The High School Slut Was Looking At Me free porn video

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It took only a second for me to recognize her at the
other end of the bar, because she looked the same,
even though I hadn’t seen her for 20 years.

I felt a stirring at my crotch, and it made me laugh
to myself. Catherine was turning me on as if I were
still a pimply teenager. I had aged a lot more than
she had, and I wondered if she recognized me. She was
with a large, well-built young man.

As I looked at her, I daydreamed. I had never hooked
up with her, although I had wanted to. And from my
conversations with her, she had, too. She was probably
the most beautiful girl in school, as well as the most
developed. And she was insatiable at a time when most
girls were scared of sex.

She was notorious for offering herself to every boy
who crossed her path. She didn’t seem to discriminate
by race or looks, although I heard that she did turn
down bullies and conceited rich guys.

And the funny thing was that while the girls hated
her, all of the guys treated her with respect. The
ones who had been with her told me that she was
incredible and they were always ready whenever she
would summon them. I noticed none of them ever put her
down or made fun of her.

Why didn’t I ever get together with her? I guess it
was because I was just too busy with advanced
placement classes and extra science projects. Several
times she had made an overture, but something
interfered each time.

I saw she was still looking at me. She had certainly
held up well. I would jump at the chance to take her
to bed, except it was too late. I was happily married,
and even though I was out of town at a hotel where
nobody knew me, I would never cheat on my wife. Not
that I didn’t fantasize. After a day packed with
meetings, I usually ended up at the bar for a drink
before I turned in. I saw a lot of beautiful women,
most of them probably hookers, and I imagined things,
but I never approached anyone. I was polite but not
encouraging to the ones who approached me.

I saw Catherine and her friend get up. They were
walking toward me. I smiled at her. “Hi Catherine,” I

“Hi Ronnie,” she said. “How are you?”

“Great,” I said. “And you?”

“I’m fine. This is my friend, Harold. I was telling
him that we were friends in high school, and I wanted
to hook up with you, but we never did.”

“Why didn’t we?” I said. “I wanted to also, but it
never happened. I’m sorry for talking like this in
front of you, Harold.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” he said. “I’ve heard all about high
school from Catherine and other classmates she runs
into. I don’t know how she ever graduated because all
her homework time was spent in bed.”

Catherine laughed. “I have to admit I was a real
slut,” she said. “Did you ever wonder why, Ronnie?”

“Yes, and all the other guys did too, because you were
such a classy looking girl. Now that I’m not so
stupid, I’m sure there was a sad story at home behind
what you did, even though you always seemed so
positive and happy.”

“The strange thing is that I wasn’t abused or raped or
anything like that,” she said. “My family was as
American as apple pie, and my brother and sister were
just like all the other kids. But for some reason, sex
education in seventh grade really turned me on, and I
started experimenting. And then I couldn’t get enough
of it. I still can’t.”

“Do you live here?” I said, trying to change the

“No, I’m staying at the hotel and leaving tomorrow?
How about you?”

“Me too,” I said. “I’ve been in town making business
calls. It was an exhausting day and I better get to
bed. It was nice running into you. Let me buy you and
Harold a drink before I leave.”

“Why thank you,” said Catherine. “But that’s not

“It’s my pleasure,” I said. “Bartender, would you
please take an order from this couple and put it on
Room 5023. Thanks. Goodbye, Catherine, bye Harold.”

They said good night to me, and I went up to my room.
A minute after I got there, I was already undressing
when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it a crack.
It was Catherine. “Look what Harold found,” she said,
holding up my wallet.

“Oh my god,” I said. “Thank you so much.” I waited for
her to hand it to me, but she had stepped back from
the door waiting for me to open it. I was in my
underwear, and I didn’t want any misunderstandings, so
I said, “Wait a minute,” and shut the door. I quickly
pulled my pants on and opened the door.

As I did so, something big grabbed me and lifted me in
the air, carried me to one of the two queen-size beds,
dropped me onto it and held me down. Then something
covered my face and I couldn’t see anything. After
that, I felt some bare skin pushing into my face. And
then I could see again.

I was lying on the bed and Catherine’s naked butt was
on my face. Harold was standing next to the bed
holding a few balloons.

I heard a voice from above. “Ronnie,” it said, “I’m
going to move on top of your mouth right now, so you
won’t be able to speak, but I’m going to lean forward
so that your nose isn’t covered and you can breathe.
It may be tangled up a little in my ass hair, but you
shouldn’t have any trouble. Harold will check to make
sure you’re all right.”

She shifted, and I felt her vagina move on top of my
mouth. As she lowered herself, it pushed against me
and the lips opened. Out came a flood of juices,
covering my mouth and face. She must be really excited
by this, I thought, trying to keep my mouth shut so
nothing got inside. My nose was being tickled by the
hairs between her cheeks, but I could breathe.

“I’m sorry about this, Ronnie,” said her voice from
above. “I was hoping you’d make a pass at me and we
would come up to your room together, without Harold.
But you’re a faithful husband and I compliment you on
that. And this way works too. You’re probably
wondering what’s going on, so I’ll explain before we

“For some reason, despite being obsessed with sex, my
brain has room for other stuff. Only my counselor and
the teachers who saw my IQ score knew this in high
school. They were always telling me that my wild
behavior could ruin a great career. I didn’t listen to
them and I didn’t go to college. Instead, I went to
beauty school, where I learned a trade and found out
that there is more sex of every variety available in
that industry than probably in all the others
combined. Maybe that’s why I was unconsciously drawn
to it. You wouldn’t believe some of the things I did
with men, women and everything in between. I finally
found a place where I was average, maybe even below
average, in my sex drive.

“I graduated from beauty school and went to work at
one of the big chains cutting hair. Because of some
suggestions I made to improve things, the boss made me
assistant manager, and when he was promoted, I took
over. I made some changes, and my store won the award
for the most productivity that year.

“A vice president showed up one day and took me to
lunch and pumped me for ideas. The following week, he
called me and asked if I’d be willing to move to
corporate headquarters as his assistant. I found out
corporate headquarters are almost as wild as beauty
school and hair salons. I moved up fast. I suppose it
helped that in addition to being good at work, I also
slept with nearly every man and woman in the office.
When they found out that I didn’t ask for anything in
return, they gave me more than I could have ever asked
for. They were all happy when the president of the
company got an offer from a competitor and the board,
which I’d also gotten to know intimately, selected me
to be the CEO.

“I made so much money for that company that the
stockholders kept voting me bigger and bigger bonuses.
I bought a big house and brought lots of men and some
women there for amazing evenings. I had everything
money could buy. Then one morning I woke up feeling

“I suddenly realized there was more to life than money
and power. I had all the money I could spend in five
lifetimes, but was I really happy? There was something
missing for me, and I finally figured it out when I
read that book about 100 places to see before you die.

“I was still relatively young, but I had dreams. There
were some things I thought about after I graduated
from high school and beauty school, but I knew they
were only fantasies and that I could never do them.
Now they came back to me, and I realized that with my
money, maybe they were possible. So I handed in my
resignation, and after the board gave me an obscene
amount of money, I stayed on for one year. But even
though they offered even more to me after that, I had
to let go to pursue my dream.

“During that last year, I spent my spare time working
on my list of 100, but I could only get to 53, so I’m
rounding it off and calling it ‘Fifty Men to Do Before
I Die.’

“You are one of the 50, Ronnie. I wanted to hook up
with you badly in high school, but as you said, it
just never worked out. You probably don’t care, but it
was frustrating to me. All the things I did with some
of your friends and the other boys never felt
humiliating or demeaning. I did them enthusiastically,
and I didn’t care what anyone thought.

“But the guys who turned me down or never followed
through when I approached them, they were the ones who
made me cry. I realized they thought I wasn’t good
enough for them. They looked down on me, and that made
me cry in my pillow many nights. I never showed it at
school, because I didn’t want them to see, and most of
the time I was very happy. But those boys who I wanted
to have and never seemed to get to… I could never
get them out of my mind completely.

“And don’t tell me you didn’t look down on me, Ronnie.
Actions speak louder than words. You put your projects
or grades or whatever ahead of a beautiful girl who
was offering her amazing body to you. You had
priorities, and my feelings were way down on your
list. Can you imagine how humiliating it was for me to
realize you wouldn’t give up one night of homework for

“I started with an expensive detective agency, but now
I’m finding most of the men with the help of the guys
I’ve already tracked down. Your friend, Jim, helped me
find you after I did him, and I know you’ll help me
find others. I’m determined to find all my 50 men
before I die and do them, like I’ll be doing you
tonight. Life is unpredictable and even though I’m
still not that old, I could be run over tomorrow, so
I’m moving ahead on this.

“I think that explains it for you. After we’re done,
I’ll be glad to answer any questions. My friend
Harold, who just turned on all the lights, will be
doing a video of us for a remembrance. He’s very
talented. He’s a magician and his hands are so fast
that he can remove a wallet no matter where you carry
it. Don’t worry. I’m the only one who will ever see
the video. My goal is to do 50 men, not destroy their

“I think you will probably want to get this over with
as soon as possible, so the best thing you can do is
follow my instructions. If you don’t, it will just
take longer to do the same thing. Lick my pussy if you
heard me.”

I was still trying to deal with what she said before,
and I didn’t respond. I felt her hands unzipping my
fly and getting into my boxers. They cupped my
testicles and began squeezing slowly.

“Can you hear me now?” she said. “If you can, lick my

The hands were squeezing tighter. I quickly licked
her, and my testicles were freed.

“Good,” she said. “Harold is pulling off your pants
and boxers right now. Then I’m going to hold your
jewels while he pulls off your shirt. If you try to
yell, it’s going to hurt a lot.”

When I was naked, she moved back on top of me, facing
my feet. “Now, I’m going to give you a blow job, while
you eat out my ass,” she said. “Don’t worry, I’ve
cleaned it, so you won’t find any surprises. I’m going
to pull my cheeks apart and put it right over your
mouth. Start by licking all around it, and then when I
give you the signal, push your tongue in as deep as it
will go. If you can hear me, start licking my

I licked her hole and tried not to gag. I felt her
squirming on my tongue.

“OK,” she said, “Now I’m going to push, and it will
allow you to stick your tongue inside. Push it in as
far as you can go by pressing your face between my
cheeks. You should be able to get your head so far
into my ass that your ears are almost covered. It
looks awesome on video. OK, here I go.”

I couldn’t get myself to follow the instructions until
I felt the hands on my testicles again. Then I put my
tongue inside her anus and pressed my face into her
cheeks to push it deeper. She was still while I was
doing it, but once I stopped, she lifted up her ass a
few inches and then pressed it down, pushing my face
further in and my tongue deeper. She kept doing this
until her ass cheeks did get up to my ears. My nose
was also pressed tight into her cheeks and I was
having more and more trouble breathing. When she
finally lifted up, I was gasping for air.

“That was good,” she said. “Now go to work on my pussy
while I work on you.” I felt her mouth suck me in as
she shifted over me to place her vagina over my mouth.
The juices were still flowing from it like water from
a faucet. At first, my nose was pressed into her anus
and I couldn’t breathe, but then she moved a little to
free my nose. When she finally stopped, my nose was
only partially into her anus and my mouth covered her
vagina. I stuck out my tongue and began moving it
around inside her.

In her mouth, my penis grew hard as a rock. I felt her
fingers push something onto it. It wasn’t a condom.

“I’m putting a cock ring on you,” she said. “It’s just
a tight band that I’m pushing all the way up to where
your balls meet your cock. It will keep you from
coming. Don’t worry, you’ll get to come later.”

As I continued to lick, she leaned forward so my
tongue was caressing her clitoris. That got her body
moving. I heard sounds coming from her mouth, and now
she was moving in a rhythm of her own. She was rolling
back and forth over my mouth and pressing down harder.
She was masturbatng against my face. Then she screamed
and began slamming her vagina hard against my mouth. I
gave up licking and just tried to pull back as she hit
me like a punching bag. She almost knocked me out
before she finally stopped and sat down hard on my
face. My nose was now pushed deep into her ass and I
couldn’t breathe. I held my breath as long as I could,
and just as I gave up, she lifted off of me.

She got off the bed and leaned over me. “That was
terrific, Ronnie,” she said. “I think I had eight or
nine orgasms there. Now it’s time for the cowgirl to
ride the big bull.”

She got back on the bed and lowered herself onto my
shaft and began riding, slowly at first and then
faster and harder. She was slamming her body so hard
on top of me that my testicles were flying in all
directions. My body responded and tried to come, but
it couldn’t, and the frustration of being held back
became painful. Then she slowed down a little, and I
felt her vagina spasm around my pole. I tried to count
the orgasms, but I couldn’t keep up.

When they stopped, she sank forward, and I felt her
lungs heaving through the large breasts pressing
against my chest. It took her at least five minutes to
recover. Then she got up off me, and as she did, I saw
Harold bend over me. He was holding the end of a
balloon with two fingers, and he stuck the fingers
into my mouth and released the balloon. I felt the air
from the balloon exploding into my lungs, and then his
fingers were gone.

Catherine began talking again. “Ronnie, you’ve been
the best one so far, and I’m keeping good notes on
each of the 50,” she said. “I really wish you had
invited me up here, because then we’d be finished, but
in order to get Harold’s help I had to make a deal
with him.

“See, Harold also has a goal in life. He’s gay, but
straight guys turn him on more than anything else. His
goal is to initiate 200 virgin asses in his life, and
I promised to help him, if he’d help me. We agreed
that when one of my 50 responded to my overtures, all
he would do is film us. But if I had to use him to get
them to cooperate, I would help him with his goal.”

I started to say something, but I stopped right away.
My voice was tiny and shrill and sounded like a duck.

“Don’t be startled, Ronnie. That’s the helium from the
balloon, and we have a few more in case you need a
refill. Harold likes to hear his virgins responding,
so rather than use a gag, this lets you get all your
feelings out without being too loud. It also makes you
seem effeminate on the video, which is helpful, as
I’ll explain later.

“I see you’re flinching. Yes, that was Harold’s finger
pushing some lube into you, and now he’s working a
long tube into you very carefully. After it’s in as
deep as it can go, he’ll turn a little spigot and
he’ll fill you full of soapy water. When we see from
your body language that you can’t hold it in any
longer, he’ll take you to the bathroom, so you can let
it all out. He’ll do that two more times, once more
with soapy water to finish cleaning you and then the
last time with lubricant.

“The lubricant won’t make you want to expel right
away, but eventually your asshole will begin spasming,
and it will start coming out. When it spasms, it will
also make it a lot easier for Harold to get his thing
in you.

“I see you’re starting to fill up. Look at Harold
taking off his clothes. He’s not even aroused yet, and
his thing is already scary. It’s like a big, long,
thick snake. I’m glad he only likes men.

“After you’re filled with lube, he’ll release you, and
then the fun begins. I’ll be videotaping. You know,
this part of doing my 50 has become more and more
exciting to me. Maybe it’s that frightened look in
their eyes as they try to escape Harold. Maybe it’s
that look of humiliation and emasculation as he pushes
into them when their ass spasms. Maybe it’s the pain
and degradation in their expressions as he pounds them
relentlessly in various positions.

“While he’s got your legs over his shoulders and your
ass in the air, he’ll slam into you in the piledriver
position, but then he’ll slow down and do it more
gently. You’ll be caressing him and kissing him as he
does. You’ll look like two affectionate lovers.

“I know you’re not gay or bisexual, but you’ll do your
best to convince Harold how much you love him, because
until you do, he’ll keep destroying your asshole. He’s
strong and can go a long time before he gets tired or
comes. If you cooperate and pretend you’re his
lovebird, he finishes a lot faster.

“After you’ve exchanged some deep kisses, he’ll stand
you up and move you around the room like a bumper car
while slamming into your ass from behind. Then he’ll
turn you around and lift you up by the thighs and
lower you onto him and bounce you up and down while he
carries you. Make sure you hug him around the neck
while he does this or you may fall over backwards and
hit your head on the floor. Number 6 almost did this.
We don’t want any brain injuries.

“While you have your arms affectionately around his
neck, you’re going to be giving him deep loving French
kisses as his hands on your cheeks lift you up and let
you drop on his rod.

“There will be a few other positions, but you’ll end
up on the bed sitting on his lap facing away from him.
By grabbing your thighs, he will rock you quickly on
and off his rod, and then he’ll pull back and his huge
thing will rip out of your asshole. That’s not just
painful, but it also opens up a gigantic black hole
called a gape. It looks fantastic on the video.

“As the gape starts to close, he’ll drop you back onto
his pole and begin the rocking again until he pulls
loose for another gape. Once you and he get in a good
gape rhythm, it will be time for the finale, in which
you’ll get to bring yourself off.

“I’ll remove the cock ring, and you’ll start pumping
your dick hard in order to come. There should be
plenty of lube covering it by that time from all the
stuff spurting out of you. If you wilt a little, I’ll
use my mouth and hands to get you hard again, but then
it’s up to you. Harold is going to keep gaping you
until you come, so I’m sure you’ll get right to work.

“Because of the cock ring, you’ve got stuff in there
that’s crazy to escape, and when you come, it will be
like Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. It makes for a
great visual.

“Only one thing to do after that. You’ll get on your
back, on the bed, and Harold will get behind your
head. I’ll grasp your legs and pull them up and then
push them back until Harold can reach them. Then he
will slowly pull them back further while I push
pillows under you for back support. We’ll be very
careful, because if we’re not, we could pull your back
out. So don’t resist too much.

“When your anus is right above your mouth, we’ll align
it in the right position, and Harold will push inside
your ass and go at you until he comes. As you can see,
he has a huge package, and he spurts what seems like a
quart of semen.

“When it comes out, it will feel like a pressure hose
inside you, and there won’t enough room in your
intestines to hold it all, so it will come squirting
out of your hole all over your face. You’ll keep your
mouth shut tight, but it will cover your nose and go
into it, so you won’t be able to breathe, and
eventually your mouth will open and his come will fill
it up. You’ll be coughing and choking as it goes down
your windpipe unless you start swallowing fast.

“When Harold’s finished, he’ll pull out, and you’ll
enjoy a bunch more of his come pouring out as his
thing comes loose. Then I’m going to squirt a little
enema solution into you, and a few minutes later,
you’ll be releasing all the rest of his semen over
your face and into your nose and mouth. If you want, I
can send you a copy of the video. You won’t believe

“Once everything appears to be out, we’ll clean you
up, and we’ll order some coffee from room service.
Then we’ll relax and talk about old times. I’m
particularly interested if you’ve kept in contact with
any of my 50. I want to know everything about them,
especially where they live.

“You’ll be very helpful, just like the others, because
Harold and I will put together a specially edited
video. It will show you and Harold in the positions
where you look like you’re really enjoying each other
and even kissing. The finale of the video will be you
getting gaped while you pump yourself to orgasm.
You’ll be surprised how it really looks like you’re
enjoying doing it together with Harold.

“The video is for Harold and me only — and you, if
you want to see it — but if I think you’re not
cooperating in helping me find my 50 men to do before
I die, then I’m going to submit it to one of those
amateur sex video sites where it will probably go
viral. So I’m sure you’ll be helpful, Ronnie. If you
want, I can show you the video that we made of Jim
before he helped me find you.

“OK, I see you are starting to squirm and your lips is
squeezed together to help you hold in the liquid.
Harold will take you to the bathroom to finish your
preparations so we can get going on his video.

“Oh, and Ronnie, I want you to know, that when you
have a goal as big as mine, it takes a lot of people
working together to achieve it. I’m really grateful
for your support.”

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Not a High School SlutChapter 8

Mr. Henry Rolfson spent the night in Mom's bed. At her request, I tried to set up the same kind of feedback that I had with Bud. Naturally, I could not resist tying us in so that we could feel what she had been feeling. Much to my surprise, the effort worked! Hank (Henry Rolfson) was stunned, staggered, or simply overcome with the effects of the experience. Naturally, he had never before felt such an orgasm, and he fainted. He was out for nearly 20 minutes, and Mom and I talked while he was...

2 years ago
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School Of Sluts

School Of Sluts        I was ramming one of my many dildos in and out of my sloppy pussy when I heard the front door open. Mother must be home from work, I wonder if she brought home another guy from the strip club. I could sure use some real cock before going to school.        "Okay sleepyhead time to get up for school." Said mom, opening the door to my bedroom seeing me pound my pussy into orgasm overload. Candy, my mother is a beautiful 5 foot 4 slut, built for sex. Her natural 34D boobs...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 44

I went to sleep dreaming of being fucked. Guess that is all I think about any more. Ever since Mistress Pam made me a whore, I can’t seem to get enough sex and I think of nothing but cocks and pussies all the time. But I slept well as I dreamed of one cock after another fucking all my fuck holes. When I woke up, I was refreshed and ready for another day. I flipped up to get my nasty morning piss in my mouth and then to slowly lick my cunt to a great orgasm. I was still thinking of all those...

1 year ago
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Mothers Slut Proclivity

PLEASE NOTE! All characters depicted in the following story are over the age of 18 years. This story is fictional! ******* WARNING: The following fictional account is a story of unbridled, uncensored incest. Read at your own risk, while considering the strength of your own sensibilities. ******* One day, one moment captured in time, of an incestuous situation... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Donna resembled Natale Wood in many ways. Especially how Natale looked in the 1960s Hollywood film "Sex...

4 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 21

I got home and went to my room. Mom and dad weren't home yet so I had time to pamper myself some. I stripped down and after grabbing my robe I headed to the bathroom. I needed a good hot bath and a long soak in it. I got my bubbles and went into the bathroom. After what I had been through today, being fucked and sucking so many cocks today is not a great thing to do if you want to smell good and being on your knees and fucked into oblivion over and over will make anyone sore. I was sore all...

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summer school slut

I got the worst end of the school year news in the world. I had to go to summer school Calculus was a subject that I wished I could just skip. But I had to go, if I wanted to play football in the fall I would have to find a way to pass this brain wrecking course. The days leading up to the beginning of summer school seemed to pass bye at a snail’s pace. When I walked into the classroom my mood about taking this class changed. My teacher was sexy middle age white lady; she had some real long...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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        JAMIE VENN LOTT This is HillTop High School(HTHS). All of us, boys and girls have done something bad that made us come to this School. Well not me... I'm only here cause my parents thought it would be best... My name is Jamie Venn Lott. I'm a girl, 15, and just came to this school.            I have a crush on this guy name Zachary Pone. He's charming but he has a secret. I have four friends, Jessica, Olive, Jake, and Fin. Fins gay, he's here for his bi-polar disease. He...

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Highway Slut

Donna had dinner with friends.  Her best friend had told her about some website she had found.  She said it was a hook-up site.  Donna and the other women giggled, but were quite intrigued.  Their friend told them that she created a profile and had talked to a few different men. She had arranged to meet one of the men she had talked to. She told her friends that the man she met was much younger than her.  She was living the dream about being a cougar.  She went on to explain that they met at a...

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Smother High

The terms lad, youth boy, etc are meant to be vague and do not denote any specific age. Smother High by mike_3121 [at] hotmail [dot] com Young Debbie Anderson lay on her bed. She was totally relaxed and, like most young girls, she didn't want to get out of her warm comfortable bed. With a slow sensual grinding of her hips she pressed down on her prone victim. She had him down in a 69 smother position with her legs spread wide apart. His young chest was pressed to her stomach and she could feel...

Erotic Fiction
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Irsquom a Slut A Dare to Fuck A Stranger On The Highw

I got a dare to fuck a stranger on the highway, but I got two men to help me complete my dare.“Would you like to fuck me?” I asked, bending over the car’s window, showing lots of tit, and looking into the eyes of the man sitting in the driver’s seat. He was in his mid-thirties (kind of young for me) and dressed in a formal black suit with white shirt.“Sorry, I don’t have sex with prostitutes,” he said looking at my big tits.“I’m not a prostitute,” I said. “You see those people over there,” I...

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Schoolgirl Slut

Introduction: Emily lived in a suburban neighborhood where she was very well known by all the men. She lived with her father Rick, her mother Caren, and her two older brothers Mike and Tim. Rick, her father was quite the popular guy on the block. He held weekly poker games, block party barbaques, and football parties regularly. All the men were very fond of Ricks little girl who was shaping into quite a beautiful women. It was summer time and Emily was going to be a freshmen in highschool. She...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 6

The next day was almost a repeat of the other days, except I didn't eat any teacher's pussies. I had to get naked during lunch, ate my cunt for the enjoyment of the girls. But it was a quiet day. After school we did our practice, me naked like always; and I ate the girl's pussies before going home. Now it was Friday, I showed my cunt and ass in the morning as some boy pulled my panties down to expose me. Classes went by quick for some reason, I stayed dressed during lunch. We all sat...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 22

I got home, and mom and dad were there already. I greeted them and continued up the stairs saying I had to use the bathroom, but I really just wanted to rinse out my mouth. I had been sucking on cocks and pussy all day and I just knew I smelled bad. So I went to my bathroom, rinsed out my mouth; and ended by flushing the toilet. I did that just to make them think I'd gone pee. I then went back to talk with them before dinner hoping that I wouldn't give away any unintentional hints about...

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Mothers Slut Proclivity

_____________ ______________ _ _!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE NOTE!All characters depicted in the following story are over the ageof 18 years.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING: The following fictional account is a story ofunbridled, uncensored incest. Read at your own risk,while considering the strength of your own sensibilities.All characters are over the age of 18 years.______________Mother's Slut Proclivityby George day, one moment captured in time, of an incestuoussituation.Donna resembled...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 26

Once Mistress stopped, I had to get out naked. She left me about a block away from her house and slowly drove away. I saw her getting close to her driveway and waited until she pulled in. Once I could no longer see her taillights, I started my slow walk to her house. It was still light out and I knew people would be out or just coming home. I hoped I made it before anyone saw me. However, my luck is never good. I was a couple driveways away from Mistresses house and it happened. I was...

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Diary of a School Slut MrTom

Introduction: High School Fiction Diary of a School Slut – Mr.Tom Hi, I am Bianca, Bee as people would generally call me in School. Description: 57 Long auburn hair, Fair skin tone, High-cheek boned, Light brown eyes, Plump lips, Long toned legs, Curved body, Have a waxed body with no tan lines ,) A tight pussy, 36C boobs with pink nipples, A round tempting ass which made guys just want to muff drive me, Suck my boobs, and fuck and eat my pussy. ~# I was not very good at one subject, Math1....

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Schoolgirl Slut

---------------------------------- It was a typical Friday morning. Rick was sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper while his wife Caren was getting ready for work. Emily awoke from a great sleep, feeling very horny from her evening dreams. She recalled being surrounded by several older men with their cocks in hand, pointing them towards her. Emily slipped her hand down to her crotch and started to rub circles around her clit, building up a wet spot on her skintight pink cotton...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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My Sister The School Slut

OK, so this is the thing. I'm an 18 year old student in high school, with my 17 year old sister trailing right behind me. The interesting thing about me being the school "hunk", is that my sister is your typical sexy cheerleader girl. First about me: I'm Johnny, 6 foot, a nice build due to working out regularly, blue eyes, black hair, nicely tanned skin. Although I may not be the football player type every cheerleader dreams of, I'm in a pretty well known local rock band, with all the girls...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 12 Daughters Slutty Fun

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twelve: Daughter's Slutty Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah Kimmy's braces flashed as she beamed at me. She lay atop her father, the nineteen-year-old girl practically glowing after having her virginity popped. My own pussy was so juicy from watching. I had such a delicious orgasm capturing the entire event on my camera phone. I set that on the nightstand as I headed to the bed, my...

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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 2 Becoming Mikes Slut

Introduction: Meth + Wife + Friend = A Real Live Fuckfest CHAPTER 1 A little more than a week had passed since Id watched my wife Sara getting fucked to death by JRock, one of our tweaker friends, it was her first time fucking a black man, & my first time wife sharing – and we both loved it. J-Rock brought Mike to the apartment to introduce us, Mike was an MMA fighter, occasional enforcer/protection for higher ranking local Blood members, and, perhaps most importantly, he had been released...

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Slut9Chapter 18 SLuT Slave

Saturday, December 23rd. Lunchtime. It was lunchtime by the time Dave and Olivia left the bedroom, having completed the first half of their impromptu testing of whether a woman who had been dosed with SLuT9 would secrete Serotoxin, one of the two active ingredients of all the SLuT formulas, and, if so, would it cause a reaction in her partner. Both Dave and Olivia were relaxed, smiling, and freshly showered. They had already planned to do the second part of their testing where Dave would...

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Katie the school slut

Katie the school slut.Hi, I’m Katie, I’m 16 and known in school as the slut! It takes quite a bit of living up to the name but I enjoy every minute of it, all my mates know what I am like, some try and match me but I am the queen of filth and proud of it.So let’s just get the picture, I’m 5’ 6” size 8 clothes, 34c tits with shoulder length blonde hair, oh and that’s natural not dyed!! For school I always wear thin white blouses tucked tightly into my short grey pleated skirt to show off my...

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Adventures of RachaelThe high school slut 2

It's not necessary to read the previous part but i would recommend you to read it first and get a feel about the characters. Rachael was very ecstatic about the homecoming because the captain of her school football team,Michael has asked her on the dance.Being the slut she was, Rachael never had any steady relationship with someone but ever since she had given him a blowjob in his car,she wanted it inside her pussy.Rachael had brought a sexy dress for the homecoming.It was a red and...

4 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 27 The Voice of Betty

Wendy has been having a rough time since she had been fucked so much on Saturday. On Monday she was forced to be naked all day and fucked over and over again by everyone in school, including the teachers. She was taken shopping and forced to be naked out in public. Her Mistress made sure her mouth was full of cum all day Thursday and then forced her to drink piss all day on Friday. Things are getting so bad for her that she is beginning to think about telling her parents all that has happened...

2 years ago
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How to become a slut The highschool years part 2

Weeks later, Gina was still angry and spiteful regarding her defeat. The semester had begun and she spent most class periods trying to formulate another plan to get revenge for her humiliation. She wondered what the thirty three year old headmaster could want with her panties, and shivered with every nasty thought that entered her na? little mind. Her teachers were particularly annoying and boring, but perhaps more so because she could not concentrate. Gina was embarrassed most of that first...

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Becoming a School SlutChapter 19

I slept pretty well. I woke finding three of my fingers stuffed in my overheated cunt, as I had dreamed all night of getting fucked in every position that could be done during lunch. And if not being fucked, sucking on cock after cock, and swallowing all of the boys cum that was put in my cunt or straight down my throat. Which by now I was beginning to like doing. I don't understand why I or any other girl wants to keep their virginity. It is way more fun fucking. I could do without the...

3 years ago
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Slut of the school Part 3

Raja was a man who used to work at our house, he used to take care of almost all the household chores including groceries, cooking, washing, driving, odd jobs etc. He used to live nearby. He was about 26 ears of age and was big and strong guy towering over me at about 6 feet. He was quite a plump fellow who was very genial and almost like a gentle giant. I liked him a lot, mabe because he provided me special attention. He used to talk to me and would do most of my work like cleaning up m room...

1 year ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 25

I was jealous that Jill got to sleep with my Mistress. I wanted to be next to her and holding her, but now Jill is taking my place. I was hoping when her daddy came the next time and he fucked her, she would go away. But, that probably won't happen since he had said he wanted to fuck her when he fucked me. I finally drifted off to sleep, and slept fairly well for being on the couch. I woke the next morning having to pee, so I kicked the blanket off and flipped my legs up, bringing my hot...

1 year ago
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The Highschooler chapter 2

Oh, Shit the bell rang, yeah day is over. Now go home and sit in my room and plan my next encounter, who? When? How? Better pick up condoms on the way home. Ill research them and get to know them on my favorite social network, School Books. A lot like "other" social networking sights it was all the people who attend your school on there. I had packed every thing and was walking in the parking lot when I happen to look to the left behind the school. Two guys were crowding around Alisa...

1 year ago
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The Highschooler chapter 4

“How the Hell did you get here? My parents will...” I started to say hush like then she kissed me putting her tongue in my mouth, we kissed passionately for several seconds almost a minute, then she answered my question, “I'm a very active girl I climbed the side of your house, and heard the shower and thought that I would join you. As for your mom she will be no problem I'll go back out the window, and I assume your dad is gone as there is no car except yours in the drive way,” she...

4 years ago
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Brotherhood Slut

This is an X-Men fan fiction and I have to describe their powers before the sex starts. It?s a little short but only because it?s my first. If you already know their powers, you can skip ahead. Also I do not own any rights to X-Men and stuff like that, but Im not making money writing this so I guess its ok. Nyya wakes up in a dark room completely naked and tied to a chair. She immediately panics and struggls against her bindings. When she could not free herself she began to yell. Hello? Is...

3 years ago
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The Highschooler

The High Schooler Chapter one Another day...Fuck... It is not like I'm not good at school because i am, straight A student, parents pride, kid of the year...screw all of it! I was to fucking smart, I was trapped by it. I walked in a cloud of nothing all day nothing really mattered.. i absorbed and gave back all information passed my way, but did not feel anything acting and most of the time just sat there wishing i was in collage or something. "i need something to numb my mind...

1 year ago
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The Highschooler chapter 5

“Are you ready for another” she said and looked at me hungrily. It was going to be a long day and I would reach a point that I could not go any farther but I hoped that that point would come much later. She set down her drink and moved forward and got on all fours crawling across the bed with the most devious smile on her scrumptious lips. She moved to where she straddled the length of my body and kissed me softly in a playful manor, then she kissed me again this time the embrace was longer. I...

2 years ago
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

1 year ago
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Wishes Gone Wrong Slut High 2

Author's Forward: Thank you so much for all your wonderful feedback! Seeing everyone so excited has definitely inspired me to do something else like this again in the future! I hope you all enjoy this second half as much as you have the first! If you'd like to help decide what I write next, you can take part in my next story poll by going to Enjoy! Wishes Gone Wrong: Slut High - A Smutty Novella - ...

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