Right From The Start - Chapter Eighteen free porn video

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Right from the Start, Chapter Eighteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door who has now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Friends, Mary is 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist;. Sophia & Alicia; Mary and Sandra's mothers;. Jeanette & Sandie: The sales assistants in the boutique;. Virginia: A Model who will come to befriend them. Chapter Eighteen As Sian locked up, Sandie and Virginia left Cross Roads and bid farewell to each other outside the subway station. They kissed passionately before parting and this attracted a few surprised looks. Virginia noticed a few looks and savoured the situation. She wondered how many male minds were thinking 'what a waste!' but she ignored the jealous looks and remained firmly clinched to Sandie. Eventually and reluctantly, they finally parted. Sandie caught her train to the suburbs whilst Virginia caught the bus a few blocks to her apartment next door to the Transvestite club. That night she forsook the TV club but stopped by to work out at the gym a couple of doors down the block. Now that she had money to spend, Virginia had become a member. After working out and showering, Virginia needed to wash her hair so she spent the rest of the evening in a loose robe while attending with meticulous care to her appearance. Virginia worked hard at looking good and was now delighted that a beautiful girl had found her attractive. For her nearly every dream was coming true. There were however, one or two dark spots on the horizon. One was the dread that her cruel mother might one day discover where she lived. Another was the sad vacancy between her legs. Virginia gently fingered the tiny little bud under her 'clitty hood' and silently prayed that Dorie Lou's endocrinologist might cure the absence of a proper cock. Eventually Virginia dried her tears and settle down to watch some television. The choice was dreadful so as soon as her hair was dry, she went to bed. For the rest of the week, Virginia's life carried on as normal until Friday when Dorie Lou reminded Virginia of the appointment with Doctor Wendy. "How could I forget it?" replied Virginia. "Well be leaving straight after work. Have you brought your suitcase?" Virginia nodded towards her overnight bag and makeup case, stuffed away in the kitchenette. Dorie Lou nodded agreeably. She had already arranged for Sandie and Jeanette to run the boutique during Saturday and by that same night they would be back. By four o'clock on Friday, Simone, Virginia and Dorie Lou were at the airport. "So what's this Doctor Wendy like?" asked Virginia. Simone answered with a slight frown. "Very impersonal, a lousy bedside manner, brusque and efficient, she's not you're typical idea of a caring, sharing doctor. Her bedside manner resembles that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. She's an endocrinologist, not your average family physician," Simone replied. Dorie Lou said with a grin, "Oh come on darling. She's not that bad." "Well, perhaps not," conceded Simone, "but you must agree, she's more interested in chemicals than people." Dorie Lou nodded agreement and Virginia grinned before she stepped forward to hand her luggage over for security checks. Soon they were on the plane going east. A short taxi ride brought them to Doctor Wendy's clinic and Simone stepped out to lead the way. Virginia noticed that Simone showed no fear or reservation about returning to the place she had once spent over a year of her life. 'If Simone's not bothered, then why should I?' thought Virginia and she trotted up the steps in close pursuit of Simone. The receptionist readily recognised Simone and Dorie Lou and they explained about Virginia. A quick check confirmed their appointments and the three 'girls' walked happily down the echoing corridor. Virginia savoured the loud synchronous clicks of three pairs of heels stepping purposefully and in unison. Doctor Wendy's door was open for it was fairly late and most of the staff had gone home. After affectionate greetings and introductions Doctor Wendy stood back to make a brief professional assessment of Virginia's appearance. She nodded thoughtfully, ordered them to undress then announced. "I'll do Simone first because she just needs checking out. Hop up on the table." Both 'girls' had changed into simple theatre gowns so she Simone hitched her butt onto the table then slid around and casually parted her thighs. There were no secrets from Doctor Wendy. Despite her attractive curvy and very feminine appearance, Simone did not suffer too much from that feminine sense of vulnerability or 'invasion' whenever a gynaecological exam was imminent. After all, Simone had no gynaecology of note to be invaded. She lay back without expression as Doctor Wendy flipped back the hem of the gown and immediately started probing and testing her sex. After prodding and squeezing none too gently she invited Virginia to come and look as she explained her investigation and asked Simone some rather personal questions. "Are you still getting erections?" Simone nodded and smiled as she squeezed Dorie Lou's hand. "You bet doc! Fabulous ones!" "Good. Do they endure?" "Oh yes! All night would you believe?" "Good. Roll over, I want to check your prostate." Simone obeyed and Doctor Wendy inserted her fingers none too gently into Simone's rectum. Simpne grunted a bit and Doctor Wendy scolded her lightly. "Don't be such a girl. Think what happens to Dorie Lou when she has her gynea-" The three 'girls giggled at the remark then Doctor Wendy gave Simone's beautifully curvaceous bum a resounding slap. "You're finished!" "Ouch, that hurt!" squeaked Simone as she rubbed the bright red wheal that had appeared immediately. "Stop protesting," grinned Doctor Wendy, "beautiful bums like yours were absolutely made for spanking." Simone slid down off the table and frowned at Doctor Wendy. She had always suspected Doctor Wendy's nature. Doctor Wendy ignored Simone's censorious look and nodded to Virginia. "Right young lady, your turn, have you ever had a proper examination?" "Uhhm, no, I don't think so. I can't honestly remember." Doctor Wendy frowned thoughtfully. "Mmmm, yes that's what I thought when Dorie told me about you. Do you even know what drugs your mother used?" Virginia wagged her head apologetically. "No, I was only about seven or eight, I think, when she first started giving me 'vitamins'. I honestly can't be certain. I don't remember much." Doctor Wendy's countenance became more serious. It would need a full endocrinological exam to assess whatever damage had been done to Virginia's masculinity. As Virginia lay back on the table Doctor Wendy examined the vestigial scrotum that so resembled nothing more than labia majora. "Hmmm," she mused thoughtfully, "this will take some treating. Does that hurt?" Doctor Wendy had squeezed one of the tiny pea-sized testicles and Virginia had hardly twitched. In a normal man, such a squeeze would have elicited a squeal of protest followed by a violent lurch. Virginia had simply twitched her thighs nervously. "I asked if it hurt," repeated Doctor Wendy. "Not a lot. I felt it but it didn't hurt much." "No pain at all?" persisted Doctor Wendy. Who squeezed again and a bit harder. This time Virginia did squeak but Doctor Wendy knew that any girl would have squeaked if her finger had been squeezed that hard. There seemed to be nothing useful of any note in Virginia's so-called scrotum. The mother's drugs had done a pretty good job. She frowned as she turned to Virginia. "I don't hold out much hope for you but we can put you on the test programme. I'll need to keep you here for a week or so to run the tests and see if any surgical intervention is needed." Nervous tears welled up in Virginia's eyes. "You won't cut me will you? Don't turn me into a girl!" "Good God girl! What d'you think I am?" Virginia had met several dominatrixes and her first impressions of Doctor Wendy were that she might be one of those cruel 'man haters' that took extreme delight in emasculating boys. Doctor Wendy sensed the drift of Virginia's thoughts so she changed her bedside manner immediately. She smiled sympathetically and bent forward to kiss Virginia on her lips. It was just a reassuring peck as any two sisters might share. Then she explained, "Virginia darling, I am not what you might think, that is some sort of dominating man-hater. I genuinely try to help. If you've any doubts ask Simone, I gave her exactly what she wanted and I hope to do the same for you. The problem is that your mother did a pretty good job of emasculating you. Your testes are little more than a baby's. When we treated Simone we took great care to ensure that her testicles remained functional. It takes a tricky balancing act to achieve a condition such as Simone's. Whoever gave your mother the hormones to hurt you was a medical butcher. I just don't know if our drugs can help you. Whatever treatment we use on you will be entirely experimental. The problem is I can't guarantee fertility, if fact I doubt if we can make you fertile. What we should be able to do is enable you to grow regular erections, just as Simone has. However, when flaccid, your penis will be like Simone's, that is retracted under your foreskin, or as Simone describes it, her boy-clitty hood. You will pee like a girl except when you need to clear your tubes after an erection." "Just like Simone in the shower," observed Virginia. "Precisely, now do you want to join the tests, d'you want to give it a try?" "It's my best shot isn't it?" sighed Virginia. "I'd say it's your only shot," reinforced Dorie Lou. Doctor Wendy nodded affirmation of Dorie Lou's remark and Virginia sagged with disappointment. She had so hoped to give Sandie a baby. After pausing to reflect she finally nodded her assent. Doctor Wendy restrained herself from resuming her usual brusque efficient manner. Instead she stepped across her consulting room and produced a sheaf of papers. Virginia watched her suspiciously but Wendy quickly reassured her. "No, these are not consent forms. They are just notes and research material for you to read tonight. After you have read them there is a long questionnaire. You and I will go through it tomorrow morning. But in the meantime, you three might as well go for a night out on the town." Dorie Lou wagged her head. "Sorry, Simone and I have our flight booked. Virginia will be alone tonight." "So be it," replied Doctor Wendy, "if Virginia wants, she and I can go out for a meal with me but I don't do clubs." Doctor Wendy then turned to Virginia. "Otherwise, Virginia, you're on your own. D'you want to go for a meal, then I'll run you back here and you can use the ward bed as a sort of hotel for the week." Virginia smiled and agreed. Then she said her goodbyes to Dorie Lou and Simone and waved as they caught their cab. She and Doctor Wendy then drove to a restaurant out on the seafront. "D'you like seafood?" Virginia nodded. Having been raised from birth in the Midwest, fresh seafood had been a relative luxury. Her family had been steak and chicken eaters. They were made welcome and shown to a seat and it was obvious that Doctor Wendy was a regular customer. All the staff seemed to know her by name. Once seated Doctor Wendy opened up, she explained all about the drugs and invited Virginia to ask away. Naturally Virginia asked about the strange powders, the 'vitamin derivatives' that Dorie Lou seemed to be administering to her friends. "Were they dangerous?" asked Virginia. "No," answered Wendy emphatically, "not if they're administered properly." "So what do they do?" asked Virginia suspiciously. "They are experimental drugs. Dorie Lou was not lying, but she was not telling the whole truth. They are derived from vitamins but they are also designed along the same generic group as Viagra. Do you remember that Viagra was first produced for treating mental conditions and moods, depression and such like?" Virginia didn't know this but listened as Wendy expanded. "Doctors were getting feedback from some of their older male patients who reported that they were getting erections again. After further research it was discovered that Viagra could have this effect. Our new drugs explore the same neurological pathways between the libido, the brain and the sexual organs. Viagra inadvertently opened up the road and shed new light. We are just walking down that same new road." "So what does this libido drug do?" "It gives increased vigour to the libido. Boys become horny and remain horny. They grow strong healthy erections that endure until the antidote is administered." "And girls?" pressed Virginia. "It makes them horny too. They get a strong desire for sex, to have their vagina's filled, usually by a similarly dosed boy but sometimes with a shared dildo if it's a lesbian couple." "What about two gay men?" wondered Virginia. "Well, they both get erections, but the sexual mechanics is a matter for them to work out. I mean what do they do if they've both got huge erections? It's pretty tricky for both of them to penetrate each other simultaneously. From the members of my test group, the gays tell me that they alternate the dosages so that one gets erect at a time. It works for them but I'm only an endocrinologist. I don't understand the emotional side of homosexuality. I don't do psychiatry." Virginia smiled as she nodded. "Yes, Dorie and Simone told me about that. You only do chemistry." "Quite right, Doctor Julie does the psychiatric side of stuff. She'll want to speak to you tomorrow. I suppose you've seen enough psychiatrists to last a lifetime." Virginia nodded ruefully but Wendy reassured her. "Don't worry, she's a very capable and compassionate girl, much more compassionate than I. Has Simone spoken of her?" "No, strangely she hasn't. And you're right, I have seen enough psychiatrists to last a lifetime." "Well, Julie's OK. She'll be there when we fill in the questionnaire." They chatted long into the evening and Doctor Wendy finally dropped Virginia off close to midnight. Virginia fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. The following day, as arranged, Virginia read the notes then met with the two doctors to fill in the questionnaire. Many of the questions made no sense to Virginia but Doctor Julie explained that they were psychological 'base-line' determinants. "Enlighten me," demanded Virginia. "They are simply to determine what changes might have occurred in your psychological makeup after our tests," explained Doctor Julie. "What! D'you mean I could change my personality or something!" squeaked Virginia. "We don't think so, but let's not forget, it's hormones and psychotropic drugs were using here," added Doctor Wendy. Virginia swallowed nervously. "Shit! If I'd known it was that complicated I'd, - well I'd, - " "You can still back out," added Doctor Julie, "If you're not happy." Virginia fell silent and the two doctors waited patiently. Virginia weighed up the pros and cons. 'Here was her only chance, the remotest chance of some sort of success, sShould I take the risk?' she asked herself. She asked another question, "Are the drugs safe, the ones that Simone uses today?" "Yes," replied Doctor Wendy, "we believe those drugs are safe, the risks are in the drugs we will be dosing you with over this week. Some of these are relatively untested. There might be a risk!" "A fatal risk?" pressed Virginia. "No" replied Wendy, "you wouldn't die but there might be personality changes." "Like what?" "Your sexuality, you might want to become a transsexual." Virginia thought of this and considered Sandie. 'Would Sandie still love her, if Virginia somehow betrayed her by changing her sexual orientation, if she became a full transsexual she might, or indeed would come to prefer men. That would be a total betrayal of Sandie's love, and the last thing Virginia wanted was to hurt anybody, particularly Sandie' She described her feelings to the doctors and Doctor Wendy smiled compassionately. "Then you had best talk about this with Sandie, right now." She pointed to the phone and Virginia stared at it, mesmerised by her own indecision. "Go on," encouraged Doctor Julie, "you've got to discuss it for your own peace of mind." Virginia reached for the phone and held it like a cobra as she stared at the keys. Finally she dialed the number for the boutique and Dorie Lou answered. "Hello Virginia my darling. How's it going?" "It's tricky. Can I talk to Sandie?" Sandie took the phone and they exchanged kisses and Sandie asked nervously what the problem was. Virginia explained and Sandie fell silent. "If you want to, talk about it with Dorie Lou. She can help," pleaded Virginia. "Call me back straight away." Sandie put down the receiver and turned to Dorie Lou. They chatted for several minutes before Dorie Lou advised Sandie to go to the clinic and support Virginia through her ordeals. It was exactly what she had done for Simone and the emotional link had been reinforced between them. "But what about my parents, they'll want to know why I'm going." "Tell them Virginia's had an accident." Sandie took the advice and rushed home to her parents. As she left, Dorie Lou turned to Simone and smiled. "We're going to be short-handed until Friday at least." Late that Monday Afternoon Sandie was on the plane and by nightfall she was at Virginia's side. Tears of uncertainty flowed copiously but finally Sandie bravely supported Virginia in her journey. "If it's the only option darling, you'd never forgive me for not trying it. If it's what you need to be happy, go for it." Despite Sandie unhesitating support, Virginia agonised over the decisions but finally plumped for the treatment. 'It was this or nothing!' That night she received her first injections and Sandie joined her in the bed to provide emotional support. Doctor Wendy described in detail what she expected and hoped to happen but the unknowns were still out there. "If it works as I expect, you will feel quite a bit of pain in your 'boy-clitty' as you so fondly call it. I would refer to it as a vestigial penis but then I'm a doctor. There will be some pain so be brave. I've given you some strong pain relievers but you'll still feel stuff." Surprisingly, Doctor Wendy reached down and gave Virginia a gentle kiss as she smiled. Then she also gave Sandie a kiss to reassure her as she whispered. "Your support might be vital. Look after her. I'll be right next door" Sandie bit her lip nervously as she turned to hug Virginia passionately. As nightfall closed around them, Virginia cried nervously and Sandie kept hugging her tight. Just after Midnight, Virginia felt the first long forgotten twinges of an erection growing in her groin. She let out a nervous whimper and jerked fearfully as the tissues attached to her pubic bone stretched unbearably. "Oh! Oo-oh! Oww! It's growing! It's tearing. Inside me, I can feel it! Ooo-www!" Sandie sat up and called for Doctor Wendy who appeared as if by magic. She was all competence and efficiency as she commandeered Sandie's help to prise Virginia's thighs apart to inspect developments. Carefully she fingered the underside of Virginia's groin and felt the stiff vascular tubes that had grown inside her grown. Virginia writhed in pain and fear so Wendy administered another dose of pethadine. As Virginia became drowsy, Wendy sat on the bed and explained to Sandie. "So far, it's good. The penis roots have hardened and grown slightly. When they have settled down I will administer the next course. This will promote further growth of the vascular roots and perhaps a minimal development outside. By Tuesday night she should have a noticeable little cockette. The drugs are working as I expected." Thus reassured, Sandie sighed with relief and hugged Doctor Wendy passionately. "Thanks, thanks for everything." They separated and Sandie rolled over to hug the sleeping Virginia as Doctor Wendy crept back to her duty night office. There she made some notes then crashed out on the bunk. She was quietly hopeful for Virginia. On Tuesday morning Virginia woke and immediately probed her boy-clitty. Her excitement mounted as she discovered a noticeable little expansion of her 'clitty-bud'. Eagerly she woke Sandie and demanded her opinion. "What do you think? Has it grown?" Virginia happily spread her thighs as Sandie kneeled down and inspected developments. There was no doubt in Sandie's mind that the little glans was distinctly bigger. Out of curiosity she leaned in closer and gently kissed the glistening bud. Virginia twitched deliciously and squealed with delight. "Ooooh! That's good. That's just so good. Oh heck! I'm getting stiff again, inside. Ooow! Oooow-oow!" Her cries alerted Doctor Wendy who knocked solicitously. "Come in!" called Virginia, who had lost all inhibitions about parting her girlish thighs. Doctor Wendy peeped around the door and smiled as she saw Sandie's silk encased butt poised invitingly in the air as she burrowed solicitously into Virginia's sex. Despite the noise of the door opening, Sandie continued attending to Virginia. 'Obviously the pair were more concerned with Virginia's condition than anything so mundane as their personal modesty,' thought Doctor Wendy, 'but that was a good thing. It demonstrated that Virginia and Sandie were utterly devoted to each other.' Virginia was whimpering fearfully and she cried beseechingly to Doctor Wendy once she had noticed her watching from the bottom of the bed. "Help me. Ooow! Please help. It's hurting. It wants to come out but it hurts so much!" Doctor Wendy knelt on the bed and bent down close to Sandie's ear to give instructions. "Darling, treat Virginia more like a boy. Don't just tongue her parts. You see that glistening little glans?" "Mmm," muffled Sandie as she strove to massage Virginia's strange arrangements. "Well that little bud needs help escaping from under her clitty hood," explained Doctor Wendy. "Grip the bud gently with your lips; your lips mind, not your teeth." Sandie nodded as she formed a compressive ring with her lips around Virginia's glans. "Now grip it firmly with your lips and suck hard as you gently tug it out from under the clitty hood." Sandie caught on quickly and did as instructed. Virginia wails quickly subsided as her whimperings changed to a guttural gasp of relief. For long minutes nothing happened and Doctor Wendy became worried. Then slowly, ever so slowly, Wendy watched as a pale, rigid little tube of flesh slowly and reluctantly emerge from Virginia's groin like toothpaste escaping the tube. Virginia gave a wail of distress and tried desperately to alleviate the pain. It seemed as though Sandie was pulling her little boy-clitty inside out. Doctor Wendy gently gripped Virginia's twitching hand and kissed her cheek to reassure her. "It's working darling. Be brave!" "Oooh, it hurts!" gasped Virginia. "It's nice but it hurts so!" 'Thank God!' sighed Wendy with silent relief as she returned to check developments below. 'The drugs seemed to be working properly for the pale white tube of flesh hat was definitely a penis shaft' For the first time since her early childhood, Virginia had something resembling a penis in her groin. Then the distension stopped. Sandie tugged harder and Virginia let out a scream of pleasure pain. Sandie glanced nervously sideways to Doctor Wendy and mumphed dumbly, "Mmmfh mm, mm, m, mmmmoo." Doctor Wendy gently fingered the stiff, little tube and eased Sandie's tired lips off the glans. Virginia's scream subsided and she released a whoosh of relief as her fingers flew to the strange sensation in her groin. To her shock and delight, they located a stiff sensitive tube of flesh about half an inch wide and two inches long. For several moments she just fingered it feverishly, too afraid to open her eyes and look. Sandie however had no inhibitions she peered closely at the strange arrival and turned to Doctor Wendy. "It's got no foreskin. The round bit just sits on top like a cherry." "That's because of her past," explained Doctor Wendy as she fingered the little cowl of flesh at the base of Virginia's new organ. "This would have been her foreskin if Virginia had developed normally but she'll always be different. She's erect now and throughout the week that erection will improve. By Friday, Virginia will be able to satisfy you every which way you please." Sandie eyes widened with expectation and a huge grin wrapped itself around her jaw. Virginia had also been listening avidly and her eyes finally opened as Doctor Wendy explained. She struggled to sit up then peered down at the brave little fellow standing to attention between her thighs. "And it's definitely going to grow some more?" she repeated just to confirm her hopes. Doctor Wendy nodded as she explained, "I fully expect her to. This is just the first day. I'll be very disappointed if it doesn't grow to about seven or perhaps even eight inches by Friday." "Her?" wondered Sandie bemusedly. Doctor Wendy smiled affectionately as she tenderly fingered Virginia's newfound friend. "Yes dear, her. She males often refer to their little boy-clitties as 'her' or 'she'." "If she grows to eight inches you can call her anything you like," grinned Virginia, "I won't mind." "That's the spirit young lady," replied Doctor Wendy to encourage Virginia. "Now breakfast I think, don't you?" Virginia and Sandie slid off the bed and dressed eagerly. Virginia felt the silky embrace of her panties slide up her little friend and she squealed with delight. "Oohw-oow! That's just soo-oo good!" "Nice was it?" queried Doctor Wendy knowingly. Virginia nodded and pressed her palm flat against her friend as she gently rubbed the silky panties up and down the little shaft. She quickly found the most sensitive spot just below the base of the glans. Normally her fraenum would have been there but because her 'foreskin' was located elsewhere her cockette was not like other boys. It would only be later, when Virginia penetrated Sandie properly, that she would discover the most sensitive part of her cockette right at the base of her penis. Virginia's fraenum would be connected to the seam of her scrotum so the mechanics of sex would differ considerably from an ordinary boy. In the future, Virginia would always service girls best by spooning into them from the rear and frotting her fraenum against the girls clitoris. Mutual orgasms would become almost the norm, not the exception. Missionary fashion would simply become a means of ensuring intimacy for tying each other face to face for long intimate pillow chats. Virginia was to become a love machine just like Simone. After breakfast, Virginia's erection was still pressing needfully against her silky panties and she turned suspiciously to Doctor Wendy. "She won't go down." Sandie's eyes widened eagerly at this remark. Though she was a virgin, she had heard lots of her school friends often complaining that the boys went soft too soon and the girls had therefore not enjoyed decent sex. Doctor Wendy excused herself and Virginia from Sandie's presence and took her into her office. "Here, take one of these." Virginia eyed the little sash of powder and nodded knowingly. "This is one of those anti libido things that Dorie Lou uses isn't it?" Doctor Wendy nodded. "Yes, but in your case, you'll be in control. Don't tell Sandie at first until you can trust each other implicitly. Sandie's still young, she might abuse it if she gets too much of a taste for sex." Virginia's jaw sagged slightly. "Is it possible to like too much sex?" "These are powerful drugs Virginia," cautioned Doctor Wendy, "last night I only treated you to a five percent dose. You'll have to go easy until your body adjusts and your penis has adapted correctly to accept full- scale erections. It takes time for your atrophied vascular tissues to re-grow to their proper size. I'll be giving you another dose at about noon and then Sandie can assist your changes all afternoon. By about eight o'clock tonight, you'll be having an erection of about three inches long. It will be painful again at first as your tissues are stretched almost to breaking. That's the most difficult part. If I find any bruising it means some vessels might have ruptured inside your cock. That would delay things for about a month, so it's easy, easy with the treatment OK." Virginia nodded silently, now she was beginning to understand the risks as Doctor Wendy elaborated further. "It also helps to have a vacuum pump or some such device handy to encourage the penis to emerge and grow." Virginia grinned as she realised now why Sandie had been invited to assist in her treatment. Sandie's lips were just about the sweetest vacuum pump that Virginia could have wished for. Doctor Wendy elaborated further as she recognised Virginia's cognisance light up in her knowing smile. "That's exactly it Virginia! Sandie is your vacuum pump but her lips are also able to grip your cock and drag it out further. You see your little cock is reluctant to emerge because of the pleasure pain. That's where Sandie's main assistance lies." "Yeah," giggled Virginia, that's exactly what Sandie did last night, and Dorie Lou did it last week. She rimmed my glans with her lips then compressed my clitty so that the glans could not retreat until she drugged me." Doctor Wendy smiled knowingly. "Yes. Dorie Lou's a skilled operator and she knows the ropes. She's the one who vacuumed Simone for almost a year. We used microscopic doses then because this treatment as in its' infancy. Now go and invite Sandie in to see me, I want to explain stuff to her. " Virginia left after taking the powder in some water. She found Sandie washing the breakfast things so Virginia took over whilst Sandie went in to see Doctor Wendy. Once in her office, Doctor Wendy explained everything to Sandie, including the risks with the drugs. The reason she had pretended to tell one and not the other was to check how much they trusted her and each other. If they finally exchanged secrets they would learn that Doctor Wendy had been scrupulously honest about the drugs. That would reassure both 'girls'. That afternoon Doctor Wendy administered the drugs again and warned Virginia that she would again feel painful sensations in her penis. "It will be much the same as the last time inasmuch as you'll feel stretching sensations in your vascular parts and finally a noticeable increase in your penis. If all goes well, by Friday, you'll have a penis that any boy would be proud of. Virginia exchanged glances with Sandie then turned over for Doctor Wendy to administer the needle. After massaging the puncture site on Virginia's beautifully rounded bum, she produced the little sachet of powder and added it to a glass of water. Sandie watched Virginia swallow it then turned expectantly to Doctor Wendy. Doctor Wendy wagged her head. "Not yet young lady. Let's get Virginia functioning properly first. Just remember what I said. Keep sucking her little penis and when it starts to grow stiff, gently tug it out with your lips crimped behind her glans. Just like the last time." Sandie nodded and smiled. It seemed patience was the name of the game. Doctor Wendy smiled benevolently. "Now, go to it girls, enjoy, but be gentle and careful." As Doctor Wendy left the room, the pair grinned and began to strip eagerly. Soon Sandie was lying between Virginia's parted thighs and watching for the first signs of a stiffy. She giggled and smiled as she gently fingered Virginia's bashful little glans while Virginia whimpered nervously. Then the feeling started. Once again, Virginia felt the strange sensations as the velvety shaft of her penis began to uncrinkle and the strange tubular appendage started to stiffen. The glans started to emerge from under Virginia's 'clitty hood' and Sandie immediately dipped her head into Virginia's groin and gently gripped the base of the glans in her lips. This time, because the shaft of Virginia's little penis was slightly longer, Sandie was able to cross her eyes and vaguely make out the glistening, white stalk. 'Why's it so wet?' wondered Sandie, 'Virginia must be making some sort of love juice just like a girl. Her cockette must be somehow emerging out of a hidden scabbard up behind her clitty hood. Gosh! It was really weird,' thought Sandie. Out of curiosity, Sandie sucked the whole three and a half inches into her mouth and she tasted the slippery, bubbly secretions along the shaft of Virginia's sex. It tasted very slightly acid; but still sweeter than her own love juices and Sandie found herself savouring the honeyed nectar. 'Mmmm, I could get to like this,' sighed Sandie silently as she gently ran her tongue up and down the shaft to gather as much of the fluid as she could without releasing the beautiful little organ. Virginia's whimpering suddenly erupted into an excited squeal of surprised pleasure. Despite the pain in her groin where the vascular roots were still growing and stiffening, Virginia's sensitive shaft sent ripples of delight up her spine. "Oooh-ooh! That's nice. Do that again!" Sandie needed no second bidding. The slippery secretion was like nectar to a bee and she greedily rasped her tongue up and down the shaft to garnish every last, sweet drop. Her actions sent Virginia into paroxysms of delight and she started humping urgently as the weirdest sensations she had ever felt started to twitch spasmodically in the deepest core of her crotch. "Oh my God! What's happening?" wailed Virginia, "I, - I'm going to, - I don't know! What's happening! My cock, -! It's, - it's going to jump! Oh my God! What's, - whass, what's going on!" "Mmmph!" gagged Sandie, struggling to keep Virginia's cockette in her mouth, "Mmmm, mm, Mmmph!!" "Wha-a! Whass' at!" Sandie momentarily released Virginia's cock and protested, "Stop bucking around. I can't keep hold of your cock if you hump like that. You're hurting my lips cos I'm having to hold on with my teeth and they're cutting into my lips. Stop bucking like a stallion!" Sandie protests were of course useless because unbeknownst to Virginia, she was actually having her very first male orgasm. Up until this delightful afternoon, all of Virginia's orgasms had been female; that is a slow wave of ecstasy gradually erupting through her whole body as her body responded to what little pleasure masturbation had brought her previously. Now, this time, things were hugely different. For with the growth of her penis had come the reinstatement of Virginia's prostate gland and all the other mechanisms associated with the male orgasm. Virginia's urgent humping quickly made it impossible for Sandie to continue sucking the rigid little stalk protruding from Virginia's groin. Sandie tried resting her elbows and upper body on Virginia's thighs but it proved useless. Sandie's weight was insufficient to suppress Virginia's vigour and she soon gave up. Instead she pulled back slightly and simply watched Virginia's tummy jerking uncontrollably as she humped feverish against nothing. Then to Sandie's shock and delight, a tiny spurt of fluid spat out from the end of Virginia's cockette and splashed into Sandie's hair. Virginia let out a squeal of pain and grabbed desperately for the source of her agony. Her hands pressed hard against her cockette in an attempt to assuage the unexpected stab of pain. The ejaculation had overloaded her equipment but her little stiffy remained obstinately hard and erect. Sandie struggled to reach the organ and somehow alleviate the pain with her soft wet lips but Virginia was in a fit of agony. She was frantically squeezing and massaging the glans and wailing painfully. Her cries brought Doctor Wendy running and she demanded to know what happened. Sandie cried, "I don't know. She was hard and stiff like she was this morning but then she started bouncing her bum. This stuff spat out of the end of her thingy." Sandie fingered the sticky droplets in her hair and Doctor Wendy peered closely. "Oh my God! I didn't expect this until at least Thursday. Stay there, don't move." Sandie stared curiously as Doctor Wendy stepped into her office then returned with a small glass vial and a spatula. She carefully scraped a sample of the fluid then scraped it into the bottle and smiled at Sandie. "If this came from Virginia's cock, it's worth checking out." "What! You mean?" "Well I don't expect it to contain anything but you can never tell." "But what about Virginia, look she's in agony." Doctor Wendy turned to attend Virginia's penis but first she had to prise Virginia's fingers from her organ. "Let me see girl. I can't do anything for you unless I can get to look at it." Virginia wailed fearfully. "It's hurting. The pipe is stinging and it feels kinked!" "Oh don't be such a sissy girl! Let me see!" Reluctantly, Virginia released her fingers and she sat rigidly tense as Doctor Wendy carefully fingered the erection. "I can't find anything wrong. It seems OK. Can you pee?" "I dunno'. It still hurts! It's like there's a kink or something in the pie underneath!" Doctor Wendy decided there might be a risk to forcing Virginia to pee whilst her cockette was still erect so she administered the 'anti- libido' powder with a drink of water. "This will make you soft, then you should be able to pee." Greedily, Virginia gulped the drink and squirmed uncomfortably. "It feels as though there's a pea or pebble stuck in my pipe." Wendy gently fingered the underside of Virginia's penis and gently palpitated the engorged urethra. "Can you tell me where it feels to be?" Virginia wagged her head at first but as Wendy's knowledgeable fingers gently traced the line Virginia suddenly squeaked. "Ouch! Just there." "It feels like a kidney stone or something. Have you ever had any pain in your back; around your kidneys or something?" Virginia wagged her head at first then her eyes widened with remembrance. "Oh heck! I remember once, - no, that was years ago. It couldn't be that." "What," asked Doctor Wendy, "What was years ago?" Virginia hesitated. "It was a long time ago, when I was a little bo, - a little boy. My mother and sister used to beat me for dressing up. My sister would hit me around the kidneys and once I passed blood." "Good God," gasped Doctor Wendy, "did you ever have any severe pains after it?" Virginia nodded as the cruel memories returned. Memories she had long ago blanked off. A tear trickled down her cheek as she recalled the beatings and a lump in her throat stopped her talking. Wendy recognised the distress and explained. "There's a hard lump about the size of a pea in your urethra. If it is a kidney stone then it's going to be very painful to pass. I might have to use surgery. Virginia paled visibly and Sandie protested. "You're not going to hurt her!" "We'll see when Virginia passes water. D'you want to pee now?" Virginia nodded nervously and whispered, "Yes." Doctor Wendy frowned and slipped back into her surgery. She returned with a needle loaded with lithocane. By now, Virginia's cockette had softened and receded up behind her clitty hood. She expressed her wish to pee so Doctor Wendy led her to the lavatory. "Quickly, put these panty hose on. They will catch any thing that comes out." Virginia grasped the principle and neatly slipped the panty hose up her legs and adjusted them before sitting on the toilet. Then she let go. There was no pain at first and her urine flowed fairly freely but then, the stone shifted under the pressure and the sharp gritty edges lodged in her pipe. She let out a scream of agony and collapsed from the pain. Then her flow reduced noticeably as she writhed and screamed her distress. Fortunately, Doctor Wendy had anticipated the blockage and she swiftly removed Virginia's panty hose before administering the drug right at the seat of the pain. The effects were rapid and her writhing ceased as the urine dripped slowly from her cockette. "I'll have to go up your urethra. You wont feel anything though, just spread your legs. Ignore the dribbles." Virginia resumed sitting on the lavatory pan and waited nervously until Doctor Wendy returned with her magic eye. "Close your eyes if your squeamish darling," cautioned Doctor Wendy, "this will look a lot worse than it feels." Virginia's eyes widened with shock at the long narrow pipe as Doctor Wendy wiggled it about from within with the control wires. "You'll have to get up on the gynaecological table. Come on. Stand up and walk next door." As Virginia waddled with her tights around her knees, a trail of uncontrolled urine dribbled from her cockette leaving a line of drips along the floor. Doctor Wendy nodded to Sandie. "Go and get a mop love." Sandie was glad to feel useful and quickly returned with a mop and bucket filled with disinfectant. After wiping up the trail of urine, she washed up and returned to see Doctor Wendy gently withdrawing the magic eye with a dark red pebble of bloodstained grit firmly gripped in the tiny claw. A flood of blood stained urine followed and Sandie was quickly busy again mopping up the mess and disinfecting the floor and table as Doctor Wendy placed the kidney stone on a petre dish. Virginia was whimpering with relief but the urine was stinging the scratches on the inside of her urethra. "Well, that's the worst part over," remarked Doctor Wendy, "It's a nasty stone. It must have been lodged up somewhere close to your atrophied prostate gland. Since that has grown and become active again the ejaculation must have dislodged it. I'll have to have you scanned to see if there are any more." "Ejaculation?" queried Sandie, "Is that what it was?" "It appears so. That stuff from your hair looks like seminal fluid. We'd best check it out, though I don't expect to find any sperm in it." By now Virginia was returning to some semblance of normality. Despite the stinging in her cockette, the pain was infinitely better. She sat up and experimented carefully with her butt as she slid down off the gynaecological table. "Oooh! That's better. Can I see it?" Doctor Wendy showed her the kidney stone in the petre dish. It was bigger than a pea and the edges were sharp and rough. "You'd have never passed it normally," observed Doctor Wendy, "It's a good job it came loose now." Virginia nodded then motioned to her urine soaked tights. "Can I wash up?" "Of course and drink some more water. It's best if you pass water again quickly in case there's more." "More!" gasped Virginia fearfully. "Better here and now, where I've got all the equipment." Virginia did as suggested and swallowed a good two litres of warm water then sat down to await events. Eventually she peed again into a measuring jar and sighed with relief as Doctor Wendy examined the specimen. "Just blood, no stones, I think you're OK but tomorrow's scan should confirm everything. Keep drinking lots of water tonight and keep going to the lavatory." "Can I get erect tonight?" pressed Virginia hopefully. "No, I think you should rest it until we're certain tomorrow. I'll give you the anti-libido powders." The following day, Doctor Wendy pulled a few strings and organised a CAT Scan of Virginia's whole body. Ordinarily it would have cost Virginia a fortune but Doctor Wendy used some deft financial gymnastics to get it offset against the costs of the drugs trial. It also had the added bonus of giving Doctor Wendy a far better picture of Virginia's reproductive machinery. Sadly it did not improve Doctor Wendy's reservations about Virginia ever having a capacity to become fertile. That part remained in the laps of the Gods. Doctor Wendy remained silent about this though. It was no use depressing Virginia further. On the Wednesday things ran as Monday. Virginia enjoyed several erections and each one was slightly bigger than the last. She and Sandie giggled with delight after each session as they watched Virginia's cockette shyly retreat back under her clitty hood to leave her resembling a girl. Sandie stared mesmerised at the last occasion and smiled. "I still can't get my head around it. No matter how big you get, she still retreats right back inside. It's weird; but nice," she added to reassure Virginia. "If it keeps growing like this," declared Virginia nervously, "you won't be able to get your pussy around it either. I'm getting worried. That last one must have been at least five inches." "Oh don't be silly darling. My pussy can pass a baby." Even as she said it, Sandie realised she had made a serious faux-pax. Babies were a very sore point. Wisely she said no more but Virginia's silence spoke volumes. On Thursday, Doctor Wendy did a mid morning check then sat both girls down in her office. "Well young ladies, it seems that Virginia's cockette is approaching the desired size. The next series of erections will determine her final size. It's for you two to resolve how big you want it to be. The rest of today and Friday will require a careful mix of drugs to determine and then fix the final size." Virginia turned to Sandie with a bashful smile and asked her opinion. Sandie was equally bashful as she replied. "It's nice now but I'd love it to be bigger. The libido powders make my vagina so hungry. Can you change the proportions so it's little thicker but not much longer?" "Now there's a thing," observed Doctor Wendy, "We haven't got that far yet. The penis more or less determines its own proportions. We haven't found a way to alter those. All we can do is make it grow until it satisfies both of you then fix it with a permanent blocker. Once it's fixed, it's fixed, just like a boy when he becomes a man." "So to fill me up tight, it will have to be much longer then," observed a slightly disappointed Sandie. "You don't want it too long darling, if it keeps driving against your cervix it might damage you and we don't want that. The best solution is to put a tickler on to increase the girth and improve sensations. That's what some of my other patients have tried and that seems to work." Sandie smiled again, partly from relief and partly from anticipation. This was an obvious solution to the mechanical problems and it would be fun trying out different ticklers. That Thursday afternoon Doctor Wendy took them downtown to a sex shop and they selected several different designs. Thursday night proved a delightful time and the pair finally determined the most pleasurable combination. By Friday morning Doctor Wendy had another two contented and satisfied patients. The only sad part was Virginia's lack of fertility. The rest of Friday was spent designing a course of hormonal treatments in an endeavour to get Virginia's testicles to function, as they should. As they drove to the airport, Doctor Wendy mapped out the campaign explaining dates and tests. However her final words remained cautionary. "I still can't promise anything on the fertility front. That first sample showed no sperm at all and I've found nothing so far. My only serious hope is that one of your samples in the future might contain a few live sperm. If it does, then we might just achieve something with invitrio fertilization. Let's just pray for that. The only good news I can offer is that the scan revealed that those two tiny little pea- like objects that should have grown into your testicles have actually shown a very slight enlargement. Your treatment plan addresses this growth so I want you to keep in close contact. Simone has a check every month but she is lucky, she has a small private income from the rent of her old house where she was born. My suggestion to you is to try and develop your modelling career. There is a lot of promise there. So good luck and phone me immediately if there are any developments." Both girls became tearful and hugged Doctor Wendy tight, then they bid their farewells and boarded the flight for home. On the plane they talked at length about their hopes for the future for it looked much rosier now. End of Chapter Eighteen - To Be Continued Feedback and comments greatly appreciated.

Same as Right from the Start - Chapter Eighteen Videos

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Introduction: Catherines Excellent Adventure Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 6 Catherines excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Catherine's excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black market in South Africa and had immigrated to this country as a young...

3 years ago
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The Creature chapter eighteen

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN I slowly came to. By now, I was somewhat used to that helpless, groggy sensation, and while part of me fought hard to wake up, another part of me wished I could stay in that limbo state a little longer. As my senses returned to me, I noticed that I was lying on my bed. Randy was covering my lower body with a small towel - from waist to mid-thighs. After he covered my like that, he sat beside me on my bed and stroked my hair until I was fully awake. Looking down, I could see...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 12 Orcs and Panthers

Then something large and heavy almost certainly the fist one one of the Orcs smashed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body, in shock she opened her mouth to gulp in air only to have her mouth and windpipe blocked by the giant putrid cock now being forced into her mouth and throat, the combination of the shock and her convulsive choking relaxed her ass enough that she felt a new tearing pain as the huge cock at her rear forced its way in making her feel her anal ring was tearing and...

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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 2 Absinthe

Dinner that night was an awkward affair. Diana was acting sullen for some reason, barely picking at her food, and not so much speaking as grunting when I tried to make conversation. I wasn't much better - I'd started to feel responsible for what happened to Marissa, even if it wasn't anything I did on purpose, and that left me growing more quiet and introspective the more I went over it in my head. As for Marissa, she seemed to have accepted her new self wholeheartedly, and her interest in...

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18 Eighteen

She loved Billy, he was sweet, kind, gentle, supportive and the sort of guy that was good to have around until she could get to university and escape the downbeat outdated backwater place that Timperley had become. She was eighteen tomorrow, and as she stared at the passing freight cars she thought how she said she had promised that she would keep herself pure until he eighteenth birthday and how Billy was going to be mighty upset when she admitted she had no intention at all of letting...

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DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen

DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen The next day, Rael was a busy man. Silmaria sat back and watched him with a sort of amused fascination. After a long night of rest, Rael was renewed and overflowing with energy and robust health. They’d discussed with disappointment how much of the bear meat was going to go to waste as its spoiling became eminent, but Rael gave a good effort at consuming as much of it as possible that morning. Silmaria was shocked and very nearly appalled, and couldn’t quite keep...

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Always Faithful Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen - New Years Eve and Beyond Laura was almost ready to leave; she gave Dan her rings. “I am glad you are going out with Artsy and your friends. I would feel guilty about you being alone on New Year’s Eve.” “My wife says she would feel guilty about going with her lover as she gives back her wedding rings.” “You know what I mean Baby. I love you.” “I’m just teasing; I love you, and I know you love me too.” “I don’t know how long I will be gone, more than just the holiday though. I...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen The next morning I overslept and had to rush like crazy again. As I arrived at the office I saw Siobhan arriving at the same time. I gave her a hug and she apologised for being late. I laughed "Don't worry I'm late as well." She giggled and picked up my hand and we walked in together hand in hand. Bugger me there sitting outside my office talking to Maddy was Lauren. The moment she saw us together her face dropped. Siobhan disappeared as soon as she saw Lauren. I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Remembering Eighteen

Look, man, everybody whines about turning thirty in private, you know that. I’m just honest about it with my friends is all. And it isn’t just being thirty. Maybe it’s the city and the tiny apartment and the bouncing from one job to another for ten years. I like it most of the time but it ain’t where I thought I’d be when I was a kid. I never wanted to live in the suburbs like Missy probably is now, but it’d be nice to have the option, you know? And I don’t. I can’t afford that bedroom...

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Eighteen By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1- Background My life and the lives of everyone else on Earth were shaped by two events that followed close together following the end of World War II. Six months following the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and their unconditional...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 1 Brother and Sisters Incestuous Desires

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...

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The RescuedChapter 55 SM03Tau Day 8 Theresas Room

Theresa lay on her bed under Erica's watchful eyes. She felt miserable. She'd failed her master, not once, but repeatedly. He'd done so much to please her, and all she'd done in return was anger him. She should have known better than to strike Jane, no matter the provocation. Master would defend himself as he saw fit; it wasn't the place of a would-be slave to strike a free woman, to usurp Master's right to do so if he wished, or to ignore the comment as beneath notice. Her heart was...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the Motherless.com homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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