MICHELE'S NEW LIFE - CHAPTER 9B free porn video

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Tim had his bag packed the night before. I had a cosmetics case. That’s it. No clothes. Nothing. Yes, this was feeling a little intimidating. Since our limits discussion I had become quite comfortable around the house naked. A few almost embarrassing moments at the door, but it worked out. Even Cody was getting more used to seeing me naked all the time and didn’t seem to need to mount me constantly. After all, how much fucking can this girl take? Yeah, okay, I admit it, a lot. Anyway, around the house is one thing. Leaving the house, jumping on an airplane and flying to another country with no clothes is totally another thing. But, this is where I just have to trust in Tim and, hopefully, in Mr. Rodriguez. And, if Sharon knows him as well as she claimed, he is someone we can put our trust in. In a way this weekend is a bit of a test to see how this relationship could work and where it might go. Our first two experiences with him (on the beach with his dogs and the dinner party at his estate) were certainly highly exciting. The potential for future experiences with him were seemingly endless given his resources, personality, and capabilities.

After our activities of the morning, I took a shower and sat down to do my makeup and hair. Then I got some coffee and a light breakfast. Then I got dressed. Sort of. It didn’t take me long, obviously. When the limo pulled into the driveway we were ready. Cody was watching attentively to all the activity. Mom would be coming over to care for him periodically during the weekend. I hoped she would also take the opportunity to enjoy his talents while we were gone.

Tim answered the door while I was kneeling with Cody saying my goodbye. I immediately recognized him as the driver for the limo on the island when we were driven to and from Mr. Rodriguez’s estate for the dinner party. I gave Cody a last kiss with open mouths and then kissed his nose and stood.

He introduced himself, “I am the driver and bodyguard for Mr. Rodriguez. He has a relatively small full-time staff at the estate. He is very good to work for because he is relatively low maintenance. But he knows what he wants and how to get it. He is a dominant man, but very caring for those he cares about. It is an interesting combination.”

“So why didn’t he just hire a service up here to take us to the airport?”

“Because of the way you are going to be dressed … or, not dressed. He gave me the details. He couldn’t have you getting into just any vehicle naked. That could be potential trouble, even with your husband. And, he wanted you to have the effect of being naked the whole time. My job is to get you and your husband to the airport, onto the plane and safely to the island, through customs and to the estate. And, if I be so bold, it will be a great deal of pleasure to spend that time with you.”

I laughed. “Not too bold at all. You know what I will be doing while I am there. And, I appreciate the compliment.” I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for helping us. What’s your name, it looks like we will be spending some quality time together.”

“Anthony, my name is Anthony.”

We introduced ourselves formally to him and then introduced Cody who was watching it all very carefully.

Anthony said, “He looks like a good dog.”

Tim replied, “You have no idea how good. Michele has become rather fond of him.”

“So I am told,” he said with a knowing smile.

Tim had his suitcase which contained my cosmetics case. Everything I was taking with me in a small cosmetics case. Walking out that door I will be naked for the next three days. A shiver ran through my body and this was definitely a shiver of excitement. For most of this weekend not only will I be naked, but could be the only one naked among others fully clothed like the dinner party. And the excitement surprised me.

Anthony went out ahead of us, opened the trunk for Tim’s bag and then the rear passenger door for me. It was still early and mostly dark as we walked to the vehicle. I concentrated on not looking up and down the street. If someone saw me, there was nothing I was going to be able to do about it. As I approached, Anthony was standing holding the door open for me. I thanked him and then it became very obvious to me, there is no way for a naked women to get into a car without opening her legs. And in that instant, I flashed him my bald pussy.

The trip to the regional airport was uneventful. Anthony drove directly to some private hangers. One had a sleek two engine jet sitting outside and Anthony pulled up alongside it, left the car engine running, opened our door and then went to the trunk for Tim’s bag. As Tim got out of the car and extended his hand to me, I noticed an attractive, trim attendant standing at the top of the stairs leading to an open door. Next to her stood a man in white shirt and tie who I assumed was the pilot. I got out of the car and stood next to Tim and waited for Anthony who stowed the bag in the hold under the plane. He came back to us and said he would park the car and join us on board. Tim took my hand and led me to the stairs. Again becoming very aware that I was in heels, nylons, and jewelry. Period.

As we reached the top of the stairs the pilot was gone and the attendant was standing with her hand outstretched. “Welcome to Mr. Rodriguez’ personal plane. Tim, Michele, I am Marie and I will do whatever I can for you on our flight to the island. If you will come on board, we’ll get going as soon as Anthony returns.”

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Anthony was driving the car into the hanger.

I said, “He’s leaving the car in the hanger?”

“Yes, Mr. Rodriguez gets up here with enough frequency to allow the rental of the hanger for his trips. He has a business here in this city and because of some unfortunate management situations, he has found it necessary to come here himself. I believe he is searching for someone to represent him here so he can focus more fully on other parts of his world. That was a long answer for ‘yes, the car is parked in the hanger’.”

We all laughed and I immediately felt more at ease. She pointed to the pilots (there were two) and then led us further into the plane. Inside it was amazing. Not only did it have a few rows of seats like you would expect on a plane, but also couches along the sides and tables with seats so you could face each other. She pointed to a door at the rear of the plane and indicated that beyond that door is a small bedroom, the restroom and a full shower. Mr. Rodriquez uses this plane for all his international flying and some can be very long flights.

Tim and I took regular seats for the takeoff as Anthony bounded onto the plane. He said something to someone outside and then it occurred to me that there had to be other ground support people around but must have been instructed to be discretely out of view. He shut and locked the plane door and was heading back towards us. Marie, the attendant, bent down to me and said, “Michele, you have a stunning body. It will be a pleasure to spend this time with you.”

Anthony sat down in the row in front of us and facing us and said, “So you’ve met Marie. That only leaves George as the last member of the staff at the mansion. But you already know George.”

Tim asked, “Anthony, what are talking about. Marie, the flight attendant? And who is George?”

The plane was taxiing and took off and we were on our way for the island. This time much quicker and much more direct than flying commercial.

Anthony clarified, “I’m sorry. Maybe Marie didn’t really introduce herself. She has several roles with Mr. Rodriguez. Let me start at the top. Mr. Rodriguez would like you to feel comfortable with your surroundings when we arrive and you can ask us any questions to help make you comfortable.” As we reached higher altitude, Marie came down the aisle and asked if we needed anything. We said no and Anthony said to her, “Marie, why don’t you sit with us. We were just about to discuss the estate for their benefit.”

“Oh, sure.” She sat down, leaned forward and said, “Michele, I’d love sitting across from you. I could sit here and watch you the whole trip.”

Anthony said, “Marie. Stop teasing the poor woman. She’s already in a psychologically vulnerable situation here.” He looked at us and explained, “Marie can be very direct. Part of the life she came from before joining Mr. Rodriguez. Yes, I can see by the expressions on your faces, this needs more explanation. Let me lay out the estate and staff for you.”

I said, “That would be very nice. I assume that George must be the chef who I ‘thanked’ last time for his excellent meal.”

“Yes, exactly. He was the top chef at a very nice restaurant in the city. The manager started cutting some corners on the food coming into the kitchen without George knowing anything about it. It became a big legal issue that sent people to jail. Even though he wasn’t involved, he found himself blacklisted and not able to find work. Before long he was broke and getting desperate. That’s when Mr. Rodriguez met him and the next thing George knew, he was living in the mansion and taking care of the meals for the estate.”

I said, “Wow. That easy?”

“Mr. Rodriguez was looking for good chef. They both won.”

I said, “Marie, you work for Mr. Rodriguez, too? I thought maybe you were hired as part of the flights.”

“No. Anthony was right; I do a variety of things for Mr. Rodriguez. Mostly, I am the maid for the mansion. I keep the place on schedule. He has a service come in twice a week to really clean the place, but I take care of Mr. Rodriguez’s bedroom, bath and the commons areas of the mansion. George takes care of the kitchen and we each keep our private rooms clean. But, I also serve as ‘flight attendant’ and travel agent for when he travels. He often has guests or business associates traveling. He occasionally travels just for fun, but mostly it is business. He is very driven. He intimidates most people but to us he is exceedingly loyal and protective.” With that she looked at Anthony and he gave her a nod to continue. “Before I started working for Mr. Rodriguez I was at a strip club and it wasn’t very nice. I suppose there are clubs that are nice and the girls just show up like a job and then leave, but this wasn’t like that. They got the girls onto d**gs and then sex. Some got out. It was easy for us to slip down that slope. First some recreational d**gs and then providing sex for ‘special’ customers. Pretty soon I was a whore who also danced, taking my clothes off. When things didn’t go well, we got hit. It didn’t even have to be our fault because it sure wasn’t going to be the customer’s fault.”

I was suddenly very uncomfortable being naked. Like I was a reminder of what used to be for her. And it showed when I tried to cover myself with my arms and crossing my legs, “I’m so sorry, Marie. You must think I am awful being like this.” Tears came to my eyes in reactions of sympathy, guilt and embarrassment.

Marie crossed the space between us and leaned into me. She pulled my head into her shoulder and stroked my hair. “Don’t Michele. For me that was before. What you are doing is your fun. You are safe and protected. It is controlled, if not by you, then by your husband or someone who you trust to protect you. You are totally different from what I was. What they turned me into.” She kissed my forehead, smiled at me and then Tim and sat back into her seat.

I looked at everyone and sighed my relief. “Thank you, Marie.”

“I was lucky, Michele. I crossed paths with Mr. Rodriguez totally by accident. No way would he normally be in that part of the city. But he was that fateful night. At the exact moment I came stumbling out of an alley after just being severely ‘disciplined’, still high from the d**gs, he drove by. When I fell to the sidewalk, his car stopped. He got out and Anthony rushed in after him. I know that at the time Anthony was far more worried about him than me, especially in that area. Mr. Rodriguez brought me into the car. Anthony protested. Some of his words about me weren’t very nice, but they were true. I was a risk and not a good risk at that.

“Later, he took me to the police station. I was sure he was turning me in. Instead, he spoke to a captain and he wanted me to tell them everything. I did. It took hours. They had a doctor come in to take blood samples and to tend to my bruises. They took pictures of my injuries and got my statement. Then I left with Mr. Rodriguez. I had no place else to go, so they took me to the estate. I still live there. He could have dropped me off at a motel and given me $100 and felt really good about himself. Instead, he changed my life. Completely.”

I said, “Wow. Maybe I shouldn’t ask but Anthony said I could ask anything to better understand the situation I was walking into. Given all that, do you do more than maid for Mr. Rodriguez?”

“Your right, given that I was a d**gged up whore and stripper, that would be expected. Simply take care of his needs while taking care of the mansion. But no. That’s the thing you need to understand about Mr. Rodriguez. If he cares about you, he really cares about you. It’s not, he cares about you but how can he use you. I will be honest, Michele, I have never slept with him. Nor have I slept with Anthony. We all need moments of being cared for, intimate, secure with someone. But I can’t do that right now. But when it does happen, maybe in the future, it will be mutual acceptance, not a sense of having to, being owed or owing. It will be totally my choice to freely give.”

“Thank you, Marie. I truly admire your transition and very impressed by all this devotion to Mr. Rodriguez. So, Anthony, what’s your story?”

Anthony just smiled, “Not really all that interesting. Nothing like George or Marie. He was looking for a body guard, protection, for a trip to South Mexico and then again to Brazil. I was not too long out of the US Army Rangers. I was essentially a drifting mercenary. Taking jobs here and there. I guess he felt good about how I handled myself on those jobs. When he went to Columbia, he called me directly. I’ve been with him ever since. I didn’t have much to my name at the time so this job sounded pretty good. A nice place to live, great boss, and the assignments might be to bad places but it is for business (legitimate business).”

“So you like your situation, too?”

“Like it? I’ve seen the guy in action with others. George, Marie, dozens of others in small or big ways. He is tough in business. Absolutely no nonsense when he needs to be. But devoted to those he takes into his circle. Yes, if he was in danger, I would be in front of him. That’s how I feel about him. But then that goes for everyone in our group. Mess with Marie and I’ll be all over it. Same with George.”

Tim said, “You guys are confirming what a mutual friend told us. If we didn’t already have that sense, we wouldn’t be here and certainly not with Michele naked.”

Anthony and Marie both said together, “And we are VERY happy you feel trust and security. Because we VERY much like Michele naked!”

I looked into Marie’s eyes and saw real desire. And I blushed. And they all noticed.

Tim turned to me and asked, “Michele, does that take care of any questions regarding this weekend?”

“Well, we still don’t know what’s planned.”

Anthony said, “I happen to have that right here.” And handed an envelope to Tim.

As he read the note, Tim glanced at Anthony and Marie who were watching him. He put the note aside and turned to me. “You’re going to be busy my dear. From this moment until we are back to our house Sunday night you will be in submissive mode.”

I lowered my eyes and slightly spread my knees, “Yes, Sir. Is there anything I can do for you, Sir?” I said it clearly and with acceptance.

Marie said, “Wow. That fast?”

Tim replied while looking only at Marie and Anthony, “We started out slow, testing the water, evaluating what this was, our comfort with it. But, I am convinced Michele is a born submissive. Her progress and evolution lately has been astounding and very gratifying.”

I turned to Tim, “Sir? Will you tell me what will be expected of me this weekend?”

“Yes. You are expected to follow instructions given to you, primarily by me, but also by Mr. Rodriguez while I am present. Any other information will be provided when you need to know it.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

“There are, however, others on this plane that might enjoy your attention.”

“Yes, Sir.” And I looked at Anthony and Marie, not quite eye to eye. Marie just shook her head no. She got up and said she had some duties to attend to.

Anthony waited until she was gone and sighed heavily. I turned to him with a questioning look. He said, “Marie is very private about her sex now. After all that abusive sex, she is very guarded about it. I don’t think she has enjoyed sex since. It’s a pity, really. She teases like you saw, but that part of her seems to be locked up tight. Caught off guard, she becomes quite withdrawn. And, no, Michele, thank you. Not that I won’t take advantage of the opportunity y later if it presents itself. But,” and he looked at Tim and indicated the pilots over his shoulder. Tim nodded and Anthony continued, “But there are two others who might be very happy and we still have several hours before we reach the island. Have you ever visited a cockpit?”

“No, sir, I have not. Interesting term, ‘cockpit’.”

“Yes, it certainly is, especially said that way. Well, perhaps you can discuss it with the pilots, then.”

“Oh, yes sir, I would find that interesting. Do you think they will mind the company?”

“You are a tease. Come on, I will introduce you.”

I followed Anthony down the aisle to the front of the plane. I glanced over my shoulder to Tim, he was smiling. I gave my ass a little extra swivel as I walked, just for him.

Anthony stopped at a door to the cockpit and knocked. We were right next to the galley where Marie was working. She came out to me, hugged me, and whispered in my ear, “Honey, you are the hottest thing I have ever met. I am creaming just watching this.”

“Marie, I can do something for that.”

She hugged me tighter, “Oh, god, shit … how do you do this to me? … now I really am wet. I don’t know … maybe … later?”

I smiled at her and followed Anthony as he opened the door and stepped aside for me to move past him. He introduced the two pilots and they were certainly eager to show me the control and their ‘joy stick’, I think they said. Anthony left and closed the door behind him. The cockpit was very crowded and tight. But they seemed very willing to share their seats with me. The view was amazing from here and the number of switches, dials, levers, and lights was mind numbing. I stood there overwhelmed. The pilot who was not flying the plane put his hand out to help me to him. I stepped carefully and sat onto his lap after he removed his harness. He put a hand around my waist and pointed out and described the various indicators and controls. I took his hand and moved it to my breast and smiled back at him. His fingers began manipulating my nipple like it was one of the instrument nobs. I squirmed on his lap to look at instruments and gaze of the window. He was hard, very hard.

As tight as the cockpit was, there weren’t many options for positioning. So, I raised myself up off him, reached behind and undid his belt, he did the rest. He didn’t have to be too smart; he picked up on my intentions rather quickly. Soon, his pants were down below his knees. I sat back down on his lap and wiggle some as I leaned to the side, twisted and kissed him, opening my mouth and using tongue. Hmmmmmmm, remembering my morning with Cody and Tim. He was very hard, already. No need for preliminaries. I was also still wet from the stimulation of being naked and falling into my submissive mode … an instant trigger for me.

I raised up and took hold of his cock and lowered myself, wiggled a bit to find my cunt hole and settled down. I looked over at the other pilot who was watching. I said, “You just watch the road or whatever you watch up here. Your turn is coming if you want it.” As I began moving up and down I settled into the motion and action and focused out the front window. Flying during mid-morning over the ocean, small islands, clouds below us, complete sun up where we were. And a cock in my cunt. I leaned back and twisted again to gain access to his mouth. He again took my breasts and nipples in his hands and fingers. It was very nice. And he didn’t last very long. The stimulation of the whole experience, I suppose. After he stopped cumming inside me, I was leaning back just kissing him. Relaxing, letting him relax and somewhat recover. He was shrinking fast and soon slipped out of me completely.

I struggled up from that awkward seating arrangement and worked my way out behind the cockpit seats. I leaned forward and kissed him again and thanked him. He pulled his pants back up and got himself squared away and immediately took the controls from his partner who was getting up to join me behind the seats. When the other pilot got back to me he leaned against the wall in the cramped space and worked to unfasten and drop his pants. I went to my knees in from of him and took his already hard cock into my mouth and back to my throat. A fast move and I was afraid he was going to already lose it. I backed off and sucked on the head, backed off more and licked around the head, up and down the length. Then took him back into my mouth. I continue working his cock for quite a while, experimenting with pressure and technique. I love how a man responds to my touch, my caress, my lips, my tongue.

I whispered, "Fuck my mouth.” I look up into his eyes. He’s ready and needs no more encouragement. He grabs my head between his hands and begins to pump his cock into my mouth. He is close to cumming, I can feel it. I know this feels good.

His body is filled with tension and I feel him tip over the edge. I feel him jerk slightly as his body takes over and he goes with his orgasm and his cock spurts again and again. I slowly withdraw his cock from my mouth so that I can swallow, all of it without losing a drop.

As I am walking down the aisle back to Tim, Anthony and Marie are again sitting with him. I comb my hair with my fingers and instinctively rub my hands down my body like I am smooth out a dress I am not wearing. I sit in the seat next to Tim, knees still slightly spread and look up at Marie who is touching the corner of her mouth. She says, “Right at the corner, you’ve missed a little.”

I run my tongue over to the side of my mouth and lick the drop of cum that somehow escaped. I blushed and looked at everyone. “Sorry.”

Tim immediately responds, “No, a good slut is liable to have a little cum showing somewhere …”

Again, it’s Marie pointing between my legs, “Well then, she is certainly a good slut with cum showing in two places.” And we all laugh, they harder than me.

As we approached the island, Anthony reviewed what to expect. They would taxi to the customs area. An agent would come on board to check passports and ask any questions. He would take another agent to the cargo hold in case the luggage needed to be inspected. Usually it wasn’t. Mr. Rodriguez had a lot of influence on the island.

Anthony and Marie went to take care of some things before landing. I asked Tim how he was feeling about everything. He was good, more comfortable after the talk. I agreed that I was getting very comfortable and looking forward to the weekend. Without realizing Marie was right behind us, I asked Tim how old he thought everyone was.

Marie interrupted, “To make it easier for you, I am 22, Anthony is 33, George is 45, and Mr. Rodriguez is 53.”

“Thank you, Marie. Marie, the last time we were at the estate we didn’t see any of you.”

“No, Mr. Rodriguez keeps his party activity and guests separated from the normal life at the estate. But from what I understand George got lucky that night.”

The memory of my ‘thanking’ the chef for the wonderful meal was replayed in my mind. And I blushed profusely that she knew about that.

“Oh, my, Michele. You’re blushing! I just love that! You are such an unusual person, Michele. Mr. R (by the way, that’s what we call him when we are alone at the estate) told us you were special, but this is amazing. You’ve been traveling with us naked, I am entranced by your breasts and nipples, and when you open your legs and flash your pussy … dear, I get wet. You’ve serviced the two pilots along the way. But you also blush. You love sex and pleasing others but also maintain a sense of modesty, even in the process. No wonder he loves you so much.”

“He? Who?” I ask as I look to Tim.

“Mr. R. He is really quite taken by you. We think there must be something that reminds him about his wife, but also much different than her. And the relationship Tim and you have. Dominant/submissive. He is very dominant, you know. I doubt he has ever applied it to sexual relationships but … you two might make it intriguing enough.”

“Would he try with you?”

“No. Never. My sexuality is not a part of my relationship at the estate or Mr. R. In order for that to happen I would have to specifically ask him to dominate me. He would not initiate that idea. That is why he is so special. Limits and boundaries that are established are honored.”

After landing, customs went very well. Anthony was right that the locals would accommodate Mr. Rodriguez as much as possible. After the agents departed, the plane taxied to a hanger with its door open and the interior light on despite our arrival at mid-day. As the plane stopped, the door was opened and the stairs were brought up to the plane. Anthony immediately went down, got Tim’s luggage out and went for the car. Marie came back to us to let us know we could get up now.

I asked her, “Will you be coming with us, Marie?”

“Yes, my duties on the plane were to assist getting you and Tim here. My real duties are at the estate. So let’s go.”

We walked to the front of that plane as the pilots were coming out of the cockpit. Marie stopped and turned to me with a devilish grin, “Tim, I’d like to introduce your pilots. Michele, I think you have knowledge of them, already. If all goes well, you may be flying with us more. We certainly hope so. Right guys?”

I blushed, again, but decided to take the initiative. I was here not for my modesty since I was naked and was traveling without any clothes. I stepped up to each and gave them a kiss on the cheek while pressing myself against them and thanked them for the wonderful flight. Then I asked, “Do you two always fly Mr. Rodriguez’s plane when it is required?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good, then maybe we’ll see more of each other.” I said with a twinkle in my eyes.

“We’d like nothing more than to have you aboard. But … uhmm … we also appreciate that although we would love to see you more often, seeing more of you wouldn’t be possible.” And he blushed.

Walking to the car, I said to Marie that they were cute.

She asked if I noticed his blush.

I responded, “That was the reaction I was hoping for. I was testing them by being so open. I wanted to know if they were respectful or crude, lecherous.”

“Michele, Tim, you won’t find that on Mr. R’s staff. His expectations are extremely high. But we can’t be treated better or with more respect and security.”

I stopped Tim before getting into the back of the car. Even though there was ground crew milling around doing their jobs, I was getting more and more comfortable with the situation. I said to Tim, “Sir, everything we see and hear about Mr. Rodriguez and his attitude towards others keeps getting reinforced and validated. I am feeling really good about all this.”

He simply took me into his arms and kissed me on the mouth. It was a deep kiss, a hard kiss, his tongue coming out to meet mine. He hands over my back and my arms. I loved the feel of his hands on my back, over my ass and back up.

When I heard Anthony speak, I remembered that he had been holding the door for us. He simply said, “Excuse me folks, but maybe you want to get in the car first.”

I turned, stepped into him, reached up and kissed him gently on the lips with my hand on his chest. I smiled at him and got into the car with Tim right behind. During the drive Tim and I necked in the back seat like teenagers. Tim left no part of my body untouched. When Tim put two fingers in my cunt, I moaned. I also glanced at the front. I noticed two things: the first, that Anthony had adjusted the mirror to watch; the second, Marie was turned in her seat and watched directly.

When we pulled into the estate, Mr. Rodriguez came out to meet us. Clearly anticipating our arrival and possibly tipped off by Anthony or Marie along the way. As he helped me out of the car and gave me a welcome kiss, Marie came up to us and said, “Boss, I need to go upstairs and masturbate. These two are too hot and in too much love. These two are for real, trust me.”

I glanced at Tim, Anthony and Mr. R, excused myself for a minute and ran after Marie who was now half way up the outside front steps. I was very conscious of the sight I must have given, naked woman running in heels. I caught Marie and held her hand. She turned and looked into my eyes. There was pure desire. I hugged her and whispered into her ear, “Marie, thank you for everything. For being there on the plane, answering our questions, sharing about yourself and your story.”

“My pleasure, Michele.”

“No, not yet it isn’t. Were you just joking about going upstairs?”

“No, Michele. You are a hot lady. If I hang around you too much I will burst.”

“Marie, I want you. I mean … I am sorry, Ma’am. I was very forward. But, I’ve never wanted a woman before. Not really. I have been with some before, but it was something I did because of the situation. Ma’am, can you wait? This slut wants you hot, bothered, and anxious. That is if you would have me, Ma’am.”

“Oh, Michele, I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I think I’d take you right here if I could. I’m … just not that public and … it’s been so long since …”

“You were able to once.”

“Yeah, on d**gs and desperate.”

“Tonight, Marie, I mean, Ma’am. Tonight.” I walked back to the men. And this time I was even more conscious of the impression I presented. This wasn’t a walk like any I would normally make. My hips swayed with confident strides. My feet crossed in front of me slightly to accentuate that movement. My bare breasts swayed and bounced with each stride and foot strike.

I was a slut returning to my men.

* * * CHAPTER 9C: FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT THE ESTATE will follow * * * Thanks for reading.


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The New Lifeguard Part II

“Tim, we have got to talk!” Leslie said in a strange tone the moment I showed up for work the next day.  I assumed I was either in trouble or getting fired or both.“What’s up Les,” I asked nervously.“The ladies don’t want Ellen back as their lifeguard.  They want you,” she said.  “You made such a nice impression on them that they want you to be their regular lifeguard.  And obviously naked, of course,” she grinned.   “Did you ever think that you would be paid for walking around nude?”“I don’t...

2 years ago
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The New Lifeguard Part I

I just turned 16 and my parents strongly encouraged me to find a job.  I say “strongly encouraged” because they were cutting off my allowance now that I was old enough to work.  Fair enough.I checked the want ads in the local paper and didn’t see anything that sounded remotely interesting.  This was going to be harder than I thought.  But then on Monday, I went to PE class and saw a help wanted ad on the locker room bulletin board.  A new local health club was opening and needed a lifeguard for...

4 years ago
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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

3 years ago
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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

3 years ago
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Lifeboat Introduction

This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...

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Lifeboat Chapter 1

Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...

2 years ago
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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

3 years ago
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A New Life The final 4 chapters

“Good Morning sleepyhead,” I heard as I opened my eyes. “My name is Qi; I wanted to see what you had before you came to the party preparations room.” She smiled down at me and then turned and headed to the bathroom. I watched, as the smallest woman I ever saw, walked into my bathroom. She was barely four foot tall, if that. She had acute little ass that had the gentlest sway as she walked and I think I could wrap my hands around her waist without trying. I quickly jumped up when I heard the...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

1 year ago
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Newport Adventures

This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...

2 years ago
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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 28 Live at the Lifesaver

“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...

2 years ago
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The Desired Life of a Newlywed BlackOwned Couple

The Desired Life of a Newlywed Black-Owned Couple Every white wife wants to bask in glee on the day of her wedding. And why shouldn’t she? It’s unlike any other day ever in her life. It’s a day she’s never bound to forget. The sight of her as a Bride being escorted by her father into the chapel, saying her vows along with listening to that of her Groom — her future husbands — accepting his ring then sealing it with a kiss . . . after which they walk down the aisle under a flurry of excitement...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 78 NEWPORT ACADEMY

We all had a good night’s sleep and used one of our own Cargo skimmers that was part of the Destroyers equipment to fly back instead of walking and were told to join all the other cadets in a large assembly hall with flags of the Union hanging from the ceiling where I estimated perhaps 600 senior Cadets had gathered. There were no chairs, everyone was standing. At one end of the assembly hall was a raised platform and a lectern with the Newport Academy logo. I saw an Admiral coming in. I...

3 years ago
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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

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Lifeguard Blows His Mate and Me

Last night I went to the pool late and ended up having a threesome in the showers.Usually, I go to the pool during the day.  It feels warmer, I get some work on my speedo tan, and in the middle of the day, the pool is generally quiet.  Yesterday (Friday) I was busy with work all day and time just got away from me.  The pool closes at nine pm and just before eight pm, I decided to go for a late-night swim.  I really wanted to get out of the house and had nothing else planned.The pool was quiet...

Gay Male
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19yo Hotel Lifeguard Likes My Speedos

Eric was in town for business. He hated having to take trips for business, but always made sure to book a room at an upscale hotel with fitness facilities, a hot tub, sauna and a pool. It was late when he arrived and got settled in his room. Figuring that he had just enough time to swim a few quick laps before the pool closed, and maybe take a short soak in a hot tub, he stripped off his street clothes and slipped into a black lycra speedo with a colorful print pattern on the front, one of his...

1 year ago
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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

1 year ago
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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

3 years ago
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New life2

I don't like the dark I have my reasons. So when I wake up, and its pitch black I panic, I'm not sure how long it takes me to realise that I'm cuffed to the bed but when I do I begin to wonder. Its been one week since my adoption was finalized and my new mother and father (Francis and Carol) decided on a family vacation out in the country. Carol having to tie up some things with her company is to meet us here in a few days. So its just me and Frank. Could something have happened to him?...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

Group Sex
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

2 years ago
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A new life7

It's been a month since mom and dad split and she's already met another guy - his name is John and, like mom, he's divorced too, but so far that's all I know; I've never met him and now I'm going to be living with him. "Adam!" she yelled from downstairs. "Are you done showering, yet? We have to leave soon to beat traffic!" she continued. "I know mom... I'm almost done," I yelled back. It's been a while since I've masturbated in the shower - I'm a virgin and I'm horrible...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife

My name is Greg and I have been dating my college sweetheart, Shelby, since freshman year of undergrad and now coming up on 25. We recently moved in together in a small but cozy 1 bedroom apartment close to the city. Shelby loved being in the city surrounded by people, while I enjoyed my solitude so we settled on the apartment not too far from the city but close enough to make her happy. I've been at my new job for about 4 months and have dedicated a lot of my time to my work, making our sex...

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Alicias New Llife Chapter 3

Alicia's New Life By Christine Chapter 3: A new beginning I am terribly disturbed by what Alicia Peterson has told me. The boys suffering at the hands of his sister, Katherine Peterson and His brothers wife, Sandra Peterson was among the worst cases of childhood sexual and physical abuse. Psychological and physical means of torture were used on the boy to change his physical appearance and insure his cooperation with his...

4 years ago
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New life0

I felt and hear voices in my minded. I should have been scared out of my mine, but I felt serenity and peace. I could hear in my mind voices. At first I could not make it out, however in time I could hear them talking. They were talking about my thoughts and they did not understand them. Then I felt like my whole brain was in a down load. It was down loading so fast I could not keep up with what they wanted to know. I started to say words, but all the came was like baby talk. Then all...

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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife0

One day I was talking to my friend, Ethan, about my sex life with Shelby. Ethan understood my struggle having been with his girlfriend for 5 years. He offered me some advice and told me about sex toys. Now I was always skeptical whether toys would really make sex better but I had to do something for my relationship. The following night as Shelby was getting ready for bed I started to kiss her neck. Usually at this time if she starts to slightly moan she's up for sex and luckily she did....

2 years ago
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My New Life1

A crackle emerges from a speaker system behind me, coldly saying: “Room 249, detainee number 58. Prepare for first session.” And with that, an old iron lock clunked open and I heard the creak of a door, and several paced, methodical steps of heels on stone. Her breath warmed the back of my neck. Resting her head on my shoulders, I heard her almost sultry voice echo across the room as she dictated: “Well, well, well. Looks like I’ve got another toy to play with. I was getting ever so-” I...

2 years ago
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The New Lifeguard Part IV

Tim worked hard all day at two things.First, he tried to concentrate on school and not what has been going on at the health club.  He would catch himself reliving the shower scene with his friend’s mom or the pool play with Miss Tomlinson.  And then he would hear, “Tim?  Tim?  Nice of you to join us,” from the teacher bringing him back to reality.The second thing he did today was to favor his right foot and act as if it had been hurt.  He would have a legitimate excuse to go to the training...

4 years ago
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Life Renewed II Love Renewed

Life Renewed II: Love Renewed By StefB Many thanks to LorasPa6 for everything you do. This story would not be what it is if you were not around to bounce ideas off of. Also thanks to you Kris. A third set of eyes is greatly appreciated and your input was perfect. Chapter One Once I was properly situated in my private room of the hospital, having been stabbed by my ex boyfriend Razor, Mom and Dad were the first to enter. "Darling, are you ok? I was so afraid we'd lost you...

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Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp

Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...

3 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

1 year ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

2 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

4 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

2 years ago
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My New Life4

We headed home, and as soon as we got there my daddy went to the basement and got a pail of paint to paint my room a more appropriate color. He said, “Babygirl you’re going to have to sleep in our room with us until your room is ready for you.” News that made me elated, because that meant that I will be getting fucked by my daddy’s big cock and my mommy’s big strap-on whenever I want. So I gladly gathered my clothes, at least all the girly ones I had from before, and found my way to my...

3 years ago
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My New Life3

Now John's parents decided to leave Wednesday night so they could spend some time with their family although everyone would be arriving either Friday or Saturday and be leaving Sunday. Now lately John's mom, Patricia, has been really moody and has said that life would be a lot easier if he was born a girl and they always had the same arguement that it was all his father's fault and then his mother would always say his room should be neater,etc. John has though about a couple of times, very...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 1

Introduction: First, let me introduce myself…the author. I am a 37 year old divorced career woman, no kids. I am in a serious hetero relationship with an interesting sex life…pretty creative, with role playing and outdoor encounters being the most exciting. I have been lurking here for a few weeks, reading all the hot, sexy stories members have posted. I thought Id try my hand at writing and keep it busy and away from my coochie for a change. Im going to try telling this story as a male, to...

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The Seven Secret Lifes of Walt Mitlery

James Thurbers 1939 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was about an elderly inefficient husband having heroic daydreams. In 2002, Pretzelgirl published a wonderful pastiche, "The Secret Life of Willie Malter", about an elderly inefficient husband daydreaming of womanhood. But times keep changing - so I hope there is still room for another story about a quite young and efficient husband who has, nonetheless, problems which set him daydreaming in a third way... (Since here the...

2 years ago
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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 13 Stunning News for Mark

Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 2

From the Lifeguard 1 Story:I woke up sometime later with my spent mother on my chest snoring peacefully, my now soft penis still in her anus. My mother was smaller than me, so her weight wasn’t an issue, it’s just that I really needed to pee. So I started trying to wriggle out from her embrace. When I did she stirred. She said, “Don’t move.”She slowly pulled herself off of my penis, did a quick spin where her asshole was in front of my face, and said, “Eat it out.” Before I could even form a...

3 years ago
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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

2 years ago
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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

3 years ago
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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

2 years ago
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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 14 Marciersquos Life After Graduation

Marcie was still recovering from the previous night’s celebration. Her pussy was deliciously sore and aftershocks from her many orgasms—if one could call them that—continued popping up at the most inopportune times, like when her parents were taking her to eat lunch that day. She would be graduating with honors; notwithstanding, she had not found a job as yet and sat down at her computer to continue her search for employment as a musician/pianist the moment her parents left for home. To...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

Introduction: Youll want to read Part 1 first! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 2 The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. Wed slept for only about 15 minutes. Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if shed had my cock in her mouth I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and...

1 year ago
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Lifes a bitch and now so am I

This is Lifes a bitch and now so am I!!! This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have...

1 year ago
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A New Life for my Mother final chapter

Simon did come early, in fact, he arrived at seven o'clock, just as mum and I were getting interested in each other after a night of celibacy."Go and let him in Michael," mum giggled. "and don't be so grumpy.""For God's sake, mum," I protested as she slipped on a housecoat. "I've got the granddaddy of all erections here.""Well keep it warm and don't forget your car keys as well," she laughed and ran downstairs.Thankfully my erection had disappeared by the time I actually got downstairs and said...

4 years ago
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Nikis New Life1

remember my parents call me Niki. I come from a family of lawyers. When I say that I mean both my parents, all my grandparents, and most of my uncles. I have lived in Chicago my entire life. I was brought up to be very obedient. My parents taught me at a young age that obedience is the most respect you can show someone. Mommy and daddy raised the perfect obedient little girl. I had no idea what true obedience was until my 14th birthday. I am very pretty at 5'6",...

2 years ago
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Nikis New Life0

remember my parents call me Niki. I come from a family of lawyers. When I say that I mean both my parents, all my grandparents, and most of my uncles. I have lived in Chicago my entire life. I was brought up to be very obedient. My parents taught me at a young age that obedience is the most respect you can show someone. Mommy and daddy raised the perfect obedient little girl. I had no idea what true obedience was until my 14th birthday. I am very pretty at 5'6",...

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