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Along with the bright, rational sunlight of a new day dawning on the city came yet another decision of what to wear. Well, not what to wear, exactly, but what to wear under what I wear. The clothes that I must show to the world are predefined by my career choices and my desire to succeed as a corporate attorney. Severely cut, unflattering business suits are basically the required uniform for the day. However, no one at my firm can control what I wear underneath those horrid clothes, and so that's where I let my true self be expressed. That's where I let the identity I keep so well concealed has the ability to express itself. And how do I express my true nature? My inner self?

By wearing the sexiest, silkiest lingerie I can find. The specially constructed walk-in closet next to my bedroom might be filled with suits and dresses in another woman's life. Mine contains those items that allow me to be free on the inside, even when the stupid societial constraints force me to wear unflattering and concealing, constricting attire. It also contains all my shoes, and my toys. Other women collect silly porcelin figures or stupid painted plates or velvet pictures of Elvis. Me? I collect sex toys to use on my sometimes-unsuspecting but always- willing partners. There hasn't been a man in my bed who hasn't gone along exactly with what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted. And for those times when there wasn't a regular visitor between my sheets, the toys came in very, very handy.

Like this morning, for instance. After getting out of the shower, I felt that annoying tingle between my legs. Normally, I would welcome it and encourage it, allowing it to grow and spread until it covered my entire body, only giving into the ultimate release of pleasure and joy when it became unbearable. But this morning, there was no one to share it with, no one to inform about it, no lover waiting in my bed to surprise with my always-eager sexuality. All I had was myself, my hands and fingers...and my toys.

Pulling open one of the black laquered drawers, I located a nice seven-inch vibrator and a hand mirror. I took them back to my bed and lay back against the pillow, spreading my legs and lightly stroking the silky, soft skin of my inner thighs as I remembered an intimate experience I'd had a few weeks ago with a man I'd met at the Knicks game. He'd been hungry for me, that I could see in his eyes. He'd taken me back to his loft near midtown, and we'd spent the night testing the limts of each other's endurance and stamina. In the end, I'd won, as I always do, and he'd begged for the chance to sleep and recharge his batteries. I remembered what we'd done to each other as I felt myself moistening between my legs, the thick, engorged lips of my pussy getting slick and hungry for stimulation.

I enjoyed a leisurly session of masturbation as I remembered my recent lover's succesful attempts to bring me to orgasm over and over again. The vibrator, although wonderful between my legs, was no replacement for a real, live blood-filled cock, and I ached for a man to share this moment with. Glancing at the clock, I saw that I was running a little late, so I quickly cleaned myself up and prepared for work.

I chose some sheer stockings (no seam, after all, I did have to go to work...) a nice red and black satin garterbelt, black crotchless panties and a matching sheer demicup bra. Had I been dressing to go out, (or even stay in, with the right partner,) I would have gone with nippless bra and higher heels, but since today was a work day and not a play day, I settled for the demibra and mid-sized heels. The conservative business suit I draped over my sexy, alluring body hid all my delicious curves and made me look like a spinster schoolmarm. Ah, the price one has to pay for corporate success.

Sighing, anticipating the moment when I could tear these clothes from my body, I went to work.

Of all the forms of law I could have chosen to practice, corporate law has the smallest percentage of actual in-court time. (Aside from patent law, which is basically a subset of corporate law, in my opinion.) Most of my days are spent in my office, going over merger agreements and leveraged buy outs. My speciality is fending off attempted hostile takeovers. In the 80's, it was an explosive way to practice law. In the merger-happy 90's, with corporate downsizing and cost-cutting across the boards, the financial rewards are smiller, but there is still money to be made out there, and I'm one of the best.

On this particular day, I was working on fending off the hostile takeover of a large cookie manufacturer by an international conglomerate. It was boring, repititious work, but I tried to make the best of it as I kept one eye on the clock. I had a meeting with a new client scheduled in twenty minutes, and I'd rather be doing that than this. Finally, the time rolled around for me to meet this new person, and I buzzed my secretary to see if he had arrived yet. He had, and Janice, my secretary, showed him in. My appointment book listed him as "D. Wagner, Wagner Importing," and that was it. He was a referral from another client.

As I rose from behind my expansive, glass-topped desk to greet him my thoughts were on other subjects. A rather boring looking man entered my office and took my offered hand, then sat in the chair across from my desk. He introduced himself as David Wagner, and quickly explained that he owned an importing business and that he was being pressured to sell out. He wanted to know what his legal options were.

As I explained David's options to him, I noticed that his eyes were crawling all over my body. Not in an annoying, cloying way, but more in an appreciatative way. It had been a long time since a man had looked at me that way when I was wearing one of my corporate monkey suits. I found myself oddly flattered and getting a little turned on.

We concluded our business quickly. As David stood to leave, he hesitated, then turned back to me and said, "Uh... I'm not very good at this, and I hope I'm doing the right thing. I don't suppose you'd be interested in having dinner with me tonight, would you?" The look on his face was a combination of hope and something else, something I couldn't describe. It looked almost as though he was already sure I would tell him no, thank you. But the look of eager hopefullness shone through any other emotion, and on the spur of the moment I decided to accept. We agreed to meet at a midtown resturant after work, and he smiled and left.

David Wagner. I sat, slowly twirling in my chair as I thought about the man I'd just met. There was something about him, something a little distant and sad, that interested me. Most of the men that I dated were aggresive and confident. They were masculine examples of all that was wonderful about men. David was different. He was unsure of himself, nervous that I would say no, that I would turn him down. He was an interesting man.

The resturant was doing brisk business when I arrived, shortly after seven. The headwaiter showed me to David's table, and he rose to greet me this time. We shook hands and sat across from each other in the intimate booth. He'd ordered a caraf of wine for the both of us, and we enjoyed a few glasses as we unwound from the stress of the day and talked about our respective jobs. When the waiter came to take our dinner order, David offered to order for the both of us, and I allowed him to. Dinner was delicious, and I found David to be a funny, intelligent conversationalist who had opinions on everything, and more importantly, wanted to hear my opnions as well. He flattered me a few times, telling me how deep and blue my eyes were, how much he liked my legs, things like that. The compliments were delivered in a way that told me David almost expected a rebuke from me.

Slowly, over dessert, it came out that David didn't have very much experience with women. He admitted that he hadn't been out on a date in almost a year, and that he hadn't dated very much at all, for that matter. It was obvious that he felt alone and unattractive. Make no mistake, David was in no danger of challening Fabio for the most handsome man title, but he wasn't a slouch either. He was just a little...withdrawn is all. Very unsure of himself. He needed his confidence lifted a little. He needed an overwhelming success with a woman.

That's when I decided to give him one. We were having after dinner drinks when I slid a little closer to him and started turining the charm on. I laughed prettily at all his jokes and made it a point to touch his hands and arms as much as I could. He turned to look at me, a question in his eyes. He wasn't sure if it was happening, but I saw the naked hope on his face that it was indeed happening, finally happening to him.

He paid the check and we stood in front of the resturant. He offered to pay for a cab back to my apartment, and I told him that he was welcome to...but only if he joined me in the cab. He blinked a few times, and then nodded once, quickly. The cab ride was a little strange. I'd slid over to David's side of the cab and was softly stroking his thigh as the cab slid through traffic.

Once we got back to my apartment, I started to feel much more comfortable. I installed David on the couch and went to change into something much more comfortable. I got out of the strangling suit and put a silk dressing robe on over my lingerie.

Re-entering the living room I found David still on the couch.

David was sitting exactly where I'd left him, in the same precise position. He hadn't moved an inch. I made us drinks and brought them over to him, sitting down next to him, but not too close. We clinked glasses softly and sipped once. Taking David's glass from his hand, I set it down on the coffee table (screw the coasters! I thought) and turned to face him.

The room was very, very quiet. The sound of the traffic outside the window was the only break in the silence. David's soft, brown eyes locked with mine, and I moved my face a fraction of an inch towards his. He moved too, a fraction closer. Slowly, with the inevability of the sun rising, we approached each other. I could smell him, his masculine scent, feel his hot breath on my face...and I started getting seriously excited.

We kissed each other for the first time. His lips were soft and warm. My head twisted for another angle, kissing him again, just as softly. I could feel him leaning towards me, into me, and I opened my mouth to moan with arousal.

David pulled back as if he'd been shocked.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked, worry all over his face. I had to struggle not to laugh. I wasn't laughing at him... but it was funny and touching in a...well, sad kind of way.

"You've never...necked?" I asked, and I saw the shame and embarrasment flood across his face.

"No. There weren't any girls who...wanted..." And at that moment, I realized how lonely this man must be. I remembered how he'd looked at me in my office, with that mixture of hope and sadness on his face. I knew that he had thought, then at least, that regardless of his feelings for me, that I would never want him.

That no woman would ever want him. That he was somehow...not enough. Not handsome enough. Not sexy enough. Not successful enough. Whatever the woman of the moment was looking for, he would just enough.

I took his face in my hands and turned him back to me, urgently, hungrily kissing his mouth, letting my tongue play across his lips. "So," I said, pulling away, still stroking his strong jaw with one finger, "you are...?"

"A virgin," he confirmed. "In every sense of the word."

"You've never...anything?"

He giggled suddenely. "This," he said, taking a deep breath, "is the furthest I've ever been with a girl. I mean...I've read, and I've thought about it a lot. real experience."

He lay back, resting his head on the back of the couch. I lay against him, my head once again on his chest, my hand rubbing his pecs through the blue oxford he wore.

Jesus! I thought. A completely unspoiled virgin. Unsullied. Mine to do with as I please. To teach and instruct on the ways of adult phyiscal love. This was going to be *great*!

"David," I whispered. "I don't know quite how to say this." I paused, and he waited for me to continue. "I'm very attracted to you, and I want to be with you."

There was a very long pause. Finally he said, "You'll have to show me. I'm...not sure what to do... exactly. I mean, I'm familier with the theory and all's just that you'll have to tell me when I'm doing something wrong, or too fast or whatever." I smiled, not only at his words, but becuase the anticipation of being with me had started a rather interesting effect in his pants, an effect that I was now witnessing.

David nodded and kissed me, softly. We pulled apart, foreheads touching. "We don't have to do this tonight, I know that. I want you to be comfor-"

"David," I said. "Shut up!" Standing, I held my hand out, and he took it, standing to follow me into my bedroom. I closed the door to the outside world and turned to face my new lover. He was staring at me, this hilarious dreamy expression on his face.

I stepped up next to him and slung my arms around his neck. We kissed, his hands at the small of my back. I opened my mouth and slowly let my tongue ease its way into his mouth, finding his tongue and touching it, teasing it with my own. I pulled my tongue back, and he follwed it with his own, understanding what was happening. We did that for a few minutes, letting the hunger and the passion grow and feed upon itself. I reached behind me and took one of his hands, placing it on my buttock. David's hand closed around my cheek, and he gasped into my mouth, feeling my soft, resliant flesh under his touch. The silk dressing gown outlined and hilighted all my curves.

David's other hand dropped, of its own volition, to my other cheek, and he drew me against him, pressing my body to his, letting his chest flatten and press against my breasts.

The kiss gained heat, and my hands came to his face, holding his cheeks in my own palms, guiding him. His lips worked hungrily against mine, and I felt and heard him moan into my throat, once...twice. Reaching behind me again, I grabbed one of David's hands and lifted it to my left breast, placing his fingers around it. He felt and tested the heft and weight of my tit, his fingers slowly tightening his grip. His touch was so...hungry, I decided. Desperate for human contact, for connection. I had no doubt that tonight was going to be the most passionate and romantic night of my life.

Stepping back, I smiled my secret little smile and turned around. I slid the gown off my shoulders and let it fall in a black silk puddle at my feet. I was reminded of Christmas morning, of finding brightly wrapped presents under a lighted tree, of the joy of opening new boxes, finding new toys and playing with them. David's warm, soft hands caressed my back, from my neck to the top of my buttocks, tracing the edge of my garter belt.

"My God," he whispered, as he saw the sexy undergarments I wore.

I felt his breath on my skin, and he kissed my spine. I shivered and turned around again, losing myself in another passionate kiss. David returned to the one-hand-on- the-breast-and-one-hand-on-my-ass thing, and I knew that I really had to tell him what to do, to show him how to make love to me.

"Undress me," I said softly. "Make me naked for you. Explore my body. Find its secrets!" David looked at me for a second, his smile wide and boyish. David saw my bra-covered breasts, my aroused, itchy nipples pushing two hot points through the cups. Like most men, David was fascinated by my breasts, and dropped his head for a closer look.

He kissed one, his hot breath almost stinging me through the silk of my bra. "Use your tongue," I said. "Lick my nipple." He did as I told him and softly, gently licked at me through my bra. My fingers were in his hair, pulling his head to me as I arched my neck and shivered. His patience and understanding were sooo arousing!

Moving to the other breast, David repeated his actions from the first, blowing and kissing and then gently licking my nipple.

I straightened up and basked in David's glow. His eyes were wide with wonderment as he took in my scantily- clad form. I could feel the arousal building in me; David looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the entire world. And at that moment, that's exactly what I felt like. The definition of female perfection.

"Now you," I whispered. David was wearing a shirt, tie and slacks. I stepped in close to him and worked the knot on his tie, kissing his chin as I worked. The tie came loose and I slid it out from under his collar, loving the slick, silky 'hsss' sound it made. I tossed the tie over my shoulder and bent to his buttons, working them quickly. I parted the shirt and gasped. David had a wonderful body! His muscles were clearly defined, a light sprinkling of dark brown hair, hair that matched the curly mop on his head, covering his pecs and leading down to his navel.

I parted the shirt even more, sliding it off his arms. I kissed his chest, right between his nipples, using an opened-mouth kiss that let me taste his hot skin. He smelled wonderful...manly. My hand came up and grasped his breast the same way he had mine, and I thumbed his nipple. He gasped.

I giggled. "Didn't know your own were as sensitive as mine, didya?" He just moaned as I continued to work his breast. My hands dropped to his belt as I continued to kiss and lick his chest. The belt came open under my fingers, and I slid it out from the loops, tossing it over my shoulder to join David's tie in a crumpled heap in the corner. The snap of his pants was next, and then my fingers worked his zipper. It was...hard...going for a second as the zipper had to climb this little...mountain. David's pants fell, and he stepped out of them, having kicked off his shoes moments ago.

David and I stood, kissing each other, he in socks and boxers, I in my underwear. We just stood and enjoyed each other's bodies for a few moments, David's hairy chest, scratching against my sensitive breasts and abdomen. He was so warm against me that I never wanted this to stop.

Finally, I whispered, "Take off my bra..." David's hands ascended to the back of my bra, and he fumbled with the catch. I smiled into his chest and let him work; like all young men encountering this problem, he would have to learn how to do it. I turned, so he could see what he was doing, and felt the sudden release of the elastic. David's fingers crept up to my shoulders, sliding the straps down my arms. I felt the bra fall away, my heavy, full breasts settling against my chest.

David's eyes were as big as saucers. I tried not to laugh, but couldn't help it. "You look like someone who just found religion!" I teased.

"Well then," he said back, "let me kneel and worship!" And his mouth closed around my naked breast for the first time. The pleasure shot straight to my brain, and to my crotch. I felt myself moistening even more, getting ready for his penetration. That was going to be special, wonderful.

But as I was going to teach David, getting there was half the fun. Yes, he would discover that there were times when hunger and passion overtook you, that there were times when it was more fun and more desirable to just loose your clothes as fast as you could and start humping like lust- crazed weasals. But this first time, this most important time, it was going to be slow and romantic and special.

David worked my breasts slowly, gently, lovingly. He kissed and licked and sucked. "Bite my nipples gently, David. Just use your teeth a little, honey." His sharp, white teeth closed around one nipple, tugging at it, and I gasped. It felt sooo good to have someone's hands on me, touching me, making me feel loved and wanted and desired.

David buried his face between my breasts, his arms around around my back. He sat down on my bed and drew me to him, softly kissing and licking the sides of both breasts as his hands found my buttocks again and grasped them through my panties.

David's cock was poking at his boxers. I reached down and found it, moving my hand around inside his shorts. I brought it out into the air and slowly fisted it. David shook and held me tighter.

"Don't...if you don't want me to..."

I stopped, instead kneeling before him. "David... there's something you need to know. Certain women like to do certain things more than other women. Part of the fun of being with a new lover for the first time is disovering all those things about each other. I like to...give head. Do you know what that means?"

"Yes, Connie," he laughed. "I know what that means."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Connie, if you put my cock in your mouth, you're going to get a huge surprise!"

"Goody!" I giggled, clapping my hands together. David stood, reaching down and losing his socks, then yanking his shorts down and kicking them away. His cock bobbed in my face and I licked my lips, already anticipating his hot meat in my mouth. was David's turn to enjoy the beneifts of that labor. This first one was going to be fast, I knew, but that would make it all the more interesting, and have the added benefit of making other, more pleasurable actions last longer.

David sat back on the bed and spread his hairy thighs, his cock wiggling in anticipation. I moved slowly, wanting it to last for him, wanting him to enjoy it as much as I knew I was going to. From several inches away I began to blow on his cock, the hot air from between my pursed lips tickling his throbbing meat. David just grinned at me, and I swear I could see his cock getting harder before my very eyes.

"You know, " I whispered, moving my mouth ever closer to his meat, "some people think that it's very sexy to cum in a woman's mouth. Do you agree with that, David?" He grunted and hunched his hips at me face, apparantly eager to experience that little treat. Opening my mouth, I used my pink, moist tongue to lightly lick his cockhead with a circular swipe. Slurp! Moving my face in closer, I blew on his balls and cock again, taking the chance and licking his balls, too. Then I had a sudden inspiration. I would finish him, quickly this first time, and then give him the blowjob of his life to get him ready to fuck my leaking, needy pussy.

"Hold on, lover," I growled, taking his cock with my hand. Opening my mouth, I swallowed his cock with a single lurch of my head, bathing the hot, hard meat with my tongue, sucking with my cheeks and throat.

"Oh my God!" David cried, his legs and stomach muscles contracting, making him do a sit-up with my mouth in his crotch. "Connie! My God!" His hands were in my hair. My hand was around his scrotum, and I jiggled, once.

That was all it took. David grunted, screamed, and then erupted, shooting what seriously felt like half a pint of warm, creamy cum into my sucking mouth. I greedily sucked and swallowed, not wanting a drop to escape. His load was warm and creamy and delicious, and I wanted every goddamn bit of it in my stomach.

As David slowlly ebbed in my mouth, I renewed my attack, eager to keep him hard and throbbing. My slick, moist mouth moved smoothly up and down David's cock, lubricating it with my glistening saliva. My hands worked at his balls, pulling and tugging at them. More than once I popped David's cock out of my mouth and worked my way down, sucking first one, then the other, warm, hairy testicle into my mouth to lick and suck. As I licked and mouthed his balls, I continually jacked David's cock, feeling my own saliva oozing through my fingers. David's hands were by his sides, and I took one of his hands in mine and put it on my breast. Closing his fingers around my tit, David started stroking and playing with my nipple as I sucked his dick.

David finally pulled me off his cock and into his arms. We kissed, my cum-slick mouth meshing with his. I found it highly erotic that David didn't try and wipe my mouth or make me brush my teeth or something juvinile and stupid like others had. David not only didn't mind the taste of himself on my lips and in my mouth, but seemed eager to find more of his own taste inside me.

Falling back against the bed, I pulled David on top of me. We kissed and gently stroked for a long time, and I could feel his hot hardness pressed against my belly between us. He was drooling precum onto my stomach, and I wanted very badly to feel him inside of me.

"Now you," David said, slowly moving his way down. "But you'll have to tell me what to do!"

"I thought you watched movies!" I kidded. He nodded, his face suddenely serious. "Tell you what," he said, "I'll do what I think is right, and you just...correct me if I go astray. How about that?"

Breathing heavily with arousal, I just nodded silently. David spread my legs and took a long few seconds just staring at my molten center. The hair was matted and slick with my juices, and I suddenely worried that David was one of those men that found the sight of a moist, open vagina distasting. I needn't have worried. He was just getting his bearings.

Leaning in, David kised my pubic mound, and then burrowed lower. His nose tickling my clit a little, his tounge reaching out and tasting me softly.

"Well...what do you think?"

"Jasmine," he whispered, trying another small, tenative taste.

"Do you know where my clit is?" I asked. A second later I felt his lips close around it, sending sparks of pleasure up and down my spine.

"That it?" he teased.

"Smart ass," I said, hunching my hips into his face. Slowly at first, and then faster as he gained confidence, David began to eat my pussy. He wasn't the best slit-licker in the business, but he showed promise, and more important than that, he showed determination and enthusiasam. With time, and patience, and lots of experience (which I knew I was going to be more than happy to provide,) he would turn out great.

He worked me slowly, and then steadily faster as I coached him, wriggling his tongue inside me, teasing the walls of my slit with his tongue, drinking more and more of my juices with every second.

At my request, he inserted first one, and then another finger inside me.

"You're so hot...and wet." He said, and then added, "...and *tight*!" He looked down at his own cock, and I knew what he was thinking, and tried hard to stifle the laugh. "Are you's going to fit?" he asked, the expression on his face priceless.

"Don't forget," I said, choking back my laughter, "a baby comes out of there, too! If he can fit, I'm sure you can to! Now...lick my clitty a little more...oh, yeah. That's it. Now, David, darling...start with your...that's right, use your, take it all together and just..." I dissolved into orgasm as David finished me off that first time, his fingers and mouth and tongue working in concert to send me to the heights of pleasure. My thighs clamped around his face, and then fell apart, spreading myself lewdly for him as I shamelessly ground my overflowing slot into his face. David licked and sucked like a trooper, making sure he got as much of me as was possible.

Finally, I shuddered and started sliding back down into normal time and space. David was still kneeling between my wantonly-spread thighs, licking at his lips, smiling at me, those huge brown eyes locking with mine as I sat up on my elbows.

"Ready for the main event, tiger?" I asked, waggling my eyebrows at him. He just nodded shyly and got up between my legs. I grabbed a couple of pillows and jammed them under my ass, lifting my sex to give him a better angle.

"Slow and easy, pal. At first." David searched for my hole with the head of his cock, and I put my hand down, grasping him, guiding his throbbing length to the entrance of my soul. He gasped as his cockhead rubbed against my moist lips, and I set him in place. "Give me some," I grunted, eager to feel him inside me.

David moved foward slightly, and the first inch popped inside. His face screwed up in mask of intense concentration, and then I felt another inch. And then another. Slowly, agonizing us both, David filled me with his cock. He was sweating and gasping, fighting not to cum as my cunt collapsed around him, squeezing and milking him.

"!" he gasped, supporting his weight on his hands as he peered down to where our bodies were joined.

"David," I said, "Please fuck me. Move inside me, David. Give me your dick! Fuck me!" He withdrew and then entered me again, a little faster this time. I grabbed his ass with my hands, feeling his tight, hairy buns under my fingers, and started pulling to me. David got the idea and began speeding up, feeding me his cock in faster and faster strokes. Within thirty seconds he was fucking like an old pro, slamming his dick into me as I wailed and cried with pleasure. His cock was so hot and so hard, and it thrilled me to know that I was his first woman, his first lover...his first fuck.

David collapsed on top of me, one mouth covering a breast as his hips continued to pound me. He started a low keening wail, and I knew he was close. Grabbing his head, I lifted it off my breast and brought his mouth to mine. We were locked in passionate, tongue-twisting kiss when he shouted into my mouth and blew, the spunk eruprting from the tip of his dick, splattering cum against the walls of my twat. I felt every spurt hitting me, coating me, covering the inside of my body with his precious pearly load. My legs closed around his waist, drawing him deeper, wanting every single drop of him inside me.

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Mary opened the door to the girl's cell and carried a tray with four collars for the girls. When the door to the cell was locked from the outside, Mary evaluated the girls. Muffin had recovered and was trying to calm the two younger girls as the huddled on Muffin's bunk. Sissy was starring at the group with contempt. Mary felt that by working with Sissy, she would have one allied soul in the cell. "Hello girls. My name is Mary. I have been assigned as your leader and teacher. We will be...

3 years ago
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A Salemans Life Part2

That night as I lay in bed next to my wife I couldnt help but think about what I had done in that toilet with that stranger and what he had done to me and the more I thought about it the harder my cock became and as I drifted off into a deep sleep I knew I had to do it again and I wasnt bother with who it was, colour, age it didnt bother me.I woke just after six that next morning and after showering and shaving went back through to the bedroom, I opened my underwear draw and took out a pair of...

3 years ago
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The Affair Ch 02

Please read Ch. 1 now if you haven’t read it. Linda speaks: I’ll just start at the beginning. Chuck and I met when I was nineteen years old. We dated for about six months and I became pregnant. Chuck and I got married shortly after that. We had a beautiful baby girl who meant the world to us. She is now twenty-one and married. Chuck and I had a wonderful relationship. Sex with him was great. There is very little that we didn’t do. We really enjoyed our sex life together. It was just all...

3 years ago
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Wings or Legs

My husband and his new golf buddies started going to Hooters after mens league every Tuesday. He’d stroll in around 12:30 A.M. or so, smelling like beer and restaurant. I finally asked him what was so good about that place anyway? My husband’s weakness is for a sexy set of legs especially encased in sheer silky hosiery, pantyhose or sheer silky stockings. He said that it wasn’t his decision to go, it was the rest of the guys. My husband stated that he didn’t need to go there, for I more than...

3 years ago
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Exchanging Flesh With MIL 8211 Part II

While we kissed, I notched the head of my cock in her pussy door. Lakshmi jumped at the size of it. I looked in her eyes. They nervously stared back. “This one’s to make love with,” I said. I pushed my penis slowly into her wet vagina. I had to stop several times as I opened her unused canal with the gentle probing of my cock head. Lakshmi moaned of the size of my cock and when I finally reached the end of her pussy my cock was in to the hilt. She squirmed down on it so I could not escape, her...

2 years ago
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St Valentines Day Massacre Fiasco

Valentine's Day, 1948 Violet Barfly was the kind of broad you really want to get next too. Her monstrous 44DD's had the kind of jiggle that gave guys a headache and a double sized boner, even sitting still. When she walked, her ass gyrated like the roller coaster at Coney Island. She was topped off with a head of long blond hair and the face of Jean Harlow. This babe was one hot orgasm waiting to happen. Harry Dick couldn't help watching her as she swivel-hipped across 5th Avenue towards...

1 year ago
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Fb Friend Sara

Hi. I’m anand from bangalore. Age. 23. I’m 6 feet tall. Avg body. Basically a bangalorean malayali. Currently in chennai pursuing my highers. My email id is Ladies feel free to contact me. This is my first story. This is a real story that happened in 2014. I was doing my 2and year engineering. I was browsing through fake fb account and was randomly sending requests. And a girl with a weird name (obviously fake name) accepted my request and we started chatting and within some time she asked for...

3 years ago
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CSI The Hot TubChapter 2

We saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith come into the building. We asked them both to come with us and placed them into separate rooms. Bobbie and I both went into the room with Carly. Bobbie was going to do the talking since she had talked to her previously. First Bobbie read Carly her rights. We wanted to make sure that she knew that they could have an attorney present. She said she didn't have anything to hide. "Why am I here? I've told you all I know. I told you about the affair and everything....

4 years ago
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This is a incident which happened two years back when I joined a new firm.the story is about my boss mrs kusum chaddha.after and before this incident I had lesbian sex with many women who were younger than college I did lesbian sex with girls but this was the best and most memorable was with mrs kusum chaddha who is older than me.By her experience and perfection she gave me lovely orgasm.she was the best.I was new in firm I was not much familiar to her as she was from different...

4 years ago
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In the Blood

"Well, kids, there it is!" said Christine Coleridge, as the car entered the expansive grounds. "Karnstein House!" Laura Coleridge glanced out the car window at the decrepit mansion and frowned. "This place sucks." She leaned her blonde head back on the car seat and shut her eyes. "It sucks ass." Her younger sister Lucy frowned. "I like it!" Laura gave her sister a withering glance. "Luce, it looks like the Addams Family used to live here. Only, they got foreclosed and were thrown out on their...

1 year ago
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Shes only ever had her exhusbands cock Part1

Tess had only been there a few days, but her time around the pool soaking up the sun had already started to bronze her 5' 11" slightly chubby frame very nicely indeed. Her long, dark brown hair totally added to the completeness off her image. Add to this a very pert set of perfectly formed 38DD breasts and she was close to becoming almost the perfect example of the female form! As she glanced around the pool, she smiled to herself. Through her Ray Bans she could count at least six...

3 years ago
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Apni Maa Ki Gaand Chaat Kar Chudai Ki

Maine ISS me bahut sari khaniyan phadhi hai aur ab jakar mai apni khud ki kahani batane jaa raha hun. Mai 21 saal ka hun aur apni mummy aur papa ke sath rehta hun papa job karte hai aur wo kam ke liye jadatar bahar hi rehte hai mai meri maa saath me rehte aur ye kahani tab ki hai jab papa kam se lucknow gaye hue the aur mai aur meri maa ghar par akele the. Ab mai aap logo ko apni maa ke bare me batata hun mujhe hamesa se lagta tha ki meri maa ek number ki randi hai uska badan gora hai height 5...

2 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 5

The holo display AI units stripped off the string bikinis that they wore in their start up mode and dropped them to the deck. From there, the bikinis dematerialized. Ok, I was lost in the moment. The possibilities filled my mind, but the proximity alarm was raging in the background. 'Proximity warning! Oh shit!' I jumped into the command chair and watched as Bonnie took her chair. Bonnie yelled "Combat Mode!" to the AI units. To my shock, the other two bridge chairs were filled with...

2 years ago
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Friday evening I arrived at her house, she met me dressed in a light sundress and a big smile, we shared a bottle of wine as we sat on her back porch, the sun was waning in the sky and when she walked between me and the setting sun I could see the outline of her sweet body through the lite material, I saw no bra and a faint view of a very skimpy almost thong style panty, We made small talk for about 20 minutes as we finished off the wine, then she said she was going inside and for me to...

1 year ago
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Hot Holly How i met Holly

How I met Holly.I moved into town in the middle of summer. That day the temperature at 1pm was close to 108 and sweat was dripping from my body when I tried to open the front door my brand new key. As usual with new keys it was difficult to get into the lock but after some struggling and cursing I got the door open.A wave of cool air greeted me and I sat down on the cold tile floor to get the heat out of my body before I had to go back out and unpack my car.I got a small drink of cold water...

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Flames of LifeChapter 06

Arriving at work at 8:45 a.m. Will turns into the entrance to the staff car park at the rear of the firm’s building. The building is on a street corner so their rear access is a driveway in the side street. He’s thinking on what he has organised for today when he starts his turn, but the sight of the large flame coloured van parked on the street in the spot right next to his firm’s driveway grabs his attention. He’s quick to park his car and walk out of the gateway to look at the van instead...

2 years ago
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I want to play with your sexy Wife

I'd love to tease and tantalise your sexy Wife, while you're there with her. She'll feel safe and secure with her Husband at her side. She'd enjoy the flirting and I'd address most of the compliments to you..."Your lovely Wife is very pretty, I like her big sexy smile...""Oh yes your gorgeous Wife is a sizzling hot babe, just look at those beautiful curves, she's a sexy Goddess."If she stands up or turns round or best of all if she bends over to pick something up, I'll playfully slap her bottom...

1 year ago
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The reason why I love the porn industry, is because they are open to babes of all shapes and sizes. You have the skinny sluts, the curvaceous cuties, the chubby babes, and the big beautiful women. I am sure everyone has their own preferences when it comes to watching these beautiful babes in action, but if you are here to watch the big beauties get down and dirty, you have come to the right review.I am here to talk about, a premium porn site offering tons of hot BBW content....

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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It is all in the mind part 3

He opened the door and beckoned Faith into his room. He watched the rather beefy girl walk into his room and sat her down on the couch. “Okay, Faith this is going to have to be quick as I have another appointment”. She was obviously nervous with not a lot of self-esteem. Her body language gave everything away and Paul knew that he could do lots with her. He did his normal talk about being safe and still in control and he got her to lie on the couch. He didn’t really take a lot of notice of...

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Meeting Bree

Oh c’mon Ange, it’s only 10:00, surely Brad lets you stay out later than that,’ Brandi said with a little twinkle in her eye. ‘Brad has nothing to do with my wanting to go,’ Angela replied, ‘some of us aren’t on vacation and have to work in the morning.’ ‘Oh please,’ Alison piped in, ‘you own the studio, I think you can take a day off. Sit down and have another drink. After all, Brandi hasn’t been out with us in forever.’ ‘Yeah Ange, live a little,’ Brandi said, laughing at her best friend. ...

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Bad Girl

“I’ve been a bad girl, Madame Destry,” Delaney said, nervously wringing her fingers in her lap. “Yes. I know,” Madame Destry replied. Delaney slowly raised her eyes to meet her Domme’s gaze. Madame Destry, sitting behind her massive oak desk, was leaned forward on her arms; her impressive breasts pushed up high by a sleek black corset. Delaney loved when her Mistress dressed in this fashion. It never failed to make her panties soaking wet to see Madame’s huge, coral colored nipples resting on...

1 year ago
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Blind Justice

I was sitting on the tenth floor of a high rise office building, in the very expensive and plushly furnished chambers of a Civil Court Judge. With me was my attorney; Corwin Nellis; we were scheduled for a meeting concerning a law suit for damages stemming from an civil Suit on alledged sexual harassment and breach of contract for work I performed several months earlier. It seems that one little shit of a client was trying to extort money from me by alleging sexual harassment for an encounter...

Straight Sex
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Twin Exposure Ch 08

Chapter 08: Another Day I awoke that next morning alone in Marjorie’s bed. Quickly glancing at the clock I saw it was still very early, so I got up and headed into the restroom, expecting to run into Marjorie, but she wasn’t in there either. I took a quick shower and dressed back into my clothes from the night before. After waiting in her room for another ten minutes or so I decided I better head out so I wouldn’t be too late for work. I still needed to run by my place and change clothes. ...

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Home Alone 2

I hope you liked part 1 and you like part 2 even more. Please leave feedback as it encourages me to continue. Home Alone 2 By Susan Brown I couldn't believe it... It was me, but me as I had never seen myself before. I was so very young but even I could tell that, looking at the girl in the mirror with wide eyes and a silly grin on her face, I was actually looking at what my sister would look like. The sister I never had. But, believe it or not, it was ME!! The dress looked as...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 70 The Pleasure of Your Company

April 5, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “It’s nice to have you in bed tonight,” Jessica said. “How is Abbie?” The three of us were lying in bed on Sunday evening after putting the kids to bed. “She’s doing OK. She talked to Jason for over an hour yesterday. She only has one regret.” “Enforced celibacy?” Kara giggled. “Right the first time,” I chuckled. “She hasn’t gone three straight weeks without sex since she was fourteen. This should be interesting to say the least.” “Can she handle it?”...

1 year ago
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Sex With Appu At My Senior

Hi readers!!! One more story for you. It was in the month of November 2014 when I we went to a college fest. Our train fro which we made reservations got cancelled and we had to travel in the next available train. It was very rushy and all the team had to accommodate separately. So me and my beautiful senior seated ourselves on a upper berth. The story is about my senior Appu. Unlike my regular girlfriend this girl is slim and very fair. When i say very fair means complete and spotless. Appu is...

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FapHouse Trans

Chicks with dicks. T-girls, trannies, call it as you want, but the fact is that dudes all over the world are crazy for this shit! No man would ever admit to wanking off to the sight of fake tits and big erect cock, but what's a big deal? You watch anal all the time, and you never pay attention to the pricks doing all the work! Relax!Today, I am gonna show you the page that takes transgender porn to a whole new level. Meet, a legendary xxx page that doesn't settle for mediocre shit....

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 3

I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. Nat was sitting at her desk reading something, drinking down a cup fabulous smelling fresh coffee. My motions, or maybe my emotions, made her notice me. "Hey Em, how's your head?" Nat said sipping her coffee. I sat up and checked, the room wasn't spinning, neither was my stomach, and there was no headache in evidence, "Fine, I feel pretty good," I said. "I was a bit worried you had drunk too much last night. You were out like someone had...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Tru Kait Classic Beauty Kait Makes Her Debut Fucking Manuel Ferrara

Stunning Internet Sensation Kait Makes Her Jules Jordan Debut With Manuel! Blink your eyes a couple of more times to make sure you’re not dreaming when you see Kait and all her beauty wrapped in sexy lace lingerie. She tempts you with her sensually seductive hip gyrations as Kait shows off her stunning curves. Kait makes her way around the pool and back to the house where she finds Manuel waiting for her in the doorway. They passionately kiss as Manuel takes off her bra and starts cupping her...

4 years ago
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Disney Princess 3

Disney Princess 3 The hotel room phone rang at 7:00am on Monday morning, pulling Cathy and Kelly out of the tangle of sheets that they had been sleeping in. Cathy pushed her hair out of her eyes and tried to focus. Kelly was closest to the phone, so he sat up and picked up the receiver in a panic. 'What was wrong' he thought. It had been a very short night. It had taken forever to get the girls back into their rooms and calmed down after the awards ceremony. They were almost impossible...

2 years ago
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Sex With Virgin Tamil Girl Ammu

Hi, my name is Vijay, living in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. I am 21 years old. I live in a rural area of the district where all the sides are surrounded by other houses. I am very lucky that all the house around my house has a girl and these girls are the heroines of the story. Their names are Ammu, Janani, and Priya. Ammu lives with her parents and a younger brother. Janani also lives with her parents and two brothers whereas Priya lives with her mother who is a visually challenged person(blind)...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Blake Blossom Blake Blossom is Perfection

Blake Blossom joined us this week to have some POV fun. She has it all, a huge pair of natural tits, a great body and a phat little booty to go with it. Preston Parker tried to interview her at first but it was hard to not want her to be naked right away. After he worshipped her body properly, it was time to get to the real fun. Blake unbuttoned his pants and went to town on his dick. Choking and sucking on it with a huge grin of pleasure. After this, it was time to get her fucked. Preston...

2 years ago
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Pictur Perfect

Prologue; My original, “Picture perfect,” was written as a, stand alone, story but I received so many questions as to the wife’s motives, that I decided to write a follow up story from Judy’s point of view. This proved more difficult than I had expected but the two stories generated so much interest that I thought I would revise both stories to make them more believable. Please be advise; The forced, male to male, rape toward the end is essential to the telling of this story. I did...

3 years ago
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It wasn't quite brandy and cigars time, but I found myself pontificating to the Young People. "Course, festivals weren't festivals the way you know them, those days. No fence, no security - hell, no tickets - and no camping fields..." "No toilets, either, though," the wife interjected, "but, yeah, it was 'free', put your tent where you wanted - not near the stage generator, by preference - buy and sell drugs from whoever you wanted and, well, shit where you wanted. Bit of a public...

4 years ago
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A First Time For Everything

Millie has been working on me for months with the idea that I should let her go down on me to “see what it’s like to be with a girl”. I think she's actually into boys and so am I. So, I keep saying no. But, slowly, the thought has started working it’s way into my fantasies when I played with myself, which I do every night and some mornings. I haven’t had sex in almost a year and it seemed like maybe a girl would be really good at it. So, last night we were up late just talking in my basement TV...

2 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 3 Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Chapter 3 - Follow the Yellow Brick Road I don't know how long we lay on the bed intertwined but I was startled out of a deep sleep when Kimberly jumped and shouted, "Let's go ladies! We're going to miss the party. I haven't had a shower yet. You two have to get ready out here while I use the bathroom." And with that, she went into the bathroom and Christie took me by the cock and led me to the kitchen sink. She ran a sink-full of hot water and told me to strip. She told me to...

2 years ago
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Meri Hot Mami ki Chudai

Mera nam abhimanyu hai. Mai up se hu. Meri age 23, face gud looking hu. Ye story mere aur meri mami k bich ki hai, jinka nam madhuri hai, unki age 35, size 34-28-36 hai. Mere mama banglore me kam krte hai jo saal me kbi 1 month k liye ate hai. To khani suru hoti hai jb mai apne gao se holi k din mami k ghar gya tha holi khelne to suru me man me koi galt feel nahi the mami ko le k btt hot thi wo aur majak b bahut krti thi mujhse jb b milta tha tb. Unka ek beta tha 9 saal ka. To holi k din mai...

2 years ago
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Colour Me In You

The hardest thing to do is to begin with goodbye. To watch the world spin for only a moment, and to know, that the beginning of this moment, would soon become a silence, a stillness. Love is always the end. While I had known the man before me, for so long, I could never be sure when it was that I met him. The question always arose, can you know a man whom you do not love? Truly know a man? I am left to believe that I did not know him until I had known love, and when that was, I could never be...

4 years ago
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The Academy Chpt 4

*Knock, Knock, Knock* I went to the door to answer it. Mr. Owens: Ah, good you’re all ready, well then let’s go shall we? Kyle: Yea, let’s win this thing guys! The six of us got up and out the door but Mr. Owens stopped us. Mr. Owens: Sorry you four today’s matches are only for teams of two. Adam: You guys have some fun while we’re gone. Mr. Owens led us into a waiting room filled with a lot of other teams of two, it took a couple hours before we were called and by then...

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Londons BurningChapter 7 Tonys Love Life

Tony was just about to make his way out of the station on a borrowed walking stick, feeling quite aggrieved and very tired at the way in which he had been treated and wondering how he was going to make it back to the Feathers. When he saw PC Fay Tonks walking towards him, her lips parted in a welcoming smile. She was about 5ft 6" tall with short cropped blonde hair, aqua blue eyes and a lovely athletic looking body. He guessed she was probably about twenty three years of age. She had a sort...

3 years ago
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Mumma Had Nice Session

Hi ISS readers I m back with the incident which occurred a month ago.First my intro I’m Mastram(RAM) and this incident is about my aunt deepu whom I also call mumma because her hubby was my dad’s friend and simultaneously deepu is my mumma’frnd so I use to call her mumma and our relation was like Mom n son n also a best frnd.Let me tell about mumma she has a dynamic 34 30 36,32 years old figure milky white in color,n had a baby of 5 year.Coming to story…. Ye incident ek month phle hua jab uncle...

4 years ago
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I Was Sitting in the Delivery Room On Tuesday MorningChapter 8

Kendi woke in the morning, laying on her back with me wrapped over her. I had an arm across her breasts and a leg over her thighs. This was a flip from what was the norm. She laid there feeling the warm arm and the warm leg touching her and the warm hard penis pressing against her hip. She was thinking about how nice it felt and that she envied me for being able to feel like this every morning. Kendi was now fully awake and enjoying the wonderful feeling and then it hit her. She had to pee....

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For Ellorine

My dearest Ellorine, How lovely it is as the nights grow longer and the days colder to imagine you curled up at my feet, your hair caressing me as your head moves so you can lick my toes through my open toed sandals. It has been a long day and I have looked forward to being here with you, coming home to a warm house with candlelight playing on the walls. I walk into the lounge, the cares of the day vanishing as a breeze as I see you kneeling on the rug by the fire, your modesty covered only...

1 year ago
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Amit Taught Me All 8211 Part II

Thanks Readers for liking my earlier story “Amit taught me All” and for your feedbacks. If anybody has not read my story I would describe myself again. I am Sunny. Main 22 saal ka hun, height 6ft slim and fair complexion. Around 4 years back I want introduced to the world of GAY sex by my neighbor AMIT. Us aam ke bagh ke incident ke baad amit aur main kafi close aa gaye.Amit mujhse kaafi pyar karta tha.mera both khyaal rakhta tha aur bade hi pyar se sex karta tha.hum log week main atleast ik...

2 years ago
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A submissive mother lead there daughters into bdsm

The submissive mother and her dominathing ???????????????? The submissive mother lead their daughters into bdsm. ??????????? ????????????????????Chapter 1 Our first encounter  Mine name is Lady Elvira. I?m a transvestite Mistress in Holland Europe. I?ve several girl slaves who I attend to and one in particular is mine favorite. Her name is miriam? and I like to tell you why she is so very special to me. She was the first girl slave that belonged to me when I started mine bdsm business...

1 year ago
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The Neighbours Favour

NOTE: New To this but long time reader so if u find and please for improvement please don't hesitate to ask.Just finished college and had no work so returned home for the summer having sorted work for the following September abroad. I was out mowing the lawn when my mother pointed out that the neighbours are away and the lawn could do with a cut. so went over and did so, a few later days Matilda or maddy our neighbour popped over to thank me for the help. she explained that her husband wasn't...

3 years ago
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Best Sinterklaas Ever

Best Sinterklaas ever or St. Nicolas's Rod As told by Kate van de Casteele to Ron Dudderie. I moved to the UK when I was ten, with my parents. That's never easy. I had to leave my class mates in Leiden (a university town in Holland) behind, which sucks. And suddenly I had to speak English all day, which is okay but can get a bit tiresome. It's not as if you can say: 'Okay guys, my jaw hurts. How about you all humour ME for a change?' I didn't care for the food much, either. And the...

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Absorbed the dance commitees sabbat goes w

Absorbedby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan October 2004The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.* * * * *You know how it is. If there is an event to be organised everyone wants to enjoy it. No one wants to do the work.So it was with our Sports Club Halloween Dance with a 'Goth'...

4 years ago
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The modification factory

Fluff Notes from the author This story is slow. If you?re looking for some quick sexual descriptions and/or activities, this is not the story for you. If you on the other hand think that you would enjoy a story about a heroine that falls down the veritable rabbit hole and becomes trapped in a fetishistic world of intrigue, plotting, ritualized lesbianism, institutionalized D/S relationships, the exploration of a artificial culture, the odd love triangle and with a occasional furry...

2 years ago
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Raj Ne Aapne Moui Ki Ladki Ko Chooda

Hi friends Rahul is back again with his new story named as raj n eke apne cousion behen ki chudai.uska naam archana tha aur saab uss kooo pyar se archu bulate hai .wo ek bahut hi sunder ladki hai.usk umar 22 saal hai or uski height 5’4’ hai. Uska figure to bas pucho hi mat 34-28-35..wo delhi main rahati hai. Raj:usne MBA kiya hai aur aab delhi mai tcs mai kaam kar raha hai waha uske ek mousi bhi rahte hai to unke ghar raj ka aana jana laga rahta hai.aur wo week mai do teen baar to chala hi jata...

4 years ago
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I Hope Youre Happy with Your Life

I Hope You're Happy with Your Life. It was a good day. The thought came once more unbidden to John's mind as he looked down into the constant rippling that was caused by the shopping centre's fountain. The 24 year old was sitting on the faux-marble edge of metal and plastic monstrosity that squatted obscenely just inside the centre's automatic doors. In truth he felt somewhat lost. John worked for one of the more prestigious car manufacturers, whose own multi-storied offices...

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