Flyover CountryChapter 3 free porn video

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Looking back to that day, and the following week, to a lesser extent. I have to admit even I was amazed at the speed things had gone from zero to DEFCON 1 in nothing flat. “Cocked Pistol” indeed! (That’s what the Armed Forces call operations under DEFCON 1 conditions)

With Faye’s lack of remorse, consideration of whether to work on the marriage hadn’t even been a speed bump on the road to going full nuclear. Heck, it wasn’t even a painted line on that road. I never bothered debating with myself about what I needed to do.

The ability to analyze problems on the fly and find solutions quickly was one of my most valuable talents in the firm where I worked. Where others wanted to study an issue to death, hold meetings, and deliberate FOREVER on possible outcomes of any proposed action, I made decisions and implemented them. The vast majority of the time, what I decided to do, worked. Sometimes, what I did wasn’t the absolute optimal solution when viewed in hindsight, but whatever I decided was always better than dithering around for a lengthy period. It invariably saved the company time and money that would have been wasted trying to find the best possible solution.

Faye’s attitude was that I was making a mountain out of a molehill. She felt she was entitled to make arbitrary decisions about the marriage without the slightest regard for my opinions or the effect on our marriage. That was pure crap.

I didn’t even pause to figure out the best thing to do. I just did what my instincts told me was right for me. Right, wrong or indifferent, I did what I did.

I’ve heard it said there is a fine line between love and hate. Maybe so. I remember I was more than a little surprised when I realized the love I had for Faye was a dying ember by the time our little discussion was complete. What little residual affection there was, faded quickly in the days following.

I could remember loving her, but it was like an echo traveling round the mountains. At first, it’s strong and vibrant but, as it reflects around stony ridges, it fades until it’s a whisper and then, even the whisper dies.

I focused on a solution I thought most appropriate—getting divorced. Part of what I had in mind was getting out from under the enormous debt of the big house we’d bought (and Faye’s expensive car too) so we could get on with our separate lives. My biggest goal was to come out of this with both our credit ratings as intact as possible.

A couple of weeks after the day I exposed all the bullshit, I called Faye’s Dad, who was still furious with his daughter—and me too, for all the “grandstanding,” as he put it. Eventually, I was able to settle him down and discuss what was best for Faye and me, as individuals.

He understood my decision not to even try to recover the marriage, even if Faye was willing. It followed that Faye and I needed to put the house up for sale as quickly as possible. I could have kept up the mortgage payments by eating bologna sandwiches every day for lunch and living like a monk, but I wasn’t willing to do that.

I’d quit my job and hunt rattlesnakes down in the Big Bend country before I would pay for a house I never wanted in the first place. Faye, as a very junior real estate agent, had only a pitifully small salary and a commission on any property she sold, except she never really got to sell anything. All the commissions went to more senior employees. After “The Day,” she didn’t even have that tiny income, so she couldn’t afford the house either.

It wasn’t hard to convince Faye’s dad we needed to get the house on the market as soon as possible because, as soon as my resources ran out and I quit making mortgage payments, the house would quickly go into foreclosure. That would damage both our credit ratings, and would affect each of us for many, many years to come.

That applied to Faye’s fancy Lexus, also. I told her father I flatly would not make the payments (and she could not) so it needed to be sold, and quickly. We didn’t have a dime in equity in the house, and we were underwater with the Lexus, but biting the bullet now would pay dividends years from now when our marriage was only a fading nightmare.

Faye’s father agreed with me, and he apparently convinced Faye. I think he convinced my soon-to-be ex wife that if she balked at any of this, I wasn’t even going to try to fix our finances. I would simply drop everything, cash out my 401k, load up my Range Rover and depart for somewhere unknown, leaving her to deal with the fallout.

As it was, we were able to sell the house fairly quickly. I had to pay some of the realtor’s expenses I wouldn’t normally have had to, but it wasn’t too bad. I traded Faye’s Lexus in on a six-year old Ford, paid cash to make up the deficit and gave the title to Faye, free and clear. That way she’d have some transportation. Insurance and upkeep expenses were all on her, though. I felt doing that was about all that could be expected of me.

When it was all over, I had what remained of my 401k and my share of what tiny amounts we’d had in our checking account and savings. Best of all, I had no big debt hanging over my head.

Mission accomplished!

We got one of those Do-It-Yourself divorces, since neither of us could actually afford a lawyer. I filed the paperwork, and did my level best to divide things equally in the property settlement area. I was moderately surprised Faye quickly agreed to what I’d proposed, considering how unreasonable she’d been the day I confronted her. Clearly, someone (probably her dad) made it clear to her there wasn’t any benefit in arguing over the almost nonexistent marital property. Fortunately, we hadn’t gotten around to having children, so child custody and support never became an issue.

Spousal maintenance wasn’t in the picture, either. We simply hadn’t been married for the minimum length of time to qualify. The DIY divorce only cost a couple hundred dollars and, as an added advantage, there was a very short waiting period.

So ... four months, one week, and a few days after I caught Mr. and Mrs. Asswipe having sex with my wife, the divorce was final. I packed up all my feelings and memories from the destroyed marriage, locked them up behind a door in my mind labeled “Faye—Do Not Open,” and got on with the next phase of my life.

Christmas that year, not too long after I got the final decree in the mail, wasn’t really that bad. I spent it with Mom and Dad. It was quiet, but very good for the soul. We exchanged gifts, had an enormous turkey dinner and, that evening, we went visiting friends and a few distant relatives.

A week into the new year, I quit my job with Reese Donnellson. It was a good job, I was very well treated there, and respected too. Mr. Donnellson thought I was accepting a position with another firm and he offered me what amounted to an executive level salary if I’d stay, but I had to decline. I assured him I wasn’t the target of some corporate head hunter. I’d simply lost my zest for the business of business and I wanted to go in a different direction. He understood, reluctantly, and sponsored a terrific going away party for me. He said if I ever changed my mind to give him a call before I went anywhere else.

By Valentine’s Day, I was unemployed, uncertain of my future, and (very curiously) quite happy with myself and life in general.

I sat at Mom’s kitchen table, watching my Dad carve a ferocious looking mountain lion from a bread-loaf sized chunk of wood while Mom cooked dinner. Dad was a master at wood carving, and Mom could have been a chef if she’d been so inclined, and if she’d had some formal education in the art. Both of them were very precious to me.

Dad wasn’t my real father. He was, biologically, my Uncle Thom, my father’s younger brother. My Mom was his wife, Lea. They’d taken me in after my parents were killed in a highway accident when I was nine years old.

Thom and Lea had been childless when they took me in, and I was still their only child. One of them couldn’t produce children. They never tried to find out whether Thom’s swimmers couldn’t do the deed or if it was something in Lea’s plumbing, they simply didn’t want to know. Their thinking was that the knowing might carry a tinge of blame associated with it, and they would not have that malignancy festering in their relationship. They loved each other too much to waste time on such things.

They were as kind and caring to me as they could possibly be. Through their love, they helped me get over the loss of my parents. It wasn’t easy, nor especially quick, but eventually, I healed.

Dad—Uncle Thom—already had a reputation as a tough, hard-bitten sheriff when I came to live with them. He’d done a lot to rid his county of outlaw bikers and drug dealers who tried to establish meth labs in the hills, while dealing with all the other transgressions humans commit against their neighbors. He’d been sheriff for a little more than twenty-one years when he retired.

The first time I ever saw a tear in one of his eyes was the day he took me to school in his county-provided patrol vehicle. I proudly introduced him to everyone I saw on the campus as my Dad, and I meant it.

Aunt Lea chaperoned a dance once—I was a sophomore in high school—and I made a point of letting everyone know I was asking my Mom to dance with me before I even THOUGHT of asking any of the girls. All the girls and teachers thought that was so sweet. I just thought it was the right thing to do to show everyone how I felt about my Mom.

The evening I asked them if they would adopt me as their son, all they could do was hold each other and bawl—and that made me start crying right along with them. We were very close, and I never thought of them as anything except Mom and Dad any more.

“What we figure we’re doing is just giving you your inheritance right now,” Dad said, “... ‘stead a’ you waitin’ for us to kick the bucket way on down the line, ya know? You’ll get it now while you’re still young and can do something with it.”

What he was talking about was transferring the title to the ranch over to me. He and Mom had decided at the ripe old age of fifty-three and fifty-one, respectively, they wanted to buy a big RV and go on a perpetual tour of the whole country. They’d already bought it, along with a miniature Jeep-looking thing to haul behind it for local transportation wherever they parked the RV. They had a plan to hit Glacier National Park first, and then go to the Grand Canyon, and—well, they had a whole series of places they wanted to go.

“But, Dad,” I replied quietly. “It’s too much! Yeah, I know y’all want to travel and all, but you need some place to call home—some place, when you get tired of roaming around all the time, where you can go to relax and decompress...”

“Yep, we know that, son. That’s why we bought that house in the north part a’ the city. It’ll be there whenever we feel the need and, this is just between us three, your Mom and I ... well, we really don’t want this place no more.

“We didn’t want to farm, or raise cattle and horses, in the first place. We just fell into it when we decided I was going to retire from the county. This was just some place to come to when I put down my badge, and somehow, we never quite managed to leave. Now’s our chance, see what I mean?

“Ohhhhh, I seeeeeeee... !” I remarked, pretending to be offended. “You don’t want it anymore, so I get the hand-me-down ranch thingy and now I get stuck here, is that the way it is?”

“Nope!” Dad answered calmly. “The land here is just flat worn out and no good for farming at all ... and most of the springs have dried up, so running cattle or horses ain’t happenin’ neither. But them oil companies keep snoopin’ around, explorin’ an’ stuff. Couple a’ them have already made an offer ... an’ they’ll come back to do it again. This time, you can get your best price from ‘em and sell the danged place.”

I thought about it. Way back when, the property started out as one single section of land, 640 acres, plus another 300-odd acres not too far away. Grandpa, my Dad’s father, bought the section from a widow when he moved here and he snapped up the other patch of ground after a particularly good season.

My dad didn’t like farming—it was why he’d turned to law enforcement in the first place—and he still didn’t want to work from dawn to dusk on the land. He’d been selling off the property whenever he had an opportunity and we only had about 500 acres left of the original one-mile square section. The separate 300 acres went to a farmer whose land bordered those acres.

“Okay, Dad, I’ll do it,” I told him. “But it really is too much! How ‘bout if I take it, get everything all sold off and then we split the profits three ways—you, me, and Mom. Whatcha think?”

“How about we make it an 80-20 split and you send us emails twice a week and call us every Sunday?” my Mom interjected in a no-nonsense tone. She walked from the stove over to where I sat in the kitchen chair, looking at me reprovingly. I had the chair tipped up on its rear two legs while I leaned back against the wall. She wrapped her arms around my head and kissed my forehead. “We love you, son,” she murmured, “please let us do this.”

I glanced at Dad. He’d returned to his carving and wasn’t paying me any attention; he didn’t even bother answering my question. He didn’t need to. The negotiations were now in Mom’s hands, and Dad knew darn well I couldn’t tell Mom “no” about anything.

I tried to stand up to her a little.

“How about a 50-50 split ... I send you text messages and email all the time, and phone you on Sundays, all legal holidays, and birthdays, too?” I offered.

“Deal!” Mom countered instantly. “Now put that DANGED chair down on all four legs and go get cleaned up for supper,” she ordered. She glanced at my dad. “Thom...”

Dad had already picked up his carving tools and was on his way out of the kitchen en route to the garage where he stored his gear and projects. I had to hustle to get washed up and get back to help Mom set the table.

That’s how it happened, in early April of the year after I caught Faye fucking around, I stood on the front porch of Mom and Dad’s old home and watched them drive their new home slowly up the gravel road toward the state highway three miles away. The forty-something foot long beast had every convenience known to man enclosed in its beautifully designed interior, including a full shower and a queen-sized bed. They were hauling a tiny Korean-made thing behind them so they could park the thing and tour local scenic sights, towns, or whatever they decided they wanted to do that day.

When they topped the rise a mile away and drove down the other side out of sight, I sighed and went back in my house, though it sure didn’t seem like a home any longer. From the outside, it seemed to be a typical, worn out farmhouse like many built circa 1930. With his background in law enforcement, Dad had decided to not make the home he set up for his wife and son an attractive target for bad guys of all descriptions.

Inside, the house had everything. The living room was dominated by a 70-plus inch 4K TV, and Dad had installed the finest home theater sound system money could buy. The furniture was big, overstuffed, and comfortable. The rest of the house was furnished in the same manner.

On the backside of the house, Dad had built a big wooden deck with a grill and smoker combo built of native stone, because he and Mom barbequed a lot. We had a really nice pool measuring twenty feet by thirty-five feet, deep enough at one end for diving and big enough so Mom could do laps whenever she wanted. Mom had been on the swim team when she was in high school and still loved to swim for exercise.

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 10

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip! He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power? most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania Or if you want to input...

4 years ago
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Serving my master part 2

  I’m a teenage white cross-dressing sissy: My master is a tall muscle bound black man. After my first encounter with him he told me to come home with him, as we walked to his car he had his hand on my ass. I felt so sexy as he fondled me. When we got into his car he grabbed me by the hair "Here’s the rule from now on I own you you’re my slave and I’m your Master, you will do everything I tell you, do you understand?" " Yes Master I replied". "Take off your clothes" he commanded. I was...

3 years ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 18 Betrayal

Aerick awoke first to the chains. The surroundings confused him at first, but his eyes slowly acclimated to the dim chamber. His wrists were bound above him, and his feet brushed the bone covered floor below. A moan to his left caught his attention, and he saw the similarly dangling form of Toril against the far wall. To his right, Savren lay crumpled in a heap, covered in blood and bound in wire. Of Kieron, there was no sign, giving the ranger pause to whether the young human had evaded...

1 year ago
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Errotic Photo Session

Suraj had a keen eye for photography. From the age of about 14, he had regularly been working at the weekends as a wedding and party photographer. Even during his college days, he suplemented his income with regular photo shoots. By the time he had finished his Chemistry degree, he had even opened a small studio in the basement and did family portraits and the like. His sister Pooja was older than him and lived in Bangalore where she worked as a freelance journalist, covering the latest fashion...

3 years ago
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When The Tied Turn

I woke gently from my deep sleep, my eyes straining against the brightness of the morning light. It was too bright. Our bedroom was never this bright in the morning, the smell of dew mixed with cut grass and the chattering birds outside were altogether overpowering. Our room wasn't normally this bright, the smells not normally so vivid and pungent, I could almost feel the warmth of the sun touching my skin first hand.As I finally forced my eyes open I could see my husband had left the blinds...

3 years ago
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Inside Mr Fancy Pants Apartment

“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 37

I woke up around 6:30 on Sunday morning, stiff, sore and cold from sleeping on the study room floor. I shuffled down the hall to the bathroom to relieve myself of some of the large quantity of beer I had consumed last evening. The hanger was still on the door to my room, so I went back to the study room. I sat down on one of the chairs in the lounge and flipped on the TV. I watched a couple anchors prattle on about March Madness, only half way paying attention. I brooded about last night as...

3 years ago
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Transgender Outdoor SelfBondage

Another day of work had finished and I flew out the door just after 4:30pm on a mild March afternoon. I had still not transitioned professionally, so presented as male in the office. After work, though, I was my true self. A transwoman who was already taking hormones. I got into the car and turned out onto the main road, traffic was not too bad and I made the journey across town in under 15 minutes.Pulling up at the side of the road, the last glimmer of daylight was fading, but the streetlamps...

1 year ago
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Watching My Wife

During her time in college my wife who was in her early 40s often met in study groups with several other students. The groups were both male and female and most were also much younger. Often she would arrive home later than expected saying that they had just ran late. Then she started talking about one guy in her group that was driving a beautiful vintage Jag.She talked about how soft the leather seats were and how well the car rode and drove. Finally one night she said how she thought the...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 331

Compliments of A. G. A thief entered a house mid-afternoon. He tied up the woman and at knife-point and asked the man to hand over the jewelry and money. The man started sobbing and said, ‘You can take anything you want. But please untie the rope and free her.’ Thief: ‘You must really love your wife!’ Man: ‘Not particularly, but she will be home shortly. ‘ ✧ ✧ ✧ My boss was complaining in a staff meeting the other day that he wasn’t getting any respect. Later that morning he went out...

2 years ago
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Phone Sex Diary

Copyright © 1999 Dear Diary: I feel guilty as hell ya know, for doing this, but I figure what the hell, who's gonna see it, right? What I did was tape some conversations with my best friend Lisa the last couple nights. Thing is, I did some manipulating during the conversations to get Lisa excited. Thought I'd transcribe it here just for kicks, ya know? Play it back for her one night when things are slow, for laughs, ya know? Then "we'll'' erase it. Anyway, here goes. If YOU find...

4 years ago
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I meet her on the internet. In one of the infamous chat rooms. Over a period of several months we got very close, at least on a mental level. After all, communication is all that you have on the internet. Finally, I decided that this is someone that I had to meet in person. The only problem was that she lived in the middle of nowhere, 800 miles away from me, but that was just logistics, and easily solved. I arrived in her town on Thursday night, with plans to meet her the next day for lunch....

3 years ago
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Cousin k saath chhoti behan ki chudai

Hello friends, main phir aapke khidmat main haazir hoon aik aur story layker jis main main nay apni chhoti behan Shazia kee phir chudai kee mager is dafa apnay aik cousin kay saath. Aapkee ra’ay ka intezar rehay ga bayshak mujh per tanqeed her kyoon na kerain mager jo maza behan k saathe chudai main aata hai woh kissi aur kay saath kahan, khawah aap isay acha samhain ya bura. Aaeay ab time waster kiay bugair story kee taraf aatay hain.Friends aik dafa main apnay uncle k pass Karachi gia hua tha...

3 years ago
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Yoga On Me A lesson to remember

Yoga On Me: A lesson to rememberNCBIt was Saturday morning and I couldn’t wait to hit the yoga mat to work out all of my sexual tension. Usually, Jaden would be off from work on Fridays to fulfill my needs. He would fuck me real good the night before and when morning arrived I felt relaxed to tape my yoga lesson. Sometimes I would even do a live stream show to upload for a yoga website. As I sat in Indian style thinking about Jaden I noticed how a smile sneaked across my face. Jaden had been...

2 years ago
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A Paladins JourneyChapter 7 Ildernass

***ERIK – Temple Sura, Ekistair*** Erik reclined back on the soft cushions beneath him and folded his hands behind his head, relishing the warm, wet sensations emanating from his cock. Looking down past the dense hairs on his chest, he could see the silky brown tresses bobbing up and down over his groin. He moaned at the talented tongue and lips that pleasured him. He had been granted two sunstones for his modest quarters deep in the Temple, as had the other aronduri, but two were ample,...

3 years ago
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The Torment 3 It Gets Worse

Disclaimer: DBZ does not belong to me, neither does Ranma 1/2. They are only the victims of my obsession with Piccolo-sama and will not get paid, since I am not. The Torment Part 3: It gets worse By Talent Scout Piccolo-chan swore loudly, now that Gohan was out of hearing distance. Although, she realized he wouldn't have been able to recognize her voice. What now? She wondered, I can't kill that girl, Gohan would notice. Besides, a voice in her head whispered, you really don't...

1 year ago
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Ek Adhuri Prem Kahani 8211 Part II

Hello dosto, mein phir se ek adhuri prem kahani story leke aazir hu, mera name rahul hai, koi bhi aurat bhabhi jo unsatisfy hai, muje contact kar sakthe ho me aap ko satisfy karunga, thane mumbai or kolkatt etc., ke area ke aurat bhi mujse contact karke chudwa sakthi ho. me isliye story liktha hu takhi aap log mere se contact kare or me aap ko satisfy ka saku. jaise ki aap log mera pechla story padh ke aacha response diya uske liye me aap logo ko danyawaad kartha hu, mera pechal story hai 1)...

1 year ago
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Things Can Only Get Better

He was surrounded by grey. Grey walls, grey carpet, grey suits. Even the clouds outside were grey, well he assumed they were since his cubicle was the furthest from a window. The forecast had called for rain all day, which went well with how he was feeling. Brian took stock of his life as he perused Reddit, trying to look busy incase his jerk of a boss caught sight of him over the cubicle walls. At 29 years old, he was the oldest entry level employee at Company A. He couldn't really remember...

2 years ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 19

Angie was very happy with herself after Karl and Sarah tied the knot, especially as Sarah’s parents came around, albeit rather reluctantly at first. It didn’t take long for Karl to charm them, especially once they saw how much he doted on their daughter. They still weren’t happy that he was German, Christian, and only eighteen, still in high school. Even so, he expressed interest in physics and a strong desire to go into astrophysics in particular, fields close to Dr. Jacob Kurtz’s own...

3 years ago
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Have You Ever

Chapter 1 I was young when my mom died but I still remember parts of it like the funeral and how there were so many people there and that they made a big deal over me. I knew it was sad and even that my mom was gone, that she wasn't coming back but I really didn't fully know that it might mean that my father might eventually bring home a new wife. Well, it did happen, not right away, it even took quite a few years, then he introduced me to a woman, Carol, that he had been seeing and then we...

First Time
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Tucks American Roadtrip The Return

PART SIX LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) Tuck was standing several feet from the airline ticket counter arguing over who is the best quarterback in the NFL with Chuck, while Reggie Tharpe wearing his embarrassingly tacky bright Hawaiian shirt, negotiated with the ticket agent lady. It was obvious Reggie was having a hard time understanding the lady’s foreign accent. Finally, they noticed the ticket lady pass Reggie their three boarding passes. “That Reggie has no patience with...

1 year ago
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Apolonia Lapiedra 1500 790000

So, you are a fan of Apolonia Lapiedra! That speaks volumes about you! The hottie is an award-winning pornstar, a proud owner of a fiery ass, and a brunette temptress that looks equally great in threesomes as she does in steamy massage parlors where she offers her glistening curves to big-dicked studs. Apolonia is a fucking star of such grandeur that she even got my attention!Whenever I write reviews about Twitter pages, I arm myself with knowledge and a raging boner. I have never been much of...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ke Doodh

Aaj main aapko apni bilkul real story sunane ja raha hoon.baat tab ki hai jab main college paas kar ke shahar mein apne bhai bhabhi ke paas naukri ki talash mein aaya tha .Meri Bhabhi bahut hi hansmukh hein.hamesha muskurate rehti thi aur mere bhai ka utna hi rood nature tha.isliye meri aur Bhabhi ki bahut patne lagi. Hum aapas mein koob majak karte.dheere dheere main kab Bhabhi ki aur aakarshit hone laga mujhe pata bhi nahin chala.mujhe bhabhi ki khushbu bahut achchhi lagne lagi thi.jab kabhi...

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Wish of Jeanie

Jeanie waved goodbye to her two boys as her parents pulled away. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone for the weekend, but also knew that she needed the break. Unfortunately, that break wouldn't really start until she finished catching up on the housework. There were too many things that she'd put off, and she knew that she simply couldn't relax until each and every one of them was done. She tied back her strawberry blonde tresses, and went to work. The hours...

1 year ago
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Debt of 1000 BlowJobs

"Get in the car." Greg didn't have to be told twice. Greg knew why these two huge men in dark suits were waiting in his driveway, and Greg knew who sent them. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Greg and Tammy his wife got caught up in the Real Estate frenzy that had spread like wildfire across the country. In their area, the houses were ripe, theirs for the taking. They'd flipped half a dozen houses before the bottom fell out of the market. They did the best they could, but they were down...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Helps Me

Hopefully you have started at the beginning story as this is a continuation of my sexual maturation.Now that i had experienced real sex, I was hornier than ever. Being quite y0ung still, my girlfriend and I were limited in what we did sexually. She was a real cutie, skinny, red head, smelled wonderful every time I was with her. She was a dream girlfriend in every way except sexually. When we first dated it didn't matter as I was just as naive. But thanks to my c0usin, and a good friend, I now...

3 years ago
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Me And My Sister Boobie 8211 With A Salesgirl

Hi, all this is your Shreya- the lesbian girl is back with a new sex story. First of all, a nice boobs shake and a sweet pussy lick to all girl with a long smooch. I’m here to narrate what happened with me a few days back. But before that meet me introduce myself and my twin sis Shivani(Boobie). I’m Shreya (titty) get my new sizes which are because of my and boobies daily sex encounters.My sizes now are 36-28-40. And same for boobie. We have got nice big ass which we love to spank. Now coming...

2 years ago
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Tales From Helena Ch 01

Rachel looked down at her best friend, Staci, and wondered just what could have happened to have reduced her to this gibbering emotional wreck. She placed the two cups of tea down on the table and then sat beside her on the sofa, wanting to console her but not knowing where to begin. “Staci, calm down will ya! Tell me what’s wrong.” “Everything! Fucking everything!” sobbed Staci. Rachel put a consoling arm around Staci’s shoulders and allowed her friend to bury her tear streaked face into...

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