CommunityChapter 49 free porn video

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(Author's note: And now for something completely different!

When I first started writing this stuff, I read a story, Runaway, here on SOL. I loved the story. The author and I have emailed back and forth a bit over the years and he and I talked about interweaving the characters of Runaway with my girls in Community.

Here it is. Be advised that Duncs is British, so you get a bit of different slang and a different tone, and he insisted on using the wrong spellings, like 'colour' and 'honour' and such.

This is mostly his lead into the connection. Do wait patiently because there WILL be more to this story.)

Meanwhile, in a small town in Yorkshire, England...

I swung my car through entrance gate to the office and factory complex where I work. I'd been on a road trip, working away for two weeks and it felt almost like returning home. The result of increasing friction between my wife of 22 years and me has increasingly led to me gravitating more and more to the office rather than home. My effervescent, extrovert daughter used to be my one respite, my one reason to look forward to returning home. But now 17 years old, her head buried in books, immersed in studying for the final year at school, or busy with her part-time job or spending time with her long-term boyfriend, she doesn't really have much time left for Dad any more...

So I smiled to myself as I entered the office building and headed towards the large communal engineering office. Within that messy, noisy but productive office I would find the usual bunch of misfits euphemistically known as the technical staff; my closest colleagues. Folk who I have worked with for years, folk whose strengths, weaknesses, foibles and families I know so well. Before I even enter that office, I know I will be faced with greetings on a scale ranging from polite to downright rude. I know all this but, I still love it. I also happen to know that if one particular person is resident in the office, a person very close to my heart, then I can expect to receive at least one very warm welcome offered with genuine affection; an affection that goes beyond that normally bestowed on a colleague. For the latter, I wasn't about to be disappointed. I opened the door and entered...

"Ah, Duncs, so you've returned from skiving-off work eh?"

"Been thrown off site again, Duncs?"

"Oh, so, you DO remember where the office is, then?"

"Oh, so the roving engineer has decided to grace us with his presence; we're so honoured..."

"Hey, ugly-mug; you're back!"

"Hello, Duncs, nice to see you back!"

Yep, so the usual range of greetings. I studiously ignored most of them, choosing to simply acknowledge Lisa, the one and only person to greet me politely. That's when one particular person looked up from her laptop.

Squeal! "DAD! Um ... I mean, Duncs! You're back earlier than expected!"

With that said, 120lbs of insanely beautiful, slim, blonde female rose quickly from her desk and bounded and skipped like a ten-year-old across the office towards me, threw her arms around me and planted a huge kiss on my cheek. Her actions were met with general cries of mock derision by other colleagues, all except Lisa who I heard utter "Awwww, I think she missed you..."

I gently pushed this blonde beauty away from me and cupping her face in my hands, planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Lovely to see you too, Amy. I really don't know how you and Lisa stand for the childish and rude behaviour that surrounds you!"

Amy smiled back, and gave me one of her wonderful infectious giggles, a sound guaranteed to lift my spirits.

"Oh, you know, Duncs, they're not so bad. Lisa and I can and do tolerate them! So, how was commissioning on the Ransome's project? Get everything done? Come back with your usual site scribbles for me to decipher and turn into proper test certs and 'as fitted' schematics, did ya?"

She said this with a deadpan expression, but the humour behind it was betrayed by the corners of her mouth twitching slightly and her eyes twinkling. I chose not to rise to the bait, though the smirk on my face betrayed me too.

"So, any chance of a coffee, sweetheart? And in return, I'll tell you some really exciting news."

"Yes sir, anything you say sir, one coffee coming up right away sir. You just make yourself comfortable sir!"

Ah, so there it was, her facetious side coming out. It took less than a minute from her initial warm, genuine greeting, through to being sarcastic to then returning to her true form, a form that I had to admit I totally loved and revelled in.

So what can I tell you about Amy? This fiercely intelligent, beautiful young woman standing in front of me now, with her elegant poise, her non-arrogant, quiet confidence and sharp wit is a person poles apart from the undernourished, sullen, waif of a 17 year-old street kid I happened upon back in October 2009; you wouldn't believe it was the same person. And the period of time between me first discovering her and the person she is now is the subject of a story in its own right. It would also not be an exaggeration to state that our relationship is unusual and complex.

That 'Dad' reference? Well, that came into play much later in my acquaintance with this delightful young woman. It was some months ago she decided to adopt me as her Dad, a title I wear with much pride. My own blood daughter adopted Amy as her sister some years ago and they remain extremely close to this day. As well as gladly accepting her as my daughter, I also consider Amy my best friend, companion and confidante and yes, we were at one time lovers too; a relationship that to some would be seen as immoral, especially given the thirty year age gap between us. Some might also say that at the time, I took advantage of a very vulnerable seventeen year-old girl. Well, all I can say to that is this: if the result of my actions a few years ago helped transform Amy into the young woman I look at now, then yes, I guess you could say I took 'advantage' of her ... But as I already stated, the previous four and a half years is well-documented in another story.

Amy returned with steaming-hot mugs of coffee for the pair of us. She sat down next to me, a look of expectation on her face.

"Thanks poppet, just what I needed," I said, picking up my coffee. I deliberately ignored her obvious expectation that I would tell her my exciting news immediately and pretended to be deeply absorbed reading some online technical article. I can play too!

"So, are you going to tell me your news, or as usual, are you just going to act like a twat?!"

I smirked. "Well, seeing how you asked me so eloquently, how could I possibly refuse to tell you, my sweet?"

Giggle. "You're always suspicious of me when I'm too polite, just like you are with Jess, so I thought I'd be like you and be rude!"

Ah, Jess, my sweet, 'butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth' daughter. A girl who when she reached double figures, seemed to suddenly develop a head way older than the ten year-old shoulders that supported it. Jess was thirteen when she first met Amy and was the vibrant, young teenager that Amy so needed in her then troubled life. Now seventeen-going-on-thirty, I don't see so much of her, especially since she passed her driving test this February and we bought her a car. I know she's all but an adult and will be flying the nest next year to go to university, but it's still a wrench, still something I can't fully accept. I don't want to acknowledge that 'daddy's little girl' is now an adult.

I started 'Outlook' on my laptop and opened an email from one of our major suppliers based in Germany; the 'Big S' as we liked to refer to them. By major, I mean they are huge – they dominate the electrical supply and controls sector. The email was from Franz, an applications engineer who both Amy and I very much like and respect. Slightly eccentric and quirky, he is, nevertheless, an excellent engineer and good company.

"Here, read this," I prompted Amy, twisting the laptop towards her.

I love watching her read or study something. Her brow furrows slightly and she's the kind of reader whose lips move as she silently speaks to herself as she reads.

"Wow, cool!" was all my excited partner-in-crime stated a couple of minutes later. But after her initial excitement, seconds later she looked pensive.

"But America? The 'Big S' wants us to work with an electrical engineering company over in America? D ... d ... do you really think I'm up to this challenge? I mean, it's America, those guys over there are going to expect perfection, you know, really high standards. I'm not so sure I..." She trailed off, her eyes boring imploringly into mine.

Yes, it is true she had come on in leaps and bounds the last four and a half years; overcome many personal demons and obstacles, surpassed all my expectations and her own and faced challenges with fierce determination, winning all the time. Yet, from time-to-time, her self-doubt could still surface and I and others close to her had to be ready to nip it in the bud before she became too despondent.

"Amy, sweet Amy, so it's America, it's another country, so what? You've worked in The Netherlands, You've worked in Germany. You've worked in Republic of Ireland. You've worked all over the UK. So what's the difference? Hell, girl, they even speak a form of English in America!"

"I know, I'm being silly, but well, it's just..."

"Just nothing, poppet. It's not as if you'll be by yourself. I'll be with you. You know how well we work together on site. It'll be a great experience for you and nice for me too; I haven't worked across the pond for some years, and Birmingham, Alabama is somewhere in the USA I've never been to before. I doubt it has much in common with OUR Birmingham."

"Well, um, okay, I'm sure I'll probably go, but I would just like to know a little more about the company and the folk we'll be working with before I make up my mind."

I studied Amy's face. I knew her facial expressions intimately. I saw hints of a young girl staring back at me, not the confidant young woman I usually expected to now see. I smiled at her in a fatherly way and gently thumbed her cheek.

"Look, as you read for yourself, Franz has personally recommended you and me to do this project. He explains he knows some of the folk at this American engineering house, 3Sigma, and reckons both of us will fit in with their style of working perfectly. Quite what that means, I've no idea yet. But you know as well as I do that Franz is never wrong. Anyway, as you read, he's asked me to contact one of the engineers at 3Sigma, a Mr Dan Richards, and introduce myself. I'll have to do that later this afternoon, to allow for the time difference and once I've spoken to him and sounded-out the project, I'll be able to tell you far more about it. How's that sound to ya?"


If any confirmation of the 'little girl lost Amy' was needed, it was in this single word reply. She always becomes very monosyllabic when she's unsure or stressed. I really wanted her to go with me on this project; not only is she a formidable colleague to work with, she's a great companion too. However, ultimately I would never force her to do anything against her will and if necessary, I had other colleagues who could go with me.

Later that day

"Good morning, 3Sigma Engineering, how may I help you?" said a very pleasant female voice, with a lovely soft American accent.

"Er, good after ... I mean, good morning to you too. My name is Duncan Smith from Controltech Systems, based in the UK. May I speak with Mr Dan Richards please?"

"Certainly, Mr Smith. I'll put you through right now. By the way, loving that accent!"

I smiled; the number of times I had heard "I love your accent" whenever I had worked in the States! There was the inevitable pause as I waited to be patched through but thankfully, no awful on-hold 'muzak', just a pleasant 'ping' every few seconds to confirm the connection was still alive.

"Hello, Mr Smith, Dan Richards speaking. I've been expecting your call."

"I'll give you just one chance to drop the Mr. Smith. It's Duncan, or Duncs!"

"Ah, well, I thought what with all that Brit 'stiff upper lip' thing you guys have going, I would have to be more formal!"

I detected a hint of mirth in Dan's voice.

"Ah, a British stereotype that thankfully is reserved for the entitled upper-classes. Please, call me Duncan or Duncs and I may I assume by return I can call you Dan?"

"Oh no, not at all, it's definitely Sir for now, and then once I get to know you a little better, I may let to call me Mr. Richards!"

I liked and warmed to this guy already. Seconds later I could just make out a young female voice, obviously nearby to Dan and gently admonishing him.

"Dan one! Whose chain are you yanking now? Behave yourself!"

"Just kidding around with a guy from England, baby, that's all. Sorry about that Duncan, just being put in my place by my wife!"

"Well, SIR, as you know, our mutual contact, Franz, from the 'Big S' has decided that it would be a good idea for 3Sigma and Controltech Systems to combine resources and talents to work on this Co-gen and greenhouse project out in the wilds of Alabama. So where exactly do we fit in and why does an engineering house based in high-tech America need the resources of a little old company from England?"

Dan chuckled. "So, Duncan, you're gonna yank my chain right back! I like your humour! Listen, Duncan, don't sell yourself, your company or for that matter, the UK short, my friend. Everyone knows a lot of high-tech and original thought still comes out of the UK; you guys just lost out on your manufacturing base, that's all."

"Way I see it is this: 3Sigma is coming up with the control strategies and design for the Co-gen plant and high voltage switching. Another company based in Cincinnati are supplying the greenhouse controls package. What we need is that bit of magic in between to make reluctant co-gen 'control system A' talk to recalcitrant greenhouse 'control system B' and make 'em cooperate with each other."

"Now whilst 3Sigma certainly have the in-house talent to do it, this is a fast-track project and time is of the essence. Franz tells me that you guys do this kind of interfacing all the time, with your eyes shut and with one hand tied behind your back! He tells me that in particular, you have a young woman working for you that is a natural talent at interfacing A to B!"

"Dan, or what was it I heard your wife call you, Dan One? Yep, we are certainly used to getting otherwise non-standard control systems to cooperate with each other. And the young lady that Franz mentioned is Amy. Yep, she's certainly a natural; seems to possess the intuition of a much more experienced engineer, yet she's still shy of 21 years old. I've been mentoring her for the past four years, but more often than not, I'm just along for the ride. She has an insatiable appetite to learn, almost an autodidact if you will; in a nutshell, she's a breath of fresh air!"

I heard Dan chuckle and wondered what I'd said to humour him.

"Not quite 21 years-old Duncan? Autodidact? My wife Cindy is fifteen and in about a year's time will graduate from Auburn University with a degree in electrical engineering. Her sister Nikki, sixteen, is on track to do the same. Her other sisters Tina and Susan, seventeen and eighteen respectively, may take a little longer to qualify with engineering degrees but they will, without a doubt. Then there's the little pixie Terri, daughter of my associate, Alan. She's eight years old and could easily pass the high school GED right now. Not in any way wishing to denigrate Amy's abilities, but what you're telling me does not surprise me!"

"Cindy, your wife, only fifteen?" I parsed that little snippet about Cindy being fifteen and married to Dan but decided not to question it there and then. There was obviously a story behind that and I realised it was probably not suitable for a phone call, let alone a first call at that.

"Electrical engineering degree at sixteen? Wow, that and the achievements of the others girls you mention is certainly very impressive! Now I think I might know what Franz means when he said we might fit in with your group, more specifically Amy. But Dan, without giving you the long version, I have to say that Amy's achievements are all the more remarkable if you know a little about her background."

"This girl didn't start living what might be deemed a normal life until just after her seventeenth birthday. Up until then, she merely existed. Born to a teenage girl that didn't want her, never loved her, never cuddled her, always called her the most dreadful names and constantly reminded her just how much she'd messed up her life, Amy was off to a bad start right from the start."

"Then, as soon as Amy was old enough to do chores, this disgusting person that bore Amy, I refuse to call her a Mum, she never earned that title in my book, then put Amy to work in the house, cooking, cleaning, washing, whilst she went out partying and having a good time with her cronies. Then, when Amy hit puberty, things turned even darker for the poor lass when her so-called 'mother' allowed her twisted and depraved boyfriends to pleasure themselves with Amy, in other words, molest and rape her."

"Eventually, after a massive fight, she got the courage to run away and then spent nearly two years living on the street. It was October 2009 when I purely by chance came into her life and with help from me, my own daughter and some of my colleagues, well, we have slowly but surely turned her life around..."

I realised that by now I was pretty emotional and was practically shouting at Dan. I took several deep breaths.

"Um, Dan, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to blurt all that out; I don't even know you yet to dump all that personal information on you. I guess I get pretty defensive on all matters relating to Amy."

Dan was quiet for what seemed like minutes but was probably only a few seconds. I knew he was still on the phone because I could hear typical office clatter in the background.

"Duncan, dammit man, I really don't know what to say other than given that potted history you have just recounted to me, then I have to concede that Amy does indeed sound like a very remarkable young woman in achieving what she has so far. My Cindy and her adopted sisters Nikki and Tina also have pretty messed-up childhood stories to relate, but nothing like the hell-hole of a childhood you have just described for Amy. You know, I really want to meet her and I know the sisterhood will take her into their hearts too. Damn, I feel quite cut-up about this."


"Oh, that's quite a long, complex story, or series of stories, but yeah, the girls all eventually came together and refer to themselves collectively as the Sisterhood. They're a tight-knit bunch who take care of each other and those close to them. But they also extend that care to others in need. Only recently, we have taken-in within our community a lovely girl named Kara."

"Community? The more I hear, the more I'm intrigued, Dan. Oh, and why Dan One?"

"I have another associate named Dan, so the girls named us Dan One and Dan Two, to avoid confusion. Formally speaking, we're Dan 1.0 and Dan 2.0, like in software revisions. Whereas the Sisterhood is the nucleus of the group, The Community is the greater whole of it and that includes me, Dan two, Alan, Jason, our little blonde pixie Terri, The Desai's, and finally the Weismann family. Long story short, we built a complex of apartments and offices, plus a couple of community areas, there's a unit turned into a Indian restaurant and well, we all live under one roof, so to speak."

"Ah, that makes sense, well, I think it does and I have to say, I'm all the more intrigued!"

"Well then, you two get your hides over here and come and see for yourselves! We'll welcome you with open arms!"

"Dan, I have to confess, there is a small chance that Amy may not accompany me to carry out this project, which I admit would be a shame as not only is she a damn good colleague to work with, I also love her companionship and last but not least, I feel the experience working in the States will be a great opportunity for her.

"Listening to what you've told me about the Sisterhood and the Community, I think there may be a way to finally convince Amy once and for all. Do you think one of the girls would be prepared to talk to her?"

"Without a shadow of a doubt buddy. My Cindy would be more than happy to do that and she tends to be the spokeswoman for the group anyway. Does Amy Skype?"

"She certainly does. She loves her tech. We often Skype each other when she or I work away. Plus when Amy works away herself, she frequently Skype's my real daughter."

"Good, then lemme just speak with Cindy a minute."

I heard a muffled conversation that I couldn't entirely make out, but I heard 'Amy' mentioned a few times and the word 'Skype' a couple of times.

"Duncan, Cindy would love to talk to Amy. She actually said how about right now but I guess you'll need to arrange it with Amy first. What time is it with you guys; by my reckoning its three forty five PM in the UK, right?"

"Spot on, Dan. And please, Duncs, okay? I'll go and discuss it with Amy now, but how about I tentatively say five PM UK time, will that be good with Cindy?"

"Just a minute Duncs. Cindy, is five PM good for you if Amy agrees? That's noon here." He paused. "Yep, Duncs, Cindy says she's good to go. Go and arrange it. And I promise you, this visit won't be all work, we want you guys to have some fun too. We like to make our own entertainment and it can get pretty rowdy at times! You guys into music by any chance? Do either of you play instruments or sing?"

"You haven't met my colleagues Dan. Bunch of misfits, most of 'em; overgrown kids with grown up toys, so I know all about rowdy. But you know, when they knuckle down to it, they do some serious work. And as it so happens, yes, I play piano and accordion, though I'm pretty rusty now and quite recently, we discovered at a Karaoke night that Amy has the sweetest singing voice imaginable. I'm talking an angelic, ethereal quality to her voice that is totally spellbinding. However, she's pretty shy and needs a lot of encouragement to get up and sing. Not sure if she'd sing for the community."

"And talking of work, we seem to have strayed off from that topic, which was the initial purpose of the call! Can you email over any relevant information, schematics, P&ID's etc., so that I can start to get a grip on what it is we need to do and the kit we'll need to ship over ahead of our visit? I'll need to ship over equipment as soon as possible; there's no way the TSA goons are going to allow us to bring strange technical equipment with us on our flight over to the US."

"Sure, give me your email address and I'll email you a link to some files in my Dropbox account. You guys have AutoCAD?"

"We do, the latest version, with an electrical bolt-on package too. And email me Cindy's Skype details too and I'll go and talk to Amy. Dan, it's been a pleasure talking to you, I'm really looking forward to working with you and your team on this project."

"The feeling's mutual Duncs; look forward to meeting you too and thanks for your time. Good luck with Amy!"

I gave Dan my email address and we bade each other goodbye. It was a fascinating conversation in more ways than one. I'd never looked forward to working on a project as much as this one in a long time. I had lately become somewhat jaded and disillusioned with life, especially as things at home were not so rosy now and I genuinely looked forward to this project. I left the office in search of Amy. Eventually I found her in the electrical workshop, talking to James, her very understanding fiancé.

"Amy, found you lass! I've just finished having a really long chat with Dan Richards from 3Sigma. You know, you really need to come on this project; based on what I just heard from Dan, you'll gonna love it and I don't just mean the work."

Amy shot a glance towards James. From the lack of surprise on his face, it was clear he already knew something about this project, so I guess Amy had just been discussing it with him. I know I can count on his support, even though I would be taking the love of his life away on a business trip for a couple of weeks. James encourages Amy in all she does. The lad absolutely dotes on her and within reason, will do anything for her.

I know James very well; after all, it was me that took him on in the first place. Due to cutbacks and downsizing, he'd been made redundant from his previous job but instead of wallowing in self-pity, he'd simply got on his bike that same day and started riding around all the local businesses asking if they had work, any work. Just so happened he stopped by our place as I was standing outside, getting some fresh air. He explained his predicament to me and I liked his attitude right from the start and offered him a job on the spot. My hunch at the time has since been proved to be spot-on and he's become a much-valued addition in the electrical workshop. The added bonus was that he and Amy hit it off from the start, which so happened to coincide with my plan to wean Amy off me as my lover (my so-called 'tough love' approach towards her a year ago).

As much as the selfish side of me would have kept Amy as my lover forever and a day (and by return, she was more than happy with this arrangement), the caring, practical side of me ultimately only wanted what was best for her. It would have been unfair and unrealistic for me to keep her as my lover. Assuming I live to 75, that would make Amy 45 and she would by then be so attached to me that she would find it almost impossible to find new love, if at all. So about a year ago, after a lot a soul-searching on my part and some very tricky and careful negotiations with Amy (she initially thought I was rejecting her entirely), I finally persuaded Amy to stop being my lover and just continue to be my best friend and companion.

Well, shortly after this change in my relationship status with Amy, I had a long-term trip abroad coming up, a massive project. I'd taken James on about a month prior to this trip and, well, it transpired that whilst I was away, James and Amy became close friends, leading to dating, finally leading to them being joined at the hip. By the time I returned home from my six month business trip, I was faced with a very nervous Amy telling me about her relationship with James. For some reason, the silly lass thought I'd be upset with her. Far from it, I was over the moon; it couldn't have worked out better. It was shortly after this first major revelation when one evening at my house, a tearful Amy asked me if I would consider being her adopted father; she wanted to have a morally acceptable relationship tie with me. I didn't even have to think about my answer to this request. I was truly honoured.

I looked at James and gave him an almost imperceptible nod. He picked up on my vibe instantly.

"Sweetheart, you really must go on this trip. The experience will be brilliant for you. You might never get the opportunity to go again. You must do it!"

"But, James, it's America; it's a long way from home. What if I can't do the work? What if I let everyone down?"

"Sweetheart, that's just not gonna happen. I know what you're capable of, even more so Duncs knows what you're capable of. Do you really think he'd offer to take you with him if he didn't think you were capable of doing the work?"

James can pull the tough love routine too. He has a knack of allowing his voice to give just a hint of authority without coming across as being mean or patronising towards Amy. Sometimes, Amy needs to be told things in a direct, firm manner. I noted not for the first time that James is better at this than I'd ever been. I tend to give in to her too easily! Amy then tried to change her tact.

"But what about you? Will you be alright? Won't you miss me? Won't you worry about me?"

"Sweet pea, of course I'll worry about you and miss you but I'm a big boy now, I can look after myself and besides, you'll be with Duncs and I know he won't let you come to any harm. Plus, think of all the fun we'll have the first night you return home..."

By now, James was grinning at Amy like a Cheshire cat and it amused me to see her blush. I grinned at her embarrassment. I had a brief flashback to an image of the sexual dynamo I know Amy was capable of being and knew exactly what James meant by 'all the fun'...

"Okay then, I'll probably go but I still need to talk to Dad, I mean Duncs, about what he's just found out about the project."

"And that's the main reason why I came looking for you. You have half an hour to prepare for a Skype call with a girl named Cindy. She wants to talk to you about 3Sigma, the Sisterhood and the Community. She's fifteen years old and will be graduating university with a degree in electrical engineering in about a year, so she's nobody's fool!"

Same as Community
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One morning after Joe had gone to work and I was getting ready to go, three blokes arrived, and I told them he had gone to work. They said it is not him we have come to see, we were admiring your body the last time we were here, and decided we would like to see some more, but before we do make us some coffee. As they sat drinking, they introduced themselves as Marius, Florin, and Andrei and said we will have to come to some arrangement with your husband to use you to pay his dept so let us see...

2 years ago
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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 9

The Terrestrial Defense Force office is a chaotic mess as agents rush from desk to desk. By now, every news station has picked up on the morning’s events of the assassinations that have taken place and the New World Regime’s proclamation of credit to those events. Mike Grines, director of operations, isn’t too far shocked at the bold moves, but in combination with the sudden reports of the Black List falling under a similar attack has brought an entire new level of shock. “Alright, listen...

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Henry and LnczeChapter 6 My initiation

As a direct result of the ministrations of L'ncze and Ra'chel, I rapidly regained my strength. By the end of a further two days I could get up and walk around my new home and sit by the fire with them during the evening. None of the open wounds needed poultices or covering but the bruises has started to come out and my body and head was a mass of purple/yellow blotches. They didn't hurt badly unless pressed but looked very unsightly. My cracked ribs still caused me pain but I could now...

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Seems Too Good To Be True Chapter 7

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. (Undercover Tour and Diamond Tours may also help you make more sense of the storyline, though they are not TG oriented) As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several...

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Sasu Maa Ki Hawas

Hello mere dosto, Mera naam sonny hai. Meri kahaniya un logo ke liye hai jo sex har tarah se enjoy karte hai. Meri kahaniyo mein aapko lust, love, wildness, gandi galiya, sex ki bookh, roleplays, hawas aur sex ko enjoy karne ke har tarike milenge. Designer hone ke karan meri sex fantasies mein aap sabko bhut aag milegi aur koshish yahi rahegi ki in kahaniyo ko padte, padte aapke lund se aur madam ki chut se paani nikal jae. Aapki satisfaction meri sabse badi khushi hai. Saasu maa ki hawas –...

3 years ago
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... Memo: Bob, we have a situation in accounting. Leonard, a long time employee has been observed looking at Kiddie porn at work. Signed: ... Wallace, Chief of security. Sitting back in my chair I look out the window. Leonard yet, what the fuck was he thinking. Jeez, he has two children of his own for fuck sake. Give them a bath; put them to bed; anything but porn at work. Know I have to do something. I phone security Chief Wallace. “Wallace ..., Bob here.”... “Fine Wallace, and...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Abigail Mac Gia Dimarco Sensual Touches Affecting One Another

Abigail Mac and Dia DiMarco are two smoking-hot babes that are sexy as hell in their tight form-fitting bra and panty sets. The way their stockings cling tightly to those luscious thighs. The curve of their breasts as their hands work their way down their bodies sending shivers, sending deep thoughts of wanting to cum. The taste of sweetness, the taste of lust that each girl has for each other as they explore each other with the gentlest touch. The feel of a tongue on a nylon-covered toe. Just...

1 year ago
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Barkleys Switch

Barkley's Switch by Michelle Lurker Commander Barkley looked down at the computer panel. Good God I'm bored, he thought. When he joined Starfleet he had expected excitement, adventure, not boring clerical work. He found his attention wandering, as it often did, to Ensign Anderson. She was new to the Enterprise, and she was a knockout. Long dark hair, and a figure which seemed to be trying to burst out of her regulation Starfleet uniform. Barkley had already programmed her...

4 years ago
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BF Jiju Fucked Me Raw

This story happened when I was in 2nd year of college. I was dating a hunky guy called Nishant. My name is Pooja and I am a leggy fair girl with an above average height of 175 cms and round firm breasts and relatively less round ass. But my legs and my breasts were enough to ensure that I was always in demand.One day I was alone at home when Nishant decided to drop in. I was so excited to receive him when we were alone waht I could hardly wait. He saw my fair slim body in a tight sleevelsss top...

4 years ago
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Fog and Rain Rain and Fog

 There was only one town on this, one of the smaller islands in the northernmost reaches of Puget Sound, hard by the Canadian border. There were no beaches on this side of the island and the town sat above the huge rocks on which the waves crashed below.The town had one store and a small restaurant to serve the fewer than five hundred people who lived on the island year round, most of whom lived in the town. Inland there were a few farmers who grew strawberries in the mild summers. The winters...

Love Stories
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Tropical Family BBQ part1

I have to say; I'm a pretty lucky bloke. My parents are very well off, to the point where my brother and I both have our own houses on the central family estate. I had only turned eighteen a couple of months ago, and my brother just turned twenty-two. My parents had married exceptionally early, considering this, Mom is still only thirty-nine and dad only forty. Mom was of Scandinavian descent had long flame-red hair whereas dad had brunette hair and was only the tiniest bit shorter...

3 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 3

About two weeks later, we were spending a sunny Saturday basking by the apartment's swimming pool. This provided Carla with another way to show off, although I was surprised that her hot-pink bathing suit was surprisingly modest. I actually teased her about the suit and asked if she was losing interest in exhibitionism. Hardly, she explained. She just figured she was going to ease her way into more daring public exposure. A few minutes before we were going to pack up and call it a day, a...

1 year ago
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Alices Revenge

Bill and Bob came bounding into the room. They were taken aback at seeing their dad standing there with his belt in his hand. Their hearts sank as he glared at them. They knew that he had learned of their sexual abuse of Alice ( see ALICE GETS RAPED), the boy's thirteen-year old step-sister. Their glances quickly took in the presence of their step-mom and Alice sitting in wing-chairs. The females looked at them very sternly. "You have raped and sodomized your sister. Because she is thirteen...

4 years ago
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Bare AssetsChapter 15

I woke at six, realizing that my hand was still holding a foreign breast, and I could feel her hand along with Zena's on my thigh. Zena liked me to hold her and she liked to hold me. I wouldn't have thought Shannon would want that, but she obviously does, whether it's subconscious or not. I gently kissed Zena's neck and slid from bed. It took me only a few minutes to shit, shower, and shave. Back in the bedroom, I kissed Zena, waking her so she could get ready for work. As soon as the...

3 years ago
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The Pianist Ch 09

Nic actually heard her before he saw her. She was laughing with the cashier, and there was no way he could ever forget or mistake that laugh. Her back was facing him, so it wasn’t until she picked up her take out off the counter and turned that he saw the bulge. She’s fucking pregnant. Very pregnant, he thought his mouth agape. He stood back as she finished talking, she still had not turned around to see him standing there in shock. ‘So when’s your due date?’ the cashier asked. ‘March 16th,’...

2 years ago
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Stockholm in 1940 3

Chapter 3 In the ensuing confusion and commotion no-one except for Katya saw Richard quickly leaving out of the staff entrance to a waiting car, that immediately disappeared into the swirling snowstorm. The girl still unconscious was quickly carried up to to Katya's room while someone fetched a doctor, whilst Katya herself went down to the bar again telling the manager all that had happened; also checking how the girl was until a doctor arrived and gave the still unconscious girl...

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Charminar Delight

Hi all! Raasa from Chennai again for you all! I am happy to see the responses to my stories here and I would love to add that all my stories are all true happenings. I have just changed the names, for sake of privacy. Well though 54, I always have a flair for sex. I willingly take the woman whom I come across to bed, provided, they are willing to. I would like to share an experience I had with a woman during my recent visit to the twin cities I had been there on a weekend coupling an official...

1 year ago
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Camp Boring

Story is done is FP PoV. Follows a Femboy and has a lot of flirting and some oral in it. I watched my mom and my step dad drive away with a feeling that was a mix of excitement and abandonment. This was going to be my first time at a Summer Camp, which was what was making me feel so excited right now. But at the same time I was really going to miss my step dad’s attentions he’d been showing me for a last month or so. I mean, I was really going to miss that! And of course Brad wasn’t going to...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 122 Are we there yet

Now what? I thought I was going to driving school. Why would they drug us to make us sleep? After we came to a stop in the parking garage, the van doors were all opened. I saw some men come to take Doreen and the boys out. When they came for me and the other two girls I got another surprise. “David quit pretending to be asleep and help us get Beth up off the seat so we can carry her inside. You get Lora. She smells like a whorehouse and it is your fault. You get to clean her up and not in a...

4 years ago
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Losing my virginity and taking hers

I had wanted her so badly. I got a huge hard-on every time I saw her! But, let's go back a little bit. My name is James Conley. Her name was Jessica Halford, Jessie for short. She was a size C-cup breast and had a nice full ass. I wanted her so bad, It was all I could do to not run up and fuck her every time I saw her. Of course, she wasn't very popular. She was also Gothic, so she didn't have many friends, but I was one of the very few she did have. I was a bit Gothic myself, but the popular...

First Time
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Polly Gamey 5 Finale

5. Finale I stood in my shower one week later studying the ring-shaped bruise around the base of my cock. It was fainter, but still visible, no longer tender to the touch or when erect. I had just finished my workout and was preparing for Lizvette's guitar lesson on a pleasant autumn Saturday evening.As I stood before the mirror drying myself, Lois entered. "You know what I'm craving?" I covered my bruised shaft with the towel. I had been hiding my cock from her all week. "Pizza! Why don't you...

2 years ago
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I like big ass licking

Hi friends I m water (delhi se) fir me aap ke samne ek nai story lekar aaya hoo mere baju me ek femly rehta he unke yaha hasband wife aur unki do ladkiya he badi wali ka name puspa he aur choti ka name rupali he puspa ki umer saal he aur rupali ki umer karib 10 saal hogi wo hamesa mere guer par aate jate the to unko mer guer me koi bhi baat ki pabandi nahi thi mera guer 2 manjil ka he uper to mera room uper me aksar uper room par hi rehta hoo hoo aur pc par kaam karte rehta hoo kaam karte thak...

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At Miss Vickis

At Miss Vicki's by Salon Girl You are making a delivery to a beauty salon. You take the cart of goods inside and are transfixed by the atmosphere of the salon. Ladies are under dryers reading magazines and gossiping, the beauticians are working with curlers and combs and pins, and the salon shampoo girls are scurrying back and forth, chattering happily. You sigh, and at that moment bump a chair with the cart. A box falls off and as it hits the floor a bottle explodes spraying...

4 years ago
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billy traps himself 4

Day 3 continues Robyn was giggling as billy lay on the floor, he had become overwhelmed with sensations and with what Debbie had just told him. They were going to put him in a corset, lace him up, and put stockings on him. The smell of her foot had been so intoxicating, the feelings as her other foot was caressing his leg, sliding on his pantyhose, and it was sending such powerful sensations throughout him. He just couldn't take it anymore. He was overwhelmed. Amy was concerned,...

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College Trip Pe Neha Ki Train Me Chudai

Hello everyone, I am back with a new story. Ye story ekdum hi 100% real hai bina kisi masala ka. Ye story hai mere or meri college ki teacher “neha” ki. Jaisa ka maine apne pehli story pe bataya tha ki kaise maine neha mam ki chudai ki thi. Agar ap logo ne nahi padhi hai to pehle use padlo tab jyada maza aayega. Neha mam ki details apko pichli story mein mil jayegi. Ab sidha story pe aate hai. Humare college se hume 2 jagah lejane wale the. Pehle ek baar bs yhi mumbai ke pass hi mein hai,...

1 year ago
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Ragni8217s Threesome With Amit And Dev

Hi, my name is Ragni. I am a hot sexy woman from Delhi. Amit is returning to the area in December and ragni will finally be able to have the threesome she has wanted for sometime. As soon as amit tells her when he will be back in town, she contacts dev and they set up how the three of them will get together. It is decided that since amit and dev don’t know each except what ragni has told them about each other, that it would be a good idea to meet for drinks. They pick a place that is close to...

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With Husband At Breakfast

I was getting ready for a meeting and then a party after the office hours when I heard my husband calling my name. I was so happy to hear him after 10 days and I ran to the living room. He was standing there with few bags in his hands and as I hugged him my two kids also came and wrapped their hands around their father. He had surprised us because I was expecting him to come after 2 days. “You are going out?” He asked after asking how we have been without him “Yes! There is an important meeting...

1 year ago
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A Blank Page Ch 02

**Extra thanks to CopyCarver for helping me polish all of the chapters of this tale. You’re the man!!** * Forty-five minutes later, Nathan stepped out of his bedroom freshly showered and wearing a white pullover that he could have sworn fit him loosely last week, but now was gripping him tightly across the chest and arms. Dismissing it, he saw dad right where he had been when Nathan went to the shower, at the table, depressed. So Nathan wordlessly sat in the living room chair, and thumbed...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 The Court of Inquiry

I had left Adjutant Bywaters in charge of the dead bodies, the wounded man -- whom Surgeon Armityge said was fit to travel and to be questioned -- the captured man, and the pamphlets. I had also written a full account of the events that had occurred on that Christmas morning. The prisoners and my report were dispatched to General Picton's headquarters in Bristol. It later transpired that the men we had captured, and those two who were killed, were the ringleaders of an anarchist movement....

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Eves Night with the Boys

My name is Luke and I have to tell you about the night I had with my drinking buddies. They come over every Saturday night to have a few beers talk about sports, weather, and which girls they fucked that week. Out of all the guys I am the only married one, but my wife Eve always takes off with her girlfriends on guys night. This time however, two of her friends were sick and one was out of town for the weekend. So she some how talked me into letting her sit in on guys night. The guys were kind...

Group Sex
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Feels So Right It Cant Be Wrong Chapter 2

After a lot of poking, prodding, and teasing, the stepsiblings managed to disentangle and get off Jason’s bed. Before he could pull Kelly out of the room, however, she noticed the sheets. “Whoa. Halt. Stop. Sorry, but those sheets have got to go.” Jason protested but she remained adamant as only a somewhat fastidious big sister can be and began stripping the bed. Perhaps it was seeing her doing this basic household task in the nude that silenced Jason. And while he might have been tempted to...

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08 TogetherChapter 132

September 11th 6:46 AM MDT – Ben, Jens, Ira and Mira – Back at the cabin It’s been some time so I need to catch you up on things that are going on. We had an uneventful trip back to America so I decided not to say anything about it. Jens and the twins were excited to be able to wear ‘normal’ clothes on the trip back. Of course I had to buy new (overly expensive!) clothes for them in the gift shop before we left. Thom did a hell-of-a job on the cabin. It was nice to be in our room and not...

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With sexy Shilpa

Hi friends, how r u all? Avinash sharma (changed name) is back. Ab aap log to mere bare me jaan hi gaye honge. Aap logon ne to meri pichhli story “shilpa & kristina” jarur padhi hogi. Mujhe aap logon ke bahut se mail aaye….mujhe is baat par bahut khushi huyi. Aap sabhi boys, gals, bhabhis and housewifes sabhi ke mails aaye…aur meri story ki sarahna ki….thanks 4 all this. Thanks u all gals, bhabhis and housewifes who requested me to have some fun….don’t worry…..right time will come soon and we...

3 years ago
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First Experience

Hi, my name is Anna Maria, although I am older now but back when I was twenty I had been masturbating solo for many years and wanted a vibrator of my very own, but had no way of obtaining one. I did not have a credit card nor was a local adult shop nearby. Larry my boyfriend came by my place for a picnic out back in the woods behind my house. During the meal, he turned to me saying, “I have a surprise for you!” I was already somewhat horny because he had come over to my house early so I had no...

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Caught by mom

This is a true story about when mom caught me masturbating, the first time, and two other stories about how things have been after that. Only thing that is not real is the names. Im going to focus on the times mom has caught me in this story, but I have been caught by sis altso a few times, and I have more stories about mom altso, so if someone want me to write about that too, just let me know=) I remember the first time i got caught masturbating, by mom, about 6 months ago. After...

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Altered Fates I Was a Stranger at My Own Wedding

(Authors note: This story was inspired by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af028.jpg. It's the first I've submitted here.) ALTERED FATES: I WAS A STRANGER AT MY OWN WEDDING by BobH (c) 2002 In his motel room, Mark Wayne stood before the full-length mirror on the rear of the bathroom door, carefully combing back the hair he had just slicked with hair cream. It had been a long day and he was, he had to admit, a little beat, but not so beat that he wasn't...

3 years ago
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You Undressed Me

You Undressed Me I was in my tent in the backyard jerking off to a Playboy that a friend had given me. The Centerfold reminded me of the lady next door. Maybe that was why I was beating off so much lately. Anyway when Teddy called out for help, I rushed out to see what he wanted. There he was next to his mother’s car. She had driven home but couldn’t get out of the car. She was drunk as a skunk. I unhooked her seatbelt, grabbed her under her arms, and pulled her out of the car. I...

1 year ago
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My New Friend Part 3

Things had been moving well with Mike, he was proving to be a good friend and we had so much in common, a man’s man with benefits.I decided to show him my AirBNB profile and suggested that he give it a try although he did mention a small problem in that he didn’t have a spare room, I suggested a perfect solution would be for Jenny to come stay with me as and when he got a booking, she could even leave some clothes at mine in the event of immediate bookings.I told him I would speak with Anika...

4 years ago
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Straight or not

Mark was walking through the derelict factory on the edge of town, he had heard of the big gang fight and knew things would be quiet tonight. Mark got to the top floor and stopped when he saw Steve, At 16 Steve was 2 years older than Mark and often gave Mark aggro and had beaten him up a couple of time because of Mark being gay and now Steve was standing naked in a derelict factory with Mark staring at him with his mouth wide open and a growing bulge in his tracksuit trousers. Mark’s eyes were...

3 years ago
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Forsooth Shakespeare Dreams of the Christ

"Yea, verily, and I say to you, Caesar, and suchlike, rendering, wot." William Shakespeare laid back in his sofa and took a puff of his pipe. It was difficult writing a play about Jesus. Most of the time, he had taken a story from elsewhere, like with Tristan and Isolde when it came to Romeo and Juliet. Ugh. Romeo and Juliet. That story had cemented him as a romance writer. Romance? What part of that story is romantic? Bitches get wasted and kill themselves. It was a story from the streets,...

2 years ago
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The Last Police ChiefChapter 21

I was surprised that when the TV premier came and went there wasn’t more fanfare. At the end of the second day I wanted to ask, is that all there is. It seemed that except for a couple of pretty good reviews, nothing was happening at all. I was a little surprised, when I came home from the project house, to find Alison sitting in my driveway. “Well hello, this is a nice surprise,” I admitted. We usually planned things carefully that time she just showed up. “I thought I wanted to tell you...

2 years ago
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Business Trip Pt 6

we laid in bed together resting for a short while before Marcus led me by the hand to the shower, pushing me inside he closed the door behind us and forced me to my knees in front of him, my eyes staring up at my now Master i hugged his legs and instinctively began to kiss his thighs when he grabbed my hair and pulled me back, slapping me hard across the face and looking down at me with a stern look he took his free hand and held his semi hard cock with it "now drink this up bitch" he said as...

3 years ago
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The Gathering Book 2Chapter 7 Ann Reminisces Her First Woman

Ann decided not to refill her drink. She put a Sarah MacLaughlin disc onto the CD player and as that artist's wistful vocal filled the silence of the room, Ann harkened back to the summer break after graduating high school. Before starting college. She had been hanging out with a girl named Kelly. Ann had been friends with Kelly, a junior in high school, for more than a month before it occurred to Ann that she was sexually attracted to the girl. Boys paid scant attention to Kelly,...

4 years ago
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How High the Moon

“How high…” sings Lynn. “How hi-igh… How high the moo-oo-oon!” With echoes of Sarah Vaughan, she stretches the final word beyond its normal constraints, modulating the tone, while her fingers follow a little behind on the piano, finally resolving themselves in improvisation when she senses there is little more to be squeezed from one word. The audience politely applauds as they recognise the change. She smiles, although she is aware that she no longer resembles the slender Sarah Vaughan who...

1 year ago
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A Wild Ride

It's a beautiful sunny, summer day so I call to let you know that I'll be by in about a half hour to pick you up. In all honesty, I won't be there for an hour at least, but know that you'll never be ready to go in a half an hour anyways.I tell you to wear a short skirt and a halter top as I want to take you out for a ride on my new bike. One more thing, "Don't bother wearing panties".You tell me you can't wait to see me knowing it's been a while since I let you cum and you know that it's likely...

3 years ago
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Have FaithChapter 20

Each day, Jane would leave for work and give Heather to the girls. Faith was allowed to relax and pamper herself. She mostly used this time to darken her all-over tan before going back to school. Sometimes, she would wander over to the corral to watch the training. While she did not like being a pony at all, she found that she did understand what people saw in it. Seeing a near-naked girl prancing with her knees high was an incredibly erotic sight. Kim was quite beautiful. She still had a...

2 years ago
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The walk

  I was 16 living at home with my parents. My mother and sister knew I wanted to be a girl, but not my father. All I ever wanted to do was all the normal things a girl would do. Take a walk outside, go out with boys, go to a dance, whatever.   My father worked second shift came home and went to bed about midnight. I use to lay in bed waiting for him to go to sleep. Once he did I would get up get my cloths that I had hidden, get dressed real sexy and sneak out the back door. I'd wear my high...

First Time
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Chez Pierre

The car hummed comfortably. It did not seem to touch the road. The landscape flashed by. So did age old trees and even older houses. It drove through crumbling villages and past endless knee-high walls that were meant to protect them from a dive into the lake. The twilight had a golden touch. The sun had already sunk behind the mountains, but the sky still held on to the light. It painted a myriad of feathery clouds in a shade of apricot. Angique sat in the corner of the tan leather seat. She...

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The Contest was to make a Panto using a Fairy Tale. As an American I really don't understand the concept of a panto but with any luck I made an enjoyable story. There is very little in the way of explicit sex in this story though I tried to make it as suggestive as possible. The Thematic tags of beastiality and nonconsensual sex are for one scene only. Please leave comments ***** Once upon a time in a far away kingdom lived a young couple who were very much in love. They...

4 years ago
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Bestfriends Forever

This is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...

Straight Sex
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Primus PilumChapter 3

"What do you mean he isn't one of the command cadre?" asked Thurus, eyeing the newly-arrived commander. They stood over Verus as he lay in the cot, sleeping soundly. Morlani had said he would sleep a day or two but would awaken mostly well and ready to rise. Ghurian stood beside Thurus and shook his head. "I've never seen him before, and at his age, I would have met him long before now," he said. The old ranger rubbed a hand over his balding skull. "This man is NOT one of our...

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