TrueAnal Emma Starletto Emma 8217 s First Anal
- 2 years ago
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(Author's note: And now for something completely different!
When I first started writing this stuff, I read a story, Runaway, here on SOL. I loved the story. The author and I have emailed back and forth a bit over the years and he and I talked about interweaving the characters of Runaway with my girls in Community.
Here it is. Be advised that Duncs is British, so you get a bit of different slang and a different tone, and he insisted on using the wrong spellings, like 'colour' and 'honour' and such.
This is mostly his lead into the connection. Do wait patiently because there WILL be more to this story.)
Meanwhile, in a small town in Yorkshire, England...
I swung my car through entrance gate to the office and factory complex where I work. I'd been on a road trip, working away for two weeks and it felt almost like returning home. The result of increasing friction between my wife of 22 years and me has increasingly led to me gravitating more and more to the office rather than home. My effervescent, extrovert daughter used to be my one respite, my one reason to look forward to returning home. But now 17 years old, her head buried in books, immersed in studying for the final year at school, or busy with her part-time job or spending time with her long-term boyfriend, she doesn't really have much time left for Dad any more...
So I smiled to myself as I entered the office building and headed towards the large communal engineering office. Within that messy, noisy but productive office I would find the usual bunch of misfits euphemistically known as the technical staff; my closest colleagues. Folk who I have worked with for years, folk whose strengths, weaknesses, foibles and families I know so well. Before I even enter that office, I know I will be faced with greetings on a scale ranging from polite to downright rude. I know all this but, I still love it. I also happen to know that if one particular person is resident in the office, a person very close to my heart, then I can expect to receive at least one very warm welcome offered with genuine affection; an affection that goes beyond that normally bestowed on a colleague. For the latter, I wasn't about to be disappointed. I opened the door and entered...
"Ah, Duncs, so you've returned from skiving-off work eh?"
"Been thrown off site again, Duncs?"
"Oh, so, you DO remember where the office is, then?"
"Oh, so the roving engineer has decided to grace us with his presence; we're so honoured..."
"Hey, ugly-mug; you're back!"
"Hello, Duncs, nice to see you back!"
Yep, so the usual range of greetings. I studiously ignored most of them, choosing to simply acknowledge Lisa, the one and only person to greet me politely. That's when one particular person looked up from her laptop.
Squeal! "DAD! Um ... I mean, Duncs! You're back earlier than expected!"
With that said, 120lbs of insanely beautiful, slim, blonde female rose quickly from her desk and bounded and skipped like a ten-year-old across the office towards me, threw her arms around me and planted a huge kiss on my cheek. Her actions were met with general cries of mock derision by other colleagues, all except Lisa who I heard utter "Awwww, I think she missed you..."
I gently pushed this blonde beauty away from me and cupping her face in my hands, planted a kiss on her forehead.
"Lovely to see you too, Amy. I really don't know how you and Lisa stand for the childish and rude behaviour that surrounds you!"
Amy smiled back, and gave me one of her wonderful infectious giggles, a sound guaranteed to lift my spirits.
"Oh, you know, Duncs, they're not so bad. Lisa and I can and do tolerate them! So, how was commissioning on the Ransome's project? Get everything done? Come back with your usual site scribbles for me to decipher and turn into proper test certs and 'as fitted' schematics, did ya?"
She said this with a deadpan expression, but the humour behind it was betrayed by the corners of her mouth twitching slightly and her eyes twinkling. I chose not to rise to the bait, though the smirk on my face betrayed me too.
"So, any chance of a coffee, sweetheart? And in return, I'll tell you some really exciting news."
"Yes sir, anything you say sir, one coffee coming up right away sir. You just make yourself comfortable sir!"
Ah, so there it was, her facetious side coming out. It took less than a minute from her initial warm, genuine greeting, through to being sarcastic to then returning to her true form, a form that I had to admit I totally loved and revelled in.
So what can I tell you about Amy? This fiercely intelligent, beautiful young woman standing in front of me now, with her elegant poise, her non-arrogant, quiet confidence and sharp wit is a person poles apart from the undernourished, sullen, waif of a 17 year-old street kid I happened upon back in October 2009; you wouldn't believe it was the same person. And the period of time between me first discovering her and the person she is now is the subject of a story in its own right. It would also not be an exaggeration to state that our relationship is unusual and complex.
That 'Dad' reference? Well, that came into play much later in my acquaintance with this delightful young woman. It was some months ago she decided to adopt me as her Dad, a title I wear with much pride. My own blood daughter adopted Amy as her sister some years ago and they remain extremely close to this day. As well as gladly accepting her as my daughter, I also consider Amy my best friend, companion and confidante and yes, we were at one time lovers too; a relationship that to some would be seen as immoral, especially given the thirty year age gap between us. Some might also say that at the time, I took advantage of a very vulnerable seventeen year-old girl. Well, all I can say to that is this: if the result of my actions a few years ago helped transform Amy into the young woman I look at now, then yes, I guess you could say I took 'advantage' of her ... But as I already stated, the previous four and a half years is well-documented in another story.
Amy returned with steaming-hot mugs of coffee for the pair of us. She sat down next to me, a look of expectation on her face.
"Thanks poppet, just what I needed," I said, picking up my coffee. I deliberately ignored her obvious expectation that I would tell her my exciting news immediately and pretended to be deeply absorbed reading some online technical article. I can play too!
"So, are you going to tell me your news, or as usual, are you just going to act like a twat?!"
I smirked. "Well, seeing how you asked me so eloquently, how could I possibly refuse to tell you, my sweet?"
Giggle. "You're always suspicious of me when I'm too polite, just like you are with Jess, so I thought I'd be like you and be rude!"
Ah, Jess, my sweet, 'butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth' daughter. A girl who when she reached double figures, seemed to suddenly develop a head way older than the ten year-old shoulders that supported it. Jess was thirteen when she first met Amy and was the vibrant, young teenager that Amy so needed in her then troubled life. Now seventeen-going-on-thirty, I don't see so much of her, especially since she passed her driving test this February and we bought her a car. I know she's all but an adult and will be flying the nest next year to go to university, but it's still a wrench, still something I can't fully accept. I don't want to acknowledge that 'daddy's little girl' is now an adult.
I started 'Outlook' on my laptop and opened an email from one of our major suppliers based in Germany; the 'Big S' as we liked to refer to them. By major, I mean they are huge – they dominate the electrical supply and controls sector. The email was from Franz, an applications engineer who both Amy and I very much like and respect. Slightly eccentric and quirky, he is, nevertheless, an excellent engineer and good company.
"Here, read this," I prompted Amy, twisting the laptop towards her.
I love watching her read or study something. Her brow furrows slightly and she's the kind of reader whose lips move as she silently speaks to herself as she reads.
"Wow, cool!" was all my excited partner-in-crime stated a couple of minutes later. But after her initial excitement, seconds later she looked pensive.
"But America? The 'Big S' wants us to work with an electrical engineering company over in America? D ... d ... do you really think I'm up to this challenge? I mean, it's America, those guys over there are going to expect perfection, you know, really high standards. I'm not so sure I..." She trailed off, her eyes boring imploringly into mine.
Yes, it is true she had come on in leaps and bounds the last four and a half years; overcome many personal demons and obstacles, surpassed all my expectations and her own and faced challenges with fierce determination, winning all the time. Yet, from time-to-time, her self-doubt could still surface and I and others close to her had to be ready to nip it in the bud before she became too despondent.
"Amy, sweet Amy, so it's America, it's another country, so what? You've worked in The Netherlands, You've worked in Germany. You've worked in Republic of Ireland. You've worked all over the UK. So what's the difference? Hell, girl, they even speak a form of English in America!"
"I know, I'm being silly, but well, it's just..."
"Just nothing, poppet. It's not as if you'll be by yourself. I'll be with you. You know how well we work together on site. It'll be a great experience for you and nice for me too; I haven't worked across the pond for some years, and Birmingham, Alabama is somewhere in the USA I've never been to before. I doubt it has much in common with OUR Birmingham."
"Well, um, okay, I'm sure I'll probably go, but I would just like to know a little more about the company and the folk we'll be working with before I make up my mind."
I studied Amy's face. I knew her facial expressions intimately. I saw hints of a young girl staring back at me, not the confidant young woman I usually expected to now see. I smiled at her in a fatherly way and gently thumbed her cheek.
"Look, as you read for yourself, Franz has personally recommended you and me to do this project. He explains he knows some of the folk at this American engineering house, 3Sigma, and reckons both of us will fit in with their style of working perfectly. Quite what that means, I've no idea yet. But you know as well as I do that Franz is never wrong. Anyway, as you read, he's asked me to contact one of the engineers at 3Sigma, a Mr Dan Richards, and introduce myself. I'll have to do that later this afternoon, to allow for the time difference and once I've spoken to him and sounded-out the project, I'll be able to tell you far more about it. How's that sound to ya?"
If any confirmation of the 'little girl lost Amy' was needed, it was in this single word reply. She always becomes very monosyllabic when she's unsure or stressed. I really wanted her to go with me on this project; not only is she a formidable colleague to work with, she's a great companion too. However, ultimately I would never force her to do anything against her will and if necessary, I had other colleagues who could go with me.
Later that day
"Good morning, 3Sigma Engineering, how may I help you?" said a very pleasant female voice, with a lovely soft American accent.
"Er, good after ... I mean, good morning to you too. My name is Duncan Smith from Controltech Systems, based in the UK. May I speak with Mr Dan Richards please?"
"Certainly, Mr Smith. I'll put you through right now. By the way, loving that accent!"
I smiled; the number of times I had heard "I love your accent" whenever I had worked in the States! There was the inevitable pause as I waited to be patched through but thankfully, no awful on-hold 'muzak', just a pleasant 'ping' every few seconds to confirm the connection was still alive.
"Hello, Mr Smith, Dan Richards speaking. I've been expecting your call."
"I'll give you just one chance to drop the Mr. Smith. It's Duncan, or Duncs!"
"Ah, well, I thought what with all that Brit 'stiff upper lip' thing you guys have going, I would have to be more formal!"
I detected a hint of mirth in Dan's voice.
"Ah, a British stereotype that thankfully is reserved for the entitled upper-classes. Please, call me Duncan or Duncs and I may I assume by return I can call you Dan?"
"Oh no, not at all, it's definitely Sir for now, and then once I get to know you a little better, I may let to call me Mr. Richards!"
I liked and warmed to this guy already. Seconds later I could just make out a young female voice, obviously nearby to Dan and gently admonishing him.
"Dan one! Whose chain are you yanking now? Behave yourself!"
"Just kidding around with a guy from England, baby, that's all. Sorry about that Duncan, just being put in my place by my wife!"
"Well, SIR, as you know, our mutual contact, Franz, from the 'Big S' has decided that it would be a good idea for 3Sigma and Controltech Systems to combine resources and talents to work on this Co-gen and greenhouse project out in the wilds of Alabama. So where exactly do we fit in and why does an engineering house based in high-tech America need the resources of a little old company from England?"
Dan chuckled. "So, Duncan, you're gonna yank my chain right back! I like your humour! Listen, Duncan, don't sell yourself, your company or for that matter, the UK short, my friend. Everyone knows a lot of high-tech and original thought still comes out of the UK; you guys just lost out on your manufacturing base, that's all."
"Way I see it is this: 3Sigma is coming up with the control strategies and design for the Co-gen plant and high voltage switching. Another company based in Cincinnati are supplying the greenhouse controls package. What we need is that bit of magic in between to make reluctant co-gen 'control system A' talk to recalcitrant greenhouse 'control system B' and make 'em cooperate with each other."
"Now whilst 3Sigma certainly have the in-house talent to do it, this is a fast-track project and time is of the essence. Franz tells me that you guys do this kind of interfacing all the time, with your eyes shut and with one hand tied behind your back! He tells me that in particular, you have a young woman working for you that is a natural talent at interfacing A to B!"
"Dan, or what was it I heard your wife call you, Dan One? Yep, we are certainly used to getting otherwise non-standard control systems to cooperate with each other. And the young lady that Franz mentioned is Amy. Yep, she's certainly a natural; seems to possess the intuition of a much more experienced engineer, yet she's still shy of 21 years old. I've been mentoring her for the past four years, but more often than not, I'm just along for the ride. She has an insatiable appetite to learn, almost an autodidact if you will; in a nutshell, she's a breath of fresh air!"
I heard Dan chuckle and wondered what I'd said to humour him.
"Not quite 21 years-old Duncan? Autodidact? My wife Cindy is fifteen and in about a year's time will graduate from Auburn University with a degree in electrical engineering. Her sister Nikki, sixteen, is on track to do the same. Her other sisters Tina and Susan, seventeen and eighteen respectively, may take a little longer to qualify with engineering degrees but they will, without a doubt. Then there's the little pixie Terri, daughter of my associate, Alan. She's eight years old and could easily pass the high school GED right now. Not in any way wishing to denigrate Amy's abilities, but what you're telling me does not surprise me!"
"Cindy, your wife, only fifteen?" I parsed that little snippet about Cindy being fifteen and married to Dan but decided not to question it there and then. There was obviously a story behind that and I realised it was probably not suitable for a phone call, let alone a first call at that.
"Electrical engineering degree at sixteen? Wow, that and the achievements of the others girls you mention is certainly very impressive! Now I think I might know what Franz means when he said we might fit in with your group, more specifically Amy. But Dan, without giving you the long version, I have to say that Amy's achievements are all the more remarkable if you know a little about her background."
"This girl didn't start living what might be deemed a normal life until just after her seventeenth birthday. Up until then, she merely existed. Born to a teenage girl that didn't want her, never loved her, never cuddled her, always called her the most dreadful names and constantly reminded her just how much she'd messed up her life, Amy was off to a bad start right from the start."
"Then, as soon as Amy was old enough to do chores, this disgusting person that bore Amy, I refuse to call her a Mum, she never earned that title in my book, then put Amy to work in the house, cooking, cleaning, washing, whilst she went out partying and having a good time with her cronies. Then, when Amy hit puberty, things turned even darker for the poor lass when her so-called 'mother' allowed her twisted and depraved boyfriends to pleasure themselves with Amy, in other words, molest and rape her."
"Eventually, after a massive fight, she got the courage to run away and then spent nearly two years living on the street. It was October 2009 when I purely by chance came into her life and with help from me, my own daughter and some of my colleagues, well, we have slowly but surely turned her life around..."
I realised that by now I was pretty emotional and was practically shouting at Dan. I took several deep breaths.
"Um, Dan, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to blurt all that out; I don't even know you yet to dump all that personal information on you. I guess I get pretty defensive on all matters relating to Amy."
Dan was quiet for what seemed like minutes but was probably only a few seconds. I knew he was still on the phone because I could hear typical office clatter in the background.
"Duncan, dammit man, I really don't know what to say other than given that potted history you have just recounted to me, then I have to concede that Amy does indeed sound like a very remarkable young woman in achieving what she has so far. My Cindy and her adopted sisters Nikki and Tina also have pretty messed-up childhood stories to relate, but nothing like the hell-hole of a childhood you have just described for Amy. You know, I really want to meet her and I know the sisterhood will take her into their hearts too. Damn, I feel quite cut-up about this."
"Oh, that's quite a long, complex story, or series of stories, but yeah, the girls all eventually came together and refer to themselves collectively as the Sisterhood. They're a tight-knit bunch who take care of each other and those close to them. But they also extend that care to others in need. Only recently, we have taken-in within our community a lovely girl named Kara."
"Community? The more I hear, the more I'm intrigued, Dan. Oh, and why Dan One?"
"I have another associate named Dan, so the girls named us Dan One and Dan Two, to avoid confusion. Formally speaking, we're Dan 1.0 and Dan 2.0, like in software revisions. Whereas the Sisterhood is the nucleus of the group, The Community is the greater whole of it and that includes me, Dan two, Alan, Jason, our little blonde pixie Terri, The Desai's, and finally the Weismann family. Long story short, we built a complex of apartments and offices, plus a couple of community areas, there's a unit turned into a Indian restaurant and well, we all live under one roof, so to speak."
"Ah, that makes sense, well, I think it does and I have to say, I'm all the more intrigued!"
"Well then, you two get your hides over here and come and see for yourselves! We'll welcome you with open arms!"
"Dan, I have to confess, there is a small chance that Amy may not accompany me to carry out this project, which I admit would be a shame as not only is she a damn good colleague to work with, I also love her companionship and last but not least, I feel the experience working in the States will be a great opportunity for her.
"Listening to what you've told me about the Sisterhood and the Community, I think there may be a way to finally convince Amy once and for all. Do you think one of the girls would be prepared to talk to her?"
"Without a shadow of a doubt buddy. My Cindy would be more than happy to do that and she tends to be the spokeswoman for the group anyway. Does Amy Skype?"
"She certainly does. She loves her tech. We often Skype each other when she or I work away. Plus when Amy works away herself, she frequently Skype's my real daughter."
"Good, then lemme just speak with Cindy a minute."
I heard a muffled conversation that I couldn't entirely make out, but I heard 'Amy' mentioned a few times and the word 'Skype' a couple of times.
"Duncan, Cindy would love to talk to Amy. She actually said how about right now but I guess you'll need to arrange it with Amy first. What time is it with you guys; by my reckoning its three forty five PM in the UK, right?"
"Spot on, Dan. And please, Duncs, okay? I'll go and discuss it with Amy now, but how about I tentatively say five PM UK time, will that be good with Cindy?"
"Just a minute Duncs. Cindy, is five PM good for you if Amy agrees? That's noon here." He paused. "Yep, Duncs, Cindy says she's good to go. Go and arrange it. And I promise you, this visit won't be all work, we want you guys to have some fun too. We like to make our own entertainment and it can get pretty rowdy at times! You guys into music by any chance? Do either of you play instruments or sing?"
"You haven't met my colleagues Dan. Bunch of misfits, most of 'em; overgrown kids with grown up toys, so I know all about rowdy. But you know, when they knuckle down to it, they do some serious work. And as it so happens, yes, I play piano and accordion, though I'm pretty rusty now and quite recently, we discovered at a Karaoke night that Amy has the sweetest singing voice imaginable. I'm talking an angelic, ethereal quality to her voice that is totally spellbinding. However, she's pretty shy and needs a lot of encouragement to get up and sing. Not sure if she'd sing for the community."
"And talking of work, we seem to have strayed off from that topic, which was the initial purpose of the call! Can you email over any relevant information, schematics, P&ID's etc., so that I can start to get a grip on what it is we need to do and the kit we'll need to ship over ahead of our visit? I'll need to ship over equipment as soon as possible; there's no way the TSA goons are going to allow us to bring strange technical equipment with us on our flight over to the US."
"Sure, give me your email address and I'll email you a link to some files in my Dropbox account. You guys have AutoCAD?"
"We do, the latest version, with an electrical bolt-on package too. And email me Cindy's Skype details too and I'll go and talk to Amy. Dan, it's been a pleasure talking to you, I'm really looking forward to working with you and your team on this project."
"The feeling's mutual Duncs; look forward to meeting you too and thanks for your time. Good luck with Amy!"
I gave Dan my email address and we bade each other goodbye. It was a fascinating conversation in more ways than one. I'd never looked forward to working on a project as much as this one in a long time. I had lately become somewhat jaded and disillusioned with life, especially as things at home were not so rosy now and I genuinely looked forward to this project. I left the office in search of Amy. Eventually I found her in the electrical workshop, talking to James, her very understanding fiancé.
"Amy, found you lass! I've just finished having a really long chat with Dan Richards from 3Sigma. You know, you really need to come on this project; based on what I just heard from Dan, you'll gonna love it and I don't just mean the work."
Amy shot a glance towards James. From the lack of surprise on his face, it was clear he already knew something about this project, so I guess Amy had just been discussing it with him. I know I can count on his support, even though I would be taking the love of his life away on a business trip for a couple of weeks. James encourages Amy in all she does. The lad absolutely dotes on her and within reason, will do anything for her.
I know James very well; after all, it was me that took him on in the first place. Due to cutbacks and downsizing, he'd been made redundant from his previous job but instead of wallowing in self-pity, he'd simply got on his bike that same day and started riding around all the local businesses asking if they had work, any work. Just so happened he stopped by our place as I was standing outside, getting some fresh air. He explained his predicament to me and I liked his attitude right from the start and offered him a job on the spot. My hunch at the time has since been proved to be spot-on and he's become a much-valued addition in the electrical workshop. The added bonus was that he and Amy hit it off from the start, which so happened to coincide with my plan to wean Amy off me as my lover (my so-called 'tough love' approach towards her a year ago).
As much as the selfish side of me would have kept Amy as my lover forever and a day (and by return, she was more than happy with this arrangement), the caring, practical side of me ultimately only wanted what was best for her. It would have been unfair and unrealistic for me to keep her as my lover. Assuming I live to 75, that would make Amy 45 and she would by then be so attached to me that she would find it almost impossible to find new love, if at all. So about a year ago, after a lot a soul-searching on my part and some very tricky and careful negotiations with Amy (she initially thought I was rejecting her entirely), I finally persuaded Amy to stop being my lover and just continue to be my best friend and companion.
Well, shortly after this change in my relationship status with Amy, I had a long-term trip abroad coming up, a massive project. I'd taken James on about a month prior to this trip and, well, it transpired that whilst I was away, James and Amy became close friends, leading to dating, finally leading to them being joined at the hip. By the time I returned home from my six month business trip, I was faced with a very nervous Amy telling me about her relationship with James. For some reason, the silly lass thought I'd be upset with her. Far from it, I was over the moon; it couldn't have worked out better. It was shortly after this first major revelation when one evening at my house, a tearful Amy asked me if I would consider being her adopted father; she wanted to have a morally acceptable relationship tie with me. I didn't even have to think about my answer to this request. I was truly honoured.
I looked at James and gave him an almost imperceptible nod. He picked up on my vibe instantly.
"Sweetheart, you really must go on this trip. The experience will be brilliant for you. You might never get the opportunity to go again. You must do it!"
"But, James, it's America; it's a long way from home. What if I can't do the work? What if I let everyone down?"
"Sweetheart, that's just not gonna happen. I know what you're capable of, even more so Duncs knows what you're capable of. Do you really think he'd offer to take you with him if he didn't think you were capable of doing the work?"
James can pull the tough love routine too. He has a knack of allowing his voice to give just a hint of authority without coming across as being mean or patronising towards Amy. Sometimes, Amy needs to be told things in a direct, firm manner. I noted not for the first time that James is better at this than I'd ever been. I tend to give in to her too easily! Amy then tried to change her tact.
"But what about you? Will you be alright? Won't you miss me? Won't you worry about me?"
"Sweet pea, of course I'll worry about you and miss you but I'm a big boy now, I can look after myself and besides, you'll be with Duncs and I know he won't let you come to any harm. Plus, think of all the fun we'll have the first night you return home..."
By now, James was grinning at Amy like a Cheshire cat and it amused me to see her blush. I grinned at her embarrassment. I had a brief flashback to an image of the sexual dynamo I know Amy was capable of being and knew exactly what James meant by 'all the fun'...
"Okay then, I'll probably go but I still need to talk to Dad, I mean Duncs, about what he's just found out about the project."
"And that's the main reason why I came looking for you. You have half an hour to prepare for a Skype call with a girl named Cindy. She wants to talk to you about 3Sigma, the Sisterhood and the Community. She's fifteen years old and will be graduating university with a degree in electrical engineering in about a year, so she's nobody's fool!"
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Hey how are you xhamster fans. Her name is Mita. She is a sweet and sexy Bengali lady. I first came to know her around 4 years back when I started my career in a Multinational Company at Chennai, where her husband was working in a different MNC. Her hubby was around 10 years senior to me by age but as our working place was same, we developed a good friendship and rapport.Her hubby took me as a younger brother after a couple of months in that town which was totally new to me, her hubby became...
Just then there was a knock on the door. I walked up to it and opened it wide to find her standing there. I had seen her photos of course, but she looked so lovely in person. She was wearing a small, black, strappy top with centimeter-thick black straps, deep plunging neckline leaving half of her full breasts visible to the naked eye, the top not reaching too much lower than her breasts leaving half of her flat belly bare. Then there was the skirt, a dark blue, shining material skirt, tight...
Characters: Caleb (18 years old, 5'9", medium length blonde hair, green eyes, pale-ish skin, skinny, freckles on his cheeks and arms, 5 inch cock); Derek/Narrator (19 years old, 6'1", short light brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, athletic, abs, 8 inch cock) I wake up early on Saturday morning to the smell of breakfast wafting upstairs from the kitchen below. I remember my parents are out of town for the week, so I guess my brother Caleb must be cooking breakfast for the both of us. I sit up,...
GayThe sun peeked through the calico curtains, and Hilda's nose twitched. Oh, let me sleep another half hour, she thought, wriggling her bountiful bottom into the feather mattress, and accidentally kicking Rex, her little white dog, who snorted and rearranged himself, then went back to dreams of chasing pussycats. But it was no use; the old stove had gone dead hours earlier, and the cabin was too chilly to allow further sleep. She stretched her arms above her head, savoring the last moment of...
Tabatha awoke and sat up, her back aching even though she had the most plush furs of the entire group under her. As her gaze passed Cela, the cave woman flinched and looked away, acknowledging her guilt in aiding Ong to capture and claim her as his mate. Tabatha smiled, but Cela didn't trust her, and turned away. Rising, Tabatha looked around the dimly lit cave, but she didn't see any of the males. The six captured children were there, however, and they didn't seem a bit upset to be...
After about half and hour the girls were making too much noise for David to get to sleep so he got up and grabbed a couple of ball gags from the cabinet and went into their room and switched the light back on and he walked straight up to Olivia who had just orgasmed and he placed the ball gag into her mouth and fastened it behind her head and then went over to Claire and did the same with her. He then switched the light off one last time and went to bed.The next MorningDavid woke his usual sort...
My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...
September 6, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, After a great breakfast and hugs and kisses from Dad and the Moms, Dad dropped the lot of us at school on his way to the university. It is so nice that the high school is only a two-block deviation from Dad’s route to work because that will result in us getting rides to school most days. As planned, we wore our first-day-of-school dresses, although we also each carried a backpack. All that was in them upon our arrival were lunches and our practice...
John Barstow, prosecutor at the Central Criminal Court, alighted from the rented cab that had taken him to Newgate Prison. The case of the attempted murder of Sir Hamilton Crewes had been assigned to him just an hour ago, and the suspect, Sir Hamilton's wife, was already kept at Newgate. He wanted to interview her first to get an impression of her. The magistrate rose when he recognised the Crown attorney. "Good afternoon, Sir." "Good afternoon. I wish to speak Lady...
Colette Bentley loved sex but did not prefer controlling men, particularly older men who no longer had the stamina to perform. When she first became an airline stewardess, she was judged by a senior group of BRITISH AIRWAYS pilots to be the most sought-after girl in her graduating class. These men, all members of the SAS, a UK advisory force in Viet NAM, were adventurers most of whom never married. Consisting predominately of playboys they rated the top ten girls from each graduating class of...
Hi guys this is Ravi (name changed).. But you can call me Akhila..Im a bi sexual and I love to cross dress..Im 24 currently living in chennai..This is a story on how I became a cute girl with the help of a stanger Lets get to my stats..Im a fair chubby guy with cute 32 b boobs, luscious lips and cute eyes with a nice big ass with a 4-inch cock..I love to wear tight pants or skirts and sway my ass infront of guys..Once I transfrom into akhila no one can tell im a guy..I love to wear western...
Gay Male“Yeah, she’s really made a name for herself in the last couple of years,” Frank mused. “Being a Snuff Girl must really pay well.” It did. It paid very well. Snuff Girls were stunt girls who would do stunts that the regular talent wouldn’t touch – usually because of a healthy respect for their own lives. Tri-d had replaced flatscreen technology years ago. But now that a typical viewer could watch a scene from any angle they chose, fake special effects really sucked, especially back when...
Spending the day with Amy made it easier for Jeff to avoid thinking about his family situation. They had spent their time going to different parks to ride their favorite rides again. In one park they found a jungle-themed restaurant with fantastic food for lunch but both had gotten tired before dinner. Jeff could tell Amy was uncomfortable despite the ibuprofen she’d taken for her cramps that morning and suggested they head back to the hotel. He was distracted and tense on the bus ride back...
I met Gwen on my first day at work. She was the receptionist and the person who issued me my temporary ID badge and told me where to report in. To say that I was taken by the raven haired beauty with the deep blue eyes would be a massive understatement. Going gaa gaa over her would be closer to the truth. I did notice that there were no rings on her finger. As I walked away from her desk I'd already made up my mind that I was going to try and get something going with her. Easier said than...
It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At Home It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going...
MILFYou never really know a person until you’ve lived her life. I can’t actually live Georgia McFearin’s life, but I’m getting a picture of it that is pretty intense. If I could just talk to her. Putting on Peg I spent the night at an airport hotel in Savannah. Now that was irritating. This beautiful city was spread out before me and I was in a commercial, sterile chain hotel that shook every time a plane took off. It was about seventy degrees and raining when I got there but the guy at the...
The flashing lights of this New York nightclub blinded me while the music controlled me. I danced provocatively, having to pull down my all too short mini skirt many times. This was the night I chose to wear panties, but only because it would be too obvious if I didn’t. My best friend, Jen, danced across from me in a similarly provocative fashion and was just as attractive as I was. We both had perky C-cup breasts and nice plump asses. Jen was paler and had freckles all over her face, but the...
Amongst the contemptuous gender variant community in Springdale, Fernander Kago had earned the reputation of a pussy maker. The thirty-one year old immigrant from the Central African Republic was addicted to fucking boipussy. It was impossible for him to be faithful for two reasons. Firstly, because he was always horny. And secondly, because the first tranny in fucked in town told her friends how big his dick was. Now any half-way effeminate being with a penis was after him.Tonight the...
I am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears women's...
I returned from the cabin late Sunday night still unsure how to have my way with Paul again, but I was sure something would come to me. Monday afternoon as I pulling into the driveway after a stressful day at work, I noticed Paul in his back yard talking to someone about his large old maple tree. Paul and I had talked about splitting the cost of having it removed as about two-thirds of the hundred foot tree hung over my house and I really wanted it gone. I went into my house to put some...
Gay MaleAs I drove my mind worked thru different scenarios of how this would all play out. Since we hadn’t discussed any details I decided not to pretend to be a stranger (which I really was) and barge in and take her. I figured I see how it flowed and go for it when it felt right. I was definitely planning on taking advantage of her hand cuffs to incapacitate her and there was no way I was not going to enjoy her throat again. I got hard thinking about what was to come. When I stopped for lunch I...
I finished my laundry before lunch. At one, I was pulling up into the park near the kiddie playground. I got out. No Nina. I started walking. Fifteen minutes later I had a mile under my belt and had completed a circuit. And Nina's car WAS there. And Nina was walking her charges to the swing set. She released them to go play and then she came to sit beside me. I was sipping on a fountain drink. "Did I bum you out last night? Dan?" "No, Nina. You needed to talk. I listened. 'S what...
Nail Technician: Part 4After the threesome we had with LoAnn, Linh and I continued having great sex with just the two of us. I couldn't help thinking about how erotic it was with LoAnn in bed with us, and wondered what Linh was thinking about it. She seemed to definitely enjoy it, but I was wondering if she was thinking about having another threesome with her or anyone else for that matter.Linh and I started bringing sex toys into bed and experimenting with them. A toy we both seemed to...
ThreesomesDon't know why but I have recently been finding myself attracted to men with sleeve tattoos and across their bodies. Age isn't a factor but I do like a man in good shape. I recently got talking to a man in his 50s in a nightclub. I was full of lust for him and aroused straight away ay thinking about how his body looked under his tshirt, what colour his underwear was and how stiff his cock got when aroused. I said how much I liked his tattoos and touched his arm. He told me that he had one on...
“Do you want to try being on top?” Mat asks as he holds himself above Abby, weight on his elbows as he pushes and pulls inside her. She smiles, teeth like a string of pearls, nodding her head. Mat slips a hand under her and carefully rolls onto his back, Abby clinging to him. Knees on each side of his chest, she lays her naked torso right on top of his, breathing into him as he carefully moves beneath her.“Ahh, fuck. That’s nice,” he murmurs. Every vocal affirmation he gives makes her want to...
IncestI whispered, "Let's do this for a while. Just this. Okay?" She swallowed again. "Yes." For a while we silently enjoyed touching and stroking each other with no particular goal in mind other than pleasing ourselves and discovering all the things about us that had changed. As we touched and played we talked. I told her about the plays I'd done, how movies and photography and history had captured so much of my life. She told of her classes, her work, what she had learned. I didn't...
The Bride By Margaret Jeanette Thomas Wilson was cruising the bars. At the fourth bar a girl caught his eye. She with three other girls, but she was the only one who really stood out to him. He put some money in the jukebox to play some slow songs, and when they started he went and asked her to dance. During the first dance he introduced himself, and she told him her name was Charlene Weston but everyone called her Charlie. He told her he thought she was very pretty and she...
If you want it take it. If someone else wants it give it to them. It took me forever to write this its a shame I will have to delete it just in case somebody would find it accidentely. I hope someone out there will enjoy it! Fall into Club TRANCE by Danielle [email protected] It was the worst day of my life. My girlfriend Allie and I had fought all day. This fighting has been going on for weeks. Non stop arguments and disagreement's, all I wanted was to make her...
This will never happen but is a complete fantasy featuring real people.I have not changed any names. If you know who you are, then you know me inside out.I hope others will enjoy my delve into the(almost)perfect scenario.Having just retired I decided it was time to visit some old friends. Rob and I went back some 50 years but it had been 20 years since we had seen each other. I arranged to meet him in Bristol where he had lived more than half his life.However, also in Bristol, lived an old...
Daniel's cousin, Jerome, was fascinated by the sex session we had. Before we all left Jerome pulled me to the side and whispered to me 'you let all four of us fuck you, you should not do that. Play hooky from school Wednesday and come here alone, it will be just you and me'. Daniel, Bruce, Charlie and I left Jerome apartment, Bruce and Charlie wanted to take me some place else and continue our session, Daniel wanted to get on with what was left of the day and go make some money(?), Bruce and...
Alex and Sherry were seated in the living room of Alex’s house, watching the wide screen television. Alex had purchased a new chair for Sherry to use when at his house. Sherry, wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt, had her left leg draped over the arm of the chair. Alex, wearing Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, was seated in the La-Z-Boy, with the chair in the reclining position. Neither one was paying any particular attention to the other. Their attention was fixed on the wide screen...
Cindy moving out to LA was a shock and a big disappointment for Dan. He lost the pleasure of taking out a beautiful woman to dinner who was also a very exciting sex partner. That Cindy had made an effort for Dan to find a replacement for her was a surprise to him. If Monica would go out with Dan and if she enjoyed sex as much as Cindy inferred she did it would erase the problem of Dan trying to find some female companionship on his own. Cindy had emailed him Monica’s contact information....
I was laying on the living room floor late one Saturday afternoon, flipping through the channels on the TV. My sister Ginger was laid out on the sofa behind me, daydreaming. We had the house to ourselves for a week, because mom was on a business trip, and Mikey had to go with her.I tuned on a football game, and put the remote down. “Hey, you’re not watching this,” Ginger protested. At 1 3 years old, she was beginning to turn into a woman. She was also becoming the world’s biggest cock tease....
This is a work of fiction and any resemblance of these over 18 year old characters or situations in this story to anything real is purely random chance. The seed of inspiration for this story came from reading a couple of other stories with similar themes that melded nicely with my own recollections of daydreams and wishful thinking about the assembled array of co-eds as a teaching assistant in college. Alas, none of it is personally true. The story takes a while to build. I put this one in the...
There is something to be said about the male orgasm. In my opinion men got the better deal when it comes to orgasms. I mean think about it. Unless a chick is a squirter other than muscle spasms and loud moaning you'd never know she came. Men on the other hand are shooting fireworks. Whether it is a small teaspoon size load that dribbles out of his cock or a huge stream that shoots all over, I find a guy cumming the most interesting thing to watch. Of course I also love to participate in...
A girl as sexy as Tiffany Tatum shouldn’t be out riding around delivering pizzas, this babe is far too hot to just be keeping food warm, there’s only one career path that this beauty should be on, and today in Private Blockbuster, The Sexy Side of Fashion, she’s about to get it! Can you guess what it is? Find out right here on where Tiffany gives her new agent a blowjob to remember before going on to enjoy a sensational anal fuck right there on the agency desk that has her...
xmoviesforyou"Mr. Wells," Anne said at breakfast, aware that her cheek was somewhat red, abraded by her lover's seldom-shaved beard, "you could help the boys dig postholes. The snow's melting fast, and I'm sure they will be here soon." "They're ready to frame up the stable and toolshed?" he asked around a mouthful of pancake and berry jam. "So they said as they left. The materials are all here now." She made a face at him. "And then I think, perhaps, you should return to your home and your...
Alina Ali is lying in bed with her husband, cuddling before bed. As they chat, they get on the topic of ‘hall passes’ — guilt-free opportunities to cheat. While the husband is open about who he’d choose to use his pass on, Alina is a bit more secretive… until she finally admits that she has a crush on a sexy client, Thrill, at the massage parlor. Instead of being mad, the husband is excited as he encourages his wife to have some fun! Although Alina’s not sure...
xmoviesforyou{If you haven't already, read part 1. A Helping Hand, and this will make a lot more sense to you.} The way my night had gone it wasn't really all that odd that my dreams were filled with steam and sex, mostly with Jamie but also Kelly too. That was different. Kelly was sexy and I’d known that, especially the past few months, but I'd never really looked at her that way myself. In my dreams she kept showing up at my doorway, stripping just as she'd done before but she didn't stop at the doorway...
Straight SexI couldn’t believe that my mother had “volunteered” me to help one of her church friends. I didn’t know the woman well and was just back from a long road trip to a rock concert two states away. I was tired and only wanted to sleep but my mother figured it would be good for me to help her friend move into her new apartment. She had even made travel arrangements that I knew nothing about until she shook me awake that morning. She drove me the four miles to her friend’s house, introduced me to...
MatureGot my perv gear in the van to change into after work – wank-trousers, hole in pocket, baggy, absorbent material for instant wet patch. ‘Dirty’ mac – it has got some spunk stains but actually it’s quite clean, holes in pockets, long enough to cover spunk running down trousers, zipped up. Flat cap, goggle glasses. Always got dirty books in van in boxes, plus case which goes into every shop I go into to buy more dirty books. Finally, roll of toilet paper to clench between buttocks for maximum...
Bianca Ramwell grinned and nodded. She had always kept an eye out for that Mr.Revin. He was what her and her friends liked to call a hunk. She had no idea why he wanted her to stay after class. Surely a hot teacher like him would have a beautiful wife at home he was just waiting to get back to and fuck. She thought in her head how great it would be to fuck someone like Mr.Revin. Hard and rough...thinking about this made her surprisingly hot. All she could think about was hurrying up after...
It was just another day at the beach. Well not really. I had decided that today was the day I was going to go topless. You see my lover had set me a challenge before I left for my holiday to France. ‘I want a topless photo of you on the beach.’ In all my 30 odd years I had never gone topless. Not that I was shy of my breasts. No reason to be. My breasts have always been and still are full and rounded with perky nipples. It was a hot day, with a cool sea breeze blowing. I took care...
A Year Ago - part XII by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phases of her story... When I got home after dinner at Cynthia's home I had a chance to consider her statement about the wedding. I recalled that we had spent quite a bit of time together that weekend and that I had made some pictures and video of the evening party. This particular camera hadn't been used extensively since then and I found the dark still images and...
"Are you insane!" Jacobi said as he got out of his car. He was breathing heavily and shaking his head, looking at the tree in front of his car before turning his irate glare on the woman who had almost caused this accident. There was dust swirling around them which had been raised in response to her signal for help, which had made him almost drive his car into a tree."I'm sorry," she said quickly and approached him. "My name is Maryanne Donati, and I am in a dreadful hurry, but it seems I have...
An Anatomical Study in Film of a Creampie from a StrangerAbstract: The importance of this film is to study the effects of bareback sex between two strangers. The focus will be on the internal ejaculation of the male penis into the vagina of the woman without a condom. The film study will be broken up into three specific parts. 1. The build up 2. The act 3. The result. Within each part there will be particular attention to erotic details. For example within Part 1 - attention will be paid to...
Here I was, standing in an adult store.It was the day after Mark's visit. I couldn’t concentrate at college. All I could think about was, ‘I need to practice, practice, practice’. I wanted to feel his cock, badly, but Mark had told me he’d only show up again when I thought I would be comfortable deepthroating him. When he would show up again was up to me, he had told me.I decided to skip the afternoon classes and went to the adult store to do some shopping. Mark had told me exactly what I...
InterracialAmy was frightened as she entered the school’s front office. She hadn’t done anything wrong and yet had been called to the office during school announcements to pick up a detention. What, she wondered, had she done to get a detention. She often smart-mouthed teachers but had always stopped when warned her behavior was out of line. Had some teacher decided at last to give her a detention without warning her? It didn’t help that her home-life sucked. Her mother and father had divorced 5 years...
Leah Winters and Dante Colle are relaxing at home when a parcel arrives. They accept it without question, thinking it’s something they’ve ordered. But when they actually open the parcel and discover NURU gel, they quickly realize they accidentally have someone else’s parcel! Although they insist that they’re going to return it, their curiosity gets the best of them as they further explore the box and its contents. They are SHOCKED when they actually read the instructions...
xmoviesforyou"What are you thinking about, Jon?" Eve asked, breaking me out of my thoughts."Oh nothing, just waiting for you to get all rested up," I said, pushing my thoughts to the back of my head."Well, I'm all rested up now. What did you have in mind?" she purred seductively. The woman had no off switch!"Oh, I have a few things in mind. But when we leave here we will go back to Master and jewel. Are you ready for that?""Mmmhmm... I'm always ready to serve my sweet, sexy Master!""Well then, shall we go...