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Jackpot By Jennifer Allison "Dean, I have a special deal for you," Stella my travel agent said. "In Reno there is a casino offering a very good deal. A super jackpot, they guarantee a winner once a day. And it doesn't cost a thing to play. There are two catches to the deal." "What are the catches?" I asked. "You are allowed to play the slot machine once. And you have to be selected to play." "So if I am selected to play and the person ahead in line wins the jackpot I am out of luck." "You will be able to come back the next day and play." "It most likely costs an arm and a leg. Then it isn't worth it in the end, if I win." "The price is the cheapest of the travel tickets and rooms going at this time. As for it being worth it. From what the winners have reported. It was worth every cent they have lost in Reno during their lifetimes." "Sign me up." *** Three weeks later as I was signing in at the front desk. I asked about the special jackpot. "Where do I go to get the ticket to play the slot for the special jackpot?" "You have to be selected for that honor. Any member of the hotel/casino staff will be able to give you one. But they don't give one out to every Tom, Dick and Harry." "You mean I have to bend over backwards to the staff?" "That won't work. All we want is for our customers to be happy. You don't have to act any differently, most of the staff recognize when someone is acting out of character and they won't give you a ticket." For the next two days nothing happened. I spent most of my time at the Harrah's racetrack. But all the rest of the time I spent at my hotel/casino. Ate all my breakfasts and suppers there. When I gamble I usually go without lunch. Coming back to room on the third day. I found a ticket to play the special slot lying on top of my bed. I figured the cleaning lady left it. When I went back to the casino floor I noticed a line of over a hundred people waiting to play the special slot. So I sat down at a blackjack table where I could keep an eye on the line and when it had gotten down to twenty-five people or so. I would go over and wait. It took over an hour before the line had gotten down to where I wanted it. I didn't mind I won over hundred dollars as I waited. "Please sign your ticket stub and put your room number on it, or a phone number where you can be reached. This is so if we don't have a winner today at the slot. We will pull a ticket stub and that will be today's winner." As I moved with the line I watched the spinning wheels of the slot. It had six wheels and only one symbol on each wheel. To win you had to align all six symbols on one line. No symbols appeared for the person ahead of me. As I pulled the lever I figured my chances were nil so I just turned away, before the first wheel stopped spinning. Before I had taken two steps an alarm went off. Then these words. "We have today's winner!" "I Won!" "Sir, please come this way." "What did I win?" I asked. As I was being led away. "I don't really know. All I tell the winners is. Report to room 2626 on the twenty-sixth floor tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. If you can't make it then please call this number. Your prize is good as long as your stay at the hotel. Please fill out this card. I would suggest that you go to your room for the rest of the night. There are people out there who will try to swindle you out of your prize. Also have the front desk screen your calls." "Thank you, I will do that. But I doubt I will get very much sleep tonight." *** Even with all the excitement of winning the special prize I slept pretty well that night. I made the wake-up call for 6:30. Figuring I would call room service for breakfast and then take a shower before I headed for room 2626. I was lucky, cause I didn't run into anybody in the hallway and the elevator. I knocked on the door to room 2626. "Please come in." said a very sexy voice. The voice matched the body behind the counter. What I also noticed was the pictures on the walls. Showing happy smiling couples. "Those are pictures of our past winners of the special jackpot. You must be Dean. Last night's winner. My name is Janet." "Yes I am. What did I win? No one has been able to tell me what the prize is." "Secrecy is one of our main concerns. That is why we kept the prize information to very few people. Even the maid who was told to leave you your ticket stub didn't know why we selected you. You see, we selected you as yesterday's winner before you even pulled the lever." "You mean it is a scam?" "No it isn't. What we try to do is. Make sure the prize is something the winner would appreciate. There are some people out there who would blow the whole deal. So we just make sure the winner is someone who would be very interested in what we can offer them." "Why was I selected from all the other's last night?" "We like your style of underwear." "What!" "You are wearing a pair of panties, aren't you?" Blushing I just nodded my head yes. "Please show me." I unbuckled my pants and move them down just a little. "How did you know?" "The maid reported finding a pair of panties in your room. And we checked and found no one had gone into your room except yourself." "Now it is time for blackmail, right." "NO! Far from it. Finding out that you like wearing panties, is one of the reasons why you were selected to be the special prizewinner. Besides being overweight. That we can fix. You are a very handsome fellow. You aren't rich, but you have a nice job and you are not married." "So what did I win?" "How would you like a chance to live a few hours in someone else's shoes." "What do you mean?" "You noticed the couples in the photos on the wall." "Yes I did." "The people in the photos had a chance to live in the others shoes for awhile. Even some of them decided to make the change permanent." "You mean you'll dress me up like a woman then spend a day in her shoes." "Not exactly." "What exactly do you do then?" "We transform your body into that of the other person. If you take the body of a card dealer you will do her job for the day. Experience what she goes through. You'll remember everything that has happened to her. You'll have knowledge of what she goes through during her period." "WOW! Can you do that?' "Yes we can." "How long will I be able to spend in her shoes?" "Twelve hours." "You said something about making it permanent. Say what if I want to change back and she doesn't will I be stuck?" "No, both of you will have to agree to make it permanent." "What percent of the people decide not to change back?" "50%" "When do we start?" "Right now. First you need to make your selection. Then we get a hold of her. If she does want to go through with it. She will come here. A little while you'll both walk out of here in each others shoes." "I have a question. Are men the only prize winners?" "No, we do have a few women who have won. But it takes a lot longer to make sure we have selected the right type person. Here is a photo album of the women who have volunteered for this service. There is also a short bio of each person, with all the vital stats. Like her measurements, age, likes and dislikes and so forth." There must have been over a hundred photos. "Take your time." *** I looked at least 70 pictures before I came across the one who caught my eye. Some were too short or too tall. Breasts were too big or too small and so forth. The one I liked wasn't the most beautiful. But I liked what I saw. The age and the other requirements were just right. I looked at few others but I kept going back to her. "I like this one." "Amanda, nice selection. You might have met her already. She works here in the casino. Now please go in the waiting room. There are magazines for you to look at. They are mostly for women." I sat down in the waiting room as Janet made the calls. *** "Amanda. This is Janet in room 2626." "You mean I have been selected." "Yes, by yesterday's winner." "Drat!! I was just walking out the door for work." "For your job downstairs, right." "Yes." "I wanted to offer him more than just doing my job for me." "Don't worry about it. I think doing your job would be just perfect. It will give him a chance to learn that being a girl isn't always fun and games. I will call Ms. Johns and explain it to her." "I'll be there in fifteen minutes." *** "Ms Johns, this is Janet in room 2626." "Hi Janet what can I do for you?" "One of your girls was selected for my program today. So she will be late for work this morning." "You mean he will be late don't you. Which girl." "Amanda." "Okay with me. I will set everything up so he won't have a problem with Amanda's job today. I will keep an eye on him, so there won't be a problem." *** "Dean, Amanda will be here in ten minutes. Everything is set with her boss. She knows about my program and she will help you with your job and make your day as wonderful as possible." While I waited I read an article about what women go through with their periods. As I finished the article I heard a knock. "Please come in Amanda." She is here. "Dean please come out and meet Amanda." My heart skipped a beat when I got my first look at Amanda. She was wearing her cocktail waitress uniform. And I had definitely seen her during my time in Reno. She caused the same reaction as she had done before. Little Dean let lose a load of precum. The reason behind this was the uniform. It left nothing to your imagination. The uniform looked like a tux jacket. But it was made to show off the female physical attributes. It lifted and spread the wearer's breasts, showing a lot of cleavage. Tampered down to a very thin waist. Since there was no pants. The waitresses had to wear the same type outside panties that a cheerleader would wear so not to show off their panties. But this was so tight you could see the flat area of the girl's crotch. Just thinking that in a few minutes I would be wearing this uniform. I almost had a very big accident just standing there. "Didn't I serve you yesterday. Let's see, diet coke with no cherry. Even though we don't put a cherry in our coke. You wanted to make sure you didn't get a cherry." "That was me. I don't like cherries in my coke and some places put them in automatically. I tell the waitress so they won't have to take it back." We spent the next ten minutes or so talking about ourselves. Sort of getting the feel of the other person. "Decision time, are both of you agreeable to the switch?" "Yes I am," replied Amanda. "Definitely, ever since Amanda walked into the room I have been trying to figure out how it feels to wear that uniform." "I could tell I was causing you some discomfort. Your woody is standing out like a sore thumb." "Please strip, I mean strip. Everything that you weren't born with must be removed." Amanda was more beautiful without clothes than with. As I admired Amanda's body she admired mine. "Dean you have a 6 inch dick but that is the biggest ball sack I have ever seen." "Now come with me." *** "Stand on the disk facing each other, this is so you can watch the changes take place." Janet then left the room. All of sudden I felt something on my shoulders. I looked over at Amanda, whose hair was now cut short like mine was. She also had hair between her breasts and on her legs. I looked down at myself; the only hair I found was the perfectly manicured patch around my penis. A dull ache started running through my body. When it stopped I couldn't help noticed that Amanda's body was manly, but with breasts and pussy. I now had an hourglass figure. As I rubbed my hands over my now soft and smooth body. I felt my face become like clay. When that feeling left. I found my old face staring back at me from the other disk. All of sudden I lost my balance, I almost fell off my disk. The reason behind this was obvious. Not used to having breasts I was off balance. Only one more step and that was not long in coming. I could feel my penis start to shrink as it and the ball sack slowly retreated into my body. As it stopped I looked over and found myself staring at an exact copy of my old self. "Hi Amanda, how do you feel?" "I feel sort of strange but a nice strange." I replied. "How about you?" "You don't know how long I have waited for this moment. I was a tomboy in my early years. When I had my first period my mom decided that since I was a girl. That I should act and look like a girl. So everything that looked manly or boyish was thrown out. I ran away from home the day after I graduated from high school. I took a job as a cocktail waitress. It was the only thing I was good for except working at one of the 'Ranches'. The thought of working at one of those places made me sick." "I might want to change back. What would you do then?" "Twelve hours as a man is worth the three years I waited to be selected for this program. If I have to wait another three years for another twelve hours it would still be worth it." *** Janet then reentered the room. "Time to get dressed, Amanda you need to get to work. As you get dressed I will answer your questions now." "What does Dean do while I do her job?" I asked as I pulled up my black panty hose. Oh boy did they feel good. "Gamble. Don't worry about her losing all of your money. We will supply her with $500 to play around with." As I was putting on my uniform. My old body asked a very important question. One I wanted to ask but was afraid to. "What happens if I decide I don't want to change back?" "Amanda has to agree to make the change permanent. If she doesn't you will come here at 10 tonight and change back. If you don't show up. You don't really want to know what happens then." "What if I also agree to make it permanent?" I asked, as I had Dean zip me up. "Most of the people in the program know within a couple of hours if they want to make it permanent. This will give you time to find out about each other's lives. The good, the bad and the ugly parts." "What happens then, if we both agree." "At five tonight or so. Dean you'll be playing cards in the area where Amanda is working. You will ask for a drink as she passes. If you want to make it permanent. You will ask for a diet coke without a cherry. If you decide you want to change back, ask for a cherry." As this was going on. I was walking around in the three-inch heels I was wearing. Even thought I had all of Amanda's experiences there were a few things I had to learn for myself. "Dean, help Amanda with her make-up as I explain the rest. When Amanda returns with your Diet coke and it doesn't have a cherry. On the napkin she gives you she will write on it. Yes or No giving you her answer. If it is no, be here at ten. If it is yes. The two of you will need to spend some time alone in Dean's room. And then give the box springs a good workout." "You mean sexual intercourse?" I asked. "Right." "I should be safe," I replied. "I had my period two days ago. I am pretty regular, four weeks on the dot." How did I know that. The memories of what Amanda goes through during her period flashed through my mind. Blotting and some minor discomfort. This works, I can remember everything that Amanda remembers. "Now it is time for you to get to work Amanda. Remember Ms. Johns your boss knows all about my program. If you have a problem, talk to her." "Oh, I forgot the photograph." Janet then had us stand there and took two instant photos. "Just in case you want to take one home with you Dean." *** "I see you finally made it." said Wanda. "I was the one Ms. Johns volunteered to stay over from the night shift to cover for you." "Thank You," remembering a deal I had worked out with Wanda. When Amanda had to come in early to cover for her. "I'll split my tips 50/50 with you today. To make up for any trouble I have caused." "Fair enough, just a little bit more warning next time." Ms. Johns walked into the room as Wanda left. "Amanda, your main job will be around the blackjack tables. I know all about what you are going through. I won't be the only one watching out for you. You see, there are quite a few people who have signed up for Janet's program just for the fun of it, who work here in the casino. If someone gives you a warning about something and he or she uses Janet 2626. I would listen to what they are saying." "Thank You." "My advice is let Amanda's knowledge lead you through the day." *** For the first hour I had no problems. I walked around in my cute sexy outfit. Stopping at each table asking if anybody wanted a cocktail. Since it was still early most of the orders were for coffee, water and soda pop. After lunch the more vocal and drinking crowd showed up. Most of the customers were nice and didn't cause any trouble. But there was one I would gladly give up my tips for the day to get him to leave. It seems like every time I was near his table he wanted a drink. When I delivered his drink he would give my ass a feel. From Amanda's experience I knew it wasn't a common occurrence, but it happens and there was nothing I could do about it. As the dealers were changing one of them came over and said something to me. "Janet 2626. You are handling that drunk that feels your ass quite well." "Thank You." Another problem was another drunk and his buddies. He wanted me to go out with him and his buddies kept egging him on. Every time I was at their table the pit boss was standing around. Finally I told him a little white lie. "Do you want me to get fired? I am not allowed to date a customer." "How would they know? It would be just between us." "The people watching the dealers are also watching the cocktail waitresses to make sure that things like you want don't happen." "Good play, Janet 2626." said the pit boss. *** With all the things going on. I was still enjoying myself. Every chance I had. I kept asking myself. Do I want to stay a girl or change back to my old body? As five o'clock drew nearer. The answer was more on the side of staying a girl than changing back. As I made my next pass through the table area I noticed Dean sitting at one of the five-dollar tables. As I passed the table. I said. "Cocktail?" "Yes, Please. Diet coke without a cherry please." I gave him a very big smile. When I returned with his drink. I wrote down my reply. "YES!" The decision had been made I was going to be a woman for the rest of my life. *** For the next hour, I spent my free time trying to figure out how I was going get up to my old room. I soon found out that it all had been arranged shortly after I left my note. As I was passing on the orders to my relief. Ms. Johns came over. "Amanda, I have a job for you to do before you leave. Room service is busy and since you won't be on over time cause of being late this morning. I figure you won't mind handling this job for me." "What is it Ms. Johns." "A bottle of Champagne for room #956." My old room. Ms. Johns then said with a grin on her face. "You did a pretty good job today. I will expect a better one out of you tomorrow." "Yes Ms. Johns." "After tomorrow I will be the only one who will know the truth. Now get going Dean is waiting." As I headed to the elevators I passed by the special slot machine. I then heard. "We have a winner!" I saw what looked like a football player being led behind the curtain. I said to myself. 'I wonder what he is going to look like tomorrow.' *** As I knocked on the door to room 956. "Yes." "Room Service." "Door is unlocked please come in." I found Dean standing there in a pair of men's briefs. "When you agreed to not to change back. I went out and bought these. I don't want anything that will remind me of my feminine life." I couldn't help noticing the big bulge in those briefs. "Let me help you with your zipper." "I have to learn how do it myself now." "I bought something for you today. It is in the bathroom." What I found in the bathroom was a skimpy, sexy see-thru nightie, no panties. Something like a bride would wear on her wedding night. I felt like a bride, a girl about to make the next step into womanhood. The final step is having a baby. *** As I walked out of the bathroom, Dean asked. "Would you like a drink now or after the first rounds?" Dean's back was turned away from me. "One before, and what makes you think there will more than one round?" I asked. Dean's mouth flew open when he turned and finally got a good at me in my new nightie. "I knew I would look good in it. But seeing it on you from this side. WWWOOOWWW!" "You had better learn to control yourself. Or you won't have anything left for me." I said. "That is the one thing I have had trouble controlling all day. It seemed like I have had a hard on all day." "What's this about more than one round." "I talked to Janet after you left. There is no time limit on how long we have to spend together. So I figured I will get you up early enough to go and get one of your other work uniforms, and be back in time for work." "Then let's have that first drink, and then let the fun and games begin." We didn't wait to finish the first glass. Before I could say boo. Dean was all over me. While our tongues were playing with each other. Dean's left hand was making itself useful rubbing and pinching my breast. While the right hand was busy with my pussy. My hands weren't lying there at my side. They were inside Dean's briefs. After ten minutes of intense pleasure. Dean whispered in my ear. "Let's finalize this switch and then really enjoy ourselves." I didn't say a word. All I did was spread my legs and beckon Dean over with my hands. As Dean lay there between my legs with his penis at the front of my pleasure palace he asked, "Are you ready?" Not saying a word. I took his penis in my hand and aimed it at my pussy as I pushed myself down on his love pole. I screamed as that love pole drove into me. As we started the thrusting motion. I could feel something building up inside me. The feeling started growing in intensity. Finally I started to shake in orgasmic bliss. Before Dean shot his baby seed I had two more orgasms. I noticed that I wasn't the only in bliss either. As we lay back side by side. I asked, "Is sex for a woman like this all the time?" "No, I rarely enjoyed just one orgasm. You had at least three of them." "Yes I did. But I did notice I wasn't the only one." We never did finish that first glass of champagne. *** I left room 956 at seven the next morning, for the final time, I thought. When I arrived at my apartment I was meet by my roommate, Susan. "Why didn't you call? I set you up with a blind date and when you don't show I was worried." "Sorry I should have called. Something came up." The light bulb went on. "You aren't Amanda are you?" "Not until yesterday I wasn't." "So the program does work. I hope someday I will get that call." Fifteen minutes before I had to leave for work there was a phone call from Janet. "How are you doing?" "Quite well. A little tired but raring to get started on my new life." "I know I just talked to Dean. He sounded a little exhausted from last night's activities." "He should be. At least he has the time to sleep and get over it. Me, I have a job to do," "That's not the reason I called. Is Susan around?" "You mean she has been selected?" I handed the phone to Susan and smiled, then left. I didn't see Susan again until the next morning. When she returned looking exhausted. I didn't say a word. I figured to let the new Susan break the ice. "I need your help Amanda. Being a woman is new to me and I can use all the help I can get." "I won't be much help. I have only one day more experience at being a woman than you." "You mean you did the program day before yesterday." "Yes." *** For the next six months Susan and I learned more about ourselves and about being a woman. Then things started to change. I received the first letter from Dean. At first it was just a newsy letter telling me about what is happening in his life. Then they got more romantic and more often. It seemed like we were sending each other letters every other day. On the day of my first anniversary of being a woman. The doorbell rang, when I answered it. I found Dean standing there. It was a complete surprise to me. What more he had lost over 100 pounds. "Hi Amanda. I bet you are surprised to see me." "I am surprised, but I am glad too." "The reason why I am here is I didn't want to say it in the mail or over the phone." "We can't change back." "That isn't it." Dean then went to his knees. "Will you marry me, Amanda?" Without hesitation. "YES! Definitely Yes!" We hugged and kissed for a good ten minutes before we stopped for air. I then asked. "Do the folks know about me? Or are you just going to introduce me as your bride." "They know the whole truth. About you being their son and me being you. It was mom who said. 'If you love that girl go down and marry her.' So here I am." "What about the rest of the family?" "Just mom and dad." "Were they mad?" "At first, but very understanding. They knew something was wrong with you, but they didn't know what. When I explained my life and then let them read your letters. They knew what happened was for the best." "So are we planning a long engagement?" "No! I figure we could get married today. That little marriage chapel that I like. Then off to our hotel room 956. I reserved the same room." "Let me think about it a minute," I said. Not waiting for the full minute I gave my answer. "Let's get Susan so she can be one of our witnesses." "How is she handling her new life? You wrote that she had switched the day after we did." "Pretty well, she is getting married in a couple weeks. Not to her old body but someone she is deeply in love with. So I am going to have to come back for the wedding. I am her maid of honor." We were married that very afternoon. Then we spent our wedding night in room 956. We also bought another bottle of champagne. We never got around to finishing the first glass.

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I roll over snuggling you closely from behind as I pull you closer, my evident hard on pressing against your soft ass. As you slowly turn your head to look at me our lips touch, our bodies shuffle as we kiss deeply,passionately not caring about morning breath, not letting any distractions stop us. As I slide down your body I take the top sheet with me....methodicly kissing through your cleavage as I start to tweak your nipples,leaving tiny kisses all over your tummy as I reach your nether...

2 years ago
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CommuneChapter 33

In anticipation of the wedding ceremony, a small crowd gathered in the church located a couple of blocks from the commune. It was an odd collection of people whose relationships to the young couple were obvious by the clothes they wore. All of the members of the commune were present and dressed in their finest clothes. That their clothes were a decade or more out of style didn’t matter. Melissa’s classmates were seated in the church dressed in clothes reflecting their student status. A few...

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Between my sons

I was relieved to have my sons home. Tim was 18 and just returning from his first semester in college and James was 20, home for the week from his job in the city. My husband was away on business in Thailand, no doubt enjoying the company benefits with some young hooker, and I was planning on spending the week alone. But then James called and here they were at the kitchen table.I loved my sons. We had always been close, ever since they were boys rolling naked in the mud we never kept anything...

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The Milf Chronicles Janice

The doorbell rang, and as Janice Reeves got up to answer it she heard her eighteen year old son, Nick, call to her from upstairs.  “Mom, that’s gonna be Thomas, will you let him in and tell him to come up to my room, please?”  “Sure thing, Nick,” she replied.  She opened the door and there on the other side of the screen door stood Thomas, her son’s best friend.  “Hi, Mrs. Reeves!” he said, “Is Nick here?”  “Hi, Thomas, yeah, he’s upstairs in his room and says for you to go on up,” she replied,...

1 year ago
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Where I Belong Part 4

Even before I knew what my girlfriend's schedule was going to be for the upcoming weekend, I had decided that I was going to spend at least part of the weekend with Barbie. Things with us had progressed at such a lightning pace, it was almost overwhelming. But, not so overwhelming that I wanted to stay away from her for any length of time. Truth be told, no amount of time I was spending with Barbie was even close to being enough. So, needless to say, when I had confirmation that my girlfriend...

3 years ago
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The Chameleon 1

CHAPTER 1 A woman stood infront of the mirror adjusting her white bandage dress which accentuated her voluptuous curves. She looked beautiful with her long blond hair and green eyes. Sitting on the chair she picked up 5-inch stilettos and pushed her stocking clad feet into them. She picked the perfume and sprayed it across her neck and under her arm pits. The smell was intoxicating. She then picked up a small microphone which looked almost transparent and placed it in her left ear. She...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 7

Now that I am suitably clothed, Gwen says she will take me back to the men. "Is this place truly called the Home?" I just had to ask. It seem to me, that would have been too simplistic for these folks. "No," she giggles which sets her whole body in motion. "It is just called the Compound and we who live here are called the Kindred," she answers back dutifully. "The records show they wanted to name it something else. You know, one of those old cities from the bible or something, but...

3 years ago
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Oren part 2

After a quick break to eat and recover a little-during which Oren seemed to return to his normal almost shy state-I had Oren strung up to a hook on the ceiling. His hands were cuffed and his feet spread in a way that had him arching his back to stay upright. It was gorgeous. “Hmmm, what to do first.” I murmured. I had a hold of his little erection and I was stroking it slowly. I watched Oren bite his lip and shift up onto his tip toes as the pleasure started to overwhelm him. His eyes...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 18

With the girls away from the computers, the noise level in the office had been sharply reduced. Now they became aware of a commotion that seemed to be coming from the street level far below them. At that moment they heard a quiet knock at the front door. Since Anna and Maria were eating, Karla picked up a pair of cuffs and a collar they had left behind, put them on, then quickly tied her bow tie. With a lovely smile she stood before Doug and asked him to straighten the tie because she didn’t...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Have you had your break today Part 1

Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. I reserve all non-electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: HAVE YOU HAD YOUR BREAK TODAY? ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K brushed a strain of hair out of her face as she backed her SUV out of her parking space. For the last time for...

3 years ago
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The bad girls of the Document Section

I could not help thinking that there was more to life that I had up to now. Not that I really had reason to complain, I had money. Daddy was wealthy and I had a good job that even at thirty, paid well in exchange for discretion. Daddy had organised it with his employer Mr Callow. Callow Associates were security consultants of the more discreet type and not the kind that provided guard dogs. Of course, I cannot tell you moreI also had looks, or so I was told, but had always been a bit of a...

2 years ago
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Long Clit

Trina was a mutant. OK, so she wasn't in X-Men, and noone except her mother knew about her issue, but she was in high school now and feared the rejection she would face when she let her boyfriend get her naked. And he was such a perfect dreamboat. He was almost unanimously viewed as the best-looking guy at school, and he was the first boyfrend Trina had chosen who was willing to stick it out despite her unwillingness to go past second base. Why was she so lucky, you might ask? Luck was not...

4 years ago
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‘…-derstand, Tris? Do you understand?’ Eric’s deep voice snapped Tris out of the stupor she was having. The twenty year old woman blinked thrice, her dark eyes sparking with fear and more prominently, arousal. ‘Huh? Wha’?’ She stuttered out, a slight blush covering her cheeks and delicate nose. A swift slap to her ass caused the petite woman to squeak and jump slightly. ‘I said,’ the brown haired man said, chuckling a little, ‘put on your school girl outfit and the underwear I laid out for you...

2 years ago
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Well That Escalated Quickly

Your legs are trembling as we leave the second-floor restroom together. You long for a climactic orgasm, but I stopped you just short of it. You worried that someone would come into the restroom to investigate your moans of pleasure, but I made sure to lock the door behind us.With my rock-hard member securely tucked away, I led you out of the bathroom, taking your hand in mine. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see your hands nervously flattening your skirt over your thighs. You’re hoping that...

3 years ago
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Enhanced Interrogation

The InterrogationMarie staggered as the guards pushed her into the amphitheater, an old -fashioned lecture hall at the School of Sciences, now taken over by the occupation troops.   She saw a tall, thin Captain, standing by the lectern and, in the curved tiers of seats rising up around the little stage, perhaps 40 or 50 uniformed soldiers, including a few females."This prisoner," announced the captain, using a microphone on the lectern, "is the daughter of an identified insurgent, a terrorist...

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CuckoldSessions Katie Morgan Second Appearance

Chris has brought a few friends, Jason and Jon Jon home from work for his wife to enjoy cause she just can’t get enough. Chris is so excited to see his wife get dicked down hard its hard for these guys to believe it. But when Katie enters looking smoking hot and goes right for the dick they know it’s their lucky day. Katie is quick to take control and get those dicks in her mouth. She sets a tough pace for these guys to follow with her insatiable need for Cock. Before long the...

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Ek aurat ki kahani 4

Hi, readers this is lady fucker again with an another part of favorate story ‘ek aurat ki kahani’. Apne pahle padha hoga ki main pradip ke ghar gaya wahan maine pradip ko uski maa ko chodte hue dekha aur fir jab wo munbai gaya us din maine uski maa ko do bar choda.Han to story suru karta hoon. Us din sam ko jab pradip ki maa ghar aayi to maine unhe choda aur fir hum sath nahaye aur wo blouse aur peticot pahan kar khana banane lagi aur main uske jism ke sath khelne laga. Maine unka peticot upar...

2 years ago
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Son8217s Amnesia And Mom8217s 8216Care8217 8211 Part 1

I like to introduce myself first. I am 19 years old, very good looking boy. My family consists of me, dad, and mom. My dad is a businessman and my sister is a college student and stays in the hostel. I would be all alone with my mom in our house most of the time. My mom looks like Tamil actress Jyothika so think of Jyothika when you read the story. Back to the story, I finished 12th standard. I started working with my father and studying in correspondence. It was the time when my friend...

3 years ago
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Pickup LinesChapter 9

Most of Lyle’s duties that afternoon were relatively dull, involving documents, learning the details, regulations, rules, obligations, and responsibilities of his new position from Fiona, Sandy, and Andre. Only their flirting and Stacey’s constant company, plus the occasional overtures from the pool concubines made it interesting at all. It was just a day where they had to finish the orientation process for Lyle, at least for the bulk of the day. It wasn’t until nearly the end, with an hour...

4 years ago
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Packaged Deal Ch1

Michelle and her daughter, Audrey received multiple bikinis to try them on in Michelle's room since she had a body length mirror on the far side wall; both stood some feet in front of it to check their current swimwear.“I think the sizes are a bit too small, Mom…” Audrey examined her reflection with unsure eyes. Her medium-sized and perky breast were barely contained by the small, red bikini top and her curvy hips and crotch were on display with the narrow bottom, making the outfit...

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League of Legends Worlds 2019 Chrissy Costanza and

This story happened back at Worlds 2019 (League of Legends Championship) in France. I’ve worked a long time for Riot and then mostly for the light and sound at big events like Worlds and MSI (Mid –Season Invitational) but I was still just 24. Today had to lead the technics for the song Phoenix (The theme song of Worlds 2019) by League of Legends, Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza. That morning I drank coffee with the teams if the songs Awaken and True Giants. After the coffee I went to the...

3 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 10

April 25, 1849 I have a bad feeling about this doctor. The men found him in Salem, but I've never seen him before. I wish they had gotten Alex's doctor friend. He dismissed us from the room as soon as he got here and when I asked if he was going to wash his hands he looked at me as if he was offended that I would talk to him at all. Even then his hand washing was indifferent. If I wasn't so scared that I'd do something wrong, I'd remove the bullet myself. I took in some boiled water for...

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First Time Swing

As I approached the coffee shop, I could feel my nerves jangling.  I had spoken to the couple on the phone and by Facetime and although they seemed very nice, it was now seeming much more real.  I was about to meet them for the first time in person.I opened the door, walked inside and looked around.  I saw them instantly, sat together in the corner.  I waved at them and said, "Hi."Sam got up and walked over.  "Let me get you a drink," she said."Thank you, I will have a coffee," I replied.I...

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The Alley

Standing at the bar I look around the club, feeling slightly over whelmed. I am new to all of this. My girlfriend had insisted that I join her. While this is not really a ‘sex club’, it is very close. Most of the people are here for only one thing, and are practically doing that ‘one thing’ on the dance floor. Some with many partners. I do have to say it has been an interesting night so far. My girlfriend is out on the dance floor with some of her regular friends having a good time. I am...

4 years ago
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Hedonistic Wife Sharing 8211 Part 2

Hi, It’s Me Mani again..Came back with another part of real sex story but its not mine. Check out the 1st Part 1st. Anyone who want give their stories can email me at even girls and married ladies can approach me, present at Hyderabad. Okay, coming back to the story now… However, within a little more than a month or by the 2nd week of February 2008, Srilekha Ray underwent abortion; it was her first termination of pregnancy (or impregnation) . . . However, on the other hand, Paresh Mukherjee...

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I let her touch it

Growing up there is always that one guy who has an unusually big one, right? Well with my friends that was the case with Jim. Although we didn't really have the typical locker room stories where we had seen his monster, and could tell the tales, it was certainly well known. I think it first came about when a high school girlfriend told people how large he was. This went to his head, and he would occasionally flash people when he had a few too many. When that happened, they would always gasp and...

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NobleChapter 6

These men were all very well connected and anyone of them was more than capable of carrying out the attack and to think that they all might be working together was very unsettling. Jen noticed the time and asked if we should call for room service or go out for a late lunch. “Let’s go out to eat. We can pick up a couple of laptops and bring them back using the hotel internet service we can try and look up information on these men. I think we might be able to find out more using the World...

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restisted but not enough

I was shocked! My husband,, asked me to make love to another man right in front of him…….. and I didn’t know what to say. He told me that he had always been a voyeur and that was what got him excited the most. The whole thought of making love to another man (especially in front of him) really had me thinking that he was a bit strange, or a bit queer. No matter how you looked at it, it certainly wasn’t an accepted act! Not sure exactly how to react to this request and we talked about it quite a...

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Good Girlrsquos First Black Cock

My name is Nicole and I am 22 years old and I just moved into my very first place of my own!I have always been a good girl. My mom and dad had raised me up to be kind and I always did the right thing. I was always modest and in my dating life I always dated only the most respectable of the guys from the private schools and colleges that I went to. I had one serious boyfriend in college that finally resulted in me having sex but it was only a couple of times and frankly I wondered why everyone...

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The House Fire Chapter 2

The House Fire Chapter 2 By Sara D I woke up with jittery nerves and I was worried about how my parents would react to seeing me dressed as a girl last night. I knew dad was a man's man and that I would probably catch hell today. Mom came in to wake us up. She saw me already awake and sitting on the edge of my bed sweating. "What's the matter sweet heart, aren't you feeling well?" Mom asked with concern. "I'm...

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Kicking and ScreamingChapter 4

I damn near fainted more than once, not being exactly a spring chicken anymore, as Consuela, my lovely bride, wore me down at last. I had beads of sweat dripping off my flesh, and she had them, too, until I licked hers off her skin, of course. Consuela Jackson, nee Dominguez, was truly the most erotic and sensual woman I had ever known. I had no idea what I was getting into that first night that I hired her services as a lady of the night, but I was damn sure glad that I did so. “Oh, papi...

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The Perfect Man

Jason. He is the perfect man to so many of us. 6'5" and 230 lbs. He looks rough because he is. But he is also charming and funny. He is intelligent and well educated which led to him creating several very successful businesses that have made him relatively wealthy and influential. He was well aware of his charm and would often use this to get whatever or whoever he wanted. this charismatic nature led to admiration from men and desire from women. It would be naive to ignore the obvious. Jason...

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My beginningpart 2

It wasn’t more than three weeks later that Alice called and asked me to take care of the dog again – I eagerly agreed. She asked me to take care of the dog when I got out Friday and said I could spend as much of my time there Saturday as I wanted. She said she’d feed max before they left so all I’d need to do is let him out to do his business.I was over by 830 and looked at the yard…it hadn’t rained much and since I took care of it last weekend I didn’t see a need to do it tomorrow. Max was all...

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Bite MeChapter 8

The twins not being vampires, they fell asleep a lot faster than Mom or me, of course. Still, I got a little action out of them, as did Mom, for that matter. We snuggled up together on the master bed now, the wooden stake now on the nightstand next to us just in case. The rest of the bat was in the trash with the dust, of course. I could feel Mom’s sleek skin against mine, her hair on my chest as she lay there in my arms. She was naked and I could see where she had indeed shaved her twat...

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Boy am I glad I dont golf

Well, a little about her...Tracy is a beautiful woman by any standard. She's 5'5" tall and has curves in exactly the right places. Not huge breasted, rather just perfect, big enough to play with but small enough to be perky. Her 1/4 Mexican heritage gives her skin a gorgeous tone. She's got a beautiful head of long, dark, sexy hair. Her dark, full lips can stop a man's heart. She loves to wear unbelievable A line dresses that show off her body. My wife and her two brothers (only one is...

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Forlorn Point Love

Look at a map of the West Coast, and if you observe closely, you will see a narrow peninsular running out. It is about four kilometres in length and one kilometre wide. In fact, this peninsular is all but an island. At high tide, it is cut off from the mainland huddle of houses with their combined shop and post office and the rather shabby pub. A strip of sand called locally ‘The Strand’ connects the island to the mainland at low tide, and it is this semi-isolation that perhaps inspired its...

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Todd and Danny part 4

Just a quick recap of parts 1 through 3 I was in the military during the don't ask don't tell era. I had fallen in love with Todd and revealed my feminine side. Now Todd had changed and not for the better i was hoping to leave Todd but had to be very careful in how i went about doing it. Marvin was the man of my dreams all i thought about was the way Marvin gave me that blow job i knew that after the thirty day deployment i would have less than 2 weeks left in Uncle Sam's Army by all accounts...

4 years ago
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Just Another Sunday

We can barely keep our hands away from each other, as we make our way towards my apartment. We keep giggling like silly, horny teenagers. We rush up the stairs so fast that we actually miss my floor, and we have to go back down. We reach my door, and I start struggling with the lock. Her hands are all over me, and it doesn't make things easier. Finally the doors are open, and we jump inside, still giggling like silly. I close the doors behind us, and instantly push her against them. We stop...

4 years ago
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Along with the bright, rational sunlight of a new day dawning on the city came yet another decision of what to wear. Well, not what to wear, exactly, but what to wear under what I wear. The clothes that I must show to the world are predefined by my career choices and my desire to succeed as a corporate attorney. Severely cut, unflattering business suits are basically the required uniform for the day. However, no one at my firm can control what I wear underneath those horrid clothes, and so...

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Oregon Coast Ch 02

Being wealthy isn’t as great as it sounds. I never tried being poor, of course, when your name is the same as one of Oregon’s biggest timber companies that’s not really an issue. It was always understood that the family money was just that: there to be taken care of, added to, and used as needed, but not ours to waste. The only thing worse in my family than wasting money was acting superior because of our luck in ancestors. I’ll never forget the time my brother (who for a while we actually had...

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Our Hunting Trip

My wife and I were hunting in the mountains one Sunday. After not seeing anything all day we headed home. As always we had our vibrators and were really enjoying the drive home. My cock was feeling great and her pussy was warm and wet. My pants were down below my knees and she had taken already taken her pants and boots completely off and unbuttoned her shirt. I could see not only her hairless pussy but also her tits and very erect nipples. She was leaning back in the Jeep seat with her 8”...

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would, for a few days. And then his excuse would crop up. “I didn't get a good night sleep,” Stan would...

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My most memorable erotic experience

A little bit of background to set the scene but don’t worry: the good stuff is coming soon. I worked remotely as a consultant for a company located in another city. As part of my daily communications with headquarters, I got started in an email conversation with a woman. One thing led to another and soon we were engaged in email sex. Her emails were so hot and I know my emails to her turned her on too because when we graduated to phone calls, she would often call my phone and leave me a...

2 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 4

Mike and Sam Part 4 Dr. Ruth's Party Dr. Ruth had taken Miyuki by the arm, and walked with her into the den. As soon as Miyuki saw who was there she stopped in her tracks. There was Masumi, and Dr. Ruth's husband, and Dr. Wolfe, and his wife. Also, there was a Japanese couple. But, what sent chills up Miyuki's spine was the other two people in the room. Those other two, were Mr. Warner, and the psychologist that she had spoken with in Washington. Her name was Dr. Price. Miyuki...

3 years ago
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I realised it was no longer a Fantasy

I realised it was no longer a Fantasy When they left, I turned on the laptop. I needed to know. What did this new word mean that I had been called for a few weeks? I typed “cuckold” into the search engine. I could not believe it, it described me to a “T.” My wife laughed as I read it. “You have now met my bulls,” my wife said. “Did you like taking the blindfold, off?” I went quiet and never replied. My wife walked over and touched my limp pathetic cock, as she called it, but it never...

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My Second Time Sucking Cock Gay

For three days I had avoided him and told myself that I was such an idiot to let myself get talked into sucking his cock; that was how I felt most of the time, although there were other times I found myself getting turned on when I thought about his hard cock in my mouth. Still, I kept telling myself that I wasn't turned on by his cock and I wasn't going to every do that again.At eighteen I had established my independence from my strict – and sometimes cruel father – and I wasn't going to get...

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