Flyover CountryChapter 7 free porn video

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“We’re going to have to sleep in your sleeping bag tonight while mine airs out some,” Sharon told me with a mischievous grin the next morning.

“But mine’s just a little bigger than a regular single bag ... it isn’t a big double, like yours,” I objected.

“So... ?” she replied with a little giggle. I got it; it wasn’t like we spent our nights squirming around, trying to get away from each other as we slept. And if I could avoid it, I didn’t want to lie in a big wet spot either. Her bag did need airing out—it really, really did.

It wasn’t the only sleeping bag in camp that required airing that morning. Sharon and I hadn’t noticed, but apparently all of the other couples in camp had done a lot of reaffirming their humanity and continued existence in the face of deadly peril also. We were all a little tired, but we were feeling just fine. Everyone grinned at each other.

We heated creek water in our two aluminum buckets—they didn’t hold but about a gallon each—mixed the boiling water with cool water and then did what we could to wash off last night’s activities. That began a practice we kept in place for all the days ahead, that of keeping as clean as we could in the circumstances in which we found ourselves. The soap we’d found in the package loaded on the rear seat in the plane helped enormously. Cleaning up cost us a couple of hours, but it was worth it.

Washing ourselves off began another custom too. We paid no attention to the normal rules of modesty. For one thing, living so closely, being modest was a losing proposition, anyway. Second, we weren’t over the bear attack, and had no intention of ever getting over it. We dug holes for our waste products and whenever someone had to use the “facilities” someone else had to stand guard. At least, we thought it was necessary—and we didn’t see any need of discussing the issue.

Modesty took another blow when it became apparent that we were going to be stripping down every night in preparation for sleep. No one wanted to sleep in the same clothes we’d sweated in all day long, if we could avoid it. Getting nude every night meant we would get up the next morning sans clothing, and then we’d don “fresh” shirts and pants in the daylight, outside the tents.

All of the tents were low-silhouette, lightweight hiking tents and barely had enough room for two people lying down—there was no head room to change inside—so we changed our clothes in public. We all had some changes of clothing with us and we rinsed soiled garments in the river, but that only went so far.

We never heard a word of protest from the Reverend Parker Anderson, our twenty-seven-year-old resident theologian. In fact, he and his wife, Michelle, were doing the same thing the rest of us were. I liked Parker. He never seemed to get down on himself or our situation and was always ready to talk to anyone who was dispirited.

I asked him if I could call him “Padre” because I’d read somewhere or other, the chaplain aboard Navy ships in WWII, regardless of their religious order, were normally addressed by that title. Parker didn’t mind a bit and the salutation, Padre, caught on in the group right from the start. It just felt right.

The day after the bear attack was our first full day on the trail, hiking from we-didn’t-know-where in a vague direction toward civilization and safety. We’d rushed all yesterday afternoon, trying to put as much distance between us and the dead bear as we could. We succeeded, but there were a lot of sore legs and achy backs that first morning on the trail. We probably didn’t make ten miles that first full day of hiking, though we were on the move for twelve hours. It was comparatively easy, walking near (but not beside) a river for most of the way. That was good. We needed easy going for a while until we worked ourselves into good condition.

We were lucky in that we were all pretty fit, for a normal group of men and women, but our daily lives before this adventure had not included long distance hiking. It took our bodies a couple of weeks to adjust to the physical stress of always being on the move in the daylight, climbing or descending ridges, and scrambling over boulders when our path forced us to negotiate the river’s shoreline. Three weeks after we started out, though, we had all settled into a routine and no longer had to fight tired, tender muscles every morning.

Individual traits began to surface. Penny Martin, who worked in banking, as did her husband, had competed in track and field in high school, and she’d kept running as an adult. She found it easy to acclimate herself to hiking all day long and she could probably have put all of us under the horizon every day if she’d exerted herself.

Her husband, Lyle, was another avid fisherman and he took his turn with the gill nets. Between him and the Padre, anytime we were near a creek or river, we had fish to eat, courtesy of their expertise.

Ryan Delaney proved to be the best cook in the group and he took over that task on a permanent basis, broiling whatever Lyle and the Padre brought in from the river or game anyone else brought in. As we walked, we gathered berries from bushes near our path, wild onions or whatever, to add to the community pot Ryan was in charge of.

I was the designated hunter. I’d take the Remington rifle and move away from the line of march and try to down a deer—sometimes a reindeer—or a moose, or whatever. I only had thirty rounds for the rifle at the beginning and I’d fired three into the grizzly. I husbanded the remaining very, very carefully and made every round count by getting as close to the target as I could.

Sharon became the camp guard, generally carrying my .357 magnum to escort one or two people to and from the latrine trenches we dug, guard parties gathering berries, or generally keep watch over anyone who needed to go somewhere. Everyone found a way to contribute to the overall goal.

A month into our journey, I was out in front with the rifle, hoping to find a deer or moose we could have for dinner. We wanted to try smoking whatever was left of the meat to carry along with us, so I was also looking for a place with lots of firewood.

I was following one of the multitude of game trails that seemed to lead everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Drifting down a ridge, I saw two good-sized deer apparently licking at a rock about a hundred yards away downslope. I’d been moving against the wind, so I was already downwind of them, staying close to the ground and moving slow. They had no idea an intruder was anywhere near. The larger of the two raised his head to look all around and I froze, concerned I’d done something to spook him.

Crouching over a small boulder, I could see him clearly through the four power scope and I knew precisely where the bullet would strike. The big male took a couple steps in my direction and tossed his head. Taking my time, I took a deep breath, let some of it out, then touched the trigger and squeezed. The loud crack of the rifle echoed around the mountains for a long while. The big buck dropped, dead before he hit the rocks he’d been stepping over. The smaller one took off running across the slope. I probably could have gotten him too, but it would have been chancy, and we didn’t really need the meat. With a severely limited amount of ammunition, I didn’t want to waste anything, so I didn’t fire.

I walked down the slope to the dead deer and studied the scene. The rock they’d been licking was a few yards away, undisturbed by the blood and brain matter from the deer’s death. Then it came to me. Something bubbled up from a long-ago TV reality show. Wild animals need salt, just like human beings, but there aren’t any convenient one-pound canisters of iodized salt out in the wild. Animals had to lick necessary minerals and salt from deposits nature provided.

We wound up shaving licked portions of the deposit off with our knives, and using a hatchet to chip off large chunks. We could see there was a lot of mineral residue in the surrounding soil, but we left it where it lay. We had enough chopped up and ground up mineral to give everyone a pound and a half or two pounds to carry along. We had no idea how much we’d actually need, but it seemed prudent to carry too much rather than run out. It made everything our chief cook, Ryan Delaney, prepared taste just that much better.

The salt added to everyone’s load, but we accepted the penalty weight because of the benefits. For quite a while, we’d been trying to do just the opposite—shed weight. Sharon and I were sleeping under the rain fly that had been over her tent. That saved us from having to carry the weight of the tent and the rain fly.

We’d tossed my sleeping bag away, and just carried her double-sized one to save even more weight. Everyone else was doing the same. We kept all of the ammunition for my two guns, one or two changes of clothing, and now the salt, but most everything else was strictly optional. We were shaking down into a lean, tight-knit group of hikers moving cross-country through the wilderness.

“Do you have something to say to me, Matt?” Sharon asked softly as we cuddled in the coolness of the twilight, which was the darkest it was going to get, even at midnight, in summertime Alaska. “ ... Three little words, perhaps?” she teased.

She and I had been steadily getting closer. We’d been intimate already, so we were working at things backwards from the normal process—we were hard at work learning about each other. We talked almost constantly, sometimes forgetting the other survivors were there, and almost always spent an hour or so each night whispering to each other in our sleeping bag.

“Well... , “ I mused. “Oh, I know... ‘It’s going to rain’? Oh, no ... that’s four words.” I glanced out at the twilight visible under the rain fly. “Oh, I know... ‘It is raining!’ ... yeah, that’s three.” I told her teasingly.

We were snuggling together; I was spooning into her back with my right hand casually cupping her right breast. Her right elbow came whistling around and snapped into my upper ribcage.

“Try again,” she suggested.

“Oh ... I just don’t know,” I returned wishing I had some football pads to wear to bed with my lady. I rubbed the impact point just above my third rib. “Well ... I suppose ... ahhhh ... no, I couldn’t say that!”

“What?” she demanded impatiently.

“I was just thinking ... I could say ‘I love you’, but heck, you already know that ... it wouldn’t be anything you’d want to hear...”

I have no idea how she rotated her body around to face me, but she did ... and in only a split second, too.

“Say it again!” she insisted softly after a quick kiss.

“I love you, Sharon Kincaid,” I told her. This time the kiss was longer and very gentle. No tongue, but very tender and heartfelt.

“I love you,” I said again. I liked these kisses—I could probably live on them alone without any deer meat or fish at all.

“Why didn’t you say that ever before?” she asked.

“Why didn’t you?” I replied, tossing the ball back into her court.

She kissed my nipples, gently nipping at them before she tilted her face up to mine for another hot kiss. “ ‘Cause the boy has to say it first,” she told me, giggling.

“Hey! Here we are in the twenty-first century, with women’s lib taking over the whole world ... and you can’t say ‘I love you’ first?” I asked unbelievingly.

“Nope!” she said adamantly, shaking her head. “ ... Has to be the boy!”

“Well, I said it now,” I pointed out, “ ... and you haven’t said it to me at all.”

She touched my lips with hers and climbed atop me, winding her arms around my neck. “I love you, Matthew James Singletary!” she told me softly and kissed me again. “I love you so much!”

We didn’t say too very much for the longest time, but we communicated our feelings very, very well. Eventually, she was beside me again, facing me and cuddling into my chest. Her legs were intertwined with mine and her hands were doing things to my member that were excruciatingly wonderful.

“I have four more words,” I offered gently. “They go right after those three...”

“What?” she asked tenderly.

“Well, let’s see ... how about, ‘I love you ... and then four more words like, ‘Will you marry me?’”

Sharon was a strong woman, and these past few weeks on the trail with all the strenuous activity just made her stronger. About the time I got the last word out, my woman was scrambling on top of me, arms around my neck like a steel trap, and she was mashing her lips to mine again while bawling her eyes out.

After a few minutes, I had to take a timeout to breathe.

“You could just say ‘yes’, you know... , “ I suggested.

“Yes, honey,” she whispered, “ ... yes now and forever!”

“Would you marry me tomorrow ... if we could?” I asked.

“Yes,” she murmured in my ear.

I turned my head as far as I could to the right; I didn’t want to yell in her ear. “HEY, PADRE!” I called out.

“Yes, Matt?”

“Can you marry somebody without a marriage license?” I asked.

He paused for an instant. “Well ... I guess so, and I think you’d be married in the sight of God, but the state of Alaska probably has some strange idea they should be able to charge a fee for the privilege...”

“How ‘bout you marrying Sharon and me in the morning ... an’ I’ll pay the fee when we get to the next town, how ‘bout that?”

“Okay!” Padre agreed readily.

“Right after breakfast!” I told him. I was sure he could hear the smile in my voice.

“About damn time!” someone remarked; I think it was Spencer Carlyle. There was a faint slap. His wife, Wendy was a spunky woman who didn’t mind correcting Spence’s manners from time to time.

Early the next morning, after a breakfast of left-over deer from the night before, the Padre officiated at a little ceremony, uniting Sharon and me in the bounds of matrimony. We were high on a ridge, looking out over a river valley with snow-capped mountains in the background; truly God’s cathedral.

I presented Sharon with a “wedding ring” I’d hollowed out with my pocket knife from a small chunk of pine. It wasn’t much of anything; just a symbol. She seemed to appreciate the thought, though. I presume that’s what all the crying meant. She didn’t slap me for being impertinent; that was always a good thing.

We trudged on, still holding to vaguely southwest line. We checked the position of the North Star every night and selected a course toward a major landmark the next morning. Days drifted into weeks, and weeks into a month—then two months and more. Still we marched. I don’t know how many linear miles we trekked. It was impossible to know because we were forever having to walk around a sheer rock face we couldn’t scale, or take a route around a mountain slope we couldn’t descend safely, or find a ford over a river we couldn’t wade—it was always something.

It was the middle of August—our plane had been forced down in early May—when we came to another wide river. It was too deep to wade, so we would have to build a raft and paddle, or pole, ourselves across. We’d already done that twice, so we were experienced in what we needed to do. We’d be able to make short work of it if we could just find the logs we needed.

Logs are heavy. Carrying them is hard work. We needed to find a place where the forest came nearly to the water’s edge so the carry would be as short as possible.

I turned my back on the river to scan the trees behind us. I’d almost decided our present position wasn’t favorable and we’d have to move up or downstream to find the place we needed when Sharon gasped out loud. She scurried around behind me and began doing something in a pocket on the rear of my backpack.

“Whatcha doin’, honey?” I wondered. She didn’t reply.

She got the zipper undone, yanked something out and raced away from me toward the riverbank. I swung around to see what the heck she was doing.

There, out on the river and not fifty yards away was a skiff, twenty feet long or so, with its wheelhouse painted the brilliant blue and gold of the Alaska State Troopers. The individual conning the boat along had probably already seen us—we were standing in plain sight on the bank—but I made sure. I pulled out my .357 and fired three quick rounds into the air behind us. I was sure the three ear-splitting cracks would attract the guy’s attention.

Sharon made doubly sure of that. She’d dug out the flare gun I’d been hauling around since we’d left the float plane bobbing in that faraway lake. She aimed the gun in the direction of the no-so-distant patrol boat and then fired—almost horizontally.

The bright red flare whooshed out, very much on-line with the skiff. The guy piloting the craft saw us, and the flare, quite clearly. The gunfire doubly alerted him to our presence, and the red ball of the flare marked our position clearly. He waved and hauled the wheel around to point the nose at the bank were we were anxiously waiting.

Then he saw the flare wasn’t gaining any altitude and he apparently also noticed it was dead on target for his patrol craft. He watched as the flare zoomed closer and closer. At the last second, he dove for the bottom of the wheelhouse to avoid being struck. The flare cleared the boat house by several feet, but he couldn’t have known he had that clearance when it was decision time.

“HEY! CUT THAT OUT!” he yelled when he popped back up. “I SEE YA! GIVE ME A MINUTE TO GET OVER THERE, DANG IT!”

All of us standing there on the river bank laughed. It was great, being able to laugh at something good happening to us after so long. I grabbed Sharon and held her tight, kissing her again and again.

The Alaska Wildlife Trooper, that was his actual title, made a long call to his supervisor, using his satellite phone. (I made another note to myself to get one of those, and never, never go outside the city limits without it.) Trooper Adams relayed all our names to his base, and explained everything to his watch commander in general terms as I coached him. He got the headquarters to send a big helicopter to ferry us all back to Fairbanks.

It turned out, our navigation from (wherever we were out in the wilds) to civilization wasn’t all that bad. Even if we hadn’t been found by the Wildlife Trooper when we had, we’d have begun to run into roads we could follow to small towns. Those roads weren’t more than a few more day’s march across the river. That felt good. We were just a group of thoroughly average men and women, but we’d done the unbelievable—we’d saved ourselves.

Sharon told me once on our trek her father had money, but she hadn’t made it clear how much he had. I hadn’t asked. It didn’t matter to me, or her either.

Apparently her father had BIG money and her daddy’s property holdings came in handy immediately. For instance, he owned a really big, really nice, really expensive hotel just outside the Fairbanks city limits. After the State Troopers were satisfied with a preliminary report of how my plane was forced down and how we reacted, we bummed a ride from a motherly secretary in the office who lived vaguely out in the direction of that hotel.

We walked into the lobby and instantly became aware we didn’t fit in. Our rough and ready clothing was worn, even a bit tattered, and we SMELLED! It hadn’t been a big deal out on the trail because everyone else had a pretty ripe odor too but here in this fancy hotel lobby, we really stood out. I mean we really stood out!

We stood around for a moment, wondering how Sharon could connect with someone in her father’s business empire. It was the second day of September and we’d been “missing, presumed dead” for almost four months. We didn’t quite know how to announce we were risen from the dead and ready to start living again.

Sharon resolved that problem quickly. She caught sight of a tall woman in a dark grey business pants suit and white blouse striding from a bank of elevators off to our left, followed by an entourage of business attired women and men.

“TERESA!” Sharon bellowed at the top of her lungs. “TERESA! OVER HERE!”

“Teresa” didn’t even glance in our direction. She heard Sharon—I saw a few heads in her group turn toward us—but the boss lady didn’t react. That upset my Sharon.


That got a reaction.

Startled, the woman in the pant suit looked around and eventually found a thoroughly incensed Sharon. The woman’s jaw dropped and a stunned expression came over her features. She held out her phone blindly to a guy behind her, clearly expecting him to take it because she let go of it immediately. He did manage to catch it. In fact, he caught it three times. He batted it back into the air twice before finally capturing it a couple of feet above the floor

“Teresa” trotted in our direction and Sharon met her halfway across the lobby where they came together in a wild hug. I followed more sedately.

The two women were in tears and Sharon was trying to explain our whole nearly four-month’s trek back to civilization in words diluted by a lot of water-works. It wasn’t going that well. I touched Sharon’s arm and she quickly turned to me.

“Honey, Teresa’s always been a really good friend to me,” she said warmly, then turned to Teresa. “Terry ... I’d like you to meet my husband. Terry—Matt ... Matt—Terry!

I held out my hand. “Nice to meet you Ms. Cunningham,” I told her, remembering Sharon had called her that a minute ago.

The woman was a little off her game. She looked from Sharon to me and back again three times. “Sharon ... husband? ... oh Jesus! When ... how ... I mean, where did... ?”

Sharon finally took pity on the woman. “Terry, we have a lot to catch up on ... but for now, do you think you could get us a room? We’re tired and we really, really ... really need a shower!”

“ ... Or two!” I contributed.

Sharon took my hand and smiled up at me. “ ... Or more!” she remarked.

“Oh, God, yes,” Teresa answered. I wasn’t sure if she was reacting to how ripe Sharon and I smelled or whether she was just responding to Sharon’s question.

“SIMON!” she yelled back to the group that’d been marching along behind her across the lobby. “PUT SHARON KINCAID ... I MEAN ... PUT MR. KINCAID’S DAUGHTER AND HER HUSBAND IN THE PENTHOUSE ... NOW!”

“Simon” must have been the hotel manager, or he held some such position, because he was walking toward the check-in desk about half a heartbeat later, gesturing and talking urgently to the hostess there while he was still walking. Seconds later, he brought a key card back to our little group. He gathered all three of us up and escorted us into what was evidently the VIP elevator because he had to swipe the card in a device mounted on the wall beside it before the door would open.

The elevator stopped on the fifteenth floor and Simon ushered us to a set of tall double doors which opened into a mammoth suite. Inside, Sharon and I sat on one of the three sofas in a sitting area, one reached by descending four shallow steps. Ms. Cunningham sat on another one facing vaguely in our direction. I found myself a little uncomfortable because I’d been sitting on hard tree stumps, or the ground, for most of four months. I made myself a promise to get comfortable with comfort again.

“‘Resa,” Sharon began.

Apparently she and Ms. Teresa Cunningham had been close before all the recent drama.

“‘Resa, we ... Matt and me ... we tried all our credit cards and they’ve all been canceled ... and I think Matt has a few twenties that have been soaked in the river, but I don’t have any cash money at all. Could you check with Uncle Cal and see if we could get a couple a’ corporate cards until we can get our—” she checked herself and giggled, “ ... well, until we can get our lives back together?”

“Oh,” Sharon continued, “and I need to call Mom and Dad and let them know the prodigal daughter has returned.”

Teresa turned a bright crimson. “Of course, honey!” she shot back hurriedly. “I’m sorry ... I’ve just been so shocked, I can’t think straight.” She appeared embarrassed she hadn’t already thought of those things.

“Here, honey... , “ she told Sharon, “ ... here’s my cell—it’s not locked—your parents’ numbers are in the contact list. While you talk to them, I’ll call Cal and get things moving, all right?”

Sharon took Teresa’s phone and scrolled through the contacts until she found the one she wanted to call. That left me and Ms. Cunningham at loose ends.

We looked each other over for a moment. Teresa Cunningham was an attractive woman; I guessed she was in her early forties. She was tall, dark-eyed, and with calm, almost serene features. Raven-black hair worn almost shoulder-length, framed an attractive face. She was a senior executive, I was sure of that. Her confidence and the manner in which people around her reacted to her said so.

I leaned toward her while Sharon was trying to get through to her mother. “Ms. Cunningham... ?” I began.

“Please ... I’m Teresa,” she returned. She had a nice smile too.

“Then, I’m Matt—Matthew James, to be precise—Singletary,” I told her and smiled. “If I may ... could we ... Sharon and I ... somehow get a line of credit or something with the shops down on the lower level? We’ll be glad to repay it as soon as we can. Both of us are pretty rank and we desperately need something to wear. We’re beginning to offend ourselves, in addition to everyone else we come into contact with.”

“I’m sorry ... Matt ... crap! I’m better than this ... just so shocked!” She stood and walked to a small table near the door and picked up the handset on a house phone. “This is Ms. Cunningham!” she said into the mouthpiece when the front desk answered. “Do you know me?”

“Good, do I need to ask for Simon Humphrey, or can you make things happen?”

“Excellent! Please find Mr. Charles and Ms. Reardon ... have them come up to the Penthouse immediately, please. Then ... if you’ll arrange to have lunch sent up for three, please ... something substantial—big ... huge servings, okay?” She glanced at me inquiringly.

“Huge servings ... for at least two confirmed carnivores!” I quipped with a grin. “And lots of things to drink ... except water ... we’ve had all the plain water we’ll need for a lifetime!”

She smiled at that and visibly began to loosen up. She relayed the last instructions to whoever she was talking to. “Yes, that’ll be all for the moment, thank you,” she said, ending her phone conversation. She depressed the switch hook and released it, listened for a second, and then began punching her forefinger at the key pad.

“Donna!” she said shortly when a connection was made. “ ... Is Cal in?

“Yes, break in on the meeting, please, this is extraordinarily important ... yes, I’ll wait.” It was only a couple of seconds.

“Yeah ... Cal. If you’re not sitting down, SIT! You’re not going to believe this—Sharon Kincaid is alive!” she said to the mysterious “Cal” at the other end of the line.

“Absolutely!” Ms. Cunningham said emphatically. “I’m here in Fairbanks, in the Penthouse suite with her ... and her husband, right now! Yes ... husband...” She repeated, flicking her eyes at me and grinning tightly. “I don’t know, Cal ... there are a ton of things I don’t know about what’s happened right now...” She glanced at me again.

“Temporary credit cards ... maybe a cash advance... ?” I whispered in her direction.” She nodded.

“Cal ... listen, can you get someone to set up a couple of corporate cards for Sharon and her husband Matt Singletary for them to use ‘til they get their personal cards reactivated... ? Yeah, Singletary ... Matthew Singletary ... great ... and have them brought to them by courier... ? That’ll take care of it. Oh ... Cal, can you call Mr. Kincaid and give him the news? Great!”

“No ... I think that’ll do it for now, thanks a bunch, Cal ... bye!”

“Hi ... Mom?” Sharon asked into Teresa’s phone microphone. There was a pregnant pause. “Mom... ?” Sharon waited another moment, then held the phone away from her ear. She looked at the display suspiciously. “Mom... ?” she asked again, then sighed expressively. “Hello?”

She looked up at me, thoroughly perplexed. “She answered,” Sharon explained, “and then ... just ... nothing—HELLO? Yes, Jenny ... it’s Sharon ... yeah ... yes, it’s me ... we all just walked out of the mountains after the plane crash...”

“She fainted! Mom fainted,” Sharon told us in an aside while she listened to the far-away voice.

When I would have said something about her remark, she showed me the palm of her hand as she waved at me and stuck out her tongue with a grin. In just the short time we’d been back in civilization, I’d been getting progressively more peeved when folks described what had happened as a “crash,” because that most certainly had not happened. And Sharon knew full well it was beginning to get to me.

I turned my attention back to Teresa Cunningham ... who was studying me right back.

“So, Ms. Cunnin—Teresa... , “ I corrected myself. “What is it you do for Mr. Kincaid?”

“I’m a ... well, I am a consultant of sorts ... I travel to Mr. Kincaid’s various holdings and offer ... management assistance to that activity,” she told me. It struck a chord.

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Choices We Make

**************************Choices We Make************************** Virginity is not Dignity but just lack of opportunity! This used to be my favorite dialogue till recently. But views change with time. Same happened with me. What I am writing ahead is my true story and a story, which every one of us will always want to have. Though it is quite possible that the ending will not be same for every one of us! First let me introduce myself… This is Prakash from Mumbai. I am pursuing C.A and...

4 years ago
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fantasies of my friends for my sexy mother

well, u know these days when you are out of luck? but let me begin some days before that day. your mom won a trip to the east usa because she was the 1.000.000 customer in her local store. she was quite happy because she wanted so hard to take a trip to the beautiful country. she had some problems at home with her work (got fired) her house (got sold because of outstanding depts) and she paned to think about her future while taking her vacationtrip. she sold nearly everything she got at home....

2 years ago
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Healing Cousin George 6

Transformation Debbie spent the next hour or so working on my face, hair and nails. I protested a bit when she suggested cutting my hair into a more female style. "I only met Amanda yesterday, she will notice the difference," I said. "Don't be silly Alex, women change their hair styles all the time, so you had a trip to the hairdressers so what," she said giggling as she spoke. "Eh I suppose so," I mumbled, so my hair was restyled. "There, done," she said as she shaped finished...

4 years ago
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A Haunting LoveChapter 5

Debbie's unspoken promise about what they'd do when they got home spurred Robby and he climbed the steps, carefully peeking outside. When he didn't see anything he reached for her hand and they bolted up and out of their haven. Seconds later they were in the woods and running, hand in hand, for the fence. They slipped through the fence as if their bodies were greased and dashed for the back door. Not stopping they pounded up the stairs to Debbie's room, which was the first bedroom they...

2 years ago
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Hot Summer Night

This story took place last summer, in mid July. I had spent a nice Saturday with a few of my friends at a cookout near my house. Last summer in New England was brutally hot, unlike this one, which was quite mild. The temperature, on this particular day, topped out in the high 90's. The person whose house I was at didn't have a pool, so it was a hot, sticky day. Fortunately, I gave a great air conditioner in my car, and it was blasting on the way home. I was tired, over done by the heat, and had...

Straight Sex
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Nerd Pain Loving Slut From Noida

Hello Readers, this is my first story so please excuse minuscule mistakes would be surely appreciated. Feel free to reach out to me at This is my real experience from two years back. I was 25 years old at that time, can be considered hot(not bragging) and have an athletic body. I am located in Delhi and the girl is located in Noida I am a regular user of dating apps and one day found this girl Shweta from an online site. She was a regular girl next door girl with a dusky complexion and...

4 years ago
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The high school slut was looking at me

It took only a second for me to recognize her at the other end of the bar, because she looked the same, even though I hadn’t seen her for 20 years. I felt a stirring at my crotch, and it made me laugh to myself. Catherine was turning me on as if I were still a pimply teenager. I had aged a lot more than she had, and I wondered if she recognized me. She was with a large, well-built young man. As I looked at her, I daydreamed. I had never hooked up with her, although I had wanted to. And...

1 year ago
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Wish I was Joseph

I need your help. Honest, I need something, fucking something to get my head straight. I need anything you can drag out of your life's experience to help me sort what to do, tomorrow, tomorrow morning. Don't fucking fold on me. Don't scroll on, please.... I wish I was Joseph. Not the being 22 thing or anything like that. Not the angst of starting out in the dating game and wondering how best to use my degree or that stuff. No, I mean in the easy guilt free, well endowed, lay a bitch attitude...

3 years ago
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Working Towards a Dream

For what felt like the millionth time I unlocked the door to my third floor cold-water walk-up. My jacket went on the hook on the back of the door. I'd stopped at the Asian market down the block for a handful of burger and a pint of half 'n half. They went on the counter while I cooked up a batch of chicken-rice on my one electric burner. In the mean time I twisted half-dry the clothes in my five gallon pail, refilled it with cold water and set it to soaking once again. Soon the rice was...

3 years ago
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I Never Knew She Liked To Watch Part 9

I could not believe I was lying on my living room floor, naked, staring at my step-daughter Emily. Nor could I believe that one of her closest friends, Kristina, was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch naked, staring at us.This was something that only happened in dreams or porn movies. Except this was neither. This was real life. It was something more taboo, kinky, dirty and sexy than anything I would have imagined being a part of. Yet here I was, involved in something so amazing,...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Eugene 16

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buuzzz. Jesus fucking Christ, where is my phone? Fumbling with shit on the coffee table, I snag the annoying, vibrating device and silence it. I lean back into the warmth and Eugene wraps an arm around me. Buzz. Buzz- fuck. I find my phone again and look at the screen. Shit! I clear my throat and answer the call. "Hello?" "Hello Chanel, it's Jessica. Did you still want to meet at 9 this morning?" I pull my phone away and check the time on the screen. 8:27. Awesome. "Yes, I...

Straight Sex
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Traveller of Time

It was a calm quiet morning in suburbia, birds chirping, sun shining, everything was peaceful. Until the banging began. The whole neighbourhood were fed up of the mad bastard and his mad science. Loud banging and the alarming sound of an explosion or two shattered the peace and serenity of a perfect morning. The truth was, Dr Matt Stone was on the verge of a major breakthrough. He couldn't care less about the angry menopausal woman hammering on his front door, demanding he keep the noise down....

4 years ago
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Camping Trip Part 1

Hey Guys:) this is my first time posting a story so don't be to critical. This is the sexual part of my story called Death Gate. It's basically about a girl encountering a guy who slays demons. Enjoy. Clouds parted the skies to reveal the ever-glowing sun as a young girl stepped out of the vehicle. She had wavy golden hair and liquid onyx eyes and tanned skin. “Hunter, come help unload the truck,” her mother smiled. “Alright,” Hunter lifted two bags of clothes and brought them inside the...

2 years ago
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Spying On My Cheating Wife

I came home last week and found my wife well fucked and covered in cum from the builders working on our house extension, just seeing her used like that rekindled my sex drive and I also fucked her as she lay. I was so turned on knowing she had been well used and abused that I wanted to see them actually fucking her, so a plan was made so I could watch her be fucked the next week.I sneaked in to the house an hour before the builders were due to finish and waited to hid in the wardrobe where the...

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Trapped Under my Wifes Desk at Work

Thursday night I was really horny and wanted to have sex with my wife. Unfortunately I had cum too quickly and I could tell she was really unsatisfied and upset. She had gone to sleep mad at me and the next morning, Friday, she was getting ready for work when I had the day off. She put on her red dress and undershirt while I cooked breakfast. ‘I’m sorry about last night, babe. I’ll make it up to you tonight after work,’ I said. I could tell she was upset and she didn’t respond. She was in the...

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Cusin at my aunts house part 1

When I was senior at school i was in good shape some would say a stud muffin lol my aunt called me on Christmas break she asked if I could stay for a few days with my cusin annalise I call her anna she was a year younger. We was really close she was like a best freind to she was about 5.6ft small body small breast blond hair round butt so my aunt had to go up to new Jersey for 3 days and she didnt want her to be by her self so she left us with money for food she left about 2 pm so we are...

4 years ago
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My Day of Punishment

My Day of Punishment Getting out of bed, I stumble to the bathroom to shower wishing that I could climb back into bed to be with Master. I quickly get the temperature of the water right and climb in. Washing my hair, I start thinking of Master still a sleep in bed and of the great sex we had last night. Becoming turned on I lathers my body lingering over my breasts and pussy. As I slide my finger up my pussy, I start to moan softly. Working my finger in my pussy fast and hard I begin to...

3 years ago
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She just couldn't get it out of her mind.She wasn't really sure when it started or why, but she thought about it everyday.Erica wanted to be with another woman, experience the taste of another woman.She knew what she herself tasted like but she was consumed with the idea of a different taste, a different person, a beautiful, tender, passionate, horny woman she could eat and who would eat her!When she first started thinking about it, it was "another woman."But she had fantasized for so long that...

Group Sex
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 13

Monday after school we started practicing for Cornwall. We had a score to settle with them. They beat us last year, beat us to a pulp. We lost that game 38-24. It wasn't really as close as the score indicated either. Cornwall was also 2-0. They won their first game with Eastern 24-13. They won their second game with LS 17-9. They played tough physical football. That was OK this year. We were ready for smash mouth football now with our big offensive and defensive lines. Coach Baer had Andy...

3 years ago
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The Street Rat A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's...

4 years ago
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On Top Of A Mountain Ch 3

“Will you marry me,” queried Gary. He sat beside her on the lounge, with his head turned towards her and his hand holding hers. Marion looked at him in amazement. She hadn’t expected this so soon. They had only be seeing each other for six months since they were at the ski resort. Although she already knew what her answer would be, she made him wait for a few moments. She looked at him with love in her eyes and nodded. “Of course I will, Darling, nothing could make me happier,” she eventually...

1 year ago
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Women Bending Over

I like my women on all fours, and if you think the same, how about checking out r/WomenBendingOver/? This subreddit is exactly what you would expect it to be, filled with chicks posting their pictures as they are bending over. There will be loads of nudity and suggestive content, and if you are in the mood, you are bound to love seeing it all.Now, keep in mind that Reddit is not a porn website. This site is dedicated to all the Redditors who would love to post NSFW or SFW content… which brings...

Reddit NSFW List
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My wife goes off roading

My wife and I have a off road vehicle, its used for rock crawling. One weekend we took it to Tennessee to ride a popular off road park. It was extremely hot that day so wife decided to wear a very short pair of cutoff jeans shorts. The pockets hung down from the very short legs. The white cotton fabric stood out next to her tanned thigh. On top she wore a small bikini top. It covered her thirty four b cup tits just enough to be classy yet sexy. Every chance I got I would watch her tits bounch...

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Chapter 1My name is Susan but preferred to be called Sue. I am 45 and have a decent body, although a bit on the curvy side. I am blessed with firm, large breasts that I (unsuccessfully) try to hide. This is a story about my Son and I. My Son is 18. His name is Ray and he is a wonderful Son and a beautiful boy. He is so sensitive and caring, nny Mother would be proud of have such a Son. It's Friday afternoon and my Son is home from school. He is waiting in his room for his mother's daily visit....

4 years ago
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Our One Time 3 way ndash Part 3

As mom and I waited for Tony to arrive, she pulled me to the sofa in the living room of the suite. She unbuttoned my pants, pulled them and boxers off. My hard cock sprang up unleashed. “Mom, we should probably close the curtains.” They were fully drawn open and lights were completely on. There was another hotel and a couple of condos on the neighboring blocks that were as tall or taller that could look into the rooms of our side of the hotel. Anyone looking towards our room would be able...

4 years ago
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Keep Your Mouth Shut

From a woman's perspectiveI was standing on the roof of the Esplanade Building, just outside the elevator. My hair was whipping Sarah in the face, a result of the high winds we were getting that night. She laughed and I laughed back, careful not to spill my Fuzzy Navel in the process. I was having a great time. This was far better than any of the other lame parties my husband had dragged me to.I was “a wife”, a spouse of one of the most powerful brokers who worked at Rodgers Holdings, LLC. We...

2 years ago
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Lesbo Thozhigaludan Sex Seithen 8211 Part 2

Iru pengaluku naduvil sunniyai kanbithu kondu paduthu irunthen, naangal ulle seithu kondu irupathai aunty kathavu santhu vazhiyaaga paarthu kondu irunthaal. Sujavum vinovum enathu sunni vinthu suvai nandraaga irukirathu endru sollinaargal. Aduthu ennavellam nadanthathu endru indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Iru thozhigalaiyum ondraaga ore padukaiyil paduka vaithu oothu oru murai sunniyil vinthu vantha kalaipil iru pengaluku naduvil paduthu kondu...

4 years ago
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Gabatrix the First PeaceChapter 10 Triumph and Disaster

“Everyone,” Kane called out. “I had to make an official meeting of the recent discovery made by Doctor Aline. This meeting is crucial. I needed to have Ambassador Ifra, myself, Captain William, and Commander Ramírez all available to discuss what has been found.” It had been an hour later. Kane had made an official emergency diplomatic meeting that required as many essential people nearby to be present. He felt nervous, but the information was so vital that it could determine all future...

2 years ago
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Gorillas in the MistChapter 2

It had been two months since she last seen Barney. On that occasion she had risked death when he had sensed her femaleness and attempted to mate with her. By quick thinking, Evelyn had averted his arousal by relieving him with hand and mouth. Returning to her camp later that day she had realised that she had progressed far beyond what any other animal behaviourologist had achieved. As she sat, writing her journal, she realised that she still needed to know more and only by allowing Barney to...

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Panties upskirt and stocking fetish beginings

It all started years ago, I guees before I even remember. I used to watch my eldest sister get ready to go out. I guess I was about 9 or 10, she would be about 24 or 25, she would parade around the house doing hair and make up in just a bra and her slip, under her slip she often wore stocking suspenders and panties... and they could clearly be seen through the slip. I would sit uncomfortably nursing a little hard on (I was young it was only that is where the stockings and...

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A Second Chance

The time had come. An entire lifetime of years blurred together in the span of a few minutes as you lay fading away on your death bed. Your breaths came short and labored, as if an insurmountable weight remained perched upon your chest. What was once vibrant skin had turned gray and gaunt, cursed by the leather of your elder years. Surrounding you was your family, at least those who wanted to be with you in your final moments. Your spouse sat closest, clutching your emaciated hand in theirs,...

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StepSiblingsCaught Aria Valencia February 2023 Flavor Of The Month Aria Valencia

Codey Steele is so into the big game, and his stepsister Aria Valencia is just over it. She tries to get his attention with food, but Codey doesn’t take his eyes off the TV. Then she tries to engage Codey in conversation, but he tells Aria not to talk during the game. Things get even more awkward when the doorbell rings to indicate their food has arrived. Aria stands to get the door, flashing that she’s not wearing any panties beneath her miniskirt. When Aria returns with their burgers,...

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Alien InvasionChapter 12

That raid had been so easy that we started to make plans to try similar ones, but first, we wanted everybody to have the multi-gun system mounted on their ultralights. The next day was one spent in getting organized to do just that. Bill and Joe were the "gunwrights" who did the actual construction of the rigs with Jeff and Chuck to help as needed. Meanwhile, the rest of us spent as much time as we could looking for more visible laser designators. Three more were found, but we were going...

3 years ago
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A Bargain Made A House Fallen Ch 02

Finding the prince was the difficult part. He and his aides had done a good job of covering his tracks, but that was to be expected. After all, one does not conspire to ruin a House and murder a queen and then just stand there waving and waiting patiently for retribution. Tracking him was a matter of a bribe here and a judicious use of magic there to follow the bread crumbs of information and learning, over time, how they planted their disinformation. People stick with what they think works or...

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The Cabin MFF inc seminc

The Cabin by Spectre Gina sighed as she stepped onto the porch of the lake house. The morning air was a bit chill, but fall was still weeks away and the trees were green and leafy, partially obscuring the view of the neighbors. It felt good to be playing hooky from work. Well, sort of. She had taken the day off on a whim, feeling a need to get away and be alone for awhile. Her husband said he’d join her later in the afternoon once he left work. In the meantime, Gina had a romance novel and...

4 years ago
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PART - 29 A DAY OUT WITH NEETA My husband was out for two days on an urgent official work. He left in the morning and I was feeling loneliness at my home. Suddenly, I remembered Neeta, my one time lesbian partner to have some fun sex with her. I called her on her mobile. She told me that she is going to see a movie and she asked me to join her to have some fun at cinema hall. She told me that she would meet me in the parking of cinema complex. I have dressed up as suggested by Neeta, a...

2 years ago
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Torturous LoveChapter 6

I was nervous as I waited for Zai to come back to the house. Shindae had dressed me and it was obvious that the big demon had a flare for the dramatic. A knee length kilt, pleated, in a heavy black wool and furnished with a chunky leather belt. The hardware was all brass, a couple of cogs and pipes making up the buckle and keepers. The boots were tall with big square silver buckles running up the sides, and the shirt was, in comparison to the rest of the outfit, an almost transparent grey...

2 years ago
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Oh Daddy

A shiver ran through me as I slowly proceeded. Soon I was in all the way and lavished the feeling that the cool water brought to my summer-heated body. I swam through the tranquility gracefully, taking in the silence of the night, basking in the secrecy of my midnight swim. So many long days have ended just as this one was about to. After knowing my parents have retired to their room for the night, I quickly leave my bedroom to partake in my sweet addiction. Swimming under the stars naked is...

3 years ago
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I am Robin

I am Robin I graduated from University with a first class honours degree in Art and Design. The greatest thrill of my life was being presented with my Degree Certificate although it was tinged with sadness that my parents were not there to witness the ceremony as they had both died rather suddenly during my final year at University. I have always wanted to work in the world of art, and I know I have good artistic skills and I also enjoy all works of art that are around me; whether it...

2 years ago
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The Mother Part 1

The Mother - Part 1 A mother saying goodbye to her daughter on her first day at school. Nothing unusual about that. The girl, with light brown hair, looking the part in her new uniform, turns back and looks towards her mom. "I'll be back to collect you later," reassures the mother. "Have a good day, sweetheart." The young girl turns again, and heads inside the school, where her teacher is leading her and her new classmates inside. The mother smiles and turns, holding her swollen...

4 years ago
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Double TakeChapter 3

“Ever since I could remember, She was all that mattered.” —James J. Caterino, She GRAPPLING WITH THE IMPLICATION that in this new reality I was not back in my own timeline nearly sent me back into a coma. Yes, I was fourteen again. But nothing that I knew of life when V1 was fourteen had any relevance to my life as V3. I knew absolutely nothing about being a teen in 2018. My memories were ancient history. No wonder things had seemed catawampus. I made my first conscious effort to search...

2 years ago
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Dont Judge A Book Ch 08

Friday 3rd November 2017 The car staring me in the face as I quickly came down from my Gemma-induced cloud-nine heaven was a red 1974 Pontiac Firebird, just like the one Jim Rockford drove in the TV show The Rockford Files. Only this car was red, not gold, and wasn’t owned by some fictional TV detective, but by a guy who’d in some ways been my nemesis back in the 1990s when Jill and I had first got together.When I met Jill, I was finishing my doctorate in Aeronautical Engineering at Florida...

Wife Lovers
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getting caught

I cant believe im telling you this, my boyfriend would be so mad if he knew. You see i've got this little kink that i have to satisfy quite often.Basicaly, i get my rocks off by dressing in frilly knickers and getting caught wanking by someone who then fucks me senseless. Now usualy this someone is my boyfriend- it started out purley as a fantasy, but i loved it so much that i cant get enough of it and now make sure i treat him as often as possible. He never lets me down and is always rock hard...

2 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 11

52. The Debt Comes Due. As Dycke and Payne exited the room, the four young women turned to each other, knowing what they had to do. Jessica could see the knives coming at her, from the looks in her friend’s gave her. They had wanted in on the glory, but now they had to pay with their bodies. She slowly started removing her blouse, and then her bra, while the others looked at her. She looked back at them and said, ‘I am sorry. I know you did not bargain for this. This is just sex, and we will...

2 years ago
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Tripletit 05 Tripletit Welcome

Tripletit Welcome Copyright Oggbashan November 2013The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is an immediate sequel to Journey to Tripletit. The events in both stories happen shortly after those in my stories ‘Tripletit’ and ‘Saving The Planet...

2 years ago
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Malan MothersChapter 18

They concluded the call, then Esther opened her door again. The airman was leaning against the opposite wall, waiting for the phone. She offered the handset to him, saying, "Lawyers! They always want to do things the most complicated way. I am now told Jenny and I have to sign forms. I have told her that it will have to wait until I can travel again. Thanks for the phone, son." "You are welcome, ma'am. Lawyers get special treatment. I will wipe any record of the call, ma'am." Thank...

4 years ago
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We have been playing this game for a long time and I am ready…past ready for what I am going to make happen today. Finally lunchtime arrives, in he walks and takes a seat across from my desk in one of my visitor’s chairs. I get up and walk around the desk, shut the door, lock it, and then reach over and turn the blinds so no one will interrupt our lunch visit. Today I am wearing a tight black skirt, low-cut clinging shirt that emphasizes my breasts, and heels that make the most of my toned...

4 years ago
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Satisfying Alice

Ciaran’s hand brushed against hers again as they reached for the same scrap of paper.  This time his fingers lingered a fraction longer than previously, running gently along her skin with gossamer lightness before darting away to pinch the prize from her grasp. “You’ll need to be quicker than that!”“Cheeky bastard,” Alice said, giving him a playful slap before tucking an errant chair back into its place under the table.The day had been boisterous; the hotel chosen for the views it offered over...

1 year ago
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Wife Sharing

Reddit Wife Sharing, aka r/WifeSharing! For those old enough to remember jerking off to the hot collection of nude babes on Playboy or quietly shoving a specialist porn magazine into a shopping bag while hoping nobody noticed, you know damn well that the internet has completely changed your sex life. I know y'all millennials can't relate, but I'm sure your old man and probably his father before him must have bashed the bishop to nude playboy photos. Nowadays, a mind-boggling array of everything...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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My First Time With Another Woman

It really has not been that long since the first time I ever had sex with another woman. I had never thought of it as revolting or anything like that. And in fact by the time I first did it I had fantasized about it and actually once made an attempt at it. Right after college I rented an apartment in New Orleans with one of my three closest friends, Rhonda, a sorority sister from college. Our next door neighbors was a lesbian couple close to our age. Rhonda and I became good friends with them...

3 years ago
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A week in May Part Two

May woke at five-thirty in the morning. She wore black laced panties with a see threw black bra. She stretched and kissed her husbands cheek. ‘I’ll be back later tonight to fix dinner Allen,’ she said slipping out of the covers to go dress in her work clothes. She hopped in her car and drove off to work, eager to see what Ranston wanted to do with her. May had on a black long sleeve work suit and a soft frilled white shirt under. She wore a tight mini skirt, it hugged her thighs perfectly...

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