Guardami, Se Vuoi. free porn video

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L'avevo notata da qualche giorno quella ragazza sul Bus e mi chiedevo tutte le volte come poteva sentirsi a suo agio con quell'abbigliamento così provocante. Camicie decisamemte scollate, ed osservandola attentamente si poteva notare che il piú delle volte sotto mancava il reggiseno. Le gonne erano il suo pezzo preferito, sempre molto corte e senza calze, non ricordo di averla mai vista con altro abbigliamento nella parte di sotto. Anzi, ripensandoci, di tanto in tanto indossava una sorta di jeans molto attillati ed aderenti, che lasciavano vedere senza difficoltà lo spacco della sua fica. Ad essere onesti non era volgare, solo molto provocante. Mi chiedevo come potesse tenere a bada tutti quegli sguardi su di lei o come potesse tenere sotto controllo eventuali commenti a luci rosse. Ma sicuramente se una si veste così, saprà anche il fatto suo. In ogni caso vederla sempre su quell'autobus, tutti i giorni, quella ragazza stava accendendo una fantasia dentro di me. Notavo come gli altri se la mangiavano con gli occhi, qualche volta mi è capitato anche di sorprendere qualcuno che di nascosto si toccava l'uccello osservandola, con il rischio di venire nei propri pantaloni.
Decisi che se quella ragazzina così giovane riusciva ogni mattina a drizzare non só quanti cazzi, potevo farlo anche io, così, per gioco e per vedere le reazioni delle persone intorno a me. Il piano era semplice, dovevo solo mettere un pò di carne al vento e vedere le reazioni degli uomini. Ovviamente la personalità Hot doveva essere solo in certe occassioni, non volevo che in città o a lavoro mi scambiassero per una donna in cerca di cazzi. Così avevo inventato "la Mara da viaggio" e la "la Mara da vita publica".
Quella "da viaggio" portava ampie magliette scollate senza reggiseno dalle quali si intravedevano chiaramente le mie grosse tette e talvolta, quando ero particolarmente eccitata, anche la forma dei capezzoli che spuntavano sulla seta, spesso bagnandola e formando dei puntini umidi su di essa.
Quando indossavo la gonna, evitavo di mettere gli slip e cercavo sempre di sedermi in coda, così da poter, di tanto in tanto, allargare le gambe e lasciare la visione del mio sottobosco ai presenti. Una volta in ufficio poi, mi chiudevo velocemente in bagno e rimettendo il reggiseno e le mutandine, tornavo la "Mara pubblica".
Questo nuovo gioco, questa forma di esibizionismo, nel tempo cercai di sperimentarla in tante altre occasioni, come quella volta che l'Azienda mi diede come incarico la docenza per due giorni in un istituto professionale della mia città. Chiariamoci, non sono una professoressa, ma per motivi che non stò qui a spiegare, la nostra ditta doveva sponsorizzare alcuni prodotti che gli stessi ragazzi avrebbero venduto nel loro (forse) futuro lavoro.
Quando arrivai alla scuola, mi presentai "coperta", ma una volta in aula e tolto il cappotto lungo, diedi il meglio di me. Non sono una modella, ma sono consapevole che il mio fisico prorompente, piace. Le mie gambe sono dritte e questo già di per sè è un grosso vantaggio, spesso abbronzate (merito delle mie origini) e coperte in quei giorni, da una microscopica gonna. Il mio sedere mi piace, non è quello di una Barbie, ma è bello sodo e prononciato, di quelli che se ci metti le mani, tocchi qualcosa che ti riempiei il palmo. Delle mie tette ne abbiamo già parlato, sono belle grosse e tutte naturali, con due areole pronunciate che farebbero impazzire chiunque. Ma andiamo in quei giorni, vi racconto la mia esibizione.
Dovevo "insegnare" in un'aula dove c'erano i ragazzi dell'ultimo anno. Non appena sono entrata in classe, sentivo già mormorare qualcosa tra i banchi e vedevo che i ragazzini si lanciavano sguardi di intesa tra di loro. Iniziai a scrivere delle frasi sulla lavagna e mentre lo facevo, spingevo il braccio verso l'alto cercando di far uscire la camicia dalla gonna e scoprendo la schiena. Ovviamente forzavo il tutto, volevo che una parte del sedere, almeno l'inizio dello spacco, si vedesse. Il fatto di non essermi messa volutamente le mutandine in quei due giorni, mi stava facilitando le cose. Sentivo gli occhi puntati su di me, sapevo che li stavo eccitando. Ne avevo conferma ogni volta che mi sedevo dietro la cattedra e facevo finta di non osservarli, qualcuno lo avevo "segretamente" osservato mentre si toccava il pacco. Allora io alzavo la posta e tra una spiegazione e l'altra, sempre seduta, aprivo leggermente le gambe.
Quando invece mi muovevo dalla cattedra verso i banchi per dei chiarimenti privati agli alunni, cercavo sempre di sculettare un pò o di piegarmi, lasciando che i ragazzi scoprissero da soli se sotto portavo le mutandine o no, di che colore sono o marca! Muovo il culo a destra ed a sinistra, faccio cadere la penna e mi piego per raccoglierla, così in tiro sento che il mio sedere esce fuori e sono sicura che lo spacco non è passato inosservato. Spesso alla lavagna, spalle alla classe, facevo cadere il "cancellino" a terra per piegarmi a novanta gradi per meglio far vedere il mio culo, altre volte mi piegavo a novanta gradi verso i ragazzi sui banchi, lasciando le mie grosse mammelle ciondolare davanti ai loro occhi. Un ragazzo quel giorno si fece coraggio e dopo avermi chiesto se poteva andare in bagno (forse per svuotarsi le palle) passandomi alle spalle, per un secondo mi strusciò il suo pisello di dietro. Gesto che fece anche un altro alunno l'ultimo giorno. Mi piaceva tutto sommato sentire i loro cazzi dritti e magari vergini, strusciarsi sul mio culo, mi dava un senso si dominio e di soddisfazione. Sono convinta cbe più di uno, se non lo avesse già fatto nel bagno della scuola, a casa si sarebbe masturbato pensando a me.
Questo gioco poi lo feci di tanto in tanto anche nelle discoteche, quelle poche volte che le frequentavo grazie ad inviti di amici in comune. Ma questa ve la racconto più in lá. Vi racconto invece di quella volta in Grecia con un mio amico.
Era la terza settimana di Settembre, entrambi single e coscienti che partire insieme per la Grecia, significava finire inesorabilmente a letto prima o poi. Le spiagge in quel periodo erano già deserte ed il mio amico, Giorgio, mi chiese impavidamente di togliermi il reggiseno.
«Dai... toglitelo, in questo angolo sperduto di mondo chi vuoi che ti veda?» mi disse.
Io un pò esibizionista, un pò cosciente della reazione che le mie enormi tette avrebbero dato a luogo o forse semplicemente mi piaceva mostrarmi nuda con le mie forme generose, feci la parte di quella che se la tira.
«Giorgio, non mi sembra il caso... e se passa qualcuno?» risposi con finto imbarazzo.
Il mio amico insiste, ma io continuo a negarmi, fino a quando lui non si avvicina e con un colpo degno di un mago, me lo slaccia velocemente e lo tira verso la pineta. Le mie mammelle cadono all'improvviso verso il basso ondulando per qualche secondo prima di assestarsi sul mio petto. Giorgio un pò arrossisce, ed io ci godo nel vederlo imbarazzato nonostante la sua finta spavalderia.
«Vabbè... allora già che ci siamo...» dissi senza terminare la parola e tirando su lo slip. Lo spinsi così in alto che da slip diventò modello "tanga" infilandosi nella parte di dietro tuttodentro il mio culo e nella parte davanti aderendo alla mia fica ed evidenziando lo spacco. Percepisco che è eccitato, ma voglio provocarlo ancora. Così gli chiedo di giocare a racchettoni e lui ovviamemte accetta. La partita è orribile, non riusciamo a fare più di tre o quattro tiri, Giorgio è troppo preso dalle mie tette che sobbalzano da una parte all'altra ad ogni mio salto. Presi dal gioco, non notiamo una coppia che si avvicina a noi. Io non smetto di far rimbalzare le mie tette da una parte all'altra ed l'uomo della coppia non smette di guardarmi mentre mi passa davanti. Quella che probabilmente era la sua donna, lo strattona, lo tira a sè trascinandolo via dal mio spettacolo e gli fa distendere i teloni da mare lontano da noi.
Mi rendo conto che ora sto eccitando due uomini, così improvvisamente decido di puntare alto e di farli impazzire. Quando Giorgio mi lancia la pallina per l'ennesima volta, volontariamente non la prendo lasciando che finisca davanti alla coppia appena passata. Quindi mi tolgo anche gli slip e rimango completamente nuda. Il costume del mio amico si gonfia, sta avendo un'erezione, ma non fa una mossa. Così io mi avvicino al mare facendo finta di rinfrescarmi, mi bagno ovunque, sul viso, i capelli, sulle tette e naturalmente sulla fica. Poi esco e vado a riprendermi la pallina vicino la coppia di ragazzi. Quando sono vicina, mi piego lentamente a 90 gradi lasciando che la mia fica fradicia sia ben visibile al tipo.
«Se vi diamo fastidio, ci allontaniamo» gli dissi provocandolo mentre la mia fica gocciolava sulla sabbia.
«No... no... non preoccupatevi» rispose il ragazzo balbettando.
Così tornai verso Giorgio, mentre vedevo la ragazza del tipo che lo prendeva a gomitate perchè lui non smetteva di guardarmi. "Poverino, forse ora sarà venuto nel costume" dissi a me stessa mentre prendevo Giorgio per mano.
«Dove mi stai portando?» mi chiese il mio amico.
«Non mi dirai che dopo tutto questo spettacolo non ti sei eccitato Giorgio?» gli chiesi retoricamente mentre lo trascinavo nella pigneta.
Non serviva che mi rispondesse, il bozzo sotto i boxer parlava da solo. Così presi l'iniziativa e mentre mi inginocchiavo, gli tirai di botto giù il costume. Il suo cazzo spuntò fuori come una molla, dritto e gonfio. Non appena iniziai a toccargli le palle, emise un gemito che sono sicura arrivò anche all'orecchio della coppia. Non allontanarmi troppo, era voluto, volevo ancora giocare con quei due. Poi presi le mie tette tra le mani ed inizia a strusciarle sul cazzo di Giorgio che continuava ad ansimare. Quindi decisi di fargli una sega ed afferrai il suo cazzo sempre più gonfio e con una cappella rosso fuoco. Ma purtroppo il mio amico era troppo eccitato o forse scopava poco, sta di fatto che non appena presi tra le mani il suo uccello, iniziai a vedere gocce di sperma uscire dal suo buco. Pensavo ad un principio di sborrata, invece non appena tentai di muoveremi avanti ed indietro lungo la sua asta, iniziò a schizzare come una fontana. Coninuai a segarlo sperando almeno in una lunga sborrata, invece dopo tre o quattro spruzzate sulle mie tette, smise di venire. Così un pò delusa da quella scopata persa, tornai in spiaggia almeno per lavarmi dallo sperma di Giorgio e nel farlo, diedi un altro pò di spettacolo alla coppia sciacquandomi davanti a loro le tette più volte con l'acqua salata e pulendomi la fica dalla piccole gocce di sperma che si erano fermate tra i peli.
Qualcuno potrebbe pensare che sono un'esibizionista, ma non è così. Come a tutti mi piace essere guardata, desiderata. O forse mi piace solo giocare con il mio corpo e con gli sguardi degli altri. Niente di più.

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Seduce My Indian Wife

This incident happened a couple of years back when both myself and my wife were visiting an Ashram in Pune. This Ashram, though people misunderstand as a sexual haven is more of a spiritual and solemn place. You will also come across people who are there only for sex too.At that time we were just about a few days into our marriage. I was about 26 years of age and she was 22. Both of us are good looking and physical fit. Myself about 6’tall athletic and she was 5’7″ slim in excellent shape. I...

3 years ago
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Strangers on a train

When my friend Emma came round the other day, I had no idea she was going to give me some great material for a story. I am certain it’s a true story. Partly because we go way back and she would never lie to me and partly because I could see that she was reliving the events as she told them to me. I hope you enjoy it and I hope Emma thinks I’ve done justice to her sexy tale. Sorry it’s so short but I just managed to squeeze this in. A little bit about Emma. She’s about five feet five with...

4 years ago
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Where dreams come true

"Yes Frank, and I'd like to thank Fox 11 LA for their help in bringing you this story. Behind me, you can see the Disneyland Hotel."     The camera pans over to Mickey’s Magic hat, all lit up, then pans up, and across to the sign     lit up in red, saying 'Disneyland Hotel.' The voice over continues. "This morning, the hotel was the scene of a crime when Tinker Bell was stolen. Tinker Bell usually lives in the honeymoon suite on the top floor."     The camera pans back to...

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The Schoolmaster

"It use be an old school house...way back at the turn of the last century,then around 1920 it became a home,if you can call it that;people lived in it here and there, and in 20003 it finally became vacant and has remained so ever since. "It comes with three out buildings over there ;it has the ideal potential to be converted into a beautiful home," the Estate Agent said. Callum and Sara looked around. "Can we have a few moments to talk?" Sara asked,looking at the Estate Agent.They watched the...

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Early years

my first times watching parents fuck started after seeing dad feeling mum up.I did not notice much for while after that but did start trying sniffing her panties.Every chance I got I was looking up her skirt.I found if I was laying around I got plenty of good flashes.I was talking to a pal of mine also around my age 9-10about this & asked if he did similar.His mum & mine were good friends.He amazed me by saying he watched them fuck & had secrets spy holes he had made.I asked him to...

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Fuckin my sisterinlaw

*This is fiction* I don’t even remember why my brother and mother had to go out of town for four days. But it happened, and my mother, being the overprotective freak she is, couldn’t leave me alone at home, even though I was 18 at the time, so she had to drop me off at my brother’s house, in care of my sister-in-law, for the whole four day weekend, as if I was a little baby. They left really early in the morning, leaving me, in the doorstep with my bags. So I walked in and made myself at home....

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Deputy PorterChapter 184

"What are we doing sitting here?" The Brit asked. "I can not see anything else we can do. The cops have the place surrounded and they are isolating the shooter. I suppose when they feel the time is right they will go in." I said. "I want to do down there. Surely the Sheriff will allow us to help," The Brit said. "If you want to go down there, I will go with you, but they are going to ignore us. We are going to stand there in the cold with no coffee." I suggested. "Yeah, we are...

2 years ago
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New Family Secrets II

New family secrets II I fell asleep thinking about what happened with Kara and I and had a dream about doing other things besides just fucking her throat. I woke up and i was starving so i went down to the kitchen to see what there was to eat. I walked in and saw there was no one around but there was a note on the table that read " Ryan we and kyle went to take Kevin for his freshman orientation so we will be back on sunday, Uncle Derrick is out of town on business till thursday, and...

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Questions AskedQuestions Answered

[ For all those cuckold men out's something to think about! Enjoy! ]It was well past midnight when my phone buzzed.As I picked it up, I could see it was from my wife. My heart immediately began beating faster, and my hands...they trembled slightly from the excitement, and anticipation I'd been feeling over the four hours she had been gone. I answered."Hey, babe!" I replied."Hey!" She said. "It's me! I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine. No problem. I'm still here with Duane....

4 years ago
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Thrill seeking with students

Hi my name is dolly. I am 26 year old woman from Delhi. Married and mother of a kid. I wish to share an experience, i had 2 years ago. I had completed my m. Sc. In bio sciences and had got a job in a college as asst lecturer in dehradun. I was very willing to go and join but my parents were reluctant and as i had never been away from home. My parents would say “ladki jawan hai, kaise akele chhoden” etc. My marriage talks were also going on. I was able to convince my parents saying, i would...

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GloryHole Bunny Colby 01152022

Bunny just got engaged and should be thrilled to marry such a rich and powerful man but when it came time to be intimate she found out he was hung like a squirrel, like a baby squirrel. And at her engagement party it hit her how she is going to deal with a lifetime of tiny dick in her life and a Pre Nup to boot. Her best friend suggested the best anonymous hookup spot in town. The Glory Hole behind the adult book store at the edge of town. Knowing she has to figure this out before she seals the...

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Being officially designated Suspect 90210 was a dubious honor at best, as was having one's case assigned to me. Harvey Bell, called "Ding Dong" by the bullies in high school, and "Taco" by the more charitable souls, had both. 5'9" with sandy hair in a spiky style, early twenties, whip-thin runner type on a diet of microwaved cup noodles and Hot Pockets. Garden-variety mind-controlling telepath. He had some skill, but was nothing really to write home about, except for the fact that he was...

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From Math Teacher to Online Whore

I was still single. I had just broke up with a girl at the beginning of school. She caught with her Mom having sex. She walked in her Mom bedroom to see me fucking her Mom in the ass. Damn her Mom could fuck. After that she started some rumors around school I was a bad guy. No harm. I was not looking to get tied down. I was over skinny high school girls. I was more into curvier ladies. The bodacious hottie with the voluptuous curves. The wider the ass and the bigger the boobs was my new...

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The Spirit of AnnaChapter 6

"I'm coming over with a police detective. We have some questions for the prisoner," said Anna. "How far are you out?" asked the U.S. Marshall's voice. "Less than five minutes." "OK. See you then Agent Rivera," as the call was disconnected, Rachel frowned. "Something's wrong," she said to Whit. "What?" asked Whit. "First of all, I've worked with Joe Turner on many jobs. He and I are always 'Joe and Rachel', yet he called me 'Agent Rivera'. Also, he made no complaint...

2 years ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Amira Adara Tiffany Tatum Veronica Leal What Do We Need Dicks For

It’s a girls only weekend with Amira Adara, Tiffany Tate, and Veronica Leal. These European chicks can’t wait to let loose with a bit of booze and some friendly fun. Tiffany has lost the charging cable for her phone, so while Amira is off getting tequila for the trio, Veronica suggests that Tiffany grab the charging cable from Amira’s luggage. Imagine their surprise when they discover that Amira has packed a bag full of big dildos. Amira isn’t ashamed of what her BFFs...

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Dost Ki Mausi Ji 8211 Part 1

I had a close friend, well lets call him Raju. Both of us had crossed 18 years and were of thin build and medium height (he was slightly taller than me). He was a very fair and handsome boy. We were living in a small town of western U.P. We were quite close and used to visit each other’s house quite frequently. Both of us were jolly, witty and very very naughty. In those olden golden days, seduction was king and trying to ‘patao’ (seduce) a girl was very difficult due to the strict social...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part 1

Hello, my name is Ashley. I was the youngest and newest secretary in my firm with no experience what so ever. I could see that cutbacks were happening all around me, people who were hired along with me were being let go, I knew who was next and it scared me. Saturday morning my boss, Mr. Paul Cooper called me into his office and asked me to take a seat. Paul Cooper was HOT. He was around 31, Had green eyes, light brown hair 6’2 and his body spoke for itself; he looked like someone who worked...

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Hot Classmate In Pune 8211 Part I

Hello friends.This story is about how i fucked my classmate within a span of one month.I assure u this story is completely true.My name is Rohan(fake name).19 years of age,fy.bcom student in one of the reputed college of Pune with 5’11” height cute looks and near about 7inch tool.If any Pune girls or milfs would like to contact me,feel free to mail me at So lets come to the story.On my first day of college,everyone were new to me.There were many beautiful girls in my class,but this girl...

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Camscom Anal

Camming websites have been a huge part of the adult industry in the last decade or so. During the time, several amazing camgirls have come forward to do nasty stuff for the camera to entertain horny fuckers. Currently, cam websites are technically over-saturated, so more and more models tend to branch out to different kinks to diversify their services, targeting specific audiences.Well, anal is among the most popular kinks, so it makes sense that there are so many camgirls willing to engage in...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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Pebble BeachChapter 4

The folks at Pebble beach are a pretty self sufficient bunch, most are old age pensioners and don't have a lot of 'cash to splash'. Most of the men went fishing and always caught extra catch to hand around. Old Betty Karnak was a keen gardener and supplied everyone with fresh veggies. Herman Gott who lived next door shared her passion and between them they had the best veggie patch around. So it came as a bit of a shock when Betty fell and broke her hip, she was a lady of large...

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The Golden Road

Chapter 1 — Dark as Wine In your presence, my posture changes. My shoulders are slightly rounded. I let my long black hair cover my face. My eyes tend downwards. It’s not deliberate. It’s the effect your presence has on me. This is not a game. You do not call me ‘slut, bitch, whore’. I do not call you ‘master, owner’. I don’t pretend to understand a relationship where those words mean anything. But I submit to you entirely, knowing that in doing so, I am letting you become a part of my...

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You exit the bathroom, having just bathed. As you head into the lounge, making your way towards the stereo, I exit the kitchen behind you, carrying two glasses of wine. As you make your selection, I place the glasses on the coffee table. You press play. I kiss your neck softly. You gasp, and put your hand to your damp hair. As I kiss your neck and then shoulders, you reach round and feel my jean-clad arse. You turn your head further, and as we kiss softly, your towel drops to the floor,...

Straight Sex
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Gianna Dior 4900 520000

Gianna Dior is a porn tour de force. She has it all, from looks to drive to skills. It's no wonder how this bitch shot up through the ranks to become one of the most well-known and respected porn stars in the industry right now.A Whore is BornGianna was born on May 24th, 1997, in Alabama. She comes from a military family. Her mother, dad, and sister all served or still serve in the United States Airforce. Her family pushed her to join also, and she did well on her entry tests. However, military...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Michaels naughty little stepsister PART 2

Michael looked up from Jade's well pleasured pussy with his face covered in her delicious, sweet juices. 'Thankyou so much' Jade mumbled, too tired to say anything else. 'Your very welcome' Michael replied. Jade reached up and planted one last sleepy kiss on Michaels yummy lips, tasting herself on his mouth, she couldnt believe just how horny this made her. She reached down and stroked Michaels enormous, pulsing member through his trousers. She so badly wanted it in her mouth or her pussy...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex Life II Sophomore SeasonChapter 5

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 “What’s on your mind,” I asked as I closed my car door carefully. Jen seemed to stiffen and forced herself to turn towards me in her seat so that she couldn’t avoid looking at me. “What I said about the dance wasn’t entirely true.” “So you DO want to go to the dance?” I said with a lopsided grin. “I don’t know,” she said softly. “Let me finish.” “OK,” I replied, letting her continue. “I have gone to a dance before. It was, it was horrible.” “Go on,” I...

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Closer to Closure

Yes, this is yet another new story from me, the now-infamous author of the Marilyn stories. Don't worry, fair fans. She'll be back in due time. Meanwhile, try this story out for size, and let me know what you think. Also, I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights to this story. If you're not legally permitted to read this in your neck of the woods, well, don't. CLOSER TO CLOSURE - By Brett Lynn Jenn Dyson slammed her apartment door shut, purse in hand. After...

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Mature Whore till the end

This happened early 70's when I was 16 .I was in disagreement with my Mum as she wanted me to go on holiday with her and my Aunt to a holiday camp for 2 weeks in the summer holidays and spending 2weeks with mum & aunt was something I was going to avoid at all costs and which I won but was informed that mum's friend would pop in to see how I was etc .I had been to the park to have a a kick about with mates as I play football and Rugby for school and was drenched in sweat as was a hot...

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Jamaican Lullaby

Laura and I had arrived in Jamaica only four hours before. We hadn’t been ballsy enough to bring our own pot and decided that we needed to look for some. As everyone knows, the island is swimming in the stuff and we didn’t think there would be any problem.Laura and I showered and she put on a beautiful sundress. It was all white and you could see her body perfectly underneath the material. She looked stunning and I couldn’t stop staring her down.We went downtown to experience the nightlife of...

Group Sex
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Caroline SAssoit Sur Toi

Ton nom est Philippe Legrand, tu est un grand, fort et beau jeune homme. Tu as la chance d'avoir un pénis d'un pied de long et de pouvoir éjaculer autant de fois que tu le désir, ce qui te donne certain avantages avec les femmes. Tu demeure toujours avec ta mère, Jessica et ta soeur, Virginie.En passant, comme ça, tu as été adopté par ta mère lorsque tu avais 3 ans, ta soeur en revanche est la vrai fille de ta mère, elle a 18 ans. Pendant que tu reve aux gros seins de ta mère, couché dans ton...

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