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They were both shy nerds. Neither dated much and neither got laid often. Their lives revolved around their work so neither was aware that they were lonely.

He was twenty-five and she was twenty-four. Each had graduated cum laude from their high schools and universities. Each had a good job and made more money than they needed. Each lived in modest apartments two blocks from the park.

Their jobs were one block from the park and they ate lunch in the park.

The problem was that their jobs and homes were on opposite sides of the park. They ate their lunch on hills with a small lake between them and had never noticed each other.

That changed when each saw a commotion in the trees at the head of the lake. It was a jungle-like section of the park on a hill from which a small waterfall fell into the lake. No trails or pathways went into the heavily wooded area.

Each had binoculars but seldom pulled them out of their backpacks but when they saw leaves raining down from the canopy they got them out and looked.

Neither saw anything unusual but before putting the binoculars away they scanned the area. They saw each other looking at them through the lenses.

Both quickly put their binoculars down blushing furiously. It took ten minutes for him to look in her direction and when he did it looked like she was looking at him with her binoculars again.

He picked his up and sure enough she was.

She gave him a small wave, as shy a hello as anyone has ever given.

He screwed up all his courage and waved back.

Both put down their binoculars and finished their lunch. They waved goodbye to each other and returned to work wearing smiles.

The next day each waved hello and goodbye and realized they liked doing so. By the third day both were hurrying to their hillside and both trained their binoculars on each other often.

Saturday they missed each other by twenty minutes, they had headed to the others hill. Neither had the courage to stay and wait for a while.

On Monday they brought their laptops and web cams. They zoomed in on each other and watched the other eat lunch. As usual they waved at each other when they got there and waved when they left.

The third day, a Wednesday, when leaves again rained down from the trees he looked through his webcam and she pointed her web cam towards the trees.

It took them a few moments to understand their web cams had been pointed at each other but when it did they had brilliant smiles with an equally brilliant blush for each other.

They then settled to watch each other eat lunch and waved as they left.

It rained the next two days, a Thursday and a Friday. On Monday each expected the other to ignore them but soon noticed the other was carrying a sign. As soon as she had her laptop going he revealed his, it had his IM address on it.

She immediately punched it in and saw his face fill her screen.

He was the most adorable guy she had ever seen.

She did not need to show her sign but did anyway, it had her IM address on it.

He sat and filled his screen with her face. She was beautiful.

In truth neither was all that special but that was not what they saw. If one had asked the other to marry them at that moment the answer would have been a resounding yes. Both were firm believers of love at first sight.

But neither had communicated with the other yet and did not for quite a few moments.

Eventually he typed, ‘Hi. My name is Sam. I am an engineer with the James group.’

She typed, ‘Hi. My name is Sara. I am a system analyst with the Joseph Group.’

They spent the lunch hour getting to know each other revealing a lot more about themselves than anyone else knew. They never noticed the commotion in the trees.

The next day they resumed as if their conversation had not been interrupted. Each understood why they were on opposite sides of the lake and understood that there was not enough time to meet on the others hill. There was water between them so meeting halfway was not possible and their relationship remained a web-based relationship for the next two weeks.

During those two weeks they became best friends, their first best friend. They described their co-workers and asked for help on some work and personal problems. They each learned the other was not in a relationship and had not been in one since high school.

He had confessed to having a favorite porn site.

She had confessed to having a special toy.

She was a bit bolder than he, or perhaps a bit more desperate than he. That Friday she signed off with an imprint of lips, she had sent him a kiss.

He quickly began to type his thanks but saw she was already hurrying away.

Instead he invited her to meet him by the entrance to the zoo on Saturday, he would treat her to hot dogs, pretzels, and sodas.

He deleted the word ‘Please.’

It still took him until three o’clock to click send.

It was nine that night when she answered him. ‘What should I wear?’ she asked.

He replied, ‘As little as possible.’

Before he clicked send he noticed what he had written and began to laugh. He added, ‘It is supposed to be hot and humid by noon.’

‘Shorts and t-shirt?’ she asked.

‘Shorts and t-shirts it is,’ he replied.

Both sat with their laptops in their laps for several minutes with their hearts racing, they had made a date.

Several moments passed before each realized they no idea what to type next.

He eventually sent, ‘Thanks for the kiss.’

Two minutes later, after furiously considering a million things to say in reply she sent ‘Good night.’

He was afraid he had said the wrong thing but a second message from her came in, it was another kiss.

He immediately closed his laptop and began to masturbate. She was already at her first orgasm.

Several orgasms later she went to sleep. He was approaching his second orgasm at that time.

Saturday morning for each was interminable. Each had changed shirts over and over until deciding which one to wear and each wished they had chosen otherwise by the time they got to the park.

They were both at the zoo entrance by eleven thirty but did not see each other for ten minutes. When they caught sight of each other both had to laugh, both were wearing MIT t-shirts.

‘When did you graduate?’ he asked.

‘This year, and you?’

‘Last year. Hungry?’

‘Yes. I forgot breakfast.’

‘Me too.’

He got them hot dogs and pretzels and they found an unoccupied bench and ate without saying a word. When finished he got them ice cream cones and talked sporadically as they walked through the park.

She was smaller than he had thought and had better tits than he had thought. She looked fabulous in her shorts and t-shirt. He loved her voice and the way she walked. He wondered if they would kiss.

He was taller and thinner than he had appeared, she thought. His hair was longer and his voice deeper than she had imagined. The softness she had imagined in him was really there she was happy to note.

She already knew they would kiss.

The shower of leaves got their attention.

‘What do you think that is?’ she asked.

‘Squirrels at war. What do you think it is?’

‘Zephyrs. Between the city and the park there are some strong wind patters that may meet around the lake.’

‘It stopped around those trees there. Let’s go look.’

He took her hand in his without thinking and was about to release it when he felt her fingers curl between his and hold him in a strong grip. It was the first time they had touched.

He had almost forgotten where he was leading her until they were there.Trees covered the small hill so thickly there was no glimpse of the sky. It was eerily quiet there.

‘What a great place for k
issing,’ each thought

.With no planning or thought of consequences he took her into his arms and kissed her. He was about to withdraw thinking he had been too bold when she put her hand behind his head and kissed him back.

Both kisses were soft and gentle, the kind that say, ‘I really like you, please don’t hurt me.’

Before their third kiss began it rained leaves on them. The shower was so heavy that up was the only direction they could not see. It suddenly stopped and both looked up in wonderment.

‘Did you hear anything?’

‘No. No chirping, no barking, no wind.’

‘That would eliminate zephyrs and squirrels. Do trees shrug?’

‘Maybe these do. I love a mystery.’

‘Me too. But lets get back to what we were doing please.’

Their third kiss was a revelation to both. They could not end it. Its intensity increased but never became passionate. Yes he got and erection and yes she pressed herself to it but the focus for both was the kiss.

Voices interrupted them. A policeman and a park ranger were walking close by them looking up. They looked up too and saw a furry creature dart between branches but was just a glimpse and neither could guess what it was.

The policeman and the ranger walked past them with hardly a glance.

‘The plot thickens,’ she said.

‘Indeed it does. I have a camera with amazing resolution that can show us what’s up there.’

‘Let’s go get it,’ she said.

As soon as they were in his apartment she began kiss number four and he tumbled backward onto his sofa. She ended up straddling him with her pussy pressing his hard cock. They dry fucked throughout the kiss.

After she regained her breath she asked, ‘Do you have shorts I could borrow?’

Her shorts were soaked with pussy juice.

‘Yes, I think so. I need to change mine too.’

Both giggled and kissed and she followed him to his bedroom. He handed her jogging shorts with adjustable waistband and she went to the bathroom to change. He got identical shorts and put them on in his bedroom.

At first he was very slow in doing so hoping she would come out while he was still naked but remembered his cock was in a coma and that would not be very useful so he dressed and found his camera and waited for her on the couch.

As usual when he wore jogging shorts he had not put on any underwear but was about to reconsider when she rejoined him. She had her t-shirt over her shorts and he could not tell they were way too big for her, at least not yet.

However she knew that if she sat or knelt just right her pussy would be in plain sight. She wondered how she was going to do that for him.

They returned to the grove and Sam systematically took pictures of the tree canopy. The policeman and the park ranger were gone, they had the area to themselves. His photo survey accomplished Sam sat by the base of a large tree.

As it turned out she did not need to figure out how to expose her pussy to him, it was in plain sight as soon as he sat on the ground. His mostly hard cock jumped and pushed his shorts out of the way.

Sara saw it and was happy it was straight as an arrow, cocks with bends left or right made her giggle.

Sara straddled him and sat right over his cock as she lifted the shorts leg aside and immediately her bare pussy made contact with his cock. His cock smelled pussy and began a search. It found it completely uncovered, unprotected, inviting, wet.

It slid in.

They began their fifth kiss as they fucked in a public park. It was a slow drawn out fuck, each wanted to enjoy it and each wanted it to be special. He had just cum so he lasted for two of her orgasms before he joined her in her third.

They rested and waited for his cock to exit her pussy as their fifth kiss continued.

‘Perfect,’ was what each thought at that moment.

Leaves rained on them and without breaking the kiss and looking he aimed his camera up and snapped picture after picture.

When the shower of leaves stopped she said to him, ‘Your cock is in no hurry to exit.’

‘No and I don’t blame it. It loves it in there, it’s where it wants to be. Is your pussy OK with that?’

‘Let me see. Yes, she is OK with that, in fact she loves having it inside of her. Your cock may stay there as long as it wants.’

Since his cock was still hard she resumed fucking him as they resumed their kiss. She had another orgasm but before she could continue the fuck they heard voices so she stood.

She kept her pussy just over his body and he saw her pussy was very wet and had a drop of his cum between the lips. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her back down over his cock and immediately ejaculated in her. She had another very unexpected cum.

The voices were not getting any closer so they remained coupled as they kissed.

‘May I assume we are boyfriend and girlfriend?’ he asked.

‘Yes, you may assume that, and yes, I m on the pill and healthy.I assume you are too.’

‘Yes, well not on the pill. Where are we going to be tonight?’

‘Your place, my panties and shorts are there. My place tomorrow night.’

‘Sounds like a great plan. Shall we go?’

She again stood and he kissed her pussy before standing. She moaned.

They walked back to his place holding hands and laughing at every thing. As they approached the street she asked him to check if his cum was visible, she felt it sliding down a thigh.

‘Yes, I see it. It is the most erotic thing I have ever seen.’

‘You are welcome,’ she said and made no move to wipe it off.

They showered together inspecting and kissing every inch of each other’s body. Both were very pleased.

They did not fuck in the shower, did not feel they needed to. They knew the fucks would come.

They ordered pizza and ate while naked.

They looked at the photos while she sat on his lap with his dick inside her. They studied the pictures taken when they first arrived and saw nothing but leaves.

They looked at the pictures after they fucked and all they saw was falling leaves until the last two. There, in the tree canopy were monkeys, rhesus monkeys, as many as twenty monkeys, some females carrying young.

They suddenly understood the presence of the policeman and the ranger. They whooped then wondered why they had not heard about any escaped monkeys.

He stood with her still impaled on his cock and got them cokes then returned to his laptop and looked up stories of escaped or missing monkeys and found that thieves had hijacked a shipment the previous March. It had been assumed that the thieves knew what the shipment was and were ‘liberating’ them.

A follow up story had a PETA spokesman claim they had nothing to do with it. There were no news items about the incident after that.

Sam and Sara deduced that more than likely the thieves did not know what was in the crates and when they were opened the monkeys liberated themselves.

They laughed and wondered how much the pictures were worth then concluded it didn’t matter. They e mailed the photos to each TV station with a short description of when and where but did not bother to identify themselves.

They were happy as he carried her to the bedroom with her still impaled on his cock.

They fucked.

They talked and kissed.

They decided to move in together.

They fucked.

They slept.

The next morning they again fucked then he fixed them breakfast.

He was not ready to fuck again after breakfast so he had her sit on the table and ate his first pussy ever. With her help and guidance he took her to three orgasms.

Then he fucked her while she was still on the table.

They packed his stuff for a Monday workday and took a cab to her place.

Her apartment was bigger and nicer than his and in a quieter neighborhood than his.

He a
greed that moving in with her was the way to go.

By the end of the week all he needed to have was at her place. They had fucked at least three times each day that week, twice under the large tree in the park.

He had purchased a bicycle for his trips to and from work and so he could join her for lunch, and sex.

Once after returning to work from lunch she had allowed a girlfriend to see his cum on her thigh, the friend had scooped it up with a finger and licked it. She refused her friends request for an introduction.

As they fucked that Friday night she wondered out loud how long their relationship would last.

He said, ‘At least another two minutes.’

She punched his arm then gave him a ferocious kiss.

‘It better be at least another twenty minutes buster!’ she said in a menacing tone.

Three moments later both were giggling out of control.

Sam said, ‘OK, I’ll say it first. I love you.’

She had said that at the same time he did and their giggles returned. They kissed. They resumed their fuck.

‘How long do we have to wait before I can ask you to marry me?’ he asked.

She stopped the fuck for a few moments as she gave him a long kiss.

‘A few months I would guess. We need to see everything that is wrong with the other and decide if we can live with it. Then you can ask me.’

‘What if we see nothing we can’t live with in a couple of weeks of living together?’

‘It would still be best to wait a few more weeks to see if we are compatible.’

She kissed him deeply then resumed the fuck.

A mutual orgasm later he asked, ‘Want to shop for your ring tomorrow?’

‘Yes,’ she said.Their engagement lasted almost two weeks and each week they went over the list of everything they did not like about the other. Each complaint was fixed immediately.

By the third week they were making things up. By the fourth week they were alternating complaints about not being kissed often enough, not being touched often enough, not being fucked often enough.

Neither complained about not being loved enough.

They each asked for a week off, flew to Vegas and got married exactly one month after their first fuck in the park.

They lived happily ever after.

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As the two strippers (one was a stunning curly-haired, artificial redhead with purple highlights and the other was a beautiful woman of mixed African American & Korean ancestry. Both were wearing red g-strings, tassels, high-heels and their skin was covered with body glitter and a light sheen of sweat. Amy would letter find out their names were Cherry Pepper and Lulu) writhed around the pole and fondled each other as men threw dollar bills on the stage, Amy was writing a first draft email...

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ARTICLE FROM; PROFESIONAL BULL’S JOURNALCASE: 203 LAUREL & DAN, HOBOKEN, NEWJERSEYBY: BRONX-BULL JOEA large number of the cuckold stories that I have read take the point of view ofthe husband because it is sexually exciting to many to read about the physical and psychologicalturmoil that he goes through in learning to take his place serving his wife and her lover. However, Ithink you will gain a much better understanding of what it is like to be a dominant man if I tell my storyfrom my...

4 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 9 A Pitying of Turtledoves

The police responded in under three minutes; two ambulances right behind them. One of them said, “Gun!” and I felt, but couldn’t see, one cop grab my shoulder bag where he removed the .38. The other one cuffed me, hands behind my back. Morales and I were rushed to University hospital. I ended up on the second floor of the Critical Care Tower. Morales was in the same building, but in the burn unit. When Suzette aimed at me, I had ducked my head and squeezed my eyes shut. That helped, but my...

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Loop is an event venue, a club, of the highest standards. A large, three story building with many rooms. Elegant. Your last chapter must link to another chapter. This story will never end. The champagne was flowing. The caviar pilled high. She was standing against the wall. Black hair, the whitest of skin, reddest of lips. The black dress barely covered her. Fabric over her left shoulder and ended well above her knees. Shoes - very high heels, stilettos. ......... Are you male or female?

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The Vampire of Venice

-Charles Perrault, "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" *** 1796 Elena woke. It was dark. She pushed on the lid of the coffin and it opened. A single candle glowed on the table, and she saw that the crypt was empty except for herself and her casket. It was made of beautiful polished wood, and she spent a few minutes admiring its lines and running her fingers over it smooth surface. It was good to be buried in such a thing if one is dead, she decided. Was she dead? She didn’t...

2 years ago
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Jazz Turnabout

March 8th, 1929 Jazz music and alcohol flowed as wealthy patrons flaunted the law of the land. Every vice was serviced here at the Seven Scriptures, the seediest dive in town. It was temple to excess, a place where even the most ardent Temperence Leaguer would find tempting. Bones Malone, notorious gangster, took in the smell of it all. He loved the stink of this town, this den of sin. It filled his pockets with money, and that meant power. Looking up at the stage, Bones...

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Sanuras Tale Part 7 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 7 By Britney McMaster We drove for about 20 minutes before we reached the edge of the climate control and could see the snow falling not too far ahead. We kept on driving and were soon surrounded by blowing snow as we neared the skiing suburb of town. "Dad? Why are we way out here in the cold part of town? I'm gonna freeze. Silk isn't exactly warm," I complained. I was already feeling cold, as the heater in the car had just been turned on. "We're...

2 years ago
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Help Part 9

*** “Okay Jake,” Danny said seriously as he continued to make eye contact, “I will tell you, but you have to promise me that you won’t flip out at me like you did last time. I don’t want this to turn into a huge drama like it did then. And I still don’t want you to tell anyone about any of this shit that’s been happening lately ok? ” “Fine!” Jake responded acceptingly. “I won’t say anything”. Danny took a deep breath. “Huh,” he sighed, “well obviously, you know that I’m...

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Missing Mom Hard Labordelivery1

Prior: bigbob1200 Missing Mom series Prior: Missing Mom –Hard Labor Ricky kidnapped Jolene and had her at home with his girlfriend Kendra. They abused her with a brutal breeding session. Ricky and Kendra take the bitch to a Poker Party to get money to pay the bills. Abused at the poker party, the next morning Doc Rosen advises rest even as he abuses her himself. Ricky and Kendra] Pimp her out, flush with money they get a delivery of movie equipment. The delivery men and then relatives join...

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XMAS Invasion

He creeps in as the clock strikes the witching hour, assuming that everyone is sleeping soundly as they should be, forgetting that bitch insomnia, He makes sure his Wal-mart stocking mask is on tight."Perfect," he whispers to himself before continuing inside the dark house lit only by the twinkling lights of the Christmas Tree, a soundless and slow strobing neon.For a moment he feels like the Grinch about to steal Christmas from the dumb little Whos in whoville but then he remembers where he is...

3 years ago
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A Bunnie to Play With Chapter 1

I clenched my thighs around my hand and tried to stifle the gasp that was trying to escape my throat. Outrageous was the word that popped up in my head, and I said so. Fabric rustled at the other side of the room, followed by bare feet which pattered unsteadily through the dark. My mattress sank down next to me. “Anne!” I exclaimed and felt embarrassed, lying in bed like this, my pajama pants down at my ankles, my top bunched around my neck, one hand on my moist sex. Yes, the room was dark...

2 years ago
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Indiscretions Ch 14

Passion In James County IX Indiscretions By D.C. Roi Chapter fourteen Melissa dragged herself out of the shower, dried herself off and got dressed. She spent the morning doing chores inside the house. Tom had returned home from his extended trip, but he left almost immediately on another one. She had barely been able to talk with him, much less do anything to work on mending the problems in their relationship. In the afternoon she went to the office and tried to get some paperwork done....

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Kathys Plan

From: Just Plain Bob To: Kathy Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 4:12 PM Subject: Yours of the 3rd. When did hubby come on board? When I did "Kathy and Pete" for you he wasn't aware that you played behind his back. Tell what happened. Did he catch you and decide that he liked watching? Did it turn out that Mr. Straight Arrow wasn't all that straight after all? From: Kathy To: JPB Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 10:21 PM Subject: Re: Comment Hi Bob. You guessed it. Ken wasn't due home...

2 years ago
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Manuelas Execution

Manuela's Execution The Honorable Judge spoke, "Manuela M., you are found guilty of the crimes of adultery and fornication. It is the decision of this court that the organs with with which you committed these heavy crimes will be destroyed by a glowing-hot iron. Further it is decided that you will thereafter be beheaded by the Executioner's axe. Then your head and your body, as a warning example, will be publicly issued to be eaten by birds, dogs and other animals. Do you have anything to say...

1 year ago
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Wife Fucks her boss

As you will know from previous tales of my wife and her desire for cock she had told me she was going to the finance meeting in another town which took place every three months and always with her boss. I was well aware that he would grew her a number of times whilst away. On this trip nothing changed other than that evening I had a caller who was the wife of her boss who I had met many times. She came in and said did I know the two were having a relationship. I told her yes and had at least...

Cheating Wifes
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Horny Boy Next Door

Horny Boy, Next DoorBy: Londebaaz Chohan Rita could never had even fantasized that there was so much fun available to her from her neighbor boy Neil. She had moved to this house, 9 years ago with her husband. Neil, her neighbor’s young boy was in 5th grade but already tall and well-built with large frame even at that age. On the asking of Neil’s parents, Rita agreed that he could mow her lawn, weed her yard and even shovel the snow in winters. He was almost an outdoor maintenance in charge for...

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Stellas sudden surrender 6

Stella tells Saskia and our dear readers every erotic dirty detail of that mighty memorable she submits to me.She shows Saskia and you three tasty private pictures of her during the course of that day in several positions.Saskia envies her as she listens with red ears, hotly hopes she can indeed come along with us soon to Spain.Stella learn a lot in a single long lasting day, every erotic teasing trick in the big book of love she needs to know.Stella's prays and begs me to stop in her first...

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Nothing Gold Can Stay

The stars overhead shone brightly in the vast darkness of the night sky. It was amazing how all those tiny specs of light held a thousand tiny secrets. Somewhere in the old streets of New Orleans there was an estate centuries old. To the outside eye, it was the vacant and dilapidated mansion of the very late someone or other, whose name had been lost to time. The city hadn’t torn it down due to the history of the place but has yet to do anything about the condition either. It was for the most...

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The life of James Anderson Pt3

I’m having some trouble deciding where to take this story, feel free to give suggestions on what you would like to happen. As we walked home together, we held hands and every now and again we exchanged cheeky quick kisses and grabs of each others bottoms. We were in a serious dilemma. We knew that we could not be boyfriend and girlfriend as it would be frowned upon by most people, and if we broke up it would cause lots of tension in the family. We both tried to ignore this subject...

4 years ago
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Coeds Wild AssChapter 7

Her sex-knob glowed and throbbed like a festering wound as the forepaws of the big Setter dug painfully into her shoulders. Lydia felt the cooling air blow softly against her lifted buttocks. In contrast to that sensation was the hot wet breath of the big animal touching her flushed cheeks. How her snatch ached, pulsed, winked shut from the sexual heat, then slowly relaxed and opened once more, waiting for the first sign of cock entry. "Fuck! Fuck!" Lydia cried, closing her eyes tightly...

3 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 17

I slid from bed, did the "triple S," and woke Jan, who was snuggled with Marie. She was instantly alert and got out of bed to get ready. I thought I might have skated with Bobby, but she was up getting ready, as was Wanda. I tried to tell Wanda that it was out of her ballpark but she said, "I want to be a part of this. If I'm going to continue to be a deputy, I need to be involved." We went in using Bobby's Escalade and parked in the official parking places at the federal courthouse....

1 year ago
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BrutalSessions Marilyn Johnson Fucked and Bound

Marilyn Johnson begins her day on her knees like a good whore is supposed to. Leather belts are added to restrain her. Codey Steele enters the room. He inspects her body including all her holes and begins throat-fucking her. He eventually lays her on her back and finger-bangs her pussy until she explodes with orgasms. Next, Marilyn is on her knees in doggy, positioned on a wooden box, with her hands pulled between her legs. This time Marilyn is subjected to corporal punishment. Codey uses a...

1 year ago
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At The Park

It’s 10AM and my alarm is singing its awful wake up call. Luckily it’s Friday and I don’t have any class today, but I figured that I would be productive today since the semester is drawing near an end and time is running short. I roll out of bed like usual, grab some shorts and a t-shirt to throw on so I can make my way to the bathroom; after all, my roommate is up and about by now and I don’t need her to catch me walking around in my birthday suit. Once I make it back to my room, I sort...

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A frieds mom

Many years ago while at uni, myself and a friend were invited to a party. The plan was that I was to meet him at his house and get a taxi to the party as he had to finish work and have to a shower before leaving. I turned up with two bags containing drinks I planed to consume, share and some for drinking games later. As well as a bottle or two to drink before leaving for the party. His mother, Sue, was in the front garden weeding. I had met her only once before at a party a couple of months...

2 years ago
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"...-derstand, Tris? Do you understand?" Eric's deep voice snapped Tris out of the stupor she was having. The twenty year old woman blinked thrice, her dark eyes sparking with fear and more prominently, arousal. "Huh? Wha'?" She stuttered out, a slight blush covering her cheeks and delicate nose. A swift slap to her ass caused the petite woman to squeak and jump slightly. "I said," the brown haired man said, chuckling a little, "put on your school girl outfit and the underwear I laid out for...

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Funtime With Friend8217s Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Sorry friends to make you wait for long.. Due to rush in my day 2 days work, I didn’t get time to sit on the next part..Thanks for your support and comments..For new readers of this story, please read “Funtime with friend’s girlfriend” first. Like how we both masturbated over chatting. Around at 2 pm same day, P : thank you dear.. I : how about 2nd round? P: just shut up everything and sleep. Gn bye bye.. I : ok Got up around 9am and rushed to office. Due to meetings and work, I completely...

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Bua Ke Larke Se Chudwaya Part 8211 1

Hello pyare dosto, mai aapki pyari pinky meri last kahani aap logo ne pari kush logo ke mail bhi aye mujhe uske liye jisne meri story like ki usko dhnyawad aur mail karne walo ko mera pyar. Aaj mai aap sabke samne apni ek aur ghatna le kar aai hu ki kaise meri bua ke larke ne mujhe choda ise pare aur maze le aur ha mujhe mail karke apna pyar jatana na bhule. Ye ghatna hai pichle sal ki meri shadi ko 2 month hi hue the ki mere husband ki business ke silsile me bahar rahna 6 mahine me ghar ana...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 100

All the way to the jail facility, which was twenty minutes from downtown, Officer Tucker kept apologizing for having to take me in. Normally I would have told him not to worry about it but I wasn't saying anything. Getting booked was not a new thing for me as I had a run in with the law when I was a teenager; however things had changed a little since then. After I was fingerprinted and they took my mug shots, I was led to a holding cell where I had to sit and wait for further processing....

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Craig HillChapter 25

Serena's family arrived at the school at a quarter to eleven. She met them and led them to reserved seats in the school hall. "I can't sit with you," she said. "All the leavers have to sit together in the front row." Promptly at eleven o'clock Mrs Protheroe appeared on the stage, welcomed everyone and then gave an account of what the school had achieved this term. The leavers were then called forward in alphabetical order, shook hands with Mrs Protheroe who gave each of them a peck...

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Aeris and Her Alien Womb Intro

Aeris was a youth-recruit in the Science and Discovery division of the far moon's one and only exploration base. Only fifty people lived at the base. 421 days from the home planet, the base was considered to be extremely remote. After the first contact occured with the alien coalition, her species began to spread throughout their solar system with the technology and guidance of their new allies. Some of the aliens were at the base, guiding her kind in their studies. The skinny, green...

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