Bob and Becky
- 2 years ago
- 32
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Somehow, we made it through all of Sunday without being together; Becky's mother wouldn't permit it. That is not to say we didn't talk. I called the McFadden home at seven A.M., eight A.M. and nine A.M.before Becky came to the phone. We talked for thirty minutes, about nothing, about everything. We talked again that afternoon and again on Sunday evening.
"What have you been doing?"
"Did you miss me?"
"Answer my question first"
"Missing you."
Nothing of substance was said in the nearly two hours we spent on the telephone that day. We both knew we were repeating meaningless trivia, but we could not let go. We both knew we needed to study, but we couldn't let go. Eventually, we came to grips with the nonsensical things that were being said and said goodnight.
On Monday we found it impossible to sit in the cafeteria by ourselves, something that had been impossible to avoid the week before. Becky took it all in stride, warning me to think 'unpretentious' when giving answers to the barrage of inane questions that besieged me. She even fielded some of them so I could eat. "No, he didn't think before he did it. No, he wasn't frightened. No, he doesn't mind being known as the apple-corer boy," she would say with an air of courtesy that astounded me.
It was evident when I got to biology class that Gina had abandoned the custom of wearing the dresses that I had chosen for her. She was already seated when I entered the classroom, dressed in form-fitting jeans and a red sweater that I had not seen before. Her head was turned to the side, obviously avoiding looking my way. I took my seat, resolving to let it go.
That night Becky arrived at my house about the same time I got home from football practice.
"How was it?" She asked, taking a seat on the other side of the table and opening her book bag.
"Practice? It was fine. Coach made a speech about why I had to sit on the bench for the first half of the game, but when he finished he said he hoped there were no hard feelings. Buzz was the first to shake my hand and tell me he was glad to have me back in good standings, and this caused most of the other guys to shake hands with me too. Practice went smoothly. I don't know if I trust Buzz but he seems to want to be my friend."
Becky studied me as I ate the food my mother left in the warmer. "Are you going to be okay?" She asked.
"Sure, why wouldn't I?" I asked, baffled by her concern.
"Are you happy?"
I put down my fork and looked at her. Her facial expression was solemn, like she half expected me to answer in the negative.
"Becky, I've never ever been happier in my life and I think you know the reason. It's all you."
Her eyes gleamed and she smiled before opening a book and looking for her page marker. "Eat your dinner before it gets cold," she said, smiling at me. I smiled back.
And that was the beginning of the courtship of Samuel Kovel and Rebecca McFadden. Becky researched the requirements for the G.E.D. exam and set up a study schedule for my sister. She came to my house most weeknights to study, we sat together in the cafeteria at lunchtime. She came to all the home games and Saturday nights we spent with Greg and Trisha. Becky's mother begrudgingly let this schedule prevail, thinking, I suspect, that I was preferable to the Connors brothers. Sundays, however, were our designated days of separation and the reason for weekly battles between Becky and her mother. "We just study, Mom," Becky would say. "You can just study apart," her mother would answer, with finality.
On Tuesday, I got to play-practice late and Becky was frantic. "You were going to be here for dress rehearsal," she said, almost near tears.
"I'm sorry, I got held up. I'll see you in the second act on Thursday night," I said. I really had been held up. Priscilla had called and it took me twenty minutes to convince her that I was not coming to her apartment, ever again. But I didn't want to tell Becky my reason for being late. If she asked specifically, I would have told her about Priscilla but she didn't press me.
I went to the Thursday night performance alone and sat with Greg and Trisha for the Saturday night show. Naturally, I cheered when the curtain went down after the second act and stood and cheered when the entire cast came on stage for the final curtain call. We didn't get to talk on Friday night. Our game was away and the team stopped for a late meal on the way home from the game. Even I knew it was too late to call her when I got home, but Becky berated me the next morning when we spoke. "You could have phoned me. I was awake. I couldn't sleep. You didn't get hurt, did you?"
"No, I didn't get hurt and we won," I assured her.
Saturday night, after the play, we went parking with Greg and Trisha. I could tell that things were heating up in the front seat but I suspected they had not had sex yet. "I think they're doing it," Becky said, making me laugh at her assumption.
"I don't think so," I said, feeling her breasts against my chest. She was wearing the jeans and KU sweatshirt I had bought for her.
"You're not wearing a bra under that shirt." I said, suspiciously.
"Huh ah," she said, mashing her chest into mine.
"Why not?"
"Cause, I thought it would be easier ... if ... you know."
"Becky, we talked about this. We're not going to do anything until you're fifteen," I said. She must have felt my cock stabbing her tummy. I certainly felt it.
"I know what you said, Sammy. I just thought that if you wanted to ... you know ... it wouldn't be like real sex or anything."
"You're too damn smart for you own good. Do you know that?" I asked as I raised the sweatshirt and lower my lips to her nipple.
She giggled as I took a nipple between my lips and flicked it with my tongue. "Are they okay? Not too flabby and you know, not too small?"
I replaced my lips with my hand and kissed her. Her breast felt firm and filled my hand. "Becky, I've thought of doing this since that day at the pond last year. They're not flabby and they're not too small. They're just right," I said, flicking her nipple with my thumb for emphasis.
"Thank you. I'm glad you like them," she said. "Do the other one, please."
I played with her breasts for the next hour, sucking, pinching and holding them in my hand. "Help me, I have to put my bra back on before I go home," she said when we heard Greg and Trish stir in the front seat, indicating it was time to go.
Becky removed the sweatshirt and I held it while she tucked her breasts into the bra and fastened the closure at the back. "That was fun. Did you like it?" She asked when she was back in the sweatshirt.
"Thank you for letting me," I said.
With the play over our studying together became a nightly affair, well, not an affair by any means but we met Monday through Thursday. Becky kept her promise and worked with Heather in the living room, leaving me alone in the kitchen. Some nights Heather went into her room early and I accused Becky of bribing her so we could make out on the couch. "I just want to keep you interested until I'm fifteen," she would say.
One Saturday morning Becky accompanied me on my run, she riding her bicycle. There was a note on Mr. Olsen's back door.
I'm at my neighbor's house. It's the next house, nearer to the road than mine. Dan
I hopped on Becky's bike and peddled us to the next driveway. We rode around to the back of the large house and saw Mr. Olsen through the glass door. He was holding a baby lamb, feeding it with a bottle of milk.
"Miss Duffy!" Becky exclaimed when she spotted the woman, also holding a baby lamb and feeding it the same way Mr. Olsen was feeding the one he was holding. I recognized the woman too, only I remembered her married name.
"Mrs. Styles," I said. She was my second grade teacher.
"Becky McFadden and Sammy Kovel," the woman said, showing that she recognized us too.
Mrs. Styles was a litter heavier than I remembered but still an attractive woman. I recalled that she had gotten married when I was in the third or forth grade, something I would remember because of the crush I had had on her. Her breasts looked larger than I remembered and, sitting in the chair, she didn't look as tall.
I introduced Becky to Mr. Olsen. She was fascinated with the feeding of the lambs and for once, didn't try to answer half of the questions that were directed at me. "We've gone to all the home games, Sammy. It's so much fun to see one of my second graders play so well. You've gotten big since I last saw you. Oh, Dan, did you see where they both made the honor roll?"
Becky looked at me, her face glowing with pride. Mr. Olsen nodded that he had seen our achievement in the newspaper.
"They got five A's," Mrs. Styles said. Becky's ass made contact with my hip but only for a second. She had a habit of reaching for my hand when she was nervous. I felt her hand in mine.
"They put it in alphabetical order. I should have gotten top billing because I take harder subjects," she complained.
"We take the same subjects except she has chemistry and I take biology," I said to clarify what Becky was boasting about. She maintained that chemistry was the tougher subject.
"You always were at the top of your class. Didn't you skip a grade?" Mrs. Styles asked Becky.
"I used to be at the top of my class until bright-eyes here came along. He tries to take my mind off school so he can take my place," she said, her ass really jarring me this time.
"She's the one that takes my mind off school," I said, putting my arm around her to keep her from knocking me over.
"We're going to the Thanksgiving game. Becky, you're welcome to ride with us if you like," Mr. Olsen offered.
"Thank you Mr. Olsen but I have a ride," Becky said. Greg had invited her to ride with him and Trisha.
"These lambs lost their mother," Mrs. Styles said as she got up and put her lamb in a makeshift pen there in the kitchen.
"Oh, that's too bad," Becky said.
I wondered if there were more to their relationship than simple being neighbors. Becky was wondering the same thing. "Did you see the way she touched him when she took his baby lamb?" Becky later asked. "I wonder what happened to her husband."
The Thanksgiving Day game was away and it was the last game of the season. We weren't good enough to be invited to a bowl game. I was able to pick out my friends in the stands. Mom and Heather came, the first game of the season for either of them, as well. We played okay but lost by two points. The chant of 'Apple, Apple, Apple, ' sounded louder each week but for me, it was getting old. High school kids like to get excited about competition and the chant was a way for them to express themselves.
We had dinner at home, Mom, Heather and me. Then I went over to Becky's house for dessert and coffee. Mr. McFadden seemed to like me okay, the younger kids adored me and Mrs. McFadden tolerated me. Becky bragged about how well I had played that day. Mrs. McFadden wanted to know why we didn't win if I played so well. As soon as we ate our dessert, we got out of the house and took a walk. "We're going shopping tomorrow," I said.
"Oh, no, you're not buying me anything else. Mom is just starting to talk to you. Do you want her to have a heart attack?"
"Will it be okay if I give you something for Christmas?" I asked, giving up the idea of taking her shopping.
"You better," she said.
After the football season was over Coach Sterns put me on a lifting and running regimen. I lifted Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ran Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and took Sunday off. Without football it gave us two date nights per week. Saturday nights were always spent with Greg and Trisha, but Friday night became our time to be with each other. We had no secrets; I answered every personal question and Becky told me anything I wanted to know.
"What's that?" She asked one night. I had closed my book and was using the time to catch up on answering my mail.
"It's a letter to Alice," I said, unnerved at having my concentration interrupted.
"Let me see it," Becky said, holding out her hand to receive the letter.
"It's not finished," I said.
"Let's have it," she said, gesturing with her hand to indicate for me to do it quickly. I handed her the unfinished letter.
December 18, 1986
Dear Alice,
If Blondie doesn't show up soon you can consider using hair coloring. But I think you should hold out for the real thing, don't accept a substitute.
I hope you and Brenda enjoyed your time at home. I'm sorry I couldn't be there because I have something important to tell you.
I've met someone. She's special. We spend all of our free time together. Her name is Becky; she's about four inches shorter than me and weighs about forty pounds less. She has the biggest dark eyes, dark hair that gets darker at night and lighter when the sun is shining. The best thing about her is the way she laughs. No, the best thing about her is the way she looks at me. No, the best thing about her is the way her hand feels in mine. (Have I told you I'm five nine and weigh one hundred and fifty-five pounds? So I guess that makes her forty-seven and one half pounds less than me.) She's smarter than me but never shows me up when we're in public, only in private. Except for one little flaw, she has a super figure.
We do everything together, almost, and that's going to change next year when she's fifteen.
By the way, we haven't...
Becky handed the letter back to me and went back to working on our algebra assignment. I finished the letter to Alice and started writing another one to Jessica.
"Who is that one to?" Becky asked, watching me curiously, her lips formed in that special way.
"Jessica," I said.
"Are you telling her the same thing you told Alice?"
"Yes," I said. Becky returned her attention to algebra, without comment.
By the time I was ready to seal both letters, she was closing her books. We had fifteen minutes to spare before it would be time for me to walk her home. As usual, we moved to the couch.
"Aren't you going to ask how the letter ended?" I asked, wondering why she hadn't been more curious about what else I told Alice.
Every day, at three o’clock, my neighbor sunbathes in the nude. She has a pool in her backyard and a concrete patio between it and the house that she lays out on. She’s the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She’s about twenty years old and has a very athletic body. She’s 5’5” and has the longest tan legs that are shaped quite beautifully. Her breasts are firm and I’d say they’re about 36C cup size, and she keeps her pussy shaved clean.She has long dirty blonde hair that reaches to the bottom...
Voyeur"OK, guys, I'll see you over at the pizza joint," I said as I left the electronics store for the final time. I was moving halfway across the state next week to go to college, and today was my last day. I didn't go to college out of high school, so I was going to be a twenty year old freshman. Anyway, the bosses liked me, so one of the shift managers and a couple of my co-workers decided to give me an unofficial going away party. As I said, the bosses liked me and were sorry to see me go. My...
First TimeJohn found Becky quite wild, and he had to admit it, some of the things she was into he found a little scary. But most of it he was cool with, and didn’t have a problem with being introduced to new and exciting things. They had known each other through mutual friends for about a year before they started dating. The first time anything sexual had happened between John and Becky, they had spent the evening with their friends in the pub. After a few lagers, he noticed how hot she looked, and...
Becky White a 42yrs. mother of two one boy Hank 21 married and living in a small town about 34 miles away from home. Then Kara she is 19 tall slim a models body with a great ass and a ton of boy on the trail after her. She still lives at home with Becky and Jim her father a tall well mattered man who runs a office. Becky watches her daughter sometimes and a feeling of want for the attention Kara gets grips her,. Kara on the other hand just acts as if the boys we're around. Like yesterday the...
Andy and his eighteen-year-old daughter moved in next to me about six months ago. Andy is a lorry driver so is away from home for long periods of time, leaving Becky to look after herself. I hit it off with Andy from the first time we met. As they were unloading their stuff from the van, I took around a couple of beers and some Coke for his young daughter. From that moment, Andy and Becky often popped round for a drink and a chat on a regular basis, and similarly frequently, I went round to...
Straight Sex"You're not going to mail this," Becky said to me as she folded my letter to Alice and put it in her book bag for safekeeping. I had never intended to mail the letter to Alice; I had written it for Becky at her request. But I was concerned that the letter would be seen by others, her girlfriends or worse, her mother. Oh well, I thought, let her have her fun with it. She's fifteen now and a responsible young lady. Hell, she's even ready for sex. From the way she was beaming I knew I was...
Kat sees Becky a 34yrs 5'6" about a buck ten nice tits great ass red hair Kat's answer to a deep long dream, in the store. Becky has a short dress open in the back low in the front enought to see lots of tit with a man kinda a wimp buying flim Kat can hear them talking Becky saying come on we will be late and I really don't want to hear your mom bitch! Kat being Kat walks up behind Becky while they are in line and indrictly runs her hand over Becky's ass OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY Becky looks at...
Becky stood naked before the full length mirror studying herself. As she looked into her eyes, a smile crossed her face. Her light colored hair, streaked from a summer of fun, flowed around her oval face, squared at the bottom by her broad jaw, accentuated her smile. "Nice hair," she thought to herself. Not quite blond in the summer and fading to auburn in the winter, it told everyone, she was not a "Typical Dumb Blond." She had sort of the best of all worlds. The eyes that were looking...
Kim couldn't really see much, but she could see the blankets moving in a suspicious place. She took a chance and got out of bed, approaching the other girl silently. Becky opened her eyes when she felt her sister's weight get under the covers with her, and she looked at her 5m younger twin in surprise. “What are you doing?” Becky whispered, shocked by her sister's presence. “I could ask the same to you.” Kim whispered back. “What are you doing?” “Touching myself.” Becky admitted,...
My Dearest Jonathan, Tuesday, June 11th Well, the first week here has been exciting. Because I was a week late in getting here, the counselers had set everyone up in their cabins and they just fit. So I ended up in a cabin by myself. I was busy enough meeting new people the first two days and just getting settled in so I didn't notice it much. The orchestra is great. I think we've sight read more in the first two days than I've done all year at school. Anyway, our first concert is set up...
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Ever since that night, I have wanted to make love to her, this was how I got to do it......... It was a few months ago on a Saturday night, Becky had just come back from celebrating her best friends birthday, I cant remember her name. The time was about 2am as Becky stumbled through the door, she was very drunk! She must have had got a taxi home from the night club. She was wearing a small black dress that hugged her beautiful frame. It was very short, the hemline ended at the top of her...
“A problem” I replied. “Yes” she continued ”You know that Ann and I are going out tomorrow night”. She and Ann had arranged a girls night out. They were not going to be back home until the early hours of the morning, I had rented a porno for the night and was looking forward to a good old fashioned wank. My wife was not the most highly sexed woman in the world and sometimes I needed a little extra. “So what’s the problem? “ I enquired. “Well it’s Ann” she said “You know that Mike is away” (...
It was a cool, crisp, fall evening when I finished putting Becky's luggage in her Camry for the weekly trip out of town. Her plane was awaiting her. Becky is a traveling trainer for a large insurance company that ever you would recognize. I would only have to mention the duck commercials. She has been with the company for years but took this position after our k**s were out of the house. My name is Greg and I am a cardiac surgical nurse at a major hospital. We have been married for 22 years...
The innocent and naïve Becky had been very impressed by the gentle and handsome minister. She noticed also that her mother seemed happier and more relaxed than she'd been since before they moved here. The minister's message had been good for her, she thought and she felt a certain warmth and closeness to him because of that. Next day Reverend Wilson waited impatiently for young Becky Bartlett to arrive to receive her instruction for joining the church. Her mother had definitely been...
Introduction: Life goes on for Ed, but Beckys been out sick a lot… I Had No Choice 6 – Whats wrong with Becky? So now Ive cheated on Rachel, my lovely wife and new mother to my twin girl babies, with yet another woman. Id rationalized that Becky was just a fling, a hot young sexy fling. And that itd been a wash since my wife was getting some action with her mother while I was teaching her daughter how to be a woman. Fate and stepped in with Becky though with Lisa Cohan, another student who was...
She had babysat for her Aunt an me since she was 14, and I have to admit, even at that age I had seen her potential. Because she was family - she would take care of the kids when we went out, and then sleep over rather than go home. Over the years I had watched her body develop, but she never seemed to lose the demure innocence that she had. In a morning she would come down to breakfast in just her PJ's, which consisted of a cropped t-shirt and a matching pair of shorts, and I was...
February 1978 I slept the sleep of the dead on Saturday night. I didn’t wake up on Sunday morning until I heard car doors slam as Mom, Jeff, and Stephanie left for church. I almost never slept past sunrise, usually being up earlier than that. I slept until 9:30am. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically spent by the events of Saturday afternoon and evening. I ate breakfast, checked the pool chemicals, went for a swim, and took a long hot shower. I went to my dad’s office and asked to...
So now I've cheated on Rachel, my lovely wife and new mother to my twin girl babies, with yet another woman. I'd rationalized that Becky was just a fling, a hot young sexy fling. And that it'd been a wash since my wife was getting some action with her mother while I was teaching her daughter how to be a woman. Fate and stepped in with Becky though with Lisa Cohan; another student who was actually looking for math tutoring for her SAT's, unlike Becky who just used that as cover for our...
"Are you my new Daddy?" The little girl couldn't have been any older than four, but there was something about her tone of voice that made me think of a much older woman. A kind of sad cynicism that told of disappointments past, and the anticipation of yet another one. I'm normally a fast thinker, but I was caught flat-footed for a second. She waited patiently, though, another sign of maturity beyond her apparent years. "I certainly wouldn't mind if I was," I told her at last, "But...
Hey guys we have a few stories up so far they are all from Becky's pov. This is from mine hope u like.One night while i was shooting pool a female friend walked in with a very curvy, big breasted friend with nice round ass. After a small introduction I met Becky. Afterwards we decided to grabbed food we went on the local late nite spot. As we sat, talked and joked around Becky made this comment that insured me that she thought I was cute and had a thing for black guys. As always I told everyone...
I needed a job, a Saturday job. I wasn’t allowed to work during the week, my brother had helped on a milk round from when he was fourteen, then been stopped because he was underage, then started again. I was the youngest and not allowed to work during the week so my schoolwork wouldn’t suffer. But I needed a job; I couldn’t take girls out on the pittance I got in pocket money. I needed a job! So did most of the school age kids in the town. So there weren’t enough to go round. The only one I...
Reverend Wilson remained sprawled between stocky, young Becky's widespread legs for a few minutes as the naked fourteen year old slowly recovered from her minister's masterful oral caress. Her large, upthrust breasts heaved and jiggled as her breathing returned to normal and her eyes looked sightlessly at the ceiling. "We must pray again, my dear," Wilson said softly as he decided on how he would approach his next lewd objective. "Are you cold?" "Uh... no... yes... yes Reverend." As...
Tina starts sliding out of bed, just to have me grab her arm. “Not so fast babe. If you don't want me to fuck you in front of everyone out there, have one more go in here,” I say. Smiling, she slides back in bed. “What do you have in mind?” Kissing her sweet lips and slipping a finger inside her pussy, I say, "You are very wet. I think I will show you what it is like to be fucked doggie style.” Moving to her and helping her onto all fours, I move behind her. Sliding my cock up and down her...
Straight SexHello my name is Jake. I am 18 years old, and I have dark black hair and I am five foot ten. I wouldn't say I am a bad looking guy. Every girl in my family is good looking. When I mean good looking I mean that my cousins have done shoots for some of the local magazines. They are really beautiful especially my cousin from my moms side Becky. I never really felt anything about her. It all started last year I was sixteen she had just turned seventeen. She had stayed over to watch my younger...
IncestMichael hadn’t seen his niece in a little over ten years. She was 8 the last time he saw her, when he and the family were visiting his sister-in-law for Christmas vacation in Florida. Then saw her briefly when she was 12 while visiting her grandma in New York. Becky was a pudgy little thing and a bit of a pain in the ass. After High School she attended various colleges in Florida and North Carolina, never fully knowing what she wanted to do with her life. She was a bright kid, just...
IncestAfter their very long day. The four all headed back to Danny’s place and just crashed there. They had walked around town all day and talked their heads off to so many people about Blanke Schande – particularly after the mass masturbation display. When they finally walked through the door of Danny’s home they all plonked down on whatever looked comfortable and fell asleep and stayed that way right through the night. When Danny finally woke up on Sunday morning the place was quiet and he found...
After that we let Becky recover, then the next day, the Sunday, we fucked her all morning again, and Sally managed to drag out of her the admissions to another half dozen rapes that she’d inflicted on innocent young girls. The victims were all quite similar: small or slight and naive girls whose bodies were just maturing but who had no experience of sex. The athletic Becky had overpowered them and forced them to orgasm. She’d started to use the photos to blackmail them into keeping quiet,...
I craved her more than any other woman I had ever known. The first time I saw her I felt a fierce desire to take her by the hand and lead her to my bedroom and keep her there forever. Dark smoldering eyes, hair as black as a starless night sky, slim waisted, high breasted and lips that cried out "kiss me!" And she was unattainable - she was my son's wife. I both looked forward to, and dreaded, going to family gatherings. Knowing that she would be there both drew me to them and made me...
I was hungry after the game and would have preferred to go for pizza as we had done once before but Trisha wouldn't hear of it. She said her mother was planning for us to go to her house. We were all a little giddy after my confrontation with Gina. Greg had said he would attend Mr. Avella's party and I had relayed the acceptance of the invitation but when I was uninvited, Greg backed out of going without informing his host. We laughed and joked about how pissed Gina looked as she sped...
Becky couldn't believe she had gotten caught. She had been so sure that the clerk wouldn't notice her sneaking the vibrator out of the store in her purse, after all it had been pretty dark in there. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid, she should have just come back when she had her wallet, then none of this would be happening.The door behind her locked with a click. He had offered her a choice, she could pay for what she had taken, or he could call the cops and have her arrested. She...
Becky and I went to high school together and were friendly, not friends, but friendly. She wasn’t the prettiest girl I knew and was always a little on the sidelines, so to speak. That all changed when we ended up at the same local college. What was a mild interest was fueled by the raging hormones and lonely nights away from home. The tension between us was what you could call thick. Becky had a plain face and was about 5’3”, with shoulder length brown hair. Thin, but had that soft, curvy,...
Please note: This short story was written for people over 18, about people over 18. It is a simple fantasy. The author does not in any way condone kidnapping or rape in real life. If you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, go read someone else's story.Jason was a planner. He had never believed in rash actions or spur of the moment decisions, and he certainly did not intend to start now, as he planned the abduction of Becky Smith.She had caught his eye a year ago when he saw...
I was very close to my aunt before she seduced me. I was even closer in the years that followed... Aunt Becky drove her Ford Taurus north on I-65. I was sitting next to her, hoping she could see the road. The day started with a cold rain that usually marks the start of winter in Alabama. The downpour was still going strong as we splashed our way down the Interstate. I was 14 at the time and excited about a weekend away from home, but my excitement was tempered by the sadness. There was no love...
Rebecca and my relations ship moved to a wonderful place after our first sex. She and i had deep frank conversations and got to a point of freedom with each other. Ive been in a lot of relationships since and im sure with Becky it was the most comfortable trusting one i was ever in sexually as well as personally. We had been together as a couple 6 months or so when there was a loss in her family. She took it very hard and i made sure to be there for her in every way i could. We didnt...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Have you ever had the impression that some people thought you were their personal bank? I don't mean that person who borrows a dollar to buy coffee then pay you back a few days later. I mean the persom who borrows several hundred dollars from you and never pays you back! Well if you have then maybe you can relate to what happened to me last week. My daughter-in-law has been a part of our family for three years now. I have never been crazy about her....
EroticMike and Becky met in a bar in Louisiana, Mike had never been in that state before, he had never been in the country but had contacted Becky through an internet site! This sounds strange but it is not really! They both had a few drinks then Becky said " I feel I have been really naughty, what would you like to do to me?" Mike said ..." Well Girl a bit of corporal punishment should be in order!" "OH What sort??" ! A Fucking good thrashing, over my knee! He pulled her skirt up, her panties...
July, 1983, Colerain Township, Ohio Stephanie was a bit surprised to see me back at my parents’ house after just over an hour, but I told her that’s what Carie wanted and that it had indeed been good. We hung out a bit and then I headed to Don Joseph’s house for lunch. On the way, I thought about my encounter with Carie. It had been fun and pleasurable, but something seemed off. I couldn’t put my finger on it before I got off I-275 onto Colerain Avenue. I arrived at Don Joseph’s about ten...
Black men love Beckys by Angela Collins Preamble:- This story was inspired by a piece of very hard-core interracial porn I recently saw. The size and quantity, although unbelievable, were real ! ************************************************************************ As a man, I used to love watching porn. I was a white, heterosexual man with a medium sized dick, but I liked mixed race porn where the Black man had a huge dick and knew what to do with it to bring his usually...
So I was back for a week, trying to finish the Japan trip story when I met Rebecca aka Becky. She is about 160 cm tall with black hair, quite pretty. She was dressed quite openly. At first when I saw her shirt with the top two buttons opened, I thought she would be wearing another t shirt underneath. But when she moved to bend down to pick something up, I saw she was wearing a lingerie bra. It showed most of her b cup from the side. She caught me staring and smiled at me. Embarassed, I looked...
‘OK, guys, I’ll see you over at the pizza joint,’ I said as I left the electronics store for the final time. I was moving halfway across the state next week to go to college, and today was my last day. I didn’t go to college out of high school, so I was going to be a twenty year old freshman. Anyway, the bosses liked me, so one of the shift managers and a couple of my co-workers decided to give me an unofficial going away party. As I said, the bosses liked me and were sorry to see me go. My...
Becky is a very petite girl, just about 5 feet 1, and big boobs, 34c cups and a nice bubble but. She is also 18. She is forced to transfer schools and live with her oblivious aunt and uncle after her parents go on a long vacation. I knock the door to my new house and prepare to see my uncle and aunt. "Oh my god, honey! I see you haven't grown much!" says my aunt as a greeting, I blush. "Well come in and give me a hug and then you can go in and greet your uncle too." I nod and go hug her, but...
Teen"whats wrong sis? don't like being tied down by a man?" i teased her, knowing that by now she loved being pinned or helpless around me. "you better untie me bro unless you want to be in serious trouble!" she threatened. "empty threats again sis? they never work......" i held the whip up after putting the gag in her mouth "now....its time i showed you who your master is!" with that i cracked the whip across the floor making her jump(as little as she could) in fear of the...
"Right Simon, not this year!" You say to yourself as you watch the kettle boil for your morning tea. "You've had your fun, freshers week is over, no drink, no girls, its time to study!" You continue as you massage the side of your cheeks. Your name is Simon, your in your last year of doing English literature at a popular coastal uni. You started your first year strong! You went to every lecture, you completed every essay before the the due date, you didnt drink in excess, you didnt touch drugs....
TranssexualI have been instructed to write this as my case study, for permanent documentation of what has happened to me and to act as a I have been instructed to write this as my case study for the files, for permanent documentation of what has happened to me and to act as a CV for any future ?employers? My name is Anita and always has been. Some of the other girls had their names changed, but they liked mine so I?ve kept it. Looking back 9 months ?Anita? was a very different person. I was living...
There is a place within me that I often visit in my dreams and fantasies. This is my first attempt at putting one of those on paper. It was inspired by a friend with similar fantasies and dreams, after a long talk one day. Many may have similar fantasies and dreams, so pick one of the roles and pretend it's you. I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you think. All comments will be greatly welcome. If enough of you enjoy my story, I am sure I could easily be inspired to...
Bob strolled through the new addition first thing on Saturday morning. As he passed by each of the larger bedrooms he could hear some serious fucking going on. He even peeked into a couple of the rooms where the doors were open or ajar. In one, Steve was plowing into Zoey as Stephanie sat on her face being eaten. From the condition of Steph’s pussy, Bob guessed that she’d already had a load that morning from Steve or someone. In another room, Bill had Michelle riding his cock as she bounced...
Damien sighed as he saw another zombie down the road. It was the only one he could spot. Otherwise, the perimeter was clear. The safe thing to do was to use the sniper rifle on his back and pick off the undead from afar. Sadly easy was not always best. Sighing he turned around to Harriet. She was the other guard in his shift. "I'll sweep the perimeter of hostiles. Back in five minutes." She gave a nod and pushed an "acknowledged" through her lips. He spared a glance at my employer...
GANG'S GIRLSby Mogollondog??????????????? ??????????????? It started when I was 15.? I lived with my mom because she'd divorced my dad.? To this day I thank my lucky stars that my dad didn't live with us.? If he had he would have fought them and we would probably all been killed.??????????????? My mom and I returned from shopping about 6 p.m. and when we got to the front door, it had been broken open.? My mother turned to run but both of us were grabbed and taken into the house.? In...
After playing with my ass the guy removed his hand and as expected his dick replaced his hand. He was rubbing his dick head in my ass crack and I could feel his pre cum all over my ass crack. He kept doing it for 5 minutes, sometimes he rubbed his dick head on my asshole as well. Don’t know why I was feeling horny and wanted it to continue. He then put his finger on my asshole. I unknowingly tighten my ass hole. He massaged my butt as was convincing me to relax and I did. He again put his...
Gay MaleYour wife Natalia Starr is so happy! You took her on a vacation to Miami, and she’s ready to party! First, she wants to go shopping to get a sexy dress to wear out to dinner with you. But she knows you want something else first – titties! You’ve got your hot Polish wife in a hotel and all you can think of is fat natural tits swinging in figure eights while she’s giving you a maniacal and drooly blowjob. And she knows this; after all, she’s your wife. And because of this, she’s going to give you...
xmoviesforyouNote: 100% fiction! Hi this is Arvind again.. my sexual adventures has yet another high! Sneha is 4 years younger to Rekha. She studies in for a graduation in commerce. Holidays were going on and she came visiting us. She had dual purpose in mind, to spend a holiday with us and also take some guidance on one of her subjects from me. It was a Sunday, and I was home. Rekha had gone off to some shopping mall which was putting up a sale of some sort. You know how sale makes ‘em wild for shopping....
IncestHi Y’all,Well the week could have been better but it’s ended well. This past week we had a little bit of ice and snow Wednesday night causing for a not so fun Thursday morning of getting the k**s off to school and driving for Uber. My bad Thursday morning started off as I was driving home after dropping the k**s at school and hit an ice patch on a downhill road. The car in front of me hit their brakes as soon as they hit the ice and they started sliding, I hit my brakes too and joined in the...
Time: Sunday, December 23, 2018 6:37 PM Ten minutes after Emily had finished her testing, the group was still milling around the library, talking about dinner and having a final look around before taking off. Jada was walking across the elevator threshold and on a whim decided to satisfy her curiosity. She pushed the lit button. The door opened at once and she entered and took a look at the keyboard. It was still without power, and the override button was where she remembered it. Suddenly a...
Owning your own business can be really tough. Long hours, hard work, and managing employees — both good and bad. Shane’s had his joint for quite sometime, and he has a great team. There’s also a bad apple: Kate England. She’s always late, doesn’t show much enthusiasm for the work, and, to top it all off, last night Kate dropped a tray full of shots all over a customer! And didn’t apologize! Shane knows it’s time to cut Kate loose. Or will he? Perhaps...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: I think I have become a sex slave to young girls I was awakened by my hard cock rubbing against something soft. It was still dark out. I then remembered that little Lindsey was curled up against me, her little ass is what my cock was rubbing on. She was still a virgin but has shown that she is very into sex. She has sucked my cock, eaten pussy as well as having her pussy eaten and fingered. I noticed in the dim light that my sweet daughter Megan was curled up with her most...
Phil and Rose hadn’t played with any couples or singles since they married five years ago, in the past they had met and played with a number of other couples who they met via sites on the internet, but they had never before risked inviting a friend to the bedroom. Simon was a long time friend of Phil’s they knew each other from school. Simon was a single guy having separated from his wife the previous year. He was tall, dark haired and what ladies would call fit. Simon worked long shifts and...
Zak winced when Quinn pulled the clear needle from his arm. “That should do it. It’ll counteract the effects of the pheromones you…” doctor Quinn cleared his throat, a flush staining his pale cheeks as he ran his hand through his silver hair. “The pheromones you ingested from your female.” Zak felt himself bristle, and scowled at the doctor. “Explain counteract.” Doctor Quinn stood straighter, looking Zak right in his eyes. “You’ll act more like a new dad and husband rather than a raging...