Community Involvement Ch. 08 free porn video

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“Pink sky in the morning; a sailors warning.”

I recalled the old saying and looked skyward. Directly overhead was cloudless and blue but as I scanned eastward, the building menace of the billowing clouds loomed. The day had dawned with a vivid pink display, the low and towering Cumulonimbus clouds out over the sea strongly reflected the morning sun. It was beautiful but at the same time eerie. The air was still and the birds were quiet.

“Not a day for outdoor activities,” I thought. Not that I had any planned. In fact, the first item on my to-do list was to get the Music Tour DVD and other related documents all assembled and in one place, ready for my return visit with the statuesque Clare in two days’ time.

“I wonder if it will be a Thursday to remember,” I mused to myself. Thoughts of my first (and only) visit, so far, to meet Clare (the head of the Music department at Michelle’s son’s high school) were still vivid and fresh. As I mentally replayed that ‘eventful’ day my member reacted as well. I could still smell the muskiness of her natural beauty…

”No time for reminiscing, I have work to do,” I chastised myself.

Next I had to edit the real estate images I had shot from the previous day for my local clients, upload them to their websites, and bill them accordingly. Apart from that, the schedule was comfortable. However, before any or all of that could even be looked at, I still had to get the rest of the family up, breakfasted and out of the house. I could only hope to complete the round trip to the city and back before the heavens opened because if they did whilst enRoute, Sydney traffic would typically grind to a standstill and my day would be fucked, to put it mildly.

An hour and half later, I was back and pulled up in my driveway and breathed a sigh of relief. The morning peak was flowing, albeit below the speed limit, and despite the darkening sky, the rain had not arrived…yet.

“Good morning Ray.” I knew instinctively it was Michelle’s voice but I could not see her as I got out of my car.

“Hi Michelle…but where are you?” I called across my front yard, amused and confused.

“Wait… I’m here. Trying to get this…off me…” I homed in on the direction of her sweet voice which was interspersed with grunts and groans, sounds which indicated she was doing battle with something or other. I went to the small brick fence that separated our properties and found her frantically brushing at her hair and arms.

“What happened?” I asked, stifling a laugh.

“I was coming around the back of the car to say hello and ran into a spider’s web.” She continued to flap and brush at her hair and clothes. “I hate spiders!”

“Oh, what tangled lives we lead!” I quipped. “Do you need a hand?”

“No thank you Mister Funny Person. I think I have it all off now.” She glowered and then smiled.

“Apart from the spider web, how are you?” I scanned her hair and clothes to see if there was any trace of the spider. I assured her there was no sign of the naughty critter; it looked like it was all web. I noted with relish the way her snug fitting jeans flowed over her lower body and way her ample bust filled her flamingo pink V necked jumper and the white T-shirt styled top she wore underneath.

“Good,” she responded and then grimaced slightly. “Man, I hate that; they give me the hebbie jebbies.” Michelle looked at me for a moment and then added, “Oh, I like your hair cut, an improvement on the little Dutch girl look.”

The little Dutch girl reference was one that I used often myself as my hair was prone to random curling on the sides so Michelle’s reiteration did not phase me at all. In fact I was flattered she had remembered.

“Yep. All nicely groomed in readiness for my visit to Clare,” I replied knowing it would provoke a response.

“Oh, I see. Trying to impress so you can get into her pants again are we?”

“I would rather her be without…”

“Like I said the other day, you had better rest up. She just might be a whole lot more ‘woman’ than you can handle.” Her wickedly sly grin told me was giving me a wind up.

“It’s a challenge I am willing to take on,” I said smiling broadly. I placed my thumbs at my shoulders, imitating the wearing of braces, “Besides, Ma’am, it’s all for the greater good.”

Michelle could not hold back and burst out laughing.

“Sorry. I don’t know which was worse. The stupid attempt at an American cowboy accent or what you said, but I had to laugh.” She continued to laugh her hearty high pitched laugh, which delighted me enormously.

“Quite all right Ma’am. I’m used to it.” She burst out laughing again at that.

We chatted and laughed our way through the next fifteen minutes. I filled her in on the details I had organised with Clare regarding the music tour arrangements we were due to discuss and Michelle related some of the additional anniversary trip details her husband had told her about over the weekend. To tell you the truth, I did not take in what she saying, I was too preoccupied with looking at her wonderful figure.

“You’re wicked, do you know that?” She scolded me in a mock, annoyed motherly tone.

“When I’m good I am bad and when I am really bad I’m excellent,” I smirked.

“Why don’t you come up and see me sometime then?” My heart skipped a beat as she looked at me seductively.

“I would if I could but I can’t,” I said, pouting.

“Tell me about it.” She replied, pouting as well. “I hate to say it, but I have to dash.”

I looked at my watch and saw it was already 9.45am.

“Me too! So much to do and so little time.” I gave an over exaggerated sweep of my brow as I said this which made Michelle laugh heartily again. I glanced at her body as her breasts swayed under her clothing.

“Wow, they are something,” I said to myself.

We kissed fondly, once on each cheek, both of us resisting the temptation to break into a fully-fledged, passion filled embrace; some of the neighbours were about and we did not want to start tongues wagging. We took our leave of each other, happy that we had that small window of opportunity to chat.

In no time, fortunately, I had the DVD and related documents all sorted and ready to go and the real estate photography dealt with. It had been a productive morning. I looked out the window and noted the clouds were rapidly closing in. It had become dark and ominous overhead, but like the Sting song lyric, there was ‘Heavy cloud but no rain.' I looked out of my upstairs office window across the street and saw Daphne’s car (or Daph as she was known) was parked up under her car port.

“Maybe I should take this opportunity to go see her about her pool set up,” I thought to myself.

The timers for our pool pump and cleaner had both recently failed and finding replacements of the same brand was proving difficult, at least online. I was desperately trying to avoid dealing with a pool repair person as the cash flow was a bit tight and I was sure, if I could find the right pieces of equipment, I could fix the problem for under half the amount. I knew Daph had a pool and had considered numerous times to go over and see her about her timer set up and the brand information but every time I had the chance she was out. However, today I was in luck. Just before I left I looked out my home office window again at the weather and noted that the southerly breeze had now turned into a howling wind, dropping the temperature dramatically. The combined impact of wind strength and the wind chill factor made it a freezing, brute of a day.

I decided to put on a warmer Kashmir round-necked jumper over the long sleeve white T-shirt I was wearing, and a dark brown leather bomber styled jacket as well to keep the cold at bay. I had picked up an umbrella to take but decided at the last moment to leave it behind lest I end up like a modern day Mary Poppins, or whatever the male equivalent might be. I would just have to run back later if it was raining and hope I did not get too drowned in the process. I stepped out onto the veranda and nearly got blown away.

“Fuck, its cold!” I gasped under my breath. Quickly I closed the door and locked everything. The sky felt like it was descending to engulf the entire suburb it was that gloomy. I rushed across the road and up Daph’s neat and tidy drive and jumped up the steps to her front door. Her house was a single storey, double red brick dwelling that reflected typical late sixty’s Sydney architecture, with a large front veranda that typified a bungalow design. I rang the doorbell which emitted a ding-dong sound reminiscent of the old Avon lady advertisements.

“Hello Ray,” she said as she opened the solid white painted front door and greeted me enthusiastically through the fly-screen door. “Or should I say stranger. It goes to show how busy everybody is nowadays; I don’t see my neighbours as much anymore.”

Despite the obvious sadness behind her comment she smiled broadly but as she opened the fly-screen door Daph looked at me. A curious look passed across her face.

“Are you okay?” I asked, stepping briskly inside to get out of the cold. “You look like you have seen a ghost.”

“Yes…fine…um, thank you,” she stammered, shaking her head slightly.

“Are you sure?” I asked again, not being convinced by her initial response.

“It’s just… well, this might sound odd, but it’s the way you are dressed…” She trailed off for a second and seemed about to leave off from making further comment and then regathered her train of thought, “You look fine, sorry. No offence meant. It’s just that, with the white jumper and the brown leather jacket you look so much like a friend of my mothers. In his youth, I mean. Not that you’re old.”

She blushed at her clumsy wording. I looked at her wondering what she was driving at but smiled regardless. It was rather charming.

“Sorry, no offence meant.” She apologised again and quickly continued. “He was in the Royal Australian Air Force during the 2nd World War; I think he served in Europe but she met him in Australia before he went over to Europe.”

“Oh really, thank you. I’ll take that as a huge compliment.” I smiled, “They always looked so gallant and suave in photographs.”

“You could look the part most certainly.” She agreed warmly. “He was initially based somewhere near Sydney from memory but she met him in Wagga of all places.”

It was my turn to be startled.

“Wagga did you say? She wasn’t a parachute packer by any chance?”

“Wagga? Yes, Wagga Wagga… the RAAF base down there. Why did you ask if she was a parachute packer?” She sounded shocked.

“My aunt was based down there as a parachute packer for a time. She joined the WAAF and was initially based near Jervis Bay, then went to Orange then Wagga.”

As I spoke Daph directed me into her lounge room at the front of her home which overlooked the front veranda. She had the heater on full but at a distance the room still had a slight chill in the air. I sat on the lounge and rubbed my hands along my thighs to try to get some extra warmth into them.

“It certainly has turned cold quickly.” She commented seeing me rubbing my hands. “It was lovely out when I went for my morning walk at six thirty. It’s funny you should come over as I was only saying to my new next door neighbour how I don’t see the other neighbours much anymore.”

“Everyone is too busy just getting the everyday stuff done,” I added.

“That’s for sure. I can go for weeks and not see Jody next door, on the southern side. As for you, I haven’t seen you for months. How are you?” Daph sat in the arm chair opposite.

“I’m all good. You look well and in good shape as per usual.” She smiled warmly which was followed by a slight coyness in response to my compliment. To call Daph a GILF would be inaccurate. She was probably in her early seventies and a grandmother, but still had the figure many forty to fifty year olds (or even younger) would envy. Her face, while still reflecting her younger beauty, was a little wrinkled about the eyes and corners of her mouth, however, she did look after herself and any sun effects were minimal. She was shortish in stature, according to her own description, standing about 5’ 2” tall, but she still had her womanly curves in the right places, and kept herself active by walking at least once a day. The walking combined with all the community work she did and associations she belonged to certainly kept her figure in check and her metal faculties in top working order. I sometimes wondered how she fitted it all in. Her hair was typical of her age group in terms of length and colour; light curl and salt and pepper colouring. On the rare times I had talked with her recently, I had noted that since the sudden death of her husband three years earlier, there always seemed to be a hint of residual sadness behind her large brown eyes and I guessed there may well have been some growing feelings of loneliness as well.

For my part, I have always been a breast man from way back and I had always admired hers. Though not huge nor too large, with her slender frame, her chest filled out sufficiently to offer more than a hand full to someone who might be fortunate enough to be able to get that close. I had always hoped for such an opportunity but as far as I was concerned, wishful thinking was as far as I would ever get. I figured she would not be interested because she seemed typical of her generation when it came to morals, ethics and social standards, plus I lived right across the road. As the old saying went; ‘Don’t shit on your own door step.’

“What brings you here?” Daph asked. I looked at her face and then scanned her upper body and noticed the slight bulges in her grey Sloppy Joe where the material stretched across her ample bust.

“Nice looking nipples,” I thought.

I explained about my timer dilemma and she told me she only operated her pool system manually nowadays, since her husband had passed. She found it easier to put it on when leaving for her walk and turn it off a little later in the morning. The way she put it, it sounded if I was not going to get the information I was after but I decided it was worth a look regardless. She showed me where the switch was and the electrics that went with it and as it turned out it was not what I was hoping to see. Her son had installed the switch set up so she could operate it manually and as such there was no twenty-four hour timer (or similar) to be seen.

We went back into the lounge room as I discussed the timer situation I was trying to rectify, all the while I could not help but notice the way the nubs of her nipples continually showed through her top. As we passed her mantel piece, I noticed some of black and white photographs and asked her about them. Two of them showed a small group of people in each, and the third was a portrait of a woman in uniform who I guessed was her mother.

“At least you did not have to go outside,” she said, referring to the timer switch, as she handed me the photos, “It looks like it’s going to rain any minute. Would you like a cup of tea?”

“Yes, please,” I answered gleefully and then turned my attention to the photos. I gasped aloud and Daph came back into the room looking concerned.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Yes, Daph, nothing’s wrong,” I smiled at her. “It’s just this first photo... See that person on the end, on the right...?”

Daph looked at the photo closely.

“That is my mother,” she said as she pointed to the person standing central in the group of nine women in overalls. “But I don’t known who that is, sorry.”

“That is my aunt... Renee was her name. She passed away about five years ago. She was 93.”

“Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed and placed her hand lightly upon my forearm. “Isn’t it a small world?”

I agreed and asked her a few more questions about her mother but the name did not ring any bells when I recalled what little I knew of the war years from my aunt.

“Daph, while you make the tea, would you mind if I ducked over home and got a suitcase with some of my aunt’s papers and the like in it? I know there are some letters and other bibs and bobs that might be of interest to you, especially with the Wagga connection.”

“Are you sure you want to go out and come back in this?” She indicated the gathering gloom. I told her I would be back in a flash.

Within a few minutes I was back inside Dash’s warm lounge room. I put Renee’s photo next to her mothers portrait and you could tell from the pose and the lighting they were more than likely taken by the same photographer. Daph was astonished when she saw them side by side. I rummaged through the suit case I had brought with me and found a number of documents that showed Renee’s enlistment details and stationing movements. Daph looked them over and was even more astonished at how we had relatives in the same WAAF unit and did not know it.

I looked closely at the second photo she had given me and could not believe my eyes.

“Daph? See this man in the you know who he is?”

“Yes, my mum talked about him a lot. His name was Robert; Bob as he called himself. Why do you ask?”

“Bob and Renee...well, they never married but ever since I can remember she always carried a torch for him, if you know what I mean?”

“You’re joking?” She looked at me flabbergasted. “My mum spoke fondly of him and always said he had a secret admirer but no one ever knew who. I wonder why they kept it quiet?”

“I don’t know. I never got around to asking either of them about their relationship, well, never had to intestinal fortitude, to be more precise. It was something that was just there and we all accepted the fact that they were wartime buddies and just left it at that. It wasn’t a subject I felt I could ask about I suppose.”

I continued to dig into the suit case of Renee’s papers and pulled out a large paper envelop which a cluster of medals. There were two sets, each in their own smaller envelop. The first envelop bore Renee’s name, written in her hand, and inside there was six medals on the long pin to make wearing them easier together with a note detailing what each medal was for. The second envelop bore Bob’s name, also penned by my aunt, and inside there was seven medals but details for eight on the accompanying piece of paper. I read the paper a number of times and matched the medals to each description; the missing medal was a Distinguished Flying Medal (DFC).

I showed them to Daph.

“Mum mentioned that he went over to England…1943, if I recall, to take up a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) position with a bomber squadron. I think he went over as a radio operator.”

“I had no idea.” I said reflecting on what she had told me and the vague image of the man I knew of as Bob, who until now, had simply been my aunt’s male companion.

“I’ll mention this to my mother and my niece if you like. My niece, in particular, has a lot of this sort of information. She would be very interested in all of this.”

“Oh…the tea!” Daph exclaimed. “White and two sugars?”

“Yes...please...thank you.” I placed the medals back in the envelops and followed her out into the kitchen, still in disbelief.

“You have been amazing.” I blurted when I reached the edge of the kitchen bench.

“Me? Amazing? I haven’t done anything really.” She laughed. I looked at her body closely and her nipples protruded noticeably. I assumed it to be from the cold; it would have been extremely presumptuous to think I would be the cause.

Presumptuous or not I had an impulse to approach this woman in a more intimate manner but anxiety was again stopping me. My heart started to pound in my chest which was being reflected in my temples. Daph was busy making the teas and placing biscuits on a plate while I stood there visually groping her breasts. They moved freely under her Sloppy Joe indicating she was not wearing a bra.

“Amazing tits,” I thought to myself. They seemed to be reasonably toned with only a hint of age related sag.

I am not sure how it happened but just as she was about to turn to get a tray from the shelf behind me Daph turned abruptly and ran into me front on.

“Oops, Sorry,” she stammered.

Startled as she turned, I lifted my hands to cushion the impact and they landed directly upon her wonderful mounds. My initial reaction was to pull away but I quickly told myself to stay where I was and to keep my hands right where they had landed. I eagerly awaited her response.

At first Daph was embarrassed about running into me but then she realised where my hands had landed. She looked at me intently.

“I don’t think you should do that.”

“I'm not complaining.” I smiled. Inwardly I was overwhelmed with ‘here I go again’ thoughts as there seemed to be a revisit of circumstances similar to my visit to get my hair cut the day before. With the those delightful outcomes fresh in my mind, I took strength from them and gathered my resolve.

“However, I would like to kiss you?”

“It’s flattering that you feel that way about me, Ray,” she said in a steady voice.

I noted she had not made any attempt to move away nor remove my hands from her breasts. “But...I know your wife...I can sense her in the background and her disappointment at your making advances toward me. How would you feel if she did something like this?”

I knew what she was saying was true but under the these delightful circumstances I could not walk away.

“She is not here and she does not need to know or find out,” I replied in a soft yet firm manner. “I can sense something as well!”

“Oh, what might that be?”

My heart was literally throbbing in my chest and brain. It was racing so hard I thought Daph would be able to feel it pulsing through my palms. I had come this far so I might as go for it, what was the worst that could happen? All things considered, it was an all or nothing situation.

I moved my fingers slightly against her soft breasts. She still did not react negatively so I took a deep breath.

“I sense you are interested, maybe even fascinated, by this situation. I sense that your objections, while valid, are what your head is telling you. I believe your heart (and elsewhere) are telling you something quite different.”

I looked deeply into her eyes. They were more brown than hazel and they were starting to brim with tears as she obviously struggled with her mixed emotions.

“I am sorry if you feel upset,” I said apologetically.

“It’s okay.” She said with a sniff and then chuckled and apologised for the loud inhalation.

“I still want to kiss you,” I reiterated as I moved my palms and pressed them firmly onto her pointed nipples.

“I have a bit of a cold.”

I gently dipped my head to her and placed my lips on hers. She puckered her lips slightly but that was as far as she went. I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes again.

"Do you really want this? Me...?" she asked, her voice trailing off as she could not finish her sentence.

“I wouldn’t have stayed with my hands on your breasts if I didn’t. Like I said, I want to kiss you…”

Daph did not move or react in any way that was going to prevent me from continuing.

“Here…” I kissed her lips softly again and then looked back into her eyes. The welling tears had subsided and were replaced with what I believed to be a growing curiosity.

“Here…” I tilted my head to the left and softly kissed her long neck and trailed a row of butterfly kisses up along her neck to her ear. I gently nibbled on her ear lobe and she giggled slightly and told me it tickled. However, I also heard a soft gasp escape from her mouth as I repeated the trail of kisses on the other side of her neck. As I moved my lips along her pliant skin I casually dropped my hands to her slender waist and slowly worked my thumbs under the hem of her Sloppy Joe.

I looked back deeply into her eyes. They were heavy lidded and reflected a change in emotion from vague curiosity to a deepening desire to discover where I was going with the attention I was showering upon her.

“Here…” I dipped my head lower and placed a firm kiss on each of her pointed nipples that were plainly visible through the material of her fleecy top. As I kissed her left breast she gasped noticeably. As I kissed her right breast her hand rose and cradled my head.

“Green light!” I thought to myself.

I opened my mouth wide and engulfed her breasts through her top. Daph arched her back and thrust her breast firmly toward me while pushing her fingers into my hair and forced my head harder onto her breast.

“Ooooohhh,” she groaned aloud. “You’re a very naughty man, Ray. But whatever you do, don’t stop.”

I pulled away from chewing on her Sloppy Joe covered breasts and looked into her eyes yet again. The spark that was there before had taken hold and now was a smouldering fire. Her chest heaved noticeably and her breath came in short but deep drafts. I pulled her lips to mine and pressed my mouth firmly on hers. We opened up and devoured each other with our tongues, teeth and hands. She was very responsive. More so than I had anticipated. Her mouth was so soft and small and my tongue practically filled it up. My hands swept to the front of her torso, feeling her slender, older body under her clothing. Our hands roamed through each other’s hair and over our faces and shoulders as we pulled our bodies together and our hips met; our tongues passionately probed and danced together, intertwining and filling our mouths with saliva. Her tongue was soft and surprisingly, little bit rough but I was not about to complain. I ran my hands over her behind and felt some movement of flesh. I had watched her walk many times previously and never noticed any overt wobble on her rear but being this close gave a somewhat different perspective.

I smiled to myself.

“Let’s go to the lounge room,” she whispered. “The heater is on so it will be a lot warmer.”

I kissed her fully again and gently walked her to the inviting lounge room. It was not a large room but certainly comfortable, especially with the heater on.

“I just need to make sure the Venetian’s are closed.”

“Why?” I asked, holding her close. “The neighbours won’t see anything.”

She smiled warmly but I got the distinct impression she was trying to think of another excuse.

“There is too much light...”

“Rubbish.” I answered laughing. ‘Besides, with the day-light that is coming in, we can both what we want to see...” I tried to pick my words carefully so as not to make her feel uncomfortable.

“I wonder if she and her husband only ever did it with the lights off?” I wondered to myself.

Her arms wrapped around my waist as I guided her toward the lounge. She was about to sit when I stopped her and quickly dipped my head to her waist.

“What are you up too?” she asked amused.

I smiled wickedly up at her as I inched her top and the cream coloured camisole beneath, up over her wobbling chest. Her breasts were of good size as I had judged from the way they filled out under whatever top she was wearing. There were some signs of sag but for her age, I was delighted with what I saw. Her nipples were round and pointy, ruddy red in colour and slightly wrinkled at the moment but that was more from the cold of the kitchen. I wasted no time in moving to warm them up and greedily sucked, first the left then the right nipple, forcefully into my mouth. As I attacked each, I flattened my tongue and dragged it hard across the rounded apex of each globe. She shuddered with delight as I quickly followed that with a flick of my tongue tip and rolled the blossoming nub between my front teeth. As I gently chewed each nipple I looked up to see her facial expressions. Daph sighed deeply and peered down at me with a heated look that made me smile. Her small hands caressed my head as I feasted on her tits.

I continued to work her breasts and nipples as I urgently pulled at the waist bands of her shark grey track pants and white panties. To my surprise, she did not complain any further about there being too much light or standing in her lounge room partially naked, she simply pushed my hands aside and removed the garments herself, dispatching them to the far side of room. I ran my hands eagerly over her warm skin. There were some parts of her body that were slightly fleshier than others, like the underside of her upper arms, but as I said earlier, she kept herself in reasonably good condition. She had a slender build by all standards but not what you would call skinny, and she was obviously careful with the sun as her body was quite a pale white. Her bottom was a little on the flat side, her short legs were slim and partially toned from all her walking and her tummy showed just a hint of postnatal roundedness; after two children I was not surprised.

“Hhhmmmm,” she sighed. “You are being very naughty but I feel powerless to stop you.”

We both seemed to be enjoying the leisurely exploration I was giving her body in equal measure. Her nipples were now at full arousal and standing proudly away from the glorious mounds of her breasts with the aureole pushing up in their fullness as well; the erectness of her nipples mirrored the rigidity of my own flesh contained within my jeans.

I continued to stroke her flesh, gently kneading every section of skin that my fingers made contact with using soft, slow circular motions of my fingertips. Reluctantly I left her breasts and continued south, caressing her hips and stomach and trailing soft kisses in their wake. I lingered on her belly button, circling it with the tip of my tongue then plunging it deeply into the soft little recess.

“Oh my god...” she squirmed and giggled, wiggling her hips away from my probing tongue, “Sorry, but that a nice way.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying,” I said in between lapping at her tummy repeatedly. “This is just the beginning, believe me.”

“Oh, I believe you.” She replied in a hushed voice as I delved lower to her hips.

I draped my fingers softly across her hips and skirted the thick triangular thatch of dark brown hair that disappeared between her thighs. I looked up at to see Daph looking down at me, her eyes urging me to discover her hidden parts. I caressed her thighs more firmly than I had done her mid-section, feeling the quiver of her muscles as I massaged them from hip to knee. I locked my eyes to Dash’s as I slowly massaged her thighs higher and higher. She lifted her hands and placed them on her abdomen, spreading her fingers wide. Her breath had quickened noticeably and her tummy undulated as she breathed.

“Please touch me Ray.” She pleaded softly.

“I plan to.” I smiled, welcoming being given an unconditional green light to take her to the moon.

She spread her legs open, standing naked in her lounge room, as she inhaled deeply, making her tummy concave. She watched my hands approach her nether regions and without the use of any words, enticed them toward a deeper exploration of her most private parts. Our eyes locked together as I gently pressed my fingers inward, turning them from the tops of her thighs in toward the softer skin of her inner thigh which was marked by the sudden increase in heat emanating from her lower body. I kissed her tummy gently, just above the start of her bush and carefully spread her outer lips with my thumb and forefinger.

“Yesssss.” She hissed through her tightened jaw, her breathing was deep and measured.

I tenderly ran my forefinger around the deep pink outer lips. They were puffy and protruding through her thick coverage. Slowly I pressed deeper and gently parted either side of her puffy pouted lips to expose her inner pink heaven. Daph moved her hips, slightly pushing them forward as I opened her labia and saw, for the first time, her glorious flamingo pink depths. I was astonished at the copious amount of fluid that she had produced in the relatively short time I had spent coaxing her out of her clothes. I tentatively pressed my thumb into the base of her womanly well and scooped up some of her juices. She sucked in a lungful of air at my touch. She still had her torso bent forward trying to observe my every movement upon her melting body. With my thumb sufficiently coated, I gently stroked her hooded nub, starting with a very small circle on the base, barely making contact.

Daph pushed her hands down firmly across her lower body and pressed the top of her bushy triangle down so she could watch me as closely as possible.

“What are you doing to me?” She gushed; her hips rocked as I slowly increased the contact pressure on her burgeoning nub. She stood there, her breasts hanging from her body and swaying like pendulums, as she looked at me with such strong intent; a look that quickly turned to a look that almost begged me to attack her pleasure button for all I was worth.

“I am doing exactly what any man would in this situation.” I told her, casting my gaze from her eyes to her vagina and back again. “Something wonderful.”

She bit her bottom lip as I pressed my thumb along her hardened clitoris. The small nub had grown and now protruded from its usual hooded hiding place and glistened in the late morning light that filtered through the venetian blinds of Daph’s lounge room. I ground my thumb harder onto her slippery pleasure button which made her hips buck pronouncedly.

“Nnnggghhhhh...” She uttered as I repeatedly massaged her clit and smeared more and more of her juices over that increasingly sensitive area. The room gradually filled with her incoherent grunts and groans as I built the pressure and the pleasure on her sex.

With my thumbs working in tandem, I opened her labia further and exposed her deeper inner lips. I ran my thumbs along the fleshy lips and over her winking opening, knowing that my slow movements were driving her wild. I could not resist and jabbed my tongue deeply into her hole and drank deeply of her nectar. As my face smashed against her body, Daph clamped her hands onto the back of my head and forced it firmly to her pulsing body.

“Oh my fucking God...” She grunted harshly. I was shocked, never having heard her use even the tamest of swear words or phrases. However, I took that to be compliment under the circumstances.

Daph’s breath was ragged as she grabbed my hair and pulled my head away from her body.

“What are you doing?” She demanded. Her eyes were wide and wild with lust and astonishment. “I have never had anyone do what you are doing to me. Not even my husband.”

“Do you want me to stop?” I asked flatly.

“Fuck no! Are you mad.” She replied, thrusting my head firmly back into her crotch. “Even if I wanted to I couldn’t stop you. I wouldn’t want to stop you. It feels too good.”

I pulled back and I looked up at her.

“What?” She looked down as her fingers caressed the back of my head. “You look both pleased and shocked.”

I nodded and kissed her clitoral area softly. She pulled my head away again.

“Didn’t you think I knew such words or how and when to use them?”


“I don’t use them very often, I’ll have you understand, but when the time and place call for such language...” She trailed off smiling and then bent over and kissed me fully on the mouth; my lips still coated with some of her juices.

“This is definitely a good time and a good place.” She whispered. “Now, if you don’t mind, please resume?”

She gently guided my head back to her crotch and I greedily buried my face into her dark auburn thatch. Daph bent her knees slightly to open herself more and begged me to touch her there; I could hear the yearning in her voice. She wanted me to fill her in whatever way I saw fit.

I raised the forefinger of my right hand and gently slid it into her folds, her hot, wet well opened then closed around the invading digit as her vaginal muscles worked to draw it deeper into her inner recesses. As I slowly finger fucked her well lubed womanhood I gently stroked my thumb across the meaty top of her vaginal opening and massaged her button.

As my thumb reached her engorged clitoris her hips bucked hard and a throaty moan escaped her clenched mouth.

"Ohhhhh, yes...that feels sooooo good."

I continued to explore her blossoming pussy and discover the delights of her hidden treasure trove, slowly increasing the speed of my hand as I finger fucked her. She grunted aloud each time I slammed my finger deep within her depths and wondered what her reaction would be to further exploration.

Slowly I eased the single finger from her petalled folds and gently replaced it with two fingers. I moved them in and slowly pulled back, admiring the tight grip of her inner muscles on my fingers. It seemed as if they were trying to keep them deeply buried for their owner’s carnal pleasure. Slowly, I spread my fingers wider in a scissor-like action to push her ribbed channel open a little further. They resisted at first but suddenly gave way and relaxed their grip. Daph ground her body down onto my fingers, her head pushed back and her eyes closed, as she gave herself in answer to the lusty pleasure I was delivering through my attentions to her lower body.

I lashed her pulsing clitoris with my tongue which made her buck hard and grunt aloud again.

“Ooh, shit...” She hissed, her head lolling forward as her body reacted to her long neglected sexual need.

I could not resist temptation and inserted a third finger. Daph’s eye flew open and looked at me through heavy lids. She did not say anything; she simply looked at me and breathed deeply. I plunged my hands ferociously hard into her a number of times as her body bucked and undulated. opening itself to receive the invaders. I pulled my fingers free of her clutching channel and showed them to her. They were soaked with a generous coating of her thick, sticky essence that clung to them like a bubble-blowing mixture as I spread my fingers.

“It’s safe to say you’re not a dry old girl,” I said as I stood in front of her. “Lick them.”

She did not respond with any words but simply dipped her head forward and tenderly sucked all three fingers into her mouth. Her mouth greedily attacked my fingers and her tongue swished about them like you would use a feather dust on delicate glassware. After a few minutes she pulled away and smiled warmly.

“Now I know why you were so eager to use your mouth on me the way you did.”

“Musky but sweet.” I smiled. “And I have to say, there is a lot of it too!”

She grinned shyly and raised her hands to my shoulders.

“Now it’s my turn!” She added and started feverishly to remove my jeans. I quickly helped her in her endeavour by stepping on the heels of each of my shoes and kicking them roughly off. One went flying across the room and crashed into the wall.

“Oops, sorry.” I apologised laughing.

“Just don’t do it again.” She chastised me but her look was full of amusement. Daph knelt in front of me and delicately removed my jeans, being careful not to turn the legs inside out. Once they were free she tossed them across the room with my errant shoe.

“Hmm, now, what have we here?” She asked, although I knew it was not a question directed at me nor was she expecting me to answer. Her hands slid up my thighs and onto the material of my underwear; she seemed impressed with the significant bulge in them.

“My oh my, you are bigger than I would have guessed.” She said, looking up into my eyes as she slowly peeled the material away. My hard cock bobbed into view right at her eye level. Her hand snaked up and cradled my balls and then continued higher.

“Yum,” she cooed as she stroked my cock. “I have long wanted to put my hand on your shaft. So smooth... soft and yet hard. Such a perfect fit in my hand. I can almost get my whole hand around you.”

Her middle finger did not quite touch her thumb but that did not stop her from making me squirm as she stroked it gently up and down. She squeezed the shaft just below the thick purple head and a bead of pre cum oozed out. Her tongue speared into the eye and lapped up the droplets greedily. As soon as her tongue licked up my fluid she moaned aloud deep in her throat.

“You taste wonderful. It’s been a long time since I have tasted a mans come and you taste very good.” She smiled wantonly and quickly masturbated my cock with a series of quick, hard pumps of her hand. More of my fluid seeped onto the thick cock head which she hungrily gobbled up.

“Hmmm, I think your thick cock could do with some of my lubrication, don’t you?” She asked gently sucking on my balls. I shrugged and gestured that I had no reply.

“I have just the thing.” She added with a wicked grin.

She lowered her head and licked the head again and circled it slowly. The combination of copious amounts of pre cum and her saliva made the rubbery head feel so smooth under her tongue. She licked lower, beneath the head and then down one side of the veiny shaft and then the other. The room filled with her deliberately loud slurps as she moved all the way down to my balls which she gave a thorough seeing to as well. I wanted to fuck my cock into her vagina but it appeared she was more intent to take me with her mouth. I was not about to complain, assuming from her comments and her current actions that this could well be the first of a number of sexual encounters so a good blow job was not to be dismissed out of hand, or mouth in this instance.

“A great cock deserves to have somebody who appreciates it and who is willing to suck it dry.” She announced in between loud slurps and firm sucks. My thighs were trembling as she delivered spine tingling pleasure to my manhood. “Right at this moment, it’s all mine… to do with as I want.”

She licked and sucked my balls followed by her hands, caressing the tightening sac while her hot mouth moved back over the head. Expertly she gently sucked the ribbed head as her tongue played with the leaking eye. She moved slightly and lifted her herself higher on the knees, placing her mouth directly over the pointing shaft. She opened her lips fully and slowly descended, taking the shaft into her mouth, feeding the head across her flattened tongue until it hit the back of her throat. Her hands grasped the remaining shaft and followed her mouth; moving up as her mouth went up and down as her mouth went down. She was making a warm, soft sleeve for my cock with her soaking mouth and gripping hand. Her pace increased as she hungrily faced fucked herself on my cock. The combined mixture of leaking pre cum and her saliva dripped off my balls and onto the floor.

“Oh Ray, I love sucking your cock.” She exclaimed suddenly releasing me to make her comment. “But, I think I had better finish what I started? Don’t you?”

“Not just yet!” She stared at me surprised as I guided her to turn her body and place her arms on the lounge. Her breasts swung like pendulums from beneath her arched body as I moved her legs and told her to open them.

The puckered opening of her anus winked at me invitingly but I was not interested in that orifice, not at this time anyway. I wanted to feel her womanhood clutching my cock the way it had with my fingers but first I wanted to get her closer to the brink of climax.

Quickly I filled her dripping vagina with my three fingers again and started to twist and pump them hard and fast. Daph had her elbows rested on the lounge and was asking, repeatedly, what I was doing to do. I did not bother to reply verbally, I simply let my actions speak for themselves. Soon her body started to shudder and shake as I pounded her pussy and mashed her clit; a combined assault that drove her closer to a glorious crescendo. She was panting hard, her head drooped between her arms as her hips rolled back and forth.

“Ohhh, Ray…so close…” she cried as I pushed my fingers deep inside her flooding folds.

Her breathing had become ragged once more and her words were a jumble of expletives and grunts and groans as I fucked her as hard as I could with my hand. Her head rose sharply as the first wave of her crushing orgasm spasmed through her body. This is what I had been aiming for.

I quickly withdrew my fingers from her sopping channel and replaced it with my thick cock. I gripped her hips firmly as her orgasm exploded deep inside her being and as I slammed my groin again and again into her body she screamed out loud, each word uttered in unison with each deep inward thrust.

“Oh…my…fucking…god…Ohhh… fuck…meeee…” she cried as I drilled myself hard into her body. Her pussy was pulsing from the powerful climax I had driven her to and each movement I made with my imbedded flesh made her wiggle and squirm and buck as she rode out the continuing waves of her come.

I pounded her hard, pushing my thickness deep into her. The oncoming train of my own pleasure careered toward the station as the beautiful sensation of pending climax finally reached its zenith.

“I’mmmmm, cumminggggg...” I cried aloud as my passion exploded, starting deep in the pit of my stomach and rushed full tilt up through my imbedded cock to finally blast my hot, creamy spunk deep into her vacuumed womanhood. I groaned loudly as I poured my seed into her, the tight grip of her inner lips not letting a single drop escape. Her own moans of pleasure and the trembling of her body told me she had savoured the feeling of my thick cock throbbing inside her as each burst of seaman pulsed into her body and her clenching walls drained every last drop I could muster.

She rolled me onto my back and quickly turned and sucked my softening cock into her mouth. I flinched as she tantalised the sensitive head.

“Hmmm,” she said her tongue licking at her lips. “Definitely acidy, not by any means sweet certainly but delicious. If you had come in my mouth I would have gladly swallowed it all.”

She looked up at me smiling lustily, her smouldering eyes telling me she had enjoyed our sexual encounter every bit as much as I had.

Finally, she sat back and rested her behind on the floor, her legs slightly apart. I looked between her thighs and could see a mixture of her pussy juices and my ropey come dripping from her puffy lips.

“I must look quite a sight?” She asked softly. “I would never have guessed this morning that by lunch time I would be here, in my lounge room, naked, and you...” she reached for my hand and entwined her fingers with mine.

“Daph, you do look a sight. A gorgeous one at that.” She blushed noticeably.

“You’re just saying that.” She retorted with a smile.

“No, I mean it. I would not have come over here if I had not secretly desired to have my way with you, to put it politely. To tell you the truth, I have always wondered slash fantasised about what you looked like naked for a good many years.”

She laughed softly and smiled in a shy fashion.

“That is very flattering, thank you. But, what you see in an old bird like me is beyond me.” She looked at me intently and smiled warmly, her fingers still entwined with mine.

“Old bird...bah humbug.” I scoffed. “You are still a head turner, although I bet you don’t believe it.”

“Well, I am....”

“Just numbers on a page.” I cut her off from using the age word. “You’re only as old as the person you’re touching or something like that.”

She laughed and I marvelled at the way her breasts sat proudly upon her chest and wobbled as she chortled. The flattened nipples had turned a deeper red than from when I had first seen them. I wanted to jump on them again and feed on those beckoning mounds but a little voice in my head told me to bide my time.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door which definitely brought all to quickly away from our post coital revelry. The knock was soon followed by a woman’s voice calling out.

“Daph, are you okay?”

To my followers: It is finally here, the long awaited next chapter. It had a number of direction changes and rewrites to get to this stage...I hope it does not disappoint. Please leave comments and votes accordingly. In the meantime, I will start the next instalment Enjoy.

Same as Community Involvement Ch. 08 Videos

4 years ago
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Community FourEverChapter 30

Terri’s turn: I’m telling this. It’s noon on a hot July Saturday and I’m standing in front of a roomful of people looking at me. I’ve done the ‘roomful of people looking at me’ thing many times. I guess the first couple of times I was nervous, but now I’ve done it in front of Google’s R&D and Raytheon’s R&D and a team from DoD. None of those was as impactful on my young life as this. I’m wearing a simple-lined linen dress, one that’s been worn by wives before me – Kimberly, Kara,...

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Community Service

BANG. BANG. BANG. "Sharon, get your lazy ass out of bed," Margo yelled between forceful knocks on the dorm room door. The fact she even had to go through this little charade agitated the young red head beyond words. There was no way in hell Sharon was still asleep, Margo was pounding loud enough to wake a corpse. The Blackberry in her back pocket started to vibrate, indicating a text message was received. Margo cursed very softly as she fished the phone out of her designer jeans. sorry. sick....

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Community Service

Keith Spencer looked up at the clock on the wall and sighed. The crew-cut eighteen-year-old couldn't believe that only thirty minutes had passed of the eight hours he was required to put in at the Roosevelt Park Tri-County Help Center. For perhaps the hundredth time this month alone, he asked himself how he had gotten into this fix. A few years back, the local school board had passed a requirement that every student have a hundred hours of community service in order to graduate. While it did...

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Comes a time when a story needs to be halted. I, as a hack writer, have enjoyed the three stories, Cindy, Nikki, and Christina, that led to the formation of the group that became our Community. During the course of the story, we dragged in the characters from Melodic Redemption. Now I'm pulling in Kimberly 2.0. This isn't the end of the community. This is just the end of the first part of Community. Trust me, the story will go on as Community Too. Look for it. And remember Community.

4 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 9

Still Tara’s turn: I have a lot to worry about, these days. However, no more “pitiful me” anymore. A little red-headed fireball grabbed me by both ears, shook some sense into me, and introduced me to “Never-never-land” (not the Michael Jackson version, thankyouverymuch.) In this case, it’s the 3Sigma “Community”, where all the girls are geniuses, they all fly airplanes, have their own airfield, all that. And we’ve been arranging my move here, and my return to an Auburn education. A...

3 years ago
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CommunityChapter 32

Maddie's Turn: I'm in COLLEGE! Yes, little Maddie Reynolds is in college. And I'm YOUNG for it. I'm two years ahead. It's because of the hurricane, you know. The hurricane hit last year and the storm surge pushed a wave through our high school and forced us to go to school at the nearest high school that was undamaged. Now you have to understand that I live in one of the least populous parishes (that's counties in the other forty-nine states) in Louisiana, so we're not talking about...

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Community FourEverChapter 5

Dana’s turn: I’ve been through a lot of changes since I turned fourteen almost two years ago. Living with Mom. Mom incarcerated. Living with Gramma – a huge step up in Dana’s quality of life. Connecting with Ed. Even more huge. Meeting the Community. Marrying Ed. Moving us to Alabama. All that’s good. Really good. I’m loving the environment. Ed’s loving it, too, and Gramma’s married and she’s teaching her last, greatest class. None of her students here has an IQ that isn’t measured high on...

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Nanny’s house was a small, two bedrooms, wooden framed one near a cotton mill. She and my great-grandfather had worked at the mill. Back in those days, the companies felt it was best to have workers that lived near the mills. They built what was called mill villages, dozens and hundreds of basic houses near their plants. Then they sold them to the workers, taking mortgage payments out of their paycheck each week. The South is dotted with the remnants of these kinder, gentler days. By the time...

4 years ago
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Community Property

Hi folks, another week, another tale of love gone wrong. I'm still shocked that I got away with naming the hero of last week's story Daniel Boone and no one caught it. As A warning I have to tell you that this one includes some violence. But in the end it's only a story. Only imaginary people were injured during the story and even they got back up and went home after it ended. So for those of you who don't like to see things like that, this one probably won't be your cup of tea.For the...

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CommunityChapter 44

Cindy's Turn: Nuts! I think it's just nuts! The word is one I picked up from my husband. He uses it because he doesn't use a lot of other, coarser, words. There are others: 'chaotic' comes to mind. 'Barely expected' works too. It's like this: Nikki and I both ended up sitting in Doctor Wilkins' office – that's 'Bren' – of the math department. "Ram's vacationing back in India, or he'd be here too," Bren told us. "He's in on this. So's Doctor Patel. Big part of it is her...

4 years ago
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CommunityChapter 46

Dan Granger's turn: It's great when you've been on the road for a couple of days and you make that final turn back home, knowing that you've got a nice clean place to stay and you've got somebody waiting there who loves you and is waiting for your return. Jason and I had been in North Georgia. That's the southern state of Georgia in the USA, not the one in Europe that birthed Stalin, in case you're wondering. The little regional electrical cooperative is in the process of upgrading...

4 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 23

Derek’s turn: Tara says I shouldn’t be so obvious. She’s talking about Rachel. The first time I saw Rachel Weismann, I recognized Hermione Granger in the first Harry Potter movie, same face, same crazy hair. But Rachel’s eyes are blue and her hair is more brownish. In the movie, Hermione’s is more red. Kind of like Mizz Tina’s. “You’re too young to be in love,” Tara said. We’d been living back in Auburn for a month when that conversation happened. “I am a little younger than Cindy was...

4 years ago
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Community FourEverChapter 4

Tina’s turn: It usually starts just like this – an informal gathering. On this particular morning it was me, Beck, Mizz Lee and Mizz Patel sitting around having coffee together. “I appreciate your invitation,” Mizz Patel said. “We think you’re due the honor, Aneeta,” Mizz Lee returned. “Your efforts have been the gateway for many in this community, including the last two.” “I fear I am enamored of these bright minds,” Mizz Aneeta returned. “We make provision for the world to recognize...

4 years ago
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Community FourEverChapter 33

Cindy’s turn: It’s a little early in the year, and there’s no way he could beat me over there and put a bow on it to make it my birthday present anyway, but Dan and I and Tina are on our way to Mississippi to pick up my Stearman. Tina? She’s gonna fly our Cessna back. Dan and I are flying the Stearman back together. There were two certified parachutes in the cargo space. Dan looked apprehensive. “Don ‘t be, baby. A loop. An aileron roll. Maybe just one leeetle bitty snap roll ... Just so...

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1994Chapter 11 Involvements

The plane ride was a good time to reflect on the activities of the last few weeks and make plans for the immediate future. While I could cross off some of the items from my previous list, others were still pending. Meanwhile, new issues had popped up that needed to be added. The Baltimore building was presently in limbo. After a less than satisfactory meeting with Edith and Tom, it was a good thing that I had not made definite arrangements to meet Sandra Lynch there next week. Helping Doug...

4 years ago
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Community TooChapter 8

Cindy's turn: Let me tell you about a day in another universe. I was Matron of Honor at my mom's wedding. Dan and I and Mister Bill and Mom talked about how it was going to be. You absolutely know that Terri and Rachel are the flower girls. Bot-bot's the ringbearer, something that had Mister Bill shaking his head. Of course my Dan's the best man, a title that I reinforced the previous night, okay? Grandma Desai provided flowers and a reception table full of the best she could harangue...

2 years ago
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Community TooChapter 38

Nikki's turn: "You look utterly charming," Dan said. "If I saw you for the first time today I'd have gotten hit by a thunderbolt and fallen hopelessly in love with you." "Too late," I said. "You're already in love with me." I was dressed to defend my dissertation. Simple black low-heel pumps, a brown pleated skirt, a white blouse with a sort of flouncy bow at my throat. I had my hair trimmed last week and today I paid a little extra attention to making sure it was brushed to...

4 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 4

Alan’s turn: I just have to get it in my head that the women in my life, NONE of them fits into that neat little contemporary mold marked ‘normal’. Let’s start with my wife Tina. She’s more than twenty years junior to me, brilliant on any scale except perhaps the rarified world of our community, but we’re talking about a girl that achieved a baccalaureate degree at the age of nineteen. Make that a degree in electrical engineering. She’s on the ‘mommy’ track now, her choice. Before I met...

3 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 16

Tara’s turn: So nobody actually TOLD me about the status of Terri and Jerry. I didn’t pay attention to any of the relationships involving the Munchkins because they’re all pre-teens and they’re not supposed to be HAVING relationships, right? Wrong. How could I be so wrong? I mean, first I have the evidence in my own household. Derek’s enamored of Rachel. I saw that, but silly me, I wrote it off as one of those cute things that happen with kids. I can hide behind the fact that I was new to...

2 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 19A

Nikki’s turn: You knew I couldn’t let Cindy-of-the-Sky get too far ahead. Dan and I scheduled our own trip out to Arizona to get our multi-engine ratings. I know – retracing Cindy’s steps, but that’s okay. It’s not EXACTLY a hobby. I mean, we use airplanes all the time in conjunction with the business. We use the planes to move key people to meetings, to move technicians and equipment to sites too far to drive. That big Cessna twin makes it nice, but I seriously want to fly it and...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 18

Sweet little Susan's turn: "You did WHAT?" Alan asked me. I took a breath. The guy actually sounded disturbed. "I gave some of Terri's writings to the English professor who's working with us." I looked at Tina. "Did I do something wrong?" "Alan, she didn't do anything wrong, you know." "I know. I'm just surprised." Alan smiled at me. "You know they'd have figured it out when she started school in the fall," Tina said. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." "Do you...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 23

Susan's view: You know, just a few months ago I was just a high school senior. I had a mostly normal life. Okay, little bits of departure from many of the contemporary norms were there. Mom and Dad were married to each other. I was eighteen and a virgin. I was in the top level of my graduating class and I didn't take the easy courses. I had a best friend and she and I decided to attend the same college for the same course of study. Okay, so that's pretty normal-sounding, right? Then the...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 29

Cindy's Turn: Summer used to be something that I survived. School was sort of a refuge because I was out of Mom's hair. Living in a thirty-odd foot travel trailer with Mom did not exactly lend itself to lazy days. I didn't have friends my age. Mom certainly wasn't exerting herself to see that I had any summer activities, so I was on my own in the RV park. The only kids my age came and went with their own families, and very few people choose to visit RV parks in Alabama except for the odd...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 35

Cindy's turn: Riot weekend! We flew to Houston and collected an engineer and a flute-player. Okay, I said 'flautist' but Johanna said very few people still use that term. We flew? I flew. Dan handled communications with air traffic control once we entered the Houston traffic control area and fed me altitude and course data. I paid attention to ALL of that while we both watched for traffic. This is the most intense flying I've done, threading our way between TWO major airports, Hobby on...

2 years ago
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CommunityChapter 63

Terri's turn: We have a new member of the community – Cindy's mom. I know I heard a little bit about how Cindy came to be with her Dan – he's 1.0 – the first of the two Dans in the community, and a lot of Cindy's story had to do with her mom not being a very good mom. My Tina tells me that I am fortunate to have two moms that love me and that my birth-mother, still in California, did a one of the hardest things ever – let her child go to another because she was just not able to do a...

5 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 10

Dan 1.0’s turn: Interesting meeting – me, my redheaded pixie, Don Matzke ... And the interesting part – Teresa Hardesty. Was supposed to be an informal get-together to see where things are in the circles of 3S Transport which is also the umbrella under which Don runs a charter jet service. “I know Cindy’ll be in the middle of this,” Don told me on the phone. “Do you have a problem if I bring a date?” “You know just how formal we are around here. Anybody we know?” “Teresa...

3 years ago
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Community TooChapter 55

Johanna’s turn: I have become the musical mommy. I’m not complaining, mind you. Dad and Mom smile at me and tell me that their prayers are answered, that I’m married, my husband loves me, we’re successful, and ... my life is as filled with wonder as I told them. Little Randall is a good baby. That’s good. I’ve heard horror stories about crying all night and teething issues and ear problems and serious diseases. Randall is none of these. The community crèche is devoid of that. There’s a...

4 years ago
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Community Service Pt 1

The first couple of weeks I was supposed to do menial jobs like sweeping and mopping, or organizing equipment. I was mopping up the girls locker room when my sisters burst through the door crying. I wasn’t sure if I should leave or try to comfort them. Brotherly compassion won out, and I asked what had happened. Alex sucked up a sob, and brokenly explained. “Our team is going to be cancelled, because we don’t have a coach. Daphne’s dad was supposed to do it, but he bailed on us.” Eva kept...

4 years ago
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Community Involvement Ch 16

“Are you angry with me?” Michelle asked, an alcohol induced slur clearly evident in her voice. “No!” I retorted. My hand was firmly on her elbow as I guided her back to our suite. “Yeth, you are.” Her drunken laughter echoed off the walls of the short hall that lead to the inner door. “Your jealous and pissed off that I fucked Marcus! And what was with all that ‘Old Boy’ nonsense?” “I just thought it added a kind of James Bond slant. An unusual situation called for an unusual approach. You no...

2 years ago
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Community Fundamentals Of Law

It was now Jeff's...or as he would be known to his students as, Mr. Winger's second day of teaching. Even though Greendale was a rundown, fairly crappy joke of a community college, Jeff had to admit it had done a lot for him. Not only was he able to complete his bachelor's degree and able to actually become a lawyer, he had also gained a core group of friends that made him a much better person. Greendale wasn't done with the tall, good-looking man just yet though. After a failed attempt at...

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community service

I have been doing some community service due to a DUI.It is my first, and I didn't have to do any jail time, but I did however get sentenced to 300 hours of community service.That is a lot of spare time.One thing that this has given me is a lot of contact with young studs that are doing the same thing.I have been able to look over quite a few of them and while cleaning up the road sides, I have had to use mother natures rest room along with a few of them. I can visually check them out and I can...

3 years ago
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Community Service

I had got a DWI and had to do eighty hours of community service. The first 48 hours I worked picking up trash off the side of the road and other stuff like that. The last 32 hours I ended up working with this group cleaning up trails that go thru the woods. My first day I showed up and there was another guy who had to do community service and a old man, I would guess in his 70's. Three women that must have been around that age were also there. They were peppy and ready to work. The women went...

5 years ago
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CommunityChapter 17

Tina's view: Sometimes I curl up on the sofa in those rare moments when I need some 'me' time and I think about things. Mommyhood. Little girls always think of being mommies. I did until I realized that my own 'mommy' saw me as a problem to be solved. Fortunately the solution was her own mother, Grandma, who did me right. When Grandma died and I ended up with Mom again, I pretty much decided that motherhood wasn't for me, not if I had a chance of ending up like Mom and me. Rethinking...

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CommunityChapter 34

Alan's Turn: One might imagine that in the aftermath of the restaurant robbery, things might be in a turmoil. To a certain extent, one would be right. I'm fortunate. I have immediate family, my Tina and my Terri. I have my full family, and Tina made sure that she talked with my sister about the incident. And I have the Community. "You gonna be okay, buddy?" Dan 1.0 asked. "Yeah. Am I supposed to be all weepy or something?" He shook his head. "Not like you had any choices." "You...

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CommunityChapter 36

Dan Granger's turn: I have to laugh. I tried very hard NOT to burn bridges when I left my old job. It paid off. Steve called. "Hey, Steve, what's up?" "You ready to come back?" "Not funny, Steve." "Seriously. One of our clients specifically asked if we'd subcontract you so you can come in and do some stuff for him." "What and when?" Steve gave me the run-down. I wasn't too surprised. Big facility. I'd done a similar scope for part of it prior to moving to Alabama. Now...

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CommunityChapter 39

The World According to Susan: I am officially ready for a break. It's almost Christmas. I almost hide when I see my math professor. That's okay, though. He almost hides when he sees Cindy. Jason's right there with me, though. He's tested out of some classes and he's gotten transferred credits for a lot of things he took for his technology degree and if he does a summer semester next summer, he just MIGHT squeeze his way onto stage with the rest of us. I hoping. He deserves it. We work...

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CommunityChapter 41

Cindy's Turn: I finished, well, actually WE finished a Skype session with Kara. This time it was me and Nikki and Kara. I turned to Nikki. "She's a sister, you know. Should be part of the Community," Nikki said. I'm glad Nikki said it first. I don't want everybody to think I'm running this show. I'm certainly not malicious or anything, but everybody contributes in this effort. "How do we make it happen?" I asked. "She's music, not engineering." "We had Mizz Patel handling...

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CommunityChapter 64

Bill Carmody's turn: Interesting turn of events, I think. Two years ago I had Dan Richards on my power plant project. I knew him and Alan Addison from a previous power plant project where we were engineers, all three of us, on the same project. They're technically beyond reproach. Now I'm on THEIR payroll. 'Their' is, of course, 3Sigma Engineering. We're redoing several rural substations in Georgia. I ride herd on contractors, mainly, and make sure that they adhere to plans, and I...

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Community Moving OnChapter 4

Bill Hardesty’s turn: I’ve just become Bill 3.0. Cindy officially conferred the status upon me. “Bill 1.0’s my adopted dad. Bill 2.0’s Haley’s husband in Louisiana. Since you’re part of this now, you shall be Bill 3.0.” Which is fine, except to Herself, the Vickster, I’m ‘Billy’. “Cindy said you were ‘Billy’ when she first met you.” “I was. I like to think that I’m mature enough to be ‘Bill’ now.” Sparkly eyes. “Not ‘William’?” “Bill.” Snicker. “Billy.” That snicker is one reason I’m...

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Community FourEverChapter 2

Beck’s turn: First thing I did when we got home is call Mom. “Hello, my lost daughter,” Mom said, using her best ‘poor me’ voice. “Did somebody go into the hospital? It is not yet Saturday.” “Mom, your GRAD-daughter...” ““GRAND daughter,” Mom corrected. “My grand-daughter the millionaire...” “Your grand-daughter the research scientist...” “What has become of her now?” “She’s holding a letter in her hands that says she’s graduated college with a degree in engineering.” “My...

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Community Moving OnChapter 11

Teresa’s turn: Mom’s totally destroyed. I’m standing on a pedestal, a seamstress, a REAL seamstress, is taking measurements for my wedding dress. “Mom, stop crying, for heaven’s sake...” “Every time I think about you getting married,” Mom sobbed. “It’s the expected progression in life. Grow up, leave home, get married...” “Finish college is in there somewhere,” Vicki said. She’s my co-conspirator. We’re getting married the same day. She’s tagged my little brother, a big surprise, since...

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CommunityChapter 66

Susan's turn: I'm waiting for the aliens to show up. Here's how I figure it will break down. Nikki and Cindy will work with Terri and Rachel on the Star Wars squirrel denial system. They'll actually GET that 95 gigahertz transmitter, and in the process of modulating its output so that it only severely annoys squirrels instead of cooking them on the spot out there in the yard, they'll transmit a signal into space where it will be picked up by an alien spacecraft. The aliens will come...

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Community FourEverChapter 13

Bill Carmody’s turn: Yesterday’s wedding was a delight, especially watching my NEW daughter (!) and Cindy, my original daughter, looking and acting very much like twins. Can’t help but grin, just thinking about it. Both of ‘em have a little fire in their eyes, and when they’re together, you can nearly SEE the sparks flying between them. Couldn’t have asked for a more unlikely development, right up to matching green dresses they bought together for the wedding. And my phone buzzes --...

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CommunityChapter 71

Tina's turn: "What's so funny?" my husband asked. "Stoney and Jo are coming back and they're still flyin' that Pitts." "Did they buy it?" "She says 'no', but two trips, you gotta wonder." I giggled. I know the real reason. A combination of scheduling conflicts and weather had kept us from holding the weekend airport social and landing contest. The social, however, now had a few outside participants. I mean, it was bound to happen. We don't exist in a vacuum. On any given...

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Community FourEverChapter 24

Cindy’s turn: 0700 for a wake-up. The alarm caught me when it went off. Sometimes I’m drifting between sleep and awake, but not this morning. I finally got to sleep, found out that Dana’s a kicker, so I kicked back. When the alarm went off, I let it roll for a bit, listening to the whines and other sounds of the gang waking up. I killed it, turned to get out of bed, but was a bit slow. I saw a T-shirted Rachel flash by muttering “bathroom...” Well, at least with two rooms we can split the...

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Community TooChapter 4

Tina's turn: I keep telling myself that Bot-bot is not a real pet. I only wish I knew what was going on in my little girl's mind. Parse that statement, won't you? I have a stepdaughter who's ten years younger than me, who is probably past me in some ways, academically speaking. I know she does things with technology that all of us in the community wonder about. What went on in her head that caused her to take a mobile squirrel repeller platform and convert it into a pet? Yeah, I know,...

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Community TooChapter 15

Tim's turn: I'd be a janitor for 3Sigma after seeing how Vicki and Kim fit in here. I'm THAT happy. That whole 'divorced dad' thing is horrible. I mean, you talk with your daughter on the phone once or twice a week, trying to stay up with what's going on in her life, and then you get a week or so for Thanksgiving or Christmas and you get a few weeks in the summer. A week was BAD. I don't know little girls. Until this past year, I didn't have my own place, so we cribbed up at Mom and...

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Community TooChapter 22

Donna's turn: Do you know how to bring on pure pandemonium in my daughter's little community? Let me tell you. Saturday nights are the big night for music. Everybody's usually there. Well, sometimes we add Stoney and Johanna, sometimes Jason and Susan are off visiting one set of impending grandparents or the other. This particular weekend, though, we're all together. Me and Bill, we have our own swing there. So we laugh and sing and dance and then there's a break and my Bill stands...

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Community TooChapter 23

Terri's turn: I really DO love my mom. I'm speaking of my natural mom, the person who carried me for nine months, then gave birth to me. I did not and still do not understand why she left Dad for Mister Martin. I know both men and there's no comparison. Tina tells me that there are things that go on in people's hearts and heads that are not easily defined. Defined. If you define 'step-mom', it means the woman who marries your dad. That's Tina. Dictionary definitions are so...

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Community TooChapter 35

Nikki's Turn: Mommyhood hangs over us all. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way disparaging FOUR new mommies. Let's run down the list. Susan 'n' Jason have little JW – Jason Wallace, named after him and his dad. Alan and Tina have Katherine Genevieve – after nobody in particular, but Terri is forbidden to call her Kathygen. Johanna and Stoney have Randall Stonewall, and Mister Bill and Mizz Donna have Cindy's half-sister Elise Ann, a whole two days old. I'm likely to be the next. My...

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Community TooChapter 50

Still Nikki’s turn: I squeezed Dan’s fingers. “A bit of bad luck, this,” I said. “Baby, be so kind as to hand me my iPhone. I need to get the news out.” Dana’s turn: We’re a pretty connected group here. I mean, everybody’s always texting and posting updates during the day, so when I got one from Nikki, I knew where she was supposed to be – on campus with the munchkins. I thought I’d see another ‘you won’t believe what Terri (or Rachel or Vicki) just did’ post. It wasn’t. I’m at the...

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Community FourEverChapter 34

Derek’s turn: This is trouble. Wonderful, happy, delightful, ecstatically wonderful. But trouble. I knew what was going to happen when Rachel called me to help her feed Dana’s cat. Empty apartment except for me and Rachel and the cat, and the cat gets petted while I’m sitting next to Rachel and the cat leaves and Rachel turns to me. I like kissing her. I like holding her. We talk about everything. Tara says we’re too young to have a past, but I’ve lived through a car wreck and the loss of...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 6

Cindy’s turn: It was just another morning in the office when the phone rang and as Maddie was occupied, I answered it. “3Sigma, this is Cindy. May I help you?” “Cindy? Good, it’s you I wanted to talk to.” “Hello Mizz Patel. What’s going on today?” “Would you mind if I drive out to your office? I’d like to talk about something in private.” I noted that she didn’t have her normal happy lilt. “Of course it’s okay. You’re always welcome here.” This was unusual for her though, so I added,...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 11

Tara’s turn: We did it. Derek and I talked. He agreed, but honestly, I’m the adult in this equation, actually his legal guardian, and he would have had to go along with my plan. However, a certain pre-teen Jewish princess seems to have gained my little brother’s eye. I think that if we HADN’T decided to move, he might’ve hitched a ride back here. The apartment. Cindy and her Dan used to live here. It belongs to the corporation. They told me I could paint it any color I wanted, but honestly,...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 12

Dana’s turn: I’m lying in bed in that wonderful cusp between awake and asleep at the end of a very good day. Cindy’s done her presentation at NASA, and to my knowledge, they haven’t yet recruited her for a space mission. Nikki’s been, well, Nikki, and she’s a superstar in her own right, maybe a little more sane than Cindy, but those two are a binary system, both bright in a way I never witnessed until I found her sitting across the table from me and Ed one night at dinner. And...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 20

Nikki’s turn: I managed the stress of Mom’s interaction in my life quite well, I thought, right until Mizz Donna met me at the plane and hugged me. Then the floodgates opened. “What was I supposed to do, Mizz Donna?” I sobbed. Poor Dan. He’s standing behind me, wanting to do SOMETHING. “Darlin’,” she said comfortingly, “You did the right thing. World’s full of assholes. I used to be one, so I know...” I heaved a wordless sob. Mizz Donna was hugging me, Dan’s hand was touching my...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 21

Kara’s turn: The world NEEDS a pregnant fiddle player. That’s what I told Dear Old Dad when I broke the news to him. “Dad,” I said, “I have a wonderful, successful husband and it is only right that we present you with grandchildren.” I heard a definite sigh over the phone. My dad. I’m trying really hard to conjure (one of Johanna’s words) a vision of business-suited Dad bouncing a grandbaby on his knee. “You make me regret that I didn’t make myself a bigger part of your life, Kara...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 27

Nikki’s turn: We’re still talking about new toys, right? Cindy was PIC for the flight back from Colorado with the new plane. Fair enough. After all, Cindy IS ‘Cindy of the Skies‘. When we landed, though, we had the entire community standing there waiting on the arrival. It’s a big deal. Cindy exited first. Me? I stood in the door, my butt still inside indescribable luxury and newness, and said, “Okay, who wants a ride?” We have seating for eight – one of their ‘executive’ options – plus...

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