Once Upon A Summer: Part 2 Of 2 free porn video

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She pushed back against my face, crying out with the power of her orgasm, and I grasped her hips and pulled her to me, holding her to my lips as I pushed my tongue into her. The tip of my nose was grinding into the tiny pucker of her rosebud, but she didn’t seem to mind. I began to run my tongue up and down her wet cleft, between those soft inner lips, lapping up her sweet, copious honey.

I realized that each time my tongue encountered the hard nub of her clit she jumped as though she’d received an electric shock; that was intriguing, a not-so-subtle clue that even my lust- besotted brain could comprehend , so I targeted it, flicking and sucking until she came again, hard and fast. It was so awesome, so intense. I’d always thought my orgasms were pretty amazing, but hers just seemed like so much more, and I wanted more of them… for her, of course, but also for me.

I kept at her, dogged and unflagging until (several orgasms later!) she was almost begging me to stop. “Oh, Josh, please! No more, not right now. Let me play with you for awhile, okay?”

I liked that idea, but there was one more thing I desperately wanted. I wanted to be inside of her. I wanted to feel that feeling for the first time ever; I knew it would be amazing, it had to be. I rose to my feet and moved up behind her, still holding her hips. The dripping, swollen head of my cock nestled into her molten sex, and I felt her amazing heat and softness on my sensitive flesh; I slid against her body, my cock gliding in the sweat and cum-slick cleft of her ass, my aching balls pressed against her pussy. I was leaking pre-cum all over her, but it didn’t seem to matter.

Carol looked over her shoulder at me. “Josh?”

“I want you. I want to be in you.”

“I know. I want that too, but I want to watch you when you enter me. I want to see it, and I want to see your face. Your first time, Josh; I want you where I can see you, not behind me.”

“Oh.” I wasn’t disappointed, really, just impatient… and horny as hell. “Yeah, okay, that would be great too.”

She straightened up, smiling, and turned in my arms. Her hard nipples were suddenly against my ribs and my rigid cock was trapped between her tummy and mine in a slick of its own making. She pressed against me and stretched up to kiss me.

She wrinkled her nose. “Was it too awful, doing what you did? I feel like I’m all sweaty and gross.”

“You smell amazing, and you taste incredible. It wasn’t awful at all, it was great! I loved it.”

She laughed again. “I guess I’d forgotten how easy you young, horny men are! You guys are so grateful – don’t ever change, Josh, the ladies will love you just the way you are.” She moved, rubbing her belly against my hard cock, sliding in the slick of cum I had leaked onto her. “Where in the hell did you learn to do that? It was truly incredible, my young friend, so very good.”

I blushed anew at her praise. “I dunno, it just sorta… happened. I’ve kinda read about it, and it felt right, like the thing to do, and you seemed to be enjoying it…”

“Now that’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one! It was superb, the best sex I’ve had in a long, long time; you’re apparently a natural! You were very good with your tongue, Josh. I had several amazing orgasms, and if your cock is any indication you enjoyed it too. Look how hard you are…” she touched me.

I looked down at myself, at her fingers stroking me, and nodded. “Very hard. Doesn’t Mr. Martin do that kind of stuff with you?”

She sighed, her smile fading. “Josh, it’s not that great with us right now. I mean, Brad still loves me and I love him, but it seems like I’m more interested in sex than ever, and he’s less interested every day. Sometimes I feel like I’m forcing him to have sex with me.”

“Really? That’s crazy! I mean, you’re so hot, I’d want you every day, as many times as I could. Shoot, we’d never put clothes on!”

“Thank you for that, you make me feel very desirable.” She smiled again, but I thought she looked kind of sad. “We were lovers like that once, believe it or not; now it seems more like we’re… friends, I suppose. It may be an age thing between me and Brad, they say it’s different for men and women. Or maybe we’re just a little bored with each other.”

“I can’t imagine ever being bored with you. I mean, look how beautiful you are!” I looked down at my dick, thick and hard and pointing eagerly skyward, throbbing, leaking, veins bulging. “I’d probably be like this all the time, except I’d be inside of you!”

“That’s a lovely compliment, Josh, and a big, beautiful hard cock. Maybe women my age should be with younger guys more often.” She cupped my aching balls in her hand, gently squeezing them as she looked down at my throbbing erection, whispering, “Would you like to fuck me with that hard cock here, or should we go to my bedroom?”

Her throaty whisper was very sexy to my inexperienced ears, and her sometimes vulgar language no longer shocked or surprised me; I wasn’t accustomed to hearing a woman talk like that, but given our situation, it seemed strangely appropriate. I glanced toward the hall, where I knew the bedrooms were. “Um, I don’t know. In your bed, where you and Mr. Martin do it?”

She sensed my discomfort with that idea. “We could use the guest bedroom. Or we can just stay here in the kitchen if you’d rather.”

“Here is good.” I was standing there in her kitchen, utterly naked except for my heavy leather boots and socks, my cock straining mightily, throbbing eagerly, and my balls felt like they each weighed a pound; the only location I was concerned about at that moment was between her legs, and I’d go wherever those legs went.

She laughed, and I was glad to see that her sadness seemed to have dissipated. “That’s your eagerness speaking. Your generation is all about instant gratification. In this case, I happen to agree, and here you can keep your boots on; I love that look, by the way; the big, rugged boots on the big, muscular, well-hung, sweaty workman. You’re a sex fantasy come true! Come…” she pulled me along by my cock, releasing me just long enough to turn and hop up onto the edge of the counter, facing me. She parted and raised her legs, opening her glorious, wet pussy to me.

“Put that big cock in me, Josh. I want you to fuck me, and I want to feel you come deep inside of my pussy.”

She’d managed to put my exact thoughts into words, and I stepped between her open legs, holding my breath, cock rigid. She reached down and took me in her hand and guided me to her ready sex, where she rubbed the dripping tip of my cock over her slippery lips and bumped it against her hard, jutting clit.

I stared down at us, still not daring to breathe, and watched her align my cock with her opening. She was looking down at us too, and we both watched as she wriggled my cock into her opening, spreading her pussy lips. I felt the head of my cock nestle into her, her wet lips forming around it, and was astonished anew about the way her body seemed to be welcoming me.

She looked up into my eyes. “Your turn, Josh; you take over from here. Fuck me. I need your hard cock inside of me.”

I thrust my hips forward slowly and entered her; she was slipperry and tight, and my breath came out in a rush. I watched her eyes widen and her pupils dilate as I slid deep into her wet heat, and once inside her body formed around me like the most perfect thing ever imagined, as if created just for me, gripping my aching cock in its molten, velvet grip. It was awesome!

She was watching me too, no doubt taking in the look of sheer wonder that must have been on my face. I knew in that moment that we were meant to do this, that it was all incredibly right, exceptionally good, and that this was something I’d never, ever grow bored with. I heard myself moan as I slid into her, gliding in her slippery fluids, “Ohh, god… Mrs. Martin…”

She gasped a small laugh. “Carol, Josh. Especially now.”

“Yeah, sorry... you feel so good inside!”

Her lips were slightly parted and I heard her draw a deep, shuddering breath as I thrust into her, wanting every last bit of my cock to experience the amazing sensation of her tight sheath. “God, Josh! You’re so big, so thick. How does that feel, sweetie? Is it what you imagined?” She wrapped her legs around me and dug her heels in, one on my ass and the other pushing against the back of my ballsack, holding me stationary inside of her.

I groaned in ecstasy. “Oh god, so much better! You feel incredible inside, so hot and tight. You fit me so perfectly... like… perfect.” I was astounded, blown away, and utterly inarticulate. I’d fantasized about it endlessly, of course, and jerked off to those fantasies many times – and jerking off feels great, that’s why we do it. But this was a hundred times better. A thousand times!

There was nothing to compare to the hot, tight, wet heat of Carol’s beautiful pussy, nothing else that could possibly ever feel so good. My heart was pounding, I could feel the racing pulse in my head, and in my cock, and it felt like every nerve ending in my body was being gripped and stroked by her perfect sheath.

She leaned forward and bit my nipple, and I gasped. “Or you fit me so perfectly, fill me. We’re sort of designed to work that way, you know. You feel wonderful in me too, Josh, you fill me so completely, so well… like we’re meant to do this.”

“That’s the same thing I thought!”

She smiled and stretched up, and I bent and kissed her. When our lips parted she said, “Fuck me now, but let me know if you feel like you’re going to come too soon, okay?”

I grunted, “Uh-huh,” and began to fuck her. I slid out just a little and then back in, needing to feel her around me again. The next time I did more, and then soon I was thrusting into her in long, deep strokes, looking down at my hard shaft disappearing between her wet, swollen lips, at the creamy froth of our juices accumulating on my cock, a ring of creamy white marking me around the thick base like a depth gauge.

She came, her heels pushing into my ass and grinding into the back of my scrotum and her nails marking my biceps where she gripped me. She cried out my name and begged me to fuck her as she came, her head dropping forward, the top of it against my chest. Her pussy clamped onto my rigid cock, and I knew I was going to come.

“Carol, I’m coming!”

“Josh, stop! Hold still!”

I didn’t, not immediately, failing to understand.

“Josh, stop!” Her legs clamped onto me, her heels shoving me forward to fully impale her but also to trap me and prevent me from continuing to fuck her.

I instantly quit resisting and did as told, groaning.

“Don’t come!”

I wasn’t sure I’d be able to obey that order. “I… I don’t know. Oh, I can’t! Ohh, fuck!” I was staring down at my cock, willing myself to hold on, but I was right there, on that edge! If I breathed I was going to come.

“Okay, Josh, look at me! Look at my face.”

“God, Carol… I’m so close.”

“Shhh, I know, sweetie; relax. Hold still, don’t tense up, and it will pass. If you can hold off like this, by pausing, you won’t come so fast and you’ll be able to go much longer.” I started to glance down, as if by staring at my traitorous dick I could will it not to spurt, but she put her finger under my chin and lifted my face back up to look into her beautiful sea-green eyes. “Breathe, Josh; relax and take a deep breath… don’t tighten up! I can feel your cock swell in me when you do that. You’ll make yourself come.”

It had been an involuntary clench, but she was right; I’d almost come. I held still and the urge to ejaculate slowly, slowly subsided. I started to move into her again when I felt I could without losing control. It was better; I was still very hard and able to keep going! I was amazed at what she’d taught me, at the way she’d known exactly what to do… or, more accurately, what not to do.

Still, it wasn’t more than a minute, perhaps two, when she came again, and this time when she came and her pussy clamped tightly on my cock the urge hit me like a tidal wave, I told her, she simply said, “Yes!”

I pushed deeply into her and gushed, my cock throbbing and spurting as I flooded her, emptying myself for the first time in my life into the wonder that is a woman’s body. I cried out her name, and I gripped her ass and held her to me, fully impaled on my cock, and I was aware that she was staring at my face, watching my expression as I received the incredible gift she’d offered. She had to feel the spasms of my cock pumping inside of her, had to! It was an awesome experience, life changing, and it went on and on and was over much too fast all at the same time.

After, as my uncontrollable spurts and spasms quieted, I dropped my head to her shoulder, gasping for air. My body was trembling and my knees felt weak with the after-effects, the intensity of it utterly shattering, the sensations and the pleasure beyond anything I’d ever known. Looking down at where our bodies were still joined, I watched a trickle of our fluids – mostly mine – leak from her and run down the side of my still-hard cock and then down my balls in a pearlescent stream.

She pushed me back just enough to raise my head up, then looked into my eyes for a moment before she leaned forward and kissed me. It was softer, gentler than before, some of the need and urgency gone, and when our tongues danced I sucked at hers.

When our lips parted, she sighed softly, “Ohh, Josh, that was so very, very good. I needed that so badly.”

“Me too.”

“I loved the way it felt when you came in me.”

“Me too!”

“I could feel every spasm and spurt of that big cock of yours – and don’t say, ‘me too’.”

She made me laugh. “Well, I could feel that too. And I could feel you squeezing me like you wanted every drop.”

She smiled. “I did, and I think you really filled me up.”

“Me too.”

“Oh, we’re back to that, are we?”

I laughed again. “Umm, yeah, I guess. Sorry.” My cock was slowly softening inside of her, but it was still thick and mostly solid, and I gently moved it in her creamy pussy.

She gasped. “Oh, my! Are you still hard? Don’t tell me you’re going to stay hard again!” She reached down and stroked along the top of the three or four inches of my wet shaft that was exposed, her fingers sliding in our cream.

“I don’t think so. I think it’s going away, but can we do it again in a few minutes?”

She laughed. “A few minutes! Where have you been all these years?”

“Next door. Can we?”

“You’re so eager! Of course we can, sweetie. Should we go shower while we’re waiting? We can play in the shower, all wet and soapy.”

That sounded wonderful to me, the chance to touch her some more, and I nodded. She looked down, continuing to stroke me like she couldn’t get enough of touching my cock – which was also fine with me! She leaned forward and brushed my lips with hers. “If we’re going to get all the way to the bathroom you’re going to have to take that big thing out of me.”

“Mmm, I don’t want to.”

She smiled. “I know, me either, but you can put it back in, I promise. Like you said, you’ll be hard again in a few minutes. I’ll even suck it for you.” I slid out of her, gasping as the sensitive head of my cock slid free of her grasp.

She laughed. “I see I closed that sale! Are guys born knowing about blowjobs?”


“Never mind! C’mon, let’s hit the showers, stud.” She started to slide forward, off the counter, but I stopped her, my hands on her legs. She looked up at me. “Josh?”

“Can I look at you?”

“At me?” I saw the comprehension dawn. “At my pussy, you mean?”

“Uh-huh. I wanna see.”

“Well, sure, why not; I’ll be pretty messy, thanks to you.”

“I know, and I want to see you… how you look, after.” My curiosity was boundless, and she seemed so open about indulging it.

“Of course.” She accepted my odd request calmly, not embarrassing me, and leaned back against the upper cabinet, moving her legs wider apart. I dropped to my knees in front of her and stared at what my cock and our brief but vigorous fuck had done to her sex. Where before her lips had been wet but mostly together, now they were slathered in pearly white cum and spread apart. They were puffy and pinker in places, almost red, and she gapped open slightly. In a word, she looked used. Gloriously, beautifully fucked, a perfect, happy, messy, used pussy. I wanted more of it.

I watched a large dollop of my cum slip out of her opening and trickle down toward her little pucker before impulsively catching it with my fingers and rubbing it over the glistening, jutting nub of her clit. She gasped, humping against my fingers. “Oh my, that’s very nice! Pretty messy, though, huh?”

“Sorta, but it’s so beautiful. You look as good as you felt around me – and that’s real good.” I slid my fingers over her wet opening and up to her clit again and she moaned.

“God, Josh!”

“Did that hurt?” She wasn’t behaving as though it had hurt in any way.

“Unnhhh, fuck… no, not at all. You just surprised me is all; it actually feels very good. Mmm…” she closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of my fingers stroking her. I watched her face for a moment as her lips parted and she took a shuddering breath, and then I leaned in and kissed the inside of her right knee, and then her left.

When I glanced up again, she was watching me. I kissed a little farther up the inside of her left thigh, then moved across and did the same to her right. The scent of her, a combination of sweat and sex, arousal and cum, woman and man, was intoxicating, musky and rich and sensual.

When next I kissed I was far up the inside of her long, lean thigh, just inches below her cum-filled sex. The strong sexual scent of us seemed to be fogging my mind with lust, and my cock had ceased softening and was holding in that thick, rubbery, semi-hard condition, on standby. When I crossed and kissed her opposite thigh, letting my tongue trace a small line, I felt her shudder, and when I leaned in and kissed her mound, my tongue teasing the very top of her cum-slick cleft, she gasped and tangled her fingers in my hair, tilting my head back so that I was looking up at her.

“Josh, what are you doing?”

“Umm, I don’t know. Is it all right, or should I stop?”

“Oh, it’s more than all right! In fact, it’s sort of a fantasy of mine, but none of the men I’ve ever had sex with has ever done it. Are you sure?”

“I think so, unless you don’t want me to. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Mmm, now those are words every woman loves to hear!” She looked intently into my eyes for a moment, considering, then said, “Here, let’s try this first.” She seized my wrist with one hand, keeping the other locked in my hair. She pulled up on my wrist and I went along with her urging, slowly extracting my cum-soaked fingers from her dripping pussy.

She raised my hand to my lips, held my slick fingers there and told me to suck on them. I did; I’d just told her I’d do whatever she wanted.

I didn’t find it at all disagreeable, tasting the sweetness of her pussy and feeling, more than tasting, the slipperiness of my own cum. It was incredibly sensual and arousing and erotic, the way I think of it now, older and wiser. Back then, for my seventeen-year-old self, it was simply intense, and I was aware of the jolts of current low in my groin and of my cock thickening as the blood slowly returned to it.

My fingers cleaned of our secretions, she pulled back slightly and looked at me. “So, is that something you still want to do? Do you still want to lick my pussy? There’s a lot of you in me still.”

I nodded. “Yes, very much. I don’t care about that; if you want me to, I will.”

“Amazing!” She smiled. “I very much want you to, Josh, but I think maybe we’ll save that for next time. Let’s go shower and get cleaned up – and then I’m taking you to bed so I can ride that beautiful cock, whether you want me to or not!”

“Uh, I want you to. Just so you know.”

She laughed. “I figured; that was just sort of a rhetorical device.” She looked me up and down, her eyes lingering on my semi-hard cock. “It seems a shame to have you take off those boots. You look so cute in just those, with your big, heavy balls and your huge cock out like this. I could just eat you up – and I might!”


She laughed again. “You’re so damned agreeable! I could get used to that.” She grabbed me by the cock again, her fingers wrapping around the base of my shaft, and led me to her bedroom and then to their master bath. She reached into the shower and turned the water on so that it could warm up, then dropped down to one knee and began to untie my boots.

I think she realized at the same time I did that this put her face almost level with my crotch, and she leaned forward and licked my cock from root to tip. I twitched strongly at the sensation of her tongue on me, groaning.

She smiled up at me. “Feel good?”


“Good; it’s supposed to.” She took my cock into her mouth, completing her untying task by feel as she sucked me. I was soon almost fully hard, my cock straining to rise, and it bobbed eagerly upwards when she released me from her lips. As she loosened the laces and pushed down on my boots so that I could pull my feet out she started licking my balls. That felt wonderful, although I was very embarrassed at the fact that they were undoubtedly slick and fragrant with a combination of sex and sweat.

If so, it didn’t seem to offend her; as she pushed my socks down she sucked my right testicle into her mouth, looking up into my eyes as she laved it with her tongue. The job of completing my transition to fully naked complete, shoes and socks cast aside, she wrapped one hand around my cock and began stroking as her mouth remained busy on my balls. I was staring down at her, hypnotized by what I was seeing, and she continued to watch my face as she tormented me.

She took turns with my balls, alternating between as she sucked each of them individually. It was almost painfully pleasurable, riding that fine line between the two sensations as she stretched my scrotum, tugging down on my testicle with her lips. When she heard me gasp she let my left ball slip slowly from her lips, then licked my entire ballsack before saying, “Did that feel good?”

“Oh my god!”

She laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes. Feel like you’re gonna come?”

I nodded mutely and she laughed again. “Perfect! C’mon then, let’s shower; the water is nice and warm by now.”

I followed her into the shower stall, my cock arching up and back so that the tip almost touched my navel, my erection again rigidly hard. The water was the perfect temperature, warm but not steaming, and we took turns lathering each other up. Impossibly, her skin felt even more sensual and amazing when slick with water and soap bubbles, and I touched every last bit of her from scalp to toes. I couldn’t seem to get enough of touching her, and my libido raged.

She seemed as eager as I, exploring my body, touching, caressing, stroking. We were both extraordinarily aroused, my cock throbbing and hard and her sex puffy and flowing copiously with my cum and her own viscous lubrication when I touched her. I slid fingers into her and out, and toyed with her nipples and clit. She came once, clinging to me and gasping, her body trembling, and she skillfully brought me right to the edge several times before backing off.

One time, releasing her grip on my cock and moving to my balls for a firm squeeze, she brought her other hand up my leg and between my cheeks, a soapy finger teasing my asshole. I gasped and clenched as she touched that sensitive spot. “Oh, hey!”

“Sshhh, relax.” She prodded at me, her fingertip teasing. I felt a shudder run through me. “Does that feel good, sweetie?”

“I dunno.”

She laughed. “Liar! It feels good; admit it.”

“It feels weird.”

“But weird-good, not weird-bad, right?”

“I guess, yeah.” She pushed her finger against my opening, the tip sliding into me on its soapy slick despite me clamping shut. “Carol, ohh god!” I shuddered, my cock strained and arched.

“Relax, Josh. Relax and enjoy it.”

“I can’t.”

“Don’t you trust me?”

“Yes, I do.” I did, utterly, but this was a foreign invasion!

“Then relax.”

I tried, and maybe even succeeded a little, but when she shoved her middle finger all the way into me I felt violated… although in a not entirely unpleasant way! She wiggled her finger inside of me, touching some very sensitive things, and I gasped and clenched on her finger, my cock bobbing up and down with my muscle spasms.

“Ohh, god… Carol, ohh god!” She squeezed my balls with her other hand.

“Starting to feel pretty good, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” She wiggled again. “Ohhh!”

She laughed at the intense expression on my face, my entire being focused on what she was doing inside me. “Do you believe I can make you come this way, not even touching your cock?”

I believed her! “Uhh, god! It really hasn’t been much of a challenge so far to make me come, has it? I mean, you know… I think you could probably stick your finger in my ear and make me come.” I was trying to be funny, and it worked, she laughed. As good as it felt to have her wiggling her long, slender finger in my ass it was still a bit awkward for me, even though she’d done it of her own free will. People just don’t do these things, in my world!

She bit my nipple again. Between the finger, the grip on my balls, the wet, slick, amazing body pressed to me and her teeth on my nipple, I knew she could have me spurting in seconds if she chose to. She didn’t, and started to very slowly slide her finger out of me. “I’ll save that pleasure for another time, I think, but I will prove it to you, and soon. Right now I want you back inside of me!”

That didn’t sound at all bad to me, but still, I gasped as her finger slipped free like I’d squeezed it out, and my sense of violation morphed into one of loss. Against all odds, that had felt astonishingly good!

My mind was slowly beginning to comprehend what she’d said and put two and two together. Several times now she’d made reference to doing something “next time”, “another time”, or “some other time”; although I’d not thought that far ahead, it slowly dawned on me that she was looking at this amazing adventure as a beginning, not a one-time event! My heart soared, and my cock throbbed with delight. If she had future plans for me it meant that I didn’t have to try to cram as much sex into this one day as I could… although I still intended to try!

We finished rinsing the soap off ourselves and shut off the shower. When we stepped out she took a towel and started drying me; I’m sure the last time that happened I’d been a baby. Now, though, it felt very nice, and it seemed to give her an excuse to fondle and suck on me and to touch every last inch of my body.

It was seduction, plain and simple, and I planned to dry her next so I paid close attention. She was sometimes gentle, other times vigorous; she touched and teased, pinched and fondled, whispered and kissed; she stroked and tickled and tortured, and she seemed to find it all as stimulating as I did, her nipples erect. She gently dried my cock and balls, and she kneeled at my feet and took my cock into her mouth as she dried my lower legs and feet.

When it was her turn I pulled her back against me, trapping my hard length against her ass while I toweled her hair, again very aware of the disparity in our size; she seemed small and delicate against my much bigger frame, a bit of dissonance for me as I realized I was much larger than someone I’d always viewed as an adult. I gently dried her face and neck, stroked her back, along the valley of her spine, squeezed and toyed with her breasts through the towel, and dragged the rough material across her rigid nipples, eliciting a cry of pleasure.

I dropped to my knees and worshiped her cunt, gently drying it, moistening it with my tongue and then drying it again. That stubborn bit refused to remain dry, quickly self-wetting despite judicious use of towel and tongue; I loved that, and my rigid cock was proof.

I made her bend over so I could dry her ass, as she had done to me, and when I nipped her soft bottom and then ran my tongue up and down her cleft she moaned. After I dried her legs and feet, fondling each perfect toe in the process, I pushed her back against the vanity. She understood what I wanted, and hoisted herself up onto it with a small boost from me.

I pushed her legs apart and kissed my way up her inner thighs, earning small gasps and moans of pleasure for my efforts; she was expert at guiding me, giving me direction in that subtle way, as I now realize. When I reached the apex I licked her pussy, parting her lips with my tongue before lapping at her wet opening.

She stopped me, her hand in my wet hair. “Josh, sweetie, I washed pretty well, but there’s still going to be some of you in me.”

“I don’t care.” I went back to it, the slick feel and rich taste of her making my cock ache, but she stopped me a second time.

“I know I’m not real messy like I was, but still…”

“Carol, I really don’t care. I love the way you feel and taste.”

She laughed softly. “You’re a very oral young man, aren’t you?”

“I dunno. It just feels really good to do.”

“You didn’t know this about yourself?”

I shook my head. “I guess not. Should I stop?”

“Oh no! Not if you’re enjoying it. I can assure you that I am!” She ran her fingers through my hair, then toyed with my ear and neck as I resumed licking her pussy and sucking and teasing her clit. She was right, I did taste my semen, but as I’d told her, I didn’t mind that at all!

She sighed, moaned, clenched and came, and I was rewarded with a tiny gush of cum. My cock and balls throbbed with arousal. “This is good, Josh. So good… you’re a very thoughtful young man too, which meshes very nicely with your oral fixation.”

I looked up at her and found her beautiful eyes staring back at me, avidly watching me make love to her pussy. I paused. “I have a fixation? You think so?”

She laughed. “Oh, I certainly hope so! It will make you a very good lover, Josh; more men should be open to it, give it a try.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant then; it felt so right, so natural, that it never crossed my mind that all men didn’t do it, all the time! Now, older and wiser, I understand that there are those foolish, selfish, callow fellows that don’t routinely provide oral pleasure to their ladies. Idiots! They have no idea what they’re missing.

She allowed me to bring her to one more orgasm, then she took me to bed. Remembering my trepidation about fucking her in their marital bed, she thoughtfully led me to the guest bedroom. Together we pulled back the bedspread and blankets, enjoying the sight of each other’s naked bodies as we did so. I was amazed at how quickly I’d become completely comfortable being nude with her, not self-conscious in the least about my nakedness, about her looking at my swinging, heavy-hanging balls, or my rigid, upright cock as we moved around.

She seemed to enjoy looking at me and her appreciation made me feel very at ease with it, and she appeared to be equally comfortable letting me look at her, the obvious admiration and puppy-love in my eyes and my rock-solid erection affirming her sensual beauty.

The bed turned down, she had me lie down on my back and then straddled me, her hips above mine. She leaned forward over me and we kissed, and as we kissed I could feel the tip of my cock brushing her wet petals as she moved around above me, using the touch of her pussy on my hardness to further arouse both of us. She was skilled, the gentle grind of her hips rubbing her slick heat against the swollen head of my rigid cock making me crazy, and our kisses became very passionate, our lips crushed together and our tongues battling. She knew exactly what she was doing to me, I’m sure of it, but it was kind of fun knowing it was lighting her fire as well.

She broke the kiss off suddenly; her choice, since I was pinned to the bed flat on my back, and when she did she straightened up with a gasp of arousal. “God, Josh! You make me feel things I haven’t felt in a very long time. What have I unleashed here?”

“Uh, I dunno, but it’s good, right? I mean, it feels good and all?”

“Oh, yes… too good, maybe. I knew I was tempting fate, but you’re a very tempting young man; maybe I should have tried harder to resist.” She was sitting up straight now, astride me, a wistful expression on her beautiful face, and I was all too aware of my cock pressed into the heat of her sex, trapped between us.

I ran my hands up her legs to her hips and held her there, looking up at her. “I’m glad you didn’t. This has been the most amazing day of my entire life, and it’s not even lunchtime yet!”

She laughed, her pensiveness evaporating. “A guy your age, give him a little sex, a little food and he’s happy, right?”

“Well, a lot of sex and a lot of food is even better.”

She laughed again, back in a fun-loving and playful mood. “Don’t worry, I’ll feed you lunch; you’ll need the nourishment to get your strength back. I have plans for you this afternoon, lots of plans.

I liked the sound of that! I also liked that she’d begun sliding her hips back and forth, rubbing her wet pussy against my hard shaft, which was trapped in the valley of her slippery lips, against my abs. It felt amazing, her wet, slick pussy grinding on my cock, and I knew it felt amazing to her too. Her expression had gone all dreamy, her mind focused on the sensation of her pussy rubbing on me as she pushed us both toward orgasm.

I was watching her face, enjoying the faraway look in her eyes, when they suddenly snapped into focus, looking down at me. “Don’t be afraid to put your hands to better use, Josh.”

That took me a second to comprehend. I’d been enjoying the feel of her hips where I was holding her, feeling her muscles move and flex as she rubbed herself on my cock. It dawned on me that she was referring to her breasts, which moved and swayed very invitingly above me. I slid my hands up her sides, up her ribs and onto her tits, where I squeezed those wondrous mounds and rolled her hard nipples between my fingers.

“Harder, Josh; be rougher with my nipples. I like to feel it like you mean it. Don’t worry, you won’t hurt me – and if you do, a little, that’s good too.”

I got rougher with her, but probably still not as much as she wanted, I now realize. She was wanting to walk that line that divides pain and pleasure, and I couldn’t bring myself to be as aggressive as she desired. I tugged and pinched and pulled, bumping them hard and fast with the tips of my fingers, and she moaned.

“Make me come, Josh. Did you know that I could come just by rubbing myself on you like this, with you pinching my nipples? It would actually be very easy, the way you feel.”

I hadn’t known that, but I’d started to get the idea that’s what she was driving toward. “That’s okay; go ahead if you want to, that would be great. Do it, Carol, come for me!” The thing was, I could have come too, and also quite easily. Her slick, wet heat on me, rubbing, masturbating me with the softness of her sex, the expression on her face, the sounds she was making and her gorgeous tits in my hands, I was well on my way to painting my own tummy.

Luckily, she came first. She ground down onto me and cried out, her even, fluid movements becoming jerky and spastic in the throes of her orgasm, her eyes closed and her neck and chest flushed with arousal. She came gloriously, her entire body tensing and trembling with intense pleasure, and at the peak she lifted off me just enough to grasp my cock and slide it into her, riding me down until I was fully enveloped.

She cried out anew as I filled her, her cries meshing with my groans of pleasure as her body once again welcomed me and formed perfectly to my shape and size. I was awestruck then, I know, and I still look at that and the way it feels as one of life’s profound pleasures; I suppose I always will.

Somehow, I didn’t squirt. I almost did, it was very borderline for several very long seconds, but I managed to hold out. She took over after that, riding me, coming, somehow knowing – probably by the expression on my face - when I was about to even though she hadn’t asked me to tell her, and stopping or changing her movements just enough to prevent my orgasm.

She managed my arousal expertly and fucked my brains out for several minutes, pausing as needed to delay my climax. I didn’t last as long as I’d have liked, but it was better than the last time, and much better than the ticking time bomb I’d been on that first embarrassing display!

When she finally did allow me to come my hands dropped from her boobs, with which I was now intimately familiar, to her hips, this time to grip her as I thrust into her. I held her to me, my cock as fully into her as was possible, and I came in a rush, groaning at the intensely pleasurable feeling of her pulsing, velvet grip and the thick surge of cum rushing through me and into her.

As I gushed into her she reached behind her back and seized my balls, squeezing them as they emptied, as if trying to ensure that she got every last drop. I was gasping, my back arching as I pumped and spurted into her, and she ground herself against me, gyrating her hips, the sensation of my cock flexing and throbbing inside of her tipping her over the edge. We stared into each other’s eyes, reading the passion and arousal at the climax of our lovemaking, the expressions on our faces something that could be read as pain as easily as pleasure.

My orgasm was waning as she continued to grind against me, hers going strong still, but when it was finally over she collapsed onto my chest, her body limp. Even past my own heart pounding, I could feel hers, and we were both gasping for air. If this is what sex would always be like, I was really going to have to work to stay in shape!

I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her to me; I wanted to stay in that moment forever, our sweat-sheened bodies pressed together, hearts beating as one, her incredible pussy tightly gripping my slowly softening cock. Even the warm trickle of cum slipping out of her and running greasily down between my balls and my thigh was a wet, naughty pleasure. Everything was perfect in that moment, every sight, every scent, every sound and sensation, and it remains seared into my memory even now, years later.

She finally stirred and stretched up to kiss me, and as she did my cock slipped out of her. I felt the warmth of my semen as it gushed from her and onto my stomach, and her body smeared it between us as we kissed. She slowly rolled off me, sliding down onto her side with her head on my shoulder and her arm around me.

She sighed contentedly. “God, Josh! That was amazing. It felt so good.”

“I'll say! That’s, like, so much better than jerking off!”

She laughed. “Well, I would hope so!” She tilted her head to look up at me. “As compliments go, I’m not sure if that was a good one or a truly bad one.”

I blushed, suddenly aware that I was talking to her about masturbating… again. And awkwardly at that! “No, I meant it as good. That was incredible, the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life. You’re amazing, Mrs. Mar… uhh, Carol. You’re so sexy!”

“Thank you, Josh, that was much better. Careful, though; if you call me Mrs. Martin while we’re naked ever again I’m going to get out the whips and chains and make you start calling me Mistress Martin.”

My jaw dropped. “What? Whips…?”

“That was a joke, Josh. You’ll understand one day, and when you do you’ll laugh. I hope you’re in the middle of an important meeting when it happens.”

That made me smile, even though I was still a little worried about the whips and chains thing.

We laid there for quite awhile, just talking. Pillow talk, I suppose you’d call it now, although then it was just a warm, gentle, intimate talk with a beautiful, amazing woman who had made that day the most memorable of my young life. The talk itself was another first for me, that soft, post orgasm intimacy where you share your most secret thoughts and fears with your lover.

She told me more about her husband, Brad, and I could sense her sadness and hurt that they were not the same amorous couple they’d been earlier in their marriage. She talked about kids, and why they hadn’t had any – his sperm count was too low, and apparently of what he did have, most were not viable. He wouldn't hear of her being artificially inseminated with another man’s seed, and she’d gone along rather than fight him over it, fearing he’d resent any child that might result.

As she talked about that she traced her fingers in the abundant spillage of my semen on my stomach and chest, and I wondered what she was thinking, what was going through her head. That was a peculiar thing to process, that she was talking about him and his impotency in that way while toying with my cum, perhaps thinking about the wasted opportunities.

She would occasionally bring her fingers up to her lips, licking my slippery cum from them, and soon she started alternating between her lips and mine, absent-mindedly giving us each a taste of our combined fluids. She hadn’t asked me if I wanted to taste us, but I didn’t object; she seemed to expect me to lick her fingers, and so I did. We tasted good together, I thought, and the kinky, carnal nature of it was exciting to me. She was turning me on again!

I told her mundane stuff, I suppose, about being on the football team and how I’d be a starter in my senior year, how my summer job was going, looking ahead to college the next year, after I’d graduated. She asked me about masturbating – how often, when and where, what I thought about as I was doing it, what I did with what she called “my huge loads” and other very intimate things.

I answered her questions openly and honestly; she was easy to talk to, and she made things I’d always thought embarrassing and shameful feel very natural and normal. She mentioned at one point that we should probably get moving, get back to work on our outdoor project, and I agreed, but neither of us made any effort to get up.

As we talked we touched each other; with her gently fondling my cock and my balls I was soon hardening, becoming thick and rigid. She seemed delighted, laughing and remarking on “the incredible stamina of you young guys” before moving down and taking me into her warm mouth. She gave me a long, slow, gentle blowjob, making love to my body in a way I didn’t know was possible.

She made it beautiful and loving and intimate, often staring into my eyes as I watched her suck and caress me, and as I came she closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of my cock pulsing, firing ropes of warm cum into her mouth. I stared, watching my cock swell and spasm as I pumped my load into her willing mouth, and when I was finished she swallowed it all before moving up and kissing me, her breath musky, redolent with my scent and her lips slippery and swollen with arousal.

I wanted very much to return the favor, even knowing that her pussy was overflowing with my cum, but she declined, saying we needed to save something for next time! We eventually did get up and get back to our project, both of us slipping unwillingly into our clothes. She didn’t bother to clean up first, knowing, I think, that looking at the dark, wet stain where my cum soaked through the crotch of her tiny denim shorts would fascinate and arouse me all afternoon.

We stopped for a late lunch, eating sandwiches at her kitchen table. After, I wanted to take her again, but she reminded me that we needed to show some progress on the yard so that her husband wouldn’t wonder what we’d done all day. It seemed a valid concern!

Late in the day, looking at her perfect ass in her tight little cum-stained shorts and her t-shirt clinging to her breasts, I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed her and pulled her to me, humping my hard cock against her ass right there in the yard! She took my hand and led me into the house, back to the guest bedroom, admonishing me to hurry because Mr. Martin would be home soon.

We didn’t even bother to fully undress, each of us just pushing our shorts down before she went to her hands and knees on the bed, her wet, used pussy gloriously open to me. I clambered onto the bed and mounted her, guiding my hard cock into her, and we fucked. That time, of everything that had happened that day, was pure fucking.

I held her hips and pistoned into her, looking down at her pussy clinging tightly to my cock, coating me with our juices, squeezing me, demanding more. It was hard and fast and intense, both of us aware of the time constraints and the danger involved, of maybe getting caught. She reached back under us and began to fondle and squeeze my swinging balls, and it pushed me rapidly toward my climax.

She asked me to pull out, no time for a bath and not wanting streams of my cum running down her legs when her husband walked in. I slammed into her, she squeezed my balls. She came suddenly, her pussy clamping me, and that was all it took.

I jerked back, pulling out of her as I came, and then went forward, grinding my cock between her ass cheeks as I spurted wildly. I don’t know if she’d thought that I would just spill myself onto her ass and back or what, but that’s not what happened; instead I spouted a long, thick stream of glistening white clear over her, some of it hitting her shoulder and the back of her head, a pearlescent streak through her ash-blond hair. The rest painted the headboard and the wall above it with an audible wet splatter, the second and third long spurts following much the same trajectory as the first.

After that, I came on her shirt, then on her lower back, and then slowed to a few small spurts onto her ass, where it trickled down to her open pussy. I collapsed over her, draping my limp, exhausted body across her back, gasping, apologizing for my overly-enthusiastic ejaculation and for soaking her and the room in cum.

To my amazement, she was laughing, reaching back to touch the streaks of cum in her hair. “Good god, Josh! You came like a fucking fire hose! Four times and the well still hasn’t run dry?”

“Five times… not that I’m keeping track.”

“Five? Oh yeah, I forgot about that first one! Maybe because it happened so fast…” she laughed at her own humor.

I groaned. “Jeez, Carol.”

She slipped off of my flagging cock and turned around to give it a quick lick. “I’m teasing you, Josh; you’ve more than proved what a stud you are – but now you need to go! You can go home or you can go work in the yard a little more if you want, but pull up your pants, tuck that gorgeous thing in, and get out of here!”

I eyed the streaks of cum on headboard and wall. “I should help you clean up, change the sheets.”

“No time, sweetie. I’ll just close the door; Brad never comes in here, I’ll do it after he goes to bed.” I was tucking my tuckered manhood into my shorts as ordered, reluctant to leave, but she was insistent. “Go! I need to hurry and wash you out of my hair – that he definitely would notice. Now scoot!

I kissed her first, but then I scooted.

I worked in the yard a bit longer but then went home, exhausted but extraordinarily happy – and satisfied. I felt like I’d become a man, and if this is what being a man felt like I was really going to enjoy it!

I woke from a feverishly sexual dream about Carol in the middle of the night, hard and throbbing, and jerked off into a handful of Kleenex. I couldn’t get enough of her, even in my dreams. I woke a second time in a cold sweat, remembering that first load of cum I’d sprayed all over her kitchen cabinets and floor, a mess which, to my knowledge, we’d never cleaned up, and prayed her husband hadn’t noticed. Eventually, I slept as though I’d died, exhaustion winning the day.


The remainder of the summer was an exploration of teenage lust and limits; there seemed to be an abundance of the former, few of the latter. Carol was a loving and patient teacher, and an incredibly horny and sexual woman in her own right. A pattern developed where I’d rise early and be at her back door shortly after her husband left for work, and we’d get in a sex session, in one form or another, before I headed out to my first customer. Often the day’s customer was her, and then we could get in a couple rounds before I had to work, and usually play more later!

My folks, noting my eager, early starts, were no doubt impressed by my enthusiasm for my work; I was much more impressed by Carol’s long legs and soft lips. I did eventually get to lick her pussy clean after I’d come inside her, and also once or twice after her husband had before he left for work. I also got to enjoy sloppy seconds on many occasions – usually, but not always, my own - and she did prove to me that she could make me come merely by using a skilled finger up my ass and a bit of fondling of my balls. All good stuff!

She was amazed at how eager and open-minded I was, willing to try anything at least once; I was amazed that she was amazed, given that I was a perpetually horny teenager. I would have done anything, and did do almost everything; Carol knew no limits, and her sexual repertoire was vast.

I prayed for the rainy, nasty days when we’d spend the entire day in bed - or anyplace, really - making love. I only exceeded that five-orgasm first day once, managing six, but we matched it several times. I don’t think there was a day when I came less than twice, or Carol less than perhaps eight or ten times, and I mostly got my quick trigger under control.

When school and football started our time together tapered off, and when I found a girlfriend Carol called a halt, saying that I should focus on her, Tina, a girl my own age. That was tough for me; Carol was a very important part of my life by then.

I think I realized only recently that it must have been difficult for her too, although she said that for some reason her sex life with her husband improved markedly during the same period that we were together. She thought maybe it was because she was happier, and her own sexuality had bloomed anew; perhaps he sensed that, or perhaps he subconsciously sensed she’d been with another, and his instincts made him assert himself.


I tell this story now because, while standing in line at Costco yesterday waiting to buy dog food, someone called out my name. When I turned I found Carol approaching me, a big smile on her face. I hadn’t seen her in over twelve years; since my parents had moved to Phoenix I’d had no reason to be in the old neighborhood where, last I knew, she still lived.

I recognized her immediately; the smile, the beautiful sea-green eyes, the long legs and great figure. She’d perhaps gained a couple pounds, but she’d never been skinny, and her ash-blond hair was a bit more ash and a bit less blond, but for a fifty-five-year-old woman she looked spectacular.

The memories – the things I’ve told you – came flooding back, inundating me. By some quirk of fate, I’m now thirty-six, the same age she’d been that hot summer. Coincidence, but still… there’s certain symmetry too.

We went and got coffee at the Starbuck’s across the street; it seems there’s always a Starbuck’s across the street. We talked for over two hours, and when I got home I told Tina (yes, my high school girlfriend, although it was a winding path through other mates and lovers before we found wedded bliss) about my meeting with Carol.

She knew all about Carol and what she’d meant to me at age seventeen, about that summer; I’d told her everything, and she was appreciative of the things Carol had taught me. After I mentioned seeing Carol, Tina crossed to me and sat on my lap.

“So, Josh, are you going to see her again?”

“We talked about it. Maybe.”

“I think you should.”

“Really? Why?”

“I know you want to – I can feel how hard you are just from thinking about it.”

She was right about that, although her warm, firm bottom on my lap was also a factor. Her suggestion wasn’t totally out of left field; we’d joined a swing club for a brief time, and still had one couple, close friends, that we occasionally swapped with, but neither of us had ever been involved in anything without the other.

“I’d like to see her again. We exchanged phone numbers and all. Are you sure?”

“Do it, Josh; call her, go see her. Make love to her. She made you the generous, adventurous lover you are, and then you did the same for me. Show her how you’ve mastered all those things she opened your eyes to. Is she still beautiful?”


She smiled. “That should make it an easy decision for you.”

It was, really. Carol and I are meeting for lunch next week… or at least we called it lunch, but as always we both knew why we were really getting together. Against all odds, she’s still with Brad, but Brad still works days whereas my schedule with the landscaping business I own is quite flexible.

I wonder if maybe she’ll become a part of my life again, and perhaps Tina’s as well. I hope so. I do know that thinking about her still makes my heart beat fast and my cock stiffen. Some things never change.

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It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Coupon Boobie BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Coupon BoobieI rolled into the news paper plant, around 9am. I had overslept again. I hate Monday mornings. I had party the whole weekend. I had just passed my 2nd semester of college. I was interning for a small news paper in my home town. A college professor had gotten me the job. I was her pet project for the semester. She gave me good grades. I gave her my big cock after class. It was a win, win, for me. She was very voluptuous. I had been attracted to...

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Coupon Boobie

I rolled into the news paper plant, around 9am. I had overslept again. I hate Monday mornings. I had party the whole weekend. I had just passed my 2nd semester of college. I was interning for a small news paper in my home town. A college professor had gotten me the job. I was her pet project for the semester. She gave me good grades. I gave her my big cock after class. It was a win, win, for me. She was very voluptuous. I had been attracted to skinny girls before I met her. I changed after...

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Best Summer Job EverChapter 17 Summers End

The further I got into August, the faster time seemed to go. Everyone knew I was leaving soon, and none seemed too happy about it. The worst ones handling my imminent departure were the R's. On more than one night I ended up comforting them in my bed. "It's not fair!" wailed Roberta or Rose. "We just get here, and you leave." I would hug them. "I know, and I'm sorry. But my employment contract is only for the summer. If I could stay here longer I would, but I can't." "What if...

1 year ago
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BiBi Summer Party

“Yes, it's here,” Jane said as she looked at the inbox on her tablet.“What is?” Colin asked, looking up from the paper he was reading.“It is our invitation to the first of this year's summer swingers parties, which is a weekend at a rented cottage deep in the country. It has got a sauna, Jacuzzi, and a secluded garden. Sounds great,” Jane glanced at her husband twenty-five years.Her husband was still in good shape for a man in his mid-fifties, well-muscled body, flat belly, and a fully working...

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The Wolf SummersChapter 7D Summer Crushes

Sex with Rachel became less important the closer the twins' return came. There were other things I would not be able to do with her that seemed more difficult to let go of. Like her smile when I walked into the mansion, it welcomed me as her man and not her sons' best friend. She sprang her gifts on me during our last night together. I arrived at the mansion dejected. I wondered if it were possible to fuck from the moment she opened the door until we had to pick up the twins. Rachel let...

4 years ago
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Virtual Vacation Coupon 1

Virtual Vacation Coupon #1 By Xyzzy As a kid, I used to race for the mailbox. I don't know what I expected to find, but each day brought a renewed belief that maybe today; the mail would bring excitement and adventure. It never did! Once again I'm headed for the mailbox, but at 31 and out of shape it's a more leisurely stroll. Instead of zeal, I've begun to actively dislike the mailbox. Perhaps that's why I now wait until the morning to retrieve yesterday's mail. Is that...

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Caught In A Girls School Summer Dress part

If you've read the first two chapters, scroll down or read again.As I came down the staircase I heard a key turning in the front door, thinking it must be one of my sisters back from University, for the weekend, I carried on bouncing down each riser so the skirt of my dress would lift up. My mum had left me a note saying she would be home late tonight, so I had the whole evening to dress as I pleased, I wouldn't have minded being caught dressed by Mrs White, from next door, she had seen me in...

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Once Upon a Trans Cinderella

Once Upon a Trans: Cinderella Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a wealthy lord in blissful happiness with his wife and young son. One day, however, the wife grew sick and died shortly afterwards. The lord married again and soon they were a whole family once more with the young boy gaining a stepmother and two stepsisters. Everything was fine and all seemed happy until, after around a year of marriage, the father sickened too and soon he died as well, leaving all his wealth...

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Sarah and miss Summers

Sarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made...

1 year ago
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Virtual Vacation Coupon First Recursion

Virtual Vacation Coupon: First Recursion Joe Ingram reflexively rubbed the top of his head with a fingertip, absently feeling the thinning hair, as he read the fancy calligraphy once more: Dear Joe, Please accept this complimentary Virtual Vacation Coupon. With today's time demands, it can be prohibitively expensive or even impossible to get away for the kind of rest and recovery we all need from time to time. That's why we developed the virtual vacation. The virtual vacation...

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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

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Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time... All good stories should start that way don't you think? Once upon a time, there was a fine maid. Fair of face and stunningly brunette, the type of maid that made others smile when they saw her. She was friendly and outgoing, a pillar of the community. But deep inside, under the conservative dress and the unassuming front she put forward, there was a minx with a wild streak that few knew about and even fewer were able to bring out in her. She would deny it, if asked; hiding...

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Ann Summers

AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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One HOT Summer Party

One HOT Summer Party It was that time of the year that most people enjoyed looking forward to summer was here. We’d had quite a few new neighbours move in our street, and one of our best neighbours (Sherry) had a brilliant idea to welcome them to the street with a summer night party but with a twist. Everyone who came would have to dress up in costume and have masks, that way no one would feel an outsider. We had no idea if anyone was up for it, but hey it was summer! So we both went to the...

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Mrs Summers Slips www

Mrs. Summers’ SlipsChapter 1, "Curiosity" Shortly after my thirteenth birthday, I discovered the appendage between my legs had another use. As I experimented with these new-found sensations sometimes 3-times a day, and usually with the assistance of a purloined stroke mag), it became very clear that I preferred looking at pictures of partially clad women over full frontal nudity. By partially clad, I mean looking at pictures of women wearing seductive or frilly bras, panties, nightgowns, etc....

3 years ago
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Portuguese Summer part3

After that night with Alan and the girl back at the villa i was very nervous about going back into work the next night , i was just not sure how much he had felt while he was fucking the girl with me under her or even if he was aware of what happened. When he turned up for work at the bar about 20mins after me he pulled me to one side and just grinned at me and asked if i had enjoyed itI sighed with relief and said "yeah it was great fun,he just grinned again and said ok ...well if we ever get...

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The Dinner Group A Virtual Vacation Coupon

Author's note: This is my second story, both in the Virtual Vacation Universe. Please consider this an open universe freely available to one and all who would like to use it as the basis for a story line. No hard and fast rules, just the basic concept. --- The Dinner Group (A Virtual Vacation Coupon) By Xyzzy It was a normal Saturday summer afternoon. I was making the last pass over the lawn with the mower. Hey, it's green, it grows, therefore it's a lawn; even if grass...

2 years ago
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My First gay summer experience on a bed part2

Yes, I’d just had my first Total body orgasm.The guy was beautiful and I was still floating on his bed and my skin was tingling from head to toe. I looked at him as he licked the last few drops of cum from my now flaccid cock and he smiled as he looked at me slumped on his bed. He then gently kissed his way up my stomach, over my nipples and then to my face where we locked lips and his tongue gently probed my mouth and he put both his hands around my face and kissed me passionately before...

4 years ago
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A Summer threesome in the spring

A little bit about Summer. She's 23 year old short haired brunette, tall and skinny. She's about 5' 10" tall and about 105 lbs. She is also some what of a shy woman. Even though she is skinny I think as a very nice body. More about her as the story goes on. Months after the store visit Summer gave Jenn a call. They had exchanged phone numbers as we were checking out. Anyway Summer told Jenn that her boyfriend broke up with her a month & a half ago. She went on to say that she hadn't...

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The OC Marissa showing Summer what it is like be

Marissa Cooper's eyes blinked open after hearing the voice of her best friend Summer Roberts. She had spent the whole night partying with her friends and was drunk out of her mind. It wasn't unusual for Marissa and Summer to stay out until all hours of the night but this night had been special because it was Summer's birthday meaning both of them were finally 18. Ok, so they were still technically won't supposed to be drinking that they had both matured quickly and the rich of Orange...

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Rob Summer Pt2

Please read Part one of this story to get the background.Can be found here. http://xhamster.com/user/love-fist/posts/245108.htmlIf you like it, please comment, I'm still a novice writer and feedback is always helpful, and makes me want to write more!!Part 2.Rob looked fondly at the sleeping form cuddled next to him, the soft white sheet covered most of the delicate creamy flesh, but it did show a creamy white breast, the soft pink nipple resting against his ribs.With his free hand, Rob reached...

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Summer Voodoo

Continuing the Summer saga, this story picks up where "Summer is Hot in Cozumel" left off. "So, John, what's the deal with you sexually propositioning Aaron?" "WHAT?!" Grinning, Summer poked him in the ribs. "Don't try to deny it, you glorious freak. I heard you on Dave's phone call, trying to talk Aaron into helping you join the Mile High Club." John leaned back and laughed, "Oh god, you heard that? Okay, fine, Summer, you're onto me! My secret is out!" Still grinning,...

3 years ago
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B6 Chapter 14 Summer Transformed Summers M

Chapter 14: Summer Transformed - Summer's Metamorphosis From below, Rayleena gave a moan that sounded almost despairing, then thrust powerfully forward and up, her hips driving the bursting shaft of her cock flesh to the hilt in Summer. Vantha could hear the slapping thud of Rayleena's body meeting the quivering globes of Summer's rump in a forceful plunge. Vantha quivered, her muscles standing out and tremb-ling, as she strained her own body, bent on burying her own fountaining cock into...

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Summer CampEpisode 15 Departures

That morning, every one was pretty excited; the word had come down a couple of days ago that Hartwell would be gone for four days for a camp director's conference, out of state. He had left the afternoon of the day before, leaving Jennifer in charge. In order to cover their asses, both Pete and Lisa had made 'official' requests for outings; Pete saying that his cabin had wanted to see the damage at the girls' camp while Lisa's cabin was supposed to paddle to Hawker's Cove to see the new...

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Summers Story

The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...

2 years ago
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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 04

Realizing that I was on board, Summer’s face lit up. She jumped at me, wrapping her arms around me giving me a big hug.Ashley sat down on the couch across from us.“You’re sure about this?”Summer looked at me tentatively.“Yeah, we’re sure.”“Wait!” Summer spoke up. “What about Maddie? You’re sure that she won’t be mad at me?”“As I said, there’s no possession or jealousy. We all understand that we’re free to do what we want.”With her mind at ease, or at least the pretense of guilt removed, Summer...

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B6 Chapter 15 Summer Transformed Summers R

Chapter 15: Summer Transformed - Summer's Release Summer showed no tenderness or compunction in what she did next. The now much larger girl stood up, her assets shuddering delightfully before Rayleena's awestruck eyes, as the huge shaft of her new cock jerked to slap heavily between her breasts repeatedly. Summer turned to Vantha lying upon the bed, her massive cock stretching out over Vantha like a tree limb from her new body. Summer's powerful new form quivered and rippled in anticipation...

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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt7

After Summer’s threesome with Darren and Carl, she continued to see Darren on and off for a few months. After just a few dates though, Summer complained to me that Darren was starting to get jealous and possessive. He didn’t care about me, but when she was with him and her phone rang he’d want to know who was calling, or if she wasn’t free to meet up with him he’d demand to know if she was going out with someone else (she usually was). Things came to a boil when Darren found out that she’d been...

1 year ago
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Hot Summer Nights

Introduction: Summer is made a member of the Connors family – in EVERY way possible Hot Summer Nights by Jen L. Lee 2012 You do realize that Summer has been returned to us from six foster homes, Mrs. Naste said to Teal Connors. She is almost 15 and we feel she is incorrigible and likely will never fit in anywhere, she sniffed in a condescending tone. Frankly, we all believed she would age out and be someone elses problem. There is no such thing as an incorrigible child, the 34-year old...

1 year ago
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Hot Summer Nights

by Jen L. Lee © 2012 “You do realize that Summer has been returned to us from six foster homes,” Mrs. Naste said to Teal Connors. “She is almost 15 and we feel she is incorrigible and likely will never fit in anywhere,” she sniffed in a condescending tone. “Frankly, we all believed she would age out and be someone else’s problem.” “There is no such thing as an incorrigible child,” the 34-year old socialite said as she adjusted her stylish hat. “I was not able to have children after...

2 years ago
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B6 Chapter 13 Summer Transformed Summer Is Gifte

Chapter 13: Summer Transformed - Summer Is Gifted Both Vantha and Rayleena had left their respective quarters, and were now roaming the hallways of the Island, eagerly in search of new partners to satisfy their seemingly endless sexual lust and excitement. Because of the relative closeness of Tiffany and Ebony's quarters on the one side of the Island, and the layout of the corridors, it was only a few moments before Vantha and Rayleena met each other in the hallway. Both girls instantly knew...

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Swinging Summer Party

It was a beautiful night out in the late summer and my husband and I had started a new adventure in our life together. We were a swinging couple, or least trying to be. We had had some fun with another man via video, me playing with myself for him, and then Adam joining in for the man to watch. I thought it was hot having another person watching us, directing us, and well, wanting to fuck me. It’s always nice to know that you’re attractive to the opposite sex even when you’ve been married for...

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A Midsummer Nights Nightmare

After 20 years since I had become a Teacher I was once more feeling that my career choice was worthwhile. I have spent the past fifteen years since my recovery wondering if I had made a wise choice, of sticking it out when my heart was wanting to give it all up and let me slink off into the underbrush of life, never to be seen again. This anticipation of this year, this class, had revived the enthusiasm with which I ventured forth to my first teaching job. It was a large country high school...

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My Life With Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 6

When it came time to move, Summer decided that she’d rather get a few guys from her gym to help out than hire movers.“Why pay strangers when we can grab a case of beer and some pizza – that way, we can enjoy it too?” Her reasoning made sense, and again it was her money, so my say didn’t amount to much.That was the first time that I’d come face to face with Darren. He seemed like a nice guy, but I did my best to avoid him because it felt strange to be around him. He looked as much like Denzel...

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The Gifts of SummerChapter 5

"So are you as excited as I am? You get to do your gift tonight!" Summer said, grinning at Aaron. "Yes, I do, and don't think I haven't given it a lot of thought," he smiled. "Thought? Obsession would be more like it," said John, sniggering at him. Aaron took a ring of calamari and plopped it into John's beer. "Hey, you fuck!" laughed John, plucking the calamari from his glass. He shook it at Aaron, splattering him with beer. "What? Do you deny it? That's all you've been...

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Baywatch Lost Summer

Someone once said "Never leave home angry". Summer couldn't remember who had said it, but the line kept on bouncing around her brain. She was angry and she had just left the Trailer, she and her Mom were sharing, to go to the Baywatch Headquarters to start her shift. She was angry and she was disappointed. Only a few hours ago she had a fight with her boyfriend Matt. They kept on having fights about the one theme only. But why wouldn't he just let go of it? She had made it clear to him...

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Summer Is Hot in CozumelChapter 3

"Aha! I see you found the old tank top," Dave said, hugging Summer from behind as she stood at the kitchen counter chopping potatoes. Wrapping her arms around his, Summer smiled. "Did you think there was any chance I wouldn't? I'd already found it way before you left your phone message." "Well, I was right, you do look absolutely amazing in it." "Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad you like it on me. It's shorter than that little nightshirt you love so much, which at least sort of...

1 year ago
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Rob Summer

Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...

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Summer My Sisters Best Friend

This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. * Stephen’s love of his life is his sister’s best friend, Summer, a woman eight years older than him. Summer, I’m in love with Summer, my sister Christine’s best friend and I don’t know what to do about it. Love at first sight, it all started the first time I saw Summer in the summer of 1968. She was in the backyard with my sister in the pool. As if my sister was swimming with an angel, a woman with a model’s face and a porn star body, I...

2 years ago
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B7 Chapter 7 Summer Sucks Jordan

Chapter 7: Summer Sucks JordanJordan held still on the bed, as Summer leaned in for a closer look at her crotch, her eyes fixed upon steadily growing bulge in her panties. Before Summer could do anything, Jordan's body began to tremble. In seconds it was growing, and Jordan could feel her skeleton enlarging. "Holy shit, now I'm doing it too!" cried Jordan, as she felt her body transform. After a few moments, Jordan finally stopped when she was roughly the same size as Summer in her bigger...

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