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© Copyright 2006, 2007

Dear Readers,

The following story is a sequel to the very first one that I wrote, ‘Remembrance’. It is possible to read and understand ‘Renewal’ without reading the earlier work. If you could do so, however, it might enhance your enjoyment of this story.

Thank you for choosing my work for your reading pleasure. Whichever you decide, I hope that you like it.

Autumn Writer


George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her shoulders. He envied the way she could fit comfortably in the space provided by a seat on an airliner. He was on the aisle, she sat near the window. Even in First Class, his long legs were constantly searching for the right place to be. He refolded them as best he could. He was glad to be on vacation with Helen, but getting there was not ‘half the fun’. The flight attendant refilled his coffee cup as he shifted in his seat.

‘Can I get a blanket for your wife, sir?’ she asked with a smile.

‘Thanks, no,’ George answered. ‘She looks comfortable enough and I don’t want to wake her.’ The flight attendant nodded and moved on.

George asked himself how many times in the past thirty years he had watched Helen as she slept. The answer was that there had been too many to count. He wondered how many times the roles had been reversed—same answer. It had been a lifetime of providing for and watching over one another. Of course, it was more than providing food, clothing and shelter. They were at a stage in their lives when they no longer had to worry about those basic things. The higher needs they filled for one another could never be taken for granted.

George wasn’t a man who often spoke about sentimental subjects. He thought about them often. It was a habit that he picked up during his service in the Pacific during the War. When he was lonely or in fear, he learned how an inner vision could comfort him. Old habits are hard to break. Sitting next to his dozing wife he had good reason to indulge himself in dredging up old memories. All of George’s and Helen’s vacations were special—there hadn’t been many. This one was the most momentous. It started the previous day.


‘George, zip me up, please!’ Helen called out.

George disengaged from struggling with his tie and stepped over to Helen standing in front of her mirror. As he took the tab of the zipper between his fingers he heard the sound of a glass bottle falling over on the dresser.

‘Oh, wait, George, I knocked over my bottle of cologne!’ Helen scolded herself.

George knew that Helen seldom spilled anything unless she was nervous. He waited while she righted the offending bottle and blotted up the small amount of spilled cologne. As the scent filled the space it reminded George of Helen’s frugality. Even on an important day she would forego the expense of perfume and settle for the weaker substitute. It was a trait born of their beginnings. They could afford perfume, Helen was used to cologne. A breath of it evoked one of George’s memories.

She finished blotting up the spill with a handkerchief and he grasped the tiny zipper tab once again and slowly lifted it up the channel and fastened the little hook at its top. It was perched under Helen’s shoulder blades, and nice shoulder blades they were. She wore a dress that was unusually daring for her—but it was a special day. Helen had taken great pains to pick out the special ivory-colored dress with the scooped back and neckline.

‘Why don’t you relax?’ George suggested. ‘There’s no need to be nervous.’

‘I’m not nervous!’ Helen insisted. ‘You are—and you’re starting to make me nervous, too.’

Her answer was vintage Helen: denial and counterattack. George expected it and took it without offense. He silently congratulated his ability to accurately predict her. He wasn’t nervous. It was true that he had reluctantly agreed to the ritual planned for that day. This kind of affair wasn’t his cup of tea at all. He agreed, after a coordinated assault by Helen and their daughter, Katherine, that made his Pacific travails seem like a Boy Scout camporee.

George knew better than to move away from her. Helen picked up each end of her strand of pearls in her narrow fingers and drew them to her delicate collarbone. Without being asked, George fastened the clasp at the back of her neck.

‘Sorry,’ George offered gently, ‘I just thought that you looked nervous.’ He held her gently around the waist as he teased her. ‘Anyway, I think that you look as beautiful as the first time.’

‘Then you need better glasses!’ she shot back as they looked at each other’s reflection in the mirror. ‘It’s nice of you to say so, though,’ she added with a hint of sparkle in her eyes.


George remembered the Christmas Eve that he gave her the set of pearls. They were sitting next to the tree on the old sofa. It was eleven o’clock. The children were finally asleep. Outside, snow was accumulating and the prairie winds howled. Inside, the colored lights twinkled in the darkness and George and Helen relaxed with a well-earned brandy.

The year was 1961, their fifteenth together. It had been a successful year for George’s road building company. The Company debt was finally erased. The children were all doing well. They were easing out of their struggling years. It was a time when things were good.

‘I want to give you your present now,’ George whispered.

‘Oh, George, you didn’t have to get me a present,’ she protested. It was easy for her to say that. She knew that George would never be empty-handed on Christmas.

George ignored the admonishment and produced an oblong box that he had hidden under the couch. He had tried to wrap the box, but gave up and settled for binding it with a ribbon.

Helen’s eyes widened, betraying her excited expectation. Women always love to be given any kind of jewelry. She slowly untied the ribbon. She paused before opening the box, in a quandary over enjoying the anticipation and the satisfaction of her curiosity. She surrendered and slowly lifted the lid.

She gasped. ‘George, how beautiful!’ Her eyes were glistening. ‘How could you afford these?’ Her fingers caressed the smooth, white orbs.

‘It was a good year,’ George replied. ‘You, more than anyone, deserve a taste of the fruits.’

‘We decided that we need to save the profits for reserves,’ she reminded him. He nodded. She knew that he wouldn’t have, nor shouldn’t have traded reserves for pearls. Her bookkeeper’s mind was sharp. She glanced at him with a suspicious eye. ‘What happened to the money that you were saving for your new set of golf clubs?’

‘What do golf clubs have to do with it?’ George asked back.

‘George…?’ she demanded.

‘I decided that I still like the old ones.’

A tear trickled from the corner of her eye.

‘I want you to have these more than I want the golf clubs.’ he assured her after a pause. ‘Please keep them.’

Helen looked at him in silence in the semi darkness, absorbing what he had done, what he had just told her. She placed the pearls on the coffee table and abruptly stood and turned to the stairway.

‘I’ll be right back,’ she whispered as she hurried up the stairs.

George sipped his brandy and waited for her return. He assumed that she had gone to fetch her gift for him. He realized that the words ‘right back’ meant that he had at least several minutes to wait. There was no denying that she liked the pearls. He savored his satisfaction in sacrifice along with his drink.

The scent of her cologne preceded her into the living room. The lights of the Christmas tree cast a heavenly glow on her. She wore a sheer, floor-length negligee and carried a down comforter from their bedroom. George watched her walk slowly to the coffee table where her unfinished brandy sat. She lifted it to her lips and dow
ned it in one gulp.

‘Help me put the pearls on,’ she whispered to him, ‘and then make love to me.’

He stood as ordered and clasped the string at the back of her neck. She turned and they kissed. It was tender and slow, conveying what they felt in that moment. It was a kiss that overrode one’s sense of time. It was not just of soft, yielding lips, but also of arms and hands and bodies pressed and held against one another.

Helen spread the comforter on the couch and then turned to strip him of his clothes. George knew to follow her lead. When she was done she embraced him and they felt the hardness and softness of their bodies. She stepped back slightly. George pushed the top the nightgown down until it pooled around her waist. He stopped for a moment to savor her naked shoulders and breasts. The hard points of her shoulders and collarbone etched the half-light emanating from the Christmas tree. The softer areas became inviting shadows. Her chest rose and fell with her excitement, a little more with each breath. Her lips were parted slightly, her eyes wide and glistening.

George pushed the gown down again and they were both naked, save the pearls. A musky aroma mixed with her cologne. They disappeared beneath the comforter on the sofa. They made love for hours, and then slept until the new morning’s sun shot a beam of brightness at them, augmented by the fresh snow. They hurried to their bedroom, lest the children find them.

George used the old set of clubs for the entire season. He finally purchased a new set the following year. He put the old set away in a safe place, unwilling to part with them.


George snapped out of his reverie, overcoming the distraction of the aroma of Helen’s cologne. ‘Want to elope?’ he asked facetiously.

Helen leaned back into George, enjoying the contact.

‘Mmmm—that’s an interesting idea.’ she purred. ‘The children would never forgive us.’

‘They would just have the party without us.’ George reasoned and bent to kiss the base of neck at the juncture of a bare shoulder.

‘Well, the boys might, but Katherine would be crushed.’ Helen partly conceded. ‘And, if you mess up my makeup we’ll be late.’ she added with a chuckle. Helen knew how George hated lateness and he released her on cue.

‘I’ll save some for later,’ she consoled him.

George finished with his tie and they were ready to go. They poured themselves into the Ford Country Squire wagon and made their way to their church where family and friends waited for them. There was a banquet hall prepared for afterward. It was a Sunday afternoon in March 1976. George and Helen had been married thirty years. The occasion was their renewal of their thirty year-old marriage vows.


Helen started stirring when the plane encountered some turbulence as the jetliner passed over Dallas. She had fallen asleep shortly after turning down lunch offered upon rising out of O’Hare. Air travel was an infrequent adventure for the couple. George, of course, had his share of it during the War. To Helen, there was no reason to risk an unfortunate mix of airline food with a jumpy stomach. She passed her portions to George, who greedily devoured them.

‘How’d you sleep?’ George asked as she opened her eyes.

‘Not bad!’ she answered. ‘I needed it. That was some party last night.’

The layover at O’Hare was tiresome, too,’ George added.

Helen had promised George to ‘save some for later’, but it hadn’t worked out. She never meant to break her pledge, but the champagne was flowing at the reception after the ceremony. Helen usually limited herself to two at such affairs. After all, she had a deserved reputation for getting woozy after sniffing the cork. On such a special occasion she had indulged herself to four. As she finished the third one, George gave up on any carnal expectations. He didn’t mind, though. To see her as excited and happy as she was at the reception was well worth postponing his other plans.

‘Thirty rears!’ Helen mused. ‘I guess that we finally made it after all.’

‘Your father didn’t think that we would,’ George reminded her in his sarcastic tone.

‘He just wanted us to wait a little while,’ Helen corrected. ‘You wanted Katherine to wait. I think that it’s a test for us women. When we’re able to stand up our fathers it’s a sign that we’re ready to go.’

George shrugged and thought back to the hot afternoon in July 1946 when he and Helen presented themselves in the front room of the old farmhouse. Just home from the Navy, George wore his summer khakis. He hadn’t had a chance to buy any civilian clothes. The old man wasn’t impressed—never released his scowl. He could match George hardship for hardship. He fought the battle of the Dustbowl on his Iowa farm long before George went to the Pacific. George was unused to the treatment. He had gold oak leaves on his collar. He was used to salutes, not scowls. He stood his ground. He didn’t need ‘permission’ to marry Helen. He was only showing respect.

‘He warmed up later,’ George admitted.

‘He told me, before he passed on, that he changed his mind about you when you stood up to him in the parlor,’ Helen informed him.

‘You never told me that!’ George exclaimed in surprise. ‘Well, I’ll be…’

‘I was waiting to tell you until I could be sure that you wouldn’t get a swelled head,’ Helen teased. She felt comfortable in the little barb because she knew that George had never suffered from that condition.

George remembered how the old man wasn’t so gruff once a person spent some time with him. He would let down his formidable exterior after he had a chance to size up a man. If you passed, he was your friend and nothing could ever change that. He turned out to be a model grandfather. He died in 1965. He lived through hard times and good ones. He had run the good race, and was tired. His son still worked the farm.

They were silent for a while. Each turned over pages of past memories of their choosing from their mind’s eye albums.

‘Everything turned out so well yesterday,’ Helen said. ‘Thank you for going through with it, George. I know that you don’t really like those things, but you never showed it through the whole ceremony.’

It wasn’t his favorite thing to do, but George wouldn’t ruin the day for any reason. It was over before one knew it and it was on to the reception.

‘It was a far cry from our wedding thirty years ago,’ George observed.

‘Times were different then,’ Helen reminded him.


It was July 1946, they had license in hand and a small group at Rev. MacDonald’s parsonage. George wore his dress white uniform. His old, pre-war clothes didn’t fit him and he had no money for a new civilian set of clothes. His mustering out pay was reserved for the honeymoon. Even his ‘whites’ were in doubt until the last minute while the navy scrambled to find his sea bag. Helen had a mid-calf white dress with a makeshift veil. There could be no long, white trains and organ music if they wanted to get married right away. Helen made her choice.

George’s friends were scattered far and wide. Some of them had met their fates in Bastogne, Okinawa and faraway places in-between. George had Purple Hearts from Tinian and Iwo Jima. Helen’s younger brother stepped in as Best Man. Her best friend was the Matron of Honor. There were George’s parents, proud of their veteran son, Helen’s father, and a single white rose standing in for Helen’s mother who went to her reward in’39.

Rev. MacDonald recited the words from the book. Helen wished that he could have set aside his taciturn manner. It wasn’t the Reverend’s way to do that. Probably, they reasoned later, he had performed the ceremony for so many returning servicemen and their brides it was hard to get excited about it any more. Nevertheless, Rev. MacDonald had baptized her and laid her mother to rest. She wouldn’t be married by anyone else.

Helen’s father sprang for an after-wedding dinner at the Davenport Hotel. George’s father loaned him his car for their honeymoon trip to Chicago. George and Helen were bursting to talk about their plans and their trip to Chicago. The fathers talked shop across the table, about farm implements, price supports and Truman. It was aggravating, but they were the patriarchs.

They stayed in the Hotel that night and started out on the road the morning after their wedding. It would be Helen’s first visit to a city bigger than Des Moines. It was all so daunting. It became their first adventure. And, of course, there was their first night.


The plane rumbled on, putting miles between them and their home each minute.

‘Helen,’ George asked without warning, ‘do I talk ‘shop’ very often when no one else is interested?’

A startled look etched on Helen’s face. ‘No, George, not very often.’ she fibbed. ‘Just every Sunday at dinner when the boys come over.’ she added silently.

The 747 soldiered on. They felt it turn and Helen looked out her window at the Texas coastline below fading away. There was another two hours left in their trip. The stewardess was bringing dinner.

‘Davy and Jim better get that bid for the Ames Connector job ready this week,’ George said out of the blue, between mouthfuls of dinner roll.

‘They’ll do just fine. Stop worrying,’ Helen gave her predictable reply.

It was hard to not worry about something that had been George’s job to worry about for twenty-eight years. A few years after they were married he founded the road building company that bore his name. It was a risky move. Recession fears were in the air and inflation was out of control. George was long on experience and know-how and short on strategic contacts. His company survived by accepting subcontracts from larger firms. Helen was expecting for the first time. She never wavered or showed her fears. George and Helen sunk what little they had in the venture. George’s and Helen’s fathers put money in. too. George still had his confidence from his Navy service. ‘Building roads was just like the airstrips in the Pacific, except longer and easier,’ he would often say. Usually, Helen believed. Other times she wondered if he was whistling in the dark.

Helen, pregnant with George, Jr., kept the books while he supervised the jobs. It was hard work and success was often in doubt. The big break came when the government built the Interstate System. There was work for all. By the time the building boom was over, George’s company was the best in the state and won contracts with ease. He repaid his parents and father-in-law. He intended to repay them with interest, but they refused all but the original amount.

His sons were in the business. Jim, twenty-seven, had just taken charge of Engineering. Davy was two years younger. He backed up Lloyd Kingsley, the company Controller. The younger son was still young and needed experience. He would take over that job when his mentor retired in a few years. Davy did a lot of estimating of the jobs with his brother. George supervised the jobs and kept an eye on the two young tigers. He would pass the Company on to them one day, but he wasn’t ready yet, nor were they. Construction season was still a month away. It was one reason they chose the month of March for this vacation, even though their true anniversary was in July.

‘It’s a straight-forward job to estimate.’ George asserted. ‘I can always fix it up when we get back, if I have to.’

‘They’ll do fine,’ Helen repeated. ‘If they don’t, Lloyd will get them back on track.’

George knew that Helen was right, but he considered it his privilege to fret over the Company whether it needed it or not. He decided that he had given the concern its due. He stopped worrying about it—until later.

‘Did you buy a new bikini for the beach?’ George asked her as a friendly joke. He knew that she would never appear in public wearing any such thing. Helen retained a good figure from her younger years, but her reticence wasn’t about looking good enough.

‘I did buy two new bathing suits,’ she answered, sensing his ribbing, ‘but not those European Style suits.’ She assured him

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Massaged And Fucked Indian Aunty

This story is a true story and is about how I massaged and fucked Indian aunty and her 2 daughters and aunty friend. First, let me tell you about her. Her name is “Shalini” name changed, she is 38 working in a company as hr and her boobs are big with size 38d maybe. She’s 5.2ft tall and is fair in colour and anybody could fall in love at her first sight. Her 1st daughter is “Anjali” named change, she’s doing her 10 in a reputed school in Bangalore. She’s also fair but doesn’t have big tits like...

2 years ago
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Danny and JennyChapter 14

"Come on you two, it's Christmas eve and we've got a bar to decorate before we open" "Well you're certainly not the Christmas bloody fairy, are you?" Molly protested as her husband shook us both awake. "I'm not any sort of fairy," he laughed, "Anyway Jenny says breakfast in ten minutes right?" "Right" I muttered and guided his wife's hand onto my erection as he closed the door on his way out. Giggling she lay on her back and parted her legs as I rolled between them, "Oooh...

1 year ago
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My first time Act IV End of the season

My first time End the season Act IVAs our basketball season wound down, ronnie and I got together quite frequently to "study and do homework" both at my house and his. But we didn't do homework that really was not the main reason why we got together. Ron and I had extended discussions about how I was able to take his cock entirely in my mouth without gagging. He practiced on me and was able to improve his skills a fair bit.There were 8 teams in our league and the top 4 teams made it to a...

3 years ago
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Moms MasturbateChapter 5

I sent Mary Ann off with her assignment. Masturbate to completion so that our sons could hear, just like they heard me. On the one hand I felt it was a fairly reasonable request, especially since I had done it myself. On the other hand, the more I thought about it, it was probably a huge thing to ask her to do. True that I had done it. But I didn't know the boys were listening at the time. I'm not sure I could have done it that first time had I known. My latter instinct was right on. I...

1 year ago
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Forbidden in Salinas Pt 2

Continuation of “Forbidden in Salinas – Pt.1” Chapter 7: The morning after. The beam of sunlight through the bedroom window made Rachel stirred. Drowsily, she placed her arms across her face to block out the irritating glare. As she moved her other arm to her side, she touched something. Grudgingly, her senses began to focus and she forced her eyes to open. The image of a naked man lying in her bed almost made her jump in shock. Looking at him, she realized that it was Daniel. ...

2 years ago
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My Neighbors and Me Part 5

{This is part 5 of the My Neighbors and Me adventure. I want to thank those who contributed ideas to the story. I try to weave them in with my own depraved thoughts. So if you’re reading this I would certainly appreciate your input. And lastly, but most importantly please rate and/or comment on the story so I know if I’m giving you what you want! (gratuitous self-promotion, sorry.} Having just fucked Sarah’s brains out, I was sweating like a racehorse and breathing hard. But like a...

4 years ago
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Part 32 Lying From You

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 32: Lying From You Holly: I got back to the dorm room and went into the room I shared with Sam. As I hoped she was sitting on her bed. I sat down beside her, as she was clipping her toe nails. “I need to talk” I said. “Shoot”. “Well, it’s about Jack”. “What is it hun?” She said, still concentrating on her feet. “Well, I think he is falling in love with me” I said, in a depressed mood. “And you don’t love him”. “No… I told him about John and its...

1 year ago
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Cyber Island

One could not help but notice the eruption, just south of the Japanese archipelago. Its explosive force rained volcanic ash as far away as Hong Kong, though the larger chunks, the volcanic bombs, only reached as far as Tokyo. Ash fell like snow, clogging engines' breathing mechanisms and forcing students to wear gas masks, and ash clouds blotted out the sun over the entire nation for six days. Even the Negaverse dared not visit during this time, for fear of suffocating their agents. These were...

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The Girlfriends LessonChapter 4

"Phew. I'm glad that set is over!" Roy turned off the flood lights and turned to face his nude model Samantha, who was wiping her forehead, beaded with perspiration from the torturously hot lights, and slipping on an embroidered Japanese tea gown. "Hey, don't put that on yet, honey. The night's not over with yet." For a second he regretted that inviting statement, knowing he should call home if not make it home before Julie got suspicious enough to come checking up on him. But she...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Bailey Brooke My StepDaughter8217s Room Isn8217t The Only Thing She Likes Dirty8230

I love my 18 yr old daughter very much, and I want her to succeed in life. So it’s important to her mother and I that we build a good foundation. We give her an allowance so that she can develop a sense of responsibility and earn her money…so she can go out and have fun with her friends. Problem is….she is growing into a slob (which is a trait that she definitely gets from her mother). But lucky for me, that’s where the comparisons end!Her mother (over the past few...

2 years ago
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The Endangered Gender

“Argh!” I complained as the morning sunlight shone through the window and steadily beat away at his eyelids. I rolled over and muttered to the sun, “I hate you.” I lay there for a moment in gloomy silence. I was a light sleeper and knew that now that I was awake, I might as well get up. Sighing heavily, I rolled back my blankets and sat up, stretching. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and saw the notification on the front: INTERVIEW TODAY!! I grinned happily to myself, finally I had a...

3 years ago
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After shower visitor

I just got out of the shower when I hear a knock on the door. I wrap a towel around me to go see who was there. Imagine my surprise when I look through the peep hole and see your smiling face. I open the door to let you in and you smile even more seeing what I'm wearing. I offer to take your coat so you can relax while I go get dressed. You say "That won't be necessary" as you drop your coat to the floor, revealing what you have on underneath. Or more precisely don't have on. This of...

3 years ago
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Any SoldierChapter 2

By March, 2009, Julia had enough experience with the Army to have learned that it wasn't a system that was user friendly. Her conviction that Bob was either injured or dead was like acid in her belly, though, and she couldn't let it rest until she knew which it was. She was rock solid sure that he hadn't just decided to stop writing. She had tried everything she could think of, from contacting the public affairs office at Fort Leonard Wood, to going to the local Veterans of Foreign Wars...

2 years ago
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The Black Seas Ch 22

Tortuga, 1706 Davy Jones stood watching the Radiant Discord sailing away in an attempt to catch up to the Hades’ Whore. Contempt with the loss of battle, he smiled to himself. A pulse shot through the sea in that moment and he could already feel the heartbeats pulse. He was tied to the sea by that accursed Ancel. But that was where his anger stopped and the Valkyrie’s mistake began. Ancel thought he could trap Davy Jones in an imprisonment beneath the seas, but he failed to sever the...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 42 PointCounterpoint

“Who are they?” I asked once security cleared us to edge past the protesters in the wake of the bus carrying the interns. It had taken long enough that we had swung by the rental house so we could drop Jeryl to get the kids in bed. “Greenpeace? The Sierra Club?” “No,” Alison said with a scowl. “It’s a group called ‘Save our Shores’. The leader here is a man named Seymour Xavier.” I nodded. “And what, exactly do they think we are doing to harm the shores?” Alison shook her head. “The best...

3 years ago
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Inheriting a Daughter

INHERITING A DAUGHTERPrologue                                                                                May 3, 1908Dear Meg,I find myself in a most tenuous situation, and I’m hoping you can help me out.  As you know from my Christmas card three years ago, my beloved Constance passed away with the cancer.  Since you and I both lost our families when they were drowned in the Johnstown flood, I have had no one to care for my sweet daughter, Eleanor.  Now, it develops, I find that I have...

1 year ago
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So, every Saturday is girls night out. We usualy get all dressed up and go to some bar and dance. Tonight was no different then the previous Saturdays. Excpt this time Im horny, and I needed to get laid. I havent had sex sence me and my ex broke up four months ago. Im wearing a short black shirt, six inch stellitos, and a black lace low cut top with my 32DD's poppin out. My tits look so amazing in this top, it makes me wet just looking at myself in it. So, the four of us girls walk into the...

3 years ago
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Loving lilly

Lily awoke with a start and glanced at the the digital clock on her night stand. It was 2:30 in the morning. What an erotic dream she had been having about Raff De Angelo. In the dream he had been walking towards her and she could not move an inch, stranger yet she had not wanted to be able to. When he reached her, he started gently kissing her lips and reverently caressing her breast through her campaign colored negligee. Exciting wonderful sensations strummed through her femininity. Although...

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Master and slave

He grabbed my arm in a deceptively tight grip. ‘Let’s go….now!’ he growled just loud enough for me to hear it…and feel the simmering anger. I kept a well practiced expression of nonchalance on my face, knowing that to alarm the other guests at the party would not do, and any hint of my pleasure at his reaction would ruin my careful planning.  He had seen the artfully arranged encounter between myself and a striking brunette model a few minutes earlier.  She was an acquaintance of mine, who had...

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best sex i had in long time

he came to the house went to my room took my boxers off he took his pants he got on the bed i got him nice and hard then i suck his hard cock for a few then he sucked me i got down on my hands feet putting my ass up he put his hard cock deep in me and fuck me hard. it felt so good in the he pulled out then i sucked his cock some more then we 69 then i got on his hard cock rode it until he came in me then he eat the cum out of my ass and fed it to me then i fuck him then i cam in him twice then...

1 year ago
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Bunked Bonked Buggered Sisters

Lucy and Hannah had always known each other and shared space for as long as either of them could remember. They shared it intimately in the bedroom and the bathroom. They were sisters only ten months apart. They shared a small two bedroom inner city apartment with their mother as the male presence in their lives disappearing while they were both toddlers. They were brought up very strictly by their mother who insisted they attend the local all girls’ Catholic school and got an overload of moral...

2 years ago
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The Teacher and the Secretary

I am quite proud of my body. I’m not over-confident about showing it off, but I know I am not fat and not skinny, and just the right amount of curvy in just the right places. My measurements are exactly the same as Marilyn Monroe’s, which I was ecstatic to learn! I don’t mind guys checking me out, and I appreciate when people tell me I look good. Sometimes, I like to leave my bedroom curtains open when I get dressed. I have noticed one guy who drives past my house every morning, on his way to...

2 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 3

~~~~Day 3~~~~ Ashley lies in her cage. The black sheet sits over it, reducing her light and visibility. The cold dish that once held her dinner, lies next to her. So much has gone through Ashley's head today. How much she has started to crave the affection and warmth of Miss Rose. Any kindness to her, feeling like a deep, sensual warm hug. She thinks about the money she will be making after this week is over. She would have the freedom to look for her dream job for a year, with no pressure,...

3 years ago
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Living with Auntie

Of course, this is a story about me. I'm Terry, a 45 year old male, 5' 8", 170 pounds, 6 inch penis, (cocks are bigger), an accounting auditor with same firm for the past 22 years. My wife and I have been divorced now for 1 year. I lived with my widowed mother. It seemed to me everyone knew my secret. My wife did a fine job of humiliating me all over town.,When my employer asked if I would be interested in transferring to their head office, in the city I quickly accepted."I called your Aunt...

2 years ago
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My Uncle

Introduction: Repost Hi. Im Annalyse. Im a 56 and 180 lb senior in high school. I have brown hair and green eyes. All of my weight seems to be in my ass and thighs. No one seems to notice Ive got no boobs as they are all keen on staring at my ass. Ugh. Men! Anyways, this is a little story about me. Hope you like it. For those of you who dont know my family, we were never very close. Most of them hate me, but I do fine as long as I stick to myself. My stepfamily loves me though. Ive never...

1 year ago
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Mi VidaChapter 6

I'm groggy and I'm trying to parse Pat's words. "She's crying? Why?" "I dunno, Dave. Maybe the stress is catching up with her. Maybe ... You didn't, like, DO anything with her, did you?" "Pat," I gasped, "she's FOURTEEN! No!" "Well, at least come over and talk to her." "I'm on the way. I'm driving. Just in case." "In case of what?" "I dunno. Just in case." "Okay, I'll look for your headlights, then." "Tell Lita I'm on the way." Time to rescue Lita again....

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX London River London Learns The Step Mommy Rules

Big tit blonde milf step mom London calls out for her step son Jake to give her a hand in the bathroom. Jake helps unhook her bra as her big juicy tits come out and as he exits he takes a quick pic. Fortunately she hears the snap and demands to see the pic only to admit she has some pics of him too. With that London throws Jake onto the bed quickly stuffing her hungry mouth with his cock for a good face fucking and then Jake slides his cock into her hot pussy for a good hard fuck, especially...

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Why’d I check out Flirty Mania Plus? Well, every day I turn on the news and hear about more shit the pandemic has fucked up. Weirdly, the talking heads on the tube never seem to address my main concern: getting my rocks off in the age of social distancing. The usual Tinder fatties in my town have been replaced by conspiracy theorists and pneumonia-plagued hospital patients, so naturally, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the webcam sites.FlirtyMania+ is a webcam site where you can beat off to...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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FogChapter 4

Dan and I dated for several months until school finished for the summer. Our relationship was more erotic than romantic. Neither of us thought we were in love or that we would be. We enjoyed being together and doing things - not just sex. We did definitely enjoy the sex, however. Dan was a skillful lover and ready to try most things. He enjoyed both sides of oral as did I. We never tried anal but he did often tease my back door with his fingers and a couple of times with his tongue and I...

4 years ago
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Coital consultations

Hi I’m John ( name changed)I am from the Southern part of India. My job is to offer consultations to people starting new businesses. I give them more ideas on their projects, do research for them and also help them with funding. Let’s get to business. About two months back there was a lady who wanted to start and business and came to me referred by another person. Her name is Shalini (changed). She called me on my mobile and wanted an appointment. She referred me friend’s name and I asked her...

2 years ago
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Going for a walk

Barb and I had known each other since we both were at university together. We’d sort of veered in and out of each others lives since then. Chatting on Facebook about loves lost, problems, and even sexual fantasies. We both knew more about the other sexually than many a lover ever would. But the spark was never really there in real life. She did seem to want me, but every time I saw her, I was struck by how not-attractive I found her (even though I knew for a fact many men and women did), and I...

3 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 2 In the dungeons

6 July, 1686 Afternoon The Cap—tain left the prisoners alone for the rest of the voyage while he took over the helm. An unexpected favorable wind sped the Angry Whore to Port Royal faster than expected. When they set anchor, half a dozen crew-members fetched the girls and took them into town. The town of Port Royal had grown to be one of the two largest towns and the most economically important port in the English colonies. The city had one drinking house for every ten residents, and nearly...

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Turn me on

Must be nice I thought to myself. I was the complete opposite of the very orgasmic woman, I couldn't even get turned on. Becky pulled her attention away from the tv to respond. "Your just jealous Rach." I nodded and looked away. My boyfriend Devin, turned away from the computer screen to look at me. "What are you two talking about?" "Rachel can't get turned on, or orgasm. Didn't you know that? Oh wait, thats right you havent slept with her yet." Becky said...

3 years ago
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First Kiss Goes Too Far Part II

His blue eyes were looking at me sternly, his lips tightly closed. I knew I was caught but I was more afraid that my mother was behind him than anything else. My father was always a softie where I was concerned but my mother...she would KILL me. "Your mother is upstairs sleeping," he told me, reading correctly my worst dread and something in my chest loosened a bit although I knew I wasn't quite out of the woods yet. He turned his gaze on Mike and his eyes went even colder as he...

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