Letter to a Super Stud
- 3 years ago
- 47
- 0
A story of revenge and punishment.
Dear Super Stud,
You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say, just before she went out the door I found out she had been so careless as to have panties on. She had to remove them there and then. I would not like her to upset you. I’m very sorry I could not be there with you as requested, I have a contagious flu. I think you understand I don’t want you to catch that. You can rest assured, Caroline has not been close to me since she came from you last time, so she is not infected. You may enjoy her with safety. If you decide you don’t want her, me not being there watching, just send her home. But she will be greatly disappointed.
Before reading on, why don’t you ask her to lift the skirt so you can inspect her pussy. You would find she is smooth and wet for you. Please give her a good licking, a super stud like you should be able to give her an orgasm to release her tension while you read on.
Did she cum? Good of you, I’m sure she has a satisfied smile on her lips. Why don’t you ask her to suck you off? She is an expert as you know.
Still flaccid? How come? Isn’t she able to give you a stiffy? How bad is it, do you have performance anxiety?
You read on then, I will explain later.
Do you remember Mary, the twenty-five-year-old wife you seduced a little more than five years ago? She was beautiful and sexy wasn’t she?
If you don’t remember, never mind. She is only one of several isn’t she? The mistake you did with her is going to cost you dearly. Her husband did not accept his role as a wimp husband. He left her, then the fun of seducing and owning her was not there anymore, was it? You got tired of her and you dumped her.
I will explain why you made such a big mistake.
Her husband came to me. We are old friends from school, he was devastated and needed help. He let me read the letter you had written to him, which incidentally is very similar to the letter you wrote to me a few weeks ago. Somehow he felt I was the guy he could tell and discuss what to do. I’m not sure he believed I could help, but when I had read the letter a realization came to me, this is a quest with meaning, to bring you down and destroy you.
He mentioned your wealth as a problem, you were untouchable in his eyes for that reason. So did you.
You had no idea that in my eyes you are only a rich guy, with an expensive lifestyle. In comparison with you I’m super rich, I could buy you ten times over and not dig deep in my coffers. He neither had any idea. My job in the bank as a consultant at 100K a year is only a camouflage. I have an office in the bank, using my day to manage my fortune. I’m living a very anonymous life, because I want friends to like me, and not my money.
I told my old friend I could not help with his marriage, which was lost. But I could help him to destroy you. He is a very able accountant, and I suggested that he quit his job and start to work for me. I would pay him three times his salary, and the job description was to dig into your affairs. He gave the house and all assets to Mary, moved into a nice flat and set up an office exclusively working on collecting information about you. Knowledge is power as you know.
Very soon we had a large team working. Among them, private investigators, computer nerds, lawyers, auditors and even some high powered politicians. Recruiting them was not difficult. You have many enemies Harry.
You were so considerate that you told me what you did with both Mary, five years ago and Caroline a few weeks ago. You went into graphic details. I will likewise tell you what I did, or more correctly what our team did.
First of all I started to monitor your movements. Soon you could not move without me being informed about every step you made. If you had looked behind you, to the left or right, most likely you would see one of my men, or women. All your mail, even on internet, was copied, all your telephone conversations were recorded. Your houses, flats, villas were bugged. I don’t think you have one room without devices to record and film whatever you do. Certainly not any bedrooms, that is for sure.
After a couple of years we had accumulated a wealth of information about you and your companies, and we started to worm into them investment wise. Now three years later I have direct or indirect control of more than fifty percent of all your companies. On top of that I have friendly investors that own options that can bring us up to more than two thirds in each company. The boards are all controlled by me and my friends.
We did gather information about your social life, how you have seduced married women and treated them badly. The amount of pornographic material with you in the lead role is overwhelming.
These five years have been a lot of fun. We have had good laughs at your expense on a number of occasions and the scrapbook we have made is unbelievable. The scrapbook contains a lot of information about financial shady deals, tax evasion, inside trading etc, in addition to all the steamy porn. We have for the sake of the women involved hidden their identity, they don’t deserve the exposure.
You have a number of people working for you who you think are on your side. But during these years we have put our people in your employ, paying them extra of course. Those working for you when our work started, have either quit or been bought. You are a scum bag, you treat your employees badly, so that was not difficult.
The letter so far has been a short version of our preparations. What will happen now? I’ll tell you:
The scrapbook, or dossier as you may call it, mentioned above is printed up in about one thousand copies. We have a delivery company delivering out a few hundred as you read, to the White House, The Senators of USA, all your board members, investment bankers, brokerage houses, and to all the friends you believe you have.
Today your house in Italy, the one with forty rooms has been sold to the mafia for a rather moderate sum. The deal is signed by yourself. You should read what you sign and not be so sloppy. We have tipped the Italian government that something fishy is going on and they will surely seize the sales sum. You will have a long struggle to get hold of that. The other twenty-four villas around the world are donated by you to local charities. You will eventually receive notes of thanks.
If you try to run by using one of your Gulf Stream aircrafts, you would be disappointed. They are all grounded for technical reasons. They are all OK of course. But I have friends who have helped all the maintenance logs to disappear, and it will take a long time before they reappear. When they eventually go on auction, I will most likely buy one of them just in case I need the transportation for one or more of my associates that work for me to make your life miserable.
You don’t own a yacht. I fixed that for you. You have just signed a contract for a mega yacht for about one-hundred million dollars, and you paid today a down payment of ten million dollars, which, by the way, was all your available cash. We think you will not be able to fulfill the contract, so the seller will keep the yacht and the deposit. What a shame, but I might buy it at a discount. I mean ninety mill is enough.
Next week will be difficult for you. All your companies will call extraordinary board meetings. You will be requested to resign, which you will have to do. The companies cannot be associated with a jerk like yourself, fucking around with married women, tax evasion, inside trading, etc.
Most likely the internal revenue will serve you for tax evasion in the region of one half billion dollars. The lawyers will cost you a bundle I am sure. Your deals have not been that bad, but Mary’s husband had some connections in your account department who helped cook your books so it appears very bad. You see, you have pissed off too many people who have to work hard for a decent living. As I see it you have no friends in either field any more.
You wrote a f******n page letter to Mary’s husband and me. I don’t think you deserve f******n pages. You are just a thug without style who enjoys kicking people smaller than you. Not very honorable. So what happens to you next week, will take its own course. Good luck to you.
I think I owe you an explanation on why your cock does not respond. It must be very frustrating, especially for a super stud like yourself. A few weeks ago you felt that your sexual urge was lower than it used to be. The reason for that was we had made arrangement with some of your house staff to feed you food spiced with the herb Chrysin. This herb contains a natural substance like the d**g Tamoxifen, which is a d**g used to take away the sexual urge given to some sex offenders. When you went to your doctor, he found out you were low on testosterone, and ordered a hormone treatment. You did take that treatment, and the nurse set daily injections to fix it. What you did not know was that the nurse was in our employ, and set injections of Depro Provera instead. The nurse was a temp and is no longer working for your doctor. She was in fact Mary, my friends former wife. Since she was dumped by you she has been studying nursing. She has been very keen to help bringing you down and has been a great member of our team, so dedicated. To make it easy for you to understand, you have been chemically castrated. Isn’t that fun???
Now, look at Caroline, isn’t she a lovely girl. She is not only beautiful, but intelligent and smart too. She has a master’s degree in sociology, she speaks four languages fluently. When she completed her studies last summer, I hired her to pose as my wife for six months. You see, she is from a poor f****y who could not pay for university studies, so she financed it by doing some e****ting. She playing my wife for six months should have been her last job, I paid her 100K for that. But then I offered her another 100K to seduce you. That’s right, she seduced you, not the other way round.
Oh, oh! Did you attack her?
Sorry, I forgot to tell you she has a black belt in karate, plus a stun gun in her purse. Did she throw you, or did you feel the impact of 80.000 volt on you? It hurts, doesn’t it?
When you met Caroline at the social functions you both attended, the man she was with was not me. I hired a third rate struggling actor, partly bald and with potbelly. I was watching you from the shadows, and laughed seeing you driveling around Caroline. She had you in her palm very soon. When eventually you invited her to your place, the experience for her was a great disappointment. She said you did not have the necessary finesse to be a great lover, she had to act so as not to blow her cover. When she came ‘home’ to me she told me it was a terrible experience. You are so big that it only hurts, no pleasure at all. So it was only because of your present chemical castration that she was willing to go and hand deliver this letter today.
When she comes home tonight I will propose marriage to her. I sincerely hope she will accept. I could not find any better wife in the whole world. It may be difficult for you to understand, but the high society girls I have dated have been selfish and spoiled bitches, the movie stars only love their mirror and the camera lens, the super models are so skinny and unattractive that I have never bothered dating them. Caroline is my choice, if she will have me.
You did brag about serving Champagne at fifteen hundred dollars per bottle, such lack of style. No mentioning of make or vintage. Going for price vs quality is so bourgeois. For you to have a sip of quality, the room service will bring you a bottle Krug, Clos de Mesnil vintage 1979. You will not be able to buy another, the few bottles left are probably in my cellar. Enjoy it, you may never be able to drink such quality again.
Before you send Caroline home to me, you will ask her to deliver a message from you to me. You have two choices. If you decide to be a good person, to earn other people’s respect and love, you will have to continue your Depro Provera treatment for some years. You have to work with poor and homeless people, with youngsters in need for adult guidance or on similar projects. If you do, we will support you and help to keep you out of prison. We will let you have sufficient income to have a small but clean flat. We will follow you closely, and support your projects aiming at the betterment of those in sorely need of assistance. That is if you are sincere. If we see that you are sincere, and that you at one point meet a single and free woman, who you love and wish to share the rest of your life with, we may take you off the chemical treatment and let you have your love life back. If this is your wish you have to beg Caroline and ask for assistance from our team.
If you say to her, ‘fuck you — go to hell,’ then we will give you one week to reconsider. If you don’t reconsider we will a***** you and fly you to a Latin American country. We will take you to a private clinic and have you surgically castrated. This process will be irreversible. We will take all your identifications from you, dress you in rags and drop you in the slum of Mexico City.
Good luck with the rest of your life. May you make the right choice, Yours truly, Hans.
Harry, I forgot to mention that there is a guard outside your door and he will be there until tomorrow morning, the phone line to the reception does not work. Your cell phone is cut off. Your credit cards are cancelled, but we have paid the penthouse suite for you. The only money you have available is what you have in your pocket. Good night, sl**p tight.
The end.
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HistoricalThe Supers? Daughter-In-Law The Supers? Daughter-In-Law ONE The basement seemed deserted, as was usually the case so early in the morning? I was running a little late in my normal morning rituals of dumping the garbage and then heading out to the corner Deli for coffee and bagel before heading back indoors again to start work.?? I was a writer- slash- cartoonist, working freelance, which gave me a lot of free time and allowed me to work from home rather than have to go out into the...
The letter from America1968Martin White and his wife Sarah were lying in bed .It wasn’t late in fact it was hardly dark but they had decided on an early night.Martin had decided to give “Don Quixote” another chance but his heart just wasn’t in it.Martin let the book tumble from his hand as it made a satisfying “clump” on the bedroom carpet ……“Fuck it” said Martin “I’ve seen the movie , why do I bother” ?Martin was typically English if there is...
Super-Sister #3: Lex Luthor's Return! By Heather St. Claire (My third story based on the Silver Age Superboy story "Claire Kent Alias Super-Sister") "In Smallville one day, the people blink is disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of...
Oh so grateful to my black stud for arranging his ‘Bro’s’ to sort out my little situation and leave my life Tracy free now….yipppeee xxx.So back to normal in our house, lovely. I wanted to say a huge thanks to Jazz my big stud, in a way he knew best…mmmm!Mick my small cocked useless hubby was in town midweek with his mates. They had gone to some snooker thing to watch a game, so I knew he would be out all night. My chance to play with Jazz at home then, oh yes.I waited until Mick had gone and...
Yashoda was a small woman, no more than 5 feet tall. But she had high tits and a pert ass. What most people did not know about Yashoda was that she loved fucking young studs. Her husband was busy in his touring job and did not give her the quota of healthy cock. In Baroda, she had fucked all young boys in her street and now her husband had been transferred to Chandigarh. Now she had to find new stud for her ever hungry pussy. Yashoda was 38 years old and her only daughter had been married last...
It's really hard when you spend your life doing things you enjoy with your partner and then, all of a sudden, they are gone. You see, I had lost my wife of many years to a drunk driver. I have gotten over my loss as best as anyone could but I so missed the opportunity to indulge in those enjoyable times we shared. No, I don't mean golfing or going out dancing. My wife and I enjoyed a very kinky life involving leather and BDSM and especially my being a crossdressed sissy in her service....
I went up to my bedroom and sat on the bed. I was dumb founded. Feeling as if someone has kicked me in my stomach, or worse — in my balls. Tears started running down on my cheeks. I felt dizziness enveloping me, as if my soul had left my body and is looking from above. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" I roared like wounded lion. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" with all the force my lungs could give. I kept roaring until my throat could not pass a sound. I kept roaring until I collapsed. I slid...
Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Here is a story line I have worked up with help from my new friend Rafael in Brazil. We are going to be doing a large number of stories using comic book characters, somewhat along the line of the JLA stories I did with FFCSKRULL2 a few months ago. Watch for massive numbers of changes to...
Susper-Sister #1: Losing a Son, Gaining a Daughter By Heather St. Claire April 8, 1946, From the Diary of Martha Kent--These have been the most amazing couple of days. I have lost a son but gained a daughter. Yesterday started out like any other Sunday. Jonathan, Clark and I went to church in the morning, and came home to a meat loaf dinner--Jonathan's favorite! I cleared the table and had just settled down with a basket of knitting, when a strong feeling, really, an overhwelming...
Got the letter today. Guess what? Third time ain’t the damn charm… still not a Super.Dear Applican’t, (is probably what they wanted to write), after careful review of an impressive candidate pool, blah blah, we regret (sure) to inform you that your application is not competitive enough for entrance into Supers Academy; however, we are considering you as a candidate for blah. I scan the list of recruits. Those that made it are the who’s who of future Supers. Many were plucked from the same damn...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAnita knew my darkest fantasy was watching a nasty black stud who used her and passed her around to his friends. But it also aroused my sensual wife every time we talked about.One evening I came home and found Ana was really excited. She told me a black man she had met in the net, would come home to pick her up and later he would give her to another friend…He had agreed to me being there watching.After dinner he called Ana, saying it would be better if we could go to his place. He had a very...
117. WENDY COLLECTING A YOUNG STUD.WELL WHAT HAPPENED WAS Wendy, as frustrated, hubby Trevor was still away in the Alaskan oil field, no doubt freezing the assets of some small oil company, found she was frustrated again, it didn’t take much, as she said to me the other day; I'm a classy woman outside of the bedroom...but once I let go I can be a very classy slut---no one would ever think I do things like this! Trevor had kept in touch saying the job was going to be longer and slower than he...
Super Powers By Celeste Ann Taylor Intro Jezerek and Tolqid looked down on Earth as they selected a suitable candidate to become the inheritor of vast super powers. They needed to create a successor to the recently defeated Space Minx, who had been beaten in battle by the Time Harlot herself. The two focused in on the females of earth, noting their most athletic women, the most determined sportswomen and their toughest policewomen. They found the perfect candidate Melissa...
Super-Sister #6: Hanging up the Cape? By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the diary of...
HistoricalSuper-Sister #7: Claire Ross, Alias Super-Bride! By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" From the...
HistoricalSuper-Sister #5: A Blast From the Kryptonian Past By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink is disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister!" June 15,...
My huge stud Mr. Supercock held me by my little hand and led me into his private elevator to take me up to his private residence leading me over to a seat ,sort of like a throan sitting down in it he lifted me onto his lap and was squeezing my huge tits through my sexy new bra ,"Fuckin huge tits you have my little slut as he mauled them with one hand his other went for my tinny throbbing clitty his big strong fingers engulfed my entire clitty/cock the second he touched me I came a huge gush of...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...
Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 5'8, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast “OH God Ben, I missed you lover” Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him, licks the head and looks up at Ben “Master we are not going to leave this room till we go back to Alabama, You are mine now” she sucks BIG FELLA deep getting him hard. Laurie straddles BIG FELLA and...
( Copyright, Emanon_Pen, 2003. All Rights Reserved. The stories on this website are works of fiction. Any characters resemblance to persons living or dead is purely and entirely coincidental. Any actions taken by the characters or the portrait of such actions never occurred and if they mimic any form of reality, it is purely and entirely coincidental. These stories contain explicit descriptions of sexual activity and may be perceived by some as being pornographic. If you feel that literary...