SRU Nightlight
- 2 years ago
- 52
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Charles held the device in his hands. It vaguely reminded the 40-year old man of a ray gun and probably would more so if he didn't already know what it was. The light ray device was heavier than he expected. Above his test plants in the lab currently hung a light panel that emitted a wide range beam. The device in his hands compressed that range into a narrow, concentrated beam. It took him forever to get the device built. There were a ton of paperwork and stages of approval. He never actually expected to ever see the device, but apparently the wide beam had produced sufficient results to get the narrow beam device built.
Charles was a plant biologist at the university. Don't call him a botanist. He hated the term. He wanted to be known as a plant biologist.
He placed the device carefully on the table and walked over to his nine by nine foot square garden. The latest plants were already spreading out. The wide beam light panel above the garden had accelerated the plant growth by fifteen percent. Hopefully he now had that same light panel in a handheld device.
"Good morning, Dr. Kemp. What are you doing?"
He turned around to look upon Kim, his pretty 20-year old research assistant. He could have chosen a more talented college student to be his lab helper, but he always preferred an attractive girl.
"Waiting for you." He pointed at the table.
"You got the plant growth device!" she squealed and went over to the cylindrical object.
He admired her backside. Kim was only five foot tall, but she had some very nice curves. He often imagined what it would be like to view her excellent ass while his cock was in her pussy. He also frequently imagined Kim on her knees sucking his cock. He'd love to do all kinds of wonderful things with her.
It was fifteen years since Charles went out on a date. All he did year after year was imagine what it was like to fuck his current research assistant. They were always female. The rest of his sexual fantasies were about other lovely students in his classes or about other beauties around the campus. He jacked off nightly with the thought of some college girl in his head. Most often, it was Kim.
"Are you going to try it today?" Kim said excitedly.
"Of course! We've waited forever to get it. You get to choose the plant."
"I do?"
Charles nodded.
Kim stepped over to the garden and tried to decide.
"This one," she said, pointing. "The pink roses."
"Do you want to do it?"
"I am."
"Wow! You are so cool! Everyone thinks you are so stuffy, but you are not. They don't know you like I know you."
He wrinkled his nose at the "stuffy" remark, but his mind quickly drifted to fantasizing about Kim.
Kim picked up the device then almost it dropped it to the floor. It was heavy!
"Careful!" Charles warned.
She hefted it up and walked to the garden. She aimed at the roses but the weight of the device caused her aim to constantly drift.
"I'll help steady it," he said.
He went behind her and reached around. He grabbed the cylinder barrel with his left hand and with his right hand grabbed toward the back of the device.
"Doctor," Kim said.
"Never mind," she said. The professor apparently didn't realize he was cupping her right breast instead of the device. She didn't want to embarrass him.
Kim took aim at the plant and fired. The device emitted a hum for twenty seconds and shut off. There was no visible light on the plant. The device used light that was invisible to the unaided eye.
"Great!" he said.
He let go her tit. He was right. When she came in, he thought she wasn't wearing a bra. Her tit was so firm. The last time he experienced a tit so firm was when he was sixteen. It was with the fourteen year old neighbor girl, Kerri. She was also his first sexual experience.
"So now what?" she asked.
"We measure the plant tomorrow. You might as well go."
As much as he wanted Kim to hang around, there wasn't much for her to do today.
"You sure?"
"Go!" he said, waving her out.
"Thanks, Doctor." Kim was glad. This would give her more time with her boyfriend. She hated when all they had time for was a quickie.
"Charles," he corrected. He reminded her most days. He wanted to be known as Charles to her.
He watched Kim place her lab coat on the hook and leave.
He sighed. Kim would still be with him tonight. He would masturbate with the thought of the feel of Kim's boob in his mind. He flexed the hand that briefly held her tit.
Charles was surprised to see Kim standing outside the lab the next morning. Her normal arrival schedule was later in the morning after attending his class.
"You're early," he commented.
"I couldn't wait to find out how much the roses grew!" she said enthusiastically. She still could make it on time to her first class.
"You know it might not have worked," he said, trying to ease any possible disappointment. Thousands of dollars were spent on failed experiments with the hope that something would eventually succeed.
"You have to believe!"
He unlocked the lab. He opened the door and motioned for her to go in first. She raced to the garden.
Kim screamed. The scream was so loud that Charles hurried to the garden. It sounded like she was hurt.
"Look!" she shouted.
Kim was okay, but he didn't notice her. He stared at the pink roses. They had doubled in size overnight. The device worked! The device had produced incredible results.
"You did it, Doctor!" Kim praised.
It worked! He did do it!
"We did it," he finally said.
"I didn't do anything."
"Yes you did Kim. I appreciate all your help."
"Thank you," she said. She wasn't sure how she helped but it would be cool to tell her friends that she helped on this project.
"Take off a leaf. I want to look at it under the microscope."
It took fifteen minutes to set up.
"I have to go to class now," she informed. "See you later."
"Okay," he said, staring into the eyepiece. He was so excited about the rose that he didn't look at her backside as she left.
The results were amazing. It was amazing that he couldn't find anything wrong. It looked like a normal leaf. He wondered if there would be a thinning that would make the leaf weak, but everything was as it should be. The device worked! It worked!
He became lost in his work.
"Dr. Kemp?" a girl's voice said.
"Yes," he said.
It was Charlotte from his first class.
"Is class cancelled today?" she asked.
He forgot!
"No! No!" he said. "I'll be right there."
He gave three disjointed lectures in his classes including the last one that Kim was in. He couldn't get his mind off his discovery.
When Kim returned to the lab, he was inspecting a flower petal.
"Hello, Kim," he said without looking up.
"See anything?" she asked.
"Not a thing. Isn't that wonderful?"
"I guess so," she said, unsure why it was wonderful.
He picked up on her uncertainness.
"The rose is normal. You wouldn't know it from one that took months to grow this big. It has no weaknesses or health issues. It's a normal, healthy rose. That's important."
"That's great, Doctor!" she said understanding.
"So which plant do we shoot now?" he asked.
"All of them!"
"We should do one at a time. Each plant might react differently."
"That's true."
"Pick another one," he said.
He walked over to the bench and picked up the device.
"What do you think?" she asked.
"Do you like strawberries?"
"A lot."
"Let's see if we'll have some fresh strawberries to eat tomorrow," he joked.
Charles aimed the device at the plant and fired. The only sound was the 20 second hum.
"We again wait until tomorrow," he said. "Take some statistics on the rose's growth and put it in the log."
"Sure, Doctor."
Charles wrote down readings from what he saw in the microscope while Kim took down measurements from the physical plant.
His excitement calmed and his mind turned to his usual thoughts. As Kim turned and bent around the pink rose plant, he imagined her doing that naked. He still wasn't back to normal because his thoughts would actually drift off of sex with Kim and to the device. He knew that the faster he could get data to prove the device safely worked, the sooner he could be making big money off it.
He grabbed the device and returned to the garden.
"What are you doing, Doctor?" she asked.
"I'm going to expose the grass too."
"Okay." She moved out of the way.
Charles fired at the fescue grass.
"I wished it worked on me," Kim joked.
"Your breasts are big enough," he said. A decent breast size was one of his criteria for a lab assistant.
"Not that," she said, feeling a little embarrassed. Did the doctor think she was talking about her tits? She knew she was a good size. "I wish it would work on me so I was taller."
"Oh, is that all!" he said, laughing. He turned the device toward her. "Bam! You're taller."
He fired the device. It emitted its invisible light and stopped.
"Make sure you measure yourself before you go to bed and again in the morning," he continued to joke.
Kim stood motionless with her eyes locked on him. Did something happen to her? He had a moment of panic until finally she moved. Did she just play a trick on him?
"What was that, Doctor?" she asked.
"Did you finish the measurements?" He placed the device on the near bench.
"Can I do it later?"
"I'd like you to finish." It was uncharacteristic of Kim to ask out of a task.
"I'm sure I can do it later," she said approaching him with a strange slinky walk.
She grabbed his tie and pulled his head down. She kissed him.
"Kim?" he said in surprise.
"Or were you talking about another kind of finishing, Charles?" she said huskily.
She called him Charles. He was stunned. She pulled his lab coat down to his elbows.
"Kim?" he said hesitantly. Was she coming on to him? Could it be happening?
"Yes?" she said, standing on her tiptoes to nuzzle and kiss his neck.
He loved the touch of her lips. He knew he should respond but he was frozen stiff.
"I know what you would like," she said.
She let her lab coat slip to the floor, then quickly took off her blouse and bra. Charles's jaw dropped at the sight of her big, firm breasts. She placed his hands on her tits. He instinctively began to squeeze.
"Let me help you," she said.
While he was distracted by her tits, she loosed his tie then undid his dress shirt.
"Do you like them?" she asked.
He responded incoherently. He couldn't remember his cock ever being harder.
She pulled his open shirt down hard which forced his hands away from her tits. She took off his lab coat with his shirt. She pulled his undershirt out of his pants then over his head.
"Mmmm," she said, kissing all over his chest.
He finally moved by placing his hands lightly on her bare back, but then she slipped down.
"Let's see what you have here," she said opening up his slacks.
She reached into his waistband. She pulled slacks and briefs down together. Charles's cock sprang out.
"There it is," she said. She took it in her mouth. "Mmmm."
He groaned as he watched. He couldn't believe it. She was sucking his cock! His breathing quickened.
After only half a minute, she pulled off and finished undressing him.
"Do you want to see more of me?" she teased.
"Yeah," he croaked and nodded.
She shimmied out of her pants like a sexy dancer then did the same with her thong panties. Charles stared at her bare pussy.
Kim sat up on the lab bench and opened her legs.
"Come and see!" she beckoned.
He groaned again before stepping forward.
He opened and inspected her pussy while she rubbed his cock. She had a more beautiful pussy than he imagined. She pulled him forward by his cock and placed it in her opening.
Charles groaned as much from the sight of his cock going in Kim's pussy as from the sensation. He was fucking her! It was a fantasy come true!
"Mmmm," she moaned which turned him on even more.
He grabbed her hips to hold her steady and began to drive in and out of her pussy. He felt deliriously happy. All the years of dreaming about fucking one of his sexy lab assistants was finally a reality.
"Oh, Charles," she gasped.
"You're so sexy, Kim. So fucking sexy."
"Yes, talk to me. I love it."
"What a fucking wonderful pussy and what great tits!" He gave her tits a squeeze then returned his hand to her hips. He drove in harder.
"Yes, Charles. Yes!"
"Oh, fuck!" he groaned. "I'm gonna cum." He didn't want to cum so fast. It was too long since he had sex and he wanted to make it last. He wanted to savor fucking her, but there was nothing he could do.
"Yes, yes. I want to feel it!"
"Oh, Kim!" he shouted. He jammed his cock in deep. His cock throbbed wildly. "Ahhh!"
It felt so excellent to unload his jizz in her pussy. It was so exponentially better than all those times he jacked off at home pretending to do this very thing. He even imagined fucking her just like this on a lab table a few times.
It was a disappointment to pull out but it was exciting to see his jizz at her opening. He staggered back without taking his eyes off her pussy which he just fucked. He didn't expect to feel so ... triumphant. Triumphant was indeed the word.
Kim slipped off and began to dress. Charles watched her until her pussy, panties, tits and bra were covered by her clothing then he dressed too.
"I'll finish the measurements now," she said.
He sat in a chair feeling tired and winded but feeling fantastic. He stared at her until she was done.
She handed the notebook to him. "Do you need anything else?"
He slowly shook his head. She had done more than he ever expected.
"Can I go now?" she asked.
"Sure," he said quietly.
She smiled at him and said, "I had a great time."
"Me, too."
"Bye." She kissed him firmly on the lips and it almost stirred him up again.
Once she was out of his presence, his rational thought returned. It wasn't natural for Kim to just suddenly throw herself at him. Her excitement about the growth of the pink roses wasn't a sufficient reason for her to suddenly want to fuck him. The truth was she hadn't immediately wanted him. It happened later, so there had to be another reason.
He walked over to the device and caressed it. It was only after he shot the light beam at Kim that she wanted to fuck him. The light was harmless to any person and should have absolutely no effect on anyone, but it sure appeared to have an effect on Kim. It had to be the reason even if it didn't make any sense.
Instead of leaving the device on a bench, he locked it up.
Before he left, he stood before the bench Kim sat on remembering what she looked like and remembering the sensation on his cock as he thrusted in and out of her.
Today was a great day.
"Hi, Doctor!" Kim greeted when she came into the lab. "Did it work?"
"Check it out," he said. He followed her over.
"Wow!" she said.
The strawberry plants were full size and the short grass was now tall. The device had worked on them.
"I'm already analyzing them," he said, pointing at the microscopes.
"Can I look?" She was excited.
"Of course."
As Kim looked into the microscopes, Charles looked at her. He was surprised how casual and normal she was considering yesterday's events.
"Is everything okay?" she asked.
"What do you think? Are there any differences?"
"Not that I can tell," " she said. "You keep looking at me sort of weird. Do I have something on me?" She tried to look over her clothing.
"I can't help thinking about you after what happened yesterday."
"Did I do something?"
"You know, right there." He pointed at where she sat on the lab counter and he fucked her.
Kim looked at him confused.
"You don't remember?" he asked.
"Remember what?"
"Never mind."
He couldn't believe it. She didn't remember a thing. How could that be so? Of course, how did she get so horny for him in the first place?
Kim looked back into the microscope.
Charles retrieved the device from the locked cabinet.
"What are you going to make grow this time, Doctor?" she asked.
"You," he said.
"I wish!" she laughed.
"At least my cock will grow," he said.
Kim wasn't sure what he just said. Certainly he didn't say what it sounded like he said. Doctor Kemp jokingly fired the device at her.
She was motionless just long enough to give Charles a moment of panic again. She looked at him and smiled.
"What was that, Doctor?"
"I said you are very pretty."
"Thanks. You are very handsome." She stepped up to him.
With the way she looked at him, he was confident the device had worked again.
"Kiss me," he said.
She stood on her tiptoes as he leaned down and they kissed.
"Oh, Kim," he groaned.
"Charles," she panted.
"Get undressed."
"Oh, yes."
Kim was quick to undress then she dropped to her knees and helped take his pants and underwear off. She then began to suck on his cock.
"Ohhh!" he groaned, looking down at the eager girl. She was much too talented at that. She was evidently very experienced.
He pulled her off. She was too good. He'd end up cumming in her mouth and he wanted to cum in her pussy.
"I want to fuck you now," he said.
"How do you want me?"
He thought a moment and said, "Get down on the floor."
She dropped to her hands and knees and he got behind her. He lined up his cock and pushed inside her.
"Oh, yes. Yes, Charles," she moaned.
He loved being in her tight college girl pussy again. He was so happy to fuck his small attractive lab assistant. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not that she had forgotten about yesterday. It was good that she forgot in case she had regrets, but he also wished she had a fond memory of it. He had hoped that she wanted to fuck him again as soon as she saw him.
She was moaning constantly and he was getting close too. He gripped her hips and rammed into her harder. She cried out as she came then dropped her head to the floor. He pounded her pussy a few more seconds then spewed his cum inside her. He pulled out gasping for breath.
"That was so good," she said.
"Don't get dressed yet," he said when she reached for her clothes.
"Sure," she said. She sat on the floor and opened her legs so he could look.
He did look. He gazed all over her beautiful body. Damn, she was a gorgeous, firm thing!
"I'm thirsty," he said conversationally.
"Do you want me to get you a soda?"
"That's okay."
She just happily stared at him. It actually unnerved him. Something seemed odd, but he didn't know what.
"What are you thinking?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just waiting for you."
"Waiting for me to do what?"
"Whatever you want."
"I want to fuck you again," he said.
"Go ahead." She leaned back inviting him.
"I can't," he said, pointing at his limp cock.
"I can fix that."
She sprang forward and began to suck on his cock.
Five minutes later, she was up on the lab bench and he was once more fucking in and out of her pussy.
"Yes, Charles! Yes!" she cried out. "Yesssss!"
As she came, he was again shooting cum into her pussy. It felt just as good as earlier.
His cock slipped out but he stayed between her legs simply admiring her and once more reflecting on his good fortune.
"You make me feel so good," she said.
"Do you know why you do this?" he asked.
"Do what?"
"Have sex with me."
"Fuck you? I like you. You are so sexy."
"I wished you wouldn't forget about this by tomorrow," he lamented.
"Why would I forget this? I'll never forget."
"You forgot about yesterday."
"Yesterday? The roses?"
"We fucked just like this yesterday. Right here on the bench."
"We did?"
"Yes. You just don't remember it."
"I'm sorry," she said, looking perplexed. "Are you sure?"
"I think I'd remember it. Why would I make it up?"
"I just sort of thought I'd remember it too, since I love to fuck you so much. Why did I forget?"
"I don't know," he said sadly. He patted her on the thigh and stepped away. "You should get going."
Charles was distracted by the puzzle all day. Did the light alter her hormones so much that it completely blanked her memory about the event? While he could shoot the device at her every day to make her hot and horny for him, he would love it if she just came into the lab and wanted him. Was there a way to make it permanent? An implant under her skin? He sighed. There was no way he could ever get approval to test such a thing. He was a plant biologist and not a medical researcher.
Another issue was how he should report on the success of the device. It worked wonderfully and perfectly on making plants grow, but he knew if other people had the device that someone would discover its effect on people.
"Hi, Charles!" Kim said, brightly the next day.
He quickly noted she called him Charles and became curious.
"Did you use the device on another plant?" she asked.
He shook his head.
"Forgot, huh?" she said, smiling. "Too busy fucking my pussy."
"You remember yesterday?" he said incredulously.
"You asked me to," she said. "Besides what girl could forget this?"
She grabbed his cock through his pants.
"You remember everything?" he asked.
"We fucked doggy-style on the floor and then you fucked me on the bench. It was fantastic."
"What about the day before?"
"You told me about it, but I still don't remember it," she said, shaking her head.
"So on the first day we fucked what happened?" He was processing his thoughts out loud.
"I don't know," she answered.
"I was in such a shock that we fucked that I just watched you. I didn't say a thing. Yesterday ... what happened yesterday?"
"After we fucked?"
"You told me not to get dressed."
"Right. You were about to get dressed and I told you not to."
"I just want to please you."
"Right!" he said. His thoughts were clarifying. "I said I was thirsty and you offered to get me a soda and then when I wished we could fuck again you sucked me until we could do it."
Kim shrugged and said, "I only want to make you happy."
She thought he was over analyzing it. It was really very simple. If Charles wanted something from her, she wanted to do it.
"You make me very happy," Charles said.
The words warmed Kim's heart.
"So do you want to fuck? Look!" She turned around and flipped up her skirt. She wasn't wearing any panties.
"Did you do this for me?" he asked.
"Who else, lover?"
"Up against the bench," he said.
"Oooh, he likes what he sees."
Charles shed his lab coat, pushed his pants and underwear down, and lined up his cock. With a firm push, he entered her.
"Oh, fuck!" she moaned.
Charles aggressively fucked her. It was only a few minutes before they both came hard.
"That was awesome!" she said.
"I love you," he said and was then surprised the words slipped out of his mouth.
"I love you, too."
He realized he did love her. He knew it was only for her body and that sweet pussy between her legs, but that was enough for him. He didn't care how intelligent she was or if she liked different music or whether they had any mental connections at all. It was enough to fuck the 20-year old girl to say he loved her. It was wonderful to fuck her and he wanted to forever keep fucking her.
"Kim?" he said.
"Yes, Charles."
"I want you to come to my place tonight. I want you to stay the night."
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Break up with him. I'm your boyfriend now. Don't tell anyone about me and you. People wouldn't understand the love between a teacher and a student."
"We're both adults."
"It doesn't matter. People won't understand, so you can't talk about our love."
It was Friday night. He normally would have nothing to do and would fall asleep by nine. Tonight he planned to stay up late.
Kim showed up at seven.
"So how are you?" he said excitedly. She was actually inside his house! He couldn't remember the last time he had a visitor.
"Good now that I am with you."
"Did you have a hard afternoon?" he said curiously.
"Chris wasn't too happy that I broke up with him."
"Sorry that is was hard for you."
"It wasn't hard for me. It was hard for him. Fuck him!" She looked at Charles. "Or should I say fuck you?"
His cock immediately began hard. Before Kim arrived he had all these strange doubts that the device worked. It made no sense to doubt it. It obviously worked, yet he still wondered.
"Do you want to see my bedroom?" he said. He questioned where the line was between Kim's free will and her suggestibility to his words.
"I sure do!"
In a few minutes, he was plunging his cock in her pussy. She moaned beneath him.
He had a most amazing night. She was almost tireless. He'd never cum three times in one night before. Actually, he never before came twice in a night.
It was late in the morning when they woke up. He asked her to stay another night. He discovered he had to slow her down because after he came she was always working to make him hard again. He was content with Kim kissing all over his body and sucking on his cock without the intention of making him cum.
"Yes! Yes!" Kim yelled Sunday morning while bouncing on his cock.
"Ohhh!" he groaned and began to shoot up into her pussy.
Kim collapsed down and once more they were gasping for breath.
"You should probably clean up and go," he said.
"Do you want to shower with me?"
Showering with Kim was as fun as Charles thought it would be.
Chapter 2There was a tentative knock on his office door on Monday afternoon.
"Doctor Kemp?" a girl said, poking her head in.
"Come in, Sabrina," Charles replied. He put his pen down on the paper he was grading. It was his office hours so he was here to be available to any student who needed to talk to him. "Have a seat. What can I do for you?"
The girl was beautiful, but she was as daft as a bunny. She had no business being in his science class or even the university itself. The 18-year old freshman was better suited for something like cosmetology school.
She sat down looking nervous.
"Doctor Kemp," she started slowly which quickly tried his patience. "I wanted to talk to you about my grade in class."
"What about it?"
"It seems to be kind of low."
"You are getting the grade you have worked for. You can't expect to get a good grade when you put so little effort into it."
"It's just that..." she said sadly. She leaned forward putting her elbows on his desk. It was one of the few spots on the desk not covered in papers. "Is there anything I can do to raise it? Extra credit?"
"Extra credit is only for those who do their regular work. You have to at least be earning a C to do extra credit."
She slumped back in the chair and said, "It's just that I have so much work in my other classes. How can anyone expect students to do all this work? It doesn't seem fair."
She cried softly hoping it would convince Doctor Kemp to go easy on her.
She continued, "You don't know what my life is like. I have to..."
Charles tuned out. He had immediately noticed what a beautiful girl she was on the first day of class and would have considered her as a possible lab assistant if she had any brains at all. As she sobbed crocodile tears, he noticed her chest going up and down. She had big tits and he could see a hint of a nipple. He scanned down to her bare midriff. She liked to wear belly shirts. He certainly didn't mind. He glanced at her mini skirt then looked over her legs. They were nice and toned. He stared into her face at her full lips. It was a make-up trick, but that was okay. He still liked her lips. With her long legs, large tits, and a height of about five six or seven, Sabrina was a contrast from Kim but they both were gorgeous girls.
"Doctor? Doctor?" she said, trying to get his attention.
She felt uncomfortable. He seemed to be checking her out and it felt kind of creepy. She hoped he wasn't one of those pervert professors who thought she would sleep with him just to get a good grade. She wasn't against flashing a little skin if it would help, but she wouldn't fuck him.
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This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. A true story This is a true story about the light of my life. She passed away from cancer years ago and I wrote this to remember her. She was an amazing person who left this world a better place. Enjoy. My wife and I were attending a car show in Newport Beach. It was at the Newporter Inn, a classically...
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I met Camille at a music awards after party. Our eyes had met at the bar where both of us were trying to get the attention from one of the overworked bar staff who were trying get as many poorly assembled and much too expensive drinks into the hands of the waving and shouting customers in front of them. Poor and expensive drinks, and seemingly never spotted by a free bar keep. It’s as good a conversation starter as any. She chuckled when i pointed this out. Finally, we were able to get a young...
A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal. * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!! The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...
Straight SexWith a Twist of Starlight By Morpheus Spiral was a moderate to large sized town that was located in Northern California where the residents enjoyed decent weather that tended to be neither too hot nor too cold. On the surface, it appeared to be a normal town like many others, though the truth was that Spiral was unique. Once Spiral had been a smaller town with a different name, but then the local area had been hit hard with the Antarctic Flu. Many of the locals died from this...
Rear Admiral Bob Blake welcomed his guest, "Dr. Singh, thank you for taking the time to visit us here. How was your trip from Azahar?" "It is my great pleasure to be here, Admiral, though I must confess that the trip was somewhat tedious. At least it allowed my team to get caught up on documenting our recent experiments. I am only too happy to present our suggestions for your fascinating problems in person." "I'm all ears, Doctor." "You gave us two problems, sir. Firstly the...
I just stepped out of the shower, it was my second of the day. I threw on my jeans and a baggy shirt. It was one of those stay home and just relax kind of days. You had been at work and swung by the store on the way home picking up some light bulbs and a nightlight for the bathroom. You always hated having to turn on the bright light when you had to sneak away to the bathroom. We replace the decorative bulb in the hallway and install your nightlight. You clap and twirl at the blue glow...
I sat on the big chaise lounge by the fire pit. There was a slight chill in the air, summer had began to give away to fall. These were the days I enjoyed most of the year and yet like spring they also seemed the most fleeting. I could not help thinking that we lived mostly in the extremes: hot and cold, light and dark. There seemed little time to hold onto the twilights, the dawns, the subtler moments of being, the connecting moments. Knotted pine popped in the fire pit, sending an arc of...
Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rory and I’m eighteen. My brother is Derek and he’s seventeen. Actually, I’m almost two years older because he just turned seventeen a couple of months ago, and I’ll be nineteen in less than two months. I was nine and Derek eight when our father was killed in a car crash. They said he was drunk, and I can believe it. He was drunk a lot of times. He didn’t have any insurance, and we’d never had much money anyway, so we were in kind of a tight place. In...
Taboo“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...
See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply stop now. Legalese: All actors and actresses are over the age of consent. Proof of age is on file. Any similarity of any character, event or place to any actual person, event or place, is purely coincidental. This is all fantasy, and the actors are all professionals — do not try any of this at home. Archiving: You are welcome to discreetly repost or...
There he was, just as always, working his way down the street. It was shortly before dusk and the shadows were already beginning to grow deep. Darkness would soon descend upon the town and its streets, but the gloom would be partly dispelled by the gas lamps. Mrs Lucy Gilyott, who used to be Miss Lucy Ormerod, was standing at the window of her drawing-room looking down the street. There he was, the old lamplighter who came day in, day out, to attend to the gas lamps. Old? How old? Sixty,...
I slumber. Timeless, unbound by the constraints of the world, shifting on ethereal currents. Fragments of memory flicker across what consciousness is left to me, life, death, blood, pain. Always I come back to the end. Bound, sealed, shut in a crypt, a circle of light traced with runes. The flow of power, of essence, across my skin. The chanting of the robed figures that surrounded me, struggling against my shackles, screaming against my gag. How long? Can eternity be measured in hours? No...
FantasyA Steampunk Erotic Romance I always think of her when the sun sets. We’d been on the beach all day, I’d been watching her play and enjoying the heat of the summer as the tide slowly crept towards us. Eighteen years old and still making sandcastles like a child, it was just one of the endearing things about Olivia. Behind me the beach huts crawled slowly back up the sand towards the pier, backing away from the encroaching waves that could damage their delicate mechanisms. I’d only turned away to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was a beautiful spring afternoon. I had just finished a project, and thought I would leave work early to begin the weekend. I arrived home shortly afternoon and let myself into the townhouse I shared with my wife. We had been married for a couple of years and we were doing well. I walked through the downstairs and there were no signs of my wife. Suddenly I heard her voice and started up the stairs. Walking slowly I heard her again this time a low moan. I paused and listened. ...
BB: Moonlighting Synopsis: A man struggling to pay child support goes to BB. After the change, he ends up in an amateur strip contest, and makes finds a way to make a good second income. [email protected] ********************************************************************** BB: Moonlighting "Hey, Hal?" Hal Wilson glanced up from his keyboard at the sound of his name. Even before he saw Tina's face, he knew it was her from the sound of her voice. ...
Moonlighting By G.K.S "Down With The Sickness" (song) -Disturbed (band) Can you feel that? Ah, shit Drowning deep in my sea of loathing Broken your servant I kneel (Will you give in to me?) It seems what's left of my human side Is slowly changing in me (Will you give in to me?) Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You've woken up the demon in me [Chorus:] Get up, come on get down with the...
Overflight by Trainmaster In my former profession, I did a lot of international business travel. Now I'm afraid to. Consider me "hodophobic" -- having an intense fear of traveling -- and call me retired. No, revise that. I'm okay with flying for days at a time, even across burning deserts and oceans. Just don't ask me to take the SleepShuttle ever again. I did it before -- but I did it once too often -- and now it freaks me out. Because of it, I've taken up another profession...
Moonlighting By: Lyrissa Selena Keysmith jogged up the last few of the stone steps leading to the door into her private laboratory. She panted from the exertion as she opened the door and entered, trying to remember if her time scaling the stairwell was improving at all. As she strode through the shelves packed with arcane tomes and the tables laden with magical equipment the beautiful female human mage quickly forgot about her self-imposed training schedule. She ran one hand through...
The four of them stood staring in open-mouthed shock at the huge crowd of people surrounding them. Finally Syrie turned to his sister and said, "Sis, I love ... well, no, actually right now I hate you, but in either case sometimes you are an idiot." "But I was so sure," was all Aerie could say in reply as she continued to stare at the scene around her. For her own part Sammy was babbling as she stared at the mobs of people around her. "I must be dreaming. Someone pinch me and wake me up,...
It is no secret that a lot of people really, really like living in Colorado. Karen Carrigan, who met Doug Yanevich while attending the University of Colorado, Denver, certainly was happy that Doug was able to get a job in Denver, shortly before she married him. They are somewhat of an odd couple. She is a tiny five foot, one inch, and weights one hundred and five pounds. He, who was a second string lineman on the football team, is six foot five, and weights in at two hundred, fifty-five...
I would imagine that in every school you will find that one girl who is known for her big boobs. In my high school, that girl just happened to be my sister. She was eighteen months older than me but because academics weren't her thing, we ended up in the same grade. I never thought about how big they were or when they developed. After all, it was my goofy sister, and she was built like our mom so I guess women with big boobs were the norm at our house. But around seventh grade, my best buddy...
Copyright © 2002 They Got Us Hi, Robert. Yeah, it's me. Your self. If you're reading this, it means that they got to you. To us. To me. Wow, this is weird, talking to myself. Or writing to myself, as the case may be -- to a now-ignorant version of me... I knew they would be after us when they found out -- after all of us. Something like this is just too big to not squash when it begins to leak. When I realized this, I took several of our journal entries and included them with...
I awoke to a blazing light, expecting to find the room lit by the dawn. Instead, the moon hung high in the night sky outside; the storm had passed, and the full moon's light was enough to see clearly by. I watched my mother sleeping beside me, our bodies wound together sinuously after our passionate bout of lovemaking. Marvelling at her alabaster skin in the moon's pale radiance, I leaned back and pulled the covers away so that I could drink in the sight of my mother's breasts, rising and...
After a morning spent reading the instructions for the Military Advisor to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany I went out for a stroll, and in fact dropped into Boodles. I needed some company and coffee, and thought I might later walk past Madame Whipcrack’s establishment in St James’s Square, just round the corner from Boodles. I had no intention of taking General Fitzwarren’s advice, but as I was in the neighbourhood a saunter past the house was warranted. As it happened I fell in with some old...
Based on a photo prompt from OwenAnderson.* “Well, how long will you be?” Meg asked. The phone hissed slightly “… t two hours… love,” her husband’s voice crackled. “Fine. I’ll wait.” She sighed and hung up. She slumped forward on the picnic table with her head resting on her folded arms and turned to watch the sun descending to meet the sea on the horizon. Taxi or wait? She looked down at the deserted beach from the terrace outside the café where she worked. Go for a walk, maybe? Well, it was...
Straight Sextwilight noun 1 the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun’s rays from the atmosphere. • the period of the evening when twilight takes place, between daylight and darkness: a pleasant walk in the woods at twilight. 2 [ in sing. ] a period or state of obscurity, ambiguity, or gradual decline: he was in the twilight of his career | [ as modifier ] : a twilight world of secrecy. With a sigh George slammed the old...
Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...
Thunder And Lightening When you are camping in the woods for two weeks in just a tent, thunder and lightening take on a whole new meaning. My wife Julia and I had a pretty big tent with two rooms, each room was eight by twelve feet so there was plenty of room to spread out. At the last minute my wife invited her mother and her sister to come along with us. That meant that I had to pack more sleeping bags and take more food along. It also meant that my sex life had just taken a...
My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...
How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...
HistoricalHow do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...
HistoricalDisclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual. Please feel free to leave me a comment in the COMMENT Box at the end of the page. You see those big empty stars too? Maybe bump those up to five full ones? We wouldn’t want them to be empty now would we? All alone like that? You’re not a monster are you? Also, please don’t post this on any other site without my explicit...
Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun. Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away. Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and...
Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun.Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away.Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and what...
A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal. * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!! The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I’d often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore....
This is my first story of hopefully many, depending how well I do I guess. This story is about the night I lost my virginity. I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. My on again off again boyfriend was 18 and about to go to college in New York City in the fall. We had been dating for about 6 months with some gaps in between. This night was about a week after we got back together after breaking up before his prom which I did not get to attend. We had never had sex together but we had fooled...
First Time© Copyright 2006, 2007 Dear Readers, The following story is a sequel to the very first one that I wrote, ‘Remembrance’. It is possible to read and understand ‘Renewal’ without reading the earlier work. If you could do so, however, it might enhance your enjoyment of this story. Thank you for choosing my work for your reading pleasure. Whichever you decide, I hope that you like it. Autumn Writer *********** George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her...
Copyright© 2006, 2007 George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her shoulders. He envied the way she could fit comfortably in the space provided by a seat on an airliner. He was on the aisle, she sat near the window. Even in First Class, his long legs were constantly searching for the right place to be. He refolded them as best he could. He was glad to be on vacation with Helen, but getting there was not 'half the fun'. The flight attendant refilled his...
“And she said Marlasion has the information as well?” Desdra Zardow asks from the monitor. “That is what she said,” Regina confirms. They are just hours from reaching Earth to begin their mission. Regina and Greiss have spent much of the time coming up with a solution as well as other activities. “I’m not sure what actions we can take here on our end,” Desdra says. “Marlasion is the second cousin to the emperor, so that can get tricky. I’m sure I’ll have the board on my side just because...
The small crew consisting of Regina, Greiss, Marion and one other Extroneon landed the small secondary craft just under the canopy next to a little expanse of open field in the middle of forest land. The smaller craft has a large enough cargo bay to store captives until they return to the much larger ship that awaits them back on the opposite side of the moon. Greiss and the other Extroneon are merely with the ship to ensure if anyone stumbles upon the space craft, they won’t be leaving to...
Natives of the west coast usually have a right to be smug about their weather. The climate is mild with snow usually falling only in the mountains, the unbearable heat confined to the deserts, an ocean breeze caressing the coast, and little change among the seasons.But Mother Nature can be capricious. Santa Ana winds can spread devasting wildfires, cold fronts can swoop down from Canada, and Pacific storms can bring rains that extend for days on end. The rains come in the winter and clouds can...
BisexualNatives of the west coast usually have a right to be smug about their weather. The climate is mild with snow usually falling only in the mountains, the unbearable heat confined to the deserts, an ocean breeze caressing the coast, and little change among the seasons.But Mother Nature can be capricious. Santa Ana winds can spread devasting wildfires, cold fronts can swoop down from Canada, and Pacific storms can bring rains that extend for days on end. The rains come in the winter and clouds can...
BisexualDebby's Plightby SirJeff?SirJeff (2002)- inspired by photos of Michelle's plight on also use on SirJeff's Ponygirls website.- do not use story without the author's permission.I awoke, startled by the cawing of a crow. There were birds chirping and I could feel the itching tickle of coarse grass. The sun felt warm on me, yet it was pitch dark. Where was I? Then I remembered. My Master, M, had said, "debby, insert your opaque contact lenses now and drink this." Where was I?...
My friend, Nick, and I had always been good friends. We met Freshman year of high school and somehow managed to stay friends for the next ten years without ever getting romantically involved, which is rare for a girl and a guy during those years. That’s not to say there were never rumors. People always suspected that there was more than we were letting on, but we honestly treated each other like family. For whatever reason, it just never happened. We had each other’s backs through our...
Group SexNewlywed Slaves By billy69boyWe had a spring wedding, and we couldn't be more in love. Our bliss was extended when we quickly found our first apartment. But it wasn't just an apartment: we were now the proud renters of half a duplex house that was attached to our dear elderly landlady's half of the house. Edna had lost her husband a few years back, and she seemed pleased to have a newly married couple as her next door neighbors. We became fast friends, and even though she had relatives living...
Anyone who has read Newlywed Suzy Parts 1 & 2 will know she is obsessed by sex and will always try to push the boundaries. Our arrangement had now been running for about six months with me sharing Suzy with Steve (her husband) fairly regularly on a weekend, sometimes as a threesome and sometimes just me and Suzy with Steve in the spare bedroom. Suzy had always been obsessed by my cock and commented on it constantly but her next suggestion completely stunned me. We were laid together in bed...
For those of you who have read ‘Newlywed Suzy’ you will know what a sex obsessed young wife enjoys. I continued with my relationship with Carol (the one with big tits) but only to give me more chances to see Suzy. As with most relationships you always want more and I was no exception pestering Suzy to arrange a threesome with one of her friends, Carol would be good as far as I was concerned. She always joked that she was as much as I could handle and to be honest she wasn’t far wrong as usually...
Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...
Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); For the next few days Janet had plenty to keep her busy. Arranging the furnishings and getting settled in their new home filled her time. But the evenings were the best. Every night she greeted Mark with a special meal, served by candlelight in their new dining room. Afterwards, the young couple would fuck till near dawn. Then, on a Friday morning, the moment she had been dreading happened. She answered a knock on her...
Lying there on soft sheets, her beautiful body slowly writhes in pleasure as her delicate hands glide sensually over smooth curves. The light of many candles flickers nearby, dancing over her sexy body like a lover’s careful touch, as if this light exists for her alone. She is absorbed in the rapture of her fantasy and the ecstasy of her hands, unaware of my presence and my hungry, lustful gaze. I know it’s wrong, I’m violating her; but I cannot turn my eyes away from this goddess of light...
Under the Moonlight By Wolverine James' large pickup truck plowed through the old woman crossing the rural highway they were heading down. James' and Turner's screams awakened Preston, who was in the back seat of the truck. Preston joined their scream symphony as the truck swerved to the side of the road. James parked the truck, and shut it down. The three young men sat their, panicked and panting in the silent darkness. A loud moan came from the old woman's direction and James bit...