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"Damn it, John, do you really have to be a walking, talking, driving cliché? The road isn't even paved anymore ... where the hell are we?"

John had known the silence was drawing to an end. Historically, his sister could only hold her tongue for so long and, once she'd crossed her arms over her ample chest, he'd known the quiet would soon be interrupted.

He clasped the steering wheel tighter. "We're not lost--just a little turned around. We'll hit a town soon."

"Yeah, well, you'd better ask for directions the first chance you get so I can stop staring at acres and acres of identical trees."

He knew he shouldn't take the bait, yet he did. "Or what? What are you going to do, Greta? You know what was the best look for you? When you had the red spikes in your hair--like horns. It allowed people to get a head start."

"What I'm going to do is call Dad and tell him you screwed up ... again." Greta reached for her purse.

"We can't even get any radio stations to play ... good luck getting a signal."

"We'll see," she said, pulling out her phone. After several seconds, she tossed the cell over her shoulder and into the backseat in disgust. John fought back a smirk.

"Gah! I still don't know what this stupid field trip is going to accomplish," she said. "Want to sing 'Over the river and through the woods' ... goth style?"

He explained once again--even though they both knew the answer. "Dad thinks that seeing the grandchildren she disinherited will move our grandmother. Maybe he's right--since you washed the blue streaks out of your hair, you come across as pretty innocent ... until you speak."

"Fuck you!"

He began to chuckle. His sister really did look innocent, wearing a sedate summer dress and with her hair back to its natural blonde, but she still had the vocabulary of a sailor.

Greta seemed to be fighting back her own laughter, but then her expression became sober. "John--you know dad isn't looking out for us anymore, right? It's all about Lily ... he's worried she'll leave him if he can't support her. If he still cared about us, he'd have shown some interest in the last couple years."

Their step-mother was a real alpha bitch--no doubt about it. Marriage to her had altered their once-loving father. For a few years John found himself hating all women just a little, thinking them all capable of using their bodies to manipulate a man. Recently, he'd come to the conclusion that a guy who'd let his dick do his thinking deserved what he got.

"I know," he answered. "I figure we still owe the old man a few things from before Lily got her hooks into him. If it works, you'll have money for your band and I'll have money for the restaurant. It's worth a day or two of kissing up to some old woman."

"Sure, if we actually get there in one piece," Greta said, but with no real animosity in her tone this time. He understood--she was not alone in feeling better about saying what they both had been thinking.

He'd never let his sister know it, but he trusted her instincts. She had a way of knowing things. When their mother had become ill, Greta had seemed to know from the beginning that she wouldn't rebound. Or the first time they saw Lily: Greta had just seemed to know that she was no good, even though she'd looked like sugar wouldn't melt in her mouth. Greta underplayed her knack though, pointing out that most of the time she was just as in the dark as everyone else.

Suddenly, a deer appeared in the middle of the road. John swerved to avoid it, and the next thing he knew he felt a jolt as they went off the side of the road and down a sharp incline. They narrowly missed a row of trees as the car came to a halt, pitching both of them forward. Only then did he have time to feel fear.

"Jesus, Greta, are you okay?" he asked, looking at his sister.

She inhaled and slowly blew it out before answering. "Yeah, you?"

He gave a ragged sigh. "You mean, with the exception of knowing that deer is somewhere laughing its ass off and telling all her friends that she bagged a big one?"

"I bet Lily's car has airbags."

"I'll take that bet," he said, looking behind them. "I'd also bet that there's no chance of getting out of this ditch on our own." He felt frustration boiling up. "You might as well bitch me out right now."

"I'll save it for later. How 'bout that? I'll call you at 3am a month from now, and really let you have it." Greta unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed into the back seat, apparently to give her phone one last try. John felt tender toward his sister at that moment: a strange brew of thrilled that she was okay and glad that she wasn't in the process of ripping him a new asshole--even if it was, in part, due to bitching out her useless cell phone instead. "Yeah, right! 'Can you hear me now?' my ass! No, I can't hear you now, you nerdy freak!"

"Hey, Greta, wanna go for a walk?" he asked, sounding resigned.

They changed into more comfortable shoes and got out of the car. Greta started up the incline, but John stopped, noticing a trail.

Greta protested. "That will lead us into the woods. I want out of the woods."

"Hear me out. We haven't seen a house for miles, and there's no sign of anything but more road and more trees on the horizon. A trail has to lead somewhere, right? A trail is bound to be shorter than a road--it's a path for people to get from point A to point B on foot."

Greta stared at him for several seconds, considering his words, and then her own. "If we do stay on the road a car might come by."

"When was the last time there was a car? Though I suppose there's a chance." Greta could be right and he'd already gotten them lost once. If they went with her plan and it went to hell, at least they'd be even. There was also Greta's occasional party trick of knowing things she wasn't supposed to know. "Okay, road it is," he finally offered.

Greta sighed. A wrinkle appeared in the center of her forehead. "Know what? Just grab the flashlight in case it gets dark and let's do the damned path."

It figures, he thought, grabbing the flashlight and taking huge strides to catch up with his sister. Maybe later they could have a debate over whether the sky was blue or plaid--whichever one he chose, Greta would choose the other one.

They were silent for several minutes as they walked along the path--no sounds but their feet scuffing against the natural debris. Light filtered through the trees, dappling everything it touched, and John could hear small animals scurrying through the brush. Despite their predicament, John felt his stress ebb away at the beauty around them and, as near as he could tell, Greta felt the same.

Soon they began to talk, joking and speaking in phrases that only they would understand: the language of siblings. Neither of them noticed they had strayed off the path until they were boxed in on three sides.

After a brief argument over whose idea it was to take the path, and whose fault it was that they veered off the path, Greta said, "Whatever! What now?"

"Track back--what else?"

After a few minutes it became clear they were lost twice over. John turned to his sister in an attempt to come up with a new plan of action, only to find that she was crying. As he wrapped his arms around her he couldn't help but be amazed at how she could piss him off one minute and a moment later bring out every protective instinct he possessed.

"C'mon, it's going to be okay. We'll figure this out," he said, stroking her hair, and trying to comfort her.

She pulled back and looked at him with huge blues eyes which matched his own. "You can't know that. We could just go in circles forever, and it's going to get dark soon. Remember when we'd go on family trips to Grandma and for a joke Dad would turn out the headlights, and we'd all scream? It's going to be dark like that!" She brushed away a tear with the back of her hand and, in that moment, looked much younger than her age.

"There are still a few hours. We'll probably find a way out by then and, even if we have to spend a night in the woods, I'd never let anything happen to you." He hoped he sounded convincing.

They walked on, trying to make note of landmarks and stopping only to dine on berries. As the day went on, the same scenes which had before been peaceful and relaxing felt ominous, the scurrying of animals seemed sinister, and bugs were showing up in droves. He could see Greta's nerves fraying as she swatted mosquito after mosquito. He tried to keep his stride confident while figuring out what the safest plan was for sleeping in the woods--other than "don't."

Greta touched his arm, looking to her right. "That way," she said, sounding sure as she pointed and headed off without waiting. Again, he found himself following his sister. He assumed she'd heard something or had an intuition, but he couldn't help noticing she'd looked none too happy. It was as if she were about to begin a much needed, but unpleasant, task and wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. It was the same way she'd walked up to their mother's casket.

He stopped short for a moment as they came to a clearing with a little house; goats and sheep grazed on deep green grass. The sight was jarring in contrast to where they had been and instantly made John feel ridiculous for his earlier concern. He began concocting a version of the story where he'd not been the least bit worried and knew everything would turn out fine--and that he'd known Greta was worrying for nothing.

The house was small, cozy-looking, and in excellent shape for being in the middle of the woods. As they approached the door, John looked around, seeing no clear path. The dwelling seemed to be completely isolated, though for all they knew they were close to a town. There was the smell of something delicious cooking behind the door.

Greta knocked on the door, looking strangely solemn, and they waited for several seconds before it opened. John had speculated that the owner would be some modern-day Grizzly Adams, or else an old woman resembling one he'd once read about who lived alone on an island for 40 years. What he wasn't expecting was for the owner to be relatively young and quite beautiful.

She had to be approaching middle-age, as indicated by a few strands of grey in her wavy black hair, and by the beginnings of wrinkles around eyes the color of emeralds, but she was still stunning. She looked pleased to see them, but not at all surprised. She smiled, revealing gleaming white teeth.

"Visitors. Delightful. I was just making stew ... come in."

John looked at Greta, who shrugged. They followed the woman and saw a one-room cottage with minimal furnishings and a huge fireplace where the stew was cooking. There was a surprisingly large bed in the corner--reminding John he was pretty tired--and a ladder that reached to what appeared to be a loft. The only covering on the wood floor was a large, worn rug.

The woman went to stir the pot, and John couldn't help but notice the shapeliness of her behind through her thin, worn dress.

"Ma'am," John said to the woman's back, "we were lost in the woods and ... do you have a working phone or a way to get to a town?"

The woman turned around. "Stew will be done soon. I'm sure you're both starving. Of course you were lost, dear, but--in the words of the song--now you're found! You would be surprised how many lost people end up here. No phone."

John thought that strange. It seemed like finding her cabin would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Unless...

"Then we're close to a town?" he asked.

"No, I cannot say that's true--at least not close enough to be going anywhere tonight. I'll try to be a good hostess even though what I have to offer is humble."

"Oh no! It's lovely," said Greta. "We weren't trying to say there was anything wrong with your home. It's cozy, and what a beautiful view! We didn't want to put you out at all. I'm Greta Ostrander and this is my brother, John."

"I'm Rabea." The woman held a slender hand out to each of them. As her hand lingered in his own, he noticed the ring she wore--it seemed to be encrusted with many sparkling jewels, and completely out of place. He had the incongruous thought that in the position they were in, they could play Ring-Around-The-Rosy.

She let go and John felt strangely bereft as the warmth of her skin was taken away. "Are you by any chance twins? You both have the same big blue eyes and blonde hair."

Greta laughed. "No, John's two years older. Not twins--just pure Scandinavian. John's name is really Johannes," she said, sounding for all the world like a little sister trying to get a rise out of her brother.

"A pleasure to meet both of you."

Greta looked around the small cabin. "Do you live here alone? That would have to be scary at night!" she said with a certain amount of wide-eyed interest.

"Anything that comes around is more scared of me than the other way around," Rabea said with a laugh. "Why don't I make you both a little snack of gingerbread and root beer and you can cool off in the spring behind the house?"

John, no fan of gingerbread or root beer, almost said he'd prefer to wait for dinner--until he heard Greta's stomach growl in the quiet of the cabin. It had been a long day, and he knew she hadn't had breakfast. He also didn't want to seem ungracious.

The spring seemed like a good idea, too. He was pretty damned tired and was afraid that, hungry or not, he would pass out in his stew. Looking back, he realized that he had heard the sound of bubbling water earlier.

Greta offered to stay in the cabin, helping with dinner, but Rabea would hear none of it. John smiled at how, even after two years of being in a goth band and doing God-Knows-What, his sister remembered the manners their mother had taught them.

As Rabea gathered their snack, he found himself watching her again. Living there and being self-sufficient had obviously kept her in fine shape. When he glanced at Greta, he found her was silently laughing, having witnessed his perusal. She looked him in the eye and mouthed the word, "pig." He smiled and shrugged.

He noticed Greta kept looking at something on the ceiling of the loft, and John followed her gaze. Across the thick beams there was yarn woven into an elaborate pattern like a spider's web.

"Hoping to catch flies?" John joked when he noticed Rabea looking at them.

"Something like that," was their hostess's reply. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his sister shiver. He looked over at her, questioning her with his eyes, but she smiled apologetically and shrugged.

They headed out to the spring with their root beer in tin cups, each with a thick slice of gingerbread. Greta munched along happily, and in the two minutes it took to get to the spring her piece was gone. John handed his to her, noting the crumbs around her mouth. She thanked him with a small belch.

"Niiice manners." He gazed at the clear spring with the water bubbling toward the surface. "Since we don't have bathing suits, how are we going to do this?"

"We could strip down to our underwear and then afterward slip into our clothes, letting our 'unmentionables' dry on that rock over there," Greta suggested around mouthfuls of gingerbread. "This is delicious! You drinking the root beer?"

He turned his empty tin cup upside down and echoed her earlier belch. The root beer had been surprisingly tasty and he'd gulped it down. "Sorry. Hey, I thought of something weird. It's summer..."

"That's odd alright."

"Shut-up. What I mean is that it was pretty warm even in the shade of the forest and we've been sweating all day..."

"You're saying asking us to use the spring was a not-so-subtle hint."

"Could have been. But here's the thing: the cabin wasn't that hot at all--even with a fireplace that you could use as a parking garage." He took a sip of root beer and, finding it surprisingly tasty, quickly gulped down the rest.

Greta's brow wrinkled. "Hey, you're right. Maybe because of the proximity to the spring?"

"Okay, that could make sense," John said. He wasn't sure if it did make sense, but what did he know about springs? There had to be a logical explanation, and that seemed to work as well as anything.

Greta set aside her empty cup and lifted her dress over her head. Even though what she wore was no more revealing than a bathing suit, he averted his eyes and slipped out of his own clothes.

The bubbles tickled and Greta began giggling. John had to admit it felt invigorating after the long day. After a few minutes he looked over and noticed his sister was rather flushed, even in the chill of the spring. She was also staring at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing, nothing."

"You were staring--is there something bothering you?"

"Other than being lost because you can't follow directions?" she snapped, sounding defensive.

John didn't think he would ever get used to his sister's mood swings. He'd had a long day too, which explained why he splashed water in her face. Soon it became a full-fledged water fight which left them both soaked. Finally they settled down.

"Greta? Is there something weird going on here? Something I don't see, but you do? You were acting really ... odd in the woods."

Greta didn't speak for several seconds. "I had a weird feeling--like I knew the way to the cabin, and I was scared about going there, but with every step I took it seemed a little better."

"So it's all okay?"

"What's it like for you, going on a roller coaster?"

"What in the hell are you talking about?" he asked at her abrupt change of topic.

Greta looked into John's eyes. "For me, it's really scary. I know that as safe as it all seems, things happen ... things go wrong. But then, well, it stops being scary and becomes exciting ... or maybe it's both--scary and exhilarating. You've committed yourself to it and they can't stop the ride. You've given up your power for the moment, and it's freeing."

John looked around at the peaceful surroundings and the little cottage. "This is a roller coaster?"

He noticed his sister was massaging and stroking herself in an idle way. He knew she must be sore, but still he couldn't help thinking that her fingers lingering along the top of her bra or along her inner thigh was not something he should really be seeing. Maybe it was not the massage so much as the strange gleam in her eyes that, on another woman, he might label as arousal. He knew that was crazy--Greta was just sore and tired.

"Maybe not, but I was scared and I'm still a little scared, and there is not a damned thing I can do about it." Her fingers made lazy circles by the elastic waist of her panties.

"You're not saying Rabea is dangerous?" He laughed. She seemed strong and self-sufficient, but a serious threat? No way.

"I'm saying that it doesn't matter either way--we're here. For the time being, we have no control over where the ride goes."

When they exited the spring, John noticed that Greta's nipples were jutting out against the material of her bra. He caught himself staring before he realized what he was doing. Greta noticed his stare but merely smiled. He quickly looked away and changed into his clothes. When he looked again, he noticed that the thin dress was not much better cover. In fact, with the setting sun behind her, the fabric was near-transparent. He had the strange feeling she knew that.

"Let's go see if dinner is done," he said, rushing toward the house.

Rabea was setting the small table when they entered. There were three tall red candles in the center of the table and a large red stone in the center of it all. She turned and looked at them. "You both look refreshed. Did you enjoy the spring?"

"Mmm, yes, it was terrific!" Greta answered for both of them.

"Have a seat, please--both of you. Did you enjoy your snack?"

"I did! So much that I ate poor John's gingerbread too!" Greta said as each of them picked a chair.

Rabea frowned for a moment, her face darkening, and then, just as John was beginning to process that, her expression cleared. "Oh, what a shame. Your sister was a Greedy Greta!" Rabea joked, "You'll have to try my spiced wine, John, and this time perhaps your sister gets none!"

Greta laughed. "Aww, not even a sip?"

"Oh, maybe a sip!"

Rabea set a bowl of steaming stew in front of each of them, and John again made note of the comfortable temperature of the cabin. She next presented each of them with a cup of wine. A pitcher of water stood on the table. When she bent down to give him his stew he got a view of deep cleavage--he didn't mind at all.

Dinner was appetizing, and John hoped he'd managed not to eat like a complete glutton. The wine was also delicious, seeming to be spiced with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and something he couldn't quite name. Being a chef, he was slightly annoyed when he couldn't place the final ingredient. When he asked, Rabea told him it was a family secret.

"Whatever it is was also in the gingerbread," offered Greta.

Rabea directed a slight smile at Greta, who smiled back. John noted again how flushed his sister seemed--he hoped she was not coming down with something. A couple of times when he looked over at her he caught her staring at him, and a few other times she seemed entranced by the candlelight reflected in the red stone. The color in her cheeks was attractive though. He realized he was dining with two quite striking women.

Come to think of it, he was feeling odd too. Not quite jittery ... but alert and ... horny? Strange. He knew there was not much to be done about that under the circumstances. It wasn't like he could give his sister a nickel to go for a walk while he seduced Rabea.

The woman looked at Greta and observed, "John, doesn't Greta look beautiful in the candlelight?"

"Yes, and so does our hostess." He hoped he didn't sound as clumsy as he felt.

"Thank you," Rabea said, pouring more wine. "But don't you think whatever man ends up with your sister will be lucky? Wouldn't you want a woman that lovely?"

John hesitated. If he didn't know better he would think that Rabea was playing matchmaker ... and trying to set up something between himself and his sister. He knew that was absurd. "Yes, she's terrific," he said finally, taking another sip of wine, and noting his sister's flush deepening. He changed the subject. "I hope we're not taking advantage of your hospitality."

"Not at all--being around younger people keeps me young!"

After dinner, Rabea asked John if he couldn't cut a little more firewood. She flirtatiously felt his biceps and said she believed him to be up to the challenge. He knew he was being played, but he didn't care.

When he got there, he looked at the wood, the ax, and the chopping block and faced the fact that--other than what he'd gleaned from Little House on The Prairie reruns--he had no idea what he was doing. Oddly enough, he found it to be simple, almost as if the ax knew exactly where to go. In a short while, he had a considerable stack of wood chopped. He re-entered the cabin, stopping short at the sight which greeted him.

The two women were sitting in front of the fire, and Rabea was weaving blue flowers through Greta's hair, having apparently already used a silver-handled brush on the thick locks. It was a surprisingly intimate scene, especially with what he knew of his sister's almost phobic dislike of people she didn't know well getting too close to her. She looked content, though, leaning back against the raven-tressed woman. John had to wonder if Rabea reminded Greta of their mother somehow.

Rabea looked at him and purred, "Come join us by the fire, John.

"Only if you promise not to weave flowers through my hair," he joked.

"I'll try to hold back. Your sister has such lovely hair. So soft and silky," she said, continuing to weave the tiny flowers into the blonde curls as John pulled up a chair. John could finally feel gentle waves of heat emanating from the fireplace.

Greta stopped the woman's left hand for a second, holding it in her own and gazing at the ring. She seemed to be transfixed by it, looking at the many facets of the semi-precious jewels.

"It's so beautiful, Rabea ... may I have it?"

"Greta!" John said in amazement at his sister's boldness.

Rabea just gave a rich, deep laugh. "No, Greta, love, this ring has been mine longer than you can imagine. I can't give it up," she said, gently pulling her hand away and returning to her task. "Later on I can show you all sorts of jewelry ... different sizes and styles."

"Okay. Rabea?"


"You make me really horny."

John almost fell out of his chair. He couldn't believe he'd heard his sister correctly. She had always been outspoken, but why would she say that? And was it true?

"Good. You're a very sexy girl, Greta, and you are quite arousing. Would you like for us to have some fun?"

Greta turned around to look at the older woman. "Oh, yes! Can John please join?"

"Eventually. He looks like he needs a couple of minutes to adjust to his sister being a hot little slut, though. Maybe we'll give him a little while to accept that fact."

"I really don't think..." John said, beginning to stand up.

"Sit down, Johannes! Your sister is an adult woman--what can you do, really?"

John felt himself obeying. He realized he was powerless in this matter. Greta was of legal age and they were lost in the woods. Where could he take her, presuming he had that right? She didn't seem to want his help.

"I can go for a walk," he offered, watching as his sister leaned over and began kissing Rabea's neck. He realized he didn't want to leave. Not really. He'd offered because he felt he should ... out of a habit of respecting his sister's privacy. He felt sudden shame, knowing he wanted to stay and watch.

Then it hit him that it had to be a joke. Even if he could accept that Greta wanted to do this in front of him, he couldn't believe she could seriously want him to join in. He also couldn't believe that Rabea would call Greta a slut in front of her brother.

Rabea said, "We'd prefer you stay. Don't men like watching two women?"

"Not if one is his sister," he said, knowing he sounded unconvincing. "What do you want, Greta?" he asked, looking for her to break character.

Greta reluctantly pulled away from Rabea, living a gleaming path of saliva on the older woman's throat. "I want to fuck, John. I want to fuck both of you. And I never want to leave here."

John realized he was hard. "Okay, Greta, okay." He wasn't sure what which part of her words he'd agreed to. He only knew that at some point he'd stopped seeing Greta as merely his sister. As much as he tried, he couldn't help but want to see her and Rabea together.

"You want this too, don't you, brother?"

Why did she have to call him that? "Yes."

His sister smiled. "Then watch ... for now."

Greta and Rabea began to kiss: soft, full lips touching, tongues mingling, bodies pressed together. The firelight made the women look lit from within. He'd looked at women together countless times on the internet and in movies; he'd often wished he could experience something like that, but he'd never anticipated this exact scenario. That didn't change the effect it had on him.

He knew that he was supposed to find it wrong, and yet there seemed something natural, and beautiful, and right about the way Rabea and Greta looked with their bodies pressed together. Greta was more than capable of speaking her mind--never more so than just a few minutes before--and so she had to really want this. In fact, Greta seemed more than willing: she seemed eager; he could hear her ragged moans from several feet away and see the urgency with which she encouraged the other woman. It occurred to John that if he tried to stop them now his sister might rip his eyes out.

Greta's hands ran up and down Rabea's slender back.

Rabea pulled back and ordered, "Take off your dress." Greta eagerly complied, thrusting out her chest to show it to maximum advantage. Rabea reached out and touched the blonde's generous breasts.

"Mmmm, from the second I saw you I've wanted to get my hands on these. You have a pretty face, but your tits are out-of-this-world. And you know it, don't you?" she asked, pinching Greta's nipples. "Tell me."

"Yeah, I've always known it."


Greta laughed, reaching out to stoke the older woman's hair. "In the way guys looked at me from thirteen on. Some girls and women, too. Teachers even. They would do things for me if I thrust out my tits and let them get an 'accidental' look down my top. Even John here--although I'm not sure he even let himself know what it was about. But I knew it and I loved it."

"It's fun to control people, isn't it?"

"To them I'm just a pair of tits, but I get what I want, so the joke's on them. It's how I got lead singer in the band ... by implying I'd put out. Then when the guys saw I had talent they kept me on."

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Hi indian sex stories dot net Friends mera naam sandip hai. Or me rajkot gujarat se hu. Meri age 26 yrs hai. Yeh meri 3rd kahani hai indian sex stories par. Koi bhi bhabhi, ladki ya aunty sex ke maje karne hai to mail kare. Ye sab secret hoga. Or safety bhi hoga. Mera e-mail id hai Aap sab jante hai me ek flat me rehta hu. Mere niche wale flat me rehne vali reena aunty ke sath sex karta tha. Aur uski saheli priya ke sath bhi sex kiya tha meri second story ki heroin jab mene priya aunty ke sex...

1 year ago
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The librarian

Ryan pushed the heavy cart containing at least on hundred books down the narrow library aisles, stopping occasionally to return the volumes to their proper place. To most people rummaging around a bunch of dusty books and periodicals would be a chore to be avoided at all costs, but Ryan was different, he loved feel of the books in his hands and the aroma of old manuscripts filling his nose, but especially the wealth of information found like buried treasure between the sometimes frayed covers....

4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 55 Decisions Decisions

The sunlight pierced gaps in the drapes adorning the windows in the game room where Tim Murphy had fallen asleep the night before. His eyes opened, and it took him a few seconds to remember he was not in his bedroom and still a few more before recalling where he was currently. Memories flashed of some of the hi-jinks from the night before, celebrating the win over Judson on the football field. Tim felt drool from his chin and noticed the small puddle that accumulated on the ample futon...

3 years ago
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Dont Get Mad

Don’t get mad, get even. That is what they say. That was not the lesson my dad taught me. My name is Mick O’Dell and I’m a good old-fashioned normal guy. I see a pretty girl, I take a look. I always have. When I looked at Debbie that day in the grocery store, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I guess I was overdoing it, because she walked right up to me. “Is there a problem?” “Huh?” Yeah I’m a regular Shakespeare. “You have been following me around the store and staring at me.” “Problem,...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Sissy Part 8

Tom makes a decision. It lists Mandy's help. And Sissy proves herself.Tom had already made his decision concerning Peter. He had thoroughly enjoyed his role-play with Mandy, but knew that having his best friend as his sissy would be even better. He trusted that what Peter wanted was to service his Daddy, and he knew from the way Peter (Sissy from now on) had serviced him on that evening, that he would do anything for his Daddy.He too had explored X hamster and was aware of the degree of...

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Surbhi8217s Gangbang Chapter 8211 1

Hiii frnds mai apki apni surbhi,meri age 18 saal h aur mai koi zda slim type ki ldki ni hu thodi gadrai badaan vli choti height ki ladki hu jiski badi badi gand h aur bade boobs jise dkh kar mere mohalle ke ldke jhado ke peche muth marte h aur gande gande comments dete h, muje frk ni pdta kbi2 acha lagta h sun kar ki mere baadn pe log marte h.Kya bade kya chote sb mujhpr marte h.Ye toh hui meri baat chalo ab mai apni story pe ati hu,ye ghatna kuch mahino pehle ki h jb mai   Toh ab mai story pe...

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Fantasy With My Paying Guest And Sexy Aunty

Hi everyone, I am 21 years and was virgin upto last Nov 15..OK let’s move on I live in vimam nagar pune.If anyone like my story give comment on Ok so hamara khud ka ghar h viman nagar me total 5 flats h rent par.Jb mai college me tha tb mere frnd ne btaya ki usne aunty k sath sex kiya h and wo experienced b hoti h and piche b nhi pdti and maja toh yaar bahot ata h.Usne muje pucha ki tune sex kiya h kya kbhi maine kaha nhi.So he said you r 21 and still you r virgin?? Zut mat bol kiya hoga...

2 years ago
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Life Changed Last AugustChapter 2

Tadd had to leave and go back to Dallas to work later in the month; I had let him keep his novelties (his graffiti on that certain area), until then. I actually was really enjoying all the time he spent making my area so smooth, and I kind of liked the little "script" of his name on that bare naked skin down there. He did agree that I could wash it off after he left, but I knew it was going to take a little while before it was gone. I hope you have read part one, because I just wanted to...

2 years ago
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The Alley

Standing at the bar I look around the club, feeling slightly over whelmed. I am new to all of this. My girlfriend had insisted that I join her. While this is not really a "sex club", it is very close. Most of the people are here for only one thing, and are practically doing that "one thing" on the dance floor. Some with many partners. I do have to say it has been an interesting night so far. My girlfriend is out on the dance floor with some of her regular friends having a good time. I am...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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She Knew My NameChapter 6

All too soon summer was over and it was back to school. Ellen was a senior and I was a sophomore and just turned fifteen. Ellen was pretty cool for the first half of her senior year. We were fucking a couple of times a week. She would let me sit with her at lunch and told everyone I was her friend. She never said boyfriend in front of her friends. I didn’t question her because everything we did at her house was a secret. I may have been a bit disappointed but I certainly was not going to...

3 years ago
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Careful My story begins almost one year ago. I remember because it was just a few weeks before my birthday. The last few years my wife has given me one night where she does what I want for my birthday. Recently, it had been her wearing a special sexy outfit and one night when she tied me up and had her way with me. It was all very tame. This year however, I had been working up my nerve to ask for something I had always fantasized about, but never had the guts to admit. I have been...

2 years ago
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Second ChillChapter 6

When Nick recommenced his Tale the next evening, a seemingly ever-present Tash remained with me. With our several projects in which we collaborated, and having discussed it and accepted it and embraced it, her being my shadow, or perhaps me being hers since I felt she had both the greater talent and the more charismatic presence, I never felt it to be too much, and in fact felt our bond growing, as collaborators, friends and lovers. This time, with the Asian theater projects involving us...

1 year ago
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The Landscapers Ch 03

After that explosive Thursday, I had taken that Friday and the weekend to recover and to say I had been fully sated would be an understatement, but by Monday morning, I started to feel the lust pangs returning. By Tuesday morning, I had to get my Lelo Iris out for a workout, all the time thinking about my meeting with Julio in just two days time. I had just gotten comfortable when the telephone rang, and it was Sarah, asking if I wanted to come over for a lazy day by the pool, and she had...

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Alumni Lisas Punishment

His work with the team had always been genuine and above board. Having athletic girls around was a temptation perhaps, but he’d never really let himself think about it. He had a great rapport with his girls, and he didn’t want to jeopardize either his job or his relationships with them by doing anything foolish. His style of coaching was not to be stand-offish, but rather to be far more casual and friendly. This wasn’t a conscious choice necessarily, but more representative of who he was...

2 years ago
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SisChapter 5

Stephanie got her driver's license on the first try. When she and Dad came home she ran in the house squealing and waving it in the air. Mom hugged her and then Steph came and hugged me. As I said, I wasn't as happy about everything as I probably should have been. After things calmed down a little bit Steph commandeered the telephone. She wanted to call all her friends to brag. I went up to my room to work on the model hot rod I was building. I had finished with the glue a half hour later....

1 year ago
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Jack and Sarah Chapter One

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jack knew he had a problem. The thoughts he was thinking were wrong. But he couldn’t stop thinking about them. Here he was in California, on an important business trip, and all he could think about was last week. Last week when he had accidentally walked in on his Sarah when she was changing out of her swimsuit and was completely naked. She was beautiful. Her body was perfect. Long legs, curved hips, a nipped in waist and gorgeous perfect tits. Tits...

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Ms Marca My Husband

 Ms. Marca       My Husband        My Husband, Tim, had come into my life when I needed that one bright spot in my life. I got real honest love from a man, not just a pretty face and a body for him to show off. My husband is a handsome older man, six feet three inches tall, and 225 #. He has developing taut muscles and with his sandy light hair, he look' s quite handsome. Unlike me, he had grown up somewhat insecure and shy when it came to sex, with none of the bravado seen in other cock...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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VeronicaChapter 27

Veronica got to the end of the street where the old lady lived and resumed the interrupted journey to her home. She kept a careful watch for the odd late night reveller and, more importantly, for any nocturnal policemen/women, whether on foot or motorised. She reached Hampstead High Street without mishap, save for the fact that she was already getting to feel as cold as ever. Crossing this wide thoroughfare was the worst moment since leaving the comparative security of the Heath. Any...

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Total Woman Requests 07

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

3 years ago
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My Aunt is a Lesbian Part 3

Part 3I couldn’t believe how confident I had suddenly become. I stepped away from her, and quite deliberately reached behind, and unfastened my bra, letting it drop to the floor and showing her my breasts, my nipples erect with lust and desire. For a moment, I squeezed and kneaded one breast and nipple, never taking my eyes from hers, then I reached down and equally deliberately, I slipped my knickers down over my legs, and down to the floor, and stood completely naked in front of her. I could...

3 years ago
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The lady 2 doors down vol 1

So she has gotten into this habit, she has done it four times in two days, where she walks over to me, sticks her two first fingers into my mouth. They taste of her pussy and are still wet. She will then prop up one leg, either on the arm of the couch, the top of my desk, or on the kitchen table, so that her crotch is at my mouth level. Then she grabs the back of my head and slowly eases my face into her pussy. It only takes a couple of minutes of me licking her clit and lips while...

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The Cure Worse Than the DiseaseChapter 8

“How does it feel to have your husband’s blessing this time to bed another man?” I teased Kylie as we cuddled in a loving, post-coital haze. “Better than even I imagined it! This is the kind of marriage that I’ve been working on from day one. I just had to find a way to wear Mitch down! I knew that he wanted to open things up and that both of us wanted to play with various alternative lifestyles, from swinging and swapping to stag/vixen and cuckold/hotwife, etc. Not to mention threesomes,...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 30 Come What May

May turned into June and life settled into a new normal for the Gordian Ranch and its associates. The new normal included no one traveling alone for any reason and everyone had a shotgun with them at all times. And they trained. They trained individually and together. They competed individually and in teams. Sean wasn't allowed to be one of the teams because everyone considered that unfair. Instead, Udit devised ways that Sean could attack the others. It helped Sean sharpen his skills and...

3 years ago
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Please Part 2

Thursday afternoon, 4:00pm, the time had a significance for her, especially now. She looked forward to the liaisons, her body ached for them, the anticipation made her wet. She had a routine here, but didn’t know what to expect. As were her instructions, on arrival, she removed her clothes, took her place in the room and waited.The majority of the room was dark, only the one familiar light from above. It comforted her. The room was large, so large that under the single light, she could not tell...

Group Sex
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friend fucks girlfriend

It was a lazy weekend.My girlfriend and I had taken a few days off from everithing and decided to enjoy some good old fucking.We had all sorts of fantasies that we wanted to fulfill.She is a tall, thin, very flexible and she has a cute face.We started the weekend by having regular sex but after a while we decided do make things intresting.After about 2 days of not answering the phone and beeing completly isolated one of my friends decided to check on me, to see what was going on.When he rang...

1 year ago
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The Lion King Simba and Kiara Part 30

"Kiara, your father has told me about what happened between you and Kovu. You obviously need help because I don't want to have a daughter who can't walk around because the one she loves hurt her by accident while trying to make love to her." Nala replied. "Mom, are you sure your ok with me and dad....ya know..." Kiara asked with an embarrassed look on her face. "Dear, your father mates with all the other lionesses of the pride and I'm ok with it. He's ok with it, beside were all...

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The Good YearsChapter 80

All our attempts to produce a usable erection allowing me to have going away sex with Brenda had failed. I'd get some slight rise from her efforts to excite me, but nothing near firm enough to do her any good. I don't believe Brenda had even considered the possibility that any man or boy could be around her for very long and not spring a "woody". I can guarantee you that it had never happened to me before. When she started crying again, this time in frustration over what she considered...

3 years ago
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The Theater

Mike was tired from a long day at work. He was just promoted to manager at the bank he worked at. He received a big raise but with more money of course comes more hours and he was now working close to 11 hour days. It didn't help that the branch he had to transfer to was close to an hour away from his house. Mike was 29 and was married with 2 kids. His wife had just given birth to his youngest son 2 months ago so she was constantly tired and sex was completely off the table. He had...

2 years ago
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Taken and Turned Gay

I had been talking to this guy over internet for the past two weeks and he finally invited me over for a drink. It was about a half hour drive drown to his secluded house out in Maple Ridge Forest. I walked into his house, which was no problem because the door was unlocked and the handle looked slightly busted, all the lights were off and if he hadn’t invited me over I would’ve assumed nobody was home.I was beginning to walk into the living room as I felt a damp rag against my mouth and nose; I...

1 year ago
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My Motherrsquos Friend III 3rd Timersquos The Charm

The next day (she’d said to come back tomorrow) didn’t happen, nor did it happen the day after that. The weekend came with no opportunities for Deb and I to get together. I was pent up and frustrated and my cock was sore from beating off. The weekend was busy, so that took my mind off of Deb for a little bit, but at night I’d lay there thinking about her. This was well before the Internet revolution, so the only affordable porn I had access to was from the bargain section at the XXX...

3 years ago
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DannyChapter 2

Pauline said, "You have been awful quiet these past couple of days. Something bothering you?" I just shrugged and she said, "No you don't sugar. Don't sluff me off. What is the problem?" I suddenly decided to get it over with so I said, "My problem is you." "Me sugar? How am I a problem for you?" "I'm waiting for the axe to fall and I'm not handling it well." "The axe to fall? You need to be a little clearer than that." What the hell I thought, go ahead and put it out...

2 years ago
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im still hot for teacher

the other day i texted my favorite teacher/ex jackie, to let her know about a friend's birthday, but also to see what she was up to. we haven't talked in a while and it was fun catching up. in the back of my mind, however, was whether or not i could get her panties down at the foot of my bed know. after some slight begging and cajoling, she agreed to come by (i'm never too proud to beg for some good head/pussy).there's this myth that "the way to a man's heart is through his...

3 years ago
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Fart slave

**characters settings and ages are all fictional**I am a sophomore in high school. i am 5 foot 10 and athletic build. My name is matt. i had seen Morgan a 17 year old beautiful junior. she was one of the hottest cheer leaders you will ever see. i had stayed after school friday for track practice and decided i would go get something from my locker, first though i had to go to the bathroom. i was facing the urinal peeing when i heard someone come in , i thought maybe it was a janitor and didn't...

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Dad8217s Quiet Weekend

I’m sitting on my couch, watching some TV, and thinking of the nice weekend I am about to have with no-one to bother me. The wife has left for the weekend to take care of some matters in another state. It is very cold winter time, so no one is about on the road. All the other houses are shuttered for the season, so things should be quiet for a couple of days. I have the fridge stocked with juices, fruit, a new box of cereal, plenty of coffee, near beer, white wine in the fridge, red in...

3 years ago
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Extended Vacation Part 2

Chapter Two in my novel of Cassie living 24/7 as a woman…please read Chapter 1 and let me know if you want more. EXTENDED VACATION Chapter 2 After experiencing a great sexual adventure less than two hours after becoming Cassie full time, I was now in a even better mood as I got back on the freeway and headed north. Due to the low air pressure in my tire, I drove around 50 MPH for about ten minutes until I saw a big truck stop and gas station at the next off ramp. As I took the exit, my two...

3 years ago
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The Last Escort Part Twelve Chapters 4548

Chapter Forty-FiveGrace ate her meal in silence while Mac and Sal talked business, politics, and sports. Sal tried to engage her in the conversation at one point, but he gave up after her one-word answers made it clear she was in no mood to talk.Mac’s phone rang and, when he excused himself to go answer it, Sal looked at Grace and said, “I’m sorry if I said anything wrong.”“You didn’t,” she said, trying to keep her emotions in check. “There are just parts of my past that I haven’t fully shared...

1 year ago
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BangBus Jeni Angel Jeni Gives Old Man One Last Fuck

Today we met the beautiful Jeni Angel as she running away from her. When we saw her perfect body, we knew we had to talk to her. Uncle Jack only has a few more days to live, and he needs to end it with a bang, literally. After sweet talking her a little bit and offering her some money, we finally got her on the Bang Bus. She showed off her perfect tits and tight pussy, Uncle Jack was ready to see what she feels like. She fucked him like he’s never been fucked before, and he loved every minute...

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Job Mein Ki Moj

Helo dosto mera name jatin hai (sangrur) punjab ka rehne wala hu or chandigarh mei job karta hu or wahi meine ek 1 bhk ka flat rent par lia hua hai.Friends maine nayi nayi job join ki thi wahan pe kareeb 25 logon ka staff tha. Kareeb 5 ladies aur 20 gents. Main gents me sabse kam umar ka tha. Meri umar 22 saal hai. Waise college ke waqt meri kai gfs thi aur bahut baar sex bhi kar chuka tha. Par peechle kareeb 6 mahine se sookha tha aur lund maharaj ko chut ke darshan nahi hue the. Lund kisi...

2 years ago
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The animal in you

I longed to see you dance for me in the dark, the moonlight shining through the window illuminates your every mussel and bulge of your ripped body as you sway to the music. Seductive, enticing, exciting me as I am drawn to follow your every movement around the room with my thirsty eyes, hungrily feeding on your bran of seduction. You light a few candles around the room illuminating you even more, yet subtly. You extend a hand out to me, which I accept, and you pull me up close to you. I love...

4 years ago
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The gift

The sun is high in the sky as you clean out the decide to take a break and eat some food and drink some water. You slowly stretch as you continue to clean, you hear footsteps behind you.

2 years ago
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I guess I asked for it

I suppose when I think about it, that it was my own fault really. I was just stupid and like never thought about what might happen. I knew about this wood where men went for gay sex. I was 16 horny as F*** and liked older men. I don't like wimps or camp or queens, I like real men, a bit dom. If a man sucks men and then says "Will you suck me now" I get like turned off. I like the men to just stand up and force me down and onto his cock. I guess that is because that was how it happened the first...

3 years ago
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Wrinkles in Time Part 4 long

Book 3: Wrinkles in Time Part 4 Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simon was sitting in a tavern. He was drunk. It was hot and biting flies were everywhere. He stank and his robe was filthy. His feet were blistered and cracked from the heat and his long journey northward. He had no money, having been robbed, beaten and left for dead by a band of robbers outside of Bologna. He was able to barter for a meal and some stale beer by offering to clean the stables behind the inn. He had...

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Heaven and Hell

You wake up and start to get up, as you look around they is nothing but, well nothing. Then all of a sudden you hear a voice.You turning around to see a pale girl in a purple robe with a round ass and D size breasts and slender. "She cute," you think to yourself. "Hello mortal you have died and you get a decision." said the girl. "What decision?" you ask the girl.. "You have done some good in your life but also some evil so you get a choice." the voice said as two doors raised out of nothing....

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Siblings Desire 2

Wyatt begin to shift against me, breaking me out of my thoughts. Feeling his warm naked body pressed tightly against mine continued to drive me crazy, I want more of this sexy boy, I wanted to spend a lifetime in this moment, never escaping the feeling that we were feeling for each other. He broke our embrace at looked at me with a slightly guilty look. “I-We shouldn’t have done that right? You’re my older sister Katie…” He said looking at me with his wide sky blue eyes, his curly hair was...

1 year ago
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Off the Deep End Chapter 2

This summer vacation was turning out to be the strangest week of my life. Or maybe of anyone's... =======================0 OFF THE DEEP END Laika Pupkino ~ 2016 =======================0 Chapter 2: FUN WITH YOUR NEW TAIL =======================0 )))===========> THAT SINKING FEELING (late Sunday night or early Monday morning:) Drowning isn't fun. They say that you just go to sleep, and you do sort of, but it's heller scary and awful before then. You do a lot of...

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This happened a few years ago and the story still excites me. My wife was out of town for business and she was feeling good about her independence. She had been chatting and texting some guys that she had met online previously. For over a year she had her eye on this hot hung italian guy but the kept missing connections, as life got in the way. While away from home for work, she was often surrounded by several male co-workers. There were a few that made comments about her big boobs and...

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JulesJordan Kendra Spade If Daddy Isn8217t Home to Fuck Kendra Spade8217s Ass After Class She8217s Going To Find Another BBC

When Kendra Spade wants the D she’s not willing to wait. Kendra’s back at her place after class and gives Jax a call to let him know she’s horny. He says that he’s busy right now and won’t be able to make it over to later which really pisses Kendra off, she’s going to get fucked now whether it’s with him or not. Jax isn’t going to let that happen, he gets out of his bed totally naked and runs out the door. As he’s running down the street without his clothes, Jax jumps on an electric scooter to...

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When Wednesday Comes

It was the middle of Monday afternoon and Jill was lying in post-coital contentment with her lover, under the print of the Vermeer her father had given her years ago, a canal scene. "I'll have to go soon," Paul said. "You never stay; once you've fucked your old lady you're off, doing whatever teenagers do these days!" she snapped. His voice became wheedling, "You know I want to stay but my mum will wonder why I'm late. And you're not old, thirty two next time, yes?" He was stroking...

2 years ago
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a bit of a nervous first meeting...a smile, a soft but firm 'hello' and an equal hug accompanied with a gentle kiss on the cheeks. Hands feeling a bit cold but I can keep a conversation going like no one else so we start talking and go for a leasurly strole even though its cold this time of the year, but this does not seem to bother us. After the usual subjects, what do you do for a living etc... we smoothly cross over to the more intimate subjects which can be the subject of a conversation...

1 year ago
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Jennys First Night Out Part Two

As I sat on my knees thinking about what I should do next the matter was already being decided for me. This time it was a huge black cock coming through the hole. It had to be 10 inches long and as big as a beer can around. No way could I swallow that monster in my throat. Maybe I could just jerk him off and if necessary lick the head. I was surprised to feel it wasn't rock hard. Heavy and solid but not as hard as that other cock was. As I rubbed it I noticed it did get firmer but...

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Three Some And Beyond

Well, I remember once coming home late one night, and I could hear some some deep-moaning and groaning, I peeped round the lounge door, only find my then ex-wife on all-fours hungrily sucking on naked young man's cock on the sofa, I watched her head bobbing up and down, sucking hard on his well-endowed cock; this was erotic, then, to my suprise I then noticed yet another man, an older looking guy, naked and dark skinned; he walked towards my wife he knelt down and licked her ass and plunged his...

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