Flyover CountryChapter 6 free porn video

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After leaving Mom and Dad at Yosemite, I made my way out to Interstate 5 and turned north. I crossed the Canadian/U.S. border north of Seattle and drove into British Columbia en route to Alaska. Dad and I had discussed the opportunities for operating a small flying business back in Texas and elsewhere. I could have found a niche somewhere in Texas for something like that, but the major carriers had plenty of feeder airlines funneling passengers and cargo from rural areas into the major hubs. It would have been tough.

I had no interest in becoming a commercial airline pilot. I—very unkindly and unfairly—considered airline pilots as little more than bus drivers in the air. I wanted to fly small aircraft into places where almost no one traveled, but I wanted to make money on the deal too. Alaska seemed the best bet for that.

In Alaska, I got a job almost immediately. I had to; everything cost an arm and a leg there. I wound up flying small planes for a little operation based in Anchorage. Frederick Simpson had a fleet of six Otters he used for trips to remote villages carrying small groups of passengers back and forth, plus odds and ends such as small shipments of perishable goods. A job flying for Mr. Simpson was right up my alley; I was gaining experience in flying and small business management too.

I don’t know if time heals all wounds like they say, but it will surely paste a big ol’ band aid over them. The last couple of years had been—interesting. I’d caught my wife having sex with her boss and his wife, and though I’d given up all the anger and resentment, the way our marriage ended couldn’t help but affect me.

I also had tons of “what might have been” questions about Mercedes and me—and to a lesser extent about Stephanie and me—but time was helping me put those issues aside. A lot of the memories still hurt, but I was managing to accept things as they were.

Almost a year after I arrived in Alaska, another birthday had rolled around and I had settled into a routine of flying almost daily. I was officially thirty-one years old. In my Dad’s words, I was old enough to know better—but young enough to do it anyway. I didn’t exactly know what “it” was, but the sentiment seemed appropriate.

I flew an old, but still rugged, DeHavilland single-engine plane up to a new “destination” on the north slope of Alaska, carrying nine sightseers north to a little hole-in-the-wall village called “Barren.” Someone had divined there should be a place for people to come see giant caribou herds, a coastline choked with ice floes three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and the oil drilling off to the northeast. I had NO idea why people would pay good money for that, but they apparently did. Perhaps it was simply the novelty of it.

This destination/resort/town/whatever had a restaurant that offered sandwiches and soup for lunch. The furnishings were brand new and serviceable, but the food was a little suspect. On the other hand, since they had a total monopoly on cafes and restaurants in this thoroughly “company town,” I patronized the place.

I was munching on what was purported to be a chicken salad sandwich. I wasn’t all that convinced it actually was chicken. I hoped the onion soup cooling in the bowl beside my plate would taste more like what it was named for.

“May I sit with you, please? All the other seats are...”

I looked up, glad for the interruption. It was a young woman I’d brought up to Barren a few days ago.

“Certainly, Ms. Kincaid, please do!” I replied. I stood up until she was seated. Company always made for a better lunch.

Sharon Kincaid seemed to be several years younger than I was; maybe twenty-seven or twenty-eight. She was ordinary looking—not terribly pretty, but not plain by any means. She might have been fairly attractive if she would try wearing a little makeup. She was about 5’5” or so, and from hints I got watching her move around, I was pretty sure she had a nice figure beneath those rather unflattering garments she wore.

Some of the outer coverings she had to wear were dictated by the icy (even in summer) winds outside, but it seemed to also be a personal choice to wear baggy, almost shapeless, clothing. I wished she would make better choices for her clothing. Her legs seemed to be awfully long. I liked leggy women.

“Sharon,” she said as she made herself comfortable on the straight-backed chair across the table from me.

“Sharon, it is, then,” I replied. “And...” I half stood again and looked over her head and all around the room as if looking for eavesdroppers. “Okay ... no one’s listening,” I hissed. “You can call me ... Matt!” I told her facetiously. I grinned to make sure she knew I was kidding.

“Smartass!” Miss Kincaid—Sharon—remarked sagely, examining her sandwich for clues as to the meat’s origin.

“Wow,” I said, “ ... we only had a few hours together on the flight up here, and now these few minutes and ... my God ... the lady doth know my soul!”

She shook her head and rolled her eyes at my silliness. But there was the faintest suggestion of a smile on her lips. That was nice; it lit up her face and relieved a lot of the stress I saw in her features. I liked what I was seeing.

We talked; at first just about the sandwiches and mystery soup, but then we tackled other topics at random. She had nice eyes that warmed as she relaxed. Hazel, they were ... first woman I ever met who had that shade. Very nice. She had nice hands too—well shaped and delicate.

After lunch, since neither of us had anywhere we needed to be and nothing special to do once we got there—so we took a long walk around the site, finally returning to the dining facility in time for dinner. All in all, the day was very pleasant, at least for me; and I think for her too. I hadn’t detected any attempt to ditch me over the space of several hours. We seemed to have connected well enough.

It surely felt good to me. I’d dated a few times after Mercedes and Stephanie went back to their dance troupe based in Philadelphia, but there hadn’t been anything “there” to explore.

By design, Ms. Sharon Kincaid and I met for breakfast the next morning and spent most of the day talking and strolling around, thoroughly investigating this little patch of the North Slope of Alaska. It was all very pleasant; I enjoyed getting to know her better. Her eyes sparkled as she talked and her cute grin was really nice to see.

In the evening, since it was Saturday, there was a dance sponsored by the resort in the restaurant. Most of the tables and chairs in the dining facility were removed and stored elsewhere, except for a number of smaller tables scattered around the wall. The center of the big room was now a dance floor. The music was provided by a DJ and a mediocre sound system.

I was late to the dance. I was flying the DeHavilland out the next morning and I’d spent several hours inspecting all the systems, making sure the navigation maps were close to hand where I wanted them. There were a zillion details to check, and good pilots do all of them before strapping on a machine and coaxing it into the air.

When I got there, I was surprised to see Sharon at one of the side tables, sitting alone and apparently not dancing. I didn’t have a clue why that would be. Women, particularly reasonably attractive women, were at a premium here on the North Slope and Sharon’s time should have been monopolized by someone—or a lot of someones—from the crowd of unattached males restlessly circling the room. Curious...

“Hi, Sharon ... may I sit down?” I asked. I sort of knew the answer because of the way her face lit up and how she’d smiled at me when she saw me approaching. She sat up in her chair and gestured toward the empty chair gracefully.

I liked her smile; she should do that more often—smile, that is. It made her eyes sparkle.

She really, really looked great. She had a blouse and slacks on—skirts were nonexistent up here, of course. Her long, slender legs were covered by the slacks but she was finally wearing shoes instead of boots. I caught a glimpse of a delicate ankle attached to those hidden legs I’d been admiring. She looked scrumptious.

I ordered a diet Coke instead of a beer. I was flying the next morning and didn’t need even the slightest trace of alcohol in my system. Sharon and I wound up dancing most of the evening, only taking short rests during which we talked while sitting at the table.

Mercedes and Stephanie were professional dancers and, in our time together, they’d schooled me pretty well in several basic dance steps. During the few weeks we spent together, I became reasonably good—at least good enough to hold a vibrant woman in my arms while she danced.

Sharon and I did well together. I felt good out on the floor with her. It was great just being with her, so when the DJ announced the end of the evening, I was profoundly shocked at how quickly the time had flown by. I could feel the chagrin on my face and I know she saw it. She looked pleased that I was sorry the evening was coming to a close.

Holding hands, we strolled back to the little cabin where she stayed and after she unlocked the door, she turned and I took her in my arms as naturally as if we’d been doing it for years. She lifted her face and we had our first kiss; it wasn’t a peck on the lips, and it wasn’t a deep lover’s kiss, but it was nice.

Her lips were soft and they were awfully, awfully kissable. So I did. Sharon, hesitantly at first—then more enthusiastically—put her arms around my neck and returned the kiss, with interest.

When we broke the second kiss, she looked up at me with a tentative, defensive cloud in her eyes. “You know they call me the ‘Ice Bitch Princess’, right?” It was clear she didn’t think it was an affectionate nickname.

I did not, in fact, know that, and I couldn’t imagine why anyone would call her that. I held her close, my hands at her waist over the points of her hips. I searched her eyes—for what I didn’t know. I saw a deep warmth there, perhaps a lingering sadness—and loneliness. I could recognize that; I felt the same way.

“Well... , “ I said softly, “no one who ever called you that ever really knew you, did they... ?” I kissed her again—this one lasted longer, and so did the next one. I finally broke away because if I hadn’t, steam was going to come whistling out of my ears, and I didn’t want to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for.

“I have to go, honey,” I said, at length. “I have to get my rest; we’re flying tomorrow.”

She nodded her understanding and gave me another quick kiss and unwrapped her arms from around my neck. I smiled and turned away. I didn’t hear her door close. I wondered if that meant she was watching me. I couldn’t turn to look, of course.

As I walked down to the hanger where I’d been assigned a small room, I was pretty sure I could have talked my way into Sharon’s bed had I not left. I thought I could have, but I was also pretty sure I didn’t want to talk my way into her bed. I didn’t want to push her beyond a limit with which she was comfortable. I was learning I liked her way too much to chance wrecking the beginning we’d made.

I was almost asleep when I realized I’d called her “honey” and she hadn’t objected.

We were airborne at 9:18 the next day on our way to Fairbanks, a flight of around four hundred miles. We had a range of a little more than five hundred and fifty miles fully loaded, so we were good to go. There were ten souls on board, including me.

The DeHavilland I was flying was configured as a float plane. Wheels extended below the bottom of each float, so we could use an actual landing strip like the one here at Barren, or we could use water for takeoffs and landings. I hadn’t been certified very long in float planes; Mr. Simpson had tried to hire an experienced pilot for that specialized aircraft but he’d had to settle for me. On the other hand, he wasn’t too terribly disappointed in me. I actually liked landing on water, not that it was any more forgiving than concrete if the landing went wrong.

Sharon Kincaid was in the co-pilot’s seat for the trip home. I’d made the invitation as she boarded, hoping she wasn’t irritated at me for walking away last night, or because I’d presumed to kiss her, or—whatever. Apparently she was not. She gave me a happy grin and climbed into the co-pilot’s seat more gracefully than I could have managed. She looked all around the cockpit interestedly, her face animated. She looked wonderful. I wondered how I’d missed that the first few times I was around her. I could get lost in those flashing hazel eyes.

After I got the obligatory captain-to-passengers remarks out of the way, Sharon and I talked on the intercom for quite a while. The rest of the group didn’t have headsets on so they couldn’t eavesdrop. Sharon and I were getting good at this—communicating easily and naturally. We were getting to know each other on any number of levels. It felt good; it was something I’d been missing in my life since Mercedes and Stephanie left me behind.

We were flying VFR, Visual Flight Reference, meaning, essentially, that I could see the horizon and could figure out whether we were upside down, in a bank, or flying straight and level while following a compass heading. A thick cloud cover was way above our heads, totally obscuring the sun and the real estate passing under the nose looked identical to every other patch of untamed wilderness in Alaska.

Shortly after noon, I began to be uneasy. Fairbanks is just a few ticks off due south from the Prudhoe Bay/Barren area and we’d flown long enough in that direction that we should have been getting close to the second largest city in Alaska. But we weren’t seeing any signs of it.

My anxiety ramped up a couple of notches. We should have been hearing radio calls and perhaps even seeing air traffic in and outbound from Fairbanks, but there hadn’t been even a hint of anything on the guard channel. Visibility was poor, so I wasn’t that concerned we hadn’t seen anything in the air, but still—very strange.

“Fairbanks ... November six-one-zero-five Sierra Charlie...” I was calling the Fairbanks controller ... just because I wanted to get in touch with someone. There was no answer. I called twice more before I gave up. I slid my seat closer to the control column and studied the instruments. Sharon put her hand on my forearm when she saw I was concerned about something but she didn’t speak.

I took her hand and squeezed lightly. I didn’t let go and she didn’t try to take her hand back. She didn’t interrupt my concentration by asking questions I didn’t have an answer for yet. One more thing to like about her.

Something flickered—one of the instruments had done something. It had been too quick and I’d only caught a flash from the corner of my eye. I bent closer to the panel and, just for the heck of it, I tapped the cover of the attitude indicator. To my surprise, the stylized little aircraft in the display spun around crazily for a few seconds before it steadied up again. I swallowed hard. My inner ear, and a glance outside the cockpit, told me we had NOT just done a hard roll to the left until we were inverted and then rolled all the way back up to straight and level, but that’s what the instrument had shown.

I tapped the GPS compass ... and the display whirled around crazily. Outstanding! My instruments were lying to me—at least, some of them were, and I had no idea which ones could be believed, if any. I checked the whiskey compass, but the magnetic deviation on the north slope of Alaska was far too pronounced, and I never trusted them. In any event, this one had a fluid leak and had been broken for months. If I’d had blinders on, I’d know just as much about where we were heading as I did now.

The engine was roaring steadily. That was a very good thing, and the control surfaces responded to inputs from the rudder pedals and the control column, but they were purely mechanical, no electronic interface in this old beast.

I checked the circuit breakers—there didn’t seem to be a problem, but who knew? I was tempted to cycle the breakers, switching them to the off position and then back on, but in my experience I’d learned, sometimes if you turn something off that is performing marginally, when you turn it back on, you might get nothing at all. I sat back in my seat. I didn’t know what was going on, but something was clearly out of whack.

“Sharon... , “ I said over the intercom, squeezing her hand at the same time, “we’re in trouble. See if you can get everyone’s attention back there, will you?”

To her credit, she did exactly what I’d asked for without asking senseless questions, twisting around in her seat and waving at the other eight passengers and yelling. When some of them didn’t seem to notice, she screamed at them to wake up and listen, or suffer unexplained consequences. The girl had a set of lungs on her; I was glad I had a radio headset on. It may just have saved the hearing in my right ear.

I retarded the throttle until I felt if eased it back any more, we’d be in a slow, very shallow dive, not that the altimeter was functioning well enough to tell me that. Throttling back also reduced the noise level enough so I could be heard in the rearmost seats. I swiveled around in my seat as far as I could, which wasn’t all that much, what with the control column, rudder pedals, and instrument panel all in the way.

“WE ... ARE ... IN ... TROUBLE!” I yelled, spacing the works out so no one would misunderstand. I got their attention immediately. The atmosphere was instantly electrically charged.


Abruptly, we could see sunshine again. I twisted back around. We’d come out of the shadow from that huge bank of clouds and it was no longer hiding the far horizon.

We were flying directly into the sun. SHIT! At this time of day, that meant we were flying on a roughly easterly course! Not only that, a mammoth range of tall mountains was just coming over the horizon in our path.

I banked right without thinking about it and steadied up on what should be something approximating southwest. The sun doesn’t generally rise at 90 degrees east, particularly at these latitudes, and it doesn’t set exactly west either, but seeing the sun gave me a vague idea which way we were heading. Making even an immediate and very rough course correction was a lot better than staying on the line we’d been on.


And we actually were doing that—sorta. Alaska doesn’t have a very high a population density and the state as a whole just isn’t well settled. Once, an Air Force KC-135 from Eielson Air Force Base, near our destination at Fairbanks, crashed seven miles from the end of the runway. As far as anyone could tell, no one had ever set foot in the nearly inaccessible valley where the plane went down. That was only a few miles from Alaska’s second largest city.

Heading southwest from—well, from wherever we were—was much, much better than heading east into the frozen waste of northern Canada—but it still didn’t get us to a nice room in a Fairbanks hotel anytime soon. Even with the throttle set way back, we were going to run out of fuel relatively soon, which meant I needed to set this old DeHavilland down somewhere, preferably before the engine quit. I much preferred controlled landings as opposed to crashes.

I snapped my microphone boom back into position. “Sharon?” I said to get her attention.

“Yes?” she responded instantly, looking at me from my right side. I glanced at her. Her eyes were level and not panicked.

“Can you take what I say for the next little bit and relay it to the folks back there, ‘stead of me turning my head around and not paying attention to flying?” I asked.

“Certainly,” she replied briskly. “Go ahead...”

“Okay ... tell them we’re going to be running out of fuel in another hour or so ... make sure they understand it’s not right now ... we’ve got a little time. Then, ask everyone to start looking out the windows—what we’re looking for is a nice paved runway ... but I don’t think we’re going to find any. So, failing that, look for a lake ... somewhere with reasonably still water that I can put this bird down on, okay, honey?”

She didn’t answer immediately. I belatedly realized I’d phrased that a little affectionately. I guessed she hadn’t really cared for me doing that. Crap! I’d probably overstepped a boundary.


It was a reasonable interpretation of what I’d said, and quite possibly delivered in language they’d understand better. I reached out and caught her hand; she was reaching too. We held hands for a long moment. In spite of everything bad happening, touching her gave me a warm feeling.

The engine droned on powerfully, never faltering. It had dragged us some distance to the southwest, but I didn’t know how far. An hour after we discovered we were in trouble, I was beginning to worry even more. Concern about where we were, began to take a backseat to a dread we were going to run out of fuel—and very quickly too.

I’d been doing a series of rough guestimates, judging how long we’d been flying on a faulty course, what our fuel consumption was, and a bunch of other things, mostly unknowns. The gauge said the fuel was awfully, awfully low, but who knew if it was accurate? It could be failing along with the other instruments.

What I came up with was a conclusion that we were absolutely going to go down before too much longer; the only question was whether we were going to go down hard, or relatively softly. I throttled back a little more, accepting a lower speed to save fuel. We began descending in a shallow glide.

“THERE ... OVER THERE!” someone, a guy, yelled at the top of his lungs. I heard him easily over the engine noise, but I didn’t know who it was.

“Where is THERE? What direction?” I snapped. Sharon relayed my questions to the passenger cabin where someone was sounding the alert.

“Left,” she told me, “ ... little bit behind us ... ahhh ... like at seven o’clock? ... know what I mean?”

“Gotcha!” I replied. “Good way to say it!” It was, and it showed she was keeping her head. A woman to walk with a man, not behind him. I was very glad Sharon Kincaid was there with me.

I took the old DeHavilland in a wide-sweeping left bank; I was loathe to maneuver too radically, considering the low speed at which we were flying. A small body of water came slowly into view as we turned, steadying up directly in front of us. It was seven or eight miles off the nose of the aircraft, but hadn’t been in view before; a range of mountains had hidden it until we reached where we were.

“Thank whoever it was spotted it ... really good job of staying alert!” I told Sharon. She relayed the thanks and the compliment.

We flew over the lake; I had to advance the throttle and make a hard turn to the right to avoid flying too close to a mountain that had hidden the water from us before, then I throttled back again and did a slow flyby.

It looked good, damned good. A highland lake, pristine from this height, surrounded by a forest of pines, or maybe firs—hell, I didn’t know what they were—but it was a virgin forest around a beautiful little lozenge-shaped lake. I couldn’t see any sort of underwater objects in the crystal clear water. That was a really good sign—nothing to rip out the undersides of the floats when they touched the water! I made my decision quickly. It was the way I did things.

“Okay, Sharon ... tell them we’re going to set down on that lake down there ... everybody needs to pull their seatbelts tight and brace themselves, okay?” I could see her nodding from the corner of my right eye.


I couldn’t help but grin in spite of everything. Sharon was one hell of a woman, and I loved being around her—even in a plane that wasn’t going to be flying much longer. I shot her a quick glance, still smiling and took a second to pat her hand affectionately. She captured my hand and kissed the back of it, then released it quickly so I could put it back on the throttle.

I revved the engine and made another steep bank, coming out of it aligned with the long axis of the lake. I slapped the flaps down to fifteen percent, leveling out high enough to clear the tree tops but not much more. I was about thirty-five feet over the thick forest.

I reduced the throttle way back and let the plane drop, dropped the flaps to 40% and pulled back on the yoke to rub off a little more speed. I lowered the nose again as we passed over the last of the tall trees. The glide path was pretty darn good; we passed over the shoreline at about twenty feet and we were settling fast. I flared, lifting the nose one last time, just enough to raise the front edges of the floats, and chopped the throttle.

We kissed the water almost gently, then with greater force as the weight of the plane forced the floats deeper. Reaching down to the floorboard beside me, I engaged the rudders on the back of the floats and abruptly, we were in a DeHavilland boat instead of a plane. I think it was the best water landing I ever made.

We slowed rapidly. I looked around as well as I could outside my left-side window and forward, but I couldn’t see anything that hinted we were in any immediate danger. When I asked Sharon to look out her side, she couldn’t see any problems either.

There was a lot of cheering and high-fiving going on behind me and Sharon twisted around in her seat to take a bunch of high fives herself. She passed them on to me. We were all ecstatic to be down and safe. We weren’t going to crash now, assuming I missed the random floating tree trunks here and there.

I let the engine rumble in idle, deliberately slowing our taxiing speed so I could better see what was around us. Finally, I found a little inlet off to my left. It led to what looked like a pebbly beach about half-way up the cove. Moving slowly, we taxied up the comparatively narrow waterway and a few seconds later, the front of the floats ground noisily a few inches up a mostly gravel slope—we were at rest.

I turned off the ignition, turned in my seat to grab Sharon in my arms. I kissed her soundly. She returned the kiss enthusiastically, so I kissed her again, more slowly and deliberately. She returned that too.

I reluctantly stopped kissing Sharon. I didn’t want to stop, but there were things that needed doing. Opening my cockpit door, I stepped down on the left float and retrieved a short braided nylon rope with an anchor attached out of a storage bin in the float. I clipped the line to one of the landing gear supports, and walked up to the front of the float, avoiding the super-hot engine exhaust pipes.

From there, it was a short drop onto the gravely shore. The pebbles were damp—probably the floats had pushed a little wave a short distance up the slope—but the ground was dry a couple of yards inland. Pulling the rope taut, I slammed one of flukes down into the pebbly soil, and stepped on the shank, driving it a little deeper. The old DeHavilland was secure enough for now; we’d do a more permanent job later.

Looking back, I saw the passenger entry hatch was open and a guy was easing himself down onto the left float. “Yeah ... hey!” I called, “Ya’ll come on out and get on dry land. Do everything you can not to get your footwear wet, though...”

In twenty minutes, all nine passengers were on dry land with me and trying to massage or walk the cramps out of their legs. They’d brought their tiny amounts of carry-on belongings out with them. We’d pull their luggage out of that compartment in a little while. While everyone else was dealing with tight muscles and working the kinks out of their backs, I climbed back up and hauled myself up on the wing with a dry stick in my hands. I opened the refuel valve and stuck the stick inside the fuel cell. I sighed to myself, closed the cover and made my way down off the wing and onto the left-side pontoon. The aviation fuel had barely wet the end of the stick.

“OKAY... !” I yelled, just to get everybody’s attention. It probably wasn’t necessary—they’d been watching me anyway.

“Okay ... are any of y’all ex Navy SEALs... ?” It got a light chuckle from a couple of the men. “ ... Army Rangers? Marine Recon?” There were a few half grins as they saw what I was doing.

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Steve Q and Jessica Moy are having a romantic hardcore fuck in today’s Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene by DDF Network. That busty slim Latina’s pussy gets banged by that Czech stud in the kitchen, on the dinner table, and on the couch. Tune in, sit back and enjoy a Full HD firework of shaved pussy fingering, intense ball licking, and some deep ass fingering before Steve Q inserts his enormous cock all the way into her tight vag! The brunette bombshell with brown eyes and an irresistible...

2 years ago
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Sat in a bar

I was sat in a a bar with my boyfriend, we had drunk quite a bit and had beenfondling eachother through the night, he kept sliding his hand up my skirt and tugging my thong so it was ribbing against my now soaking wet clit. He walked me into a dark corner where he slid two fingers up my dripping wet pusssy and began to fuck me silly with his fingers, i could feel his throbbing hard dick against me. He pulled his fingers out my pussy and placed one in my mouth so i could suck off the juice. We...

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Futa Naked in School 02 Winning the Futa VoteChapter 3 Denicersquos Wild Futa Delight

Denice Jenning’s Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers High School. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school’s homecoming queen. The naughty futa-principal, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To not be ashamed about anything. It was part of a new-wave of laws sweeping...

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Sweet Little Pussy

Sweet Little Pussy I had gone back home to East Podunk for my father’s funeral. I had not been back for about seven years. I almost married a girl there but when she called off the wedding I left town and she married someone else. I was devastated and I never did get married. At thirty years old I was pretty sure that it wouldn’t happen any time soon. All I could find were other guy’s rejects. Any girl my age has been married and divorced, usually with kids. I was not sure that I...

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hard working

Cam got out of his car and walked into work. The store was fairly busy today, lots of customers, which meant lots of cleaning to do. Cameron was hoping for an easy, quiet shift but looks like he wasn't in luck. It turns out he was going to be luckier than he thought.Cam went into the office and greeted the other manager."hey, how's things?" "not too bad, I gotta run so I'll leave it all to you."The other manager left and the casuals started to turn up for their shifts. One always caught Cam's...

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Dreams of Jeannie Ch 02

Jeannie pulled her bikini back on, nestling the back up between her freshly smacked ass cheeks. She moaned softly at the feel of the tiny suit coming up over her thighs, pressing against her pussy and sliding up the crack of her ass. Her soaked pussy saturated the crotch of the bikini Joe had removed the lining from. The suit slipped up between her swollen lips, creating a delicious camel toe. ‘No need to bother with the top, Jeannie,’ Joe said in an offhand manner. ‘I’m sure Dave would enjoy...

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The ProtectorChapter 78

I went down the corridor to the steps, with Jubal following closely behind me. I explained where we were going and how the wall opened on a metal track so that the door, which was also fireproof, could open but from the office you couldn't tell the difference between it and the paneling on the wall. When we got there, I climbed up the metal steps to the door. Before I opened it I reached up and flipped a switch to activate the small video camera which was mounted in the ceiling. When it came...

2 years ago
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What Hole Do You Want First

Talking to you every day became a ritual that I looked forward to. You would call or send me a text, just shooting the breeze, which always put a smile on my face. The more I talked to you, the more intrigued I became. I didn’t mean to start liking you, it just kind of evolved on its own. We really only connected because of social media. Funny thing is, I didn’t know who you were and you didn’t know who I was, yet we shared almost thirty friends. Even funnier was that we both worked...

1 year ago
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AmnesiaChapter 2

We went home, and I put the wrapped presents in my closet. Our short time was spent mostly together working on the ranch. Our nights were spent in a loving embrace. On Christmas Day, I gave presents to Sunny and Maria. They both loved the luggage. I kissed them both and said I loved them. I told them that I wanted them to be able to go with me wherever I went. Maria was pleased with that statement and invitation, but Sunny was hit hard, she still couldn't believe I wanted her for my...

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Aladdins Last Wish

Aladdin's Last Wish Imperator Mentus Grand Vizier Jafar of Agrabah, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the kingdom, could do nothing but pace and fume over that wretched, incompetent failure of a bird and his inability to steal from the worthless street rat. The lamp! He should have recognized at once that the troublesome so-called prince was but a lowly street rat. The same one he had tasked with retrieving the artifact. It was obvious now that the Lamp's powers were the...

4 years ago
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Encounter at work part 4

Hello, this is part 4 of my continuing story. I hope you enjoy it as much as the other 3 parts I have been thinking of the last couple weeks. I had entered a texting friendship with a girl named Stephie. We have been going with a nice texting friendship for a month now, but the last 2 weeks have been very interesting. I have only met her 3 times but all those times have been very exciting.First time she had met me at my job. I work in a restaurant and was on my lunch break. She came down and...

2 years ago
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I was drinking some water and just felt a wind hit be from behind, just urging me to look behind. So I turned around, and there she was. A tall, long red haired, dark eyes goddess of a woman. She looked like she was in college, which made me wonder why she was even there. She stared at me, just stared as I looked at her. She was wearing a long skirt, sweater, and had her hair flowing in the wind. Her eyes just never left mine, and for some reason I never left her’s. I just stared and...

3 years ago
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WebcamChapter 3 A Golden Day

I heard Becky calling to me; I already had a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. I wanted my cock to go down before I went to her room, I didn’t want her to wonder why I had a boner, and I can’t pee with a hard-on. I still wanted to end being a Blackmailer, but as I had her doing things for me, the sense of power made me think twice. I wasn’t sure if I could give that up. The only reason Becky and I became so close was because of my secret identity as the Blackmailer. Without me forcing her to do...

3 years ago
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High TidesChapter 26 Luck Run Amok

“What trouble has Ninell gotten herself into?” Automatically blame the kid. Right? “Randy kidnapped her!” Antonia tearfully tells me, tugging at me to make haste. Oh, Brother! You little shit! Just wait till I ... Worst of luck this happens just now. Things were going along swimmingly recently. My talking-to Randy seems to have backfired into a vengeful Randy, not a more tractable version. Bad joss. “Wait a minute Tony, while I get dressed. Honey? It’s easier for me to put my clothes on,...

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Tea Shop Twinkle

Arnold Harris had only been going to the new tea-shop in the High Street since the middle of last month. It had been open for only a few weeks at the time and he had been meaning to go there for a little while. It was at the quiet, unfashionable end of the long High Street drag, so it was never as busy as some of the usual chain coffee shops which jostled for customers in the prime sites near the big stores and the main car park entrances. It was not quite as expensive as those places, and it...

1 year ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 6

"So no one in your family had a problem going nude?" I asked him. "They never mentioned it to me if they did." "I imagine you guys are the exception rather than the norm. I can't believe it's that easy to adjust." "Well you can ask them if you'd like. They're on their way inside right now." I hadn't seen them get up and before I knew it they were in the kitchen for lunch. "Good to see you again, Joe. We haven't seen you for quite a while. How are you?" asked Ted's...

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Wifes Young Cousin Seduces Brent

Brent’s wife Julie was all excited. Last week, her Aunt Shelly had called to say that she would like to take a trip to visit them. Shelly was by definition Julie’s aunt, but they were both the same age, which was now thirty-nine, and they grew up together as best friends. They hadn’t seen each other in years and years and it was going to be a little reunion for both of them. Today was Shelly’s expected arrival.Brent was at work when Julie phoned to say that Shelly and Kimberly had arrived....

2 years ago
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Sexy Mumbai Girl Zyanna 8211 Queen Of My Cum Fantasies

Hello everyone. I am Zubair Khan and I am from Mumbai. I have read many stories on ISS and I wanted to post my real experience. Please comment below about how you felt after reading this. After my college days, I got to take care of my father’s business. Since it was a shop, I had to stay in the shop all the time. We could not let anyone else to manage as we have seen many people cheating us. I think you guys know how competitive the market is today. Any field you take, there are lots of people...

2 years ago
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Charlotte's Mentorbymikeperk©With a surge of warm expectation he heard the car pull onto the drive. From this point there would be no turning back and his new life would be formally launched tomorrow.Joe's existence during the two years since his wife had succumbed to breast cancer had been pretty miserable, but his imminent marriage to her sister promised a return to a comfortable, if not particularly exciting, future.Pauline had been their young bridesmaid when he'd married Brenda more than...

4 years ago
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One Silent Night

Carter has been in love with Mia for years, but it takes a Christmas miracle to throw them together… This is the story I wrote for the CAW 14 competition on the Forum. I hope you like it! If you want to, I would appreciate it if you could go give it a vote. Its a pretty long story, so if youre only here for thee sex, well, I supposed you can just scroll down to the bottom. All comments are welcome, as always! One Silent Night By Hornypixy Carter stood by his window, one eye on the watch...

3 years ago
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Hot Tomboy Little Sister 5

Caitlin climbed up on my shoulders as I crouched in the water, and when I felt her hot inner thighs on either side of my neck and her firm belly pressing into the back of my head, I began to get hard. Chris hopped astride Megan, and when the two riders began to shove each other, it was a great pleasure to feel Cait’s thigh muscles flex and hear her grunt with exertion. Even holding onto her little feet as she wrapped her calves around my torso was quite arousing.It was a brilliant hot summer...

2 years ago
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A Night at the Club

The first part of this story is true and happened a few months ago with my now-ex. The second part is what I hoped would have happened. Fact: We got to the swingers’ club fairly early in the night. There were a few couples and quite a few single males. There were 2 women dancing on a stage, with a guy in a thong. Being one for attention, she wanted to join them on stage, and did. However, they were not interested so we moved on. We walked around the club, me rubbing her ass. She saw a few...

2 years ago
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Be My Valentine 2011Chapter 3

When we were finished eating, I suggested to Sandy, "Let's stop by a U-haul and rent one of those $19.95 a day pickups. We should be able to clean out both of our places with just a few loads. I have a bunch of boxes that I have saved to pack up what we have. We can get a few more from U-haul if we want." Sandy said, "Good idea, I'll use your car to haul all of our hanging clothes. We should be able to move most of what we have today." We rented the truck and went to Sandy's first....

2 years ago
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Castaway FearlessChapter 14

Like so many other things in my surreal existence, the familiar warmth of morning kisses from each of my lovers sent powerful feelings through my body. Without a word, I parted Zetia’s lips with my tongue. After a playful moment, she accepted it and copied the effort, pressing back harder. Julie showed her own enthusiasm by reaching over and playing with my morning hardness. My wife twisted her hand and pumped me a few times. “It’s in working order,” Julie assured Zetia. “Roll onto your...

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Richard Secourt watched his television screen raptly, half in awe and half in amusement. Bouncing across the screen was an amazingly awesome blonde beauty with the biggest set of tits he had ever seen. She was wearing a one-piece red swimsuit and running down the beach, and those immense jugs bounced up, down, and sideways. How she avoided putting an eye out was beyond him. It was then that the back door slammed, and a feminine roar bellowed out, “You bastard! Where were you?” Richard came...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 20

"David, this is Harmon Geis. He and the Attorney General wish to speak with you. I told them that you were recovering from multiple gunshot wounds, and a stabbing, and might simply fall asleep from the drugs, and they are fine taking that chance. "Are you up to visitors?" Roberta was being very kind, because she knew I couldn't deny the Attorney General, so she could lay it on as thick as she wanted, and enjoy their responses. "Sure," I said, knowing there wasn't anything that would...

3 years ago
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Wilma Makes Up

“Honey! He’s doing it again. I can’t take much more.” “Did you remind him of what I told him last time?” “Yes. He said that you were a fucking wimp and wouldn’t do anything.” “Huh. Really? OK. I’ll go in with you in the morning and have a little come to Heysoos meeting with him.” “Don’t hurt him.” “Honey, Mr. James Robbie has to stop hitting on you. You are married and you’re not interested in him. Right?” “Right! I’ve stopped wearing some of my favorite outfits because he says they turn...

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This House is Roomy

The house did not look as dilapidated or old as Lee expected. Just a white two-story Cape Cod with uncut grass in the front and weeds all over the driveway. Not bad for free. He wasn't complaining about inheriting a house in his twenties from his Uncle Larry who went missing two years ago and had recently been declared legally dead. His father, Larry's brother, had been gifted most of the assets and money in the bank in the will and figured Larry left the house to Lee as a good starter...

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Wills new old home Part 12

As Amy walked over to the nurses’ station, she looked through the charts in a pale tan filing cabinet behind the desks. Opening the cabinet, she looked through the files quickly and franticly. “Were is it...were is it...Ah! Bailey!” Amy said quietly to herself as she pulled Blane’s folder from the cabinet and searched the file for Blane’s room number. “ twenty one...”, She said to herself again. Sighing, Amy began to walk towards Blane’s room As she approached...

1 year ago
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For Friends and Family Part 28 Family Life

For Friends and Family 28 - Family Time We recovered well as the weeks passed, Brett was soon back to full health and fitness, muscular, tanned and looking absolutely gorgeous, I wanted him so, so badly it hurt. I was tanned, except for three triangles of white, now the very things that produced male hormones had gone, my female implant really worked on my body. My skin was baby smooth, breasts lush and inviting, still firm (which I was determined to keep as long as I could). My...

2 years ago
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Crapshoot Ch 02

John rubbed the back of his neck. Things weren’t going so well. He wasn’t in bad shape, he was still up, but he had lost most of what he had won. He felt her hand on his back. “Hi Honey!” she sweetly sang. He didn’t turn from the table. The shooter had just made point, he didn’t want to be distracted. “Why don’t you take a little break? Come up stairs with me and I’ll make you feel so good,” she purred. “Not now, damn it! Can’t you see I’m busy?” “It’ll just take a little while. The game...

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NeighborAffair Lily Lane 31501

Lily Lane was on vacation and while she was out her neighbor was nice enough to pick up her mail and packages. When Lily gets back she stops by her neighbor’s house to retrieve said packages and that’s when he neighbor confesses that he accidentally opened one of her packages. In that package was the dildo that LIly had ordered. She is a bit embarrassed but her neighbor lets her know that there is nothing to be embarrassed about and even offers his cock up so she won’t have to...

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Horny teens experiment with each other

 Flora’s parents had left for the weekend, leaving herself and Ellie alone for a few days to enjoy themselves at their house in the Hamptons. The sun was going down and the girls had only been together for a few hours but were already getting relaxed in Flo’s bedroom after a brisk swim in the pool.As always, the two girls, who were obsessed with modelling, had started performing on a makeshift catwalk in Flo’s closet. They were still drying off from the pool as they strutted along together in...

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Sex For Beginners Part One The Theory

Many years ago Sylvie was working as a cook in a factory canteen. Sylvie was quite gregarious and made friends easily. Sylvie would babysit for one of her work friends. Sylvie’s friend had a daughter and three sons. There was a gap of several years between the daughter, who was the eldest, and the sons. Sylvie got to know the daughter, Mandy, quite well and Mandy started to regard Sylvie as a substitute big sister. Eventually Mandy was old enough to babysit her younger brothers herself and...

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My First Taste Of Cock

I lay, head on his chest, half asleep to the hypnotic, white-noise flicker of the television as his hand stroked my hair. I felt completely relaxed. My hand was on his thigh, lightly stroking the taut denim and he sighed as my fingers moved along the seam, towards his crotch. He wriggled slightly as I touched his bulge. We’d been going out for two months and hadn’t done much, except some fumbling in his car when he’d dropped me home. We were expert at kissing though and it made me tingle when...

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My surprise black Friends

Hello allAs you all can see from my pics I have just returned from a two week holiday in Europe with my bf,, We had a really nice time, as it was very different to any holiday I had being on before, the culture was totally different, which I loved..We had visited a lot of tourist attractions, and my boyfriend and I were enjoying are first holiday out of Canada..On the third day, My boyfriend decided that we would spend the morning at the beach which was about 20 minutes from are apartments,...

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Tim the Teenager Part XVII

]Tim, the Teenage Part Seventeen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 4 - Pop Go the Cherries (fm, mmf) "Okay, Joey. Let’s go over the game plan. The twins are waiting right inside, and I would like us to romance them a bit. That all right with you?" "Sure. I can do some sweet talkin'. I need the practice anyway. I think I'm getting rusty with Suzi around." "Hmmph," Suzi said. "Wouldn't hurt you to practice on me a little more...

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PureTaboo Alex Coal Bunny Colby Don8217t Go Through With This

A bride named Prudence (Bunny Colby) is having a private moment in a bathroom during her wedding reception. She is upset and clearly looks like she’d rather be anywhere else but there. But Prudence’s breakdown is interrupted by another woman, Eliza (Alex Coal), soon walking into the bathroom. Prudence is stunned to see Eliza, who is an old friend AND her husband’s sibling– not only because Eliza wasn’t invited to the wedding and reception, but because there’s...

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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 04

Valerie screamed as Michael swerved the car into the right hand lane, dropping into third gear and accelerating hard he watched the headlights of the Mercedes fade somewhat in the rear view mirror. He had not sensed the deadly intent coming from the quickly closing Mercedes but was simply moved by a gut instinct and had taken action. The bullet meant for the driver side window smashed more or less harmlessly into the rear taillight. Michael moved through traffic smoothly, luckily the flow of...

2 years ago
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Chachi ki pyass

Hello friends this is my 1st story on iss,My name is depak Any girls,auntys if want satisfaction they can contact me on chachi name is anita(real name).woh hamesha sari pehnti thi.unki gand aur boobs bahot bade hai.unka figur 36-30-38 hai.unki height 5’4″ aur umar 32 hai.unki ek 5 saal ki ladki hai. So story starts here, my chachi looks so sexy.All guys when see her 1st time wants to fuck her.Woh hamesha saree apni belly se thode nice pehnti thi jisase uski bellu bahot uthkar dikhti thi.hamari...

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Me and my little sister

My little sister was always overly friendly with me but I never thought there was anything other than brotherly admiration. That all changed once I began having sexual urges and regular masturbation. I started imagining doing things sexually with her for my own gratification. So to my current situation. There we were sitting in my bedroom after my little sister’s shower, and me trying to conceal my growing cock. I had been jerking while she was in the shower and was still hard when she came...

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Better Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Andrea Michael’s proposal was all I thought about since he gave me his parting kiss at the gate. My pragmatic side kept saying this was such a bad idea. Aside from him, I knew no one in the Bay Area, but our times together would be much more frequent and without all the disruption of taking time away from work. I could fly out to be with family during the holidays, but even these days with my siblings and their families in other parts of the country, those occasions when we all...

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12 July 2007Chapter 7

Alicia sat on the bench, and Abby leaned over and turned Alicia’s face to her. “Sounds like someone is having fun,” she smiled. “Did you hear me? Aaron gave me a really strong cum!” “We all heard you!” Brad kidded. Abby’s body continued moving up and down fucking her stud. “I loved how you and Brad danced together,” she said, then took Alicia’s tit in her hand, giving her a good kiss. Abby’s actions caught Alicia a little off guard, but she responded by feeling Abby’s tit as Aaron felt the...

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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 22

Thursday morning--Tylea and Lee. Everyone slept in on Thursday morning and well past the breakfast serving time for the hotel's restaurant schedule. Tylea, Lee, Marta, and Jack received calls from Melinda, Deuce Hartwell's PA, and were picked up around eleven thirty for a lunch date with their paramour clients at a local restaurant. "I hope that you folks have enjoyed yourselves so far this week," Hartwell said to the four college students. "I mean, despite all the excitement on...

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more fun

shower together and I keep running my hands across your body but every time I get to your breasts or pussy you swat them away giggling. You turn to see the effect I'm having on you stare down at my hardened dick. You wrap your hand around it and give it a couple good strokes before letting go and resume washing yourself. I groan in despair, knowing your little tricks and watch your gorgeous ass while you exit the shower. We get dressed and ready to go out to eat. You're wearing a...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 29

Soon after Joe and Celia arrived on the ship, Victoria put them to work. Joe knew what to do. Junior showed Celia the ropes, literally. Within an hour, they raised anchor and let the wind take them out of New York harbor. Slickers were donned when the rain hit. Even Essie wore hers despite remaining in the wheelhouse with Victoria most of the time. She did walk the deck, getting wet, when she brought sandwiches for her and Victoria. A few hours later, she asked Victoria, “Captain, may I let...

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Bunbun the Bunny

Bunbun the Bunny Ritsu sized up the small slender girl in front of her, hands on her hips as her face formed a sly expression, the sort of look she was famous for giving when she had an idea, a spark of inspiration. "I hope you don't mind us taking you out this late. I guess you're not used to the hussle and bussle, huh? Don't be so shy, introduce yourself!" Said Ritsu, as she nudged the small girl again. "A-Azusa..Sorry, I guess this really is all new to me..Staying in a club this late...

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An inopportune presence Part 1

It was a grey, mid-November day when Christine moved to her new house, in a small New England village. She moved to get away from her old life, and more specifically a cheating ex-boyfriend and a shitty job. She didn’t have much money, but she got lucky and found an ad from a girl wanting to rent out a room in her century-old house. Said house was a two-floor house on the outskirts of town, painted in dark colours, old paint chipping off here and there from the wooden walls. Christine...

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Beyond New Years Day

The next morning I was very hung over. I've had worse morning's after in my life, but not too many. I was awakened to the sound of little Alex, Michelle and Mark's younger child, crying for her mother. Before I even opened my eyes I knew I was in bad shape. My head throbbed rhythmically with the beating of my heart, my mouth was as dry as the Sahara, and my stomach felt as if a can of Drano had been poured down it. "Mommy!" I heard the insistent cry from the direction of our younger...

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