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There was silence after Ramona's pronouncement that not only was Smith ... not Smith ... he was also their uncle.
Debbie managed to make the first noise. "But we don't HAVE an uncle!" she gasped.
"Am I then a ghost?" asked Robert, smiling. "Perhaps one of the ghosts you say inhabit my house?"
There was, despite the emotion and uncertainty of the moment, a subtle shift in Debbie's thinking. Her rational brain accepted that this man was Robert Nettleton, whatever that meant. She didn't believe her mother would simply lie to her about that. While she didn't understand what that meant yet, her mind DID accept that this was a Nettleton, and that he had the right to say it was "his" house.
"You're dead!" choked Robby.
Robert kept smiling and addressed Ramona. "Your children have an uncanny ability to communicate with ghosts, it appears."
Ramona, after getting her last sentence out of her mouth, had been unable to go on. She hadn't been prepared to tell her children about Robert, much less about what she and Robert shared. But, during the silence and interchange between the children and Robert, she had thought frantically about his statement ... that Debbie and Robby had been kissing in the woods ... and what she had seen them doing as the bookcase was opened. She had thought about what that meant, and it allowed her to go on.
"Children," she started, her voice that of a mother. "My sweet darlings," she said, altering her voice to try to express the love and excitement that was welling in her chest. "I couldn't tell you about Robert. There were ... difficulties. I didn't tell you about so many things. I was worried that it would affect you badly. I have so much to tell you I don't know where to start."
"Nettleton!" said Debbie suddenly. "ROBERT Nettleton!" She looked at the man in awe. "You're the little boy ... your parents ... you found them..." Her face filled with grief at what this man's memories must contain.
Robert's face didn't smile now. "Your grandparents. Yes, Rami and I found them. It was a bad time."
"No!" said Debbie just as suddenly. "Your sister's name was Elizabeth. We read it in the papers!"
"Papers?" asked Ramona, not understanding.
"Yes!" said Debbie. "At the library. They had old newspapers. They had stories in them about what happened. We read them." she said, looking wonderingly at her ... uncle." She looked at her mother, her face twisted with questions. "The papers said Robert and Elizabeth Nettleton. And your maiden name was Shanks." She shook her head, denying what she had been told in this room.
Robert held up his hand. "Be at peace child. We can explain all this to you."
"I'm NOT a child!" Debbie said, her anger sudden and hot.
"No," mused her uncle, looking at her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable. "I suppose you are not at that." He smiled again. "You are a beautiful young woman. Please accept my apologies."
He stared at her a little longer. Then, "Your mother changed her name after the ... when we were in foster care. Things were very difficult for us then. People thought we carried some kind of curse. We were in boarding school for some years, and when we came back we didn't talk much about who she was."
Ramona joined in, having something now she could talk about.
"He didn't care. About our name, I mean. I wanted to forget everything. We went first to a place that was horrible, and they wouldn't let me see Robert. I hated that place. Then, suddenly they took us to live with a nice woman, who cared for us and loved us. She was so nice to us. But then she got sick and had to go away. Our new guardian was a cold man, and there were other children in the house who treated us badly. They called me names."
She trailed off, her face sad. Then she went on.
Even at the boarding school people looked at me strangely when they heard my real name. So when our guardian suggested that I take his name I agreed. Anything that would cause people not to stare at me I thought was a good thing. I began using my middle name too, Ramona, instead of Elizabeth. All I wanted was to be invisible ... to be left alone."
Debbie's heart was breaking at the story. She realized there were unshed tears in her eyes.
"Why didn't you ever tell us?" she asked. "Daddy never said anything either."
"I never told your father who I was." said their mother. "When we married and he brought me to our new home he had no idea it was next door to the place I hated more than anywhere else in the world. I couldn't tell him. He was so proud and we loved each other. Then, when you were so young he was taken from us. I blamed the house ... this house. Maybe we ARE cursed." she gave in a low cry.
"Nonsense!" said Robert. "Things happen in this big wide world. Some are good and some not. Life is what you make of it. You were happy with Richard, yes? And your wonderful children? Did they not make you gloriously happy?"
"Of course" said Ramona sitting up straighter. "They were my whole life."
"And all that happiness took place next to this house, did it not?" he pressed.
"Well, yes, but..."
"That is why I came back here." he said. "I knew that I could find happiness here, near to you. And I knew that if, for some reason you were not happy, I could give you happiness." It was an egotistical statement to make ... the assumption that her happiness depended on him.
Yet, he spoke mere fact. Both of them remembered the only happiness they had experienced as they were growing up in a harsh world, the happiness they felt when they were together. And, while their sexual passion for each other was unbridled, that was not the primary reason for their happiness together. They shared so many things that no one else in the world could understand. Their bond had been forged with a heavy hammer, and they were welded together beyond anyone's ability to separate. To Ramona, his statement did not come as one of self importance.
Still, she had spent a long time alone, with only her children.
"You took your time coming back to make me so gloriously happy." she commented dryly.
He actually bowed to her. It was a movement that looked natural to him, as if he had been raised in an environment where bowing was normal.
"I wanted to come sooner, but could not. When you stopped writing I used some of my money to have men check on you." He smiled at her reaction to having been survielled without her knowledge. "I know, it was a terrible thing to do, but I had to know whether you were well or not. I lived in the most squalid conditions, with people who had only two sticks to rub together to make fire. When the reports came that you were doing well, I knew that those people needed me more than you did. When they were finally able to feed themselves, and had the knowledge to carry on, I came here instead of finding another destitute village. I found that I needed you, as much as I thought you might need me."
That speech brought back into the light what the children had peeked at those several times ... what they had been spying upon when they were caught.
"But..." squeaked Debbie, "You're brother and sister!"
"As are you two." said Robert smoothly.
That caused both teens to blush and avert their eyes.
Ramona was thinking what they were thinking.
"How could this happen? Between you two I mean?" she asked.
"How did it happen between us?" asked Robert, looking at her intently.
"That was different. We were alone in the world. You gave me love and tenderness." she said.
"Is it so different for two children who have lost their father to accident, rather than crime?" asked her brother. "They have still lost their father, and are growing up alone in one sense. The world is just as harsh a place today as it was then. They have fared better, perhaps, but it has still been difficult for them."
He turned his eyes on the children.
Robby found his voice. He was amazed by all he had heard, and had been content just to listen. But now he spoke.
"Our lives have been wonderful." he said. "I hardly remember my father. We have no complaints at all!"
"This is wonderful for me to hear." said their newly discovered uncle. "Perhaps I have spent too many years with people who had to struggle every minute to make their lives bearable. I know I felt as if I were more blessed than possible when I saw what they had to live like day in and day out. Perhaps I am jaded."
"I still need you." said Ramona. She darted a glance at her children. While their lives might have been carefree, hers had not. She didn't know how to explain that to them without making it sound like they weren't worth everything she'd had to go through.
"You have to understand," she said to them. "I wouldn't change anything if it meant that you would disappear from my life. I love you more than life itself. But I have never loved a man like I love this man."
"Not even Daddy?" asked Debbie, who had only the vaguest fragmented memories of the man she had just named.
"I loved him." said Ramona firmly. "He loved me and saved my life. He gave me you two, and YOU saved my life when he was taken from us. It's hard for me to explain, but when we were little, Robert saved my life too. Without Robert I would have wasted away and died of a broken heart. I love him too, and I always will. I cannot change that."
"This is all so strange." said Debbie. She looked at the man who, until an hour ago she had called "Smith" and hated. Now she didn't know how to feel about him. She had a sudden thought.
"Then this IS our house!" she yipped. She realized how that sounded and restated it. "I mean, our grandparents lived here, and YOU lived here, Mommy. That's YOUR bedroom upstairs ... the one with the girl's things in it!" She looked at her uncle. "And the one with the toys! That one was YOUR room!"
"How do you KNOW all this?" cried her mother. She suddenly remembered them in the secret passageway. "How did you know about the secret places?"
That led to another hour of discussion and explanation as the children confessed to their countless trips to the house, how they'd found the bent place in the fence, and then the root cellar and its secret tunnel. They talked about the games they played. They left out the sexual games -that was still something they were uncomfortable discussing - but described how they had found things, and what they had thought of the things they found, and how they had felt at home here, like they belonged in this place.
"I never knew." said Ramona. "My own children, spending hours and hours here and I never knew!"
"We were afraid you would have forbidden us to come back if you ever caught us." said Debbie.
"You were right." said their mother firmly. "I would most certainly have done that. I can't believe you kept that secret from me!"
"Like you kept the secret of who that horrible bearded man was when he came to our house? When he ruined everything?" Debbie shot back. Then her head jerked as she realized what she'd said. "I mean it's not really ruined, I guess. But it was then." She got flustered.
"I always hoped that once this place was restored to its original condition that I might lure your mother and you to live here with me." said their uncle. "I hadn't planned on suggesting that until you had gotten to know me, but such is life."
And THAT led to another hour of discussion about why the disguises and subterfuge had all been necessary when Robert first came back ... was STILL necessary for another few weeks at least.
And THAT led to an attempt to discuss, on the part of the kids at least, where the money was coming from to do the extensive restoration that was going on. Neither of the teens was stupid, and they knew that it was going to cost more money than they could imagine to complete the task.
"Your Grandfather's fortune was passed on to us." said Robert simply.
"I don't know about you," said Debbie, "but WE certainly don't have any fortune."
She looked at her mother, who was looking at her folded hands on top of the dining room table.
Ramona talked to her hands. "There are several other things I never told you."
And THAT led to Debbie attempting to grill her mother about money, at which point Robby stood up and said "I'm starving. Can't we get something to eat before we do any more talking?"
Debbie was obviously consumed with curiosity about the "Nettleton fortune", but Ramona stood up too.
"An excellent idea!" she said. "Be patient Debbie, we can talk about all this more later."
Debbie groaned and made much of being told to be "patient" again. She did, however, reflect for a moment on how much information she had gotten in the last few hours, and how many of her questions had been answered, albeit in an astonishing manner. So she clamped her jaws together and stood up too, at which time she realized she was also ravenous.
"Would it be all right if I invite your Uncle to dinner again?" Ramona asked. Her voice was neutral.
Both kids looked at each other. This wasn't anything even remotely like what they had expected when they wondered who Smith was, and it was all so new that they still didn't know how they felt about things yet. But he WAS their uncle, and their mother DID love him.
"Of course." said Robby, speaking for both of them.
"We'll call for pizza." said Ramona. "When was the last time you had pizza Bobby?" she asked.
"I can't even remember." he grinned. "Must I wear my disguise, just to go next door?"
"You do and I won't speak to you." growled Debbie. But she smiled tentatively too. "I have more questions."
"I can't wait to give you answers." said her "new" uncle.
Ramona, who had driven her car to the house, found her briefcase and told the kids to come with her. Robert suggested that by going the secret way, he could get to the back of the house without being seen. He asked Robby and Debbie to go with him, and they immediately agreed.
Ramona said she'd get pizzas on the way.
The siblings and their uncle, who grabbed a flashlight, entered the passageway through the same bookcase they'd been uncovered behind, pulling it closed behind them. Then they led their uncle back down to the tunnel. The only thing they'd ever used for light was candles, and the flashlight made it seem both lighter, where they were standing, and much darker, where the light did not penetrate. When they got to the root cellar and Robby pushed the shelf/door open he commented on how amazing it was that a mere six year old boy could have opened the heavy door.
"There was a counterweight on it back then" said Robert. "And the hinges were oiled. It opened quite easily. I imagine the rope has broken over the years. I'll have to add that to my very long list of things to repair."
Chapter 11 A clock ticked somewhere in the house as Daniel stumbled down the second-floor hallway in the early morning. He’d just exited the guest bedroom, leaving Khadra stuffed with his cum. Every time he thought life had hit peak crazy, it went up a notch. Ahead in the gloom, he could see a white, shimmering figure near his bedroom door. Daniel’s feet quickened and his heart skipped a beat. In the gray, pre-dawn light, he could see her red hair and he could almost make out her freckles....
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My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ojo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo’s daughter while I was a simple miko. But none of that had mattered while her lips were upon mine. I laughed...
“You were so beautiful dancing last night, Sayuri-chan,” Mitsuko-hime purred when I arrived at the onsen to bathe. She sat on the edge, still in her black kimono, her obi tied behind her back in a beautiful, thick bow of red. “Thank you, Ojo-sama,” I said, bowing to her, my cheeks warming. “You don’t have to be so formal with me,” she said, moving closer, her lips so red. I wanted to kiss them again. I had trouble sleeping last night, my pussy growing so wet between my thighs every time I...
My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon glowed in the night sky, looking down at me in the midst of the haunted...
Chapter Nine: Futanari Fucks Her Bully By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Will this work?” my Ōjo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai...
Chapter Four: Taken by the Demon's Tentacles By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine's guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to...
Chapter Two: Naughty Naked Selfies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo's daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never...
Charles Richards stayed the rest of Saturday with his wife Diana in her hospital room. He left for a few minutes to make a phone call in the lobby. He contacted an executive at the movie studio to make sure they notified her boss in Hawaii. Charles was not about to let her go back to that office. He also asked the studio executive if they would make arrangements with her boss to have their offices moved somewhere else on the lot… somewhere with better security. The executive assured him they...
Diana Richards was barely listening to Ed Hood’s voice drone on about how they could save each other if only she’d walk away from her husband and come to him. She was fighting the waves of nausea that kept washing over her every time the bastard would intimate that he knew they’d be good together if only she’d give him a chance. Suddenly, a feeling of calm settled in the pit of her stomach and there was a prickling sensation on the back of her head. She almost gasped aloud when she heard...
Author’s Note: These characters were first introduced in the ‘Loving Wives’ category in a series entitled ‘Charles and Diana’ which told the story of their weekend honeymoon in Vegas when they ran off and married the night they met. This is their continuing saga… Diana gazed out the window of the plane as it glided through the sky toward Los Angeles into a bright, setting sun. She smiled softly. What a sight! We must have a bright future ahead of us, Charles…my sexy man…my loving husband! They...
Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend’s husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles…as long as Diana got to watch! There’s no way I could ever do that… Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to tell her heart...
‘So this is it,’ I thought. I stood in the moonless night, pensively staring up at the so-called haunted house. Even after all these years, it was still an impressive structure. Built in the late Eighteen Nineties, thefour-story house still had all the hallmarks of a great home. Detailed woodwork adorned thelarge covered entrance and marched its way across the brick façade, while large multi-panedwindows offered views of the outside. They were strategically placed and stood ready to...
Different stories about spirits and ghosts messing with people. A haunted house, a ouija board ritual, a wayward soul, a perverted office ghost, and more. There are many stories to tell, and they all start here. Feel free to add!
I am Amy Palmer and I'm 24 years old. I have a slim build with pale skin and a firey, orange curly mess of hair thanks to my Scottish heritage. And I have a rather odd problem. I'm not sure when exactly it started, but it's been happening more often recently. I'm being haunted. Not just in my house, whatever it is, it follows me. It isn't like a normal ghost story you may have heard of. No, this one seems to enjoy ripping my clothes in public to cause me to flash people, it'll wait until I'm in...
Haunted, a Halloween Drabble. I heard her, whispering in my bedroom. "You promised!" "I can't" "It's Time!" Again and again, I heard her. "Please?" Finally, I give in, and go to the trunk, and put on the dress, the makeup, the wig. I look in the mirror, and I don't see a boy. I see her. "Finally!" she says. "Finally," I agree. "We're free!" We speak as one. We are one. Forever.
It was a cold Halloween night. April was standing in front of the abandoned mansion at the very end of the neighborhood. It had stood there since she was a child. The city had apparently torn it down one time and it showed up again the very next day. The owner clearly didn’t like company as it was miles away from anyone else. She used to go inside it all the time growing up and nothing bad ever happened, but there’s been stories of strange things occurring here on Halloween, ranging from lights...
You and your friends are investigating a haunted mansion. You have been locked in for the night. There are three boys and three girls. If you split up by gender, turn to page 2 If you split up in couples, turn to page 4 If you go your own way, turn to page 8 If we split up we will definitely split up in couples. So I guess I'll turn to page 4. There doesn't seem to be any reason to split any other way. You draw lots to see who pairs up with whom. You get Jason, a tall hunk. There is...
The bus rolled into my hometown around dinnertime. I was wide awake, but I had been still for hours. When the bus driver finally parked, I felt like I was waking from a dream. In many ways, I was. It had been ten years since I had visited my little hometown in the dusty South. So much had happened, but my town looked exactly the same. I grabbed my bag and exited the bus. There was a crowd of cars waiting, but I didn’t recognize any of them. It wasn’t like my brother to be late. Then I...
Orange-red leaves clung to tree branches as they fluttered in the wind, the brown ones falling victim to strong gusts. In a few weeks the trees would be bare, like skeletons, but right now they added the color of autumn to the countryside. The howling October wind rattled the mansion's heavy, warped door. It had just slammed shut, causing the little gray squirrel to jump and turn in mid-air. With bushy tail raised, its little feet scampered down the dirt path to the safety of the trees, its...
The next morning it was Nick who was the last to rise. When he found the others in the kitchen he walked directly to Sandy, a huge "shit-ass" grin on his face. Leaning in for a kiss, her slap caught him by surprise and his head jerked back. Rubbing his cheek, he asked, "What was that for?" "For last night." "Last night? You seemed to enjoy last night." "You asshole. You think I'd enjoy having someone rape me? You're lucky nothing happened." "Rape you? Nothing happened? You...
"Why are we walking up here?" Brandon whined, as the six teens scampered up the steep stone steps that led up to the decrepit old mansion that lay on the edge of town. Brittany turned back to him, pivoting, like the cheerleader she was, on one foot. "Because of all the rumors that it's haunted, god, why else. Brad, talk to your brother." Spinning back around, Brandon thought he could see her panties as her pleated skirt swirled. She skipped a couple steps and caught up with her best...
Laying awake in my room on the third night, I recapped the highlights of the evening in my head, while laying naked on my bed, ever so slowly stroking my cock. Natalie had really appreciated me bringing her the sandwiches. I ended up staying in the room with her for over five hours, just talking. By the end of the night, we were actually best friends, rather than it feeling like it. She was the sweetest girl, years ahead of her maturity. That was before age regression, as she now looked...
Charles Richards stayed the rest of Saturday with his wife Diana in her hospital room. He left for a few minutes to make a phone call in the lobby. He contacted an executive at the movie studio to make sure they notified her boss in Hawaii. Charles was not about to let her go back to that office. He also asked the studio executive if they would make arrangements with her boss to have their offices moved somewhere else on the lot ... somewhere with better security. The executive assured him...
Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend's husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn't want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles ... as long as Diana got to watch! There was no way she could ever do that ... Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to...
Sandy handed me a tape cartridge. I put it in the deck and watched Mel, our little next door weasel getting it on with a voluptuous blonde in the middle of his living room. They talked for awhile, typical escort conversation, trying to loosen up the John. After a long and sensuous lap dance with him staying in his wheelchair, she sucked his cock. Leading her into his bedroom, he pulled himself onto his bed, not letting his fake paralyzed legs help. Then she straddled him, but he obviously...
"How's Sandy?" asked Jock the Joke while the group of interviewers and I settled into our seats in the interrogation room. "Great," I said. "I could make her better," said the sleazebag with his patented sleazy smile. I thought of a million retorts but kept them to myself. Sweets and Joke sat with a man I didn't know. He had the conservative suit look of a Fed. I wondered who hid behind the glass, hoping for Nakamoto and fearing my dad's old friend Lieutenant Sam Kamalua. As the...
My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo’s daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never up so close. What was she doing in the onsen? Didn’t her father’s castle...
The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine’s guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to form a zigzag chain of diamonds. The shide fluttered as I turned on the tatami mats...
“You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ojo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen’s hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand stroked my cheek. She cupped my face and pulled me closer. My heart beat faster and faster...
I rubbed the polish carefully into the statue of Kanshu-no-Kami, the mighty kami wrestling the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako and keeping him imprisoned. I shuddered as I reached one of the octopus-like tentacles wrapped about Kanshu’s leg. The artist who had sculpted the statute caught the features perfectly. But so long as I danced the Kagura on every equinox, Kanshu would keep the yokai trapped, protecting our province. Behind me, the slap of my father’s feet echoed through the shrine. He...
“Will this work?” my Ojo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai imprisoned beneath the shrine. And not long after that, Mitsuko-hime would...
“No,” I cried out in grief and regret. “No, Ojo-sama!” Tears fell from my eyes as shame overwhelmed me. I had failed her. I stared up at her beautiful form of Mitsuko-hime dangling from the branch of the pine tree, swaying in the breeze that groaned through the cursed woods. Her eyes bulged. Her white-painted face smeared by her tears. Her sandal had fallen off. I grasped her sock-clad foot. Slime soaked her sock, covered my hand. I jumped back, gaining my feet. Shadows writhed around her...
Chapter Twelve: Fucking the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My joyful night had turned to ash. Hangetsu, the great Kami of change and transformation, took an entire cycle of the moon to remake me. So I wasn't there at the shrine to dance the Kagura and bolster Kanshu-no-Kami in his endless battle to keep the dread yokai Yokubō-no-Tako imprisoned. It was my most important duty as the miko of the shrine. My father was dead, and the yokai had escaped, possessing Daimyo Tōdō...
Chapter Fourteen: Futa Ghost's Naughty Memories By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My blood-soaked shide hissed down at the yokai-possessed Daimyo. Blood streamed from his face, wounded by my first exorcism attempt. Mitsuko-hime, my lovely Ōjo-sama, screamed in terror, not understanding what I was doing, and threw herself over her father. I had a moment of frozen time, Mitsuko-hime staring up at me, tears streaking the white makeup coating her face. She looked like a crying doll. I had to...
Chapter Thirteen: Possessed by the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko's possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ōjo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had...
Chapter Eleven: Slimed by the Tentacle Monster By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I was energized as I raced down the path lit by the half-full moon. Transformed. Changed. Futanari. I did it. I made contact with the great Kami Hangetsu, a deity both male and female, changing back and forth with the cycle of the moon. But when it was half-full, the Kami was both. And now so I was I. I had a dick. My clit turned into a hard, throbbing cock. My Ōjo-sama would be so impressed. I promised...
Chapter One: Virgin Taken by the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I ran through the dark forest, branches reaching for my long hair, my heart hammering in my chest. This place was cursed. Yokai and Onryō stalked between the tangle of trees and maze of roots bursting out of the broken, folded ground. “Mitsuko-hime,” I called, my words swallowed by the dark trees. “Please, Mitsuko-hime, don't do this. I'm sorry.” Everything had gone so wrong today. It was supposed to be...