you got something to choke me with, honey?" Miss K unbuttoned her daisy dukes then pulled them down with her thong over her hips to midway down her thighs. She then spread her legs slightly, letting her ebony semi-hard shaft flop down between her legs and stick up a bit. She felt Becky's eyes stare at her huge shaft, following it as she walked closer to her and rubbed her tip across her lips, stroking it slowly in her hand. "Now do you believe me?" Miss K said as she looked over her breasts into Becky's eyes. Becky hummed and nodded in the affirmative, her soft lips affixed to Miss K's tip. Miss K stroked Becky's hair, then pressed firmly on the back of her head. "Now you're gonna suck my dick like you did those guys in college, right?" Becky's eyes narrowed in lust, staring at Miss K's cock, then nodded her head in agreement as Miss K pushed her tip through Becky's lips. Slowly but surely, she fed her dick through Becky's soft lips, enjoying the color contrast as she let them caress her tip. She pressed her tip firmly into the back of her throat, letting her tongue wiggle against the bottom of her tip and she toyed with a nipple with her free hand. She thrust her dick in and out of Becky's mouth, forcing her to swirl her tongue around her tip by turning her head and making herself moan. She simply closed her eyes and grabbed both of her tits with both hands, thrusting her dick in and out with her hips as Becky sucked hard on her dick. Miss K screamed a bit when she felt Becky's teeth graze on her tip, then tried to rub her tip against her teeth some more. Miss K grabbed the back of Becky's head with both of her hands, then thrust forward, shoving her dick into Becky's mouth until she felt her gas. She slowly started to pump her hips, getting her dick sucked on as she thrust her huge shaft through her throat. She built up speed, pumping that big Black dick over Becky's tongue and into her throat, purring as the suction and gagging Becky put on her dick got her hotter and hotter. She closed her eyes and froze a bit as she felt Becky's spit drip onto her balls and cool off. Becky's lips tightened around her shaft as she kept thrusting into her mouth, caressing her shaft as her tip tickled Becky's throat. She thrust herself harder and harder between Becky's lips, that sweet mouth and throat driving her crazy. She pulled and rubbed on her nipples, making her moan and pant out of control as Becky gagged and sucked round her long, hard, thick shaft. Then, thinking about how much she wanted to fuck Becky's ass, Miss K reluctantly slowed down, letting go off Becky's hair as she slowly eased her shaft out her mouth. "Give me your fucking cum! That felt so good!" Becky panted, rubbing her nipple with one hand as the other rubbed her pussy through her skirt. "Maybe slut. Now get on your knees now!" Miss K commanded in a rush of adrenaline. "I wanna see that ass stuck up in the air!" Becky quickly shuffled to her hands and knees, struggling to get her balance a bit because of the alcohol in her system. Miss K kicked off her shorts, then got on the bed, pulling up Becky's skirt to reveal pantyhose cover her plain white cotton panties. "Hmm, such horrible access. I think I'm gonna have to punish you for that," Miss K said with a lecherous smile before giving Becky's ass a few good hard spanks right on her pussy. She rubbed the area she spanked, making Becky squirm against her hand. Miss K yanked down Becky's panty and pantyhose in one strong tug, then bent down, took Becky's clit between her teeth and flicked her tongue against it, making Becky tense up from the stimulation. She gave Becky's pussy a few wet licks from her clit to her asshole, then jammed a couple fingers into her wet pussy, twitching them against each other as she dug her lips out and sucked on each of them. Miss K licked all the way up to Becky's asshole, then flicked at the clit as she licked her asshole, making Becky collapse on her arms and press her ass into Miss K's face. She licked her asshole hard as she kept playing with Becky's pussy, pressing her tongue further into her back package, twisting it around to match every wiggle over her soft ass. She sped up her fingers and her tongue, bring Becky closer and closer to her climax, her pussy soaking Miss K's fingers, until she felt Becky stiffen and tighten on her fingers, when she quickly pulled away. "Wha?what are you doing?" Becky panted out, her eyes glazed over looking back at Miss K and the rest of her words disappearing in her lust as she wiggled her ass against her missing lover. "Getting ready to fuck you like the slut you are," Miss K said as she finished rolling on the condom with one hand and palming a tit with the other, seductively licking her lips to a shiny gloss. "Are you ready to get fucked in the ass?" "Make me cum, oh GOD make me cum?" Becky said as she grinded her ass in the air. Becky suddenly felt a huge object pressed flush against her asshole, then screamed at it impaled her, the pain from the stretching assuaged by the fingers on her clit. She felt a strong arm pull her up, and some fingers start pulling on her nipples as the dick in her ass started to thrust hard and fast, the friction going quickly from a burning pain to a hot pleasure. She felt a tongue lick the back of her ear as she felt her nipples being tugged on as her ass being pounded, her clit beaming pleasure through her body. She felt a set of hard nipples rub against her sensitive back, her clit pulling her closer to an orgasm with each flick. She pushed her ass out as much as she could into each and every thrust of that dick, feeling her asshole stretch impossibly when she felt a tongue licking her ear, pushing her body over the edge. She lost her voice, quaking uncontrollably as every nerve in her body seemed to be amplified as even the air running over her nipples drove her wild. She began to lose herself in a world, falling onto something soft as her body shook from the stimulation, her clit pushing her into another orgasm just as she felt that huge dick in her ass swell bigger than she ever thought before hearing a groan in the distance, that dick feeling softer in her ass. She felt a pair of firm, yet soft breasts press into her back as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, a pair of lips sucking on her ear lobe. "Did you like your R&R?" Miss K said in a soft, hoarse voice. "So you weren't serious when?" "Nah, Becky," Miss K said. "I was just trying to get you into the spirit of things, and based on how you were shaking like an epileptic, I think I did." "You sure did!" Becky said with a giggle. "I haven't been fucked like that since before I had my son." She then looked off into the distance and said, "You can't be a hot little slut and a momma at the same time, you know?" "Key words not at the same time," Miss K said with a lick of Becky's ear. "Why don't you get another babysitter and try this with your loving husband instead of committing a sin with me, even though I am worth eternal damnation." "Hush!" Becky said with a playful slap. "You aren't that good. Now could you get out of me?" "Sure," Miss K said as she rose up on her knees and slowly eased herself out of Becky. She disposed of the condom in the toilet, then threw on her minimal clothing, stopping only to make sure her secret was safe in those short shorts. Meanwhile, Becky was busy straightening herself out. "C'mon girl! Don't tell me I wore you out too much," Miss K said with a smile and a flip of her blonde hair. "Not all of us are sluts with big dicks. Some of us are just nice, ordinary women," Becky said as she straightened out her blouse. "Without the dicks of course." Becky slipped on her suit jacket, then her shoes and began to walk to the door. "I'm ready to face the world. How about you, Kayla?" "I'm ready to face your big ass again, but the world will do," Miss K said with a smile as she opened the motel room door. "But my ass ain't?" "It's a compliment Becky! Relax! Now let's go." *** In a few short minutes, Miss K brought a glowing Becky back to her place, then helped her to her front door. After fishing out the keys to her house out of her purse, Becky walked into the house, then looked around for her son. "Hey Trace! Where are ya?" "Right here!" Tracy said as she bound down the stairs to meet up with Miss K and Becky. Taking one look at Becky and her glowing face, she flashed a smile and a wink to Miss K. "What was that about? And how is my son?" Becky asked, kind of worried as to what was going on. "Oh, he's OK. You're right. That kid is a Star Trek junkie," Tracy said with a smile and a wiggle. "That's Star Wars, and yeah, he's an addict." "I take it you enjoyed your champagne a LOT, huh Becky," Tracy said with a knowing wink. "Definitely. Now let me get back to being a mother OK?" Becky said, trying to get back to normal. She then turned to Miss K and gave her a hug. "Thanks for the rest, Kayla. I needed that." "You're welcome," Miss K said as she hugged back. After breaking off the hug, Miss K motioned for Tracy to come follow her. "Time to get the show on the road, Tracy!" Tracy ran upstairs to get her purse, then came back down and followed Miss K out to the SUV. She stopped and looked at Miss K, then asked, "So what's my payment for babysitting some stranger's rugrat?" Miss K put a finger to her lips to quiet her, then walked over to the SUV and opened up the back. She pulled out a black t-shirt, rolled it up, and then tied it over Tracy's eyes as a blindfold. "Hey!" Tracy said as she flinched from the blindfold. "What's the deal?" "You'll see soon enough?and I mean that literally," Miss K said with a mischievous laugh. She paused to think about her next move, then pulled the car out of Becky's driveway, on their way back to the motel. After driving back and forth down the highway, if only to see her squirm in her seat, she pulled into a strip mall and got a cheap feather duster, then pulled out a couple pairs of stockings from her suitcase and Tracy's dildo from her purse upon her return to the SUV. Finally, she drove over to the SUV, helping Tracy out of the car. "So what's this surprise you're talking about?" Tracy said a bit annoyed at what was going on. "Come on. You'll see," Miss K calmly said as she hooked her arm under Tracy's and led her to the motel room. Miss K opened the door and pulled Tracy into the room behind her. She then picked up Tracy and laid her on the bed, running her hand over her breasts and belly as she pulled away. She pulled the stockings out of her bag, tied one end of each to her arms and legs, then the other end to the legs of the bed, letting her tits brush over each of her limbs. She stripped naked, then pulled the feather duster out of her bag and climbed onto the bed. She let the feather duster brush lightly from one wrist to another, making a detour to Tracy's nipples, then let the tip of her dick and her nipples brush up and down one side of her body while the feather duster ran up the other side of her body. She slid the tip of her dick over Tracy's pussy and then brushed the feather duster over Tracy's bare, wet, twitching pussy as she batted the tip of her dick on the sloes of Tracy's feet. Sliding up Tracy's body, Miss K licked Tracy's ear as her fingers traced her lips. "So, do you like your surprise so far?" Miss K asked before blowing in Tracy's ear. "Mmmhmm," Tracy moaned in response, stiffing up as she felt the feather duster brush her armpits. Leaving the feather duster just so it barely touched Tracy's armpit, Miss K got Tracy's dildo, then turned the vibrator on low as she let it run on the inside of Tracy's knees. Meanwhile, she straddled Tracy's face, letting her limp dick run across her lips, twitching from the feel of the soft skin. "So which dick do you want Tracy?" Tracy reached up with her mouth and blindly sucked Miss K's tip into her mouth, making her friend's cock swell up with blood. Miss K pulled her dick out of Tracy's mouth with a loud pop, then drag her tip over Tracy's chin and onto her tits. As she pulled the vibrating dildo up Tracy's inner thigh, around her belly and down the other belly, Miss K dragged her spit-soaked tip over one nipple, then the other. She dragged her cock back and forth between Tracy's tits, pushing the head onto her neck as she held Tracy's dildo on her inner thigh just short of her pussy, making Tracy hump her hips toward it. She squeezed Tracy's breasts around her dick and humped it, her swollen head on her now-hard cock rubbing deliciously on Tracy's sensitive skin, before taking the dildo and rolling it over her friend's nipples. She kept rolling it back and forth over her breasts as she fucked her tits, Tracy humping her hips hard into the air as her pussy was dripping with wetness. She traced out each nipple with Tracy's dildo, then ran her body over Tracy's again, trailing her hard dick, her nipples and her long hair down her friend's body and over her pussy. As she slid to the side of Tracy's body, Miss K trailed her hair back over Tracy's twitching body, then straddled Tracy's head with her legs. She lowered her hard dick to Tracy's lips and pressed them open as Tracy's mouth accepted her thick shaft as it passed into her throat. As she let her friend swallow her cock in her soft flesh, her big ass just brushing Tracy's nose, she picked up the feather duster again and quickly brushed back and forth over Tracy's nipples, making her scream around the thick dick in her throat. As Miss k pumped her hips, pulling that dick across Tracy's lips and tongue, she slowly licked down Tracy's belly, quickly moving the feather duster across Tracy's wet pussy lips. Miss K finally dragged her tongue down to Tracy's pussy, taking care to avoid her clit before sucking one of her inner lips into her mouth. She froze when she let Tracy run her tongue around just under the tip of her cock, then did some licking of her own, licking the inside of one inner lip. She closed her eyes, enjoying the blowjob she was getting as she blew onto Tracy's sweet folds before reaching for Tracy's dildo and turning the vibration up to maximum. As she tongued the edges of Tracy's lips, Miss K managed to hold the dildo right on the tip of her clit as she humped her dick harder into Tracy's throat. Suddenly, Tracy stiffed up and held that way for a few moments before screaming so hard around Miss K's dick that Miss K stiffened up from the vibration. Miss K continued to hump her hard dick into Tracy's throat as she kept sucking on Tracy's pussy lips, holding the dildo to Tracy's clit as she quickly slid two fingers into Tracy's overflowing pussy and twitched her fingers back and forth on her g-spot. As Miss K switched from one inner lip to the other, Tracy rolled from one orgasm to another, her sweaty, heaving body being overwhelmed by the senses as she came over and over. Finally, Miss K pulled the dildo away from her clit and raised her head up from her friend's pussy. After pulling her dick out of Tracy's mouth, she walked around the bed, then climbed back on between Tracy's limp legs. She leaned over Tracy and united her blindfold, one of her nipples dangling between Tracy's lips. After getting a quick lick of her nipple, she stood up on her knees, the tip of her dick pressed flush to Tracy's pussy as her curvy, strong heaving body stood over her friend. "So, do you want me to fuck your pussy?" Miss K breathed out, ready to dump her load deep inside of her friend. "Yeah," Tracy said as she looked at Miss K through hazy eyes. "Gimme your cum. I wanna feel it deep inside me," she continued has her chest was heaving. "OK, fair friend, you asked for it." Miss K grabbed onto Tracy's hips, then drove her cock balls deep into Tracy's wet pussy. She ground her hips into Tracy's, rolling into them as her thumb and forefinger rolled her clit. She looked into Tracy's eyes, desperate to unload her cum into Tracy's squeezing cunt. As she felt Tracy respond to each movement of her hips, she saw Tracy manage to lick her lips and barely whispered, "Gimme your cum," as she squeezed her pussy as tight as she could around her friend's dick Miss K couldn't take anymore, feeling pushed over the edge as her nipples tightened up and she felt her balls begin to unload deep inside Tracy, their juices mixing as she slowly pumped her hips in and out. She let load after hot load coat Tracy's pussy before pulling out, wiping off the last bit of cum on her sensitive tip on Tracy's clit before slumping off to Tracy's side and untying her binds. "So what did you think of that, missy?" Miss K said as she reached over to turn on the nightstand lamp. "Hey, I thought you were the 'Miss' around here, Miss K?" Tracy said with a weak giggle, playfully slapping at Miss K's nipple. "But that was good, man. I think I'm going to sleep. What are you gonna do, Miss K?" "Watch Spectravision porn and jerk off," Miss K said as she idly stroked her dick, flipping through the channels. "Do you ever get enough sex?" Tracy said with an exhausted groan. Miss K chuckled with a maniacal laugh, then smiled at Tracy and said, "No." She then flipped to a channel where the porno 'Ladies in Garters' was playing and ordered it. Miss K settled in for the show, her fingers idly stroking her dick, as Tracy settled in to sleep, her head on Miss K's heaving breast. *** Questions? Comments? E-mail me at: [email protected]

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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Part 2

Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. After all, I sure did As always, you can read the previous installment. I reserve all non- electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K ? Chapter 2 - By Brett Lynn LOVING, INNOCENT & VIRGINAL "Wake up! Wake up!" Miss K...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 5 Grandpas Love

***** Chapter 5 - Grandpa's Love While still in a daze, someone shouted my name and asked about my well-being. I looked towards the golf cart to see which security guard recognized me. My eyes widened in fear when I saw my Grandpa Harold sitting there staring at me with a look of horror on his face, while I sat on a shipping crate, naked and doused in cum. Grandpa Harold is my deadbeat father's step-dad. We are not blood related but I do consider him family. He is the only person, on my...

3 years ago
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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Adventures of DonnaPart 5 Gagging Amanda

Adventures of Donna–Part 5 (Gagging Amanda) Amanda jumped back as soon as she opened her eyes and saw Eric laying on the bed. He still had his eyes closed, smoothly jerking his enormous cock. ‘Donna, who is that? What’s that thing sticking up? Is it his penis?’ ‘Yes, Amanda. This is my friend Eric. And that thing is his penis, but you should call it a cock. When I was younger, I had some experience with penises, but I soon realized that a penis is not what I needed. I like to have very large...

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Adventures DonnaPart 4 Amandas initiation

Adventures of Donna--Part 4 (Amanda's initiation)And then she had an idea, but it meant leaving Mr. Fuck Stick for a few minutes and Donna didn't want him to disappear. She grabbed his cock and spat a huge gob of saliva on his dick-head. She started to jerk him off, letting the spit grease his pole. Eric thought she was getting him ready for more deep throat action, and he closed his eyes, moaning deeply. Donna expected this reaction. She reached under the bed and found the pair of hand...

1 year ago
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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Dominating Miss Davenshaw

Miss Davenshaw sits at the head of the board room table. From the 73rd floor window you can see the whole of the city of London but the eight men only have eyes for their CEO. Her blonde hair is suspended in a sharp bun and her keen blue eyes assess the male subordinate who has been foolish enough to try to undermine her. ‘And what would you do differently, Luis?’ Luis witters on. He’s an easy target. Miss Davenshaw gives him just enough rope to hang himself which he eagerly snatches in a...

1 year ago
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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

1 year ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

4 years ago
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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

3 years ago
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The Further Misadventures of Miss High Heels

Further Misadventures of Miss High Heels Inspired by the classic Miss High Heels, I fell to wondering what other misadventures the divine Denis(e) could have at the hands of stepsister Helen and the sinister Miss Priscilla. Thus I came up with the following tale, narrated by Denis(e): Ritual Milking A week after the "death" of Denis Beryl had been announced and I had been reintroduced to the household as Denise, Phoebe was dressing me one morning as usual, but stopped once she had...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Big Boob Candy Trailer Park Whore

I had lived in the Old West Trailer park just outside of Las Vegas for 4 years. I had a string of bad luck at poker and craps. I had lost my house, my wife and my dog over a short period. Being 23 years old and broke sucks big time. I now play poker tournaments on the Internet and have won enough to pay for a trailer and beer. I have open my second beer since I started writing this story. I am not sure how it happen but I am glad it did. It all started about a month ago.I was hanging my wash on...

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Dominating Miss Davenshaw Ch 04

Dear Miss Davenshaw, Can we meet after work…please? I just need to talk to you in person. Something is wrong, I just know it. The email from May struck a chord with Miss Davenshaw. Yes, something was wrong. She cast her mind back to yesterday. She remembered the start of the meeting but, apart from an impression that May hadn’t got the result she wanted and that it was somehow her – Miss Davenshaw’s – fault, it was just a series of vaguely recognisable sensations, sensations which nonetheless...

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The Mis Adventures of Missy The Fireman

The (Mis) Adventures of Missy – The Fireman My name is Missy. I am 40 years old and divorced. About 5′ 2′ barefoot, medium length dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Not rail thin but not too overweight either. My chest is 36 C, almost a D. My best friends call me curvy. My house sits on a rise and my backyard slopes downward. It gives me a great view over the fence to the building behind my house. The local fire station. I can see when the trucks come and go. I can see the firemen working out...

4 years ago
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The Mis Adventures of Missy The Fireman

The (Mis) Adventures of Missy - The Fireman My name is Missy. I am 40 years old and divorced. About 5' 2" barefoot, medium length dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Not rail thin but not too overweight either. My chest is 36 C, almost a D. My best friends call me curvy. My house sits on a rise and my backyard slopes downward. It gives me a great view over the fence to the building behind my house. The local fire station. I can see when the trucks come and go. I can see the firemen working out...

Straight Sex
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Sex Adventures Andrew

I really don’t know where to begin with all this. I’ll guess I’ll start by explaining my adventures lately. I’ve recently come to the realization that I might possibly be a nymphomaniac. Well, I guess ‘possibly’ is the wrong word. I mean, I love sex and after all the screwed-up relationships I’ve had, I’m ready to just have fun. It all started with Andrew. Andrew was a simple man who had just moved to the area from New York. He had light blue eyes and a toned physique. He was having a rough...

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