Tales Of The Monkey Gods free porn video

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Several years ago I wrote my Monkey Gods trilogy of stories, each of which dealt with a different monkey figurine which granted wishes with a different catch. This is a series of vignettes about those same monkey idols which I wrote as a serial on my Yahoo group. Tales of the Monkey Gods By Morpheus The chirping of a bird filled the air, abruptly breaking the silence which had ruled the room. The little parakeet frantically bounced around its cage as though sensing that something powerful and momentous was about to occur. On the other side of the dorm room, 19 year old college student Michelle sat and stared in thoughtful silence at the strange object sitting on her desk. It was a small marble figurine of a monkey sitting in the lotus position. The figurine looked silly, but Michelle was well aware that it was far more than it first appeared. "Let's see," Michelle spoke, making her first noise in half an hour. Michelle quickly glanced to her noisy parakeet, wishing it would be quiet. It was hard thinking with it making such a racket and at the moment she needed her thoughts to be clear. She couldn't make any mistakes at all with this once in a lifetime opportunity. It was hard to believe that Michelle had found this marble monkey just a few hours ago in the most unlikely of places. It had been under the wheel of her tire and she hadn't even known it was there until she'd backed out of her parking space and had gone right over it...feeling the bump as she did so. Of course she'd immediately gotten out of her car to see what she'd run over and...and there it was. It hadn't even been broken or damaged at all by her running over it, though that was hardly the most amazing thing about the figurine. When Michelle had picked up the marble monkey it had actually spoken to her...or at least somehow put words directly into her mind. It hadn't said anything at all since, but she wasn't about to forget what it had told her. It had told her that she could make three wishes, then it would grant two of them to her and one to the next wisher. Once Michelle had gotten over her initial shock and disbelief she'd spent the last half hour thinking about what she could possibly wish for...and how she could word the wishes. After all, everyone heard about monkey paw wishes...ones that were twisted in ways you didn't intend. "But not for me," she said, sure that her wishes would work out the way she intended them. Even if the monkey told her she'd only get two of them. Michelle took a deep breath, then began to carefully recite her wishes, trying to be specific so that they wouldn't come back to bite her. She felt extremely nervous as she finished, but also incredibly excited. The moment Michelle finished making her third wish she felt a strange tingling rush through her entire body. Every hair on her body, no matter how fine, all stood up at once as thought caught in a massive surge of static electricity. Suddenly Michelle felt a surge of new information flooding into her mind. She gasped in shock though she already knew what this was. This one of her three wishes being granted. Now she knew everything she would need in order to earn straight A's in all of her classes for the rest of the year. Then Michelle noticed something glittering from the corner of her eye and turned to see gold and diamonds spread out all over the floor. There was a pile of jewelry, an exact and perfect copy of each piece of jewelry in her favorite jewelry store. Nothing was stolen from them, so there was no crime and she could keep the pieces she wanted and sell the rest for enough money to last her a long time. The jewelry might be more difficult to use than just cash, but it was also less likely to be called counterfeit and get her in trouble. As delighted as Michelle was by this new knowledge and wealth, she was also disappointed by which of her three wishes the monkey had chosen not to grant. The truth was, that one could have been the most useful of them all. It was then that Michelle suddenly realized that the magic wasn't done with her quite yet. She could feel a tingling along her skin and had just noticed that her body was starting to change. Her clothes were starting to become loose as well. "What the...?" Michelle gasped in shock, confused by what was happening to her body. "This isn't what I wished for..." She felt a frantic panic as she looked at herself, as she saw how she was changing. This certainly wasn't her third wish. "What's happening to me?" When Michelle finished changing mere seconds later, she immediately turned to the marble monkey to demand answers. But to her further surprise the monkey figurine was no longer sitting on her desk where she'd left it. She quickly looked around but saw no sign of where it could have possibly gone. "Oh no," Michelle gasped in horror as she looked over her transformed body, "oh no..." Then she took one more look at the empty spot which had previously been occupied by that marble monkey and screamed. -------------------- The sound of birds filled the air as two crows cawed back and forth, almost seeming to compete for which could be the loudest. Unfortunately neither one seemed to be near their limit or appeared as though they would submit anytime soon. Sixteen year old Cal scowled as he walked past the obnoxious birds, wishing they'd be quiet for once. It seemed that there were almost always a couple of birds creating a racket from the same tree nearly every day when he walked home from school. "Maybe I should ask for a BB gun for Christmas," he mused, thinking about how much fun it would be to quiet the crows for once. As it was, there was almost no way Cal would be able to hear his cell phone ring if anyone called him. Specifically, Cal was waiting for his friend Dave to call with plans to sneak out after dark so they could TP a tree in the yard of Dave's asshole neighbor. "That's gonna be fun," Cal grinned mischieviously, remembering the way that neighbor had refused to let them get a football that had accidentally ended up on his roof during a game of catch. Cal continued thinking about the plans he and Dave had...thinking that perhaps they should fork the yard too. He'd never done that before but he'd heard it was a great prank. Just then Cal noticed a small object on the sidewalk just a few yards ahead of him. His first thought was that it was just a rock, but when he got close enough to kick it out of his way he realized that it was something else. Cal bent over and saw that it was actually some sort of white rock or ceramic figurine made to look like a monkey. "Some kind of cheap trinket," Cal muttered, thinking of all the little decorations his mom had all over the house or the junk that was usually sold at garage sales for just a quarter. At first Cal was just going to leave the monkey figurine where he'd found it and keep walking but then he got curious. Maybe it was one of those collectible knick knacks that looked just like the cheap ones, but were for some unexplainable reason a lot more expensive. It might even make a decent birthday present for his mom since she liked that kind of thing. Cal picked up the monkey figurine and held it up for a closer look, not being any more impressed than he was with his first look. Now he could see some faint dark streaks through the white stone and the fact that it had two green gems for eyes. Probably cheap plastic, Cal thought absently. It still looked like cheap junk to him. But then Cal suddenly heard words...more in his head than with his ears. "You may make three wishes," the voice told him inside his head, seeming somehow to actually be coming from the monkey. "Two of these wishes shall be granted to thee and one shall be granted to the next wisher." "What the hell?" Cal gasped in surprise, dropping the monkey to the ground where it bounced once off the sidewalk before landing in the grass beside it. Cal just stood there for a moment, staring down at the figurine in disbelief, sure that he must have imagined this. However he knew that he hadn't. He really had heard it talking to him in his mind. "Three wishes." He licked his lips, then bent down and carefully picked the monkey up again. There were no chips or signs of damage from his dropping it onto the sidewalk. "What do you mean about granting two of them...?" However there was no response or indication that this was anything other than a normal inanimate trinket. Cal licked his lips, tempted to make his wishes right away, but knowing it might be better to at least think about it a bit more, so he could be sure about what he wanted. Well, there was one wish he already knew he was going to make for sure, but that still left two others. "I can't believe this," Cal muttered as he clutched the monkey figurine tight in his hand and hurried home, with all thoughts of his prank with Dave or even the annoying crows forgotten. As soon as Cal got home he rushed into his bedroom and locked the door behind him. When he was sure he wouldn't be interrupted by his parents or his older brother Greg he sat down on his bed and examined the monkey figurine in more detail. "Hello," Cal introduced himself to the monkey, "my name is Cal..." He felt foolish for talking to an inanimate object like that. Then he had an idea. "Are you some kind of genie in there?" However there was still no response. After a minute of trying in vain to get the monkey to talk again, Cal was beginning to doubt himself. Maybe he had imagined the thing with the voice in his head. Then again, it certainly wouldn't hurt to make his wishes anyway. Cal started with the obvious wish, the one he'd known he'd make the moment he'd heard the offer of wishes. "I wish my uncle Peter didn't have cancer anymore." There was no sign that the monkey had heard or acknowledged this first wish, nor did Cal really expect any. It had proven itself to be very good at looking like an ordinary carved rock. "I wish," Cal started with a grin, "I wish I was tall and had big muscles like a body builder." Cal chuckled in delight as he imagined being tall and muscular. He'd be the envy of all the guys and would have all the girls throwing themselves at him. And of course, no one would EVER mess with him again. Then for his third wish, Cal already knew what he wanted. "I wish my dad would buy me a car..." As soon as the words left Cal's mouth he realized that he hadn't worded it quite right and could do even better. "I mean a Porsche. I wish I had a Porsche." The monkey figurine grew warm in Cal's hand...then it was suddenly gone. There was no flash of light...no puff of smoke...not even a single sound to indicate it was gone. It second it was held tightly in his grip and the next it was no longer there. "What the hell?" Cal gasped in surprise, staring at his empty hand in confusion. "Where'd it go?" For several seconds Cal just sat there, staring at his hand with a growing feeling of disappointment. This had seemed to anticlimactic. He'd expected more after making his wish. He'd expected some big flash of light or puff of smoke as his wishes were all granted...or maybe even a big thunderous voice in his head saying 'GRANTED', but there was nothing. There was no sign his wishes had been granted or even that the monkey had ever been there in the first place. "Damn," Cal scowled, feeling as though he'd just been cheated. He looked down at himself and snorted in disgust, "Where are all my muscles?" He shook his head. "That stupid thing cheated me." Cal spent the next half hour in his room, sure that he must have been the victim of some practical joke. Maybe someone was video taping him to catch him making a fool of himself by actually falling for it and making three wishes, but when he looked around his room there was no camera. Of course any practical joker could have expected him to have made his wishes right there out on the sidewalk. If that was the case he'd at least kept them from recording him actually making the wishes. Once Cal had calmed down, he decided to go get an after school snack. He left his room and headed straight for the kitchen, hoping they still had some Oreo's left in the cupboard. Just as Cal reached the kitchen though and was about to search the cupboard, he heard his dad's voice, "Hey Calvin. How was school today?" Cal turned to look at his dad who'd just come home from work. "All right," he said with a shrug. "Good," his dad responded with a nod, obviously not too interested in the details, but wanting to be polite. "You know," Cal's dad mused, "I got to thinking that you're sixteen now..." He shook his head. "It's amazing how fast time goes by..." "Yeah." Cal forced a smile, not wanting to hear another talk about no matter how old he got he'd always remain a little boy in his dad's eyes. "Well," his dad grinned, "I think it's time you got your own car." He winked at Cal. "Maybe having your own car will motivate you to finish that drivers test and get your license." "What?" Cal gasped, staring at his dad in amazement. "You're serious?" "Of course," his dad grinned. "We'll go out looking for a used car for you on Saturday. How does that sound?" Cal gulped, feeling almost dizzy. Before this his dad had always told him that if he wanted a car he could get a job and save up for it on his own. This was a complete turnaround and Cal could only think of one place it could have come from. "How about a Porsche?" Cal asked eagerly. "Sure," his dad responded, making Cal grin in delight until he added, "Once you make enough to buy it yourself. If I could afford a Porsche don't you think I'd be driving one myself?" Cal felt nearly dizzy as he returned to his room, his delight about the wishes having returned. It looked like his wishes were actually being granted...even if the monkey didn't accept the change he'd tried making to his last wish. But as happy as Cal was at having one of his wishes granted, he still wondered about the other two. Fortunately a few hours later he had more good news when he overheard his parents talking. "I just got off the phone with my brother Peter," Cal overheard his dad saying, "he said that he just suddenly started feeling great...that all the aches and dizziness just went away." There was a note of relief in his dad's voice as he continued, "He says he hasn't felt this good since before he got sick." Cal grinned to himself when he overheard this, feeling quite pleased that he'd made that wish. It looked like his uncle Peter no longer had cancer...even if he didn't know it himself yet. Cal was delighted that two of his wishes had indeed been granted so far, but there was still no sign of him growing taller or more muscular. Maybe that wish would be granted by him suddenly having a growth spurt and growing over the next year or two so no one would think anything strange about it...such as if he suddenly changed all at once. "That would be all right too," Cal sighed, knowing that he'd rather grow all at once rather than waiting for it, but as long as he got what he wanted it would be worth it. However Cal began thinking about what the monkey had actually told him when it said he could make three wishes. Now that he thought about it he remembered that after it had said he could make three wishes it said something about granting two wishes. Cal hadn't really been paying much attention to that part at the time, having been too focused on a weird voice in his head saying he could make three wishes. "Maybe that means it's only going to grant two of my wishes," Cal mused to himself, feeling disappointed. He'd really wanted to get big and muscular. "But at least it fixed uncle Peter..." For that he was very grateful. Cal had a hard time containing his excitement and keeping himself from blurting out to his dad that uncle Peter was not only feeling better, but was completely cured of cancer. He was well aware of the fact that his parents wouldn't believe his claims or any claims that he'd found a magic monkey figurine that granted wishes. Besides he didn't want any extra attention from his parents when he still had other plans for the night. Cal went to bed at his normal time though he was careful not to go to sleep. He waited for a good hour after going to bed before quietly climbing out from under his covers and getting dressed again. A quick look at his clock revealed that he was right on schedule. "I wonder if I should tell Dave about the wishes," Cal mused to himself, imagining his friend's reaction. Unfortunately he decided Dave would call him nuts and wouldn't believe it. "At least I can tell him my dads buying me a car. That should impress him." A minute later Cal climbed out his window and got away from his house under the cover of darkness. He made his way as fast as he could to Dave's house, wishing that he already had his car so it would be faster or at least that he hadn't decided last year that he was too grown up to keep riding a bicycle. When Cal reached Dave's house his friend was already waiting for him outside. Dave gestured for Cal to be quiet then held up a roll of toilet paper to show that he was prepared for their practical joke. "About time you got here," Dave whispered to Cal, looking annoyed. Cal shrugged, "Sue me." Then Cal paused, staring at Dave with a frown. Cal wasn't sure why, but he felt something strange when he looked at Dave. It was almost like he could feel Dave with his mind and all he had to do was reach out and touch him. "Are you ready?" Dave asked, breaking Cal out of his strange thoughts. "Yeah," Cal scowled, feeling embarrassed at what he'd been thinking. Cal shook his head to clear it of such weird ideas and instead turned his attention to the task at hand. He followed Dave next door where the two boys began to toss the roll of toilet paper over the trees and brushes in the neighbor's yard, leaving long trails of toilet paper behind when they did so. "It's like playing catch," Cal called out to Dave, thinking about the game of catch with football which had started this feud with the neighbor to begin with. He threw the roll of toilet paper to Dave or at least what was left of it. Just then the front door opened and the neighbor stepped out, demanding, "Who's there?" Each of the boys immediately dove for cover with Dave jumping over the fence into his own yard, while Cal was left behind to hide behind a large toilet paper covered shrub. "Who's there?" the neighbor demanded again, this time more angrily as he saw his yard. "What the hell did you do to my yard...?" Cal gulped, afraid that the neighbor would see and recognize him. The last thing he wanted to do was explain this to his parents. He glanced around the bush and saw Dave's neighbor still standing at his doorway, a grumpy middle-aged man who had to be in his late forties. "No," Cal gasped, suddenly realizing that he could somehow feel this man...the same way he'd left Dave earlier. Cal could feel the man's presence in his mind...could almost touch it. Then Cal suddenly began to feel a strange tingling over his entire body. It happened so fast that Cal had no idea what was going on, only that his body seemed to be changing. Mere seconds after this tingling started it stopped, but he was left with an entirely different sensation...one of being in a strangers body. Cal could barely see himself as he hid in the darkness behind the bush, but he could feel that his body was changed. He gasped in shock and staggered out from the bush and into the light provided by the yard light. He was barely even aware of the man standing in the front door as all his attention went down to his own body. "What the hell?" Cal gasped in shock. The first thing that Cal saw when he looked down was a pair of large bulges pushing out from the front of his chest, straining his shirt to nearly the bursting point. It wasn't even the shirt he was wearing minutes ago, but some silky red blouse. But that seemed appropriate because as he looked down the rest of his clothes had changed as well. Instead of his pants he was wearing a knee length skirt. And instead of his tennis shoes he was wearing a pair of black women's shoes with a slight heel. "Oh God," Cal winced in horror, feeling extremely confused. Cal immediately knew that not only had his clothes changed, but so had his body. From what little he saw he actually had a body to go with the clothes...with sexy looking ladies legs and a generous pair of breasts. He shook his head in disbelief and felt long hair tickling his shoulders. Before Cal could make any sense at all about what was happening to him, Dave's neighbor called out, "Catherine? Is that you?" He sounded completely shocked, but not nearly as shocked as Cal felt. Cal stared at the man feeling almost as horrified at being seen like this as he did for being like this. There was a look of recognition, shock, and disbelief on the man's face as he stared at Cal...looking almost as though he'd just seen a ghost. And at that moment Cal suddenly realized that he could not only feel the man now...but could feel them somehow being connected. He was somehow connected to the man who took several hesitant steps towards him. Cal immediately turned and started to run in the opposite direction Dave had. He ran away from the man's yard while calls of, "Catherine," followed behind him. His pursuer seemed too shocked to actually follow him far so Cal quickly lost him. "Oh God," Cal exclaimed, hearing a woman's voice instead of his own. Cal closed his eyes, fully aware of the strange feeling and balance of his body. He could even feel himself still being connected to that man somehow. He winced and mentally pulled himself away, feeling that mental connection snapping and the man's presence vanishing from his mind entirely. Then Cal suddenly felt it again, the same tingling sensation which had hit him earlier when he'd so unexpectedly been transformed. The wave of transformation rushed over him again and like before had passed entirely in mere seconds. When those seconds were over though, Cal was back to his own body and shape once more. "That was impossible," Cal whispered, patting his chest which had become flat once again. He looked over himself, seeing that his clothes were back to normal and there was nothing to indicate he had ever gone through such a change. It was almost as though it had all been in his mind...though he was sure it hadn't been. It had been no more a figment of his imagination than the monkey's offer of wishes. "That monkey thing did this to me..." He was sure of it, but he had no idea of how or why. "I didn't wish for anything like that." Cal shook his head again, then realized that he'd entirely forgotten about Dave. Of course Dave had escaped the wrath of his neighbor when he'd gotten back to his own yard before even being seen. He'd left Cal behind to face the risk of being caught alone. For a brief moment Cal was tempted to go back to Dave's place and let his friend know that he'd escaped being caught...even if not saying how. He didn't think Dave would believe him on that, but then he decided that it could wait for tomorrow. "Man it's been a weird day," Cal sighed as he started walking home. First there was that magic wish granting monkey figurine and then turning into a chick which had fortunately worn off after only a few minutes. He just couldn't figure out why it had happened in the first place since he hadn't wished for anything of the sort. "Well, it's all over now," Cal grinned, thinking of both his forthcoming new car and his uncle Peter's good health. He might have been turned into a girl for a few minutes...a few very scary minutes,, but now he was back to normal and that was a small price to pay for the two wishes he had been granted. "I don't think I'll ever have a day this weird again..." However a faint voice whispered in the back of Cal's mind that it might be a good idea to knock on wood because you never know what the future might hold. -------------------- Cal yawned as he trudged along the sidewalk on the way to school, regretting that he'd stayed out so late the night before. He sighed, wishing that he and Dave had decided to wait until the weekend to play their practical joke on Dave's neighbor. Cal tried not to think much about the events of the night before, but he couldn't help it. It wasn't the staying out late on a school night which bothered him the most...though it certainly left him tired at the moment. It was the weird change he'd gone through when he looked at Dave's neighbor. "I'm lucky I didn't get caught," he told himself grimly, realizing the irony of the fact that his inexplicable transformation into a girl had probably saved him from being caught...or at least recognized. "I'm just glad it wore off." With a shake of his head Cal tried turning his thoughts to something a little nicer...like the car his dad was going to buy him. He smiled at that, thinking it would be nice not having to walk to school anymore. Of course, he still had to get his license and he doubted his dad would pay for gas or insurance which would mean getting a job as well. That would be a pain, but a small price to pay for the call. "And I still never got to tell Dave about the car either," he muttered to himself. Of course, he'd just have to rectify that today in school. When Cal arrived at school a short time later he was startled to suddenly realize that he could sense another presence... No, he could feel several people around him just the way he'd been able to feel Dave and the neighbor with just his mind. "Oh shit," Cal gulped as he realized that the weirdness that had happened last night wasn't really over. Cal quickly walked through the crowed of other students, trying to ignore this strange awareness. All he had to do was look at a boy in his way and he became aware of the other boys presence. In fact he felt almost as though he could reach out and touch them with his mind though he was very careful not to do that, since he remembered what happened last night when he'd done that with Dave's neighbor. Once Cal reached his classroom and took a seat he let out a sigh of relief. He could still feel some of the people around him, especially the boy sitting directly in front of him, but he didn't feel nearly as overwhelmed. Cal scowled in annoyance, confused by this strange awareness he was having of other people and disliking that feeling of confusion. He was tempted to mentally touch one of these people...like the boy sitting in front of him in order to explore this awareness and contact. However he remembered what happened when he'd mentally connected to Dave's neighbor the night before and shuddered, not wanting a repeat of that. As Cal sat through class, he finally noticed that it was only the boys he was feeling like this. When he stared at another boy in class he could feel their presence more strongly, but when he stared at a girl... nothing. For some reason it was only the boys he was sensing near him that way. "This makes no sense," Cal muttered to himself, unable to understand why this was happening to him. He had no doubt that it was caused by that strange white monkey figurine that had granted his wishes yesterday, but this was certainly not anything that he'd wished. All he could figure was that maybe it had something to do with what the monkey had told him...after he'd gotten so stunned by the fact that it actually was talking and offering wishes that he'd stopped paying attention to what else it was saying. "I wish I'd listened more..." Cal was impatient for class to end, looking forward to the next class, which he shared with Dave. He wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to Dave about all this weirdness yet, but he definitely wanted to talk to him about last night and what had happened. Cal wanted to give Dave some shit for running off and leaving him behind like that...and maybe make sure Dave hadn't gotten caught sneaking back into his house. The moment the bell rang announcing the end of the class Cal was already rushing out the door, but seconds later, when he was in the hall surrounded by students...surrounded by boys whom he could sense the presence of in his head, he wished he'd stayed behind. "Damn," Cal cursed in annoyance. It wasn't as though this was painful, but it was far too strange sensing other people like this...especially boys. It seemed sort of gay to feel guys like this, especially when he thought about the way he'd turned into a girl for a few minutes last night. Cal went to the nearest bathroom, relieved to feel the people fade away. Their presence only seemed to remain in his mind as long as he was fairly close to them. There was only one other boy in the bathroom at that moment, so Cal didn't feel quite so crowded as he did in the hall or even in class. Still Cal sat down in the stall and closed the door just so he could feel as though he had some real privacy. He could still feel the other boy who was washing his hands at the sink though now that he was out of sight his presence was starting to fade from Cal's mind. Then on an impulse Cal mentally reached out to see if he could still feel the boy. He made mental contact and an instant later felt the strange tingling rush through his body exactly as it had last night. "Oh no," Cal gasped, then immediately clamped a hand over his mouth in the hopes that he hadn't been heard. It had been the voice of a girl. Cal remained frozen in shock, relieved when he heard the other boy leaving the bathroom. However he could still feel the boys presence and the link that now connected them even though the boy had gone beyond what seemed to be Cal's normal range. "At least he's gone," Cal muttered, looking down at his hands and seeing that they were indeed girl hands with long manicured nails and everything. However the skin color was quite a bit more tan than he was used to seeing. Cal was about to mentally break the link with the other boy, since that had worked to change him back to normal last night, but he couldn't help but feeling curious. Since he was sure he could change back like he did last night just by breaking the link with the other boy, he no longer felt quite as worried. That left room for his curiosity about how he'd changed. Cal looked down at himself and saw that he was indeed wearing girl clothes again, but not the same ones as last night. His chest didn't feel quite as big either, though the two lumps did stick out more than he was comfortable with. "I can't believe I'm doing this," Cal muttered. Cal carefully stepped out from the bathroom stall, silently praying that no other boys came in right now. After all he really didn't want to explain why he was in the boys bathroom while looking like a girl. However he had to know what he looked like. Cal looked into the mirror and saw a very beautiful Asian girl staring back at him. He was surprised at that and the fact that he was bustier than any Asian girl he'd ever actually seen before. He even had long black hair which went halfway down his back. "Damn," Cal gasped in amazement, feeling a swirl of mixed emotions ranging from shock to curiosity. But just then the door began to open again. Cal responded by immediately going back into the stall before the newcomer could actually enter and see him. At the same time he had severed the link with the other boy and almost instantly felt himself turning back to normal. As soon as Cal had finished changing back to normal he let out a sigh of relief. He quickly looked himself over just to double check that he was indeed back to normal, then he flushed the toilet for cover and came out of the stall. "Back to normal...again," Cal muttered quietly to himself as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He let out a sigh of relief and then left the bathroom and hurried to class. When Cal reached his second period class he saw that Dave was already there and sitting in his normal seat. Cal slipped into his usual seat beside Dave and the two gave each other a conspiratorial look, but didn't say anything for a full minute. "Did you get caught?" Dave asked in a worried tone. Cal hesitated a moment, not sure if being caught as a girl, but not being recognized as himself really counted as being caught. "No," he whispered back, relieved by Dave's question. That he'd ask it only meant that he hadn't been watching Cal during the strange transformation. "Me either," Dave responded in relief. The two of them remained quiet for most of the class and only occasionally joked in whispers about Dave's neighbor and his reaction at finding the mess in his yard. Now that they both knew they'd gotten away with it they could enjoy the success of the prank. Cal looked at Dave several times and was briefly tempted to tell his friend about the wish granting monkey and all the other strange things that happened since. However each time he had to remind himself that there was no way to prove it short of turning into a girl in front of Dave and there was absolutely no way he was going to do something like that. That was just WAY too embarrassing to share with anyone. Cal spent the next several classes trying to ignore the strange new awareness of other people near him though he couldn't resist experimenting with this new awareness as well. He discovered that if he concentrated on one boy he could stay aware of his presence even after he'd gone out of Cal's normal range. And he could do that without actually having to connect to them. The more Cal thought about all this weirdness the more curious he became. Why was he sensing boys like this? Why did he turn into a girl whenever he mentally reached out and touched them? He had a lot of questions and there seemed to be only one way to get answers. He would have to experiment. Cal waited until lunch time then went to one of the bathrooms and locked himself into a stall. He took several deep breaths, hardly able to believe he was actually going to do this willingly. Then he reached out and mentally touched one of the other boys in the bathroom. Cal closed his eyes and tried not to make a sound as his body changed again. The transformation was extremely rapid and painless, finishing completely in mere seconds. Only then did he open his eyes and look down at his changed body. It wasn't easy for Cal to keep from gasping loudly in response at his transformation. He even bit his hand to keep from blurting out, "Holy shit." It was immediately obvious that he hadn't changed the same way as he had a few hours ago or last night. For one thing, his new breasts were enormous...maybe three times the size of earlier. It looked like he had a pair of basketballs sticking out of his chest and they were heavy enough that he had to grab the wall to keep from losing balance. After cursing silently for nearly half a minute, Cal began looking over the rest of his body. He was a very shapely and sexy looking girl with obviously huge breasts and the body of a stripper. He even had the long blonde hair and very skimpy clothing to go with the image. "Damn," Cal muttered, tempted to take off his clothes and check out his new body in more detail. However he was sure that a boys bathroom in school was not the place for that kind of thing. He let go of his connection to the other boy and quickly changed back to his own body. "That was weird." Cal waited a minute, took a deep breath, then mentally reached out and connected with another boy who'd just come in. He bit back a gasp as he transformed again, this time into a slender black woman. This form lasted for less than a minute though, as he was curious to link to the next boy and then the next. By the time lunch was over Cal had turned into a dozen different girls, but still had no idea what any of them really looked like, as he hadn't been able to use the mirror. There was absolutely no way he was coming out of the bathroom stall in the middle of lunch time when the bathroom was at its busiest, so he'd had to make do with just quickly looking down at himself. Cal was still curious about his new abilities as he left to the bathroom as his normal self in time to reach his next class, though he was no longer afraid. After all, it might be extremely embarrassing to turn into a girl, but he could also turn that off and go back to normal anytime he wanted. He was starting to think of this less as a curse and more a power. "Like a super power," Cal chuckled to himself as he thought of it. It was an embarrassing super power and not one that would make for a good super hero,, but it was definitely some sort of weird super power. During his next class Cal sat back and looked at each boy in the room, wondering what kind of girl he'd been turned into if he connected to each of them. He still had no idea why he was changing so differently each time, but he knew it had something to do with the person he was connected to. Then Call looked at his teacher Mr. Bonner, immediately feeling his presence as well. Cal frowned thoughtfully, wondering what would happen if he connected to Mr. Bonner. Of course he had absolutely no intention of doing this in class or anywhere else someone could see him. However Cal realized that he could still satisfy his curiosity anyway as well as test something else about his new powers. "Excuse me," Cal raised his hand, "I've got to go to the bathroom..." Then, before Mr. Bonner could really say anything, Cal hurried out of the room. Cal could still feel Mr. Bonner's presence when he reached the bathroom, though not by much. Even though Cal had been concentrating on Mr. Bonner in order to keep sensing him the teacher's presence had still faded from Cal's awareness. He only hoped there was enough there to connect to. Cal quickly looked to make sure the bathroom was empty then muttered, "Here goes nothing..." He stretched out with his mind to touch Mr. Bonner's presence, finding that it was a lot harder than any of the other times he'd done this. Of course Mr. Bonner was quite a bit farther away too. Then Cal felt the connection form. "It's working..." The transformation rippled through Cal's body far faster than he could possibly keep track of. As with every other time his body and clothes had all finished changing all within mere seconds. "I'll never get used to that," he exclaimed with a shake of his head, feeling the long hair brushing his shoulders. Then Cal turned his attention to the bathroom mirror to see what he'd become this time. This was only the second time he'd been able to actually see himself this way and he wasn't disappointed. This time Cal had been transformed into a tall, sexy, and athletic looking woman with long black hair. What really caught Cal's attention this time was the way he was dressed. He had black stiletto heeled boots that went up over his knees, a black bikini bottom, and a black leather corset thing. Then there was the studded leather collar around his neck, the matching studded leather wrist bands, and the leather whip which was coiled up and hanging from a leather belt on his wrist. "Damn," Cal blinked in surprise, "Kinky..." Some very naughty thoughts about what one would do with an outfit like this quickly flew through Cal's mind. He was even tempted to take the whip and try snapping it a few times in the air to get into the act himself at least a little. "But what if someone comes in?" Cal asked himself. He knew that it was unlikely someone else would come in on him since it was the middle of the class period, but it was still possible. "Damn." With that Cal released his connection to Mr. Bonner and felt himself quickly turn back to normal. He released a sigh of relief, still curious about why he kept changing into different girls whenever he connected to a different guy. None of his explanation gave any answers only more questions. Cal quickly returned to class and slipped back into his normal routine of only half paying attention to what Mr. Bonner said. He was through with his experimenting for now, though knew he'd go back to it sooner or later in an attempt to answer his questions and satisfy his curiosity. Cal continued his normal routine for the rest of his classes, being careful to ignore the mental presence's he could sense from each boy. After all, he had no intention of accidentally turning into a girl again in front of other people. That would be a humiliation he'd never live down. When the last bell of the day rang Cal immediately started towards the school exit with Dave. "I can't wait to see the look on my neighbor's face," Dave was going on, "I wonder if he'll ever figure out who did it..." "I hope not," Cal told him, "I don't want to get grounded for sneaking out in the middle of the night and vandalizing someone's yard." "Yeah," Dave shrugged with a broad grin, "but it'll be worth it. That'll teach him to let me get my football next time..." Cal just nodded, looking at Dave and sensing his friend's presence yet again. Then he suddenly wondered what kind of a girl he might turn into if he let himself get connected to Dave. Cal knew it was a stupid idea...but he was still curious. "Ah shit," Cal sighed, "I forgot something in my locker." He let out another exaggerated sigh. "I guess I'll see you later then." "I can come with you," Dave responded with a shrug. "No," Cal quickly tried to discourage him, "you don't want to miss your bus." Dave just shrugged at that, obviously thinking about how it wasn't a long walk, but how he just didn't feel like making it today. "Okay then," he finally relented, "see you later..." Once Cal had gotten rid of Dave, he hurried to the bathroom at the far end of the school...the one he knew no one was likely to be in. At the same time he was careful to keep feeling Dave's presence without actually connecting to it. It was a difficult balance made even more difficult by the fact that Dave was getting further and further away. "Is there anyone in here?" Cal asked when he reached the bathroom and looked inside. The moment he saw there was no one else there he stretched out his mind to make the connection. It was difficult...even more difficult than it had been with Mr. Bonner. Somehow though he was able to do it and feel the mental connection form. Cal held his breath as his body quickly transformed again, wondering what he'd become this time. He knew he'd have that answer if not any of the others in just a few seconds. When the transformation had finished mere seconds later he let out the breath he'd been holding. "Who am I now?" Cal mused, turning to look in the mirror. His eyes went wide though as he immediately recognized the girl who looked back. "Holy shit." This time Cal had transformed into a very pretty brunette girl whom he recognized as Brandy Collins from several of his classes. However he didn't look exactly like Brandy. Instead he somehow looked like a sexier version of her. After all her breasts were maybe B cup and he was sure the ones he now had must be about a DD cup or something. "I look so much like her," Cal whispered in amazement, "except bigger..." He cupped his breasts, wondering what Brandy would think of having boobs that big. Of course Dave would like them. He had a crush on Brandy after all. Suddenly Cal froze, realizing what he'd been thinking. He mentally connected to Dave and he happened to turn into a sexier version of the very girl Dave had a crush on. It couldn't be coincidence. Cal was sure of that. Cal quickly glanced to the door, afraid that someone might come in again. He was about to release his connection to Dave so he could change back and go home, but then he had another idea. How long could he stay like this before he had to change back? Cal hesitated for a moment, then he quickly stepped out of the bathroom door as he currently was. "Okay," Cal let out a sigh of relief when he saw that no one had seen a girl coming out of the boy's bathroom. "Everyone is already gone..." Still he couldn't help but feeling nervous and self-conscious. He was almost sure someone would jump out and laugh at him for it, but when Cal walked past several students and teachers in the hallway none of them gave him a second look...except perhaps to stare at his chest longer than was necessary. Cal quickly left the school grounds and hurried home, still feeling self-conscious by the fact that he looked like Brandy, but more confident that no one could possibly recognize him. As far as anyone else was concerned he was just another high school student walking home after class. Cal had to keep himself from running, not wanting to stand out any more than a busty high school girl normally would. He passed the obnoxious crows and then the spot where he'd found the monkey figurine. Soon he'd be home. "Damn these feel weird," Cal muttered to himself as he thought of the way his breasts jiggled as he walked. He blushed at the thought and wished he could take off his clothes for a better look. "Maybe I can in just a bit..." When Cal reached home just a few minutes later he realized another problem. He certainly couldn't get into the house looking like he did now. His dad wasn't home from work yet, but his mom should still be home and Cal had no idea if his brother Greg was back home from school or not. "Damn," Cal sighed, wondering if he should just give this up and change back to normal now, but after a moment to think about it he knew he could still get into his bedroom without being seen by anyone. Cal went around to the back of his house and entered through the back door. He knew that his mom was probably in the kitchen or living room and if Greg was home he'd be in his bedroom. Cal quietly made his way to his own bedroom and let out a sigh of relief once he'd closed the door behind him. "Privacy at last," Cal sighed in relief. Cal took a deep breath and then looked down at himself for the first time since he'd been in the bathroom. It was still a shock seeing himself like this, with big breasts and the rest of a girl's body to go with them. "Man this is weird," Call muttered, tempted to just let go of his connection to Dave and go back to normal. However, his curiosity was too strong to just ignore...especially after going through all this effort so he could have the privacy to satisfy it. After hesitating a moment Cal began to take his clothes off. They weren't his familiar clothes so it was more awkward then normal, but he managed quickly enough. Piece by piece his clothes came off and hit the floor until he stood there naked, seeing for himself that his body was indeed entirely female. "This is so freaky," Cal said with a shake of his head. Cal ran his hands over his breasts, stunned by just how sensitive his nipples felt. This felt...good. Real good. Then without giving it any conscious thought one of his hands slipped between his legs and began to rub his new sex. It immediately sent a tingle of pleasure through his entire body causing him to moan in response. "Feels...good," he moaned, thinking that this was an understatement. Cal continued to finger himself, moaning in pleasure as he did so. This felt so much better than when he was a guy. He could hardly believe it. He masturbated until he finally came in an orgasm which spread over his every inch of his body. It was much more powerful than his normal orgasm. "Oh yeah," Cal purred to himself, suddenly thinking that girls could cum lots of times. That meant he could keep going for as long as he wanted. "I think I like this..." Cal wondered what it would be like having sex with a girl for real...or even what it would be like having sex AS a girl for real. For some reason that thought seemed especially appealing. He could just imagine trying this body out with a cute guy...like Dave. Dave was just so cute... "What the...?" Cal gasped in shock as he suddenly realized the direction his thoughts were taking him. He immediately cut his connection to Dave and changed back to normal. Once he'd finished his transformation, he shook his head, "What the hell was that?" Cal nearly shook as he considered what he'd been thinking just a minute earlier. He'd actually been thinking Dave was cute...even wondering what it would be like having sex with him. The very thought nearly turned his stomach. "What was I thinking?" Cal shook his head in disbelief. "How could I think that...?" Then it dawned on him. "The link... Because I was linked to Dave..." Whatever it was that changed Cal's body when he linked to someone, it obviously changed his mind too. He hadn't noticed any odd thoughts before this so maybe it was because he'd played with himself in that body...or maybe it just took awhile. Cal frowned, feeling almost as though he'd been violated with those thoughts. He couldn't believe... It was obviously the strange magic that was linking him to other people and changing his body though. For a moment Cal silently promised himself that he'd never do this again, that he'd never mentally connect to another person and transform ever EVER again, but that quickly faded under more curiosity as he wanted to better understand why this was happening to him. He was already beginning to suspect something about why he turned into different girls when he linked to different guys. Now he wanted to know if she was right. "But for that," Cal winced, "I've got to do it again..." Cal scowled as he thought about doing this again, knowing he'd need someone he knew better and might be able to predict. There was no way he was going to Dave's house and trying to link to Dave again, even if it wasn't a good walk away. Not after that. No, he needed someone closer and where he could still have his privacy. "Greg," Cal mused aloud, thinking of his brother in the next room over. He'd be the ideal test subject. "Too bad I couldn't change him instead of me..." In spite of having made his decision Cal still waited another minute to act. He took a deep breath and then went to knock on the door to Greg's room. "Have you seen my baseball hat?" Cal asked his brother the moment the door came open. "No," Greg snorted, "why don't you look in your own room." Then the door slammed right in Cal's face. It was almost exactly the reaction Cal had been expecting, but it had also given him what he needed. Cal returned to his own room and locked the door behind him, muttering, "Okay... I can do this..." Thanks to having actually seen Greg he could now feel his brother's presence just as he felt everyone else's. Now all Cal had to do was mentally reach out and make contact. The now familiar tingling sensation rushed over Cal quickly transforming his body faster than he could really pay attention to. The wave of changes rushed over him and finished it's work in mere seconds, leaving him transformed once again into a girl...a fact he immediately recognized from the new weight on his chest. "I'm a girl again," Cal sighed unnecessarily before he actually looked down at himself. Cal's attention was immediately caught on the huge breasts he now sported, though he tried to look past them to the clothes and other details. This time he was wearing a pink and white uniform of some sort. It took him a moment to recognize it as the uniform from the diner across town that the family sometimes went to for dinner. However he could tell that it was cut a bit differently with the skirt being shorter than that of the diner uniforms and showing a lot more cleavage. "Weird," Cal mused, wishing he had a full length mirror to check himself out in. He really wanted to see what he looked like, but didn't dare cross the hall to get to the bathroom. Then Cal remembered the shaving kit his uncle Peter had given him last year for Christmas. He quickly pulled it out of the bottom drawer of his dresser then took out the hand mirror which was inside. The mirror wasn't very big, but it might do what he needed. "Let's see," Cal said as he looked into the mirror, trying to get a good look at his new face. It wasn't easy with a small mirror, but he could see enough to make out the details. "Red hair, green eyes, and big pouty lips with a ring through them..." Cal was startled as he hadn't even noticed the stud through his nose or the ring through his lip until he'd seen his reflection. And to his surprise, it was a somewhat familiar reflection. Cal set the mirror down and frowned thoughtfully, knowing the girl he now looked like, but also knowing that she didn't look quite like this. For one thing her breasts weren't quite this big and her skin had a few freckles whereas his face seemed flawless. The girl he was thinking of was indeed a waitress at the diner though. "I look like a really sexy version of her though," Cal thought aloud, remembering how when he'd linked to Dave and turned into Brandy Collins he'd become a really sexy version of her and not an accurate one. However, this did sort of confirm Cal's growing suspicions about how this was working, or at least gave him more supporting evidence. When Cal had been connected to Dave through this strange link he'd transformed to look just like the girl Dave had a crush on...though sexier. And after awhile he'd even started having some rather disturbing thoughts about his friend to. And when he linked to Greg, he turned into a sexier version of a waitress he'd seen his brother really staring at whenever they went. He turned into a girl Greg had a crush on. "When I link to a guy I turn into the girl they have a crush on," Cal stated, sure that this was the answer. "Or at least a sexier version..." Then there was also the matter of the way Cal had started thinking while looking like Brandy. Obviously the magic that turned him into a guys crush also affected his mind, though it hadn't happened for awhile. Maybe the longer he stayed that way the more he'd start thinking like that girl...or like how he was connected to wished they'd think. After all Cal was pretty sure that the real Brandy wasn't having those thoughts about Dave. She barely even noticed him. "Oh God," Cal gasped, immediately dropping his connection to Greg. There was absolutely no way he wanted to think about his own brother like that. It had been bad enough thinking of Dave. Cal scowled as he continued thinking about the mental changes. Maybe it was simply that the longer he stayed that way the more he'd think like the girl he looked like. Or maybe it was the orgasm which had triggered it. Either way, he knew that he didn't dare stay as a girl for very long anymore. And as good as it had felt to play with himself as a girl he didn't dare ever do that again either. "What happens if my mind changes too much and I don't want to go back?" Cal whispered to himself, shuddering at the idea. He could become trapped as some guys crush and actually like it. "No fucking way. EVER." Cal shuddered at the thought. Cal sat down on his bed and frowned as he thought about this. For some strange reason that monkey had given him the weirdest super power ever instead of the muscles he'd asked for. It was such an embarrassing power...one he didn't dare ever tell anyone else about or use very often. After all, the last thing he wanted was to start thinking about some guy like that again. "Just my luck," Cal sighed. Cal remained in his room thinking about the strange events of the last couple days and what this strange new power would mean for him. He couldn't imagine using it too much knowing what he now knew about it's risks, but he also knew himself and had little doubt that he'd become curious about who he'd turn into with different guys. Eventually though, Cal left his room to go find something to snack on in the kitchen. While he was grabbing a cookie, he noticed his dad was home from work and in a good mood. "Guess what," Cal's dad grinned at him, "I just got done talking to Peter..." "Yeah?" Cal asked eagerly, remembering his wish from yesterday. He almost felt embarrassed that he'd gotten so caught up in these strange transformations that he'd almost forgotten uncle Peter entirely. "He just got back from the doctor," Cal's dad continued, "and they say he's gone into a complete remission... They can't even find a trace of the cancer anymore..." "That's great," Cal grinned, feeling thankful that at least that wish of his had worked out right. He'd always liked uncle Peter and had been horrified to see his favorite uncle just slowly wasting away. "I'm glad he's going to be all right..." "Yeah," Cal's dad grinned, "they don't have any idea how it happened so I'd have to call this one a miracle." "I say we go out and celebrate," Cal's mom exclaimed. "Let's go out for dinner... We can invite Peter and his girlfriend along too..." "Great idea," Cal's dad exclaimed, then turned to Cal, "Maybe on the way back we can stop at the car dealership so you can start thinking about what you'd like." Cal just grinned at that, feeling almost dizzy with excitement. His uncle Peter was all right and he was going to get his new car. He even got some weird super power, though he didn't know how that had happened. Because of all that, he almost didn't even mind the fact that his wish about getting big and muscular wasn't granted...though it still would have been nice too. "Go get your brother," Cal's mom told him, gesturing for him to hurry. "I want to tell him the good news." "Okay," Cal reluctantly agreed, knowing what kind of response he'd get when he knocked on his brother's door. Just as Cal turned to walk away, he realized that he could sense his dad's presence the same way he'd felt everyone else's. It's just that every time he was with his dad he'd been too distracted to really pay attention to that. "Ugh," Cal shuddered as he went to the bedroom, being very careful not to connect with his dad. "There are some things," he muttered to himself, "there are some things I really don't want to know." -------------------- Michelle sat in the public library, staring intently at the computer in front of her. She'd been doing a lot of searching online and believed she'd finally found it. Or at least she was sure she'd found a good start. "Finally," Michelle muttered to herself, writing the address onto her note book so she wouldn't lose it. Then Michelle got up and began to leave. But before Michelle could reach the exit she found her way blocked by a giant of a woman. Or at least the woman looked like a giant compared to Michelle. Unfortunately Michelle was well aware of the fact that this woman...this librarian was only about the same height as what Michelle used to have. "Hello dear," the librarian smiled down gently at Michelle, "are your parents around?" Michelle grimaced and instinctively looked down at herself, wincing at the 9 year old body she now possessed. She hated to be reminded of the fact that the marble monkey had turned her into a little girl, but it happened almost constantly. "My mom's outside waiting for me," Michelle lied, giving a fake smile and then hurrying out of the library. Once Michelle was outside she let out a sigh of relief then began to curse that horrible marble monkey which had done this to her. She certainly hadn't asked for this...hadn't asked for it to turn her into a little girl again. "Damn," Michelle spat out vehemently. Of course Michelle knew what had happened. The monkey had granted her one of the wishes made by the previous wisher...just as it had told her it would. And it wasn't too hard to guess that whomever had used it before her had wished to be ten years younger. "Ten fucking years," Michelle shook her head in disbelief. "I should be glad they didn't wish to be twenty years younger..." However she didn't feel very grateful for that good fortune. Michelle closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to calm down, thinking about her situation when she did. It had been weeks since she'd made her wishes and had been regressed back to childhood. And if it hadn't been for all the jewelry she'd wished for she would have really been in trouble. Fortunately she'd been able to sell and trade enough of it to get by...even if she couldn't get what it was actually worth. "Everyone wants to cheat the little girl," she winced. And as bad as this was...what made it worse was the knowledge that her last wish...the one that the monkey didn't grant her...that one would taken care of this problem. Or at least it would have made it so she wouldn't have to worry about being stuck as a little girl. "Why couldn't it have granted me that one instead of the knowledge to pass my classes?" Michelle moaned to herself. Having the knowledge to be a straight A college student didn't do much for her now that she looked like a kid, but her other wish... "I wish I could turn into the dream girl of any guy I wanted to...and that I can turn back to normal at will." Michelle remembered that wish very clearly since she'd been thinking of all the guys she could seduce once it had been granted, but now that was not an option. And ironically, it would have been even more useful now since it would have turned her to a more appropriate age. "Damn," she muttered again, cursing her bad luck. "And any girl who finds that stupid thing next sure is going to be lucky..." She shook her head. "That monkey sure has a nasty sense of humor...giving me that wish, but taking away the one that would have made it bearable..." But then Michelle took a deep breath, knowing that she wasn't about to just sit back and accept the fate the marble monkey had given her. She wasn't going to just accept being a little girl and waiting another ten years to get her age back. She was going to do something about it. "With this." Michelle looked at the notebook. She'd spent the last few weeks not only trying to survive as a little girl in a grown up world...but also trying to find clues about the monkey figurine and where it had appeared next. And after all her searching she'd found it. She'd found a picture of the monkey as an item that was to be sold at auction in just a few days. "All I have to do is get there," Michelle muttered to herself as she started for the bus station, deciding that she didn't want to think about the other problems until she had to. After all, who'd let a 9 year old girl into an auction to actually bid? "I'll worry about that later." Michelle felt a surge of hope as she thought about getting her hands on the monkey again. This time she'd make all three of her wishes ones that would fix this. And if it wouldn't let her wish again, she'd simply use the jewelry to pay someone else to make the wishes for her. It would work. It would have to. However, one thing did have Michelle worried. When she saw a picture online of all the items to be sold at the auction, the monkey had looked almost exactly the same...with one small difference. In the picture the monkey looked black instead of white...as though made out of obsidian instead of marble, but still, it was her only chance. -------------------- Denise stood back with her hands on her hips and surveying her living room, wanting to make sure it was perfect. She frowned slightly, then adjusted one of the pillows on the couch until she was satisfied. Only then did she decide that it passed inspection. "Not bad," Denise mused, feeling rather proud of herself. Even her ex husband Bill wouldn't have been able to find anything wrong with it and he used to love finding things to 'fix' or 'improve'. In fact that was one of the reasons why he was her 'ex'. Denise frowned slightly at the thought of Bill, wondering why he kept slipping into her thought

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 12 Dinner with Catherine

As the flew back Catherine and Rebecka had their heads together whispering. Whatever Catherin was saying Rebecka kept shaking her head no. He watched as the maid finally gave in with a sigh. Jake wondered what it was about. He landed in the same place as before, and he and the marines assist the women out of the launch. As he was escorting the two up the front steps, Rebecka asked, “So Jake, do you plan on sleeping on the lady or are you going back to your ship?” Jake missed the next step....

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Curse Monkeys

Curse Monkeys. By Tanya H. The day started off in a most ordinary fashion and then all started to go wrong about 1135 when I followed Gail's example and nipped out from the office to use the facilities. Gail's my boss, we're both in the payroll department for the local council and our office is too big for us - there should be four in it, but after the last lot of spending cuts just us two were left. As you can imagine, we were fairly busy, but today wasn't too bad. Payday for the...

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Tales of Ancient Rome 2 Salidia and Lydia

Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave       rises to power in ancient Rome.  Tales 2 is a        character study of a complex and murderous femdom.        109 pgs.                Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia                                                by                                                TG                                          Chapter 1                                   Laying in Supplies        "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...

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Tales Of Androgyny

If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...

Free Sex Games
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Tales of the RAC 2 The Yards

Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072:  The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1:  The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth.  The story begins with 4072: The Verdict.  If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Tales of Ancient Rome 3 Lions in the Valley

Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves.  Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons.  Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs.        Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley                                          By                                          TG                                    Chapter 1                ...

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They were both shy nerds. Neither dated much and neither got laid often. Their lives revolved around their work so neither was aware that they were lonely. He was twenty-five and she was twenty-four. Each had graduated cum laude from their high schools and universities. Each had a good job and made more money than they needed. Each lived in modest apartments two blocks from the park. Their jobs were one block from the park and they ate lunch in the park. The problem was that their jobs and...

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Case of the Jade Monkey

You have been working a few weeks as a waitress with a local catering company just for some extra cash while you take some college courses in criminal justice. Wearing the god awful uniform of a cream top, black skirt with matching black tights and some uncomfortable black heels, After a long night serving at a charity event thrown by some rich old millionaire the priceless jade monkey statue he was donating has vanished. It's your chance to finally solve a real case. After the police question...

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Monkey Business

Anyway, it started on the bus ride home. It was pretty crowded so Rena and I had to stand, nothing unusual given the time of day. I usually zone out on the bus ride home. Rena usually digs out her phone and starts texting. I was standing right behind her. She took me by surprise when she backed up and wiggled her butt against my crotch. My dick leaped to attention. "What the heck, Rena!" I exclaimed. "Why did you do that?" "Why did I do what?" my sister responded. "You know...

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Runaway Monkey

Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story. If a young man had done exactly the same thing as Melissa did in her younger days, he had been envied, admired and regarded as a popular jolly good fellow among his many friends. Everybody had regarded him as doing exactly the right thing when he collected his large number of experiences before he met "Miss Right" so he could remain faithful to her because he had learnt that "grass wasn't greener" behind the fence. But Melissa wasn't a...

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Dear Diary Today I Caught My Son Spanking His MonkeyChapter 5

Dear Diary Thursday, August 11th, 2020 That morning I set up my camera phone and sucked Pat’s dick like it was the sweetest banana I had ever tasted. He came quickly, and I smiled at him. Pat’s eyes were full of stars after he orgasmed. He wasn’t used to a surprise blowjob in the morning, and he lay back on the bed and sighed with relief. It seemed my husband was willing to forget about my antics last night as long as I kept him satisfied. I put on my sheerest dress and lowest cropped top...

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MonkeyChapter 2

At the grand old age of twelve I lost my virginity, the conquering heroine was my Aunt Tili, she was Dad's sister and was as he put it 'A horn bag', she was the black ewe of the family leaving a string of love sick suitors in her wake. The oldies had been having a few ups and downs over recent months, I think Dad was spreading it around a bit and Mum had blood in her eye. They decide on a trip away to sort things out. Aunt Tili was to look after me. Dad had bought an old passenger bus...

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MonkeyChapter 6

Matt retired from the military and took up a full time role in the agency, in time we both passed our exams to become accredited Estate agents, Mr Pederson then retired and we become the owners. During this period Sally and my relationship took a great leap forward, we became engaged to be married. Mum and Matt decided to tie the knot so a double wedding was arranged. For a wedding gift, Mr Meadows gave Sally and I a 50% share in his estate agency, Mum's gift was her share in our estate...

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Red Heads Monkeys

A true story When I was in my teens, I lived on a quiet, tree lined, street in Chicago. Nothing much ever happened. That is, as long as I stayed inside. I was, what was known, at the time, as a freak, (long hair well passed shoulder length). On one warm summer day, I was talking with some neighborhood friends. Rich Rogers, Toni Panoseo and one Rob Nemseck to be exact. Toni began telling us, that a new family, was moving into the old Gabor house, just down the street. This was indeed big...

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Tales From A Far Country

INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 1 Practice Makes Perfect

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 4 Balancing Act

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales Of An Ancient Vampire

We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...

Group Sex
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....

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Tales of Corruption

In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Tales From the Faux Fillies Dressing Room 1 Caught By Mum

Tales From the 'Faux Fillies' Dressing Room. Cross-Dressing and Transgendered Tales by Maria Ski The dressing room was a hive of activity as the girls of 'Faux Fillies' got ready to go home after a busy night. Alexia smiled sweetly as she opened a bottle of 'Chateau Picard' white wine and poured a glass for each of the assembled girls. "So," Alexia said, "who has a tale to tell?" "I do," answered Jessica an auburn haired beauty said, "I call my little tale..." Caught by...

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Tales From A Hard Drive

Tales From A Hard Drive By Angela "So 'ow did yer get 'ere then?" "It might help if I knew where 'here' was!" "Alrigh' keep yer 'air on! "Look sorry... what did you say your name was? - I know you're trying to be helpful but I'm damned if I can work it out." "Look mate, what if yer tells me where yer was doin' ... y'know, kinda before, like. Most of thems that comes 'ere, y'know sudden like, finds its best" "What do you mean 'those that come here suddenly'? Does it...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 5 Confession Is Good For The Soul

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 22 Mothercare

THE STORK LANDS Anatoly and Sveta are asleep in one another's arms. Sveta is dreaming of Alana as a little girl and a family holiday to the Crimea. Alana is playing with a little bell. Sveta realises in a moment of rational thought that she is asleep and wants to stay that way. "If only Alana would stop ringing the bell", she thinks as she drifts deeper into sleep once more ... With a start Sveta realises the noise is the bedside telephone. The 'phone is on Sveta's side of the bed. She...

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Tales fromthe SugarBowl 5

He seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 2 Best of Both Worlds

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 3 Inside Trader

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of the Season Kendras Story

Tales of the Season: Kendra's Story by Tigger Copyright 1999, All Rights Reserved Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...

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Tales of the Whores of Kaenor

There are those who say Kaenor is the finest city in the world. Certainly, there is nowhere where more cultures mix, where more peoples and races and secrets can be found. Much of this is due to its location, on a peninsula that makes the northern half of the Straight of Swords, which separates two great seas. To the west is the Endless Ocean, stretching out to strange lands beyond the horizon. When the wind blows from this cold, deep sea, the city is beset by storms or shrouded in thick fogs...

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Tales of the desperate amateurs

Tales of the desperate amateurs. Tales of the Desperate Amateurs By YarianaSo there I was, nervous as hell. I was picking up my first couple to film. I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I had had it with asshole bosses. I also had no illusions about being an expert in something as taboo as filming porn.She was not as pretty as the picture that she had sent me. It would not be the last time that this would happen. I picked them up in front of their trailer. She had been pretty...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Tales Of Sport And Hunting Part Two

III and IV are next, both together. Then, the conclusion to this memorable day. I don't know what was up with that first link... Here's a version I'm now happy with so I guess it actually worked out. Thank you so much for the positive reaction to Affairs of a Family in Sin! That meant a lot to me and there will be more to come! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume...

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Tales of a HustlerMe and Lil Bro

Tales of a Hustler---Me and lil Bro---The Best Summer EverSummer had arrived non too soon, as usual. I never cared for the colder months. Fuck some snow---I can see it on TV.Out on summer break, my lil Bro Dustin had called and said he really wanted to come and spend some time with me. Only seeing him every few weeks at a time, the last couple of years had left him wanting. I told him one night in one of our intimate bro on bro talks, that he really needed to find someone closer to his age. He...

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Tales of Anna A

Tales of Anna (A) - by DarkMatterTales of Anna (A) by DarkMatter Synopsis: Man meets woman, and they decide to team up for some kinky (and painful) sex. There is an excuse of a plot wrapped around it like a tiny loincloth. I - The Chance Encounter Anna is a beautiful young woman (well, of course she is, who would write about an ugly woman? I mean, this is fiction, after all). She stands 165cm 'tall' (sorry, no feet and inches today, metric it is), on shapely legs and looks at the world out...

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Me my didi or monkey

Hi mai jamshad poor sa hoain, maree mata g aik ghar main kam kartee hai, usee ghar main mara pita driver hayin, hum 3 bahi or 1 bahn tha. Magar ab sirf aik bahn or 1 bhai hayin, do bahi ko cancer tha pasa na hona ka akran ilaj nahi ho saka or vo bhagwan ka pass chala gaa. Garmeyoon ki chutyoon ka din tha, maree didi na bsc or mai fsc kar raha tha. Chutyyan theen college sa garmeyoon ki, mata or pita apna sahib ka sath un ka form house par gaa tha, mai or didi ghar par akala tha. Hum log ghureeb...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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