Learning About Jacking Off Part Eighteen free porn video

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I woke up in the morning with a mouth on my cock. I opened my eyes and there was Gloria slurping on me. She was naked and intent on my cock. I moved my hand to her bare ass next to me and shoved two fingers into her cunt. Her head jumped up with that and she laughed. "Careful with that stud. It's lucky I didn't bite you."

She asked if she could have a free fuck and I shrugged my shoulders in a way that meant 'sure'. She wanted to talk to me face to face so she straddled my cock and slid herself down onto it. She asked me about my gig with 'Ruby'. I told her it was fine. The client had enjoyed it and so had I.

Gloria was moving slowly up and down on my shaft, wiggling her hips a bit as she did so. Her nipples were very very hard. "Peter, I have been thinking about our relationship and the one you have with Mrs. Wilson. I have been talking to friends who have talked to friends about you. Your story, so to speak, and your skills, which are excellent! I know that for the summer you work for her during the days while your parents are at work. I am wondering if there might be a way you could be available for me on select evenings, say one or two nights a week up to maybe as much as eight or ten times a month. I know you have to deal with your parents. By the way, where did they think you were last night?"

I told her about my Mark sleep-over thing. I did tell her I might be able to work out up to five nights a month, but my parents would become suspicious if I did anything more. She asked about weekends and I said there was a chance there, but it couldn't be all the time since my parents were home. We finally decided that I would call Gloria on a Thursday when I got home from school. She would tell me if there were clients coming up in the next week or weekend. She HAD to have a reliable way for me to service the women or the business would go bust. For the eight weeks of summer that were left it would be easier to contact her.

She was working this all out as we fucked. It was a working fuck, like a working lunch. Finally she said, "I know! Let's have it be a rare thing. I will have anonymous testimonials from women who have been fucked by you to share with the prospective clients. Of course you will have women clients that have already been with you. I will have some pictures of you for the new ones, maybe you should wear a mask for that. The Robin mask would be perfect. So, since it would be a rare thing, and the demand would, so to speak, be built up, I would offer you to women who are willing to pay a certain premium amount, let's say $700 for a night. That would be $500 for you and the rest for me. It would be a little cheaper if they had friends who came along with them. We would make more money and they would pay a little less.

I thought about it and said that sounded just fine. She laughed and clapped her hands together. She leaned forward, clamped her mouth on mine as she rode my cock like a jockey heading for the finish line. She was doing all the moving and she did have quick hips. I shot my semen up into her as her tongue and mine were working together simulating that cock/cunt action.

When we were done, we took a shower. She handed me my money for last nights assignation. I tucked the money into my pocket and she said she would take me home. I had her drop me at the same place she had dropped me before.

She waited for me to turn down the alley before she drove her car away.

I walked the block and a half to home, went in the back gate and on into the house. Once in my room I found another note pinned to my pillow. It read, "Peter, I really enjoyed myself last night. If your father asks you why you are spending so much time with Mark, he did ask ME that question, just tell him you and he are working together on jobs, mowing lawns, raking yards, watching homes while people are gone on vacation. Tell him you are making money to pay for your school clothes next year. All that will make him feel better about it. You might show him some money you have made...I think about $80 would be enough for him to know that you are working. The panties I wore last night are under your pillow. You probably don't even need that anymore, but I had to give you something personal."

I put everything in my special box and wandered over to the window. Mrs. Wilson was nowhere to be seen. I stood there for a while, then looked over at Ellen's window. She was there waving at me. I waved back. I saw her disappear from the window and minutes later she was knocking at my door.

I opened the door and she had a look on her face. Closing the door behind her I asked if something was wrong. She didn't talk for a while then asked, "Daddy says that you have been having sex with other women Peter. He says you are getting paid to fuck them. Is that right?" I was kind of glad the cat was out of the bag, because I really liked Ellen and didn't like lying to her, even if it was lies of omission. We sat on the couch and talked it through. I told her the other women weren't my idea. They were her mother's idea and that I thought it was great because I was making some money and having fun doing it. I told her I hadn't talked about that because it wasn't my business to say so. Now that Dan had done it, I didn't mind talking about it at all.

She asked how much money I made doing that. I told her. Her mouth dropped and she just stared at me. After a while she asked how many women I had fucked already. I said ten since that was the quick answer I had given Gloria. I didn't talk about Gloria though since she was an interloper. We sat in silence for a while then Ellen asked if we could fuck. I brightened at that and asked where she wanted to do that.

She thought about it for a while then said, "I want to fuck other guys Peter. I mean you are fucking other...women." It took me a little while to explain that I liked Ellen, and the women I fucked for money weren't exactly like just a job, but I didn't think I knew anyone who would pay to fuck her. I said I wouldn't know how to set that up at all. Apparently Ellen wasn't thinking about money. She was thinking about what it would be like to fuck another guy or guys. She said she had been thinking about Mark and Buddy. "Those poor boys don't know how to be around girls...isn't that what you said? Don't you think they would like to be around a girl like me who likes to fuck and is willing to help?" I thought about that a minute and knew she would be the right person to help them get over their nervousness with females. I suggested I could call one of them and ask him to come over to the house.

"I think that's a great idea Peter. Whoever you call, make sure that he knows you want him to come over for something special that he can never tell anyone else about. I don't want this all over school. I said I didn't want that either and I thought I would be able to get a promise like that from each one of them. She asked if I could call one of them now. She followed me downstairs to the hall phone. I called Mark. The phone rang a long time then finally he picked it up. "Hello, Arnold residence." His parents certainly had him well trained. I laughed and said, "Hey asshole it's Peter. What are you doing right now?" He gave me some shit back and said he was doing nothing special. I asked if he could come over to my house because I had something that was really special to talk about with him. He asked what it was, but I wouldn't tell him. I told him to come to the back door and I would be at the kitchen table. He said he would be there in fifteen minutes, then asked again what it was about. I just said, "I know you'll like it...in fact you will LOVE it. Just get over here."

After we hung up Ellen and I talked about the best way to do this. We decided that she would stay in my room and would be naked on my bed. That was her suggestion. I would talk to Mark at the table in the kitchen about this girl I know and that she was interested in him. I would ask him if he would like to see her. I told her it wouldn't take much to get Mark charged up about this. Ellen asked again if I knew if he had ever jacked off. I was pretty sure he hadn't, but who knew. She took off her clothes. She put the shoes and socks on the floor, her panties, shorts and tee shirt on my desk. She gave me a kiss and said, "I am really excited Peter." I felt her cunt and said, "Yeah, you really are excited." That was when I heard the knock at the back door. I kissed her, then bolted out of the room, shut the door and ran downstairs.

Mark was my age. He was as tall as I was, but while I had light brown hair and blue eyes, he had dark wavy hair and brown eyes. He had a prominent nose he called his 'wop nose'. His family was Italian.

I opened the door and I could see that he had broken all kinds of records getting to my house by how hard he was breathing. He asked right away, "So what is it I am going to LOVE?" I got out some lemonade, poured myself a glass and asked if he wanted some. He nodded so I poured two glasses. We sat at the table.

I took a sip and then asked, "So how is your love life Mark?" He was silent for a while then said, "My love life? Don't tell me you've gone queer on me now." I laughed and said "No" and then asked if he had kissed a girl yet. I told him quickly that I had kissed a girl and done more than that. His eyebrows shot up and he asked, "What do you mean by 'done more than that.'"

I got serious then and told him that he had to promise to keep what I was about to tell him a secret between him, me...and the girl." Mark sat there quietly so I went on. "There is a girl in my room right now. I have fucked her more than a few times. She is a wonderful person and you are never to call her any bad names. You are never to tell anyone else from the neighborhood, or at school what we do with her. She goes to our school."

Mark's face was red. "You...you've...fucked her? More than one time?" I nodded my head. "And she...this girl...she would let me fuck her too?" I nodded my head. "Is she pretty?" I nodded my head and then said, "You don't fuck a face Mark, you fuck a pussy." He asked if she was older than we were. I told him she was two years younger and that he probably would recognize her from school. I made him promise then to never tell anyone and to always be nice to her. I said, "She is not a slut, but she loves to fuck. I told her I thought you had not ever fucked a girl and she thought it would be nice if she let you fuck her."

Mark promised and asked in a cracked voice, "She's in your room?" I nodded my head and then said, "She is totally naked and lying on my bed." Mark's face was beet red now and he said, "Well what are we waiting for?" The next second he was saying, "I don't really know what to do." I asked him if he had ever jacked off. Mark didn't know what that meant. I told him then, "If you just do what comes naturally you will find that everything will be just perfect. Ellen is on the pill, so you don't have to worry about her getting pregnant." He nodded his head quickly. "And she is upstairs in your room? and she's naked? And she wants me to fuck her?" I smiled at all three questions and ended with a firm "Yes."

We stood up and Mark's cock was very hard. As we walked up the stairs I said that I sometimes would fuck her two or three times before we were through. He mouthed the word 'WOW'. Then he thanked me for doing this.

When we got to the room, I whispered that he should knock on the door and say it's Mark. I told him to ask if it was all right to come into the room.

He knocked lightly on the door. In a musical voice Ellen said, "Yes, who is it?" Mark croaked out, "It's Mark." He asked me in a whisper if I was going to be there while this all happened and I nodded my head.

"Please come in Mark. I am on the bed and I don't have any clothes on." The door creaked as Mark slowly opened it. I think he might have thought it was a joke on him until he saw the naked girl on my bed. She was sitting up, one foot on the bed and the other foot on the floor. The sun was shining in the room and she was beautiful. She stood up then and held her hand out to Mark as he walked closer to her. Mark tried to look at her face, but they focused on her naked slit between her legs. She shook his hand then said, "I hear you have never kissed a girl before." Mark nodded his head. She moved her naked body to him, put her arms around his neck and fortunately he moved his head down to kiss her lips. The first kiss was quick. Then they pulled away from each other and Mark licked his lips. The second kiss was obviously Mark's introduction to French culture. That kiss was epic. Ellen pressed her groin against Mark's obvious erection. Finally the two of them sat on the bed.

"Don't you think Mark it would be good if you took off your clothes?" He stood up immediately and pulled off his shirt and then unbuttoned his Levis and tried to take them off. Before he got his shoes stuck in his jeans Ellen said, "taking your shoes off first would be a good idea Mark." He thanked her, sat on the bed and removed them and then his pants. His underwear was still on. He stood up then and took them off.

I sat at my desk chair and watched the whole thing proceed.

Mark stood there in front of her, his cock hard as rock. Being Italian, he had lots of black hair around his prick. Ellen sat on the bed and said, "You have a very nice cock Mark. Would it be all right if I touched it?" He just shook his head yes and moved closer to her. Ellen's slim wrist and hand moved slowly to the throbbing member. I could almost feel her silky fingers as they slid along his shaft. Mark jerked involuntarily at the first touch, then pushed his cock forward for whatever Ellen wanted to do. She gently stroked his cock and said, "I would love to feel this cock inside of my pussy Mark. Would you like to fuck me right now?" Mark said, "Right NOW." She took my pillow and placed it where she could lay her butt on it. She lay back on the bed, her ass on the pillow and her legs spread. "You've never fucked a girl have you Mark?" He shook his head no. "You might want to go slow until you know how to move in me so you don't pop out...though that's okay too. I am ready for you Mark."

Marked went to the foot of the bed. His body was shaking, but he moved steadily forward until his cock was just inches above her slit. Ellen smiled at him and spread her lips apart. Mark's eyes burned into the open red cunt she offered him. He put his hands on either side of her hips and moved his cock so it could meet the opening she was offering. Ellen used her right hand to hold her lips apart and her left hand to guide Mark's thick cockhead into her cunt. "I am very wet Mark. Your cock will be able to slide all the way into my cunt. You can move as you wish. I have heard that boys come soon the first time they fuck. Don't worry about that because you will be ready for more. I will be ready for more too."

I watched the purple plum at the tip of his cock push into Ellen. He seemed amazed at how slippery she was and mouthed the word "Wow". She put here hands on his chest as Mark slid his cock all the way into a cunt for the first time. When he was all the way inside her he stopped. She lifted her head to his and kissed him tenderly. She whispered then, "It would be good Mark if you moved your cock in and out of me. I love the feel of your cock inside of me, but I want you to MOVE."

Mark went to town then. Soon the sounds of his cock slapping into her bare cunt was filling the room. That lasted about thirty seconds and Mark had his first orgasm. He didn't really know what was happening except that it felt really really great. He was buried in her cunt saying, "Oh Fuck! Oh Wow O Fuck." Ellen giggled and kissed him and asked, "So, now that you're not a virgin anymore Mark. How did you like it?"

Mark kissed her hard then and when he pulled away said, "Thank you so much Ellen for letting me do this." She put her hands on his bare ass and said, "I'm ready for more fucking. How about you lover boy?" He nodded his head and kissed her again. He started moving inside her again and Ellen said, "This way to fuck is nice for the first time because we can see each other's face. There is another way Peter and I fuck that I like even better. Want to try that one?"

Mark nodded his head and pulled his cock out. His shaft was coated with semen. Soon after it was out of her red slit, semen started flowing from her. I piped up then and said, "That was your semen Mark...all that white stuff. Your sperm is swimming around in there. If Ellen wasn't on the pill she would probably be pregnant right now." Mark leaned back and watched the semen flow.

Ellen got up on her hands and knees and said, "This is how dogs do it Mark. Fuck me from behind. I would like it if you touched my ass. If you want to reach around and touch my nipples that would be nice. I'm sorry I don't have much for tits right yet. Someday I think I will be almost as big as my mother."

After she was in position Ellen put her face on the pillow, reached around and spread her lips. "Fuck me Mark, Fuck me hard and Fast. FUCK ME!!"

Mark had the head in and slammed into the girl. His big balls were pounding against her hard clit. Ellen was groaning and pushing back as he pushed into her. By this time I had my cock out and was jacking off slowly as I watched them fuck. The second time lasted about twice as long as the first time. The third and fourth times seemed to have a mathematical progression to their duration depending on the order in which they came.

When it was all over Ellen asked Mark if he would like to watch Peter fuck her. He grinned and said, It's only fair."

I stood up and stripped. Ellen got up so I could lie on the bed. Without looking at Mark, she said, "This was the way Peter and I fucked the first time. if you know about the cherry or if you don't, there was a membrane inside of my pussy that had to tear when his cock pushed against it that first time when I was still a virgin. I fucked him like this so I could control my movements. Now my cunt doesn't hurt at all and I love this way to fuck too.

Mark's jizz cushioned my shaft as she moved down on me. When she pulled up, his white semen coated my cock. Ellen fucked me in a languid motion, moving her hips from side to side sometimes. I looked over at Mark and he was hard again. Ellen saw where I was looking and said, "Mark, come here please and I will suck your cock while I fuck Peter's cock." He tried to get his cock at the right level for her. She stopped us though and said, "Peter, if you fuck me doggy, Mark could sit on the pillow and I could easily suck his cock."

He did that and I had my first threesome that day in my room. Mark came over for the next three days and we fucked there. After that day, when Mark had left, Ellen asked about Buddy. I had to think about that a bit. The decision was made that I would call him for Monday.

More later.

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Remembering Eighteen

Look, man, everybody whines about turning thirty in private, you know that. I’m just honest about it with my friends is all. And it isn’t just being thirty. Maybe it’s the city and the tiny apartment and the bouncing from one job to another for ten years. I like it most of the time but it ain’t where I thought I’d be when I was a kid. I never wanted to live in the suburbs like Missy probably is now, but it’d be nice to have the option, you know? And I don’t. I can’t afford that bedroom...

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Eighteen By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1- Background My life and the lives of everyone else on Earth were shaped by two events that followed close together following the end of World War II. Six months following the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and their unconditional...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 13 The Party Pt 1

Introduction: Silks first play party. She learns a lot… Ok first thing is first… I figured out how to sort of get a table of contents in here. I will post then right here before each story… For this first one Ill put everyone up till now. After Ill just put the last few so you know youre in order. Here goes. They may be out of order on the site as well… Also if you want me to let you know when I update send me an email. I make a list of my fans and send them updates as to when I post new stuff…...

1 year ago
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Jacking Off Over The Phone

I remember very vividly the best, sizzling jack off session that I had experienced during my twenty-seven years of existence. The jerk off session took place over the phone with a stranger that I had met on a local partyline. It was an unforgettable encounter that left both of our cocks throbbing and quivering uncontrollably from the intense pleasures that deep masturbation has to offer. Everytime I think and reminisce about the delightful jack off session, I get turned on and sexually aroused...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 13 The Party Pt 1

************************************************************************************************ 01. Learning the Lifestyle Pt1 02. Learning the Lifestyle Pt2 03. Learning the Lifestyle Pt3 04. Learning the Lifestyle Pt4 05. Learning the Lifestyle Pt5 06. Learning the Lifestyle Pt6 07. Learning the Lifestyle Pt7 08. Learning the Lifestyle Pt8 09. Learning the Lifestyle Pt9 10. A Night out Dancing 11. Sunday 12. And So It Begins 13. The Party Pt1 14. The Party Pt2 15. Feeling...

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Cock Worshipper Part 4 Eighteen

Introduction: These were the experiences I had the year I was 18. Cock Worshipper Part 4: Eighteen When I was18 is when I came out to everyone, although no one was surprised and I think I always had that cocksucker look about me. It was shortly after I had met a guy named Joey who did gay porn. I wont reveal his stage name, out of respect, but I will say he was in his 20s, Italian, with black hair and blue eyes and very hot. We met through a party line and I drove to his flat where he lived...

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Jacking in my hose at the park

So I had a rare weekend to myself and thought I'd try to make the most of it. I wanted to cruise a couple of parks I knew about and hit some adult bookstores or theaters. I started off by going to an adult theater on a Friday afternoon. It was really dead so I ended up jacking off in a booth before I went home. Later that evening before I went to eat I stopped by one of the parks. Wasn't much happening but I was really horny so I pulled into next to a guy in an SUV. I played with myself a...

2 years ago
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Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette Episode 2

Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette - Episode 2 © 2002 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war kein Geheimnis: Ich flog nicht gerne. Das hie? zwar nicht, dass ich mich beim Anblick eines Flugzeuges mit diversen Panikattacken l?cherlich machte, aber aus irgendeinem Grund hatte ich eine Abneigung gegen das Fliegen entwickelt - oder besser gesagt, gegen gro?e Passagiermaschinen. Kleine Sportflugzeuge hingegen machten mir nicht das Geringste aus. Wenn man sich dem kleinen Flieger auf die Sei...

3 years ago
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Dick Jacking Handjobs

you're sitting here between Them... two men... black men... who are Both... still fully dressed... save for Their long and hard... huge black pricks... sticking out of Their pants... jutting up high... and hard... in the air... and somewhat... pointed in your direction... because of how you're sitting... and what you're doing... between Their legs... just sitting here... between Them... in the dayroom... except... that you're the one... who's totally... and completely naked... with your...

4 years ago
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Wife Caught Me Jacking Off

I remember the first time my dominant wife caught me jacking off. Boy did she punish me. I got home from work early and I was feeling horny so I turn on Pornhub on the tv.I took off my clothes and got up on the bed. I was stroking my hard cock and playing with my balls. I could tell I was going to cum hard and fast so I stopped and went and got a cock ring.I also got out the wife's biggest dildo and some lube. I put the cock ring on and lubed up my hungry ass rubbing the lube into my hot...

1 year ago
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Nice Surprise After Getting Caught By Wife Jacking

N I C E S U R P R I S E A F T E R A F T E R G E T T I N G C A U G H T True story… I usually get up a few hours before my wife. So I’m on the computer, on X-Hamster, talking to a guy who wants to show me his tiny dick and masturbate. I oblige him and get my camera set up to point at my crotch when my wife shows up out of nowhere. She hardly ever gets up this early. Before I could close the page, she get a good glance at what I’m looking at. I had just...

2 years ago
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Wife caught me Jacking Off

I remember the first time my dominant wife caught me jacking off. Boy did she punish me. I got home from work early and I was feeling horny so pull up some porn on my computer and cast it to the tv. I took off my clothes and got up on the bed. I was stroking my hard cock and playing with my balls. I could tell I was going to cum hard and fast so I stopped and went and got a cock ring.I also got out the wife's biggest dildo and some lube. I put the cock ring on and lubed up my hungry ass rubbing...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Mrs Hoffman

A DN sister “gas” story.A nurse collected the last patient, this time a young schoolgirl, her mum was told to wait for her and as the nurse led her away, I heard her tell her there was nothing to be scared about, and that they had some special black chewing gum for her that she had to bite not chew. An euphemism for the prop no doubt. I’d be next. I thought back to how I’d got myself into the predicament of being in a waiting room queue for gas extractions. I’d applied for a Dental nurse job at...

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Right from the Start Chapter Eighteen

Right from the Start, Chapter Eighteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door who has now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Friends, Mary is 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist;. Sophia & Alicia; Mary and Sandra's...

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Jacking Off in Front of Her Friends With Kelly

It was the summer of 1988. We attended our ten-year high school reunion. Kelly had a gang of girls she had run with since eighth grade. We left the reunion around midnight. Five of the women and I were invited to the parent’s house of one of them. Donna lived out of town and was staying there and her folks were also out of town, so we had the place to ourselves. The main reason we all went for an ‘after party’ was that they had a huge in-ground pool.We arrived and broke out the bar and ladies...

4 years ago
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Caught jacking off my shemale cock

Nothing like lying in bed, naked, legs spread, lubing up your cock, my shemale cock is 7 inches with a big mushroom head, and start jacking off to porn or mags or fantasies, and you think no one will catch you. Wrong! Was at a slumber party years ago, only 17, and found a spare room with a bed, so i went in, thought i locked the door, but didn't. I took off my clothes and wet panties, and started to jack my cock off to a porn mag i had with me. I was moaning and it felt so good, then the door...

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Learning More About The Neighbors Part 1

My wife and I are in our 50s and have been married for about 25 years. We are ordinary people. I work at a bank, while Rosie gave up her career in retailing to raise our two sons. We have always been faithful to each other and I would describe our sex life as 'average'. I always thought that Rosie was a bit too conservative about sex and was afraid to experiment. However, as I loved her so much, I was happy to give up some cheap thrills for the benefits of a loving, committed relationship. It...

Love Stories
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Jacking with a Buddy

When was the last time you jerked off with a friend?For me, it was last week. I travel a lot for business, and one area I often visit is Charleston, Illinois. I've made many extended trips there but only once every couple of years, unfortunately. I love the area and have made several good friends there. One of those friends is Matt, a very good looking, 30 year old, gay man, with dark, slightly receding hair, a beautifully hairy chest, and a terrific naturally fit body. We met through a mutual...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Panties jacking off and the pool shower

As a k** growing up, my mom would take me and my sister with her all the time to visit several of her lady friends. I use to jack off at night thinking about some of these much older, but super hot ladies my mom was friends with.When I became a teenager, I was with her one time at a ladies house for a visit and I went in to use her bathroom. I had sniffed my sisters panties a few times growing up (my first smell of pussy) and the smell of pussy would make me hard as a rock and I would shoot...

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Jacking Off 101

I've had some very interesting responses to some of my stories in the past regarding male masturbation. I love it. I hope you've discovered the pleasures of masturbation too, whether you're a man or a woman. I know most sexual people like me find that self-masturbation is a very important thing in order to get your sexual pressures relieved at some times. I knew one young lady who was so sexy and so routinely horny that even though she was getting fucked regularly, after I'd spent a little...

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“Did he have an erection for you in he showers? Did you have an erection for him? Did he proposition you? I want to know.” “Yes, to all your questions Sarah, he wants to have both of us,” I reply. “He had his hand on my erection when he told me he and I had the most impressive cocks in the gym.” “Are you happy to share him with me?,” Sarah asked that night as we pleasured each other with our tongues. “Yes, he expects some of his friends to share us also,” I tell Sarah. “Let’s set a target...

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Jacking and Jilling with Heather

Heather grinned with a gleam in her eyes, told me she would be over to my swimming pool within five minutes, and then quickly disappeared into her house. I went into my house, took off all of my clothes, wrapped a large beach towel around myself, and then went out to my swimming pool to wait on Heather. I didn’t have to wait long until Heather came through the gate in the wooden privacy fence between my front yard and the back yard where my pool is just inside the fence. She was wearing a...

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Jacking Off

Dave showed up at my house a few days later and showed me the contents of the bag he was carrying. A nice stack of playboys. He borrowed them from his dad's stash in their garage. "You want to head out to the fort and check these out?" "Yeah, let me finish up breakfast," I said ... Dave sat and chatted with my mom for a few minutes and then we grabbed our bikes and headed out to the woods. The woods was a five or six acre patch of trees near my house that had not yet been developed. We...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

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Cock Worshipper Part 4 Eighteen

When I was18 is when I came out to everyone, although no one was surprised and I think I always had that “cocksucker” look about me. It was shortly after I had met a guy named Joey who did gay porn. I won’t reveal his stage name, out of respect, but I will say he was in his 20’s, Italian, with black hair and blue eyes and very hot. We met through a party line and I drove to his flat where he lived with his partner who was in his 40’s and flirted with me a lot. But that night when we first...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 10 The First Offspring Says NO

“Vert, we have been training for almost a week. We’ve improved and now we’re fairly good, but these Assault Troops are immeasurably better. If we have to make planet fall, I want one of our boy toys on each side of me. What about you?” “Yeah, I guess so, Relpt.” “What’s wrong, Vert?” “I’m not sure, Relpt. I’ve got this premonition that things aren’t going to go the way everyone is expecting them to go.” “What do you mean?” “Well everyone seems to be split between two camps. One camp...

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Learning How Part Two Learning the Ways of the World

My name is Donna, and you already know me if you read "Learning How - Part One." Then you know about how I was a young girl and gave myself to my employer while babysitting and became his little whore. I know some of you asked to hear more about my adventures, so here it is! Anyhow, after Ron broke my cherry, we had regular sex a couple of times each week, and I was making real money from him at twenty bucks a pop. I was so naive, thinking that I was doing well financially for that...

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wife ask me to jerkoff for Gina

As you now may know I love to jerkoff and do it every day, sometimes twice even if I fuck my wife. She has gotten use to me playing with my cock all the time. I jerked off for her on our very first date when she was having  her period.I use to hide it from her  like in the shower, the bathroom, behind the garage, but she caught me a few times and just smiles and says have fun.  Gradually she started to like for me to jerk off for her usually when she's fully clothed. She would tell me how hot...

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A Turnabout Party

A Turnabout Party Chapter 1 You are kidding me? It was Monday. I had just finished cooking dinner and my wife had just walked in the door from work. She set her things down and just said, "You may get your wish." "My wish?" "Yes. Your wish for us to go out with you looking like a woman." You see I'm a work at home husband, doing on-line editing of technical books, papers, and the like. My wife is a high end professional woman. I...

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Learning the Lifestyle Part 71

“I have a dungeon which we will use later, but since Silk if just starting out tonight I wanted to go slow,” He told them as he turned to the first bin. Noting it was Stacie’s, he decided she would go first. He grabbed out some cuffs, a flogger, a blindfold and a riding crop and placed them on a small table he had placed near. He fished in his pocket for the leash he always kept. Turning to Stacie, he tapping her on the shoulder with the riding crop he said, “Stand up slave, your first,”...

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Learning the lifestyle Part 2

Wondering how he seemed to know, she answered, “Reed and I slept together when we could before I totally ended it with Neil. Reed made no secret about it either. He would kiss me just when he knew Neil would catch us. Once he had me straddling his lap kissing me when Neil caught us. My father aided in this too. Neil got really jealous and I tried to get him to believe that Reed was doing it to piss him off. No one knew that Neil could get violent though. Finally one night after he caught Reed...

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