The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 7 Of 11 free porn video

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The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 7 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is our muse, Kelly Ann Rogers; her midcourse corrections were vital to the story's completion. As the authors we hope you enjoy reading this bit of fun. If anyone wishes to build off our FFL cub theme; you have our permission and encouragement. Marina Joy and Monica Rose :) At 8:45 AM Bob pulled his truck into his old driveway, fifteen minutes late for his appointment with Sue. He had to go to the clubs nail salon to get his hands repaired, it was just too embarrassing to be seen in public with that broken nail. He climbed out and planted his block sandals firmly in the grass, slid his aviator style sunglasses to the top of his head, checked his appearance in the side view mirror, blinked his thick long lashes, beneath his gracefully arched brows, and stood upright. He fluffed his hair one more time and slung his purse over the shoulder of his loose fitting long line grey tunic. He confidently marched to his front door in the awesome pair of soft stretch girl blue jeans, which nicely accentuated his derriere. He knocked delicately and waited. Shortly a petite, almost sickly looking Hispanic girl opened the door and peered out suspiciously. "Will you please tell your employer a..." Bob paused not sure how to identify himself so he went on with, "Please say her 8:30 appointment is here." In a thick halting Hispanic accent and pigeon English the maid said, "Certainly, you Bobby? Mistress is expecting you. Please follow me into the parlor you wait for there." Sue came bounded into the room and held a travel cup of what smelled like coffee. She smiled a complacent self-satisfied smile as she surveyed her husband's appearance. Finally satisfied he was appropriately dressed, that is wearing a bra; without saying a word she picked up her pocket book and headed to the door that led to the attached three car garage. She climbed into her BMW and rather sternly said, "You're late Bobby. You know I can't abide tardiness. I would have thought eleven years of marriage would have taught you that. Don't even try and justify your actions just know I'm irritated with you right now." Bob watched his wife drive and noticed she hadn't replaced her engagement ring. "Susan I see you're still without a diamond." Sue took a sip of her coffee and replied, "Yeah, I've examined a few, but I'm waiting for the perfect offer before I commit. I see you're still wearing yours. It looks darling on you. Did you bring a list of the medications you have been taking?" "Yes dear, I've the empty bottles in my purse. Where're we going?" "We're here now. The club no longer has an endocrinologist on call. The club's gynecologist can check your hormone levels. We'll proceed from there." Sue marched into the waiting room and announced to the receptionist, "Bobby Turner is here for his appointment." That got an eye roll from the clerk. "Have a seat, I'll tell the doctor you're here." The doctor greeted Bobby with a smile that reeked of false tenderness. "Come with me please." Sue stood to accompany the pair, the doctor turned to her, "Are you his mother? If not please wait here. You'll be summoned for an interview when I've finished with the patient." Sue sat and steamed. She wasn't used to being talk to in that tone. The doctor placed Bob in an examination room. A nurse had him disrobe and made him put on one of those horrid paper bottom-flashing hospital gowns. She took his vitals and enough blood to keep Count Dracula alive for a week. Eventually the doctor walked in reading from a clipboard. "I understand you have been self-medicating with illegal drugs. What exactly are you taking?" Bob retrieved his purse and read from the empty bottles, "Estrogen and Progesterone." "How about a Testosterone Blocker?" "No doctor, just those plus these herbal supplements." He handed the herbs to the doctor. "Well that's the only smart thing I've heard from you. I strongly recommend you stop taking any medication without my prior approval." The doctor then gave Bob the most thorough and invasive physical he'd ever had. "I need a specimen, are you capable of giving one?" "Sure doc, I can still pee." The doctor tried to remain professional but lost it with a sarcastic laugh, "Not that kind of specimen. I need to test your sperm." "Oh, no doctor I'm afraid that has stopped working." Reading his name from his chart Bobby Turner, "I'm sorry Bobby I have to do this. I must milk your prostrate. Standup and bend over the table please." Just then the door opened and in walked Sue. "What's she doing here doctor?" "I'm sorry, but the law says I have to have a third party. It's either your friend there or I call in my nurse. Which would you rather have as a witness?" Bob pointed and said, "She's fine." "Ma'am for my records I need to know your relation to my patient?" "He's my husband." "Wait a minute, Turner. You're Susan Turner, which makes him the Bob Turner from last year's pageant. That explains a lot. Please have a seat right next to him it'll provide a good view and you can help by holding the Petri dish at the end of his pecker to catch his discharge." "I will doctor if I can find it. I forgot my reading glasses." The doctor snickered at that one. The doctor went about her business, she had two fingers in and Bob kept clenching his butt cheeks. In exasperation, the doctor told Bob, "Relax and let me finish." "Doctor, maybe you can relax with a hand up your butt but I can't." "Calm down Mr. Turner. This will be fun." "Having someone's hand up my ass, massaging my prostate is not my idea of fun doctor!" "Oh...I meant for me, as a gynecologist I don't often get to play with prostates," the doctor said with a snort and she tried to push deeper into Bob. Sue smiled slightly at Bob's groan and pulled the end of his pecker toward the dish. At the doctor's comment, Bob finally reached his boiling point. Several large globules fell from the end of his penis into the dish Sue was holding. He pushed himself up from the table and pulled the doctor's hand away from his ass with one hand. "I think that I've had enough, doctor! Since I walked into this office, I've been treated with disdain and very little respect. Yes, I was less than respectful at last year's pageant and I'm obviously paying for it now! But I expect you to treat me with the same respect you accord all of your other patients." By this time, Bob was shaking with anger and frustration. He stumbled past the shocked physician to where he'd piled his clothes and started sorting through them as fast as he could. "I'm not here for your amusement or my wife's," he sobbed as his hormone-charged emotions kicked in. "I came to you for help, not to be humiliated!" He broke down completely as he was overcome with a wave of tears and he collapsed onto the plastic chair behind him. He angrily batted Sue's hand away from his shoulder, not carrying whose it was. Before Sue could say anything or become angry herself, she found a restraining hand from the doctor on her shoulder. Sue looked up at the doctor to see a concerned and contrite expression on her face. The doctor gestured to a chair beside Bob, indicating that Sue should sit down. Then she stood back in front of Bob. "Mr. Turner?" she waited until Bob's emotional attack had abated somewhat and he looked up at he with an angry expression. "I owe you an apology. You're right. My staff and I haven't treated with you with the professionalism that you have a right to expect from us. We saw the man who acted like an ass in our pageant and thought that this was more of the same." Her tone became more comforting as she crouched in front of Bob. "I think that you really do need medical help and I would like to be your doctor, if you'll let me." Bob met her eyes again and nodded after a moment. The doctor took the sample to her microscope while Bob and Sue waited anxiously. A solemn doctor looked up and said, "I've good news and bad news. Mr. Turner it would seem the hormones have rendered you sterile. They've chemically castrated you, it is irreversible I'm afraid." Sue, with a huge grin on her face, reached over and squeezed Bob's hand. "What's the bad news doc?" A bewildered doctor said, "That's the bad news Susan! The good news is now that Bobby has stopped taking the drugs, in time, he'll in all likelihood be able to resume a normal sex life." "Doctor, how long will it be before I can get hard again?" "That's hard to tell Bob. If I'd to guess, I'd say three months. There is some research that says natural amino acids taken in combination with B vitamin can accelerate the process. I can have the nurse give you a shot to speed up the process if you like." Sue picked up her purse and said, "Doctor, we won't need any of that. Bob and I are married; but we're just friends, we haven't been intimate for months, and there better not be anyone else that would have use of his tool." The doctor gave Bob a sympathetic hug. "Get dressed Mr. Turner, and for god's sake stop the incessant tears. You'll frighten my other patients. The nurse will be in to take you back to the lobby. I need to have a few minutes with your wife. She will join you when, us ladies are done. Sue please come with me to my office, we'll be more comfortable there." The doctor left while Sue stayed behind to help Bobby get dressed. Bob with tears burning his cheeks asked, "Sue can we at least be friends with benefits?" Sue opened Bobby's purse and removed a lace hankie she had placed there and handed it to him to dry his tears, "That's an interesting proposition Bobby. I'll give it some thought and get back to you on it." "Sue, you really don't want to have any more children?" "No, I'm not some broodmare. Children are just large parasites that suck the life-force from you. We've had this discussion before Bobby; I'm surprised you'd bring it up again. We had our one chance and the fates took her away from us. I can't go through that again." Bob sat there and remembered Sue's anguish at their daughter funeral. Her depression was so great he thought he would lose her too. It was a period where they clung to each other like never before. She nursed him through his physical problems and he supported her during her emotional crisis. He realized he couldn't risk losing her. He would do whatever it took to make her happy. So he gave up his dream of having children. A real sadness settled in the basement of his soul as he walked back to the lobby. @ @ @ @ "Mrs. Turner, let me be blunt with you." "Doctor, please don't use the Honorific Missus. I go by Ms. Turner, the girls at the club convinced me Mrs. Is an antiquated term, a relic left over from antebellum days. I'm no man's property." The doctor put her pen down and addressed the woman across from her, "The girls at the club, you wouldn't be receiving advice from one of those special committees are you?" "Why yes I am, they've been very helpful." "Susan, may I call you Sue? Let me put my cards on the table. I have found the more radical of the woman at the club tend to volunteer for the special advisory committees. In most cases the couple's relationship never ends well. If you want to keep Bob even as a friend, take what they say with a grain of salt." The doctor went through her notes and stared Sue in the eyes, "There are some things you need to know. Let me tell you what your husband has done to himself. As you saw, the size of his penis and testicles have been reduced, erections and orgasms are harder, if not impossible to achieve. His muscle bulk is well below that of a normal male. The growth of facial and body hair appears to have become weaker. I wish he'd saved some of those pills so I could have tested them. I've never seen such a rapid transformation. The development of female secondary characteristics is quite remarkable. He now shows signs of fat distributed on the hips and buttocks, reminiscent of a young woman. His breasts have started to develop and are sensitive and tender, and if his comments are to be believed they've become his primary source of sexual release. Have you seen any signs of lactation?" "No, why would you ask?" "His blood work is comparable to an expectant mother. In non-medical terms, he's like a tree in spring ready to pop at any minute. Lactation is only one of the possibilities; he may also experience rapid and massive breast development. What was his mother like?" "Both his mother and grandmother were massive. Are you implying Bobby will turn out that way?" "No I think we have caught it in time. Another few weeks on those hormones and who knows what would have happened." Becoming very serious, she went on, "He needs to be monitored for possible thrombosis, and is now a candidate for stroke and pulmonary embolism. I expect to see him every month. Is that understood?" "I can only assume you have been forcing this feminization on your husband. After his despicable performance last year I can't say I blame you. But making him take illegally purchased hormones is against the law. If I suspect any more of this, I'll have to report you to the police." "Doctor, you have this all wrong. I've not forced Bob to do anything. In fact, I've never even asked him to do anything. What you see he did to himself. It's his way of apologizing to me." "Ms. Turner, he must be a very special man. A male knowingly giving up his manhood is a hell of an apology. "I'm sure it is, but there is a selfish side to it too. He foolishly thinks his actions will win back my affections." "Foolishly? Are you saying you don't love him? He's doing all this for nothing." "No doctor, I love the silly man with all my heart. I'm just not physically attracted to him any longer." "Sue, this may be none of my business, but Bobby's emotional state is rather fragile right now. If you keep playing mind games with him he might just snap." Sue collapsed in the doctors arms, "I hate what I'm doing to him. Candy and some of the others on the advisory committee tell me, the only way to forge a better man is to break him all the way down, completely destroy his chauvinism. Then he can be rebuilt; as an enlightened liberated male." "Just be careful you don't take him down so far, you damage the foundation." @ @ @ @ Sue rescued her melancholy husband from the other emotionally distraught woman clustered in the lobby. "Come on Bobby, I'm taking you home for one of Malinda's fabulous home cooked meals, tonight's it's her specialty Arroz con pollo. I was lucky to get her as a housekeeper and cook." Bob chose his words carefully, "Maybe I shouldn't say this, having just met her; but she didn't look healthy this morning." "I know. She claims it's just a flare-up of malaria, but I'm concerned it's more serious than that. Let's not worry about the hired help tonight. It has been too long since we've just had an evening together. After we eat could you start a fire in the hearth? We'll have some wine and just snuggle in front of the fireplace. How does that sound?" "Like heaven." The meal was everything Sue said it was; Bob was surprised at Sue's democratic gesture insisting Malinda join them at the table for the meal. She was a farm girl from southern Mexico and regaled them with stories about growing up dirt poor. When dinner was over, Sue got up and put her hand on Bob's shoulders, "Honey, before I go change into something more comfortable, I would like to know, were you really wearing Erika's panties the other night?" The promise of a romantic evening caused a minor stirring from Bob in Erika's panties. Bob teasingly waited to answer, "Yes dear, I had no other options. My French knickers were dirty." Sue smiled, not sure if her leg was being pulled or not. At that moment, Malinda bent over, moaned and collapsed to the floor. Bob leapt to his feet, scooped up the housekeeper in his arms and carried her to the divan. Lifting Malinda was an unexpected strain on his strength, but his concern kept him from dropping her. "Oh dear, I've been afraid of this. Malinda is just not strong enough to take care of this massive place by herself. I've been meaning to interview an assistant for her. It is just hard to find someone I can trust in my home." Bob thought for a minute, "Sue, I've an idea. Most of my afternoons are free; I could come over and help with the housework." "Wait just a gall darn cotton picking minute! You're asking to do housework. Your refusal to help around the house is what started this misadventure." "I know Susan, I'm a changed person. Phil hired himself out as a maid to Candy. Why can't I do the same?" Sue went into her office and returned with paper and a pen. "Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words. Show me, don't tell me. If we're going to do this there will have to be some ground rules. First, you aren't living here. You'll come in...Let's say two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, to do all the heavy lifting chores. Malinda will be your boss; you'll do anything she says. When you're in your maid persona, you'll address me as ma'am, Ms. Turner, or if we're alone Miss Sue will be acceptable." Bob jump to his feet, "Agreed." "Not so fast buster, we haven't discussed the salary. As a junior maid, you'll only get 50% of the hourly rate I pay Malinda." "I don't know Sue that's way under minimum wage." Sue rubbed her chin as is deep in thought, "You drive a hard bargain, as part of your compensation I will also provide you a working uniform and the two days a week, you work; I'll allow you to eat with us, provided you prepare it of course." Bob leapt to his feet, "Where do I sign Miss Sue?" "To ensure you are capable of accomplishing your duties, Malinda and I will sit here and evaluate your performance. Start by serving us a glass of wine first. Then clear the dinner table, do the dishes and clean the kitchen. If those chores are done to our satisfaction, you may sign. Now shake a leg, this shouldn't take all night." Bob's chores done and personal services contract signed, he floated home, more determined than ever to beat Phil and return to Sue full time. Arriving in the bathroom he took out the hormones he'd left in plastic baggies. He started to flush them; but hesitated. He remembered the doctor's words and thought, 'I'm already sterile, what more could they do they do to me?' The doctor cautioned him not to continue with his meds, but his obsession to beat Phil was stronger than ever. He counted and realized he had almost a sufficient number to take him right up to the pageant. So he took his daily dosage and returned the rest to his medicine cabinet. He attached his suction cups to his nipples and went to bed, happier than he'd been in months. First thing in the morning, after his daily workout, Bob got on the phone and called to make an appointment with Dr Alicia, the club's cosmetic surgeon. He would continue to try and grow his own; but felt he needed a plan B. He would let his wallet do the talking. He would get the best boob job money could buy. Bob obtained an appointment to see Dr. Al, that very afternoon. He pitched his spiel on being unhappy with his breasts, thus having a negative impact on his self-esteem. The doctor was reluctant at first. Her knowledge of Bob was as a recalcitrant husband, not a transgender male. It took a great deal of pleading and some groveling. The doctor finally agreed to do a breast augmentation for Bobby. She explained she was experimenting with a new micro-surgery technique, that would result in minimum scaring and recovery time was measured in days. Bob requested a full D-cup, to ensure he would be larger than Phil. Unfortunately his pocket book couldn't afford those. After some negotiating, the doctor gave Bobby the club discount and agreed to implant double Cs. If he could come in on Wednesday, she'd just had a cancelation. Bob jumped at the chance and emptied the last of his prepaid debit card as a down payment. Bob drove straight home, called Malinda and apologized, saying he would miss Thursday but would show up on the following Tuesday. A creature of habit he took his daily allotment of girlie vitamins. He showered and went to bed, counting the hours till Wednesday. @ @ @ @ Sue sat beside the bed, watching a comatose Bobby. It was generally against policy to allow family into the recovery room, but the hospital had made an exception for her. When she had gotten the call from Alyssa, she had dropped everything and rushed here to the hospital. Sue wasn't sure if she was more upset about the fact that he hadn't told her that he was coming to the hospital for an operation or that he had not asked her about it first. Regardless, she had come close to losing her husband and she would deal with his foolishness when he felt better. What could have possessed her husband to undergo this operation? When Alyssa told her that he had experienced an emergency, the loss of Amy had flashed through her mind again. The feeling in her stomach had been a physical stab of pain. Losing Bob would probably have killed her too. Yes, she was holding him to his year of re-education, but she loved him for being willing to go through with it. Was Bob's current situation because of the re-education the ladies in her advisory group had pushed her to insist Bob accept? She could see that Bob's behavior at this past pageant was unacceptable and that a simple apology hadn't been enough. But Bob had nearly died today. Was it possible that she was being too blind in following the advice that she was being given? Sue totally forgot her train of thought as Bob groaned and tried to move his head. Her heart pounded as she stood up to see him more clearly. Her husband looked like an angel as he lay there and she was glad that he loved her. She wished that she could tell him properly how much she loved him, but communicating how she feels is something that she had always struggled with. All she can do is tell him that she loves him and how proud she is of him. He will just have to believe her. If not, oh well. Bobby slowly regained consciousness in the recovery room with an uncomfortable pressure on his chest. His room was full of flowers. Out of the corner of his eye he caught movement; Bob turned his head and tried to focus. He blinked twice not believing what he was seeing. There stood Sue with a concerned look on her face. Seeing that Bobby was awake, Sue rushed his to his side and clasped his hand firmly in hers. "I've been so worried about you. You had us scared there for a minute. You had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia. You have me listed as your contact in case of emergencies; I rushed right over when the hospital called. Why didn't you mention you were having elective surgery? I would have been here." Bob crooked out, "I wanted to surprise you." Sue lightly rested her hand on his heavily bandaged chest and replied, "You succeeded. I'm totally shocked. Why did you do it?" "It's for us." Bob squeezed Sue's hand, "I'm not going to disappoint you again. I need to be as much of a woman as I can. I owe you and all the ladies at the club that much. I was such a fool." Sue, fighting back tears, playfully said, "Bob, you have proved yourself to me already. I love you for that. Talking to your doctors you won't be at work tomorrow. You realize I'll have to dock your pay." She held his hand and said, "Bobby when this adventure started I wanted you to be passable, your grade is now the A range. I love you Bobby." A nurse suggested Sue leave to allow Bobby to get some rest. At the door she said, "I'll keep the wine chilled. You still owe me a cuddle. I intend to collect." @ @ @ @ When Sue called Candy that night to tell her about what had happened to Bob, Candy had been less than sympathetic. Sue had been taken aback when Candy told her, 'Maybe it might have been for the best.' She couldn't believe that her friend was actually saying that maybe her husband should have died. This was not the attitude that she expected from her friends and she had bluntly told Candy so. Her friend had immediately back-pedaled on what she had said and tried to explain away that she had meant that having Bobby out of Sue's life might the best for Sue. Candy had just said that Sue didn't need her own maid, she could share the one that Candy was training. There was an implied invitation to join Candy at her house. The conversation between Sue and Candy had not lasted much longer after that. Candy's statement had really bothered Sue. How could anyone say something like that and try to explain it the way she had? Maybe she needed to give a little more thought to what Candy was telling her before she blindly believed what she told her from now on. @ @ @ @ Bob gingerly cradled his friends on the taxi ride home. At his door sat was a brightly wrapped package. Bob took it into the house and tore the wrapping off. Inside he found an oyster smoke blue Satin Lace peignoir set and a matching set of mid high mules. It was the prettiest nightgown he'd ever seen. Pinned to it was a note. He opened it and saw a handwritten card. 'Miss Bobby, you're in our doghouse. How dare you not tell us about the new embellishments, we'd have been there for you! The only way you can make it up to us is to invite us for your grand unveiling. If we don't hear from you soon Alex will have you dragged in front of her entire class as a training aid. Love, Alex and Erika.' Bob fell asleep on the bed, cradling his new nightgown. He awoke several hours later, still half asleep he stumbled into the bathroom to down his pain meds, and then thought 'what the hell', as he took a handful of hormones, without even counting. On the way back to bed he realized what he' done and vowed to fight his addiction to the hormones. Bob mostly slept next few days, he felt totally drained. On Saturday morning he was awakened by a loud banging. He went to the door and found Sue, the first time she'd been to his place. "Get dressed Bobby, I promised to take you bra shopping and that's what we're going to do." Bob staggered back into his room as Sue pushed open the door. "My lord, Bobby this is a hovel. How do you live in a cramped space like this? My walk-in closet is larger." Bob took off his nightshirt which exposed his still bandaged breasts. "Sue, thank you for your offer; but the bandages don't come off until Saturday." "That doesn't mean we can't shop. What size did you order?" "38 double C." "That'll give us a wide selection, now get dressed. I want to see these French knickers you talked about." Bob retrieved the underwear from his laundry basket. Being uncomfortable getting undressed in front of his estranged wife, he turned his back to Sue, who thought Bob's modesty delightful. He held the panties in front of his dangly bits. She noticed a corset in the same pile Bob had found his undies. Unable to pass up the opportunity Sue embraced Bobby so he could get away. She wrapped the corset around her husband and hooked the front. It only took a few pulls to close the garment in the back. Bob was now appropriately corseted for the occasion; she couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease her husband. "Corsets, are diffidently more your style than mine; but they do give you an exquisitely feminine figure. He caught Sue's lascivious expression in the mirror. "Time to get you ready, give me those knickers," she continued with delight. Bob handed her Erika's pink panties. Sue pulled the panties up his waist, snapping the elastic band against his lower stomach for effect. Bob reflexively reached into his panties and tucked his thing out of sight completing his androgynous profile. Sue stepped back and surveyed the results of her efforts. "Oh, this is precious, Bobby I do love you so." she whispered into his exposed ear. She reached down and fiddled with the lace at the leg openings. With a devilish twinkle in her eye she said, "Erika really does have exquisite taste in lingerie." Bob's tongue got thick and perspiration poured from his armpits. He felt his face aflame in embarrassment. Sue took his hand and led him towards the bathroom mirror. "Come see, Bobby. You'll just love it." She stood him in front of the mirror as they both peered in at the reflection. Her bright smile was in huge contrast to his miserable expression. Again she adjusted the lace of the panties as Bob looked on in misery at the sight in the mirror. Sue just stood him there for a while; as he was somewhat mesmerized by what, was for him an embarrassing sight, his wife posing him in feminine underwear, while the satin tantalizingly rubbed his rosebud. She seemed delighted at his discomfort. Sue led him back into the room and had him sit at his vanity. She applied a heavy coat of mascara, combed his hair and applied a thick coat of lipstick. Throwing them in Bob's purse, Sue helped him into a skirt and blouse and then led him by the hand towards her car. Sue playfully squeezed his butt as she walked next to him. Bob reached back with his free hand and brushed her offensive grip away which only caused her to laugh and snap his panty waist band. As they arrived at her car, Sue grabbed him and kissed him firmly on the lips. She released her grip and headed for the driver's side. Bob was astounded to see Erika occupied the front seat and Alex in the back who said, "Don't just stand there Cutie Pie, get in the car. We have shopping to do." Bob got in next to Alex. She scooted over and nonchalantly rested her hand on his knee. She gave it a slight squeeze and she said; "You didn't think we'd miss this, did you? You started out as just another club project. However we now see the potential in you Miss Bobby Turner, and view you as a friend." Sue drove to the most exclusive boutique in the area. Bob sat and nervously starred out the window as Alex continued to sensually massage his knee and asked, "Is Candy meeting us here?" Bob shuddered at the thought and prayed she wouldn't be here. Sue pulled her car into the only available parking spot and turned around to face the backseat. She reached back and slapped Alex's hand that had started to wonder towards Bob's crotch and replied, "No, she wanted to be here for this, but she had to take Phil for his botox shots. She says it makes him look younger." Erika replied, "What's the matter, Phil can't go to the doctor by himself?" Sue laughed and said, "Candy says he's afraid of needles and wants her there to hold his hand. Don't quote me on this, but I suspect Candy is there to get a treatment for herself." Bob made a mental note to check on the availability and cost of Botox. The ladies clambered out of the car, excitement and anticipation written all over their faces. Bob brought up the rear of this happy caravan. Finally, Erika had enough of his foot dragging. She grabbed Bobby by the ear and marched into the opulent foyer of the trendy lingerie boutique. Bob managed to break free before Erika. Rubbing his red ear, Bobby said with a voice that was high and whispery, "Ladies! Just a minute! If I remember right, no one is allowed to help me in my preparations for the pageant. You all must know that." Sue sniggered, pulled Bobby to her and proudly asserted, "This has nothing to do with the pageant. I'm here as you loving wife, those ladies are just friends celebrating the addition of a new member to the sorority of sisterhood. Regardless of what's between your legs, your chest will permanently identify you as one of us." Sue then shocked Bob when right there in the middle of the store she kissed him full on the lips. A kiss that was filled more with love than lust. Erika gave up on the charade of impartial observer and pulled Bob out of Sue's arms and announced, "My turn." She kissed him forcefully and much to Bob's shock snaked a little tongue into his month before Alex pushed her way in. Her kiss was more gentle and sensual than the other two. A woman the salesclerk interrupted the love fest, "How may I help you ladies?" Erika replied, "We want to see lingerie, something outrageously sexy." Sue pulled her husband away and led him down the aisles of delicates and clung to his arm as she acted as his tour guide. Each woman took delight in picking out a bra for Bob. Each was racier than the one before. It was a fun, if uncomfortable for Bob. It brought back memories of when he and Sue had browsed the nursery departments picking out the most feminine baby outfits for their little Sally. Bob wondered if his feminization wasn't Sue's way of replacing Sally in her life. After what seemed a lifetime, the foursome stood in a staggered column at the checkout counter. Sue was first in line, she handed the clerk two brassieres. Alex looked questioningly at her. Sue held up a diaphanous bra and panty set. She whispered just loud enough so Bob overheard, "I've a special dinner date Saturday, if I play my cards right I might get lucky." Alex nodded knowingly and wondered if Sue was aware that Bob overheard her comment. Alex's responsibilities were to advise Susan on how to teach Bob to be a more caring and sensitive person. Alex thought that maybe they were working on the wrong person. Her experiences with Bobby had all been positive; the same couldn't be said for Sue. Her ambivalence toward Bob's feelings was hard to figure out. Having heard the story of how Bob's auto accident had killed Sue's baby. Alex speculated that perhaps Sue was subconsciously punishing Bob. Erika was the psychologist, Alex made a mental note to run that idea pass her friend. Erika too had heard Sue's remarks. In an attempt to cheer him up she whispered, "I'm sure it's just sex, she loves you." She saw the despair cross Bobby's face. "You didn't expect her to be celibate for a year did you?" "Well actually I did. Will you please take me to the car? I need the fresh air." Stepping outside, the skies darkened to match his mood. The sky crackled in giant gashes across the horizon. As thunder bellowed above, Bob dashed out from the canopy, the skies open with a deluge and sheets of rain drenched him instantly. As Erika fiddled with the car handle, the wind wailed wildly. Bob resigned himself to his fate and stood patiently waiting. Erika opened the door and dove in the backseat calling for Bobby. When he just stood there, Erika pulled Bob into the car where he sat and looked down at his shirt sticking to him. Then nature suddenly calmed, though a few rain drops still bounced of the car roof. They watched the other two women calmly making their way to the car, dodging the large puddles. His face wet from tears not rain. Erika held and rocked him. He finally put his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Erika hummed a soft lullaby until Bobby was asleep. Bob awoke groggy and confused. One look around and Bob realized they were in Sue's garage. Alex took Bob's hand and pulled him from the car, "Come on Bobby we need to get you out of those wet clothes. I keep an extra set here for when I spend the night. They should fit you." Bob gave her a quizzical look. Alex laughed. In answer to his unasked question she said, "Yes, Sue and I have become very close. We spend at least one night a week together. Come on, I've this lovely grey sheath dress that will look darling on you." Bob grabbed his purse from the backseat and allowed Alex to lead him to his old bedroom. Alex pulled a dress out from Sue's closet and slipped it over Bob's head the dress was snug but closed. She walked to Sue's vanity, brought back two handfuls of cosmetics and touched up his face. "Now you look presentable, let's go join the other ladies for a cocktail," announced Alex. She led him by the hand to the parlor where Erika stood in front of a roaring fire, trying to get dry. Sue was ensconced on the sofa. She glanced at Bob and Alex still holding hands and with an agitated expression on her face asked, "What took you two so long? Malinda, please go fetch us all a glass of wine?" Sue patted the seat next to her as an invitation. Bob took one step in that direction when Sue said with a touch of irritation, "Bobby, you go help Malinda." A wistful Bob followed the servant, unsure what he'd done wrong. As he entered the kitchen he said, "How can I help you?" Malinda smiled at Bobby and handed him a corkscrew and showed him where the wine was chilling. Bob opened the wine bottle while Malinda prepared a plate of cheese and crackers. Bob filled the glasses and placed them on the large serving tray. Before he could pick up the serving dish, Malinda crossed over to Bob and astounded him when she kissed him on the cheek. She laid her hand on his arm and said, "Mr. Turner, you're a very nice man." A flabbergasted Bob responded, "You know?" "Si, I know. I only have fifth grade education but I not stupid. When Ms. Turner hires me; your picture all over house. She makes me take them down, but I remember and recognize you. She keeps them in drawer of her night stand. When she sad; I often see her taking them out. There are some ladies from her club when they talk to Ms. Turner, always make her sad. They no good influence on her, not like nice ladies out there now." Malinda gently stoked the sleeve on Bob's blouse and said, "I no understand, what you do in a dress, but none my business. If you want help pretending to be woman, Malinda show you. If we have time I teach how keep house, sew, cook and bake. I show you everything you need to be a good domestic." "Thank you Malinda. I've no clue what's Sue's...I mean Ms. Turner ultimate intentions are for me. She has hired me to be your assistant two days a week. How about I wait for her to go to work, the other days? Once she has left I will come here and help with the housework. In return you can teach me those household tasks." Bob served the drinks, once everyone had a glass Sue raised hers and proposed a toast, "To womanly empowerment!" Bob thought for a moment with his glass raised and repeated something he'd read "If you want to change your life, you must first change your mind. The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothing." Everyone was mightily impressed by Bob's response. They touched glasses and drank a hearty toast. Sue insisted that he help Malinda serve dinner, the woman sat and chatted about poetry and music as Bob fluttered around insuring everyone's need were met. As Bob laid Sue's meal in front of her she looked up at her feminized husband, her eyes soft with affection. She lovingly placed her hand atop his and said, "Thank you dear." Bob took his hand back and curtsied as he responded, "Tis my pleasure Madam." Sue laugh nervously, "Where did that come from?" "I don't know, it just seemed appropriate." Bob sat and joined his companions for a delightful meal, remembering to speak only in his best girlie voice. The ladies were affable conversationalists; the table was a very lively place with five very sharp people all desperately competing for the last word. Bob enjoyed the dinner repartee immensely. As everyone finished their main course, Malinda stood and headed to the kitchen. Bob received a gentle kick to the shins and a head nod toward the kitchen from Sue. Bob understood immediately, "Malinda, let me help you." It would seem a maid's work is never done. The serving wenches prepared dessert. Bob carried several bowls of some kind of exotic ice-cream thing to the dining room. Bob only had a couple of small bites when Malinda, stood and started to clear away the last vestiges of the dinner party. Bob jumped to his feet to help. Sue said, "Girls leave the dishes in the sink till morning, why don't we all adjourn to the parlor." Bob and Malinda served everyone, coffee, tea and liquors and where invited to join in the refreshments and conversation. After everyone had gone home, Sue drove Bob home and walked him to his door where she gave him a chaste kiss on the mouth. Holding him at arm's length she asked, "I'm having a dinner party next Saturday, it's too much to handle for Malinda alone could I ask you to serve?" Without waiting for an answer she went on, "I won't take no for an answer. I'll have a car pick you up at 6. I expect you bright an early Tuesday. Good night." Bob turned his back to Sue, lest she see his tears. He heard the door close quietly as she left and walked down the hallway. Bob in a state of desperation, walked straight to his medicine cabinet and took a double dose of his forbidden girlie supplements. Sue's final request of him frightened him so badly that he was afraid that Sue was no longer thinking of him as her husband, despite all of her statements to the contrary. If he lost in the Beauty Pageant, those fears would be reality and he didn't know what he would do then. He had to find out how strong his competition was and he made up his mind that he was going to find out how Phil was doing, regardless of the rule Sue and Candy had given them. He knew that Candy's caller-id would show that he was calling and he would immediately lose the competition, so he punched the code to hide his identity and then dialed Candy's house. He was glad that he had gotten it back before this nightmare began and everyone was friends. Candy's number rang only a couple of times before it was answered. "Grant residence," a feminine voice said. Bob couldn't tell if it was Phil or not, he knew that no one recognized his own voice these days. He pitched his own voice so that it would be difficult, if not impossible for Candy to recognize him on the phone as well. "Hello, may I speak with Phil please?" "I'm sorry, but Phil is not available now. I have instructions to take a message and pass it on to him however. May I ask who is calling?" Bob found himself confused. Phil was supposed to be working as Candy's maid, but it didn't sound as if Candy was having him fill that role. Did that mean that she and Phil were breaking the rules of the bet so that she was helping Phil to prepare for the pageant without making him work for it? Where did that leave him then? How could he possibly beat Phil now? He was glad that he had decided to continue taking his supplements because he was going to need all the help he could get. ********** We find that comments are important to our writing. Please take the time to tell us what you think of this story.

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The Womanless Beauty Pageant Part 11 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 11 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second...

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The Pageant Part 2

The Pageant part 2. Barb had always been an attractive girl growing up. Tall and thin, small breast, tight ass, and the legs of a dancer. She wore her jet black hair shoulder length as she had in high school. Simple make-up had been enough to enhance her natural beauty. But Mr.Darrien had seen something special in her. She had only a few days to make a decision. The extra money would be a big help. It was time to get on with her life and there was the excitement of being able to be a contestant...

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The Pageant Part 4

After reading the note, Barb paused for a moment having lost track of Esther and Ann. They had moved to the door and stood waiting for her. They motioned for her to follow them. Stepping into the hall she was met by a tall young man in a black suite. Esther gave Babbs brief instructions. "Allow this young gentleman to escort you to the reception area. He will not leave you until you are in the company of Mr. Darrien. At the end of the dinner he will escort you back to the room where your...

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OOPPSS The Pageant

OOPPSS. The Pageant Or... OOPPSS I Did It Again...! By Maria Ski Things did change after the night I got caught coming in late by my mother. We had a long talk over breakfast the following morning. I had, as requested, dressed as Jennifer. And the upshot of the conversation was that Jennifer would be around a lot longer than I expected. The thought of being Jennifer both thrilled and made me a little nervous. But I believed, and so did my mother and sister, that I could rise to...

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The Worlds First Futa Futas Beauty PageantChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Award

April 17th, 2047 “So I think everyone in the audience and watching live around the world is interested in who won, Becky,” Adelia, the talk show host interviewing me, asked. “Which one of the three finalists impressed you the most?” “Well, it wasn’t an easy decision,” I said. “All three of them blew me away with their talent portion of the contests. They were all so eager to win and be crowned Ms. Bred 2019. Their horny and pregnant bodies quivered to please me.” “So that’s what it came...

2 years ago
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The Pageant Part 5

At the top of the stairs 14 women gathered. Each had on identical outfits. Everyone with the exception of Babbs had been here before. There was a dead silence as they milled about. It was only a matter of minutes before the first name was called. Down the stairs went a tall thin blond who was greeted with cheers and a round of applause. After what seemed like forever the second name was called. The her surprise, it was Babbs. Having been in other pageant as a young girl Babbs knew what to do....

3 years ago
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The Pageant Part 7

Babbs settled back into the sofa as Mr. Darrien slipped his arm around her should. The young man that had been her escort during the early part of the pageant served a round of drinks. Babbs took notice how built and attractive he was. Mr. Darrien pulled her closer to him breaking her line of thought. "You can call me Mr. D if you wish. All my close friends do." he whispered in her ear.A calm had come over her replacing the low voltage electricity that had been going through her body for the...

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Pageant Nightmare 2013

The women did not know what happened at first. One by one they woke up on the the floor of what looked like an old, abandoned warehouse. Just a few hours ago, they were on the big stage of the 2013 Miss universe competition. Now they lay on the floor with their hands tied behind their backs and gags in their mouths. Some tried to call for help, or scream in panic, but their gags muffled any sound they made. The women did not hear any noises they came to expect from such a big city like Moscow....

2 years ago
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Total Woman Pageants 02

Victor’s doorbell rang. He opened to a Polynesian beauty with almond eyes, thick straight black hair and all the right contours in all the right places. She was dressed in a woman’s business suit. She handed Victor an envelope and said ‘This is my letter of introduction.’ Victor opened the letter and read: To: Victor, Senior Pageant Trainer From: Ms. Smith, Chairwoman, Total Woman Pageants Board of Directors Subject: Fiona, Miss Fiji, Contestant for Miss Pacifica The bearer of this...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Pageants 01

Victor’s doorbell rang. He opened to a short bronzed beauty, well rounded in all the right places. She wore a short skirt, sleeveless white blouse and stylish high heels. She handed Victor an envelope and said ‘This is my letter of introduction.’ Victor opened the letter and read: To: Victor, Senior Pageant Trainer From: Ms. Smith, Chairwoman, Total Woman Pageants Board of Directors Subject: Bianca, Contestant for Miss Brazil The bearer of this communique is Bianca. She is a candidate for...

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Total Woman Pageants 06

Victor’s doorbell rang. He opened to find his latest tutoring subject. She wore a leather neck collar with silver rings peeking beneath her shoulder length red tresses. Her outfit was a tight fitting sleeveless black dress, cut low in the cleavage and high on her thighs. Her strappy black heels held ankle rings with little locks for closures. She carried her overnight bag in both hands in front, as if further shielding her dress obscured pussy. The wrists cuffs held rings also. She handed...

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Total Woman Pageants 03

Victor’s doorbell rang. He opened to find his latest tutoring subject. She was a brown beauty with shoulder length dreadlocks bound haphazard in a narrow flowered headscarf tied close to her scalp. Dark eyes, dusky smooth face and baggy Reggae clothing completed the look. She handed Victor an envelope and said: ‘This is my letter of introduction.’ Victor opened the letter and read: To: Victor, Senior Pageant Trainer From: Ms. Smith, Chairwoman, Total Woman Pageants Board of Directors ...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Pageants 05

Victor’s doorbell rang. He opened to find his latest tutoring subject. She was more petite than the usual candidates. Her pixie cut blond hair hung over her eyes and barely covered her neck. Her petite build was offset by modest firm breasts with nipples poking at the tight gym teeshirt and a trim ass under silky gym shorts. She handed Victor an envelope and said ‘This is my letter of introduction.’ Victor opened the letter and read: To: Victor, Senior Pageant Trainer From: Ms. Smith,...

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Total Woman Pageants 04

Victor’s doorbell rang. He opened to find his latest tutoring subject. She was a buxom goddess with dark hair, blue eyes, rosy cheeks, wearing a diaphanous translucent harem costume. It revealed her entire barefoot body as she wore nothing else underneath. She handed Victor an envelope and said ‘This is my letter of introduction.’ Victor opened the letter and read: To: Victor, Senior Pageant Trainer From: Ms. Smith, Chairwoman, Total Woman Pageants Board of Directors Subject: Moryha of the...

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Their Fair Pageant

It had been Kelly’s idea to visit the fair. She’d been chasing Ben all summer and his band had got a booking to play the beer tent, doing their covers set for the drunks. She was desperate to go, having spent the summer trying to catch his eye every Friday night across the bar at the Fox, but he’d not shown more than a passing interest, no matter how overt she’d been with her flirting.In her head, this was going to be her big moment, when he’d gaze out across the trestle tables and sea of red...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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