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"Hey Kid," Chuck Michaels called out from the other side of the seemingly endless row of slot machines, "you having a good time?"

Bobby Harrison turned in the direction of the familiar voice, giving a friendly wave in response to the inquiry before quickly disappearing down the row. The twenty-one year old really hated it when his co-workers called him "Kid", even though there was some truth to it since the majority of them were much older than him.

Once he was sure he was out of sight of his friend, Bobby turned his thoughts back to the matter at hand. His friendly wave to the contrary, he was having a lousy time. That was pretty hard to do considering he was on an all expenses paid trip to Atlantic City. But even so, he couldn't wait until the bus was headed back to New York tomorrow night.

These feelings hadn't been there a month ago when his boss had called him into his office and told him he'd been picked as one of the Employees of the Year for 1994. He'd been full of pride and excitement then, winning an award that only six others did, all of them with a lot more time at the firm.

That enthusiasm, however, had begun to fade a two weeks ago when he'd finally persuaded Caroline Kelly, one of his neighbors, to go along on the trip with him. He and the twenty-three year old brunette had gone out a few times, with mixed results. Their relationship had been friendly enough, but friendship seemed to be as far as she wanted to take it.

"I'd be happy to go with you," Caroline had said when Bobby had asked her to come along, "but I just want to make one thing real clear. If there aren't two beds in the hotel room, one of us is going to be sleeping on the couch."

Even with that disappointing precondition, Bobby was glad that she was going with him. Truth be told, his luck with the ladies wasn't all that great. He wasn't a virgin, thankfully. That was something he couldn't have dealt with only two months after his twenty-first birthday. Being the only single on the trip would've been too much to take, he'd thought.

Not that he ever shared it anyone else, but his two previous sexual experiences really hadn't added up to all that much. One had been with a professional, right after his eighteenth birthday. The guys on his first job had taken him out to a brothel one of them knew about as a belated gift. Bobby had been so drunk that he barely remembered losing his cherry.

The other occasion had been with Suzie Clancy, a girl his older brother had set him up with. It was pretty common belief among the guys in the neighborhood that a guy would have to be totally queer not to score with Suzie. Still, even with that in mind, Bobby spent most of their date worrying that he'd somehow be found wanting. In the end, Suzie hadn't disappointed him, but the brief incident in the back of his Dad's borrowed car was memorable only in that he actually remembered it.

What excitement that still remained for the trip to Atlantic City, faded even before the bus left the company's parking lot in Queens. He was just about to walk around the corner to pick up Caroline when she called and said that she couldn't go after all. Her supervisor at the hospital where she worked as a Nurse's Aide needed her to cancel the three days off she had taken and fill in for another Aide who had broken her leg. She was sorry of course, Caroline had said, but she couldn't turn down the request. Not with her quarterly review coming up, not to mention the promotion she was trying to get.

Bobby had lied and said that of course he understood. What he really was thinking was that it was too late for him to cancel his own place on the trip. Just before Caroline had called, he'd just gotten off the phone with Chuck to confirm that he and his wife were stopping by to pick up him and Caroline. Reluctantly, he put on his best face and climbed into the car alone when it pulled up in front of his house.

The two and a half-hour trip to the casino/hotel turned out to be not as bad as Bobby imagined it might be. No one made jokes about his suddenly going stag. In fact, two of the wives commented that he'd probably have more fun that way since the resort area was full of beautiful women and a cute guy like him wouldn't have any problem meeting someone to spend time with.

So many people had told Bobby that he was cute that he sometimes almost believed them. The dark haired young man stood five seven and weighed a hundred and forty-two pounds. He had a face that had changed little since his early teens, so much so that he was constantly being carded. His only real problem seemed to be an inability to overcome a sometimes almost incapacitating shyness around women. A shyness that hid his more attractive qualities.

The camaraderie Bobby enjoyed on the bus slowly faded over the next day and a half as the small group attended the scheduled company functions and got their awards. No one really acted any differently toward him, in fact, the Michaels and one of the other couples asked him to tag along when the last scheduled event was over. Bobby had politely declined because he never liked being a third, or in this case fifth wheel.

With the Employee Awards had come two hundred dollars for the honorees to gamble with. Not really understanding most of the games of chance, Bobby had most of it converted to coins and played the slot machines. It was as good a way as any to pass the time, he thought, at least better than sitting up in his room alone and watching cable television. For a while, he was even winning more than losing, but that soon changed. Eventually, he was down to his last silver dollar.

"Well at least it wasn't my money I was playing with," Bobby thought as he pocketed the last coin, deciding to keep it as a souvenir.

His play money now gone, Bobby decided that maybe catching a late movie on the tube might not be a bad end to the night after all. Leaving behind the slot machine he'd been playing, Bobby started to make his way to the bank of elevators outside the casino. He'd just about cleared the end of the row when he heard someone call out.

"Oh shit," a dark haired woman sitting at the oversized multi-coin slot machine cried out as she looked down at her near empty coin bucket. "I could've sworn that I had another dollar left."

Thinking at first that the woman in the blue dress had been talking to him, Bobby had stopped and looked at the machine she was playing. It was one of those Progressive Slots where you put in multiple coins, the payoff being a lot larger than the ordinary slots. Of course the odds were greater too. This machine in particular required ten silver dollars for a chance at the big prize, and the lady evidently only had nine.

"Damn, I promised my granddaughter that I'd play this for her before we headed home," the woman who Bobby now realized was talking to a blonde-haired woman who had been standing behind Bobby as he walked by. "You wouldn't happen to have a dollar left, would you Golda?"

"Sorry, Shirley," Golda said with a shrug, "they don't call these things one armed bandits for nothing. I'm totally tapped out. I guess you're just going to have to settle for second prize when you hit."

From the inflection in the second woman's voice, Bobby was pretty sure that Shirley hadn't ever come close to any prize on that machine, much less second, in all the times she'd played it. Still, he supposed it was making the attempt that mattered to the first woman, not if she actually won anything.

Without even thinking about it, which was of course was when he was at his best, Bobby reached into his pocket and pulled out his souvenir dollar. He took a step closer to the slot machine and caught the dark haired woman's attention as she put her first coin into the machine.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," he said as he held out the palm of his hand, the dollar in the center, as way of why he was interrupting her. "This probably means more to you than it ever would to me as a souvenir. I'd be happy if you'd use it."

"Why thank you, young man," Shirley said, her face lighting up in both surprise and gratitude. "It's nice to see that there are still knights in shining armor to come to a lady's rescue."

As Shirley took the coin from his hand, Bobby got a much better look at the older woman. Her hair was darker than his, but in an age of better living through chemistry, that didn't mean anything. If he had to guess, and he was notoriously bad at that, he'd say that she was about his mother's age,. Certainly she wasn't as old as his own grandmother, who was fifty-nine. It would come as a real shock to him to learn that she was in actuality a month short of her sixty-first birthday. A lifetime of taking care of herself had kept the worst effects of age at bay.

Turning around to face him had also given Bobby a better view of a quite impressive chest. She looked as big as Mrs. Turtledove who had lived next door when he was growing up. Once, on a dare, he had sneaked into her backyard and stolen a brassiere off the clothesline. He remembered examining it with his friends and reading the size off the little white tag. It had been a 38D.

Lost in that memory for a moment, Bobby totally missed the older woman's thank you as she smiled at him one last time before turning back to the machine. One by one, she dropped the coins into the machine, savoring the sound of each one dropping as an almost religious experience.

Glad that he had done something good for someone, Bobby turned and walked away, reaching the elevators before Shirley was even up to the fifth dollar. It was better, he thought, to remember how her face had lit up when he'd handed her that dollar than watching her disappointment when the machine came up empty once more.

"Sorry, the elevators are temporally out of service," one of the hotel workers told him as he reached for the closest call button. "One of the fire alarm bells went off on the third floor and everything has to be reset," he explained. "It shouldn't take more than a few minutes."

"What the hell," Bobby thought, deciding that maybe the movie wasn't a great idea after all. "maybe I'll just go for a walk down by the water."

He'd just turned in the opposite direction when some kind of commotion broke out behind him. A number of people ran past him to see what was going on, but he wasn't interested. He'd had enough of the noise of the casino for the night.

Ignoring the obvious excitement, he just about made it to the lobby door when a loud voice called out to him. He didn't recognize it, but the sheer volume of it made him come to a complete stop.

"Hold it right there, young man!" the booming voice cried out. "Don't you go one step further!"

Worried that he'd done something wrong, Bobby turned around and was surprised to see the woman from the slot machine barreling toward him. And barreling was indeed the word as the stocky five foot four woman looked loaded for bear.

"Did I do something wrong?" he stuttered, his awkwardness kicking in automatically.

"Wrong?" Shirley laughed as she came to a sudden stop just short of knocking him over. "Honey, you couldn't have done anything more right."


"We won!" the buxom woman beamed. "We hit the jackpot!"

"We won?" Bobby repeated, still a little confused.

"Fifty thousand dollars," Shirley exclaimed, "and the way I see it, five thousand of that is yours."

"Oh wow!" Bobby said as understanding finally sunk in.

Two of the casino officials helped clear a path trough the crowd so that Shirley could talk to Bobby in a quieter setting. Once in the office, they cut two checks, one made out in his name for five thousand dollars, the other in Shirley's for the remainder of the prize. He still couldn't believe the older woman's generosity.

"We will also make available a line of credit for the both of you equal to your winnings if you'd care to continue to play," the well-dressed man who had produced the checks said and introduced himself as Mr. Rourke, his tone almost reflecting the hope that they'd go right out and lose what they'd won.

"It's been a real long day and to tell the truth, my friends and I were about to head home in a little while," Shirley offered, knowing exactly what he was trying to get her to do. "Our bus is heading back in about an hour in fact."

"If you wish," the gentleman continued, not willing to give up that easy and let her walk out with so much of the casino's money, "we would be happy to arrange a complimentary suite so that you could stay overnight, as well as make arrangements with your tour to have a place for you on tomorrow's bus."

Shirley briefly considered pointing out that if they really wanted to convince her, they'd arrange for a limousine to drive her back to New York. But she realized that it was their hope that she'd be leaving all of her winnings behind and would be happy for a place on the bus. She was hardly the innocent they took her for, but she saw some advantages to taking them up on at least part of their offer.

"What do you say, Kid," Shirley asked Bobby, turning her attention for the moment away from the Casino Manager, "Would you like to spend the night in a fancy suite?"

"Me?" Bobby replied, not evening noticing that she'd called him Kid.

"Sure, like I said before, I wouldn't have gotten any of this if it weren't for you."

"There are of course, two bedrooms in the suite," Mr. Rourke interjected, trying to make the idea seem more appealing to the younger man. The room cost the hotel nothing since it hadn't been rented for the weekend, and he was sure if they stayed so would their money by the time they were ready to leave.

Bobby thought about it for a few moments. The room the company had paid for was nice enough, but certainly nothing what a suite must be like. This might be the only time in his life that he'd be able to stay in one.

"I think that might be great," Bobby finally said.

"Excellent," Mr. Rourke said, "give me a few minutes to make the arrangements."

While he went off to do just that, Shirley stepped over to Bobby and stretched out her hand. "I don't think we've actually been introduced," she said with a smile. "I'm Shirley Klein."

"Bobby Harrison," he replied as he took her hand and returned the smile.

"So are you here with someone, Bobby," Shirley asked as she brought back her hand. "a young lady perhaps?"

"No, nothing like that," he replied, feeling a little of his awkwardness kicking in. "I was hoping I was going to be, but it didn't work out that way."

Seeing the puzzled look on Shirley's face, Bobby went on to explain that he was here with his company for the award dinner, and how his date canceled at the last minute.

"Well it was certainly her loss," Shirley smiled. "I can't imagine any young lady giving up the chance to spend time with a fine gentleman as yourself."

Bobby blushed with embarrassment at the remark.

"Well can I at least offer my congratulations for winning your award," Shirley said when she saw her reaction. "It's nice to see someone rewarded for their efforts."

"Thank you," came Bobby's reply.

"The room will ready in fifteen minutes," Mr. Rourke said as he returned from making a quick phone call. "Shall I have someone assist you in moving your things?"

"My things are what I have on," Shirley grinned, "this wasn't planned as an overnight trip."

Rourke's eyes turned to Bobby, silently asking the same question.

"I just have one bag," he replied. "I'll take care of it myself."

"Very well," the older man said as he handled each of them a key to the suite.

"I just have to go tell my girlfriend that I'm going to be staying the night," Shirley said to Bobby as she ran her fingers over the key, taking note of the room number. "What say you get your bag and meet me up there?"

"Okay," Bobby said, having totally forgotten for the moment the other woman that had been with Shirley at the slot machine. He wondered why she wasn't asking her to stay in the suite as well since as Mr. Rourke had said, there were two bedrooms. Well he concluded, that was her business.

Since he hadn't really unpacked his bag in the first place, it took only a few minutes to gather up his things from the bathroom. He wondered if he should call someone and let them know he was changing rooms, then decided not to. His boss had said, when the award ceremony ended, that they were on their own after that. All he asked was that they be at the bus when it was ready to leave. The traffic was going to be bad enough and he didn't want to get a late start. Locking the door behind him, he headed to the elevator and hit the button for the next to top floor.

The elevator doors opened to reveal only three rooms on the floor. Checking his key against the room number, Bobby turned to the one on his left and tried it. He opened the door halfway, then decided that he should make his presence known first.

"Hello?" he called out, waiting for an answer before opening the door the rest of the way.

"Come on in, Bobby," Shirley replied from inside. "I'm decent enough," she joked.

At least Bobby realized that it was a joke when he hesitantly stepped into the suite and saw Shirley standing in the center of it, dressed just as he'd left her a little while before.

"Pretty impressive, isn't it?" She said with a wave of her hand as she indicated where he could put down his bag.

Impressive wasn't the word. As she gave him a quick tour of the room she had only arrived at ten minutes before, Bobby found that the second bedroom, normally used for a personal maid, was as large as the room he'd just vacated. The entire suite, consisting of a living room, two bedrooms and an oversized bath was larger than the apartment he'd grown up in.

"And look what they were nice enough to send up for us," Shirley added as Bobby emerged from the second bedroom.

Sitting on the table of the living room was a basket filled with cheese and crackers along with a bottle of champagne set in ice. Shirley cracked open the bottle and poured them each a glass.

"You are old enough to drink, aren't you?" she asked, taking note of his more than youthful features.

"I'm twenty-one," he replied.

"I thought you were that old at least, seeing as you were in the casino," Shirley said as she handed him one of the glasses, "but I just wanted to be sure. I'd hate to be accused of corrupting the morals of a minor." She laughed.

Bobby had only had champagne once before, at his brother's wedding. He remembered it as having made him feel light-headed and this bottle proved to be no exception. He drained the glass and had it almost immediately refilled by Shirley.

"This place is even more impressive than the place I spent my honeymoon in," Shirley commented after refilling her own glass and putting the bottle back in the iced bucket, "but that was many years ago."

It hadn't occurred to Bobby that there might be a Mr. Klein. Putting his half empty glass down so that he didn't drain it as quickly as the first, he asked if her husband had stayed at home.

"You could sort of say that," Shirley said, taking another large sip of her drink, then alternating it with a piece of cheese on a cracker. "Morty passed away a long time ago."

"You never remarried?" Bobby asked as he followed her example, thinking that his own grandmother had done just that, and her husband had only died five years ago.

"I already had my children, and I really never found someone I loved as much as Morty," she explained.

"I can't imagine spending my life alone," Bobby noted, taking more of the champagne as she topped off his glass once more.

"I never said I was alone."

Before he could ask what exactly that meant, Shirley changed the subject.

"This girl that was supposed to come with you, she your girlfriend?"

"No, not really," Bobby admitted. "She's just a friend."

"But you'd like her to be more than that?"

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no."

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"I guess that depends on how you define girlfriend," Bobby said, the alcohol having enough of an effect on him that he spoke more freely than he normally would.

"Someone you sleep with might be one definition," Shirley suggested, watching for the young man's reaction.

"No girlfriend then," he said, a strong sense of regret in his voice.

"Then you're a..." Shirley started to ask.

"No, I'm not," he replied before she could even say the word.

"There wouldn't be anything wrong with it if you were," Shirley said with reassurance in her voice. "I was just curious, that's all."

Reaching for another snack, Bobby hadn't even realized that his glass had been refilled once more. He just picked it up and drained more than half of it without thinking.

"Are you tired?" Shirley asked.

"Actually no," he answered, almost surprised at his answer since he'd been up all day.

"Me neither," Shirley said, "I guess it must be the excitement of winning and all."

Bobby just nodded his head in agreement.

"What say we see what's on the TV?" Shirley said as, without waiting for an answer, she picked up the remote and began surfing through the channels.

As different stations appeared and disappeared on the large thirty-two inch screen, Bobby noted that the television up here had a lot more options than the one down in his own room. In addition to the single HBO and a few other premium channels, this television also seemed to have the pay for view channels also unlocked.

"Oh my, this is interesting," he heard Shirley say as his attention drifted from the screen to reach for another piece of cheese. Looking back at the screen, he almost swallowed the small cube whole.

Evidently, even the porn channel was free to guests lucky enough to be staying in one of the expensive suites. There, on the screen, was a large breasted blonde going down on a dark haired man. At the same time, another man, this one with blond hair and a beard, was entering her from behind. Not exactly the kind of must see TV he was used to at home.

Silently they watched the movie for another half minute or so, Shirley watching Bobby's reaction out of the corner of her eye. Finally, she asked him if the movie bothered him.

"I know that not everyone has a taste for this sort of thing," she clarified her question.

"No, it doesn't bother me," he haltingly replied, "not unless it bothers you."

"Why would it bother me," she asked with a grin. "Is there some kind of rule that a woman can't enjoy erotica, or is it that you think I'm too old?"

"I don't think you're too old," Bobby replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Really?" Shirley said, genuine surprise in her voice. "How old do you think I am?"

"I'm really not good at guessing someone's age," Bobby offered.

"Oh go on," Shirley encouraged him. "I won't be offended if you get it wrong."

Bobby had no idea what to guess. He remembered thinking earlier that Shirley was probably around his mother's age so he decided to guess that. Then he decided to shave off a year or two just to be sure he didn't offend her.

"Err ... Forty?" he said.

"You're kidding, right?" Shirley asked in disbelief.

"I didn't mean to offend you," he quickly apologized as a worried look appeared on his face. "I told you I wasn't any good at it."

"Offended... ?" Shirley said as she burst out laughing. "Honey, I haven't felt this flattered in years."

Bobby let out a loud sigh of relief.

"I haven't seen forty since you were in diapers," Shirley added.

Now it was Bobby's face that filled with disbelief.

"I'm going to be sixty-one next month," she concluded.

"Would you like another drink?" Shirley asked an obviously stunned Bobby.

"I think that maybe I've had too many already," came his reply.

He sat there for a few moments, then asked if it would be okay if he turned off the television. Suddenly, he felt very uncomfortable watching porn with a woman older than his grandmother.

"Is there something wrong?" Shirley asked as she took note of his sudden change in demeanor.

"I just feel kind of funny," Bobby offered.

"Because I'm older than you thought I was?"

"I guess so," he replied meekly.

"Why is it suddenly any different?" Shirley asked. "We're still the same people we were five minutes ago."

"It just seems different, that's all," Bobby said.


Bobby didn't answer, but it was obvious that he was now embarrassed about something.

"Was it because of what was on the television?"

"Sort of."

Shirley thought about it for a few moments, then had a sudden revelation.

"Bobby, did you think I was trying to seduce you?" she asked.

Again he remained silent, but the look on his face told her she had guessed right.

"Oh my," Shirley said on realizing she'd guessed right. "Now I'm the one who's embarrassed."

Bobby finally looked up at her and sort of smiled.

"Bobby, I swear, trying to seduce you was the furthest thing from my mind when I asked you up here," she said, then paused a few seconds, "At least I think it was."

Now she had the young man's full attention.

"I don't know, maybe subconsciously, I was trying a little," she confessed. "I mean it's not like I've never seduced a man before. I just usually know I'm doing it."

Again she paused for a few seconds, then asked, "Were you hoping I was going to seduce you?"

Silence again gave her an answer.

"But now that you know how old I am, you've changed your mind. Is that it? Now everything is different."

This time she waited for an answer, letting him know that silence was no longer an option.

"I guess it shouldn't be, but I don't know," he finally said.

"Have I grown less attractive to you in the last few minutes?"


"But now that I'm such an old lady, the thought of sleeping with me is repulsive," she said, moving closer to him, "is that it?"

Shirley took a deep breath, both to give him time to answer and to give herself of moment to think. Had she really, if only subconsciously, been planning to seduce this young man? Even at sixty, finding bed partners was hardly a problem, so why had this boy, because that's all he really was, interest her so?

Before she answer that question for herself, Bobby expressed the thought that maybe it might be a good idea if he left.

"If that's what you really want, then fine," Shirley said, "but be sure that you're leaving because this isn't something that you want, not because of some silly hang up about age or what people might say if they knew."

She gave him a second or two to digest that, then added, "Do you know what they call a sixty year old man who has a twenty-one year old woman in his bed?"

Bobby didn't have time to even guess before she answered for him.

"Lucky, that's what."

That single word told her that she'd made up her own mind, now it was just a matter of having Bobby make up his. Still, nothing said she couldn't nudge him in the right direction.

Stepping next to Bobby, who was on the far edge of the armless couch, Shirley placed her hand on the back of his neck and rubbed softly. She continued for a long minute then, feeling no objection, lifted her left leg and draped it across Booby's right one. He ran his hand up and down her stocking-covered calf, slowly moving up to her thigh. Looking up at her, his face now filled with a smile.

"I guess you've made up your mind," Shirley thought but didn't say. At this point, she was sure any words would break the mood.

She lifted her leg higher, placing the flat of her shoeless foot on his leg, inviting him to explore even higher. Never having had a steady girlfriend, Shirley was willing to bet that whatever sexual experience Bobby had, it had been limited to short, rushed encounters. What a boy his age really needed was someone willing to take the time to let him explore, to delve into the mysteries of the female body.

That thought had also answered her own question as to why this boy interested her so. Despite over three decades of sexual adventures, that was something she had never done. All of her lovers along the way, with the exception of Morty, had been experienced. In his case, she had known even less than he did. The idea of educating this young man excited her as few things had done for a long, long time.

A spark flashed between her legs as she felt Bobby's hand brush across her already damp panties. His fingers rested there for a moment, feeling the wetness. She flashed him a warm smile, letting him know that he could do whatever he wanted.

Bobby slid his hand back from under her dress, working his way back down Shirley's leg. The older woman turned around and sat on his lap, pressing the cheeks of her ass against his excited cock. Back and forth she moved, inviting him to explore the rest of her body.

An invitation Bobby eagerly accepted as his hand reached up and cupped her breasts, even as Shirley leaned back to meet his lips with her own. Her kiss was soft, yet full of fire. A passionate touch that Bobby had little to compare it to.

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my family fucking taboo

one day i was home alone so i was on x hamster jacking off. my aunt came home and i have always wanted to fuck her. she has nice huge tits. then i went on FB really quick. her husband and my dadwere both on a bussness trip. they have been gone for almost a month and i have been fucking my mom alot threw this month. about 20 min later i was masterbaiting agian and i heard my aunt moaning. i snuck out back and peaked in her window and she was fully naked with a dildo up her vagina. i was sittting...

2 years ago
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HorseLoving Farm WivesChapter 5

Molly was on a spiral of depravity, following a descent into greater degradation. One thing led to another. Her initial intention had been simply to coax the dog into tonguing her cunt until she creamed. That had led to the idea of jerking him off, as a sort of reward for the pussy lapping he had done. But as she handled his big prick, Molly got carried away and decided to let him shoot in her face, then to let him shoot in between her parted lips. Finally, she had tongued his cockhead, then...

1 year ago
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Command Performance

Chapter 1 My wife, Louise, and I had a rather major change come about in our life about a year ago and it all began on a picnic. We’d been married about twelve years or so, I was thirty-seven and Louise was thirty-four. We are both attractive people and keep trim with regular gym work and a very active sex life. Yes, I married a woman with a wonderful sex drive, I think we fuck more now than we did when we first met. The picnic was one out to a secluded beach on a lake near us and we were...

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My Twisted Stepsister XVll A new Begining

Waking up early on Monday felt it was time for a good run to get my blood going, as I walked back through the kitchen this is what I saw. Mom and Kim busy cooking breakfast Dan, Jen and Kathy sitting at the kitchen table not a stitch of clothes between them. Mom yells breakfast ready in 10 minutes go shower and hurry.I do and as I am getting back I see waffles, sausage and eggs with a large bowl of fruit cocktail. I slide in next to Jen and Kim next to me. The other side was Mom on the end with...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 31 Back to School

August 1982, Chicago, Illinois I woke up to the alarm on Monday morning, kissed Stephie, and quickly slipped on my running clothes and headed out. I took a slow, easy pace and worked to clear my mind and prepare to shift my focus to my schoolwork. The Summer had been a combination of fun, emotional highs, emotional lows, and adapting to the reality that Kara wasn’t going to be with me this year. On the other hand, I had Stephie, Elyse, Kurt, and Kathy close, and Kara was less than six hours...

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Late Nite Pt1 and Pt2

"what you up to master?" "nm just watching a movie, u" is what i reply "u alone master?" "ya, my roomate is gone and my gf is outta town visiting family for the weekend, why?" "ooooohhh" "this little girl needs cock, can i suck your cock master? ;)" "lol, behave kitten" "awww kitten needs cock! wether i get it from you or someone else....i neeed it! now!" "im sorry kitten, we said we would behave" "your loss, i know this guy and yes ive seen his hard cock on cam,...

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Introduction: My wife encourages me t fuck her baby sister I should be feeling guilty I thought to myself as my cock pumped in and out of her cunt. But I didnt, I just felt ecstatic. It felt so good to be fucking again. About one year ago my wife, Wendy, had stopped having sex with me. I had tried to discuss it with her. She couldnt explain it to me but she had definitely lost all interest in sex with me. It had been almost one year since I had fucked her, and I hadnt fucked anyone else,...

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Promises and Secrets Pauls Transformation

Paul awoke with a jolt. He was naked, he was naked! The last thing he remembered was buying the girl at the bar a drink. She had been a beautiful raven haired girl with deep blue eyes. And so four women now surrounded him. Paul struggled in the restraints as they locked his wrists and ankles into the chair. He was naked and totally unaware he was being watched through a one way mirror. The technicians behind the glass gently typed commands on their keyboards. As they did the chair gently...

3 years ago
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The double

College days were when I started to experiment more, and to be more confident about what I wanted. I knew I enjoyed having a finger in my ass while I was being fucked, or a vibrator in my pussy and a cock in my ass, but I knew I wanted to try it with two cocks. In the winter of my first college term, I got to find out what it feels like.That winter, I'd somehow got a very sore neck. I used to play squash quite a lot, and it was probably a result of twisting on the squash court. A friend of mine...

4 years ago
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Jennifers BodyChapter 5 Daddy

“Daddy” As soon as I walked into the apartment I undressed. I went into my bedroom to get my hair brush. I was going to go the living room to watch some porn, and masturbate with my hair brush. My dad was still asleep in my bed. There is a street light right by my window, so I could see pretty well. In one hand dad is holding his soft cock, the other hand is holding his cell phone. He must have just cum; it was all over his hand, his cock, his chest, and my pillow. I took the cell phone...

1 year ago
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We told each other we were in a relationship with bi-sexual men. As women do, we asked about the size of their erections. I took great delight in telling Rhonda my man Roger was nine-inches and thick after she told me her man Peter was an average six-inches. “Though he does like me watching him blowing another man, a favorite fetish of mine,” Rhonda told me. Perhaps an invitation? “I have two fetishes, thick, hung men and being licked by either sex. And if a third or fourth person is...

3 years ago
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How I Won Back My Wife Chapter 10

You have to play dirty at times to get what you want. Lose a battle to win the war; set it free in order for it to return. What's right and what's wrong is only a matter of perspective. “You need to meet him, Cathy! Who knows, you might hit it off with him. He seems a nice guy,” I said, maintaining my persuasive tone.“I make my own choices, Noel! And in matters of love, I make my own rules too,” Cathy replied from the other end of the phone."Absolutely. But will you at least meet him?...

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Teaching My Little Sister

Hi all, I’m a 22 year old guy, 6ft tall and moderately built physique. I graduated out of college recently and am working in Bangalore in an MNC. I stay with my mom and my younger sister who is in her 12th now. My younger sister, Sudha is 5’8 tall, slim, fair and by all conventions would be called a cute girl. The incident that I’m about to describe happened a month ago but I’ve been lusting about her for quite a while. Since I had a good rank in my engineering entrance exams, she used to often...

1 year ago
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Aunties big surprise

This is fiction and not real! The whole thing started when a bunch of friends were sitting around smoking, drinking beer and shooting the shit about sex. A big case had been in the news recently about some woman who did some things with some people she shouldn't have, and what the court had done to her in response. Most weren't too morally against it, but said the authorities had overreacted, but my buddy's sister mentioned something that got me thinking. She said My God, what would you do if...

4 years ago
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It’s been 6 months since the last time I got laid. Even then it wasn’t anything to write home about. Needless to say frustration doesn’t begin to describe my mood. And work, work today was a joke. If it could go wrong it did. So here I am at seven thirty – a full two and half hours after I should of clocked out, climbing from my vehicle and trudging up my walk. You. You are upstairs banging away on lord only knows with your hammer and nails. Sometimes I think you do it to annoy me. Others…I...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 32

Earth time: Saturday, March 19, 2033 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (29 minutes to sunset) Aina time: 5:15 AM, day 216 of 1436 H.E. (53 minutes to sunrise, morning of the first day of spring and the Red Bird Festival) "Visual image locked?" I nodded. A'moth and I were in a tight embrace, staring into each other's eyes. I linked with her mind, she join the lock of my mind's eye on my target destination ten feet away. An instant later we were both there. "Excellent Gary! You needed...

1 year ago
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Doing MandyChapter 21

Tom went to the hotel where he'd told Mandy to be at 12:30 and when he got there, the door was unlocked and Mandy was inside waiting patiently on the side of the large bed just as she'd always done with Tom in the past. She wasn't dressed exactly as she'd been when Tom first saw her that morning, and his cock grew instantly hard when he saw how sexy Mandy was looking in anticipation of his arrival. She still had on the sexy white see-through blouse she'd had on that morning and she still...

2 years ago
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Angela TransformedChapter 12

As usual, the twins slept late on Saturday. They always do unless they have a ballgame or something else planned. Lisa and I put our robes on and went downstairs for a light breakfast at just about the normal time. Mom smiled when she saw us. She said, "It doesn't look like you two slept well last night. Is something on your mind?" I stuck my tongue out at her and ignored her friendly sarcasm. Mom and dad were both watching Lisa as though waiting for her to say or do something. It took...

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WildOnCam Nina Kayy Loves Some Black Cock

Voluptuous and horny babe Nina Kayy is ready to get naked and suck some cock! She loves putting those beautiful large tits in your face so badly wanting you to cum all over them! Isiah Maxwell has one large cock and if there is one thing Nina loves its a big hard cock pummeling her pussy! She spreads her legs and Isiah takes charge plowing into her making those giant jugs bounce and smacks that juicy ass making sure it turns beet red! Nina gets just what she wants and keeps on riding him harder...

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And Mother Makes Three

As Becky sat on the edge of her bed remembering what she and her son had done with each other the night before she heard a soft knocking on her door. She looked up to see Cindy standing there looking at her. "Hi. Mom. You OK?" "Hi. Yes, Cindy. I'm fine. I didn't hear you come in." "I just got home." Cindy walked across the room and sat down on the bed next to her mother. Becky looked over at her daughter and smiled but didn't say anything. Her mind was still focused on thoughts...

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Sex in the Office

Geoff put the mail sachet down on the C.E.O.’s massive desk. The pile had continued to grow despite the entire workplace being reduced to three for the Christmas week closure. Turning to leave he found Stacey the high spirited receptionist blocking his exit. “You know Geoff,” she said playing with her peroxide blonde hair. “I’ve always wondered about your big feet. Is it true what they say about men and big feet?” “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” Geoff’s instant response....

2 years ago
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Thumbs Down

© copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved What happened to me several years ago I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It devastated me and changed my life to such a degree that I thought it was a bad dream. While I may have recovered, my life has changed dramatically. My name is Rich and I was married to a beautiful lady by the name of Christine, Christy for short. We had two wonderful children and had been married for about 12 years when the events that I'm about to describe occurred. I had...

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Hot couple love

He gets home from work, takes off his shoes at the doorway and sets his keys and wallet on the living room coffee table. Collapsing onto the black leather sofa he unbuttons his suit coat and puts his feet up on the table. ‘honeey…im home..where are u sexy bitch”. He hears no response and gets up and heads to the kitchen to get something to drink. Pulling out a water bottle he heads upstairs to their bedroom and begins to change out of his work clothes. He is about to put on a t-shirt when he...

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Fantasy becomes reality

(This story has been co-written by myself and a lovely member of Lush called Davie . It has been written from 2 points of view. I had been a member of Lush for only 6 weeks and already I had clicked with someone. The chats were heating up and I knew where I wanted it to go but did he? I turned on the computer in anticipation, everyday was the same, the buzz of turning on the computer and checking your messages. Had that special person been on and left me a message? I lived for a message from...

2 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 52

Reaching for it, Sandy wraps her small hand around its length, though they don’t quite meet. Slowly, she starts to rub her hand up and down the shaft. Looking up at Alan she asks, “Do you like that?” “It’s very nice,” he replies. “What’s nice?” Kennedy asks over the phone. “I was just looking at some photos of the ranch I’m heading out to look at,” he tells her. Sandy smiles at his cover-up and starts jacking him faster. Alan has to catch the hitch in his throat before he continues. “I’m...

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Outdoor antics Flowers and fucks

It was a gorgeous day, Lucy was sat in her work when she got a text from Jake. “Can I steal you for a countryside walk?” She didn’t have to think twice, they were a young couple and these summer days together were so precious. She grabbed her bag, made an excuse and was greeted by him outside, engine running. The couple wound down the windows in the car and blared out songs the whole car journey, smiling and laughing. When they arrived at the wood, they parked up and followed a shaded path...

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Fun With My College Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys, I am a student in college third year and staying in Delhi. I am a big fan of this indian sex stories site and wanted to share my story with you Guys. I hope everyone likes it. This is my first story and I am sorry for any mistakes please try to enjoy it because this was the beginning of my sex journey with my dream girl. Anyone interested in any type of sex activity please mail me on Will be waiting for comments and suggestion and ladies. So let me tell you about myself more. My name...

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BB Tryst Episode 3 Sneaky

I was a little nervous as my wife Cheryl and I descended the stairs in the morning, leaving our room to go to breakfast in the common area of the first floor of the Bed and Breakfast. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to see the woman from last night or not, the one with whom I'd shared the intimate experience of masturbating each other to orgasm while we sat in the dark after watching an erotic movie on her computer together.Three other couples were having breakfast as well: a man and woman...

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Scotts Granddaddy part 7

We sat together and talked while he caressed my back. I asked him when he felt an attraction for me and he told me that he always thought I was cute and the day he caught me pleasing his grandson threw him over the edge. He also confessed to jerking off that night thinking of me. I confessed as well that I'd stare at his crotch when he'd wear his speedo and he said "I know ". It was getting late and I really had to get going so I got dressed and headed for the door. He said "hold on for a...

2 years ago
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A World FoundChapter 12

Life in Dani's house was a bit hectic. Not only for the weekend, but into the next but week. Once young Dale was out of the hospital and being taken care of by his step-sister and father, the house began to calm down. Josh had rescheduled his arm surgery for the following week to allow a bit more breathing room for everyone in the house to adapt to the new situation. That was until a very unwelcome woman returned. "You will let me on to this property," demanded Ms Crandle, "or I will...

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Cyber Mates Meet

I had been active of the net for a long while. I had hundreds of cyber buddies. I had kinky ladies that I chatted to about outrageous things. I even had a cult following on the forum. I was even respected. Yet I was so afraid! Against all my better judgment, I had agreed to meet one of my cyber mates! We had been chatting for over four years. I backtracked, yes, she had posted, and I had sent a PM in 2003. She had responded and we had exchanged views and opinions in increasing confidence over...

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It's a Girl!!bySaxon_Hart©This is my entry for the SUMMER LOVIN STORY CONTEST. I hope you enjoy and vote well! SH*The Fourth of July was right around the corner. It was July First and I was busy in my home office trying to do the shit I pay my secretary to do. I had given her two weeks off during the busy summer season, and now was kicking myself. I run an earth moving business. When I bought into the company we were capable of doing two jobs at a time. Now we are capable of doing as many as...

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God of LoveChapter 11 The Hidden Truth

To some extent, Lucas had expected, but Clovis was too direct. He thought that, given Clovis’s nature, he would subtly ask for his departure, who would say that he would simply be so direct? Maybe Lucas wasi a little wrong judging him, at least he knows how to be straightforward when he needs to be. When Lucas planned to respond, May intervened. “Aren’t you being too impatient? Can’t you wait a while? I wanted to entertain Lucas a little more.” “No problem, May, I know you need to talk...

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On The Road3

This story is based on true experiences I have had as a musician. In this story I am a boy. I was back in my hotel room after the show. I had just had a bath and I was sitting on the bed with just a towel round my waist, drying my long dark hair. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I went to see who it was and to my surprise it was Jamie, the guitar player from the support group. "I've got some uppers," he said, "do you want some?" "Sure," I replied, feeling excited....

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All men are Bad Boys

Verity’s jeans were hip hugging and skin tight. Too just right, actually, from a guy’s perspective. Gareth and Stephan in sync did the male downward glance and were rewarded with.... Running a small business Saturday afternoon after four o’clock should be a breeze for anyone. It’s only a matter of waiting for five o’clock and packing everything up and getting ready to lock the place and leave. It was so quiet in the arcade in general. Verity hadn’t seen a window shopper...

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PetiteHDPorn Nita Star Petite Russian

Nita Star is chilling in her dorm room when her boyfriend Kasteil joins her and urges her to pursue an activity that’s much more fun than reading. Pulling up Nita’s miniskirt, Kasteil slides his hand into his lover’s panties. He’s quick to peel off her shirt so he can worship her tan line small boobs, and then he urges her onto her hands and knees so he can bury his face in her cock craving fuck hole. Turning around on the couch, Nita opens her puffy lip mouth and wraps...

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Preeti8217s House Warming Party Turns To Bed Warming

Hi.. All. This is Mrs. Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad (Maharashtra) narrating of House Warming Party turns Bed Warming from one of my Husband’s far relative who screwed me in a wild way. After successful fucks from winning the Beauty Queen Crown, Suhaag Raat with a BBC in our house and my regular visits to clients for pleasure fucks my Mom decided to rename her residence in the name of my husband Preetam Kulkarni. In the last week of November 2013 all the formalities of the registry and...

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Reality Note

Beyond our world exists a realm of the gods. Each god creates notebooks called Reality Notes to create worlds. Each Reality Note controls the reality in one world. Sometimes the Reality Note is never used and the world progresses naturally. Other times, the god in charge of the Reality Note makes changes. Some do so responsibly. Others just write in whatever amuses them. However there is one god who decided to let a mortal use his Reality Note because "humans are so interesting". He went to the...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 28

Lake Constance didn't freeze over all winter. There was a skim around the edges most mornings but that was usually gone by ten. Cold nights, reasonably warm days around the lake and pretty decent wind. With the Rektor's yacht ... which belonged to the University ... on the hard and Gypsy, Vee's Hanse 630 parked in it's spot, Wendy and Vee did some weekend sailing ... right up until circumstances put all first year students in night locked Student Housing. But, before she was forced to...

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Destiny 2

100% fiction! Later my mom need me to marry her and want to go abroad. So we flew to western country. There we got married and moved to countryside . It was our moon days. Mom was getting more and more fat as her breast was filled with milk. I drank her milk night and day. So our first night came. Mom came to bed in a lacy gown. When she sat on bed i made her to sit on my lap. My cock was already erect. I squeezed breasts within her gown. She started moaning and her gown started getting wet as...

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Pure BBW

PureBBW is serving up the unadulterated good stuff, at least if the name is to be believed. These babes are pure fat sexiness, with no silicone or artificial preservatives. Something tells me there’s a hell of a lot of high-fructose corn syrup going into those bodies behind the scenes, but on camera, it’s an even stickier fluid. (Spoiler alert: I’m talking about sperm, fruitcake!)For the better part of the decade, Pure-BBW.com has been serving up hearty and steady servings of premium BBW porn....

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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The Thing in the Lake

Judy was happier than ever before in her entire life. She was reluctant to actually go to the Girl Campers Summer Camp, but now she was glad her mom talked her into leaving home for the very first time. She was sitting on the big trunk at the end of her cot in the open wall house located at the end of the line of camper’s sleeping quarters. Her house was called “Chippewa” for an American Indian tribe just like all of the other houses that were spread throughout the campsite. Her best friend...

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take control

Her boyfriend Travis always wanted her to pick the activities. He said she needed to assert herself more, be more domineering. Well tonight she had a surprise for him. After a couple Gals’ nights out with her more adventurous friends, Susan was ready to try some new moves for her man. I figured we could stay in and “entertain” each other O? Travis was intrigued. Susan was a nice girl, quiet, calm, reserved. She never really got carried away, and she would rather just follow someone’s...

1 year ago
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Exploring My Lesbian Side With My Sister

Hello everyone, my name is shanaya and I am from Delhi. My age is 23 years and I am thin with my mass concentrated in the right places. Today I am sharing one of my lesbian encounters with my own sister. Please read the entire story because I know you will love it. You can send your feedback and comments at my email id :[email protected] . I will surely reply to all your emails. Thanks to your response for my earlier stories. So the story begins :My best friend’s name is riya. We both go to...

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Behan Ko Sote Samay Choda

Yeh meri 3rd story hai. Isme mai bataunga ki kaise mene apni sagi bahan ko choda. Mai delhi se hoo , aur meri age 23 hai aur meri sis ki umar 21 saal hai mai lagatar usse 2 saal se chod raha hoo. Yeh baat aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai.Isse pehle mere dil mai meri sis. Aafrin k liye koi galat khyaal nahi tha. But ek raat ko ussk kamre ka ac kharab ho gaya aur mom ne usse kaha k woh mere kamre mai so ja.Aur woh raat ko mere kamre mai sone aa gayi. Uss raat ko kareeb 1 baje meri aankh khuli toh dekha...

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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 22

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed By ElrodW A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. His life is about to change in ways that could redefine him in ways he could have never imagined. Chapter 22 - Springtime of Our Discontent Tommi continues to date, which mixes up her feelings. After having helped a troubled co-ed, Tommi gets involved with the girl's...

4 years ago
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Open Minded FamiliesChapter 2

Characters The Halls Me - Sean - 16 Sister - Dani (Daniel) - 17 Mom - Gwen - 37 Dad - Brad - 41 The Adlers Susan - mid 20’s- Y tour guide Carl - 16 - Susan’s Brother Amy - upper 50’s - Susan’s mom Dave - upper 50’s - Susan’s dad The Haydens Stephanie (Steph) - 16 - swimming partner Gerald - dad - late 40’s Nancy - mom - late 40’s Keith - bro - 18 Carla - Desk Clerk - 18 Dad had just left for work and mom came in to my room early, shutting the door. She gently slid the sheet...

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In the Army Now Chapter 11

“Johnson! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” That was Sergeant Thomas, my platoon sergeant; he’s always trying to find one of us goldbricking. It’s like it’s a big turn on for him whenever he could catch us doing something we weren’t supposed to. “Nothing sergeant!” We chorused. “Well God damn it, the army doesn’t pay you to do nothing! Go get your packs and meet me at the arms locker!” What the fuck was this all about? As Tobey and I shagged ass over to the company area...

3 years ago
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Summer Fun Chapter Three

"Wha- what?" I asked in a hoarse voice. She walked froward into my room further, her tousled hair curling in blonde locks around her tan shoulders. Her pajamas clung tightly to her full ass. Seeing this, my dick gave a spasm. "Do you need," she began, astoundingly dropping to her knees beside my bed, "some help with that?" I merely stared at her, uncomprehending. She leaned forward and wrapped her hand around mine, the one that was clutching my dick tightly. "Well?" She asked...

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