Highwaymen Ch. 10 free porn video

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Today Terence rested, waited upon and, he felt, a little fussed-over by his pretty young companion. Still, they way he as feeling it was pleasant to be cosseted and he did not complain. The wound stung evilly and his whole arm throbbed somewhat. He drifted in and out of sleep, dozing for half an hour at a time. As the afternoon was disappearing into a darkening twilight he awoke fully, and saw Joanna re-entering the room. She smiled at him, then crossed her arms and put on a determined look. ‘Terence, you sweated much with your wound and the exertions of yester-eve. You need a bath!’

He looked at her, opening his mouth to protest, but then thought it over. He was indeed sticky with sweat from the fight and the nightmare ride. It would feel good to be clean again. He nodded his assent. Joanna disappeared yet again and returned a few minutes later carrying the bathtub between herself and Rosie. The wench gave Terence a sidelong glance and then sneaked a conspiratorial smile at Joanna, who ignored the look as she concentrated on positioning the tub to her satisfaction. The two women left the room, but soon returned each carrying large pitchers of hot water, and accompanied by a boy carrying a third pitcher. These were emptied into the tub, and steam began to rise. All three departed, and a few minutes later came back with more pitchers whose contents were also dumped into the tub. Joanna nodded her satisfaction, and said something to the other two, too low for Terence to catch. They left.

‘Now!’ Joanna’s expression was strange, Terence thought, as she rolled up her sleeves. ‘Let me help you Terence.’

He began to rise from the bed, but as he stood he felt suddenly unsteady and swayed a little. Joanna was ready with a steadying arm below his shoulders. She led him towards the tub, supporting him as he stepped in, and bent down as he settled into it. ‘Good’, he heard her say. The water was hot, but not too hot. Soothing and relaxing. He closed his eyes and leaned back. He heard a little splash, then felt hands rubbing soap over his chest and forearms. ‘Ahh …’. That felt so good! He sighed, and drifted half asleep as Joanna spent a long time gently working his soapy chest and upper belly, almost massaging him. If he had opened his eyes he would have seen her serene and satisfied smile as she tended to him thus.

‘Wake up Terence dear.’ The words jolted him from his drowsy state, and he looked at the girl with questioning eyes. ‘Lean forward’. She soaped his back, her hands moving in long caresses, sometimes her fingers digging deep into the over-tightened muscles, working away the tension. Terence groaned happily when she found those knots and worked them. After some while she washed his upper arms, very careful around the wound, which she did not touch but left beneath the makeshift bandage.

‘Can you stand now? I need to wash you properly.’ He smiled, wanting more of this attention. It was a bliss to be in the hands of this pretty young woman! As he arose from the water, pushing up on the sides of the tub with his one good arm, she stood close, ready with a hand should it be needed. He stood steadily, and after she had watched him a moment to be sure he was not about to collapse, she bent down to the tub and lathered her hand, soaping and cleaning his thighs. When that was finished her hands glided over his balls, then cradled them. She lifted them as if weighing his sac which dangled loose from the heat of the bath, and now his cock began to stiffen. Joanna’s gaze rose to his face, held him in an intense stare, her smile partially eclipsed by a mixture of desire and mischief. Her eyebrows rose as her fingers slid up to grasp the shaft, working the quickly stiffening rod in her soapy grip. She watched his expression of delight, watching with a serious concentration now, her smile gone. She seemed to be gauging him. As Terence started to moan and move his hips a little, thrusting into her hand on each down-stroke, she began to work him harder. Then, as she saw his expression evidence the approach of his climax she stopped suddenly. His eyes widened, and he spoke, the words jerked from him in gasps, ‘Joanna, don’t stop!’

She chuckled throatily. ‘Don’t stop!’ she mimicked. Then her voice pitched low. ‘Terence dear man, if you want that reward you must humour me a little.’

Terence saw the strange look on her face as she uttered those words. It was measuring, almost predatory. He started an angry response, but stopped before half a word had escaped his lips. The look he returned to her was also measuring, but hungry too. He needed release, he wanted the attention of her expert hand, or better yet her mouth, or to be buried in her sex, fucking himself and her into ecstasy. Yet he could see that at this moment she was not ready to bend to his whim. And he did not have the strength right now to fight, he still felt weakened. He swallowed the words unsaid and returned, as calmly as he could manage, but also betraying a degree of curiosity he had not intended, ‘Humour you? How so girl?’

Her face made a little grimace. ‘No, don’t call me ‘girl’! That’s not the way to humour me!’ She shook her head briskly, her hair flying and eyes flashing. Terence suppressed a smile as he admired her beauty in that moment. He was at least sensible enough not to try her further. ‘How then woman?’

She smiled, her expression returning to that fascinating mix of desire and authority which he had glimpsed a few minutes before. ‘Humour me by accepting what I do to you, Terence. You will enjoy it, I promise you, but don’t be shy in accepting my ministrations.’

Terence looked confused. He had felt entirely happy with all her ministrations, and nodded his acquiescence. Joanna’s expression became focused, intense once more, as she re-soaped her hands and knelt to fondle his sac. He groaned happily again as she slowly rolled his balls between thumb and fingers, testing their size and shape. She toyed with them a long time, alternately regarding his face and his cock. Both showed clear evidence of his pleasure. When a beaded string of pre-cum was dangling from the tip of his cock she caught it in a finger, which she rubbed over the very tip of his glans, back and forth across the tiny opening. She heard the man’s sigh and moan, saw that he was getting close again. ‘Not yet!’ she whispered. ‘Trust me, I will make it worth the wait.’ She tried to stifle a laugh but could not help letting a little giggle escape as she saw Terence’s strained expression. ‘I will,’ she cooed, ‘indeed I will.’

Now her hands left his sex entirely, and traced along the join of thigh and belly, fingertips light and tickling. God, that was good too! His eyes half closed. He felt her hands move, both of them, to his thigh, then around behind. He heard the slight rustling of her skirt as she repositioned herself behind him. Now a hand caressed each buttock, circling, pausing to squeeze small handfuls of flesh. She caught up the soap again, and lathered his upper thighs, buttocks and lower back with long and lingering hand-strokes. Terence half-drowsed again.

‘Mm, what a pretty ass. It looks good in white soapsuds, good in red stripes too.’ Joanna whispered the words in a sing-song, musing tone. ‘Must make sure it’s clean.’

Terence felt a finger slide down the base his spine, between his ass cheeks. It flicked across the puckers of his asshole, and he clamped his cheeks together. ‘Mphh. No!’

‘Oh Terence. Be easy, I am doing nothing bad.’ Her tone was calm and soothing. Terence forced himself to relax, trying not to feel so embarrassed at what she did. It had felt so good! He waited, wanting the fingers back, yet feeling awkward that he should want such a thing.

Joanna repeated the long downward stroke, felt him begin to tense as she approached the bud, and stopped, tutting at him. ‘Relax, be easy.’

He made a conscious effort to relax, and the finger continued downward, running in a little circle over the puckered flesh. He moan
ed at that.

‘Good. Yes, that’s right.’ Joanna’s finger teased the puckers, pushed at them, then dallied at the entrance, and he tensed again. She chuckled a possessive laugh, and again cooed ‘Oh Terence dear.’ Her finger danced lightly at the entrance. He groaned, wanting more yet not wanting to admit it. But he needed release soon! He willed himself to relax. Her finger invaded, the soapy digit sliding in easily. She loved the squeeze of his sphincter around her finger as it slid in, then she began to slide her finger gently in and out. Terence moaned, and she felt a little triumph that she had persuaded him to accept this. She wanted him to experience all the joys she could provide, and one day … she smiled … one day he would find more than a finger inside him. She plied a little stronger, and then, as the motion became strident she felt him pushing against the motion. Her pleasure escaped her lips, ‘Yes! Yes! Dear God, yes eat my finger!’ She smiled wide, and reached between his thighs with her free hand, grasped the base of his shaft in slowly tightening fingers.

Terence groaned loudly. God! The combined arousal of cock and anus was driving him mad with need. He was deeply embarrassed at his wanton response to that finger pumping into him, but it felt too good! Suddenly he felt the pumping stop and the finger withdrawn. Despite himself he emitted a little gasp which spoke his sense of loss. Then he heard Joanna’s low voice, growling almost. ‘Now I’ll give you release.’ She moved in front of him, kneeling with her face close to his hard, dripping cock. Again she grasped the shaft, encircling it in her fingers, thumb and forefinger at the glans. Her other hand reached between his thighs. ‘Bear down!’ she half-whispered, and he bore down, eagerly swallowing the finger. She stroked in and out faster now, as her hands worked in unison on both cock and asshole. Her eyes were upturned to his face, watching his ecstasy build. At the last moment, when he gasped and she felt her finger grasped tighter, she opened her mouth wide, and moved over his cock. The first droplets of his cum spurted into her mouth as she did so, and then her lips encircled his shaft, and his milk spasmed onto the roof of her mouth, then her tongue. Her eyes closed as she savoured the salty delicacy. Terence’s hands moved to her head. He pulled her onto him so her face was buried at his groin and she swallowed the full length of his sex., and held her there for a while.

Then his hands began to stroke her hair. She pulled back, her eyes shining bright, blinking, and looked up at him. She was grinning. ‘Mmm. So good.’ She mumbled.

Terence’s eyes, tender and warm, met hers. His laboured breathing gradually quieted. His eyebrows rose suddenly and he smiled. ‘Sweet Jesus, what are you? How do you give me so much pleasure?’

She smiled back somewhat smugly. ‘I know many secrets, and you shall learn them all if you are willing!’ Then she reached out her tongue and licked the last droplet of cum from the very tip of his cock. Her breasts were heaving. Suddenly her voice was less assured, more plaintive. ‘I need to come too Terence. Can you pleasure me?’ Her gaze fell again to his cock, which was still half-hard.

‘In a moment, yes.’

Joanna stood, and kissed him on the mouth. Terence kissed back, tasted himself on her tongue. After a little she pulled from the kiss, sighing. She hastily rinsed off the last vestiges of soap, and dried him. Then she deftly loosened her stays and stepped out of her dress, leaving only an underskirt. Her nipples were hard and proud. ‘Come to the bed.’ She lowered her eyes, and knew her expression was enticing. She held his hand and they moved over to the bed. ‘Will you lie back, and let me ride atop you, to save your arm?’ She begged it nicely, and he could not have refused.

‘Aye girl … I mean woman.’ He chuckled. ‘You are definitely all woman!’ And he lay back on the bed, careful of his injured arm.

Joanna climbed above, kneeling astride him, and leant forward to suckle at his nipples. Soon his cock had hardened once again. She moved forward and started to lower herself onto his member. He held it upright, and she gradually slid down, feeling him press her deep. She leant forward to exchange another kiss, then leaned back. Terence sighed at the pull, the changed pressure on his cock, and reached for her breasts. He stroked their silky skin, and then as she moved upright once again he grasped her nipples and squeezed gently. Joanna’s expression moved into bliss. She began to ride his stiff cock, bumping up and down on him, faster and faster. She had been very much aroused at the start of their play, and now it would not take long for her to climax. Almost immediately she felt a little peak ripple through her, and continued with renewed vigour.

She gasped ‘Hurt me! Twist. Pull. Be mean.’ And felt his instant response as his fingers squeezed her nipples cruelly. She felt his cock buck inside her, and cried out. He loosened his grip.

She wailed ‘Noo! Harder.’ And in response he clamped the poor buds tight, twisted them viciously, pulled them, stretching her tits out and down. The pain shot down from breasts to groin, adding to the pleasure she felt already from her hard riding. Now she felt the big climax build from deep within. It washed over her like a wave, submerging her being, tugging her into an uncontrollable, frighteningly intense reality. She moaned loudly as she came, and felt the hot waters trickling from their combined sexes down her thighs, over his groin and belly. Then she fell forward, and his arms encircled her shoulders, pulling her back from the abyss of deepest climax into a warm physicality. She lay shuddering upon him. He was muttering soothing words. ‘Joanna. Dear one.’ Finally his voice, soft and caring, penetrated to her, and she recovered the power of speech once more.

‘My God!’ She gasped. ‘Oh my!’

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The Asparagus Patch

She is squatting in front of a large patch of asparagus that has just burst through the cool spring soil, thrusting itself up towards the sun. I’m working behind her, and she takes no notice as I pick the long, thick stem of the asparagus from just under her. The wind blows again, moving her hair off her tanned neck, tendons and muscles working under the skin as the sweat rolls down them. I trace the tip of the asparagus up and down her neck, tickling her. She lets out a slight gasp of...

1 year ago
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fun day at the park

I have a hobby that sometimes proves to be more then what it is. I do a lot of walking to keep in shape and in doing so I started picking up aluminum cans since there seems to be so many of them along the roadways. There is a county park not far with a nice lake and many shelter houses for picnics and gatherings s**ttered throughout the park. One Sunday morning early I decided to drive around the lake and check the trash cans for aluminum cans. No telling what one finds in those trash cans. I...

2 years ago
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Awesome Threesome

Hii everyone i am shiv..this is my first story pls pardon if any mistake..and reply me at any reply will be appreciated. Let me describe you about myself i am 5″5 height 60 kg 21 year old boy..i am athletic in look and i have a monster cock of 7 inch..so lets start the story it was a normal day for me i was coming back from my tuition in metro(kolkata ) a hot aunty was beside me in red saree and her perfume was making me horny.i was staring at her continuously through out the journey ..but...

4 years ago
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Rooftop sex NEW extended version

…as we made our way up the stairs to the private ‘red and white’ party, my heart started beating faster, not because of the trek up the stairs, but because of the swinger’s party we had managed to slip into. The erotic music playing in the background was becoming louder as we got closer to the rooftop overlooking the Mile High City skyline. The lights of the city twinkling in the background provided an amazing backdrop to the 80 degree evening. My first sight upon reaching the rooftop was a...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Security 04

Destiny watched the monitor screen as the robots inside the super-clean room assembled the tiny parts. Jonlee stood behind her, impatient with her presence. As Technology Director of this super-secure electronics factory, he didn’t like prying visitors, even ones admittedly as good-looking as Destiny. He had protested vigorously against the visit, citing the risks of revealing trade secrets but he had been over-ruled. Destiny’s soft voiced questions were probing and insightful. ‘How do you...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Fantasy Cassies POV0

"OH YEAH"! I scream in ecstasy as I have an amazing orgasm and fall back beside Chris in our bed. After several minutes both heavy breathing I put my head on his muscled chest and whisper "that was amazing you are so good" " so are you" he said. Chris and I had been together 6 years. Both of us had, between us, pretty much every sexual fetish there is and had explored them all. Or so I thought. One day I was looking at fetish stories on the Internet and called Chris over. We looked...

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Escort Services Chapter 3

Chapter Three.     There was no point in pretending anymore, Robert’s studies were going to hell in a hand basket. There was also, no point in pretending that he wasn’t enjoying himself. But, and it was proving to be a big but, he was having doubts about the women he met through his adverts.   His initial advert in the shop window had been superseded with a flashier, more colourful card. It brought a few enquiries, but was proving to be the weaker point of sale. He had taken out a small...

3 years ago
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One Night with Ben

When I was in high school, my American Lit teacher had us read Moby Dick. It was a daunting task at the time, but I have always been glad I did it. There is a scene near the beginning of the novel in which Ishmael, the narrator, finds himself in bed on an icy cold New England night. He explains to the reader that while the blankets on the bed are necessary to keep him warm, he likes to sleep with just his nose exposed to the cold air. His cold nose reminds him that the rest of his body is...

Love Stories
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Reverend Ralphs Spiritual Awakening

Part One – Fresh out of ministerial school. Ralph’s family was so pleased to be at his graduation and ordination as a minister. He was following in his father’s footsteps to reach people and make their lives better. His spiritual path was a bit more progressive than he’d been raised but his father was OK with it. That set the stage for the wedding to Mary, his childhood sweetheart. They had “gone steady” since eighth grade but didn’t go to the same college. She chose nursing as a helping...

4 years ago
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University Part 1 (April 6-8, 1999) Written by Erica Wright *** This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. *** Two months into my freshman year and I was caught. Caught doing what? Let me explain, soon after checking in to my residence hall, I discovered that the young women on the south side of the...

3 years ago
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OVERTIME by   Dulaney Browne                       She had no choice. The demands were ridiculous and the pressure intense. She was up against deadlines and there were still discrepancies in the balances. It was her job to find and correct them. The audit would be the end of this week and her boss had been an asshole about the whole mess.   There were so many other things she’d rather be doing than working overtime: having fun with her friends, shopping, even curling up with a bowl of...

3 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 27 One More Present

Darren smiled as he looked over the crowd in his living room. Friends, friends of friends, and family all crowded around chatting and laughing. Now that's what the holidays are all about, he thought to himself. Cassie was smiling in that beautiful red sweater. She was sitting on Bill Roger's lap and happier than Darren could remember seeing her. Darren entered the room carrying a tray of hors d'oeuvres and began passing it around. Stephanie patted his backside and kissed his cheek as she...

3 years ago
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Penny and her first monster cock

Penny’s encounter with a monster cockSome years ago when I was with my first wife Penny, I was working for a major UK company as regional engineer and was living in North Yorkshire from where I controlled a number of the company’s activities throughout the North of England. Part of my job was to acquisition fleet commercial vehicles and at the time many of these were purchased through a Darlington based company. They employed a senior salesman named Russ Blackstone who at the time was in his...

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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 15

There weren't any missing adult members of the community when the "Sexual Matters" meeting came to order. Bridgett had a few introductory remarks. "People, this is important. Try to remember we are talking about something important to all of us. Not just because, well, sex is important. But also because, down the road, it may be up to us, as a community, to have babies, to raise children that will repopulate the earth. We all know how devastating the Virus has been. We are only twenty...

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Di Develops Hots For Neighbour 8211 Pt 2 Innocent Play Gets Sexual

Hello friends, this is your friend hardman back with the second part of the story. If you have not read the first part, please read it from the above link. Thank you friends for your response to my previous story. I was so overwhelmed that I decided to pen down the second part soon. In the morning, Nisha casually went to Harsh’s house and she approached Harsh’s mom for some work. Seeing this, Harsh’s face went pale thinking that Nisha was going to complain to his mother. Nisha knew this and was...

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Seduced by an older woman

I was only 19yrs old and i have been seeing this older woman that lived next door to me. Me and her husband was friends and started to hang out and work together on days i was home during the summer and he was at work his wife would lay out in the sun and i would peek through my window and jackoff looking at her.Now she was about 35 then and she was 5'8" 125lbs small breasts nice tan body and long legs beautiful ass, i just couldn't get enough of her. so one night i was at home jacking off to...

1 year ago
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hotel room

Introduction: couples night of fun in a hotel room Were on a vacation staying the night in a semi cheap hotel room. We check in grab a bite to eat then hit the pool. After having a quick swim in the pool we head back to our room and decide to hit the shower. He gets in first while I lay on the bed watching tv. When he gets out I grab my tank and thong and head in to the bathroom. The water is so warm and relaxing. I feel like I could stay in there all night. I eventually get out and dry off,...

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The teacher V

Sitting up on his stomach Mr Smith pushed my legs apart. mmm yes that's what I want, he said. He reached down and took me by my hips. Pulling me forward, he brought me up to his mouth. As he opened his mouth he moved his hands to my butt cheeks. Gripping them he licked the bottom of my dick before sucking it into his mouth. His tongue flicked at the tip before snaking around the shaft. I had to put my hands on the headboard to keep my balance. With my butt in the air, I felt his finger rubbing...

2 years ago
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My Wife had a great Black Boss

When we lived in Baltimore, MD. My wife was working downtown for an insurance company, part of her job was to be a part of a team that would travel from city to city and inspect and evaluate the companies that were under their corporate banner, to ensure all legalities and ethics, and rules were being met and followed.After a few years of traveling with her team, they were told a new manager was coming in from San Francisco and he would be assisting them and learning the process, so when he...

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Pongal With My Sexy Maid

Hi sexy girls and guys, about me I am Bablu lives in Hyderabad of age 23, height 5ft 12′ good looking guy and have average pines size enough to satisfy a women. This happened 5 years back in my home town in my 12th class in a winter Pongal night. About my sexy maid, her name is bimala of age of about 25 years, married she left her husband because he was a drunker, she used to work in my house for her daughter and father back in her village and she is with brown complexion, and her stats of 34...

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IndiscretionsChapter 10

“Mom, you know Barbara Thompson that I have been hanging around with?” “Of course, Mr. Thompson’s daughter, the cute brunette who lives in her bikini. Why do you ask?” “I think she wants to have sex with me.” As I playfully pinched his cheek, I said, “You’re a bad boy. I am going to tell Gloria on you.” “Please be serious for a minute, Mom. I just told you someone else might want to have sex with me, and I need to know how you feel about that. I love you, Mom, and I don’t want to stop...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 71

We got Myra cleaned up and she started to leave. Laurie asked where Annette was and she told her the kids were down in the car. That meant getting a sweater on Laurie and going down to the car so she could say hello to her friend. Billy seemed happy to see me and Bozo. Yes, Bozo had to go down, too. And Posie. When we got back upstairs, Daddy and Mom were still talking at the kitchen table. I got the pot of coffee and topped everyone off. Again, I got the 'can't believe this coffee'...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 29 Summertime for Us All

October 17th, 1995, 7:30 AM PT, Metro Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA Miriam had been tossing and turning all night; she spent time just sitting in the chair in the corner of the room to try and let Baruch sleep. She was so upset she was oblivious to the fact that Baruch couldn’t sleep either, which was not in her nature. She was usually fully aware of what was going on with her husband. They thought together almost telepathically, and yesterday had been one of the first times in decades when...

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Poor Little Rich GirlsChapter 6 Second String

For a moment Sue lay there kind of in a stupor, the slimy ooze still extruding from her now empty vagina. Alice leaned over to look at her. She smiled seeing her laying there, her flawless breasts still heaving, and a near-gratified look on her lovely flushed face. As a matter of fact, Sue's entire body was blushing a deep glowing pink. "Did you like it, Sue?" "Yah, I've forgotten the beginning, and the end, thank goodness. That wasn't too great. Don't men have any consideration at...

4 years ago
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My first girl

I was shopping for some lingerie in a small shop when a sales rep asked if I needed help. I told her I was just looking around and she said to let her know if I needed any help. She stayed nearby working on the racks as I looked things over.I found a sheer bra and panty set and held it up in front of myself."He'll like that" she said."There's no he" I said."Then she'll like that" she said."Oh no, there's no she" I replied quickly."Too bad" she smiled and walked away behind the counter.After...

1 year ago
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Dont tease a tease

I knock at your door. The bitter winter wind swirls around me, flowing up between my stocking clad legs. I shiver. Locks of carefully curled hair are tossed in the breeze. The thin red coat I have on to hide my evening attire is doing nothing to keep me warm. My nipples push against silk, the corset restraining them only creates further friction, making me shift my weight trying to ease the tingle between my thighs. You finally open the door looking a little flustered. Apologies roll quick...

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