Kyle Roberts Hypno Therapy
- 4 years ago
- 73
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KYLE PETERSON found himself naked on his knees in the
bathroom. The
seventeen year old senior at Wilmont High was dazed and
confused to say the
least. Then the big naked dick slapped his face and his
mind cleared. How
had he come to this? How had it happened? This wasn't his
own bathroom,
where he sometimes stripped naked and lay on the floor to
masturbate as most
seventeen year old boys did. This wasn't the locker room,
where he stripped
and walked around dick and balls swinging as he joshed with
the other senior
jocks on the baseball team. This wasn't even the bathroom
of his girlfriend
Cindy where he fucked her twice, and where she sucked his
dick in the shower
a few times after they had skipped school and rutted in her
bed for most of
the day
No, this was the bathroom of Mr. Hinkle, the dreaded
German teacher and
college counselor of Wilmont High. Kyle was naked, bare
assed naked and
kneeling in Mr. Hinkle's bathtub. He looked up, and the
huge fat dick
slapped him in the face again, this time leaving a streak
of pre-fuck on the
boy's cheek.
"Fucking arrogant high school jocks! You think you got
the world by the
tit's don't you? Well, not I got you by the balls, and you
are going to pay,
you little Shitface, you!" The voice was Mr. Hinkle's, no
mistaking that
slight German accent and that gruff, unsentimental tone.
The students called
him Herr Hitler instead of Hinkle behind his back.
Kyle's darting eyes traveled beyond the fat fucker
slapping his face to
the bloated fat disgusting body behind it. The gross fat
of Herr Hinkle's
belly would have sagged over the dick, had it not been so
"Hold still you fucking Asswipe Cuntface, so I can slap
your dirty little
teenage face with my Schwantz, my naughty jock boy fucker!"
Mr. Hinkle held his thick dick at the base, over his fat
sack of low
hanging balls and manipulated the root of the dick to the
cockhead slapped
Kyle's face. More and more streaks of foul pre-fuck crisscrossed
the boy's
nose and cheeks, some of it getting on his lips. Kyle
wanted to puke. He
prayed for this to be over. He pulled his head back out of
the way.
"Get your fucking face back where it belongs, Shithole!
Do it, now!"
Kyle moved his face back in so the sloppy prick could
continue to slap
"Discipline, that is what Cunts like you need. You strut
around school
like a fucking peacock, every girl's pussy dripping for
you. You spend your
evenings and weekends fucking twat instead of studying as
you should do. You
think because you have a cute face, a big package and a hot
ass, you own the
world. Just because you are popular and a star jock, you
think your diploma
will be handed to you on a silver platter! Well, Fuckface,
now you know this
is not so!" WHAP WHAP! The swollen fuckmeat thumped
against the boy's
sweet face once again.
It was true, what Mr. Hinkle said. Kyle did love to fuck.
He fucked a lot.
He had fucked lots of girls from his school, and from other
schools as well.
He had a steady girlfriend whom he fucked almost every day,
but that didn't
stop the handsome young jock from fucking around. Shit,
after all, he was
seventeen and needed to unload is big boy balls almost
But Mr. Hinkle has trapped him. He was flunking Kyle in
German. Most of
the teachers cut the kid some slack because he was the
captain of the
baseball team. He had also been a star swimmer. But Mr.
Hinkle controlled
college recommendations, college meetings, and college
acceptance, and he
made sure Kyle knew he was not going to graduate! If he
didn't graduate, no
college would give him the sports scholarship he wanted.
Mr. Hinkle single
handedly was ruining Kyle's life. Unless...
Unless Kyle was willing to put out for the old fat
faggot teacher.
That's right. The hot young jock was expected to sexually
service the
disgusting pervert. In return, Mr. Hinkle would not only
pass Kyle, but get
him the scholarship he needed. What choice did Kyle have?
Kyle hated faggots. He had never had anything to do with
them. He was one
hundred percent straight boy! He didn't even like it when a
faggot student
looked at him in the locker room. He wanted to fucking
punch the kid into
oblivion. The idea that this queer boy got on on looking at
Kyle's fine fat
teenage fuckmeat, made the jock want to vomit. His
fuckmeat was for twat.
For pussy. For cunt! The cunts could look at it all they
wanted to. They
could fondle it and kiss it and suck on it...and did! He
had Cindy suck it
every fucking day, even though she was not very fond of
cocksucking. Shit,
it was part of a twats duty. That and ass sucking. Cindy
really hated that,
but all the jocks at Willmont High made their girlfriends
lick and suck
their asses. It was a kind of fad they had. If a girl
wouldn't' suck a
senior jock's ass, she was soon dumped and replaced. As far
as Kyle was
concerned there was nothing, absolutely nothing in the
world like a good ass
suck. It even beat fucking in his mind.
WHAP, WHAP! The fat German dick thumped against his
"Lift your head, Jockfuck! Look at me. Open your
Kyle wanted to puke, but he didn't. If he puked, Mr.
Hinkle might fail
him. He had to play this exactly right, no matter how
horrible it was.
He lifted his face to look into the eyes of the ugly
teacher, whose fat
jowls danced merrily as he dick slapped the boy.
"Open, Cuntface!" He barked. Kyle opened his mouth and
Mr. Hinkle
lovingly coated the boy's lips with the pre-fuck bubbling
out of his
pisshole. It was fucking gross.
"You be very nice to Mr. Hinkle, and perhaps you will
graduate and get
that scholarship you need. What with your papa dead and
your mother an
alcoholic and having no money, you need that scholarship
badly, don't you,
Twatteen Shithole? Well Mr. Hinkle will help you, but first
he is going to
fuck your pretty little face until it is swollen from
sucking dick, and fuck
your tight jock asshole until you can't walk!"
Poor Kyle wanted to faint. He couldn't believe what what
happening to
him. He was going to get his ass fucked. His straight
muscular smooth
cheeked perfect jock ass, that the girls sucked. He was
going to get a dick
shoved up it, and there was nothing he could do! He was
going to be used
like a fucking faggot! His thoughts were brought back to
the present by
the feel of the German teacher's dick knob rubbing across
his lips.
"Young athlete, do you know why I brought you in here,
into the bathroom
to face fuck you today? Do you know, huh? Because after I
am finished
shooting my load of sperm into your mouth and making you
swallow it, I am
going to hold my big cock over your face and piss on you! I
am going to piss
all over that arrogant high school student face! I am going
to piss on you
like you are nothing but a turd floating in the toilet!"
Kyle almost lost it at that. He almost did puke. But what
could he do? The
fucking Nazi teacher was right. His life was hell here. His
mother did
drink, and they were poor, and his only hope was that
The dickknob bobbed at his lips. Strings of pre-fuck
slop connected the
boy's face to the bloated fuckmeat.
"Don't just kneel there like a fucking praying nun, kiss
and lick my
beautiful big dick. Make love to my dick with your mouth!"
The fat belly wobbled as the teacher pushed more prick
at the teenage
jock. If the man wasn't so fucking gross, it might not have
been as bad.
Kyle let out a sob which made him suddenly sound very
young and innocent,
and he started to kiss the cock. Jesus, that was so easy to
say...kiss the
cock..but so fucking hard to do. The hardest thing Kyle had
ever had to do
in his whole life. He felt somehow stained...filthy
forever. He was kissing
a man's dick!
"That's right my snotty little Pukeface, smooch Mr.
Hinkle's beautiful big
prick. Smooch it and kiss it and get your lips coated with
my nice
Kyle kissed the fuckmeat. He did gag twice and Mr.
Hinkle warned him that
he had better not make the teacher angry. Kyle kissed the
dick stalk up and
down and then kissed the fat pink pricknob. He could smell
the rancid smell
of whatever was imbedded in the folds of the foreskin which
had pulled back
over the head of the German dick.
"Here, let me help you!" Mr. Hinkle said, chuckling. He
pulled his belly
back like it was a clothes sack and looked down at his
dick. Then he let
gobs of spit fall from his mouth onto the thick pink
pulsing prick. Gobs of
thick, yellowish spit covered the cockstalk.
"There, you are, that should taste good. Now, go on..go
back to your
licking. Lick all my spit off the big cock!"
It was so horrible that Kyle actually feared he might
pass out. He put his
tongue on the spit slick prick and had to swallow the vomispit slick prick and had to swallow the vomit
that coursed up
into his throat. Mr. Hinkle uttered a warning grunt. Kyle
licked the spit
from the dick shaft. He scooped the foul spit up onto his
teenage tongue.
"Yeah, just like when you tongue kiss your girlfriend,
huh? I bet you swap
spit with her every day, yeah? Nice teenage spit going from
mouth to mouth.
Now Mr. Hinkle's spit goes form his dick into your mouth!
Oh my dear boy,
some of the spit is running down onto my balls. Better lick
down there too.
Better lick my ball sack real good for me!"
Mr. Hinkle had waited a long time for Kyle Peterson to
lick his balls. He
had watched the boy on the sports field and in the locker
room. Mr. Hinkle
often strolled through the locker room when the boys were
changing, so he
could see the fine teenage fuckmeat and beautiful boy
asses. Mr. Hinkle had
had many boys over the years. He had placed many boys in
poor Kyle's
position. But none was more delicious than the boycunt he
now had on his
kneels before him, licking the spit from his testicles.
"Yeah, lick that sack all over, you motherfucking Jock
faggot! I bet you
would like to fuck your alcoholic mother, wouldn't you? I
bet you would like
to stick your teen dick up her cobwebbed covered cunt. She
would love it
too, the nice thick dick of her handsome son, splitting her
womb. Yeah, that
would be so nice. I bet she dreams about your dick at
Kyle couldn't help it. He did gag a the thought of having
sex with his own
mother. He had fucked the mother of one of his buddies, but
she was still
pretty hot, even though she was older. But his own mom? It
was true that the
way all the moms of his team mates flattered him and
flirted with him and
praised him, it did seem like most of them were hungry for
his fat teen
pecker. He knew that frustrated middle aged moms of his
buddies did probably
dream about thick teen dick stuffing their twats, but did
they dream about
the dicks of their own sons?
"Lick, Swinecunt!"
Kyle licked the balls. They tasted sour and sweaty and
salty and a bit
of piss. Kyle had never been so miserable in his entire
life. ON Mr.
Hinkle's orders, he lifted each nut with his tongue and
bathed it in spit.
"Yeah, now you see what a man's nuts are like. See how
full of fuckcream
they are. How heavy and full!"
It was warm I the bathroom, but Kyle was shivering.
Shivering with fear
and disgust.
"Play with your dick. Play with your dick while you lick
my balls. Show me
how much you love it."
Homosexual sex. Kyle was having homosexual sex! He could
not believe it.
He was licking a man's balls. A gross fat man's bloated
balls, while the
leaking dick slapped his face.
"Now suck the dick. Suck my big German meat! Make sloppy
sucking pig
sounds when you suck, I like that. Make sure you get all
the filth out from
under the foreskin when you suck! Use your lips and your
tongue. Then I will
shove it down into your throat! I will turn you into a
better cocksucker
than your girlfriend. Is she a good cocksucker? Does
Cindy, that is her
name, right, stupid cunt, does Cindy suck your big jock
cock every day? Do
you fuck her face, like I am fucking yours? Yeah, how does
it feel to be the
pussy? How does it feel to be the facecunt? You high school
boys dump your
cum into the faces of the girls as if they were nothing but
toilet drains.
Well, that is exactly how I am going to treat you. Suck my
dick! Suck my
dick you fucked up faggot!"
Kyle wanted to scream that he was not a faggot. That he
was totally
straight, but how could he with a big leaking dick in his
mouth? He was
sucking dick. He was sucking dick to get an A. He needed to
get into
college. He was sucking dick for his future, and the prefuck
was running
down his throat and coating his tongue and clotting in his
teeth. A man's
foul prick juices were soaking his insides, filling his
belly. A big,
fucking gross, disgusting, turd of a man.
"Make love to my dick! Worship my dick! Pray to my dick!
My dick is
saving you. My dick is giving you a future. Respect and
thank my dick!"
Mr. Hinkle grabbed the boy's head by the ears and stared
to roughly face
fuck him. He fucked Kyle's young face like it was a
cunthole. The dick made
it's way down the boy's throat, causing him to gag, but Mr.
Hinkle no longer
cared. His fat balls slapped the boy's chin as the dick
wedged itself in the
teen's throat, stretching it, hurting it. Mr. Kyle wheezed
and chortled.
Holy Fuck, this was living! Fucking a teenage boy's face
was Heaven. Mr.
Hinkle didn't think of himself as a child molester. No, he
thought of
himself as en enabler. He was helping this boy get into
college. It was a
trade off.
Just before he shot his filthy load, Mr. Hinkle pulled
out. He let his
prick pulse for a moment, and then it shot is stream of
fucksnot all over
the boy's handsome face. Cum sprayed the boy, filling his
nostrils and
coating his lips. It stung his eyes and dripped from his
"Look at me Shiestcunt!" Kyle looked up at the gloating
man. Mr.
Hinkle's glasses had fogged up with his orgasm, and he
looked like some kind
of Alien. He laughed and sprayed the boy's face with the
last spurts of his
"Next time you will swallow it!" He announced.
" time? Next time? You said..."
"You will meet with me every Saturday and Sunday until
the end of the
term. Until graduation day. I will fuck your face and fuck
your ass. I will
shoot my load up your ass and then spoon it out and feed it
to you. You will
lick and suck on my ass! I may even use your tongue as
toilet paper! You
will do everything I say, and I will help you. Otherwise I
will ruin you. Is
that clear?"
Kyle sat there in the bathtub sobbing. He could no longer
hold back the
tears. He became a little boy again. He felt so weak an weak and
helpless. And that
is how Mr. Hinkle like his teen boys His body shook with
sobs. Mr. Hinkle
"And oh yes, this afternoon, you will break up with your
girlfriend. I
don't like to share my cunt! You will not date girls any
more until you
graduate. You will not even speak to girls in the halls or
on the phone. In
fact, I will take away your cell phone. All you need to
think about until
you graduate is my cock. In addition to weekends, you will
visit me in my
office each day at school to suck my dick or be assfucked.
But think, Kyle,
it is barely three months until the end of term. A strong
boy like you can
handle that. Also from now on, I will tell you how to
dress. I like my boys
in very tight tee shirts so their nipples show. No loose
shirts, and also I
like very tight trousers so we can all see the nice big
teenage dick lump.
And no underwear, ever. You will tell your shitface mother
that you will be
working with me privately to try to get you through school
and into college.
After all, that is what we are doing. Oh, and you will not
be driving your
car either. I will pick you up in the morning and bring you
home. That way,
you can suck my dick in the car."
Kyle could not believe what he was hearing. But he could
believe the
torrent of strong yellow piss that cascaded down onto his
"Lift your face, and open your mouth!"
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The next night after work I did not go to the bar. My balls were aching from the passionate night with Kyle, and then the next night spent fucking Skylar. Despite really enjoying breeding Skylar, the total bottom boy I met at the bar, I couldn’t stop thinking about Kyle. What really bothered me the most is that I thought we had a connection that was more sensual than just sexual based. Yeah, I had three intense orgasms while fucking Skylar, but with the slow love making Kyle and I...
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After telling Kyle about my first time with best friend Zack, Kyle promised to make me forget about that first time.Standing up to face me, Kyle wrapped his arms around me and gave me one of the most affectionate hugs I’d had in quite some time. The mixture of the scent of Polo Black and his leather jacket already had my senses alive, but as he put his arms around me, my senses became aroused and were well on the way to what promised to be an unforgettable euphoric journey. Because he was...
We were f******n and Kyle was my friend and lived down the street from me. His mom, Kay, was in her 40's about 5ft 6inches tall. Blond hair, boobs not too big or small, 130lbs and a really great shape. I had spent the night several times and was able to catch her semi clothed more than once. I was going to spend the night over at Kyle's along with Ben,Jerry and Fred. We were going to drink and watch some pornos. Kyle's dad had gone hunting several nights ago and would not return for several...
My name is Kyle Eliott. My friends call me “strummer” because I have been known to strum a mean guitar. More about that later but for now these pages will tell the story of my sex life over the last 2 years. Believe me when I tell you, ever since my divorce two years ago, it has been a wild wild ride. I married young (20) and we stayed together for 19 years. One night she said she had enough and left me for another WOMAN!!! Imagine that!!! That moment I turned my life around. I started working...
So Kyle popped up at his window yesterday morning, you see his upstairs bedroom faces my downstairs bedroom, while babysitting him in his house I've explored the view he has of my bedroom, when he stands directly in front of his window he can see me at my desk, and when he looks through the lower left portion of his window he can actually get a pretty good view of my bed, for this reason I've been very careful not to roam around my room nude with my blinds are open. So he called down to me as I...
kyle was an 19 year old collage student in Maine and is sometimes bored about almost everything in his life and most of the time he's often lazy, he had some great hobbies like swimming, exploring, traveling, fishing and camping. today we see him wandering the woods carrying his camping supplies looking for a nice spot for him to camp out, that was until a really strange lake caught his eye and went over to investigate it. he layed down his supplies and walked over at the edge of the lake and...
Introduction: Tranny fucks guy in sauna and brings him home. Last Saturday I went over to a friends house to eat and he had his sister, Kylee, over for dinner. For some reason it seemed like they didnt like each other very much. As the food was set out to eat they argued over who was going to sit where, she wanted to sit next to me, but my friend was the man of the house and he won the debate. Rosa sat across from me. She sat down slow and winked at me while doing so. We were having a roast...
This is my first story, I have enjoyed all of yours and though I should finally submit one, I hope you enjoy. Please leave comments. Come on Kyle, just take them off no one will see us. Todd said again, finally Kyle relented. Todd and Kyle had been friends ever since Todd moved in across the street, 10 years ago. Kyle and Todd were 16 and 17, it was the end of their sophomore year, and they'd just started to enjoy a summer unsupervised while their mothers worked. Kyle's mom never...
_______________________________________________________________________ I stopped in the Hotel bar, as I always do after work, to find it pretty empty. Beside the bartender there may have been 4 other people in the joint. I like to have a few beers before I go out for dinner. This particular night the bar in downtown Gainesville, they were going to have a Comedy Show. “So what can I get you… My name is Sue.” “Well Sue a Bud would work well… and can you tell me about the show later?...
After losing my anal virginity to the stud Evan and the sexy little twink Skylar who d**gged me the night before, I went back to bed after taking some pain killers only to have the most intense, sexual dream of my life.... Three hours later my alarm went off; I shut it off, called in sick to work, and went back to bed. I ached all over from the brutal fucking I took the night before from Evan and Skylar. The pain killers I had left over from my broken finger a year ago would certainly help to...
Kyle's Misfortune - Part 1 By Mister Double U Kyle Belmont walked out of the dorm and hopped into his Porsche. Starting the engine, he pulled out of the parking lot and sped off down the street. He smiled, until a police car pulled up behind him with its lights on. The officer got out of the car and walked up to the Porsche. Kyle made sure he took his FOP card out. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" the officer asked, taking off his sunglasses. "Uh, no officer." He...
Kyle's Misfortune - Part 2 By Mister Double U Kyle Belmont felt like he had been hit with a couple dozen bowling balls. Every part of his body ached. He tried to lift his head, but he didn't have the strength. He blinked his eyes a few times to adjust to the light. A figure sat on a small chair next to the bed. As he saw Kyle's eyes open, he got up and ran out the door. "She's awake!" he yelled. "She's awake!" Kyle turned his head. He could see that he was now in a small...
~gaggedKitty ---------------- A tall, slender brunette just past her 19th birthday sat naked and staring at the barrel of a gun. “Please, Sir. Don’t hurt us.” “Be quiet and listen!” said the man, his face distorted behind the mask. Kylee was frightened beyond belief, her eyes shining, imploring their captor. But she grasped at his next words like a drowning woman glimpsing an island. “Whether you two live or die depends on you.” The night had all started out with the ideal...
I had to leave early because I still had to work at the hotel that night. Reluctant I was to leave because I had pool duty that night. Later after the pool closed I went in to clean the floors and the sauna. It’s the humidity that kills you, said a rather familiar voice coming from the sauna. I was mopping the floor and the voice made me jump. I lost balance and fell into the pool. I couldn’t picture whose voce it was, but I knew I’d heard it before. I opened the door to the sauna to...
CHAPTER 1 – LAYING THE FOUNDATION Skyler lay on his back on a mostly sunny Saturday afternoon at the park. With his hands clutched behind his head, he lay on a grassy berm overlooking playgrounds, sand volleyball courts and pickup basketball courts. The day was near perfect, at least to everyone else gathered. The temperature was in the low 70s, the humidity was low, a light breeze flowed through the park, kids and teens played and the world seemed to be enjoying itself. ...
Their names were Becky and Kaira, and all four of them hung out with each other all the time, at home, at school, at the mall, wherever they went, they were together and tonight, they were going to the Drive-In which they did almost every Friday night because Zack had his license, the set up was always him upfront with Kaira while Kyle was behind with Becky. Both couples usually made out during the previews but in the backseat abit more than making out was done tonight because Kyle hadn't...
Kyle looked at the computer screen showing many different events going on in his hometown. " Man," he thought to himself, " Me and Elaine have been going out for 11 months and i have never gotten to put myself inside her." He looked down to see his semi hard cock lining his shorts that he was wearing. "God, i am so horny, I hope that maybe tonight i wll be able to comfort her in to letting me make love to her." Earlier that day Kyle had gone out to his Drug store and bought condoms for the...
First TimeKyle's ordeal By Lucille Trish had never thought that shopping for lingerie could be so interesting, but it was. November was almost finished and she took a break from Christmas shopping. She was shopping for herself now. Walking though the aisles of different style bras at Victoria's Secret had sparked a wicked idea in her head. She never wore very sexy styles of lingerie but looking at the bright pink padded cups and purple, blue, imported silk and elaborately embroidered styles...
Kyle's Spanking Kyle was 19, 6'2", blond and horny for everything kinky but he was beginning to specialise in CP and had had several amazing encounters with men with belts, straps, canes and strong hands.? He found he loved to be dominated and beaten but also had a top side and really loved fucking.? As Kyle got off the underground he thought back to the chat he had had on recon with a bloke promising a meet he would enjoy. Dressed in his military kit, full cammos and boots as...
Jill, my wife, and I attended the annual October formal of our dance club on a Saturday night. I was dressed in a standard tuxedo with a black bow tie. Jill wore a strapless, floor length forest-green sheath formal, spilt up the left leg to mid thigh, and a long string of pearls wrapped four times around her neck with the first loop tight against her throat and the last cascading to nestle against her breasts. Her blonde hair was in a bun. Her makeup was lightly applied with a hint of green eye...
At nights, the norm in the house was to eat dinner together as a family which was him, his mom, his lil sister and his older brother(by 3 years), at 7, watch alil TV in the den then do whatever you want and that's just what Kyle did before going to his room around 9. He watched TV until he heard his mom shuffling past his room to go to bed around 10 after putting his little sister to bed then he got up to get his nightly dose of porn to masturbate to before lying down on his bed to watch...
Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II (Below, when it suits me, I shall write what I? know to be true in the third person, omniscient voice.? I, of course, usually prefer the first person as it privileges my own voice. But as Master, I assume Melia and know her thoughts and being.? Sometimes the third person can say more about ownership than any other because of its omniscience.) (Victor) ------------------------Melia woke out of her fitful sleep.? Forced...
These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part four of eight: Two beauties apply this time * I got a long letter from a UoA student wishing to pursue the study...
These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part three of eight: A love leaves, and comes back broken * She looked off into the night, biting a finger nail. ‘I’m...
These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part seven of eight: Is this, the one? This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. * The sun had been up for sometime when I woke up. I had to work at getting out...
These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part six of eight: No birds this time This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. * Two years have gone by. Every month or more Olive and Candy write to me. The...
If you are looking for outright sex, it’s not in this series, sorry. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part one of eight: A girl from out of the desert * I was enjoying the morning setting here on my new porch in my underwear....
These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part five of eight: Two naked girls, leave a memory This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. * Olive asked. ‘What hours are you working this week Kyle?’ ‘6:00...
These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part eight of eight: A family is born This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. * ‘Bonnie? Seriously now. Are you going to be around a while?’ She thought a...
These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part two of eight: Birds, and a naked girl? * I vowed to take some pretty drastic actions to avoid any problems. At...
*Isaac is a 6'4 football linebacker with black hair, baby blue eyes and a well off teen. He normally wears sweats, purple and gold football jersey, and red Vans. Here's the story :) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- * "Keg, Keg!" * I was shaken out of my daydream by Coach Canning. "Yes coach?" * "Well? Get your ass up boy, those damn weights ain't gonna lift themselves!" He turns away. "Just...
Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a women. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished. Bb Mb Mb Wb WM young first Written by EnglishBoy Contact me by email [email protected] Chapter one Stephen Bains was typical of boy’s his age, a 12 year old with a slim...
Part 1 It was finally the end of the school year and graduation was right around the corner. Then summer. A hot, sexy summer with Bob if she had anything to say about it. Missy smiled at herself in the mirror and then went out the door. The man absolutely drove her crazy. He was the most patient person in the world, it was maddening. Every time he had taken her it was wild and red hot, but then he wouldn’t touch her for days on end, sometimes weeks. He never, ever talk about any...
Mr. Ryan walked into the teachers lounge only to be surprised by seeing one of his students there. Alyssa Olsen, oblivious to the fact that someone else had walked in was trying to clean up water she had just spilt. “Alyssa! Why are you here” Mr. Ryan asked. “Well you see uhh….”Alyssa stuttered, she was too embarrassed to finish her sentence. Mr. Ryan clearly seeing the girl was upset immediately softened his tone. “You know you can tell me if something is bothering you.” “Well...
“Enough” her Mum said quietly but firmly. 38 year old Nina realised she had argued just a little too much for her Mum. Now she was going to be spanked for that. The 38 year old looked at the floor realising that once again she was going to pay for being too lippy. “Go to your naughty spot Nina, bare bottom, hands on your head, nose and toes against the wall, 15 minutes, and think hard about how childish you have been.” Nina did think. Yes she had been far from adult. Stamping her foot...
Another lonely night.. Jeremiah is on what seems like a life long fishing trip and it’s been a rare treat if he has a signal. So Juliana spends her nights trying to keep her mind off sex and watching too many episodes of Game of Thrones. Well, at least she’s been a good girl for him. Restless, but knowing she needs to sleep, she turns off her iPad, but not before looking one more time to see if he has checked in… Nope, nothing… Grrrr. She’ll never win any awards for patience and if he doesnt...
It was a new school, and I was apprehensive and wondered how different it would be from the city, I mean, it was so odd seeing only corn and soybean fields, alongside pastures filled with cows and horses on the bus ride to school. Unlike the city with buildings and businesses, one after another, streets lined with traffic and people, the school entranceway seemed almost vacant.I got off the bus clutching my papers looking for the administration office. I suppose it was not so different here,...
Another lonely night.. Jeremiah is on what seems like a life long fishing trip and it's been a rare treat if he has a signal. So Juliana spends her nights trying to keep her mind off sex and watching too many episodes of Game of Thrones. Well, at least she's been a good girl for him. Restless, but knowing she needs to sleep, she turns off her iPad, but not before looking one more time to see if he has checked in... Nope, nothing... Grrrr. She'll never win any awards for patience and if he...
Straight SexI’d moved back to Central Pennsylvania after the death of my father. He’d left me the house and I had nothing keeping me in Chicago. I was lucky enough to find an IT job in a hospital, similar to what I’d been doing before. The differences were that the hospital was a LOT smaller, and its computers and network were a lot more out-of-date. I and my IT coworkers were always busy making sure the staff had computers that worked, at least most of the time. As a result, I knew quite a few of the...
About a week later, this was the email I got from my daughter Paula’s Uni friend Leanne. Leanne had asked me to watch her masturbate, because this was the only way she could orgasm.“Here is the picture I promised you. You can just see the snail trail where your cum dried on the right cup. What happened to me after was really exciting, and it will be a real turn on to tell you about it.“My boyfriend Mick came back a day early. He came round to...
Jean had resisted her husband's submissive tendencies and desire for forced femininization. After some long on line discussions with experienced Dommes, she decided she may be missing something. When "Miss Satin" offered to train her husband in a week, she took her up on her offer to have her husband spend a week in an extended training session with a couple of other prospective sissies. Last week end was when the session started. Walt got up as usual and casually dressed in jeans...
“Enough” her Mum said quietly but firmly. 38 year old Nina realised she had argued just a little too much for her Mum. Now she was going to be spanked for that. The 38 year old looked at the floor realising that once again she was going to pay for being too lippy. “Go to your naughty spot Nina, bare bottom, hands on your head, nose and toes against the wall, 15 minutes, and think hard about how childish you have been.” Nina did think. Yes she had been far from adult. Stamping her foot in...
SpankingSince David explained himself, I'll take my turn. My name is Wendolyn Wanzor Austin-Porter. I'm thirty-two, a tad over five feet tall ... regardless what my drivers license says. I'm ... very ... BIG ... on top. My family ancestry is physically traceable (Hieroglyphics in the tombs.) to The Wanzor, Seer of Egypt, Sage, and foreteller of Fortune. NOT Fortune Teller. My ancestors have never been caught out wrong. At least once a generation we accumulate great wealth. We possess a Time Piece...
When Phoebe’s taxi drew up at David’s house it was five to six and she decided that it was fine to be a few minutes early. Contrary to her expectation the door was locked and when she turned round the taxi had just driven away. She stood bewildered, then decided to ring the bell, which elicited no response. She was just wondering whether he had been held up, or changed his mind when she heard the lock click on the door, and her watch confirmed that it was indeed fifteen seconds before...