Banner YearChapter 52 free porn video

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The Friday morning after Thanksgiving was not a common time for a wedding, but with the short notice, that was the best that Maddy had been able to schedule. She wanted it to be in her parents' church, and she knew that the traditional morning time would be most acceptable to her mother.

She and Hector had tried very hard to do everything to please their parents, especially hers. They would not compromise on the timing, and they would use birth control. Outside of those givens, they would be as accommodating as possible.

Not that their parents knew everything that was going on. They would not have intercourse until their wedding day, but that did not mean they would be totally chaste.

As the wedding date approached, Maddy began to be concerned about whether Hector would be disappointed in her body. Cheryl sensed the rising anxiety in her friend, especially when her concentration at practice began to suffer again.

"OK, what's the problem now, Maddy," Cheryl demanded. "Are you getting cold feet?"

"Oh, it's nothing, really. I just... it's nothing," Maddy insisted.

"Hey, who do you think you're talking to, girl? This is me! Your best bud. Maybe a shrink someday. Cut the bullshit and tell me!"

Maddy's lip was quivering when she was finally able to reply. "He... he's never seen me naked. I'm worried that he won't like me. I mean, I'm not gorgeous like you."

Cheryl had half expected something like that, so she was able to refrain from laughing - only just. With a flash of inspiration, she asked "Wanna trade boobs?"


"I've always worried that my little ones wouldn't keep Cal interested. Yours are so much bigger."

"But... but Cal doesn't care, he loves you. Anyone can see that," Maddy insisted.

"Uh, huh."

"Oh," Maddy breathed after a pause, realizing the point Cheryl was making about how Hector felt.

"You met Tessa, right?" Cheryl asked and Maddy nodded. "Well, she'd win any 'best boobs' contest she entered. Cal went with her before we got together. Think that didn't give me a confidence problem?"

"The point is," Cheryl went on, "Cal knows I'm not secure with my little ones, and he does everything he can to boost my confidence. So, what are you worried about Hector seeing?"

"Well, I'm just not that sexy looking," Maddy complained. After a pause, she grinned a little and said "I guess he will like my boobs, though."

"The point is, he loves YOU, Maddy. The parts that you're worried about won't bother him at all. Besides, guys are so easy to distract, you can always get their minds off of your shortcomings." The two laughed together at that.

"Maddy, please don't be offended by what I'm going to say. I know you want to be a virgin at your wedding, and that's wonderful. But there's a lot of other things that you can do. If everything is going to be brand new that first night, how can you relax and enjoy your wedding? I mean, look how nervous you are already."

"You're right, Cheryl. I'm really nervous about that stuff."

"I don't want to go against your beliefs, but consider this: why don't you do everything but intercourse before the wedding. That will leave only one new thing to worry about."

Maddy's jaw dropped and she just stared at Cheryl for the longest time. "That would be sticking to the 'letter of the law'," Cheryl explained. "Maybe that's not enough for you guys, but it's something to think about."

"Wh... what all are you talking about," Maddy asked.

"Well, you should spend some time naked together. You should masturbate each other. You should shower together. Maybe even oral."

"Ohhhhh!" Maddy exclaimed. "What if he doesn't even try to do those things with me?"

"Maddy, Maddy. Hector loves you so much, respects you so much, that he will probably go too slowly."

"Yeah, I'm the one that said I couldn't wait," Maddy agreed.

"So, if you want to experience those other things, if you want to be more relaxed at your wedding, you've got to take the lead. Besides, guys like their wives to be aggressive sexually."


"They're no different than us that way. How does it feel when Hector is so aroused that he can't stop kissing you, hugging you, caressing you?"

"God! I about turn into a puddle! He knows that, and I think he kinda holds back."

"Well, don't you think he would feel the same way if you attacked him?"

"The problem is, Cheryl, we don't have anywhere we can be together like that. My little house if full of people, and even though his is bigger..."

"You just say the word and Cal and I will go to the library to study."

Cheryl thought briefly about having Cal talk to Hector, but decided that she had better do it herself. What she had to say was not really a guy-to-guy subject. Getting a few minutes alone with Hector was the hardest part.

"Maddy has a lot of concerns, Hector. She is suffering from a lack of confidence."

"Why? Did I do or say something to cause that?"

"No, not at all. It's just a natural thing for us girls to worry about our sex appeal."

"But I love that girl so much it hurts," he protested.

"Oh, I know that. Everyone knows that, believe me. She needs to know that you lust after her, too. You do, don't you?"

"Cheryl! I respect Maddy. I don't want her to think..."

"She needs go know that she excites you, Hector. It's no disrespect to show passion and arousal for your life mate."

"I guess I never thought of it that way," he mused.

"You guys would enjoy your wedding a lot more if there weren't as many new experiences to worry about that night."

"We've agreed that we won't have sex before. That's a done deal."

"But why not do everything but that? Would that violate your beliefs?"

"I don't think she would..."

"If she did, Hector, you need to go along with it. You need to let her know that you are aroused, that she excites you."

"Why are you saying these things, Cheryl?"

"Because you two are my great friends. I'm thrilled that you are together, and I'd like for your wedding to be the happiest day of your lives. If you're both nervous about what's coming up, it might not be as good.

"I guess the main thing I wanted to say is that Maddy needs your approval. She is a lot less confident and secure than she seems, at least about her body and about sex. If she initiates something, please, PLEASE don't do anything that she could see as rejection. What you might think is being respectful, she might read the wrong way."

"God! This romance stuff gets complicated," he complained.

"You have no idea," Cheryl warned him.

Maddy had arrived first at the apartment, and she opened the door for Hector. He did not know that they would be alone, that Cheryl and Cal had gone out to study. He thought it rather strange that she stood behind the door, with just her flushed face showing. Normally, she would have greeted him with a vigorous hug and kiss, leaping into his arms to reach his face.

Assuming that she must have been restraining herself because there were other people present, he walked into the room. She had closed the door before he turned around, and it was a good thing. It would not have been good for anyone outside to see him stumble from the shock of seeing her standing there naked, blushing from head to toe, even through her naturally tawny skin.

The lovers just stared at each other for some indeterminate time. Maddy was almost shaking with fear for his reaction. Hector was at first too stunned to think, but somehow, Cheryl's admonish registered: "Don't do anything that she might see as rejection."

"Where's my hug?" he said, holding out his arms in clear invitation.

With a little squeak, she dashed the few feet between them and jumped into his arms in her usual fashion. He had gotten into the habit of holding her up by her bottom when they hugged like that, and he did it instinctively then. The sensation of holding her bare bottom for the first time almost made him drop her. It was fear of hurting her, more than anything, that made him keep a firm hold.

Hector did not consider himself at all glib or smooth. In fact, he tended to be rather tongue-tied around Maddy. As they kissed, though, he came up with the perfect line, right from his heart. "Promise me?"


"Promise you'll greet me like that every time after we're married?"

That caused Maddy to shudder. She was not sure if it was a tiny orgasm or not, but she really did not care. The important thing was that he wanted to see her body. Her short legs, her muscular thighs and butt, her less-then-waspish waist, her solid shoulders - they didn't turn him off. The feeling of relief and exhilaration was enormous, and she could not hold back the sniffles and the tears.

Still holding her, he walked to the couch and sat down with her still straddling him. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh, no! God, no! I was so afraid you wouldn't like me when you saw me naked."

"Oh, Honey! How could you think that? I love your body! I love every part of you!"

"I... I knew that, but..." Through her stammering, a lustful look took over her face. She reached behind her to grab one of his hands and brought it to her breast. "You don't know how much I've wanted that feeling," she breathed out.

"Not nearly as much as I wanted it," he retorted, his large hand caressing with the gentleness that always amazed her. "Baby, it's just awesome!" She could tell from his voice and his touch that it was no line. He meant it.

Almost lost in the wonderful sensations, Hector still managed to remember the admonition from Cheryl. How could he reassure his beloved even more? He was not sure, but he knew what he very much wanted to do at that moment and he let himself go. Bending down, he used his hand to lift her breast so he could take her distended nipple in his mouth.

Maddy's emotions were already cranked up to maximum gain. It had been unbelievably hard to expose herself, and her uncertainty about his reaction had almost made her ill. Then, his eager acceptance and his comment about her greeting him that way all the time had almost incapacitated her.

From the first meeting, when she had almost fallen on top of him chasing an out ball, his massive strength had thrilled her. Every time he picked her up and held her like a small child, she was ready to forget vows of virginity and become a woman right on the spot. Now, feeling his mighty hands on her bare body had made that combination of strength and tenderness even more arousing.

Maddy was passionate. Her emotions always ran a couple of notches higher than even most other woman. It was what made her such a force on the court and what drew people to her like a magnet. Her emotional intensity had never been as high as at the moment when Hector took her nipple into his mouth.

It is not inaccurate to describe an orgasm as an emotional short circuit. That is what happened to Maddy when Hector's tongue instinctively flicked over her nipple. The accumulated sensations were just too much and she erupted into a climax far stronger than any she had been able to give herself. Emitting a combination squeal and groan, her body jerked and heaved in his arms. Her ecstasy seemed to go on and on, and when it finally subsided, she was left trembling, panting, and sweaty.

She was embarrassed, and had just enough strength to bury her face in his neck and shoulder, terrified of what he must think of her. They had done some pretty heavy petting, but always over clothes, and they had never come close to getting each other off. His shock was at least equal to her embarrassment, but that was not his only reaction.

He had hardened the moment he saw her standing naked, and holding her bare body had only increased his excitement. As she convulsed in orgasm, her crotch had bounced rhythmically against his upright erection. Somehow, he had held off from losing it right then. When she subsided, he relaxed, thinking he had avoided soiling his shorts.

In her embarrassment, Maddy did not just hide her face. She tried to crawl right inside Hector. In doing so, her little wiggles and squirms caught him unprepared, and he erupted. He did not just sit still and spurt. Instead, his whole body lurched with the force of each jet, and he could not stifle the accompanying grunts.

By the third spurt, Maddy was fully aware of what was happening and her own embarrassment was washed away by a tide of wonder and excitement. She pulled her head back and watched his face as he finished. Wide-eyed and slack-jawed, she just stared at him until he finally opened his tightly-closed eyes. Then, she broke into an ear-to-ear grin, backed off of his lap, grabbed his hand, and tried to pull him to his feet.

Hector was no more ready for the force of his orgasm than Maddy had been for hers, and standing was momentarily impossible. "Come on! We need to shower!" she urged, all the while, tugging on his arm.

For a few seconds, he wanted to shake off her insistent pull and catch his breath. Then, when he was seeing more clearly, he was ready to do anything she wanted. The sight of her child-like excitement and what her impatient bouncing did to her very un-child-like breasts cleared the fog from his brain in a hurry.

It was no mystery to Hector how Maddy could dominate the volleyball court the way she did. At that moment, he was perfectly willing to be led, particularly because the view of her flexing leg and butt muscles as she pulled him along was so enticing. He should have been mortified by the way he had lost it, but in the face of her reaction, how could he be? Seeing her happy, alive, and excited had always thrilled him, but now, naked and sexually aroused, she was the most wonderful sight he could imagine.

In the modest bathroom, she wasted no time getting at the object of her lust. She was unfastening his pants before they were through the door. Somehow, she had enough restraint to wait for him to kick off his shoes. She also let him get the pants completely off before attending to his messy shorts.

He was about to take off the shorts himself when she came out of her frenzy and said "Wait! Wear them into the shower and rinse them out. We'll put them in the dryer later." Rather than spoiling the mood, her little casual attention to something embarrassing but necessary just endeared her to him even more.

Once in the shower, she did not wait long before removing his shorts. He just knew that she needed to do it and did not try to stop her. After pulling them down, she remained on her knees in the small space. She took his once again rigid cock in both hands and just explored its shape and its texture.

When her exploration had gone on for a few minutes, Hector became concerned that he might come again. "Maddy, if you keep that up, I'll lose it again," he warned.

"Tell me how to make it happen," was her response. She did not need much instruction, and it did not take long before he came all over her face and her hair.

When he regained his breath, he told her "Let me wash you, then let's get on the bed. I owe you."

Cal and Cheryl stayed at the library until eleven, well beyond when Maddy and Hector had planned to leave. They thought it would be best not to meet their friends after their first exploratory session. They had made arrangements to check in with Claire and Bert, even if it was late. Perhaps deviously, they had not told Maddy and Hector how well sound traveled from the apartment's spare bedroom to the house.

When Claire opened the connecting door to Cheryl's knock, Cheryl started laughing so hard she had to sit down. Trying to look stern, Claire said "Someday, girly, you will want to brag about that well-fucked look, too. It won't always be an everyday occurrence, you know."

"I suppose Bert was in no shape to open the door," Cheryl chortled.

"Honey, right now, Bert can't even open his eyes. Would you believe twice?"

"So, Maddy and Hector seemed to do all right?" Cheryl queried.

"It was sexy as hell," Claire responded. "The only problem was, sometimes it was so sweet it almost made us cry. They are just the nicest kids."

Five more times in the weeks before the wedding Cheryl and Cal surrendered the apartment to their friends. Cheryl made it a point not to ask Maddy anything about their sessions. She knew that Maddy was somewhat conflicted about their activities. One night, Maddy was back at the apartment waiting when they returned from the library, Hector having taken her home and gone on to his place. Cal was aware enough to decide that he should go get gas and pick up some groceries.

"Cheryl, thank you so much for talking me into this. You were right," Maddy said. "The only problem is that it's even harder to wait for, you know. But it's worth it. I thought we were in love before, but I... I didn't know it could be this wonderful!"

Hugging her friend, Cheryl said "And believe it or not, it keeps getting better the more things you go through together."

"Why don't you and Cal just get married? It doesn't seem like money would be a problem."

That was something that Cheryl had honestly not considered. "Oh. That's... that's an interesting question, Maddy. I guess with med school coming up and everything, we just have a lot of things that might keep us apart."

"But you'll never really be apart, will you? I mean you'll for sure be married someday, won't you?" Maddy asked. "You're just like me and Hector."

"Yeah, we'll be together. You know, Cal could end up as an NFL kicker," Cheryl mused. "He doesn't seem to like that idea right now, but that could change. If he was on a pro team and I was in med school, it could be a long time between when we saw each other."

"Would it be any easier because you weren't actually married?" Maddy asked.

"You're just trying to make an honest woman out of me, aren't you?" Cheryl teased, trying to change the subject. It was a subject that disturbed her.

The next day at practice, Cheryl suffered one of her rare off days. Her concentration just wasn't quite there. Maddy's question about marriage had cost her a restless night and opened up a number of other questions.

Up until then, there had always been an exciting next step to look forward to in her relationship with Cal. Her first year at college, it had not really been an exciting step, rather something to get through. Still, there had been something romantic about enduring until the separation ended. And she had endured. Living with Cal full time had definitely been exciting. It occurred to her that she had been enjoying her present life so much that the future had just been a glowing something up ahead. Maddy's suggestion had laid bare a lot of questions.

Where would she go to med school? Would Cal finish in three years? Would he follow her? Could he make it in the NFL as a kicker? Would he stay and finish his degree? After living with him for two years, how would she stand whatever separation there was? Would getting married make anything easier? Harder?

"Cheryl, I hope I wasn't the one who put you in this funk," Maddy said as they dressed side by side in the locker room.

"Well, your question about getting married brought up a lot of other questions," Cheryl admitted, "but don't feel bad. It was something we should be thinking about. Say, the NFL is kind of a threat to you guys, too, isn't it?"

"I don't think so," Maddy said. "We've talked about it a lot. You know, in both of our families, a college degree is a rare thing. With what our parents have done, even helping us live as a couple until we graduate, he doesn't think he could live with himself if he left school early."

"Yeah, but we're talking some serious money they might wave at him. That could pay back a lot of things for your parents."

"Believe me, we've gone around and around on that. He doesn't think he's good enough to be drafted very high, if at all. That means the money will be good, but not awesome."

"Maddy, he's almost leading the nation in tackles!"

"I don't know what's going to happen, Cheryl, and we've agreed not to waste energy worrying about it right now. The only sure thing is that we'll be together, whatever happens. You know, if you graduate early, it won't be as much fun for me to play a fourth year."

"That's crazy, Maddy. Coach is getting better recruits every year. Who knows? Even next year, I might not get much playing time. I'm the shortest hitter in the conference, you know. There'll be plenty of great hitters for you to set for. Sharon, for instance."

"Yeah, she's really improving, isn't she." That was the perfect bail out for an uncomfortable conversation.

"Cal, Honey, I've been thinking." They were lying in bed in their favorite face-to-face position with her leg over his thigh. "Maybe you should rethink basketball."


"Maybe I'm being silly, but ever since I've known you, you've always been on a team. Well, not for a few months in the spring, I guess. Selfishly, I'll miss being able to watch you play."

"But you know I don't like the style they play."

"Maybe because you associate it with Hall. His style was extreme and mindless. These guys do fast break sometimes, you know."

"Why are changing your mind? Don't want me around all the time?" he teased.

"That's part of it," she said, poking him in the ribs in response to his tease. "The main thing is what the coach said. You're a competitor. I'm afraid you won't be happy knowing there are guys out there screwing up something you could do much better."

"Boy, it's great knowing who my biggest fan is," he said before kissing her soundly. "What about Pat."

"I've changed my mind on that. The best revenge is to beat him out of a job."

"I don't know," he demurred. "He's got four inches and a lot of speed on me."

"But you can make the team better. I'll bet he just plays for himself. The coach must have seen that already if practice has started."

"What about our goal of just being normal students?" he asked.

"I guess the best 'normal' for me is watching my lover play," she answered seriously. "And the best 'normal' for you is always competing in something."

"I don't know, Cheryl. I think I would just get frustrated not being able to run enough."

"Let's look at it analytically," she said. "What is you biggest strength in basketball?"

"Shooting, I guess."

"Guess nothing. One thing I remembered from Coach Hall was that you could have scored fifty points a game because his offense depended on accurate outside shooting. The coach here knows he needs that, too. You could make a difference. You could help make the team better. Will you at least think about it?"

"We will be in a bowl game between Christmas and New Years, so it's a moot point until then. I'll think about it, though."

Cheryl's funk did not last long. What really brought her out of it was all of the wedding preparation. Cal just watched in amazement as a Cheryl that he had not really seen before emerged. At times, when involved with Maddy in planning or fittings, they were both as giddy as little girls. At other times, when she watched Maddy and Hector together, she went starry-eyed and mushy. In a call home, Cal mentioned Cheryl's behavior to Elaine.

"And just why are you surprised?" Elaine asked with a chuckle. "Didn't she get pretty much the same way for Robin's wedding?"

"Well, yeah. But, I guess I just didn't notice it as much," Cal answered.

"With Maddy's wedding, she's right in the middle of it," Elaine pointed out. "It's completely normal, Honey. Weddings always affect women that way."

"Oh, I'm not complaining," Cal said hurriedly. "It makes her even more, um, affectionate."

"Horny, you mean, don't you?" Elaine said with a giggle. "Say, Hon, have you planned anything special for you two after the wedding?"

"Huh? No, I never thought of that," he admitted.

"It's not that you need to score points with her, or anything," Elaine told him, "but it never hurts to take advantage of a romantic occasion. Her life has been just as hectic as yours, lately."

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Banner YearChapter 16

When they were ushered into the home, only a few minutes late, Cal asked if they could talk for a few minutes. This was by arrangement with Teri. "I understand that you would like to have me take some revealing photographs. Is that right?" Both women nodded, somewhat nervously. "How revealing do you want them to be?" When neither woman came up with an answer, he asked "Will you be wearing lingerie? Sleepwear? Swimwear? Nothing?" He finally got a reaction as the one whose home they...

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Banner YearChapter 26

The night of Beth Hall's visit, Cal slept no better than his former basketball coach. The remarks of both Coach Hall and his wife obviously referred to Chad Clark. But why would Chad be Hall's presumed starting point guard? Everyone had known that Cal was destined for that spot. Chad was not even a capable reserve. As Cal lay awake for an unprecedented hour, random memories from the last eight months cycled through his mind. Every once in a while, one of them stood out. Principal...

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Banner YearChapter 32

"Don't let the dispatcher hang up!" Cal said sharply to Robin. She looked at him in confusion for a moment, the set her face and began speaking. "Listen, this situation is already screwed up. Let's get out of it without any more foul-ups, OK? Now, you patch me through to the two nearest patrol cars, and..." Robin paused, obviously waiting out the dispatcher's objections. When she resumed speaking, her voice was steady, but had an authoritative crack to it. "We've got a dozen...

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Banner YearChapter 33

The Carson family's flight was an early one, to get the best fare. That day was not the actual first day of school, but registration day. After returning from the airport, Cal and Cheryl got through registration quickly, bought books, and were home well before lunch. Home. Cheryl pondered that concept as they pulled into their parking spot. She felt the excitement welling up at the thought that they were finally alone. In some ways, she considered it her first real home. Very early in her...

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Banner YearChapter 38

After she called Bud, Robin searched frantically through Cheryl's closet for something to wear. It was useless. Not that Cheryl didn't have clothes, but Robin could not think of what would look right. Actually, she could hardly think at all, and she ended up not changing anything. When he rang the bell, she opened it, but she could not look up at him. He had a good idea what she was going through, and he realized how careful he had to be not to do anything that would cause her to...

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Banner YearChapter 45

Cheryl had driven home from school for the short vacation, and she and Cal drove both of their vehicles back. They had debated about whether that was necessary, but they decided to be on the safe side. They left themselves just one day after they arrived before registration. Since housing was all in order, that was one time-consuming item they did not have to deal with. On their free day, they connected with Maddy and her family, with Jesus Monteleone, with the volleyball coach, and of...

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Banner YearChapter 49

Pat Clancy did not usually watch ISN, but his father happened to be home, and his father was a big fan of the local college team. Pat was in an extended rebellious stage, at the point that many kids left at about fourteen or fifteen. Being a freshman at the U, though, he was savvy enough to realize that some minimum amount of acquiescence went a long ways to getting him the things he wanted from his indulgent parents with the least hassle. Pat had his basketball scholarship, and that had...

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Banner YearChapter 50

Sunday morning brought a sobering conversation. "Before I fly home, we'd better talk about the other two boys," Elaine told Cheryl and Cal when the couple returned from their reduced 'day-after-game' early workout. "To tell the truth, I'd just as soon never hear about them again," Cheryl responded. "I lost all of Friday night for studying and I had trouble concentrating yesterday. I don't want to be rude, Elaine, but I really have to hit the books today." "I'm afraid you may...

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Banner YearChapter 27

In the first week of the new year, two psychiatrists, speaking for the panel that had been employed to evaluate Greg, came to the Overland mansion to give their report. Brandon, Penelope, Genevieve, and Greg's lead lawyer were in the meeting. After the introductions, the lead doctor took the floor. "We have put Greg through the entire battery of tests and examinations that we described to you beforehand. We can go into as much detail as you would like, but let me summarize. He is...

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Banner YearChapter 23

The romance between Tessa and Vick took off like a rocket. Tessa was never one to dither when she wanted something, and she wanted Vick in the worst way. He, of course, did not have a chance. Not that he felt tricked or coerced in any way. Like a lot of the guys at school, Vick had been fascinated by Tessa, but because of her brains and her apparent relationship with Cal, he did not waste any time wishing for her. Finding out that she wanted him was just too good to be true. Just two weeks...

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Banner YearChapter 35

Robin was pissed. Her anger at that Jeremy character had been building with every report of his smarmy little campaign to subjugate her new friend Darlene. It was two weeks before Cal's return home, and Robin had just heard about Jeremy's last intrusion and Darlene's refusal to return to the club. Well, it was better that Darlene not be there right now, but by God, she would be back if Robin had anything to say about it. Robin and Darlene were worlds apart in life experience, yet Robin...

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Banner YearChapter 6

Saturday morning could have been a scene from a 'B' movie about high school girls. Of the eight gathered in Teri's rec room, Rebecca and Tessa were as giddy as the rest. Somehow, Cal thought they should have been helping to organize things and bring some order. Didn't happen. Since Sam had asked him personally, he took her first. She had changed into a tube top, which was apparently the uniform for the portraits. He started with the same approach he had used on Rebecca and Tessa, trying...

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Banner YearChapter 7

With basketball finished, Cal had no extra-curricular activities from school to take up his time. He had decided that he was going to accelerate his martial arts training for the entire spring and summer until football practice started in mid-August. The morning after his first naked photo session with Teri, it was easy for him to get up early, as sleep had been very hard to find. The extra exertion of his more vigorous workout was just what he needed to relieve the tension built up by the...

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Banner YearChapter 9

When the van pulled across their path and the men jumped out, Cal's initial reaction was a flash of panic, but in milliseconds he remembered why he had spent all of those years in martial arts classes. The men looked Arabic, and his mind flashed back to the sight of Rachman kicking the helpless Ismi. It was not going to happen again! Mr. Yokata's teachings came to him with the force of deeply ingrained habit. First, the assessment. Two men. No visible weapons. One man, the driver, had to...

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Banner YearChapter 12

When Cal was first able to walk on his foot, he had started taking walks in the cool of the evening. The foot was healed, but it could not yet take the stress of running. On the second night that he walked, his mother caught up with him halfway down the driveway, took his hand in hers, and made it clear that she intended to walk with him. "Teri gets to spend a lot more time with you than I do," she complained. "I've got to grab whatever I can." After a moment of panic that she might...

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Banner YearChapter 14

Two football games had already been played, and Cheryl was very concerned. Greg had gained right around 100 yards in each game, although he had fumbled once. She talked with Cal on Monday night, trying to arrange a time when they could get together. She was adamant that it had to be before that Friday's game. Finding a time and place was actually rather tough. The rendezvous had to be kept secret from both sets of parents and from Greg. That ruled out Cheryl's home, and it made evenings...

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Banner YearChapter 18

Since he had shown Rebecca and Tessa the nude pictures of Rob Krantz, the girls had lain in wait for Cal's return every time Teri went on a shoot. They knew there would likely be nudity if Teri had to preside. "Any naked guys?" would hit Cal as soon as he walked into the house with film in hand. "I gotta have a talk with Mom," Tessa pouted. "I can't understand why only she gets to go on the sexy shoots. It's just not fair!" Cal looked quickly at Rebecca, who had not yet finished her...

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Banner YearChapter 19

To Cal's relief, nothing bad had happened by the time most people had eaten and the sun was getting low. He had relaxed his vigil on Rebecca and Bobby and was talking with Dante Powers about the new basketball coach and the team's prospects. He realized that he had not seen the lovebirds for a while, and when Dante walked off to see someone else, Cal started scanning the beach for them. He was just starting to be concerned when Cheryl came running up to him, followed closely by Tessa....

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Banner YearChapter 21

Rebecca went home for dinner, and when she sat down at the table, everyone could see the static issuing from almost everywhere on her body. Elaine waited until everyone had finished, then asked "Honey, is there something you wanted to say?" "I want to stay overnight at Bobby's so I can help him in the morning," Rebecca said as rapidly as she could. "Help him with what?" Martin asked before Elaine could warn him to keep quiet. "Well, he has to stay lying straight - can't bend at...

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Banner YearChapter 24

At the hospital, Cheryl could see it in her mother's eyes. Darlene Carson had no idea what to do or what was going to happen, and it scared her to death. Armed with her new understanding, Cheryl laid everything out in simple, specific terms, seeing her mother's tension ease with every sentence. It was nice for Cheryl to see her analysis verified, but it was also disturbing to find this out about her mother. Cheryl could not help thinking how much better her home life might have been if she...

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Banner YearChapter 34

In the weeks since her return to the health club, Jeremy had given Darlene five massages. That they were much longer than the fifteen minutes offered on the coupons was never mentioned. She had worn the two-piece suit on the table every time, and he decided to make his move. "Darlene, you've got some tightness here that I can't get rid of with these short strokes. I need to move up and down your whole back." Without saying any more, Jeremy undid the clasp that held the suit top...

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Banner YearChapter 36

Cheryl really wanted to be there for the first part of Jeremy's humiliation, but she understood why it could not work out. As Rebecca drove them all from the airport, Cheryl felt that sense of unreality. It was the first time that she had been home in two months. Everything seemed so familiar, yet strange in a way. And she really was not home. This was just a quick drop-in. Nobody could understand why she was so adamant about being there tonight - well, Cal understood, and maybe her mom...

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Banner YearChapter 37

Cal and Cheryl were still cuddling, caressing, and talking when his normal workout time arrived. They dozed off for a few hours, and Cal was definitely groggy when they had to get up for her flight. She was just as lifeless until Robin showed up and explained that she was going with them. It was the biggest shot of energy that Cal had ever seen. Cheryl was absolutely ecstatic. Robin sat in the front seat of the plane with Bud. Several times when she looked back, Cheryl was grinning from ear...

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Banner YearChapter 39

It was late on a Saturday evening, and Cal was becoming concerned that Laura would never give up for the night. He had been hiding in her house for going on three hours, and boredom did not begin to describe what he had endured. At least on the many evenings spent in the blind, waiting for a chance to get some evidence, he could read, study, or talk to Cheryl part of the time. This was the night it had to happen. Two weeks of school had already passed, and he just could not spend any more...

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Banner YearChapter 40

Cal was too startled to say anything, which was probably fortunate. Jolie eventually reached the bed, where she stopped, giving a perfect imitation of a horror movie zombie. Her head turned back and forth mechanically as she repeatedly scanned her mother's exposed body. Far, far from being an innocent, Jolie was still stunned by whatever she had seen. Jolie's confusion gave Cal time to recover from his shock. "How long have you been watching?" he asked, assuming that his cousin would not...

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Banner YearChapter 41

Early Monday morning at his workout was Cal's first chance for some deep thought. Of course, there had been idle time on Sunday, but by dint of long habit, it was while exercising that he did his best concentration. The dominant thing on his mind was what his mother had done the night before. Even before he had gone to sleep, he had decided that he was not upset by it. Oh, it had been embarrassing at first, but her words and her expression had conveyed her true feelings - love and...

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Banner YearChapter 42

The loss of a defensive star like Vick Smaak could not help but affect the football team. There was a good program in the younger grades, though, and even if there was not a direct replacement for Vick, there was enough new talent to make the defense very strong. The offense that had been reshaped the previous year to make up for the loss of Greg and Brad hit it's stride right away. It was explosive and exciting to watch. The coaches decided that a gambling defense that stressed forcing big...

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Banner YearChapter 43

A few days before the volleyball tournament was to start, Coach Meinert caught Cal after basketball practice. "I got a call from a woman who really needs your help. I told her I would see if I could talk you into it." When Cal just showed a blank stare, Meinert said "I'll give you a clue: she's a coach." Still not seeing comprehension on Cal's face, he added "A volleyball coach." Seeing that Cal had finally caught on, Meinert laughed and said "Get your ass to Cheryl's first match....

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Banner YearChapter 44

The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...

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Banner YearChapter 51

Where is the boundary between grief and hate? Between hate and insanity? Had any professional been aware of the importance of these questions in regard to Penelope Overland, she could have been the basis of a fascinating study. The fact that no one suspected anything deeper than the difficulty of recovering from the death of a child told a lot about Penelope's makeup. Genetically and culturally, she was imbued with some very strong traits. First of all, she was undeniably intelligent....

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Banner YearChapter 55

Finally something was going right! Nikolai, the team leader, had been completely frustrated as one thing after another kept one or more of his targets out of town. He had tried to see if two at a time wouldn't satisfy the client, but Viktor had been firm about it. All four of them in one place, bound, and in good condition - it was that or no payoff. There was no way the client was spending all of this money just to have a chat with the four kids, so what was the big deal about good...

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A guy and his 43 Family

Jake's face quickly had a huge grin on it, Trully had to turn away; Jake was so damn cute she was tempted to throw him down and ride him for an hour. "Please make sure they are all alright Trully. Better to do it now before I get started and find one that needs immediate care, true?" Trully's eyes went wide as she nodded then started to smile, again Master Jake had surprised her. He'd shown an amount of compassion that she hadn't the measure of from a Jinn let alone a human. Then...

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Velvet Crush Gone Wild

“Yeah Daddy! Fuck me good with that big, white dick! Ooooo!!!...god you’re a good fuck Daddy. Pump it harder Daddy!! Shove that cock deeper in my ass….I love it hard and deep Daddy!” I yelled out while I rested my head on my crossed arms, my ass up in the air and my legs spread as Anthony’s uncle sodomized me. “Do you like your new escort Daddy? I knew you’d want to fuck me again. Oh! Daddy! I want your cum in my asshole so bad!” I was in a hotel in downtown LA, after getting a call from Ralph,...

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Dont Ever Give Up Ch 09

Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) +=+=+=+=+=+=+= FOUR MONTHS LATER +=+=+=+=+=+=+= Tim savored the view as he swung his SUV up the gravel path into his driveway. Spring was finally in full effect in central North Carolina, and that meant a full Sunday...

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You Want Me To Do What

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Amanda Ex part 1

Amanda and I had been married for 18 months. At 5' 10", she is three inches taller than me, has long, jet black hair, a 36" bust and long sexy legs. Her skin is unusually white, which is what first attracted me to her. Our marriage seemed good, we got on really well, but this was suddenly all to change.Out of the blue, Amanda told me that she had received a call from her ex-boyfriend Ray. She and he had split up about two years before, and he had moved away. Apparently, he had now moved back to...

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Honesty Appearances

Honesty: Appearances Katie crawled lazily out of bed. Working on student engineering projects were fun, but she always got the feeling that it was better suited for undergraduates who weren't also doing research... and weren't in a relationship. She occasionally wondered if being Jacob bled a bit into the identity she was born with, as she reflexively scratched her chin, almost to feel for stubble growth after sleeping late. Then on again she was always a tomboy; young Katie was...

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They had been talking excitedly about their outing for weeks. Whenever Jill, Ariadne and Xenia went for lunch in the university cafeteria, the subject of their wild weekend would soon come up. I usually had lunch with them, so I followed their discussions and made a few suggestions. Jill was big and sassy, Ariadne was small and athletic, and Xenia, my favourite, was quiet and clever. I referred to them collectively as Jax. We were faculty, but young and single, and still fooled around like...

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Hi ISS Readers i am Dinesh from Madurai. I’m 29 years old and i have married for just a nine of months ago. Here i describe about my wife. Her name is Lakshmi (Name Changed)26, She is somewhat fat. Her size is 36-34-36.we are happy in living with happy sex life in our life. Her sister is Tamil, 32 and had one boy child of 3years, who married of 5 years ago,and her husband wsa expired in an accident after one and half years of her marriage. and she stayed with us. And one day we recived a call...

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Naked at the Truck StopChapter 3

“Oh my god, did you fuck that guy mom?” Rory laughed. We were both naked again – me holding a wad of cash and my Trump shirt in my hand and following her back to the tree. It was exactly like the “walk of shame” where you leave a guy’s apartment in the morning after a random hookup except I had some crusty dollar bills and my daughter was chirping and laughing in my ear about what a slut I am. I didn’t know how to answer that question. I had obviously fucked that guy but I didn’t want to...

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Three weeks have passed since Aurora and Jim extinguished the fire that was causing all the malfunctions in the Avalon. With the root of its problems gone, the ship has been on course to Homestead II and working satisfactorily. Jim has been putting his engineering skills to use and has been repairing all sorts of smaller damages the meteor caused inside it, just in case. The last thing they need is another episode like that... Volatile after rescuing Jim from space, Aurora chose to remain awake...

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