Hot School Teacher Seduces And Fucks Her Nephew
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It was exactly 0700 when Rusty sent the e-mails to Captain Howard and Admiral Johnson, telling them that they had picked up three CVN-104 crew members from the ocean. It was noted that all three appeared to have been victims of an assault and had received medical treatment. They would like to return the crew to the ship, but weren't sure how to arrange it. Their aircraft could land on the carrier without any difficulty, if that was acceptable however the pilot wasn't sure of the procedure for a non-military aircraft to approach the carrier. The crew members they had picked up were: Lt. Kelly McDonnell, Lt. Keriann O'Connell and Mr. Chester O'Callahan. He ended the e-mail by telling the commanders how they could be reached and giving his e-mail address, as well as his phone number and radio frequency.
It was less than an hour later when Rusty was told that a Captain Howard was on the satellite phone. As Rusty picked up the phone in the conference room, everyone became very quiet. "Mind-link, so you can hear the conversation," Rusty told the group.
"Hello, this is Rusty."
"Hello, Rusty, this is Captain Howard. I am here with Admiral Johnson and my Executive Officer. I would prefer to put you on the speaker phone, so everyone can hear. Is that agreeable?"
"Yes, sir. On this end, my associates are also listening to our conversation."
"Fine. Can you tell us where you found our three crew members you claim to have rescued?"
"Yes, they were picked up at about 25 degrees North and 60 degrees West. I could give the exact coordinates, if necessary."
"That would be helpful. While your staff is getting that, could you give us a medical status on the three."
"Would you prefer they tell you?"
"Yes, if they can."
"Well Lt. O'Connell and Mr. O'Callahan can speak, but Lt. McDonnell has some damage to her mouth, and has difficulty speaking."
"Admiral Johnson, Captain Howard, this is Lt. O'Connell. Our medical status is that Lt. McDonnell's front teeth were removed, both shoulders were dislocated; there were two deep puncture wounds to her breasts, a broken nose, and severely abraded skin on her torso and legs. The last is the result of being scrubbed with abrasive pads and GI soap. Mr. O'Callahan has two broken arms and several broken ribs. One arm was broken in both upper and lower segments. My own wounds were dislocated shoulders, two deep puncture wounds to my breasts and severely abraded skin due to being scrubbed with abrasive pads. Both Lt. McDonnell and I were raped continuously for several hours before we were dumped into the ocean with the garbage."
"Lt. O'Connell, how did the accident occur?" said Captain Howard.
"Sir, it was not an accident. After we were abused for several hours on the carrier, we were dumped into the ocean."
"That is really difficult to believe," said Captain Howard, conveying his disbelief in his tone.
"Captain Howard," said Keriann, tersely, "this is a summary of what happened. Sometime after breakfast, three days ago, we woke up restrained, in what we now believe was a large compartment at the rear of the hangar deck. Each of us had a ring gag in our mouth and something in our eyes blurring our vision. Our vision was such that we could see shapes but no detail...
" ... Our last memories of the carrier are falling into the ocean. I don't think that fits the definition of an accident!"
"You're right, that is not an accident. Could you identify any of the people involved?"
"Not likely. Even though we could understand some of their comments, it wasn't clear enough to tell who was speaking. I suspect the perpetrators are the same as the personnel Kelly identified in the documents she sent you."
"Lt. McDonnell," said Admiral Johnson, "we have looked through the documents you e-mailed us. The content is very unsettling. Are you willing to risk your career with these allegations? Lt. O'Connell, you can speak for her, if necessary."
"Admiral Johnson," said Kelly, as she carefully moved her lips and spoke softly, "I had planned on submitting that information to NCSI on our return to port. As to risking my career, fucking, aye! After the kind of discrimination and abuse I saw, I will find a career somewhere else."
"So, Captain Howard, are you satisfied that they are your missing crew members?" asked Rusty.
"Pretty much. We have several questions for them." He then asked them several questions about their activities on the carrier that were unique to them. After those he said, "Okay, we believe they are the three missing crew members."
"Admiral Johnson, Captain Howard, this is Chester O'Callahan. If you want to do a visual inspection of us, I understand our rescuers aircraft can easily land and take off from the carrier. I do not think it would be wise for us to stay there very long. Norfolk would be a better place for us to go."
"How did you end up in the water?"
"I arrived on the fantail just in time to see two men dumping the garbage bins. Although I didn't actually see Lt. O'Connell and Lt. McDonnell fall, I did see the splash of two large objects in the falling garbage. The two sailors dumping the bins were not pleased to see me, and a scuffle quickly ensued. I was close to achieving my goal of dumping them in the ocean as well, until someone hit me from behind with a metal bar. The first blow almost knocked me off the walkway. There was no way to hold on once they hit my arms with the metal bar several times. It was those blows that broke my arms."
"Why were you there?"
"Lt. McDonnell's crew chief came and told me he thought O'Connell and McDonnell were in trouble. He told me he hadn't seen them since early morning. Scuttlebutt had it that there were two new women being gang banged in the aft hangar. From what was said about that, and seeing the Air Wing EXO giving several in his clique the high five, he was concerned. When I got up there, there was no one in the hangar. There was a trail of liquid on the deck, so I followed it out onto the walkway. Unfortunately, I got there too late. Thankfully, this group saw the women fall, and then my scuffle with the three men, or we wouldn't be here."
"Could you identify the sailors?"
"Possibly, besides I am almost certain they were officers, but they weren't dressed as officers."
"I suspect that several of them will be surprised to see you," said Admiral Johnson.
"No doubt."
"Lt. O'Connell," said Captain Howard, "how was your crew chief around you and the other female crew members?"
"Always, pleasant and respectful. No leering or off-color comments, but fun to be around. Why?"
"He is in the brig for attempting to rape an officer."
"That's bullshit. Who was the officer?"
"Lt. Clinton."
"She is one of the Air Wing EXO's special sluts. She will do anything he asks, absolutely anything."
"Interesting." It was several long minutes before the Captain spoke again. "Rusty, Chester said you could land on the carrier without any problems."
"Yes, quite easily. The coordinates you asked for are 25 degrees 34 minutes 24.986 seconds North and 60 degrees 12 minutes 46.7394 seconds West."
"Thank you. Now, I have a couple of questions, and then a suggestion about how to proceed."
"We're listening."
"First, how can we verify your identity? Second, would you take the three to Norfolk for us? We would like you to stop here on the way. Yes, we believe what you have told us, but we would like to see them for ourselves. One last request, we would appreciate it if you would take their crew chief with you when you leave the carrier."
"We don't have any problem with your requests." There were many smiles around the conference room, as the uncertainty diminished. "As for verifying who I am, the easiest way would be for you to contact James MacFarland, he is a US District Attorney. GISS would be able to put you in contact with him. The contact information is being e-mailed to you now."
"Thanks. How soon can you be here?"
"Within the hour, if that is acceptable. Our call sign will be Dóchas Alpha1 and the transponder will show that and DSTA01. We will come toward you to drop into the landing pattern and then land. Our craft will not need any assistance in landing. We will stop in the middle of the deck, beside the island. We would appreciate it if everyone would stay back until we exit."
"We don't see a problem with that, although it is an unusual," said Admiral Johnson. "We generally like to tie aircraft down, to avoid them rolling into something."
"I can assure that will not be a problem," said Rusty smiling. "We will enter your airspace promptly in one hour. We look forward to meeting you."
"Briana's Clan, you will be going with us," said Sarah's Clan. "Half of Command Staff will be on board, as well. We will all wear a Salwar Kameez long coat and pants. Okay, let's get ready, we need to leave in less than thirty minutes."
"Rusty," said James a few minutes later, "I have an arrogant Captain Howard and Admiral Johnson on the phone. They want me to verify your identity."
"Arrogant? They seemed pretty decent when we were talking to them a few minutes ago. You know I am not really keen on telling them too much about any of our backgrounds before we joined this society. It doesn't seem to be relevant to the situation, and actually could make things more complicated. So I will leave it in your hands as to how you want to handle this, councilor." Several of Sarah's Clan chuckled.
"Councilor, my, aren't we getting formal. I need to get out my fee book now." Both groups could sense the laughter. "You have just given me a neat way to handle the Captain and Admiral."
"Cool. You may want to talk to the AG about this. It would be comforting if those five drivers you met on your trip to Washington were a key part of handling their security. It wouldn't surprise me if there weren't some people looking to silence them. I plan on having a few words with the Norfolk NCSI Commander regarding their security when we drop them off." The longer Rusty talked, the more irritated he became.
"Rusty," said Chester, "relax, both the Admiral and Captain are worried about this whole thing. It wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't a C-20 or two headed for them at the moment, full of NCSI and Marine MPs. There is a cancer in that crew, and, unfortunately, the Captain will likely be blamed, and possibly, the Admiral. This is a system problem, not a command problem. I don't know how to solve the system problem."
"James," said Rusty, "if you can find a way, you may want to tell the Captain a bit about the case that brought us together."
"Good idea."
Alison and Maureen were in the pilots seats of Alpha1 when those making the trip to the carrier and Norfolk arrived at the shuttle. "These clothes feel very comfortable," said Sarah, as she looked around at the others. "All of you look great. You know, this is one of the few times we have worn any covering, apart from tactical suits, since we arrived at Comrie."
"Yes, they are comfortable," said Aoife, "but I will be even more comfortable when we take them off." Every one of her spouses nodded in agreement.
"And when you first arrived, you weren't too keen on nudity," said Sally. Several in the group chuckled, as Aoife stuck her tongue out at Sally.
"Command Staff," said Sarah, "I sense we are ready to go forth." With that pronouncement, the shuttle lifted from its cradle and moved out the hangar door. The three passengers were staring out of the windows intently as they departed Dóchas.
"Wow," they said, as Alison turned Alpha1 so they could see all of Dóchas and then Earth.
"You know, I never tire of seeing either view," said Joyce.
"Kelly, Keriann, Chester," said Maureen, "we would loiter to let you have a longer look, but we are getting short on time."
"Command Staff," said Shannon, "the carrier has launched two groups of fighters. They also have a recon plane in the air."
"Sabrina, your flight will escort them but stay cloaked; we don't want to give them an excuse to cause an incident."
"What if they try something?"
"Well, if they had a major avionics failure, they couldn't do anything now could they?" said Kelly with a smile.
"We can easily handle that."
As they passed by the Carrier Strike Group, they could see that the carrier's deck was relatively empty. Several planes sat along the starboard foredeck, leaving the port catapult operational. The other ships appeared to have more hands on deck than normal. Alpha1 flew past the ships and then turned back so they would approach them off the port side. Just before they officially entered the carrier's airspace, Alison initiated the transponder, while Maureen turned off the cloaking. Alison called CVN-104's Pri-fly, and asked for the heading they were to use. Within five minutes, they were passing the carrier again, on the downwind leg. On reaching the appropriate distance from the carrier they made two turns to put them on the glide path for the deck.
Both those on Alpha1 and in the Intelligence group monitored the communications between the ships and the aircraft. It was one of the sailors on an escort ship who identified their aircraft as one they had seen several weeks earlier. Alison and Alpha1 worked together to make the shuttle descend to the deck of the carrier in the same manner a Navy plane would, although it wasn't necessary. Once over the carrier deck, Alpha1 established a force field around the shuttle and quietly floated it over to the designated meeting place. As it floated across the deck, they could see several sailors kneel down to look under it. The look on their face was priceless when they couldn't see anything touching the deck. No one made any attempt to approach the shuttle when it stopped.
After a few moments, the door opened and Rusty and Sarah exited first, followed by Briana, Adam, and Cass. Once they stepped onto the deck, five more of Briana's Clan moved to flanking positions alongside the shuttle. After a short pause, Kelly, Keriann and Chester stepped out. As soon as they were visible, Admiral Johnson and Captain Howard walked toward them, followed by several of their staff. Where they had been standing, a sailor lay on a stretcher, with two medics in attendance.
Rusty said, "Good afternoon gentlemen, my name is Rusty," as the two men, with their aides, stepped through their shield and reached out to shake hands.
"Good afternoon, Rusty, this is Rear Admiral Johnson and I am Captain Howard."
"Let me introduce you to our group. They are Sarah, Sally, Terry, Joyce, Jill, Janet, Briana, Adam, Cass, Charlotte, and Abaigeal. Our two pilots are waiting in the ship. These folks are Lt. Kelly McDonnell, Lt. Keriann O'Connell and Mr. Chester O'Callahan, who you may not have met before."
"We hope you did not take offense at our having two flights of aircraft up."
"If the roles were reversed, I suspect I would do something similar," said Sally.
"Lt. McDonnell, Lt. O'Connell and Mr. O'Callahan, please be assured that everyone involved will be punished for their actions. We are deeply embarrassed that this event occurred on this ship, and in this group. A team from NCSI, along with a Marine MP detachment, will be arriving shortly after you depart."
"Who is on the stretcher?" wondered Keriann.
"Your crew chief," said Captain Howard, as one of the escorts waved to the medics to bring the stretcher over. "It seems that several people thought he should be the subject of a blanket party last night. He was in very bad shape when they found him in the brig this morning."
"You mean someone managed to do that in the brig?" said Chester. "Captain, I know how I would solve the problem and those in port wouldn't like the fallout. I don't envy you."
"Chester that wouldn't solve the problem," said Keriann, "it would just rid you of the obvious rotten apples. Captain, if I may, your crew problem is part cultural and part a lack of understanding. Men are taught in subtle ways that women are not equal to them. We aren't, in many ways, but we are as good, or better, in many other ways, besides being mothers. Additionally, in order to succeed, some of my gender are not very forthright in their dealings with men, if fact, they are downright deceitful, if not worse. The crew would be much stronger if they built on each other's strengths, rather than undermining each other. I know I didn't express that well, but I think you understand what I mean."
While Keriann was talking, the medics brought the stretcher out and set it next to the shuttle's stairs. Cass and Abaigeal immediately carried the patient inside. Alpha1's two medical technicians began treating his injuries.
"Yes, I think we do. Actually, I think you said it quite well."
"Rusty, Mr. MacFarland was very complimentary in his remarks about your group," said Admiral Johnson. "We are very fortunate that your group saw these three fall into the water. On behalf of the Navy, we thank you for their rescue, and for transporting them to Norfolk." The Admiral paused, as if he was about to ask another question.
"Admiral, it appears that you have another question but aren't sure how to phrase it. The two easiest ones can be answered by; yes we are all quite tall. I stand at 7 feet 8 inches, as do several of the women, and most of the others are between 6 feet 6 inches and 7 feet, and yes, we are from the space ship."
"Now that you have broken the ice, I have a multitude of additional questions."
"I don't think we have time. The two inbound C-20s are less than an hour out. I think the answers to some of your questions can be answered this way: You didn't see our aircraft until we were ready to approach, which was our intent. We expect that one or two of your fighters will try to cause an incident when we depart. When they do, they will have a major avionics failure that they will remember for a long time. You might want to keep some of what I just told you to yourselves for a while, as, most likely, no one will believe you. As for the other questions, perhaps we can quietly arrange a visit in the near future."
"Gentlemen," said Sarah, "it was nice to meet you. Your four crew members will be at Norfolk in less than an hour." Sarah stepped over and shook hands with each one, as did the rest of the crew just before they entered Alpha1. Sarah and Rusty waited until everyone was inside before they waved to those watching.
As the door closed, the Admiral and Captain stepped back away from the shuttle. Everyone watched, spellbound, as Alpha1 floated toward the bow of the ship, picking up speed as it slowly rose. Once it cleared the bow, it accelerated quickly.
As it passed the front of the task group, two of the circling fighters dove toward them as they lit their after-burners. Just as the naval fighters reached a position to fire air to air missiles, the jets abruptly flamed out. On board, the pilots' immediate response was to try restarting the engines. Their focus was such that it took them a few precious seconds before they realized that all systems were dead. When they looked up, they responded automatically to the rapidly approaching ocean. They were moments from entering it when they pulled the ejection levers.
The sailors on the ships silently watched the two jets dive toward the ocean. Just as the noses of the planes hit the water, the canopy of each fighter exploded as the ejection seats shoved the pilots through them, driving the noses of the aircraft further into the ocean. The ejection seats had barely cleared the planes' tails when the aircraft began to flip end over end a number of times before sinking. Several ships had to haul over to avoid the debris. Rescue helicopters launched and were waiting to pick up the pilots when they landed in the water.
The carrier had just recovered the two injured pilots when two C-20 transports began their approach. The Admiral and Captain stood on the bridge watching the planes prepare to land. "You know, Lt. O'Connell was right about the division within the crew," said the Captain.
"Yes, she was. Rusty was right too, as I think we need to be very careful about who we tell what he told us."
"Sir, I think it should stay between us." The Admiral just nodded his agreement.
"I wonder if they were serious about the offer to visit."
When Alpha1 was nearing US controlled air space, Alison called Norfolk flight operations and identified herself, before asking them where she was to enter the landing pattern. After several exchanges, they directed her to the base runway. As soon as she touched down, she was transferred to ground control. They guided her toward the transient arrival area.
"Guys, it looks like we have a large welcoming group."
"I see the five who were our drivers from when we went to Washington with MacFarland," said Cass.
As Alison turned Alpha1 toward the designated parking area, Maureen enabled the shuttle's shields. Looking out the windows, they could see many on the flight line had stopped what they were doing. They stood and watched the strange ship appear to float above taxiway as it moved. Alison brought Alpha1 to a stop where the ramp agent was indicating. Marines immediately established a perimeter around the shuttle. Maureen and Alison were initially concerned, but once the line was established, most turned to face outward.
They followed the same pattern for leaving Alpha1 that they had used on the carrier. Rusty and Sarah exited a few moments after the shuttle door opened, followed by Briana, Adam and Cass. When Briana, Adam, and Cass came into view, the five former Marines nodded to them, with surprised looks on their faces. Once the three of them were clear of the door five more of Briana's Clan moved to flanking positions alongside the shuttle. After a few moments, Kelly, Keriann and Chester stepped out. As soon as they were visible, many of the welcoming group moved forward.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my name is Rusty, and our group consists of Sarah, Sally, Terry, Joyce, Jill, Janet, Briana, Adam, Cass, Charlotte, and Abaigeal. Our two pilots are waiting in the ship. These folk are Lt. Kelly McDonnell, Lt. Keriann O'Connell and Mr. Chester O'Callahan; Captain Howard, as you are aware, asked us to bring them here. There is another sailor inside on a stretcher, but I don't know his name. Your medical people can go inside to arrange to take over his care."
The welcoming group's leader began, "Thank you. Dr. Albright, you and your nurse can enter the aircraft." Turning back to Sarah's Clan, "My name is Commander McGrath."
They all heard a loud voice from the aircraft say, "Son of a Bitch", quickly followed by, "Commander, will you come look at this." Rusty nodded to the Commander, acknowledging that it was okay for him to enter the shuttle. Rusty watched as the Commander hurried inside. He was inside the shuttle for just a few moments and then came back out. His expression clearly indicated that he was pissed. As he came back over to the group from NCIS, he said, "Captain, contact our crew on the carrier. The people involved in the blanket party are to be charged with attempted murder."
"Rusty, we have a secure place where we can talk. How long can you stay? Your pilots can join as well, if they would like to."
"Alison, Maureen, would you please join us? Have Alpha1 move to standby, with her security shield enabled. Set it so that the Marines can enter the shielded area."
"We'll be out in a minute."
During the short exchange with the NCSI Commander, several members of Briana's Clan went over to talk to the five Marines they had worked with before. "Hi, Cathal," said Cass, "I see you brought the rest of your crew."
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The Baron of Lugonia Chapter 1 Baron Montfort Grackle had perhaps the finest estate in all of the island nation of Lugonia. His mansion stood well-secluded from? the main? road between the port of? St. Lucia and the capital city of? Arnaz. If one approached the house by the long winding driveway, nothing out of the ordinary was apparent at first, but upon? knocking on the heavy oaken doors at the front of the main house, a visitor would immediately be struck by the nature of the Baron'd...
Hello everyone, back in the late 90's webtv was fairly popular and I was curious about the internet but a poor factory worker. So I decided to try webtv before deciding to buy a computer. Chat rooms were pretty popular and I'll be Damned if you couldn't hook up through them. I live in southern illinois and always chatted with local people usually. With Kentucky being a neighboring state, I took a shot and it payed off! I started taking to this gal who lived two hours away from me. I was 30...
Ever since I was 15 I was obsessed with panties, and this obsession soon led me to one of the greatest events of my highschool years. I was already sniffing panties as often as I could because I had alot of friends that were girls. I would find a way to sneak into their rooms, and sniff their panties, occasionally I would get horny enough to masturbate with them and cum into them. But one day, this all changed. When I was in highschool, my girl best freind was the single hottest girl Ive ever...
The Mark By Morpheus Alten stared at the palm of his right hand, still stunned and confused by what he saw there. By the pale mark that had mysteriously appeared there in the middle of the night, or at least was there when he woke up and he knew for a fact that it hadn't been there when he went to bed. However it was not the sudden appearance of the symbol on his palm that surprised him most, but what the symbol was. "A mark..." Alten whispered to himself. The marks were not...
The ‘not party’ kind of feels like it turned into a party. A half hour later it’s everyone from dinner plus Chandler, her friend Monica, Stephanie, Louis and Louis’s friend Eugene. And shit’s bumpin. Music plays in the living room, some people are in the kitchen, some are downstairs playing video games and the rest are sprinkled in between. I’m sitting on the kitchen counter again, still dressed in my dinner clothes, chatting with Taniyah, Jake and Kyle. I see the front door open to my left,...
Group SexThis was my second time visiting my new Mistress Jennie. I was excited, but at the same time a little bit nervous.I drove to the arranged meeting, fully dressed as Robyn. I could not be dressed too sluttily, as I was in public, but my dress was fairly short, perhaps the tops of my stay-up stockings were slightly visible beneath my hem line. My makeup was conservative, definitely not 'drag queen', more 'housewifey'. Naturally, without question, my little clit was impossibly locked away in its...
Karen says we need to get these to the lawyer immediately, James says whats the hurry. Dad wants to marry Paula during the midnight candle light service Christmas Eve. He wants us all to spend Christmas at the Cabin and he has a lot of arrangements over the next week. But they pulled it off, the guys got together and made all the arrangements with the church, getting the devorce finalized, the girls decorated the cabin for Christmas and most importantly Danny took Paula out and purchased a...
Obligatory Explanation You know how there are Story Codes on SOL like M/m, F/f, Anal, etc? if there is any code – I don’t care if it is on SOL, or if its NC-17 versus PG-13 that makes you uncomfortable in some way – please don’t read this story. That is the simplest caveat I can give you, friend. It’s all fantasy from here on out while I enjoy constructive comments the last thing I want is some “Hey, you tagged this science fiction, but it is really fan fiction” or whatever discussion. I’ve...
It started when my cousin Tom set up a bachelor party for his brother, my cousin James. I was invited and I of course accepted and said I would be there. This did not set well with my wife Doris. Doris had an extremely low opinion of bachelor parties because of what she had seen on her side of the family. Her brother Sam had attended one, had partaken of the offer made by the hired stripper to 'entertain' anyone with the proper amount of cash and had ended up with a case of VD which he was...
Follows on a few hours after our mornings liaison with the housekeeper at our hotel. All the names apart from our good friends Manus and Sara have been changed and Jay helped me to remember the dialogue. Jay sat in front of the mirror in the hotel room applying her makeup and dressed in her bed robe while I had a shave in the bathroom. After Kylie had left us earlier we had taken a stroll up to Waterloo station and had a bite to eat before Jay decided that she wanted a new dress to wear that...
-- AUGUST 2008, FREMONT -- It was a very pleasant August afternoon in the Bay Area. The temperature wasn’t overly hot and the sky was clear with white, puffy clouds scattered around, only occasionally passing in front of the sun. The air was filled with the sounds of birds fluttering about the trees clustered around us, accompanied by the sounds of cool breezes rustling through the leaves. With the ceremony itself over, about sixty people mingled around the outdoor patio of the local golf...
Mera mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.main iti krta hun.ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye kahani hai.Geeta apne peeher chali gai.uski judwan bahan meeta ki panch din tak chudai chalti rahi rahi.jab Geeta wapas aai to main us per toot gya…Geeta 5 dino ko maza ek hi din mein dene wali thi… Chudai ki ye story number 12 hai…meeta apne peeher chali gai…fir akeli geeta ki din raat chudai shuru ho gai.. Hanumangarh pilibanga suratgarh ki koi bhabhi jiski age 30 she kan ho...
Dear Princess, Oh, you are so lovely and so young and sexy. I can't believe that I fucked you last night! I am such a sinful, wicked father. I have committed incest with my own virgin daughter! And I will do it again and again! I can’t stop now! I woke you up at dawn this morning, with the sun just coming in through the window. When I pulled the sheets back, the smell of sex was so strong in my nostrils. Your pussy and my dick were all sticky with dried semen. So, I pulled you up and took you...
IncestThe remainder of our cabin trip was a wonderful time when we all enjoyed a memorable Christmas break. After Hannah and I had made out, I’d felt jealous and insecure watching Claire and Jason together. As I secretly watched the two of them making love in Jason’s bedroom, it seemed different to when all three of us played together. They seemed especially close and to have a real hunger for each other. And the way they were with each other freaked me out, and start me wondering again if I should...
Wife LoversI was with my first "proper love" for three years between the ages of 16 and 19. More on that another time. But towards the end of that relationship, when we were already drifting apart, I started to get really friendly with a colleague. She didn't work in my office but in another branch about 50 miles away. We chatted on the phone several times a day, sometimes work-related and often not, and used to email each other constantly throughout the day. I was 19 and fairly inexperienced. I'd been...
I've wanted to have sex with my wife's best friend, Susan for quite some time. She's tried to seduce me into an affair several times over the years, but I've always been able to pass it off as flirtatious banter between friends and laughed it off. But the past couple of months she has been more brazen and persistent, often flirting with me right in front of both my wife and her husband. I want to take her up on her flirtations, but I know the two of them are not in an open relationship, nor do...
AnalThe plan was for the attack on the headquarters to start exactly at 2300 hours. The attacks on the ammo dumps would start 15 minutes later. That should give everybody time to hear the noise from the first attack and to react. Our attack should start about the time everybody who was mobile was rushing to help with the defense of the headquarters tent. Luckily for us, these guys were not professional soldiers and were poorly trained, so there should be a lot of chaos associated with everybody...
(Author’s note: Yes, this is a Holiday Contest entry, and yes, I am cheating, sort of.) Our sleeping bags zip together perfectly, something we discovered by accident a few trips ago, and have taken shameless and wanton advantage of ever since. When two of you are heating the same small, well insulated space, the need for thermal underwear, or indeed any additional layers at all simply disappears. We were two days into our five day loop through the Rockies, a short, needed holiday grabbed when...
Chapter Six: Little Sister's Futa Wish Come True By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Daisy Baker “'Alexis, my darling,' the vampiress cooed, her lips stained red with Delilah's blood. 'You have nothing to fear from me.' “'S-stay back!' stammered Alexis. She backed against the wall, her heart beating so fast beneath her nubile breasts. The young maid trembled as the shadowy countess sauntered forward. If it wasn't for the...
“Fancy a drink?” I say as we get into the car.The smell of the blossom fresh on my senses as I step out of the car moving aside it and the door closing behind me. You spring out of the passenger door looking across the top of the car smiling and eyes sparkling.Outside a countryside pub we walk towards each other moving away from the bonnet of the car and my hand slides into the small of your back, touching you and gently rubbing up and down your lower back. You are dressed immaculately in a...
He was short. For an 18 year old senior in high school, he was. He’d always been small and shorter then most, but he had to be considered one of the nicest guys anyone knew. Jarrod was going with his mom and dad to take his sister, Kennedi, to college. There wasn’t any room in the van but their mom said “We’ll find room” and they did. It wasn’t good but it worked out for the two of them. There he was, cramped down between her and his dad who was driving the van. He was between Kennedi in a...
IncestHe would have only one full week to spend with his family and to set his personal affairs in order before shipping out to Afghanistan. Ben spent part of his reminding time getting an elaborate security system installed in his home. He wanted his family to be safe while he was half way around the world. He bought the top of the line security system that monitored all the doors and windows. It also included a video surveillance system with motion detecting cameras all around the outside of the...
Hi, I know its some time since I posted my new update. For the people who don’t know me, I am rajesh 35 male Bangalore and I am a bi-sexual. I love having sex with both men and women. This incident happen to me just a day back on 20th march 2015. It’s a quick gay sex. I was kind of horny from couple of days and my wife was in periods and our maid was on leave due to some reasons. I was deprived of sex for last 4 days and I was more than Horny. I was driving back home just when I thought why...
Gay MaleOUT OF AFRIKA, Chapter 2Simone and Janice drove their regular route to the premises of Rhino IMEX to begin another day of - what to them was laughingly called - work. In truth they both could not believe their good fortune in being recruited and then employed by this dynamic fast-growing foreign company. Neither of them considered the fact they possessed any specialist skills relative to the high-tech enterprise that was Rhino IMEX but having been approached and then hired they both agreed that...
Winter holidays started a few days later, my mother still worked all day and my sister was spending the holidays at a friend's house. That meant I would have two full weeks of complete solitude between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, it was the perfect opportunity to start experimenting with my pink little hole. The first morning I woke up early and anxious. I began by getting dressed in mom's lingerie, a gorgeous black lace bodysuit was the selected outfit, it had a thong cut back and a halter...
In reaction to several complaints that there were too many family members to keep track of, I've decided to incorporate this linear family tree that defines them in relation to the protagonist, and to each other in a more limited way. I will do this for the sequels as well, but each time I will limit myself to the relatives that are mentioned or actually appear in that specific story. As more information becomes available, more specifics will be mentioned. maternal relatives unnamed...
A hint of fall was in the crisp cool air as she walked from the cottage to the lake. A light breeze blew across it from the pass between two mountains to the west. It was midmorning and she was aware of the juxtaposition of nature’s gifts. On the one hand, the morning sun warmed her bare back and cheeks, whilst the cool air caressed her face, her breasts, stomach and her glistening lips peeking out from the soft downy patch of blonde pubic hair. She felt like invisible fingers were moving over...
You are 27 years old. Your name is Brandon. Your girlfriends name is Kara. You just moved into an apartment together, things are pretty serious. You are extremely loyal to her but you often wonder if she is as dedicated. After about a month living together the day to day life started to get boring. Kara doesn't seem interested in sex as much as she used to be.
InterracialName changed hai sab, but story nahi. Main Namit jab 20 saal ka tha, baat tab ki hai. Mere ghar mein meri chhoti behan (19 saal ki), papa, aur meri chalaak mummy rehte hai. Hum log Delhi se hai. Sunita (mom) age 43, Vijay (dad) age 56, Surender (tuition teacher) age 27. To ab kahani pe aata hu. Ye baat tab ki hai jab hum dono bhai-behan college jaate the. Papa mummy ke relations shuru se hi bekaar the, papa ki daaru peeke ladne ki aur maarne ki aadat ki wajah se. Mummy dikhne mein saawli hai,...
Honey Gold is an up and coming superstar that’s decided to take her talents to JJV! This Cali-born hottie is taking the industry by storm and fucking everyone that’s put in front of her. She’s paired up today with veteran cocksman Manuel Ferrara, and does not disappoint. Honey shows off her toned body in red thigh high stocks with yellow lace lingerie barely covering her tits. It’s not long until the clothes come off and Honey gets down to business, attempting to fit all...
xmoviesforyouAfter getting the mail from ISS “dear desidudedaivik – your story is published!!”. I was waiting for the response of you lovely people and got from 4 people & was enough to made me happy for writing the next part of my experience with my sexy & lusty nurse aisha. So here I’m; your desi dude “daivik” (i have written about me & the heroine of the story in previous part ) with the next part of my previous story “aisha a very sexy & hot nurse”. So, those who didn’t read the previous part of the...
It wasn't my fault! Really! It was my husbands fault. I was just doing what I thought he wanted me to do. So here I am, on Literotica, telling you my story. I have to tell someone, and I know that can't be my husband. So here it is:Let's start at the beginning. My name is Stacy. I am 28 years old and I have been married to James for the past 5 years. We currently do not have c***dren, but we would like to start a family soon. We live in a nice suburban home in the Midwest. I guess I should also...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en school teacher merlin udan nadantha kama anubavathai patri ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar rayyan vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan chenniyil vasithu varugiren, en appa oru businessman aanal ennai matum padika soli torcher seivaar. Enaku panam irunthum aanal padipu meethu aarvam vara vilai, athanaal siru vayathile niraiya fail aagi aagi ippozhuthu 19 vayathil naan 12th vagupu sendru irunthen. Matra pasangal udan ennai...
THIRTY-ONE Strange how some of the most obvious solutions elude one. Jenny’s solution that Ann move into my house and I move back to the flat was indeed obvious. Of course the most natural place for Ann would be with the children. They were in my house, therefore so should she be. Since I could not live in the same house, the obvious place for me would be my flat. Ann and I would have to discuss visitation rights. The children could stay with me at weekends, though I couldn’t have them all...
I’m five feet eight, slim, a little too slim in the breast department for my own liking but I hadn’t had any complaints. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is cut short. I live in my own house and have done ever since my divorce ten years ago. I’ve had a couple of flings but nothing too serious. About nine years ago a nice couple moved in next door. They had a teenage daughter called Julie and one night she knocked on my door saying she had forgotten her keys and could she come in for a...
We're on a bus and we still have a long way to go. It's a sunny day and you're wearing a skirt for a change. It's quite crowded in the bus, so only I have got a seat and you are standing right in front of me, hanging on one of those strap-handles hanging from the support-bar near the ceiling.The bus drives on... It's been an interesting day so we, like most passengers, are just looking into the distance, dreaming or thinking our own private thoughts. You're standing with your back to me for a...
A WELCOME SURPRISE Strange….. you received an invitation to visit this specific hotel room…. You didn’t think you knew anyone at this conference, but the note sounded – intriguing? interesting? tantalizing, even? And had your name on it. You weren’t sure, but for some reason, you decided to follow up and go to the room. You knock on the door and it opens – you start to say ‘hello’ but before you get the word out, a hand goes on your mouth! An arm around your body! You cant scream – hell, you...
I awoke because a huge cock head was forcing its way into my asshole! It was my boyfriend Tylar and he was on top of me I could feel his cheek stubble chaffing the side of my neck...I said " You couldn't do this last night? You know I haven't purged myself yet right?" Tylar just grunted when his black dick wanted ass-pussy there was no denying him! "I woke up hard saw your ass sticking up and decided to fuck it just shut up and take it bitch!" He said he knows I like it when he talks nigger to...