Kyles conversion
- 2 years ago
- 20
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If you are looking for outright sex, it’s not in this series, sorry.
This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up.
Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow
I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not.
Part one of eight: A girl from out of the desert
I was enjoying the morning setting here on my new porch in my underwear. The sun had cleared the distant horizon, and it was in the 87F/30.5C all ready. Grandpa had left me his place in his will. It wasn’t a fair trade, him for this. But it was all I had left of him. I had moved in just a few months ago, and had finished screening in the porch last weekend.
My place was situated in the rolling foothills in the high south-eastern deserts of Arizona, several hundred acres bordering a National Wildlife Refuge. My nearest neighbors were about five miles away, where a trailer/motor home park had sprung up. The nearest store was eleven miles. My job was thirty.
The phone rang. I knew it would be mom, it was. She accused me of setting on the porch in my underwear, planning to waste the whole day away, so come for dinner at one. I could only say, ‘Yes mom, I’ll be there.’
I let the back of the lounge down a bit and was starting to doze off, I was having a curious dream. Someone was saying, ‘Excuse me, Hello?’
I opened my eyes to see a nice looking girl, about my age, which is to say, mid 20s. She was standing in my front yard, in the direct heat of the sun. She had a large floppy hat, knee length shorts, blouse, and sunglasses on. I said, ‘Come on up, the door’s open.’ She did and froze just inside seeing how I wasn’t dressed.
I said, ‘Don’t be silly, just pretend I have on swimming trunks. I’m not about to put clothes on in this heat.’ I pointed at the large temperature gage on the wall, it was at 98F/36.7C degrees.
‘The kitchen is to the right, the bathroom to the left. There are cold drinks in the ‘frig, grab what you want, and relax, I’m not a rapist.’
After her initial shock, she did relax, and asked me from the ‘frig, ‘What can I bring for you?’
‘Whatever you are having, there’s more in the cupboards, replace what you take out please.’
Soon she handed me an iced tea, and sat her drink down across the table. The only other lounge chair was there. She looked me over and I could see her make a decision. She turned away and took off her button blouse, she was wearing just a thin cotton halter over her small breasts. Then she slid her shorts off too. As a precaution she said. ‘I’m not implying any permission here, just pretend I’m wearing a swimming suit.’
‘Okay, no problem. My name is Kyle Brown. In the interests of the brevity we have apparently agreed upon, call me Kyle.’
She was wearing plain white cotton panties, and stood about five foot five inches to my five foot ten. (1.65m/1.78m)
She hadn’t yet sat, she was folding her clothes. She held out her hand and I shook it, then reluctantly let go. She said. ‘I’m Kate Brown, Kyle. So the last names cancel, call me Kate.’
She was even more attractive then I had first realized. I decided to gaze out at the desert for a while. I saw her smile at the reaction she was causing me.
‘May I ask what you do?’ I said, to get the conversation restarted.
‘Ornithologist, I study birds Kyle.’ She said my name as if she was trying it on to see how it fit.
‘Okay, you must know most of the birds have left for cooler climates?’
‘That’s what I have been waiting for, I want to study the birds that live here.’
For some reason we were both almost whispering. I could see her watching the yard, there were a covey of Quail out there. She sat in the lounge, bringing the back up to the mostly upright position.
‘Well you can see most of them right here from the porch. It’s similar to a duck blind here, but with better comforts.’
She didn’t say anything for quite some time, watching the yard and me.
I glanced at the temp. It was up over 102F/39C.
‘What do you do Kyle?’ She said, watching another family of quail move cautiously across the yard. She took a sip from the tea.
‘I’m a machinist in Willcox.’ I was watching her from the corner of my eye and liking the view. She was quite trim, obviously exercised a lot. When she spoke her stomach muscles became quite well defined.
‘So you go to work every day in Willcox?’
‘That’s right Kate, Monday through Friday, I leave before dawn, our starting hours are earlier in the summer, because of the daytime heat.’
‘Were you serious about offering me a place to watch the birds from?’
‘Yes, although I didn’t think you would be interested.’
I could see she was watching me in the same way. I suppressed the sudden urge to tighten up, to show off.
‘It’s not perfect.’ She said. ‘But there are fringe benefits.’
Now, I knew she was playing word games. ‘What do you have in mind?’ I asked directly, looking in her eyes.
She blushed a little, and said. ‘I need a place to setup and watch the birds, for extended periods of time. This place is a good alternative to lying in the sand. But let me make it clear. I’m here to study birds. I have a boyfriend at the U of A, he takes care of me other ways.’
‘He is a lucky man then… I offer you the use of my place, no strings attached. But with some regrets to that.’
She smiled then and my heart skipped a beat. To cover, I said let’s go inside to the table, I’ll turn on the cooler and we can talk this out.
She gathered up her things, and followed me inside. I turned the cooler on and soon it was lowering the temperature inside. I put on a net shirt and jogging shorts. She had put her shorts on and was just buttoning her blouse when I came back in. I averted my eyes and asked. ‘Would you like another?’ As I opened the ‘frig.
‘A beer this time, please.’ She sat, but I could feel her eyes on me.
She didn’t look away when I turned around to hand her a can. ‘Glass?’ I asked her.
‘No, I’m used to roughing it.’ She said as she took a drink.
I sat across from her, now noticing the light dusting of freckles over her small nose and her dark blue eyes.
She said. ‘My research was funded to include the building of blinds, and a moderate selection of equipment. I borrowed my parents motor home. Just a class ‘C’. It’s parked at the Resort on the main road. I was looking for a way to get it off-road, in to where I want to study birds. I also need the permission from whom ever owns this land. The less money I spend, the longer my research can last, up to the year’s end. The use of your porch would save me a lot of money. I would be willing to pay rent of course. I need to study from dawn to dawn. Not necessarily continuously, I know they are inactive during parts of the day and night. I also have borrowed some IR equipment to observe any night time activity. The equipment is expensive. It would be nice if I could lock it up for when I’m not here. Carting heavy equipment, in this kind of heat, from my home base to a blind every day, is a sure invitation to a coronary.’
I stood up and opened the cupboard on the end. I removed a key from a hook, and handed it to her. I said as I sat back down. ‘The key to my door. I don’t need rent money, I inherited this place from my grandfather, from the main road more or less, to the refuge is all mine. So you have the permission you need. I suppose there are papers I will need to sign for you. Use whatever you need from here and replace it if you can. Come and go as you need. The drive in here will support your RV, if it’s not muddy. Otherwise I would suggest you take my dirt bike. Which ever way is best for you?’
She looked at me with suspicion, and said ‘Why?’
I knew she
meant ‘why would you do this for me?’ I answered. ‘I won’t try to snow you. I am willing to do this, in the hopes that you will find me more interesting than Mr. U of A. I want to capture your heart, as you have already captured mine. I am quite serious about my motives, please don’t misuse my feelings. If I get to close for your comfort ask me to back off. I may continue to let you know how I feel, but I won’t take advantage of you. That’s from my heart.’
She didn’t comment on that. We discussed where she could set up and store her stuff. There were restrictions on when I could move about the yard, and other small details.
‘Kyle, could you teach me how to ride the dirt-bike you mentioned?’
‘Can you ride a bicycle?’
‘Then it’s easier to learn to ride the bike. I’ll teach you.’
It was several minutes before she spoke. ‘I should get going soon. I have to go grocery shopping later today, maybe when it cools down.’
‘I’ll make you an offer then. I have to head to my parents house for dinner. When I come back from there I’ll take you to town to shop, and bring you back.’
She started to decline. ‘You will buy the gas for the trip of course.’
As it would be easier and cheaper, then unhooking her home and buying gas for it. She gave in.
‘How did you find my place anyway?’ I asked as we got ready to go.
She mumbled something, I said. ‘I couldn’t hear you.’
She looked at me with a blush she said. ‘I got lost. I have no idea where I am.’
I said, locking the door behind us, ‘You must have crossed a fence or cattle guard somewhere.’
She said. ‘Yes, there was a fence, a gate. Your’s?’
I said ‘The whole property is fenced, there are no internal fences. So if you wander around and see a fence, it is the property line. The wildlife refuge is marked clearly, there are a couple of places to climb over to get in there.’
My truck was parked in the garage. I usually left the doors open unless it was stormy. Just the fifty feet trek to the garage left us feeling drenched. But the sweat evaporated to quickly to leave a wet mark. I started the truck and set the AC on high. I pointed out easily recognizable mountain peaks she could use for navigation. My place was almost straight north of the park, but the drive wandered a lot. We stopped at the cattle guard and she hopped out to unlock the gate and relocked it after I drove through. The park was down the road a mile or so and I took her to her motor home. ‘I’ll be back in a few hours.’ I said as she got out.
‘Okay, Kyle, I might be dozing, just knock. Thank you for everything.’
We waved and I headed to my parents place.
‘Huh’ I said.
‘I asked you twice now, how you liked your porch.’ Said my mother. ‘Where are your thoughts son?’
My mother and I have always gotten along well. ‘Sorry mom. I met a girl from the RV park this morning. She has a captivating smile.’ I wasn’t about to go into detail, mom would guess most of it anyway.
‘I see.’ She said, and I knew she did. I knew I needed to explain some of it.
‘She is studying ground birds this summer, she asked permission to use grandpa’s land for her studies.’
I needed to stay close to the truth. Without all the details.
‘Oh? She is that good looking?’
‘Yes, mom she is good looking, but she has a boyfriend. So don’t be looking for a match.’
She hugged me and gave me the old ‘I want grand kids’ routine we had gone through a few times. Dad wandered in from the back patio, for a refill and said ‘Who’s got grand kids?’
Mom gave him her version of what I had told her and over her head he gave me a wink.
I pulled into the park fully resolved to let it go, the thought of her. She was awake and saw as I drove up. She locked her door, and hopped in the cab. She joked, ‘Taxi, how much to Willcox and back?’
I said ‘This time about six bucks. I can do it in about two gallons, if I putter along. If you give a list I can bring back stuff any work day. No charge.’
She smiled at me and my resolve crumbled. To keep from speaking I drove out and did putter along between 45 and 50 mph. We pulled into the grocery store just before dark, about 6:00. She took almost an hour, and filled two carts. Very little of it was perishable food. We placed it all in the back of my truck and headed south. She handed me a five and a one. I nodded and stuck it in my shirt.
‘I don’t see how you are going to find room for all of this in your home.’ I said.
She looked at me and said. ‘I’m not, most of it goes to your place. We will unload there first, then you can bring me home. Ok?’
‘Sure no problem. Why don’t you let me haul your equipment back tonight so you won’t have to fight with it in the morning?’
‘I was hopping I could talk you into it.’
Again she got the gate for me, I said out the window. ‘Don’t close it, I’ll get it on the way home.’
She insisted that she store her stuff in a corner of the porch. I cleaned out a corner of the freezer and talked her into putting freezable stuff there. Before we got back in the truck to take her home she dug a small instrument from her purse, and turned it on.
‘GPS.’ She said. ‘I should have had it with me this morning. I want to mark your place so I can’t get lost again.’ Then at the gate I stopped for her to fix its location too.
I helped her carry the groceries in and helped her stow them away. Her refrigerator was tiny. She had to get inventive to stow it all in there. We also loaded her equipment into my truck.
She got out two mostly cool beers and asked. ‘Will you set and talk a moment?’
I sat and asked. ‘Is this where you will tell me there’s no hope and I should find another?’
‘Well… You make me sound so mean. But that’s what I was going to try to tell you.’
‘Ok, I saved you from that headache.’
‘Oh shit. You get me so flustered. … Okay, a little truth, you deserve that much anyway. I am attracted to you. But I have a job to do, and I’ll use you to do it. It’s important to me. Don’t expect me to change my mind. I’ll have to pay you for the electric and gas I’ll use while I’m there. I’ll probably have to sleep some during the day, when I set up my night studies. I’ll be ruining around the place nearly naked while it’s hot. Which is the next four months or more. If you don’t think you can keep your hands off me, tell me now and I’ll find another spot. Because if you screw this study up for me I’ll kick you squarely in your nuts, I’ll pound your head in, then I’ll mace you. Got it?’
I stood up almost bashing my head in the process. ‘I promise. Good Night.’
I heard her say something as I stormed out to my truck. But I pulled away, she had to stop and put her shoes on. I pretended I didn’t see her wave to me. I wasn’t sure why I was angry. After all we were saying the same thing. I guess I expected her just to trust me, I didn’t like being pre-accused of such actions.
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After meeting Kyle at the bar, the night continued, as I took him to my apartment...Since my apartment was just a few blocks from the bar, Kyle agreed to take the short walk with me, leaving his car in the all-night lot a block away from the bar. At least it left our options open for the night. I lived in one of the nicer high rent apartments with a view not far from the city center. Yeah, the rent was high, but the view from my living room and bedroom were worth every penny. As we walked...
Kyle woke up slowly, groaning slightly as he stretched his aching muscles, then rose slowly from his little round bed on the floor. He looked around the room for a moment before quietly padding out into the hallway and down to the kitchen where he peeled and sliced fruit, a large bowl of cold strawberries, pineapple, raisens, melons. He prepared a fresh pot of heavenly dark coffee and spread a warm toasty bagel with heavy sweetened cream cheese before cutting it too into small wedges. He then...
FetishKyle, at age 14, was about 5'7" and weighed around 125 pounds. He had a slightly athletic body, because he spent his weekends playing sports with his friends. During the week he was home all day. He was homeschooled. Every tuesday, he had a guitar lesson. He was a skilled bassist, but had plenty of room to improve. Kaitlin, nicknamed Kat, was beautiful. At 15, she stood 5'4", and weighed about 125, same as Kyle. Her bra was size 34C, and she wore size 16 jeans. Her virginity had been...
A couple of nights ago, I meandered on down to the local gay bar in town to have a few beers and just relax after a hectic day at work. Since the bar is more of a quiet neighborhood bar as opposed to a night club, I had no expectations of meeting anyone interesting, let alone take someone home. Boy I was in a for a surprise.I had just finished my first beer, a local lager that’s only brewed this time of year. It’s excellent on tap, and I was looking forward to having more than just one or...
Kyle's parents and mine went to Las Vegas over Easter weekend, so Kyle stayed with me, he's too young to be on his own and I was more then happy to watch over him for his folks. We spent the better part of Saturday discussing personal stuff he's been wanting to ask me, questions about sex that he's too embarrassed to ask his parents, at first I was reluctant, telling him it was best he talked to his parents about such matters, but he explained his embarrassment, so I answered most of his...
Kyle Describes Himself. Hi, its sissy kylie, Today, Mistress Kyren found something Kyle wrote, on his computer and she ordered this sissy to write an introduction to it and post it. Kyle wrote this description of himself dressed as a girl and Mistress Kyren found it going through his computer. Kyle was a crossdresser for many years before college and this is how he saw himself. Hi, my name is Kyle and I am a 19-year-old sophomore, this semester in college. My favorite past time...
The next night after work I did not go to the bar. My balls were aching from the passionate night with Kyle, and then the next night spent fucking Skylar. Despite really enjoying breeding Skylar, the total bottom boy I met at the bar, I couldn’t stop thinking about Kyle. What really bothered me the most is that I thought we had a connection that was more sensual than just sexual based. Yeah, I had three intense orgasms while fucking Skylar, but with the slow love making Kyle and I...
After falling asleep instantly after hours of passionate, hot, memorable sex with Kyle, I woke up to the bright sunshine pouring into my room from south window of my room. Stretching my muscles, still feeling euphoric but a little hungover from the beers and lovemaking with Kyle the night before, I turned expecting to find him sleeping next to me. An empty bed was all I found. “Fuck no, you have to be k**ding me” was the first words out of my mouth, spoken only to my ears in an empty...
After telling Kyle about my first time with best friend Zack, Kyle promised to make me forget about that first time.Standing up to face me, Kyle wrapped his arms around me and gave me one of the most affectionate hugs I’d had in quite some time. The mixture of the scent of Polo Black and his leather jacket already had my senses alive, but as he put his arms around me, my senses became aroused and were well on the way to what promised to be an unforgettable euphoric journey. Because he was...
We were f******n and Kyle was my friend and lived down the street from me. His mom, Kay, was in her 40's about 5ft 6inches tall. Blond hair, boobs not too big or small, 130lbs and a really great shape. I had spent the night several times and was able to catch her semi clothed more than once. I was going to spend the night over at Kyle's along with Ben,Jerry and Fred. We were going to drink and watch some pornos. Kyle's dad had gone hunting several nights ago and would not return for several...
My name is Kyle Eliott. My friends call me “strummer” because I have been known to strum a mean guitar. More about that later but for now these pages will tell the story of my sex life over the last 2 years. Believe me when I tell you, ever since my divorce two years ago, it has been a wild wild ride. I married young (20) and we stayed together for 19 years. One night she said she had enough and left me for another WOMAN!!! Imagine that!!! That moment I turned my life around. I started working...
So Kyle popped up at his window yesterday morning, you see his upstairs bedroom faces my downstairs bedroom, while babysitting him in his house I've explored the view he has of my bedroom, when he stands directly in front of his window he can see me at my desk, and when he looks through the lower left portion of his window he can actually get a pretty good view of my bed, for this reason I've been very careful not to roam around my room nude with my blinds are open. So he called down to me as I...
kyle was an 19 year old collage student in Maine and is sometimes bored about almost everything in his life and most of the time he's often lazy, he had some great hobbies like swimming, exploring, traveling, fishing and camping. today we see him wandering the woods carrying his camping supplies looking for a nice spot for him to camp out, that was until a really strange lake caught his eye and went over to investigate it. he layed down his supplies and walked over at the edge of the lake and...
_______________________________________________________________________ I stopped in the Hotel bar, as I always do after work, to find it pretty empty. Beside the bartender there may have been 4 other people in the joint. I like to have a few beers before I go out for dinner. This particular night the bar in downtown Gainesville, they were going to have a Comedy Show. “So what can I get you… My name is Sue.” “Well Sue a Bud would work well… and can you tell me about the show later?...
After losing my anal virginity to the stud Evan and the sexy little twink Skylar who d**gged me the night before, I went back to bed after taking some pain killers only to have the most intense, sexual dream of my life.... Three hours later my alarm went off; I shut it off, called in sick to work, and went back to bed. I ached all over from the brutal fucking I took the night before from Evan and Skylar. The pain killers I had left over from my broken finger a year ago would certainly help to...
The last chapter ended with her writing her part which I did not see till after it was posted. I knew that after being gone for six weeks, and she had changed so much over the last six months that I should be accustomed to being shocked. She told me she wanted to get breast implants as well as some tattoos and additional piercings. Since I'd be gone for about six weeks I expected from what she had told me in the past that these things would probably happen. After returning from being gone six...
Wife LoversHello friends, I am back again with my experience, first of all I would like to thanks to ISS and it s readers who had read my story & replied me, I am really very thankful to you all that you had encouraged me to write this story again. Dear friends, my name is BOBBY, 24 years old from Hyderabad and I am doing BHM, which is a highly professional course with Rs.70,000/-, per year and for that reason I made SEX as my part time job where I have 3 regular customers. And dear girls and aunties, sex...
Incestvisit on to see full series of these stories"How are my folks treating you, Tammy?" Priscilla asked over the phone.The young girl was sprawled out on the bed, the phone propped againsther ear."Your parents are real nice," Tammy replied. A hint of unhappinessrevealed itself in the girl's voice. She was sitting at the bedroomwindow, looking at the street below. The city traffic and peoplebothered her. She wished she were back home on the farm in her ownroom."Your parents are...
Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well. I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man’s and they get played with and sucked on like a woman’s. In fact, most of my clients tell me I’m...
The first time my husband mentioned it, I was shocked, but I always said I would go along with anything to please him, as long as it was between us. So he calmed me down and I got dressed up in lingerie and make up for him. I did my hair and when I came out, I looked pretty good I would say for what he called a ‘BBW’ because I had recently had a baby and had put on quite a few pounds since we met. He had me pose in different poses and move freely as I chose as he clicked away with my digital...
A young boy is feeling the blues and thinks that life can't get any worse. Until he meets the little bully girls. Kelly-Kellie: me 10 year old boy Sally: My older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl Those little girls: Just when you didn't think life could get any worse. By Princess Panty boy Some people believe everything happens for a reason, if that's true, I am just plain and simply...
My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...
Sometime long after midnight but hours before dawn, Steven became aware of warm flesh pushing against him as he dreamed. He stirred, pulling Alexis closer, nestling his groin against her butt and bringing his arm around her. He idly cupped his lover's breast, his thumb just brushing over her nipple.Alexis stirred as well with an almost inaudible, "Mmmmm." Both of them were luxuriating in that liquid space between sleep and waking, where sensation is unhindered by consciousness. He nuzzled...
IncestJacob was gulping down his breakfast as if he was in a rush – his hand slipped and the milk splashed his face. Cum came to mind, pushed it down on his tongue, pulled it. He had not finished dressing – still in his vest and underwear. He could hear his mom – Tina busy with something in the TV room. The flat door bangs furiously, Jacob jumps and runs to open. His eyes widened and his legs began quivering. He nearly pissed in his underwear. It was Sly from the liquor shop “Hi Sly – long time no...
IncestMy earliest memory of a flasher was as I played on my own in my backyard. I was p*****n and to access the green, I had to walk down the side of the building and under the ground floor window, that looked onto the back-green. The neighbors teenage son was standing at the window looking at me, then he went away and when I looked again, he stood naked and wanking himself.Of course back then I hadn't a clue what he was doing, but I remember feeling strange, looking at his nudity.He looked different...
Hi everybody my name is Sachin(name changed) today i would like to share my experience with u, right from my childhood i am very horny person i started masturbation at the age of 12 i used to masturbate thinking of my neighbour aunty sridevi(name changed) it was on july 11 2006 i went to theatre to see krissh movie while going to my house i found a randi her name is aruna she is sexy godess she has a big ass and big boobs which i really like it we both travelled on the same auto i presses her...
IncestOnce we were all in his office, Evan shut and locked the door. Something was clearly wrong. I sat in one of the squishy leather chairs and hugged my knees to my chest. I had an uneasy feeling about what was coming. Evan was standing with his back to us, looking out the big picture window into the night. His shoulders were tense and I could feel worry and anxiety coming off him. "That was the head of the Council on the phone. They want Kimberly presented to them at the next conclave." Now...
I will never forget when I started dating Tami in High school. She was shy, sweet, and innocent. After a few dates she said her parents wanted to get to know me, so they thought having a game night would be perfect. I loved games but was not that competitive so I was hoping I wouldn’t lose ever game. How embarrassing would that be, right? When I arrived Tami’s little sister answered the door like, she always did. She was such a cutie. She had long blond hair in ponytails. She was on...
MAMY SATHE AKHII RAAT MAJA KARI By –Ali Hello dosto kem cho badha, hu iss reader no bahu moto fen chu. Ane akho divas khali sexy story j vachya karu ek private company ma noukari karu chu jya akho divas internate upar besvanu hoy che,tya akho divas hu blu film joya karu ane sex story vachya karu. Have tamaro vadhu samay n bagadta hu sedho story upar avu chu mara mama na lagna thaye 2 year thaya mara mamy ek dam sunder ane ek dam bhura bhura che tena chahera ma etlu tej che ke te koina...
“Adam, I meant to ask if you were able to get a sample of that petrified sand, which was crystallized and bonded to the meteorite?” “No, I need a pry bar of some kind to pry it up so I can break it loose from the meteorite itself. I managed to dig beneath it to loosen it from the sand particles on the lake bottom.” “Let’s go back and see if both of us can break it loose. They won’t be back for a few more minutes.” “Sure, maybe the two of us can break a piece off large enough to analyze in...
Hi, I'm John and I would prefer to use this outlet to describe what has happened in my life, especially with my sex life with regards to my wife Tammy. Since that weekend, I have done my best to forget what I saw. It had been on a video tape that guys from a nearby fraternity had made of my wife not long after she appeared in a college girls edition of Playboy magazine. The photo of my wife published in Playboy was innocent enough. It was a shot of her turning back, smiling at the camera, and...
Society of Switchers By Jennifer Allison My sixteenth birthday is tomorrow. My birthday wish is for my body to decide what sexual direction it wants to go in. You see I have been having severe sexual problems since I reached my teenage years: 1- I have never had a hard on in my life. 2- No wet dreams. 3- Looking at naked women doesn't excite me. 4- I get no excitement in the boy's shower. 5- Girls don't excite me. This problem seems to run the family. My...
“I won the bet, so I get to do it my way,” my wife explained as we got out of the car. “I’ll pick whom I choose and you’ve only got a yes or no vote, no negotiations or questions. All right?” “Okay by me,” I said. This was certainly a new turn of events, as she usually was more sedate and reserved and let me always take the lead. My wife is a petite brunette, with awesome legs, a very nice ass, little pert boobs, and she wore her dark hair long. Tonight she had...
BisexualChapter One – splitting the pod. I had studied hard at Exeter University and felt proud that I had managed a good degree in accountancy. I was lucky enough to get a real well paid position with a new and upcoming company who were in competition with Ann Summers. The most difficult part was learning the name of the many new products. Many of which were coming in from Japan and China. Most were in great demand. I was beginning to discover for instance, just how many women use vibrators,...
I had followed a direction light to an Auto Dresser. Centron the ships AI said. “It is all set as per special instructions. Please step inside.” I did and the system went through the whole hygiene cycle and as I stepped out I checked myself in a mirror field. The machine had dressed me in the Class A Formal dress, reserved usually for flag officers, with shiny black boots, black pants and high collared uniform jacket. The left side of my chest was filled with ribbons and actual medals, not...
My Mama always said she wanted me to go to college. But when I did, she cried. So weird. I wasn’t good at figuring out people, not even Mama.I grew up on a ranch miles from anywhere and Mama homeschooled me all by herself. I knew I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the bunch but my Mama always wanted me to get what she called an education. But when I got to college, I still didn’t really know much about anything except cows and state capitals. I’d tell myself the capitals any time I got angry or...
College SexChapter Twelve: Exposing the Naughty Genies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...