Super-Sister #4: Secrets Revealed free porn video

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Super-Sister #4: Secrets Revealed By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink is disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister!" April 30, 1948, From the Diary of Claire Kent: If you knew me, you'd think of me as a pretty normal girl. I'm seventeen years old and I'm a junior at Smallville High School. I live with my "aunt and uncle," Martha and Jonathan Kent. My best friend lives next door; her name is Lana Lang. She's a cute, sassy redhead, and her father's a famous explorer. Lana and I spent a lot of time together hanging out at the soda shop, the library or at each other's houses, studying, listening to music, or cooking, baking and sewing. We work on a lot of sewing projects together; after all, we're in charge of the end-of-year fashion show the school's sewing class will be presenting. The whir of a sewing machine has become one of my favorite sounds. It means I will soon hold a creation all my own in my hands; maybe it's something I will wear myself; maybe it will be a special gift for someone. When Mrs. Spencer put us in charge of the show, she said we were the two most talented and responsible girls in the class. That made me very proud. I've got a steady boyfriend, a very sweet boy I've known since we were both children. His name is Pete Ross. Lana doesn't have a regular beau, she seems to enjoy playing the field. Pete and I and Lana and whoever she's dating are pretty much a foursome around town. When Lana and I aren't hanging out in person, we're on the Ameche, talking to each other. I slather on some face cream, curl up with the receiver, and get settled in for a long spell of girl talk. Uncle Jonathan sees me, shakes his head and asks what we've got to talk about, since we've been together all day. I just laugh and tell him we've got oodles to talk about. But then, men just don't seem to understand women, do they? Bedtime eventually comes, and when it does, I always make sure to brush my shoulder-length hair one thousand times. They say it's the best thing a girl can do to keep her hair shiny, healthy and strong. Most girls I know only do one hundred strokes, but I put my hair through more than most of them. Yes, it's a very nice life, and like I said, it seems pretty ordinary. There are just a few of out of the ordinary things about me. Although I look like an average girl, I'm not from Earth. I was born on a destroyed planet called Krypton and was sent here in a rocket by my scientist father right before the planet blew up. Under Earth's yellow sun and lesser gravity I've gained all kinds of super-powers I use for good in my costumed identity as Super-Sister. Just a few weeks ago, I had my last encounter with Lex Luthor, the evil boy genius who also grew up in Smallville and now seems to be intent on enslaving the world. He kidnapped Dr. Wernher Von Braun and was going to force him to help him out. Lex was working on a cure for his baldness at the same time. It worked and he ended up with a nice head of red hair again. Unfortunately for Lex, there was a minor side effect; he was changed into a girl. He, or rather, she, is at the girl's industrial school. They call her Leslie Luthor now. Oh, there's one other thing about me that's out of the ordinary. Like Luthor, I was born a boy. That changed a little over two years ago when I had an encounter with an alien named Shar-La. I was on patrol one day when the sight of me flying by startled her, causing her to lose control of her ship. I rescued her, and she paid me back by changing me into a girl by bathing me in the rays of a strange ring she wore. OK, to be honest, there's more to the story than that. I really kind of asked for it. I was pretty mean. I said, or rather I thought, a lot of insulting things about women. It turned out she was a telepath, that she thought I needed to learn a lesson, and she had a magic gem on her ring that could teach me that lesson. Well, when I realized what had happened, I was pretty shocked at first, but I think I quickly decided I had to adapt, or maybe my mind needed a little time to catch up to my new body. Sure, I had to do a lot of adapting; the way I thought, felt, and acted; what I wore. It still only takes me seconds to dress when I need to change in a hurry, but it does take a little longer to put on my bra, panties, saddle shoes, socks, half-slip, blouse or sweater, skirt, and lipstick than it did to put on Clark's clothes. Maybe an extra three seconds; and if it's Sunday and we're on our way to church, add about two more, as I also have to take off and put back on my nylon stockings, hat, gloves, jewelry and girdle. Ma says a proper young lady always wears a girdle to church. It's not so much about the way it shapes you as in the way it makes you carry yourself differently; it's a state of mind. The fact that I gained an extra super power that allowed me to foresee dangers other women were facing in advance was one of the good things that came out of my change, as it meant I had one more way to help people. Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Martha have raised me right. They've given me my moral compass and taught me that my powers are a gift that must be used for good. But they've also taught me that in order to help people, I really need to understand them, and that's why they've encouraged me to live as normal a life as possible. Aunt Martha and I have had a lot of talks about what my life will be like as an adult, including whether I can ever marry and have a family. My great fear is that if I were to take a husband, criminals would discover my secret identity one day and try to get at me through those I love. Just when I think I've tucked away the thought of a family of my own in a back corner of my heart and mind, something happens. Something like the arrival of the Haggerty's new baby. They live just down the block from us. Bert works at the machine shop and he came home from the war a couple of years ago. He and Shirley got married on Valentine's Day last year. Last month, she gave birth to the most beautiful, most absolutely perfect baby boy. The first time I got to hold him after he came home from the hospital...well, it was just the most amazing feeling! I pretty much gushed when I got home, telling Aunt Martha, "He is so beautiful! Such a sweet little face, those ten little perfect fingers, ten little perfect toes...Ma (I still call her ma a lot of the time, though she's always 'Aunt Martha' in public), what is this?" She smiled gently, and a bit sadly, when she said, "It's maternal instinct, Claire." I sighed. "Ohh, I thought so. I suppose I'm never going to get to know it myself." I felt myself fighting back a tear. She drew me closer and we hugged. "Never say never, child. I thought the good lord would never bless your pa and I with a child. Then one day you dropped out of the sky." That helped me to feel better. Ma always has a gift for making me feel better. For now, I've just been happy to go steady with Pete. I know his name is going to fill my card at every school dance. We snuggle at the movies or in his car, but we've never gone past first base--that's not the way our families raised us. So why am I feeling jealous? It's so very silly, really. I know Pete cares for me, he really does. But he's also wild about Super-Sister. It seems like he can't stop talking about her, and how amazing she is. He'll come running up to me with the latest issue of the Smallville Ledger in hand and say, "Claire! Did you see how Super-Sister rescued all those horses from the burning stables at the Fairgrounds?" I just smiled and said, "Yes, Petey. I heard already." If it happened every now and then, it would be one thing. But it happens all the time. I finally told Aunt Martha that I was beginning to resent Super-Sister; it felt like there was an extra person along on our dates. I shouldn't let it bother me. I know Pete thinks I'm cute; he tells me I have a classy chassis. That's despite the fact that I always try to play down my looks. I only wear pale shades of lipstick and no other makeup, and my skirts, blouses and dresses are a little on the plain side. Still, I've got the sort of body that stands out, whether I want it to or not. Thanks to my super-hearing, I can hear boys on the other side of the school yard saying I'm stacked. It makes me blush, but it also makes me feel good. Girls never seemed to notice Clark, but boys sure notice Claire. I guess that's something else I can thank Shar-la for. Somehow, Clark was able to slump his shoulders and wear clothes that were loose fitting, and no one noticed Superboy's muscles; but the roomiest sweaters don't seem to conceal my most prominent assets. The boys notice, and so do the girls, but they can be so jealous. Ma and Pa taught me that I shouldn't eavesdrop, but it's hard not to tune it out when people are talking about me, and somehow, it's harder still when they're being nasty. My super-hearing can pick up whispered comments on the other side of the library; comments like, "Claire is SUCH a goody two shoes!" That was from Lisa Davis. "She can afford to be!" Mary O'Donoghue. "What do you mean by that?" Ann Selfridge. "Well, they say boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses, but I guess they make an exception when they're built like Claire." Lisa. Giggling from everyone. "My brother says she's built like a brick outhouse." Ann. More giggling. They call me the Girl of Steel, because my skin is invulnerable. Sometimes I wish I had a heart of steel as well. Thank goodness my super-intuition sounded at that moment and I had to streak away to stop an auto accident on Main Street before it happened. Of course, that meant another front-page newspaper story and more talk from Pete about how wonderful Super-Sister is. "Oh, Aunt Martha!" I sobbed one night long after all this when I was feeling particularly blue. "Sometimes I wish Super-Sister would just get lost!" She hugged me and did her best to soothe me, but I could also tell she had to fight not to laugh. Before too long, I was laughing and wiping away my tears at the same time. Pete asked me out the movies tonight. At first, I assumed we'd be going to the Majestic, but I felt a shiver of delight when he said he wanted to take me to the new drive-in that just opened north of town on the old Perkins property. Uncle Jonathan said he couldn't understand why anyone would want to cover over perfectly good farmland, but Aunt Martha understood. "Think of the young families, Jonathan," she said. "They can go to the movies together and not have to worry if the baby cries." I was doubly looking forward to tonight because it was going to be our first date in Pete's new car, a '34 Ford sedan, which replaced his '23 Model T he had been driving, sometimes, for the past couple of years. I say "sometimes" because it seemed like the car spent more time up on blocks than rolling down the street. The movie playing at the drive-in? "The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer" with Cary Grant, Myrna Loy and Judy Garland. Gosh, what a fitting choice to mirror my feelings. Judy's got a crush on Cary Grant (well, what girl doesn't have a crush on Cary Grant), but of course he ends by with her older sister, played by Myrna. I love going to the movies because I can get lost in another world for a couple of hours. Unless my super-intuition interrupts me, I can forget I'm the mightiest mortal alive and just pretend I'm another girl out on a Friday night with her boyfriend. And we get to enjoy some serious cuddle time. When Pete puts his arm around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder, I feel comfortable, safe, protected, loved. He takes a deep whiff of my perfume and tells me how nice I smell. I smile and tell him, "Well, I'm glad you like it, since you bought it for me." At a moment like this, It doesn't matter that I can fly, that I can see through walls and lift mountains, that bullets will bounce off my nice big bosom that everyone seems fixed on....I'm just a girl with her boyfriend. And I'm happy. I think I might have gotten a little carried away tonight, though. At one point, when Pete and I were kissing, I took his hand and placed it on my breast. My nipples immediately became erect, and I felt such a wonderful electric tingle, not only in my breast, but between my legs, too. Our breathing was more rapid, and I could hear both our hearts beating faster. I pressed closer to him as he gently kneaded the breast for a few moments before whispering, "Claire--I shouldn't...." I nodded in reluctant agreement, and I think we both did our best to put the moment out of our minds. (I'm still trying to sort out why I was so bold. Ma would be horrified if she knew; she'd call it the act of a "brazen hussy", but I think I know. I think it all goes back to that jackhammer that Luthor created and used when he imprisoned me. It's the most powerful vibrator ever created. I've been studying it very carefully these past few weeks, trying to better understand how his, or now, her mind works. I'm afraid it might have been responsible for me getting carried away like that.) As we started driving toward home, Pete told me he felt sorry for Johnny Sands, who played Shirley's forgotten boyfriend. "Once Cary Grant came along, she forgot all about him!" I laughed. "Oh? Kind of like the way you act whenever Super-Sister comes along with another one of her good deeds?" He seemed to be at a loss for words. "Now Claire! That's different!" he finally spluttered. "How is it different?" "I...I admire her. I appreciate all the good she does for people. I'm not in love with her. If that's what you're thinking. I'm not in my car making out with her!" He was getting defensive, even angry, but I couldn't let it go. "But wouldn't you be making out with her if you had the chance?" "Claire, I don't understand what this is all about," Pete pleaded. "I thought we had a wonderful time together tonight. I thought--" Pete didn't get a chance to go on, because at that moment, just as my super- intuition began signaling that danger was ahead, we spotted a car in the ditch by the side of the road. It was on its side; it looked like it had gone out of control and rolled over a couple of times. A woman was standing by the car in tears, waving her arms frantically. I gave her a quick but careful appraisal. I realized it's instinctual for me, both as a super-heroine and as a woman. She appeared to be in the early to mid-twenties. She was wearing a very tight polka dot dress, heels that were at least four inches high, and a LOT of makeup. Her hair was a really brassy shade of red that had to have come from a bottle. Definitely not from around here, and very likely trouble. Pete, good guy that he is, pulled over. "Poor woman probably needs a ride," he said. "Be careful!" I called out. But it was already too late. Before Pete could take another step, a man who had been laying on the ground alongside the car suddenly sprang to his feet. He held a gun. "NO!" I screamed, and hopped out of the car. If I had been thinking more clearly, I would have used my heat vision to make the gun so hot he would have been forced to drop it. But I wasn't thinking clearly. All I could focus on was saving the boy I love. The punk with the gun smiled when he saw me. His girlfriend wasn't, well, as endowed as I am. Apparently he's what they call a breast man. His sick smile told me exactly what he was thinking. "Well, I was just gonna take your car, but I think I'm gonna bring you along for the ride, sugar. You're a real dish." He was a hollow-chested little man with greasy hair and a nail-file mustache. A thin mustache looks handsome on Clark Gable. It didn't do much for this guy. "Petey, do whatever he says, give him whatever he wants," I said in the most trembling voice I could manage. I could see Pete was fuming. In the meantime, the punk was moving closer to me. He reached for my chest; at first I thought he wanted to cop a feel, then I realized to my horror that he was grabbing for my pearls. Great- grandma Clark's pearls, that ma had given me last Christmas. A family heirloom. The one thing that had survived the Civil War; they had lost everything else of value. I never, ever wore them except at church and the most special occasions, but tonight, I had put on my peach angora sweater over a cream-colored blouse, and I thought those dazzling perfect pearls would set things off nicely. "And these will help pay to get a new car," he declared as his stubby fingers grabbed for the pearls. I could go diving in the sea and in a couple of minutes have the most beautiful pearl necklace ever, but it wouldn't be Great-Grandma Clark's. Some things can't be replaced at any price, and I was heartsick that I might lose them now. But better to give up the pearls than to let my secret identity be revealed. Pete cried, "No!" and lunged toward the punk, who immediately fired. There was nothing else I could do. I had to save Pete. Maybe I could have figured out another way; maybe I didn't want to. The punk and his girlfriend only saw a blur; they blinked and Pete and I were gone. That's because I was already hundreds of feet in the air with Pete cradled in my arms. I hadn't even been able to spare the split second I would have needed to change. "Claire," he said. For some reason, he didn't seem surprised at all. I put him down on the porch of the old Kent farmhouse, vacant ever since we moved to town and ma and pa had rented the fields out to a neighbor. I asked Pete to turn around and quickly shed my civilian clothes for my Super-Sister costume. All he would have seen was a blur, but a girl still has to maintain her modesty. When Pete turned around and saw me facing him in costume, all he managed was a strangled, "Wow." "No time to talk, Pete. I've got to go round up a couple of criminals." Within minutes I had the bewildered punk and his girlfriend delivered to Chief Parker, and I flew back to where I had left Pete. ""So," I said. "So," he repeated with a nod. "So now you know." "Ciaire," he said gently. "I've known for years." "You've known what?" "That you're Super-Sister, and that you used to be Superboy...and Clark." "But how?" He swallowed hard. "I'll tell you." He looked in the empty front windows of our old house, almost as if he expected to see the ghost of Clark Kent, as well as the younger Jonathan and Martha Kent, lurking in the shadows. "Being here brings back a lot of memories for me. I'm sure it does for you, too. A lot has changed in a few years, hasn't it?" I nodded. It seemed like he was working his way toward unburdening himself of something he had held onto for a long time. "Remember that camping trip we took back when we were freshmen, and the thunderstorm in the middle of the night? You stopped that out of control train. What you didn't know was that I woke up just as a bolt of lightning illuminated the tent. It was as bright as day. I saw you changing to Superboy." I shook my head. "And I never knew. And how did you know I became Super- Sister?" "Well, I didn't witness that, so I don't know the how or why. I just put two and two together when Clark disappeared and Claire arrived and Superboy disappeared and Super-Sister showed up, all at the same time. Frankly, given Lana Lang's suspicious nature, I'm surprised she's never put two and two together." I laughed. "Oh, Lana has had her suspicions, believe me." A long silence followed. Finally I took a step toward him, put my hand on his shoulder, and spoke again. "So, Petey, if you were so sure it was me, and you know I'm invulnerable, why did you jump at him? Didn't you figure I could save myself?" "Super....Claire," he said. "It's how my parents raised me. They taught me that a boy stands up for his girl, and takes care of her, no matter what." I felt tears welling up inside of me. "Oh Petey," I said. "That is so sweet. You really do love me...for me, not just because I'm Super-Sister? And it doesn't bother you that I used to be a boy?" He smiled. "Oh Claire, it's really swell that you have all those powers, but I'm not impressed just by that. It's how you use them to help people. That's why I think you're wonderful. You're so generous and sweet....and yeah, you might have been a boy once...." He smiled, looked me up and down from head to toe, and it felt like he was peeling off my super-costume with his eyes..."but you're sure all-girl now." We pulled closer to each other and kissed. It was a kiss to always be remembered on a night I'm never going to forget. Where our lives go from here, I don't know. But I do know things will never be the same. The End NOTES: "Ameche" was forties slag for the telephone, after actor Don Ameche who played telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell in an early biopic. This story, and others in the series, are based on the 1960 Superboy story, "Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister." Clark is transformed into a girl in the story, but it all turns out to be a "mental vision" projected by the alien Shar-La. In this series, I assume the transformation actually happened.

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Secrets Between SistersChapter 2

I woke up feeling like I'd had about a minute of sleep. My head was pounding, the inside of my mouth felt like sandpaper, and I think I was still a little drunk. But I had to get up and get breakfast for the girls. There was no way I was going to let my husband know that I was hungover, and I definitely wasn't going to tell him that the reason I stayed up so late was because I was masturbating with my sister. Did that really happen? I shuffled into the bathroom attempting to make sense of...

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My sisters boyfriend My girlfriends sister

Note: This story is told from two different views. The girl's view will be in standard character, the guy's view in italic. I could hear the familiar sonorous roar of Ryan's convertible Camaro. The first time my elder sister Amy had brought him home, I had immediately recognized what a great man he was. He was twenty-eight, around six feet tall, athletic, smart, funny – and he had a hell of a car. The wet dream of the teenage girl I was. Of course Amy couldn't stop rhapsodizing about her...

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Super Lover

Super Lovers Story by Angela J. ([email protected]) Editing by Steve Zink ([email protected]) Episode 1 "The Beginning" "Legend tells of two super beings, one male and one female. Their powers were derived from their super suits and each other. The suits were designed for two lovers. The lovers, wearing their super suits, made love in order to temporarily obtain their super powers. Together they were invincible. Apart and alone, they would fail..." I quickly got bored with...

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Super Heroes Need Sex Too

 I think we’ve all thought about, at one time or another, what it would be like to have super powers, which power we would choose. I know I used to. However there is one thing missing from all of the day dreaming, comics and super hero movies, a super sex life. Think about it, none of the superhero movies have super hot sex scenes. Most, depict the hero actively trying to avoid the opposite sex. There’s a reason for that, super powers make it nearly impossible to have any kind of a sex life at...

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Helping My Sister Shave III Friends and Secrets

Carmen lay on the bed, spread-eagled, trembling. I was poised, above her, a pair of scissors in my hands, as I gazed triumphantly over her dark, hairy pussy. My sister Liz sat on the other side of the bed, her hand on her totally bare pussy. "Do it..." she whispered, her voice tinged with seductive aggression, "...this bitch deserves it!" "Well done sis!" I thought to myself. I had had plenty of opportunities to help maintain Liz's already carefully groomed pussy, but for the first time I would...

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Brothers MindControlled Sisters 2 Baby Sisters Sweet Cherry

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...

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Super Boys Last Visit to the 30th Century

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Here is a story line I have worked up with help from my new friend Rafael in Brazil. We are going to be doing a large number of stories using comic book characters, somewhat along the line of the JLA stories I did with FFCSKRULL2 a few months ago. Watch for massive numbers of changes to...

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My Family Secrets

(All characters are at least 18 years of age) Word count = 16K ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not even sure where, to begin with, this story about my life. I guess I should start at the point things went from normal to just plain crazy! It began the night of my 18th birthday. Well, maybe crazy isn't the correct word to describe my family, but abnormal wouldn't be a stretch. It all started when I was a senior in high school. The school was about to get out for the summer, and...

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Super Powers

Super Powers By Celeste Ann Taylor Intro Jezerek and Tolqid looked down on Earth as they selected a suitable candidate to become the inheritor of vast super powers. They needed to create a successor to the recently defeated Space Minx, who had been beaten in battle by the Time Harlot herself. The two focused in on the females of earth, noting their most athletic women, the most determined sportswomen and their toughest policewomen. They found the perfect candidate Melissa...

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Secrets By Donna Sash [email protected] We all have them, secrets. We have them for many reasons, mine is to keep my self-safe from society. You see my main secrets are the kind that would cause members of my family and myself much humiliation. Ok, I'll just come out with it, I am a cross dresser. A transvestite, a man who wears the clothing of the opposite sex. Sure its ok for women to wear men's clothing, it is even looked at a sexy and it is accepted by society, but a man in...

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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 5 Promises and Secrets

Chapter 5: Promises and Secrets Leah furiously stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her. She didn't care to exercise the proper politeness one usually did in someone else's home, not when she suspected what had been done to her within said home. Zach's mom had to have been the one doing this. There was no other explanation that made sense, and Zach had to know. Why wouldn't he tell her? They knew almost everything about one another since the first day they had met back in...

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Brothers MindControlled Sisters 3 Slut Sisters Anal Punishment

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Slut Sister's Anal Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister's eighteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the Twenty-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father,...

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Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday Here in America on Sunday, February 1, 2009 Super Bowl XLIII (43) took place. Our version of football is quite different from that of the rest of the world. In soccer you don’t need a helmet and pads for protection and the other team isn’t trying to drive your body into the ground. This year the two teams were the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. To make a long story short Pittsburgh won. Now for what really happened… My five best friends and I...

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Games 2 Niki and Amber Host a PartyChapter 4 Secrets Revealed

Watching Niki leave the room for a minute, naked as a nymph, Chuck was still mulling over Amber’s words --”I bet you would ... I bet you’d love to just pull my panties down and fuck me on the couch ... but ... you better not ... I barely know you ... yet ... here I am ... riding up and down on your lap ... and your hands are all over me ... what must you think of me?” -- By way of response, Chuck kissed Amber’s neck, not with the same feverish lust, but slow and sensual “I think you are...

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A friendrsquos cheating wife Secrets revealed

I had known Tom for awhile now, we met at work. Over time, we all started to hang out. First a dinner, then bbqs on the weekends. He was married, and his wife, Jenny was a very attractive lady. So it was a surprise when she told my girlfriend that her and Tom had not had sex for years. “How could that be?” I asked my girlfriend, on the drive home. “I don’t know” she said, “but I think Jen is having an affair.” “She thinks Tom may even be Gay.” “Maybe Tom is just having an affair, too” I said....

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Super Powers

The Karitons, Ascikeans and Verxik where three distinct species who had mastered many exceptional technologies. They created an organization called the Ascension Collective. All three where like minded in their curiosity as well as there boredom. The Karitons seemed like the most responsible, they came from the distant future. Right before the end of the universe they traveled back in time to discover the first highly advanced species. The Ascikeans the most mischievous, they come...

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Super girl humiliated by Lana luthor

Super girl aka Kara Danvers is stood in Lana luthor’s lab Lana is Kara’s best friend and also nows that she is super girl. Super girl is in her costume as Lana requested. Lana enters Hi Kara ohh sorry supergirl she grins. Super girl smiles hi Lana why Iam I here, Well I have been working on something and need your help to test it. Super Girl says ok anytime Lana giggling says thank you as she press a button then the room fills with a yellow glow Supergirl can feel her powers drain. Lana wait...

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Super Step Sister

I wasn’t going to miss this chance for nuthin! As I scooted forward on my knees I aimed my steel-hard cock at the glistening and dark-hair-trimmed target that I had lusted after for ages. Here it was, inviting me, finally! My mushroom head made contact with the hot wet lips standing open like tiny tent flaps and I almost came from that. I pushed in carefully, not sure how fast to embed myself in this brand-new territory. She moaned softly as I took deeper and deeper plunges. When our pubes met...

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Supergirl Part 2

Chapter 5 When we landed in Las Vegas it was in the middle of the night and there was a black limousine waiting for us on the tarmac.“Let’s go, we have work to do,” said Supergirl and got up.Inside the limousine was a manila envelope which she gave to me. I opened it and found a passport, credits cards, a driver’s license, all in the name of Lisa Compton, aged twenty-one. I realized the age was meant to let me into any bar, restaurant, nightclub in the world. If I had been made to be eighteen,...

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Supergirl Voluntary Slavery

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive  Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...

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Celebrities become famous from many different paths of life, Whether they are a Actress, Singer, Rapper, Sports athlete, Politicians, Models, Monarchs from a role bloodline, Cable news anchors, Talk show host, Radio DJs, Cooks, Public media yoga instructors, Or just famous from public media outlets, Are just some local celebrity such As Local news weather women. They all something in common, They have many secrets Some non-sexual and some very sexual, Secrets that they rather not have in the...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 1 The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “I think we should put our beds here, onee-chan,” my twin sister Kimiko said, her round face pointing at the right side of the room. She pursed her delicate lips, the same delicate lips that I had. Looking at my sister was like looking into the mirror. She had the same sleek, silky-black hair and pale-olive skin. We both possessed the...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 3 Slut Sisterrsquos Anal Punishment

I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 2 Baby Sisterrsquos Sweet Cherry

Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...

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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

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Gloryhole Secrets

GloryholeSecrets! What secrets does the gloryhole hold? Is that a dude’s mouth on the other side, or is it just a pretty girl with a thick, full beard? Maybe it’s an ugly chick or a tranny, or maybe there’s a goddamn donkey slurping away back there. I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but the Gloryhole Secrets at the titular website are a hell of a lot better, and hotter, than that.Slutty, thirsty, sexy babes have been stopping by the mysterious gaps in the wall at

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super cock 14 inches meets angel buxom written by

This how I see the biggest cock in the world violating the biggest tits in the world ,was looking at the news one day when they had announced the opening of a very unique new building that was just built in NY NY and clamed to be the tallest in the world at 4500 stories tall it was the biggest building on the planet ,it is uniquely shaped like a massive erect cock shaped after Mr Supercock the longest most powerful cock in the entire world the next biggest would only be about half his length...

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Rich Guy 2Chapter 7 Revenge and Secrets revealed

Warning: This chapter contains scenes of rape, torture and death. It’s not overly graphic, but it’s there. Be prepared for some disturbing content. I woke up an unknown time later. The first thing I felt was a shooting pain in my nose, followed by a throbbing in my dick. I looked down and saw that I was naked and there was a rubber band wrapped around my cock. It was only then that I realized that my arms were above my head. I looked up and saw that I was tied up to one of the rings coming...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 24 Secrets Revealed

Reverend Ebenezer sat at his desk and sipped Jack Daniels. He rarely drank because the evil of strong drink was one of the things he railed against when he wasn't railing against the evil of extra marital sex. Perhaps the surprising thing is that he drank rarely, considering the way he handled the sex bit. In any case today he was trying to recover from a very stressful week. The alcohol was one part of the stress-cure. The other was Ruth Tanner, young Felicity Tanner's mother. But first...

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Three Square MealsChapter 18 Secrets shared and new mysteries revealed

The impenetrable blackness of John’s sleep began to brighten, as his unconscious mind realised with some trepidation that he was experiencing another dream. The swirling ethereal eddies of the dream world began to coalesce into a distinctive form and then abruptly they snapped into sharp focus. John was bestride a world, vast numbers of subjugated women kneeling at his feet in worship. Scattered around him were the husks of minions he had used up and cast aside, casually discarded when they...

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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 18 Secrets revealed

Gavin got his mother settled in the apartment with Lizzie and Fiona. Christine had asked Gavin to take on the unenviable task of telling his sister that Glen was dead. He took Fiona through into one of the bedrooms for some privacy to get the horrible duty out of the way. He waited until she was propped up against the headboard of the bed and sat beside her. "What's all this about, bro? You've really got me worried. Why couldn't you tell me out there with mum and Lizzie? Have you done...

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Mom and son secrets

I just got out of the shower when my mum came into the bathroom; she looked over my naked body then picked up the towel, “Here, let me dry you sweetheart” she asked, Without hesitation I let mum dry me, and as she did my cock started to go hard once again, she took hold of me and gently dried me about my crouch, “Mum, you have the most wonderful touch, just being close to you makes me feel horny” I said leaning forward and kissing her, “You do the same to me, I didn’t think two months ago I...

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Secrets By Stats I look into the mirror at my tear stained face. All that reflects back to me is a twenty-four year old man who has failed my most inner desire, to appear in public as a woman. Three times I had got to the front door of my condo and three times I turned back a coward. Finally, in a fit of total frustration I remove my clothes and makeup and stare into the mirror. The truth of the matter is that I do not have my act together. Although the mirror shows my hair...

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Secrets A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Success depends on secrets. Do the big cola companies patent their formula? Does a certain chicken company register its list of herbs and spices? No. They keep them secret. But all secrets carry the temptation to be found out. Found out and disclosed, or found out an passed on. Maybe for a profit. It is a challenge. Is it really a crime? Surely not if you do not commit a crime to do it ... or maybe just a little crime? I have...

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Sisterhood of Sin 25 The Gift Of Sister Pain

"Will you spank my husband for me?" I could tell that Lini had been leading up to some kind of request of me, but this was the last thing I would have guessed. We were in bed in our cabin at at the fish camp. She had licked my pussy earlier and I had just finished fucking her with my strapon and then snuggling beside her to watch the fire that we had lit earlier to take the chill out of the room. Tonight is our last night here and we are sipping our second glasses of our favorite drinks. Lini...

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Summer Secrets part 7 of 7

Summer Secrets By Varian Milagro Chapter 32 When I woke up in the morning Jill was home. I joined her for breakfast. "I'm sorry about Mark," I told her over cold cereal. "Let's talk about something else," she replied tersely. "Brenda said that we might be able to practice today." "It doesn't look good." She stared at her cereal. "Cindy is being a bitch and without her garage we don't have anywhere to practice." "Watch the language, Jill,"...

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Super Bowl Party

Dan Johnson couldn't believe his luck that his boss wanted to talk to him about the annual Super Bowl party that he hosts at his boss's house. Dan finally arrived at the upper cooperate ladder and was ready to climb it some more. Dan waited in the outer office of the cooperate offices. The girl at the front desk told him that Mr. Gordon was busy at the moment. Dan's eye caught sight of the woman's big breasts and realized that she wasn't wearing a bra. He could see her hard nipples poking...

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There and BackChapter 5 Keeping Secrets

Theron cleared his throat after a few awkward minutes. "One more question. In this ... performance, do you ever find out why? Why did Loghain betray me?" "Not precisely. There's a lot of debate over that issue, actually, between different people who pl ... watched the performance. Some say Loghain just went mad. Power hungry. Some figured that he hated you, because of some weird issue between him and your parents. Some thought he truly did the best he could when he saw the overwhelming...

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