Banner YearChapter 25
- 3 years ago
- 29
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Back at the mall, the officer took statements from the five teenagers and the two guards. Then, seeing that Bobby was unable to talk, was having much trouble swallowing, and had labored breathing, she called for an ambulance. With a puzzled look, she took a few steps away from the teens and exchanged several sentences with dispatch.
Coming back to the group, she told Bobby "I'll drive you to the hospital. There's been an accident just down Perimeter, and two ambulances are on the way there. Would you like to ride along, Miss?" Rebecca tearfully nodded her head. Greg's friends were dismissed and the woman showed the couple to her patrol.
The route to the hospital did not pass the accident site, and the trip was only four miles. Being brought in by the police was as good as arriving in an ambulance, and Bobby was able to get help quickly while Rebecca headed straight for the phone to call Jan and Mel.
Jan and Mel arrived at the hospital not long after the injured truck driver from Greg's crash had been wheeled in. By a coincidence, one of the EMT's was at the park for the rape attempt. He and his partner were waiting by the ER door when the Armstrongs came in. It was Mel who overheard the snippet of conversation.
"Who's the DOA?"
"Would you believe it's Greg Overland, the football player?"
"No shit? Didn't you wheel him after he tried to rape that girl last fall?"
"Yeah. God, what a waste!"
Jan had hurried a couple of steps ahead of Mel, so she did not hear the exchange. Catching up with his wife, Mel pulled her to a stop and told her quietly "I heard the ambulance guys talking. One said Greg is dead. Must have been a car crash."
Jan's face registered shock, then a series of different emotions. Mel pulled her close and asked "You OK?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry. For a minute there, I was glad. I forgot that his mother will be grieving, even if he was a terrible person."
Just then, Rebecca, who had been chased from the treatment area, spotted the Armstrongs and hurried up to them. "It's not serious," she told Bobby's parents with obvious relief. Then, she lost it and started crying. "How many times do we have to go through this?" she wailed. "Won't it ever end?"
Not sure if he should have said it or not without better proof, Mel wanted to comfort the distraught girl. "Rebecca, I overheard the ambulance guys talking. They said Greg is dead. If they're right, it's over for good."
Rebecca just stared at Mel for a moment, mouth open. Then, her tears increased. "I feel awful," she moaned, "but I can't help it. I'm glad. Now Bobby will be safe."
Bobby was soon released and hugged his parents, still not able to say much. Rebecca saw the police officer who had helped them and hurried over.
"The ambulance guys were saying that Greg is dead. Is that true?"
Reluctant to give out unverified information, the officer had been in contact with dispatch and had heard about the accident. "All I know for sure is there was one dead at the scene, in a red Mustang convertible. I shouldn't even have told you that." The officer should not have felt badly. Rebecca just had that ability to get people to do things for her.
Without even thinking about it, Rebecca revealed her true nature. "If it's true," she told the officer, "can you just forget what happened at the mall?"
"What? Why do say that?"
"It won't make any difference if he's dead. Let it just be a drunk driving accident. That's bad enough for his family. I know who one of the other guys is. I'll call him."
"But I haven't told you that he is dead," the officer objected.
"But he is. I just know it," Rebecca answered as Bobby nodded in wonder at his lover.
"Could I speak to Mr. or Mrs. Overland, please?" the uniformed sergeant asked as Wilbert opened the door to him.
"Wait just a moment, please," Wilbert responded with an annoyed look before leaving to find Brandon or Penelope. It was Penelope that he encountered first. "There's as a police officer asking for you or Mr. Overland, Ma'am," he informed her.
"What more could they want from us now?" Penelope complained, not expecting an answer as she stomped off toward the entryway. "What do you want from us now?" she demanded angrily of the officer.
He was only minimally familiar with the Overlands' legal odyssey, and was taken aback by her attitude, particular in light of the news he bore. He was there because it was departmental policy for a sergeant or lieutenant to deliver news of a fatality.
"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but there has been an accident."
"A... accident? Greg?"
"Yes, Ma'am. I'm terribly sorry, but he was fatally injured."
"Greg?... fatally?..." what followed was a primal scream of agony and despair ending only when Penelope ran out of breath and consciousness and collapsed in a heap on the floor.
Rebecca and Bobby both insisted on waiting at the hospital until Greg's fate could be confirmed. The officer, touched by Rebecca's spontaneous consideration for Greg's family, decided to wait and help them find out. She remembered most of the story about the attack at the park and the one at the Pizza Hut. It took almost a half hour and three more calls to dispatch before Greg's death was confirmed.
Leaving Bobby's car at the mall, Jan and Mel took the kids directly to the Banners' to give them the news. Martin and Elaine were as stunned and unsure of how to react as the others had been. Cal and Cheryl were on their usual Saturday outing with Cheryl's brother and sister. In spite of the booming photo business, Cal had insisted on maintaining the Saturday ritual. Rebecca wanted to be the one to inform Cal, and she called on his cell phone. She only told him that Greg was dead. The details could wait until later.
Elaine was the one who saw the need for something 'official' for the teenagers - the parents, too, for that matter. She invited the Armstrongs to come back Sunday noon, and then got on the phone to Teri, Laura, and Emily Smaak. Then, she called caterer and ordered for fourteen. She talked briefly with Cheryl about inviting the Carson family, but both agreed that it would not be appropriate.
Cal and Cheryl cut short their outing with her siblings. Cheryl told her parents what had happened and that she would be staying overnight with Cal.
Just after the early evening news broadcast, which covered the horrendous crash, a call came to the Banner house for Cheryl.
"Cheryl, you don't know me, but we have something in common. My name is Robin Beckwith. I have been working as Greg Overland's physical therapist since the first of the year. I apologize for disturbing you - I got this number from your mother.
"Cheryl, I... I don't know how to say this... is there any chance we could get together somewhere this evening?" The tension, almost to the point of panic, was evident in the woman's voice. Cheryl herself was not in great shape emotionally since hearing the news, but the 'fixer' part of her felt instant sympathy for anyone who had worked with Greg. Cheryl knew instinctively that this woman had been through the same battles with Genevieve that she had.
Unwilling to leave the support of Cal and his family, Cheryl told Robin to hold and found Elaine. After hearing Cheryl's brief explanation, Elaine took the phone to speak to Robin.
"Hello, Robin. This is Elaine Banner. Do you know who my daughter Rebecca is?"
"Of course, Mrs. Banner. I've... I've learned almost everything about Greg. I know about Bobby, and... and Cal."
"Well, it sounds like you're going through some of the same things all of us are feeling. You're more than welcome to come here and visit with Cheryl."
As Robin drove up the Banners' driveway, she felt nervous, but she also felt a bit antagonistic. After all of the time she had spent in the opulence of the Overland estate, she had begun to associate wealth with a lot of negative things. This house was not on the same scale, but she could not help wondering if she was walking into another nest of arrogant, manipulative people.
When both Cheryl and Elaine met Robin at the door, Robin's fears were immediately allayed. She could see exactly the same mix of emotions on their faces that she was struggling with. In one of those inexplicable, spontaneous emotional outpourings that occasionally happen, Cheryl and Robin had barely said hello when they fell into a tearful hug.
Elaine had planned to take Robin around and introduce her to Martin, Cal, Rebecca, and Bobby, but that was obviously not the first priority. Instead, she led them to the study where they could close the door and use the comfortable couch.
"Cheryl, I know a lot about you, so why don't I tell you about my time with Greg, first. Besides, in three months, there hasn't been anyone that I could tell. I feel like I'm going to burst."
"Elaine's a really good listener. Would you like her to sit in?"
"N... no, please. Maybe later. You and I h... have something so unique. I didn't give up what you did, but... I am feeling terribly guilty about his death."
"I don't understand why you should feel guilty," Cheryl said. Robin spent thirty minutes recounting her relationship with the Overlands, right from the beginning.
"So you see, Cheryl, it's almost like I goaded him into killing himself. I kept hammering on him about going to prison. I kept telling him that the only way out was to kill himself and that he was too big a coward to do that."
"But it was an accident - he was drunk."
"I know, I know; but maybe I planted the idea so strongly that he - I don't know - maybe it was on his mind. Maybe he was halfway convinced. Maybe it made him reckless."
"Look, Robin; I've had almost eight months to deal with this. I'll never be over it, but I've been seeing someone, and I've got a lot more peace."
"Seeing someone? You mean Cal? Greg was always bitching about how you dumped him and started going with Cal."
"Oh, yeah. I'd be a real mess without Cal. It's a long story, but I used some of my money for a psychiatrist. She's the one who helped Cal a long time ago."
"What happened to Cal then?" Cheryl explained about Khalid. She was going to talk about the kidnapping attempt, but decided Cal should be the one to tell that, if anyone did.
"Do you think she'd have time for me?" Robin asked. "I always thought I was a strong person. After the rape, I..."
"Rape?" Cheryl exclaimed in surprise. Robin spent another twenty minutes telling about how she was attacked returning from an evening class in her junior year of college.
"Robin, from my own experience, I can tell you that you should have seen someone ten years ago. It helps in ways you can't even imagine. But I think you really need it now."
"I guess. When I saw that news report, I thought I was going to stroke out. It was almost like a physical blow. I honestly hated Greg, but still..."
Right then, there was a tentative knock on the door of the study. When Cheryl opened it, Rebecca and Bobby were there, on their way to spend the night at Bobby's. Cheryl did brief introductions, and the couple left.
"Come on, Robin. You need to meet Cal and Martin. Then, I think you and me and Elaine should get in the hot tub."
"Oh, I should have brought a suit."
"Well, we don't really need suits..."
"But, the guys!"
"Oh, they'd give us privacy. But there are lots of suits around, anyway. You know, you look like you could be a Banner - guess we both do. Either Elaine or Rebecca should have one to fit you, and there are some tank suits out by the pool."
The three women spent a little time exchanging stories. When Robin heard about Elaine's athletic background and Cheryl's anticipation of a volleyball scholarship, her interest helped get her mind off of Greg's death for the first time. "If you want, Cheryl, I can help you add four inches to your vertical. I'll bet we could get another ten miles per hour on your spike, too."
"Really?" From then on, it was jock talk until they had to leave the hot tub.
Elaine could see that Cheryl and Robin were very quickly bonding in a unique way. As she watched them, she reasoned that Cheryl had never had anyone who really understood what she had gone through with Greg. She knew that Cal was as understanding and considerate as he could be, but there were limits to how much he could really feel. Robin, though, had a special commonality of experience that Cheryl might never find in anyone else.
Watching the two, Elaine felt a flash of concern about more than just friendship developing between the two, and how that might impact Cal. That concern was brief, though. She had spent enough time with Cheryl to know how deeply the girl felt about her son. They had openly discussed the problems faced by a non-lesbian female athlete in college. From everything Elaine could pick up, Cheryl was completely straight.
With Robin, sexual preference was much more of an open question. Elaine had read about rape victims becoming lesbian in the aftermath. Besides, Robin was also an athlete, and in a very physical occupation, where lesbianism was prevalent.
After a short time of such speculation, Elaine chided herself. Robin was an attractive, talented, likable, very troubled woman whom they had just met. If she and Cheryl were good for each other, that's all that mattered right then. Especially since their tender interlude New Year's Eve, Elaine had considered Cheryl very much like an additional daughter. Cheryl's new friend would be more than welcome in their house, no matter what developed.
Elaine invited - more like forced - Robin to stay overnight, and included her in the gathering the next afternoon.
Although Elaine had set things up, it was Martin who took the floor when everyone had assembled in the Banners' family room Sunday. "Greg Overland has been a factor in most of our lives for at least two years, now. All of us have reason to hate him, to fear him. But, I think I speak for everyone when I say that no one wished for this.
"The reason Elaine called all of you here was to have some sort of 'ceremony'. For obvious reasons, it would not be appropriate for any of us to go to a reviewal or a funeral. I'm not sure that any of us would even want to.
"I don't want to pretend that this is our own memorial service, or anything like that. What Elaine and I want is for all of us to understand that others have the same feelings about Greg. Maybe it's hatred. Maybe fear. Whatever it is, I'm sure someone else here feels the same way.
"I'm certainly no psychologist, but I think we can all help each other by expressing exactly how we feel - no sugar coating; nothing held back. Let me start it off.
"As a parent, I feel sorry for the Overlands because they lost a child. As the parent of one of Greg's victims, I wish that he could have suffered through prison. His death just seems too... easy. Maybe that's perverse, but we need to be honest here.
"Daddy, much as I hate to admit it, I'm glad Greg is dead. I understand how you feel, but I just cannot believe that if he left prison, he would forget about us," Rebecca said quietly.
"I know it's wrong to hate," Jan spoke up, "and I can honestly feel sorry for the Overlands. But I have to agree with Rebecca. A mother cannot ignore the sight of her child battered and beaten. And God help me, but I cannot forgive it, either. I agree with Rebecca, especially after what happened at the mall. I cannot believe that anything would have changed him. Bobby would never be safe if Greg was alive."
"I know Cal and Vick have been with Greg at a lot of games, practices, and road trips," Cheryl said, "but I think Robin and I have had the most intensive contact with him.
"I think Robin would agree that he was the most purely evil person we have known." Robin nodded vigorously at Cheryl's comment. "For different reasons, he has left scars on us that will never disappear. Am I glad he is dead? The most honest answer I can give is that I am glad that his is permanently out of my life. And out of Cal's, too."
"I wanted him to suffer in prison," Vick said. "I wanted other prisoners to do to him what I was unable to do at the lake."
"I did not want to see him dead," Cal said after a while. "I wanted to see him pay for what he did. And I have also seen too much death already." Robin looked at him in surprise after that admission.
The discussion went on for an hour. In general, those most confident that they could defend themselves wished that he had lived to serve his sentence. The mothers, Rebecca, and Cheryl were glad to see his threat removed forever. When it was finished, everyone thanked Martin for bringing them together. Everyone believed that it helped them.
Greg's death hit Cal very hard. In some ways it was more difficult than THE DAY. He had never been able to shake the guilt over injuring Greg more severely than was necessary. Crippling Greg had clearly led to his downward slide, now culminating in his death.
There was no question in Cal's mind that Greg had been a uniquely evil person. Cal did not have the benefit of the psychiatrists' expensive evaluations, but his instincts and experience told him enough. Part of Cal was convinced that Greg did not deserve to live in the same world with inherently good people like Rebecca and Bobby, nor with courageous people like Cheryl. But Cal knew that it was not his right to make such a decision about Greg. He could not shake the feeling that, indirectly, he had done just that.
Greg dying was something that Cal had never even considered as an outcome. Though he was reluctant to admit it to himself, Greg languishing in prison was something Cal had looked forward to. Sunday's discussion with the whole group had not really made him feel better. He had noticed the division between those happy about Greg's demise and those disappointed that he missed punishment.
After THE DAY and the Pizza Hut attack, Cal felt he had experienced a lifetime's worth of death, at least as a resolution to dangerous situations.
Just as Ken had predicted, THE DAY had made Cal into a different person: mature far beyond his age and his peers; more introspective than most of the population; fanatically committed to fairness and opposed to injustice; less ego-driven than most men, yet fiercely competitive for the sheer joy of it. Unfortunately, his whole history with Greg had changed him in ways not so positive. While the slain Islamist kidnappers had never appeared in a single one of Cal's nightmares, the single kick at the lake and its aftermath had cost him many sleepless hours.
As perhaps the one person closest to Greg, Cheryl was deeply affected by his death, as well. She honestly told Cal that the event hardly made her think of Greg, the person, at all. It was as if she had successfully wiped him from her memory banks. What she could not erase was the person she had become because of Greg and the things she had done during her contract with Genevieve.
Without ever telling Cal about it, Cheryl sat down and composed a letter to Genevieve. In later years, she would regard it as one of the hardest tasks of her life, but she seemed driven to do it in a search for closure. Over and over in their sessions, Dr. Julia Waxman had told Cheryl how important closure was to keep events from scarring her later life. After several iterations, she ended up with the following.
Dear Genevieve,
I am writing this not as a former employee or as an antagonist in many verbal battles. I hope you will accept my sincere condolences on Greg's death as coming from a fellow human being.
There were times during our relationship when I did not consider your human side. Your one act of consideration in warning me about the disease potential showed me that I had misjudged you.
Regrettably, I feel no grief for Greg. However, I do feel sympathy for the grief you must be feeling. I saw how hard you worked on behalf of him and your family.
Sincerely, Cheryl
She put no return address on it and marked it 'personal'. On the way to the post office, she almost turned back twice, but the same compunction kept her going and the letter was posted a day after Greg's funeral. As the letter dropped into the slot, she felt as if an oppressive weight dropped from her shoulders along with it.
Cal, his family, and his loved ones had been through a turbulent interaction with the Overlands, stretching back over three years. It was not something they sought, and in fact had tried to avoid - all but Cheryl, that is. With no Greg, Penelope headed for a treatment facility, by all accounts, and Genevieve never an overt threat, it appeared that turbulent chapter in their lives was finally over.
Well, almost over. Unexpectedly, Cheryl received a call at home from Genevieve, who asked if Cheryl and Cal would meet with her. To say Cheryl was surprised was putting it mildly. "Why?" was all she could say.
"I'm sure that your therapist talked about closure," Genevieve answered. "That's what I'm looking for."
Hearing Cheryl's, silence, Genevieve realized the mistake she had made in scoring another verbal jab and did the totally unexpected. "Cheryl, I apologize. I am afraid that old habits die hard."
"You're... you're still keeping track of me?"
"I feel like I have a considerable investment in you," Genevieve stated, "but I should not have said that."
Cal arrived back home just as Rebecca was coming in. They chatted briefly with their parents, and as they headed up the stairs, Rebecca grabbed his arm. "Can I sleep with you again tonight?" Just about to say that Cheryl was already there, Cal caught himself. This chance with his sister was too precious to miss. Yet Cheryl needed him badly, too. Giving Rebecca a quick kiss on the cheek, he hurried off to see what he could do. When Rebecca came into Cal's room a while later, she did not...
As the days before the start of school and the opening of both the football and volleyball seasons dwindled, Cal worked hard on his mental discipline, determined not to let discouragement or anger get him down. Cheryl, of course, saw right through his carefully-constructed facade, but she was uncertain about what she could do to make him feel better. Part of Cal's problem was that he really needed some hard contact to let out some of his frustration and pent-up adrenalin. Seeing the look in...
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"Don't let the dispatcher hang up!" Cal said sharply to Robin. She looked at him in confusion for a moment, the set her face and began speaking. "Listen, this situation is already screwed up. Let's get out of it without any more foul-ups, OK? Now, you patch me through to the two nearest patrol cars, and..." Robin paused, obviously waiting out the dispatcher's objections. When she resumed speaking, her voice was steady, but had an authoritative crack to it. "We've got a dozen...
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Sunday morning brought a sobering conversation. "Before I fly home, we'd better talk about the other two boys," Elaine told Cheryl and Cal when the couple returned from their reduced 'day-after-game' early workout. "To tell the truth, I'd just as soon never hear about them again," Cheryl responded. "I lost all of Friday night for studying and I had trouble concentrating yesterday. I don't want to be rude, Elaine, but I really have to hit the books today." "I'm afraid you may...
In the first week of the new year, two psychiatrists, speaking for the panel that had been employed to evaluate Greg, came to the Overland mansion to give their report. Brandon, Penelope, Genevieve, and Greg's lead lawyer were in the meeting. After the introductions, the lead doctor took the floor. "We have put Greg through the entire battery of tests and examinations that we described to you beforehand. We can go into as much detail as you would like, but let me summarize. He is...
The romance between Tessa and Vick took off like a rocket. Tessa was never one to dither when she wanted something, and she wanted Vick in the worst way. He, of course, did not have a chance. Not that he felt tricked or coerced in any way. Like a lot of the guys at school, Vick had been fascinated by Tessa, but because of her brains and her apparent relationship with Cal, he did not waste any time wishing for her. Finding out that she wanted him was just too good to be true. Just two weeks...
Robin was pissed. Her anger at that Jeremy character had been building with every report of his smarmy little campaign to subjugate her new friend Darlene. It was two weeks before Cal's return home, and Robin had just heard about Jeremy's last intrusion and Darlene's refusal to return to the club. Well, it was better that Darlene not be there right now, but by God, she would be back if Robin had anything to say about it. Robin and Darlene were worlds apart in life experience, yet Robin...
Saturday morning could have been a scene from a 'B' movie about high school girls. Of the eight gathered in Teri's rec room, Rebecca and Tessa were as giddy as the rest. Somehow, Cal thought they should have been helping to organize things and bring some order. Didn't happen. Since Sam had asked him personally, he took her first. She had changed into a tube top, which was apparently the uniform for the portraits. He started with the same approach he had used on Rebecca and Tessa, trying...
With basketball finished, Cal had no extra-curricular activities from school to take up his time. He had decided that he was going to accelerate his martial arts training for the entire spring and summer until football practice started in mid-August. The morning after his first naked photo session with Teri, it was easy for him to get up early, as sleep had been very hard to find. The extra exertion of his more vigorous workout was just what he needed to relieve the tension built up by the...
When the van pulled across their path and the men jumped out, Cal's initial reaction was a flash of panic, but in milliseconds he remembered why he had spent all of those years in martial arts classes. The men looked Arabic, and his mind flashed back to the sight of Rachman kicking the helpless Ismi. It was not going to happen again! Mr. Yokata's teachings came to him with the force of deeply ingrained habit. First, the assessment. Two men. No visible weapons. One man, the driver, had to...
When Cal was first able to walk on his foot, he had started taking walks in the cool of the evening. The foot was healed, but it could not yet take the stress of running. On the second night that he walked, his mother caught up with him halfway down the driveway, took his hand in hers, and made it clear that she intended to walk with him. "Teri gets to spend a lot more time with you than I do," she complained. "I've got to grab whatever I can." After a moment of panic that she might...
Two football games had already been played, and Cheryl was very concerned. Greg had gained right around 100 yards in each game, although he had fumbled once. She talked with Cal on Monday night, trying to arrange a time when they could get together. She was adamant that it had to be before that Friday's game. Finding a time and place was actually rather tough. The rendezvous had to be kept secret from both sets of parents and from Greg. That ruled out Cheryl's home, and it made evenings...
Since he had shown Rebecca and Tessa the nude pictures of Rob Krantz, the girls had lain in wait for Cal's return every time Teri went on a shoot. They knew there would likely be nudity if Teri had to preside. "Any naked guys?" would hit Cal as soon as he walked into the house with film in hand. "I gotta have a talk with Mom," Tessa pouted. "I can't understand why only she gets to go on the sexy shoots. It's just not fair!" Cal looked quickly at Rebecca, who had not yet finished her...
To Cal's relief, nothing bad had happened by the time most people had eaten and the sun was getting low. He had relaxed his vigil on Rebecca and Bobby and was talking with Dante Powers about the new basketball coach and the team's prospects. He realized that he had not seen the lovebirds for a while, and when Dante walked off to see someone else, Cal started scanning the beach for them. He was just starting to be concerned when Cheryl came running up to him, followed closely by Tessa....
Rebecca went home for dinner, and when she sat down at the table, everyone could see the static issuing from almost everywhere on her body. Elaine waited until everyone had finished, then asked "Honey, is there something you wanted to say?" "I want to stay overnight at Bobby's so I can help him in the morning," Rebecca said as rapidly as she could. "Help him with what?" Martin asked before Elaine could warn him to keep quiet. "Well, he has to stay lying straight - can't bend at...
At the hospital, Cheryl could see it in her mother's eyes. Darlene Carson had no idea what to do or what was going to happen, and it scared her to death. Armed with her new understanding, Cheryl laid everything out in simple, specific terms, seeing her mother's tension ease with every sentence. It was nice for Cheryl to see her analysis verified, but it was also disturbing to find this out about her mother. Cheryl could not help thinking how much better her home life might have been if she...
In the weeks since her return to the health club, Jeremy had given Darlene five massages. That they were much longer than the fifteen minutes offered on the coupons was never mentioned. She had worn the two-piece suit on the table every time, and he decided to make his move. "Darlene, you've got some tightness here that I can't get rid of with these short strokes. I need to move up and down your whole back." Without saying any more, Jeremy undid the clasp that held the suit top...
Cheryl really wanted to be there for the first part of Jeremy's humiliation, but she understood why it could not work out. As Rebecca drove them all from the airport, Cheryl felt that sense of unreality. It was the first time that she had been home in two months. Everything seemed so familiar, yet strange in a way. And she really was not home. This was just a quick drop-in. Nobody could understand why she was so adamant about being there tonight - well, Cal understood, and maybe her mom...
Cal and Cheryl were still cuddling, caressing, and talking when his normal workout time arrived. They dozed off for a few hours, and Cal was definitely groggy when they had to get up for her flight. She was just as lifeless until Robin showed up and explained that she was going with them. It was the biggest shot of energy that Cal had ever seen. Cheryl was absolutely ecstatic. Robin sat in the front seat of the plane with Bud. Several times when she looked back, Cheryl was grinning from ear...
It was late on a Saturday evening, and Cal was becoming concerned that Laura would never give up for the night. He had been hiding in her house for going on three hours, and boredom did not begin to describe what he had endured. At least on the many evenings spent in the blind, waiting for a chance to get some evidence, he could read, study, or talk to Cheryl part of the time. This was the night it had to happen. Two weeks of school had already passed, and he just could not spend any more...
Cal was too startled to say anything, which was probably fortunate. Jolie eventually reached the bed, where she stopped, giving a perfect imitation of a horror movie zombie. Her head turned back and forth mechanically as she repeatedly scanned her mother's exposed body. Far, far from being an innocent, Jolie was still stunned by whatever she had seen. Jolie's confusion gave Cal time to recover from his shock. "How long have you been watching?" he asked, assuming that his cousin would not...
Early Monday morning at his workout was Cal's first chance for some deep thought. Of course, there had been idle time on Sunday, but by dint of long habit, it was while exercising that he did his best concentration. The dominant thing on his mind was what his mother had done the night before. Even before he had gone to sleep, he had decided that he was not upset by it. Oh, it had been embarrassing at first, but her words and her expression had conveyed her true feelings - love and...
The loss of a defensive star like Vick Smaak could not help but affect the football team. There was a good program in the younger grades, though, and even if there was not a direct replacement for Vick, there was enough new talent to make the defense very strong. The offense that had been reshaped the previous year to make up for the loss of Greg and Brad hit it's stride right away. It was explosive and exciting to watch. The coaches decided that a gambling defense that stressed forcing big...
A few days before the volleyball tournament was to start, Coach Meinert caught Cal after basketball practice. "I got a call from a woman who really needs your help. I told her I would see if I could talk you into it." When Cal just showed a blank stare, Meinert said "I'll give you a clue: she's a coach." Still not seeing comprehension on Cal's face, he added "A volleyball coach." Seeing that Cal had finally caught on, Meinert laughed and said "Get your ass to Cheryl's first match....
The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...
Where is the boundary between grief and hate? Between hate and insanity? Had any professional been aware of the importance of these questions in regard to Penelope Overland, she could have been the basis of a fascinating study. The fact that no one suspected anything deeper than the difficulty of recovering from the death of a child told a lot about Penelope's makeup. Genetically and culturally, she was imbued with some very strong traits. First of all, she was undeniably intelligent....
The Friday morning after Thanksgiving was not a common time for a wedding, but with the short notice, that was the best that Maddy had been able to schedule. She wanted it to be in her parents' church, and she knew that the traditional morning time would be most acceptable to her mother. She and Hector had tried very hard to do everything to please their parents, especially hers. They would not compromise on the timing, and they would use birth control. Outside of those givens, they would...
Finally something was going right! Nikolai, the team leader, had been completely frustrated as one thing after another kept one or more of his targets out of town. He had tried to see if two at a time wouldn't satisfy the client, but Viktor had been firm about it. All four of them in one place, bound, and in good condition - it was that or no payoff. There was no way the client was spending all of this money just to have a chat with the four kids, so what was the big deal about good...
Through the smoky haze of the bar, a handsome man sat with two women, both on either side of him. Their husky voices whispering in his ears and their fingers lingering everywhere on his body. He was irresistible to them, a god in their eyes. His dark brown hair curled in waves around his finely lined jaw and his green eyes lulled women in with its dark gaze. Christan was a lady-killer and he knew it. Christan smirked while drinking his glass of beer. These two particular women had been...
A childless couple buys a Flat at Ahmadabad and the lady achieves motherhood which brings huge property to husband, How? read New Apartment I am Prarthana. Let me narrate about my good and bad fortunes in life. First it is necessary to briefly tell about me, parents, husband and in laws. I was born in Mysuru and my education was completed there. I am the only daughter for my parents and was brought up with much pampering. I had very good enjoyable childhood with loving parents. Naturally I had...
IndianIntroduction: Miles second infidelity For the next few weeks, me and Lanie did about the same thing almost every other night. I would finger her, she would jack me off, and then we would make-out for a while. Life was going pretty good for me, and I was sure Lanie was just as happy as I was. But, in mid June Lanie said she was going to visit her grandparents in Denver, and wasnt going to come back to Albuquerque for two weeks. At first, everything was fine, she would send me a few pictures of...
Thank you to hkf999 for a fine editing job! * Prologue – April and Kimber On the very first day of high school, two girls met and it was as if they’d known each other forever. April, the beautiful, popular girl with long blond hair and the promise of a nice figure, the girl with the big, bright blue eyes, who spoke incessantly of her horses and weekends at the stables. April’s family was very wealthy, very, very wealthy. Her new best friend, Kimber, was also beautiful and popular, with long...
Well I didn't invite you round did I! How did you find my secret place anyway. I rent this garage plot with a fake card, account and id damn it.Followed me, wtf, you creep, well yes it is the only one with a red door I suppose.You may as well sit down then. No this is my place,I'm in control here, hey sod off don't push.You laugh at me as I try to push you away and wrestle you onto the workbench.Then one swift unseen unexpected stealthy swipe with my clawed hand and your'e out cold.I know...
When you are in the Deep South of the United States, you will find this thing that clings to your skin in the summer. You can never avoid it. It is called humidity, and when combined with almost 100 degrees, misery ensues if you are stuck outside. It was just such a day. I had been working as a camp counselor for the U.S. Space Camp. Counselors wore a flight suit as their uniform, it is basically a loose, lightweight jumpsuit. My day had ended. I jumped in my car, turned on the air...
The morning sun was heavily subdued as it tried to shine through my window. It was early and I had rolled over to cover my head. Brushing against Mandy's fur-lined form reminded me of her predicament. I wasn't in the mood, but then, what would really be accepted as sex between us? I pressed up close to her and she snuggled back into me but kept sleeping. Reaching around, I ran my hand over her body. The areas not covered with fur were baby soft and cooler to the touch. Her nipples hardened...
It was about 11pm Sunday night and I was at my parents housewatching TV in the living room. I turned down the TV trying to listen in onwhat was going on upstairs. At first it was a nagging creek that I managed toignore. Over the past ten minutes the commotion and racket was very obvious. Igot up from the couch and walked up the stairs to listen in. I expected to findmy sister and her boyfriend locked in their room fucking like horny teenagers.I reached the top of the stairs and saw their door...
IncestAfter some discussion with Admiral Felicia Macdonald and General Celia Ford, they allowed both university groups to sit at tables in the planning room if they remained silent. Basil joined them. At dinner Razza indicated that she had some intelligence that could be of value from her own sources: “The military cockroaches have been secretly assembling very large battleships and carriers in one of the adjacent galaxies, to avoid surveillance. Two of these were used in the prior attack on the...
Introduction: Marikos continuing sexual journey with Patrick and Peter, and now Linda ** Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read and comment on my writing. I do appreciate it and it does actually mean something to me. I respond to all my PMs here on XNXX. I did not intend to turn A Wild Night into a series, but lets say I decided to give people what they said they wanted. Thats right, I collapsed in the face of peer pressure. Does that make me weak? Lol. Actually the decision was...
It bothered me that I was even more comfortable with the toilet this morning than the previous night. Could they already have programmed my mind? I simply had no way to know. Most of my reactions seemed as I would expect but I was still thinking Betwan and English was a bit more difficult to dredge up. On the other hand I rationally knew that so far absolutely no chance for escape had presented itself. Until that moment arrived the more comfortable I was with myself the more likely I would be...