Banner YearChapter 17 free porn video

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There were three guys with their pants off in the bedroom, and Cheryl was bare-assed on all fours on the bed. One guy was fucking her. Another was trying to get his cock in her mouth, and the third was apparently awaiting his turn as he stroked himself.

Rebecca was too stunned to become aroused, and she stood transfixed by the sight. She was seeing her first live cocks, and seeing them under far from romantic, or even erotic, circumstances. Bobby could not help but feel embarrassment at what Rebecca was seeing, given the rather chaste nature of their relationship.

Cal's only fear was hurting Cheryl as he got behind the fucker and pulled him out of her. Slamming the boy against the wall, he saw that it was Royal, the host. Just as Royal hit the wall, his cock erupted, spewing several globs of sperm on himself and on the carpet. "Ohhhhh! Don't gooo! Need morrrre!" Cheryl whined.

The boy trying for the blowjob was kneeling on the bed in front of Cheryl with his hands holding her head. Tessa had moved almost as fast as Cal, and she attacked the boy at Cheryl's head. Overwhelming his inebriated state with the sheer force of her fury, she jumped onto the bed on her knees, grabbed his hair in one hand and slapped at his cock with the other. It took two tries for a solid slap, and by the third blow, the pain had pushed through the alcohol haze enough for him to bring his hands down for protection.

Still with one hand firmly gripping the boy's longish hair, Tessa made a grab for his balls with the other, and with those two 'handles', she roughly pushed the now screaming drunk onto the floor.

Disregarding its possible cost, Cal ripped the coverlet from the bed, wrapping it around Cheryl. Calling Bobby over, Cal turned Bobby around and hoisted Cheryl onto his back. Cal looped the compliant girl's arms around Bobby's neck and her legs around his waist. She immediately started humping her crotch against Bobby's back and moaning. "Help keep her on there and let's go!" Cal ordered the girls. Rebecca jerked from her confusion and fascination enough to comply.

Not nearly done venting her rage, Tessa rushed at Royal, now slumped in a heap. He was groggy from drunkenness, from ejaculation, and from being slammed against the wall, but he must have figured out Tessa's intent because he rolled over enough to shelter his privates from her.

Tessa waded right in with kick after kick, most of them hitting Royal's bare ass and the backs of his thighs hard enough to leave some rainbow bruises. One lucky blow, however, got right between the backs of his legs, and either directly or indirectly, had enough impact on his testicles to elicit a scream from him. That brought her attack to an end, and she hurried to help Rebecca hold Cheryl in place on Bobby's back.

Cal led the way down the stairs. He had wanted Bobby to carry Cheryl because he thought he might have to fight their way out. After Royal's scream, he was even more concerned. They got several angry stares, but no one moved toward them. Part way down, Cal saw Greg slumped at one end of a sofa with a girl on top of him.

Bobby's workouts were paying off. Cheryl was tall and muscular, and she was anything but motionless as they descended the stairs. Still, he did not stumble, and when they reached the main floor, they headed straight for the door.

Once Cal saw that Bobby would not be challenged on the way out, he said "Tessa, let them go. Help me get Greg."

"Why bother?" Tessa demanded.

"Just a hunch," Cal said. "Come on!"

Greg was pinned under a buxom natural redhead with puffy nipples. That was all obvious because her panty gusset was pulled aside and the cum-encrusted hair was clearly red. Her blouse was open and her bra pushed up. Whether she started with a skirt or with slacks could not be determined. Cal could not have cared less.

Peeling the girl off of Greg, they faced the next problem. His slacks and shorts were halfway down his cum-streaked thighs. He would not be able to walk that way. "'Summm-biii... wherrrre?" Greg tried to say as he felt cool air where the girl had been.

Tessa was angry and disgusted. She detested Greg anyway and she was not happy about taking the time to 'rescue' him. At that point Cal almost agreed with her. The only reason he persisted was because of Cheryl's deal with Greg's grandmother. He just had a feeling that it could be harder for Cheryl if the police caught Greg at the party.

Many men have misjudged the strength of a pissed-off female to their own regret. It took Tessa mere seconds to remove Greg's designer slacks, seeming intent on hearing some tearing sounds in the process. His underwear went even faster. Greg semi-focused on Tessa and with a contorted grin slurred out "Wa-ah dance thi' tighhhhh?"

Tessa did not consider that remark at all funny. To show her disdain, she snapped the head of his penis with her finger - hard. Greg's instant yelp made Cal wonder where Tessa had ever picked up that trick. It actually made things easier for Cal because Greg had focused what little brain activity he could muster strictly on his smarting dick. That made him much easier to control.

Within seconds, Cal was using an arm and hand pressure hold to force Greg to his feet amidst groans and garbled oaths. The free hand was still busy trying to soothe and protect his stinging glans, meaning he did not try to fight Cal in any way.

Because of Greg's odor, neither Cal nor Tessa wanted to touch him any more than necessary. When Greg was more or less upright, Cal started piloting him toward the door, instructing Tessa to bring Greg's slacks along. She held them out from her body, not wanting to know what all of the stains were.

Greg was spouting complaints and threats. At least that's what Cal and Tessa assumed they were. The few other partyers who were aware enough to be amused made a few ribald remarks. No one tried to stop them.

Bobby and Rebecca already had Cheryl in the passenger seat with the back reclined all the way. Cheryl complained "Isn't a'y'wuh gon fu' me?," causing Rebecca to drag her eyes from Greg's crusty, exposed penis which was swinging as he lurched toward the van. She looked at her drugged friend and burst into tears. When she started to stomp toward Greg, as angry as Cal had ever seen her, Bobby had to restrain her.

When Cal got Greg to the van, he asked Tessa to open the rear door and he threw the big guy in. Greg reeked of beer, booze, urine, semen, and vaginal juices, at least. Cal did not want to soil the seats.

The Overlands lived less than a mile away. The place was brightly lit and there were eight or ten cars in the drive, causing Cal to curse under his breath. He was now regretting taking the time it took to get his tormentor out of the party. His real concern was getting Cheryl help as quickly as possible. Now, they would have to half-carry Greg up the long drive, or ruin another lawn. Cal decided not to cause any more damage. He briefly considered just dumping Greg and leaving, but that was not his style.

Cal got Bobby to help him, and they eventually got to the front door. As they struggled, Cal had become more and more angry and decided to get the most pleasure out of the situation. Greg had on only socks and a button-down dress shirt. Cal took a couple of seconds to unbutton the shirt, making sure that the tails would not hide Greg's crotch. Bobby grinned, picking up Cal's intent.

The main door of the mansion was not locked, and Cal pushed it open. A servant inside tried to stop them, but Cal heard where most of the noise was coming from and piloted Greg in that direction, handing Greg's reeking slacks to the servant.

The sight of the obviously drunk, effectively naked Greg framed in the arch of the main hall brought all sound to a halt within seconds. Cal recognized Greg's mother, and she came hurrying over. "What did you do to him?" she demanded. Cal noticed where her eyes were locked as she reached out to button Greg's shirt for at least some minimal coverage.

"Do? We got him out of the party before the police come," Cal explained as he prevented Mrs. Overland from getting at the buttons.

"Police? Why would they come? They aren't supposed to bother us."

"Well, Cheryl was drugged and raped while Greg was fucking some other girl. That's police business," Cal said, his rising anger apparent.

After a gasp at Cal's language, Penelope spat out "I told him over and over that he should get rid of that girl," disapproval dripping from her voice.

"Then you can have him while we get her to the hospital and call the police," Cal almost yelled as he let go of Greg and pulled Bobby after him. Greg managed to sway on his feet for a few seconds, unsupported, before he sank to the floor in front of his shrieking mother.

Cal's purposeful stride got him to the main door quickly, but just as he pushed it open, an older woman called from behind him, then hurried up in a surprisingly good imitation of a trot, given the heels that she wore.

"Wait! We have to talk about this, young man!"

"No, ma'am. Our friend needs to get to the hospital. I don't have time to talk."

"Have you called the police yet?"

"As soon as I get back to my van."

"Don't. Please don't involve the police."

"Look, Mrs. Overland," Cal said, noticing the woman's eyebrows rise at that, "I'm pretty sure that Cheryl was given a date rape drug. That's police business."

"You're Cal Banner, right?" the woman asked.

"And you're Genevieve Overland," Cal shot back as a statement, not a question.

"I assume your only real interest is Miss Carson's welfare, correct?" Cal nodded. "If I can have her in a private clinic within the hour, with no need to call her parents, will you forget everything else?"

It struck Cal that the woman was very, very good. He had known that from Cheryl's descriptions, but mentioning Cheryl's parents was the one tactic that could sway Cal. And it did."

"I stay with Cheryl the whole time, agreed?" Genevieve nodded.

"Mrs. Overland, no one here is to see Cheryl in her current condition, is that clear. I want the keys to some vehicle right now, with directions to that clinic. If they are not waiting for her when I arrive, it's off to the hospital, police and all. Is that clear?"

Cal had the benefit of many replays of Cheryl's bouts with Genevieve, so he had an unfair advantage. He could see the anger rise in her face, and he almost felt guilty at the pleasure it gave him. Almost.

"That may be faster than they can react. One of our guests is a doctor. Will it be acceptable for Dr. Warren to tend to Miss Carson here until the clinic is ready?"

"No one but him gets near her. Understood?" When Genevieve nodded, Cal told her "Bobby and I will go and get Cheryl. Clear everyone but the doctor out - including you. He can show us where to take Cheryl."

Teeth tightly clenched, Genevieve explained "Wilbert, here," indicating the servant, "will signal when you can bring her in."

Cal had time to explain the situation to the girls while they waited for the signal. Cheryl continued with her whining and begging until the door opened and the servant waved.

Genevieve had not corrected Cal when he had referred to the doctor as 'him'. Before Cal could get very upset at seeing a woman standing in the entry way, she said "I'm Dr. Warren. This way." Cal was holding Cheryl against himself, still wrapped in the coverlet. Bobby was supporting her feet and legs.

Dr. Warren was smooth and professional, despite her elegant attire, but there was also a hint of compassion in her expression as Cheryl kept up her lewd begging.

"Bobby, take the girls home," Cal instructed. "Tell no one any more than you absolutely have to until you hear from me. I will call whenever there is news."

"It certainly looks like one of the date rape drugs," Dr. Warren said. "Does she use anything else?"

"Absolutely nothing," Cal asserted. "Cheryl is totally clean."

The doctor looked at him quizzically, then asked "Are you her boyfriend? Were you at that party? What happened?" Cal gave her a brief rundown.

"I heard what was said when you brought Greg in. Nice entrance, by the way," Dr. Warren said with a chuckle. "I'm just a party guest so I can drop the doctor's face a little." She continued to check Cheryl over and to try to keep the girl calm, talking as she worked. "If she is as clean as you say, I'm surprised that she got in with Greg and his crowd." A little later she said "Every girl should have friends like you and the other boy. He didn't even look at her nakedness."

"He's my sister's boyfriend. She and another friend were out in the car." They chatted a bit longer about the girls and the Banners' party.

"Cal, it probably is not necessary for Cheryl to be hospitalized, even at the clinic. I would say that her biggest risk now is pregnancy or STD's. Do you know if she is on contraceptive pills?" Cal nodded. "I can arrange for all of the pertinent blood tests and draw blood right here."

"What about a rape kit?"

"Ah. You know something of police procedure," Dr. Warren observed. "I am an OB/Gyn. I can do all of the required swabs and samples right here."

"And you're willing to do this on New Year's Eve?"

With a chuckle, Dr. Warren answered "Actually, this is the most exciting New Year's Eve in years. This is what I do, Cal. Maybe it sounds trite, but I love helping people. Cheryl needs it right now."

"She's going to be a doctor," Cal said off-handedly.

"Is that her career goal?"

"No. That's what she is going to be. You have to know Cheryl," Cal said with a little laugh.

"I still don't see why she is going with Greg. She'll never get any Overland money, you can be sure of that."

"It's, uh, a long story." Cal decided he had said more than enough on that subject.

"Dr. Warren, please don't be insulted, but are you in any way obligated to Genevieve Overland?" He used the first name on purpose.

Looking at Cal with a surprised expression, Dr. Warren asked "How do you know so much about her?"

"Cheryl would have to answer that, if she chooses to."

"Well, the answer to your question is 'no'. Cal, my suggestion is this. Take Cheryl home now. It will definitely cause less of a problem with her parents. I will give her a sedative that will help until the drug wears off in a few more hours. Have her come and see me on the second. I will work her in whenever she shows up. Oh, unless I'm doing a delivery, that is."

"And you don't think there is any risk?"

"Well, STD's as you mentioned. But going to the hospital won't change that. You must have responded quickly. She is not torn or damaged in any way, and they hadn't gotten to her anus. My guess is that you caught the first boy before he ejaculated." Cal could not help chuckling at that, but he did not try to explain.

"Dr. Warren, will your findings be available to the police, or to lawyers?"

"It sounds like you DO know Genevieve. Yes, of course."

Tessa was back with the van barely ten minutes after Cal called. Rebecca was with her, of course. Bobby had to go home. Cal insisted on going back to the party house, even though it was now after 2:00am and Cheryl was still rather hard to handle. He parked the van on the street and instructed Tessa to be ready for a quick departure.

There were still a few cars in the driveway, and as expected, Cal found the door still open. As he entered, he was confronted by an angry couple. "What are you doing barging in here?"

"I came to retrieve Cheryl Carson's purse and cell phone. She was drugged and raped here earlier."

The woman's knees gave out and the man helped her to a chair. "Where is she now?" the man asked.

"Receiving medical attention."

"Who... what boys were involved?"

Cal just stared at him for several seconds, then said "Will you let me look for her purse, please?" He was trying to decide how much pressure to put on these people. Since they did not even mention the police, he had to assume they had no fear of them. He recalled Greg's mother's earlier comment.

It was probably best, Cal decided, to let them stew over too little information. They must have just returned home and had not even had time to chase away the lingering partyers. He could quite easily end up as the target of their wrath, especially after he had plowed up their lawn with the van earlier.

It took only a moment to find Cheryl's things. He showed the parents her ID in the purse and left.

It turned out that Cheryl was already officially sleeping over with Rebecca, so it was an easy decision just to tuck her into Rebecca's spare bed.

It took Cal almost an hour to get Elaine and Martin settled down and convinced not to do anything.

When Cal and Bobby had let go of Greg to get back to Cheryl, Greg was in a semi-conscious alcohol haze. He thought that he was in his home, and he wondered how he had gotten there. And he had a vague impression of lots of people around. It also seemed like he was missing some of his clothes, and wasn't there just a warm, soft body on top of him? Where did that go? He probably should go to... to his room, yeah. Probably not dressed for these people. That plan never made it to action as the room began to swim even faster and the light dimmed to darkness from the outside of his vision in.

Greg did not so much fall as sag to the floor. His feet were still planted, but very soon, so was his butt. As the light went out completely, he laid back rather quickly, his head making an audible thump on the hardwood floor. He ended up on his back with his knees raised but fallen limply to the sides. His uncovered crotch could hardly have been more exposed.

Penelope Overland stopped shrieking and stared for a moment, then ordered "Someone cover him up and help get him out of here!"

"No!" That came from Greg's father, Brandon, who had been watching silently until then.

"But, he's... he's..."

"He's exposed," Brandon finished. "He deserves to be!"

"We can't just leave him where everyone can see his..." Penelope protested.

"We most certainly can. He got himself in this situation, and everyone might as well see what got him there. Let him get himself out of it for once."

"But it's not right to..."

"Most of what that boy has done for the last two years is not right!" Brandon bellowed. I said leave him!" That tone, seldom used on his wife, signaled the end of discussion. "Wilbert, get the Polaroid."

Brandon had at least kept up with his guests' alcohol intake, and with the emotions he was feeling, he forgot all about decorum. "Ladies, if you want to bring your daughters over to check out Greg's package, feel free. I suspect he'll be lying here all night, at least. Wilbert, no sleep for you tonight."

Part of the reason for Brandon's tolerance of his son was his memory of himself at the same age. Greg was indeed a 'chip off of the old block'. It seemed, though, that with the prevalence of drugs and STDs, the risks were higher than in Brandon's boyhood. He ruefully decided that he had waited too long. He hoped he could still do something. Greg was so arrogant and willful that it would take a lot to shake him up. Previous attempts had failed to even get his attention.

By everyone's consent, the party ended once Cheryl had been carried upstairs. Penelope and Brandon showed their guests out, and when they returned to the main hall, Genevieve was standing there, staring at her grandson. "Are you going to leave him here?" she asked Brandon.

"Maybe the shock of waking up like that will shake him a little," Brandon replied.

"Hmmmm." Genevieve replied, then absently to herself "Too bad."

"What was that, Genevieve?" Penelope asked, visibly upset almost to the point of tears.

"Oh, nothing," Genevieve reassured her daughter-in-law. Genevieve could certainly not reveal what she was really thinking as she gazed at her grandson's appealing, if messy, package. She was wondering how the Carson girl could find Greg so inadequate as a lover. Was the Banner boy some kind of freak, as far as size? Or was there something else.

The girl kept talking about inconsiderate. With that thing stuck up her, why should she worry about anything else. That part of Greg's genetics must have come from her side. Brandon's father never had anything like that to ram into Genevieve. She forced herself not to look at Brandon's crotch as she wondered what her son had inherited.

Tessa and Rebecca had arrived with the van just as the last guests were leaving. Seeing Cheryl safely to the van, Dr. Warren wandered back into the house. OB/Gyns did not drive to events with the family, always separately. As Dr. Warren walked in, she could see the little gathering around the archway to the main hall and stopped to watch. She barely held back her laughter at what happened next.

Genevieve stepped between Greg's widespread knees. Putting one hand on Brandon's shoulder for support, she took the toe of one elegant pump and lifted Greg's lifeless shaft, trying to get it to stay up on his belly as Penelope gasped. It just kept flopping back to hang down. After several tries, she gave up and used her toe to jiggle his sac up and down.

"Genevieve," Penelope shrieked after watching for a while, "how can you?"

"I understand a lot of females have been playing with this. Want your chance?"

After another gasp and shriek, Penelope said "But I thought he and that Cheryl girl..."

"She was the official girlfriend, but that didn't stop Greg."


"After tonight, what would you expect. He takes her to a party and she gets raped while he is involved with another girl."

"You make it sound like she was faithful or something."

Another 'Hmmm' was Genevieve's only response. She had worked hard to arrange the marriage of Penelope and her son Brandon. Penelope came from an old money family with resources similar to the Overlands'. She had the looks, the bearing, and the breeding to be a proper wife for Brandon. And by and large, she had met all of Genevieve's expectations and some of her hopes.

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Banner YearChapter 45

Cheryl had driven home from school for the short vacation, and she and Cal drove both of their vehicles back. They had debated about whether that was necessary, but they decided to be on the safe side. They left themselves just one day after they arrived before registration. Since housing was all in order, that was one time-consuming item they did not have to deal with. On their free day, they connected with Maddy and her family, with Jesus Monteleone, with the volleyball coach, and of...

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Banner YearChapter 49

Pat Clancy did not usually watch ISN, but his father happened to be home, and his father was a big fan of the local college team. Pat was in an extended rebellious stage, at the point that many kids left at about fourteen or fifteen. Being a freshman at the U, though, he was savvy enough to realize that some minimum amount of acquiescence went a long ways to getting him the things he wanted from his indulgent parents with the least hassle. Pat had his basketball scholarship, and that had...

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Banner YearChapter 50

Sunday morning brought a sobering conversation. "Before I fly home, we'd better talk about the other two boys," Elaine told Cheryl and Cal when the couple returned from their reduced 'day-after-game' early workout. "To tell the truth, I'd just as soon never hear about them again," Cheryl responded. "I lost all of Friday night for studying and I had trouble concentrating yesterday. I don't want to be rude, Elaine, but I really have to hit the books today." "I'm afraid you may...

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Banner YearChapter 27

In the first week of the new year, two psychiatrists, speaking for the panel that had been employed to evaluate Greg, came to the Overland mansion to give their report. Brandon, Penelope, Genevieve, and Greg's lead lawyer were in the meeting. After the introductions, the lead doctor took the floor. "We have put Greg through the entire battery of tests and examinations that we described to you beforehand. We can go into as much detail as you would like, but let me summarize. He is...

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Banner YearChapter 23

The romance between Tessa and Vick took off like a rocket. Tessa was never one to dither when she wanted something, and she wanted Vick in the worst way. He, of course, did not have a chance. Not that he felt tricked or coerced in any way. Like a lot of the guys at school, Vick had been fascinated by Tessa, but because of her brains and her apparent relationship with Cal, he did not waste any time wishing for her. Finding out that she wanted him was just too good to be true. Just two weeks...

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Banner YearChapter 35

Robin was pissed. Her anger at that Jeremy character had been building with every report of his smarmy little campaign to subjugate her new friend Darlene. It was two weeks before Cal's return home, and Robin had just heard about Jeremy's last intrusion and Darlene's refusal to return to the club. Well, it was better that Darlene not be there right now, but by God, she would be back if Robin had anything to say about it. Robin and Darlene were worlds apart in life experience, yet Robin...

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Banner YearChapter 6

Saturday morning could have been a scene from a 'B' movie about high school girls. Of the eight gathered in Teri's rec room, Rebecca and Tessa were as giddy as the rest. Somehow, Cal thought they should have been helping to organize things and bring some order. Didn't happen. Since Sam had asked him personally, he took her first. She had changed into a tube top, which was apparently the uniform for the portraits. He started with the same approach he had used on Rebecca and Tessa, trying...

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Banner YearChapter 7

With basketball finished, Cal had no extra-curricular activities from school to take up his time. He had decided that he was going to accelerate his martial arts training for the entire spring and summer until football practice started in mid-August. The morning after his first naked photo session with Teri, it was easy for him to get up early, as sleep had been very hard to find. The extra exertion of his more vigorous workout was just what he needed to relieve the tension built up by the...

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Banner YearChapter 9

When the van pulled across their path and the men jumped out, Cal's initial reaction was a flash of panic, but in milliseconds he remembered why he had spent all of those years in martial arts classes. The men looked Arabic, and his mind flashed back to the sight of Rachman kicking the helpless Ismi. It was not going to happen again! Mr. Yokata's teachings came to him with the force of deeply ingrained habit. First, the assessment. Two men. No visible weapons. One man, the driver, had to...

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Banner YearChapter 12

When Cal was first able to walk on his foot, he had started taking walks in the cool of the evening. The foot was healed, but it could not yet take the stress of running. On the second night that he walked, his mother caught up with him halfway down the driveway, took his hand in hers, and made it clear that she intended to walk with him. "Teri gets to spend a lot more time with you than I do," she complained. "I've got to grab whatever I can." After a moment of panic that she might...

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Banner YearChapter 14

Two football games had already been played, and Cheryl was very concerned. Greg had gained right around 100 yards in each game, although he had fumbled once. She talked with Cal on Monday night, trying to arrange a time when they could get together. She was adamant that it had to be before that Friday's game. Finding a time and place was actually rather tough. The rendezvous had to be kept secret from both sets of parents and from Greg. That ruled out Cheryl's home, and it made evenings...

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Banner YearChapter 18

Since he had shown Rebecca and Tessa the nude pictures of Rob Krantz, the girls had lain in wait for Cal's return every time Teri went on a shoot. They knew there would likely be nudity if Teri had to preside. "Any naked guys?" would hit Cal as soon as he walked into the house with film in hand. "I gotta have a talk with Mom," Tessa pouted. "I can't understand why only she gets to go on the sexy shoots. It's just not fair!" Cal looked quickly at Rebecca, who had not yet finished her...

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Banner YearChapter 19

To Cal's relief, nothing bad had happened by the time most people had eaten and the sun was getting low. He had relaxed his vigil on Rebecca and Bobby and was talking with Dante Powers about the new basketball coach and the team's prospects. He realized that he had not seen the lovebirds for a while, and when Dante walked off to see someone else, Cal started scanning the beach for them. He was just starting to be concerned when Cheryl came running up to him, followed closely by Tessa....

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Banner YearChapter 21

Rebecca went home for dinner, and when she sat down at the table, everyone could see the static issuing from almost everywhere on her body. Elaine waited until everyone had finished, then asked "Honey, is there something you wanted to say?" "I want to stay overnight at Bobby's so I can help him in the morning," Rebecca said as rapidly as she could. "Help him with what?" Martin asked before Elaine could warn him to keep quiet. "Well, he has to stay lying straight - can't bend at...

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Banner YearChapter 24

At the hospital, Cheryl could see it in her mother's eyes. Darlene Carson had no idea what to do or what was going to happen, and it scared her to death. Armed with her new understanding, Cheryl laid everything out in simple, specific terms, seeing her mother's tension ease with every sentence. It was nice for Cheryl to see her analysis verified, but it was also disturbing to find this out about her mother. Cheryl could not help thinking how much better her home life might have been if she...

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Banner YearChapter 34

In the weeks since her return to the health club, Jeremy had given Darlene five massages. That they were much longer than the fifteen minutes offered on the coupons was never mentioned. She had worn the two-piece suit on the table every time, and he decided to make his move. "Darlene, you've got some tightness here that I can't get rid of with these short strokes. I need to move up and down your whole back." Without saying any more, Jeremy undid the clasp that held the suit top...

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Banner YearChapter 36

Cheryl really wanted to be there for the first part of Jeremy's humiliation, but she understood why it could not work out. As Rebecca drove them all from the airport, Cheryl felt that sense of unreality. It was the first time that she had been home in two months. Everything seemed so familiar, yet strange in a way. And she really was not home. This was just a quick drop-in. Nobody could understand why she was so adamant about being there tonight - well, Cal understood, and maybe her mom...

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Banner YearChapter 37

Cal and Cheryl were still cuddling, caressing, and talking when his normal workout time arrived. They dozed off for a few hours, and Cal was definitely groggy when they had to get up for her flight. She was just as lifeless until Robin showed up and explained that she was going with them. It was the biggest shot of energy that Cal had ever seen. Cheryl was absolutely ecstatic. Robin sat in the front seat of the plane with Bud. Several times when she looked back, Cheryl was grinning from ear...

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Banner YearChapter 39

It was late on a Saturday evening, and Cal was becoming concerned that Laura would never give up for the night. He had been hiding in her house for going on three hours, and boredom did not begin to describe what he had endured. At least on the many evenings spent in the blind, waiting for a chance to get some evidence, he could read, study, or talk to Cheryl part of the time. This was the night it had to happen. Two weeks of school had already passed, and he just could not spend any more...

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Banner YearChapter 40

Cal was too startled to say anything, which was probably fortunate. Jolie eventually reached the bed, where she stopped, giving a perfect imitation of a horror movie zombie. Her head turned back and forth mechanically as she repeatedly scanned her mother's exposed body. Far, far from being an innocent, Jolie was still stunned by whatever she had seen. Jolie's confusion gave Cal time to recover from his shock. "How long have you been watching?" he asked, assuming that his cousin would not...

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Banner YearChapter 41

Early Monday morning at his workout was Cal's first chance for some deep thought. Of course, there had been idle time on Sunday, but by dint of long habit, it was while exercising that he did his best concentration. The dominant thing on his mind was what his mother had done the night before. Even before he had gone to sleep, he had decided that he was not upset by it. Oh, it had been embarrassing at first, but her words and her expression had conveyed her true feelings - love and...

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Banner YearChapter 42

The loss of a defensive star like Vick Smaak could not help but affect the football team. There was a good program in the younger grades, though, and even if there was not a direct replacement for Vick, there was enough new talent to make the defense very strong. The offense that had been reshaped the previous year to make up for the loss of Greg and Brad hit it's stride right away. It was explosive and exciting to watch. The coaches decided that a gambling defense that stressed forcing big...

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Banner YearChapter 43

A few days before the volleyball tournament was to start, Coach Meinert caught Cal after basketball practice. "I got a call from a woman who really needs your help. I told her I would see if I could talk you into it." When Cal just showed a blank stare, Meinert said "I'll give you a clue: she's a coach." Still not seeing comprehension on Cal's face, he added "A volleyball coach." Seeing that Cal had finally caught on, Meinert laughed and said "Get your ass to Cheryl's first match....

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Banner YearChapter 44

The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...

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Banner YearChapter 51

Where is the boundary between grief and hate? Between hate and insanity? Had any professional been aware of the importance of these questions in regard to Penelope Overland, she could have been the basis of a fascinating study. The fact that no one suspected anything deeper than the difficulty of recovering from the death of a child told a lot about Penelope's makeup. Genetically and culturally, she was imbued with some very strong traits. First of all, she was undeniably intelligent....

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Banner YearChapter 52

The Friday morning after Thanksgiving was not a common time for a wedding, but with the short notice, that was the best that Maddy had been able to schedule. She wanted it to be in her parents' church, and she knew that the traditional morning time would be most acceptable to her mother. She and Hector had tried very hard to do everything to please their parents, especially hers. They would not compromise on the timing, and they would use birth control. Outside of those givens, they would...

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Banner YearChapter 55

Finally something was going right! Nikolai, the team leader, had been completely frustrated as one thing after another kept one or more of his targets out of town. He had tried to see if two at a time wouldn't satisfy the client, but Viktor had been firm about it. All four of them in one place, bound, and in good condition - it was that or no payoff. There was no way the client was spending all of this money just to have a chat with the four kids, so what was the big deal about good...

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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 11

Paradise - 3751 C.E. The space station may have been christened Paradise, although it hadn't always been known by that name, but even Isaac knew that the real paradise to which he expected to ascend would never be like this. This eight hundred year old space colony in the war-torn Meteorite Belt could never deserve such a name. But for Isaac and the several thousand other would-be martyrs from all corners of the Solar System it would be home for the year or so it would take them to prepare...

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10 Items Or Less

Robyn thought about sex a lot. She craved sex. Robyn wanted to feel a man’s strong masculine hands all over her naked body, to hear him whisper dirty words in her ear and make her pussy sopping wet.She imagined his hands pulling her hair back and his tongue in her ear as his thick hard cock penetrated her wet cunt. She wanted to feel his bulging biceps caress her sides and the feel of his sweat mixing with hers on their warm wet bodies.Just then Robyn looked up and saw bright red brake lights...

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Slut gets it

I made a deal with a buddy of mine and he said he and some friends were more than glad to help out. When they brought her back to me well fucked out and covered in cum I asked one of the guys to tell me what all they had done with her. "It was a wild night man. That woman got more cock stuck in her last night than any whore I know. She was enjoyed it, even with all the cum we filled her with." Your old lady was at the bar with some dude named Bates and when he went to the bathroom we spiked her...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 516

This one makes sense if you are a Canadian!! Are you as moral as you think you are? This test only has one question, but it’s a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a decision. Only you will know the results, so remember that your answer needs to be honest. THE SITUATION: You are in Florida, Miami to be specific. There is chaos all around...

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leanne gets caught stealing part 2

leanne arrives at work half an hour early goes to mr whites office 'hi lea' smiles katy'hallo katy i'm here as mr white ordered half an hour early should i go in now ?'katy buzzes mr white 'mr white lea is here should i send her in ?''tell her to strip off 1st then send her in naked hands on head''you heard him strip'lea blushes bright red but strips in front of katy'hands on your head' katy says standing and walikng in front of lealea puts her hands on her head'spread your legs a little and...

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I Have No IdeaChapter 11

Olivia’s arm was around my waist. Her thigh was rubbing warmly against mine. Her head spent about as much time on my shoulder as it did thrown back in laughter. I watched my dad. I loved my dad. I supposed that’s not uncommon. I always wanted to do what he did. I wanted to live up to what I thought my dad was. Someone who kept putting in the time even after he was exhausted. Carrying us, mom, the house, his own problems, on his shoulders with nothing short of a smile. It’s why I had loved...

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A Teachers Release

Special thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman, stillagood1, guilz87, thickhead, TT, Ghostrider939, BadInAGoodWay, Ed W, and doug1953, creative thinker, charlie33851, Matillie97, EL TORO, Shadowreaper267, Bldg436, deeppenetrator, perverted1, Dr. Goodsex, WetLust, Darethmortuus, Elaken-Palmer, leed's 13th Child (Go Rhino's!!), Sprout69 and corbie. All the feedback from these people has hopefully made me a...

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A Sexual Awakening Part II

A Sexual Awakening, Part Two. By Stephanie (I’d humbly ask readers to read the First part of this story before investigating this 2nd episode as the characters are introduced in Part 1… Thank You!) I laid back upon my single bed as a naked Grace Nolan moved down my body and straddled my thighs with hers while softly stroking my growing cock… The first hard cock she had ever seen. With my eyes closed I concentrated upon the sensations created by her delicate touch. Inhaling deeply as she...

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Primal Attraction Part 4

"Get on your knees" I ordered calmly."Right here?" she asked "right here by the door?""I wont tell you again" I added, with a bit more sternness in my voice. She did as I demanded."Open your knees all the way" I added. "when ever you are in my presence, your thighs will never touch and you are to be OPEN for me.""Yes Sir" she politely responded as she complied. I did like the sound of the Sir."Unbuckle and remove my belt." I added. She did so very carefully, as only a mother would, taking care...

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Grannys Gummy Glory hole

Joey was her grandson who became her ward several years ago, when his parents shot a man during a drug deal gone wrong, and she had since done her best to raise him to be a decent (at least fairly decent) person, and for her effort, she was awaiting what would be her reward and her body shivered for a second or two in anticipation. “Hey Granny, I'm home. How long before supper?”, came Joey's voice from across the house. “Twenty minuets to half an hour, why, hungry?” she called...

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