Community Involvement Ch. 16 free porn video

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“Are you angry with me?” Michelle asked, an alcohol induced slur clearly evident in her voice.

“No!” I retorted. My hand was firmly on her elbow as I guided her back to our suite.

“Yeth, you are.” Her drunken laughter echoed off the walls of the short hall that lead to the inner door. “Your jealous and pissed off that I fucked Marcus! And what was with all that ‘Old Boy’ nonsense?”

“I just thought it added a kind of James Bond slant. An unusual situation called for an unusual approach. You no like?”

She shrugged and sagged at the knees. “I still think your jealous.”

I gently assisted her regain a more upright stance before I continued. “Michelle,” I spat, as I looked firmly into her liquid eyes. “I don’t give a flying fig about who you fuck. In fact, the sex is irrelevant; you said as much yourself. However, I am uncomfortable at being made your unwitting accomplice. The conniving is…is…” I lost my train of thought as she slowly slid down the wall to the floor.

“Too much of a good thing,” I said to the walls as I hooked my arm around her waist and shuffled us through the door.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked as she briefly roused from her stupor.

“You, my dear, need to get to bed.”

“Ohhh,” she giggled and fell onto the edge of the bed, bounced and gracefully slid to the floor again.

I managed to get her undressed and piled her under the sheets. I looked at her, unsure if my feelings for her now were the same as when we had first arrived. Her determination to cause the downfall of Marcus’s brother (and Marcus, if the truth be known) was alien to me; to my way of thinking. Michelle was a woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it, that I understood. Just how far she would go was now quite evident and it was something that greatly disturbed me.

I made myself a cup of tea knowing full well I had consumed my fair share of alcohol for the day as well. The lights were off, Michelle was soundly asleep and I sat and pondered as I looked out the window across the tranquil Quay. I fleetingly contemplated leaving then and there but that would have been a less than gallant and an ungentlemanly thing to do.

“Maybe we just need to cool things a little, Michelle and I?” I asked the night. It did not reply.

I woke about seven in the morning. The brilliant morning sun streamed in across the tops of the Opera House. The Quay was already busy with the morning ferry services shuttling back and forth, disgorging their passengers upon the wharves en-route to their work places. Michelle still slept soundly, so I took the opportunity to have a shower and freshen up.

When I re-emerged Michelle was still in bed but her red, bleary eyes peeked out from under a pillow. We briefly discussed the events of the previous night and I reiterated my misgivings. She was very apologetic for getting me involved but insisted her actions were purely opportunistic and that she had no idea Marcus’s brother was still employed at the hotel. All I could do was accept her apology and her reasoning but the taint of my involvement in a borderline blackmail situation was palpable.

We dressed, breakfasted like royalty, and made our way homeward. The journey only took twenty minutes but Michelle slept most of the way. Her hangover was quite heavy and all she wanted to do, once inside her door, was to head straight to bed and sleep it off. She kissed me fondly before we said farewell but I knew, instinctively, that our relationship had suffered a bit of a rift overnight. I was unsure how I felt about that as I walked to my letter box before heading inside to get changed out of my day old clothes.

“Where have you been?” Daph’s voice jolted me out of my daydream world.

“Oh! Hi… Daph.” I stammered and nearly walked into the garden bed. “Sorry, I was miles away and didn’t see you.”

“Are you okay?” she reacted. Concerned at my stumble, she reached out her hand to help me regain my balance. As our fingers entwined a spark seemed to ignite anew between us.

“Yes…yes! Fine…thank you.” I felt embarrassed at my clumsiness but welcomed the touch of her hand.

I quickly tried to re-compose myself and took the opportunity to dive in and give her a welcoming kiss. As I tilted my head closer to hers she started to move as if to receive my lips upon her cheek, in the manner of the usual greeting one gives to a friend. However, I changed tact and made for her mouth. She responded immediately and repositioned her lips to contact mine. As our lips met I surreptitiously moved my hand and grazed my right thumb along the full curve of her left breast. It was only a quick gesture but significant nonetheless.

“That will get the neighbourhood talking,” she tittered.

“Let them!” I replied with a defiant laugh. “We could go at it full bore and really give them something to gawk at?”

“Let’s not but just say we did.” She laughed again and her breasts giggled delightfully under her clothes.

Sheepishly, we stepped respectfully apart but I was more than happy to reconnect, albeit briefly, with my mature aged neighbour from across the road.

“What can I do you for, this bright sunny morning?” I asked in a jovial manner, now properly focused. All thought of the previous night had been, thankfully, pushed aside.

“It’s not what you can do for me,” she said and smiled brightly, “it’s more what I can do for you.”

“Ohhh! Really!” I said with a sly smirk. “That sounds like an invitation too good to refuse.” I looked her over lasciviously, from head to foot. “Particularly after what transpired the last time we…”

“You’re being naughty, Ray,” she chided me, quickly cutting me off from further comment. She playfully added a gentle tap upon my arm. “Now stop it.”

“Sorry, I could not resist.”

“Apology accepted. Naughty man.” However, a slight flush had risen in her cheeks. “I was wondering if you might be free in an hour or so?”

“I’m not free! I’m expensive.”

“Oh, for goodness sake,” she said in an exasperated tone, yet her broad smile told me she was enjoying the banter. She quickly returned to what she wanted to say.

“Actually, my visit does relate to ‘part’ of your last visit.”

“Go on!” I encouraged, smiling like a Chester Cat.

“My niece, well my goddaughter actually but she is more to me than that, as you might be aware.”

“You mentioned her last time, yes. You raised her after her mum has killed in a car accident when she was ten. But you called her your niece?”

“Long story short, she is not a blood relative. However, I view her as close being so integral in her upbringing. Her mum and I went to school together and were firm friends until…well, the accident. I call her my niece because her mum and I were like sisters.”

“I’m sorry.” I whispered and gently caressed her arm.

“It happens,” she shrugged and reflected momentarily before continuing. “Anyway, she’ll be around soon. I told her about your aunt and the WRAAF and Bob’s medals. She would like to see them?”

“Sure.” My excitement about possibly finding out more on that front was too much to suppress. “What’s the time now?”

“A bit before ten. My niece is due soon but when I saw you I wondered if you had a moment…” She trailed off not knowing what else to add.

“I just need to do a few things here but I can be over in, say, an hour?”

“Perfect. See you then.”

Our lips met with the lightest of goodbye kisses but the eyes said it all.

It was just on eleven as I ascended the steps to Daph’s front door. The garden was as tidy as ever and the scattered pots on the veranda were awash with blooms. Last time I stood in that very position it was cold, windy and threatening to pour with rain despite it being only early Autumn. To ward-off the cold back then, I had worn a white Kashmir jumper under a dark brown bomber style jacket. A look that had prompted Daph to comment about my resemblance to a WWII pilot which ultimately lead to the discovery of our respective WRAAF connections.

Despite it being closer to winter now the days had returned to warm and sunny. However, I still wore a snug baby blue jumper over a T-shirt with jeans, to keep the chill that prevailed in the shadows at bay.

I rang the door bell and expectantly waited.

“Come in.” Daph beamed as she opened the door. “My niece went up the road to get some more milk for me. She’ll be back in a jiffy. Tea?”

“Definitely.” I placed Rene’s (my aunt) old suitcase next to the lounge in her front lounge room. The same room where our first sexual encounter had transpired. Those memories were still fresh and vivid in my mind.

“I wonder if Daph reflects on them as she wanders about her home?” I quietly pondered.

I followed her into her kitchen as she busied herself making the tea. We chattered about various nondescript topics when there came a noise from the front door.

“That will be my…,” Daph stopped herself mid-sentence. “I mean my goddaughter.” She rushed past me to aid the woman entering.

They exchanged greetings and a few hushed words; I assumed my arrival was the bulk of the discourse. They started toward the kitchen and the younger woman looked up and smiled. As the silhouette materialised into a complete, statuesque form, my jaw all but hit the floor.

“Well, well, well. Look who the cat dragged in?” Her goddaughter uttered.

“Ray, this is Clare. Clare, this is my neighbour from across the road, Ray.”

“We’ve, um, met.” Clare said with a hint of suggestiveness that was not lost on Daph.

“Oh, have you now?” Daph asked. A look of supreme interest on her face.

Clare and I kissed each other on alternate cheeks and then she went on to explain to her Daph about the music tour and my part in it, to date.

“And how did you two meet, may I ask?” Daph’s curiosity had increased with every passing moment.

“Through Michelle,” Clare explained.

“Michelle!” Daph exclaimed. “Ray’s next door neighbour?”

“Yes, that Michelle,” I responded flatly. Clare looked at me closely at my response.

“Well!” Daph exhaled, surprised. “That explains a lot.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, incredulity rose in me like a fast running tide.

“You and Michelle,” Daph went on. “Oh, Ray, don’t look so shocked. I might be old but these eyes see a lot. I’m not a busy-body mind but I know you two have been…, well, having a fling…”

“A fling?” I retorted sternly.

“Calm down Ray.” Clare cut in. “Denial is futile. Just let the lady finish. Besides, you're amongst friends.”

“With friends like you two, who needs enemies?” I replied, “Not that I’m getting all defensive or admitting to anything.”

“Let’s take our teas into the lounge room and discuss this like adults.” Daph insisted. We did as she suggested. I felt like my world had started to close in on me, fast.

“Ray,” Clare addressed me as she sat next to Daph on the lounge opposite the arm chair I had selected. “You and I have become, um, ‘close’ over the short time we have know each other…”

“Real close!” Daph added. I looked at them both, stunned. “Clare tells me everything and I do the same with her. We have a ‘close’ bond Clare and I, as you might have guessed?”

I nodded but added that I did not have any idea of names and faces, as it were. I did know, from my previous time with Daph, that she had raised her Clare from the age of ten after Clare’s parents were killed in car accident.

“Quite,” Clare resumed. “That’s why I love this woman so much.” Clare put her arm around Daph’s waist and kissed her warmly on the cheek.

“Is this a mutual admiration club meeting or something?” I joked tentatively.

“Relax Ray.” Clare said dismissively. “We are not hear to judge or criticise. Nor are we going to broadcast your dalliances to anyone. On that score you have our iron clad guarantee.”

“Some comfort I suppose, although it better be more solid than Tony Abbott’s.” 

“As I was saying,” Daph interjected, ignoring my political satire. “My eyes are still good and I have a prime view into your front yard as I told you previously. I enjoy watching him shirtless as he mows the lawn,” she said to Clare. “But more to the point, I have seen you two together and it didn’t take much to connect the dots. I also know you have screwed Clare but it was not until you two met that I knew for certain it was you and not some other Ray.” 

“And I know you have fucked my dear, lovable aunt,” Clare jumped in as she placed her hand on Daph’s thigh. “Right here in her lounge room and again in her shower. Your prowess impressed her. You made her feel extremely good about herself again, after a long period of feeling left on the shelf. You should be proud of yourself. I mean it. Some might call your actions opportunistic but I think they’re better categorised as neighbourly love. You not only make love to us pour love-starved females but you satisfy our desires, sexual and otherwise. As well as your own of course.”

“Just doing my bit in the community.” I offered weakly. “You two certainly don't withhold information from each other.”

“Every detail.” They responded in chorus and then giggled at their spontaneous response.

After Michelle’s carry on the previous night, I was starting to wonder what sordid sequence of events had I got myself involved with since the beginning of the year?

Clare continued, “Ray, we are not going to keel-haul you or anything. Just be up front. Like I have said to you from the first time we met. We admire your ‘community involvement’ and want it to continue to go from strength to strength.”

“Okay and thank you.” I said, looking at the floor. I was not sure whether to feel happy, sad, overjoyed or threatened. All of the above seemed like a balanced alternative.

“Look, including Michelle, Daph and I, and there’s probably others, which is irrelevant anyway, we have had the pleasure…no, privilege of having you and your cock in many of our orifices. I assume you feel the same?”

“Absolutely!” I spurted in eager agreement. 

“Excellent, so there is no reason for us to be perturbed with one another. Time to change the subject.”

She cleared her throat and continued. “I understand you have something you wish to show me?” Clare laughed at her little joke, as did Daph. I smiled, bewildered by this sudden turn of events. With a small shake of my head I tried to clear my thoughts.

“I’ll just whip it out!” I said suggestively as I looked at the two women opposite.

“If you insist,” Clare replied. “Although it’s nothing that we haven't seen before.”

“Each time is different,” suggested Daph. We all chuckled.

“Okay, to the WWII stuff.” I pulled the suitcase onto the coffee table between us and retrieved the photographs from Daph’s mantlepiece. “See that person on the end, on the right?” 

They both looked toward the photos.

“That’s my mother,” Daph said as she pointed to the person standing central in the group of nine women in overalls. 

“And that’s my mother, there on the far left!” exclaimed Clare, a slight tear in her eye.

“That is my aunt, Renee.” I said, pointing to the last woman on the right. “She passed away about six years ago. She was 93.” 

“Isn’t it a small world?” Daph said to Clare who nodded and continued to survey the picture. “I didn’t realise our mothers where stationed together? Well, to clarify, we knew, by way of this photograph, but over what sort of time frame we had no idea. We are/were light on, like you Ray, for details.”

She looked up at me as the tear trailed down her pale cheek. 

“Thank you, Ray. I mean it.” She reached out and clutched my hand firmly. 

“I haven’t done anything yet.” I shrugged. Uncertain what to do next I directed them to look closely at the second photo.

“See this man in the middle? Do you know who he is?” 

“Yes, my mum talked about him a lot. His name was Robert; Bob as he called himself.” 

“Bob and Renee never married but ever since I can remember she always carried a torch for him, if you know what I mean?” I explained.

“My mum spoke fondly of him and always said he had a secret admirer but no one ever knew who.” Daph told Clare.

It was like being involved in an instant replay of the first time Daph and I discovered the hidden connection as Clare, Daph and myself poured over the photos.

I continued to dig into the suit case of Renee’s papers and pulled out the large envelop that contained the medals. There were two sets, each in their own smaller envelop. The first envelop bore Renee’s name, written in her hand, and inside there were six medals on a long pin with a note detailing what each medal was for. I handed them to the ladies. The second envelop bore Bob’s name, also penned by my aunt.

“These are the medals Daph mentioned.” I handed them to Clare as Daph continued the commentary.

“Mum mentioned that Bob went over to England in about 1943, to take up a Non-Commissioned Officer’s (NCO’s) position with a bomber squadron. I think he went over as a navigator.” 

“There are eight descriptions here but only seven medals. The missing medal was a Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM). I had no idea about his service overseas until Daph mentioned it.” I informed Clare. “If my limited recent research is correct, I think it was 460 Squadron that operated out of Binbrook in Lincolnshire. But that is all I know.”

“This is amazing.” Clare said and reclined into the lounge. “I wonder what became of the missing medal. Surely there is someway of tracing the citation down?”

“I held off doing anything until you saw it.” I commented to Clare. “Daph was rather insistent that you see the medals.”

Daph smiled and hugged her goddaughter. “She gets emotional when looking back on this sort of thing. She did not, does not, know much about her mum’s service involvement either. Like a lot of people who served, she did not speak about it after they returned.”

“I do know she was stationed in Wagga and the photograph confirms that. But after Wagga there is a black hole. I have not been able to get a trace on her military movements from about 1943 onwards.” Clare told us quietly, her usual ‘bold as brass’ confidence had slipped away to reveal her softer side. I felt for her but did not know how to give her comfort without looking and/or feeling foolish. 

Daph continued the discussion. “We have to get Bob’s citation, that’s for sure. That document should give us a good starting point to track down his medal, if it still exists. As for your mum’s record Clare, um, do you have anyone she knew at that time who can answer any questions? It seems ironic that 1943 seems to be a common date for both your mum and Bob to have significant changes in their service history.”

“Yes, there is Olga. She lives in Salzburg, she and mum go back a long time.” 

“How did your mum and Olga meet?” I asked hesitantly.

“They met here while mum was in the WRAAF. Well, I think Olga was a WRAAF.”

“Where were they stationed when they met?”

“You know, that’s a very good question, Ray?” Clare uttered. She gazed out through the venetian blinds. “Their relationship is something I just took for granted, much like your aunt and Bob’s. I know zip about it and little about Olga, to tell you the truth. I know about her superficially, you know, number of children, where she lives now, married to an Italian, things like that but nothing earlier. Maybe I should start to investigate? I must confess, taking the music tour to Salzburg was partially an excuse for me to catch up with Olga but now I have an even more significant reason.”

“Maybe you should call her first? She may not want to talk about it.” I suggested. “Maybe this is something we could all do together?”

“Many hands makes light work.” Daph commented. “Tea or coffee anyone? I think we need a break.”

Clare sighed and sank back into the lounge. She looked at me with her teary eyes. 

“Looks like we might all be working ‘closer’ than we would have thought an hour ago?”

“The closer the better,” I offered and smiled. The intent behind my words was not lost on Clare. “Now if you'll excuse me, I have to duck home for a moment. I want to get my laptop so I (we) can start to formulate an action plan. Its best if I do it on my computer as it is the same one I would be taking on tour so I can update it whilst we’re away. Back in a few minutes.”

Just as I entered the my front door my mobile went. It was Michelle. My heart sank. In reality, she was the last person I wanted to speak to at that point.

“Hello? Ray?” she said tentatively. “I hope I haven't got you at a bad time?” 

“No, um,… no.” I replied, trying to hide my displeasure. “I was just getting some things together for Clare.” I knew that would probably rile but I didn’t care. 

“Oh? Things for Clare? Is it related to the music tour? Can I help?” 

“Yes, it is for Clare and no, your help is not required at present, no offence. We’re just discussing some things…”

“Did she call you?”

“Yes,” I lied. “She had some queries and I’m looking for the information from the last tour that might supply an answer or two?”

“Like what?”

“Why all the questions?” I asked, a little too sharply.

“Sorry,” she sounded like she was going to back off a little. “I…well, I’m sorry about last night and…”

“Michelle, I really don't want to talk about that right now. In fact, I have said all I want to say about it. Can’t we just let it go at that?”

“I suppose,” she replied. Her despondent tone was not going to dissuade me from my other considerations. “We are good, you and I?”

“Yes, we are fine.” I took a deep breath to try and clear my head. “Michelle, I really don’t want to discuss any of this right now, okay? Sorry!”

“Okay. If that’s the way you want it!” The sudden anger in her voice was astonishing. She reminded me of my wife and her sudden mood swings at the drop of a hat. 

“It is.” I replied firmly. “The tour is rapidly approaching and Clare is in need of my help, that’s all.”

“I bet you’ll give her extra special help?”

“Now who’s getting jealous?”

“It just seems…”

“Michelle, you are being irrational and unreasonable. You fucked Marcus and I filmed it, at your request and, apart from the scheming, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I have fucked Clare and Daph, and you categorically said that that didn’t bother you. You asked me to get involved with the music tour and, somehow, that now bothers you.”

“I’m sorry, Ray. I just felt bad about last night particularly in light of the previous couple of days and how magical they were, just you and me.”

“It was absolutely wonderful. But now reality is back in town and Clare has asked for my assistance and I think I have the wherewithal to provide some answers, so that is where everything is at right now.”

“Okay.” Her voice sounded flat. “I was going to ask you to come around.”

“Even if I didn’t have this Clare thing to attend to, I couldn’t, sorry. I have some work to do and all normal household routines will be resumed come 4pm, so time is not my friend right now.”

“I know,” she admitted grudgingly, “your right! I guess I just wanted to keep…”

“I’m sorry Michelle…” I cut in and then stopped what I was about to say. “Look, I have to go. See you around. Okay?”

“I love you, Ray,” she added.

“Same here!” All I wanted was to get off the phone and avoid further discussion. Her disappoint had made itself evident but I could not help what had transpired the night before nor my reaction to it. If the fallout was that a little distance came between us then so be it. After a few deep breaths I tried to refocus.

Within moments I was back on Daph’s doorstep. I was about to knock when I heard a feint moan from inside.

“Oh, god Clare, I want to as well but he’ll be back soon,” Daph said. “But I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

“I know how you feel, my love,” was Clare’s reply. The sounds that followed were muffled and indistinct, but if asked to identify them, I would have plugged for the sound of passionate kissing. Curiosity might have brought the cat to grief but I had to investigate. I peered through a thin slit in the venetian blinds. The sun was behind me which made clear sight into Daph’s lounge room almost impossible but I was able to discern two pairs of legs very close together and somewhat intertwined. 

“So they do have a closer than a usual relationship?” I whispered to myself. My jeans suddenly started to feel tighter with that thought. I approached the flyscreen door again but hesitated to knock as the hushed voices started again.

“…tied? As in bound up?” Daph asked. 

“Why not!” replied Clare with a sudden burst of excitement. “I’m sure he won’t object. Besides, it would satisfy our ‘special’ fantasy and then we can take of any other needs that may have ‘arisen’ in the meantime!”

“I love the way your wicked mind works, my dear.” More muffled sounds of wet, passionate kissing followed. I swallowed nervously and knocked.

“Come in Ray,” Clare called without getting up. “We knew you were there, by the way. We saw your shadow cross the blinds.”

I entered and found them wrapped in each others arms.

“Clare needed consoling,” Daph explained as she disentangled herself from the younger woman's limbs. “I think she feels better now, though.”

“Yes, I do! Thank you, my dear,” replied Clare. “Although, we can’t help but wonder what you heard as you stood at the door before you knocked?”

I stood before them unable to put two words together. My mouth simply opened and closed and nothing came out. Daph looked a little abashed but Clare was her usual confident self. She stood and approached me. There was a definite swagger in the way she walked reminiscent of our first meeting in her office. 

“Daph asked if you knew of our special bond, well, now you know just how ‘special’ it is.” Clare gently took the laptop from my hand and placed it on the coffee table.

“I’m not sure I follow.” I lied.

“Don’t be coy, Ray. You were standing out there for quite a while. Tell us what you think you heard?” 

“Nothing I can be one hundred percent sure about.”

“You can do better than that.” Clare slid her arms around the back of my neck and pressed her groin to mine. “It would seem you heard something to ‘peek’ your attention?” 

She ground her crotch against my hardened member.

“Agh, well, it sounded like…um… kissing.” 

“Go on,” she pressed, in every sense of the word.

“And there was something about tying.” My throat was drying out faster than the Simpson Desert. 

“Is that all?”

“Yep.” I shrugged.

Clare turned to her aunt.

“My dearest Daph, how about you do as we discussed while I get our guest a bit further informed, as it were.” Daph quickly rose and, before she left the room, she kissed Clare softly on the lips.

“She’s an amazing woman. Don’t you think?” Clare asked as she took me in a heated embrace. “I hope this discovery of my special relationship with my godmother does not disturb your sensibilities?”

“Not at all,” I replied as I snaked my arms about her waist. 

“If you can’t beat them, join them.” I thought to myself. 

Clare pulled me bodily into her arms and kissed me passionately. Our tongues collided as we hugged each other for dear life, our lust driven by the new found knowledge of her lesbian relationship. It was surprising how quickly our breathing deepened and how feverish our hands and fingers became. Within moments Clare had removed my jumper and T-shirt and discarded them with a wild fling of her wrist. Her hands spread all over my heaving chest. She urgently pushed them lower and pulled my jeans undone. With a fluent downward push she had them easily around my knees, my throbbing cock pressed firmly against her hip.

She sucked my tongue deeply into her mouth as her fingers deftly surrounded my aching shaft. Her fingers firmly encircled the heated flesh and pumped it.

“Hmmm,” she breathed without fully relinquishing my tongue. “We all could do with a bit of a distraction? Don’t you think?” 

“I can’t see why not? But you certainly have me at a disadvantage at the moment.” I looked down between us as she masturbated my cock expertly. I raised my hands and crushed her tits under her fluffy white jumper. They felt heavier than I remembered. Their fullness filled my hands, and then some, as she cooed softly as I rolled the hard nipples.

“How about you get a lot more comfortable, my dear man?” She urged, as she put her foot on the waist of my jeans and pushed them off my ankles. “We don’t want you to trip and break anything.” 

She dipped her head after that comment and engulfed my cock with her mouth. She speared her face several times up and down my shaft only stopping at the top to drink on the beads of pre-cum that dripped from the purple head. She lowered herself to her knees and looked at me as she sucked. I grabbed her head and pushed forward, her cock sucking skill was undeniable.

“Hey, you two have started without me!” Daph exclaimed. She entered the room carrying a chair which she positioned behind me. Clare held her hand out to Daph. Daph took it gently and glided to her knees beside Clare. Clare offered Daph my rod which she greedily covered with her mouth. 

“Wow, look at her, Ray? I’ve never seen her suck a real cock.” Clare informed me as she stroked Daph’s hair. “She is certainly talented.“

“That’s for sure.” I stammered.

“How did you go?” Clare asked Daph as she ceased fellating me.

“Got it all.” Daph’s cryptic reply started to concern me.

“What are you two up to?” I enquired. Just as I asked the question Daph’s hand joined Clare’s as they massaged my cock and balls.

“Don’t worry Ray,” Daph assured me. “You’re in good hands.”

“Literally it would appear,” I replied.

Clare and Daph smiled at me as they stood. Their smoldering eyes met and they kissed passionately. Their arms pulled me into the huddle as their tongues lashed and lapped wantonly about each others mouths. My head was spinning, it was like watching a porn film and suddenly finding yourself pulled through the screen into the midst of the action. 

Clare disengaged, which left Daph and I with am arm around each others waists. Daph grinned and turned into me. Her soft mature body pressed itself firmly to mine. She stroked my cock with languid movements as she gently kissed me. Within moments we became heated, our tongues mashed together and I groaned aloud, down her throat as she squeezed the thick cock head into her palm. My body twitched as she teased the shaft in time with her probing tongue. 

“Sit?” She suggested as she pulled away a fraction. I felt the chair being pushed against the backs of my knees and slowly followed Daph’s instruction. I knew Clare was behind me so I reached back to touch her as Daph continued to suck on my tongue. Daph had inserted herself between my thighs as I sat on the offered chair which gave her the opportunity to continue our heated engagement. 

As I reached for Clare I unexpectedly felt loops of rope tighten around my wrists. The loops closed and my wrists were pulled down and secured beside the chair. I was being tied to it.

“What the f…” I struggled to break the bonds as well Daph’s kiss. 

“We want to share something with you,” cooed Daph as she moved away.

Suddenly, more rope bound my ankles. A myriad of emotions fired up inside me; here I was naked and tied to a chair in the middle of Daph’s lounge room.

“I don’t know what you two have in mind,” I strained against my bonds. “But I don't want to play anymore.”

“Oh, we think you’ll like what we have in mind.” Clare and Daph linked arms in front of me. “It’s a fantasy of ours, if you must know. And after we have had a fair share of ‘fun’ it would only be fitting if we let you have some fun too.”

“Well, I’m not liking it so far.” I complained. Clare and Daph ignored me. 

Clare looked deeply into Daph’s eyes and gently caressed her face. I watched, instantly fixated. My annoyance at being tied to the chair evaporated as quickly as it had started. It was replaced, with equal speed, by profound sexual intrigue. I can only speak for myself, but I think I would be safe in saying the vast majority of guys fantasise about watching two women make love. Here I was, albeit tied to a chair, but I was going to be privileged enough to see two women, women I had fucked, go at it; up close and very personal. With the additional possibility of being an active participant at some later stage. If I was not seeing all this unfold before my very eyes I would have thought someone describing these ‘goings ons’ as bonkers. Particularly given the people involved.

Clare removed her fluffy white jumper and threw it on top of my discarded clothes. Beneath she wore rather sheer bone coloured blouse and a sexy, lace camisole and bra, both similarly coloured as her blouse. Daph and I stared at her 38 inch bust. Her nipples showed through the overlaying garments; hard nubs that were getting harder the more we ogled them. Her black, snug leggings clad her statuesque form to jaw dropping affect.

“Your beautiful,” Daph whispered as she admired Clare’s body.

“I take after you,” was Clare’s husky reply. Daph blushed and looked at the floor.

Clare pulled her close. She gently lifted her godmother’s chin and kissed her tenderly. Their arms gracefully encircled the others body and caressed lovingly. Clare slipped her Daph’s grey Sloppy Joe over her head and let it slide to the floor. Beneath she wore a lovely white camisole which quickly followed her grey top, leaving her in her sexy white bra, and charcoal, form fitting track pants.

“Hmmm, that’s starting to look better already.” Clare admired the mature body in front of her with smoldering eyes. Daph preceded to carefully unbutton Clare’s blouse one button at a time until she reached the bottom hem. With a seductive smile she slid it off Clare’s shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Clare slid her fingers into the waist band of her leggings and pushed them down her long legs, leaving her knickers in place. Daph’s eyes, as well as mine, took in every movement. I could only guess how Daph felt; my mind was spinning and my cock jutted out from my lap in response to the erotic scene playing before me.

“You know, I’ve never seen Clare’s boobs,” I commented.

“What?” Daph asked astonished. “But you have fucked her at least two times that I know of. Do you mean to tell me you have never seen these magnificent breasts of hers?”

I shook my head.

“We’ll just have to fix that. Won’t we my lovely?”

“You won’t get any arguments from me.” Clare replied, wiggling her mammoth chest. “She adores sucking my nipples.”

“I wonder why?” I said, grinning.

Clare moved closer to Daph and pulled her into a warm embrace. Their lips met, gently at first, but quickly became more urgent. Daph reached around Clare’s lush body and found the clasps to her bra and undid it. She drew back slightly and slowly let the cups fall away from the younger woman’s bosom. Her lovely full breasts settled only slightly; superb rounded globes of near perfect shape. Daph slid a hand along her Clare’s ribs and cupped her left breast. The areola was distinctly rounded with arousal. The pinky-brown flesh, as well as her nipple, was firm and erect.

“Aren’t they something?” Daph asked me, her eyes only briefly looked my way to indicate where her question was directed. She cradled the awesome globes in her small palms barely covering a third of the opulent flesh.

“Absolutely!” I concurred. If I could have managed it I would have stroked my throbbing penis as the two women continued their erotic display.

Clare quickly removed Daph’s upper garments and mirrored her godmothers movements by cupping the older woman’s breasts. They stood body-to-body, snuggly pressed together.

They kissed tenderly as their hands began to explore the others breasts, cupping and kneading them sensuously. Clare was the first to break as she moved down a little and began to kiss and lick Daph’s breast.

“Aren’t they magnificent?” Clare asked as she nipped Daph’s left nipple between her teeth.

“Amazing! With both of you together like that, I would love to spray them with a ropey deposit…”

“You’ll get your chance.” Clare cut in. “But for now, just relax and enjoy. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two?”

While Clare spoke to me, Daph played little circular games, using her tongue to stimulate Clare’s hard nipples. As she sucked I noticed how the areole engorged in response to the passionate attack of the older woman’s mouth.

My eyes ran over their bodies as if I were memorising every square inch. I could not look away for a moment. I wanted to savour every second of their lesbian play.

Daph certainly seemed to love sucking Clare’s nipples. She particularly seemed to enjoy pulling them with her teeth until they were impossibly long. When she released the sensitive flesh it bounced back, slick with saliva and pointier than I could have imagined.

Daph switched to rolling them between her fingers and pulled on them. She kept pulling harder and harder. Clare groaned aloud and arched her chest toward forward.

“Yesss!” Clare cried as Daph bit down harder, raking the nipple with her teeth. Clare reached up and caught her head and pushed it against her chest and combed her fingernails into her godmothers hair. Daph bit harder; Clare groaned her enjoyment to the ceiling.

Then the roles altered. Clare dipped her head and attacked Daph’s breasts. With her mouth wide she engulfed the left nipple and sucked it with a loud slurp as far into her mouth as possible. She pressed her hand into the pliant flesh behind the nipple to make it pointier as she rolled the hard nub between her teeth.

“Hmmm,” Daph purred as Clare chewed her ruddy flesh. Clare squeezed the other orb and smothered it with equal gusto while Daph cradled her lovers head and fed her her tits. Clare smiled mischievously as Daph groaned her pleasure aloud. She squeezed the firm mounds and turned the nipples closer toward each other. She quickly lowered her mouth and sucked both nipples, together, into her mouth.

“Ohh, fuck,” hissed Daph. “I love it when you do that.”

Clare greedily feasted on the mature full breasts. I squirmed in my seat, my cock rock hard and aching.

Without any discernible break in their sexual display, each woman deftly manoeuvred the other and before I knew it, they were both completely naked. Clare slid her hand out and ran it up and down the backs of Daph’s thighs. In response, Daph spread her legs a little wider, letting Clare’s heat seeking fingers find their way. Clare slipped her finger inside Daph’s crotch from behind and slowly moved it back and forth.

Daph reacted immediately. She arched her back and pushed her rump backward to allow entry. A second finger disappeared inside.

Clare slumped to her knees and kissed Daph’s tummy for good measure. Daph grabbed my shoulder for support. She closed her eyes as Clare slid her fingers up inside her rapidly. Daph breathed deeply as her goddaughter finger fucked her inner depths and played her fingers over her slippery clitoris with an erotic rhythm.

“Just looking at your naked body has raised my lust to a fever pitch.” Clare told Daph as she drove her lover nearer to the edge.

Daph began to cry out as she neared her climax, her fingers clawed into my shoulder. I was glad I was so close but frustrated that I could do nothing more than observe.

“Ohh, yes! Fuck me. Oh my god…Clare, I’m cumming. Ohhh! Yesss!” She screamed as her head went back, her face distorted by passion. She gripped my shoulder hard and I could feel the tremors as they coursed through her upper torso.

“I can feel her pussy clamp around my fingers,” Clare informed me as she drove them harder and faster up inside Daph’s glorious mature aged body. I knew from personal experience what she meant.

“I love the feel of her pussy tightening down on my fingers. Do you want a taste?”

Clare offered her fingers and I licked them ferociously. The tang and salty flavour was intoxicating, and my hips involuntarily thrust upward as I drank the juicy nectar.

Daph's body went limp and she slid to her knees beside my chair. She put her head on my thigh and sighed. When she opened her eyes she realised what she had done.

“Too soon for that just yet,” she smiled and gave my throbbing cock a quick kiss.

“As for you, my delicious girl?” Daph crawled her way toward Clare.

As she moved I looked at her arse and saw that her thighs were drenched with her juices and the dark thatch of pubic hair was soaked and matted. As her godmother closed in Clare slid her fingers into her own pussy and when she withdrew them, they were wet and gleaming. She beckoned Daph closer with the offer of her essence cover fingers. She put her hand up to Daph’s face, and slid them into her mouth. Daph closed her lips around them, and sucked Clare’s juices greedily.

Clare shuffled back a little and slowly sat on the carpet with her back against the lounge. She spread her thighs wide, exposing her bare crotch and puffy labia to our lust filled eyes. Clare pulled Daph closer and began kissing her full and rounded breasts. The large areole were full of passion, the nipples firm and jutting. She sucked one and nibbled on it with her teeth gently while she slid a hand back to her still wet crotch and cupped it. Daph’s hands went behind Clare’s head and pressed it against her breast. Clare nibbled on the stiff nipple while she slid a finger along her own slit, sliding it up and down her slippery lips and toyed with her clitoris with slow, deliberate strokes.

“Ohh, I’ve wanted this to happen for so very long!” Daph said to Clare, although it was as much a commentary to me as well an exclamation to her goddaughter.

“Hmmm, I know.” Clare whispered. “I always like to please you and this is extra special because of our special guest.”

The two women turned and looked briefly my way. All I could do was smile.

“I’m ready whenever you guys are?” I said, looking down at my throbbing cock.

”Soon.” Daph hissed as Clare attacked her tit.

Clare pulled on the mature woman’s nipple which made her catch her breath. They kissed passionately. I watch transfixed as Daph slid her long talented tongue inside Clare’s mouth. She was a superb kisser and it made me squirm against my bonds.

“Daph, honey, I want that talented tongue in my pussy.”

Daph crawled backward, leaving a light trail of butterfly kisses along Clare’s long torso, until her eyes fell upon her pussy.

“Do you mean here, my sweet?” Daph asked and rolled her clit around in circles with her fingertips. Clare bucked, her hips shot upward and her lustful cries reverberated about the room.

“Yes, right there.” Clare whispered.

Daph grinned from ear to ear, well pleased with the reaction of her goddaughters body to her touch. She glided up and grazed her lips across Clare’s mouth. After a moment of teasing, Daph probed her tongue into Clare’s mouth; slowly, sensuously, wonderfully!

Her hands moved to stroke and knead Clare’s breasts, gently playing with her sensitive flesh. Clare sighed contentedly as Daph kissed her cheeks, kissed her neck, and gently tongue-probed her ear. Clare shivered and goosebumps popped up all over.

Clare reached out and took a dangling breast in each hand and cupped them lovingly. The hard nipples raked against her palm.

Daph softly licked her way down Clare’s neck, across her shoulder and then further to her breasts. She licked the sides with the flat of her tongue. She moved until she was making circles around the thick nipples. Her lips covered the left nipple and she began to suck and tongue it. She nipped the nub and rolled the nipple between her teeth and pulled.

“Arghhh, I love it!” Clare growled in pleasure. “There seems to be a direct nerve that goes from my nipples directly to my clitoris.”

Daph did not reply with words, she simply continued to suck and lick Clare’s sensitive nipples and heavy breasts for ages, making them swell. Reluctantly, it seemed, she moved downward, leaving a silvery-wet trail over Clare’s body. Her hands stroked the supple skin beneath her, making Clare shiver in anticipation. Tenderly she kissed Clare’s thighs, sliding between the outstretched limbs. Clare pushed her thighs wider, spreading herself open; giving herself up to her mature lover.

Daph pulled back slightly and looked at the juicy vagina beckoning for her attention.

“God, it’s lovely. I consider my pussy rather ugly but yours is so beautiful. So wet and just…um…mouthwatering.”

“Daph, you underestimate just how sexy and fuckable you are. Isn’t that right Ray?”

“I’d show her but I’m kind of restrained.” I added.

“All good things come to those who wait,” Clare smiled.

“I would gladly do the same to Daph as she is doing to you.” I offered.

“Wishful thinking?” Daph asked. I nodded in horny anticipation.

Daph leaned low and gently kissed Clare’s wide spread crotch. She sighed as Daph’s lips touched the heated flesh. Daph's lips parted and she slid her long, flat tongue across Clare’s nether regions, slowly starting from Clare’s winking anus up to the smoldering hooded apex.

“God, you taste so delicious,” Daph said in a husky voice. “I love you!”

She attacked again and again; long flat licks along the complete length of Clare’s dripping cleft.

The younger woman’s hips rotated upward as Daph lapped up her nectar. She shifted slightly and licked higher until her tongue found its target. Clare grunted aloud as her godmother’s tongue played along her throbbing nub. Daph's lips closed over the throbbing button and she sucked on it as if it were a penis.

“Ohhh, God, yes honey. Like that! God you are driving me wild.” Clare cried out.

Daph sucked over and over and slid a finger inward carefully. Clare’s hips hunched upward in response. A second finger followed the first and slid in deep.

“Honey, fuck me. Please!” Clare begged and moaned.

Suddenly, Clare’s entire body clenched. She screamed out incoherently as she exploded against Daph’s mouth. She held Daph firmly against her crotch, her buried head pressed hard against the pulsing pussy in front of her. The look on Clare’s face seemed like her entire body had burst into a thousand pieces.

I was impressed at how skilfully Daph managed to keep her lips on Clare’s pulsing clit; her fingers continued to pump hard, fucking the younger woman throughout her soaring climax. Finally Clare gasped, released her grip and fell back against the lounge.

“She is one beautiful lover,” Clare commented to me as she stroked her fingers on Daph’s shoulder.

“Yes, I can tell.” It was all I could think of at the time. “It’s a pity I could not fill a spare orifice…”

“Your turn will come.” Clare assured me. My cock was aching for some feminine attention.

“She has taught me all I know.” Daph added as she slid up beside her goddaughter.

“The other way around would be more accurate.” Clare corrected.

They both giggled and moved closer and pressed their bodies against each other, full length. They tenderly embraced and cuddled and kissed; soft wet kisses, that slowly built as their passion rose to renewed heights. Slowly and gently, they tumbled onto the floor right in front of me. They straddled each other’s thighs, and pressed their soaking female parts against the others thigh. They kissed and caressed for a long while, stroking each other, breasts pressed together. With small movements they rubbed their breasts from side to side making the hard nipples collide.

After a long and languid period of erotic play the two women, without any verbal exchange, turned and lay on their sides. They kissed and lightly sucked each other’s breasts. Oh how I wished I could have dived on in to kiss their sexy mounds. It was incredible to watch though and something I was not regretting seeing. They shifted position, moving downward a little. Clare kissed Daph’s stretch marked belly and firm thighs and Daph did the same to Clare. It was a symmetry of the highest erotic order. Clare spread her thighs wide for her aunt and guided her head onto her thigh, giving her a soft resting place. Daph mirrored Clare’s direction.

Clare kissed her way slowly across Daph’s mature thighs, teasing her and making her giggle. Daph followed suit, and her tongue played over her goddaughter’s sensitive flesh. Slowly they moved, in tandem, until they were kissing the sensitive juncture of body and thigh in a perfect 69 position; in unison they moaned.

Clare kissed and licked around Daph’s beautiful rose-pink flower. It was exquisite in colour and shape; definitely a thing of beauty. She snaked her tongue forward and tasted the older women juices.

“Nectar of a Goddess,” Clare declared as she lapped Daph’s flow with relish.

“And well aged!” declared Daph as she welcomed the tongue against her most intimate opening.

Clare guided her tongue from bottom to top over the delicate petals. Daph cried out as she did. Her sweet sex seemed to flood as she bucked her hips toward the invader, a little stream of her juices dripped onto the carpet.

Clare slid her tongue with deliberate slowness, slightly parting the puffy labia with her tongue tip. Her lust took control and she pressed forward more firmly spreading Daph’s inner lips wider. Saliva slid off Clare’s tongue, joining the juices flowing from deep within Daph’s yearning and eager body. I glued my eyes to Clare’s mouth as she pointed her tongue, extended it, and slid it slowly into Daph’s depths. Daph cried out against Clare’s vagina as Clare’s mouth mashed against her godmother’s crotch. Clare probed inward, her lips covering Daph’s sweet pussy. She sucked gently on Daph’s salty juices as she tenderly made love to the woman she owed so much too.

Transfixed, I ogled Clare’s tongue as it slid deeply inside Daph’s body. I marvelled at how long Clare’s tongue actually was, as she flicked it from side to side. Daph’s pussy was snug, that much I knew from personal experience, yet I found myself wishing I could have slid my finger beside Clare’s tongue, wetting it with her sweet juices, coupled with Clare’s saliva. I squirmed against my bonds to get more comfortable, my cock strained and pointed toward the ceiling. I gasped aloud, as Clare moved her exploring finger back up toward her godmother’s sexy anus. Daph gasped as the wet finger found the tight star-fish opening and probed it gently until it too gave way to Clare. With a minimal amount of pressure she pressed it inside Daph’s back passage. Daph groaned deeply.

“Ohhh, fuck yesss.”

Daph gathered herself quickly and buried her lips against Clare’s crotch and began to suck it loudly, much to Clare’s enjoyment. I could see Daph aim her tongue as she pushed it inside, slowly and deeply. Her head rocked back and forth as she gently began to tongue fuck her beautiful young lover.

Clare pulled her mouth away and murmured, “Hmmm, yes my gorgeous lover, that’s wonderful!”

Her lips, chin and surrounding flesh were awash with Daph’s secret essence.

Daph continued without comment to make delightful love to Clare’s pussy. She slid her tongue out, and began to spread the young woman’s labia wide with long slow strokes, ending beneath her clitoris and stroking it gently along the under side.

It was Clare’s turn to moan and a slight shudder rippled along her torso. Clare reacted quickly by tongue fucking Daph with rapid fire thrusts. She slid her finger in and out of Daph’s tight arse, driving it deep inside her hot bowels. I recalled how my cock had parted her virgin arse the last time I was in this very lounge room and I wished for more.

“She’s got an absolutely superb arse.” I said to Clare through a dry throat.

“In deed she has.” Clare replied between deeply lashing at her godmother’s pussy. “You’ll get your opportunity to savour it again. Just be patient and let us women enjoy each other.”

Daph and Clare lay for a long time, heatedly entwined, making love to each other, slowly and oh so wonderfully. They obviously revelled in the feel of each other’s bodies, the licks they gave and received and the slow build of sexual tension they created together. It seemed to spiral higher and higher like a giant eagle circling on the thermals. Their faces were buried in the others velvet soft, hot wet flesh, dripping with passion charged juices. I had to admit, despite being tied to a chair, it was the best, the most erotic, and sensual experience just watching them together.

Daph began to shake and pant, her utterances and groans a clear signal she was so near to climax. Clare’s body pitched and undulated as well; she too was very close to an orgasm.

“Now, Sweet Love, now.” Clare cried.

She flicked her clit rapidly with her tongue and Daph’s pussy tightened as she screamed out her joy. Daph’s face slammed against Clare’s crotch, her tongue was buried deep in her pussy as her lips sucked on her Clare’s clit.

It was an amazing scene to behold, as, in unison, they both exploded. Their mouths sucked, tongues flicked, and Clare pumped her finger in and out of Daph’s delightful arse. They writhed on the floor before me as if they were a pair of serpents. They rolled together on the floor as Clare quickly drove two fingers knuckle deep into Daph’s hot cleft.

She moved her hand fast and hard mashing her hand into her godmothers molten flesh. Daph’s body gave a long shudder and her hips hunched against Clare’s mouth. Daphne’s whole body stiffened suddenly, as if stricken with cramp. She was on the brink, trying to hold back the tide. With a guttural grain and a series of violent, body writhing contortions, I saw Daph’s hot flow flood into Clare’s waiting mouth.

Clare spasmed in unison with her godmother as her own climax raged. From my position I couldn’t tell if Daph’s mouth was fully covering Clare’s pussy or not, as they withered in ecstasy on the floor, but the power of their collective passion was plainly evident. Clare licked her aunt’s sweet juices from around her visibly pulsating pussy, slowly and gently. With each pulse a smaller volume of her passion squirted across Clare’s face. She clearly savoured the wonderful taste of Daph’s experienced sex. Daph's tongue reciprocated, carefully licking up all of the younger woman’s flow that she could find.

With a deep sigh, each woman relinquished her grasp upon the other. They both went gradually limp as they slowly came down from their collective peeks.

“Hmmm, come here you beautiful lady,” cooed Clare as she disentangled herself and crawled up to look her godmother in the eye. “That was gorgeous.”

“Yes, it was.” Daph murmured, as she dreamily looked at Clare. She looked sideways toward me and smiled warmly and then turned her attention back to the luscious Clare. “I didn’t know just how powerful being watched would be. It certainly added another dimension to our lovemaking.”

“I told you it would,” chuckled Clare. “What to do about our guest is the next question?”

Daph lay flat on her back on the carpeted floor with Clare along her side. Clare’s significant left breast rested softly upon her aunt’s lovely chest. Both women looked at me, smiled sweetly and started to whisper to each other, so quietly that I could not pick up a single word.

My cock remained upright and I desperately wanted someone to relieve the ache. I was keen to have my way with either of them; both together would be amazing. But first I desperately had to get rid of the ropes that bound me to the chair.

“Sorry to interrupt,” I said apologetically, for no other reason than it was so damn quiet. “could I just have these restrains untied?”

They both seemed to ignore my request, still wrapped up in deciding what to do next.

“I’m game if you are.” Daph said to Clare. “We could even use our usual friend?”

“And him too!” responded Clare gleefully, indicating me. They giggled and finally made their way toward releasing me from my bonds.

Same as Community Involvement Ch. 16 Videos

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1994Chapter 11 Involvements

The plane ride was a good time to reflect on the activities of the last few weeks and make plans for the immediate future. While I could cross off some of the items from my previous list, others were still pending. Meanwhile, new issues had popped up that needed to be added. The Baltimore building was presently in limbo. After a less than satisfactory meeting with Edith and Tom, it was a good thing that I had not made definite arrangements to meet Sandra Lynch there next week. Helping Doug...

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Community TooChapter 8

Cindy's turn: Let me tell you about a day in another universe. I was Matron of Honor at my mom's wedding. Dan and I and Mister Bill and Mom talked about how it was going to be. You absolutely know that Terri and Rachel are the flower girls. Bot-bot's the ringbearer, something that had Mister Bill shaking his head. Of course my Dan's the best man, a title that I reinforced the previous night, okay? Grandma Desai provided flowers and a reception table full of the best she could harangue...

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Community TooChapter 38

Nikki's turn: "You look utterly charming," Dan said. "If I saw you for the first time today I'd have gotten hit by a thunderbolt and fallen hopelessly in love with you." "Too late," I said. "You're already in love with me." I was dressed to defend my dissertation. Simple black low-heel pumps, a brown pleated skirt, a white blouse with a sort of flouncy bow at my throat. I had my hair trimmed last week and today I paid a little extra attention to making sure it was brushed to...

4 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 4

Alan’s turn: I just have to get it in my head that the women in my life, NONE of them fits into that neat little contemporary mold marked ‘normal’. Let’s start with my wife Tina. She’s more than twenty years junior to me, brilliant on any scale except perhaps the rarified world of our community, but we’re talking about a girl that achieved a baccalaureate degree at the age of nineteen. Make that a degree in electrical engineering. She’s on the ‘mommy’ track now, her choice. Before I met...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 16

Tara’s turn: So nobody actually TOLD me about the status of Terri and Jerry. I didn’t pay attention to any of the relationships involving the Munchkins because they’re all pre-teens and they’re not supposed to be HAVING relationships, right? Wrong. How could I be so wrong? I mean, first I have the evidence in my own household. Derek’s enamored of Rachel. I saw that, but silly me, I wrote it off as one of those cute things that happen with kids. I can hide behind the fact that I was new to...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 19A

Nikki’s turn: You knew I couldn’t let Cindy-of-the-Sky get too far ahead. Dan and I scheduled our own trip out to Arizona to get our multi-engine ratings. I know – retracing Cindy’s steps, but that’s okay. It’s not EXACTLY a hobby. I mean, we use airplanes all the time in conjunction with the business. We use the planes to move key people to meetings, to move technicians and equipment to sites too far to drive. That big Cessna twin makes it nice, but I seriously want to fly it and...

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CommunityChapter 18

Sweet little Susan's turn: "You did WHAT?" Alan asked me. I took a breath. The guy actually sounded disturbed. "I gave some of Terri's writings to the English professor who's working with us." I looked at Tina. "Did I do something wrong?" "Alan, she didn't do anything wrong, you know." "I know. I'm just surprised." Alan smiled at me. "You know they'd have figured it out when she started school in the fall," Tina said. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." "Do you...

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CommunityChapter 23

Susan's view: You know, just a few months ago I was just a high school senior. I had a mostly normal life. Okay, little bits of departure from many of the contemporary norms were there. Mom and Dad were married to each other. I was eighteen and a virgin. I was in the top level of my graduating class and I didn't take the easy courses. I had a best friend and she and I decided to attend the same college for the same course of study. Okay, so that's pretty normal-sounding, right? Then the...

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CommunityChapter 29

Cindy's Turn: Summer used to be something that I survived. School was sort of a refuge because I was out of Mom's hair. Living in a thirty-odd foot travel trailer with Mom did not exactly lend itself to lazy days. I didn't have friends my age. Mom certainly wasn't exerting herself to see that I had any summer activities, so I was on my own in the RV park. The only kids my age came and went with their own families, and very few people choose to visit RV parks in Alabama except for the odd...

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CommunityChapter 35

Cindy's turn: Riot weekend! We flew to Houston and collected an engineer and a flute-player. Okay, I said 'flautist' but Johanna said very few people still use that term. We flew? I flew. Dan handled communications with air traffic control once we entered the Houston traffic control area and fed me altitude and course data. I paid attention to ALL of that while we both watched for traffic. This is the most intense flying I've done, threading our way between TWO major airports, Hobby on...

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CommunityChapter 63

Terri's turn: We have a new member of the community – Cindy's mom. I know I heard a little bit about how Cindy came to be with her Dan – he's 1.0 – the first of the two Dans in the community, and a lot of Cindy's story had to do with her mom not being a very good mom. My Tina tells me that I am fortunate to have two moms that love me and that my birth-mother, still in California, did a one of the hardest things ever – let her child go to another because she was just not able to do a...

4 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 10

Dan 1.0’s turn: Interesting meeting – me, my redheaded pixie, Don Matzke ... And the interesting part – Teresa Hardesty. Was supposed to be an informal get-together to see where things are in the circles of 3S Transport which is also the umbrella under which Don runs a charter jet service. “I know Cindy’ll be in the middle of this,” Don told me on the phone. “Do you have a problem if I bring a date?” “You know just how formal we are around here. Anybody we know?” “Teresa...

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Community TooChapter 55

Johanna’s turn: I have become the musical mommy. I’m not complaining, mind you. Dad and Mom smile at me and tell me that their prayers are answered, that I’m married, my husband loves me, we’re successful, and ... my life is as filled with wonder as I told them. Little Randall is a good baby. That’s good. I’ve heard horror stories about crying all night and teething issues and ear problems and serious diseases. Randall is none of these. The community crèche is devoid of that. There’s a...

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Community Service Pt 1

The first couple of weeks I was supposed to do menial jobs like sweeping and mopping, or organizing equipment. I was mopping up the girls locker room when my sisters burst through the door crying. I wasn’t sure if I should leave or try to comfort them. Brotherly compassion won out, and I asked what had happened. Alex sucked up a sob, and brokenly explained. “Our team is going to be cancelled, because we don’t have a coach. Daphne’s dad was supposed to do it, but he bailed on us.” Eva kept...

2 years ago
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Community Fundamentals Of Law

It was now Jeff's...or as he would be known to his students as, Mr. Winger's second day of teaching. Even though Greendale was a rundown, fairly crappy joke of a community college, Jeff had to admit it had done a lot for him. Not only was he able to complete his bachelor's degree and able to actually become a lawyer, he had also gained a core group of friends that made him a much better person. Greendale wasn't done with the tall, good-looking man just yet though. After a failed attempt at...

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community service

I have been doing some community service due to a DUI.It is my first, and I didn't have to do any jail time, but I did however get sentenced to 300 hours of community service.That is a lot of spare time.One thing that this has given me is a lot of contact with young studs that are doing the same thing.I have been able to look over quite a few of them and while cleaning up the road sides, I have had to use mother natures rest room along with a few of them. I can visually check them out and I can...

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Community Service

I had got a DWI and had to do eighty hours of community service. The first 48 hours I worked picking up trash off the side of the road and other stuff like that. The last 32 hours I ended up working with this group cleaning up trails that go thru the woods. My first day I showed up and there was another guy who had to do community service and a old man, I would guess in his 70's. Three women that must have been around that age were also there. They were peppy and ready to work. The women went...

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CommunityChapter 17

Tina's view: Sometimes I curl up on the sofa in those rare moments when I need some 'me' time and I think about things. Mommyhood. Little girls always think of being mommies. I did until I realized that my own 'mommy' saw me as a problem to be solved. Fortunately the solution was her own mother, Grandma, who did me right. When Grandma died and I ended up with Mom again, I pretty much decided that motherhood wasn't for me, not if I had a chance of ending up like Mom and me. Rethinking...

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CommunityChapter 34

Alan's Turn: One might imagine that in the aftermath of the restaurant robbery, things might be in a turmoil. To a certain extent, one would be right. I'm fortunate. I have immediate family, my Tina and my Terri. I have my full family, and Tina made sure that she talked with my sister about the incident. And I have the Community. "You gonna be okay, buddy?" Dan 1.0 asked. "Yeah. Am I supposed to be all weepy or something?" He shook his head. "Not like you had any choices." "You...

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CommunityChapter 36

Dan Granger's turn: I have to laugh. I tried very hard NOT to burn bridges when I left my old job. It paid off. Steve called. "Hey, Steve, what's up?" "You ready to come back?" "Not funny, Steve." "Seriously. One of our clients specifically asked if we'd subcontract you so you can come in and do some stuff for him." "What and when?" Steve gave me the run-down. I wasn't too surprised. Big facility. I'd done a similar scope for part of it prior to moving to Alabama. Now...

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CommunityChapter 39

The World According to Susan: I am officially ready for a break. It's almost Christmas. I almost hide when I see my math professor. That's okay, though. He almost hides when he sees Cindy. Jason's right there with me, though. He's tested out of some classes and he's gotten transferred credits for a lot of things he took for his technology degree and if he does a summer semester next summer, he just MIGHT squeeze his way onto stage with the rest of us. I hoping. He deserves it. We work...

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CommunityChapter 41

Cindy's Turn: I finished, well, actually WE finished a Skype session with Kara. This time it was me and Nikki and Kara. I turned to Nikki. "She's a sister, you know. Should be part of the Community," Nikki said. I'm glad Nikki said it first. I don't want everybody to think I'm running this show. I'm certainly not malicious or anything, but everybody contributes in this effort. "How do we make it happen?" I asked. "She's music, not engineering." "We had Mizz Patel handling...

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CommunityChapter 64

Bill Carmody's turn: Interesting turn of events, I think. Two years ago I had Dan Richards on my power plant project. I knew him and Alan Addison from a previous power plant project where we were engineers, all three of us, on the same project. They're technically beyond reproach. Now I'm on THEIR payroll. 'Their' is, of course, 3Sigma Engineering. We're redoing several rural substations in Georgia. I ride herd on contractors, mainly, and make sure that they adhere to plans, and I...

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Community Moving OnChapter 4

Bill Hardesty’s turn: I’ve just become Bill 3.0. Cindy officially conferred the status upon me. “Bill 1.0’s my adopted dad. Bill 2.0’s Haley’s husband in Louisiana. Since you’re part of this now, you shall be Bill 3.0.” Which is fine, except to Herself, the Vickster, I’m ‘Billy’. “Cindy said you were ‘Billy’ when she first met you.” “I was. I like to think that I’m mature enough to be ‘Bill’ now.” Sparkly eyes. “Not ‘William’?” “Bill.” Snicker. “Billy.” That snicker is one reason I’m...

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Community FourEverChapter 2

Beck’s turn: First thing I did when we got home is call Mom. “Hello, my lost daughter,” Mom said, using her best ‘poor me’ voice. “Did somebody go into the hospital? It is not yet Saturday.” “Mom, your GRAD-daughter...” ““GRAND daughter,” Mom corrected. “My grand-daughter the millionaire...” “Your grand-daughter the research scientist...” “What has become of her now?” “She’s holding a letter in her hands that says she’s graduated college with a degree in engineering.” “My...

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Community Moving OnChapter 11

Teresa’s turn: Mom’s totally destroyed. I’m standing on a pedestal, a seamstress, a REAL seamstress, is taking measurements for my wedding dress. “Mom, stop crying, for heaven’s sake...” “Every time I think about you getting married,” Mom sobbed. “It’s the expected progression in life. Grow up, leave home, get married...” “Finish college is in there somewhere,” Vicki said. She’s my co-conspirator. We’re getting married the same day. She’s tagged my little brother, a big surprise, since...

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CommunityChapter 66

Susan's turn: I'm waiting for the aliens to show up. Here's how I figure it will break down. Nikki and Cindy will work with Terri and Rachel on the Star Wars squirrel denial system. They'll actually GET that 95 gigahertz transmitter, and in the process of modulating its output so that it only severely annoys squirrels instead of cooking them on the spot out there in the yard, they'll transmit a signal into space where it will be picked up by an alien spacecraft. The aliens will come...

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Community FourEverChapter 13

Bill Carmody’s turn: Yesterday’s wedding was a delight, especially watching my NEW daughter (!) and Cindy, my original daughter, looking and acting very much like twins. Can’t help but grin, just thinking about it. Both of ‘em have a little fire in their eyes, and when they’re together, you can nearly SEE the sparks flying between them. Couldn’t have asked for a more unlikely development, right up to matching green dresses they bought together for the wedding. And my phone buzzes --...

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CommunityChapter 71

Tina's turn: "What's so funny?" my husband asked. "Stoney and Jo are coming back and they're still flyin' that Pitts." "Did they buy it?" "She says 'no', but two trips, you gotta wonder." I giggled. I know the real reason. A combination of scheduling conflicts and weather had kept us from holding the weekend airport social and landing contest. The social, however, now had a few outside participants. I mean, it was bound to happen. We don't exist in a vacuum. On any given...

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Community FourEverChapter 24

Cindy’s turn: 0700 for a wake-up. The alarm caught me when it went off. Sometimes I’m drifting between sleep and awake, but not this morning. I finally got to sleep, found out that Dana’s a kicker, so I kicked back. When the alarm went off, I let it roll for a bit, listening to the whines and other sounds of the gang waking up. I killed it, turned to get out of bed, but was a bit slow. I saw a T-shirted Rachel flash by muttering “bathroom...” Well, at least with two rooms we can split the...

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Community TooChapter 4

Tina's turn: I keep telling myself that Bot-bot is not a real pet. I only wish I knew what was going on in my little girl's mind. Parse that statement, won't you? I have a stepdaughter who's ten years younger than me, who is probably past me in some ways, academically speaking. I know she does things with technology that all of us in the community wonder about. What went on in her head that caused her to take a mobile squirrel repeller platform and convert it into a pet? Yeah, I know,...

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Community TooChapter 15

Tim's turn: I'd be a janitor for 3Sigma after seeing how Vicki and Kim fit in here. I'm THAT happy. That whole 'divorced dad' thing is horrible. I mean, you talk with your daughter on the phone once or twice a week, trying to stay up with what's going on in her life, and then you get a week or so for Thanksgiving or Christmas and you get a few weeks in the summer. A week was BAD. I don't know little girls. Until this past year, I didn't have my own place, so we cribbed up at Mom and...

4 years ago
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Community TooChapter 22

Donna's turn: Do you know how to bring on pure pandemonium in my daughter's little community? Let me tell you. Saturday nights are the big night for music. Everybody's usually there. Well, sometimes we add Stoney and Johanna, sometimes Jason and Susan are off visiting one set of impending grandparents or the other. This particular weekend, though, we're all together. Me and Bill, we have our own swing there. So we laugh and sing and dance and then there's a break and my Bill stands...

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Community TooChapter 23

Terri's turn: I really DO love my mom. I'm speaking of my natural mom, the person who carried me for nine months, then gave birth to me. I did not and still do not understand why she left Dad for Mister Martin. I know both men and there's no comparison. Tina tells me that there are things that go on in people's hearts and heads that are not easily defined. Defined. If you define 'step-mom', it means the woman who marries your dad. That's Tina. Dictionary definitions are so...

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Community TooChapter 35

Nikki's Turn: Mommyhood hangs over us all. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way disparaging FOUR new mommies. Let's run down the list. Susan 'n' Jason have little JW – Jason Wallace, named after him and his dad. Alan and Tina have Katherine Genevieve – after nobody in particular, but Terri is forbidden to call her Kathygen. Johanna and Stoney have Randall Stonewall, and Mister Bill and Mizz Donna have Cindy's half-sister Elise Ann, a whole two days old. I'm likely to be the next. My...

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Community TooChapter 50

Still Nikki’s turn: I squeezed Dan’s fingers. “A bit of bad luck, this,” I said. “Baby, be so kind as to hand me my iPhone. I need to get the news out.” Dana’s turn: We’re a pretty connected group here. I mean, everybody’s always texting and posting updates during the day, so when I got one from Nikki, I knew where she was supposed to be – on campus with the munchkins. I thought I’d see another ‘you won’t believe what Terri (or Rachel or Vicki) just did’ post. It wasn’t. I’m at the...

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Community FourEverChapter 34

Derek’s turn: This is trouble. Wonderful, happy, delightful, ecstatically wonderful. But trouble. I knew what was going to happen when Rachel called me to help her feed Dana’s cat. Empty apartment except for me and Rachel and the cat, and the cat gets petted while I’m sitting next to Rachel and the cat leaves and Rachel turns to me. I like kissing her. I like holding her. We talk about everything. Tara says we’re too young to have a past, but I’ve lived through a car wreck and the loss of...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 6

Cindy’s turn: It was just another morning in the office when the phone rang and as Maddie was occupied, I answered it. “3Sigma, this is Cindy. May I help you?” “Cindy? Good, it’s you I wanted to talk to.” “Hello Mizz Patel. What’s going on today?” “Would you mind if I drive out to your office? I’d like to talk about something in private.” I noted that she didn’t have her normal happy lilt. “Of course it’s okay. You’re always welcome here.” This was unusual for her though, so I added,...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 11

Tara’s turn: We did it. Derek and I talked. He agreed, but honestly, I’m the adult in this equation, actually his legal guardian, and he would have had to go along with my plan. However, a certain pre-teen Jewish princess seems to have gained my little brother’s eye. I think that if we HADN’T decided to move, he might’ve hitched a ride back here. The apartment. Cindy and her Dan used to live here. It belongs to the corporation. They told me I could paint it any color I wanted, but honestly,...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 12

Dana’s turn: I’m lying in bed in that wonderful cusp between awake and asleep at the end of a very good day. Cindy’s done her presentation at NASA, and to my knowledge, they haven’t yet recruited her for a space mission. Nikki’s been, well, Nikki, and she’s a superstar in her own right, maybe a little more sane than Cindy, but those two are a binary system, both bright in a way I never witnessed until I found her sitting across the table from me and Ed one night at dinner. And...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 20

Nikki’s turn: I managed the stress of Mom’s interaction in my life quite well, I thought, right until Mizz Donna met me at the plane and hugged me. Then the floodgates opened. “What was I supposed to do, Mizz Donna?” I sobbed. Poor Dan. He’s standing behind me, wanting to do SOMETHING. “Darlin’,” she said comfortingly, “You did the right thing. World’s full of assholes. I used to be one, so I know...” I heaved a wordless sob. Mizz Donna was hugging me, Dan’s hand was touching my...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 21

Kara’s turn: The world NEEDS a pregnant fiddle player. That’s what I told Dear Old Dad when I broke the news to him. “Dad,” I said, “I have a wonderful, successful husband and it is only right that we present you with grandchildren.” I heard a definite sigh over the phone. My dad. I’m trying really hard to conjure (one of Johanna’s words) a vision of business-suited Dad bouncing a grandbaby on his knee. “You make me regret that I didn’t make myself a bigger part of your life, Kara...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 27

Nikki’s turn: We’re still talking about new toys, right? Cindy was PIC for the flight back from Colorado with the new plane. Fair enough. After all, Cindy IS ‘Cindy of the Skies‘. When we landed, though, we had the entire community standing there waiting on the arrival. It’s a big deal. Cindy exited first. Me? I stood in the door, my butt still inside indescribable luxury and newness, and said, “Okay, who wants a ride?” We have seating for eight – one of their ‘executive’ options – plus...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 30

Cindy’s turn: Tina started this volume. I get to finish it. Christmas season. Or Chanukkah, because we have a sizable Jewish contingent now. It’s been quite a good year in a million ways. Okay, SEVERAL million ways, financially speaking. 3Sigma’s original business, engineering, is now engineering and construction, and we regularly berate ourselves because we’re bursting the seams on our SECOND building since the company started. Millions going into various accounts, and some of the happiest...

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