Remembering Becky Ch. 01 free porn video

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The story begins in the year 1995, late spring.

This is the story of my relationship with a very special lady. A relationship that ended far too soon, but left wonderful memories…


It was just around the time when I thought I had hit rock bottom. I was just past forty, divorced going on four years. A divorce that left me crippled emotionally as well as finacially. I was so broke I couldn’t even afford to own a car, despite my having a good job. If you’re divorced and paying child support, I guess you understand. No problem about the paying mind you, and paying above and beyond what’s expected for that matter, but it still makes life a struggle financially for everyone.

My love life had simply ceased to exist. Any confidence I may have had at some point was long gone. I hadn’t even had a date for a couple of years and had pretty much given up any hope along those lines, until Becky came along.

I worked in the city for a very large concern, and had worked there for almost twenty years. After getting a few rapid promotions, I had settled into what was likely to be my last position, as I had no real hope for any further advancement.

I had gotten involved in an overtime project that involved a lot of physical work. That was fine by me as I certainly needed the exercise, having gotten a little pudgy since the divorce. I could also use the extra money and besides, what would I be doing at home anyway? Drinking, watching television or masturbating most likely.

The project had attracted mostly guys, the physical aspect apparently not appealing to the women of the company, with one exception. I had seen her around the building but since she worked on a different floor we had never actually met until now.

There are some women that seem to fit into the category of ‘one of the guys’, and Becky was one of them. Becky was outgoing and gregarious, and more than willing to swap good natured ribbing and insults with the men on the project. Becky was certainly no wallflower, and was able to bring almost anyone out of their shells with her engaging manner. Even me.

She seemed to take a special interest in me, for whatever reason, and teased and kidded around with me whenever the opportunity presented itself. Becky had discovered that once you got behind the walls I tended to put up around me, there was somebody really fun and smart and interesting. Becky’s words there, not mine.

I was really bummed out about the overtime project coming to an end, which meant I would not be seeing Becky any more. On the final day, we were talking during a break in the work, and out of the blue Becky suggested we have lunch someday.

Good thing she did too, since I was so lame I never would have come up with it. When I said I was low in the self esteem department, it was no exaggeration. I was always shy around new people as it was, but since the divorce I had lost the confidence I had managed to build up and had become the wallflower I had been in my youth. Becky would simply not allow that and always managed to bring me out of my shell.

The building we worked in was so far detached from the rest of society that everybody ate lunch in the cafeteria, time and distance not allowing any outside adventures except on special occassions.

So on a Wednesday afternoon I found myself sitting in a corner of the cafeteria with a can of soda and a bag of chips watching the door for Becky. I was actually excited about this lunch, which would be a mundane part of most people’s days. This was an event for me, almost like a date.

When Becky came into the room I waved to get her attention. She spotted me and came over with her lunch bag swinging wildly at her side, smiling and exchanging commments with those she passed on the way. She was dressed in a light gray sweater and charcoal gray slacks, much different than the flannel shirts and sweatshirts Becky had worn during our project.

The lunch went very well, as Becky got me talking and involved in the conversation from the start. I was a tough one to get talking but once I started you couldn’t shut me up. Becky’s words again.

As we spoke, I was able to look at Becky more closely. I had guessed her to be my age and I was right, at 41 a year younger than me. She was divorced and had two children, almost adults now actually (me too). Becky had one of each, and I was lucky to not have any girls. I couldn’t imagine what that would be like, knowing what guys are always thinking about.

Physically, you could say that Becky was an imposing figure. At six foot two, I was only about three inches taller than her. I had never seen her in clothes that allowed a good view of her body, but she was very broad shouldered and judging by the way she had handled the physical work we had done, she was certainly no dainty debutante.

I would guess that according to the standards of the time, Becky weighed about fifteen or twenty pounds more than the insurance charts said was what you were supposed to weigh. Since I fit into that category as well, I thought she was perfect.

Becky had these incredible green eyes and wavy red hair that she wore pulled back most of the time. She had a smattering of freckles around her nose that added to her healthy, strapping farm girl look. As she spoke I wondered if she had more freckles and I longed to explore for them.

As the lunch period drew to a close and we were packing up our things, I managed to stammer and stutter enough to ask her if we could do this again. She looked at me like I was from another planet.

‘Well of course we will David’ Becky said with a perplexed look. ‘Friday okay with you?’

Was it all right? Yes, I would make it a point to fit it in my schedule.


Our lunches became semi-regular affairs and were the high points of my life. We shared stories, kid-related misadventures and the like, and I grew more and more fond of her. Becky was impossible not to like, I thought, and very easy to love.

After a few of these lunches, I made up my mind to ask Becky for a date during our next meeting. I rehearsed what I was going to say the entire morning, listening in my mind to various scenarios and possible rebuttals to rejection or hesitation on Becky’s part. I know how goofy this all sounds, but this meant the world to me.

I realized that there was a good chance that she would say no. Our employer had a very dim view of inter-office dating and although they couldn’t legally do much about it, rumor had it that it was the kiss of death for your career. While I was fairly untouchable, Becky had not been there for nearly as long and probably still had a chance for advancement.

So with that in mind I sat in the corner, what had become our corner, and waited for Becky. She bounced in right on time and joined me with her typical enthusiastic greeting.

There was something different about Becky today, and it took me awhile to figure out what it was. Then it struck me. Becky was wearing a light blue short sleeved blouse, and I realized that I had never seen her arms before, or any part of her for that matter. She had always worn long sleeved tops and slacks.

This took me off my game a little as I got to see that in fact Becky did have more freckles, a lot of them in fact. They were sprinkled liberally over her arms and extending ever upward it seemed, until the sleeve got in the way of my examination. I found this exciting, and also enjoyed the pale, almost transparent downy hair that covered Becky’s forearms. Maybe that was why she always wore long sleeves, I thought to myself. It wasn’t any massive growth by any means, but most women tend to be very self-conscious about such silly things.

I tried to get myself back on track, and started to turn the conversation around to asking Becky out. I began meandering around this subject of dating, awkwardly I’m sure, and I would cringe if I actually heard a tape of it. I hadn’t gotte
n anywhere near asking her out when she interrupted me.

‘I’ve been seeing someone for about three years now’ Becky said matter-of-factly.

I guess after my jaw dropped onto the table it might have become apparent that I felt like I just had a stake slammed into my heart and was withering away like Dracula. While I had often mentioned my utter lack of love life in our conversations I realized that Becky had never mentioned her status, assuming for some reason that a woman as alive and attractive would be available. I suddenly felt like such an idiot and struggled to put on a brave face.

‘Hey David, don’t slink under the table on me. I’m just telling you that so you know. It’s not an exclusive relationship or anything like that and I’m not committing myself to anyone, now or probably ever again’ Becky said while reaching over the table and touching the top of my hand.

‘I wanted to tell you because I had the sneaking suspicion that you were going to ask me out, at least I think you were eventually if I let you keep going’ Becky said smiling. ‘I thought that you should hear that part before you asked me out, and before I told you that yes, I would like to go out with you. You were going to ask me out weren’t you? Boy, would I feel dumb if you weren’t!’

All I could do was nod, as this emotional roller coaster had left me speechless for a moment. Finally I regrouped enough to talk.

‘Um… I was going to ask you if I could make you dinner one night’ I managed to get out. I thought that this type of date might be a way to get around my lack of transportation as well as show off my culinary skills which are …well, at least passable.

‘Oooh! That would be nice’ Becky said softly and seductively while looking at me with her green eyes blazing. ‘I get trapped in your pleasure palace and you can wait on me while I think up ways to ward off your after dinner attack’ she cackled.

‘Oh, uh no’ I stammered weakly. ‘I wouldn’t do anything to ruin your dining experience. Besides I think you’re supposed to wait a half hour or something, aren’t you?’

‘I think that’s for swimming David’ Becky offered. ‘Don’t wait too long though or I might fall asleep after dinner.’

With that load off my mind I enjoyed the rest of the lunch. We hammered out the details, which took some doing. I had my kids every other weekend, and although they were getting older and more independent I needed that to continue.

Becky’s ex had her kids every other weekend as well, and it was sheer luck that the two schedules were the same. A week from this Saturday night Becky would be coming over for dinner at 5:00.

Having figured that all out, we resumed lunch. I went back to examining Becky as she spoke. Her arms were pale white, which made the freckles even brighter. I decided I liked freckles a whole lot more than I ever realized. Becky’s arms were solid, almost muscular and I tried to imagine what she looked like naked. I knew she had been kidding around earlier, but there was no harm in imagining.

Just then, someone must have come into the cafeteria that Becky knew. She raised her arm and waved, and as she did, my eyes strayed upward. I did a double take, probably a triple take, because I wasn’t certain at first what I had seen.

The wave had only lasted a second, but in that second I had seen what was most definitely hair peeking out from under Becky’s arm as her sleeve rode up ever so slightly. Dark, almost black cherry in color, it stood out in deep contrast to her china white skin. I sat silently, blankly staring over at Becky’s arm, hoping for another glimpse.

‘Hellooooo! Anybody home David?’

Becky was waving her hand in front of my face and bringing me out of my trance.

‘Where did you go?’ Becky asked, looking at me befuddled. ‘I thought I must have hypnotized you with my thrilling conversation.’

‘Sort of’ I answered, feeling the embarassment flushing my skin. ‘I was… uh….praying I guess.’

‘Praying for what?’ Becky asked. ‘I thought you were an agnostic.’

‘Praying… that someone else would come into the cafeteria that you know, I guess’ I blurted out.

‘What? Oh well, on that note, I’m due back on the planet Earth now, so I must depart’ Becky chuckled while shaking her head, as we prepared to leave.

My heart was racing as we left the room and headed our separate ways. What an unexpected bonus this was to me, I thought while floating back to my desk. This made Becky all the more interesting and exciting to me, as I had always been an admirer of women who remain as natural as possible.

I was not a fan of excessive make up, silicone and other such ‘beauty’ methods. A little hair here and there certainly did not put me off, just the opposite. The first girl I had ever made love to had unshaven armpits, and since then I had been an unabashed admirer of the look, despite the fact that it had become more and more rare since the 60’s and 70’s.

The work day flew by as my mind was definitely elsewhere, and after the usual grueling bus ride home to my apartment I settled in for another night of television and vodka, and I was semi-dozing in front of another New York Rangers defeat when the phone rang. This was an event in itself as it seldom did, especially at 9:00, so I braced for bad news. It wasn’t bad news however, it was Becky.

‘Hey David! Sorry to call so late. I just got the kids locked into their rooms and finished the laundry. Did I wake you David?’ Becky asked.

‘No, I had to get up and answer the phone anyway’ I quipped while trying to shake the cobwebs loose. I tried to think why she was calling and feared that my weirdness that afternoon must have scared her off.

‘I got your number off the bathroom wall at work and had to call you’ Becky said before yelling at one of her kids to knock it off and finish their homework. ‘Actually you’re in the book.’

‘Well I’m excited to hear from you no matter how you got the number’ I said.

‘It was just that you were acting a little odd this afternoon and I thought I needed to talk to you about it’ Becky said.

‘Was I?’ I asked innocently as I could. ‘I think it was just that I was excited that I was going to have you over for dinner. Kind of lost in space I guess.’

‘No, it was after that, Dave’ Becky said with a different edge in her voice. ‘Something you said about hoping I would see someone else come into the cafeteria or something. What was that all about?’

‘Uh… nothing. I think I was just babbling again or something.’ I was trapped like a rat and scrambling, looking for escape.

‘David be honest now’ Becky insisted. ‘I think that I might have figured out what it was. I think you might have caught a glimpse of something you weren’t expecting, am I right?’

‘Ummm, I’m not sure what you mean’ I said defensively and nervously.

‘I think you know full well what I’m talking about. That was my fault, my bad. You see, my laundry got way behind and I had to wear that blouse because I had nothing else decent to wear. I never wear anything but long sleeves to work. I hope nobody at work is as investigative as you are. Hell, it’s probably just as well. I just wish you would have been honest and said something. You know, backed out of our dinner gracefully or something if it bothered you.’

My silence was really screwing things up here, and although I was embarassed as hell I had to get it out.

‘Becky, wait. You have this all wrong’ I blurted out finally. ‘Look, I’m really bad at this stuff, it’s seems like been so long since I’ve even spoken to a woman that I’m having troubles with it. You can tell that…. I mean it was taking me forever to ask you for a date, you practically had to pull it out of me’

‘I know’ Becky said softly. ‘I felt bad for you so I tried to bail you out, but it was kind of charming. Most guys aren’t like that.’

‘Well, I’m not like most guys, for better or worse’ I said. ‘And I was in
another world anyway after you said you’d over for dinner. Then, when you…when you waved at somebody and… you know.. I could see… you know..’

‘What could you see, David?’ Becky asked. ‘No point in being shy now Dave.’

‘When you raised you arm to wave, the sleeve of your blouse slid up a little and I could see your underarm hair peeking out, and it looks like you haven’t shaved it in a long time, if at all.’ All that in one breath, as I recall, and sweating like a pig all the while, fully realizing what I might have done to kill my chances with her.

‘Made you want to run out the door, huh?’ Becky said with amusement in her voice.

‘NO!’ I insisted a little too emphatically. ‘I mean no, it’s just the opposite, believe me’ I said with total candor. ‘It made me want to get a better look. I thought you were a beautiful woman before and I think that you’re even more beautiful now. I had already asked you out by that time, if you recall.’

‘So David, is this a fetish of yours, women with hair under their arms?’ Becky asked.

‘Well, I don’t know if I like the term fetish or not’ I said. ‘Shaving or removing hair would seem to be more of a fetish, all this going out of the way doing something that is unnecesssary for medical or hygenic reasons. I can see models shaving since it would take attention from the clothes, but otherwise I think it’s up to the individual. A smooth underarm is nice too but how long does it stay smooth before it starts to look stubbly? Is it a fetish for women to prefer guys with beards? What’s the difference? Oh well, how’s that for a speech? I finally asked.’

‘You’re doing fine Dave’ Becky cooed. ‘So tell me, did your ex-wife have hairy armpits?’

‘God no’ I remarked strongly. ‘I think she shaved her underarms everyday, until one day I told her I enjoyed women who let the hair grow under their arms. Then she started shaving three times a day.’

I heard Becky’s muffled laugh at that, and I realized this conversation was making me horny as hell, even more so than I was to begin with.

‘So you’ve never been with a woman with body hair before, huh Dave?’

‘The girl that broke my cherry had really hairy underarms’ I said, recalling Doreen and her delightfully furry pits. ‘Ever since then I was attracted to the look, but that was the one and only time I’ve been with someone like that. You don’t see much of that anymore, unfortunately. I take it that your other, I mean your boyfriend must like it too.’

‘No complaints that I can recall from my friend, if that’s what you mean, but I don’t remember it ever coming up’ Becky said. ‘It wouldn’t change anything one way or the other regardless. I am who I am. I got over letting others run my life the day my divorce became final.’

‘Good’ I said with total conviction, ‘because I’m crazy about you the way you are.

‘Hmmmm… interesting David, very interesting’ Becky said in a mock sinister voice. ‘Well, I’ll see you at work tomorrow Dave, good night.’


That friday at work, I got an e-mail from Becky, asking me if I wanted to go out for a drink after work. Naturally I jumped at the chance and cut out of work a little early to meet Becky in the parking lot. She drove to this bar about halfway between work and my apartment. I thought it was a strange place to go but I was so happy to be with her it didn’t matter where we were going.

When we entered the bar I was crushed to see that this was not going to be the one-on-one intimate meeting over drinks that I had envisioned. Instead, there were a bunch of people from work that had commendeered a group of tables and were carrying out loudly. We joined them and soon Becky was in full gear with them.

As for me, I didn’t know many of them, but tried to get in the swing of things, figuring that if I pouted it might not look good in several ways. I had noticed a couple of upraised eyebrows when we had come in together as well. The last thing we, and especially Becky needed was the rumor mill to get fired up, although she did not seem all that concerned about it.

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I needed a job, a Saturday job. I wasn’t allowed to work during the week, my brother had helped on a milk round from when he was fourteen, then been stopped because he was underage, then started again. I was the youngest and not allowed to work during the week so my schoolwork wouldn’t suffer. But I needed a job; I couldn’t take girls out on the pittance I got in pocket money. I needed a job! So did most of the school age kids in the town. So there weren’t enough to go round. The only one I...

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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 33 Breaking in Becky

Reverend Wilson remained sprawled between stocky, young Becky's widespread legs for a few minutes as the naked fourteen year old slowly recovered from her minister's masterful oral caress. Her large, upthrust breasts heaved and jiggled as her breathing returned to normal and her eyes looked sightlessly at the ceiling. "We must pray again, my dear," Wilson said softly as he decided on how he would approach his next lewd objective. "Are you cold?" "Uh... no... yes... yes Reverend." As...

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Vacation Part 5 Becky

Tina starts sliding out of bed, just to have me grab her arm. “Not so fast babe. If you don't want me to fuck you in front of everyone out there, have one more go in here,” I say. Smiling, she slides back in bed. “What do you have in mind?” Kissing her sweet lips and slipping a finger inside her pussy, I say, "You are very wet. I think I will show you what it is like to be fucked doggie style.” Moving to her and helping her onto all fours, I move behind her. Sliding my cock up and down her...

Straight Sex
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Jake and Becky

Hello my name is Jake. I am 18 years old, and I have dark black hair and I am five foot ten. I wouldn't say I am a bad looking guy. Every girl in my family is good looking. When I mean good looking I mean that my cousins have done shoots for some of the local magazines. They are really beautiful especially my cousin from my moms side Becky. I never really felt anything about her. It all started last year I was sixteen she had just turned seventeen. She had stayed over to watch my younger...

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Uncle Mike and his niece Becky

Michael hadn’t seen his niece in a little over ten years. She was 8 the last time he saw her, when he and the family were visiting his sister-in-law for Christmas vacation in Florida. Then saw her briefly when she was 12 while visiting her grandma in New York. Becky was a pudgy little thing and a bit of a pain in the ass.   After High School she attended various colleges in Florida and North Carolina, never fully knowing what she wanted to do with her life. She was a bright kid, just...

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BSC02 the Adventures of Janet and BeckyChapter 9 Danny Does Becky

After their very long day. The four all headed back to Danny’s place and just crashed there. They had walked around town all day and talked their heads off to so many people about Blanke Schande – particularly after the mass masturbation display. When they finally walked through the door of Danny’s home they all plonked down on whatever looked comfortable and fell asleep and stayed that way right through the night. When Danny finally woke up on Sunday morning the place was quiet and he found...

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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 8 Schoolgirl Becky

After that we let Becky recover, then the next day, the Sunday, we fucked her all morning again, and Sally managed to drag out of her the admissions to another half dozen rapes that she’d inflicted on innocent young girls. The victims were all quite similar: small or slight and naive girls whose bodies were just maturing but who had no experience of sex. The athletic Becky had overpowered them and forced them to orgasm. She’d started to use the photos to blackmail them into keeping quiet,...

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Cleaning Becky

I craved her more than any other woman I had ever known. The first time I saw her I felt a fierce desire to take her by the hand and lead her to my bedroom and keep her there forever. Dark smoldering eyes, hair as black as a starless night sky, slim waisted, high breasted and lips that cried out "kiss me!" And she was unattainable - she was my son's wife. I both looked forward to, and dreaded, going to family gatherings. Knowing that she would be there both drew me to them and made me...

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BurrChapter 46 Appreciating Becky

I was hungry after the game and would have preferred to go for pizza as we had done once before but Trisha wouldn't hear of it. She said her mother was planning for us to go to her house. We were all a little giddy after my confrontation with Gina. Greg had said he would attend Mr. Avella's party and I had relayed the acceptance of the invitation but when I was uninvited, Greg backed out of going without informing his host. We laughed and joked about how pissed Gina looked as she sped...

3 years ago
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Getting caught stealing blows for Becky

Becky couldn't believe she had gotten caught. She had been so sure that the clerk wouldn't notice her sneaking the vibrator out of the store in her purse, after all it had been pretty dark in there. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid, she should have just come back when she had her wallet, then none of this would be happening.The door behind her locked with a click. He had offered her a choice, she could pay for what she had taken, or he could call the cops and have her arrested. She...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Becky

Becky and I went to high school together and were friendly, not friends, but friendly. She wasn’t the prettiest girl I knew and was always a little on the sidelines, so to speak. That all changed when we ended up at the same local college. What was a mild interest was fueled by the raging hormones and lonely nights away from home. The tension between us was what you could call thick. Becky had a plain face and was about 5’3”, with shoulder length brown hair. Thin, but had that soft, curvy,...

3 years ago
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Taking Becky

Please note: This short story was written for people over 18, about people over 18. It is a simple fantasy. The author does not in any way condone kidnapping or rape in real life. If you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, go read someone else's story.Jason was a planner. He had never believed in rash actions or spur of the moment decisions, and he certainly did not intend to start now, as he planned the abduction of Becky Smith.She had caught his eye a year ago when he saw...

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Aunt Becky

I was very close to my aunt before she seduced me. I was even closer in the years that followed... Aunt Becky drove her Ford Taurus north on I-65. I was sitting next to her, hoping she could see the road. The day started with a cold rain that usually marks the start of winter in Alabama. The downpour was still going strong as we splashed our way down the Interstate. I was 14 at the time and excited about a weekend away from home, but my excitement was tempered by the sadness. There was no love...

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my Becky

Rebecca and my relations ship moved to a wonderful place after our first sex. She and i had deep frank conversations and got to a point of freedom with each other. Ive been in a lot of relationships since and im sure with Becky it was the most comfortable trusting one i was ever in sexually as well as personally. We had been together as a couple 6 months or so when there was a loss in her family. She took it very hard and i made sure to be there for her in every way i could. We didnt...

1 year ago
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Justice for Becky

Note : This story is completely fictional! Have you ever had the impression that some people thought you were their personal bank? I don't mean that person who borrows a dollar to buy coffee then pay you back a few days later. I mean the persom who borrows several hundred dollars from you and never pays you back! Well if you have then maybe you can relate to what happened to me last week. My daughter-in-law has been a part of our family for three years now. I have never been crazy about her....

4 years ago
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Mike and Becky

Mike and Becky met in a bar in Louisiana, Mike had never been in that state before, he had never been in the country but had contacted Becky through an internet site! This sounds strange but it is not really! They both had a few drinks then Becky said " I feel I have been really naughty, what would you like to do to me?" Mike said ..." Well Girl a bit of corporal punishment should be in order!" "OH What sort??" ! A Fucking good thrashing, over my knee! He pulled her skirt up, her panties...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 45 The Don and Becky

July, 1983, Colerain Township, Ohio Stephanie was a bit surprised to see me back at my parents’ house after just over an hour, but I told her that’s what Carie wanted and that it had indeed been good. We hung out a bit and then I headed to Don Joseph’s house for lunch. On the way, I thought about my encounter with Carie. It had been fun and pleasurable, but something seemed off. I couldn’t put my finger on it before I got off I-275 onto Colerain Avenue. I arrived at Don Joseph’s about ten...

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Black men love Beckys

Black men love Beckys by Angela Collins Preamble:- This story was inspired by a piece of very hard-core interracial porn I recently saw. The size and quantity, although unbelievable, were real ! ************************************************************************ As a man, I used to love watching porn. I was a white, heterosexual man with a medium sized dick, but I liked mixed race porn where the Black man had a huge dick and knew what to do with it to bring his usually...

2 years ago
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New buddy Becky

So I was back for a week, trying to finish the Japan trip story when I met Rebecca aka Becky. She is about 160 cm tall with black hair, quite pretty. She was dressed quite openly. At first when I saw her shirt with the top two buttons opened, I thought she would be wearing another t shirt underneath. But when she moved to bend down to pick something up, I saw she was wearing a lingerie bra. It showed most of her b cup from the side. She caught me staring and smiled at me. Embarassed, I looked...

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Going Away Gift from Becky

‘OK, guys, I’ll see you over at the pizza joint,’ I said as I left the electronics store for the final time. I was moving halfway across the state next week to go to college, and today was my last day. I didn’t go to college out of high school, so I was going to be a twenty year old freshman. Anyway, the bosses liked me, so one of the shift managers and a couple of my co-workers decided to give me an unofficial going away party. As I said, the bosses liked me and were sorry to see me go. My...

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Becky is a very petite girl, just about 5 feet 1, and big boobs, 34c cups and a nice bubble but. She is also 18. She is forced to transfer schools and live with her oblivious aunt and uncle after her parents go on a long vacation. I knock the door to my new house and prepare to see my uncle and aunt. "Oh my god, honey! I see you haven't grown much!" says my aunt as a greeting, I blush. "Well come in and give me a hug and then you can go in and greet your uncle too." I nod and go hug her, but...

5 years ago
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Remembering Part 2

REMEMBERING, PART 2 Tina Summers had known within three weeks of her marriage that it had been a mistake. One reason was discovering she had become an object of derision on the part of the secretaries at the advertising firm where both she and her husband Mitchell worked. Because they knew about his serial infidelities and she, apparently, did not. As it happened, she was well aware of her new husband's peccadilloes. The fact of them didn't bother her. She hadn't married him for the...

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Remembering Faggot Boy Qasim

Remembering Faggot Boy QASIMBy: Londebaaz ChohanI cannot say why but I am remembering one of my bona fide gay bottom boy Qasim since the last week almost. First time I met him was in a chat room of a gay site on the internet. He was answering everybody and sounded sweet. The reasons, I got interested in him were multi folds. He was admitting that he was gay, he was admitting that he was a self-proclaimed born to be a bottom and he was hardly half an hour away from me. If those were not the...

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Remembering Charlie and my cock introduction

I was driving home after my lovely night with Charlie. The night before I had my first kissing and sucking of cock. I was remembering the first touching of our hard cocks; the slow frotting and the sweet kisses. I remembered the taste of Charlies cum... when he exploded deep in my throat, his twitching large cock.The drive home was long and after a few hours of country driving and remembering our cock sucking and slurping, my cock was hard and aching to be worked. I found a quite place, not...

3 years ago
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Remembering that first time dressed

HI! I have been crossdressing since I was about 7-years-Old. Just the other day a lady friend of mine, (who knows I'm a crossdresser), anyway, she asked me how I first started dressing. She also wanted to know what made me put on a dress in the first place? It's funny, I haven't told that many people how I started out. I would just say that I was hooked with this great feeling I had as soon as I put the dress on. I was hooked so bad that I would steal and hide one of my sister's party...

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Remembering Becky Ch 09

For those who have been with me all the way, I am most grateful for your very kind words and encouragement. It would not have been possible to get through this without you. If you haven’t read it up to now, it would help you to please give the preceding chapters a look first, as nothing will make much sense otherwise. For those interested in a sexually oriented story, please visit some of the earlier chapters, as there is no sex in this final offering. All this chapter is, is the end. * ...

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Remembering experiencing my first

I have been remembering experiencing my first ever sexual encounter as a f******n year old teenage boy.My school was all boys, and just before this episode I had already enjoyed the attentions of one of the masters, who had introduced me to the joy of some-one, other than me, playing with my cock.I had been encouraged by him to fondled and touch his cock and I watched him cum into my hand whilst I wanked is big cock etc. I think now that he must have also been playing with a lot of my...

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Remembering Part 1

REMEMBERING, PART 1 "So, how about you let us take our chances, hey?" Bianca squinted down at what the man was offering her, struggling to make out the notes in the dim light of the alleyway. It wasn't really enough ... but she was desperate. She nodded and slipped the condoms back into her bag, trying to ignore the sniggering from the man's companion. Fifteen minutes later, she was back inside the club, all too conscious of the cum coating her mouth and streaking her stockings as...

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Remembering Becky Ch 03

Thank you so much for the enthusiastic response to the first two chapters of Remembering Becky. Becky and David’s date continues ….. * I stepped aside as Becky came back into my apartment with her overnight bag. The initial shock of Becky’s suggestion about spending the night was wearing off and was being replaced by a whole spectrum of emotions. Excitement was definitely one of them, along with nervousness. A whole lot of nervousness. Becky was what I dreamed about, wished for and hoped...

1 year ago
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Remembering Bethany Part 5

REMEMBERING BETHANY PART 5 : BY THE PIANO MAN In which our heroine meets Broad Billy: hijinks ensue Adele, my wife had somehow guessed something about Beth and I. There was a continuing tirade about some ‘little white tramp’ down at the bar where I worked weekend nights and I was on an increasingly short leash. Adele was waiting up for me every night and the only car I could drive was the MG. She also took to calling the bar and the rehab clinic at Fitzsimons Hospital where I worked during the...

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To anyone I have ever told this story to I call him the L'phant Man and not because of a deformed face but because his cock looks like an L'phant's trunk that's what I called them before I learned how to say the word and it was the scariest looking cock I had ever seen even in photo's or video's I had never seen a cock like this one! And I thought as he climbed behind me with it “This is going to HURT!” So let me begin my story...It was a Friday night and I was bored I had no date there...

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Remembering Part 3

REMEMBERING, PART 3 Jordan Kassapedis had a lot of things going for her. She was tall and athletic, with a natural talent for just about any form of sport. Her iron powers of self-control when it came to diet and her love of exercise and gym work had kept her in fabulous shape, and she never seemed to fall ill. She was good-looking in a determinedly boyish sort of way, warm and funny to those who knew her, and if not academically inclined, then generally clever in a practical sense....

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Remembering Charlie with Nelson and Caroline Chap

Remembering Charlie with Nelson and Caroline (3rd chapter Charlie series).Nelson and I had a long rest, a unique and so satisfying experience it was, I think for both of us! In the morning, I ordered breakfast and had a quick shower. Refreshed, I wore the white robe the hotel provided. It wasn’t long a knock on the door announced breakfast and I opened the door. What a surprise! No one other than Caroline wheeled in our breakfast, she looked super hot in her smart black and tight uniform. I...

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Matt Beckie

"whats wrong sis? don't like being tied down by a man?" i teased her, knowing that by now she loved being pinned or helpless around me. "you better untie me bro unless you want to be in serious trouble!" she threatened. "empty threats again sis? they never work......" i held the whip up after putting the gag in her mouth "now....its time i showed you who your master is!" with that i cracked the whip across the floor making her jump(as little as she could) in fear of the...

5 years ago
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Remembering Eighteen

Look, man, everybody whines about turning thirty in private, you know that. I’m just honest about it with my friends is all. And it isn’t just being thirty. Maybe it’s the city and the tiny apartment and the bouncing from one job to another for ten years. I like it most of the time but it ain’t where I thought I’d be when I was a kid. I never wanted to live in the suburbs like Missy probably is now, but it’d be nice to have the option, you know? And I don’t. I can’t afford that bedroom...

4 years ago
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Remembering Johnny

I haven’t seen Johnny Marquart in at least 30 years and probably closer to 35. I was six when I first moved into the housing project. Johnny and Bobby lived across the street on the circle with their mother Pearl, there little brother Bunker, and their sisters Cathy and Flossie and little sister Maryanne. I don’t remember the first time I met them. I believe Johnny was a little older than me, he was kinda the leader in the little group of friends I hung around then. I remember he had blond...

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