Guardami, Se Vuoi. free porn video

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L'avevo notata da qualche giorno quella ragazza sul Bus e mi chiedevo tutte le volte come poteva sentirsi a suo agio con quell'abbigliamento così provocante. Camicie decisamemte scollate, ed osservandola attentamente si poteva notare che il piú delle volte sotto mancava il reggiseno. Le gonne erano il suo pezzo preferito, sempre molto corte e senza calze, non ricordo di averla mai vista con altro abbigliamento nella parte di sotto. Anzi, ripensandoci, di tanto in tanto indossava una sorta di jeans molto attillati ed aderenti, che lasciavano vedere senza difficoltà lo spacco della sua fica. Ad essere onesti non era volgare, solo molto provocante. Mi chiedevo come potesse tenere a bada tutti quegli sguardi su di lei o come potesse tenere sotto controllo eventuali commenti a luci rosse. Ma sicuramente se una si veste così, saprà anche il fatto suo. In ogni caso vederla sempre su quell'autobus, tutti i giorni, quella ragazza stava accendendo una fantasia dentro di me. Notavo come gli altri se la mangiavano con gli occhi, qualche volta mi è capitato anche di sorprendere qualcuno che di nascosto si toccava l'uccello osservandola, con il rischio di venire nei propri pantaloni.
Decisi che se quella ragazzina così giovane riusciva ogni mattina a drizzare non só quanti cazzi, potevo farlo anche io, così, per gioco e per vedere le reazioni delle persone intorno a me. Il piano era semplice, dovevo solo mettere un pò di carne al vento e vedere le reazioni degli uomini. Ovviamente la personalità Hot doveva essere solo in certe occassioni, non volevo che in città o a lavoro mi scambiassero per una donna in cerca di cazzi. Così avevo inventato "la Mara da viaggio" e la "la Mara da vita publica".
Quella "da viaggio" portava ampie magliette scollate senza reggiseno dalle quali si intravedevano chiaramente le mie grosse tette e talvolta, quando ero particolarmente eccitata, anche la forma dei capezzoli che spuntavano sulla seta, spesso bagnandola e formando dei puntini umidi su di essa.
Quando indossavo la gonna, evitavo di mettere gli slip e cercavo sempre di sedermi in coda, così da poter, di tanto in tanto, allargare le gambe e lasciare la visione del mio sottobosco ai presenti. Una volta in ufficio poi, mi chiudevo velocemente in bagno e rimettendo il reggiseno e le mutandine, tornavo la "Mara pubblica".
Questo nuovo gioco, questa forma di esibizionismo, nel tempo cercai di sperimentarla in tante altre occasioni, come quella volta che l'Azienda mi diede come incarico la docenza per due giorni in un istituto professionale della mia città. Chiariamoci, non sono una professoressa, ma per motivi che non stò qui a spiegare, la nostra ditta doveva sponsorizzare alcuni prodotti che gli stessi ragazzi avrebbero venduto nel loro (forse) futuro lavoro.
Quando arrivai alla scuola, mi presentai "coperta", ma una volta in aula e tolto il cappotto lungo, diedi il meglio di me. Non sono una modella, ma sono consapevole che il mio fisico prorompente, piace. Le mie gambe sono dritte e questo già di per sè è un grosso vantaggio, spesso abbronzate (merito delle mie origini) e coperte in quei giorni, da una microscopica gonna. Il mio sedere mi piace, non è quello di una Barbie, ma è bello sodo e prononciato, di quelli che se ci metti le mani, tocchi qualcosa che ti riempiei il palmo. Delle mie tette ne abbiamo già parlato, sono belle grosse e tutte naturali, con due areole pronunciate che farebbero impazzire chiunque. Ma andiamo in quei giorni, vi racconto la mia esibizione.
Dovevo "insegnare" in un'aula dove c'erano i ragazzi dell'ultimo anno. Non appena sono entrata in classe, sentivo già mormorare qualcosa tra i banchi e vedevo che i ragazzini si lanciavano sguardi di intesa tra di loro. Iniziai a scrivere delle frasi sulla lavagna e mentre lo facevo, spingevo il braccio verso l'alto cercando di far uscire la camicia dalla gonna e scoprendo la schiena. Ovviamente forzavo il tutto, volevo che una parte del sedere, almeno l'inizio dello spacco, si vedesse. Il fatto di non essermi messa volutamente le mutandine in quei due giorni, mi stava facilitando le cose. Sentivo gli occhi puntati su di me, sapevo che li stavo eccitando. Ne avevo conferma ogni volta che mi sedevo dietro la cattedra e facevo finta di non osservarli, qualcuno lo avevo "segretamente" osservato mentre si toccava il pacco. Allora io alzavo la posta e tra una spiegazione e l'altra, sempre seduta, aprivo leggermente le gambe.
Quando invece mi muovevo dalla cattedra verso i banchi per dei chiarimenti privati agli alunni, cercavo sempre di sculettare un pò o di piegarmi, lasciando che i ragazzi scoprissero da soli se sotto portavo le mutandine o no, di che colore sono o marca! Muovo il culo a destra ed a sinistra, faccio cadere la penna e mi piego per raccoglierla, così in tiro sento che il mio sedere esce fuori e sono sicura che lo spacco non è passato inosservato. Spesso alla lavagna, spalle alla classe, facevo cadere il "cancellino" a terra per piegarmi a novanta gradi per meglio far vedere il mio culo, altre volte mi piegavo a novanta gradi verso i ragazzi sui banchi, lasciando le mie grosse mammelle ciondolare davanti ai loro occhi. Un ragazzo quel giorno si fece coraggio e dopo avermi chiesto se poteva andare in bagno (forse per svuotarsi le palle) passandomi alle spalle, per un secondo mi strusciò il suo pisello di dietro. Gesto che fece anche un altro alunno l'ultimo giorno. Mi piaceva tutto sommato sentire i loro cazzi dritti e magari vergini, strusciarsi sul mio culo, mi dava un senso si dominio e di soddisfazione. Sono convinta cbe più di uno, se non lo avesse già fatto nel bagno della scuola, a casa si sarebbe masturbato pensando a me.
Questo gioco poi lo feci di tanto in tanto anche nelle discoteche, quelle poche volte che le frequentavo grazie ad inviti di amici in comune. Ma questa ve la racconto più in lá. Vi racconto invece di quella volta in Grecia con un mio amico.
Era la terza settimana di Settembre, entrambi single e coscienti che partire insieme per la Grecia, significava finire inesorabilmente a letto prima o poi. Le spiagge in quel periodo erano già deserte ed il mio amico, Giorgio, mi chiese impavidamente di togliermi il reggiseno.
«Dai... toglitelo, in questo angolo sperduto di mondo chi vuoi che ti veda?» mi disse.
Io un pò esibizionista, un pò cosciente della reazione che le mie enormi tette avrebbero dato a luogo o forse semplicemente mi piaceva mostrarmi nuda con le mie forme generose, feci la parte di quella che se la tira.
«Giorgio, non mi sembra il caso... e se passa qualcuno?» risposi con finto imbarazzo.
Il mio amico insiste, ma io continuo a negarmi, fino a quando lui non si avvicina e con un colpo degno di un mago, me lo slaccia velocemente e lo tira verso la pineta. Le mie mammelle cadono all'improvviso verso il basso ondulando per qualche secondo prima di assestarsi sul mio petto. Giorgio un pò arrossisce, ed io ci godo nel vederlo imbarazzato nonostante la sua finta spavalderia.
«Vabbè... allora già che ci siamo...» dissi senza terminare la parola e tirando su lo slip. Lo spinsi così in alto che da slip diventò modello "tanga" infilandosi nella parte di dietro tuttodentro il mio culo e nella parte davanti aderendo alla mia fica ed evidenziando lo spacco. Percepisco che è eccitato, ma voglio provocarlo ancora. Così gli chiedo di giocare a racchettoni e lui ovviamemte accetta. La partita è orribile, non riusciamo a fare più di tre o quattro tiri, Giorgio è troppo preso dalle mie tette che sobbalzano da una parte all'altra ad ogni mio salto. Presi dal gioco, non notiamo una coppia che si avvicina a noi. Io non smetto di far rimbalzare le mie tette da una parte all'altra ed l'uomo della coppia non smette di guardarmi mentre mi passa davanti. Quella che probabilmente era la sua donna, lo strattona, lo tira a sè trascinandolo via dal mio spettacolo e gli fa distendere i teloni da mare lontano da noi.
Mi rendo conto che ora sto eccitando due uomini, così improvvisamente decido di puntare alto e di farli impazzire. Quando Giorgio mi lancia la pallina per l'ennesima volta, volontariamente non la prendo lasciando che finisca davanti alla coppia appena passata. Quindi mi tolgo anche gli slip e rimango completamente nuda. Il costume del mio amico si gonfia, sta avendo un'erezione, ma non fa una mossa. Così io mi avvicino al mare facendo finta di rinfrescarmi, mi bagno ovunque, sul viso, i capelli, sulle tette e naturalmente sulla fica. Poi esco e vado a riprendermi la pallina vicino la coppia di ragazzi. Quando sono vicina, mi piego lentamente a 90 gradi lasciando che la mia fica fradicia sia ben visibile al tipo.
«Se vi diamo fastidio, ci allontaniamo» gli dissi provocandolo mentre la mia fica gocciolava sulla sabbia.
«No... no... non preoccupatevi» rispose il ragazzo balbettando.
Così tornai verso Giorgio, mentre vedevo la ragazza del tipo che lo prendeva a gomitate perchè lui non smetteva di guardarmi. "Poverino, forse ora sarà venuto nel costume" dissi a me stessa mentre prendevo Giorgio per mano.
«Dove mi stai portando?» mi chiese il mio amico.
«Non mi dirai che dopo tutto questo spettacolo non ti sei eccitato Giorgio?» gli chiesi retoricamente mentre lo trascinavo nella pigneta.
Non serviva che mi rispondesse, il bozzo sotto i boxer parlava da solo. Così presi l'iniziativa e mentre mi inginocchiavo, gli tirai di botto giù il costume. Il suo cazzo spuntò fuori come una molla, dritto e gonfio. Non appena iniziai a toccargli le palle, emise un gemito che sono sicura arrivò anche all'orecchio della coppia. Non allontanarmi troppo, era voluto, volevo ancora giocare con quei due. Poi presi le mie tette tra le mani ed inizia a strusciarle sul cazzo di Giorgio che continuava ad ansimare. Quindi decisi di fargli una sega ed afferrai il suo cazzo sempre più gonfio e con una cappella rosso fuoco. Ma purtroppo il mio amico era troppo eccitato o forse scopava poco, sta di fatto che non appena presi tra le mani il suo uccello, iniziai a vedere gocce di sperma uscire dal suo buco. Pensavo ad un principio di sborrata, invece non appena tentai di muoveremi avanti ed indietro lungo la sua asta, iniziò a schizzare come una fontana. Coninuai a segarlo sperando almeno in una lunga sborrata, invece dopo tre o quattro spruzzate sulle mie tette, smise di venire. Così un pò delusa da quella scopata persa, tornai in spiaggia almeno per lavarmi dallo sperma di Giorgio e nel farlo, diedi un altro pò di spettacolo alla coppia sciacquandomi davanti a loro le tette più volte con l'acqua salata e pulendomi la fica dalla piccole gocce di sperma che si erano fermate tra i peli.
Qualcuno potrebbe pensare che sono un'esibizionista, ma non è così. Come a tutti mi piace essere guardata, desiderata. O forse mi piace solo giocare con il mio corpo e con gli sguardi degli altri. Niente di più.

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When Gemmas friend visited

Once when we talked about our fantasies we got into a very horny conversation, for me, about how Gemma would be naughty with another woman in bed. She introduced in my mind a picture of her having double ended dildo fun. When I asked her who she would take to bed, she gave me a few film and soap stars that she fancied. We had talked about these before so I wasn’t surprised by the women she mentioned but my mind, and my cock if I am honest, was stimulated by the idea of her with a double ended...

2 years ago
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Wifersquos Ultimate Betrayal

He is a 24 year old software developer that had developed several security add-ons for popular social media programs. His name is Darin Davis, is 24 years old, 6’2” with a toned body, and he works out just about every day. He had brown hair and eyes and a 9” cock, and was very handsome, at least that’s what his mother says. He was stupid rich, living on residuals of over a million dollars every month. He had a huge house on the ocean, a cabin in the mountains, and a penthouse in the city. He...

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Taken me to the heights of sex

It was a summer in Mumbai. I was my way back home via Mumbai. I was working abroad and had some work with the consulate. So wanted to stay for a few days there. I went to my cousin’s home at bandra. It was a one bed room hall kitchen flat. My cousin was staying with his family with wife and a daughter. Both of them were employed. Once they go for the office at 8-30 I and the girl, munni were alone in the home. I used to take her out while going for my work at the embassy. My cousin’s family was...

3 years ago
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The EmbezzlerChapter 1 The Embezzlers wife

My dad had been one of the early computer whizzes and held several important patents. Much to my mother's dismay; for tax purposes the patents were put in a trust in my name. Mom and I were always fighting; perhaps because dad was too easy going and mom wanted me to have, as she said, "some structure in his life, some goals, and a sense of discipline." Image how shocked mom was when dad died of an unexpected heart attack. At 15 I didn't have actual control of the money but I did have a...

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Rising Sun

The sun is setting, but Rising Sun is not. You've been driving for hours, and not a single motel, hotel, or inn has had any vacancy for the last two towns you drove through. Exhausted, and nearing an empty tank, you pull over at the side of the road. A grandiose house stands before you, with a placard on the front door that reads "Rising Sun - All Kinks Welcome". Weary, you step towards the house - lights are on in the rooms above, presumedly bedrooms for the tenants of the house.

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Impregnated in Jamaica

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 32 years old, being 5’5” tall and weighing 125 pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband Ed is 35 years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm DD-cup breasts...

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Cupids Arrow

Cupids Arrow By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2019 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford First Edition Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any...

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MousetrapChapter 2

They went back to Sonja's place for the afternoon, as Rajata was still somehow reluctant to return to her own home. With them went a completely mundane business card, bearing the name Cynthia Wallace – no rank or affiliation – a mobile number and an anonymous e-mail address. Despite herself, Rajata obsessively played with the thing throughout the journey and, by the time they were sitting in Sonja's kitchen, she'd memorised both contacts and could have described the type face, the ink...

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The stranger on the train

Standing on the platform heading coast bound, at 8:30am, Scarlett was stood up, slender back leaning up against a dirty grey wall, with a half ripped poster advertising a theatre, swigging a ice cold bottle of coke. A tiny bead of coke rolled from the bottle, down her chin and rolled on to her chest, her shirt was missing a tie, and was unbuttoned to the third one down. Her shirt looked like it had spent too much time in a tumble dryer on a high heat because her size d breasts seemed to be...

2 years ago
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Leigh Anne Sentenced to Life

Leigh Anne - Sentenced to Life By Karen Elizabeth L. Mom died a couple of years ago, leaving me and dad to fend for ourselves. People seemed to think that as I got older I got more and more out of control but dad never saw it that way. He would quickly rush to my defense, telling all who dared to judge his son that I was just being a normal boy rather than the type of little sissy whose feelings I might have hurt. Kenny Post was one of those sissies; his dad owned a big...

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The Pilot Episode

Hello to all my fellow Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. My name is Zerks, and I’m from the Western Hemisphere. I stand 5 foot 8 inches tall, above average built, with an average tool. I’m a very horny man by nature, and my hunger to have my first sexual intercourse grew as I turned 18. So this is a pilot episode on how it all began. On June 5th, 2011 | Garbage Girl | I was very bored at home, lonely to a point where I decided to head out and take some snaps with my new iPhone. While I was...

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Her husband Jim, who was already dressed for work, was watching her. He licked his lips and complimented her. “Darling you are just plain beautiful. How did I get so fucking lucky?” She would flash him a seductive smile, and purr, “Hey handsome, flattery will get you everywhere.” She loved his five-foot nine muscular body. Not to mention his blond hair, blue eyes, and a smile that could melt butter. Sexually he was as kinky as her, and loved trying new things. It didn’t seem like...

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A Work PartyChapter 5

That night ended less than spectacularly. Some of the wives were glaring at me, and a few of the men were appraising me in a new and unpleasant way. I tried to ignore it, but obviously the word was out. Ron must’ve let something slip, and everyone knew I was his slut. Janine and Allison both gave me warning looks, before shaking their heads. Every nod or glance was small, and the unknowing would miss them, but the cues were there. Everyone knew Ron and I were an item. When I shut the door...

2 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 39

"Where, Anne?" asked Stan, mildly. But he was anxious, twisted up inside. "Is it far?" "No, Stan, not far. I'll commute. It's about an hour each way, about sixty miles or so up the motorway." "So you're going to stay with us?" asked Denise, looking and sounding troubled. "Yes, of course!" Anne answered, sitting up straight. "Thank God!" muttered Stan, and Anne took his hand in both of hers. "I wouldn't leave you, silly!" she told him. "Good! 'Cuz we're not planning...

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My InheritanceChapter 41 Passage

As you know, Andy is a kitten, which means she is chemically programmed to obey my commands. I could say to her, “On your back, bitch, and spread them,” and she would immediately comply, gladly giving me that which I desired. The programming would force her to obey. And, Andy’s own love for me, that unprogrammed part of her nature, reinforced the programming. I had trained myself not to give her direct orders in things sexual. It was more fun to suggest and let Andy respond as what she was,...

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Natalies Family AdventureChapter 5

Natalie again wakes up before the lights come on. She lays there, fear running through her, as she awaits the normal wake up time. A BDSM show. Is that what he does to John and Tabitha? Oh god, is he going to hurt me so bad that I bleed? To take her mind off it she sits up and turns on the tablet. Its 6:30 AM. Nothing on the main screen has changed. She opens the Books app and sees nothing different. Then she opens the Video app and instead of a jumble of random videos, there are now six...

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My Sexy Married Cousin Sister Jhanvi

Hi, guys and girls who love to read Indian Sex Stories to fulfill your sexual fantasies. My name is Chakravarthy, age 29 years old, 5’8” tall, average body build, not too handsome but a good looking guy. My dick 6” in length. I am a regular reader of sex story on this site. I wanted to share some of my sexual encounter throughout my life until now. After college, I had 2 months of a break before joining my internship. So I planned to stay with my cousin sister, Jhanvi who got married 3 years...

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first visit to the Master can she handle it w

so it has come to this has it ? you, a nice respectable well behaved & mannered sweet young lady, has brought yourself along to the be abused by the Master in his den of depravities & now you are kneeling on the floor looking around trembling slightly in nervous anticipation before me while i contemplate the action to come & decide where to start with you - well what brought you here/ you had heard stories, been told of encounters, read the books, seen the vids, but actually go...

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Area69 CodePinkChapter 3

"Mmmmm... so tense, Mi Amore. Does not de sight of Yvette's huge boobs excite you? When de legs are spread for you and your manhood, does not de pussy make Mi Amore hard? "It's just that... I... I need to let off stress... to think... I think better... after screwing you... what to do about Bigswallow? "Ah, de young one? He has a hard time keeping his penis from rising when he sees Yvette's boobs." "Er... that's not... it's just he may have seen us together! It was a lucky breach...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Six

Michael Waldich was irritated. Of course, all that meant was that Michael was at his job. He spent most of his time at his job being irritated. However, this was a particularly irritating day because he had a tryout for a new partner. He hated tryouts for new partners. He had been through them more times than he cared to remember, and they were always a bitch. They had to be right physically, they had to have his technical skills-which none of them ever did-they had to be compatible...

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My Friends Wife

One of my friend Chike travelled to Ogoja for a three day workshop/seminar that was organised by the Company he works for. Before leaving, he told me to keep an eye over his wife Ezinnne. On Friday night, Ezinne called me and told me to accompany her to a pool room in a local club. I was at their house by 9:30pm. When she came out of the house, I was shocked with what she was wearing. She was putting on a macro mini short skirt and blouse. When she entered my car, I caught a glimpse of her...

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One Lust Filled NightPart4

Becky had me sit on the edge of the bed. She came to stand in front of me and spread my legs apart to stand between them. Her breasts looks so full as I found myself staring at them. Her hard nipples were straining against the material of her bra as if they were trying to tear their way out. She had me reach around her to unfasten her bra and after it was discarded into a corner, I began to lick and suck on her nipples, pulling them deep into my mouth. I reluctantly released one of her hard...

Group Sex
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 15

XV ‘I was the first’ After work I hurried to meet Alicia. I was ten minutes early but she was already there. As I saw her, I felt a pang of conscience. She was so young, so pretty, so innocent, so wholly unaware of what was happening to her. And I, instead of looking after her and protecting her, was planning to take her home and fuck her and keep on fucking her to my cock’s content. But, I reflected, it was pointless to think this way: my experience with Fran had shown that Uncle Albert’s...

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Bewitching Legacy

I shook my head and chuckled as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The pirate's costume I was wearing was a little garish for my taste. That's what happens when you wait until the last minute to get a Halloween costume. You have to take what's left. I hadn't intended to go to my friend's costume party, but then he talked me into it at the last moment. After I arrived at his party I didn't feel so bad. Some of the costumes being worn were far more outlandish. I usually wasn't the...

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My perverted start in life and my lust for stacey

please ignore my bad spelling and grammer as it’s hard to consentrate with a hard cock.Hello every body.I want to tell you how bad I am, you might feel pretty sick at time’s but I am something else.At f******n I was jerking off to my little sister, by fifteen I had cum over her sleeping body, like I said, I am sick.My dad left us when I was young and we ain’t seen him since, My mother never met anybody else and soon she turned her attention toward’s me. I remember her coming into my room when...

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The Boarder

"Step in, honey."She was holding a pair of women's cotton panties, pink, open for me to step into. I was naked and trembling. I followed her orders. Frieda pulled the panties up my legs and then fastened them about my waist, stroking my penis and balls and ass several times. "There. Now doesn't that feel good, honey?""Yes Mommy.""Ohh your little pee pee and balls look so pretty. Oh someone's getting a little hard, Sweetness. I guess you like your pretty panties.""Ooh Mommy. That feels so...

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Anna and Paul III an unexpected guest

I lay on top of Paul is thick cock still secure in my sopping wet cum filled cunt. I softly giggled as I kissed his lips. Paul opened up his eyes and asked me what was so funny. I told him not a single thing. I raised my self up and stared down into his eyes and said to him. “ want to know how I knew you were the big bad wolf?”I put my mouth close to his ear and whispered, because you have the thickest and longest cock of the three of my big bad wolves and you touch me in places the others...

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The Chain Link 8

Thank you for responding so promptly to our offer. We hereby cordially invite you to our special Three Rooms Experience. Please expect a representative to call on you at 7 pm this evening.That was all. There was nothing to identify the sender of the text message; number withheld. Anthea felt a thrill run through her body. She didn’t feel afraid, even though it was all very mysterious. If anything she was surprised that there had been something in that odd business; the padded envelope that had...

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