Banner YearChapter 25
- 3 years ago
- 29
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When Cal was first able to walk on his foot, he had started taking walks in the cool of the evening. The foot was healed, but it could not yet take the stress of running. On the second night that he walked, his mother caught up with him halfway down the driveway, took his hand in hers, and made it clear that she intended to walk with him.
"Teri gets to spend a lot more time with you than I do," she complained. "I've got to grab whatever I can."
After a moment of panic that she might suspect something, Cal was elated at her initiative. Since THE DAY, she had seemed almost timid around him, and that disturbed him. After the breakthrough in their relationship a few months earlier, he had really enjoyed the time he had spent with her.
The talks for the ten days before he could start running again ranged over every possible subject. The one constant was that she insisted on holding his hand the whole way. When he came to breakfast one morning, obviously having been running, he could see the disappointment on her face.
Two days later, at supper, he asked, when no one else could hear, whether she would like to take a walk later. He had to keep reminding himself that women of any age could revert so easily to girlish reactions. He resolved to keep up the walks a couple of times a week.
During the second week, he unloaded what had been on his mind for a while. "Mom, is Rebecca on the pill yet?" That stopped her dead in her tracks, and she just stared at him for a while.
"Do you think she is that serious about Bobby?" she finally got out.
"You've seen them together," he explained. "I see the same kind of looks I see between you and Dad."
Elaine gave out a large sigh. "Yeah, I've seen that, too. I'm happy for Rebecca, but we're just not sure that Bobby is... you know..."
"Mom, Bobby treats her like a queen. I can't tell you any more, but he has put himself in danger to protect her. Maybe she will tell you about it. I know he is different from us, but I'm impressed. He is as smart as Rebecca, and I think he has a promising future."
"Do you think they will be having sex soon," she asked, almost afraid of the answer.
"I don't know any more than you do. I think it will be quite a while. But wouldn't it get you two even closer if you brought it up - encouraged her."
"How do you mean?"
"You know - you would be acknowledging that she is a woman; that she has a choice about her body."
"Ohhhh! I never thought of that," she said. "She wouldn't think I was butting in on her business?"
"Hmmm. Maybe that could happen. I'm not the best one to guess at how she would react. My track record's not that good." Cal was thoughtful for a moment before continuing. "Well, it's your motherly duty to protect her anyway, isn't it?"
"It is, but..." and Elaine paused for a while, "I hate to risk the closeness we've had since..."
"Since Bobby, right?" he asked.
"Pretty much," she admitted.
"Mom, they're a couple. It could fall apart, but I doubt it. Just make sure she doesn't make a mistake, OK?" Cal had the strange feeling that it was just like when he talked to Rebecca. Elaine looked at him like she sensed the 'inversion' too.
Late in June, Amelia called and asked Cal to come with them to the cemetery the next day. Since the funeral four years earlier, Cal had not wanted to go near Kal's grave. He was still not certain about it, but the way Amelia asked, he could not refuse.
He was somewhat surprised to be picked up by Ken, who had both Amelia and Ismi with him in Amelia's car. Ken did not join them at graveside, but waited respectfully, standing by the car.
As the three stood silently by the simple marker, Amelia put her arms around both teens, and they returned the gesture. "I'm not going to cry this time," she declared. "I'm sure I'll cry again, lots of times. But today, I just want to tell Kal that he has been avenged. And I want to tell you kids that it's time to let him go, too. It's what he would want."
Amelia kept her determination, and her eyes stayed dry. Ismi and Cal were less able to restrain their emotions, though, and both shed tears. Amelia saw this and spoke again. "You know, all we have as a memory of Kal is when he was eleven. You have both grown so much since then. Cal, he is not your contemporary any more. It is only natural that your memories will be less strong and less relevant to your life now. I don't want you to feel guilty about that. Ismi and I have talked about this, too."
"You know, shooting that man was a terrible thing for me. It changed me, and it was not something I would ever want. But doing that, and hearing of Rachman's death, I felt like I had a part in it all. I felt like I had done it for Kal as well as for Ismi. I'll never forget how helpless I felt the day Kal died, but I've done something. It really helped."
When they returned to the car, Ken unashamedly gathered Amelia in his arms. Then, she cried, having used up all of her control. It was a little strange for Cal to see his sensei, always the fierce warrior and stern teacher, showing such obvious tenderness.
"Amelia and Ismi are going to stay with me permanently," Ken told Cal. "My place is much closer to Addison." Ismi had decided to stay close to home for college and go to the highly-rated local private university, something Amelia and Ken both endorsed heartily. The threat to her safety should have been erased, but the specter still hovered not far away.
Ken lived on a rolling forty-acre plot just outside the developed area of the city. He had a moderate-sized older farmhouse that he had updated but never expanded. The house was surrounded by stands of trees, but, as befits a warrior, it was very defensible. "We'll be starting some serious remodeling and expansion as soon as my house sells," Amelia said, able to shake off the tears for a subject close to her heart. "It is so beautiful out there!"
Cal was saddened to hear that the women would be moving farther away. They had been neighbors for his whole life, and he and Ismi had such a special bond. Still, since he and Ismi had decided that they did not have romantic feelings for each other, a separation at some point was inevitable. He was very happy for Amelia and Ken.
Teri had worked very hard at the photography business. She had included charges for her time and Tessa's time in the rates, but it was not money that she needed. In early July, she called a business meeting of the three of them. Cal had no problem acknowledging Teri as the 'boss' of the business, as he had told her from the beginning.
"Tessa, you have been going on most of the shoots since school let out. It's working out OK, isn't it? I mean, you guys aren't getting on each other's nerves, are you?"
"Oh, Mom! It's not like we fight all the time, you know."
In fact, since THE DAY, they had not really fought at all. Cal seemed to react much less strongly to anything Tessa did. When she got bossy and presumptuous, as she still did, he felt the same irritation as always. However, he seemed much more able to under-react, and when he did say anything, she seem to fall all over herself to fix things.
"I know. In fact, you two are a pretty smooth team, now," Teri complimented them. "Cal, do you feel you could handle some shoots by yourself during the summer?"
"Hey! I need the spending money," Tessa objected, "and besides, I enjoy getting into people's homes and making them feel good about themselves."
"OK! OK! Honey, I wasn't trying to put you out of work," Teri assured her daughter with a laugh. "Well, I'd like to let Tessa carry the load as much as possible, at least until Cal's birthday."
"What will be different then?" Tessa asked.
Teri paused rather dramatically, then told the teens "I've done some checking and consulted with a lawyer. When Cal is sixteen, we can take any kind of pictures the customer asks for."
"Huh? Ohhhhh!" Tessa exclaimed. Cal had been silent during the entire discussion. "You mean, people have asked for more revealing shots?"
"All the time," Teri said. "I have decided on some requirements to protect us. First of all, I will need to be there for any shots where the subject is revealing more than she would in normal street or beach wear."
Cal entered in with a little snort. "Well, you shouldn't have to show up very often if we use Laura's bikini as the standard for 'normal'." That produced a good laugh.
"You're right," Teri agreed, "but if a woman wants pictures in see-through sleepwear then I had better be there."
"There is one other requirement I want to enforce," Teri continued. "The subject must have another adult of their own choosing present."
"Well, that should cut WAY down on the number of sexy shots," Cal commented.
"You'd think so, but I don't know what's going to happen," Teri responded. "I just don't want to take any chances, OK?"
"I appreciate that," Cal said, moving close enough to give Teri a hug. "I can't imagine we will have any requests with those restrictions."
"Will you be disappointed?" Teri asked coquettishly.
"Nah! I've got all the 'glamour' I can handle, right here," he replied.
"Boy, have you learned a lot!" Teri laughed as she gave him a serious kiss. "Oh, on a more mundane subject: as soon as you get your license, the business will buy a van that you can drive."
Through the rest of the summer, Cal had reason to question his assumptions about requests for revealing photos. Without Teri present, he or Tessa had to field the requests, which came with surprising frequency. At first, he felt a great deal of embarrassment and was amazed at the boldness with which the women asked.
"Maybe they think of you like their doctor," Teri speculated as they discussed it one night in mid-August after a vigorous bout of love-making. Then, she rolled on top of him, kissed him hard, and said "Or maybe they're all just like me - can't wait to throw their clothes off and have you look at their boobs; and their butts; and their pussies; and..."
That was all the words from Teri for a while as she fastened her mouth to Cal's for a long-running kiss. At the same time, she had her hand between them and her bottom raised a little so she could stroke him, hopefully to hardness. When they had started talking, she had been limp with exhaustion. As had happened several times before, she amazed Cal with her recovery powers.
Since that first session after Cal's recovery from the wound, the two had talked a lot about their love-making. Cal had made his point, and generally took control. However, he had assured Teri that he loved for her to take charge, as well. This was certainly one of those times. He found himself wishing her luck, given the way his overworked penis felt when she reached for it.
Well, if he made her want to throw off her clothes for him, she was just as good at getting him hard. Any fifteen-old male is an erection waiting to happen - that's just the way it is. But Teri's effect on Cal went beyond that. It was something he had pondered frequently, especially while he was recovering and unable to do his normal activities.
It must be the way she gave herself to him, he had finally decided. The way she had first exposed herself and later opened herself to him was so eager, so enthusiastic, so almost desperate that it hardened him just to think about it. It had to go right to any man's ego to have a woman want to be with him like that. And when the woman was as feminine and as sexy as Teri, no wonder he could not stay soft.
And she was doing it again. His tender organ that he had thought was done for the night had once again become a rampant cock. Teri, of course, knew exactly what to do with that. She slid backward, impaling herself while keeping her breasts in contact with his chest. For a brief moment he wondered if she ever got sore, but that level of organized thought faded out as even more blood fled from his brain to his cock.
Teri was his first and only, but Cal could not imagine how any woman could be any more aroused or more arousing. As seemed to be their pattern, they both became lost in the passion of their union. Besides the stroking and the contractions in her highly active channel, Teri seemed determined to keep as much of her skin as possible in contact with him. He had learned that stroking her with his hands amplified the effects of stroking with his cock. Though barely in control of his motions, he kept his hands moving over her back and her bottom.
Cal had stopped assuming that he could not ejaculate again. Time after time, she had found some way get yet another load out of him, and it was going to happen this time, too. He was not sure whether she had another orgasm or not. Sometimes, all of her motions and her sounds were so orgasmic that she seemed to be constantly in the throes. She had also taught him not to worry about her after she had come a few times. Knowing that she was never timid about asking for what she wanted, he let himself go and came yet again.
Teri actually dozed off atop Cal, matching his own condition. It was several minutes before he roused enough to feel the moisture on his shoulder. This had been happening the last several times they were together. At first, he had asked about it, but now he just tried to comfort her. He knew she was always worried about the inevitable end of their relationship. He also knew that Rick was never far from her mind. It saddened him that their joyous interludes could end with her in obvious pain, but he was not sure what to do about it.
Although he had never intended it, many of Cal's actions and responses had shown Teri what she had done wrong in her marriage. That only deepened her anguish. Rick was gone, and a lot of it was her fault. That was a tough load for anyone to bear.
Amelia and Ismi decided to move out to Ken's before their house was even listed. After two tragic episodes, neither could imagine spending another night there. Even though they hired a moving company, they asked Cal to help them, giving him a chance to spend some time with them and to see Ken's place, as well.
It was a good half-hour drive around the metro area from Cal's home to Ken's, and without a driver's license, Cal knew he would not be seeing much of Ismi.
While recovering, Cal had thought a lot about football and basketball. Like everything else, he saw his sports from a whole different perspective since THE DAY. While he was still laid up, he had wondered if it was worth the time and the effort to play any more. But as the shock receded and his body recovered, he had to admit to himself that his competitive instincts were as strong as ever, if not stronger.
When football practice started in August, Cal could feel the antipathy from Greg, mirrored by his faithful followers. "I'm not buying any of that hero crap, Kicker. No way a scrawny runt like you could do any of that stuff. That Kung Fu shit is all show, anyway." It was fascinating that the big guy could not remember how Cal had subdued him on two occasions.
Cal just smiled at Greg and went on with his business. The big moment came in the showers afterwards. The entry wound on Cal's chest was small and clean. The exit wounds on his back, though, were another matter. Several times, he heard gasps as he turned in the shower and various teammates got their first look at the damage to the back of his shoulder.
Greg obviously saw what the others saw and had heard what they heard. His only reaction was a scowl and a snarl. The biting comments did not stop. Cal could tell that there was going to be trouble with Greg and determined to avoid it all costs.
Part of the reason was that he was just bored with the running back's constant hazing. It no longer even angered him, seeming trivial after everything else that had happened to him. Another reason was because of Cheryl. He was genuinely fond of her, and he could not understand why she was still going with Greg. Still, he did not want to make things difficult for her.
The first few days of practice were taken up by conditioning and fundamentals, so there was little chance of encountering Greg. Cal worked with the kickers, and was also included in the defensive backfield drills.
At the time of Teri's divorce, Cal had known Rick, but as a child knows an adult neighbor. He had no particular memory of the man's personality. However, if Teri loved him so much, he must be a good person.
All summer, Cal had been wondering if there was any chance of a reconciliation between Teri and Rick. He knew that Rick had stayed in town because of his business. Although Teri had seen Rick occasionally and Tessa more often, Cal had not seen Rick at all. He did know from Tessa that Rick's affair had not progressed to marriage, and that he was no longer with the woman.
Upon Teri's strict orders, Tessa had not told Rick anything about Teri and Cal's photography business. Nor was she allowed to comment on Teri's discoveries of her role in their breakup nor her greatly improved appearance. As much as she wanted to do something to see her parents back together, Tessa honored her mother's request.
In the first couple of years after the divorce, Tessa had pretty much put in her time with Rick because it was a legal requirement. The divorce had been a terrible shock to her because she loved both parents and felt that both loved her. Being very much like her mother in personality and still a young teen, she could not see the things that Teri did to trigger the breakup.
Since the business started and the little battles with Cal occurred, Tessa had been the crying shoulder for her mother many nights. At first, she thought Teri was imagining things, but her own battles with Cal taught her a lot. Over the summer, she found herself much more sympathetic to Rick. She also found it very hard to honor her mother's wishes for silence.
From one standpoint, Cal would have been perfectly happy to continue his relationship with Teri until his high school career was over and he left town. That, however, would have been just a long buildup to a major heartbreak for her, and he loved her too much to cause that.
There was also the threat of discovery, which had bothered Cal more and more. Ken already knew about Cal and Teri. If he could see it, someone else would eventually. The repercussions for both of them could be severe. Unfortunately, ending their sexual activities immediately or trying to taper off did not seem like good solutions, either. What Teri really needed was her husband back.
Teri was a much different person than when Cal took the first pictures of her. She had changed many of the behaviors that she blamed for Rick's departure. If by chance Rick looked back on the good things in their marriage rather than what drove him away, perhaps reconciliation was possible.
As Teri's bouts of post-coital depression had continued and deepened through the summer, Cal decided to take action. Football practice had just started, and school would open in three weeks. It was not hard to find Rick's work phone, and Cal called him, asking if they could get together for a few minutes. They arranged for Rick to meet Cal before he came to pick up Tessa for dinner one evening.
By arrangement, Rick picked Cal up a few blocks from his house and they went to a fast food place for a soda. As soon as they had sat down, Cal just came out with why he was there. "Rick, Teri and I have had a little business together for several months now. I have gotten to know her very well and I can tell you that she has changed a lot in that time. I am here to ask you if you would at least take Teri on some dates. I know she has never given up hope of getting back together with you."
"Why are you asking me this?" Rick asked when he recovered from his initial surprise.
"You know that Tessa and Teri and I have always been close," Cal answered. "Working with Teri, I have watched her change and seen her sadness over your divorce. More and more she blames herself for driving you away."
Rick was stunned but did not react negatively. "I'm guessing you're old enough to understand. There were just some personality things between us that wore me down over the years. I can't see subjecting myself to the same stress again."
"I know just what you mean," Cal stated, watching Rick's face. "She always means well, and she's never mean about it, but you can find yourself sort of, um, run over? Is that one of the things you're talking about?"
Rick just looked at Cal in surprise. This was certainly not the nerdy kid he had moved away from.
"From your reaction, I see I guessed right," Cal continued. "When we were starting the business, Teri and Tessa both did the same things to me. I guess I'm pretty independent and stubborn. I didn't like what they did and I let them know about it. Tessa and I had some pretty good fights."
Cal arrived back home just as Rebecca was coming in. They chatted briefly with their parents, and as they headed up the stairs, Rebecca grabbed his arm. "Can I sleep with you again tonight?" Just about to say that Cheryl was already there, Cal caught himself. This chance with his sister was too precious to miss. Yet Cheryl needed him badly, too. Giving Rebecca a quick kiss on the cheek, he hurried off to see what he could do. When Rebecca came into Cal's room a while later, she did not...
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As the days before the start of school and the opening of both the football and volleyball seasons dwindled, Cal worked hard on his mental discipline, determined not to let discouragement or anger get him down. Cheryl, of course, saw right through his carefully-constructed facade, but she was uncertain about what she could do to make him feel better. Part of Cal's problem was that he really needed some hard contact to let out some of his frustration and pent-up adrenalin. Seeing the look in...
Despite the late return home from the incredible Saturday and the energetic love-making into the wee hours, both Cal and Cheryl awoke only an hour after their usual dawn time. After a brief discussion, they decided to go for a run but pass on the rest of that day's workout. He probably should have suspected it, but Cal pulled up short in surprise as they turned the last corner before home on their run. Right in front of the house stood a TV truck. "I suppose there's no way to wait them...
Genevieve Overland was faced with a delicate problem - two delicate problems, actually. This steroid thing was worrisome, if the Carson girl was right about the potential health dangers. The Greg/Cecily relationship was really worrisome. Greg had blindsided them all with Cecily. Genevieve had four children, and they in turn had spawned fourteen grandchildren for her. Out of the eight female grandchildren, Cecily, at fourteen, was undeniably the prize. She was pretty and surprisingly sexy for...
The sudden appearance of the attackers had shocked Cal, just as it had the others. The sight of the gun brought back unavoidable images of Fasil in the back yard on THE DAY. It was fortunate for Cal that the gun-wielder wanted to talk as it gave Cal time to collect himself and remember his disciplines. First, the threat assessment. The gun was the only visible weapon, and a quick glance did not show any of the others with body positions indicating a weapon at hand. Cal would have bet,...
"Elaine, this is Cheryl. Hope I'm not calling too late." "Hi, Cheryl. Is there a problem with Cal?" "Oh, no. Sorry. Didn't mean to frighten you. Listen, I'm calling from Claire's so Cal can't hear me. Cal is going to ISN headquarters for an interview." "Really?" Elaine exclaimed. "Wow!" "Well, that's not exactly his reaction," Cheryl cautioned. "He's afraid they're going to try to make him look like a villain because of Renton." "Then why is he doing it?" "The...
While Teri and Rick were celebrating their reunited marriage in bed, Tessa was spreading the joyous news at the Banner house. She seemed almost as excited as her mother, except when she came down to Cal's photo lab and told him. Then, she was surprisingly reserved, almost sad. "Hey, Tessa, that's great news! How come you're not smiling?" "Oh, well I'm... I mean..." Tessa stalled out completely for several long seconds and just looked at Cal. "Do you really think it's great? You...
There were three guys with their pants off in the bedroom, and Cheryl was bare-assed on all fours on the bed. One guy was fucking her. Another was trying to get his cock in her mouth, and the third was apparently awaiting his turn as he stroked himself. Rebecca was too stunned to become aroused, and she stood transfixed by the sight. She was seeing her first live cocks, and seeing them under far from romantic, or even erotic, circumstances. Bobby could not help but feel embarrassment at what...
Cal had told Hector that they would be at the same hotel, leaving it up to the groom if they wanted to get together. Hector mentioned the fact to Maddy when they managed to get out of bed mid-morning on Saturday, and she immediately got on the phone to Cheryl. The four ended up sharing a large brunch, giving the girls time to recover before heading for practice. Having discussed it beforehand, Cheryl and Cal made no remarks about the newlyweds' first night, nor did they ask any questions....
While Sharon and Ryan were passionately formalizing their status as a couple, Cheryl and Cal were talking quietly on the hide-a-bed in the tiny front room of Maddie and Hector's apartment. "You seem a little preoccupied, Hon," Cheryl told him. "Sorry. You know, Dr. Carson, some of the stuff you said last week has been rattling around in my head all week." "Such as?" "Well, your comment about significance, for one thing," he said. "I guess I have been a little hung up on...
It only took a couple more discussions with Cal and one with her parents before Cheryl wrote her acceptance letter for the scholarship. It was Cal who rather forcefully convinced her to talk with Hal and Darlene, and it went better than Cal could have expected. Hal had netted nearly half a million dollars from the insurance settlement. Marty recruited only the best as her associates, and Robert did a masterful job. Predictably, the Carsons invested the money and did not spend extravagantly....
For the second time in a few minutes, Cal initiated a kiss. This one lasted a long time, and this time, he instinctively thrust his crotch into her. The kiss lasted long enough for her to unfasten and unzip his jeans and reach in to grasp his painfully rigid cock. She gave it a few gentle strokes and he started panting. "Teri! I'm going to come!" "I hope so!" "But... !" It was already too late. When he had finished spurting, she somehow worked his jeans down with one hand, never...
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Kenneth Yokata's father was a third-generation Japanese-American, the first in his line to marry a gaijin. That had caused a major rift between him and the rest of the very traditional family. However, Ken had been brought up with a large measure of the best of both of the disparate cultures. His father had seen that he was schooled in the ancient disciplines from an early age. His mother, a highly educated woman, saw that he was well-versed in the intricacies of Western thought. Ken had...
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When they were ushered into the home, only a few minutes late, Cal asked if they could talk for a few minutes. This was by arrangement with Teri. "I understand that you would like to have me take some revealing photographs. Is that right?" Both women nodded, somewhat nervously. "How revealing do you want them to be?" When neither woman came up with an answer, he asked "Will you be wearing lingerie? Sleepwear? Swimwear? Nothing?" He finally got a reaction as the one whose home they...
The night of Beth Hall's visit, Cal slept no better than his former basketball coach. The remarks of both Coach Hall and his wife obviously referred to Chad Clark. But why would Chad be Hall's presumed starting point guard? Everyone had known that Cal was destined for that spot. Chad was not even a capable reserve. As Cal lay awake for an unprecedented hour, random memories from the last eight months cycled through his mind. Every once in a while, one of them stood out. Principal...
"Don't let the dispatcher hang up!" Cal said sharply to Robin. She looked at him in confusion for a moment, the set her face and began speaking. "Listen, this situation is already screwed up. Let's get out of it without any more foul-ups, OK? Now, you patch me through to the two nearest patrol cars, and..." Robin paused, obviously waiting out the dispatcher's objections. When she resumed speaking, her voice was steady, but had an authoritative crack to it. "We've got a dozen...
The Carson family's flight was an early one, to get the best fare. That day was not the actual first day of school, but registration day. After returning from the airport, Cal and Cheryl got through registration quickly, bought books, and were home well before lunch. Home. Cheryl pondered that concept as they pulled into their parking spot. She felt the excitement welling up at the thought that they were finally alone. In some ways, she considered it her first real home. Very early in her...
After she called Bud, Robin searched frantically through Cheryl's closet for something to wear. It was useless. Not that Cheryl didn't have clothes, but Robin could not think of what would look right. Actually, she could hardly think at all, and she ended up not changing anything. When he rang the bell, she opened it, but she could not look up at him. He had a good idea what she was going through, and he realized how careful he had to be not to do anything that would cause her to...
Cheryl had driven home from school for the short vacation, and she and Cal drove both of their vehicles back. They had debated about whether that was necessary, but they decided to be on the safe side. They left themselves just one day after they arrived before registration. Since housing was all in order, that was one time-consuming item they did not have to deal with. On their free day, they connected with Maddy and her family, with Jesus Monteleone, with the volleyball coach, and of...
Pat Clancy did not usually watch ISN, but his father happened to be home, and his father was a big fan of the local college team. Pat was in an extended rebellious stage, at the point that many kids left at about fourteen or fifteen. Being a freshman at the U, though, he was savvy enough to realize that some minimum amount of acquiescence went a long ways to getting him the things he wanted from his indulgent parents with the least hassle. Pat had his basketball scholarship, and that had...
Sunday morning brought a sobering conversation. "Before I fly home, we'd better talk about the other two boys," Elaine told Cheryl and Cal when the couple returned from their reduced 'day-after-game' early workout. "To tell the truth, I'd just as soon never hear about them again," Cheryl responded. "I lost all of Friday night for studying and I had trouble concentrating yesterday. I don't want to be rude, Elaine, but I really have to hit the books today." "I'm afraid you may...
In the first week of the new year, two psychiatrists, speaking for the panel that had been employed to evaluate Greg, came to the Overland mansion to give their report. Brandon, Penelope, Genevieve, and Greg's lead lawyer were in the meeting. After the introductions, the lead doctor took the floor. "We have put Greg through the entire battery of tests and examinations that we described to you beforehand. We can go into as much detail as you would like, but let me summarize. He is...
The romance between Tessa and Vick took off like a rocket. Tessa was never one to dither when she wanted something, and she wanted Vick in the worst way. He, of course, did not have a chance. Not that he felt tricked or coerced in any way. Like a lot of the guys at school, Vick had been fascinated by Tessa, but because of her brains and her apparent relationship with Cal, he did not waste any time wishing for her. Finding out that she wanted him was just too good to be true. Just two weeks...
Robin was pissed. Her anger at that Jeremy character had been building with every report of his smarmy little campaign to subjugate her new friend Darlene. It was two weeks before Cal's return home, and Robin had just heard about Jeremy's last intrusion and Darlene's refusal to return to the club. Well, it was better that Darlene not be there right now, but by God, she would be back if Robin had anything to say about it. Robin and Darlene were worlds apart in life experience, yet Robin...
Saturday morning could have been a scene from a 'B' movie about high school girls. Of the eight gathered in Teri's rec room, Rebecca and Tessa were as giddy as the rest. Somehow, Cal thought they should have been helping to organize things and bring some order. Didn't happen. Since Sam had asked him personally, he took her first. She had changed into a tube top, which was apparently the uniform for the portraits. He started with the same approach he had used on Rebecca and Tessa, trying...
With basketball finished, Cal had no extra-curricular activities from school to take up his time. He had decided that he was going to accelerate his martial arts training for the entire spring and summer until football practice started in mid-August. The morning after his first naked photo session with Teri, it was easy for him to get up early, as sleep had been very hard to find. The extra exertion of his more vigorous workout was just what he needed to relieve the tension built up by the...
When the van pulled across their path and the men jumped out, Cal's initial reaction was a flash of panic, but in milliseconds he remembered why he had spent all of those years in martial arts classes. The men looked Arabic, and his mind flashed back to the sight of Rachman kicking the helpless Ismi. It was not going to happen again! Mr. Yokata's teachings came to him with the force of deeply ingrained habit. First, the assessment. Two men. No visible weapons. One man, the driver, had to...
Two football games had already been played, and Cheryl was very concerned. Greg had gained right around 100 yards in each game, although he had fumbled once. She talked with Cal on Monday night, trying to arrange a time when they could get together. She was adamant that it had to be before that Friday's game. Finding a time and place was actually rather tough. The rendezvous had to be kept secret from both sets of parents and from Greg. That ruled out Cheryl's home, and it made evenings...
Since he had shown Rebecca and Tessa the nude pictures of Rob Krantz, the girls had lain in wait for Cal's return every time Teri went on a shoot. They knew there would likely be nudity if Teri had to preside. "Any naked guys?" would hit Cal as soon as he walked into the house with film in hand. "I gotta have a talk with Mom," Tessa pouted. "I can't understand why only she gets to go on the sexy shoots. It's just not fair!" Cal looked quickly at Rebecca, who had not yet finished her...
To Cal's relief, nothing bad had happened by the time most people had eaten and the sun was getting low. He had relaxed his vigil on Rebecca and Bobby and was talking with Dante Powers about the new basketball coach and the team's prospects. He realized that he had not seen the lovebirds for a while, and when Dante walked off to see someone else, Cal started scanning the beach for them. He was just starting to be concerned when Cheryl came running up to him, followed closely by Tessa....
Rebecca went home for dinner, and when she sat down at the table, everyone could see the static issuing from almost everywhere on her body. Elaine waited until everyone had finished, then asked "Honey, is there something you wanted to say?" "I want to stay overnight at Bobby's so I can help him in the morning," Rebecca said as rapidly as she could. "Help him with what?" Martin asked before Elaine could warn him to keep quiet. "Well, he has to stay lying straight - can't bend at...
At the hospital, Cheryl could see it in her mother's eyes. Darlene Carson had no idea what to do or what was going to happen, and it scared her to death. Armed with her new understanding, Cheryl laid everything out in simple, specific terms, seeing her mother's tension ease with every sentence. It was nice for Cheryl to see her analysis verified, but it was also disturbing to find this out about her mother. Cheryl could not help thinking how much better her home life might have been if she...
In the weeks since her return to the health club, Jeremy had given Darlene five massages. That they were much longer than the fifteen minutes offered on the coupons was never mentioned. She had worn the two-piece suit on the table every time, and he decided to make his move. "Darlene, you've got some tightness here that I can't get rid of with these short strokes. I need to move up and down your whole back." Without saying any more, Jeremy undid the clasp that held the suit top...
Cheryl really wanted to be there for the first part of Jeremy's humiliation, but she understood why it could not work out. As Rebecca drove them all from the airport, Cheryl felt that sense of unreality. It was the first time that she had been home in two months. Everything seemed so familiar, yet strange in a way. And she really was not home. This was just a quick drop-in. Nobody could understand why she was so adamant about being there tonight - well, Cal understood, and maybe her mom...
Cal and Cheryl were still cuddling, caressing, and talking when his normal workout time arrived. They dozed off for a few hours, and Cal was definitely groggy when they had to get up for her flight. She was just as lifeless until Robin showed up and explained that she was going with them. It was the biggest shot of energy that Cal had ever seen. Cheryl was absolutely ecstatic. Robin sat in the front seat of the plane with Bud. Several times when she looked back, Cheryl was grinning from ear...
It was late on a Saturday evening, and Cal was becoming concerned that Laura would never give up for the night. He had been hiding in her house for going on three hours, and boredom did not begin to describe what he had endured. At least on the many evenings spent in the blind, waiting for a chance to get some evidence, he could read, study, or talk to Cheryl part of the time. This was the night it had to happen. Two weeks of school had already passed, and he just could not spend any more...
Cal was too startled to say anything, which was probably fortunate. Jolie eventually reached the bed, where she stopped, giving a perfect imitation of a horror movie zombie. Her head turned back and forth mechanically as she repeatedly scanned her mother's exposed body. Far, far from being an innocent, Jolie was still stunned by whatever she had seen. Jolie's confusion gave Cal time to recover from his shock. "How long have you been watching?" he asked, assuming that his cousin would not...
Early Monday morning at his workout was Cal's first chance for some deep thought. Of course, there had been idle time on Sunday, but by dint of long habit, it was while exercising that he did his best concentration. The dominant thing on his mind was what his mother had done the night before. Even before he had gone to sleep, he had decided that he was not upset by it. Oh, it had been embarrassing at first, but her words and her expression had conveyed her true feelings - love and...
The loss of a defensive star like Vick Smaak could not help but affect the football team. There was a good program in the younger grades, though, and even if there was not a direct replacement for Vick, there was enough new talent to make the defense very strong. The offense that had been reshaped the previous year to make up for the loss of Greg and Brad hit it's stride right away. It was explosive and exciting to watch. The coaches decided that a gambling defense that stressed forcing big...
A few days before the volleyball tournament was to start, Coach Meinert caught Cal after basketball practice. "I got a call from a woman who really needs your help. I told her I would see if I could talk you into it." When Cal just showed a blank stare, Meinert said "I'll give you a clue: she's a coach." Still not seeing comprehension on Cal's face, he added "A volleyball coach." Seeing that Cal had finally caught on, Meinert laughed and said "Get your ass to Cheryl's first match....
The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...
Where is the boundary between grief and hate? Between hate and insanity? Had any professional been aware of the importance of these questions in regard to Penelope Overland, she could have been the basis of a fascinating study. The fact that no one suspected anything deeper than the difficulty of recovering from the death of a child told a lot about Penelope's makeup. Genetically and culturally, she was imbued with some very strong traits. First of all, she was undeniably intelligent....
The Friday morning after Thanksgiving was not a common time for a wedding, but with the short notice, that was the best that Maddy had been able to schedule. She wanted it to be in her parents' church, and she knew that the traditional morning time would be most acceptable to her mother. She and Hector had tried very hard to do everything to please their parents, especially hers. They would not compromise on the timing, and they would use birth control. Outside of those givens, they would...
Finally something was going right! Nikolai, the team leader, had been completely frustrated as one thing after another kept one or more of his targets out of town. He had tried to see if two at a time wouldn't satisfy the client, but Viktor had been firm about it. All four of them in one place, bound, and in good condition - it was that or no payoff. There was no way the client was spending all of this money just to have a chat with the four kids, so what was the big deal about good...
Amsterdam was so nice we stayed a week. That meant we had to speak to the authorities. They gave us the once over and the boat the twice over ... and then the army had a look. The little black boxes that went nowhere and did nothing interested then ... as did the nearly new MP-28, II Schmeisser Sub Machine guns ... so did Das Heereswaffenamt markings. They were interested in where we bought new German military marked weapons. We confessed. "They were on the boat when we bought it. Did you...
A Towering Wave "Merciful Caesar, let my skill soften your anger. It is justified indeed; I don't deny that I deserve it." --Tristia 4.10 Our encounter with the curiously well-informed Praetorian was indeed a close call, and it was not difficult to convince Cornelius Quadratus that I could no longer play the part of his wife. Our security was in jeopardy. The cohort knew my name, and they had reason to suspect my role in the recent alterations to the rites of the Bacchanalia. I...
Students……………… The night was getting better and better. The party at Manya’s, a 10th class student, was taking an uncanny turn. They were all 14-15 years old. Manya was a gujrati and her family had left for their native. Taking this cue, she had invitd all her friends to this party, all of which were her classmates. The food was very good. Vansh, had procured some whisky and beer, from his refrigerator. As the clock chimed at 9, everyone started to leave. By 10, everyone had left except...
IncestAfter Steve's call, I was quite curious about what he had in mind and what we would be working on. I knew I wanted to be involved, and told Paul about this when I briefed him on the call. The next day, after he had called Steve, we didn't really know any more about the technical aspects of the situation; Paul said to me, "I told Steve that engineers like us don't run this company, and that the project managers and business people would have to get involved. I talked to a couple of other...
When I was 22 or so I worked as a repairman for a well known company. I would drive a company truck and make service calls at people's homes. At the time I had long hair and kind of had the surfer look, though we were nowhere near the beach. But girls liked it! So I got a call to a house, kind of a trashy part of town, and as I arrive, the husband and wife are leaving with their oldest daughter to a softball game. They say the babysitter knows the problem and will tell me where it is. So I meet...
Love lessons at last after a long lasting tasty teaseAll warm weekend Jennifer is terribly hot and horny for more of my love lessons.The tasty teen tries to tease me all the time. I can even smell how sexy she feels.I pretend I do not notice her state of sexual arousal, playing hard to get at her.The sexy school girl even has to endure my lectures in the surrounding game of Go.She likes the idea she can be taken prisoner or even captured, but not being killed.I explain her about the concept of...
I woke up in the morning with a mouth on my cock. I opened my eyes and there was Gloria slurping on me. She was naked and intent on my cock. I moved my hand to her bare ass next to me and shoved two fingers into her cunt. Her head jumped up with that and she laughed. "Careful with that stud. It's lucky I didn't bite you."She asked if she could have a free fuck and I shrugged my shoulders in a way that meant 'sure'. She wanted to talk to me face to face so she straddled my cock and slid...
May 10th 2003 Whiskey Illinois High School in the town of Whiskey Illinois 18 year old Andy Ripley is at his High School Graduation Ceremony when it is his turn to accept his diploma. He unlocks his wheelchair brakes goes to the front of the auditorium accepts his diploma then he returns to his seat. When the graduation ceremony ends Andy says goodbye to his fellow graduates then he removes his cap and gown folds them up and lays them on his trucks passenger seat. Then he takes his high...
This story is totally fiction, however, I wish it wasn't!. I had been living with Candy for about a year when first I noticed it. I had never been what I would call hung, but felt like I was pretty average among men as far as cock size goes at about 6 or 7 inches.Early in the second year of our relationship, I began to notice it getting smaller and smaller. This was a rather slow process at first, but by mid year it seemed to accelerate. By December it was down to nothing more than a nub. I had...
A day later, after a shopping extravaganza in which Aaron bought Denise a complete new wardrobe, they were winging their way to Hawaii and, true to his word, they spent a relaxing and fun filled two weeks in the islands mixing sun and swimming with seeing the sights. Denise was learning something new about Aaron each day. He took her scuba diving and they spent an entire day, exploring reefs and even an old shipwreck. She was amazed that he possessed an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the...
'Soooooo anyway, it's not a problem that we had a long kiss, is it? You're my brother and I love you, so no harm done.' 'Oh, definitely no harm done sis, don't you ever worry about that. I don't think there's anything you could say or do that would ever stop me loving you. Actually... if you tried to kill me, I probably wouldn't like you so much anymore.' I joked. 'Heehee' she said wrapping her arms around my neck again 'No worries there, I'd never try to kill you.' She...