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They had been talking excitedly about their outing for weeks. Whenever Jill, Ariadne and Xenia went for lunch in the university cafeteria, the subject of their wild weekend would soon come up. I usually had lunch with them, so I followed their discussions and made a few suggestions. Jill was big and sassy, Ariadne was small and athletic, and Xenia, my favourite, was quiet and clever. I referred to them collectively as Jax. We were faculty, but young and single, and still fooled around like students.

Mostly, it was the girls who fooled around. I was older and more senior, dressed more conservatively and taught higher classes. But as the outsider, I had to adapt to them. I let them take the lead in discussions, especially when I thought my general knowledge might intimidate them. They bossed me around affectionately. I found it quite thrilling.

Jax had chosen the last weekend in August for their trip, but they were still undecided what to do. Jill liked outdoor adventures like white-water rafting, while Ariadne preferred romance. She suggested staying at a posh seaside hotel that she claimed was frequented by gorgeous and eligible men. Xenia said:

“It doesn’t have to be spectacular to be nice and naughty. My Auntie Eleni has this little log cabin on a lake, surrounded by pines. It’s all quiet and beautiful. We can sip chilled white wine all day and do whatever takes our fancy. Even if it’s wicked. The weather’s going to be hot. So we can run around naked all day. That’s what Eleni does.”

The idea seemed to appeal to the others. It sounded delightful to me. I wished I could join.

“And Randy Andy will be our slave,” Jill called out merrily, for the whole cafeteria to hear. I was speechless. Ariadne grinned and applauded.

“Perfect,” said Xenia. “Ladies, we will now proceed to the stage of planning.”

Nobody asked my opinion. I intervened.

“Excuse me. Time out! I have a question. Do you really want me to join you? What do you mean by your slave?”

The women smiled at me contentedly. They had obviously thought this out, and they were sure they would have their way. Ariadne said: “Those are two questions, professor. A slave is owned by someone else and provides service without payment. Correct?”


“Well, next weekend, you will belong to Jax. You will do as we say, day and night. We will use you for our pleasure, and you will serve us hand and foot.”

Jill giggled: “And several other parts of our anatomy,” she added.

The girls laughed. But clearly, they were not just teasing. They had laid out this plan carefully and were determined to carry it out. I was dumb-founded.

“What about my wishes?” I squeaked.

Xenia turned to me and explained: “Your wish, sweetie, will be to please and obey us. That will also be your reward.”

I was confused and nervous. What the fuck! Should I go along with this madness? Should I be considering it at all? Hell, it sounded irresistibly sexy.

“What if you order me to do something I really don’t want to do?”

“Who cares?” Jill said, her mouth full of salad, “You’re there for our enjoyment. Count yourself lucky if we don’t gobble you up. Hmm… Such a tasty morsel.”

They all laughed.

I was hooked. I wanted to be their slave for the weekend. And by now, I was also afraid to anger them. I tried to put a brave face on it.

“You are a bunch of raving lunatics. But I’ll go along with your outrageous game,” I said.

Ariadne frowned. “You’re being rude, my boy, she said softly. “After lunch, you will come to my office for a lesson in manners.” Again, I was shocked into silence for a few seconds. Then I mumbled:

“Uhhh…I am sorry, err.. Ma’am. This game is new to me.”

“It’s more than a game, sweetie,” Xenia said. “Much more. But you will learn quickly. Be brave. And be respectful.”

Ariadne took out her credit card and handed it to me. “Okay. Preparations. We will take care of our own stuff. You, Andy, will get all the food and drink we need. Best of everything. Money no object. I want it all at my apartment Friday noon. On the dot. You will pack it in my car. Oh, and don’t forget chocolates. If you do, you’ll be in big trouble. Put it all on my credit card. Later, I will share the expenses with the girls.”

“Yes…. Miss. What about my share in the expenses?”

Jill patted my hand. “Silly boy. You’re our slave. Your contribution will be you.”

My head was spinning. Was there a way out? Did I want to get out? I needed to talk to Xenia. She was the most level-headed of the three, the one I trusted most. I tried not to sound sarcastic:

“Miss Ariadne, may I have a word in private with Miss Xenia, if that’s okay with her, I mean Miss Xenia?”

“Sure, baby,” Ariadne said.

“May I be excused, Miss Jill?”

Jill waved and nodded, having just bitten off half a hamburger.

“We’ll go outside,” Xenia said, putting on her sunglasses.

In the garden at the centre of the quadrangle, she waited quietly as I hesitated. She studied my face and pushed up her sunglasses until they rested on her hair. Her hands rested lightly on her hips.

“Xenia..I mean Miss Xenia.”

“No, no. No titles for me,” she said, putting a hand on my arm. “Ask the other ladies how to address them. I’m just Xenia. What’s on your mind, love?”

“Am I making a terrible mistake going along with all this?”

She addressed me like a student.

“No, I don’t think so, Andreas. If I had, I wouldn’t have allowed you to be subjugated. Let’s take this step by step. Do you find it an appealing idea to be used for their pleasure by three foxy women who are fond of you?”

“God, yes. But it’s frightening.”

“What exactly are you afraid of?”

“I’m not sure. I guess I’m afraid that you might use me in a bad way. I don’t mean you Xenia, of course, but… Well, you know.”

“Hmm… Well, let us see if we can narrow down what we mean by bad in the context of our wild weekend.”

She was in full teaching mode now. In the Mediterranean manner, her hands sculpted her thoughts as she spoke.”

“Will we do naughty things to you? You bet. Will we be selfish? Yep. Will you suffer pain and humiliation? Now and then, but nothing very distressing. Not unless you misbehave. Will we break the law? Maybe. Is it illegal to perform acts of moral turpitude in the lakes and forests of cottage country? I’m not sure. But there is one thing we will not do. We will not be cruel to you. I give you my word. I will protect you.”

She hugged me and kissed my cheek. Then she held me at arm’s length and asked: “Are you still worried?”

“Less. Thanks. But Xenia, do you think it is right for Miss Ariadne to punish me?”

She nodded earnestly. “Oh, yes, darling. You need it. Ariadne will do a thorough job. It will hurt like hell, but it’ll do you good. You won’t forget the lesson.”

“Are you sure it’s necessary?”

Nodding vigorously, she said: “Positive. You gave us the cue when you called us lunatics. But you’ve had it coming for quite a while. We decided weeks ago to give you a really good spanking. We need to put you in your place.”

“Which is … where? At your feet? I guess so.” Xenia smiled affirmatively. Hesitantly, I continued.

“I suppose my attitude has been disrespectful at times.”

“It has. You are often a bit condescending to us. We can’t have that.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Are we done now, or do you still have lingering concerns?”

“Well, no disrespect intended, but aren’t these BDSM scenes supposed to be consensual? I mean, no one asked for my agreement. You just imposed this submissive role on me.”

She chuckled and nodded.

“Yeah, that’s true. We gave you no choice. Deliberately. And this is not just a scene. We require you to submit to us once and for all. That’s a big change, so no one can blame you for being afraid. But we will teach you, and soon obedience and service will be second nature to you.”

I opened my mouth to say she had not answered my question, but Xenia put her forefinger on my lips and saved me from being impolite. She continued:

“Now, let’s consider the issue of consent. It’s important. We need to find out whether you are being coerced. Is anyone forcing you to come on this trip?”

“Errrr… No.”

“Is anyone holding a gun to your head?”


“If you wanted, could you defy us and not show up?”

“Of course. But the challenge is irresistible. I would feel a coward if I didn’t rise to it. Anyway, I've given my word.”

“You are a proud submissive, Andreas. I like that. So, would it be correct to say that you are submitting to us of your own free will?”

“Yes. I get your point. I am showing my consent by complying.”

“In fact, you’re coming to heel with only token resistance. That's so nice. You’re naturally compliant. ”



“It’s funny, but it seems natural for you girls to boss me around, even though I’m older. I like and respect Miss Ariadne and Miss Jill. But most of all I want to obey you, Xenia. I look up to you. It feels right.”

“I’m so glad you feel that way, darling, because it is right. You must obey me, always. By the way, don’t call Jill and Ariadne girls to their face. They will think you’re being rude again. I don’t mind. I am a girl -- a big girl. Last question. Would you say that you are free to scamper off and escape your imminent spanking?”

Again, she stopped me from speaking too soon.

“Think about it, Andreas. You’re a man of many accomplishments. A full professor. It will be pretty embarrassing and hurt like hell. Once you enter Ariadne's office, there will be no escape. Before you can say Noam Chomsky, you’ll be standing naked with your hands on your head and your nose to the wall. Ariadne won’t even allow you a safe word. You will cry and beg her to stop, but she will go on and on until she thinks you’ve had enough. If you want to run away, you must do it now.”

“Yes, it will be awful. But no, I won’t run away. I am not looking forward to this, but maybe I do need it.”

“Maybe?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, I need it. I need to be punished.”

“Good boy. I am glad we were able to clear that up. Are you okay now?”

“One last thing, if I may.”


“Must I cook for you ladies?”

“Yes, of course, all the meals and snacks. And lay the table, and serve the food and drinks, clean the dishes, tidy up, everything. We will do nothing but make messes for you to clean up. All day.”

“That’s fine, but I’m a terrible cook. Could you please supervise my cooking? I wouldn’t want to serve you something that tastes bad.”

“You’re right, dear. Okay, I’ll be the chef, and you’ll do all the work.”

“Thank you. Errr ... Xenia?”

“Yes dear?”

“After Sunday, will you ladies still use me as your slave and toy?”

“No. That’s just for the weekend.”

“But you said that I would always have to obey you.”

She nodded and giggled. “Are you disappointed, honey?”

I blushed. “I don’t know. It seems strange to go back to normal life. Oh God, I’m so confused. I don’t know what to think.”

This made her laugh even louder. “Oh, darling, don’t worry. I will never allow you to go back to your old life again. As of next Monday, you will no longer be our slave. But you will not be a free man either. You will be taken in hand. Lovingly but very firmly.”

She cupped my cheek with her right hand. I took it and kissed her palm, then her wrist.

“I am not at all sure what you mean, Xenia.”

“After the weekend, you will be mine. Only mine.” Her eyes were gleaming. She opened her lips to form a circle, waited a second, and said quietly: “All mine. Every delicious bit of you.”

Now my heart was beating wildly.

“Do Miss Jill and Miss Ariadne agree to this?”

“Oh, yes. They are happy for me. Of course, if they had disagreed, I would have taken you anyway. I must have you for myself. I may lend you to them now and then, if they ask me nicely and promise to take good care of you.”

I needed to make sure I understood. This was a turning point in my life.

“Let me get this right. You’re not asking me if I want to be yours.”

She smiled happily. “No, sweetie, I am telling you. You belong to me now.”

“As your slave?”

“No, no, no. As my man. Who will honour and obey me. Whom I will cherish and protect.” I smiled happily. Then she added: “However, I must be sure of your devotion. So, against my instincts, I am asking you now. Will you be mine, body and soul? Answer me freely. This is your chance to walk away from a lifetime of subordination.”

This was the woman I had been looking for.

“Yes, Xenia, with all my heart. I am all yours. I want you to be in charge of me.” I hugged her tightly. She took a firm hold of my hair and kissed me hungrily. Then she said:

“Now, run along. And when Ariadne has finished sorting you out, you must thank her for her trouble. Here, give her this paddle. She’s going to need it.”

She took the leather implement out of her handbag and handed it to me. It was small but stiff and heavy. I put it in the pocket of my jacket and returned to the cafeteria. People were watching as I greeted Ariadne. Standing on her toes, she kissed my cheek and smiled. I was relieved she was not angry at being kept waiting.

“Did you have a good chat with your Mistress?”

“Yes, Miss Ariadne.”

“Is everything clear now?”


“That’s wonderful.”

“Do you have that nasty paddle I intend to use on your bottom?”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Where is it?”

“In my pocket.”

She stretched out her hand. I stammered:

“MMMiss… Please, may I keep it there until you need it?”

My cheeks were hot with embarrassment. Ariadne was calm.

“Why would I allow you to do that?”

“Because everyone here is watching us. Please, Miss. Please.”

She considered this. Then she said: “No. I want it here and now.”

With a sinking feeling in my stomach, I moved my hand to my pocket. People around us had gone very quiet. I closed my eyes. As I slowly removed the paddle from my jacket, I felt Ariadne’s shopping tote swallow it. She had bagged it before the onlookers could see it. I mumbled:

“Thank you, Miss.”

She took me by the hand and said quietly:

“Let’s go, honey. I want to get this duty behind me.”

I am not going to describe the spanking she gave me. It was everything that Xenia had told me to expect. I would never be disrespectful to the ladies again. When my torment was over, I thanked Miss Ariadne, and she cuddled me. Then she brought out a bottle of lotion that she kept in a small fridge, next to her mineral water and Chardonnay, and applied the cold liquid to my burning buttocks.

During our wild weekend, Jax were strict and demanding, but not nasty. They ordered me around all the time, and never said ‘please’ or ‘thank you’, but they praised my efforts lavishly. They gave me lots of hugs, kisses and friendly pats on my rump. Once when I was not feeling well, Jill tucked me into bed, gave me a kiss and happily took over my duties.

Xenia introduced me to her Auntie Eleni, who was also staying at the tiny cabin. She was a stout woman in her late forties, with a handsome face, long jet-black hair and the most musical voice I had ever heard. She looked mildly surprised when I told her I was Jax’s slave. It turned out that neither I nor Xenia needed to do any cooking. Eleni did it all. The food she made was simple but perfect. Jax spent their time sunning, swimming, eating, drinking and engaging in assorted sexual activities with each other and me.

Everything we did was supposed to be for their enjoyment alone, and I found it hugely rewarding to give them pleasure. But although they would have strenuously denied it, some of the delicious depravities they initiated were really meant as a treat for me. In addition to all my other duties, it was my job to bathe and towel the ladies, and liberally smear body lotion, sun-block and insect repellent, as appropriate, onto their bodies. Jill, Ariadne and Xenia insisted on doing the same for me, sometimes all three at a time. They fussed over me and were forever ordering me to stand still, bend over, spread my legs or lie down. If I failed to comply immediately, they would slap my bottom lustily.

The girls permitted me to eat with them, and the four of us slept together under a huge mosquito net I had suspended from the branches of a tree outside the cabin. When we went to bed, the women would ruffle my hair and kiss me good night. Falling asleep on the mattress designed for two, I often felt Ariadne’s nipples grazing my back and Xenia’s buttocks pressed against my loins.

On Sunday morning, I woke up early, to see Jill sitting on the wooden landing, naked as usual. I went to her. “Good morning Miss Jill, can I do anything for you?”

“Yes,” she said in an unusually quiet tone. “Swim across the lake with me. I need to talk to you. No slavery crap. ”

The water was as smooth as a mirror. Diving in, she cut the surface cleanly. Then I heard her call softly: “Come.” I put my foot in the water. It was icy. These small lakes cool off rapidly at night. “It’s damn cold,” I complained. I didn’t want to go in, but Jill made me.

“On the count of three,” she said and started counting slowly. I dived in and gasped as the frigid water numbed my skin. I swam out for about a minute to warm up a bit, and then found myself standing in a sandy shallow. Jill was right behind me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, then kissed me.

“Xenia is so lucky to have you,” she said. Then, mischievously: “Have you ever made love in cold water?”

“I didn’t bring a condom,” I whispered. She unclasped her hand and handed me one.

“‘I came prepared.”

Later, we lay next to each other on the beach on the far side of the lake. Across the water, Ariadne and Xenia were walking into the cabin.

“I must get back to make their breakfast,” I said, but Jill would have nothing of that.

“You're staying right here. This is important. Don’t worry, I’ll tell the other girls I ordered you to come with me because I wanted to shag you in private. What a lovely aquatic fuck that was. In addition to all your other outstanding qualities, you are a succulent piece of ass, my darling.”

“Thank you, ma’am. That’s quite a compliment for a middle-aged academic.”

Someone was swimming across the lake towards us. It was Eleni. When she made landfall, she looked like a Gauguin nude, wringing the water out of her long black hair. Her compact body was lightly tanned all over. The cold water had hardened her nipples, and her pubic hair formed a glistening triangle of frizzy black curls.

She sat down beside us. When she spoke, I realised that Jill had enlisted her aid to deal with a sensitive subject.

“Andreas,” she said after a moment, “I need you to listen carefully. Just listen. Now that Xenia has taken you under her wing, there is something you need to know about her. She is a very sweet but extremely dominant woman.”

I chuckled. “I had noticed, Eleni. Don’t worry. That’s okay.”

Both women frowned. Jill started to say something impatient, but Eleni stopped her. With a finger under my chin, she turned my face towards her and looked at me intently: “I thought I told you to be quiet, young man. Remind me to put you across my lap and punish you when we get back to the cabin. Now don't say a word until I tell you you may speak again. Katalaves (understood)?”

I nodded.

“Xenia has always had a strong will. But five years ago, she fell in love with a man who was handsome and charming, and achieved the impossible. He imposed his will on her. Suddenly, she didn’t want to do anything without his blessing. She was his slave girl, his handmaiden. It was bizarre and annoying to us, her family and friends. But it was her choice. If she had been happy with it, we would accepted it. Unfortunately, Mr Right turned out to be Mr Wrong. More and more, he became nasty and abusive. When at last he dumped her, she tried to kill herself. If I had not found her soon after she had swallowed those fucking sleeping pills, she would have died.” We studied the lake in silence for a few moments. Even if Elenia had allowed it, I couldn’t have spoken. This was shocking. Then Jill spoke:

“She loves you, Andreas, and this time she is in charge. You are under her command. That will not change. Whatever the issue, she will have the final word, unless she allows you to decide.”

I nodded again.

"Occasionally, Xenia will turn self-destructive. When she does, you must stop her, rise up against her, even if your insubordination makes her furious. Normally, you are gentle and compliant, and that’s lovely. But you are her man and her partner, not her doormat. Are you brave enough to stand up to your Mistress?”

I smiled. Eleni took over.

“Andreas, are you sure you can do this?” She grinned and added: “You may speak now.”

“Yes. I will take care of Xenia.”

“Good man. Now shut up again and listen carefully. Here comes the most demanding requirement. You must always be loyal to her. I mean forever and ever. Will you swear never to leave her?”

I shook my head.

“No, Miss Eleni. I can’t. I love her like mad and I want to be with her for the rest of our lives. But I cannot promise that our relationship will never break down.”

Jill muttered: “That’s not good enough, I want a watertight guarantee.”

Eleni turned to her and said: “Yes, but we’re not going to get it. Andreas just gave us the best assurance we can reasonably expect. I appreciate his honesty. I love his compliance and his guts. In fact, I like him all over,” she said wiggling her eyebrows.

We all laughed. After a few moments of quiet, Eleni sang a line from one of my favourite Aretha songs:

“If you want a do-right all-day woman, you gotta be a do-right all-night man.”

On Sunday afternoon, Eleni needed to leave early. With her car keys and her bag in her hand, she kissed the girls, and then me. I whispered in her ear that she still owed me a spanking. She was not pleased. "I told you to remind me of that when we got back to the cabin. That was two hours ago. Now I don't have the time."

"I'm sorry, Miss Eleni. I was not trying to get out of it. I just forgot."

"Oh, don't worry, you're not going to get out of it. A punishment promised must be administered. Jill, honey will you please give the professor a sound spanking? Remember, Andreas disobeyed me when I told him to be quiet this morning. Then he didn't remind me in time that I needed to punish him. So he needs more than a couple of playful smacks." Then she hugged and kissed me again and left.

Jill was now sitting on a chair and impatiently patting her thigh. I went to her, and she pulled down my pants. After I had lain down across her lap, she said: "Okay, naughty boy. Ask for it."

Later, as we were getting into the car to drive home, I suddenly realised that I had forgotten to pack the mass of toiletries that the girls had spread out in the bathroom. Jill and Ariadne, who were in a hurry, got very angry. They slapped my face and called me a halfwit and an idiot. I rushed to the bathroom and came back with everything stuffed into a kit bag. Now they yelled at me for not separating their property. I apologised, thinking there would be hell to pay.

But I had not counted on Xenia. In a terrifying tone I had never heard before, she snapped: “Everybody out of the car. There’s going to be a further delay.” We quickly complied. Jill, Ariadne and I were frightened by Xenia’s fury. We realised a red line had been crossed. She glared at her girlfriends, put her hands on her hips and said:

“Don’t you understand the difference between bossing a man around and insulting him? If you’re that insensitive, you can’t be trusted with a submissive. You certainly don’t deserve a sweet man like Andreas serving you hand and foot. He has worked so hard and so brilliantly to give us a good time.” The two culprits had turned pale. But Xenia had not finished.

“It’s disgraceful for you to bitch at him this way. It was our bumph in that bathroom. I am sorry I allowed this to happen, Andreas. I apologise. I should have intervened sooner. Now, you two, you are going to say you’re sorry to Andy. And make it sound good. If I have the tiniest doubt about your sincerity, I promise you that as we drive home your bottoms will be burning holes in the upholstery.”

Ariadne and Jill were sobbing. They begged me to forgive them. When I opened my arms to them, they rushed to hug and kiss me and tell me how wonderful I had been and how much they loved me. Xenia seemed slightly mollified by this reconciliation. Ariadne turned to her and said,

“Xenia, you are totally right. We behaved like shits. I feel bad towards you too, because you love Andreas, and we’ve spoiled the end to a perfect weekend. Jill, I think we deserve to be punished, don’t you?” Jill was even more upset. Her pretty plump body was shaking with contrition. She gulped and said, “Oh yes. I was so nasty. Andy, will you teach us a lesson please? Don’t go easy on us.”

She held out the spanking paddle to me. Where had that come from? I took it gingerly, as if it might bite me, as indeed it had. In her usual voice, measured and firm, Xenia told her girlfriends: “I’m glad you realise you were wrong. Now we can be a bit lenient. However, you still need a good beating, and I am going to make sure you get every bit of it. Andy, honey, are you up to it?”

I shook my head.

“I didn’t think you were. You’re too gentle. Give me the paddle. Ladies, it’s pay time. Drop your jeans and panties, on the double. Jill, over my knee. Pronto.”

Jill and Ariadne now got what they deserved. In fact, I think Xenia was a bit too harsh on them, but I didn’t dare interfere. Later, Xenia drove us home, humming contentedly. Evening had fallen, and justice had been done. I sat in the back of the car, with my arms around Ariadne and Jill. They were wearing only their short tank-tops. Their panties and jeans lay crumpled on the floor. They were sitting gingerly on pillows I had installed to cushion their sore behinds. At first, they were crying softly into my Tee-shirt, but then they removed my arms from their shoulders and led my fingers to their sex. Soon I heard them moaning softly with pleasure.

Ariadne’s started unbuttoning my trousers. “Take them off, quick,” she commanded. "I am going to fuck your formidable brains out." As the mother of all erections reared its head, Jill ripped the silver wrapping off a condom with her teeth and sheathed my phallus.

“Always the girl scout,” I said.

Looking over her shoulder, Xenia grinned as Ariadne climbed over my knees. She guided my penis into her imperious cunt and started to ride me slowly. I cupped her hot buttocks with my palms, but Ariadne put an end to that. “Jill, tie his naughty hands firmly,” she said. “And you, boy, keep your eyes and your mouth shut while I’m fucking you. You know what I will do to you if you disobey me.”

Jill pulled off Ariadne’s tank-top and fondled her friend’s breasts. Then she cuffed my hands with Ariadne’s garment, grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulled my head back and inserted her tongue in my mouth. With her other hand, she reached under my behind. Ariadne understood and stopped thrusting against my loins for a few moments, so that her blonde friend could wriggle her middle finger into my anus. Then the thrusting resumed, and I was fucked from the top and the bottom.

Xenia looked at me in the rear mirror (I peeked through my eyelashes) and asked: “Isse kala (are you okay)? Are the girls being nice to you?” I nodded happily.

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Hi, this is Arjun. I want to thank those of you who have mailed me and shared how much you enjoyed the first part. In this part, I will continue on how Sindhu enjoyed a couple of days while I was in Hyderabad, a few years ago. I will try to recollect the details to the extent possible. It was 5 in the evening when we reached her home, after a good fuck in the forest. By the time I went upstairs, she is in tracks and a top. Her ass curves were clearly visible in those tight tracks. It turned me...

3 years ago
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My Weekend alone part 1

My name is Jessica and I guess at first glance you would think I'm just your average girl. A simple well performing schoolgirl who had a good social life with plenty of friends and a nice body thanks to gymnastics and volleyball for eight years. Im bisexual with a strong attraction for both guys and girls. I was eighteen at the time of this story and received more than enough attention from guys around school. Standing at 5"6 with long brown hair reaching down to the middle of my back, 32B...

3 years ago
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and me makes three

So my gorgeous Marisa and i are sitting by the pool catching some sun. We've been talking about letting another girl join our love making to take things a bit further and have some more fun and who am I to complain, Marisa likes a bit of pussy anyway. She has been trying to get one of her friends to join us by dropping hints. She hasn't taken the bait yet but tonight its sink or swim as we've invited her around for some dinner. So after coming up with a plan to tempt Lisa into our game's I move...

2 years ago
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Fucking And Satisfying My Aunty

Hi guys, hope you all have read the first story . I fucked my aunty knowing her intentions after she seduced me for a long time. If you didn’t read I’d suggest you read it to enjoy this one. This story is about my aunty when I got a chance to fuck her again. It was in my house at my home town where I have a separate room and attached bathroom. After the first encounter, I told her never to talk about this on WhatsApp or on the phone.  I was a bit afraid that words get around. So she never spoke...

1 year ago
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Amazing Blowjobs from JoAnne G

I know a truly gorgeous girl. Her name is JoAnne G. She has long, silky, light brown hair; it’s virtually blonde, you see. She has such gorgeous deep brown eyes and the sweetest ever face. Hers is a smile that’ll melt your heart and warm up any place. Her breasts are small. She’s slight and slim; but her bum sure gets some looks. She wears the nicest, tightest jeans, every day she works. Yes… JoAnne is a working girl; a full-time prostitute. She’s almost famous in our town. Her mouth’s an...

Erotic Poetry
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Extramarital Sex With Airport Friend

They were poles apart, unlike any husband and wife I’d seen. I couldn’t help but stare at the bombshell in Coffee Day, on our next table. He had overgrown grey hair with a bald patch and specs on his nose, slightly overweight and dressed in a grey suit. He looked much older than her, like in his late forties, while his wife didn’t appear to be over 25 if that. He was engrossed in his laptop while the lady was holding on to his arm, saying, “Janu, don’t forget your pills.” I stopped listening,...

1 year ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 21 The Compact

Wendy woke up first. "Cole, wake up. Cole, are you awake yet?" She shook his shoulder and grabbed his penis under the covers. "Cole, you got a very lovely woodie!" She gave it a gentle squeeze Cole shuddered and snapped his eyes open. "Oh man, Wendy, stop that. I got to take a leak. Stop before I go right here in the bed." He rolled over away from her and shoved himself into a sitting position. He was secretly proud of the way his body grew a little stronger every day. Cole grinned as...

3 years ago
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Introduction: My name is Alyssa, Im from the Philippines, I stand 411, slim and with fair complexion. I have very large breasts for my height and my nipples are bright pink with small areolas. And most of all, Im now a full pledged SLUT. My name is Alyssa, Im from the Philippines, I stand 411, slim and with fair complexion. I have very large breasts for my height and my nipples are bright pink with small areolas. And most of all, Im now a full pledged SLUT. It all started when I was only 14...

2 years ago
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SkinFlick SlutChapter 5

Rich was even better-looking than I remembered, he was absolutely gorgeous. it seemed like you had to be to work at Beauty and not just as a model. I guessed that so far I'd passed all the tests, even a few that weren't exactly required. I'd only met Richard a couple of times at parties, but he remembered me well when Phil introduced us. I brought in the photographs; he looked them over quickly in the restaurant. "They look great," he said, putting them away in their manila envelope....

2 years ago
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My name is Sally and I’m married to John my husband, He specializes in psychiatric patients, who have been put away in a psychiatric hospital for most of their life,We have been married for 10 years,He has worked very hard in the past 10 years to get his position at one of the top psychiatric hospitals,We are both in our thirties so life is great our sex life has always been good as we both like the same things in life and do so much together as a couple,Life was about to change when my husband...

3 years ago
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College Fest K Time Shruti Ko Choda 8211 Part 1

So guys, hot girls and bhabhis, I hope this experience of my gets you excited and will make you orgasm with pleasure, so enjoy;) Main Mumbai ka rehnewaala ladka hu aur abhi engineering ke final year mein hu. Waise toh ekdum proteins waali muscular body nai hai but physically fit hu and girls ko impress kar leta hu. Aap jiske baare mein janne k liye utsahi hai wo hai meri junior shruti jo ke sirf ek saal hi choti hai but figure toh kisi senior se bhi kadak hai. Dikhne mein woh acchi hi hai but...

4 years ago
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Triple Treat

Slouching lower you hook your legs over the arms of the chair. I groan my approval as the candy pink G-string has a noticeable damp spot. You begin to rub yourself through the material with one hand while squeezing and pinching your nipple with the other. You are extra horny in anticipation of what we have planned for the evening.You pull the G string to the side to expose your pussy glistening with arousal. A finger slips in between the lips. You withdraw your finger and put it to your mouth....

3 years ago
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Day of Destruction AftermathChapter 7

The rest of our trip was fairly quick and without incident. We dropped off Uncle Jack and drove up to our house and found Ed's truck outside and the front door open. Dad, Shirley and I went in with drawn pistols. In the living room, Mom was tied to a chair with a welt on the side of her head. I could hear rhythmic grunting from the guest room. Shirley went to Mom and started to untie her. Dad and I stealthily went down the hall to the guest room. Ed and his son had not tried to close that...

3 years ago
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He creeps while I sleep passed out

After spreading my cheeks he used his thumb to pull my thong to the side exposing my asshole and pussy. I felt his hot breath against my pussy and heard him take a deep breath him. "You smell so good baby, you're making daddy horny". He had never called himself daddy to me before. His lips kissed my pussy softly as though he was kissing my mouth, he slowly went from kissing my pussy to making out with my pussy eventually working his tongue inside me. He moved his mouth back and I felt him...

1 year ago
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A Sluts Life

The morning sun bled through the blinds of her small bedroom, casting the room in a bright yellow. Blinking a few times, Joanna moaned out of anger and frustration, the day already starting without her. Taking a deep breath and rolling towards her alarm clock, her frustration only deepened when she noticed the time. As her brain continued the process of waking her up, the alarm clock read 9:30AM, meaning that she was very late for work. Cursing loudly and leaping out of bed, Joanna rushed to...

1 year ago
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Accidental meet up with mum

It had been a bit of a dry spell for me, I decided to start checking out online dating and to see if there were any women out there that were up for no strings attached fun. I didn’t want to settle down I just wanted a bit of fun now and then. Once I started looking I was surprised how many sites were available and that there was quite a few after the same as me. I started talking to a few women, but nothing seemed to be coming forward from it. Being a guy aged 28 I have always had a thing for...

2 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 5

In the morning I had to find a good spot to hide my brand new dildo! Well, nobody really messed with anybody else's stuff anyway. I mean, living with seven other people under one roof sort of meant that whatever privacy you could give was the same as what you'd get. I just stuffed my cock under my mattress. I didn't think Daddy would ever go looking under there for anything, especially since that's where I kept my menstrual pads and stuff ... Not used ones! I just put them under there...

2 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 7

Amanda sat at her desk and thought out her next poem. She had written dozens of them in the dim light of her living room, a hot cup of hazelnut coffee her only companion along with a terrible chill of loneliness that had at one time been so enjoyable but was now close to deadly. ‘It’s part of the territory,’ she thought as she struggled to pen a good first line. Lately she had been on auto-pilot. Sure she wrote almost every night, but she couldn’t explain the extreme hollowness of her soul,...

4 years ago
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Southern TrampChapter 7

The days continued to speed by in rapid succession, and Melanie was becoming quite reckless in her sexual exploits. A day didn't go by when she wasn't embarking on another sexual adventure. She fucked her brother constantly. Frequently, she would sneak into his bedroom at night, or he would come into hers, and they would copulate till dawn. Then, she was seeing Randy Hardman regularly, and they found all sorts of places to make love in. Once, she sucked him off in a movie theater. A couple...

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BrodricksburgChapter 7

On the drive home I was thinking about a lot of little pieces of information that were starting to form patterns but the patterns weren't clear enough to make any sense yet and I wasn't sure that they were of any importance. What did all this have to do with someone trying to destroy my marriage or how I was going to prove that Commissioner Buske was taking bribes or kickbacks from CSC? By the time I got back into the apartment, my ankle was throbbing. I took one of the pills the doctor...

1 year ago
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The Single Life Finding Her Footing

The Single Life- Finding Her Footing By RogerGirl The alarm goes off and I am up for my first full day on my own as Caitlyn. Now you may be wondering how my parents planned to explain my absence over the course of the next year, but apparently they saw to that too. Over the next twelve months, Clayton was travelling abroad. They even planned to be tweeting my travels. They really did see to everything. My first instinct waking up is to shut off the alarm and go back to sleep,...

1 year ago
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Insatiable Little Tart

At home, I’ve been needy all day, so I make sure you can see me as I slide my leopard print thong up my bare legs and under my short black skirt so it presses snuggly against my already wet lips. I keep glancing at you over my shoulder, as I make sure you and everyone at the bar later will be able to see the curve of my big braless tits, always smiling when I catch you looking. I press myself against you, lifting up on my tiptoes to kiss you and feeling the bit of bulge in your pants before...

3 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 8 For What Its Worth

December – Year 1 When I finished breakfast, Lynn led me to the mudroom in the back of the house and I got my first view of the back yard. It was huge. The back of the house was sheltered from the neighbors by a fence and a tall hedgerow. The grass was thick like a great carpet and the landscaping was beautiful. It must have been a good 50 meters wide and another 50 meters deep. Lynn began to strip out of her clothes and hang them on a peg on the wall right next to a familiar pair of too...

2 years ago
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My Encounter With Leena

By : Hotguyroby Hi ISS Readers, this is Roby from south India and I am 28 years old and working in Bangalore now. I am a good looking, well built and moderately handsome guy with a pleasing personality. I have been a reader of this great site. I started reading this site like 5 years ago and I was very much interested in the great sex stories over here. I have masturbated many times by reading the amazing stories over here. They all were really good. Later on, I left the site and I started to...

1 year ago
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Mothers DayChapter 10

The next few days we’re tortuous for Gwen. Torn between the doubt she felt for such an unusual arrangement (how could it ever work?) and the sensual excitement Jessica generated in the petite housewife. Gwen was aware that her feelings for Jessica went far beyond sex. Jessica was beautiful, intelligent, witty and charming and— yes, oh so desirable. What a catch she would make for both David and herself. Yet she wondered if she could provide everything Jessica needed and wanted. The last thing...

1 year ago
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Lets Try Anal

“Let’s try anal.” It sounds like a simple enough request, but most of you dudes know how hard it can be to get a sober chick to go for it. Only 36 percent of straight women admit to getting butt-fucked at least once. It’s higher than some of you virginal neckbeards would have guessed, but still way too low. Thankfully, the girls at are always DTBF.First Time Ass Fucking!The subtitle of Lets Try Anal is FIRST TIME ASS FUCKING! The all-caps yelling and exclamation point are all...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 11

That night Betty and I hung in the wind, naked in my backyard. There were times I found myself falling asleep only to be woken up by a stray snore or queef from Betty or the sound of a snapping twig or bird in the distance. I was shocked that Betty was able to stand this or get used to it. I told myself I needed to be able to do it if her and her daughters could sleep bound. Betty had told me once that she found it difficult to sleep without rope or bondage. I thought she was bragging but...

2 years ago
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Meeting my online interest

Cindy and Ben had been developing their relationship online for several weeks when Cindy took the plunge and drove up to stay with Ben for a weekend. She arrived on Friday afternoon around 4 pm. Ben greeted her at the door, kissing her passionately. As soon as the door was closed behind her, she was ordered to strip. Ben immediately put ear muffs and a blindfold on her, so that she had no idea of what was going on. He led her to his bedroom where he had set up her torture chamber, complete...

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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 5

I awoke to noises out in the hallway. I checked the clock, seeing that it was just after five. Considering that we were getting underway today, I thought I should get up and get ready. Oh yeah, I was temporarily moving to Dewey's boat. When I got up, Barb sat up, rubbed her eyes, looked at the clock, then lay back down for more sleep. I shaved, showered, and dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt. I put a couple of days' clothes in my duffel bag, grabbed my guitar case, and headed through...

3 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 3 For Her Own Good

Fiona’s diary: I had a wonderful night’s sleep cuddling my delightful teddy girl. I woke up and started rubbing my sole on her, imagining her grovelling at my feet. It was so easy to see her kneeling or sitting on the floor, with a look of adoration in her face and her hands rubbing my feet as they glistened with sweat after a victorious match ... I couldn’t help running my hand over her, playing with my helpless toy. I called on her, and she didn’t reply, but I suspected she was awake...

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Vengeance Heart A ContinuationChapter 5

Roland was having sword practice and instructions. Now that spring had arrived, and the snow was but a memory, it was too nice a day to practice indoors. They were in the practice yard, and Roland was being hammered by his swordmaster. "Again! You're letting your point sag too low. If you keep giving me openings, or worse, give an enemy these openings, you're going to wind up dead!" the swordmaster said quietly. "I know. It's just my arm is tired. Can we halt for the day?" Roland...

4 years ago
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Adult Nudist Camp part 7

After Bonnie and I humiliated Allen I decided to go for a walk before I had to meet Julie to do the same thing to Jim. Julie decided so wanted to do this at her site because it make it even better. When I got there Julie was bent over the back of a chair and had Jim rimming her hot ass. When she saw me she said come over here and feed that monster black cock. she looked over shoulder and said bitch don't you stop until I tell you. I can't feed her my cock hard and deep enough. she is taking me...

1 year ago
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AssParade Blanche Bradburry Paola Hard Double Anal Surprise

Paola and Blanche are enjoying themselves today. The two sexy ladies worship each others bodies by rubbing oil on each other, kissing, and making themselves moan. As hot as the girl on girl action can be, they both need something bigger, and a little more….dick-ish. They get an amazing idea to call up Freddy Gong, they know he’s got a huge dick just waiting to be played with. He rushes over to their house after the phone call and they don’t wait a second before taking out his...

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Hum Paanch Chudakkad Bhai Behen 8211 Part 2

Hello friends. Main Navya, firse hazir hun apni story ki agli part share karne keliye. Asha karti hun ki ye bhi pehli kahaniyon ki tarah aap logon ko pasand aayegi. To jaise ki maine bataya tha kaise main Jitu, Suraj aur Samir se chudi. Pooja us room mein khadi sab dekh rahi thi. Karib 4 ghante chudne ke baad main bahot thak chuki thi. Teeno ladke thoda fresh hone keliye bahar nikal gaye. Meri chut aur gaand dono sujh gaye the. Chut un teeno ladko ka semen se bhar gaya tha. Saara badan dard kar...

1 year ago
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New Girl

My name is Irene, im new in school and this guy called Josh just look at me every time. After josh's football practice... he walked to me when i'm reading a book. "wanna go out?" he asked. "look, i did not like u at ALL" i replied. josh walked to his friend and said " i dont understand, EVERY girls in this school like me.. even the teachers." he said to his friend, Mark. "u should trick her, that's how i do with my ex." he replied josh with a "duhhhh" look. "my new goal: fuck the new girl" josh...

3 years ago
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About Kasia 2

He woke her up not long before the border to Germany. “Did I snore? She asked.“No, not really“can I put them back on now?”“No, give them to me, please…She gasped, but quickly took them all the way off. He took them and put them in his inner pocket, just as her began to slow down for the border passing. She reached out for her sunglasses, but they didn´t need to stop, just slow down. She could see all the signs leading towards Berlin, but he took an earlier exit. Began taking a number of smaller...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Makan Malkin Her Sister Part 8211 2

Hi, I am here again with my next part of threesome with makan malkin & her sister. I am ravi and my mail I’d is Peechle story mein maine bataya tha ki kaise maine apne makanmalkin ko pata kar choda, ab aage. Ek baar mera makaan malik jise mein bhaiya boolata tha woh baahar gaye huye the do hafte ke liye, mujhe ye baat nahi pata thi. Mein jab college se ghar aaya toh bhabhi baahar hi khadi thi. Phir unhone mujhe andar bulaya aur boli, tumhare liye aur mere liye ek khuskhabri hai, toh maine...

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Six FortyFive Part 4

Part 4: Epilogue Things didnt get better right away. I still got bullied at school, and at home was stuck in the middle of several fights between my mom and my step-father. I also had to cope with flashbacks so bad that sometimes, all I wanted to do was cry or throw up, or maybe both. But by summer, once the doctors had finished poking around in my head, they made the pronouncement - I was a girl. Just one with a little bit of misplaced skin between my legs. With that piece of...

3 years ago
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Best RegardsChapter 14

His face reveals the ego rush that he is experiencing and it also tells her that she has won. He asks for her phone and she hands him her Master's cell. After getting the number he hands it back and she teases, "My stud will have his pussy on call ... anytime, anywhere! Just ring and have your pussy delivered!" After a hearty and self satisfied laugh he says, "Make me cum two more times and I will call your boss. And I mean cum twice today!" Walking over to the plush couch she on her...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 21 Rage Incarnate

John was leading with Brennan behind him and Cory was bringing up the rear when they emerged onto the logging road. Night had fallen and they had to proceed with the flashlights. A glow on the horizon promised moonlight in the next hour or so but, until then, they had to rely on the flashlights. John crouched with his head swiveling, sweeping the beam of the flashlight ahead of him. "I hear a motor idling," John whispered urgently over his shoulder to his companions. Cory moved up beside...

4 years ago
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Есть у меня один приятель по имени Витя, Витек. Он, как и все нормальные молодые мужики, очень любит менять баб. У него нет какой-то одной постоянной подруги, он стремится затащить в постель каждую, которая ему нравится.Но только есть у него одна особенность: он предпочитает заводить отношения со спортсменками. Такая причуда появилась после одного случая. Витек как-то ехал в поезде, и в числе соседей по вагону была одна привлекательная девушка. Он с ней познакомился, стал общаться. Как обычно в...

3 years ago
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From Boyscout Badges To Notches

There are people who just exude a vibe. Sometimes it's clear cut and definable, sometimes it's not. Innately, we sense it, and establish an impression of that person. We can become drawn to them, or turned off to them simply by that “vibe”. She certainly had a vibe alright. I could feel it the first time I met her. I was too young at the time to know what it was, but there was something about her that was different than any other woman I had met. It was kind of humorous: men seemed to love her,...

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The Christmas Audit

"Here's your place," the elf muttered grumpily as he slammed open the door letting the cold air and light powdered snow drift into the tiny room. "Your assistant will be with you sooner or later. You know where the feed trough is I assume. If you need anything else call the main desk; maybe they'll find someone who gives a fuck." Without another word he turned around and stomped off into the blowing snow. David Hurwitz sighed and stooped down to enter under the short door frame. As usual...

2 years ago
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A Cautious ManChapter 15

"Bill, Tex is here," Vera announced. "Send him in." Bill pushed his papers aside and waited as the big man strode in and sat in the large chair across from him. He could tell from his body language that the news wouldn't be good. "OK, Tex. Give it to me straight." "I'm sorry, Bill. I wish it wasn't so, but I'm afraid Marion is involved with another man." Bill closed his eyes and willed away the pain that washed over him. "Who is he?" "His name is Mark Dreesen and he's,...

1 year ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 2

Roommate Trouble Beth sat at the large dining room table with a small plate of bacon, some coffee and a large plate with the remnants of a strawberry crepe. She scribbled a few more words on a notepad by her laptop, frowning at the list. “Any luck?” Sofia asked, walking in with her own breakfast. The cyclops took the seat across from Beth. A few of the seats in the formal dining room had been designed for larger people, allowing the cyclops to sit comfortably at the table. As far as Beth...

2 years ago
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Landlady Still In Service Chapter 3

Time had passed quickly and nineteen-year-old Lucy was now firmly in charge of forty-one-year-old Jackie. It didn’t matter that Jackie was the landlady and that Lucy was renting a room in her house from her because Jackie relished being subservient to Miss Lucy and very happy that the teenager was making all of the decisions for her, and imposing pain-filled disciplinary measures for even the slightest failure to do as she was told. More recently, Jackie would ask Miss Lucy in the morning if...

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Finishing on Top

Alicia had her legs wrapped tightly around Sir Godfrey's back. He was plunging so hard that she could feel the shock all the way up her spine. The young 17 year old student gripped the leather straps with her skilled grip. She knew that if she held on it would fill her with the highest degree of satisfaction ever achieved by her inexperienced body. Her soft curved ass cheeks bounced against his back with a meaty slapping sound that made her gasp in anticipation of her crossing the finish...

3 years ago
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24 Hours 930pm530am

Thanks to everyone who has followed this series. It has been a pleasure to write. Thanks to VillageWordsmith, for the editing. His arms lifted me, my sleep laden eyes heavy with drowsiness. I try to focus on the clock. ‘The time?’ I ask. ‘Does it matter?’ ‘No,’ then I mumble, ‘yes.’ ‘Just after twelve,’ he whispers against my ear. My eyes close as I press into him, remembering the time it all started, the time we first touched. The moment when I realized it was happening, that it was...

2 years ago
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BBC at the Gloryhole Later That Night

As we left the arcade the strapping black man, introduced himself as Reggie. We headed to the Ritz and all the way I was admiring Reggie’s was 6-4 and muscular frame as well as wondering how I was going to take his huge cock in my tight asshole. How much would it hurt? Would it fit? Would he tear my ass at all? Were questions filling my head as we headed to the Ritz.After we had a drink at the bar, we went up to his suite. It was awesome view seeing Buckhead lit up at night. He...

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Biologically speaking there’s not a great deal of difference between the mouths of men and women. It was simply the way she used hers that made me melt. Unhurried at the outset, delicately picking up the pace to heighten my desire for her, each tender lap between my parted legs complemented by breathy kisses on alabaster thighs alongside stolen glances that dripped with loaded intent. She savoured every note of nectar that drizzled onto her fluttering tongue as if she were the bow and I her...

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A Cousins Dream

Note : This story is completely fictional! The day that I finally get a vacation arrives, and, I plan on just relaxing a bit in my new apartment that I have worked so hard to get in the nicest part of town. I just moved into this town mainly because my cousin Lisa has helped me get a comfortable job close to her. Lisa is my favorite cousin, 24 years old,short blonde hair,blue eyes,beautiful face and smile,and perfect big tits and ass that i have fantasized about for many years about getting to...

3 years ago
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Jenny Becomes a Porn Star Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven is in the works. Our afternoon scene that day was a simple one for me. I played a house wife that was doing her shopping chores at different stores around town. My first stop of the day was at the butchers to get meat for the evening meal and of course in order to get the very best cuts and price I gave the butcher a blowjob and swallowed down a big load of cum from him. On the way to the next store I get pulled over by Carl playing the town’s police officer. He tells me he is...

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