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It’s been more than three years & to this day I’ll never know what came over me on that red-eye flight back to Baltimore. I’ve never done anything like it before or since. I’m not that kind of woman (or at least I didn’t think I was). Sometimes it seems like I just dreamed it.
But I can’t forget the exhilarating, sweeping sense of power & erotic ecstasy it gave me handling that handsome stranger’s huge cock — & the dirty pleasant of sharing him with the flight attendant. My God! I’m cringing & blushing just writing this. It’s both the most shameful & most thrilling experience I ever had.
What made me do it? Who knows? Maybe it was the fact that my husband Bill & I had been bickering during that whole week-long vacation to Seattle. It was supposed to be a romantic getaway. I had looked forward to lots of long nights of hot sex. But instead, we fought the whole time. By the time we were ready to board the midnight flight I was feeling two very dangerous emotions: extreme sexual frustration & the angry urge to obtain back at Bill somehow. We were both sulking by the time the flight was called, standing away from each other. I was approximately seven people behind him in the very short boarding line. I could see it was going to be a pretty empty flight. There were only approximately 20 of us on a plane that held more than 100 people.

I’m not sure what made me drop my purse. I guess part of it was simple sleep-deprived clumsiness. I was not only angry & frustrated that night, I was moreover tired. The past few nights had been spent in those bitter, exhausting arguments that go nowhere. So I was in a bit of a fog as I watched my husband board ahead of me. I reached in my purse to obtain my boarding pass & it slid off my shoulder & fell to the floor, some of its contents spilling out. I started to bend down to pick it up. But before I received the chance, I felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder gently compelling me to remain upright. Out of nowhere, a powerfully built man in a sleeveless T shirt & ragged gray sweat pants had stepped up from behind me in line & was kneeling before me, picking up my lipstick, my compact, my keys & my wallet; placing them back in my purse. I hadn’t noticed him before & still couldn’t see his face. But it was pretty clear he worked out regularly. Under his backpack, his back & shoulders were broad, & his arms were well toned. Not an ounce of fat on him. His body was firm & fit without that gym-rat, overkill, body-builder muscularity. I remember thinking, albeit subconsciously, “Hmm, where was this man when I was single?” It was just innocent musing; a vague fantasy — I thought.
But when he’d refilled my purse & rose to hand it to me, I felt something overwhelming happen. It was something I hadn’t felt in years — with Bill or anyone else: Instant, full-out arousal. He had an incredibly gentle, yet masculine face; clear blue eyes, bright teeth. But it was more than just satisfactory looks. It was his smile that received me. He was flashing me a broad grin brimming with overconfident sexual innuendo. No. More than “innuendo,” more than “overconfident.” That smile can only be described as arrogant. I think that’s what lit me up: The disarming boldness of it. He was standing less than two feet away, smiling at me as though . . . (How can I put this?) . . . as though he owned me, as though he were claiming me with his eyes. He looked deep into me & held the look for a length of time that should have felt rude. But instead of feeling violated & angry, I was suddenly on fire. I could actually feel my face flush, my pussy dampen & my nipples harden. And just as I became aware of the last-named sensation, I saw him drop his eyes to my tits & nod approvingly, his smile becoming even broader. “Uh…Th — thank you,” I said, taking the purse from him. My hands were actually trembling. I found it complex to catch my breath. Jesus, I thought, what the fuck is this? After what seemed like an eternity, he “released” me. (Yes that’s what it felt like, as if he were releasing me from his spell.) He shifted his backpack & moved farther back in the line where he’d presumably come from.

I recovered somewhat, presented my boarding pass & started moving down the gangway. By the time I reached the entrance to the plane, I had almost put it behind me. My mind returned to my anger at my husband. Our boarding passes said Row 17 B & C. And as I moved in, I noticed Bill was sitting in his assigned seat (the middle one). But I decided to be spiteful & moved all the way back to Row 22 — the last row. I took the window seat, sat back & closed my eyes a moment feeling that “guess-I-showed-you” sense of victory. I was almost asleep when I heard a woman’s voice asking, “Can I obtain you a pillow & blanket?” I opened my eyes to see a lovely playful-looking blond flight attendant smiling at me. “Yes,” I said. “That would be nice.” “All by yourself?” she asked. For some baffling reason, I answered truthfully. “I’m flying with my husband,” I said, “but we’re having some marital problems. I’d rather sit by myself if it’s okay. He’s up there in Row 17. If this seat is assigned, I’ll move somewhere else. Is that cool?”
The attendant, whose name tag identified her as “Leah,” gave me a conspiratorial smile & said, “Sure, no problem.” Then she handed me the blanket & pillow & added. “I’ve been there, done that. Sometimes we have to teach our guys how we need to be treated. You donate him this nice long six-hour flight to wonder & long for you & he’ll be eating out of your hand by the time you obtain to Baltimore.” She turned her eyes toward the front of the plane & her smile broadened, “Wow, looks like you may have some nice diverting company tonight.” I looked where she was looking & felt my heart start pounding. There was the sexy stranger who had picked up my purse & set me momentarily on fire, making his way toward the back of the plane.
“Mmm,” Leah said. “What a hunk! Now that’s a ‘man vacation’ I wouldn’t mind taking.” “A what?” I asked. “Oh it’s just an expression, something that has helped me stay married for six years. Every now & then I have to take a little break from the monotony & enjoy some… well let’s call it ‘new scenery’. I love my husband, yet a gal has to ‘get away’ now & then to keep her sanity. Don’t you think?” I’m not sure what I would have said, yet before I could answer, Leah had stepped back, ceding room to the man who had stopped at the aisle seat in my row.

And as he hoisted his backpack up to the luggage compartment, I noticed something stunning, something that took my breath away & gave me an even stronger wave of gooseflesh than I’d felt back in the line: As he stretched his arms up & stood on his toes to tuck the backpack into the overhead, the front of his sweatpants tightened against him. And there, pushing against that stretchy gray wool was a bulge so huge as to seem not even real. That couldn’t be all him, I thought. Not only was it huge, it was rock complex & pressing relentlessly against the crotch of those sweatpants. My heavens, I thought, I could hang my entire wardrobe on that thing if I could find huge enough hanger handles.
It was so fascinating I couldn’t stop looking & to my utter mortification, he caught me staring! Again he smiled at me as though he owned me. I turned my red face to the window, trying not to hyperventilate & he sat down right beside me — not in the aisle seat, yet in the middle seat.
He didn’t actually touch me yet I could feel his nearness on the nerves of my skin. My flesh felt hot, & again I could sense a hardness in my nipples & dampness in my pussy. I kept turned away hoping I would calm down as a disembodied voice through the speakers went through the emergency procedures.

And then, mercifully, we were airborne. I continued to fake sleep until I heard the sound of slow, heavy breathing beside me. Finally, I worked up the nerve to look over & saw that his eyes were closed. His head was tilted back in the seat & he appeared to be sleeping. His face was calm & peaceful, just as attractive as I remembered from moments ago. The muscles of his arms, chest & stomach were still smooth & tight, even in the relaxed state of sleep. At last, I summoned the courage to look again at the bulge in his lap & sure enough, I hadn’t hallucinated it. It was even more obvious as he sat snoozing, legs apart pelvis hunched forward. It was enormous, standing up strong & hard, making a pronounced “tent” in the crotch of his sweatpants. And this time, because the seat bottom was taking up some of the slack in the fabric of his sweats, I could see the clear impression of the fullness of his balls. They looked so wonderfully “bounce-able.” I started wondering (absentmindedly of course) if it would wake him up if I were to reach down & feel them, ever-so-briefly, in the palm of my hand. There was no one in the set of seats in front of me or the ones across the aisle. The closest passenger to me was an elderly man in the window seat two rows ahead & across the aisle. So I was virtually alone with this compelling stranger. My heart was pounding harder by the minute. I had never been unfaithful to Bill, even in our rockiest times. I’d always thought of myself as monogamous. So I was at once scared & titillated by the realization that this man — this total stranger (even sound asleep) — was filling me with off-the-charts excitement. Had these longings been building inside me without my realizing it? Or did his nearness just create them all of a sudden? Either way, there was no denying that I was feeling like a very naughty girl. My reverie was broken as I became aware of Leah coming down the aisle from the back with a drink cart. “How are you doing?” she whispered, grinning at me. This time I could see more of the wild beauty in her face. She was pretty obviously a fun-lover & far more at home with her naughtiness than I was with mine. “You want a cocktail?” “No thanks,” I said wrapping the blanket around me. I didn’t want to risk taking a drink in the strange mood I was in. I was already feeling a wild craziness building in me.
Leah looked at the face of the man beside me. “I guess I’ll let him sleep he’s out like a light & . . .” And I saw her eyes fall to the astonishing prominence between his legs. “Oh My Gracious!” she whispered, her eyes widening with undisguised delight. “Can you believe that?”
I blushed a little, embarrassed. But it would have been phony to pretend I was immune & indifferent to what was so clearly intriguing both of us. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” I whispered. “Do you think it’s really all him?” she asked? “Or did he obtain past security carrying a doorknob attached to the handle of a sledgehammer?” We both giggled, as quietly as we could so as not to wake him. “Oh man,” Leah said, “Wouldn’t you love to take it out & play with it?” I pretended to be shocked. “Of course not,” I lied. “I’m a married woman.” “Oh come on,” Leah whispered. “This qualifies as a special circumstance. I mean husbands are wonderful. But sometimes the laws of nature take precedence over marriage vows. He obviously likes you. He came back here & sat right down in the seat beside you. I’m assigning you to be the researcher here. You know we’re both dying to see it & handle it. And since you’re the one he likes, you have to be the one to do it.” She smiled & her eyes were lit like a little girl amazed & curious & shamelessly honest. Right then & there, I decided I trusted her. We were partners in crime. Two married women whose husbands were, for the time being, the last things on our minds. “You’re crazy,” I said. “I don’t do that sort of thing. Besides, even if he wanted to . . . umm. ‘get into something,’ with me, people come down this aisle to obtain to the restrooms.” Leah laughed again. “You’re such a naïve innocent,” she said. “That’s why the airlines provide blankets. You can use it to cover him up. Do I have to tell you everything?” I shook my head, “Oh I can’t believe I even brought up the subject of logistics. I’m a married woman I can’t even let my mind work this way.” Leah made a face at me & stuck out here tongue. “Spoil sport!” she said, & after taking one last longing look at the imprint of his huge dick, she started to push the cart farther down the hall. But then she stopped again & turned back. “Okay,” she whispered, “But here’s the deal: If you DO allow yourself to donate in to temptation, you have to make him show it to me, okay? I mean I’ll cover for you, yet you have to include me in the action, okay?”

“I’m not going to…” I started. “Yeah, yeah,” she said. “But if you DO, promise me you’ll let me see it & maybe play with it a little with you. I’m burning up with curiosity.” “Okay, okay,” I laughed quietly. “I promise. Now obtain away & let me sleep.” I said it just to obtain her off my back.
When she left, my heart began to slow down a little. I turned my face back to the window & thought it through logically. I had punished Bill by sitting back here away from him. He would want me like crazy by the time we arrived in Baltimore. We would make up after & we would have some good, fiery reconciliation sex. I would fantasize approximately this stud as Bill fucked me & it would be out of my system.
I smiled to myself as I drifted off to sleep, thinking that was the end of it. I don’t know how much time went by. I was in a deep sleep, still turned on my left side & facing the window, when I felt something. I began to stir a little & realized someone was stroking me, moving his hand smooth & slow from my right shoulder, down my right arm, over my belly & down to the inside of my right thigh. A little alarm was going off in me telling me I should be outraged & put & immediate stop to it. But I was still half asleep & it felt so-oo good. It felt like just what I needed. Somehow, I was powerless to move. Then I could feel his warm breath on the side of my face as he moved his hand in wider circles & kept it more focused on my inner thigh. Again, I knew I should sit up abruptly & say, “Hey cool, it buster, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” But he was touching me with such overwhelming confidence. I just couldn’t will myself to stir from the state of sleepy eroticism that was pouring through me & warming me. “Wha — What are you doing?” I murmured. It came out more like a sigh. “Shhh,” he said, & he began kissing the side of my face, tenderly yet with real authority. There’s a certain spot, under my ear where my jaw meets my neck. I call it my “secret spot.” I love when Bill kisses me there. Nothing gets me more aroused. But he hadn’t bothered to kiss me there in a long time. How did this total stranger know I liked it? “What are you doing?” I asked again, yet with even less conviction than the first time. “Shhh,” he repeated & he turned me toward him. When my face was just inches from his, he smiled, stroked my face & kissed me full on the mouth. It felt heavenly. His breath was fresh & sweet. I wondered approximately mine yet he set me at ease by saying “Mmm, you kiss great.” And he kissed me again. I felt a rush of heat roll through me & I kissed him back, complex & passionately. I heard him sigh & moan a little. “Yeah, that’s good,” he said. “Hold still.” And with that he moved away slightly, lifted the arm of the seat up & slid it into the slot & out of our way. He covered us both with the blanket & began kissing me again. And again I kissed him back with all my might. I was tingling all over.

I was wearing a bulky sweater over a T shirt & no bra. He slid his hands underneath & began to rub my breasts, taking his time, spending long moments on one, then moving to the other. I have always felt a little self-conscious approximately my tits. They’re small & I know Bill wishes they were bigger. But this stranger was handling them so expertly & with such deep enjoyment, he made me feel proud of them. “Umm,” he said. “They’re so pert & lovely. They feel so tremendous in my hands. Let me taste them.” It was way more of a statement than a request.
I closed my eyes & shivered at his words. “Okay,” I heard my own voice whisper softly. I felt so wild & nasty. His head disappeared under the blanket & I felt him take my right breast into his mouth. He rolled his tongue around the nipple, then teasingly moved his mouth up to the area above the nipple, then below, then back to the nipple again. He moved to the left one & gave it little nibbling kisses that sent thrilling shockwaves all through my body. He alternated between them, making me feel like a queen as I kept watch for people coming up the aisle. I’m not sure exactly when he received my belt undone & slid my jeans & panties down (I was in another world). But at some point I realized they were around my ankles & he was sliding the side of his right index finger back & forth over my clit. My knees were wide apart & I was gushing juice. It was a long time before he actually put his fingers inside me. It’s complex to explain, yet it was like he was being a “gentleman” if that makes any sense. I mean by this time I know he knew he had me. I was like warm Jell-O in his hands. But still he was extending something like “good manners” to me, waiting a nice long while before finger-fucking me. When he finally did obtain to it, I was completely out of my mind. He put two fingers in & slid them in & out, each time making sure to come all the way up to stimulate my clit. Several times, people came up the aisle to the restroom. When they did, we kept the blanket over us & pretended to be sound asleep. No one passing by could tell we were even touching, much less that he had his fingers deep in my sopping wet pussy.
When they went back to their seats, he resumed the finger-fucking, all the while kissing my neck & squeezing me, with passion yet not too hard, with his left arm.

At one point, I couldn’t resist anymore, the combination of sheer curiosity, intrigue & the powerful desire to please him overcame me & I reached down to his lap & put my hand on that humongous baseball bat of his straining against his sweatpants. By this time I was so sex-drunk that I had no inhibitions left. I heard the words coming from my lips yet couldn’t believe it was me saying them. I was absolutely crazy. “Take these pants down,” I moaned softly into his ear. “Let me obtain my hands on this huge bare prick.” In the dim light, I could see him smile with pride. He was making me a crazy cock-craving whore & he loved it. He lifted his sexy as up off the seat & undid the bow of the drawstring. Then he slid his sweatpants down to his ankles. He wasn’t wearing underpants. (Somehow it was the perfect, nasty touch.) No one was nearby so we moved the blanket away & I finally feasted my eyes on that gigantic dick. Whoa! I almost fainted at the sight of it. Not only was it the hugest cock I’d ever seen (a terrible understatement), it was moreover the hardest. I just sat there looking for a few minutes before I even touched it. It looked so beautiful! A crystal pearl of precum glistened on the tip. And his balls were astonishing too. So powerful looking. Finally, I couldn’t resist any longer. I reached down with my left hand & started jacking him. At first I was a little intimidated & overwhelmed by the size of it. But soon, I was really going to town. I jacked him faster & faster, keeping my palm toward the top of his dick, just under the head, where I knew all the feeling was. “Yeah, yeah, perfect,” he said. “Just like that.” Now & then I would tease him, slowing down & pretending I was going to stop jacking him. Of course it was all in pleasant (no way I had the willpower to stop now). But he didn’t let me obtain away with it. “No, no, no, no. Don’t stop!” he whispered. “If you slow down I’m going to take you over my lap right here in this seat & spank your ass so hard, people in first class will hear you crying!” We both laughed, yet I sure quickened the pace again. Oh, man! It made me so giddy. The sound of him urging me to continue the pleasure I was giving him, coupled with his thrusts up & down in rhythm with my strokes gave me a heady sense of power. I was working his enormous dick & controlling his pleasure with my hand! It was all like some strange d**g, taking me right out of my mind. And I loved the way his fantastic balls moved up & down in time with my jacking. His sack was tight around them, holding them firm, the imprint of them clear & hard. It looked like he had two golf balls in there. Now & then I would alter hands & jack his huge dick with my right hand so I could bounce those beauties with my left. I still don’t know what there was approximately this man that made me unable to resist him, yet it felt tremendous to know I had the power to thrill him as long as I had this colossal cock in my hands.
“God I love this astonishing dick. How am I doing?” I whispered in his ear, fishing for compliments. (I knew I was doing great!) He just moaned & grinned wider.

I figured this was the time to bring up the subject of Leah. He was getting bigger & harder by the minute & he was gushing gallons of precum. I took some of it on my hand & used it to lube the shaft of that enormous rod of his & asked him: “Would you… um, would you mind if I showed off a little?”
“Huh?” he asked. “You see that lovely flight attendant? Leah? Well we were talking approximately you before you woke up & she told me she would assist cover for us if I would let her see your dick & watch me jack it.” A huge grin covered his face. “Oh yeah!” he said. “I though you’d agree,” I whispered. I reached up & pressed the stewardess call button on the panel above me. Then, just to play up the mystery, I covered both our laps with the blanket. Instantly I saw Leah moving eagerly up the aisle toward us. She stood smiling in the aisle looking down at us, a huge nasty smile on her face. “I thought you rang for me,” she said, loud enough for some of the passengers to hear. “But it looks as though you have matters well in hand.”
“See for yourself,” I whispered. And with that, I pulled the blanket off both of us like I was opening a stage curtain, exposing that wondrous cock, & incidentally, my bare wet pussy. (By this time both his sweatpants & my jeans were totally off. We had long since worked our feet out of the pantlegs & were nude from the waist down. Leah’s eyes widened & her jaw dropped. Her hand flew to her mouth in amazement. “Oh my God! Look at it!” she said. “Oh I have been,” I said, gloating. “And jacking it & bouncing his balls for satisfactory measure.” “Oh man it’s ‘good measure’ all right. And look at all that precum. Looks as though you’ve been doing a pretty satisfactory job on him.” “I haven’t heard him complain,” I laughed. It was then that she noticed my pants & underpants were off & that my cunt was bare & sopping wet. “And look at you,” she said. “The airline will bill you to obtain those pussy-juice stains out of the seat. I bet he’s been priming you like mad.” “Oh yes,” I said. “He unquestionably knows his way around a woman’s pussy.” Her eyes turned back to his cock again and, looking down the aisle to make sure no one was coming, she sat quickly down in the seat beside him. “I have GOT to obtain a better look at this astonishing prick,” she said. “Let me see you work him.”

And I obeyed, wholeheartedly. I jacked him with renewed vigor, pumping my forearm up & down, sliding my hand from the bottom of the shaft (the heel of my hand touching the top of his balls) all the way up to the head of his penis, gathering precum to smear over him to “grease” the strokes.
“Wow,” Leah said, truly impressed. “You are really really satisfactory at that. It looks like you’ve been jacking him all your life.”
“I’m inspired,” I said. “Wouldn’t you be?” Again, I have to say this is simply not me. The woman I was just fifteen minutes before getting on that plane could never have done the things I was doing. I was clearly in some kind of trance. It was as though I were having a wild, erotic dream. All traces of morality & propriety had been left back at the Seattle gate. Leah clapped her hands with delight as she watched. Then, almost timidly she asked: “Could I — uh could I have a turn?” “Well that’s up to him,” I told her. I let go of his dick & brought my mouth up close to his left ear & nuzzled it, running my tongue quickly around it. “What do you think,” I whispered to him. “Do you mind if I share you with her?” He smiled wide, still with his eyes closed. And by way of answering, he shifted slightly to his right “pointing” that prodigious hard-on directly at her, “inviting” her to touch it.
Her right hand flew to it & she started jacking him like crazy. “Oh my golly,” she said, laughing, “It’s like iron, isn’t it?…Oh man, if I could just obtain this dick in my pussy for fifteen minutes, I’d never ask God for another thing in all my life.” She kept jacking him. She was pretty satisfactory at it I admit. I know he was having a tremendous time. But I was itching to obtain it back in my own hand. “Don’t be greedy,” I demanded. “I want another turn before you make him splatter his jism all over the tray table.” We both laughed & she reluctantly let go of his cock & allowed me to play with it again. She watched with keen interest, clearly entertained by what she was seeing. At one point, I noticed her slide her skirt up & slip her hand inside the waistband of her panties. “You naughty girl,” I teased. “I am so-oo turned on,” she laughed. “You’ve already had YOUR pussy played with & juiced up. Now it’s my turn — even if I DO have to do it myself.” “Poor baby,” said the man (whose name I still had not learned). And, smiling benevolently, as if performing an act of kind charity, he reached his right hand over & “took over” for her, stimulating her cunt, just as he’d done mine. All the while, I continued to jack him. Leah closed her eyes & sighed deeply I knew just how she felt. “Oh man, he does that so good, doesn’t he?” she asked me. “I think your expert jacking is inspiring him. You look like you were born to do that.” “I was going to say you did it pretty satisfactory yourself,” I said. My mind was still on her earlier comment — the one approximately making him shoot & splattering sperm all over the tray table in front of us. All of a sudden the idea just leapt out of my mouth. “Wanna have a contest to see which of us can make him shoot?” I asked her. “Oh what a hot idea!” she said, moving her pelvis in synch with his rubbing of her pussy. “How shall we work it?” We came up with the “rules” together. She would donate him fifty strokes, while he rubbed my cunt. Then we would trade off. I would jack him fifty strokes while he fingered her cunt. Whoever made him cum would be declared the winner. She took the first turn. I watched his face as he stroked my hot wet snatch & “fucked” Leah’s hand. It was pretty clear he was on Cloud Nine. Here he was turning two gorgeous married women into nymphomaniacs, making us compete to see which of us could donate him that ultimate thrill. He was just using us. Did I feel degraded, of course I did. Did I feel cheap? Of course I did. Did it make me want to stop?
No way.

Leah finished her fifty strokes & I took that monster cock back into my hand. I was just getting into the rhythm again when something made me look up & toward the front of the plane. My blood froze! Bill was up out of his seat & beginning to move up the aisle toward us. All of a sudden reality hit me in waves. In less than five seconds he would be standing at the end of the aisle. There would be no time to pull our pants back on. And even if we were able to pull the blanket over us in time, Bill would probably want to talk to me. He would want to either sit down beside me, or have me come back to my real seat beside him. And what was I going to say? “Sure hon, just let me slip my panties & jeans back over my wet pussy & I’ll be right with you.”? I was so totally busted! For one dizzying, nasty moment, I enjoyed the brief flash of a fantasy. Maybe they would fight over me. I imagined them wrestling in the aisle, their bodies straining against each other (the stranger’s strong bare ass tight & firm & on display for me.) The two of them like knights vying for my favors. But of course, the truth is, I didn’t want to see either one of them hurt. I just wished it weren’t happening. All of a sudden, at that moment, I wanted to save my marriage more than I wanted anything. But it was too late. Then, the miracle: Just like the cavalry coming in the nick of time, Leah jumped quickly to her feet & winked at me. “No cheating while I’m gone,” she whispered, “You have to wait till I obtain back to play with him again.” And she started moving swift down the aisle. She intercepted Bill approximately halfway between his row & ours.
“I’m sorry sir,” I heard her tell him. “We’re expecting turbulence. The captain has told us to keep passengers in their seats for the next few minutes.”
“But –” I heard Bill tell her. “I’m sorry sir,” Leah told him, politely yet firmly. “It’s just for the next five or ten minutes or so.”
Bill looked back at me & shrugged, as if to say, “Sorry.” And he reluctantly returned to his seat. Leah sat in the seat beside him, no doubt making sure he stayed put. Instantly I was red hot again. I knew I had less than ten minutes. I pulled the stranger’s face close to mine. “Are you ready to cum like you’ve never cum before?” I asked him & kissed his mouth complex & passionately. He nodded & adjusted himself in the seat. I licked his ear & began jerking his massive penis again for all I was worth. My hand was flying up & down. He lifted his ass off the chair & thrust it up for me, giving me even better access. “Come on!” I whispered. “Do it for me! Make that huge thing shoot for me! Let me see that cum fly out of you.” (Where were those words coming from? I was craaaayzee!)

All of a sudden, I felt that fantastic steel tower of a cock start to twitch & convulse in spasms that actually made my arm jerk involuntarily. I could literally not hold it still. He put his head back, closed his eyes & began to moan from way deep down in the core of him. I felt an astounding ecstatic rush of power surge through me, knowing I was making this huge cock deliver its payload. It was ME doing it! And he let go with what seemed like gallons. The first “shot” gushed up more than three feet in the air — an enormous mass of thick cream that did indeed spray the tray table in front of him. The second one was almost as huge as the first & with the same astonishing velocity. Part of this spurt moreover splattered the tray table. There were at least four more in quick succession & by the end, there was thick white-ish liquid all over my hand, all over his dick, all over the seat, & all over the floor in front of us. And then I felt an orgasm of my own coming. It was only then that I realized that while I’d been jacking him, I had been rubbing my clit against the buckle of the seatbelt. It was the wildest climax I’ve ever had — before or since. We both sat back for a moment or two, exhausted. Not saying anything. Then I pulled on my pants & underpants, buttoned my jeans & buckled my belt. I leaned down & kissed him hard, one last time. “I’ll never forget you,” I told him. And I never have.

Later, as Bill & I received off the plane, I looked back one last time. The man was asleep. Leah was using the blanket to mop up the area — the seat, the floor, the tray table…. Unseen by anyone else, she blew me a kiss & wagged her finger at me, naughty-naughty style, & mouthed the words “You cheated!” Bill & I made up & had tremendous sex that night. We’re still together & I still love him very much. Needless to say, I never told him approximately that wild flight. But sometimes, while he’s fucking me, I think approximately that mysterious stranger — jacking him off & driving him crazy, trading off with Leah, & the “sinful” pleasant we had with him. And as Bill moans & thrusts away, I close my eyes imagine that anonymous guy’s huge dick inside me, filling my pussy all the way up. And on those occasions, Bill can’t obtain over how wild & enthusiastically I cum.

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Highschool Reunion

I’m a family man aged 24 My son is two years old and my wife is 22. We are of hispanic descent. My wife is 5’1′ almost a foot shorter than me. My dick is a thick 10′ long hose. After the kid, sex has slowed down as she’s too worried about Javier Jr to have sex. She has also gained a lot of weight since she had the kid. She wasn’t too thin to start out with either but in highschool my wife was a thin Latina with a rocking ass. I still workout to stay in shape but my schedule is less flexible...

2 years ago
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Highland Magic Ch 11

A week later I was much better. Cien and Maggie both conspired against me and wouldn’t let me leave the bedroom for three days. Finally I convinced Maggie it would be for my better health that I get some fresh air and walk around. She didn’t seem to agree with me, but let me go. I was greeted by Tilda as soon as I opened the door. She hugged me, and gushed on and on about how she had helped Maggie care for me and did I like her new dress. The gray color looked nice and complimented her hair....

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Highland Magic Ch 13

*~*Hey guys, Luckie here. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been reading HIGHLAND MAGIC and any of my other stories. Your reviews are what keep me writing. I am sorry the chapters have been short, but I try to pack them in with a lot of stuff. I am working on several other stories as well, so if it takes me a while to get another story up, that is why. Thank you all again for your time and for choosing my stories to read. Reviews keep me writing, so please, review away! Thanks!...

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Highland Magic Ch 16

The water felt cool and fresh against my feet, making me sigh. Who would have thought, I wondered as I kicked up water, that I would travel back in time and put my toes into Loch Ness? I giggled and opened my eyes. All of the soldiers were staring at me. I stopped and looked at them with curiosity. ‘What? Have I done something wrong?’ They continued to stare at me as I stood ankle deep in the loch. I took each one of their faces in and noticed some were a bit white. ‘Why are you looking at me...

2 years ago
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Highland Fling

Anita wasn’t supposed to be vacationing alone. The trip to Scotland had been planned for months, a fifth anniversary trip, and her husband was supposed to be there. Three months before the trip he transformed from her “husband” into a “low-life, cradle-snatching, liar-cheater, asshole”. Whilst not an unknown transformation in the human species, this was a painful shock to her.For weeks after she found out about the affair with his eighteen year-old blonde Personal Assistant, Anita...

Straight Sex
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highschool fuck slaves

i was 15 when I thought of this plan to get my own slaves. I first found a suitable place to keep my fuck slaves, it was a 3 room apartment building that was in a horrible neighborhood so I knew that no one would coming poking around my business. Later after a year of saving spare cash and staking out the plan to get my fuck slaves. I bought the apartment and completely sound proofed it so no one would hear the moans of pleasure and agony. The girls that I picked were all juniors in highschool....

1 year ago
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Highschool Reuion

It was about 2 years ago now that I went back to my home town for our highschool reunion. They had everyone who came in from outside of town staying at the Comfort Inn. Well as I was checking in at the front desk she walk in, my ex from my senior year. In Highschool she played just about every sport she could. So you can imagine her body. She had a flat stomach, nice tits, a round ass, and dirty blonde hair. I wasn't surprised to see noting had changed. As she walked up to the front desk she...

Group Sex
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Public Panty Jacking

This kind of relates to the two videos I posted of me cumming in my pink bra and panty set. (there will be more to follow soon) When my birthday came and I enjoyed my new panties, I decided to go a step further – wearing them in my car.. with nothing else! I waited until it got colder so it would be dark longer (I want to cum in public, but not get arrested), and I grabbed my black crotchless thong and loose jeans and jacket and left home. I went driving and got nice and aroused letting porn...

4 years ago
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Public Panty Jacking

This kind of relates to the two videos I posted of me cumming in my pink bra and panty set. (there will be more to follow soon)When my birthday came and I enjoyed my new panties, I decided to go a step further - wearing them in my car.. with nothing else! I waited until it got colder so it would be dark longer (I want to cum in public, but not get arrested), and I grabbed my black crotchless thong and loose jeans and jacket and left home. I went driving and got nice and aroused letting porn...

2 years ago
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My daughter and I caught my nephew Jacking

We both walked into the room without even thinking anyone was inside, but we both stopped, as he stood up and turned around to meet us, causing my daughter to half stifle an almost muted scream, and for myself to gasp, my nephew, her cousin stood stark naked, a boy with a handsome face and good physique, but our eyes were fixed on his erect penis, all ten inches on the body of a boy so young, a freak of nature perhaps, but my daughter and I swallowed hard, and within minutes, I began lusting...

4 years ago
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Wedding BetChapter 9 Car Jacking

Monday morning the after-party broke up. Our guests at the ranch packed up their suits and dresses, put on their ‘business’ clothes, loaded up their cars, and headed down the long driveway to head north, back to the populated bay areas and their jobs. Blake and Doug gave me manly hugs, fist bumps, and then really turned on the charm with Mindy as we stood saying goodbye. “We’ll see you Wednesday night, right?” I teased my new wife, “Boys night out, of course.” Mindy dug her fingers into my...

2 years ago
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Highlights of the Day A Jo Cross Story

A LITTLE PSA FROM JO: Kirsten has finished writing her update on the day for you all, but I've just taken the netbook from her to add a little something of my own. I want to thank you all for taking an active part in her adventures. The truth and the fantasy. If I sometimes seem a little pushy in the feedback comments about the targets I set....That is because I can only have Kirsten at certain times and days because of work, personal lives, etc. And as I read your amazing suggestions, I...

3 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 5 Damn Lizard

Introduction: A new-comer really does make everyone cum. Viktoria sat quietly at her desk, a pile of application forms for a Dragon Handler position in front of her. One of her prize studs, Stallion, needed a new handler because his last had recently retired. Viktoria didnt want to hire a woman for the position, knowing Stallions temperment and demeaner he would not listen to a female handler. Sadly so far all the applicants had been young boys fresh out of college with no real experience. She...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 13

It was well past sunrise when Terence awoke. He lay with his eyes still closed. Already he could feel the warmth of the sun as it filtered between the leaves and branches overhead, and against his side the warmth of the young woman, his companion. He mused how good it was to wake with her at his side. In such a very few nights it had become a habit he would not willingly forgo. He opened his eyes and turned towards her, and almost jumped when he was met by her wide open, clear blue eyes staring...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 14

As she scurried after him, Celeste’s mind was in turmoil. What had prompted her to offer herself to him so unconditionally? Yet … it had come to her naturally, driven by the power of his action and her reaction to it. Yes, she had meant it, she would be his slave. She wanted him to use her in whatever manner he saw fit. Although in the back of her mind she was aware that this feeling would not last, right now it was where she had arrived. She was his, and it felt right to be possessed. She...

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Highwaymen Ch 06

It was an hour or so later that the two companions led their steeds out onto the road. Once mounted, Jamie urged his mare into a walk, heading west, where he had originally been headed what now seemed so long ago. Only last night! Joanna held her stallion in check as she watched, and called out to him ‘Jamie! Not that way!’ He pulled up, and turned to face her, but did not retrace his steps. ‘Why not?’ His tone betrayed some impatience. ‘That way is to take the hot route. It would be wiser...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 08

The next morning, after they had breakfasted simply but well, Joanna turned to Terence. ‘Sir, I think we’ve had enough of luxury for now. I don’t wish to spend my money, earned at such risk, on these unnecessary things.’ Her dismissive gesture took in all the room and its contents. Terence frowned. He did not wish to admit his current lack of funds after having promised to pay for their stay, and he played for time. ‘Let us spend one more night here before we quit it, Joanna. This is not an...

5 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 12

It was around noon when they finally awoke. Joanna stretched her arms and legs like a cat, flexing wrists and ankles. As she moved from the bed the others stirred. Rosie looked aghast as she realised how late in the day it was already, but Joanna quickly assured the girl she would see her right with the landlord, and Terence added his own reassurance. Very hastily they dressed. Terence fished out a gold coin from his pouch as he and Joanna escorted Rosie, who now looked flushed and flustered...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 02

‘So it pleases you to have been bested by a woman then Sir?’ ‘Oh God!’ He winced to think of it. What ignominy! ‘Oh no’ he groaned. The highwaywoman smiled wide, her white teeth flashing in the gloom. ‘Make up your mind Sir! Are you more pleased that you were responding to a woman? Or more chagrined that you were beaten by one?’ Though her tone was playful, she awaited his reply intently. For a moment he pondered the idea of stubbornly refusing to answer, even whilst thinking his feelings...

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Highwaymen Ch 16

Later that morning Celeste was once more dressed in her male garb as Terence addressed her. ‘We still have funds for a week or two, perhaps we need not look to our trade for a while.’ Celeste retorted hotly ‘We need money for our own purposes also. Remember that I at least don’t intend to remain in this profession all my life!’ His relaxed, to her eyes lazy, attitude provoked her to her old independence. She would not be told how to conduct their affairs if it was so clearly ill-considered....

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Highwaymen Ch 15

Despite, or perhaps because of her hurts, Celeste slept a deep revitalising sleep that night. She awoke very early the next morning, to feel Terence lying by her side. She turned to look at him in the faint light of pre-dawn, resting her chin on a hand. How changed he had been the previous day! She shuddered in pleasure, felt her cunt suddenly wet as she quickened with excitement, replaying both her beating and the subsequent buggering in delicious detail. Her first thought after that was to...

3 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management. Viktoria had told her she wanted to train her to be her replacement when she retired. Mimi was both...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 04

He swivelled on his bound wrists to watch her tether the horse. He saw her toss her head back to shake the hair from her eyes, then turn back to him and smile. It was truly an engaging smile, but with a touch of self-satisfied arrogance as she surveyed him. As she strode nearer her eyes were fixed on his, then dropped, eyebrows rising as she looked at his crotch, his chest. He met her eyes with calm assurance when they rose back to his face, and read her surprise at his demeanour. Then she...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 03

She smiled to herself, shaking her head. She hadn’t been able to resist that last comment as she left the clearing, though she really hadn’t meant to tease the poor man more. Something about this foolhardy captive seemed to prompt her to it irresistibly. Now, as she threaded the trees carefully on her way back to the road, she began to muse on the encounter. She started with the play in the woods. Her loins stirred when she thought back to the view of his ass acquiring more and more stripes...

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Highwaymen Ch 01

INTRODUCTION ‘Highwaymen’ is a long and still developing story of a Master (who does not yet know he is such), and a slave (who thinks she is Mistress). It concerns their twin entwined journeys to full discovery of their true natures. It includes graphic sex and developing BDSM elements. Some people (my slave in particular!) would have me warn you that there are considerable elements of over-romantic fiction. CHAPTER 1 He had dressed carefully. As he pulled the black leather riding boots up...

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Highwaymen Ch 07

So it had come about that they whiled away the afternoon at the inn. He had arranged to rent a room for tonight at least, promising to pay the landlord in the morning. Damn, he had no money! Terence was in a foul mood, made fouler by Joanna’s over-played sweetness. In the end he went stomping off for a walk over the fields and through the nearby woods. He brooded over what had happened, and resolved that this very night Joanna should feel him commanding her. The woman could not be allowed to...

3 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 10

Today Terence rested, waited upon and, he felt, a little fussed-over by his pretty young companion. Still, they way he as feeling it was pleasant to be cosseted and he did not complain. The wound stung evilly and his whole arm throbbed somewhat. He drifted in and out of sleep, dozing for half an hour at a time. As the afternoon was disappearing into a darkening twilight he awoke fully, and saw Joanna re-entering the room. She smiled at him, then crossed her arms and put on a determined look....

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 09

Terence cantered eastwards along the road for an hour or so, enjoying the exertion. Occasionally he eased back into a trot to let his mount recover, but she too seemed to revel in the exercise. His garb was black from top to toe. In his belt was tucked the flintlock pistol, primed and loaded with shot. His saddlebags were empty, and he was determined that they should not remain so. He imagined the satisfaction Joanna would feel if he had to admit that he was unable to pay his bill. Dammit! He...

3 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 05

Jamie straightened up as he finished buckling his belt, then slipped on surcoat and gloves. After their exertions he was finally beginning to feel cold in the early morning air. He watched his new-found partner finish arranging her apparel too, and smiled pleasantly. ‘I feel a touch of chill, what say we make for the next village westwards? A warm inn and hot food would be welcome.’ The young woman tossed her head in derision. ‘Gods, have I taken up with such a soft companion? Sir, I have food...

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Highwaymen Ch 11

They ate a light meal in their room early that evening, and played cards for a while after. Joanna was relieved that Terence’s arm seemed not to be troubling him over-much. Often he caught a curious smile on her face. He assumed it was after this afternoon’s play, which had been awesome indeed! He was beginning to overcome the awkwardness he had felt concerning that particularly attention and his own wanton response to it. He was not a prude, and was prepared to learn any new tricks of love if...

2 years ago
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Highever Series Ch 02

Dear Readers, I’m sorry this one took a little bit longer to post! I have been working on trying to put everything in past tense, I am still working on it–so please excuse any awkward phrases if I missed anything. I really like getting comments on my work–what I could do better and such. I appreciate constructive criticism especially since this is the first story I’ve ever written. A special thanks to DirtyStrumpet for being an eager critic and reader. Please read Ch. 00 and Ch 01 of...

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Highever Series Ch 00

This is my first submission to Literotica! My story has distinctive references to the game Dragon Age Origins, but you don’t have to know it as I only borrowed names and places and not the complete plot. Please rate and comment! I would hate to waste your time, so know that this story takes its time and this first part has no sex scenes. My focus on these first chapters are mostly character development. You have my word that I will post the continuation of this as soon as tomorrow depending...

4 years ago
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Highever Series Ch 01

Geneve was overwhelmed this evening to say the least. First, she was erratically introduced as a Lady to the Palace, although it was under her strict instruction that she would not be (for she wasn’t, as she has refused the title, fully grasping the fact that she is a nobleman’s bastard) and now, sitting across the fifteen foot long table from her beloved sister and her soon to be betrothed, The Prince of Highever to continue the awkward evening. Stunningly handsome as he looks, Geneve finds...

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SexThighs Like Us

Andy Valentine backed into the Parallax Technologies office, pulling the liftcart filled with soft drinks. He could have pushed the cart and it certainly would have been easier, but then he wouldn’t be showing the secretary behind the desk his best assets. He knew she was staring at his fit ass, clearly defined and on display in his tight blue jeans. He looked like an All-American blue-collar hunk. From his short, sensible brown hair to his muscular legs and tight ass, Andy looked...

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Highacre Dragon Breeders 3 Impregnation

Introduction: The Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga continues Highacre Dragon Breeders part 3 Impregnation A month had passed since Mimi had first joined the Highacre dragon stables and she had completed her basic lessons and training. She was now a junior stable hand under the direction of Arryn, one of the senior stable hands. Mimi spent her evenings with Viktoria discussing the need for the breeding program they ran and began her more advanced lessons in dragonology and stable management....

3 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 4 Melodys Dragon

Introduction: Part 4 of the Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga Highacre Dragon Breeders part 4 – Mimis dragon Mimi sat quietly on her bed. She had received a package that morning from her parents. The box was plain, wrapped in brown packaging paper and secured with brown twine. Her parents sent her one of these packages each month, normally they were made up of her favourite chocolate and new clothes but something felt different about this box, it was slightly heavier than the last she had...

2 years ago
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Back in the late 1970s the local council were in the process of building a Hoising Estate at Dartmouth Park Hill right next to the famous Highgate Cemetery in North London, But the building firm went bust and youths had been stealing building materials such as lead for roofing and valuable copper wire or breaking windows so two guards were employed 24/7 myself assigned nights 7pm to 7am with a second colleague. As it was such a large site we communicated by radio. We were also paid to do two...

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Highlander Code DuelloPrelude Duncan meets an old friend with quite a surprise

Duncan MacLeod was simply enjoying the air as he aimlessly strolled around the park. He hadn't been in this part of the United States in many years. He had gone wandering, as he often did, and had found his way to the coast of South Carolina. The scene around him could have been in just about any other American city. A baseball diamond and a soccer field were encircled by a running track with a small playground set off to one side. There were cries from the soccer field indicating a game was...

4 years ago
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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 1

(Note: The story of Deirdre of the Sorrows is part of the Ulster Cycle. She is considered the most tragic heroine in Irish mythology. Of course the song "Bonny Portmore" should be well known to any fan of either the movie or TV versions of "Highlander".) Duncan blinked. "Ah, your daughters?" he asked as casually as he could manage. "Yes," smiled Deirdre. She looked closer at the Highlander and giggled. "Close your mouth Duncan. No one has repealed anything concerning ... us. I'll...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 2

(France, 1943 - Outside Paris) "Hurry!" whispered Duncan's friend and fellow Resistance operative Georges Dalou. "I hear someone coming." "Just one more second," muttered Duncan. "There!" he hooked the wire that led over the train tracks and down the telephone pole to the detonator for the explosive charge the pair had buried under the tracks. "Let's go." As quietly as possible the duo slipped away. Minutes later they broke into a run. "Why did you run the wire overhead?"...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 3

(Paris, France - 1962) Deirdre hummed to herself as she zigzagged back and forth across the cluttered street. Stalls sold merchandise of all types and descriptions to the early evening shoppers. She stopped occasionally to inspect one item or another but nothing really drew her interest. As she turned from what a vendor claimed was an authentic seventeenth century lute that Deirdre knew was no more than ten years old she bumped into a man. "Excuse me," she apologized at the same time as...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 4

(The Present) "One thing you said earlier I wondered about Deirdre." "What was that Duncan?" "You mentioned the Hunters. How did you know about them?" A merry smile danced across the woman's impish face. "Because Fitz told me about them." "Fitz? When did you see him?" "A couple of years ago. I was participating in the annual Renaissance Faire. As usual I was a strolling singer accompanying myself on the lute, which is not exactly my favorite instrument. I was singing, of...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 5

(China - 1680) Duncan MacLeod examined himself in the polished steel mirror. He admitted that he did look rather dashing in the high collared blue tunic with the gold embroidery on the collar and sleeves. His polished boots peeked from under the finely woven cloth of his pants. Automatically Duncan reached for his sword belt and strapped it on as the final step in his dress. He adjusted the weapon to hang at just the right angle. Kiem Sun was well respected; enough so that his sponsorship...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 6

(Sorry this has taken so long to update. I had writer's block and then I have to confess another project overwhelmed me. But now I'm back to this.) (The Present) "You know I heard what you said to Zhang Lee." "Hmmm?" Duncan replied as he attempted to keep an innocent expression on his face. "I do NOT fight all my duels in the nude." The pair of Immortals smiled at each other. They both remembered other meetings; some romantic and some in friendship when one or the other was...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 7

"You're wrong." The combatants fell back from each other. Surprise showed on Deirdre's face but shock was written on Guiseppe's. "Who are you?" demanded the Italian. "I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod." "Duncan! How, why, how did you get here?" "It wasn't that hard," replied Duncan as he cautiously circled the room, searching for a position close enough to both his friend and to her daughter that he could get between either of them and Guiseppe should that Immortal...

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Reddit High Res NSFW, aka r/HighResNSFW!  Whenever I get down to review many of the subreddits that I come across and finally recommend, I often favor those that have a shit load of dirty clips. I guess that’s probably because I know most porn lovers, including me, can jerk off quickly to erotic clips compared to images or text-based erotic content. But today I’m not going to dwell much on that at all, given that r/HighResNSFW only features images.I’m not saying that this is a problem for...

Reddit NSFW List
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High Porn! Great things surely happen when people come together and not just people in this case but JAV porn movies fanatics. These motherfuckers whoever they are have uploaded lots of awesome HD quality porn movies of good length. Even better being that besides the videos featuring the hottest of JAV porn scenes, all the sexual orientations including gay hunks, lesbian bitches, pretty ladyboys and even the kinkiest of porn niches are encompassed. After all, what would you expect from a group...

Asian Porn Sites
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I have to admit; I’m not always a value shopper. I can’t stand going to Costco and getting trapped by lines of idiots waiting for free samples of microwave cheese bullshit with a frozen pretzel. That said, sometimes even I can’t deny the benefits of buying porno in bulk. MileHighMedia is a pretty solid example of why.MileHighMedia.com has been around since the beginning of the millennium, and you’ve almost definitely beat off to their material before. The network is home of porno brands like...

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Listen, some guys love asses, others like tits, but I, an intellectual, likes a nice pair of thighs. You can say what you want about thighs, but most guys go crazy over them if they’re chick enough, or even if they’re just fit and tight with a gap in between. Do you think you would enjoy a nice and thick pair of thighs? Well, I think you would. And if you aren’t sure, you can easily check that by going to Reddit right now and visiting the sub that’s called /r/ThickThighs. It’s a subreddit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Thighdeology… it’s a smart play onwards, and you either know what the fuck to expect, or you will be clueless. The only thing worth mentioning is that r/thighdeology/ is a subreddit dedicated to Hentai girls and not real ones, in case that might not sit right with you, you are more than welcome to fuck off to any of the other subreddits instead. I mean, there will be loads of choices.Keep in mind that Reddit is a free website overall… and it has thousands of other subreddits for you to check...

Reddit NSFW List
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Who doesn’t love a pair of hot heels on a chick? I know I do. But when I look for girls in heels, what I really am looking for are some nice erotica images. If you ask me, hardcore porn just doesn’t fit high heels at all, and the subreddit we’re taking a look at today agrees with me on that point. The sub we’re looking at today is called /r/highheelsNSFW and it’s one of the best places to go to if you have a fetish that consists of you checking out the sexiest babes wearing high heels in the...

Reddit NSFW List
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highschool need i say more

Introduction: this is my first story and its about some of the fantasys i had in highschool, please comment and tell me how i did. i was thinking about making a series if this gets good comments.not all will be lesbian. * ding dong, ding dong* the bell goes off signalling the end of math and my perverted teacher, ironically named Mr Cox. Monday my next class, sport. I head down the stairs to the locker room to change. My name is Sasha, im 15, toned abs, skinny, long brown hair and brown eyes....

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Highschool Adventure Chapter 1

--- This is purely fantasy. I do not condone doing anything with anyone u******e. Once again, this is fantasy ---Notes: This is an ongoing story. Expect many more chapters overtime. I have a lot more characters I want to introduce and to expand the story. This is my first story, so hopefully I improve over time. Feel free to comment, etc-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------**Rinnnnnnnngggggg**It’s the...

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Highschool Harem

Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...

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Highway Slut

Donna had dinner with friends.  Her best friend had told her about some website she had found.  She said it was a hook-up site.  Donna and the other women giggled, but were quite intrigued.  Their friend told them that she created a profile and had talked to a few different men. She had arranged to meet one of the men she had talked to. She told her friends that the man she met was much younger than her.  She was living the dream about being a cougar.  She went on to explain that they met at a...

4 years ago
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Highway To Heaven

How many times have you been in public and a woman doing nothing but being herself has made your dick rise up? That woman In the grocery store produce section Innocently handling fruit? The casual touch of manicured fIngernails on your palm as that bank teller hands you your cash? Or the lady workIng the cosmetic counter at the mall walkIng to the food court hiding her busty frame behind a white smock? all these Instances and more are enough to set most into satisfying minutes of...

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