Banner YearChapter 25
- 3 years ago
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For the second time in a few minutes, Cal initiated a kiss. This one lasted a long time, and this time, he instinctively thrust his crotch into her. The kiss lasted long enough for her to unfasten and unzip his jeans and reach in to grasp his painfully rigid cock. She gave it a few gentle strokes and he started panting. "Teri! I'm going to come!"
"I hope so!"
"But... !" It was already too late. When he had finished spurting, she somehow worked his jeans down with one hand, never letting go of his barely-shrinking cock. She got his shoes and jeans off. Then, she pulled off his shorts and wiped off his crotch and her hands on them. When she stood up, she shed her panties and her hanging bra and pulled off his T-shirt.
She just stood back a few feet and looked at him. "You can't imagine how much I've wanted to see you like this," she said almost reverently.
"But I'm just..."
"Just a beautiful man. Can you stay a while?" At his nod, she asked "Your first time?" Once again he nodded. That brought her back into a hug and she said into his chest "I am so honored!"
By some miracle, Cal was still thinking. He knew that she was on the pill, but he should not know. "Um, Teri, I don't have anything. I didn't plan..."
"Pill!" was all she said as she led him to the bed. She threw back the covers and pulled him down atop herself. "I really need a shower, but I have to do this first. Oh, good, you're nice and hard again. Just move right up here. Don't worry about putting your weight down on me. It feels wonderful..." Excitement of any kind made Teri loquacious, and this was the most excitement for her in a very long time.
Their first coupling took place with Teri giving a passionate blow-by-blow, punctuated with more than a few tears. Cal's second come took only a little longer than the first, but even the few dozen strokes it took were like a taste of heaven to the sex-starved woman.
When he had finished, she hugged him so fiercely he feared she would be crushed. The few tears turned into wracking sobs. Rather than being alarmed, he just knew they were tears of happiness and relief. Any remaining doubts about the morality of what they were doing were swept away by the joy and relief she displayed. The incredible wrung out feeling of the best orgasm of his life did not allow much room for guilt, either.
"Gotta pee!" she exclaimed when her sobs had ceased. At first shocked at her lack of modesty as she hurried to the toilet, Cal grinned as he realized her action was a welcoming of intimacy with him. He was still resting on the bed when he heard the tub start to fill.
Although he was quite shy of his body, Cal knew that it would please her if he seemed casual about being naked. He got up and walked into the bathroom to be greeted by a wide grin. He walked up to her and gave her a hug. "You need to show me how to make you come," he told her.
"In the tub will be perfect," was her breathless reply. It was a jacuzzi tub built for two. At first, they sat facing each other, but she soon turned her back to him and leaned against his chest.
While the tub was still filling, she took his finger and brought it right to her clit. "Rub!" With some initial uncertainty, he began the little circular motion that she showed him. The small nub seemed rather elusive at first, but before long he could sense when he was over it or had lost contact.
When he seemed to have good contact and she was starting to feel the effects, she took his other hand and helped him massage her breast. "Pinch and roll it," she instructed as he tentatively fingered her nipple.
His lack of confidence but determination to do well for her seemed to enhance her arousal. Just the fact that he had come to her was almost enough to throw her into orgasm. Had he been able to stroke longer on the bed, she would have surely gotten over. Nothing that had happened had dampened her excitement, so her arousal level had been high for many minutes.
Having never made out, to say nothing of bringing a girl off, Cal did not know what to expect. When Teri's climax came, her body straightened, raising her bottom off of the tub. He thought he should keep on fingering her, but her convulsions made him lose contact. As he was trying to find the spot again, he felt her own hand move in and rub furiously until her body started to relax. Then, she was able to take his hand and instruct him to rub the whole area.
When she was completely still and breathing heavily but smoothly, Cal spoke into her ear "Sorry, I guess I didn't do it quite right."
If she had had the strength, she probably would have spun around and gotten in his face. As it was, she said gently "Oh, Sweetie, that was absolutely wonderful. And your first try! I don't know if I will survive if you get any better at it."
"I will get better, I promise," he said firmly. "'Course you've gotta promise to tell me exactly what I'm doing right and wrong, OK."
"Me? I'm much too shy to do that," she objected. The chuckle they shared eased the emotional level quite a bit.
The tub had filled some minutes ago and the excess was going out the overflow. Teri turned off the water and snuggled back against him. "I think washing me will be a good way to learn about every little part, don't you? I know you have seen it all, but touching is..." she shivered a little as her words ran out.
When Cal had finished washing her upper body, she turned toward him on her knees and took one of his hands in both of hers. "Do you really do stuff like breaking boards and bricks with this hand?"
"Um, yeah, some."
"Then how can your touch be so sexy? It feels like you're, uh, worshipping with your fingers!"
He held a hand in front of his faced and flexed. "It's just telling what I really feel about you."
Collapsing into him, she sobbed out "Damn you, Cal! You've got to stop saying shit like that! Don't make me fall any more in love with you, please. This can't go anywhere in the long run. It's just making the end that much harder."
For several minutes, silence and tender strokes seemed to be the only appropriate response. When he felt she had calmed enough, he asked "Teri, why are you worrying about the end when it's our first time? There will be lots more times, I promise?"
In an agonized tone, she told him "It ended before. It didn't have to. It shouldn't have! This has to end, I just know it!"
He had known all along that she was wounded and still grieving. Until now, he did not fully appreciate the severity of her wounds and the depths of her grief. He wanted to help her, but it would be a huge challenge.
"Teri, I want to ask you to do something difficult. When we're together, let's try to concentrate on today - on right now. Help me learn to make it good for you. Enjoy the feelings. Please don't waste time worrying about this ending!"
He did not wait for a reply, but got out of the tub and helped her out. After they both dried, they walked to the bed arm-in-arm. Once again, she spread out on her back to invite him. He started kissing her, but she found his hardness and guided him in again. This time, he was able to stroke for several minutes. She used her finger again, and was able to bring herself right to the edge. She let his stroking take her from there, and when she came she took him with her.
Both partners were sad when he had to go home, but they also understood. He went down to see Tessa before he left. It was hard to face her but he knew he would have to do it soon anyway. There was something important he had to ask her.
"Um, Tessa, could you make an exception this one time?"
"I mean, don't tell Rebecca about your mom and me?"
"Oh. Why did you think I would... ?" He was staring at her hard and she dropped her eyes. "Yeah, this probably should be a secret."
That night and the next day in school, the thing that Cal felt most was that he didn't feel that much different. He did not have an irresistible urge to jump up and click his heels. He did not think he wore a silly grin all day. Nor was there a battle with guilt. There was nothing dirty or evil about what he and Teri had shared. In fact, he felt some pride that he had eased her anguish a little. And even some gratitude to Tessa for pushing him into it.
The very next night there was a shoot. As soon as they saw each other, Teri pulled him aside and spoke quietly. "Cal, Honey, we absolutely have to act the same as before when we're working. OK?"
"Just so you know what I really want to do every time I get close," he told her with a grin.
"Damn you! You're not helping at all!" she said with a blush. "I'll have to have a talk with you later."
In case Cal had worried that the thirst for sex was one-sided or had been slaked, Teri literally dragged him to the bedroom before they even got the van unloaded back at her house. If she had seemed in a hurry to get him inside of her the first time, this time it was a near panic. She almost magically shucked her slacks and panties, then got his jeans and shorts down around his thighs as she backed toward the bed.
Obviously, he was hard by the time she laid back on the bed and pulled him on top of her. She was as prepared as he was and he slipped in smoothly as she first aimed him then pulled firmly on his ass to get him where she needed him.
Predictably, he did not count a dozen strokes before he blew, but she was not at all discouraged. "Keep pushing if it's not too painful," she encouraged him. He was quite sensitive, but he had not softened very much and he was stiff enough to maintain a decent fucking motion.
Even with all of the fluids, the wonderful, warm friction got him fully hard again in a hurry. The unusual amount of lubrication and the recent ejaculation took away his urgency. It was what she had been hoping for.
The first come had left him weak, but he could not think of rolling off of her, so he told his arms not to give out and he held his position. Soon, the arousal seemed to re-energize him and his arms stopped shaking.
With Teri, he did not have to guess at what she wanted - she talked to him non-stop. Following her directions, he settled into a pace that seemed to bring her the most pleasure. He also tried some small lateral and circular motions at her suggestion, and he was very pleased at her response to the different stimulation.
Despite the greater staying power from the lubrication and the reduced prostate pressure, it ended up being a race after six or seven minutes. She was getting closer, as her frantic words made perfectly clear. It was his first experience with the agonizing male battle between the need to come and the desire to take his lover to completion first. He tried slowing down just a little, but the insistent pull of her heels against his ass foiled that strategy.
The control disciplines that he had learned in his four years of training were the only things he could call upon to forestall his climax. He knew that if he let go, he would be too tender to keep plunging into her and she would come up short of her need. That was something he was determined to prevent.
As he struggled, he thought that he might have to start coming twice before entering her. Once would not be enough if he had to struggle like this every time. Maybe if he made her come with his hands or his mouth first she would get there faster when he was in her. There were so many things about sex that he did not know.
Just thinking about ways to make her come almost ruined his strategy and he just caught himself in time and forced his mind to less stimulating subjects. Anything but thinking about the feeling of that hot, smooth, snug sheath around his tingling, tortured manhood! No! Don't think about that! It... too late!
He gave a loud groan, thrust forcefully into her, and grunted as the first pulse shook him. The intensity was beyond anything in his experience, and he was barely sensate, just aware enough to realize that Teri was screaming and convulsing beneath him, her wildly fluttering vaginal muscles almost ejecting him as he continued his own massive orgasm.
Even his great conditioning and his determination could not keep his arms holding him up after he came, and he started to roll off of her. She, however, had other ideas and pulled him down atop herself. "S'OK," she panted. "I won't squash... Want you close."
Unwilling to take any chance of hurting her, he slid down so his head was between her breasts and his right elbow was braced on the bed at about her waist. With at least some of his weight off of her, they lay panting for a few minutes.
Almost simultaneously, she started playing with his hair and he began tracing his left hand slowly up and down her side, over her hip, and down the outside of her thigh. After a few circuits up and down, he brought his hand up and undid the buttons on her blouse one by one.
He had just spread the blouse open and moved his lips to her bra-encased breast when she dropped her hand from his hair and reached between the bra cups. Suddenly, the soft, luxurious mound under his mouth was bare. As her hand returned to his hair, his moved over her breast and kneaded it tenderly.
When his ministrations produced a contented little hum from her, he lifted his head and took her nipple into his mouth. Soon, the hum amplified into a moan and the hand in his hair pulled his face insistently toward herself. Her knees came up, spreading her soggy crotch wide open against his belly.
As her body writhed beneath him, he felt himself swelling again, and his lengthening cock soon touched her leg. When she sensed his expanded presence, she almost threw her pelvis at it as if trying to devour it. Quickly, she had her hand between them, pulling his cock toward her opening. When Cal's head came up to look at her in surprise, she gave a little pout and said "Haven't had anything but fingers and plastic in there for so long!"
"I... I don't think I can come anytime soon."
"Too sore to stick it in?"
"Huh uh."
"Then I want you in me. Please?" When he scooted forward and slid in effortlessly, she told him "I'd roll over on top of you, but I'm afraid I'd leak all over you." Without saying anything, he slid his arms under her and rolled them over.
She was right. His crotch and thighs soon felt their combined juices. At the time, though, she was giving him a kiss that precluded any other possible sensations. And it was his first time in that position, so the thrill of discovery overrode any squeamishness.
After breaking the kiss she somehow worked his sweatshirt and shirt off over his head and laid her head down. Then, her only movement was a random wriggling of her pelvis as she flexed her internal muscles. It was just enough sensation to keep him hard.
He was feeling very, very good and took the opportunity to explore her backside as far down as he could reach. Almost like a massage, he squeezed and kneaded her flesh starting at her shoulders and working downward. When he got to her waist, he pushed upward and the looser flesh around her middle bunched and rose with his hands. "Cal, Honey, I don't... ," she started to either object or apologize.
"Shhh," he insisted. "You weren't going to tell me I wasn't having fun, now were you?" With that, she pressed her face tighter against him and said nothing.
When his hands reached her bottom, he squeezed, pushed, pulled, patted, caressed, and jiggled her flesh any way he could think of. He could feel goose bumps spring up when he laid his hands wide open on the sides of her hips as if measuring them, then grabbed and moved the handfuls all over. After several minutes, he put both middle fingers at the top of her crack and slowly moved them downward, pulling the cheeks apart when he had leverage. He did not linger at her anus, but she could not suppress a gasp and a flinch as he brushed over it.
When his fingers reached his cock protruding from her entry, he traced both ways along her lips and back. When he repeated that, she started moving back and forth vigorously on top of him. With his hands spread wide, he grabbed her buttocks as tightly as he could and used his hold to help her move back and forth. It was quite uncomfortable for him, almost painful to his cock, but there was no way he was going to let on. From seeming almost comatose a few minutes before, she was now moaning and puffing.
Cal did not have the frame of reference to know that Teri was as sexually responsive as any woman he would ever encounter. In particular, she had the unusual capacity to reach orgasm from vaginal stimulation quite easily. Add to that her long period of sexual deprivation and the eroticism of her illicit union with a minor and she made the porn stars and their faked responses seem frigid.
For Teri, it was not just stimulation of erogenous zones that aroused her. She was a woman for whom body contact amplified her responses. The feelings of skin, body heat, and the pressure of another person close turned all of her into an erogenous zone. Cal's natural curiosity led to his busy hands constantly exploring some part of her. There was nothing better he could have done to drive her to the peaks of sensation.
Teri came one more time, but Cal did not join her. When she breathlessly enthused about how wonderful their interlude had been, he naturally discounted her comments as well-meaning encouragement for his sexual inexperience. She, however, honestly ranked their twenty minutes or so as the most intense and satisfying sex of her life.
Unfortunately, they were time-constrained. Explaining that it would seem strange if he did not shower at home, she washed his crotch with a rag and reluctantly sent him on his way.
The almost three months of the school term that remained after the JV basketball season ended became a very good time for Cal. His life was full, between school, workouts, photography, relatively little golf, and far less sex with Teri than he would have liked. It was full but not as pressed for time as when he had daily practice. He could feel his body responding to conditioning as never before. It was now possible for him to build muscle mass in an adult fashion, and the changes were apparent month by month.
Over the winter, he had thought a lot about football and decided that he genuinely liked kicking. The planned, controlled motion appealed to him in the same way as a golf swing. The results of his efforts were immediately obvious, and almost exclusively dependent on his skill. It was almost like an individual sport within a team sport. It was the kind of action at which he knew he excelled.
Cal's interest in kicking was fine with Mr. Yokata. The leg speed and extension required fit very closely with the kicks used against an attacker. From his younger days in soccer, Cal used the sideways soccer-style kick, but that was not a serious deviation. It was Mr. Yokata who talked Cal into practicing punting. That motion matched even more closely with the martial arts kicks.
Somewhat to his own surprise, Cal found himself looking forward to his kickoff coverage duties, as well. He liked the strategy involved in positioning himself as a last line of defense against a runback. It was the same feeling he had as he surveyed the basketball court. Mr. Yokata told him that because of the way he was adding muscle, it was time to start heavier work on his upper body development. Hearing Cal's expressed interest in tackling, the sensei wanted to get him as injury-resistant as possible.
With proms, graduations, and weddings coming up in the spring and summer, the photography business was limited only by Cal's time. Word of mouth traveled rapidly, and the original high school girls whose portraits he had taken spread the word among family and friends. That led to many of the in-home sessions, which spawned even more interest.
Cal's time was not the only limiting factor on the photography business. Teri and Tessa had essentially pushed Cal into the business, and Teri worked very hard to limit Cal's time to the essentials. By the spring, she was feeling the pressure on her own time, since she had a full-time job. Tessa did her part, as well, but Teri was reluctant to be left out of any shoot.
The sexual relationship with Teri, once it started, could have consumed a lot of Cal's time and energy. As needy as she was for the love and stimulation, though, Teri managed to keep his best interests at heart. She would have liked nothing better than to find ways for him to spend the night with her. She missed that closeness and contact as much as anything. But because of the risk of discovery and the impact on the rest of his life, she limited their trysts to a stolen hour or two once or twice a week. That meant that their times together were more energetic and passionate than gentle and intimate. Still, just the way they worked together on the business allowed them to share in a loving way.
The first two nights they were together, both Teri and Cal were consumed by the newness, the passion, and for Teri at least, the end of her dry spell. Because it took a week before they could hook up again, she had more time to think, and it left her quite disturbed.
The risk to Teri was tremendous, and it chilled her to think about it. Even if she was not arrested upon discovery, her friendship with the Banners would be destroyed. For a few days, she was resolved to stop things before they progressed any farther. She never got around to telling Cal, though, and every time she saw him, signs of arousal overtook her. There was just nothing she could do about it.
Teri had to admit to herself that she could not go back to the way she was with Cal. All she could do was resolve to use extreme caution, at least until he reached sixteen. If she could have her way, she would be with him every day. Realistically, she figured they would have sex thirty or forty more times before his sixteenth birthday.
Because the business was really based out of Teri's house, Cal saw a lot of Tessa, and their rather unique relationship evolved, as well. It became commonplace for her to plop on his lap, even with Teri right there. Cal having sex with Teri had, in a surprising way, improved the Tessa/Cal relationship significantly. Still, there was a wariness about both of them. They were almost like two strong-minded siblings in their ability to get under each other's skin.
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In the first week of the new year, two psychiatrists, speaking for the panel that had been employed to evaluate Greg, came to the Overland mansion to give their report. Brandon, Penelope, Genevieve, and Greg's lead lawyer were in the meeting. After the introductions, the lead doctor took the floor. "We have put Greg through the entire battery of tests and examinations that we described to you beforehand. We can go into as much detail as you would like, but let me summarize. He is...
The romance between Tessa and Vick took off like a rocket. Tessa was never one to dither when she wanted something, and she wanted Vick in the worst way. He, of course, did not have a chance. Not that he felt tricked or coerced in any way. Like a lot of the guys at school, Vick had been fascinated by Tessa, but because of her brains and her apparent relationship with Cal, he did not waste any time wishing for her. Finding out that she wanted him was just too good to be true. Just two weeks...
Robin was pissed. Her anger at that Jeremy character had been building with every report of his smarmy little campaign to subjugate her new friend Darlene. It was two weeks before Cal's return home, and Robin had just heard about Jeremy's last intrusion and Darlene's refusal to return to the club. Well, it was better that Darlene not be there right now, but by God, she would be back if Robin had anything to say about it. Robin and Darlene were worlds apart in life experience, yet Robin...
Saturday morning could have been a scene from a 'B' movie about high school girls. Of the eight gathered in Teri's rec room, Rebecca and Tessa were as giddy as the rest. Somehow, Cal thought they should have been helping to organize things and bring some order. Didn't happen. Since Sam had asked him personally, he took her first. She had changed into a tube top, which was apparently the uniform for the portraits. He started with the same approach he had used on Rebecca and Tessa, trying...
With basketball finished, Cal had no extra-curricular activities from school to take up his time. He had decided that he was going to accelerate his martial arts training for the entire spring and summer until football practice started in mid-August. The morning after his first naked photo session with Teri, it was easy for him to get up early, as sleep had been very hard to find. The extra exertion of his more vigorous workout was just what he needed to relieve the tension built up by the...
When the van pulled across their path and the men jumped out, Cal's initial reaction was a flash of panic, but in milliseconds he remembered why he had spent all of those years in martial arts classes. The men looked Arabic, and his mind flashed back to the sight of Rachman kicking the helpless Ismi. It was not going to happen again! Mr. Yokata's teachings came to him with the force of deeply ingrained habit. First, the assessment. Two men. No visible weapons. One man, the driver, had to...
When Cal was first able to walk on his foot, he had started taking walks in the cool of the evening. The foot was healed, but it could not yet take the stress of running. On the second night that he walked, his mother caught up with him halfway down the driveway, took his hand in hers, and made it clear that she intended to walk with him. "Teri gets to spend a lot more time with you than I do," she complained. "I've got to grab whatever I can." After a moment of panic that she might...
Two football games had already been played, and Cheryl was very concerned. Greg had gained right around 100 yards in each game, although he had fumbled once. She talked with Cal on Monday night, trying to arrange a time when they could get together. She was adamant that it had to be before that Friday's game. Finding a time and place was actually rather tough. The rendezvous had to be kept secret from both sets of parents and from Greg. That ruled out Cheryl's home, and it made evenings...
Since he had shown Rebecca and Tessa the nude pictures of Rob Krantz, the girls had lain in wait for Cal's return every time Teri went on a shoot. They knew there would likely be nudity if Teri had to preside. "Any naked guys?" would hit Cal as soon as he walked into the house with film in hand. "I gotta have a talk with Mom," Tessa pouted. "I can't understand why only she gets to go on the sexy shoots. It's just not fair!" Cal looked quickly at Rebecca, who had not yet finished her...
To Cal's relief, nothing bad had happened by the time most people had eaten and the sun was getting low. He had relaxed his vigil on Rebecca and Bobby and was talking with Dante Powers about the new basketball coach and the team's prospects. He realized that he had not seen the lovebirds for a while, and when Dante walked off to see someone else, Cal started scanning the beach for them. He was just starting to be concerned when Cheryl came running up to him, followed closely by Tessa....
Rebecca went home for dinner, and when she sat down at the table, everyone could see the static issuing from almost everywhere on her body. Elaine waited until everyone had finished, then asked "Honey, is there something you wanted to say?" "I want to stay overnight at Bobby's so I can help him in the morning," Rebecca said as rapidly as she could. "Help him with what?" Martin asked before Elaine could warn him to keep quiet. "Well, he has to stay lying straight - can't bend at...
At the hospital, Cheryl could see it in her mother's eyes. Darlene Carson had no idea what to do or what was going to happen, and it scared her to death. Armed with her new understanding, Cheryl laid everything out in simple, specific terms, seeing her mother's tension ease with every sentence. It was nice for Cheryl to see her analysis verified, but it was also disturbing to find this out about her mother. Cheryl could not help thinking how much better her home life might have been if she...
In the weeks since her return to the health club, Jeremy had given Darlene five massages. That they were much longer than the fifteen minutes offered on the coupons was never mentioned. She had worn the two-piece suit on the table every time, and he decided to make his move. "Darlene, you've got some tightness here that I can't get rid of with these short strokes. I need to move up and down your whole back." Without saying any more, Jeremy undid the clasp that held the suit top...
Cheryl really wanted to be there for the first part of Jeremy's humiliation, but she understood why it could not work out. As Rebecca drove them all from the airport, Cheryl felt that sense of unreality. It was the first time that she had been home in two months. Everything seemed so familiar, yet strange in a way. And she really was not home. This was just a quick drop-in. Nobody could understand why she was so adamant about being there tonight - well, Cal understood, and maybe her mom...
Cal and Cheryl were still cuddling, caressing, and talking when his normal workout time arrived. They dozed off for a few hours, and Cal was definitely groggy when they had to get up for her flight. She was just as lifeless until Robin showed up and explained that she was going with them. It was the biggest shot of energy that Cal had ever seen. Cheryl was absolutely ecstatic. Robin sat in the front seat of the plane with Bud. Several times when she looked back, Cheryl was grinning from ear...
It was late on a Saturday evening, and Cal was becoming concerned that Laura would never give up for the night. He had been hiding in her house for going on three hours, and boredom did not begin to describe what he had endured. At least on the many evenings spent in the blind, waiting for a chance to get some evidence, he could read, study, or talk to Cheryl part of the time. This was the night it had to happen. Two weeks of school had already passed, and he just could not spend any more...
Cal was too startled to say anything, which was probably fortunate. Jolie eventually reached the bed, where she stopped, giving a perfect imitation of a horror movie zombie. Her head turned back and forth mechanically as she repeatedly scanned her mother's exposed body. Far, far from being an innocent, Jolie was still stunned by whatever she had seen. Jolie's confusion gave Cal time to recover from his shock. "How long have you been watching?" he asked, assuming that his cousin would not...
Early Monday morning at his workout was Cal's first chance for some deep thought. Of course, there had been idle time on Sunday, but by dint of long habit, it was while exercising that he did his best concentration. The dominant thing on his mind was what his mother had done the night before. Even before he had gone to sleep, he had decided that he was not upset by it. Oh, it had been embarrassing at first, but her words and her expression had conveyed her true feelings - love and...
The loss of a defensive star like Vick Smaak could not help but affect the football team. There was a good program in the younger grades, though, and even if there was not a direct replacement for Vick, there was enough new talent to make the defense very strong. The offense that had been reshaped the previous year to make up for the loss of Greg and Brad hit it's stride right away. It was explosive and exciting to watch. The coaches decided that a gambling defense that stressed forcing big...
A few days before the volleyball tournament was to start, Coach Meinert caught Cal after basketball practice. "I got a call from a woman who really needs your help. I told her I would see if I could talk you into it." When Cal just showed a blank stare, Meinert said "I'll give you a clue: she's a coach." Still not seeing comprehension on Cal's face, he added "A volleyball coach." Seeing that Cal had finally caught on, Meinert laughed and said "Get your ass to Cheryl's first match....
The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...
Where is the boundary between grief and hate? Between hate and insanity? Had any professional been aware of the importance of these questions in regard to Penelope Overland, she could have been the basis of a fascinating study. The fact that no one suspected anything deeper than the difficulty of recovering from the death of a child told a lot about Penelope's makeup. Genetically and culturally, she was imbued with some very strong traits. First of all, she was undeniably intelligent....
The Friday morning after Thanksgiving was not a common time for a wedding, but with the short notice, that was the best that Maddy had been able to schedule. She wanted it to be in her parents' church, and she knew that the traditional morning time would be most acceptable to her mother. She and Hector had tried very hard to do everything to please their parents, especially hers. They would not compromise on the timing, and they would use birth control. Outside of those givens, they would...
Finally something was going right! Nikolai, the team leader, had been completely frustrated as one thing after another kept one or more of his targets out of town. He had tried to see if two at a time wouldn't satisfy the client, but Viktor had been firm about it. All four of them in one place, bound, and in good condition - it was that or no payoff. There was no way the client was spending all of this money just to have a chat with the four kids, so what was the big deal about good...
Doc realized he didn’t hear a word that Wynonna had said to him. He turned to her, blinked and shook his head. “Sorry Darlin, I think I need to rest for a bit. I have a bit of a headache.” He told her. It wasn’t a lie, after his dream of Bobo, he couldn’t get back to sleep. He was over tired and wished that that bastard was not haunting his dreams. He excused himself and went home to have a much needed nap. He didn’t make it into bed before he heard a familiar voice. He walked over and...
When they first met, Calvin was one of the laziest people Shawna had ever met. He didn’t do any of his homework and nearly failed every test. Yet, he managed to graduate with everyone else. Even though he graduated, everyone thought he’d amount to nothing in life.Shawna was the total opposite; she did all of her homework and passed every test with flying colors. She wasn’t valedictorian or anything like that, but she was more productive than Calvin. It came as no surprise that she graduated and...
Straight Sex"Transporter to Bridge, we have them all," Anna Hess reported as soon as Sergeant Cole and Corporal Randall, the last two to return from the rogue Andorian ship, had materialized. "Acknowledged," Archer answered and turned to Hoshi. "Hail Shran." "Shran, our people are out," he hailed when the familiar blue face appeared on the screen. Shran just nodded wordlessly, his antennae agressively pointing forward. A few moments later his face disappeared again. In stunned silence the...
At twenty-four years old, Chelsea was a single mom to two young children. Her husband left her a year earlier, leaving their kids wondering where he was. Through it all, she kept her head up and was committed to giving her kids all they deserved.That was why she came up with a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. It was the middle of March, cold and snowy. The kids and she had been cooped up in the house all winter, they needed a break. She packed them up and headed out on the seven-hour drive to The...
Love StoriesShe had been going to the corner of the General Education building to study for a few weeks now. It was a little area near the stairwell with a few comfy sofas and a small coffee table. It was crowded during the day with students studying or just chatting with friends between classes. In the evening, however, it became quiet as a tomb. No one wanted to hang out in an empty classroom building, but Joni found it to be just perfect. Joni had tried the library, but it was just too stuffy. The smell...
Shading her eyes from the sun, Cindy watched the boys playing in the wading pool. She had already been sitting by the pool for two hours and was getting bored. The boys were beginning to get tired and would want to eat soon. In a way, the timing was good. All of them would have to get out of the sun soon or she would have to apply some more sunscreen. She decided to give them another ten minutes. So far, the trip had not met her expectations. Getting through security at the airport had been...
As I went across to my apartment, there was a note folded and tucked between the door and the frame. I opened it and read: Dear Mr. Wolfe, Celeste White has told me that you a quite a good photographer. I was wondering if you are currently taking any new clients? I will be home today if you have time to come and discuss your availability and fees. Sincerely, Eri Kimura Apartment 204 She must be the small Asian woman I'd seen a few times coming and going. A small woman, quite pretty...
THE MASTER Lisa and I enjoy role-play and occasionally have had the opportunity to indulge ourselves, to turn fantasy into reality. Both of us enjoy bondage and discipline, and can take an active or passive role, individually or together. In addition we also had, for many years, the fantasy of getting it together with certain nationalities of dark skinned people. We were lucky when one of those rare events occurred where we were able to combine a number of fantasies into the one reality. At a...
I am a 25-year-old guy working in an MNC with a handsome salary. My height is 5’10 and I am having an athletic build, which makes me look sexy. I date women who are looking for some kind of fun. I also come across various women who just want sex and I serve them as well. If you feel like having a great massage and/or something more than that, mail me at I keep traveling due to my job and this gives me access to most Indian cities. I am a bodybuilder and while in the gym, I learned the art of...
when you finally get here what will happen, is I'll meet you at a nice hotel with a Bar, We will meet outside so as to no confusion. We will then go inside to get to know each other better,As I am seating you I'll brush the back of my hand lightly, across your ass to determine if you are wearing panties or not, then appologize for it and also admit why. After one or two drinks we will head outside, I'll know by then if your still interested.just a little kiss and If so we will proceed to a...
It was exactly 0700 when Rusty sent the e-mails to Captain Howard and Admiral Johnson, telling them that they had picked up three CVN-104 crew members from the ocean. It was noted that all three appeared to have been victims of an assault and had received medical treatment. They would like to return the crew to the ship, but weren't sure how to arrange it. Their aircraft could land on the carrier without any difficulty, if that was acceptable however the pilot wasn't sure of the procedure...