Humiliated by Mommy part 9
- 3 years ago
- 25
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It bothered me that I was even more comfortable with the toilet this morning than the previous night. Could they already have programmed my mind? I simply had no way to know. Most of my reactions seemed as I would expect but I was still thinking Betwan and English was a bit more difficult to dredge up. On the other hand I rationally knew that so far absolutely no chance for escape had presented itself. Until that moment arrived the more comfortable I was with myself the more likely I would be to recognize it.
Aneeka was much more touchy-feely during this morning’s shower. She pressed up behind me after soaping my back, her nipples poking me, her hands going around me to lather soap across my tits. I still jumped when she ventured between my legs and then my cheeks.
She bit my earlobe then whispered, “Are you starting to realize that serving Master isn’t the awful thing you first imagined?”
She didn’t seem to expect an answer, just wanted me to think about the question.
“He’s looking forward to meeting you, I talked with him this morning, it won’t be much longer,” She finished soaping me then rinsed me off before getting another set of fresh towels.
I trembled as Aneeka lowered me into the salon chair. I remembered how she had touched me before, how she had touched me later in the library.
She cleaned my hair again, doing just as thorough and just as tender a job as yesterday. Today, though, after finishing with the dryer she took the time to brush my hair, fixing it in place with some very light spray.
And then the part I was worried about. The bench split apart, I thought about keeping my legs closed but again until my chance for escape presented itself I needed to be the obedient little captive. Aneeka stepped between my legs, there was even less to shave today than yesterday. Nevertheless she did a complete job - including between my ass cheeks again.
She may have touched me more in the shower but she actually did less while shaving me today. I was somewhat relieved until she took something else out from under the bench.It was a short screw-cap bottle, perhaps an inch and a half deep and three in diameter. There was a round brush with a wooden handle. I was expecting a liquid but the material was actually some kind of powder.
“What, what’s that?”
“Mama’s Secret Helper,” she showed me the bottle cap, that’s actually what it was called. Aneeka wiped a very small amount of the stuff next to either side of my mound and also the underside of my breasts.
“Okay, but what is it?”
“That’s mama’s secret. Master really likes the smell.”
Aneeka wheeled me into a completely different room. Cables dangled from the ceiling in several places, I eyed them nervously when Aneeka stopped me directly below one. My nervousness was not helped when she wrapped a slip-knot style collar around my neck like a dog’s choke collar. She snapped some kind of lock through the ring in the end of the collar and a loop attached to the cable. The excess cable pulled away, placing that lock out of my reach. I finally understood why she was doing this when Aneeka released my wrists from the bar. It was such a relief to be able to move my arms that for the moment I didn’t even mind the cable. I stretched and rolled my arms, rubbed my eyes, all those little things I couldn’t do that had been driving me crazy.
Aneeka returned from the corner, it was instantly clear why my bindings had been changed. I was to be dressed, having my wrists bound would have interfered. I was so happy to be covered - even though I suspected I would soon be stripped by this mysterious ‘Master’ - that I didn’t resist at all even after seeing what I was to wear. I have no idea where the underthings came from, they certainly weren’t mine - my drawers were full of entirely utilitarian underthings. The panties were black, lacy, not a true thong but still cut well off the hips both in front and back; The bra matched the panties in color and their lacy style - I was both surprised at the perfect fit and not. Next a black garter belt - I had never worn one before, always using pantyhose instead of stockings - was placed around my waist. She rolled thigh-high black stockings up my legs; I suspected they were actual silk. They were held in place with red garters. I was relieved that modest one-inch heels had been chosen, the thought of being stuck in four or five inch stilettos was enough to make my ankles throb. The outer clothes came straight from my own closet, which pretty much confirmed where I had been captured. An executive power outfit that showed off my feminine figure while remaining conservative in cut and coverage; A dark gray over-the-knee skirt, a white blouse that showed no cleavage and a jacket that matched the skirt. The jacket remained unzipped. Regardless, I was very thankful to be dressed.
I dared not resist when Aneeka moved to re-bind my wrists, it would have been trivial for her to tighten the collar and choke me. Besides, while she might be the face of my predicament she was by no means its author. I took a deep breath after she removed that loop, it had been a constant irritant even worse than the prisoner rack.
I was very surprised when Aneeka hooked cables to the ends of the prisoner rack’s bar, I had expected that we would go somewhere else but apparently not. Just as surprising was when the bar unhooked one at a time from the uprights; Aneeka wheeled them off into the corner.
Aneeka returned, standing very close. Close enough that she rested her hands on my hips while staring into my eyes. I couldn’t go anywhere when she leaned in and kissed me. It was a very soft kiss, other than the way it lingered it might not have bothered me.
“Now you meet Master. You are in for something very special.”
She left walking behind me. Just as she was about to exit the lights changed; I was surrounded by an incredibly bright light, focused into a circle perhaps five feet in diameter. I could no longer see any of the walls.
Machinery worked; I heard the click-click-click of gears and chain from somewhere above me, the bar was pulled toward the ceiling. I let out a sigh of relief when it stopped just short of pulling my arms straight.
A man stepped out from the shadows - it was an incredible shock seeing that his was the face of the prince from the book Aneeka and I read yesterday! He was pushing a wheeled table, it was oiled well enough that it was almost silent on the slick floor. He stopped the table to my front-right just inside the circle of light, the top was low enough that I could easily see the contents. I trembled seeing a variety of torture instruments. Paddles, whips, tongs and things I had no name for, things I didn’t even wish to try imagining their use.
He stepped behind me, wrapping one strong arm around my waist, his hand flat on my belly, pulling me tight against his torso, “What would your co-workers think, Miss Linda Piance?” his use of my name was mocking, “What would Grant think if he saw you bound like this?”
The thought of Grant Collins the Third seeing me here was too much. He would have been more than happy to take advantage of the situation. I had rebuffed numerous advances from him, a fact that I believed had cost me deserved promotions.
Another hand joined the first, both moved to my chest, kneading me through my blouse and bra. My open jacket presented no obstacle, my nipples were hard, straining to get free, “It does excite you,” my captor whispered.
“I saw you standing at your balcony door looking out over the city one night. You were so alone but so very beautiful. That was when I decided you would be mine.” He slid one hand down, he stroked my legs through my skirt and hose, “You were wearing a blue slip, sipping a glass of wine.”
He began to tug my tight skirt up, leaving it bunched around my waist. “Have you had a man between your legs, the pain then pleasure of being taken, your soft curves flattening beneath him, your slick flesh wrapping around him?”
“Nooo,” my voice was almost a moan; I blushed when I realized the question I had just answered.
“I am not surprised. You put on quite the show a couple days ago, shaving your pussy then frigging yourself. Were you thinking of anyone in particular?”
“/How could he possibly have seen that?/”
my captor raised his hand to my neck tracing an imaginary collar, “And what about last night? Did you squirm during the little show I arranged?”
“Was she really a virgin?”
“I don’t know, I wasn’t there. Does it matter? If she was she certainly isn’t now,” his hand trailed away.
He picked up a metallic circle from the clutter. I was very confused when I realized that it was a collar - Aneeka had insisted several times that only slaves wore collars, that we were not slaves. She had said something else had been chosen for me, something she wouldn’t tell. He held the band so that the light shown full upon it. There was a hinge on one side but the other only had a flush seam. Whatever locked it together was hidden inside.
I shivered looking at the collar. Etched marks glinted in the torchlight but even though I had been taught to read Betwa I could not read this script, it was something else. The writing was shallow with thick lines. It might have been an older form, some of the letters bore similarities to the Betwan alphabet I knew.
“It reads ‘Nallen’s Pet’. I trust you are smart enough to guess the rest.”
I breathed a sigh of relief when Nallen dropped the collar back to the table. My relief didn’t last. My unease skyrocketed to new heights when he picked up a wicked looking knife. The handle was large and solid but the blade was short, only a couple inches long. It was thick from edge to back; the end curved along a quarter circle forming a needle sharp point. Nallen moved closer and I felt faint, if I were not bound standing I am sure I would have crumpled.
He let the tension grow for a few moments. I stood stock still, going so far as to hold my breath. He slipped the blade between my blouse and the first button. The knife must have been extremely sharp, the few threads let go with what seemed no pressure at all. Nallen let it fly away, I heard it hit the wall in front and to my side. I relaxed a little as Nallen used the small knife to remove the remaining buttons. He wasted no time doing it, moving straight from one button to the next but was careful not to nick (or even poke) me.
With the last button gone Nallen set the knife aside then tugged the blouse free from where it was tucked in at my waist. He stepped in close, his hands slid under the loose cloth circling around me. He leaned down putting his lips next to my ear, his breath hot on my skin, I was unable to stop the trembles, “That’s right, I know right now it is fright but it will become excitement soon Enough. What’s the sexiest thing you’ve done prior to being captured?”
Nallen sucked at my ear as I tried to collect myself enough to answer, I was too flustered to deny him. He freed the clasp holding my bra closed and returned to stroking my lower back.
“My ... my high school boyfriend sucked my nipples and I jacked him off once.”
“He didn’t touch your pussy?”
“I was too scared, and then the next day his talk with his pals got back to me.” I realized with a bit of trepidation that I had been leaning against Nallen, his gentle touch had lulled my sense of danger. It was that experience, particularly the next day that had made me focus on school. If I couldn’t trust I would just have to do for myself.
“A common enough story.” He stepped back taking up the knife again. Nallen ran the dull outer rim of the curved blade up my belly then my lower chest, flipping it over when he reached the center of my bra. He was just about to make the slice when he reconsidered, moving to first the left shoulder strap and then the right. Only after cutting the two shoulder straps did he slice through the center, the ruined garment slapped against the inside of my blouse before falling to my feet.
Nallen stood considering the sleeves on my blouse for a few seconds but change his mind; he set the knife back on the table before loosening my skirt, first the belt and then the buttons, the light gray cloth tube slid over my wide hips and down my legs with a rustling sigh, joining my wrecked bra. He stepped back, examining me standing there in his room, bound with my wrists above my head, clad in loosened blouse, panties, garter belt and stockings. The black cloth of the last three and the red of the actual garters severe against my pale skin. I shifted back and forth, glad for the padding under my almost bare feet.
“It may surprise you, Miss Piance, but I only rarely enjoy causing pain, Tonight will show you the main exception. It is special indeed to introduce a young woman to the delights of physical intimacy.”
“Have experience with that, hmmm?”
A pained shadow crossed his face, “Once ... very special circumstances, a ... friend ... I’ll tell you later.”
I decided not to press, just the way Nallen spoke I knew it was a very personal memory.
Nallen looked to the side, pulling a rectangular frame draped in black cloth in front of me. It was a little taller than myself, perhaps a foot wider than my shoulders. The fact that it was thin front to back made me somewhat less nervous. He walked behind me, holding a cord attached to the cloth near the top edge of the frame. I whimpered and closed my eyes for a moment as he stood close against my back. Nallen tugged on the cord and the cloth fluttered to the floor revealing a polished mirror. I gasped seeing myself standing bound, helpless and yes, beautiful.
He dropped the cord, his hands going to my waist then higher; He cupped my full bare breasts. My straining nipples tingled under his touch. “Did you enjoy the little show earlier? Have you been imagining what it is like?”
I could only whisper, “Yes.”
“Very good, not lying - to either of us - is very good. After tonight you won’t have to wonder.”
One of his hands left off massaging me, teasing over my stomach and then down the outside of my panties. I gasped in surprise when I realized just how wet they were, until then I had not noticed. Oh how I wanted to close my legs around his hand to stop his exploration but I didn’t dare. The cloth was plastered to my mound and provided no protection against his touch.
“Last night was weird,” I blurted out.
“How so?” There was curiosity in his voice, not at all the mocking tones I would have expected.
“In stories the men only care about themselves, last night wasn’t like that at all.”
He chuckled, “Ah, ah, we have discovered it is far easier to teach using pleasure than pain. Pain is useful to get a girl’s attention, Miss Piance, but it is pleasure that molds her into a sexy desirable woman. That is also why while you will likely be embarrassed at times you should never feel humiliation. Pain is fleeting but hurt - emotional hurt that is - rarely heals clean.”
“He knew I was there, didn’t he?”
“Of course, Nicko enjoys having an audience.”
“And what about Neil? I was surprised to watch that.”
“Relanna /really/ enjoys an audience. I’m sure it was an extra thrill for her, taking Neil while knowing you had yet to meet me.”
“Ha! She said it was for Neil, that he’d earned it somehow. What about you, do you like being watched?”
“Ah, no. Not like that anyway.”
Nallen kissed the back of my neck, his lips so warm, so soft; I shivered when he reached around and picked up the knife yet again. Starting at my wrist he made short work of my left sleeve, my blouse fell to hang from my right arm. A few seconds later that too was gone.
I stared at myself in the mirror, I was bound and on display, now clad only in black panties, thigh high stocking and garter belt. My thoughts turned back to what it would be like, to feel my virgin flesh stretch hot and tight and slick around him. I was more than just aware that it would happen. I was no longer even thinking of ways to avoid it. I licked my suddenly dry lips.
Nallen walked around to my front, at the same time he worked on his cuff buttons. I watched him undress, I felt both terrified and mesmerized. He was so careful in his actions, He took the time to fold each garment. He ended up with a neat tidy pile unlike my ruined clothing which still lay strewn about. His muscles stood out as though he were a statue of a Greek god come to life.
I trembled when his attention returned to me, powerful and predatory. I was in his thrall and we both knew it. Nallen was as relaxed as I was wound tight.
His cock came into view; He was already erect. I couldn’t help the thoughts that came unbidden to my mind, I imagined myself pinned beneath him, my thighs trapped outside his strong hips. I whimpered when my imagination reached the point of my soft flesh stretching to accept his demand for entry. I was not afraid or angry; no, nothing like that. I knew I should be furious but somehow that option had been erased- replaced by growing excitement.
Nallen stepped closer; I let my eyes droop shut. One hand covered my almost bare ass, my nipples ached as they pressed into his solid chest. His free hand raised my chin. He drew me tight to his body, his hard cock was hot against my belly and then he kissed me, his lips were hungry upon mine, his tongue dipped between. I moaned and his tongue ventured deeper, teasing mine for a few seconds then withdrew. My breath caught when he pulled me full against his chest, his hard cock throbbed between us. My nipples tingled where we rubbed and there was a burning emptiness low in my belly, and emptiness I knew Nallen would soon fill.
He used both hands to free my garter belt, the dangling weight drew the stockings down around my ankles. I kicked my feet a couple times managing to free myself leaving me bare except for my panties. Somehow that accentuated my helpless condition more than if I were fully bared. He stepped close again, my puckered nips rubbed across his chest. His arms wrapped around me, both hands slipped down the back of the panties. I moaned as Nallen squeezed my bare ass. His lips captured mine once more, my pussy throbbed; I whimpered, wishing he would get on with things and extinguish the terrible fire burning in my belly.
Nallen stepped behind me, one hand trailed over my hip then encircled my waist, his eyes met mine in the mirror. His hand moved higher, his fingers brushed feather-light over the outer curve of my breast then tugged at my plump nipple. The other slid down the valley between my thighs pressing against my mound through the dampened panties. I tried stepping back, to press closer but Nallen simply laughed and moved away. My bound wrists would not allow a second step.
“Very nice, Miss Piance. Now it is time for you to choose: Are you going to resist or will you surrender to the inevitable? I’m going to free your wrists, if you behave I will continue to be gentle but if you choose to fight things won’t be nearly so pleasant.”
Nallen’s hands traveled up my arms, the motion drew my bare back against his broad chest.
I started panting, feeling lightheaded.
He paused for a couple seconds with his hands around my wrists, The cuffs were freed. For the first time since I had been captured I was not chained to anything.
My panting grew heavier and then it was all too much. I crumpled unconscious.
I came to cradled in Nallen’s arms, he was just walking into a well lit bedroom dominated by the largest bed I had ever seen. Counting the pillows it could easily sleep five or six. Still feeling a bit groggy I relaxed against Nallen’s chest for the few seconds it took to cross the open room then jerked back to wakefulness when a stray thought intruded; After a wild look around I relaxed again, if there were a hidden watcher she was much better concealed than I had been the previous night.
I glanced up only to see Nallen was not Watching me, “I ... I’m sorry.”
Nallen bent down giving my lips a quick peck, “don’t worry about it. Although that’s not quite the way I hoped to make you pass out.”
For a moment as Nallen knee-walked onto the mattress I thought he was about to drop me, I reached without thought wrapping an arm around his neck. The tingling jolt that shot through my bare nipples was a sharp reminder that I was almost naked, and that I only had the panties because Nallen had yet to take them.
Nallen lowered me to the middle of the gigantic bed, pressing me into the forgiving surface with his weight. He scrunched down and kiss me again. His tongue pressed passed my lips, which had parted without my even thinking about it. My tongue joined his; I arched my back to press myself against his body, my excitement boiled hotter than ever.
He stretched out beside me while deepening the kiss; I sucked in a breath when he grazed his fingers to rest over my navel.He tugged at my lips while teasing over my lower chest. I pulled at Nallen’s neck as our kissing continued, his hand slid higher, cupping my far titty.
I barely noticed when Nallen moved his hand to my knee but my attention focused laser-sharp when he started moving higher brushing up the smooth expanse of my inner thigh. I mewled in disappointment after he skipped passed my throbbing mound. My mewl turned to a gasp of surprise bare seconds later when he reversed course, sliding inside the panties over my bare flesh underneath. His fingers were much bigger than Aneeka’s - also much courser - but still his touch was very gentle. I trembled and shook; to my amazement my nipples grew even harder. I couldn’t help rocking my hips trying to increase the pressure.Nallen’s touch also made me realize how wet I had already become.
సుష్మ మదనసామ్రాజ్యం- పద్మ సీల్ ఓపెనింగ్ (సుష్మకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీపూస గుచ్చినట్టు వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. ఏది నిజంగా జరిగింది, ఏది కల్పితం అన్నది ఆమెనే డైరెక్ట్ గాఅడగండి. మీ అదృష్టం బాగుంటే ఆమె రిప్లై ఇవ్వడమే కాకుండా, మీతో chat కూడా చెయ్యవచ్చు. ఆమె మైల్ మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) “ఎక్స్క్యూజ్ మీ, మీ బిల్ పదివేలు దాటింది. ఇప్పుడు ఇవ్వగలరా?” అని...
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Tight, tanned and and horny, our 21 year old San Diego girl Holly turned out to be a lot of fun. Being from sunny SoCal, she likes to hang out on the beach and enjoy nature, especially when she’s getting fucked outside. We like girls with a sense of adventure, and since she once had sex on the top of a waterfall, we think Holly definitely qualifies. She was also once a dancer and a cheerleader, so she’s very flexible where it counts which made TC a happy camper when she opened up...
xmoviesforyouPlease read the previous parts – I to V to follow the remaining parts He was ready to pay any amount to Susan to buy me. When I said, I could not take their offer; they told me that they would definitly come in the next week to fuck me. If they get a chance, they would come in this week itself. I prayed God not to get a chance to come in this week. My body was aching and it will take one whole week to repair the damage they have made up on my body. Susan gave me one lakh rupee on the same...
Hi incest lovers.I m a incest lover too. My name is Pradnya I am 18 years old and with figure 32 28 32 seeing which many people turn their head to see my assets.I m not a slut so i will not do sex with any stranger but if any1 interested in sex chatting mail me on Coming to the story this story is between me and my cousin elder brother his name is Ritesh doing his engineering and is 21 years old with average body. I m in college doing my 12th std. Me and ritesh were not so close but use to...
IncestMai apni bed pe baith ek novel padh raha tha. Achanak door bell baji, khola to dekha didi thi, wo jhat se andar ayi aur jake sofe pe baith gayi. Mai darwaza band kiya aur bola kya didi kya hua surprise? Didi pareshaan dikh rahi thi. Akhir usne bola-vai bahut badi musibat aa padi hai.Maine muskurate hue pucha kya jija fir naukri chhodne ki baat kar rahe hai… Didi-mazak nahi, wo avi hospital mai hai. Mai-kya!! Kya hua? Didi-lambi kahani hai, dhyan se sun …. Yad hai maine unke boss ke bare me kahi...
Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you the second part of Noor’s journey. At the onset, I would like to apologize for the typos in the first story. Hopefully, as I keep writing, I will keep getting better. Thanks for all the great feed back, I am passing it on to Noor. Also, sorry, but Noor has settled down now, so the chances of a meeting with her are low. Anyways, I will shift to her perspective and continue the story. It is highly advisable to read the Part 1 Noor Arora: A Sexual...
This is a continuation of our real life story as we explored our sexuality.During the week Erica made plans for us to meet John and Lacey again. She also told them that I had been upset because she hadn't followed the 'no touching' rule. They told her that they didn't have a problem with what she had done.We met at the same motel again with our supply of wine and beer to help us lose our inhibitions. This time I offered a suggestion as to a different way to start our evening out. I suggested...
Group SexThe Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 7 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is...
ENSLAVEMENT PART ONE: THE PINK MILEAngie’s Story? ?I’m scared,? Tina whispered. ?Don’t worry, it won’t be that bad,? Angie replied, in an equally soft voice, ?I use to work here, for five years. There’s nothing to it.? Angie hoped there was enough confidence in her voice to help settle the petite brunette’s anxiety. In truth, however, she was probably just as scared as Tina. She kept telling herself that she should not be this scared; she HAD worked here for five years, after all, and knew...
MWM, posted an ad on cl, iso a bbw. Was answered by a 52 year old married lady. We chatted awhile. She finally came over while the wife was out of town. Sitting on the couch having a beer and chatting she finally says"your a nice guy...where shall we doe this?" I told her the bedroom. She excused her self to go to restroom.She is about 30-35# overweight. Great big titties, short reddishbrown hair.I laid on the bed in my boxers. Sorry....I'm 42 6' 220.She came out in a loose top and shorts. I...
Hello! Pabby is here with my another experience of wife swapping. If any ladies, gals, group or couple are interested in connecting me for meeting or chat can contact me on secrecy is assured and demanded. My name is Pabby. I went to USA with my wife Veena for sometime in concern of some project. One night Veena came across a story “My First Lesbian Encounter” on White Shadow stories web site. The story was very exciting and we both liked it very much. Veena and I also write stories about our...
Damn it. It was just a dream, again. I’d been having dreams like this ever since the first day at the dorms, and increasingly so since he asked me out two days ago. It was the morning of my date, and when I remembered this, my stomach filled with butterflies. I laughed at myself. What is wrong with me? I was acting like a little kid, going on my first date. I could handle this. It was one date, and it’s not like I’d never done it before. It would be fine. I got out of bed and went...
I couldn’t be labeled ‘of sound mind’ from the moment Chris caught me. Once he gave me the twenty-four hour warning, I became a zombie. Before I myself knew it, I was waiting until nearly twenty of my hours were up, electing to talk to Molly the following evening. Was it the best course of action? I didn’t know. I wanted what was best for Molly, but… fuck, I couldn’t start pretending I only had her best interests at heart now. We saw each other during the day, just once or twice. Enough to...
I originally relayed this solely in a PM to my friend @smilinwillie2001; I’m not posting it so everyone can know...———————————————————————————————————————————————————————While my wife was away this past weekend, I went to the local adult bookstore I go to every weekend. This time, I found a few of my older regulars and invited them to my house, which I’ve never even considered.I was dressed in my wife’s sexiest lingerie, and while she was away taking load after load from her own boyfriend (a...
Before the Evening Begins By sissy maid chloe I step out of the bathroom, a big towel wrapped around my body. Bathed, what little hair is left on my body shaved (Mistress put me through hours of electrolysis to remove the unsightly hair from my face and body, but I still must shave my legs). There's a pink satin robe on my bed; I take off my towel and slip into it, enjoying the feel of slippery material on my skin. I look at the clock on the dressing table-just enough time to get...
Some six months has gone by since we first began toying with the idea of me fucking your wife Audrey while you watched us and took photographs and video. The big night for the three of us was this past Friday and my hands and shoulders still shake a little just remembering the intensity of my time with her and I smile broadly around outsiders without obvious reasons to smile. It’s like I am living inside a scene from the movie “Unfaithful” where Diane Lane’s character Connie Sumner mentally...
Day 4.I awoke before her and slipped out of bed and made my quiet way into the bathroom where I washed my hands and my stomach and cleaned off the evidence of my solitary pleasure. God, I must have cum a bucket load. I dressed and pondered if I was actually getting ready for another day of Sally acting the slut again today. I looked out of the patio doors and at the sun lounger that she had fucked Rufus on last night and concluded, yes; she most probably would be acting the complete slut.I made...
A flight led to a tax, and a taxi led to a bus stop, and then I was out in the middle of nowhere, nothing but forests and fields for miles. It was pretty, in a dull sort of way. Eddie met me at the bus stop. The ride back was quiet, and it was dusk by the time we rode up the drive. “Your old rooms made up for ya,” Eddie said I nodded and headed down the hall, passed two quiet rooms that must be his kid’s. Shit, they ought to be teens by now. It rained the day of the funeral, and the turn...
I went in the house to ask what had happened to the car. But Barry wasn’t there. My phone rang. “Hey honey, listen, I’m gonna tell you something, don’t freak out” “Depends, did you crash the car or something? Where are you? Don’t worry, I’ll come to the hospital right away.” It’s weird how our brains go directly to death when someone is about to say something bad. “Okay, calm down. Nothing that bad, just that my son is coming and he’s gonna stay for the summer. I didn’t tell...
Both the count and Baptistin had told the truth when they announced to Morcerf the proposed visit of the major, which had served Monte Cristo as a pretext for declining Albert's invitation. Seven o'clock had just struck, and M. Bertuccio, according to the command which had been given him, had two hours before left for Auteuil, when a cab stopped at the door, and after depositing its occupant at the gate, immediately hurried away, as if ashamed of its employment. The visitor was about...
I managed to take Brad's advice by avoiding Joyie the rest of the week. She called the house a couple of times, but Mom, who knew what was going on, conveyed my wishes not to speak with her; thus, when she and Michael left for Orlando on Thursday evening, Brad and I were at ChuckECheese's eating pizza and playing games, rather seeing her off at the airport, which I would have done had she not been doing something that I felt was wrong. We were shooting basketball when Doug's four-year-old...
We'd made love for a couple of hours. We watched a great porno (at least I thought it was) that had three guys in it: one very well hung black guy and two white guys who shouldn't be embarrassed about their equipment. There were two women, one an adorable blonde, and the other, a beautiful brunette. The blonde was definitely the hotter of the two. The premise of the movie was that the blonde was ready and willing to take anything the men offered while the brunette was shy and only wanted to...
Chapter 1 The young woman plunged her fingers in between the juicy swollen lips of her slit for the umpteenth time, biting down on her pillow to muffle her moans of pleasure. She was lying in bed, the sun approaching the eastern horizon as the minutes ticked by on her alarm clock. The hour was early, earlier than the time her parents woke up, but this was how she liked it. The girl liked to pleasure herself each morning, again after she got home, and a final time before falling...
That cold winter, my loving husband had booked a pair of tickets for a nice cruise around the Caribbean Sea.But then, the day before embarking, poor Victor was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and then he told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I took my hubby to the airport and some hours later I boarded the ship.By the third afternoon...
Blow Job for Daddy (MF, inc)by Tattletale (anon address)***Daughter comes home from college for summer vacation and catches her single dad masturbating in his bedroom.***"You had better stop now, honey. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to come in your mouth. Maybe you should finish me off with your hand."My beautiful daughter took her mouth off of my cock and smiled up at me. "Well, Dad, it wouldn't really be a blow job unless you came in my mouth, and it isn't like it would be my...
when you wake up... you find yourself... on your stomach... completely naked... without a stich on... your pants pulled off... socks and shoes gone... even your tee shirt is missing... "whut's duh mattuh white bitch?... yew bee worried 'bout no shirt... no shoes... end no suhvice?... wail... yew mightn' bee completely nekkid... but yew gonna bee duh won givin' us... awl duh suhvice wee gonna need"... and you realize... laying face down... that your legs... both legs... are spread wide...
I never was one of those guys that exaggerated the size of their sexual organs. It was my business to know how big or little it was. At sixteen, I became more self-conscious about my penis size. I knew that I was not as big as most guys. I knew that I never would be. But I began to realize that God made me the way I am, and there was not anything I could do about that. I have learned to live with my five inches. Yeah, that is what I said, five inches. It’s true. I am only five inches fully...
After my history class, I met Agnes in the dorm’s common room where she laid an emotional kiss on me while plastering her beautiful body against mine. My mother said in a low voice, “Fred, I may do that to you later when we can thoroughly enjoy the aftermath.” I decided not to say anything but to concentrate upon the kiss. We finally ended the kiss and I was breathing a little quickly and heavily. We went over and sat with my parents. I said, “Dad, is everything with the court and police...
What a beautiful treat we have on the show today with Mazzy Grace and Jay Smooth! Mazzy loves to show off those gorgeous long legs in her thigh high stockings that match her strappy lingerie! She knows how badly you want to see her naked so will gladly let her lingerie drop to the floor and take off those stockings one by one so you can admire those beautiful legs! She eagerly gets Jays cock in her mouth and there is no stopping this girl from getting sloppy! SHe loves the spit to run down her...
xmoviesforyouCataract Reaction By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Four "Ah, great timing honey," said Betty, who was just about ready for him. "Sit in the high chair and feel better?" "Yes, and sorry if I got a bit emotional on you," said Kyle, sitting down in her slightly higher makeup chair. "Stressful day as you know." "The only one stressed will be your boyfriend worried the other boys will be all over you," teased Betty. "So sit still and pretend like it's your recital day...
My husband was away on business, leaving the Wednesday evening and only coming home the following Tuesday. After dropping him off at the airport my daughter and I went home. We had dinner and soon we were off to bed. The next morning I dropped her off at school, went to gym and after gym headed home. I was sitting having breakfast when my phone rang, it was my friend Jenna. I had messaged her telling her that my hubby had to go away on business for a few days. She phoned to asked if I would...
Gender Swap- Jenny Pink Donuts by Green Lace The meal area at the mall was packed today and that suited me just fine. I wasn't here to eat. I was going to perform a Harmonics experiment and the people eating lunch were my lab rats for the day. I walked up and down the aisles seemingly looking for a vacant seat, my heels clacking away. It was a sound which I was still struggling to get used to. My handbag was strung over my left shoulder and in my right hand I held a...
The three young women giggled like the schoolgirls they once were in the front room of Corrine's small house. This was the first time she had seen Judy and Phillipa since they had left St Mary's private school for girls almost three years ago. The giggles and reminiscences were all associated with their time there when they were three inseparable friends who played together and were punished together at the small boarding school. "Remember old Mr. Magee?" Corrine initiated. "Fetch my slipper...
SpankingShe is 15 years old, 147 centimeters tall, with well-muscled thighs and a high bottom. Her breasts appear large for a girl her age, although an inspection of her underwear drawer uncovers only C-cup bras. Size in this case is an illusion, a contrast between the firm, fleshy bulbs and the diminutive frame. On a musicological whim, I dub them (her large breasts) “The Mighty Handfuls.” Her mother is frequently absent, leaving us (Regina and me) alone together. Three nights per week are spent at...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Tabitha Stern was originally from Nashville, Tennessee. She lived there until she was four, then moved to Los Angeles to be with her mother, and then moved back to Tennessee again when she was fifteen. A few years later she was in L.A. once again, this time to stay. It was her time in L.A. that lead to her becoming a porn star by the time she was eighteen. She’d had manysexual experiences by that time, of course, but the first time was the most...
First Time“In order to discover the Self, you must realize your place in the universe and solidify your self-value. You must realize that while we are all individuals in a sense, we are all exactly the same in the grander scheme. The only true differences are the ones we create ourselves, while in reality, we are all made of the same atoms, molecules, and energy. Our DNA may be different and we may have different thoughts, but that only shows that the pieces that built us all don’t always go...
Leaning against the bed I watch TV in our bedroom. You are in the bathroom, taking a relaxing shower after work. I hear the water clattering in the shower. I imagine the soap and water running down your slim body. The water stops, I hear you grab the towel from the sink. You step out of the shower and fold the towel around you. My mind wanders back to the TV. Suddenly I snap out of the TV. My eyes catch you in the doorway of the bedroom. You overwhelm me with your beauty. You put on the new...
Straight SexPROLOGUE: "Oh my god, oh my god," a woman was breathlessly repeating herself between gasps, and it took me a moment to realize it was me. All I could focus on was the feeling of his cock filling my dripping pussy until he suddenly stopped thrusting - he swelled inside me and I could feel him shudder as he sprayed his cum deep within my cunt. We had been fucking for an hour, in all sorts of ways. I had simply walked up to him as he sat on the couch wearing nothing but some old shorts and fished...
IncestAugust 22, 1975 During the summer, Fridays were usually the worst day of the week for Tim and Benny, particularly on Fridays before a Saturday which the weatherman had said would be nice. Fridays were already a little stressful because it came at the end of the week after everyone had been working. Then the morning was spent mowing lawns in the heat. After they finished the lawn, it was payday for the mowing crews and paying people actually took a lot of time. The afternoons were spent going...
"hurry your fine,ass up baby!" "that simply will not do" he thought Just as his sister got into the care with the boy he slapped her ass angave her a very wet kiss on the lips. Just as soon as her brother saw that he came barreling out of tue house where he had been hiding behind a curtain watching. Wgen he reached the boy he yanked the door open grab the boy out slammed him against the hood of the car and stared at the boy right in the eye. David might have calmed down. He might have...
We couldn't be sure if the convoy leader had been able to radio in that they were under attack before he was destroyed by an RPG. It really didn't make much difference one way or the other, but I was curious. From the looks of the way the trucks burned, it seemed like they were filled with food and not cannon shells. Actually, this was better as far as breaking the siege was concerned. No shells meant that nobody inside the town would die from shellfire, but they would eventually run out...