CommunityChapter 49 free porn video

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(Author's note: And now for something completely different!

When I first started writing this stuff, I read a story, Runaway, here on SOL. I loved the story. The author and I have emailed back and forth a bit over the years and he and I talked about interweaving the characters of Runaway with my girls in Community.

Here it is. Be advised that Duncs is British, so you get a bit of different slang and a different tone, and he insisted on using the wrong spellings, like 'colour' and 'honour' and such.

This is mostly his lead into the connection. Do wait patiently because there WILL be more to this story.)

Meanwhile, in a small town in Yorkshire, England...

I swung my car through entrance gate to the office and factory complex where I work. I'd been on a road trip, working away for two weeks and it felt almost like returning home. The result of increasing friction between my wife of 22 years and me has increasingly led to me gravitating more and more to the office rather than home. My effervescent, extrovert daughter used to be my one respite, my one reason to look forward to returning home. But now 17 years old, her head buried in books, immersed in studying for the final year at school, or busy with her part-time job or spending time with her long-term boyfriend, she doesn't really have much time left for Dad any more...

So I smiled to myself as I entered the office building and headed towards the large communal engineering office. Within that messy, noisy but productive office I would find the usual bunch of misfits euphemistically known as the technical staff; my closest colleagues. Folk who I have worked with for years, folk whose strengths, weaknesses, foibles and families I know so well. Before I even enter that office, I know I will be faced with greetings on a scale ranging from polite to downright rude. I know all this but, I still love it. I also happen to know that if one particular person is resident in the office, a person very close to my heart, then I can expect to receive at least one very warm welcome offered with genuine affection; an affection that goes beyond that normally bestowed on a colleague. For the latter, I wasn't about to be disappointed. I opened the door and entered...

"Ah, Duncs, so you've returned from skiving-off work eh?"

"Been thrown off site again, Duncs?"

"Oh, so, you DO remember where the office is, then?"

"Oh, so the roving engineer has decided to grace us with his presence; we're so honoured..."

"Hey, ugly-mug; you're back!"

"Hello, Duncs, nice to see you back!"

Yep, so the usual range of greetings. I studiously ignored most of them, choosing to simply acknowledge Lisa, the one and only person to greet me politely. That's when one particular person looked up from her laptop.

Squeal! "DAD! Um ... I mean, Duncs! You're back earlier than expected!"

With that said, 120lbs of insanely beautiful, slim, blonde female rose quickly from her desk and bounded and skipped like a ten-year-old across the office towards me, threw her arms around me and planted a huge kiss on my cheek. Her actions were met with general cries of mock derision by other colleagues, all except Lisa who I heard utter "Awwww, I think she missed you..."

I gently pushed this blonde beauty away from me and cupping her face in my hands, planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Lovely to see you too, Amy. I really don't know how you and Lisa stand for the childish and rude behaviour that surrounds you!"

Amy smiled back, and gave me one of her wonderful infectious giggles, a sound guaranteed to lift my spirits.

"Oh, you know, Duncs, they're not so bad. Lisa and I can and do tolerate them! So, how was commissioning on the Ransome's project? Get everything done? Come back with your usual site scribbles for me to decipher and turn into proper test certs and 'as fitted' schematics, did ya?"

She said this with a deadpan expression, but the humour behind it was betrayed by the corners of her mouth twitching slightly and her eyes twinkling. I chose not to rise to the bait, though the smirk on my face betrayed me too.

"So, any chance of a coffee, sweetheart? And in return, I'll tell you some really exciting news."

"Yes sir, anything you say sir, one coffee coming up right away sir. You just make yourself comfortable sir!"

Ah, so there it was, her facetious side coming out. It took less than a minute from her initial warm, genuine greeting, through to being sarcastic to then returning to her true form, a form that I had to admit I totally loved and revelled in.

So what can I tell you about Amy? This fiercely intelligent, beautiful young woman standing in front of me now, with her elegant poise, her non-arrogant, quiet confidence and sharp wit is a person poles apart from the undernourished, sullen, waif of a 17 year-old street kid I happened upon back in October 2009; you wouldn't believe it was the same person. And the period of time between me first discovering her and the person she is now is the subject of a story in its own right. It would also not be an exaggeration to state that our relationship is unusual and complex.

That 'Dad' reference? Well, that came into play much later in my acquaintance with this delightful young woman. It was some months ago she decided to adopt me as her Dad, a title I wear with much pride. My own blood daughter adopted Amy as her sister some years ago and they remain extremely close to this day. As well as gladly accepting her as my daughter, I also consider Amy my best friend, companion and confidante and yes, we were at one time lovers too; a relationship that to some would be seen as immoral, especially given the thirty year age gap between us. Some might also say that at the time, I took advantage of a very vulnerable seventeen year-old girl. Well, all I can say to that is this: if the result of my actions a few years ago helped transform Amy into the young woman I look at now, then yes, I guess you could say I took 'advantage' of her ... But as I already stated, the previous four and a half years is well-documented in another story.

Amy returned with steaming-hot mugs of coffee for the pair of us. She sat down next to me, a look of expectation on her face.

"Thanks poppet, just what I needed," I said, picking up my coffee. I deliberately ignored her obvious expectation that I would tell her my exciting news immediately and pretended to be deeply absorbed reading some online technical article. I can play too!

"So, are you going to tell me your news, or as usual, are you just going to act like a twat?!"

I smirked. "Well, seeing how you asked me so eloquently, how could I possibly refuse to tell you, my sweet?"

Giggle. "You're always suspicious of me when I'm too polite, just like you are with Jess, so I thought I'd be like you and be rude!"

Ah, Jess, my sweet, 'butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth' daughter. A girl who when she reached double figures, seemed to suddenly develop a head way older than the ten year-old shoulders that supported it. Jess was thirteen when she first met Amy and was the vibrant, young teenager that Amy so needed in her then troubled life. Now seventeen-going-on-thirty, I don't see so much of her, especially since she passed her driving test this February and we bought her a car. I know she's all but an adult and will be flying the nest next year to go to university, but it's still a wrench, still something I can't fully accept. I don't want to acknowledge that 'daddy's little girl' is now an adult.

I started 'Outlook' on my laptop and opened an email from one of our major suppliers based in Germany; the 'Big S' as we liked to refer to them. By major, I mean they are huge – they dominate the electrical supply and controls sector. The email was from Franz, an applications engineer who both Amy and I very much like and respect. Slightly eccentric and quirky, he is, nevertheless, an excellent engineer and good company.

"Here, read this," I prompted Amy, twisting the laptop towards her.

I love watching her read or study something. Her brow furrows slightly and she's the kind of reader whose lips move as she silently speaks to herself as she reads.

"Wow, cool!" was all my excited partner-in-crime stated a couple of minutes later. But after her initial excitement, seconds later she looked pensive.

"But America? The 'Big S' wants us to work with an electrical engineering company over in America? D ... d ... do you really think I'm up to this challenge? I mean, it's America, those guys over there are going to expect perfection, you know, really high standards. I'm not so sure I..." She trailed off, her eyes boring imploringly into mine.

Yes, it is true she had come on in leaps and bounds the last four and a half years; overcome many personal demons and obstacles, surpassed all my expectations and her own and faced challenges with fierce determination, winning all the time. Yet, from time-to-time, her self-doubt could still surface and I and others close to her had to be ready to nip it in the bud before she became too despondent.

"Amy, sweet Amy, so it's America, it's another country, so what? You've worked in The Netherlands, You've worked in Germany. You've worked in Republic of Ireland. You've worked all over the UK. So what's the difference? Hell, girl, they even speak a form of English in America!"

"I know, I'm being silly, but well, it's just..."

"Just nothing, poppet. It's not as if you'll be by yourself. I'll be with you. You know how well we work together on site. It'll be a great experience for you and nice for me too; I haven't worked across the pond for some years, and Birmingham, Alabama is somewhere in the USA I've never been to before. I doubt it has much in common with OUR Birmingham."

"Well, um, okay, I'm sure I'll probably go, but I would just like to know a little more about the company and the folk we'll be working with before I make up my mind."

I studied Amy's face. I knew her facial expressions intimately. I saw hints of a young girl staring back at me, not the confidant young woman I usually expected to now see. I smiled at her in a fatherly way and gently thumbed her cheek.

"Look, as you read for yourself, Franz has personally recommended you and me to do this project. He explains he knows some of the folk at this American engineering house, 3Sigma, and reckons both of us will fit in with their style of working perfectly. Quite what that means, I've no idea yet. But you know as well as I do that Franz is never wrong. Anyway, as you read, he's asked me to contact one of the engineers at 3Sigma, a Mr Dan Richards, and introduce myself. I'll have to do that later this afternoon, to allow for the time difference and once I've spoken to him and sounded-out the project, I'll be able to tell you far more about it. How's that sound to ya?"


If any confirmation of the 'little girl lost Amy' was needed, it was in this single word reply. She always becomes very monosyllabic when she's unsure or stressed. I really wanted her to go with me on this project; not only is she a formidable colleague to work with, she's a great companion too. However, ultimately I would never force her to do anything against her will and if necessary, I had other colleagues who could go with me.

Later that day

"Good morning, 3Sigma Engineering, how may I help you?" said a very pleasant female voice, with a lovely soft American accent.

"Er, good after ... I mean, good morning to you too. My name is Duncan Smith from Controltech Systems, based in the UK. May I speak with Mr Dan Richards please?"

"Certainly, Mr Smith. I'll put you through right now. By the way, loving that accent!"

I smiled; the number of times I had heard "I love your accent" whenever I had worked in the States! There was the inevitable pause as I waited to be patched through but thankfully, no awful on-hold 'muzak', just a pleasant 'ping' every few seconds to confirm the connection was still alive.

"Hello, Mr Smith, Dan Richards speaking. I've been expecting your call."

"I'll give you just one chance to drop the Mr. Smith. It's Duncan, or Duncs!"

"Ah, well, I thought what with all that Brit 'stiff upper lip' thing you guys have going, I would have to be more formal!"

I detected a hint of mirth in Dan's voice.

"Ah, a British stereotype that thankfully is reserved for the entitled upper-classes. Please, call me Duncan or Duncs and I may I assume by return I can call you Dan?"

"Oh no, not at all, it's definitely Sir for now, and then once I get to know you a little better, I may let to call me Mr. Richards!"

I liked and warmed to this guy already. Seconds later I could just make out a young female voice, obviously nearby to Dan and gently admonishing him.

"Dan one! Whose chain are you yanking now? Behave yourself!"

"Just kidding around with a guy from England, baby, that's all. Sorry about that Duncan, just being put in my place by my wife!"

"Well, SIR, as you know, our mutual contact, Franz, from the 'Big S' has decided that it would be a good idea for 3Sigma and Controltech Systems to combine resources and talents to work on this Co-gen and greenhouse project out in the wilds of Alabama. So where exactly do we fit in and why does an engineering house based in high-tech America need the resources of a little old company from England?"

Dan chuckled. "So, Duncan, you're gonna yank my chain right back! I like your humour! Listen, Duncan, don't sell yourself, your company or for that matter, the UK short, my friend. Everyone knows a lot of high-tech and original thought still comes out of the UK; you guys just lost out on your manufacturing base, that's all."

"Way I see it is this: 3Sigma is coming up with the control strategies and design for the Co-gen plant and high voltage switching. Another company based in Cincinnati are supplying the greenhouse controls package. What we need is that bit of magic in between to make reluctant co-gen 'control system A' talk to recalcitrant greenhouse 'control system B' and make 'em cooperate with each other."

"Now whilst 3Sigma certainly have the in-house talent to do it, this is a fast-track project and time is of the essence. Franz tells me that you guys do this kind of interfacing all the time, with your eyes shut and with one hand tied behind your back! He tells me that in particular, you have a young woman working for you that is a natural talent at interfacing A to B!"

"Dan, or what was it I heard your wife call you, Dan One? Yep, we are certainly used to getting otherwise non-standard control systems to cooperate with each other. And the young lady that Franz mentioned is Amy. Yep, she's certainly a natural; seems to possess the intuition of a much more experienced engineer, yet she's still shy of 21 years old. I've been mentoring her for the past four years, but more often than not, I'm just along for the ride. She has an insatiable appetite to learn, almost an autodidact if you will; in a nutshell, she's a breath of fresh air!"

I heard Dan chuckle and wondered what I'd said to humour him.

"Not quite 21 years-old Duncan? Autodidact? My wife Cindy is fifteen and in about a year's time will graduate from Auburn University with a degree in electrical engineering. Her sister Nikki, sixteen, is on track to do the same. Her other sisters Tina and Susan, seventeen and eighteen respectively, may take a little longer to qualify with engineering degrees but they will, without a doubt. Then there's the little pixie Terri, daughter of my associate, Alan. She's eight years old and could easily pass the high school GED right now. Not in any way wishing to denigrate Amy's abilities, but what you're telling me does not surprise me!"

"Cindy, your wife, only fifteen?" I parsed that little snippet about Cindy being fifteen and married to Dan but decided not to question it there and then. There was obviously a story behind that and I realised it was probably not suitable for a phone call, let alone a first call at that.

"Electrical engineering degree at sixteen? Wow, that and the achievements of the others girls you mention is certainly very impressive! Now I think I might know what Franz means when he said we might fit in with your group, more specifically Amy. But Dan, without giving you the long version, I have to say that Amy's achievements are all the more remarkable if you know a little about her background."

"This girl didn't start living what might be deemed a normal life until just after her seventeenth birthday. Up until then, she merely existed. Born to a teenage girl that didn't want her, never loved her, never cuddled her, always called her the most dreadful names and constantly reminded her just how much she'd messed up her life, Amy was off to a bad start right from the start."

"Then, as soon as Amy was old enough to do chores, this disgusting person that bore Amy, I refuse to call her a Mum, she never earned that title in my book, then put Amy to work in the house, cooking, cleaning, washing, whilst she went out partying and having a good time with her cronies. Then, when Amy hit puberty, things turned even darker for the poor lass when her so-called 'mother' allowed her twisted and depraved boyfriends to pleasure themselves with Amy, in other words, molest and rape her."

"Eventually, after a massive fight, she got the courage to run away and then spent nearly two years living on the street. It was October 2009 when I purely by chance came into her life and with help from me, my own daughter and some of my colleagues, well, we have slowly but surely turned her life around..."

I realised that by now I was pretty emotional and was practically shouting at Dan. I took several deep breaths.

"Um, Dan, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to blurt all that out; I don't even know you yet to dump all that personal information on you. I guess I get pretty defensive on all matters relating to Amy."

Dan was quiet for what seemed like minutes but was probably only a few seconds. I knew he was still on the phone because I could hear typical office clatter in the background.

"Duncan, dammit man, I really don't know what to say other than given that potted history you have just recounted to me, then I have to concede that Amy does indeed sound like a very remarkable young woman in achieving what she has so far. My Cindy and her adopted sisters Nikki and Tina also have pretty messed-up childhood stories to relate, but nothing like the hell-hole of a childhood you have just described for Amy. You know, I really want to meet her and I know the sisterhood will take her into their hearts too. Damn, I feel quite cut-up about this."


"Oh, that's quite a long, complex story, or series of stories, but yeah, the girls all eventually came together and refer to themselves collectively as the Sisterhood. They're a tight-knit bunch who take care of each other and those close to them. But they also extend that care to others in need. Only recently, we have taken-in within our community a lovely girl named Kara."

"Community? The more I hear, the more I'm intrigued, Dan. Oh, and why Dan One?"

"I have another associate named Dan, so the girls named us Dan One and Dan Two, to avoid confusion. Formally speaking, we're Dan 1.0 and Dan 2.0, like in software revisions. Whereas the Sisterhood is the nucleus of the group, The Community is the greater whole of it and that includes me, Dan two, Alan, Jason, our little blonde pixie Terri, The Desai's, and finally the Weismann family. Long story short, we built a complex of apartments and offices, plus a couple of community areas, there's a unit turned into a Indian restaurant and well, we all live under one roof, so to speak."

"Ah, that makes sense, well, I think it does and I have to say, I'm all the more intrigued!"

"Well then, you two get your hides over here and come and see for yourselves! We'll welcome you with open arms!"

"Dan, I have to confess, there is a small chance that Amy may not accompany me to carry out this project, which I admit would be a shame as not only is she a damn good colleague to work with, I also love her companionship and last but not least, I feel the experience working in the States will be a great opportunity for her.

"Listening to what you've told me about the Sisterhood and the Community, I think there may be a way to finally convince Amy once and for all. Do you think one of the girls would be prepared to talk to her?"

"Without a shadow of a doubt buddy. My Cindy would be more than happy to do that and she tends to be the spokeswoman for the group anyway. Does Amy Skype?"

"She certainly does. She loves her tech. We often Skype each other when she or I work away. Plus when Amy works away herself, she frequently Skype's my real daughter."

"Good, then lemme just speak with Cindy a minute."

I heard a muffled conversation that I couldn't entirely make out, but I heard 'Amy' mentioned a few times and the word 'Skype' a couple of times.

"Duncan, Cindy would love to talk to Amy. She actually said how about right now but I guess you'll need to arrange it with Amy first. What time is it with you guys; by my reckoning its three forty five PM in the UK, right?"

"Spot on, Dan. And please, Duncs, okay? I'll go and discuss it with Amy now, but how about I tentatively say five PM UK time, will that be good with Cindy?"

"Just a minute Duncs. Cindy, is five PM good for you if Amy agrees? That's noon here." He paused. "Yep, Duncs, Cindy says she's good to go. Go and arrange it. And I promise you, this visit won't be all work, we want you guys to have some fun too. We like to make our own entertainment and it can get pretty rowdy at times! You guys into music by any chance? Do either of you play instruments or sing?"

"You haven't met my colleagues Dan. Bunch of misfits, most of 'em; overgrown kids with grown up toys, so I know all about rowdy. But you know, when they knuckle down to it, they do some serious work. And as it so happens, yes, I play piano and accordion, though I'm pretty rusty now and quite recently, we discovered at a Karaoke night that Amy has the sweetest singing voice imaginable. I'm talking an angelic, ethereal quality to her voice that is totally spellbinding. However, she's pretty shy and needs a lot of encouragement to get up and sing. Not sure if she'd sing for the community."

"And talking of work, we seem to have strayed off from that topic, which was the initial purpose of the call! Can you email over any relevant information, schematics, P&ID's etc., so that I can start to get a grip on what it is we need to do and the kit we'll need to ship over ahead of our visit? I'll need to ship over equipment as soon as possible; there's no way the TSA goons are going to allow us to bring strange technical equipment with us on our flight over to the US."

"Sure, give me your email address and I'll email you a link to some files in my Dropbox account. You guys have AutoCAD?"

"We do, the latest version, with an electrical bolt-on package too. And email me Cindy's Skype details too and I'll go and talk to Amy. Dan, it's been a pleasure talking to you, I'm really looking forward to working with you and your team on this project."

"The feeling's mutual Duncs; look forward to meeting you too and thanks for your time. Good luck with Amy!"

I gave Dan my email address and we bade each other goodbye. It was a fascinating conversation in more ways than one. I'd never looked forward to working on a project as much as this one in a long time. I had lately become somewhat jaded and disillusioned with life, especially as things at home were not so rosy now and I genuinely looked forward to this project. I left the office in search of Amy. Eventually I found her in the electrical workshop, talking to James, her very understanding fiancé.

"Amy, found you lass! I've just finished having a really long chat with Dan Richards from 3Sigma. You know, you really need to come on this project; based on what I just heard from Dan, you'll gonna love it and I don't just mean the work."

Amy shot a glance towards James. From the lack of surprise on his face, it was clear he already knew something about this project, so I guess Amy had just been discussing it with him. I know I can count on his support, even though I would be taking the love of his life away on a business trip for a couple of weeks. James encourages Amy in all she does. The lad absolutely dotes on her and within reason, will do anything for her.

I know James very well; after all, it was me that took him on in the first place. Due to cutbacks and downsizing, he'd been made redundant from his previous job but instead of wallowing in self-pity, he'd simply got on his bike that same day and started riding around all the local businesses asking if they had work, any work. Just so happened he stopped by our place as I was standing outside, getting some fresh air. He explained his predicament to me and I liked his attitude right from the start and offered him a job on the spot. My hunch at the time has since been proved to be spot-on and he's become a much-valued addition in the electrical workshop. The added bonus was that he and Amy hit it off from the start, which so happened to coincide with my plan to wean Amy off me as my lover (my so-called 'tough love' approach towards her a year ago).

As much as the selfish side of me would have kept Amy as my lover forever and a day (and by return, she was more than happy with this arrangement), the caring, practical side of me ultimately only wanted what was best for her. It would have been unfair and unrealistic for me to keep her as my lover. Assuming I live to 75, that would make Amy 45 and she would by then be so attached to me that she would find it almost impossible to find new love, if at all. So about a year ago, after a lot a soul-searching on my part and some very tricky and careful negotiations with Amy (she initially thought I was rejecting her entirely), I finally persuaded Amy to stop being my lover and just continue to be my best friend and companion.

Well, shortly after this change in my relationship status with Amy, I had a long-term trip abroad coming up, a massive project. I'd taken James on about a month prior to this trip and, well, it transpired that whilst I was away, James and Amy became close friends, leading to dating, finally leading to them being joined at the hip. By the time I returned home from my six month business trip, I was faced with a very nervous Amy telling me about her relationship with James. For some reason, the silly lass thought I'd be upset with her. Far from it, I was over the moon; it couldn't have worked out better. It was shortly after this first major revelation when one evening at my house, a tearful Amy asked me if I would consider being her adopted father; she wanted to have a morally acceptable relationship tie with me. I didn't even have to think about my answer to this request. I was truly honoured.

I looked at James and gave him an almost imperceptible nod. He picked up on my vibe instantly.

"Sweetheart, you really must go on this trip. The experience will be brilliant for you. You might never get the opportunity to go again. You must do it!"

"But, James, it's America; it's a long way from home. What if I can't do the work? What if I let everyone down?"

"Sweetheart, that's just not gonna happen. I know what you're capable of, even more so Duncs knows what you're capable of. Do you really think he'd offer to take you with him if he didn't think you were capable of doing the work?"

James can pull the tough love routine too. He has a knack of allowing his voice to give just a hint of authority without coming across as being mean or patronising towards Amy. Sometimes, Amy needs to be told things in a direct, firm manner. I noted not for the first time that James is better at this than I'd ever been. I tend to give in to her too easily! Amy then tried to change her tact.

"But what about you? Will you be alright? Won't you miss me? Won't you worry about me?"

"Sweet pea, of course I'll worry about you and miss you but I'm a big boy now, I can look after myself and besides, you'll be with Duncs and I know he won't let you come to any harm. Plus, think of all the fun we'll have the first night you return home..."

By now, James was grinning at Amy like a Cheshire cat and it amused me to see her blush. I grinned at her embarrassment. I had a brief flashback to an image of the sexual dynamo I know Amy was capable of being and knew exactly what James meant by 'all the fun'...

"Okay then, I'll probably go but I still need to talk to Dad, I mean Duncs, about what he's just found out about the project."

"And that's the main reason why I came looking for you. You have half an hour to prepare for a Skype call with a girl named Cindy. She wants to talk to you about 3Sigma, the Sisterhood and the Community. She's fifteen years old and will be graduating university with a degree in electrical engineering in about a year, so she's nobody's fool!"

Same as Community
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Citalopram A short story about the surprise outcome of a visit to the Doctors

It started when I received a call at work from my wife. She had not been herself since her sister's divorce. "I have been to see the doctor," she told me. This was good I had felt she needed counseling. "I have been prescribed citalopram." This came as a blow. This meant the doctor felt her anxiety was too severe to be helped by just counseling. "He wants to see you too to talk about us. I bet you that you are suffering from severe depression." I could recognise a need to...

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Surprise Part 3

Friday night had come fast. I’m uneasy, but excited for what’s going to happen. I glance in the mirror, grab my keys and head out to my car. I leave thirty minutes early to beat the crowd, and to get a look at what’s in store for me. I arrive at the club, and park in the back so I can go in unnoticed. I walk through the side door by the alley, and weave my way down the narrow halls to the main part of the building where the parties were held.   People are already staring to trickle in, in hopes...

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The Hall Pass part 1

My hand was trembling as I reached for my phone. I could see it was a picture message from Taylah, my fiancé. It was the first time I had received one from Taylah, and I was worried about what it would be. It was her last week of freedom as a single woman; next Saturday, we would be married. My wedding gift to her was a hall pass to cut loose and go wild on her hen night out with her girls before she became my wife.Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't worry about receiving a picture text...

2 years ago
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The Bed of Roses DGH

Several authors are coming out with stories based on the song, ‘This Bed Of Rose’s.’ There are two main versions of this song, one by Tanya Tucker with the main character (other than Rose) being a young girl and a version by The Statler Brothers with the main character a young man. Having a choice of male or female for the main character offers many options for variations in the story line. The genesis of this story was an exchange of emails between Josephus and I and we decided it would be...

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Cherry BombChapter 6

I woke up first thing in the morning to a soft pair of lips kissing me. I rolled over and grabbed but found only air. Reggie was already up and said she'd drive today and be home by 5:30. I rolled back over and pulled the covers over my head but eventually got up and jumped into the rain locker. (That's a shower.) I dressed and went into work to get the rest of the travel plans made. I had just walked into the office when John came out and said, "Break out the corporate beer." I had to...

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Sex with my mom8217s hot friend

Hi guys n gals, This is my first post on ISS. After reading many stories for a year or so on ISS i have finally decided to tell u all a sexual incident in my life which till now I can rate as the best. Well, first of all let me tell u all about myself, i am manish,21 years old,doing graduation in some college in mumbai the name of which i would not reveal, i m a very average male with a 6.5 incher tool(cock) and m not interested in telling all people a fake info by saying its an 8 0r 9 incher n...

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Episode 48 8211 An Unexpected Partner

Author: XXXAuthor Sowmya was still feeling very horny. She had been shooting her first modeling assignment with the campaign team of the pleasurexx condoms. And the first half of the first day of her modeling experience had turned out better than what she had expected. But after that, she had been craving for more. Joe, her co-star had made her experience a wonderful orgasm. But then it was all ruined by Louise, the director, who left Sowmya craving for more when she announced the lunch...

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Municipal BlondesChapter 27 Homesick

I’M NOT SURE WHERE I AM. I woke up about seven and we’re still on the train. I know we changed trains someplace in Switzerland last night, so I suppose we’re in France. Angel said she booked us home from Amsterdam. Home. That’s all I care about right now. I just want to go curl up in my very own bed and sleep for about a month. Christmas gifts We rolled into Paris about nine to change trains to Amsterdam. I’m glad I’m traveling with Angel. She knows where everything is and where to get...

3 years ago
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GhostChapter 10

As Marek and Heather crossed the threshold of the door Marek felt the tension on the lead change. Looking back he saw that the collar now seemed to be around the neck of a young girl wearing a raged and dirty shift, he guessed about seven or eight years old. The girl looked at the lead being held by Marek. “Have you come to take me for my ‘peration?” she asked him in a small voice. “Um, ‘peration?” Marek queried. “Mummy said I had to have a ‘peration to stop my baby factory, she said my...

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Oh did that hurt

Matt just laid back on the couch, still naked and still horny. John started to slowly stroke his dick in front of Matt, just trying to turn Matt on some more so they could keep fooling around. John slid over closer to Matt and leaned into him and engaged in a long meaning less kiss. Matt pulled away and headed south for John's hot dick. John had a large dick for a 16 year old, it was 9 inches and very thick. Matt took most of it down his throat and started to get into rythum with...

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my First Night with Sir pt 1

This only happened a month ago but it is definitely time to share. This correspondence has traveled back and forth over multiple time zones and countless miles, but it continues to grow in intensity with every chapter added. SIR:I would order you to lay out your sex toys, ball gag your mouth and put on a blindfold, tie yourself to your bed spread eagle, and leave your front door unlocked. I would make sure you had been waiting for at least 30 minutes before quietly entering your house, then...

2 years ago
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Her Next Door

Her Next Door  Her Next Door   Chapter One Lynn looked out from the anonymity of her large sunglasses. There she was again in the back garden. Perfect hair, perfect figure, perfect tan, perfect family. She must have been in her mid thirties but she had the figure of a twenty year old. In this day and age she must have been the most well mannered person Lynn had ever met. Her husband was some kind of salesman who spent lots of time away. When he was home, mainly at the weekends, you...

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Hanna episode 3 Ultimate Lapdance

I open my eyes with her arms wrapped around me, and her body as close to mine as the blanket covering us. We are fully clothed but still, I just can't seem to get used to this. I didn't expect it the first time, and here it is again... I lay there and I begin to wonder... Why the hell did she want it so badly? Why did she know what to do, and everything? How does she even know about Deep Throating? I swear, if my sister's boyfriend has been raping her I will kick his ass so hard...

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My Wifes First Teaching JobVar B

“Is your husband aware of your affair?” “Yes” “How long has he known?” “Since the day it began.” “And he is OK with you fucking another man?” “He didn’t really have much choice.” “But the two of you are still planning on staying together?” “Yes” The panel members started to debate among themselves. “I think Mr. Robertson should be in attendance when we decide on the appropriate punishment.” “Does he need to be here when we decide, or only when we execute that punishment?” “I think...

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Park after Dark

I grew up in your typical Midwest small town. Very conservative, sheltered life growing up there. We lived just across the street from the city park. The park closed at 10pm every night. Being a normal k**, that never stopped my friends and I from exploring it after dark. We used to play being ninjas hiding in the woods and jumping out to scare each other. For years it seemed harmless and fun. It was later in my youth that all changed one night in late July. I was by myself in the woods just...

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Drilled Whitney Wright A Very Thorough Checkup

Whitney Wright is feeling down in the weather. Her sore throat just will not go away. She decides to go get a checkup and Doctor Shebotto has just the cure. He gives her a rectal exam going with one finger and then 2. A clean rectum means clean health, he says. It will surely cure her sore throat! Whitney is shocked at his procedure but does not object as his fingers feel so good deep in her ass! He orders her to bend down lower so he can use his personal thermometer; aka his cock, and give her...

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Aunty Next Door Who Is A Hindi Teacher

Hi my name is varun ( name changed ) living in chennai and I am 23 years old ,after reading my story if you feel its good, please leave your comments and reach me through Let me come to the story part , I am Varun living in chennai , living here for past 23 years and did engineering in a reputed collage in chennai and was searching for job . And I was getting offers from Mumbai and Delhi with a good package but was afraid to leave town as I am weak in hindi . I only know basic and I cant speak...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 10 Getting Our Daily Quotient

Both Rosa and her mother, Sue cried with happiness on learning that Dutch was willing to move in. Sue had been worried for several years about Rosa after her husband died. Rosa called in sick and the women spent the entire day tidying up Rosa 's place; and when Kathy bounced in from school they shared the news with her and they cried happily all over again. It seemed to Dutch that Rosa was always willing to have sex. Not that she was insatiable, but just willing. For example, on Tuesday...

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Finally Nailed My Aunt

Hello ISS readers. I am Kritagya, 27 years living in Kolkata. I am tall and slim have a fair complexion and look cute. If you like the event that I am going to narrate then please do send in your views to . The main character of my story is my Aunt. She is an awesome lady. I bet anyone who looks at her can’t ignore the erection in their pants. Her boobs size are 34B and her hips are 38. She is a bit plump on her waist and very short in height but when she wraps herself in a saree (thats all...

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Delta Of Venus 8211 Part 1

Hello, people, this is my first post over here. I have been an avid reader on this site. So I thought of sharing my stories with a dash of my fantasy with you all. I have taken the title of the story from a movie named by the same. And maybe my further stories too would be titled like this only, inspired by a movie title. So with no further delay lemme start off with my indulgence of experience. P.S Have patience with story plot because I will be very descriptive. As I don’t like...

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My landlady, Karen told me about some kind of club for older women paying younger men for sex while also donating money to our college after I had been caught in the shower masturbating one day when she came into change towels.It had be a bit awkward afterwards, but she was totally relaxed.It was my freshmen year with a few months away from Christmas break. I had met a nice local girl. She was studying my college but was local to the area, she lived on campus but her family was only a few miles...

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Chennai Gigolo Sex 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers, I am Pramod from Chennai. I am a professional gigolo in Chennai. Any woman wants to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction or want to have just fun can contact me on All communication is highly secure and safe. Even though I had sex with many unmarried girls, but I am personally fond of married unsatisfied woman. Today I am going to narrate you a true incident which happened last month in Chennai. I am writing this experience with my client’s permission and willing. After...

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Tourist Girl part II

I woke up to the most pleasant sounds: that of a woman being fucked. That, I thought, had to be Jason, but the girl does not sound familiar, must be somebody new. I lay there for a while, entertaining a thought of going and joining them, and then decided against it. When I am fucking a new girl, I want her to be all mine. I don't mind getting sloppy seconds, but there's time for threesomes and gang bangs, and there's time for good old-fashioned fucking. My name is Hassan Mustafa. I was born and...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Seven

Maid for the Job Chapter Seven The first thing I did the next day was take my pill as instructed and I set myself a little reminder note in the bathroom so I didn't forget. At least if I forgot to take the lunch time one, I thought, I could always take two before bed. =#= At 11 o'clock the following morning I was ready by the door in the tight fitting jeans and the white cotton blouse I had bought the previous week. I was just slipping my feet into the canvas pumps as Fran?oise r...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 3

Again, the seating positions were changed. "Before I launch into serious matters," Elizabeth said, "I want to tell you that I love to tease. I love to be teased. I want you to know now that my teasing is meant to be good-hearted. If I intend a rebuke, I hope it will be obvious. I worry that there are so many of us, who will be living so close together, that feelings might get hurt and might stay that way for too long. I hope, and I mean, to have any rebuke solve the problem and then be...

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The Man in the Woods

The Man in the WoodsThis is a work of fiction. It is much like all my fiction which has many autobiographical elements. Much of this is pure fantasy. But, when it comes right down to it, aren’t our dreams the fuel for what actually happens in our lives? I certainly hope so. If the dreams are so wonderful, we must endeavor to make our lives just as wonderful and fulfilling. So, here’ s my latest offering. Enjoy. xxoooxxxWhat to wear? What to wear? It’s the same question every day. So many...

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Sex With A Tinder Match

Hie this is rishav from ahmedabad,this is my first story on this site so let me know if you like it by mailing at About me, I am 6 feet tall little fair gujarati guy with a good built-up body due to my regular workouts. I am single, so I use tinder and one fine day I matched with a girl name Vandana. She is from Rajasthan and doing an internship here. We started chatting and it did not take long to move us from tinder to what’s app and phone calls. We felt that our humor is same. We were...

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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 1

Stella invites her best friend Marina to share our hot holiday in Spain.We just had tried our first sub-dom role playing, which turned very kinky.Stella discovered her sub-side, as well as a fresh fondness of lesbian love.We hope Marina will like to play along with us, fulfilling our foxy fantasies.Both are twenty, tasty and very pretty, but not very experienced yet in bed.IntroductionWe get off and up as usually in our morning ritual of pleasuring each other.We shower, where we have another...

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EssChad ProjectChapter 9 DronntaCity Dronnta

The ancient roadway swung in lazy curves as it edged gradually farther up the slope of the broad river valley. They left the fort as soon as it was light, and by the time they were ready to stop for their noon meal, they were once again traveling across a high level plain carpeted with ferns and mosses. In the weeks that had passed since the time of the great storm, the clouds had grown ever thicker, the rains heavier, the patches of lavender sky smaller and less frequent. Now, the weather...

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A Rising Star

[Author's note]: This is a brand new story detailing your journey as you become a porn star. Obviously this story is going to have plenty of adult content, so be warned. The story takes place in a modern setting in a generic city where diseases aren't an issue. Diseases suck, aren't sexy and I think we currently have plenty of them already; so in this fictional setting diseases (sexually transmitted or otherwise) just aren't a thing. Also, if there is enough interest I may make a male branch as...

Group Sex
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Secret Mother In Law Sex Pt 1

I had been living in Russia for three years with my wife Tanya. We had tried living in Britain but she missed her mum a lot and really never liked life in the midlands. I was glad when we made the move as I thought life was getting a bit stale. I never saw Victoria (Tanya’s mum) as a hot woman. She was in her mid 50s, shortish with curly brown hair and what looked like a face that had been pretty in its prime. Her figure was OK, slim to medium and she had a flat belly and average size breasts...

1 year ago
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The Family Meeting Paet Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 2 From the look on Dad's face, I could tell that he was in no mood to talk. After all, he had just caught me in a lie when I told him earlier that day that he and my brothers and grandfather were the only men that I had fucked since I left home for college. The truth was that I had become another family's sex toy and the proof was standing right in front of him. "I asked you, Girl, who in the hell are these people, and why did this man have his...

2 years ago
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Sex in the Lounge

The night was young and she was going to meet her man, she was wearing the new lingerie that he bought for her, the bustier, G-string, stockings and suspenders not to forget the stilettos and on top she was wearing a flowing robe. He was sitting on the couch, dressed in a 3-piece suit, not aware of what she had planned for the night. Firstly the lights went out. The candles that had been set in position around the room got lit one by one… upon seeing this happening he removed his jacket and...

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KarenChapter 10 Sophistication

“Like it, Karen?” “Well, it was certainly an experience, Professor. I’m not sure I’m ready for modern music.” “Warren, not ‘professor.’ We’re not in class. I bet all the music you danced to growing up was more modern than those pieces. Alban Berg died before you were born -- before I was born, for that matter.” “Well, maybe...” “It’s an acquired taste, I’ll admit. I quite enjoyed your company. Care to come up for a nightcap? I can’t be seen buying a drink for an undergraduate, but I know...

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Another visit to an adult book store

That night I came back home from my office and found my sweet wife very aroused and excited. Her slut girlfriend Camilla had told her about a new adult book store at the other side of the town.During afternoon Ana had gone there with Camilla and my wife had seen long shelves with erotic books and magazines; porn movies, sex toys and sexy lingerie outfits. At the back of the local there were some secret cabins where visitors could spend their time on watching porn and even more. My sexy wife had...

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Private Georgie Lyall Interracial Surprise For Curvaceous MILF

In another edition of our Social Media Sexy Influencers the voluptuous MILF Georgie Lyall is planning to break into her ex’s father in law’s house to shoot a raunchy video but gets a nice surprise when she finds a black stud doing the exact same thing! A solo video no more Georgie takes this opportunity to put that curvaceous figure to work as she enjoys the taste of black meat and real hard interracial pounding. Watch those amazing big natural tits bounce as Georgie fucks, rides and takes it...

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fcking my coz

I had my first sex during my graduation exam. I never thought it will turn out to be such a fucking deep love. I use to study at a cousins place during my grad exam. My interaction was never at a level which could turn out to such an explicit one. We were more like a close friend but never discussed about sex and similar things at a superficial level. She had a s****r and a b*****r and her mom and dad. One day we were studying together. Her f****y were out for some work and they wont return by...

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Stranger on a train

"Did you ever have sex with boys?"Wow, that was pretty bold opening.I was touring Europe right after I left school. Using a railpass and youth hostels. And here I was on the overnight train from Paris to Prague and this man I was sharing the compartment with just up and asked me that! And the answer was no, I'd never done anything with boys. I had a girlfriend at home."Did you ever think about it?" he persisted. And I thought about it right then. Not for the first time. When I'd been about 14 I...

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Blackmailed WifeChapter 10

I stood first then Charlene, facing each other at the same time we came together to kiss, it was a loving caring, gentle sexy hot French kiss. We broke it as he heard Harry again only this time he was in the men's room watching us through one of the holes in the walls. He said, "Come on girls lets go." I grabbed some tissue and wiped my dripping ass, the paper was a milky brown. I checked my stockings to make sure they had not gotten dirty or that I had a run in them. I finished and I...

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I never even asked for his name part 4

"Have you come across 'The Sucker' yet?" asked Bob?"Who?"The Sucker? Oh you must have! He's always working the cottages. Middle aged, always has that bag with with him? I don't know his name of course, but he's sucked me off a few times. He's very good too!" In fact, I knew very well who Bob was taking about, and if you've read part 3 of this series, so do you!I'd met Bob about a year earlier, fairly soon after I'd started having sexual experiences in public toilets. I'd gone into one of my...

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My Moldovan wife

Inessa/(Inna). Chapter 1. Start. It’s a bit strange to look back about 3 years. My marriage was not functioning, and let’s just says, my wife and I “grew apart”. Basically, I think it started, when the biggest of our children left the house after being 18 in 2004, and by spring 2008, I more or less gave up on it all, but having planned our vacation for this summer, I decided to proceed as planned. Being back home we took the consequences, and tried to take out a...

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A Hot Swingers Kink A Wanker Dream

As a sexually active girl, I attract like minded persons, which includes both my nieces, two tall beautiful girls, as keen on cock as their aunty Mariel.Of course have teenage girls to entice men with a thirst for young pussy and tomboyish enthusiasm for hung men, helps with roll-play situations, one of which I shall tell you about.Of course both my nieces are chat-room A-listers, going through men on a daily basis, before and after school, actually I correct myself, they do it at school, in...

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Finding My First Toy

I stood in front of the dark windowed store contemplating if I should really do this or take my chances online. Although I was 18, I was still living with very conservative parents. So I ran the lists of reasons why I couldn't go online:1) My parents would see the mail before I would. 2) Credit card history my parents can access. That's all I needed to push open the door and walk in.  As my eyes adjusted to the dark shop, flashes of the images I saw every time I thought about a place like this...

2 years ago
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Savitha 8211 My Neighbor

Hello Iss readers I am Rana from Bangalore. I have been regular readers of Iss stories. This is first story I am posting here. This happened in 2003, when I just completed my study and joined a pharmaceuticals company in Bangalore. The apartment I used to stay was 3bhk and shared by three friends all of them were working. My neighbor there was an adjacent building where a police constable used to stay with his family, wife and three daughters. Elder daughter was married with no children and two...

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Navy LarksChapter 4 The Captains Mistress

Janice Forbes was very happy, Lady Furness would not see her lover again today, well not if she had anything to do with it. She sighed, as a big self satisfied smile crossed her face. It's a pity how unreliable cars they're these days! she thought. She was sure that she could find something,. that would take a few hours to fix. After all her dad had taught her a lot about cars when she was younger. Janice was now 25 and a Business Studies graduate from Warwick University. She had joined...

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The Hostess

A fictional story by Jennifer MorrisAbout 3 years ago I lived in Missouri with a guy named David. We lived out in the country near a small town about 50 miles outside of Kansas City. Most of David's friends knew I was a Trans gurl and totally accepted me as a female. David was very into poker and hosted weekly games at his house and the good thing was, he usually won more than he lost. I had just moved in 2 weeks prior when David asked if I would mind putting on something sexy and serving the...

1 year ago
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The vacation Trip Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai my Incest loving Readers The Vacation trip Part three is here now the original Incest that my favorite Incest happens in this episode read and cum readers "Oh, boy, I guess I'll have to change in that tiny little bathroom again," Vincent moaned. "Oh, I don't guess there's any reason to do that," Martha laughed. "I'm sure Jancy is comfortable enough with us now not to be embarrasses." After saying this, she went into the back section, leaving the...

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Love in the Time of War Ch 03

Next morning everyone was up and dressed before Charles made his appearance at breakfast. It was a tradition cold breakfast but the tea was hot. Everything tasted wonderful and he felt more at ease than last night. It was wonderful what a good night’s sleep could do for one’s spirits. He made directly for his mother. He didn’t notice last evening how she had aged since he last saw her. Father was right about her dying a little each day. ‘Mother, you are looking well,’ he lied, kissing her...

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Typical organizing a meet with James

The following is organizing a typical get together with James. The lead up to the night, usually, which we use to get together with him every 1 to 3 months depending on how horny we were. If you read my true stories you would have read how getting together weekly became too routine and loosing some charm but by having long breaks and returning to normal family life in between worked really well much to James's disappointment. Cuckold couples, wife sharing couples will relate to this quite well...

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