Letter From Ivy Hill free porn video

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Dear Shoeblossom:

I am a female submissive. I never wanted to be, but my father raised me in a truly disciplinary fashion. My mother left us when I was young, and my father told me that he was going to teach me to not be a wandering slut like Ma.

I think part of it, of course was that Pa wanted to get his hands on me. I am a curvy redhead, about five seven, and I’ve been that way since about sixth grade. I know that I was adopted when I was young, and my birth folks must’ve been much more physically attractive than my adoptive parents?and I think Pa never got to touch anyone as attractive as I am.

When I misbehaved, often Pa would take me out in the back yard, telling my younger brother Lorne to gather the neighborhood kids?they’d all watch as Pa would order me to take down my blue jeans or pull up my skirt, and then my panties would come down.

?Please, Pa? I’d beg, my lips trembling as the teenage boys began climbing over the fence and the giggling girls watched, too. ?Please punish me inside, Sir. I’m so sorry I didn’t clean the baseboards completely, but I can’t have everyone looking at me like this—?

Pa would slowly cut a switch from the spruce tree, grinning and winking at my brother, Lorne. It was always a long, evil looking thing, and as he trimmed it, I could see his eyes on my little bud breasts, poking through my T-shirt.

?Theresa Marie, you are a disobedient slut like your mother, and I am going to teach you that you can’t rebel against me. Take down your pants immediately. Right now, and don’t make a scene.? To the other kids, Pa would instruct, ?Go home after you see this, and take it as a warning not to violate the Commandment that tells you to honor thy father and mother.?

Weeping, I would unbuckle my pants and bring them to my knees, and pull down my panties as well. There was no point in arguing with Pa about my panties?he wanted maximum impact with the switch, on bare skin, and of course he enjoyed humiliating me and seeing my little tuft of hair peeking out from my round, vanilla buttocks. I had, what was known as a ?bubble butt? and it was quite enchanting, or at least I was always told this.

Sometimes, when Pa just had the hairbrush or the wooden paddle he had fashioned and cured in his woodshed, it would just be an over the knee affair?throwing up my jumper dress, pulling down my panties and going at it until my butt was reddened and I was sobbing, and the girls and boys in the neighborhood were laughing with amusement.

But a Spruce Switch affair was quite different.  After my drawers were down, I would bite my lip and bend across our picnic table, and Pa would begin the whipping with intense vigor. WHACK! THWACK! SMACK! SLASH!

I always tried to keep from sobbing. But the thin hot lines of pain would attach my buttocks, lashing across the full cheeks as I bit my lip, and sometimes I would peek through one eye at Elmer Simonsky, a boy I liked, who of course gave me no interest, since he got to see it all naked whenever Pa felt like thrashing me.

Elmer and the other boys would be playing pocket pool in their jeans as they watched Pa break two or three switches across my tender rear, until the skin was broken and blistered, from the tops of my butt to my lower thighs. I would be crying with true energy, and the kids would watch and chant ?Give it to her, Mr. Lonigan, give it to her GOOD.?

Often after this, Father would be worried that my whip marks might become infected, so in the spring and summer months, he’d order me to take off all my clothes so he could hose me down, telling me I wasn’t fit to use a bathtub of his. This was especially thrilling to the neighborhood boys, who didn’t usually get to see such a hot girl naked, other than in their well thumbed Playboy magazines.

I would be standing there, shivering and sobbing, and Pa would become enraged as he’d watch the boys staring at my breasts?especially as I got older and they grew bigger! He would forget, somehow that he had ordered me to strip naked, and he’d grab his switch again, or cut a rose branch with thorns, from the corner of the yard, (putting gloves on of course) and then he’d approach my breasts, dropping the hose.

WHACK! ?YOU THINK YOUR BOSOM WAS MEANT TO THRILL THESE BOYS?? Pa screamed this, and would swing the thorny branch against my poor boobies again and again as I’d cower and try to cover my boobs with my arms.

Once, when this was happening in my senior year of high school, Frances Gorman, a homely girl with tiny boobs who had always been quite jealous of my beauty, told Pa that she wanted to help him by holding my arms back so he could really ?punish? my beautiful tits.

Fran grabbed my arms and held them behind me as Pa whipped my breasts for about ten minutes, screaming about my vanity and how the Wrath of God would be visited upon me one day, as it had for my mother. By the end of this punishment, my breasts were covered in purple marks and welts, and I was sobbing like there was no tomorrow.

That night, I stole Pa’s wallet and hitchhiked from my Nebraska home across America until I wound up here in Ivy Hill, where my mom lived. I hadn’t seen much of her since she’d left, but she was quite loving to me, and arranged for my school credits to be transferred here, and I ended up graduating from college and medical school here as well.

After a decade away, I thought I’d go home and see Pa, and my brother Lorne. I was now an accomplished ear, nose and throat specialist?not only the first high school graduate in the family, but the first doctor! I figured that Pa would be more respectful to me, and I would rake him over the coals for his behavior towards me. I’d gone through extensive therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and I’d found sweet, tender boyfriends who had treated me like a queen, and was generally popular?but I felt a bit like there was something lacking in my life. I couldn’t figure out what it was.

Often, when one of my boyfriends was fucking me, or just eating me out, and I was close to orgasm, I would think about Pa whipping my bare ass, or my tits, and it would excite me in a way that made me terribly uncomfortable. My therapists said I would outgrow it at some point, after I became used to being treated well?and I figured it would just take time.

But I went home, in my intimidating business clothes. ?You haven’t changed at all!? were the first words out of Pa’s mouth. He’d not written me in ten years, or sent as much as a card?I hotly argued with him that I was a medical doctor now, quite a different person from the girl he’d whipped and tortured. How could he, a sanitation worker, who’d failed out of the third grade at age eleven, look down on me?

And then astonishingly, staggeringly, Pa grabbed me by the arm, and ripped up my Louis Vuitton suit dress, and dragged down my pantyhose and under drawers, throwing me across his dining room table. Off came his belt and I got my first whipping in ten years. The belt fell and landed on my buttocks once again, and as I was screaming in utter misery and humiliation, Lorne, my long-lost brother came in, watching amusedly.

But, as Father lifted the belt the last time, he grabbed his heart, and fell. I was a doctor, but I couldn’t save him?he died.  ?You’ve killed him, you inconsiderate bitch!? Lorne said with venom. ?Take off all your clothes and get in the closet upstairs, while I call the police.? Pa had often locked me in the clothes closet, and I forgot how tiny it was. I was up there, shivering and naked for nearly three hours before Lorne finally came upstairs.

Lorne took me out of the closet by my ear and I stood before him, humiliated as always. Lorne is not a handsome man—he is my parent’s natural child, balding with thick glasses and a harelip, and was not gifted much with brains either, and worked for much of his life on the back of the garbage truck with Pa. I noticed his eyes roaming over my beautiful classical features, my little nose and heart-shaped lips, my lush pink breasts and svelte body?I suspected that perhaps Lorne was a virgin, but said nothing.

?You’ve killed Pa. Because of my um, drinking problem, the only reason the garbage company here in town kept me on was his protection. We have no money. It’s all your fault. You’re going to be punished now.?

Lorne pointed to the bed, and I went and lay across it, and he bound my wrists behind my back and then also bound my ankles, so I couldn’t move at all. I could see his eyes enjoying my full bubble buttocks?I bit the pillow in acute fear.

Lorne went to the dresser and brought back Pa’s Razor Strop, which he’d used on both of us to keep us in line. ?Theresa Marie, you’re a nasty, greedy slut, and you’re going to pay for ruining my life?you’ve not had real discipline since you left, I know that.?

WHACK! THWACK! SLASH! The razor strop came down across my unprotected pink buttocks with a vengeance. First the strop hit my soft cheeks, and then just below them, on the tender area right under my buttocks, but above my thighs. I screamed and tried desperately to bite the pillow, but Lorne really knew how to make me bounce on the damn bed.

Lorne took a brief break and made me lick my blood off the strop?it was a merciful break, but a short one, and soon he resumed his thrashing. My buttocks felt as if they had been fried in oil.

I couldn’t move my wrists, or my ankles. I was trying to roll off the bed, but Lorne just kept lashing away with the razor strop, and I heard him sigh with satisfaction as he broke more skin and there were little blood marks. I felt him grasp my scalp and twist me over on my welted, tortured back.

Lorne ran his fingers around my full, beautiful boobs, exploring them. ?I remember how you could really tempt the boys with these mammaries? he whispered through his harelip. ?I useta take yer bra in the bathroom and jerk off with it, did you know that??

?That’s revolting? I said, without thinking. WHACK! Lorne slammed the strop right across my nipples and I screamed. ?Please, Lorne?my breasts are very, very sensitive. I know you have me tied up and everything but—?

Lorne swung the belt again and again across my breasts and belly, grinning as he did it. I tired to move, but of course he had me too securely tied down. The strop then swung between my legs, and I felt something different—some pleasure. I realized that although I was indeed humiliated and in intense pain, I was also aroused by Lorne’s punishment, and indeed, I felt fulfilled as I hadn’t felt in nearly ten years.

After Lorne’s arm was tired, he stepped out of his sanitation coverall, and took down his under shorts. Lorne was rather obese, but he had a big cock. Lorne fondled my face, and stroked my chin, running his dirty fingers over my full lips. ?You’re so beautiful, Theresa Marie? he murmured. ?You’re much more attractive than anyone in the family.?

I smiled up at him through my tears. ?Lorne, you’re beautiful too, in your own way. I’m proud to have you as my brother, and I’m going to take you back to Ivy Hill with me, and I’ll support you, and look after you?put you on an allowance and you can keep me in my place, Sir.?

Then Lorne swung his big leg over my head and knelt on my chest, and pushed his cock in my mouth, and I took it and began slurping hungrily. I licked and sucked his penis and Lorne grabbed my ears and began skull-fucking me, but I was able to breathe through my nose, and finally he came hard?I swallowed it all, smiling bravely.

Lorne then untied me and took me into his lap, kissing me tenderly. ?You’re going to be a good girl, Theresa Marie. My good girl. We’ll pack up and sell the house and move to Ivy Hill!? And we did. And now, life is different!

Lorne is a loving brother, but he is also quite strict with me. He never understands that a doctor’s time is not always her own, and when I am late coming home from the office, he becomes very annoyed with me. He’s usually spent the day watching television and eating Cheerios, and he wants me to make his dinner.

Last week he was so irritated that I was late, he ran a wire through my pierced nipples and put it through a ceiling hook and hung me there, my hands manacled behind me, for nearly an hour!  Although it was horribly painful, it did remind me that I had a brother to take care of, and I couldn’t be irresponsible.

Lorne gets terribly jealous of my dates, and recently I begged him to allow me to have a party?Lorne doesn’t do well at parties, particularly with lots of attractive professionals around.

He made me scrub the floor on my hands and knees, and really beg him to allow this.. And then when the party started,  he stood around, following me at a distance as I laughed and talked with people, ever the hostess. He doesn’t allow me to attend parties, so this was an especially big deal for me?but then he became somewhat possessive.

Everyone stared at my peculiar brother at my party. Unlike the fashionable professionals, Lorne was wearing bib overalls and had a bowl haircut that the neighbor had given him. He chewed a piece of (imported) straw and looked somewhat menacing?but he’s my brother, right?

Every half hour or so, Lorne would tap my shoulder and point to the bedroom, and I’d have to go in, and give him a blowjob, before refreshing my lipstick and going back out into the event. At one point, Lorne heard me use profanity, (I was telling a dirty joke to some colleagues) and  he lost it, I’m afraid.

?Bend across the armrest of that sofa, Theresa Marie!? Lorne ordered angrily. I looked at him in horror, as did all the doctors, nurses and lawyer friends that I had. ?You know Pa doesn’t allow you to use sinful talk! Pull up your dress and pull down your panties. You’re getting the razor strop right now!?

I was trembling. ?Lorne? I said in a carefully controlled voice, ?You can’t punish me like this in front of other people. These are people from the community, and you really can’t—?

I was silenced by Lorne’s backhand. As I staggered, my lip bleeding, Lorne dragged me to the couch. Fortinbras Rolfe, one of my medical partners moved to intervene but I found myself shouting at him, ?That’s my brother. You leave him alone!?

Lorne grinned through his grotesque harelip and took a wooden Spencer paddle, the kind with nine holes in it, and threw me across the armrest of the couch. He pulled up my hot little dress and pulled down my panties. WHACK THWACK! CRACK! SMACK!

Shoeblossom, I don’t know if you’ve ever had it from a Spencer paddle, but it really, really stings, the thick wood bounces, literally bounces, off the buttocks, and my butt began to turn red and then purplish.

But again, just like in my youth, the males who were watching my humiliation, began playing pocket pool, and the girls laughed, particularly those who were jealous of my looks and intelligence.

After Lorne finished thrashing me with the paddle, he took the razor strop and gave me fifty more, and then sent me to stand in the corner, with my dress held up and my panties strung around my knees. It looked quite unusual, with my high heels and everything!

And then a surprising thing happened. Lorne began feeling more at home at the party! ?The party must continue? he said happily. ?I am afraid my sister is being punished and can no longer participate, but everyone else can?and if any of the guys want a little oral relief, Theresa Marie can satisfy them in the bathroom!?

So that’s my letter, Shoeblossom. I apparently am hopelessly in the thrall of my baby brother, who is deformed in face but certainly not in character. The only really interesting thing that happened after this was, Lorne got a few phone numbers from attractive women at the party that wanted similar treatment! Isn’t that wild?


Theresa Marie Lonigan, M.D.

Dear Theresa Marie:

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes lonely, and I think you’ve found a way that works. I wonder how many other members of the medical profession could benefit from a little brotherly love, eh?




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It was getting up toward midnight that moonlit evening when I finished my other Trenton chores still enjoying memories of my time with the lusty redjead, talked to all of my trusted contacts and then tapped on the Snyder's barred back door. Felicity admitted me with her finger to her smiling lips. Her boys were with their grandparents near New Brunswick, and we both hoped Ivy was sound asleep upstairs. I kissed her and held her close, pushing aside her robe and letting my hands run over the...

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How I Became an Ivy League Whore

1 -I guess my journey into debauchery began like many others: from desperation.Deep down, I had always known I was a very attractive young girl, but I guess I hid it behind textbooks and nerdy big-framed glasses, sacrificing a normal teen experience in order to trudge through academics and secure an acceptance in one of the nation's most esteemed universities. I didn't mind being the pretty, petite bookworm seeing that I was an only chìld to a single parent who couldn't afford to buy groceries...

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Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy Belladonna [Author's Note: This is my third, and last, partially autobiographical story for the time being since I have no other public cross-dressing exploits to my credit/discredit in my adult life to date. As with the first two, the names and some events have been changed to protect the innocent.] It seemed such an innocent decision, but a part of me knew that it was rife with peril. Not the sort of peril that would truly endanger me, but something that could...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 62 Poison Ivy

October 28, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “So, Doctor O’Shea, what do you think?” I asked as steam roiled from the rocks in the sauna. “I think you’re in fantastic shape!” I chuckled, “Not what I was asking, but thanks. And you are extremely sexy! I love freckles! May I also say I am VERY grateful you don’t shave?” “You may. Why?” “I have a thing for red pubic hair!” I also had a thing for small breasts, which she had. She was the epitome of a ‘Steve type’ and Jessica had known I wouldn’t be...

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Sex with Madison Ivy

It was a hot summer day in sunny Las Vegas. I was driving back to my house from a hardware store when I saw a car broke down on the side of the road. Normally, I would absolutely stop and help. If you’re able to and don’t, you’re an asshole. I especially wanted to stop when I saw the girl on the sidewalk talking on her phone. I pulled just past the car and parked, and walked towards the car. As I walked up, the girl finished her phone call in anger and stressfully looked at me and with a...

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The sound of crickets and cicadas sounded loud in the dark of the woods. An owl hooted and somewhere in the distance, a deer crashed through the bush. It was just past nightfall and Joshua Gardner was on his way home from his grandfather's farm after helping bale and put up hay. He was sweaty and itchy from the grass and hauling bales up into the old barn loft. It had reached almost ninety degrees today out in the fields. Eighteen year old Josh was a hard worker and a hardy young man, grown...

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ivy league

IVY League Ch 1 I found this story on lineRebecca Palmer was concerned about a couple of boys her son, Danny, has been hanging around with. Being on the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) board at his high school she knows a lot about the reputations of the students, so it concerned her when he hung out with the well-known trouble-makers. Danny is such a nice boy and didn't need those kinds of influences in his life, but it was so hard for her to prevent it.Mike Brantley and Ben Thompson were the...

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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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Dark Hill

My name is Ted Howard and my wife's name is Beth. We have three children; Carl aged 10, Mike age 8 and Beth age 5. It all started so very innocently with my wife and me enjoying our first vacation by ourselves in over ten years and evolved into something that seems like a fantastic dream than reality. Over the past ten years we have had three children and every vacation had included each of them as they came along. Now, with the children staying with my wife's parents for the summer, we were...

2 years ago
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Gregor of Hartshorn Hill

Note from the author: Jarrod of Hartshorn Hill is the First of this Series. Druesha of Hartshorn Hill is the Second of this Series. Fallon of Hartshorn Hill is the Third of this Series. Evan of Hartshorn Hill is the Fourth of this Series. Avalon of Hartshorn Hill is the Fifth of this Series. * * * * * Gregor had been born a slave. Usually when you are born a slave, you never know your parents. Slave babies are sent to the slave nursery until they are old enough to perform simple...

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Letter from the Inquisition

Letter from the Inquisition INTRODUCTION The following is a translation of a very long letter found under the floor of the Isabela de Castile transect of the old Santa Maria church in Tavavera de La Reina, in Spain.  The old Santa Maria church is of a gothic architectural style and was originally constructed in the early 1200s after the Moors were defeated in this part of Spain.  The Isabel transect is an extension of an earlier transect, possibly an original transect.  The addition was built...

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Hardman Hill

"We'll leave the smell of the sea in your bed, Where love's just a job and nothing is said." ELTON JOHN - Sweet Painted Lady "Webster", she said, standing on tiptoe so that she could speak into the intercom set high and to the right of the door. "Tina Webster. I'm supposed to start today". "Of course you are. Come up". The voice was young, light, cheerful. Tina felt the tension in her stomach lift a little. "I can't get in", she told the disembodied voice. "There's no door...

3 years ago
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Letter of Intent

It all started as a joke. A few laughs with some colleagues about the ethics of being blindfolded and bound as part of the sexual act. I couldn’t see the point of it, but some of my work colleagues disagreed with me to the point of getting red in the face.Then letters started arriving at my house. I couldn’t make out who the first one was from or what it was about, so I opened it. It was hand-written in a lovely curly script. It was short and to the point. The content could have been directed...

2 years ago
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A Swim at Bunker Hill

“Hey Mikhail,” she said. “How are you?” “Good thanks. What are you doing here?” I asked, scratching my head. “I was bored,” she said. “I heard a bunch of people would be here so I came. Didn’t know you would be here though. Let’s go walk around.” “Ok,” I said. Rachael and I had been friends since as long as I could remember. People that don’t know us tend to think we are brother and sister because we are always together, but also because we look alike. Rachael has long, shoulder...

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A Swim at Bunker Hill

Introduction: This is a true story written to the best of what I can remember. Names havent been changed because I do not think it will matter. Comment please and expect more stories in the future. It was the third day of softball finals. My cousin was playing in the league and I was stuck at the park in the more than 90 degree weather because my aunt never let me stay home alone. While walking around I saw Rachael. I walked up to her and said hi. Hey Mikhail, she said. How are you? Good...

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Bluebell Hill

Bluebell Hill By Paul1954 Prologue Rochester University, Kent, England : October 27th, 2000 Elizabeth Geddes watched the backs of the three young men as they departed from her office and then closed her eyes tightly. Despite the hard facade she had just had to show to them she knew, more than they could ever be aware of, just exactly how they had felt. She heard a muffled curse as the door slammed shut behind them, and experienced what she might have thought of as a feeling of...

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Boob Hill

John ‘Long’ Johnson held up a weather-browned hand,bringing to a halt the six horsemen and women trailingbehind him. He pushed back his dusty, ten-gallon cowboyhat and shaded his brow, squinting stinging sweat out ofhis blazing blue eyes as he gazed down at the ramshacklecollection of wood frame buildings and homes that wereDike City, Kansas. Shimmering waves of heat rose off thesun-baked land below, and the sluggish Little Snake River,which regularly overflowed its banks and the town’scrudely...

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Letter from a Slave Girl

Letter from a Slave Girl Letter from a Slave Girl   One: The Letter October 2006 The Supreme Office of the President,Club Model World  Dear Master President,  I am writing to you to beg for mercy as I don?t think I can endure another night of punishment like I recently suffered at your Club Model Showcase evening. Those men were very sadistic to me and hurt me a lot. Although it was three days ago I am still in agony from all the punishments they inflicted on me. My breasts, bottom and...

1 year ago
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Letter From the GraveChapter 4 partial reconciliations

Another year went by. Three years without Nora — a full year of "life after the letter." My feelings about the letter and its contents were still bad. I missed loving Nora, and I missed missing her the way it should have been. People have different beliefs about reincarnation, about where the soul goes after death and about ghosts. But using this miserable excuse as a reason to ruin my love and my life, well, I just could not understand it. I kept feeling like a cuckold husband whose wife...

4 years ago
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Letter from Augusta

LETTER FROM AUGUSTADear ShoeblossomDeuce, my second son is finally beating me at Ping-Pong. The ball flies over my head! When I was a kid the balls were just white, but now they come in neon orange! Deuce looks relieved, I wonder why. Is it because I have always punished him, taking his pants down and spanking him hard with my paddle when I beat him at table tennis?what a good way to make a good player better, right?But Deuce’s face falls as he sees Mommy walk towards him with a smile, and...

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A younger woman gets fucked up the hill

I was about to start the last week of my residential course from work, and I hadn't heard from Jo for over a week, since she hinted that she might be up for introducing me to her friend.  I was busy with coursework anyway and with 30 or so co-students all living together there were other fish to fry, so to speak.I had been sailing through the work, but it could get stressful, career advancement was on the line and some people were coping better than others.  This was how I found myself helping...

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Chattersons Hill

We joined the rest of the Maryland troops on the far right of Washington's line. They fed us in as replacements on a hill top beside some hard men from Delaware, and we waited in a well-dug trench for the Germans and British to attack us. We did not have to wait long for despite the light artillery behind us, they came in disciplined ranks and we shot them down. Then they came again, those huge Germans in the tall hats, and we shot them down once more. They were brave and stupid men. Then...

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Letter From Ithaca

LETTER FROM ITHACA ? Dear Shoeblossom, ? I am worried that my BDSM tendencies were created by my Mother, who I still live with. For instance, my butt is still stinging from the other night, when I got home late from work. "Leland, where have you been?"Mother asked me. She is a striking woman, and once won the Cayuga County Joan Collins look-alike contest. ? "Mother, the bus was late...I wish you'd let me get a driver's license." Really. I'm thirty-three years old, Shoeblossom, and Mother won't...

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Letter to My Navy Man

I sat at the table for two, sipping my iced tea. The waiter had refilled my glass three times by the time my Bri arrived--always outrageously late but generally worth the wait."Sorry I'm late, hon" She said loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear. "I was getting a bikini wax and it took longer than I thought."She always could make a stunning entrance. I looked around, but fortunately the place was relatively deserted."Just sit down. I'm starving.""Perhaps I should order oysters. I'm...

Love Stories
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Letter to a Cuckold

Dear Wimp, So you are Mary’s husband, the loser, the wimp, the shrimp-dick that I’ve heard about. Well, I’ve got good news and bad news for you, wimp. The good news is that until last week, Mary had been faithful to you. Faithful for five years of marriage. That’s almost a miracle. That such a drop dead, knock-down gorgeous babe like Mary could have remained faithful to a wimp like you for five minutes is hard to believe. It just shows how religious she really is....

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Letter from a Reality Readjustor

Letter from a Reality Readjustor By Bill Hart There were a few questions and complaints with regard to reality readjustors following my story "Friends are Whatever You Make of Them". Rather then simply write a new explanatory story, I thought I'd share with you instead a letter I received several weeks ago that was the primary inspiration for the above story. I've changed the names, of course, to protect the innocent. That assumes, of course, there are innocent to...

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Letter from Tacoma

LETTER FROM TACOMADear Shoeblossom:When my husband, who is owner and ringmaster of the Epic Circus, comes into our hotel room (We, thankfully, don’t have to live in the circus trailers) I’m ready for him. He lays the whip down, and then it’s my turn??Strip it all off Spats, my love! Now you’ll get a nice thrashing?.it’s MY turn to use the whip!?Sometimes after that I put him through a grueling scene—if the hotel has any sort of eyehook in the ceiling, I’ll lock Spats’s wrists to the hook, and...

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Letter to a Super Stud

A story of revenge and punishment. Dear Super Stud, You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say, just...

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Letter to a Super Stud

A story of revenge and punishment.Dear Super Stud,You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say; just before...

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Letter from Boston

LETTER FROM BOSTONDear Shoeblossom:I have read with interest your letters from chastity belt couples. I really thought I was an enthusiast, but now I think it may have gone too far. My love affair with chastity and denial began, I think, in adolescence. In the summer after my junior year at Andover, I wrecked Dad’s  BMW  while drunk on the Montauk Highway, near our vacation place, and broke both arms and both legs, and I began getting visits in my hospital room from Noelle, a Candy Striper...

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