Highwaymen Ch. 07 free porn video

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So it had come about that they whiled away the afternoon at the inn. He had arranged to rent a room for tonight at least, promising to pay the landlord in the morning. Damn, he had no money! Terence was in a foul mood, made fouler by Joanna’s over-played sweetness. In the end he went stomping off for a walk over the fields and through the nearby woods. He brooded over what had happened, and resolved that this very night Joanna should feel him commanding her. The woman could not be allowed to get away with this. She was manipulative, artful, she … gods! Now his mind would not let go of his memories of her body, her face, her hair! She aroused his desire even as she aroused his ire.

Meanwhile Joanna had a bath and hot water brought to a second room. If Terence was paying for their little stay she would make the most of the luxury. She asked Rosie to help her with the bath. The girl obliged willingly, scrubbing the pretty Lady’s back as requested, then washing her hair, as Joanna luxuriated with her head back and eyes closed. Her breasts, released from the strangely flattening corset she had been wearing, rose and fell above the water, pert and pink now. The Lady murmured, ‘Ah! That feels good Rosie. Your hands are gentle.’

Then when her hair was washed and rinsed, she opened her eyes and looked up at Rosie. ‘Come here girl! Sit on the stool by me.’ She did not balk at calling the wench, probably two years her senior, girl. ‘See … you have a little something spilled on you – here.’ Joanna gathered a little soap onto a fingertip and rubbed gently at Rosie’s right breast, just above the neckline of her shift. The girl suffered the attention easily, not shy.

‘I will tell you something else about Master Terence girl!’ she said huskily. ‘You would not believe how I first became known to him!’ She proceeded to relate the story of their first meeting, nimbly avoiding any mention of highwaymen. Her voice stayed low and alluring. Rosie became somewhat excited as Joanna described how she, in man’s garb, had beaten and aroused Terence. As Rosie’s breathing became heavier Joanna leant towards her, her face hovering near her breasts. ‘You have pretty breasts girl. Did Terence tell you so?’

‘He did Mistress.’

‘Call me Celeste.’ Joanna purred the words. ‘Terence is a lucky man, to have nestled here in your cleavage.’ She rested her head lightly against Rosie’s breasts, and noted that the girl did not draw back. In fact, she pushed just perceptibly back against her. Hmmm … that was a good sign. Take it slowly now, she told herself. She finished the tale of the beating and their coupling, and how she had been twined around the man. Rosie began to rock very gently back and forward as she listened in rapt attention to Joanna’s graphically detailed account.

Now Joanna looked up into Rosie’s eyes, her own eyebrows arching in a question as her fingers hovered at the woman’s cleavage, holding the ends of the bow which tied its lacing. Rosie returned her look with equanimity. It seemed she was quite at ease with this. Good. The bow pulled apart easily, and Joanna’s hands opened the front of the blouse, slipping it down over the girl’s full breasts. She stretched forwards and took the left nipple in her mouth, suckling gently, whilst her left hand held the right breast. Rosie made a little sound, a whimper, half fear and half desire. Joanna heard it with satisfaction. The girl was willing! Mm … and the flesh of this breast was firm and smooth, the nipple hard and large between her lips. She suckled happily, more strongly, bringing forth further little moans and whimpers.

Now her arms encircled the wench and she pulled up out of the bath. She knelt in front of Rosie where she sat on the low stool, and returned to sucking strongly on her nipple, then flickig across with the tip of her tongue. Rosie sighed, and ran her fingers through the strange and lovely Mistress’s hair, then clasped her to her bosom. Her head fell back with the attention to her nipple, and her legs parted as she felt the deep movement of her loins. When she panted, Joanna pulled her head away from its nesting place gently, and looked up. ‘Have you ever been loved by a woman Rosie?’ Rosie was captivated by the piercing, beautiful eyes.

‘No Ma’am’

‘It’s Celeste dear girl.’


‘Good. I will teach you. Don’t fear it. Now …’ As her eyes held her willing victim entranced, Joanna’s hands pulled the skirts up to reveal the inviting pussy lips beneath. She stretched up and kissed the woman on the mouth once, then kissed her throat, still keeping eye contact. Now she moved her head down to kiss the silky skin on the inside of each thigh, eyes still upwards on Rosie, watching her reaction. The girl was ready. Joanna dropped her head between the parted thighs and licked a long stroke upward, the full length of the girl’s outer lips. Rosie moaned loudly. Joanna repeated the action, and the wench pushed her pussy greedily at her tongue, which now parted the outer and rasped between the inner lips, across the pearl above those lips too. A little screech rewarded her. She sucked the bud more strongly, sucking and releasing Rosie’s clit in a rhythm tuned to the girl’s response.

Only when Rosie had her first shuddering climax did Joanna stop. She went to work deeper now, pushing her rigid tongue in and out of the wet and sticky embrace, then sliding a finger in alongside the tongue, and probing, finding the spot, feeling it harden as she stroked. Then a hot wet wash told her the wench’s second peak had come.

She pulled back, licking her lips, and looked up to see Rosie in an almost comical mix of bliss and embarrassment and desire. ‘Will you help me to my pleasure now girl?’

Rosie nodded dreamily. ‘But … what do you want me to …’

Joanna smiled, and grasped Rosie’s hand, guided it to her own cunt, let the girl feel her hot wet need.

‘Finger me, play me as you would play with yourself.’ Joanna urged the woman from the stool, guided her back onto the bed, and climbed on top of her, turning around quickly so they each faced the other’s sex. ‘Fuck me Rosie.’ Joanna returned two fingers to ply Rosie, who groaned and lifted up her cunt to meet the welcome fingers. ‘Fuck me!’ Rosie jumped, and remembered finally. She started to push in and out of the woman’s sex which was offered invitingly above her own breasts. Joanna began to pant and writhe. She contracted strongly on those fingers, riding them. She swallowed them hungrily and expelled them with force, quickly working herself towards her orgasm. Then she came, gushing, water running down her thighs, dripping onto Rosie’s breasts. But Rosie too was near and soon she also was panting and moaning, and then wailing as she came a third time.

Joanna collapsed onto her, and they lay there breathing heavily, bathed in the warm afterglow. After a little she wriggled around and kissed the wench full on her mouth. Then she put an arm around her and they both lay drowsing.

A little while later Joanna bathed Rosie gently in the tub. They kissed and giggled like young girls at play. Then they dressed, each looking fresh and healthy after the exertions and the bath.

Joanna cautioned Rosie not to say anything of what had passed to Terence, neither of their sport nor of Joanna and Terence’s strange meeting, at which the girl looked shocked. She certainly could not have said anything of it to him or anyone! Joanna reassured her, made sure she did not feel that what they had just done had been bad or wrong, and then bade her farewell, returning to the room which Terence had rented for them.

The highwayman meantime had done with his long walk in the countryside. He had calmed somewhat, as he mulled over what had passed. Damn, why had he not given her his right name from the start? Then none of this would have happened! He sighed, and resolved to be honest with her from now on. It would be easier. The witch had a sixth sense which told her when he was
dissembling. Still, tonight she must learn not to embarrass him so again.

As he walked back to the inn the sky began to darken. It was almost dusk by the time he entered. He nodded to the landlord and made his way through towards the back. As he approached the stairs which led up to their room, he spied Rosie. She looked fresh and red-cheeked, but she flashed him a look of fear which set him aback, as she disappeared to the kitchen at a half-run. What had that bitch Joanna been saying to the girl?

He walked up the stairs, his mood now darker still. Without a knock he entered the room and closed the door behind him. Joanna lay on the bed, naked, pink and gleaming from her toilet, her hair arrayed in a halo of brass around her head. She looked a veritable goddess. He froze. His resolve began to ebb away at the vision of her, as his pulse raced. She looked at him with a winsome smile. ‘I have bathed Terence. Is there anything you would like?’

‘Gods!’ Somehow his anger held sway over his desire. ‘I want you to stop treating me like some errant plaything to embarrass when it pleases you woman! I want you to stop giving me commands, explicit or implied! I will have you obedient to me!’

Her eyes flashed at those last words. She spoke just above a whisper. ‘Obedient to you! Do you think I am some horse to be shaped to your liking, whipped into doing you bidding? Be careful Sir! I have warned you before about your impetuosity.’

At that he snapped. He strode over to her, reaching the bedside in three paces. She was rising, reaching out for something – towards her bag which lay just beyond reach. He dashed it to the floor and then scooped it up. ‘So, you wanted this?’ He held up the ornate but lethal little dagger he found inside, pulled it from its sheath and threw it at the opposite wall, where it stuck shuddering. She kicked at his knee viciously, but he managed to turn just enough to receive only a glancing blow. He threw himself on top of her, pinning her with his weight. She spat at him, writhed, seeking to engage her knee or elbow with his groin, but he held her down still. They were both breathing ragged gasps of air as they fought. After a little she fell still, realising the futility of her struggles. She would wait for him to drop his guard, then take him, she thought. His eyes looked down into hers. She saw a fierceness she had not seen in him before. There was a hurt too she saw, alongside his hunger and that ferocious anger. She silently cursed herself for having pushed the man too far. Yes, she had toyed with him. Did he know about Rosie too she wondered? Maybe that was what had tipped him into this rage. She stilled her own anger, and lay quiescent.

‘Do what you want then. Take me.’ Her voice was tinged with bitterness at herself, not at him, but he could not know that. He cooled instantly.

‘Dammit woman. I should take you like a bitch.’

She looked at him. He was suddenly over his fit of anger. Strangely, she felt disappointment. She would like to be made to serve his need. It had been no game. She had been powerless before his raging, and now that she was no longer in danger she wanted that rage back, wanted him to take her by force in his anger. Without conscious decision, she heard herself say ‘Take me like a bitch then. I took your Rosie not two hours ago. And she loved it!’ Her eyes bored into his, daring him to believe her. She saw that he did. Saw a hurt which wrenched her heart, then an anger which fired her loins.

He slapped her face hard. Then, backhanded, he slapped the other cheek. She glared up at him, ‘You fucking bastard!’

He tore ferociously at his own clothes, shedding his shirt and pushing down his breeches to his boots. Then, as she clawed at his chest and left dark red stripes, he seized her wrists and pinned them. He gasped ‘Get on your belly like the bitch you are. Whore. ‘

He turned her beneath him, and she let him, though he did not realise it. She put up a fight but she knew she could have fought harder.

‘On your knees now! Be bitch for me!’ He roared the words. She lay unmoving, panting hard. He climbed off her and stood by the bed. Suddenly there was a swish and she felt a sharp sting across her ass. Gods! The bastard had hit her with his belt! As the sting dissipated into warm pleasure-pain he struck again.

‘I said … get on your knees like a bitch.’ He began to rain blows on her. She lay there and suffered them. Little did he know that, though she felt each sting as sharp pain, the spreading heat which followed was all pleasure to her. Finally, a little dazed, she crawled up onto her knees. He was really raging! He was going to take her as a punishment! She had to school her face to displeasure. Surely if he saw her smile he would likely lay into her to an extent she would not enjoy at all! She waited.

Terence saw the red welts he was raising across her ass and thighs. At any other time such violence to a woman would have appalled him, but right now rage was driving him. The bitch must learn. When the first droplet of blood appeared he stopped, throwing the belt to the floor. Then he climbed up behind her, grasped her waist, and pushed his cock rudely into her. Oh sweet Jesus Christ! The woman was wet as a swamp! He grunted and groaned as he fucked her with a wild determination. Joanna/Celeste felt the mix of pain and pleasure stirring her deepest places. His belly rasped her sore ass as he pounded into her cunt. She could no longer restrain her body, she started to respond. She bucked under him, wriggled around his invading sex, began to moan and groan in obvious extremis of arousal. Terence came in her, his cock jerking, planting his seed deep. Then he pulled out. She moaned. ‘Please … finish me… make me come … please.’

‘NO!’ Now at last he’d found a way to punish her! He stood beside the bed and watched her writhing. When she reached back towards her crotch he clamped her hands and bent to her ear. ‘I said no. You WILL obey me.’ She sobbed, but fell still, until after a long while her shuddering need subsided.

She turned her face towards his and he was amazed to see her expression. It was contrite, ashamed. There seemed no trace of accusation or blame of him.

‘What is it?’ he whispered.

‘I’m sorry Terence. I shouldn’t have played with you so. And now I have made you do something you will feel bad about.’ They both fell silent for a long time.

‘But …thank you for punishing me. I’m afraid I enjoyed it rather much.’ She smiled wryly. ‘So you see you really need feel no guilt … though I suppose you may feel cheated by that too.’

She paused again, then chuckled that throaty laugh which always stirred him so strongly. ‘Of course, if so, then I am at your disposal for another punishment.’

He shook his head slowly. Would he ever find a punishment she could not enjoy?

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I woke in the morning and stretched, enjoying the stretching of muscles sore from a long nights work. I went down stairs and fixed breakfast, making sure there was enough for my and bitch. Then I unlocked to door that lead to the basement and went down the stairs. Bitch was laying on the twin bed i had brought down into the basement. Her collar had a chain going from around her neck to the headboard of the bed. The collar couldnt be removed without a key, which I had hidden. For...

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I fucked my biology teacher

Hi I am Md Waseem from Hyderabad. Now I am 23yrs old. To say about me am 5.7 tall and fair with good looking man. The story happen when I was 18 yrs old. I was learning what sex is all about. I love fat, dark, and sexy girls. During my studies there was my biology teacher who made me horny. She must have been around 36yrs old. And little short than me but had a very mass figure of 38-35-40. She was fat to look but sexy too. She is a malayalee who had no children as she had some problem so her...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 328

Sylvia loaded a dress bag and a small black half duffel bag like mine into the trunk. We were on the main road out of town, headed north, by 8pm. I engaged Sylvia in conversation as I drove the big clumsy car in a northerly direction. We spoke about nothing just to fill the air with noise. People often do that it seems. At the first stop for gas Sylvia raided the prepared food cooler which was located inside the convenience store part of the building. When I hit the road again she was...

2 years ago
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Dont Go Breaking My HeartChapter 2

The next night was Star Search, so we wrote down all of the names that flashed at the beginning and the end of the show. We also thought we were better than any of the singers we heard on the show. It was early in the season, so we hoped that they hadn't selected everybody for the entire season yet. Ed McMahon was a pretty good host of the show. From what Dad had told me at the time, he usually always had a drink before he went out on stage, both at The Tonight Show and Star Search. This...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 41

In the parking lot of the Senior Towers Gus said, "So you coming up or not?" "Gus, I am flattered, but I just met you," I answered. "If you can't trust an old Marine, who can you trust?" he asked with a charming smile. "Okay, but I reserve the right to leave at any time." "Fair enough. At least you can relax nobody will have any idea where to look for you." he said. "Well this van stands out like a Siamese cat at a dog show," I commented. "Ah, but there are over two...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Sister

My name is John and I'm 21 and i have one sister Tiffany and shes 20. But last year she went at the college i go to, and when she was in high school i realized she was extremely hot. She grew from an ugly ducking to the beautiful woman that was standing in front of me. But i could barely contain my massive boner that was growing in my pants when i saw her double D's almost bursting out of her shirt. And when we both came home for the holidays our parents would be happy as ever to see us. On...

3 years ago
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Happy Licking

Summer and I got time for some sexy play on Sunday night. She was over her period. We went to bed and started cuddling and kissing all affectionately. Pretty soon, we had our clothes off, and we were caressing each other, kissing, and roaming our hands all over the other’s skin. She was laying on her back and I was sort of next to her, and sort of on top of her. I could kiss her, and then kiss and nibble her neck — which gives her sexy goose bumps — and touch her breasts, stomach, thighs,...

4 years ago
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Dinner Party Disaster

It has been ages since we had seen our friends Renee and Jim so we decided to invite them to dinner and an evening of games and videos. Dinner was to be at six and I had been in the kitchen most of the day. I wanted to make everything just perfect. I tried to get as much done early as possible, the table set and the games out and so on, expecting that Leon would get home early. Actually, he promised to get home early. Knowing that the evening would go pretty late, we both knew it would be...

3 years ago
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Another True Experience

I set a new goal to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. I have not always succeeded but I do my best. In the early stages of my bi life I went through what I believed was the normal process for a guy who considered himself straight to actually finding out my bi tendencies were far stronger than I originally thought. Not going to lie it was difficult and lots of times I was riddled with guilt after my MM encounters. Walking away from giving a blow job I would be thinking how...

3 years ago
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This was a new Doctor, and he was a young guy which she felt may be better suited for her problem. She told him she wanted to turn her husband on and be hotter in bed for him. Mom had a killer hot body. She had beautiful smooth skin, big tits, perfect hips and legs. This Doctor saw opportunity to take advantage of her. He gave her a pelvic exam and massaged her G spot, her clit and then masturbated her. He said everything worked, but she just needed ‘sex lessons’. She like his...

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Esme Chapter 2

Chapter 2 "Is this it?" Immediately Esme felt cruel. Jay didn't have to offer to drive. "She may look a little beat up but she'll more than do the job," Jay brushed it off, holding the passenger side door for her. It was an old Honda. A piece of the rubber from the bumper was missing. Esme looked down at the rear bumper and saw a collection of dings and places where the paint chipped. "Admiring the tats?" he said, with a laugh. "You're not really a New Yorker until you don't...

1 year ago
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Shall we jizz at Cam Whores Bay aka Free Cam Bay today? We live in an amazing time. Everybody carries a camera in their pocket nowadays, and it seems like every beautiful woman is eager to share sexy selfies over the Internet. The sluttier ones have no problem taking it all off or eating a dick on camera. CamWhoresBay.com is one of a growing number of websites that have sprung up to handle this new wave of DIY smut.Cam Whores Bay, previously known as FreeCamBay.com, is a pretty new player on...

Amateur Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Holiday Away From The Care Home Spanked Again

Dale and Sandra weren’t even aware that they had upset Ella and the others so much. It had been a nice sunny afternoon and all the college girls were sitting in a corner of the swimming pool patio listening to Miss Mason explain about the project they were going to be doing. Dale and Sandra commented to each other how lovely the girls looked in their skimpy vest tops and very tight cotton shorts and joked about going across their bare thighs for another spanking. Of course, the memory of last...

3 years ago
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Pooja Is Not A Shy Girl Anymore

Hi guys my name is Arjun 25 years old I am from chennai this is my story.Read it and if you have any suggestion and comments you cam mail me Hi guys after that incident my threesome sex turn into foursome sex as revathi mam is also included I never though my I would have so much sex adventure in my college days guys this is not just a stories I am just sharing my incident that happen in my college days.But to now I am gonna share my most happiest moment that ever happen in my life. It was our...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Reality or PerceptionChapter 4 The Ocean Cruise Rachael

Well, after one divorce and one promising relationship that went south in a flat out hurry, I wasn't ready to try again so soon. I just went to work and let time heal all wounds as they say. About two years later, I asked my lovely teenage daughter what she would like to do with her summer break. She would be out of school in another two weeks and I suggested she think of a treat. I was thinking of a trip to Paris, somewhere in the south like Mexico or even to someplace exotic, like one of...

4 years ago
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Remembrance of Forever Teaser

Chapter 1 I made I exit the clock tower, and start to walk down the dark street. I walk for a while then I notice I’m down old familiar buildings. I look up at this run-down building. Walking inside, looking at the dust and cobwebs. I enter the elevator and go to the sixth floor. There’s this strange music playing somewhere. I exit the elevator, and go left down the hall to come to the door that has a 9 on it. I get out my key, unlock the door and go inside. The music is playing louder in...

1 year ago
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A day in a life

A day in a lifeBill had left for work an hour earlier. His last action before shutting the door was a perfunctory kiss on her cheek as he hurried out the door, his mind already occupied on the day’s events. Again, he had missed the significance of her squeeze on his upper arm; again he missed entirely, the questioning look she gave his retreating back.“Jay; get up, you’re going to be late.” Jean shouted at the top of her voice over the edge of the banister. Jamie was a typical angst ridden...

Wife Lovers
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The Prophecy Ch 7

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long...

2 years ago
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Mutagen26 This story is heavily inspired by a game published on tfgamesite, but it was never finished. I will try to respect the original idea for what is known, but it will lead to my end, not what the author wanted in the first place. I highly recommend playing his game as well. Please excuse any mistake I might make (or surely will) as English is not my main language. Chapter 1 Home! Finally, I was home. Work had been really hard that day, my boss always behind my back as...

3 years ago
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Overboard TooChapter 8

She hauled off and punched me! And I just sat there and smiled. "I was just kidding!" she protested weakly. Then her eyes got really big, and she lit up the whole bay with her blush! I kissed her. "Mostly, anyway," her protest got weaker. I kissed her again, and she kissed me back. "A little?" she actually squeaked, and she raised up her eyes and looked into mine. "No, I guess I wasn't kidding at all – I was hoping." "So was I, little girl, so was I" And the world went away,...

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Kenshiro HidoriChapter 4

After appearing in England Kenshiro wandered it until he came to the coast. Once there he joined the few fighting men who were willing to protect ships from Viking raiders. He had taken many of these jobs and at least half of the time encountered the enemy. Making a good account for himself many of the men on his current ship looked to him when the fighting started when they needed direction. During a storm his ship was swept off course losing a few men as they tried to steer her to the...

2 years ago
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She opened the door to his office, bag packed and ready to head home. He was still sitting at his computer working away. Most of the VPs on this floor fucked around all day - golf meetings, lunch meetings, sauna meetings - they probably only did about ten minutes of actual work a week. Not Mr. J though. That was Mr. Todd to the rest of the office, but Quinn had grown far closer to her boss than the other secretaries here. She called him Mr. J at the office as a means of familiarity and respect....

3 years ago
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The ProdigalThirtyfive

MOM AND DAD HEADED BACK to Nebraska on Monday before I went to Doc’s summer class. Lexi was staying with Jack another few days, but decided she needed to be back in Boston before Mel and Liss got home from their honeymoon. Wendy decided that now that the house was empty, she would do a thorough cleaning. There were two other students in the specialized affresco class. Adolfo Mazzarelli was exactly like his name sounded—tall, dark, handsome, Italian. Only he wasn’t Italian. He’d changed his...

2 years ago
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My GirlsChapter 25

Katie threw her arms around my neck as soon as we got into the bedroom and gave me a smoldering kiss. Wow! That girl was always a great kisser, but today she seemed to be into it in a special manner. Then she began to take my clothes off in a hurry. She did take the time to rub and kiss me everywhere as she removed my clothes, but she obviously had something specific in mind, and it apparently just wasn't going to happen with my clothes on. After I was naked, she quickly stripped herself,...

4 years ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Seven

I had been on the road to Long Island, and I had arrived to a perfect reception. Margo had taken me for a great sexual ride. It was now late afternoon and we were chatting in the kitchen. She had decided that we needed to go out for dinner. The Boston Market was her favorite restaurant because the turkey was so good. That was fine with me. We were just waiting for her twin daughters, Martha and Mary, to get home from their jobs. They didn't always work the same shifts. Today they happened to...

2 years ago
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Advent of the Adventist Cousins

Summer was nearing a close. It was nice late Sunday morning. The thirty-seven-year-old, Kevin Pittman, was in the driveway handwashing the blue 1981 Datsun 280ZX his father had gifted to him when he retired and moved, with his wife, to Nevis. Kevin’s c***dren – Destiny, aged ten, and Amir, aged seven – were playing freeze tag in the front yard of the suburban 2,169-sqare-foot, three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath, house that included a 232-square-foot bonus room Kevin had converted into a guest...

2 years ago
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Daddys New Daughter

I seem to have a gift for finding young girls who have Daddy issues and want to play them out. My latest pupil is a 19 year old virgin who has been sheltered her entire life. So much so that she shuns men, or shall I say boys, away immediately. But that is not the case with me. After much banter we have finally spent some quality time together. Daddy as she calls me now, has taught her how to suck Daddy's cock and swallow all of his hot cum. The first time it occurred she was not in to it....

1 year ago
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I wanted her and I got her

I was in the bathtub when I heard Karter come home. "Danni? You home?" She shouted. "Yeah! I'm in the bathroom!" I yelled back. I closed my eyes and let the warmth of the water sooth my body. The water was low so it went up to my stomach revealing my 36B tits. I didn't hear the bathroom door open, so I was a little surprised when I heard Karter say, "Damn, you are so fuckin' sexy." I looked at her' scooted up, and asked, "Would you like to join me?" She smiled seductively in response. She...


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