KarenChapter 3 free porn video

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Jack Bell sat in his car after loading his suitcases in the trunk. "What do I do now," he asked himself. "A hotel, ok - but not that downtown Marriott, that's for sure." He quickly made a decision and drove to a hotel near the airport and reserved a room for a week. He felt that he would, hopefully, have made some decisions about his future by that time.

He unpacked in somewhat of a daze. The intensity of the emotions that had washed over him the past couple of hours drained him. He still felt the anger, but it was a bit muted now. He sat down heavily and just let his mind rest. While the anger was still simmering he could now feel the total overwhelming sense of sorrow, sadness and desolation.

A line from an old poem by Whittier suddenly flashed across the screen of his mind, 'of all sad words both tongue and pen, the saddest are these: what might have been'.

Tears formed and he allowed himself the catharsis of relief. He sat and cried as he had never cried before. He was lost, totally lost. His life was now without meaning and his future looked grim and bitter. He knew he had decisions to make, but for the life of him, right now he couldn't make a decision about if he should pee or not.

Jack got very little sleep that night. He couldn't get the visions of Karen actually fucking another man out of his head. The realization of what she had done, and what she was planning to continue, just rocked him to his roots. That she actually believed that he would be ok with this astounded him. If she really believed that, then obviously she had no clue about who he was and what kind of man he was.

He finally fell into a fitful sleep at dawn, but woke a couple of hours later. Nightmares had filled that fitful rest forcing him from the bed. He realized that it was Saturday and he thankfully did not have to face anyone at the office. He was sure that his face reflected the agony that he felt.

"Ok," he reasoned. "I have decisions to make and I need a clear head. First thing is to get something to eat and hope that I don't throw it up. I will need the energy."

After a very light breakfast in the hotel dining room, Jack returned to his room. He recognized that the primary emotion simmering in him was anger and he fought again to control it. He felt like lashing out physically against Karen, but he knew that he could never harm her. He also had decided that Mr. James Belsen was not going to go scot free. Belsen knew that Karen was married, yet he participated in her adultery.

Jack wondered if Belsen was married. "Shit" he thought. " If he is married I can make him suffer as he had made me suffer." Jack hesitated, he was not by nature a vindictive man, but right now he didn't know who he was. He knew he needed to lash out at someone.

He picked up the phone and dialed information. "Hello operator, I need the number of a James Belsen, it may be a new one."

Moments later, "Sir, I have a listing for a James and Sara Belsen." and she recited that phone number.

"Son of a bitch," muttered Jack. "The prick is married. He's no better than Karen. Maybe they deserve each other." He thought for a second and then picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hello," a woman's voice answered after two rings.

"Hello, is this Mrs. Sara Belsen?" asked Jack, resolve tightening his voice.

"Yes, it is - who's calling please?" she answered hesitantly.

"Mrs. Belsen, my name is Jack Bell, my wife is Karen Bell and she is employed at TCM Industries, where I believe your husband works."

In the space of a heartbeat, Sara Bell had all of her fears realized. Everything came together when Jack Bell identified himself. He really didn't have to say another word, she KNEW.

Sara gathered herself together quickly and replied, "Hello Jack, you probably don't remember me, but we shared a few classes. I was two years behind you in school. Back then I was Sara Rinker. I'm really not all that surprised by your call."

Jack sat with his mouth agape, stunned. Sara Rinker, his mind flashed back over the decades. He did remember her, a well built, attractive brunette, and now she was Belsen's wife??? Jack felt that he was in the middle of a maze, circles within circles. He then remembered that Jim Belsen had dated Sara in school. He never took great notice, but had heard that nothing had come of it. Now here they show up as husband and wife. "Coincidence is a cruel son-of-a-bitch," he thought.

"Jack, I think I know why you called. Would you like to meet for lunch?" asked Sara.

She knew, he felt sure that she knew - yet she was calm and composed. She was a lot more controlled than he, but he knew that he must speak with her.

"Sara," Jack spoke softly. "I do remember you and I'm terribly sorry for the information I have to give you, but I will say nothing right now. Can you come to the airport Hilton around 1? We can have lunch here."

"That sounds fine, Jack. I'll see you then," replied Sara and she gently lowered the phone to its base. She sat for a moment while tears filled her eyes. She knew that Jim was weak and could be easily influenced. She didn't know that he would put their marriage in jeopardy again.

Jack saw her enter the dining room on time. Despite all of the years, he did recognize her. He noticed that she had kept her figure and that she was attracting the eyes of quite a few men there.

Jack approached and greeted her. "Hello Sara, it really is good seeing you after so long a time. I wish it could be under more pleasant circumstances."

"Thank you, Jack," she replied as she seated herself at the table. "I gather that this meeting is not going to be pleasant for either of us," she said softly while making sure that they would not be overheard. Jack had chosen well, their table was well removed from other diners.

Jack found it difficult to speak. Having to reveal his humiliation and his cuckolding was going to be difficult. He felt his anger rising again and took a deep breath to calm himself.

Sara saw his emotional torment. She put her hand on his. "Jack, I don't think you have to get into specifics. Jim and Karen have been intimate, am I correct?"

Jack relaxed a bit and sighed. "Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it. Karen 'confessed' this to me last night, but that's not the worst of it. She told me that she wanted to get her 'physical attraction' to Jim out of her system by having a 'brief affair'. She actually thought that I would be ok with that - that I would sit by and allow her to humiliate and betray me. I could not believe that she felt so little respect for me to even entertain the notion that I would allow that. I just can't see how our marriage can survive this." Jack had to look down as he felt his eyes tear up.

Sara gazed at him sympathetically. "Jack," she said softly. "You are in no condition to make any decisions right now. Your emotions are too raw for you to do anything for awhile."

Jack suddenly realized that he wasn't the only one impacted by his wife's infidelity. Sara was in the same boat, and it appears that she was handling it a lot better than he.

"My God, Sara," Jack blurted out. "You must also be suffering and I have totally ignored your pain. Please forgive me, but tell me what you have in mind. What are you going to do?"

Sara thought for a moment. She actually had no idea what she was going to do, but she knew that she needed time to herself. All of a sudden she was very happy that she was leaving Monday for a few days away. It would occupy her as well as giving her some time in which to make some decisions concerning her future, with or without Jim Belsen.

"Jack, I really don't know right now. All of this is too new and too raw. Fortunately, I have to leave Monday for a few days for my work. Maybe that will give me the time to evaluate exactly how I feel and what my options are."

Jack just shook his head in amazement. This was quite an impressive woman. Quiet, contained and very rational. Perhaps he had pursued the wrong woman in college. He did know that he had to come to terms with how he felt about his wife. Did he still love her or did he hate her - or was it both?

Sara was contemplative as she drove home. She knew that she would have to also make decisions, as did Jack, but what they would be eluded her. One thing she did know, Jim would have to go, at least for awhile. He had to be made to realize that adultery is not something that she was going to continue to tolerate.

She realized that Jim had always been weak and had never really felt strongly about anything. He just went along, taking the path of least resistance. He was good at shmoozing, shooting the bull with his contemporaries, which, she guessed, accounted for his somewhat modest success in his job. But he never really took a stand on important issues and, over the years, Sara realized that she had lost almost all respect for him. She eventually realized that he was basically a shallow man. Jim was not evil, just rather superficial.

Arriving home, she found Jim in the garage tinkering with the lawn edger. "Jim," she called. "Come into the house. I need to talk with you."

Jim followed her into the house and seated himself across from her in the den. He looked at her questioningly; he was a bit concerned at her serious mien.

"What's up, honey? I hope that there isn't a problem with your trip on Monday. I know that you aren't exactly crazy about going to begin with."

"This has nothing to do with my trip, " Sara snapped. "It has to do with whether I want our marriage to continue. Don't even try to start your bullshit, Jim. I know all about your little mini affair with Karen Bell and I now have to make a decision about where this marriage is headed."

"Honey, she has been after me since I started work there. I really tried to calm her down," Jim protested. "I really thought that if we did it once, it would be over. It meant nothing, you know that I love you."

Sara felt a little relief that Jim was not going to try to get out of this. At least he admitted to the affair. The problem was that she knew that this wasn't the first time Jim had strayed. She had never made a fuss before because she knew that none of his indiscretions were serious or long lasting, but she now realized that enough was enough. While she was fond of Jim, she knew that she no longer really loved him and she had to decide if she wanted to continue in a marriage based on "fondness."

"Jim, I want you to listen very carefully to me. I think that you had better pack a bag or two and leave. We need to be apart for awhile when we both decide where we're going."

"Jesus, Sara, We can get over this. It was no big deal." Jim was pleading with her. The shock of her words scared the living daylights out of him. He never thought that Sara would ever go this far. She had always given him plenty of latitude.

Actually, his life with Sara was very comfortable. She was a great homemaker, cook and bed partner. Even when he was screwing around a bit, it was always reassuring to know that he had a great wife and home to which he would return. Love didn't really enter into it. She also brought in quite a respectable income, which together with his, provided them a very upper middle class existence. The thought of losing all of this was frightening.

"Perhaps we can, Jim. But I insist that we put some time and distance between us. This isn't open to negotiation. I want you to pack and leave. I'll be flying out on Monday and we will talk again when I return. Please, I don't want any arguments, just do what I ask."

Jim Belsen sat, stunned and now speechless. He recognized that Sara meant what she said and that further protestations were useless. He rose and quietly left the room and headed upstairs to begin packing.

Karen sat and sobbed, alone in the house. She was convinced that she had had a period of insanity where she really had become someone else. She just couldn't even begin to understand why she had acted in the manner she had. She knew she loved Jack deeply, but why she had betrayed him she could absolutely not understand.

She also knew that she had to pour her heart out to someone. She just couldn't keep this bottled up any longer. But, she hesitated - she knew whom she had to call, but also knew that that conversation was going to be extremely painful for her. Oh well, she deserved it and she knew that she really needed to speak with her older sister, Kate.

Kate was a strikingly beautiful woman, dark haired where Karen was blond and tall where Karen was average in height. Kate was two years older than Karen and had been recently widowed. She was also a very hard nosed, blunt woman. She didn't believe in beating around the bush and in her line of work it was an asset many times. Of course, there were times when her "in your face" manner backfired and she recognized that.

Kate was also a clinical psychologist and while that could be helpful to Karen, she also recognized that Kate would not accept any equivocation, any self-justification, any self-pity. Karen had no choice. If she wanted to salvage her marriage, she had to talk to Kate and enlist her help. She really had no where else to turn. With a sigh of resignation she picked up the phone.

"Kate?, it's Karen - do you have a moment?"

Kate recognized the tension in Karen's voice and quickly asked, "Ok, Karen, what's wrong? Is this another bitch session about you getting old?"

"Oh Kate, I only wish. I really need to talk to you and I mean right now. Can I come over or can you come here? It's really important. I really need you, Kate," Karen wailed.

Kate recognized Karen's need and replied quickly. "I'll be over in about 20 minutes. In the meantime I want you to go into the kitchen and make us a big pot of coffee. No instant, Karen - real coffee in a coffee pot. Do you understand?"

Kate wanted Karen to get her mind occupied with doing something, not just sit around agonizing over whatever was wrong. Making coffee would give her something to do.

Right on time Kate walked into the house and found Karen in the kitchen. "Where's Jack?" Kate asked. "Not in the office on a weekend, I hope."

Karen was seated at the kitchen table. Kate could now see that she looked haggard and drawn and became concerned. She could immediately sense that this was not a minor blip in her sister's life.

"Ok Karen, spill it. Start from the beginning and tell me everything. Here, let me pour us coffee and we'll have a little chat." With that she busied herself with cups, etc. and got Karen to take a few sips.

Karen took a deep breath and began. She had to stop occasionally as her tears flowed, but little by little she told Kate the entire story, omitting nothing. Karen realized that she had to be honest and hold nothing back. It was almost cathartic. So between her tears and sobs she got the story of her infidelity out.

Karen sat quietly and awaiting Kate's response. She fully expected Kate to excoriate her. She cringed inwardly awaiting the tongue lashing that was coming. She looked up quickly as she heard Kate sigh.

"Karen, I don't have to tell you that you have really fucked up big time. This is not something that's going to go away by wishing. First, let me inform you that I am not going to treat you as I would a patient. You do not have serious psychological problems and I am not going to subject you to a battery of tests and hours in interview. You're my sister and what I'm going to say now you have to clear your mind for and pay attention."

"Kate, I lost my mind. I really think that I had a brief period of insanity. Kate, I bet I had... what do they call it... a fugue period, or something like that?"

"Shit, Karen," laughed Kate. "Don't try to psychoanalyze yourself. First of all a fugue state is a period of amnesia during which the affected person seems to be conscious and makes RATIONAL decisions and upon recovery the period is not remembered. You were fully aware of what you were doing and you remember the events quite well.

"Look, Karen. We don't need Sigmund Freud here. You have been bemoaning getting old since you turned 40, and now that 50 is looming down the road, you've been really agonizing about getting old and unattractive.

"All of a sudden you see your old college boyfriend and... click, you're 18 years old again with raging hormones. You remember the intense sexual excitement of those days. You didn't forget that you're not 18 and you didn't forget that you're married, you just set those facts aside and reacted to the situation as if you were a college freshman again.

Karen stared at Kate, a shocked expression on her face. "Then I was insane. I wasn't responsible for my actions, isn't that true? Kate, isn't that true?"

Same as Karen
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Episode 110 Beach Babes

IntroductionSince writing this episode, Ellie has confirmed that Anna Dominatrix and posh-slut are not currently living together, so although the characters are real, the events are just my fantasy. HampshireIt’s a surprisingly hot day in mid April, puss has ‘retired’ from submission and returned home to look after her cats. Mistress is inspecting slut for any permanent damage after being loaned out to a Dom for a week and worm is nursing his bruises and flayed skin in slut’s cage.“Come on you...

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I love to display my hard cock in public

I’m a big time exhibitionist. Not the trench coat flasher type, but full-on naked in public. I like to sit out on my patio naked, with all nine inches of my hard cock in full view. I’ve got a heavy ball sac, as well and a thick bush of pubic hair. The woman across the way likes to see my erect manhood. I’ll stroke my cock while she watches me. I like to to sit back and spread my legs, so she can get get a good view of my balls and asshole. Several times I’ve given her a good show, working my...

3 years ago
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How I discovered I was a cuckold Agonizing Jelous

How I discovered I was a cuckold. The first time I felt that agonizing jealousy.This is a true story of how I discovered I liked to watch girls I cared about get fucked by other guys. This experience would start an obsession and a desire that will be with me the rest of my life. I was in my EARLY teens and it was the summer before I started my new school.(So wait we have 7 different teachers now??!) I had a few skateboarding buddy's and we would all hang around at my "Friend" Christians house....

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A Better World IIChapter 21 Back to San Jose State University

Monday March 31, 2008 The Dean's List San Jose State again. The Top Gun School made one change to our routine. We now did one half hour of Tai Chi before we ran. We were going at it fine in March and April and the first three weeks of May. We all had 4.0 averages when we were all called to see the president of the University. President Chow came out and ushered us into her office. She wanted to meet us before we graduated. She had been watching our progress since we enrolled. We had...

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Uncle Mike and his niece Becky

Michael hadn’t seen his niece in a little over ten years. She was 8 the last time he saw her, when he and the family were visiting his sister-in-law for Christmas vacation in Florida. Then saw her briefly when she was 12 while visiting her grandma in New York. Becky was a pudgy little thing and a bit of a pain in the ass.   After High School she attended various colleges in Florida and North Carolina, never fully knowing what she wanted to do with her life. She was a bright kid, just...

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Jail Bait

Introduction: Blackmailing a hot teenager My first post, its a bit long and may be a bit wordy. Writing is not my strong suite, English is not even my 1st language. So constructive criticism welcome. Any suggestions welcome, Im working towards at least 2 more parts. ——————- Matt was standing behind the counter as usual checking out customers on the register when he heard the back entrance open and in came a young girl of about 14 or 16. She was very hot, full in the right places and blond....

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All Grown Up 4 Yuletide and Sleigh Bed Rides

Before leaving for her freshman year at college, Kelly had fallen in love with Dan, her sister Jenny’s husband. Jealousy led her to hide cameras in Dan & Jenny’s room, to record and watch their passionate lovemaking for months. When Jenny had to fly cross-country for business, Kelly revealed her secrets, and seduced Dan. For three weeks, the two of them engaged in joyfully erotic play, until Jenny, blissfully unaware Kelly was borrowing her husband, came home, and Kelly left for...

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Ted WhoChapter 10

Sandy came to the game that night and, as promised, she paid me no notice at all -- no waves, no thrown kisses, nothing. But I saw her up there, sitting in the Family section. But this time she was very close to the dugout, alongside Amy Parkison, the young woman who served as translator for our Japanese left-hander, Shiggie Nomura. Shiggie had just joined the club recently, and it looked like he would really improve our pitching staff. Shiggie's translator, Amy, was a fine-looking young...

1 year ago
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ThatSitcomShow Chloe Cherry That 70s Ho Queen Of The Sluts

The boys are all discussing Eric’s newfound manhood when Laurie flounces in. She learns about her brother’s sexcapades with Donna, but she’s not going to yield her crown of queen slut without a fight. She goes ahead and turns to Hyde, peeling off her top right there on the touch and then continuing her stripshow. Whipping out Hyde’s fuck stick, Laurie climbs on and rides him right in front of Eric with plenty of loud moans to punctuate each stroke. She puts on...

4 years ago
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Me and Mum

"Oh no darling" mum said as she slipped out of her dress, "You mustn't look at me getting undressed" "Okay mum" I grinned and sat up in bed to watch, Her beautiful, big breasts bulged out almost over the top of her skimpy little bra as she reached for her drink and she smiled at me over the top of her glass, "You're looking" "I can't help it mum, you're beautiful" "No I'm not" but she giggled and turned round to look at herself in the mirror, "I've got wrinkles and my...

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First Stop – 370 miles STOP/Gas&Goodies/St. Louis STOP/Springfield, Missouri HOTEL/La Quinta Inn VENUE/Stop & Sleep With all the new people, the ladies created a set of room groupings. They tried to put people together who wouldn’t normally talk to one another. In rooms with two doubles or queens, they put up to four girls. Boys would only be put in two doubles ... queens would be a waste. All very scientific, which got us twenty rooms for the boys, and eleven rooms for the girls....

3 years ago
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Mixed MessagesChapter 15

I put away the video equipment and made sure that all the recorder's memory cards and the DVDs we had made, with all the damning evidence, were rounded up. I still could not say definitively why the girls and I were taking such great pains to collect enough evidence to hang us all. I guess it was the thrill and the desire to experience what we had all shared again vicariously in the future through these video records. I took all the memory cards and DVDs up to my room and hid them in the...

2 years ago
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Dancing to His Commands

I enjoy being a submissive to my husband, Alex. Our sex life is fantastic when it’s just the two of us, but several times a month he takes me out somewhere to find someone else for me to fuck. I never know where we are going. He chooses what I wear, and I never know the gender of the person I will be fucking, or the number of them for that matter. He does not demean me while doing this, instead he chooses a scenario that I have had a fantasy about, or that he has envisioned. It is meant to...

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Lovely Tyrant

I groan knowing trouble when I hear it. "What is it now…" Probably just more of her homework. She's a senior now while I'm only a sophomore, but she has me help her out with homework, which end up with me doing it for her more often than not. I want to tell her to do it herself, but she's always been like a big sister to me, even if I had all the book smarts, so she always has been the boss of me. She's pretty much ruled my life even more than my own mother. When we were very...

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The Weaver

William de Mort rode his powerful black charger at the head of his caravan. His eyes fixed on a castle that dominated the lush green valley. The castle's tall rectangular keep sat secure behind a stone ring of imposing fortifications. Still, the young Baron felt unimpressed and slammed his inheritance. "To think I inherited this... No wonder they call father, Berty the bastard." ~ At the castle's gatehouse William dismounted his horse onto the cobblestones, where he was met by the castle's...

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First time anal true story

No fooling! This is a true story.One summer when I was in my mid twenties, I was in between "real" jobs and I worked selling ads and taking pictures for a local magazine. It was a small operation, the owner, me, and some occasional office help. The owner was a likable Foghorn Leghorn full of BS guy, who always talked big and dropped a lot of names. He really did know some big name entertainment people, so you never knew when he was blowing smoke or not, and he used it every chance he could to...

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Bill is still Bill continuing nylon adventures of

Melody and Bill remained an item for a long time as teenage relationships go. Theirs didn't meet it's full demise until Bill's senior year in college with Melody just a year behind him when they had both just broken into their 20's.Bill had a love-hate kind of relationship unlike Melody who was cocksure of her love for her man. Bill knew Melody adored him like a loyal puppy but he couldn't keep his eyes and mind off of other young women especially if they were attired in sheer nylon. That,...

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The Reward

I had been with the dance company for just under two weeks. I came in as a last minute replacement, and had learnt the choreography very quickly. Luckily, there were so many people that were willing to help me. There was one rehearsal that stood out the most for me. I guess the best way to describe it would be: a new Experience. One that I definitely enjoyed, and definitely want to do again. Amber was the assistant choreographer. She had long brown hair and light, milk chocolate-coloured eyes....

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The Telepath Chronicles part Two Above All Else Do No Harm

The Telepath Chronicles Part Two:-Above All Else Do No Harm By Hypatia I had asked for your views as to continuing this story in the introduction to the first one?but due to other responsibilities, proofing has taken a little longer than normal. Authors take note here those people we rely on ?The Proofers? are real people, with real lives. Send them a note to say how much you appreciate them?go on they deserve it. Anyway, to get back to my introduction, I began to listen to...

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How I Got My Wife To Be Shared For The First Time

After I tried for 3 years to talked my wife into being shared I finally made it happen. It took a calculated risk but in the end I got my wife to except it. I had asked my wife on a number of occasions about her fucking another man but I was rejected each and every time I had asked. I knew I needed a different approach. I was going through the personal add site in my area when I came across an add that said, “I want to massage your wife for free.” It had gotten my curiosity up as I decided to...

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Horny Milf intro and first date

This is my first and so far only encounter with someone from xhamster (by the way has been the best sexual encounter I’ve had yet). So im not in my home state and have been extremely horny. Spending most my days looking for new things on xhamster, I’ve had a profile for a long while and barely tried the dating part. So I say why not try more and try to find something. Months have pass and I talk to a few people but nothing extravagant but some excitement through messageing only. So at this...

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Harry Potter Chapter 4

The next morning, Ginny did not come down to eat breakfast as she usually did. Sensing that something was wrong, Ron hurriedly ate his breakfast and went upstairs to check on Ginny. Ginny was not in the common room either meaning that she was still in bed. Ron sneaked into the girls’ dormitory and searched around till he found Ginny curled up under her sheets with her hands covering her face. Ron was about to go back when he heard sobbing from Ginny's direction. Upon closer...

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The Deep Dark Secret

The Deep and Dark Secret. By Susan Brown It was on Paddington Station in the heart of London that their eyes met across the crowded platform. Susan's heart missed a beat when she saw him glance at his watch and then look up at her. He smiled handsomely; his gleaming white teeth brightened her day and most of the platform. She went wobbly at the knees. He was at least 6-foot tall, wide shouldered, about 29 years old, blond...

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Cafe Thrills 2

Please read Café Thrills first.After the happenings in the café that night I slept like a log. However, when I woke up the following morning the first thought that came to mind was – Oh no they will be back tonight! I thought of phoning one of the other waitresses to swap shifts, but who. Eventually I decided on Alice as she is my age so I feel comfortable talking to her. However, Alice said she was busy this evening so unable to swap. Oh well I thought chances are they won’t be back and if...

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A Boat Story

I convince you to come meet me at the harbor after work. It’s a warm late summer evening, and the crickets and cicadas are chirping, filling the air with their love songs. We meet at a bar by the harbor, and enjoy a drink, watching the boats in the harbor bob slightly on the water, a light breeze keeping flags fluttering. We stare into each other’s eyes, and I see you are watching my mouth as I talk, a slight smile on your lips, knowing that we will kiss soon. It makes me smile to watch your...

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Magic 101Chapter 13

It hit me then. It was like a blow to the back of the head, and I recognized why others, like Lady Eisenham, for instance, thought she was unfeeling. After spending so long with Doctor Atkinson and with his patients, I recognized, at least partially, what was off about Dame Matsuko! She had facial paralysis, at least partially. When I was done reasoning it through in my head, I looked up again, realizing I must have seemed preoccupied. Dame Matsuko was staring at me, her eyes seeming to bore...

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I Am Ritika

Hi, I am Ritika; I am 34 year old from Bangalore. I am a widow live with my 2 kids a boy and a girl both are schooling. My husband passed away at my younger age when I was 25. I had no intention of marrying again as I had bad experience with my marriage. I took up my own business and lead an ideal life with my kids. I just wanted to shed out my inner guilt so I am writing this; I am not a professional writer so I don’t think this story will entertain you and seduce you. I look a normal mid aged...

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Husband watches as wife engages in sex with multiple partners over the course of the evening

A few weeks ago, my wife Krista and I attended a party at her friend’s home. It was an informal affair, just drinks and snacks. There were about 9 or 10 couples there, all of us married and in our late twenties. It was a holiday weekend and everyone was drinking quite a bit. The host had made arrangements so those who lived beyond walking distance could sleep over. This made the drinking a little heavier than normal. My wife was a little tipsy. I could tell because she was flirting...

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The Naughty Principal

The principal knew that the math teacher, Mrs. Evans, would be in the lounge because she didn't have a class to teach during third period, and he gave one of the student assistants a note to deliver to her. About ten minutes later, the math teacher peeked in his doorway and knocked lightly to get his attention as he was concentrating on some paperwork. He looked at her and assessed what he saw. She was about 35 years of age, with a quite pretty face. He had known her since she joined the staff...

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Son and Stepfather

Things are always hard when you are a teenager, and I mean it,literally. There are these things called hormones. You go to bed with abonner, you wake up with a bonner, you don't wear underpants and your dickslightly brushes your thigh, brace yourself a bonner is coming up. Butthere is this beautiful thing called masturbating. I do it all the time, inthe shower, before bed, in the morning, even in the school stalls, there isjust no stopping. One day I was in my bedroom, minding my own business,...

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A Single Dad

Introduction: If only it had really happened this way….. but no, it is all fictional. Look at the themes .. if these are objectionable to you.. stop reading now.. you will not enjoy the story =) Only posting because Sir told me to.. so be nice please =) It had been a long month for all of us. Adjusting to the kids being with me permanently and their crazy mother totally out of the picture definitely had some ups and downs. At 12, Aubrey was the oldest and a lot of the slack in terms of helping...

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