Exam Fun
- 3 years ago
- 18
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"Damn it, John, do you really have to be a walking, talking, driving cliché? The road isn't even paved anymore ... where the hell are we?"
John had known the silence was drawing to an end. Historically, his sister could only hold her tongue for so long and, once she'd crossed her arms over her ample chest, he'd known the quiet would soon be interrupted.
He clasped the steering wheel tighter. "We're not lost--just a little turned around. We'll hit a town soon."
"Yeah, well, you'd better ask for directions the first chance you get so I can stop staring at acres and acres of identical trees."
He knew he shouldn't take the bait, yet he did. "Or what? What are you going to do, Greta? You know what was the best look for you? When you had the red spikes in your hair--like horns. It allowed people to get a head start."
"What I'm going to do is call Dad and tell him you screwed up ... again." Greta reached for her purse.
"We can't even get any radio stations to play ... good luck getting a signal."
"We'll see," she said, pulling out her phone. After several seconds, she tossed the cell over her shoulder and into the backseat in disgust. John fought back a smirk.
"Gah! I still don't know what this stupid field trip is going to accomplish," she said. "Want to sing 'Over the river and through the woods' ... goth style?"
He explained once again--even though they both knew the answer. "Dad thinks that seeing the grandchildren she disinherited will move our grandmother. Maybe he's right--since you washed the blue streaks out of your hair, you come across as pretty innocent ... until you speak."
"Fuck you!"
He began to chuckle. His sister really did look innocent, wearing a sedate summer dress and with her hair back to its natural blonde, but she still had the vocabulary of a sailor.
Greta seemed to be fighting back her own laughter, but then her expression became sober. "John--you know dad isn't looking out for us anymore, right? It's all about Lily ... he's worried she'll leave him if he can't support her. If he still cared about us, he'd have shown some interest in the last couple years."
Their step-mother was a real alpha bitch--no doubt about it. Marriage to her had altered their once-loving father. For a few years John found himself hating all women just a little, thinking them all capable of using their bodies to manipulate a man. Recently, he'd come to the conclusion that a guy who'd let his dick do his thinking deserved what he got.
"I know," he answered. "I figure we still owe the old man a few things from before Lily got her hooks into him. If it works, you'll have money for your band and I'll have money for the restaurant. It's worth a day or two of kissing up to some old woman."
"Sure, if we actually get there in one piece," Greta said, but with no real animosity in her tone this time. He understood--she was not alone in feeling better about saying what they both had been thinking.
He'd never let his sister know it, but he trusted her instincts. She had a way of knowing things. When their mother had become ill, Greta had seemed to know from the beginning that she wouldn't rebound. Or the first time they saw Lily: Greta had just seemed to know that she was no good, even though she'd looked like sugar wouldn't melt in her mouth. Greta underplayed her knack though, pointing out that most of the time she was just as in the dark as everyone else.
Suddenly, a deer appeared in the middle of the road. John swerved to avoid it, and the next thing he knew he felt a jolt as they went off the side of the road and down a sharp incline. They narrowly missed a row of trees as the car came to a halt, pitching both of them forward. Only then did he have time to feel fear.
"Jesus, Greta, are you okay?" he asked, looking at his sister.
She inhaled and slowly blew it out before answering. "Yeah, you?"
He gave a ragged sigh. "You mean, with the exception of knowing that deer is somewhere laughing its ass off and telling all her friends that she bagged a big one?"
"I bet Lily's car has airbags."
"I'll take that bet," he said, looking behind them. "I'd also bet that there's no chance of getting out of this ditch on our own." He felt frustration boiling up. "You might as well bitch me out right now."
"I'll save it for later. How 'bout that? I'll call you at 3am a month from now, and really let you have it." Greta unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed into the back seat, apparently to give her phone one last try. John felt tender toward his sister at that moment: a strange brew of thrilled that she was okay and glad that she wasn't in the process of ripping him a new asshole--even if it was, in part, due to bitching out her useless cell phone instead. "Yeah, right! 'Can you hear me now?' my ass! No, I can't hear you now, you nerdy freak!"
"Hey, Greta, wanna go for a walk?" he asked, sounding resigned.
They changed into more comfortable shoes and got out of the car. Greta started up the incline, but John stopped, noticing a trail.
Greta protested. "That will lead us into the woods. I want out of the woods."
"Hear me out. We haven't seen a house for miles, and there's no sign of anything but more road and more trees on the horizon. A trail has to lead somewhere, right? A trail is bound to be shorter than a road--it's a path for people to get from point A to point B on foot."
Greta stared at him for several seconds, considering his words, and then her own. "If we do stay on the road a car might come by."
"When was the last time there was a car? Though I suppose there's a chance." Greta could be right and he'd already gotten them lost once. If they went with her plan and it went to hell, at least they'd be even. There was also Greta's occasional party trick of knowing things she wasn't supposed to know. "Okay, road it is," he finally offered.
Greta sighed. A wrinkle appeared in the center of her forehead. "Know what? Just grab the flashlight in case it gets dark and let's do the damned path."
It figures, he thought, grabbing the flashlight and taking huge strides to catch up with his sister. Maybe later they could have a debate over whether the sky was blue or plaid--whichever one he chose, Greta would choose the other one.
They were silent for several minutes as they walked along the path--no sounds but their feet scuffing against the natural debris. Light filtered through the trees, dappling everything it touched, and John could hear small animals scurrying through the brush. Despite their predicament, John felt his stress ebb away at the beauty around them and, as near as he could tell, Greta felt the same.
Soon they began to talk, joking and speaking in phrases that only they would understand: the language of siblings. Neither of them noticed they had strayed off the path until they were boxed in on three sides.
After a brief argument over whose idea it was to take the path, and whose fault it was that they veered off the path, Greta said, "Whatever! What now?"
"Track back--what else?"
After a few minutes it became clear they were lost twice over. John turned to his sister in an attempt to come up with a new plan of action, only to find that she was crying. As he wrapped his arms around her he couldn't help but be amazed at how she could piss him off one minute and a moment later bring out every protective instinct he possessed.
"C'mon, it's going to be okay. We'll figure this out," he said, stroking her hair, and trying to comfort her.
She pulled back and looked at him with huge blues eyes which matched his own. "You can't know that. We could just go in circles forever, and it's going to get dark soon. Remember when we'd go on family trips to Grandma and for a joke Dad would turn out the headlights, and we'd all scream? It's going to be dark like that!" She brushed away a tear with the back of her hand and, in that moment, looked much younger than her age.
"There are still a few hours. We'll probably find a way out by then and, even if we have to spend a night in the woods, I'd never let anything happen to you." He hoped he sounded convincing.
They walked on, trying to make note of landmarks and stopping only to dine on berries. As the day went on, the same scenes which had before been peaceful and relaxing felt ominous, the scurrying of animals seemed sinister, and bugs were showing up in droves. He could see Greta's nerves fraying as she swatted mosquito after mosquito. He tried to keep his stride confident while figuring out what the safest plan was for sleeping in the woods--other than "don't."
Greta touched his arm, looking to her right. "That way," she said, sounding sure as she pointed and headed off without waiting. Again, he found himself following his sister. He assumed she'd heard something or had an intuition, but he couldn't help noticing she'd looked none too happy. It was as if she were about to begin a much needed, but unpleasant, task and wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. It was the same way she'd walked up to their mother's casket.
He stopped short for a moment as they came to a clearing with a little house; goats and sheep grazed on deep green grass. The sight was jarring in contrast to where they had been and instantly made John feel ridiculous for his earlier concern. He began concocting a version of the story where he'd not been the least bit worried and knew everything would turn out fine--and that he'd known Greta was worrying for nothing.
The house was small, cozy-looking, and in excellent shape for being in the middle of the woods. As they approached the door, John looked around, seeing no clear path. The dwelling seemed to be completely isolated, though for all they knew they were close to a town. There was the smell of something delicious cooking behind the door.
Greta knocked on the door, looking strangely solemn, and they waited for several seconds before it opened. John had speculated that the owner would be some modern-day Grizzly Adams, or else an old woman resembling one he'd once read about who lived alone on an island for 40 years. What he wasn't expecting was for the owner to be relatively young and quite beautiful.
She had to be approaching middle-age, as indicated by a few strands of grey in her wavy black hair, and by the beginnings of wrinkles around eyes the color of emeralds, but she was still stunning. She looked pleased to see them, but not at all surprised. She smiled, revealing gleaming white teeth.
"Visitors. Delightful. I was just making stew ... come in."
John looked at Greta, who shrugged. They followed the woman and saw a one-room cottage with minimal furnishings and a huge fireplace where the stew was cooking. There was a surprisingly large bed in the corner--reminding John he was pretty tired--and a ladder that reached to what appeared to be a loft. The only covering on the wood floor was a large, worn rug.
The woman went to stir the pot, and John couldn't help but notice the shapeliness of her behind through her thin, worn dress.
"Ma'am," John said to the woman's back, "we were lost in the woods and ... do you have a working phone or a way to get to a town?"
The woman turned around. "Stew will be done soon. I'm sure you're both starving. Of course you were lost, dear, but--in the words of the song--now you're found! You would be surprised how many lost people end up here. No phone."
John thought that strange. It seemed like finding her cabin would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Unless...
"Then we're close to a town?" he asked.
"No, I cannot say that's true--at least not close enough to be going anywhere tonight. I'll try to be a good hostess even though what I have to offer is humble."
"Oh no! It's lovely," said Greta. "We weren't trying to say there was anything wrong with your home. It's cozy, and what a beautiful view! We didn't want to put you out at all. I'm Greta Ostrander and this is my brother, John."
"I'm Rabea." The woman held a slender hand out to each of them. As her hand lingered in his own, he noticed the ring she wore--it seemed to be encrusted with many sparkling jewels, and completely out of place. He had the incongruous thought that in the position they were in, they could play Ring-Around-The-Rosy.
She let go and John felt strangely bereft as the warmth of her skin was taken away. "Are you by any chance twins? You both have the same big blue eyes and blonde hair."
Greta laughed. "No, John's two years older. Not twins--just pure Scandinavian. John's name is really Johannes," she said, sounding for all the world like a little sister trying to get a rise out of her brother.
"A pleasure to meet both of you."
Greta looked around the small cabin. "Do you live here alone? That would have to be scary at night!" she said with a certain amount of wide-eyed interest.
"Anything that comes around is more scared of me than the other way around," Rabea said with a laugh. "Why don't I make you both a little snack of gingerbread and root beer and you can cool off in the spring behind the house?"
John, no fan of gingerbread or root beer, almost said he'd prefer to wait for dinner--until he heard Greta's stomach growl in the quiet of the cabin. It had been a long day, and he knew she hadn't had breakfast. He also didn't want to seem ungracious.
The spring seemed like a good idea, too. He was pretty damned tired and was afraid that, hungry or not, he would pass out in his stew. Looking back, he realized that he had heard the sound of bubbling water earlier.
Greta offered to stay in the cabin, helping with dinner, but Rabea would hear none of it. John smiled at how, even after two years of being in a goth band and doing God-Knows-What, his sister remembered the manners their mother had taught them.
As Rabea gathered their snack, he found himself watching her again. Living there and being self-sufficient had obviously kept her in fine shape. When he glanced at Greta, he found her was silently laughing, having witnessed his perusal. She looked him in the eye and mouthed the word, "pig." He smiled and shrugged.
He noticed Greta kept looking at something on the ceiling of the loft, and John followed her gaze. Across the thick beams there was yarn woven into an elaborate pattern like a spider's web.
"Hoping to catch flies?" John joked when he noticed Rabea looking at them.
"Something like that," was their hostess's reply. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his sister shiver. He looked over at her, questioning her with his eyes, but she smiled apologetically and shrugged.
They headed out to the spring with their root beer in tin cups, each with a thick slice of gingerbread. Greta munched along happily, and in the two minutes it took to get to the spring her piece was gone. John handed his to her, noting the crumbs around her mouth. She thanked him with a small belch.
"Niiice manners." He gazed at the clear spring with the water bubbling toward the surface. "Since we don't have bathing suits, how are we going to do this?"
"We could strip down to our underwear and then afterward slip into our clothes, letting our 'unmentionables' dry on that rock over there," Greta suggested around mouthfuls of gingerbread. "This is delicious! You drinking the root beer?"
He turned his empty tin cup upside down and echoed her earlier belch. The root beer had been surprisingly tasty and he'd gulped it down. "Sorry. Hey, I thought of something weird. It's summer..."
"That's odd alright."
"Shut-up. What I mean is that it was pretty warm even in the shade of the forest and we've been sweating all day..."
"You're saying asking us to use the spring was a not-so-subtle hint."
"Could have been. But here's the thing: the cabin wasn't that hot at all--even with a fireplace that you could use as a parking garage." He took a sip of root beer and, finding it surprisingly tasty, quickly gulped down the rest.
Greta's brow wrinkled. "Hey, you're right. Maybe because of the proximity to the spring?"
"Okay, that could make sense," John said. He wasn't sure if it did make sense, but what did he know about springs? There had to be a logical explanation, and that seemed to work as well as anything.
Greta set aside her empty cup and lifted her dress over her head. Even though what she wore was no more revealing than a bathing suit, he averted his eyes and slipped out of his own clothes.
The bubbles tickled and Greta began giggling. John had to admit it felt invigorating after the long day. After a few minutes he looked over and noticed his sister was rather flushed, even in the chill of the spring. She was also staring at him.
"What?" he asked.
"Oh, nothing, nothing."
"You were staring--is there something bothering you?"
"Other than being lost because you can't follow directions?" she snapped, sounding defensive.
John didn't think he would ever get used to his sister's mood swings. He'd had a long day too, which explained why he splashed water in her face. Soon it became a full-fledged water fight which left them both soaked. Finally they settled down.
"Greta? Is there something weird going on here? Something I don't see, but you do? You were acting really ... odd in the woods."
Greta didn't speak for several seconds. "I had a weird feeling--like I knew the way to the cabin, and I was scared about going there, but with every step I took it seemed a little better."
"So it's all okay?"
"What's it like for you, going on a roller coaster?"
"What in the hell are you talking about?" he asked at her abrupt change of topic.
Greta looked into John's eyes. "For me, it's really scary. I know that as safe as it all seems, things happen ... things go wrong. But then, well, it stops being scary and becomes exciting ... or maybe it's both--scary and exhilarating. You've committed yourself to it and they can't stop the ride. You've given up your power for the moment, and it's freeing."
John looked around at the peaceful surroundings and the little cottage. "This is a roller coaster?"
He noticed his sister was massaging and stroking herself in an idle way. He knew she must be sore, but still he couldn't help thinking that her fingers lingering along the top of her bra or along her inner thigh was not something he should really be seeing. Maybe it was not the massage so much as the strange gleam in her eyes that, on another woman, he might label as arousal. He knew that was crazy--Greta was just sore and tired.
"Maybe not, but I was scared and I'm still a little scared, and there is not a damned thing I can do about it." Her fingers made lazy circles by the elastic waist of her panties.
"You're not saying Rabea is dangerous?" He laughed. She seemed strong and self-sufficient, but a serious threat? No way.
"I'm saying that it doesn't matter either way--we're here. For the time being, we have no control over where the ride goes."
When they exited the spring, John noticed that Greta's nipples were jutting out against the material of her bra. He caught himself staring before he realized what he was doing. Greta noticed his stare but merely smiled. He quickly looked away and changed into his clothes. When he looked again, he noticed that the thin dress was not much better cover. In fact, with the setting sun behind her, the fabric was near-transparent. He had the strange feeling she knew that.
"Let's go see if dinner is done," he said, rushing toward the house.
Rabea was setting the small table when they entered. There were three tall red candles in the center of the table and a large red stone in the center of it all. She turned and looked at them. "You both look refreshed. Did you enjoy the spring?"
"Mmm, yes, it was terrific!" Greta answered for both of them.
"Have a seat, please--both of you. Did you enjoy your snack?"
"I did! So much that I ate poor John's gingerbread too!" Greta said as each of them picked a chair.
Rabea frowned for a moment, her face darkening, and then, just as John was beginning to process that, her expression cleared. "Oh, what a shame. Your sister was a Greedy Greta!" Rabea joked, "You'll have to try my spiced wine, John, and this time perhaps your sister gets none!"
Greta laughed. "Aww, not even a sip?"
"Oh, maybe a sip!"
Rabea set a bowl of steaming stew in front of each of them, and John again made note of the comfortable temperature of the cabin. She next presented each of them with a cup of wine. A pitcher of water stood on the table. When she bent down to give him his stew he got a view of deep cleavage--he didn't mind at all.
Dinner was appetizing, and John hoped he'd managed not to eat like a complete glutton. The wine was also delicious, seeming to be spiced with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and something he couldn't quite name. Being a chef, he was slightly annoyed when he couldn't place the final ingredient. When he asked, Rabea told him it was a family secret.
"Whatever it is was also in the gingerbread," offered Greta.
Rabea directed a slight smile at Greta, who smiled back. John noted again how flushed his sister seemed--he hoped she was not coming down with something. A couple of times when he looked over at her he caught her staring at him, and a few other times she seemed entranced by the candlelight reflected in the red stone. The color in her cheeks was attractive though. He realized he was dining with two quite striking women.
Come to think of it, he was feeling odd too. Not quite jittery ... but alert and ... horny? Strange. He knew there was not much to be done about that under the circumstances. It wasn't like he could give his sister a nickel to go for a walk while he seduced Rabea.
The woman looked at Greta and observed, "John, doesn't Greta look beautiful in the candlelight?"
"Yes, and so does our hostess." He hoped he didn't sound as clumsy as he felt.
"Thank you," Rabea said, pouring more wine. "But don't you think whatever man ends up with your sister will be lucky? Wouldn't you want a woman that lovely?"
John hesitated. If he didn't know better he would think that Rabea was playing matchmaker ... and trying to set up something between himself and his sister. He knew that was absurd. "Yes, she's terrific," he said finally, taking another sip of wine, and noting his sister's flush deepening. He changed the subject. "I hope we're not taking advantage of your hospitality."
"Not at all--being around younger people keeps me young!"
After dinner, Rabea asked John if he couldn't cut a little more firewood. She flirtatiously felt his biceps and said she believed him to be up to the challenge. He knew he was being played, but he didn't care.
When he got there, he looked at the wood, the ax, and the chopping block and faced the fact that--other than what he'd gleaned from Little House on The Prairie reruns--he had no idea what he was doing. Oddly enough, he found it to be simple, almost as if the ax knew exactly where to go. In a short while, he had a considerable stack of wood chopped. He re-entered the cabin, stopping short at the sight which greeted him.
The two women were sitting in front of the fire, and Rabea was weaving blue flowers through Greta's hair, having apparently already used a silver-handled brush on the thick locks. It was a surprisingly intimate scene, especially with what he knew of his sister's almost phobic dislike of people she didn't know well getting too close to her. She looked content, though, leaning back against the raven-tressed woman. John had to wonder if Rabea reminded Greta of their mother somehow.
Rabea looked at him and purred, "Come join us by the fire, John.
"Only if you promise not to weave flowers through my hair," he joked.
"I'll try to hold back. Your sister has such lovely hair. So soft and silky," she said, continuing to weave the tiny flowers into the blonde curls as John pulled up a chair. John could finally feel gentle waves of heat emanating from the fireplace.
Greta stopped the woman's left hand for a second, holding it in her own and gazing at the ring. She seemed to be transfixed by it, looking at the many facets of the semi-precious jewels.
"It's so beautiful, Rabea ... may I have it?"
"Greta!" John said in amazement at his sister's boldness.
Rabea just gave a rich, deep laugh. "No, Greta, love, this ring has been mine longer than you can imagine. I can't give it up," she said, gently pulling her hand away and returning to her task. "Later on I can show you all sorts of jewelry ... different sizes and styles."
"Okay. Rabea?"
"You make me really horny."
John almost fell out of his chair. He couldn't believe he'd heard his sister correctly. She had always been outspoken, but why would she say that? And was it true?
"Good. You're a very sexy girl, Greta, and you are quite arousing. Would you like for us to have some fun?"
Greta turned around to look at the older woman. "Oh, yes! Can John please join?"
"Eventually. He looks like he needs a couple of minutes to adjust to his sister being a hot little slut, though. Maybe we'll give him a little while to accept that fact."
"I really don't think..." John said, beginning to stand up.
"Sit down, Johannes! Your sister is an adult woman--what can you do, really?"
John felt himself obeying. He realized he was powerless in this matter. Greta was of legal age and they were lost in the woods. Where could he take her, presuming he had that right? She didn't seem to want his help.
"I can go for a walk," he offered, watching as his sister leaned over and began kissing Rabea's neck. He realized he didn't want to leave. Not really. He'd offered because he felt he should ... out of a habit of respecting his sister's privacy. He felt sudden shame, knowing he wanted to stay and watch.
Then it hit him that it had to be a joke. Even if he could accept that Greta wanted to do this in front of him, he couldn't believe she could seriously want him to join in. He also couldn't believe that Rabea would call Greta a slut in front of her brother.
Rabea said, "We'd prefer you stay. Don't men like watching two women?"
"Not if one is his sister," he said, knowing he sounded unconvincing. "What do you want, Greta?" he asked, looking for her to break character.
Greta reluctantly pulled away from Rabea, living a gleaming path of saliva on the older woman's throat. "I want to fuck, John. I want to fuck both of you. And I never want to leave here."
John realized he was hard. "Okay, Greta, okay." He wasn't sure what which part of her words he'd agreed to. He only knew that at some point he'd stopped seeing Greta as merely his sister. As much as he tried, he couldn't help but want to see her and Rabea together.
"You want this too, don't you, brother?"
Why did she have to call him that? "Yes."
His sister smiled. "Then watch ... for now."
Greta and Rabea began to kiss: soft, full lips touching, tongues mingling, bodies pressed together. The firelight made the women look lit from within. He'd looked at women together countless times on the internet and in movies; he'd often wished he could experience something like that, but he'd never anticipated this exact scenario. That didn't change the effect it had on him.
He knew that he was supposed to find it wrong, and yet there seemed something natural, and beautiful, and right about the way Rabea and Greta looked with their bodies pressed together. Greta was more than capable of speaking her mind--never more so than just a few minutes before--and so she had to really want this. In fact, Greta seemed more than willing: she seemed eager; he could hear her ragged moans from several feet away and see the urgency with which she encouraged the other woman. It occurred to John that if he tried to stop them now his sister might rip his eyes out.
Greta's hands ran up and down Rabea's slender back.
Rabea pulled back and ordered, "Take off your dress." Greta eagerly complied, thrusting out her chest to show it to maximum advantage. Rabea reached out and touched the blonde's generous breasts.
"Mmmm, from the second I saw you I've wanted to get my hands on these. You have a pretty face, but your tits are out-of-this-world. And you know it, don't you?" she asked, pinching Greta's nipples. "Tell me."
"Yeah, I've always known it."
Greta laughed, reaching out to stoke the older woman's hair. "In the way guys looked at me from thirteen on. Some girls and women, too. Teachers even. They would do things for me if I thrust out my tits and let them get an 'accidental' look down my top. Even John here--although I'm not sure he even let himself know what it was about. But I knew it and I loved it."
"It's fun to control people, isn't it?"
"To them I'm just a pair of tits, but I get what I want, so the joke's on them. It's how I got lead singer in the band ... by implying I'd put out. Then when the guys saw I had talent they kept me on."
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Earlier this summer, Nostrumo reposted a story that has intrigued me for years - The Adventures of Samantha. In all that time, neither he nor I could find the ending to that story. Anyway, in posting the tale, he issued a challenge to come up with an ending. Just about the time I was finishing up my little sequel, Nostrumo posts the discovered ending. Well, that left me in a bit of a bind. First, I had about fifty pages of text just about ready to post, but the justification, ie,...
It is the year 2087 by the old reckoning, or year 21 of the 'Pepsi' Colony. Tonight is an event of momentous import, 'The General', leader of the colony, is dying. He has been sick for months, and steadily growing sicker, but that is not why he is going to die: he is going to die because you are going to kill him. When The General sized power in the colony he made a commandment that the rules for taking control from him were simple: every male member of the Pepsi colony who reached 'the Age of...
Spells-R-Us, Stress Toy DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF UNDER 18! It contains graphic sex and is for adults only. by [email protected] It was a typical boring Thursday. I had gone up to the mall for lunch. I noticed that there was a new shop on the mall. Some kind of occult store called "Spell's R Us". I hadn't been in one of those before so I figured that I would go check it out. In the store I saw many weird and unusual things. As I entered the story a little old man in a...
Nia Nacci wants to take some naughty pictures for her boyfriend. She changes into sexy lingerie before she realizes she needs help taking these pictures. She calls her stepbrother over so he can take the pictures but he’s uncomfortable since they’re step siblings. She convinces him that everything is okay and that there is nothing wrong with this. He takes the pictures and caught with hard-on. She’s intrigued and asks to see his cock before she puts it in her mouth. She takes his bare cock...
xmoviesforyouChapter 4 Now you may think that interracial sex didn’t happen in the deep south especially South Georgia during the 50’s. Well it did, it was just a lot more secret. Another thing is when a white man had sex with a black or mulatto woman not much was said as long as you didn’t marry the woman. Men like JL with 10 or 11 inches would be welcome in a lot of white woman’s bed. Mrs. Grinsted was one example. One more thing about Mrs. Grinsted she was a widow had never been able to conceive so she...
Five little Sissies laughing and giggling like goofy teenage girls exchanging recipes, sharing makeup tips, Omigawshing about everything, and who knows what else. Wandering around in the gossip garden . . . Planting new seeds, indeed. A night, tonight together. Funzies. Sissies only. No! Men! Allowed! Grrrrrrrrr. Purrrrrrrrr.SPLAT!And the slumber party begins. Aspen, Ginger, Peggy, Sarah and Jennio awkwardly trying to battle it out on a large king sized bed.Here comes another fluffy pillow . ....
Caught with Consequences Pt I By teaser So there I was, with my head stuck inside a copier, trying to figure out how to dismantle it piece by piece, nut but nut, screw by screw, so I can clear a tiny little paper jam. Life would be so much simpler if management would simply remove their collective heads from their collective asses and buy some new equipment once in a while. I mean, how are we supposed to be veritable fountains of productivity with...
She moaned and moved softly. I placed my hands on her beautiful round boobs. Her movement was rhythmic and after some minutes she began moving faster, kind of jumping on top of me, while I held onto her tits. Five years ago, I was going through a hard moment in my life. I had cheated on my wife and things were not well at home. I felt I wanted to be free and I was considering getting divorced. One day, my best friend Paula called me. At that moment she was living in Germany with her girlfriend...
FriendButch and Stacy 4. Synposis: My parents named me Stacy after their favorite tv detective but everybody always called me by my dad's nickname, Butch. I am spending the summer with my best friend Matt who wants me to keep on being Butch, but the friends of his little sister Zoe think I am a girl so they call me Stacy. They have accepted me into their clique and are planning a trip to the mall tomorrow for a complete makeover "from the skin out". This means that Matt's mom has to make...
]Just arrived in Prague for a a week of eating, drinking and site seeing. Our hotel is charming and nestled in the old city. Tired from travel we drop our bags, shower together, and after a relaxing fuck doze off in the comfort of our featherbed. We wake to a bell tower and the sounds of a rocking city friday night. Revelers in the streets. The high pitched buzz of motorbikes. The odd car horn. My wife suggests going clubbing as we are unlikely to get back to sleep after our serious power nap....
The wedding is the usual thing. It’s a boisterous party atmosphere in a large darkened hall. People are dancing, drinking, and partying as expected and having a great time. We are seated at a table with older, similar couples, with the exception of a single, black male guest. We don’t know any of the people at our table, which is rare, but not an issue. We always make the best of it. Our table is a rectangular one located in the far back of the hall, where it is even darker and secluded. We...
So, I was toying around with a new program at https://play.aidungeon.io/main/landing that tries to use intelligent programming to continue your story with brief prompts, helping you continue to write. I've written several short ENF stories this way, and it's been an easy and entertaining break from my usual content. I'd like to invite all of you to post any of your shorter ENF tales or blurbs here, whether using that method or not. I think it would be fun.
FetishRon was working at his brother's adult video store. It didn't pay much, but, he figured the fringe benefits would more than make up for the money. He had been watching the white wimps reading the interracial books and renting the same kind of movies. It must really make them jealous to see those black cocks stretching those white pussys. He was thinking they probably go to sleep dreaming it's them instead of the black dude.Ron was 28, single, and enjoyed his freedom. He was only 5' 7', and...
Backstage during a WWE NXT live event, John Cena, dressed in his trademark jean shorts, T-shirt and baseball cap combination, is watching Hideo Itami and Tyler Breeze battle in a competitive match up with an impressed look on his face. "If these guys keep busting their ass like this...The future is going to be just fine." Cena before he begins to walk down the hallway. He soon comes across NXT's resident hugger, Bayley, dressed in her bright ring attire which clings nicely to her nicely sized...
I woke up with a start, only to see Hannah and Madison standing over me with their arms crossed, Hannah looking stern, and Madison looking confused. Madison was wearing one of Hannah's robes and was leaning slightly on my dresser. Hannah was fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. "Well" Hannah started. "I think we all need to discuss what happened last night" Dread filled my heart, was she going to rat me out to the authorities? "First, personally, I would like to say thank you for...
Jackie had blown me in the back of our SUV until I couldn’t take it anymore. Then, I went down on her to return the favor. The SUV quickly proved too uncomfortable, so we moved back inside. Reliving the little tryst from the night before had been hot. However, we needed more space. We made it as far as the sectional sofa in the family room. Two hours later, we were curled up, cuddling, both of us satiated, for the time being. “Did she suck your cock better than I do?” Jackie asked as she...
Rion King wants to renew his carnal relationship with his stepsister Alexa Nova, and despite her initial hesitation she agrees. Rion is all about Alexa’s pleasure, taking the time to rub her small boobs and massage her creamy bare pussy. Once Alexa’s thong is gone, Rion gets to enjoy watching Alexa rub her bare slit and pierced clit. Pulling off his own clothes, Rion pulls Alexa close so that she can suck him off while he takes over rubbing her twat. When she rolls onto her back and...
xmoviesforyou*****************ALISHA***********Alisha tossed and turned, changing her position in her bed for probably the twentieth time that night. According to the clock on the dresser, it was already 2:15am and she still couldn't sleep. It was raining lightly, but she could hear it usual pitter patter of the raindrops against the the steel roof above. She loved it when it rained, she would leave one or two windows slightly open so that the cool breeze could fill the house. She loved how the coolness...
Ascent to Beauty: Conclusion By latexslut Desiree gloated in the sudden silence, as the warbling, pounding music-noise faded and people stood like statues, they eyes turned gazing up to her on stage. In adoration, she thought. Her attention on her disciples - they are my disciples, would be, if not for Chantel - was shifted as above, Leslie began to scream and totter down the stairs. "You bitch!" Leslie screamed, storming down. "You get your evil ass right out of...
Just as I was about to drift off I heard a shuffling sound from underneath my bed. I froze there, terrified as to what it could be. I remembered that my room door had been unlocked when I arrived, could someone be under there? I lay there on the bed trying to listen for what felt like hours. I did not hear any more sounds and soon my heartbeat slowed back to normal. I must have been hearing things. I rolled over to go back to sleep when I felt it. A hand grabbed my leg from the other side of...
My phone pinged again. That distinctive alert that told me I had another incoming media. I've come to hate that damned app. It was an all-too-often reminder of what I've created. I've got a beautiful wife and have always loved showing off her gorgeous figure. She certainly doesn't mind and said she thought of it as innocent fun. One of my favorites is when she puts on a short skirt with lacy undies and go out to a bar to play some pool. The leering, hungry looks I've witnessed when she...
CuckoldThis is about me and my bhabhi when I was in Mumbai. I had been there for an internship for a month. I had been staying at my cousin brother’s house and it was his wife whose body I laid hands on and had an amazing night. I hope this story will tighten your pants and maybe, make you cum! Let me introduce myself. I am Raghu, currently in Chennai as a student. I am average-built at 5’7. I am not going to tell my penis size but I am sure that it can enlarge enough holes and satisfy their...
IncestWhat I'm about to tell you happened 3 months ago in Samoa (if you don't know where that is its in the Pacific), where I was born. My family migrated to New Zealand when I was only 8 yrs old, I'm 28. So my family (dad's immediate family) all go back to Samoa for a Family reunion. My parents, two older sisters Lisa 30 and Amanda 32, my oldest brother James and myself are on the plane headed for our Homeland Samoa. Our seats are all pretty much in the same area(Economy Class). On my ticket it...
IncestPrologue You are a tall young woman with light skin, blue eyes, and chin-length blue hair. All your limbs have been replaced with bionic alternatives, and many other parts of your body have been similarly upgraded. You are stronger and faster, both physically and mentally, than any natural human. You have been working as a mercenary, taking on dangerous tasks for pay. You've been on dozens of missions, including some black-ethics operations such as assassinations. Until now, nothing has gone...
All characters and places in this story are fictional and in no way reperesent any person or places. My name is Dereck Williams and I work as a lab instructor at a local community college. I am 40 and about 6’ tall with brown hair and a nice build, but I wouldn’t say that I’m every girls dream. I’m shy and therefore stay pretty much to myself without doing much dating. Recently, I walked into lab to teach a class and was stunned by what I saw. There in the front row was an angel....
I grab you from behind, swiftly covering your mouth, and whisper in your ear that's it's time for your punishment. Your hot breath against my hand makes my cock pulse just a little, and as you struggle against me you can feel it growing against the top of your arse. With my stiff cock prodding into you, you reach behind your back and rub your fingers across the front of my jeans, groaning deeply as you feel the entire length, marvelling at its thickness, terrified of what it will do to your...
ReluctanceIndoor cricket was good; it was his dad's work team, and for this weekend they were a player short. Chris hadn't played it very often, and he was reminded that it was quite a bit different to proper cricket. Indoor cricket is quick and dirty, in contrast to the technique and patience his coach had been working on with him for a couple of months. It was nice to spend some time with his dad though. They partnered each other, and other than Chris running into his dad once they did...
Steve left his bedroom, and headed for his 'office' to prepare for his meeting with his brothers. He stopped along the way to update Anna on what he'd done with Linda, and to ask her to check up on his slave periodically if he was tied up in his meeting for too long. A quick hug and kiss later, he was on his way to the office. Once there, Steve made a quick call to Laura Braun in the Steve/Eta household. Antonia had told him privately that she was going to update Laura on their actions...
This incident goes back to 2003. A new secretary had joined in – Ana. She was 23 then with awesome sex appeal and fabulous figure.She was about 5ft 2 inches and had well developed shapely breasts and well shaped body with shapely hips. Due to liberal culture of this country, she wore short and revealing dresses. She was low on efficiency but her other skills kept her going in her job with me. She would wear short skirts, sometimes translucent to reveal her panty. It was a treat for eyes the day...
IncestI know it’s not normally how he wants it to be, but luckily enough, he allows me to have slight control when it comes to giving him oral once in a while. He knows how much it turns me on to do so. When I’m a good girl, he allows me the pleasure of doing as I wish, for as long as he can tolerate, before taking back the control. He is laying completely naked on the bed for me. I climb onto the bed on top of him as he watches me. I, too, am naked. Our skin brushes against each other lightly as I...
Hey friends this is Kunal from Jamshedpur (Tatanagar), ryt now I’m in Gurgaon working in a MNC. This is my first story here. I am a great fan of iss stories so thought of sharing my real life experience with u. This is a story of me and my cousin Anjali. We are neighbors and we grew up together. Let me say about us. I am 5.5 of height, well built physique and a 6’5 inch long penis. She always use to touch my abs. And Anjali has some very good assets. Her breasts are of 34 size, and her ass is...
I was sitting on the exam table in just my underwear when the nurse came in to take my vital signs; nothing out of the ordinary ‑ pulse, respiration, and temperature. Although I had thought about having my temperature taken rectally, I fully expected to sit there with a thermometer in my mouth while my other vital signs were measured and recorded. Not so this time. The nurse hadn't taken my temperature yet, although she had finished up with the other things. Then, she pulled out this strange...
FetishI love teasing my own cock when I watch a beautiful ass or am giving a tribute. I need more girls wanting tributes, they will show my load bust over your face. I had to work with what I have at the moment.When I am first looking at a sweet ass, nice tits, beautiful face, lips, or a girl sucking a cock, sucking a good cock it is like I need to pleasure myself. I will start feeling my cock through my shorts for little, to no amount of time before I need it in my hand. Watching that ass bounce...
“We are close.” Elastigirl said softly. She is holding a small thin device that scans the area for cameras, traps and guards. While at the same time shows them where are they going. Mr. Incredible follows her as he look around. And sometimes can’t help but give a stare at her wife thick bubbly ass sways under her black and bright red suit. “Stop looking at my ass, honey.” She said caught him staring. Mr. Incredible blushes as he grins. Knowing that it’s not she doesn’t like to be stared,...
It was mid-July and a boiling hot day - 103 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. I was trying my best to finish up some work I had to get completed before heading down the resort’s pool. But the heat was too much and I decided to just go for a quick little dip in the pool. I grabbed my swim trunks and a towel and headed downstairs to the pool area. The pool was filled with people all having the same idea as I to just beat the heat. I looked around for a lounge chair to place my towel and phone but...
We talked about the farm for another hour before we called it an evening. Because of the change-up I got to sleep with Jenny a night early. Even though I was still too sore to hold her tight, I could still tell when she was getting ready to giggle and rubbed her tummy. I wondered what the connection was. Maybe some day I could find out. We had breakfast over at the gym. It was health food, fruits and grain things. It made me appreciate that tomorrow I was going to cook a real breakfast. We...
"Thanks for picking us up Keith.""Yeah well it isn't like I'd be doing anything at 11:30 Friday night.""It's my fault, its my eighteenth birthday and I have been distracted by friends and like all day", I say as Keith drives us to Ashleigh and his parents house before she is late on her midnight curfew. Ashleigh has been my best friend since grade 4 when my Mother and I moved to our current home. Keith is 23 and no longer lives at home. Realizing how late it was we knew the bus would never...
Tom lay in bed looking at his leg, the cast on his foot still looked odd no matter how many times he looked at it. He was used to seeing his feet clad in an assortment of boots or shoes, but this cast was difficult to accept. An independent man, he was not used to having to be assisted with all of his daily activities. There was no privacy either in this facility. The staff, though pleasant and accommodating, was persistent in their constant care. He just wanted a few minutes for himself, by...
Vicky left to go help with the new people who were being processed at the gym. I had a couple more things to do, and then I was going to the office to help as soon as there was a lull in activity. I was waiting on the Sikorsky crew to show up. They were to be here by nine and I had told Johnson Black that I would meet them in the terminal. I was looking out the big window with Lorrie at our two extended C130s preparing to leave on the freight run. They were in the run up area doing engine...
Hi am Jack again with another real sex encounter with a virgin tribal maid during one of my postings. Hope my real sex encounters are being liked. This incident happened when I was 27 yrs and had got my first project site posting to an interior site at Asansol. I reported at the site and was put in a 3 bedroom bungalow by my office because it was a part of my perks. I shifted into my bungalow and it took me a few days to settle down and after that I was on normal course. After a few days I felt...
Stella Harris walked onto her front terrace and placed the large tray of teapots, cups, saucers and accompaniments required to serve tea to her five seated guests. Stella Harris was the unofficial head of the unofficial Maple Grove residents association and today was a day for a coming together.Maple Grove was a ten year old gated community of just 9 bespoke homes in a leafy suburb of Boston and home to some of New England’s white upper middle class where husbands were generally stockbrokers...
Doston pichali bar mene mail id galat likhdiya tha. Doston men 35 years ka healthy man hun men pichhale 2 sal se continue iss read kar raha hun. Mujhe incest story bahut pasand hai kyon ki men khud incest hun. Men meri ami aur bahenon ki chudai karta hun. Jab men 18 sal ka tha to ek din mere abu aur 3 bahanen restedar ki sadi men chale gaye. Mere exam hone ke karan men aur ami ghar par hi rah gaye. Jab men school se vapas aya to ghar suna suna tha men mere kamre men bag rakh kar kitchen men...
It was a perfect summer's day, and the ocean waves were as calm and warm as the air was hot humid. It was the perfect day for a swim, and Becky couldn't refuse the moment the idea popped into her little head. Stripping down completely, leaving her jean shorts and t-shirt on the private, white sandy beach, the little thirteen year old ran stark naked and laughing into the nearly clear water. As it sprayed up around her, hundreds of brightly coloured tropical fish scattered in all...
L'avevo notata da qualche giorno quella ragazza sul Bus e mi chiedevo tutte le volte come poteva sentirsi a suo agio con quell'abbigliamento così provocante. Camicie decisamemte scollate, ed osservandola attentamente si poteva notare che il piú delle volte sotto mancava il reggiseno. Le gonne erano il suo pezzo preferito, sempre molto corte e senza calze, non ricordo di averla mai vista con altro abbigliamento nella parte di sotto. Anzi, ripensandoci, di tanto in tanto indossava una sorta di...
Hi everybody, this is Gopi from Chennai. Am here going to narrate a very real, hot and sensual story to make you all hot and feel erotic Yeah am working in a IT based company in Chennai. There are some erotic incidents & stories happened in our office but I will post those stories by next week or so. Now am going to tell my story when I was doing my engineering final year. That was the most exciting year in my life which made my life fulfilled most sexually. As we all know, from 2nd year of my...
I had first met Mike in grade school and soon after we started middle school we had become lovers. I know, we had heard all the arguments against sex at such a young age, except for one, but like any hardheaded kid we didn't listen. When we graduated from high school we got married. Now at twenty-two we were paying the price. First let me just say that Mike and I love each other deeply, yet something has gone out of our relationship. At twenty-two sex has become boring! That right, now all it...
I've been in love with my wife ever since I can remember I've heard her being described as sex on legs, which appealed to me as a sex mad nineteen year old when we first met, we had ten wonderful years of marriage before my illness kicked in and left me permanently tired. She could have left me for another man, one who wasn't ill, but she loved me too much for that and went into a sulk when I suggested it. It was my idea that she took lovers whenever her frustrations got too much, she...
Yes, she said she would meet me at the same bathroom stall and would not you know it, she did exactly that! I was already in the ladies room, wahing my hands, and in she walks, absolutely stunning, heels on , short summer dress, beautiful face and hair and what a body, my cock got so hard right then! She went into the furthest stall, good choice baby, and i followed her in immediately. We embraced and kissed and just carressssed out bodies, clothes still on ,yet thet quickly came off and her...
This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don't know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was "Lady of Kent". The chat line was a free forum, I can't remember which one it was now and it doesn't really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We...
Hi guys. I know it has been a long long time but i am finally back with my new story. All this time you might be wondering what your little slut was upto. For those who are in touch with me through gmail and facebook i would like to tell you that i love talking to you and want you to message me more and more. For the others, please leave me reviews on my email i.d or add me on facebook. If you cannot add me on facebook leave me an email and i will add you for sure. My name is Richa Bannerjee...
Chapter 11 – Cum to Mommy = = = = = = = = = = = My rent was paid, and I'd been working my cute little ass off studying all semester. Spring break was on my mind. A little sun, relaxation and alcohol sounded really attractive. I was a little short on cash, so I’d need to catch a ride with someone and find a place to crash, but a lot of kids did that. Six or eight in a hotel room wasn’t all that rare. But who could I go with? I had been through two breakups recently and was unattached,...