- 2 years ago
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Chapter 5
It was almost three in the morning yet there was still traffic, insomniacs doing whatever they did at this late hour. It was a beautiful summer night, still warm. He walked three blocks before turning to go down a street less busy, less traveled and regretfully darker than the one he left. He questioned his prudence being unaware of what places to avoid, since what’s normally safe during the day is often not at night.
He intended on taking a shortcut when suddenly something swooped down on him almost knocking his baseball cap from his head.
‘What the fuck,’ he said ducking, turning around quickly but seeing and hearing nothing.
He went a few more blocks until he was at the alley. He stopped, listening and peering into the alley’s darkness before taking ten cautious silent steps. He thought if he saw anything he’d turn and run.
He was about halfway through when suddenly someone stepped out of one of the darkened doorways on his right causing his exclamation of surprise, being startled. And then another assailant wearing a black motorcycle jacket appeared suddenly from the shadows on his left.
Fearfully Demetri began backpedaling keeping the two of them in sight and at a distance. He was about to turn to run when suddenly and unexpectedly he bumped into someone. He felt what he thought was a gun to his back when suddenly all three of them quickly converged on him demanding his wallet.
Apparently he paused too long and before he knew it he’d been hit and kicked several times, finding himself lying face down on the ground. One of them practically ripped his pocket off his pants when taking his wallet.
‘Waste him,’ he heard one of them say. In shock and disbelief in what they intended he rolled to his side looking up at them in an attempt to plead for his life. He’ll never forget the expression on their faces as he saw them looking down the alley. Their alarm showed clearly in their faces. When he looked in the direction they were looking he saw it too…
Lurking in the shadows with glowing eyes, it sounded unlike anything he ever heard. Suddenly and with what’s best described as an angry growl from hell, it traversed the distance at lightning speed, bounding off one wall before the other with the speed of a hawk. It was more like something seen in a movie than in real life. He heard two loud echoing shots being fired. The bullets hit and ricocheted off the dumpster at the far end of the alley with a ping and a thud.
What he saw next happened so fast it seemed unreal. It was the most violent and gruesome thing imaginable. The creature took two or three swipes at the gunmen’s neck when blood and chunks of flesh were flying off in all directions. The gunman was still standing with the look of shock in his eyes though he was probably already dead. He toppled lifelessly to the ground like a mannequin. The only thing preventing his head from falling off and rolling away was it was still precariously attached to his spinal cord by some vertebrae.
The thug with a knife ambled backwards against the other wall dropping it, looking at the creature in shock. Before he knew it he was on his back when the creature put a foot on his neck reaching into his throat, ripping his tongue out before throwing it to the ground with a disgusting splat.
The third assailant, the one with the motorcycle jacket was running for his life. He just turned the corner at the end of the alley when in the blink of an eye the creature closed the distance on him. Unheeded pleas for mercy were heard before a brief scuffle and then, there was silence…
Except for the gurgling sounds coming from the throat of the thug who had his tongue ripped out. Lucky for him he turned to his stomach before passing out. By doing so he probably saved himself from drowning in his own blood.
Demetri lay trembling not believing what happened and what he saw. Though it seemed real enough his brain was yet to comprehend. After awhile he got to his feet picking up his wallet. He clutched it tightly with shaking hand, walking backwards out of the alley.
Chapter 6
His hand was still shaking when he tried getting the key in the lock. Eventually entering his apartment he sat in the dark at his chess-set, not knowing for how long when unexpectedly he knocked the king over. He watched in fascination as it rolled back and forth before stopping, unmoving and lifeless when he recalled the adage: After the game the king and the pawns are returned to the same box.
It was hot. He opened all the windows making his way to his bedroom. He lay on his back staring at the ceiling, trying to erase the visions from his memory. Not being able, he undressed. He walked around the room naked not knowing what to do. When the absurdity of his restlessness hit home he laid down again. Placing two pillows under his head, he stared at the ceiling before closing his eyes. He waited to feel the cooler night air on him, hoping the sensation would be enough to distract him.
He tried counting sheep but every time they jumped the fence, they were decapitated by the creature in the alley. When he finally got to the point of relaxation he heard some sort of singing coming from somewhere. It sounded more like a melodic incantation. At first he thought it was coming from outside until it grew louder, drawing near. He was petrified when he felt a presence, knowing someone or something was in the apartment with him. Of course it scared him given the circumstances. All he needed was a flash of lightning when he’d lose it for sure. He was on the verge of panic when suddenly the singing became a lullaby of serenity. Though it was sung in an unknown language, he knew he’d heard it before.
He lifted his head so he could look down the narrow hallway to the living room. Though it was dark he saw a shadowy figure appearing at the end of the hallway, moving towards him slowly until he recognized who it was.
She wore only a waist-long black satin cape with a Victorian collar. It was tied at the neck, spangling and silently fluttering outwards as she closed the distance. She moved smoothly appearing to float or levitate towards him. When she was near enough, he saw her bejeweled body. Her nipples were pierced with a thin two inch silver wire. At the end of each wire, a single teardrop pearl hung from a dainty chain.
Reaching the foot of his bed she raised one knee placing it on the bed before untying her cape, letting it fall in a whisper. She crawled up the bed hovering over him, letting him feel her piercings as they dangled on his chest and stomach. He tried to pull the covers up to protect himself when he discovered his paralysis, his brain and body were no longer connected.
He closed his eyes trying to stop what he was unable to prevent. Though he was paralyzed his erection seemed immune in its growing excitement. He felt her jewelry gently teasing him with what seemed demonic power.
She took hold of him, gripping the outer layer of skin, moving her hands up and down over the hardening inner core. He felt her position one hand at the base, the other above it. Removing her first hand she placed it above her second seeming to measure his length. It was apparent he was a little longer than three of her hands. With two hands on the upper half she moved them up and down, using her thumb to tease the nerves beneath the head as she continued to hum her lullaby.
Keeping one hand at the top she moved the other lower, cupping and fondling his balls. Inexplicably he felt their contents begin to warm, bubbling up like a molten mass of lava when she took him in her mouth, still humming as he lay helpless and motionless.
For some reason she stopped, quickly straddling his hips positioning her sex at the base of his, moving slowly up and down. Warm slick tingling juices coated his erection as she continued to move up and down. Each time she got to the top of her stroke she’d linger, mov
ing her opening in little circles enticing and daring him to make the connection. He didn’t know if he could stop. All he had to do was arch his lower back when it would’ve been so easy.
‘Put it in me darling. You know you want to. Its okay, I promise. Just put the head in and let me do the rest.’
She wanted him to join in her world of sinless behavior where vampires were not held to the same standards as humans. Shaking his head and gritting his teeth he fought the temptation as he felt the wrong in doing such a thing. How could he do it when he’d be no better than one of them?
‘I’m scared. I don’t want you to change me. I want to understand you better. What happened to you? Questions I’ve had forever have gone unanswered. I want to ask you certain things so I can understand better. Why did you leave and why couldn’t you be the mother I needed?’
She saw a tear run from the corner of his eye. Surprisingly she did something she no longer thought she was capable of doing, she cried. It was a woeful sound, scaring him until he understood what he was hearing. He’d awakened a distant past within her when for the first time she felt remorse along with those dreadful human emotions. Emotions were a weakness and she took pride in believing she ridded herself of them. Until now when they began to surface, even if she hated it.
It occurred to her his conversion wasn’t going to be easy. She’d never been the tolerant sort, realizing she needed a different approach. She rolled to her side looking at him, kissing a tear from his cheek with a lick, seeing how he looked when he smiled for the first time.
‘Okay, ask away. I’ll try to answer your questions but mind you we must make haste as the morning light is nigh.’
‘Did you go willingly into vampirism or were you coerced when Adrian took control of you and stole you away from me and dad?’
‘Cautiously at first, I questioned if I knew what I was doing and if I was being persuaded against my will. Adrian is not like that Demetri. He genuinely loves me and when he proposed marriage, I told him he could turn me on our wedding night. I tried to figure out a way to take you with me but he wouldn’t hear of it. He and I believed you’d eventually come willingly, on your own.
‘I’m happy in my new life with my increased senses and abilities. Everything is made better and sex is one of those things. I love the power inherent in vampirism. It makes me feel as though I’ve been given a chance to live at a higher level, being more than I once was.’
‘But you left me,’ he said noting he regained the ability to wipe a tear.
‘I know and I’m sorry. It’s why I’m trying to make it up to you in the only way I know. Perhaps I’ll come again if I find the strength, so we can talk more. Simply leave your window open and I’ll find my way in, as I did when you were an infant. When no one knew I was with you. I used to sing a vampires lullaby to you like the one you heard tonight.’
She placed her hand on his stomach. She looked at his navel when he thought he knew what she was thinking. It was the vestige of their connection was it not? Strangely she kissed it, when suddenly he felt her teeth. She looked at him asking if she could taste him again. But before he could protest he felt her abruptly puncturing his flesh. Her fangs were like a scalpel. Though it hurt at first, it was only momentary. He looked down, feeling as though he was an onlooker happening to be in the neighborhood as a pool of blood formed in the hollow of his bellybutton. Amazingly enough he saw her lap it up, much like a kitten would a bowl of warm cream.
After a few mouthfuls of humanity and looking pleased, if not refreshed she said,
‘By the way, don’t concern yourself with what you saw in the alley. They were pieces of shit and if your society is to be a healthy living organism, there must be a way for it to expel its waste. You can thank our species for taking care of what your laws prohibit you from doing.’
He watched as she got off the bed retrieving her cape. She tied it to her neck looking at him one last time, shaking her head for some reason. Suddenly she turned walking on cat’s feet down the hallway when he saw her well-formed ass, only partially concealed by the cape. He didn’t know whether to pity or praise her, only feeling the void she left behind in abandoning him.
When she was at the end of the hallway, he got chills in seeing the transformation. In a fluttering moment of blurred activity she was gone, taking a tooth full of his essence with her into the night.
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LesbianPatty refused to fuck her son again that day, as often as he pestered her for another chance to slide his seemingly always hard cock into her pussy. Refusing him wasn't easy. She spent most of the evening finger fucking, locked in her room and feverishly rubbing her wet pussy, all to thoughts of the joy she'd experienced with her son's huge prick. The next morning, Walter came to the breakfast table completely naked, with an enormous throbbing hard-on that was...
"I'll be out of town for the conference that week." "Oh, well that settles that." "No, you can go. Why don't you go? It'll give you something to do while I'm away." "Hmm, maybe." Maybe it would be better to go alone. Would I even want my husband to meet everyone from high school? Maybe a little background. I'm Kelly Carlson, I've been married to Brent for four years. I may not have told him about all I did in high school. But I was different then. When I went to college I...
By the time the limo's engine stopped, Alexa was whimpering in agony. She had terrible pins and needles in her hands; her head and body were overheating in the suffocating catsuit and hood, and her crotch felt like it was on fire. She was desperate for the toilet and terribly thirsty. And she was very frightened. The whispered threat by that cruel guard was still ringing in her ears. What if she failed to please her new master? What if he sent her to ... him?! A rush of cool air bathed the...
It was very cold so I didn’t wear a sexy outfit that I wanted to wear, I mean it was freezing. I wore jeans, tight of course but not tight where I couldn’t breathe, high heels and a cotton long sleeve top. I know what my sweetie likes and a nice firm fitting pair of jeans gets his motor running! I won’t bother you with the tiny details of the limo, he was expecting a car to pick him up but not a stretch. As he was walking to the car I got out and gave him a big hug and a kiss, after...
This story involves multiple themes like Cuckold, slavery, bdsm, rough sex and so on. If any of these offend you, please stop reading. It is going to be a very long story. So you will need patience. As with most of my stories, there will be lots and lots of sex involved. I am from India and my English writing skills are not as good as my foreign counterparts. If you are a grammar nazi, you won't enjoy the story. Some of the themes in the story are part of Indian social system. People from other...
Cheating WifesEarly in our relationship, Barb and I made the admission to each other that we were both sex addicts that didn’t want any kind of intervention to cure ourselves. Our only genuine limit was anything that might get us arrested but occasionally we still took the chance. One of the major reasons that I moved to the Old Irving Park neighborhood was Independence Park, a seven-acre jewel that offered us both a place to hunt for new adventures and ‘fresh prey’, particularly during the summer.It was...
BisexualRowing Channel of Plovdiv has long is a paradise for athletes but also for people looking for a place to be I pressed boyfriend, but I do and I had no idea that it can ‘knock’ something right there. Every week I go to run at least twice comb base, but instead of the runway, I prefer the alley near the river – more relaxed in principle, except in cases when a high school student with ganja, or a pair of misguided pensioners ringing around. Once ran a greater distance than usual – in the work I...
The human kingdoms on the continent of Luxurica never had it easy to survive. Ever since first settlers appeared there, they have been periodically harrassed, used as slaves, and for procreation by the various kinds of monster girl tribes that lived there. For some reason, unlike monster girls living on other continents, most of them seem to have very sensitive feet(Regardless if they are more human-like or paw-like), and love using them on those they defeat or capture. Until recently however,...
Fantasy"How'd you do that?" Cindy demanded. "I've been trying to catch that little beast for the last three days! Now you get out of the car and have him ready to play dead at your feet." The kitten did exactly that when Beth bent down and scratched his chin. The little black ball of fur rolled onto his back, waving all four paws in the air as she scratched his belly. I couldn't blame him, I'd been known to act the same way. "What a cutie!" she said as she reached down and picked him up....
Andrea worked for an economic development company that traveled with business leaders to different cities to entice companies to move to our city. On one of these trips she was with two fellows who we actually knew pretty well. Andrea and these guys had done these trips before and always had a great time. They were very friendly, but had never had any sexual contact; just friendly flirting as friends will do. This particular night in San Diego, they were in a party mood and went to...
IntroductionLove and affection come in many forms. I’ve experienced them all, from the playful love through new experiences; the unwavering selfless love of a years-long friendship; and the deep, maturing love of a committed romance.Throughout all these experiences has existed the delicious fire of eroticism. The burning passion of two ships passing in the night, aware of each other for only the briefest of encounters. An understanding gentleness, touched by the sweetness of childhood...
MasturbationHey everyone. I am Deepak and I am 24 years old. I am an average built guy with an average 7 inch size dick. I am here to tell you about how I explored with my sister. My sister’s name is Kavitha. She is 21 years old. My sister has 34C size boobies (mainly because of my constant play with her boobs haha) with a good figure and an innocent face. It’s time for us to go into my life. I am a horny guy since my teenage. I started my masturbation when I was quite young. I started watching porn and...
IncestI have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than pro-porn?I will list below some categories where well intended 'amateur'-shoots are almost always a failureI will list the alternatives and explain why those takes can not possibly fail in any way whatsoeverIt is always the guy who organises it who is to blame for the failure of his well-intended enterpriseIt...
Apologies, I had a blonde moment and missed a chapterHere is the missing one and the latestCockatoo Part 16I was getting seriously pissed off being everyone’s punch bag, but hehad me backed into a corner, and I knew I would have to go along withhim. But, it gave me a glimmer of hope that I could get Jandaeng off myback. With my head in my hands I said, ‘I have no choice, I agree.’He pushed my phone and wallet back across the table. They had been takenfrom me in the van on the way here. I was...
Sheet, blankets, and pillows were on the floor of Kelly's bedroom. I was on the floor in Kelly's bedroom also. Technically I had a buffer between the floor and me. I was on top of a pretty 16-year girl, but it wasn't Kelly. "Oooh," Jenny moaned in response to my deep thrust. Kelly was on her back right next to Jenny. I was going back and forth between the girls. At this moment, my dick was inside Jenny. I pulled back and rammed in hard. "I'm cumming!" cried out Jenny. She arched...
Keith was reliving that wonderfully exciting moment of undressing five gorgeous girls as he lay there on his bed before getting up to have a shave and a shower. He gave a momentary stir but quickly fell back onto the bed as those amazing and still very fresh memories refused to let go and as he found his right hand quietly slipping around his soft dick lying over his stomach. That dick didn’t have a chance of staying soft for long as he started seeing his ex-girlfriend, Portia Greene,...
Rachel’s Revenge ‘…And hurry up with that coffee, Rachel’. ‘Yes, Mr Allcock. I closed the door, seething. That man was going to get his comeuppance one day. He treated me like a servant rather than a pretty good secretary, and he was always worse when he had meetings with other male members of staff. It was like a power thing, he could say and do as he liked, knowing I wouldn’t say anything in front of his colleagues. I needed my job, and he knew it. He was just a bully. I made the...