Super Sister #1: Losing A Son, Gaining A Daughter free porn video

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Susper-Sister #1: Losing a Son, Gaining a Daughter By Heather St. Claire April 8, 1946, From the Diary of Martha Kent--These have been the most amazing couple of days. I have lost a son but gained a daughter. Yesterday started out like any other Sunday. Jonathan, Clark and I went to church in the morning, and came home to a meat loaf dinner--Jonathan's favorite! I cleared the table and had just settled down with a basket of knitting, when a strong feeling, really, an overhwelming premonition, came over me. I looked at Clark, who was changing to Superboy in preparation for his daily patrol, and told him: "Son, I have a strange feeling something amazing will change your whole life today!" Clark laughed and asked, "Your feminine intuition, mom?" With that, he turned toward the stairs and the secret basement tunnel that allowed him to exit our home unobserved. It was the last time I would ever see our son. A little more than an hour later, Jonathan and I were in that same basement, when the tunnel door popped open, and we saw a familiar violet streak.( Clark's uniform is primarily red and blue, you know, so when he flies, the colors blur together.) But it was quickly clear that something was different; in fact, something had profoundly changed. "Jehosephat!" Jonathan cried. "That isn't our son." And it wasn't. Standing before us, dressed in Clark's Superboy costume, was a girl; a girl who looked enough like Clark to be his sister. She was a pretty young thing, with a sweet oval face and shoulder-length hair. She wore Clark's super-uniform, the same one I had sewn from the blankets he was wrapped in when he landed on Earth. It had adapted itself to the girl's smaller, and much curvier, frame. Our stunned silence lasted only a moment, but it felt so much longer, before she ventured her first words. "Yes dad, it's still me," she said, in a soft, unfamiliar, trembling voice. "Mentally, at least." And then the whole tale unfolded--about his mountainside encounter with an alien woman named Shar-La. Clark had spotted her spacecraft streaking through the clouds, and it seemed, the sight of a flying boy had startled the alien woman, causing her to lose control of her craft. Rather than stopping the craft abruptly, which might have injured her, he used his body to scrape a smooth landing path onto the mountainside. Clark might be the strongest boy in the universe, but he is, or was, still a boy, and sometimes could be as headstrong as any teen. That's what got him into trouble. He told us his first thought when the craft began to plunge earthward was, "Just like a woman to lose control!" When Shar-La stepped out of her craft, I'm sure Clark expected thanks. Instead, he was greeted by anger. It turned out the woman was a telepath, who had read his insulting thought. When she informed him that her world was run by females, not men, Clark's response sealed his fate: "If you women run your world the way you run your spaceships, I'm glad I don't live there!" Shar-la decided to teach my son a lesson at that moment, bathing him in the rays from a strange jewel on a ring she wore. Clark flew off dismissively, telling her the only thing that can harm him is Kryptonite. He said he felt absolutely nothing; he had no idea anything had happened. Then he caught sight of his reflection in a pond below.... He, now a she, had rushed back to the mountaintop intending to demand to be changed back, but all traces of Shar-La were gone, and she had no idea what part of the universe the woman called home. At that point, the realization of what had happened to her began to sink in. By now I had wrapped my arms around my child. Her head rested on my shoulder. It was so strange, yet so wonderful, to feel her breasts pressed against my own. As amazing as it was, the reality of my own senses couldn't be denied. I had a daughter. "So here I am--a girl!" she said. I could hear the bewilderment and fear in her voice. I had to reassure her that she was loved as much as ever, maybe even more. "Well, I'm delighted," I told her. "I've always wanted a daughter as well as a son." I knew I had to take charge of the situation. I directed Clark to box up her clothes for storage while I headed into town on a shopping trip. I'm so glad Mabel Parker started opening her dress shop on Sunday afternoons not too long ago. This made my job easier. While I walked, I began composing a cover story. I would tell her that Clark had gone east for an extended visit with the family of one of Jonathan's brothers, and their daughter Claire--yes, Claire, a feminine form of Clark seemed to fit--would be staying with us. But the railroad had lost all of the poor girl's baggage, and she didn't have a stitch to wear other than the clothes on her back. And what teen girl can survive long with only one outfit? As I selected an assortment of outfits, I wondered how Clark would deal with this change, which to all appearances was permanent. I couldn't help but think of my own mother, Mabel Hudson. When I was growing up, she told me about her life as a little girl in Georgia during the Civil War, and all the suffering she and her family had endured when General Sherman's men swept through her daddy's farm like an avenging whirlwind. They had been wiped out, and rather than try to start over there, they had moved to the plains of Kansas. It was here that she met my father, Joseph Clark. Oh, she had a hard life. Until the day she died fifteen years ago, right before Clark's rocket landed, she never had electricity or running water in her home. Kerosene lanterns for light, wood for cooking and heat, a pump on the rear porch, a chamber pot under the bed, an outhouse in the yard. What would she have thought of a world with an atomic bomb? A world where ever someone without super-powers can fly from coast to coast? What would she have thought of her alien grandchild? But she was strong, oh so strong. She taught me that a Clark woman can cope with anything life deals her. When I returned home, I helped Clark, or Claire, into her new garments. I could see her blanch as I pulled dresses, blouses and skirts from the shopping bags I had carried into the house. She could only manage a mumbled, "What--" before I asserted, "You'll have to wear dresses now." She was able to figure most things out without my help, but I did have to show her how to put on a brassiere. Soon I saw an average teen girl standing before me, dressed in a long-sleeved white blouse with a Peter Pan collar, a red checked skirt, saddle shoes and bobby sox. She would have no trouble blending in physically; but could she make the emotional transition? Appearances inside, it was clear to me that "she" was still a "he" inside. Once Claire slipped on her glasses, I felt assured she was ready, or ready as she could be at this moment, to face the world. I called the Lang home next door and invited Lana over to meet our "guest." Lana arrived minutes later, excited to have a new girl next door. I stepped onto the porch to watch them walk to the Lang house. It was a beautiful spring afternoon. I noticed the breeze gently lifting Claire's skirt, and wondered how she would react to something so unfamiliar. I could hear Lana saying she wanted to try out a new recipe she had heard on the radio, and how much fun she found cooking to be. I knew Claire would have given anything to be anywhere else at the moment; like coming up to bat at the baseball game in the vacant lot across the street. I offered a prayer for her, then stepped back into the house, where I had more work to do. I had a bedroom to redecorate. Claire had emptied her closet and dresser drawers as I requested, and I filled them with my purchases. It had been the most expensive shopping trip of my life, but a girl needs a variety of outfits, and I've scrimped and saved from my household allowance, always wanting to be prepared for an unexpected emergency, and this certainly qualified. Next the heavy curtains came down to be replaced by something light and feminine; a new floral bedset was next. My last project was to set up a dressing table. I had asked Jonathan to bring Mother Kent's old dressing table into the house from our garage. It was a beautiful old piece, and I hadn't been able to bear parting with it after her passing; now I was doubly glad that we had kept it. I dusted it off and laid out an array of brushes, combs, a couple of bottles of perfume, and a couple of lipsticks. I would introduce her to this aspect of womanhood later this evening, to help her prepare for her first day of school as Claire. Of course, I had never worn makeup when I was her age, and still rarely wear it, but times are different now. Once I had assured myself that the room's transformation was complete, I headed for the kitchen to begin preparation of our evening meal. A woman's work is never done! When Claire returned home, she had quite the story to share. I sensed she had endured her time at Lana's house; baking a cake and listening to records didn't meet her standards of fun. But as she sat uncomfortably in the Lang living room, she said she had heard a persistent voice in her head, telling them that someone called Arrow Girl was in danger at the Smallville Amusement Park. Claire had told Lana that she had promised to run an errand for me before dinner, and slipped away quickly to change into her super costume. As she streaked toward the park, she caught sight of the traveling carnival that had set up there the day before. There was a giant mechanical archer, and a young girl in costume about to be launched toward a metal target. If all went as planned, she would pass harmlessly through the bulls-eye to a waiting net. Claire hovered over the crowd, unnoticed. For a moment, she thought the mental warning had been a false alarm; but at the same moment the girl was shot toward the target, a sudden gust of wind forced her off course and toward a certain collision with the target, and injury or worse. Then the crowd saw what they thought was a familiar streak of violet... Of course, once Claire slowed in flight, they realized that they weren't looking at Superboy; a super-powered girl stood before them. Claire quickly improvised an explanation, telling those who had gathered around her that she was Superboy's sister, who had been living on another world, and had now switched places with him. She told me about one dismissive man who harrumphed as she flew away: "You may not be as able as Superboy, Super-Sister. After all, super or're just a girl!" I could tell my daughter was indignant about that remark. I felt pride in her determination to prove herself to the world all over again, and just a hint of sadness that it was the first of what would no doubt be many experiences any woman faces in this world. We are almost always underestimated by men. But her main concern at the moment was figuring out the source of the mental warning she had received. I was glad to be able to offer an answer. "It's simple, Clark," I said, slipping up from habit. "Er, Claire. You have feminine intuition now. Men don't have it. It's like a sixth sense that warns many women of dangers in advance." My daughter smiled, and it was her first genuine smile since her transformation. "Then the laugh's on Shar-La," she said. "Instead of punishing me, she gave me a new super power...super-intuition." I couldn't help but feel a wave of pride at that moment. Jonathan and I raised her right; her first concern is always helping others. She paused, then cocked her head slightly as if hearing something only she could discern...which was exactly the case. Her intuition was telling her that her secret identity was in danger, and the source was Lana. Claire used her x-ray vision and super-hearing to eavesdrop on the Lang household, where the professor was reading an "extra" edition of the Smallville Ledger that had been rushed to press to herald the arrival of Super- Sister and her first amazing rescue. Claire may have changed, but Lana's suspicious nature had not. My girl heard Lana putting two and two together. Claire had disappeared moments before Super-Sister appeared, and Lana would test her suspicions in school the next day. Fortunately, our girl would be prepared. After our usual light Sunday supper, Claire retired to her remade bedroom. If she was startled by the new feminine touches, she didn't betray that. I sensed that ever so gradually, she had decided to make the best of the strange hand she had been dealt. I poked my head in about an hour later to find her, wrapped in her new pink dressing gown, busily remaking one of her Superboy robots. The secret panel in her closet was open, exposing the mechanical doubles of himself that Superboy had created. It must have been difficult for her to be confronted by this representation of who she had been just hours before, but she was busily going about her task: converting one of the robots into a perfect doppelganger of her new form. She looked up when she realized I was standing in the doorway. "What do you think, mom?" she asked. I walked in to give her handiwork a closer inspection. "Land sakes! It's your spitting image!" She smiled. "Thanks, ma. It may not be that good, but it should fool everyone from a distance." I gave her a hug and a kiss goodnight. "You're going to be fine, daughter. You're going to be fine." She seemed to give me an extra-firm squeeze as she said, "Thanks, ma. Thanks for everything." I couldn't but help thinking about my own mother, and how special the mother-daughter bond can be. No matter how careworn she was, taking care of the home, helping pa with the farm and taking care of all of us, she always had extra time for me. Time to teach me how to sew, cook, bake and take care of a house; time to teach me how to fulfill a woman's role in life. This morning, Claire came downstairs in the same outfit she had worn yesterday. I informed her that simply wouldn't do; girls today were more clothes-conscious than in my day. She offered a small sigh, and her shoulders slumped just a bit, but knew I was right. Soon she was seated with us at the table wearing a purple dress. "Better, ma?" she asked as she sat down. I nodded and watched her dig into her plate of potatoes and eggs. She still attacked it like a hungry boy instead of a dainty girl; I suppose she will learn new behaviors with time. The school day was about as uneventful as it could have been, given the circumstances. Claire's test came right before the first bell of the day. She was already seated at her desk when Lana approached, fingernail clippers in hand. "Hi Claire! Let me show you how neat my new fingernail clippers work!" Of course, she knew she was springing a trap; if Claire and Super-Sister really were one and the same person, the clippers wouldn't be able to cut her super-hard nails. Claire didn't even have time to protest, because at that instant, Lana caught sight of a streaking form in the sky outside the window. It appeared to be Super-Sister on patrol. Lana backed away without another word. I wouldn't learn this until later, just as I wouldn't learn the details of her next adventures on the way home from school today, when her super-intuition alerted her to a girl in danger on a tropical island and a girl performer in trouble in an underwater show. I had to wait to hear those stories, because, being the responsible youngster that she is, she knew she was late for her after-school job helping her pa in the general store. I'm so glad I helped persuade Jonathan to give up the farm and move into town a few years ago. I know he misses the wide open spaces, but given his heart issues, it was time for him to do something less strenuous. I heard Claire arrive through the basement tunnel. She came running up the stairs and moved toward the front door with haste, calling out, "Sorry I'm late, ma! Please call pa and let him know I'm on my way!" By the time I managed to say "But, Claire--" she was already out the door and down the street. I knew she was in for another change to the life she knew. Her father could deal with this one. She breezed through the front door of the store, the tiny tinkling bell heralding her arrival, no doubt intent on putting on her apron and helping her father stock shelves, when she was confronted by a familiar sight: Pete Ross. Only Pete was wearing what had been her apron. Pete smiled at my girl, and Pa stepped forward, seeing her confusion. "Claire, did you meet Pete Ross in school today? He's been a good friend of Clark's." "No Uncle Jonathan, " Claire said. "I saw him in a couple of my classes, but we weren't introduced." "Pete's taking Clark's job helping out at the store while Clark is away," pa explained. After a couple of minutes of small talk, pa filled a small bag with groceries and handed them to Claire. "Your Aunt Martha asked me to send this home with you. Thanks for coming in." Claire walked into the kitchen, looking as lost as she had the day before. I beckoned her to sit down; I hoped she'd sample one of the cookies I had baked this afternoon, but the plate sat before her untouched. "Daughter, I'm sorry, but I tried to tell you. You have to understand. Working in a store is a boy's job. A girl's place is at home, helping with the household." She nodded in agreement, but remained silent. I reached for her hand. "Something else is bothering you, isn't it? Come on, you can tell your Ma anything." She nodded. "I know that, Ma. I'm just not sure how to explain it. When I got to the store, and I saw Pete....I had this strange fluttery feeling inside. He's the same Pete I've known for years. Could that mean....I have feelings for him? The way a girl has feelings for a boy?" I nodded. "I think that's exactly what it means, daughter. And don't you think that's a good thing? Whatever power changed you seemed to leave your mind untouched at first. But I think that's starting to change now, too. And doesn't that make sense? If you are going to be a girl, isn't it better to be one, inside and outside? And if you are going to have feelings for a boy, there couldn't be a nicer one than Pete." She nodded, and smiled. I sensed she had fought back a stray tear. "You're right, ma. Of course, you're right." We prepared supper together, and it felt like a normal family meal when we all sat down together. Poor Jonathan had been as stunned as Clark by what happened yesterday, but I sensed he was adjusting to having a daughter as well. As I write this, Claire's cleaning up in the kitchen. I have to admit it's going to be nice having a super daughter to help me with the chores. I'm not getting any younger. The phone just rang. "Ma? That was Lana. After I finish cleaning up, can I go over to her house? We're going to study together, and she said she picked up the new Nelson Eddy record today." I smiled. "Of course. But listening to music? I thought that bored you yesterday." Claire nodded. "I know. But that was yesterday. Something's different today. I like that Nelson Eddy. He's kind of...dreamy. He kind of reminds me of Pete." "Have fun, daughter, and be home by nine please." "You bet, Ma." With that, she ducked back into the kitchen. I felt a sense of peace. My girl's going to be just fine. We Kent women can cope with anything life deals us. The End (Authors note: For my 75th story on Fictionmania, I wanted to reach back to my first inspiration, the 1960 Otto Binder/John Sikella Superboy story, "Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister!" I want to acknowledge the series of Super-Sister stories here by Bob H., which I have greatly enjoyed. Those envision Super-Sister in a present-day setting; I've positioned this one in the original Silver Age time period.)

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SuperSister 8 Cheer Cheer For Old Smallville

Super-Sister #8: Cheer, Cheer for Old Smallville By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" September...

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Super Bowl Forfeit Mother Daughter

Introduction: Continuation of Going (On My) Back to School. Cheryl, a sexy older woman again meets up with her young lover, who is now dating her daughter and brought him home with her. Her hand moved across her body, washing and caressing the soapy body wash against her skin, but soon that wasnt enough. Her nipples were hard so she pinched at one gently and teased it fully erect while her other hand moved down to her groin. It was wet from more than just the hot water from the shower spaying...

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Cricket With My Sister Sonali

My Sister, Sonali, had turned 19 just last week. As much as I loved her as an elder brother, I had to admit her big bosom always left me surprised. They were definitely sized 36 and always looked huge. She had proper busty melons, and for somebody of her age it was an unbelievably sized pair of hooters to own. Sonali, however, always managed to keep it covered,hidden and look less voluptuous on most occasions. But at home, it was just impossible. Firstly you do not always wear uncomfortable...

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Gaining a SonInLaw

Gaining a Son-In-LawWhen the phone rang it surprised Guy. It hadn’t rung in days, maybe weeks.He answered and a familiar voice said, “Dad, hi, how are you?”Guy was delighted. “Trish, my God, it’s great to hear from you. How are you?”She said, “I asked you first, but I’m fine.”“Me too. What’s new? To what do I owe this call?”“Dad, can’t I just call to see how you’re doing?”“Yeah, but what, once a year?”“Oh, come on, it hasn’t been that long. But yes, I know it’s been a while. But listen, I’m...

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My Sister Soniya 8211 Part 1

Hi, friends.This is my first sex story but real.So sorry for the grammar mistake.I am Raj from Chennai.I did M.Sc(computer science). My family members are my father Nandhan, mother Devi, sister Soniya and me.We are a middle-class family. Let me tell about my sister Soniya.She is very beautiful and fair in color.Her eyes are like fish, anybody will fall for her easily and will decide to fuck her, lips are very seductive even flexible for sucking 2 cocks, boobs are medium sized, thighs are...

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Mom Lauren with her Son Her daughter

Mom Lauren with her Son & Her daughterBy Dina PetroLauren is a gorgeous Mother of 40, who happens to be a sexy, great looking, real MILF, she had always taken good care of her looks and the sexy, erotic way she dresses makes her turn necks on the street. Lauren had a late teen age Son, Mark who was an athlete boy, tall and very handsome, and Nancy, her teen age daughter, who was so hot and sexy as well, taking it after her mother.Nancy and Mark were alone at home, their mother was out,...

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Momson and daughter

Hi my name is samidha. I am a 40 years housewife and introducing you to worlds most beautiful moments hidden in everyone’s life. I have a small but sweet family, my hubby samar, son sarth and daughter shalini. We are very lucky b’cause all our fours names start with letter ‘s’. We love each other very neatly, my hubby and me fullfills each others sex desire very well, but one day my hubby died in accident and god opens new door giving ultimate change in my life.. I am professionally a teacher...

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After impregnating barren sister son turns to mot

After impregnating barren sister, son turns to mother, After Salma Baaji left with her husband, only we mother and son remained. We came back in house. There was an awkward and frustrating silence between us. Ammijaan was avoiding eye contact and even talking with me. She was apparently ashamed to be caught by me when behind the curtain; she was spying on us while fucking.But I thought to bring the atmosphere to normal and said:“Ammijaan! Salma baaji is gone. We have done everything to save her...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 2 Horny For Her Son

Vineeta took a large sip of the champagne and started her narrative. Vineeta’s Story It was morning when I bathed my son and gave him a handjob. Now as I was preparing his favorite chicken biryani. I started replaying the whole scene in my mind. The only thing that was recurrently playing was his hard, erect penis and the thick ropes of sperm that hit the bathroom wall. Any trace of guilt had evaporated from my mind and I was feeling horny. But I decided I won’t make any first move and let...

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Simpsons Father and Son Camp Bonding

As Bart loaded his bag, in the car, he couldn’t help but complain again. He didn’t want to be up so early, didn’t want to go camping and certainly didn’t want to go there alone with his father for a whole day and night. He couldn’t blame Homer however. It wasn’t his idea after all, it was his mom’s. “Please Bart, do it for me,” she had said with her pleading eyes, the ones which no son could resist but agree to. Homer had complained as well and Marge had dealt with him...

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Exploited By Elder Sister Sonya

Hi to all, this is Rahul Roy from Bangalore. I am 23 and have been an ardent fan of this site from last four and a half years, especially the incest and the group categories. This is not because it’s hard to believe but also because it gives people like me a forum to share the sexual experiences which is considered as Sins in our society. Please note that the incident which I am narrating below is not fictions but a real life experience which I have been though. This part is all about how I...

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Role play with sister and her daughter

100% fiction! For a little background to my story, I need to mention my upbringing a little for clarification. When my parents were married, my dad was a bit of a playboy. My mom knew this, but it never came in to play with their marriage until my dad messed around on her sometime between my brother's birthday and my own. We were only a year apart. So, my dad had two kids on the way at the same time with two different women. It was practically a race between my half-brother, Darryl, and myself...

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Super Sluts pt 1 Mary Jane Watson

################################### Recorded history of the mergeance of worlds by American Scientist and Historian Robert Steen. June 23, 2006 Scientists discover merging of Universe/Worlds and humanity witnesses the merging of two worlds together. World's are codenamed Marvel and Dc respectively. June 30, 2006 Merging of New Marvel/Dc world with our own. Phenomenon of twin beings merging takes place as many of those who had a copy/Version of themselves in either Marvel or Dc...

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Transsexual Son Daughter

MY TRANSSEXUAL SON / DaughterThis is not true just a made up story Now I’m a 51 year old mother of one and watching my Daughter who’d been once my son putting on that very nice silk blue bra from Harrods department store and lift up her huge breast in to them made me so wet. Now seeing my son all now transformed and transitioned in to a beautiful woman but she’d still had got her manly bits now that didn’t harm anyone but boy did she look awesome and lovely all 5’9 of her slim size 10 with her...

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Transsexual Son Daughter

Now I’m a 51 year old mother of one and watching my Daughter who’d been once my son putting on that very nice silk blue bra from Harrods department store and lift up her huge breast in to them made me so wet. Now seeing my son all now transformed and transitioned in to a beautiful woman but she’d still had got her manly bits now that didn’t harm anyone but boy did she look awesome and lovely all 5’9 of her slim size 10 with her rather large 46DDs which shed always wanted and her slim lines like...

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Controlling Sister 3 Controlling Daughter

by Krosis of the Collective --- If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it...

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Losing Pounds Gaining a Cuckold Chapter One

Chapter One I am a married woman, my name is Toni. I will turn thirty-six this August and have two wonderful boys ages 10 and 12. My husband just turned forty-three and I love him dearly. He has always been very mild mannered, easygoing and still very handsome on his stocky but solid 5'10" frame. One of the best things I love about him is if I really want something, he lets me have my way; I guess you could say I'm a little brat at times. My pout is legendary. I usually call the shots at home...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 2 Ragnarsson Rock

5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...

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Mum caught fucking her son and her sister

Continuing story of Maggie, the Mum who fucks her son, and her sister.Part five.Maggie looked into the mirror. “How did I get here?” She thought. It had started she reflected, when she had caught her son fucking her sister, and her sisters friend. Then what did she do. Joined in. Fucking her own son, and what a fuck it had been. Then to compound her guilt, she had fucked her sister as well, then the friend. She’d enjoyed it. She still enjoyed it. Her son Phil had fucked her only last night,...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered...

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My Son My Daughter

My son, my daughter BY JANICE I am the Mother of a 13-year-old girl and a 15-year-old son. My daughter, Shirley, is a blessing, my son, Dick is a terror. I was at a loss with what to do to him to make him behave. I had tried several kinds of punishment to change his ways but none seemed to work. He accepted his punishments with no complaints and just went back to his rebellious ways when it was over. I was running...

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My sister and I gave my son a BlowJob

My sister and I used to masturbate and see who reached her peak first. She always won.My frigging was of a flowery nature I imagined the slow build up, the teasing, setting the mood, and my sister would sit and watch me explode, writhing naked, my hand trapped between my crossed legs, 'You make good watching Mariel', she would add sarcastically when I had finished.'How do you cum so quickly'? She would look at me in a disdain fashion, 'A fuck is about fucking, you have to milk them before they...

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My Sexy Cousin Sister Sonia

Hi Myself Rohit. I am reading Iss. From past 1Year and this was a real encounter with my cousin sister. I will be happy to see reply from you about this story. Any suggestions from males & females in Mumbai are always welcome as I will be happy, reply me at One day I was sitting at home bored as hell watching T.V. The only person in the house was my step sister Sonia. Sonia was 18 and was 5’3” with sexy look and anybody on the road my die for her and was extremely beautiful she had...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 52 Fertile Mother and Daughter

Lasla – The Free City of Grahata I stood on the deck of the Treasure Box as the ship drifted towards the quay. The two human males, Tarthan and his son Foran, tossed the thick hawsers to the longshoremen. The thick cables of rope, thicker than my leg, were caught and wrapped around thick mooring hooks. The city of Grahata was gray. There was not a bit of vibrancy in it. I wrapped in my purple robes, my pearl necklace about my throat. I stared at the city. This was the place where you could...

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Teaching Lesson To Sonali

Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 7 Erik Ragnarsson returns to Nilfeheim

The weeks to summer break went by faster than I liked. Mr. Walters came into class this morning and said after we greeted him. “Tomorrow will be your last day of school and you have three month to prepare for the next year. Everyone in class will advance. While your grades and results have much room for improvement, they are satisfactory. Today I want to ask if you know why we keep time the way we do?” He pointed his finger at Yngve.” You will not speak.” Since Mr. Walters gave positive...

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My stepson and real daughter

“Dane, wake up, or you are going to be late for your classes,” I said calling my eighteen-year-old son from the kitchen. “And Jenny, hurry up, honey, Megan just called for you again,” I said to my twenty-year-old daughter who was in shower from past twenty minutes. I guess she was masturbating in shower. Dane was my stepson while Jenny was my real daughter. I married Dan’s dad two years ago. I married him because had same life, same choices but he was full of money too, and I thought for me and...

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Super Hot SisterInLaw Divya 8211 Part 2 Taking Her Virginity

Hello Reader, Sanjay here. This story is a continuation of ‘Super Hot Sister-In-Law Divya – Part 1.’ Please read the previous story to better relate to the story’s characters. It was Divya’s Birthday, and she unexpectedly invited me to the party. Looking at the seductive body of my Sister-in-law, I couldn’t control myself and started touching her inappropriately. Divya got upset and walked out of the party. Divya and I walked out of the party immediately. My heart was beating faster than ever,...

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My Sister and Her Daughter

My sister Jennifer blindfolded me and drove me somewhere. In all our years of fucking, we surprise each other constantly. We went into a house, I think, and someone put a hood over my head to replace the blindfold. Then I was led downstairs and my hands were cuffed in leather restraints and my arms were raised above my head. Other people were in the room besides my sister and me. I could hear them whispering and mumbling. Then Jennifer, or maybe someone else, slowly cut my shirt off my body...

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Losing Myself to my Sister

Hello, my name is Amanda and I have a story to share Author?s Note: With thanks to Frank and Susan Losing myself to my Sister By themaneloco  Part 1 ? Confession  Hello, my name is Alison and I have a story to share. This is not an easy tale to tell. Basically it?s a situation that was beyond my control. ?Inevitable? so to speak and the worst part is that I knew it was going to happen. There was just no way of preventing it. It?s situations like this that are so unfair in the world....

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I was looking after my son and his step sister

I went to see my son and his mum asked me to look after the k**s while she goes to the shops and I said OK so I am out the back having a smoke and they both come out to play on the trampoline I son was just sitting there till she started to jump around and she lands on his head and he tells her to get off cause she is no wearing any panties and he goes to the swing and plays on there then he tells me that she will get cheeky and life her dress up and then she started to run around with her...

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Untold Love 14 Daughter Son Sister in Law

My wife had gone to attend a seminar in France and my married sister in law (Sil) with her one and half year old baby boy had come to see and stay with me for a week. My daughter and son in their late teens were at home and they both shared a common bed room, but used to sleep on single beds separated by a centre table. After early dinner at around 9.00 PM, the kids went to their bed room, my sister in law took her baby in the guest room without saying me good night and I came into my bed room....

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A Losing Season

A Losing Season - An Alternative Ending to Seasons of Change by Tigger Copyright 1998 Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...

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Billy His Mom and Sister Allison

"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...

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Two Moms Two Sons 16 Gia Accepts Sandra And Petes MotherSon Love

POV Sandra"So, tell me what you think? You'd love to be a grandma, wouldn't you?" she asked, as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, London, but are we ready for that now?" "Maybe, maybe not, but we just have to get them on board, with getting with another woman first, remember? They didn't even want to ask out Keisha and Gia, even though we encouraged them to do it," she mentioned it before we made it to the door, and she took my hands in hers. "Let's hang out with our sons, fuck the...

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Like Father Like Son Like Mother Like Daughter

What is that sound I hear? It sounds like someone moaning. I had just arrived home from volunteering at Rex Hospital in Raleigh, NC. The sounds seemed to be coming from my daughter’s bedroom. I quietly approached the bedroom door and listen.“Oh god Mark fuck me,” I heard my daughter say.“I’m giving you my best baby. It is the least I can do after that awesome blow job,” I heard Mark reply.The door was slightly ajar, and I pushed it further to get a better look. Mark Stoneman, the son of my late...

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Wild Foursome With Hot Indian MILF Her Sister And Daughter

Hi to all my sexy lovers and fans of ISS! I would like to thank my readers for appreciating my . Also, I thank all those women and bhabhis who got their lusty wild sex dreams cum true with me. My name is Hemanth, I am from Bangalore and I am an ISS author. I am 5.10 ft tall with a good personality and a philanthropist with a playboy personality. Basically, I am working in Bangalore and I am a guy who loves sex to the core. I have had steamy sex almost more than golden jubilee number with...

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